City Council Agenda Packet 06-27-1977REGULAR MEETING
June 27, 1977 - 7:00 P. M.
Please note first agenda item to be reviewed at Silver
Fox Motel; council will then adjourn to City Hall.
Mayor: Can Johnson.
Councilmen: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Gene Walters.
Meeting to be taped.
At Silver Fox Motel:
�) A. Certificate of Occupancy -"Silver Fox Motel.
Jv/ At City Hall:
V2. Consideration of Approval of Commercial Development
Revenue Bonds - Silver Fox Motel.
%/3. Presentation of 1976 Audit Report.
V4. Consideration of Approval. of Building Permit - Twelve
Unit Apartment.
�. Consideration of Purchase Approval Fire Dept. Equipment.
1/6. Progress Report on Activities of Historical Societty by
Chairman Robert Brown.
�. Consideration of Improvements at Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Consideration of Tree Removal and Replacement Costs 1977
Dutch Elm Program.
0. Consideration of Approval of Change Order for Additional
Drain Tile -.Mississippi Drive.
*40. Consideration of Intoxicating - Liquor and Non Intoxicating
Malt liquor Licensee.
V1 I. Consideration of Approval of Part 'Time Office Help.
Vx%12. Street Improvement Project.
OV{3• Pilling City Council. Vacancy of Stanloy Hall.
44. Consideration of Ordinance Amendments and Motor Vehicle
and Recreation Squipment sales.
05. Approval of.bills.
rib. Approval, of minutes.
Unfinished business.
Site, selectinn for Senior Citizens Center.
New buss nt*xs.
Agenda Itcni 1. Certificate of Occupancy -Silver Fox Motel.
Stuart Hoglund and Ed Larson, owners of the Silver
Fox Motel-, have requested they be granted a certificate
of occupancy to open their motel.
As you will note on the agenda, thi.s item takes pLace
�a Von the sate as to allow a review of their operation to
%t make a better determination of the comp.Lcteness of
the operation. I have requested that J.W. Miller
contact Paul Kl.ei.n and they have an inspection list
of things to be compIcted ready to be sent out with
l p� t�e agenda.
` C
G � tiit should be also men United that the Silver I'ux Motel
,1,'1) .f *woua.d like a portion of parking to the rear of the
(� 41 pV11v1} building to be left .i.n gravel for parking of trucks.
Q .� Thei.r reasoning was that 1 arge trucks would tend to
\� 1�Lear up the pavement. Th.i.s wouad be it variation from
our ovd.i_nance, all parking to be hard suv-
\ h`'��° faced with pavement or concrete. Additiona.l_Iy, the
A�1v parking .lot has not yet been striped as required by
our ovd.i.nance; however, the owners i-ndicated they
intend to st.r.ipe .i.t but this should not; be done for
nt .Least n month its the striping w.i..1,I fade i.nto the
blacktop It' done too soon.
3! POSS7DI.E ACTION: Const-deration of approval of certiC.iente
�1 of occupancy.
REVELRUCES: Insprct.ion sheet of uncompleted items.
Agenda Item 2. Cons Iderat;:i.on of Approval of Commr_rcinl Devclnpmrnt
Rovenuo Ilnnds - Silver Pox Motel.
At a previous In November oP 1916, a resolution
was passed prel iminavy approval to the issuance.
of Commove.i,al Deve.l opment Ilovenuo Bonds for the Si l ver
Pox Motel. Dlrnulay night, the cil,y counc.i,I will he
requested to g, PInal approval for $410,000 bond i.svue.
•1•he main attraction or Devolopmcnt Roccnuc
Ilonds is thnt :i.ntcrr_st earned on these bonds is tax
exempt from both Pedeval and state ineome taxes. As
a result oil this Pcaturo, the 3.111'eresl; rate to the
developer, like S,i.l.vor Vwo Motel, .is lower than
nuhrr methods of
It should be pointed out that although the city does
issue the bonds, it is in no way liable for their
payment should the developer be unable to pay. There
is concern; however, when a city does issue these
type of bonds relative to the exposure received. If
a developer fails to make payments on a bond, the
investor may consider future city of Monticello bonds
a bad ,risk. In the case of Silver Fox Motel, these
bonds will. be purchased by one or two banks and will
not be resold so the exposure is very limited.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval, of Com-
mercial Development Bonds for the city of Monticello.
REFERENCES: Resolution.
Agenda Item 3. Presentation of 1976 Audit Report.
At Monday's meeting, slob Carlson of Gruys, Johnson &
Associates, will. present; the audit report for 1976.
'The report .itself has been previously sent out to
allow the council more time for review. Financial
reports have been submitted to the council for 1976
on both the liquor and general funds; however, these
were unaudited financial. statements.
Monday night's review of tite audit report Will be Jn-
tended to answer any questions the council lilts about.
the report and highlight the report .itself.
POSSIBLE ACTION: After rovkw, consideration of
accepting report;.
BIiFERINCES: Audit report (previ.ously sent out).
Agenda Item 4. Consideration of Approval elf Building Permit; - 'Twelve
Unit; Apartment.
Mr. Joseph LaFromboiso dba Const ruction Five is re-
questing a buii.ding pei4nit for a t;we.lve unit apartment.
This apartnunit; would be constructed utilizing an foundation just west; of the apartment known
as Belmar Apartment;s (see enclosed map). 'Phis founda-
tion was abandoned in 1973 shortly after construction
find started ori an apartment house at that; time.
1- would appear from n zoning standpoint that the
strnetnrc Is In compL.ianco with our ordinances rel,ativo
to proper Zoning;, yard size:, setbacks, parking
spaces, square. Footage of apart;nu:nt units, eCc.
J. W. Miller has reviewed the plans as they gelato
to the state building code and I believe there are
no problems. Jay has also reviewed the existing
foundation to assure that it meets code and is in safe
City ordinance requires that one percent of the
development costs be utilized for landscaping ex-
clusive of sod and walkways and it would certainly
appear there are sufficient trees on the existing lot
to meet this requirement provided the trees are not
taken down.
At their Last meeting, the Planning Commi_ss.i.on rc-
commended approval of the permit contingent upon prc-
sentati.on of a certificate of survey. Construction
Five wi1.l have this certificate by Monday's
POSSIBLE•' ACTION: Consideration of approving building
y Q�
REIILRBNCGS: Enclosed map depicting arca. Plans are.
available for review at City WO.
Agenda :Item 5.
Consi.derat:i.nn of Purchase Approval - Pire Uept.
I;qu i Amen t.
The Monticello Fire Dept. has requested auChorir.nt.i,on
to purchase twenty nine (29) fire proof coots at a
cost of approximately $3,000 along with six hundred
(000) feet of hose, and for $1,100.
The coats are needed to replace existing coats which
are getting worn nut and do not have the fire
vesistnnt, qualities of newer con Us. Purchase of
hose and nozzle would be to cWdp Cho fisc
1;rurks with the sCandnrd equipment Chat was noticed
to he short after the dept. Conk i.nvent:ory.
At their last meeting, the Joint Fire Board apprnved
the, purchase of Cho hose and nozzle along with it
recommendation that: a:outs be purchased up to Cho
budgeted nmunnL in 1977 or $1,275 which would allow
For Chu purchase of a dozen comas and budget the
remn.i,ning 17 rants for 1975. The JnNb We Bomrd
made Chis recommendation an the raplUl outlay budget,
For the fire ch:parament. AA $7,Ono over hudgct already
no a resuLt of Che purchase of the paging system
and fire hose purchases.
Members of the fire department will be at Monday's /
meeting to answer yucsti.,ns that the council may
have. `\
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval. of 12 N
coats, 600 feet of fire hose and nozzle.
Agcnda,.iA 6. Progress Report on Activities of Historical. Society j�o0.�
�h` nYY�� 11 by Chairman Robert Brown. (tt�
��1, �ti! Mr. Robert Brown was at our May 23, 1977 meeting and
'L presented an update of the activities of the
/fir U� Historical Society.
� � y Ar4-
As the council request, Mr. Brown was asked to report
w o
back to the council, within thirty (30) days to give
L� Q• `.\. a progress report on the activities of the Historical CA�
yr V Soci-ety. Among the items to be discussed are
r -.34 for display of artifacts and utilization and schedule
.!� of h.istori,ca.l. center. �s�•Y � �
Agenda Item 7. Cons.i.devat.i.on of Improvements at Wastoenter 'treatment
Enclosed with the agenda supplement you will find a '
report from Mike Rajala relative to .improvements
needed on the trickling filter at the wastewater
treatment plant for $6,000 and boiler system for
It would appear that according to Mike's report,
the repairs and maintenance expenses to the tr.ick.l,
f,i.lter system would not be eligible for federal funding
since they are maintenance type, expenditures.
Additionally, there is it problem with the sludge
digester, as Mike points out, and while Cho majority
of the expend-itures necessary to modify the e_ -Ni -sting
d.igestcr would be most likely el i,gi.ble for federal,
Funding n new system .is needed as soon as
possible, due to odor problem that exists and sludge
In terms of funding these projects, it would appear
that a surplus of approximately $23,000 will be avail-
able In the sewer Floud. However, .if both prnjent:s
were completed in 1977, n balance of only $7,000
would exist; and consideration may be give" to doing
one project in 1977 and one_ project in 197S.
has .indicated that the trickling Filter system repair
is of n higher priority than the holler system and this
would appear the Likely candidate .if only unc projCat
were. completed.
\ ! OSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of the
projects and determination of setting bid dates for
Y�J one or both of the projects.
1 �� �1. REFERENCES: Mikes report. PCA letter of 5-25-77•
Proposals from St. Charles Welding & Machine Shop,
Digester Modification Cost Estimate.
Agenda Item 8. Consideration of Tree Removal. and Replacement Costs
1977 Dutch Elm Program.
Now that the legislature has adopted a new set of
rules and regulations relative to removal and re-
placement of dutch elm diseased trees, it may be
well to review the city, s billing to the property
owner on this program.
Since 1974, the city has billed the property owner
$45 for each tree removed. For trees removed
during 1975 and 1976, replacement trees were made
available at a minimal cost to the property owner
($10 for trees taken out i.n 1975 and $15 for trees
taken out in 1976). State funds were received to
the extent of $52.50 a tree on private property since
the average cost per, tree was approximately $140
and a replacement tree cost $45 the LOta,l fee of
$185 was shared as Follows:
City: $72.50
State: 52.50
Resident; 60.00
No state fluids were nvai.lab.le for txecs removed on
public property such as boulevards the city's
share of the cost for these trees tit $125.
Significant changes in the rules and vegl:lati.ons in
the dutch clm disease progrnm aro that funds aro
aval..l.abl.e for trees removed from public property
and 1.110 state, will also pay up to 50% (not, exceeding
$40) of the cost, of replacement trees on Inibl,ic
property. Previously funds were not available for
removal or trees from publi0 property and replacement
tree costs were not nvn.ilablr_ for privnCo or publ..ic
I would recommend tho city charue $70 to the resident
of the estimated $160 removal. cosh per tree estimated
t 1n 1977 and 1,110 t'a141100ment; t;ere would bo free.
llstimntcd breakdown t.n the resident, city and stat,:
would then be as follows:
Resident's share_ $ 0 $ 0
City's share 25 50
Status share 25 0
Replacement cost $50 $50
GRAND 'TOTAL $210 $210
This program would provide a replacement tree for each
tree removed and would not charge a separate fee for
replacement trees. In this fashion, the city .is
assuming the responsibility of a good replacement pro-
gram rather than leaving the option up to the pro-
perty owner. The property owner would still- have a
choice in sel cetion of a tree.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting $70 fee to
resident for a gree removed due to Dutch elm.
Agenda Item 9. Consideration of Annroval_ of Change Order for Additional.
I Drain Tile - Missi_ssi_pp.i. Drive.
Pnel,osed, please find a letter dated June 13, 1977
from John Badal.ich relative to adding additional
drain the on Mississippi Drive. Also enclosed Ls
a change order with 01,1701 and Sons, Inc.
the work detailed in the .letter nt a cost:
of $5,298.00.
(� POSSIBLE ACTION:Consideration of approval of change
order number 4 with Orfc.i and Sons, Inc. for $5,29S.
RBPIdRENCrS: John Badn1.i,ch (otter of June 13, 1977,
Change order 1174.
Agenda .Item 10. Consf.dornt,i.00 of lntn,r_icaet:ing-'.iauor-and•Non
l:alt l.ignor l.irenses.
Pollow,ing, .is it list of lio0nses whirh are up for renewal
June 30, 1977:
Sol] -Ill LONi.eatiJig On Sale Malt; Liquor Licenses
fee - $100
Monticello Wreck
Monticello Rod and Clan Clad)
Resident's share
$ 70
$ 70
City's share
Status share
Removal cost
Resident's share_ $ 0 $ 0
City's share 25 50
Status share 25 0
Replacement cost $50 $50
GRAND 'TOTAL $210 $210
This program would provide a replacement tree for each
tree removed and would not charge a separate fee for
replacement trees. In this fashion, the city .is
assuming the responsibility of a good replacement pro-
gram rather than leaving the option up to the pro-
perty owner. The property owner would still- have a
choice in sel cetion of a tree.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting $70 fee to
resident for a gree removed due to Dutch elm.
Agenda Item 9. Consideration of Annroval_ of Change Order for Additional.
I Drain Tile - Missi_ssi_pp.i. Drive.
Pnel,osed, please find a letter dated June 13, 1977
from John Badal.ich relative to adding additional
drain the on Mississippi Drive. Also enclosed Ls
a change order with 01,1701 and Sons, Inc.
the work detailed in the .letter nt a cost:
of $5,298.00.
(� POSSIBLE ACTION:Consideration of approval of change
order number 4 with Orfc.i and Sons, Inc. for $5,29S.
RBPIdRENCrS: John Badn1.i,ch (otter of June 13, 1977,
Change order 1174.
Agenda .Item 10. Consf.dornt,i.00 of lntn,r_icaet:ing-'.iauor-and•Non
l:alt l.ignor l.irenses.
Pollow,ing, .is it list of lio0nses whirh are up for renewal
June 30, 1977:
Sol] -Ill LONi.eatiJig On Sale Malt; Liquor Licenses
fee - $100
Monticello Wreck
Monticello Rod and Clan Clad)
Intoxicating On Sale Liquor Licenses
Fee - $2,500
Monti.cel.lo Liquors, Inc.
4- Sil. ver Fox Moto]
Waysi.dc Inn
Joyner Lancs
' YO. -A..49..19
No -Intoxicating Off Sale Malt Liquor Licenses
� I'ce - $15.00
Monti -cello Liquors, Inc.
lirn.i e' s Bait Shap
B'ayne's Red Owl
Maus foods
River Terrace Trailer Park Store
Mont.i.cello Wreck
` Waysidc Inn
1` John's Discount Foods
it should be noted that Oino's Other World has not
bocn 1_i.sted as a result; of the action taken at our
June 223 1977 to deny the l.i.conse unl¢ss the
parking lot was completed by Ju.l.y 1, 1917.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of above
I icenses.
Agenda Item 11. Considerat.i.on of Approval of Part' Office Ilelp.
With the addition of a deputy registrar's office. In
city hn]1 it need has developed for an additional ptu•t.
lame indivi.clu:11 to assist in hnndling deputy registrar
ta•ansactions along with sa:retavial (1110c8 -
Currently, Rick Wolfsteller, administrative assistant.,
is hand] ing the duties or deputy registrar. 13oth of
nor other office personnel have received instruet.i.ons
Prom R.Lck on handl Ing routine transactiOils and hnve
been assisting i.n this aven. At the present, time the
deputy regi -stray position has caused an extra workload
of approximately 40-50 hours per week duo to Che fact
that. Wright County workers ore on strike and many
I.ransaet.ions that normally arc handled 1.11 Ilufiralo aro
being handled at, city hall. 'I' si.tunt:.ion, of
cool -se, is temporary bill, the acid.itlon of the eleput;y
registrar's office has added nn ndd.i.tional 20-25 ho,n•s
of workload per week to the ndm.inistrati.vo sl;aff t;:imc.
Intended salary would be in the area of $2.75 an hour
to $3.25 an hour. Current level, of our secretarial
staff is $3.50 to $4.15 an hour.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of part
time office help.
Agenda Item 12. Street Improvement Project.
At our May 9, 1977 meeting, consulting city engineer,
John Badalich, outlined a $2,973,160 improvement
project for updating and improving the city streets.
Breakdown of the costs is as follows:
West'of Bast of Total
Highway 25 IliRhway 25
y Street reconstruction $ 917,700 $ 669,000 $1,586,700
Storm water drainage 526,000 414,600 1,240,660
vSanitary sewer 14,700 7,700 22,400
Water main 54,200 39,200 123,400
TOTAL $I,S42,600 $1,130,560 $2,973,160,
As outl i.ned in the report of May 9, 1977 the cost - -'
N for a typical. parcel with fib front feet would run
approximately $2415.60 for the street .improvement
K r portion exclusive of storm sower and based upon
100% assessments. :If the project were to be assessed
20% (the Minimum percentage OP assessments to support
a bond without a referendum) the average cost for
a s.i,mi..lar pas .0. would be $483 exclusive of storm
sewer assessments.
POSS1111.8 ACTION: Consideration of street improvement
4 ta program.
REPERENCES: John Ilndal.ich's report of Mny 9, 1977
(handed ont. previously).
Agr_ndn Item 13.'1.1nk CITY Coonei..l Vananry of Stanley lia'll.
W At: our last; meeting, Stan Hall vesigiied as he is
VW 1eay.111g tho city, of Menitieel lo. St.nn's resignation
was /:Pfect.ive ,111no 15, 1977.
\ vnl:nnr,.ics are filled by appointment or the council,
For the portion oP the term. Stan Hall Is
term oxpi.res December 31, 1975.
POSS1111.2 ACTTON: Consideration of appu.iIII ment to P.1.11.
Stan lial,l'd vacancy.
Agenda Item 14. Consi-derati-on of Ordinance Amendments and Motor
Vehicle and Recreation Equipment Sales.
As you may be aware, Monticello recently went to
court to resolve a matter relating to our ordinances
pertaining to outdoor cat, sales. Eventually the
matter was resolved out of court but it, was felt
that our ordinances should be clarified in this area
to determine what areas are properly zoned For such
sales and what conditions (If any) should be attached.
Enclosed please find a memo from Dick Dwincl-1 and
also a proposed amendment. A public hearing as re.-
quir•ed by city ordinances and state statutes on any to a zoning ordinance was boId by the
Planning Commission on the amendment at their last
The effect; of the ovd.i.nance amendments would be to
require a conditional use Permit; it, a B-3 or B-4 di.strict rather than allow cat, sales as a
permitted use in these zones. Purpose is to control
outside care sales by the following condit.i.ons
:Listed 1-n the ordinances.
1. Oittside service, sates and equipment rental
connected with the prilwipitl use is limited
to thirty (30) per cent of tho gross floor
area of tile principal use. This percentage
may be inceensed as a condition of the con-
di.tional use I)C,-Mit;.
sales areas ,as are feared or screened
From view •:ff fig residential. uses
coil all aluitt;-ing residentiaJ distriet, in
e0affill"110c with Section 10-3-4-(0 of this
3. A 1.1 1 1 91WEng slia I I bo bonded and so d I rected
that the 1.5.ght -sotirce shall not he visible
from the 134.1141c: right-of-way or, from
boring 1,4.-SIdences and 6111111 be Ill compl.i.ance Sent.i.on 110-3-2-00 of this ordi-nance.
4. Sales area Is allasse.d ov surfaced to control
.5. 'I'llo provi.s.tolls or Section 10-22-1-(13) OP
this ordinance ave considered and safAst'necarily
At the public: hearing, concerns were expressed by
two Lusincssuti currently selling cars on an outsidlc
location; Curt Hoglund and Jim Teslow. These
businesses would be. -grandfathered in" as to
their present, sales arra but they were concerned
about being limited in terms of future expansion.
In r•evi-ewing this matter, the Planning Commission
felt thatt, the ordinance would still be flexible
enough as it states that the percentage of the
principal use can be increased from 30% for outside
sales as a condition of the conditional use. permit.
For example, the city may want to I..imit outside
sales for lawn mowers to 30% of the building, but
may feel in the case of an auto dealership the
percentage should be increased to 250%. This
percentage would then become a condition of the
conditional use permit and a greater percentage
could not, be devoted to outside sales without:
getting approval from the city council to revise
the percentage.
After review of the proposed ordinance amendment,
the Planning Commissinn recnmmended approval.
/ POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of apprnval of
ordinance amendment..
REFERENCES: Richard DwinelI letter of May G, 1977.
QThresholds needed on. all room doors.
OSmoke detectors in all rooms.
GWeather stripping in double room occupancy.
qWea stri ing on entry doors to rooms O9
22 206 22� 20
D. C. bulbs needed in all exit liter.
GFire rating B label on Doors, O9 D122, 104.
QKitchen exhaust fan hookup.
ire ext. to be dated and labeled.
t..rire alarm system to be checked out.
OSecurity chain on door 105.
&xit signs needed in kitchen area and bar room entry.
O Landscu ping area to be _seeded; trees - shrubs.
Qllandicap stools in -bar room - rest rooms.,
Mainentry does; not havo '36^ -,clearance for
handicap entrance.
24 Juno, 1977
J:, W. Miller.,. Jr.
Building Official
-D .a.L
61 x.5:6-p------pllp
0 ".7
sG . e4
- 0 -
CSG. ✓lJ
/y o . w
-D .a.L
61 x.5:6-p------pllp
r- 7
TO Fire Department
Monticello, 11n. 55362
L -�
D y I Irs.•s
1 Cotton -poly fire hoac, 6001'r' teat preaoure
1 Akron turbojetli'1715 nozzle
DAR June 14, 1977
ISI 111) "I-::('. Gnil
In stock
^c ICI An0uN1
1.47 ft
-NE W ADD'?: --
1201 01 D IIIWAV B
NEW aN;;nTJ:.1111 59 r.2
pe E�l➢•wl
15161 �.••Iw,.,�u�u
LU/f�i ,Sto4 /1✓r��
AIA J tlsa Orl / Li,✓aR,
Ilea l,loo-v 11�,fps , .1vIl/
.Si LP. z u`r2 t' iiFS A ills L,A,rra'6P�.
Both the sludge digester and the trickling filters at the waste-
water treatment plant require some modifications and repair.
The boiler system for the sludge digester is not large enough
to provide the amount of heat required for a well digested
sludge. The result is a "green" sludge that has a high organic
contznt and a terribly noxious odor. Also, Ou digester is
usually overloaded, poorly mixed and has a leaky cover that is
the source of numerous odor complaints by nearby residents.
These deficiencies contribute to the following problems:
(1) New policies that regulate land application of munici-
pal sludge are now being formulated. They will require contracts
with land owners, soil tests and ground water monitoring. Sludge
quality gu.idel.i.nts also be formulated to assure that public
health and environmental considerations are being safeguarded.
(2) Areas for land application of Monti.cell.o1s sludge
are very limited. The only land now avaiLab.le is within the
city limits and the nuisance and odor problems created for
adjacent property owners by this situation arc obvious. Con-
tinued, development will eliminate the present sites
and because of the poor sludge quail, the ndditi.on of any
future sites is dubious.
(3) Problems will be compounded with the addition of
mcrs to the treatment, process to comply with the h1PCA anti
NPOES discharge pert L guidelines.. Moro sludge will be produced
that will. necessitate disposal..
Estimated cost for the repairs and modifications of the digester
are $114,000.00. Our engineers have i.ndLented that these changes probably be eligible for funding if and when money is nppvo-
pr.iiated for the construction of the new wastewater treatment
fac.i.lLty. However, 100 percent funding of all items .is dub.ioiis
because of the questionable nnt"ro regarding repair and mointe-
In any event, the problem of FQding an ] sol"Wn "MAI
the new treatment Facility is constructed persists. 1: wou,Ld
recommend, that ata minimum, a new boiler system be .installed
to meet: the, present and future heating requi-vements clutt will
produce an odor Prep, gond qunilty, well digested sludge..
Estimated cost or a new boiler system Is $10,000.
Phe two trickling fiItors need new bearings, seals and a com—
plete cleaning and resurfacing. Also, several distributor-
istributorarms should be replaced because of excessive leakage. The
arms frequently stop which causes the slime growth on the
filter to dry out and die. without filter growth effluent
quality is drastically i,educed. Simply put, no trickling
filter media, no wastewater treatment.
Estimated cost for the necessary repairs is $5 - $G,000.
Since these problems are maintenance and repair related, it is
doubtful that they would be eligible for funding under the
new treatment plant construction grants. Without these repairs,
compliance with the new MPCA and NPDES discharge permit guide—
1 Ines is impossible. I would recommend that; these repairs be
done i.mmr_diately.
Mike Rajala
----- - - IP' ----__...-�xII,#1USiti Pow ?40.o.
ot__ 1 PogeT
St. Charles Welding & Machine Slop Inc.
Ill EAST i]In STNE(:T a ST. CNAN',I.S Mut N. S.9t7
_ I t
-PROPOSALSUBMITTED TO: ----lr/1,oNl. ••• -•• - «•_..•-•.1 DL1L _---- ---•--- ---";
xAttr, _..�..-._ _.__ --_. _...--"•1 In. wl...� -- - - ._.....__,!._ H3y..2fif. 2472 - . __..-..,�
C4 tY--o,f-Korot CACI p
SIR[ n,
Sr•t!, _»�O21tiCtal�*-,nil. ___-.....5
uacnr,._-..___...__,_�w1!O•alArtS. ..__
We haebu lubmil AorciRtn:ipnt and euinloraf lot;-_ Randblasting-and_pol nti ng--witb_a-apeCw
coearira_for-waste_wator.-treatment-plants-oa_8-{eight)_a ma.._rods,-and_tnrnbuckl.eaw_
Satal_ccst...far_thn..abase_is.._$fibd.t70_...._.._._�._ . __-.___..-_.__•.._- _,----._-__-�..
�--a--'��*� Nr'1'�U}ON-C(1Mf'[EfION Oh' PN(�.TECP � -�--'•-�_ _�I)
Nt At 1. n. /rPt0rt W reran. Fax anre .olrri@h - ts• ;n a.l@rtln„I. w,10 My nta•A lftl,llrlraAl lar Ir,v .oA a (l{t
"F.'FA.Ar37YE.,._._ __� •._. .ao1aN 11 ,,,�+,+..._....�._._..�.1 wIM WTtwral tnb.nta+tt rxl0ry t)
__NhT-UPf�•COIUti.6'PI0:1 Q8-AROJLICT.-_- _. -.-._ ...__..-_.._.__..______._._ _. �I
tr=m. uxt t}pt it 16 ort @tw}e t% 1. "At 11% 1. M� rn @awsa nH, bWw!u@p:l to tw..ypt-ra•wrM frv@I*tVwatwro,t
All —.-I .a paW@wrtn •r f: e. aP+v,b.a, all
anrorraw n• atnuhuw eras e@sat awn hasr@wa Mawaiwp ta.N, +rp bt .arr,lq/y/I�T ya �jtww',ynry�� .la�eur,e iltatdt. A., '��
nfan aae 100.1 It ttaA". `(7
r�pry All OprtawanN -j-jan,l tl. wl Sldsmo, a. l.r te f✓'J 01 (T IP 1
Tv ba @ / a Ia Aad0 9aa
aMsr ntt elaa• t ,Mur@atr Q@r �Nlrra Ott }P}t. t6.ttttl O} Mrni wtn'a (@Mtxata}ian I.W/ea/wa^i�. n �• � It t•(j t�
A—M d \.poen -... ..��`: -S/," ���.�1 r • t� •F
_ Iraitl tAu •Ir! M a.t#dr.s W w d wM aw}tP1aA Ata J'y� a/*, '{7
Arrrplaurr of Proposal
.1!obov Pnce rr apa ficohan, and condiliom pee •pd.tprlo1Y and ore helebY occeplad. You ole oulhaitlid to do the ll
.1" m tpeciG/d, POYmrnl will be ,ad$ as outlined ubovf, i
I Det/ _ _ SipnpNte _
®IF St. Charles :Weldinq. & Machine, Inc_
Industrial Park
Steal Fabrication - Machina Work . Welding
slor Bishop, Pre,.
Ames Bishop, V. Pres
David B.Mop, Sec. Trees.
P. 0. Bo, 648
Phone 501.932.3640
St. Charles Welding & Machine, Inc. would like to bring to your attention
that theyhsv'e perfected a Mechanical,Seal U.S. Patent Number M & G
16988„ to replacethepresent Mercury,,Seal at your Disposal Plant. This
Xechanical Seal has been. successfully Installed In over 100 disposal
Plants in Minnesota, Wisconsin, 'and Iowa. Some being in service over 9
years without any repair, 01 them.
We alsoperformother services for Disposal Plants. We manufacture and
dorepairwork,repairand rebuildpumpsllfsll hinds, replace arms, rods
and turnbuckles, bearings in center columns etc. Check with us about our
maintenance contract.
f For Information pleasecallurwriteSI.Charles Welding & Machine, Inc.,
11.0. liox 648. tit. Charles, DIN 55972, Phone 507.972.3090.
Sincerely fours.
St. Charles Welding & Machine, Inc.
1f 4 (1) Rotary Common
IATcid A. Bishop, Scc.•Treas. "
(2) Water Dlscearp Hob
(3) Sliding Fan ("awlaced
j - 10 RoOeUI SAW
U) stamlaas SWI Seel Roy
jls) ComPuasuaie Elastoma,
(a) BWwnary Cdymn
3s, Bao
_Z•, a2 �L cess �. , /)
7 9
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
MAY 2 5 1977
Mr. Michael J. Rajala
publ is Works Girector
City of Monticello
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Dear Mr. Rajala:
Phis will confirm the inspection of your city's wastewater treatment facil-
ity conducted by Dwayne Nelson and myself on May 2, 1977. As was discussed
during the inspection, it is very important that the city take whatever
s,>;es are np.cessary to ALi ra rnntiauaus .'Ma+tU-c the oistripuEor arms
itg t'ric��ino_�;,iisurs_ In order Lo correct the presen problem, it tray
necessary to re44re the bearings in the tri klina_fi4er nearest the
control building.
We wouldalsolike to bring two other items to your attention:
A. rDue to the low velocity of the wastewater in the collection channels
unoer the trickling filters, it would be advisable to clean these
channels frequently.
b. In order to prevent floating solids and scum from going over the
effluent weirs it would be advisable to instal i_ ___aa_Ufffle at the
end of the final settling tank.
Generally, we found your facility to be well operated and maintainer. If
you nave questions, or if we can provide you with any assistance, please
feel free to contact me at (612)296.7313.
SirKerei y
Operations Unit
rac ilities Section
Piv Psion of nater Quality
cc: The HonoratIr Conrad O. Johnson. Mayor, City of Monticello
Mr, halter C. :sack, water and Wastewater Superintendent
1035 WPV County Pari(# a2. Rcsovuto, Mtrmosoto 95113
G Cy1':.nol Cr,C QD Q411uh1 AIOT@'o-F.'rout roil$. MOMM011 14ochos?or Icosovala
. V..oi tV+ry ....... i, {maiu,Or