City Council Agenda Packet 08-08-1977• / Sf
August 3, 1977 - 7:30 P. M.
vMayor: Con Johnson.
N COUncil-men: A. Grimsmo, D. Dlonigen, P. White,
G. Walters.
Meeting to be taped.
Q• ✓Citizens comments.
�w jl Public Ilcaving - Variance from Permitted Home Occupation v
VVV Uses with:i.n a R-1 (S-i.ngle Pam.i.l.y Res.idcntial.) Zone.Ly
Update by (lousing & Redevelopment Autho•i.t-y Cha.i-rperson.
J3. Consideration of Leasing a port.ion of the Newly Acquired
` Moon Motors Dui.ldLng.
4. Consideration of Adopting Resolution Approving Plane
N4 and Speci.f1cati.ons and the Adverti.scment ✓
for Construet.ion Bids on the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewer,
VStreets and Wntermain Improvement Project.
5. Cons.i,derat:ion of Setting Date for Assessments
un 1976 Sewer and Water Construction Project.
4. Consideration of 'faking Over Riverside Cemetery.
.h. Consideration of Advert.isIng for Bids for
City 111111.
Cons.ldevat:ion of D.isposi tion of Present Citizens
Approval of minutes for July 21, 1977 - July 27, 1977a
OL 28, 1977. Pwkik L A
N� ll,
10. UnHni-shed business.
�oyU�n.' S�wtva. rc w 1.N N
11. New business.
1% {�, I.M .
tl !1 rwfw P4 �wf S I
/ ? � 7
Agcnda Item I - Public Ilearing - Variance. from Permitted Home occupation
Uses Within a R-1 (Single Family Residential.) Zonc.
Mrs. Detti.lou Christopher is consLdcring the purchase of
a 5.29 acre parcel of land with a home and buildings
on Prai.ri.e Road in the northwestern part of Monticello,
(see enclosed map).
Mrs. Christopher would like to hold so" paint classes
in one of the garages that exists on the site in
addition to selling antiques on a limited scale. Please
refer to her letter for a more deta.i.led explanation.
Our ordinance does permit- home occupations as a
permitted accessory use in a R-1 (Single Family Re-
sidence) zone, however, the definition of home occupation
is as Follows:
Any gainful occupation engaged, in by the occupants
of a dwelling at or from the dwelling. Such activity
shoLl be clearly incidental and scrondary to the
residential. use of the premises. Permi.ssable
home occupations shall not include the conducting
of a retail business other Ann by mail., mnnu-
Facturing business, or a repair shop of any kind
on the premises, and no stock in trade shall be
kept or sold. No other than persons residing on
the premises shall be employed, and no mechanical
equipment shall be employed that: is not customarily
found .in the home and no more than one (1) room
may be devoted to home occupation use. Such home
occupation shall not require Internal or external
alterations or involve construction fort ures not
rustomarlly found In dwellings. The entrance to
the spice devoted to such occultaMuns shall be
within the dwelling. There shnll be no rcter.lor
display, no exterior signs except as allowed in
the si6m regulations for the zoning d.iaMet
in which such home occupati,nn .is located. There
shn.1.1 be no exterior storage of equipment or
materials used in Cho ome occupation. No home
occ"pation shall he permitted which results .in or
generates more traffic than one (1) enr for off-
streut parking at any one given pnint: in
Pemdasablo homn oemontlons include, but are not
limited to the fol.l ow, art: studio, dressmaking,
spen.ial offices of n eLergyman, lawyer, architect,
engineer, accountant, or real. estate agent or
appraiser, when located in a dwelling unit occupied
by the same; and teaching, with musical., dancing
and other instruction limited to one (1) pupil,
at one time.
From the above definition and Mrs. Christopher's letter
the following would appear in viol.ati.on of the ordinance:
1. No stock in trade shall be kept or sold.
2. No more than one (1) room shall be devoted
to home occupation use.
3. No home occupation shall be permitted which
results .in or generates more traffic than one
(1) car for off street parking at any one given
point in time.
if Mrs. Christopher were allowed to operate as indicated
in her request, a variance would have to be granted
on the above items.
In his review of this item, our planner, (toward Dahlgren,
expressed concern over future residential development
in the area and Clic control the city would have .i.n
preventing future expansion of the operation.
At their last, Clic ?lonticcl.lo Planning Com-
mission recommended the necessary variances be granted
but at Mr. Dahigren's sllggesti.on, put a sti.pulati.on that;
the variance would be on.l.y temporary and expire after
f.lvc (5) years of which time the variance could be
reviewed for renewal or the property owners comply cury cut ordinances.
(V� POSS1BLli ACTION: Consideration of varianrr, anti
:limits (lf any).
REFERENCE: Letter from Mrs. Chr.l.stophor and enclosed
map depicting arca.
Agenda :Item 2. Update by liollsing & Redevelopment Ant.hovi.ty Chairperson.
Joan Powers, chai rperson of tilt) Mnnticel.l.o (lousing &
Redevelopment Aubhorit,y, will, be at Monday's
to updnCr. 1,111) cuune.i,.l. on the act.iv.i'ties of the IIRA.
POSS1.111.11 ACTION: No action necessary as purpose .i.s to
update and vovl.ew of IIRA.
endo Item 3. Consideration of i.easinq a Portion of the Newly
Acquired Moon Motors
At the council's Last meeting Mr. Dave Kranz, owner
and operator of Monticello Printing, requested the
council consider the lease of a portion of the Moon
Motors Build.i,ng acquired from Denton Erickson. At
that meeting the council requested that Dave come
back to the next regular meeting and make it pro-
posal and review the matter beforehand with the ci:ty
Dave and S have reviewed this matter and Dave would
like to make a proposal to the city council to ].ease
the bark (west) 30 feet (1200 sq. ft. total) of the
bul.l.ding for $235 per month plus uti.1.3t.Les for five
(5) years with an option to terminate the lease
after two (2) years. Any leasehold improvements
Dave makes would be credited against the $235
monthly payments. As an illustration it .is esti-
mated by Dave that the improvements he would like
to macre wouid cost about $6500:
$6500 : $235 - 27.66 months
In this .i..l..lustration, the first 27 months of lease
wout.d be zero and the 28th month the .lease wolrld be
$79.90 or 34% of $235 with the rcmn.i.ning months
of the five year lease te> be $235 it, cash paid to
the c3.ty. In this, .if Dave: deci.ded to his option and no(. l.ense the
after the 2401 month, the adrllt.Lonal credit: of 3.66
months (27.66 - 24) would be forfeited -
Dave Iatli.catnd he would ,I.:ike the; option to terminato
the lease nftor two (2) years if, another Int.i.l.ding
that was mora su.itnhic bo: -came available. Davo
indl.cates that; this is not: but; dial tint want
to rule orlt the possihill.ty. it was agreed upon
thutsl7orrl.ri the city icnse�: the pr.rrt.ion of tho building
to Dave, s.i tt:y (60) tiny n ot.i ce. would Ile prov.i.ded
the r..i.ty shnna.d Dave to terminate Che :lease
at nny t1me.
Following is a list of improvements Dave has indicated
he would like to make:
Paneling - 3 walls
Painting - I wall.
Electric Heater
Insulation - ce,LlAng and exterior walls
Concrete f:Loor
Vents for insulation
Elect.i.rcal wiring and IG fluorescent lights
Paint and shectrock coiling
.Install sink
Plus allowance of $7.50/11r. for Dave's labor
Dave has indicated that should his proposal be
accepted by the city council, he will. commence
with the improvements as soon as possible with
expected compl-etion to be January 1, 1975. 1't is
proposed that no payments be required during ve-
model-ing until. actual occupancy occurs.
It was also discussed that, any improvements over $100
should be suppovLed by a quote and approved by t;he
1 ci.ty and supported by an actual invoice. l.mprovc-
ment.s under $100 con.ld be supported by an invoice
and approved by Cho city.
POSSTDIX 1CT.10N: Cons:i,devat:ion of approving pro-
posal. by Dave Kranz and if approved authorization
to have city admi.n.i.strator contact ci.t;y attorney
Co prepare lease.
Agenda Item 4. Consideration of Itcsolut;i.on Approvina Plans
and SpeciVi,cations and Divect;.i.nk the AdvercisemenC
Por Const;ructJon Bids on Lhc 1977-1;avv Sower,
SCrcebs and Watermain :Improvement: Project.
Iiuc.luNed, please Find n proposed resolution to apprnvr_
plans and speciflcat,i.ons for sanitary sewer, st.rcet;
l.mprovements and to Oakwood lndustvia'l Park,
MatJ;hew Uve to and Larry flake's proposed Monticello
Ford site.
Mr. John Iladalich has previously wr.i.t;ten the DIN.
Poll.ut..i.on Control Agency for approva.l of the excenslons,
but, it, .is unl'ike'ly Chat such approval willbe re-
ceived by Monday's me6ting. Ilowever, it nppears
gnit;e Likely that. MICA will approve of Che extensions.
Shonld MICA disapprove Che oily could vejr_ct 0.1, hi -ds-
The proposed resolution suggests a bid opening of
Friday, September 2 with award of a contract- to be
made at the suggested special meeting date of
Tuesday at 7:00 P. N. on September 6. If the council
desires, an award could be made at our regular
meeting on September 12. The date of September 6
was suggested to expedite construction.G
Estimated project' cost is SG!/1+;�1139.. J1o1
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Resolution.
REFERENCES: Copy of proposed Resolution.
Agenda Item 5. Consideration of Setting l4earang Date for Assessments
on 1976 Sewer and Water Construction Project.
With the above project close to completion, con-
sideration should be given to setting a hearing date
for assessments on this project. In talking to Nelson as to when the engineers could complete
the proposed assessment rolls, he indicated within
3 weeks. Counci.l may want to cons:idcr a special
meeting or the possibility of holding the
along with the first in September.
Pvi.or to preparing the proposed assessment rolls,
the council. may want to review the .items below
along with the proposcd assessments enclosed.
Rod S Cun Club - proposed assessment is for 2 pavec.l.s.
Sil.vcr I'or. Inn - proposcd assessment is for 9 parcels.
Cordon Iloglund residence - this is a vesidcncc that
is just; north oi' the SULver Pox Inn and has heen
proposed for 2.4 Industrial p(1rcels, it would appear
that the lot. cannot be --,W)d ivided so council may
want to consider a one parcel assessment along
with tho possibill.ty of assessment on a residential,
basis (6t- water main) as opposed to an Industr1ai
basis (1O1, water main).
'I'r.i.angii! Parcel, owned by Stuart linglund ;just Most
of jovner LanoN - thi..s i.s an odd shaped parcel
and has been proposed for 3 parcel assrssmcnts
Which appears to be fair. It Is approximately 3
acres in size.
Hoglund Addition - Ritze Manor - these areas are
proposed for 100% of the cost of storm sewer and
curb and gutter. If a permanent street program is
considered in the older part of the city and such
improvements are included, council may want to
revi.ew the policy of assessing 100% of these costs.
It would be well to determine if any changes should
be made to the proposed assessments prior to the
hearing date so that the proposed assessment rolls
can be adjusted.
For your information, approximately 54% of the total
$1,300,000 Improvement Project w.i..l.l be put on an ad
valorem basis and 46% will be on assessments accord-
ing to t;he proposed assessment- rolls. A home owner
with a $35,000 home will. pay approximately $17.71
on the ad valorem portion per year.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adjustments to
the proposed assessment rolls and the setting of n
hearing date.
REFERENCES: Proposed assessment sheet S. OSM report
dated Feb. 28, 1977 - (thi.s report was handed out
at our 2-29-77 meeting and due to its length it was
not dupl.icat;ed; however, .if you aced a copy please
let me know).
Agenda Item 6. Cons.i dova ti on of Taking Over Ri.versido CCmetCrv.
Th,i.s Item has been backgrounded previously and the
.issue boiA s down to whether the;y should take-
over Riverside Cemetery from the, Masonic Lodge
without obtaining the adjoining eight; ncres to t;h0
east at; nu cost. No word has been ret:c.ived from
tho Alnsoni,c Lodge sinco our 21 mecting and
therefore it is assumrd thr_ir pos,itIon Is fl.rm.
POSSIBI.B ACT. -ION: Consideration Of tnkc-Over of
Rivers.itlo Ccmetcry.
Agenda Item 7. Consideration of Advertising for Ilids For Carpeting
City Ha] 'I.
Pursunnt; t;o previous discussions relative to deleting
the carpeting from the city hall. non t;vnat; with Ilenvy
0. Mikkelson, 11, have, t;niked to a local carpet dealer
and It is apparent tho oit.y could save money by
bidding this i.tetn and doletAng it from the, contract.
I L is necessary to bi cl th is i Lem as opposed to
sol iciting quotes as It, appears the price wi I I be
over $5,1)00 which is the minimum amount of a con-
` tract that, rcquires bids under state law.
7 'I'u insure the r. i Ly w i. 11 save money, i t is suggested
that, a change order t,o delete carpeting From
con -tract not be auUtorizetl until bids have been received
by advertising this locally. Additionally, 1 have
asked The ArchiCuCLur•al Alliance to request. the
fY\ con Lrac for send the city a letter to .i ndi-ca to the
cost, savings for deleting the carpeting.
POSS:IBI.E AC'T'ION: Consideration of advert.i_sing for
bids fur the carpeting of City hall.
Agenda Item S. Consideration of Dispos,i_thm of Present Scnior
Citizens Center.
At our last rupilar comiciI mccting, .it, was dr_tcr-
minccl Lo purchase Denton liricksnn's building for a
Senior Citizens Center and Lo place un the next
vegu I ar agenda l,he cl i silos i ti on of Lhe r.c.i sti ng
Scnior Cil,izcns CcnLcv.
The bui Idiot; is appro>,imatcly =71 by fill' or ION stillarc
f ucl, and Lhe Int. is 271,' by I lis' . Ap prai sal on 1 -he
land and buildings (the r.ent.xr and it .,M.l.age in tAm
rertr ol• Lhe lot.) has been appsiscd al,
Several alternal.ives would bu available to the 1!il,y
and include the 1'ollowtng:
I. Sell land and buildings.
1. Demiil ish hili Id inks and sell land.
\\►`t//� .i. Sell land and u
biIcli11gs with stp
111.W nWllt!I. wi I I cb:mctl ish ur move bili Idings.
\V q. Sell nol,hinR and keep land and bili IdinRy.
Vv\J I1, nhnuld be puinLed out chat, Lhe set ling of real
` est.atc is like_ the purchase of real rylate, the city.
is not, rcyuived co advertise for bids on it.s sale.
Thcrcl'ore, if Lhe. c.i Ly elecided to yet I, it. World
have the option of doinv, it. un it bill basis or try to
sell it on its own Wilhottl, bills; or LhrouRh a realtov.
P0SSIII1.1, ACTION: Consideration of disposilion of
prrgcnt. Scnior Cititons Center.
This is a copy of the written statement submitted by
Mrs. Betti-lou Christopher.
I keasons for Variance - hew property ♦i 1 I lie Llied.
1. Mostly for homelife.
2. There is a 291 x q01 garage shop completely insulated
with a 3/4 bath on a horse_ shoe driveway. .1 wish
to use this garage as a hobby craft shop holding
oil and art painting classes on a very small scale.
A few antiques to sell- some macrame and odds and
ends. Crafts of mine and my daughters. I will
have some of my own paintings for sale for extra
money for myself - but nothing on a big scale. Our
paint, classes will consist- of 3 to 10 students
possibly 2 to 3 evenings a week.
T am full time employed by Honeywell, Inc, and this
craft shop will be on a small part time basis; most
of which will be done_ by word of moul.h. It will be
minimal for my own personal satisfaction. There will
be no big sales daily where cars will be going to
and fro on township read. Mostly it, will be if hubby
craft, thing for my own personal use, but no big sales
and not; a lot of traffic. It, will be a help money-
wise for me to afford my new property to hold paint
classes and sell an antique ur two if moul.h to 110113
for exl,ra money. This is in no way to be a big pro-
chlction - I wish l,n let. you know.
AI I t.ha1, is required is cit.her if road identifical.ion
or possibly it street name as to oto• location of said
classroom. The only sign necessary will be above door
on garage and pnasibly at. Incl of township road to identify
location of area that, 1 live because it is not easy
to drive by and sce road. Nothing elaborate.
Presently my address is:
2.000 Sugarloaf 'trail
Ilrnttklyn Park, MN. 55444
Phone: 560-9756
w RiG Ni C0UN itr
P 4 R K fes— •\ "'
17l 1 ,
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be
hold by the Monticello City Council on August 8, 1977, at
7:30 P. M. in the Monticello City Hall to consider the
following matter:
Granting of a variance from the home occupation
activities allowed in an R-1 (Single Family Residential)
on the following items.
1. No stock in trade shall be kept or sold.
2. No more than one (1) room shall be devoted
to home occupation use.
3. No home occupation shall be permitted which
results in or generates more traffic than
one (1) car for off street parking at any one
given point in time.
Location of proposed variance is a 5.29 acre parcel
lying in the NW 4 of the SE J of Section 4, -Range 25,
Township 121.
Written and oral testimony will be accepted on
above subject ruid all persons desiring to be heard on
referenced subject will be heard at this meeting.
.�� 4/1;4u
C1ty ALimbi atrntor
WL kt�
a dj t 111 vxy,-Lr �.��
1977-1 Sanitary Sewer, Street, Waterm"MPROVEMENr PROJECT
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Monticello,
Minnesota, as follows:
1. Pir. John Bacialich of the city's consulting
engineering firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron and
Associates, has submitted final plans and
specifications for the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewer,
Street & Watermain Improvement Project
which are hereby adopted as submitted. The City
Cow:cil reserves the right to make any changes
in said plans which may hereafter appear to
be necessary and expedient.
2. The City Administrator is hereby autl.orized
and directed to cause advertisement for bids
for the cornstruction of said improvement to be
published by law. Date and time for opening of
bids shall take place at the Monticello City
!Tall on'e1"Sa6y, September Q, 1977 ,
at 1:00 o'clock P. M. . The bid security
shall be in the amount of 5% of the amount of
tlr: bid.
3. The City Administrator and said engineer are
hereby authorized and directed to receive,
open mid tabulate bids received at said time and
place, mid the Council shall meet at the City Hall
Li tile City of Monticello on K.**".
of 740 o' clock P., M., Septemuer 211 V(1 , for
the purpose of considering such bids and awarding
o contract, or else rejecting all bids.
Cnry WJ ehcr
City Adctinist.ralor Daix Nceuliitioii Adopted
NI i , "` r
s� j
oWD y
Po'l0 99, oIZ
o,1`) ,.�..�`--�
_ Y Z"
/1t 5lt, l77
0 'Farms-
Adhe.'(6121295-2317- 'Mon . ficellb.'Minnesato 55362 0 Lakeshore
- — ; - . °' Business,
Dear '.*,I-. 1i' 6er-:
1Ci!t Appraisal of Cl-t:y'� ildijl,.-'jjrdpci,jti- (I
CilAzons C,(--W:er.
Pu rivant to YnLZ I- rocr, "�t ,tJlo,
rere-mi, v)-O,rccis� owl afl iv fif,". 'OT.y 61
jj JTj,0,,.,j In
T %i(vild huroby adV,ir' ilP vio
V2i:Lot.:6 o:Lot�'A,()�k
lllciqi,v6 Of �Cytsf,,Jly, Sllij- I
2, CLty S11r"1-
'Lots 4 `, of
Triidlusi,--vo of 2AVLs, 01'st I fit' calinc-11,
,adni df'Slc e, 'fire hall shop.
'Toto] a-ppralsad valsoo !a4: Of 1_11.ICI r1jit,33
can liuof if,iviliur Vedl fr6&
John '-windberr,
.jam /0
August S, 1977 - 7:30 P. M.
Members present: Johnson, Grimsmo, Dloni_gen, White, WalLers.
I. Publ is Hearing - Variance from Permitted Ilome Occupation
Use_, within an R -I (Single Family Residential) Zone.
Mrs. Rett.ilou Christopher was considering the purchase
of a 5.29 acre parcel of land with a home and buildings
on Prairie Road i.n the northwestern part of Monticello.
Mrs. Christopher, would like to hold some paint classes
i.n one of the garages that exists on the site in addition
to antiques on a .limited scale.
Monticello ordinances do allow home_ occupations as a
permitted accessory use in a R-1 zone, however, Mrs.
Christopher requested the following variances from the
home oecupal..ion defini.t.ion:
I. No stunk i.n trade shall, be kept, or sold.
-. No more than one (I) room shall he dcvoced
co home occupatiun use.
3. No home occupation shall be permitted which
results in or generates more Lvaffir, than one
r (1) car for off-street, parking at, any one given
L point. in time.
At. then, .last, meeting, the Planning Commission recommended
that. the necessary variances be granted with a stipulation
chat the variance would be only temporary and expire
after S years at which time the variance could be rc-
viewed for renewal or Lite property owners comply with
current, ordinances.
P. White made a motion, second by D. Dlnnigen and unan-
imnusly eavriod 1.0 approve the variances requested with
the stilnilai,ion that, the variance would expire In five
years at, which time the variance could be reviewed fnr
rencw:rl or the propel -Ly owners comply with rurrent, city
.:r I'd Inanres. (Sco supplement 5-8-77 #1).
-. I)Urdate by & Redevelopment AnthoriCy Chnirpervnn.
Jr:nn Powers, chairperson of the Monticello IIRA, in-
formcd the council on the Minnesota llousing Finance
Agency's grant program pruµress 10r1111y. The Mon CIeeII
IIRA was a.11ocatrd $1.5,000 by the State Lo distribute
I u to l l.y Lo low income.. homeowners for home. cepa i I.S. To
date, al.l of Lho money has been committed to (5) In -,al
Cj homeowners and al projects should be romplet,ed by
Anwmst 31 , 1977.
�. 1'nder this Grant pl•ngr•am, Lhe local IIRA targeted the
senior citizens as the primary recipients of the
grants and .if the home owner keeps the improved pro-
perty for 5 years, none of the money has to be repaid.
3. Consideration of Leasing a Portion of the Newly rlcmrired
Moon Motors Building.
At Lhe council's .last meeting, Mr. Dave Kranz, owner and
operator of Monticello Printing, requested the council
consider thr-! lease of a portion of the Moon Motors
building acctuived from Denton P,r.i_ckson. At that meeting
the council requested that Dave come back to the
next rel,Rtlar, meeting and make a proposal, and review the
matter beforehand with Lhe city administrator.
After revie-wing the matter with Lhc city admin.i.straeor,
Mr. Kranz proposed to the Council. to least, Lite back
(west) 30 ft2cl (1240 sq. ft. total) of the. Wilding for
32•35 per month plus ut.ili.cics Por rive (5) years with
an option I,cr Irrm.inace the lease after two (2) years.
Any .leasehold impt•ovcment.s Davc rnakes world be credited
ng;linst, the 0235 monthly payments. 1t was es Limatrrtl
by have that: the .improvemeuLs he would bike to make
w..utld cost. :llwut $41,5011.
following i-7 a I of improvements. Dave has i.ndicntcd
he would lilac Lo make:
Panel ; ng - 3 Willis
Painting - 1 wall
Lientric Ilentev
Insulat.lnn - ceiling and r.3-terior walls
Conevcte floor
Pent.s for insulation
Meet rival wiring and 16 fl. uorescent 1 i ght.s
Paint. and shrutrnak coiling
I itst.a:l I s.i it
Plus .;Ilowance of $7.50/111'. for Dave's labor
If' the avoial intproventcnts would coma to $6,500, the
first 27 mor;ths of the I ense would be zero, With the
remaining mooch.:; of tho 5 year lc --ase Ln be $235.40.
A. Grimsmu made it motion, second by P. White rind unani-
mously carried to approve the propnval presented by Mr.
Kram Lo rent, a portion of the M17won Motors building
at $235.410 per month wish credit buinit Riven Por any
Ir'as ehold .improvements +ntd authorize the city attnrnoy
Lo prcpru•n a lease.
4. ConsidevaLion of Adupt.ina Resolution Approving Plans e.
Specificat:i.ons and Divect.i.ngthe Advertisement for, Con-
struction Dills on the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewr_r, Streets and
Watermain improvement Project.
John Badalich, ei.ty engineer, reviewed the plans for
constructing sewer, water and street improvements for
Oakwood .1ndustvial Park and along Matthew Circic in
Ritfc Marini,. The estimated cost of the improvements was
placed at approximately $570,000.00.
Genc Walters made a motion, second by P. White and unani-
monesly earriod Lo adopt a resolution approving p.l.ans and
pecifications and advertising for bids on the 1977-1
anitavy Sewer, Strcots and Watermain Improvement Project.
Thr• bids would be returnable September, 8, 1977 and could
he awarded at, the Scptcmbur 12, 1977 council meeting.
(Sue resolution 1977 //1/ )•
5. Cunsidovation of Settingllcaring Date for Assessments
on 1711 Sewer and Water Construction Project.
1'. White made a mnL.ion, second by A. Ge-Imsmo and unani-
mutisly carl,icd to set August; 24, 1977 at 7:30 P. M. as
Lhe: hearing da Lu to rr,v.icw the proposed assessments fill-
orflee 1976-1 Sewer and Watcr Imprer•ement Project.
o. Considevimiun of Taking Over Riverside Cemetery.
At, a spacial cotinell. held July -21, 1977, with
ropvesent.ativcs of the, Masonic bodge, .it was the council's
consensus that, the city would not, Lake over till- opevaLion
of the Riverside. Ceml-Lcry unless t:hc land owned to Om -
ca s I
ecast wris a Iso g veil to the c i.ty.
Me. Dong PILL, informed the council l.hat the Masonie
lodge weunld be willing Lo offer, Che additional property
to the oily fill, $6.5,000.
C. Waltevs made to motion, second by D. Blonlgen to Lake
river Lhu operablun and ma.i.nLonance of till- Rivovs,ide
CcmeCery provided the Masonic, Lodgn ttmned over all
propert.y and assets owned to Lhe clay with no additional
eomponsa1.1on. In favor: C. Johnson, G. WalU:rs, A.
Gr i.tnsmo, 0. Ill on i gen. Opposed: 1'. Wh i t:e.
i. Consideration of Advertising for Bids for, Carpeting
City IIaIJ.
The council previously discussed the possibility of
deleting the carpeting from the city hall construction
contract and advertising for bids separately on the
carpeting in an effort to reduce this portion of the
contract. costs.
P. White made a motion, second by A. Gr.imsmo and on–
animously carried to advertise for bids for carpet at
the new city hall. 7'hu bids will be compared to the
general contractor's price to determine if there would
be a dollar savings.
�. Cunsiderat.ion of Disposition of Present Senior Citizens
Since the ri.ty has recently dec.i.drd to purchase tho
Monn?tutor; building as the site for the senior citizen
c.:ntev, the .:otutci.l. discussed Lhc alternatives
Cor disposit.inn of the present senior citizen cunter.
A utoti nn was made by P. Wh i tu, second by A. Gr.i msmo and
iinanimously carried to seek bids or estimates for de -
mol ishin6 incl removing 1,110 preserll, senior r,itizcn
building—m; - both Lhe center and th0.smal l cottage
Incat.ed in t.hc rear.
The ruuncil will review the est.imatus lit. the next. Conn i 1
nn,rl Int;.
9. The minutes of lire council meetings hold .luly 21, 1077,
July :7, 1977, and July 28, 1977 stand approved as presented.
10. Dur to t.ho I argo volume of counci-1 tnp0s currently buiug
sho-ed at- c i ty 11111 1 , C. Johnson made a motion t. n hn vc tile.
counri 1 tneet•.:ing tape recovd.i.ngs erased after the r,i ty
counri I .approves I:hO minutes of each meeting. Moti on
died Vol- lack of n second.
C. Johnson then entered n motlon , seconded by P. Wh iAx
to hoer. Chu cnnnell Capus erased six monthri niter tln:
cnuncdJ apprirvos the minutt:y.
In favor: C. Johnson, P. Whato, A. Grimsmo.
nppowed: D. Dloni_gen, G. Walters.
11. Consideration of Selling a Portion of Chestnut Street
between Broadway and 3rd Street.
Mr. 11. Wehmann of Annandale, MN. offered to purchase the
east 10, of Chestnut Street between Broadway and 3rd
Street for between $80 and $200. He would like to use
this portion of the street as a driveway for a new house
proposed for Lot 10, Block 42. The property does now
have access from County Road #75 (Broadway) for a
D. B1oniRen made a motion, second by G. Walters and un-
animously carried to reject Mr. Wehmann's proposal. to
buy the easterly 16, of Chestnut St.
12. Miscellaneous.
Council consensus waw to have the city administrator
inform the! owners of the vacant house on the corner
of ?rd and Cedar that the building must be either
boarded np ov torn down within 2 weeks.
Ihi, public works direrlor was instructed to repurl, bark
III the onuncil, on pustiihtc solutions to the drainage
(� pvoblem.v nrcurving along West Broadway right—of-way.
Mayor Con ,lohnsoa, on behalf of rho city, thanked the
Mrs. J. CIS for the 3 park benchers they recently donated
For the fividge Parks.
+lectinft adj,nuned.
sac k No'14'Hte'/Ler
Adm. Assistant;
vv Wednesday, August 24, 1977 — 7:30 P.M.
Mayor: Con 0. Johnson44
Councilmen: Gene Walters, Arve White. Dan Blonigen, Phil Whitete..
Meeting to be taped.
Citizens comments.
r �
1. Public Hearing - Assessments on 1976 Sewer and Water Improvement
d 2. Public Hearing - Variance from Sideyard Setback Requirements -
Bruce Wachter.
�. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment to allow Glass Sales and Service
as a Permitted Use Within a B-2 (Limited Business) Zane. D
%/4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance from * Acre Minimum 01
Lot Size Requirements for Lot Without City Sewer and Water - (�
a Rick Longley.
%/5. Consideration of Building Permit - Rick Langley. �,
,/6. Review of Wa-nut Street Opening Question by City Attorney.
V7. Consideration of Approval of Building Permit for Two Family Dwelling -
Tom Chock.
.A, Consideration of Final Plot - Anders Wilhelm Estates.
1-/9. Review of Proposed Improvements to New Senior Citizens Center.
,00- *410. Consideration of Adopting Uniform Housing Code.
J11. Consideration of Adoption of Street Improvement Program.
/1/12. Consideration of Ordering Feasibility Report, on Business District
Development Plan. • /J.._ .�
1/13. Consideration of Setting Hearing Date for 1977 Lighting Improvemant
Vi4 Approval of billo. �` f=•� '
ri5. Approval of minutes - August 8, 1977.
16. Unfinished business. f sSF n�'S
Status of Joe Nelson Ditch Pu��'C
17. New business. Vh tl X11
Auguat 24-, 1977 - '7:30 P. K
Renbers prezzennt: C. Johnson,,A..Grimsmo; D. Blonigen,,P: White, G.. Walters.
1. Tublie Fearing _ •Apsessments.on 1976 Sewer and Water'Imorovenent Pro?ect.
_hz P.1blz= Eearing was opened'to citizenI3 questions. Roy Louring
inquire a6 to ,why cormercial and.industrial parcels would be assessed
..,v a l7rgar Y4" inter .;zLi'vo..a 61W residential, water main lateral.
::a- r rte ;:e , that; a 10" ,water line is considered normal for a
�am-cr;i:nd;ttnrial Sot due to theirneed -for a greaten flow .demand.
-Rob fltno stated that- he Melt -the sewer and water would not directly
,benefi,t the P:_d'&-Gun,Club'.because,-they alreadyhave thcie own septic
tank and welt. 'His opinion was that,,the city should take this into
rorcidrration; +chest daterminir:g the assessments.
Hugo. Sujrachner- inquired as to: what• improvements' were -actually included
in hi,, aeseesment.
., Wal- era madt�:.a motion, second ,by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
Lo 2-41pt 'a ri 5$lutlan..cortiWng the assessment rolls to the County
Audi,tazi• as' prmented', prorated. over-• 20, years. 0 7j% -interest..
1(2„f. Rcz:olut.ion 1977 !/12.')
2. iv.aia Hearing - Variance from Sidevard Setback Requiremmzts -'Bruce,
Mr. ';ruco Wachter ij rcqueating a variance'to build`a deck within
five (5) zest 'frim itis westproperty line for Block '19 Lot 2 of
Oriefnaw AdJf l".. 71iis Se a ,aideyard and ordinance requires a tan
(iu) fo..t az•tback.
I . Whlte made a motion, second by. D. Blonigen,and unanimously carried
t;- .4pproYn .the variancw roquest to, build a -deck, within 5' of the
;�,tip�d-ray llnr.
3.. 4. 0 of 0rdinanea+ Amendment to Al]ow 'Claes Saba R Service as.
a A•r+zitt-ed use within a B-2 (Limited Business) Zone,
Pzla 4: hearint - OonsiderAtl� of a vWInce Rosa 24 Acre Minimum
xt Rrouiremrnta for iot Without Citv Sewer & Watar - Tdck lonR1ey.
_ inull ivrstioz. of Wildin¢ Pimit -Rick* tonalev.
:l-. S Ii k Io4eley :regt:asted. the city amend their ordinancba to allow.
.Jia ales and Service as: a,patmitted•uss within a'1-3 (HiQi.way
N ui:x�ra) 73rie in. order that he might locate lila ^Class Rut” on a
ear 1. ,Oe grbpvrty south of 1-94 and sen of Highway 23 (sso.sitcloied.
rs gip). Pkrtv.n' U,y therm Is i10 refarenca 0 this type of use -in any
rho ,City Planner, Howard Dahlgren & Assoc., recommended this s. use be
allow-cCas :a, permitted use within a B-2 (limited business) and also
the ordinances irelattire to B-3 permitted'uses be amended to allow, as
permitted,,uees any use `permitted 'in a .B-1 or B•2 zone.
i. .sudsy aieo requested a. variance from LYty'ordinance, requtring
a~ti'p7xcel' not :,erved by public water and.sewer be at least ;* acres
i;. -i. e. The Cit, ,Fhgineer'o. did not feel -there wouldbe any problem
; ru;ti:g 1�..Lon&le•,•a variance since -his lot was 2-03 acres; and
an' the state, standards relating to septic tank; distances
:`.ro' walla ail .property lines are;•sdhered to.
A. r_' �rw naic-'a potion, second, by, D..-Blonigen and;unanimously carried,
n. Aues.d ardi .arco, section=10-12-2(W) ;to allow Glass -Solc3 &
'Service'as a_ permitted -use ,'in•,a,:B-2- district, and emend' bad..
Sectio.: 10-13-2(AA)• to allow all permitted uses' in a'B-1•
5-2diarict as; permitted' uses.Ih a'B-3 district;
ii. 0rant ,fir. I—aley a variance- from bird. ;Suction 10-3-4(c) `to
!show sanatruction of an 3nciividuaT septic? tank; erui.
e. Appro16-.6.1. sof a:building,permit .for 413 MOss-Solea &•;Service
sr inc_J contina;ccrt upon, the city obti ing an eesoment:,from.
.Mr. lanGley for future sewer ;and water main icon struetdon.
(3�a Ord., Inendmerit 825-75 *33.)
ti:; rzt y.,,qd, ration of A=roval of Buil:dina Permit for 'two (2) Family
.Uta.11inc. - '[an .rP10Cif.
Mr. 'Tom ChDzk r:yuested approval of a building permit to construct
a iuprr�x on Wt 5, Block 42, Upper _Monticello.
rhr, 2-Aldirrg lnapectcr, and Plmuting'Oomniseion hive•revi.eNed and
approved tho ti.dlding, permit application.
Nmian waz rldu by D. Olonigcn, wound Dy G. halters and unsriimouply'
carried ti' ,.,pprav- -the building permit for o-.duplox.on lot 5, Block '42.
7. Crrai;i,,raitgea of Final Plait Anders -Wilhelm Estates,
�3. dm.:;ana;crf� retested approval of his 30 -parcel, 13 Acro, plat.
.s: �t _f• t7illeradt Addition and:Bouth 6t Prairie Road.
pizt l`: ao U:-ctn. o pr6veii by the Planning ;CoarAtesicn and_ City .Digineer.
c=an r ; _i. l j'P. White. •svaand by D..0lonigen and unanlmou3ly
iC1 t.:, upr_r,)va 0 final Andiri.Wilhalm Eitatas,plat, is'.pye3aitod.
`, Vi ; C i : n = u• -t IaM.rovreolts to'NOW Senior Ci'tieans Odnter; .
A. Zai im_rao 'and. P., White wars appointed to most with Bsnlor
=titers Z.Aar#.+ Representatives to detsirndjte -what i'sprovanwalnti weep
4K:a3u .fit tl .+ iecsntiy purchased Moan Motors Building.
r'llowing is a list of improvements that were reviewed by the committee
a' on.: with Haven Hanson and Marie Peterson:
C, Partition Lo segregate shop area from cer.%mics area.
S. Tiling of floor in ceramic area.
electrical rewiring to bring in multiphase wiring.
S.parste meters will be installed for Dave Kranz slid
Sen -or Citizens Center.
D. Ac'.it:o.^.al restroom. Building currently has only one bathroom.
Lancseep Ing to be done in front of building.
F. Fainting interior and exterior wall.s.
Karen yanson has indicated that the center •,.•ill provide free labor
for the necessary in;orove-encs.
. special meeting of the Senior Citizens Board of Directors will be
held to a3&e a lecision as to the amount of funds the center will
allocate t,ouards the .improvements.
consensus was that any improvements done at the center be done
..n a dciricnXiship manner.
IL:;'_; tiro Senior Citizens conurittee can determine the actual. costs of
the improvemenLs and whother they have sufficient funds to allocate•da the ic:provumenLa, further consideration by the council was
t abl e,i.
g Ccinsilaretion of Adontirn Uni form IlousirrE; Code.
`-' :ht :au: ell ais:ussad adoaLint; thu uniform housing code that would
apply to all bull!ings either exiatinB or intended to be built.
Ad:,pt13a of this code would provide the necessary tool for the building
ir to LncpecL any building that may be suLstandard, and hoe tho
outiticarlty to or -J. --r the building repaired, vacated or demolished as
At their lost meeting, the Planning Commission recommended adoption of
cTle; however, their feelings were that the coda should be utilized to
cr::_•rtrate or rental urrito and single family properties Lhnt a•e
fir.:v_ly in need of repair.
r,.ca"Oe the adoption of the uniform housing code affects all property
Flthln rl^nticellu, P. White uttered n motion, second by D. Blonigen
a a ;anaricatuoly carried to aet 9%12/77 no the date for a public informa-
.r.ol mea: irg on aclopLirrg tho uniform housing code.
.C. Pa :: if Wal.eut SLrent ()teninq .. by City Attor•n�v.
t.r. Onr•y Pringle, City Attorney, reviewed with the council his rccommrndo-
ztxia ar the clsnintt of the Walnut Street crossing.
Prieglo ctaud that the rni.lroad no longer dieputos the fact thnL
:•heticrl.o d000 own Uro praper•Ly on which the tracks nro located, and
�i they have agl•ced to oupparL the crossing when the matter cocoon before
tec %W nLLzLa F:blio Service Co:mi-ooion for a hearing.
P. aloni6en, made a motion, second, by. G. Walters. and'unanimsly
carried to authorize the City,Attomey- to proceed .vdth the ppoice#ral
ztepp necessary to. obtain the: crossing M Walnut Street.
Oonsideration:ojr Adoption of,Street Imrovement Program.
A*, 7a prrvI_=,j,,meating, 'the CiLy,EhgJhb6r was instructed to
d 'f-' " were
that a prqaousiy,;ordered
y r��reat improvement' r a joverl,aprq�a6 'in order to, ; giia the council
adi4lcional: time to 'study the possibility,of: a,penm ent, street program
inzliaarg s�c - '--rers and :curb Alittei
- �M SLM - 1, .- i _and gutter:
Vie dist of a pi�iiDandnt --tree! InTrovenelit!hwas:bstihdted'�at 42, 272i000
G. WrAa-rr'Tr.ade dootIon, se-caid'by Pi 'White 'to hold a.pubIJ.6 hearw9l
on 9"28/77 -for -the proposed pemanent street ingrovement program
stDrm, s"Prs, and curb and gutter at an estimated cost of
in ftvar: C. Je:vwori, G 'Walters, P. 'White, A. Grimdmo
Ahskninir,6: Di 310,11gen
12. Qrv.;iJaration. df' Crlerinp' Feasibility IkeLort on Hualness District-
JeV.-Iopment PIEM.,
,The Nsln#ss' DiztrVat Deirdlopment Connittee and the Planning ComiLasiod
�b"h liari_ eirdoijed the plan ind '06 recomendations -contained therein.
e;mrdtties linvt also recommended -that-priority' be. placed -on
opcntr:up, i'alnu_tftvtat bctv6en,the dowritown'area and'tha mal -2.
thv,:PIA= I ing: Commi5sion,veco - mmendid the tzitfre plan
u;'Plmead at one .time rather , thAn in stages. ,Theostimatedco'5t
of tho pnJoct Ic $400,000, vihicb incLudes .the.WalnutStraet. crossing.
t7.- the couribil, centered on -feasibility%tatherstudy
LI=aXtx crlxd for the entire projeit, br p6asibly an just the
S,.�,Cmcitc nezic_m-j to' opan'Walnut Street' between 'downtown end -the,
Th , aJlacznais ser thccouncilma to se,up 'consultingl with thn consulting
'01=ior, My tk:glne�zr, DuL;i,n,,_I:_t'DsvaL*pmsnt Gotradttsa, PlonnivM,
'I,irr—I odion,.Lndcvft�llmembers, to Axrtber discuss, the proposed
�11_vv,,3u Matri -�!t Llavvlopmit- Plan in iietail.
;.f fit -tine Hi-krino,dnte I& 1977..UgfitAnR Improvement
vic. rat'l-, hearIng 'beld lortho -1077 streetI`ting pilqjoctl It
1, tq 54s�,5-i 3C%.ot tho project looAs tovbu4wa property,
sm--oament; vuuW'be_tiaied = &.total Jitt.cost ot
tv vel A --notion , second by A. Grimsmo and _unani movely
J'�a .a14 a rublIc he&ring on the proposed tassessmaits Cai a
n,i wnt,
, prcjoct, on 9/12/77 at 700 P.M. (so suppla
U. Approval of Bilis.
f D.:Elonigen;made�a motion, second by G. Walters and unanimously carried
L 1 to ,approve the list: of bills 'for August 1977 as presented. (See,
supplement 3 -?t-77, #?)
15., n =Lion was a3C3 W 'A. 'Grimsm, second by. P: White and unanimoru5ly
'carried to approve 'the Faruites:of-0/8/77 es, presented.
;1E. Zonsidaration of Qrdering Plane and Seecification slor 1977-2,Sewer..
'+later, Street- and Awartanent Improvement Project. - At a public hearing, held 1_25=77, the council approved the extension
.of sea -r and water; storm sewer and,appurtenant work to the -proposed
plat of John Sandberg, just west of Hillcrest Addition.
?eca-a.e the plat has been officially accepted and approved, G. Walters
mato s motion, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to adopt
a resolution ordering final plans and specifications for the 1977-2.
Sanitary Sewer, streets, watermain and storm sewer improvement project
•.a serve the "Aiders Wilhelm &tstes" subdivision. (See resolution.
1477 N13) —
17. Stornze if 0uu::c11 Meeting Tapes.
D. Blo:I rr mate a motidn, 'eecond'by G. Walters to recind tho previous
:o_or 1 :s,jtiai of storing council meeting tape kecordings for'only
.6 rmtlt4 and ext J'.the:storage of council meeting tapes to 3 years.
In fav,2rr G. Walters, A. Grimsno, P. White,, D. 8lonigan
Jpp64ea3 G. Johnson
18. ltlarellenroue.
Tho City Adminiatrator.was instructed'to report back to, -the council with
a list of .furniuhings needbd,'at the new City Hall along with the
c _tirated .ccats.
A public' hcu•irIg was also' •scheduled for 9-12-77 to; receive ,input and
'z :_rmsndatlona as to how Fbnticello!e 1978 allocation;of Federal
a„venue SharinZ Funds should b* 'spent.
.:hcU consensus was to have .the general, contractor for the 4th Street
int^g' House pro jcet 'submit ,to the council the dollar figure ;the City
--o cx e-tt. to .save on -the 'alternsto roof, structure. being used by, the
:,v tra.tor.
9X'. st4 .e aaistant
'genda Item 1:
Public Hearing - Assessments on 1976 Sewer and Water Improvement
Purpose of hearing is to review proposed assessment on above project.
As required by law, all property owners proposed to be assessed have
been notified of date and time of hearing. Additionally, a copy of
the proposed assessments were sent out with the notice.
Enclosed you will find a resolution adopting the assessment roll
indicating an interest rate of 7Jj% over 20 years.
For your information, the following factors were used to compute
assessments based on 100 feet of frontage:
Sanitary Sewer $2,083.45
Water Main
6" Residential 914.43
\� 8" Multiple Residential 1,000.43
D' 10" Commercial/Industrial 1,087.93
Water Service
1" 219.45
1*1 391.32
2" 194.58
6" 791.77
Turf Restoration 23.14
Storm Sewer
Ritze Manor 617.98
Hoglund Addition 481.19
Street Restoration 270.33
Permanent Street - from $668.17 to $918.00
depending upon area
There may be a question relative to an industrial area being assessed on the
the basla of a 10" main instead of a 61, main for water. On the 1975
water extensions, abutting property owners were assessed on the basis
of a 6" lino and this may have been used for illustration puayoses
for all properties on the 1976 project at the hearing considering the
improvement; however, it was indicated that the final assessments aro
determined at the assessment hearing. I believe there Is justifi-
cation for assessing commercial/industrial property on the basis of
a 10" lino since our policy indicates abutting properties shall be
charged for a normal lateral line and the reason a larger line was placed
in the industrial arena was because there was a greater flocs demand.
Additionally, aomo of the industrial lots are being assessed only
$.0144 per square foot compared to an average residential charge of
$.0609 per square foot due to the fact individual lots normally
have a larger depth than frontage.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adoption of resolution to certify
the assessment rolls.
REFERENCES: Feb. 28, 1977 O.S.M. letter (handed out previously)
Updated Proposed Assessments
Actual. assessment rolls (O.S.M. is reparing and will have
for review at Wednesday's mcoting3.
�•2 y-77
kgenda Item 2. Public Hearing - Variance from Sidevard Setback Requirements -
Bruce Wachter.
Mr. Bruce Wachter is requesting a variance to build a deck within
five (5) feet from his west property line for Block 1, Lot 2 of
Griefnow Addition. This is a aideyard and ordinance requires a ten
(10) foot setback.
At their last meeting, the Planning Commission recommended denial
of the request based upon the following:
1. Lot width is very close to minimum requirement
of 80 feet.
2. Since land was platted in 1975 it felt there was
no hardship involved to warrant a variance.
It should be pointed out that the vote of the Planning Commission
was to approve the variance and the vote ended in a tie and as a
result the motion was defeated.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of variance.
REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area.
Agenda Item 3. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment to allow Glass Sales and
Service as a Permitted Use Within a B-2 (Limited Business) Zone.
Mr. Rick Longley is requesting the city amend their ordinances
to allow Glass Sales and Service as a permitted use within a B-3
(Highway Business) zone in order that he might locate his "Glass
Hut" on a parcel of property south of I-94 and east of Highway
25 (sco enclosed map). Currently there is no reference to this
(�• type of use in my zoning district.
p At the Planning Commission's meeting on August 9, 1977, a public
hearing was hold relative to this issue as required for any
amendments to our zoning ordinance. No objections were made.
Our city planners, Howard Dahlgren Associates, recommended this
use be allowed as a permitted use within a B-2 (limited business)
and oleo tho ordinances relative to B-3 permitted uses be amended
to allow as permitted uses any use permitted in a B-1 or B-2 zone.
Dick Dwinoll indicated that normally all higher commercial zones
do allow as permitted uses those in a lower category of commerical
zones. As a result, by adding Glass Sales and Service to the
permitted use section of a B-2 zone mid allowing as a permitted
use within a 0-3 any use within a al or B-29 Glass Sales mid
Services would be allowed as a permitted use in a B-3 and this
would satisfy Mr. Longley& request on this issue.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of amending ordinance as stated
REFERENCE9: Enclosed map.
Agenda Item 4. Public HearinP - Consideration of a Variance from 24 Acre Minimum
Lot Size Requirements for Int Without City Sewer and Water - Rick
Ordinance section 10-3-4-(C) requires that any parcel that does not
have city sewer and water must be at least 2_4 acres in size in
order to allow a private septic tank and well. Rick Longley's
parcel is 2.03 acres and therefore would require a variance from the
ordinance provisions.
In talking with our city engineers they did not feel there would be
any problem with the size of the lot and suggested I call the state
to determine if they had any minimum standards relative to lot sizes
for areas within city limits. not served by city sewer and water.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency indicated there are no
state standards relative to lot sizes since it would be dependent
upon soil conditions. They did indicate that cities do adopt minimum
lot size more from a planning and development standpoint and to en-
courage use of a municipal system. The MPCA felt that state standards
of distance requirements from a septic tank to a well or property
line were more critical.
As a result, it would appear from a health standpoint, provided the
state standards which the City of Monticello has adopted in ordinance
section 12, were adhered to, there would be no harmful effects.
Furthermore, it would appear that development in the general area
might be scattered and limited for the near future and no sewer and
water extensions are planned at this time. However, it has been
pointed out to Mr. Longley that should the city cuctend sewer and
water past his property the assessments would begin immediately
with hookup to the sewer system required within 3 years after it
is available.
At their lest meeting the Planning Commission recommended approval
of the requested variance. As required by city ordinance, a public
hearing for variances must be hold by the city council.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Considoratton of approval of variance.
Agenda Item 5.
Consideration of Building Permit - Rick Longloy.
Mr. Longley is proposing a Morton stool building for his glass
sales and service business and the permit has been reviewed by the
building inspector and approved by the Planning Commission.
All applicable ordinances would have to be adhered to including
landscaping, issuance of occupancy,
parking spocco, of ccrt1ficato
Longley has been informed these.
and Mr. of
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of building permit.
k- z I-1,
Agenda Item 6. Review of Walnut Street OoeninA Question by City Attornelr.
Mr. Tom Chock has applied for a building permit to put a duplex
on Lot 5 Block 42 in Upper Monticello (see enclosed map).
At their lost meeting, the Planning Commission approved the building
permit with the understanding that a landscaping plan would be
presented that met with Monticello City Ordinances. All other
applicablo ordinances would appear to be met.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of Building Permit.
Agenda Item 8. Consideration of Final Plat — Anders Wilhelm Estates.
Mr. John Sandberg is requesting approval of his thirty parcel fifteen
sere plot duet west of Hillcrest Addition and south of Prairie Road.
The plat, known no Anders Wilhelm Estates, has been approved in
r preliminary form at a previous council meeting after review and
,� approval by the Planning Commission at a Public Hearing subject
il�.Y to making the necessary revisions indicated by our city engineer.
v Thece revisions have been made and John Bodalich is reviewing the
final plan and will have a recommendation by Wednesday's meeting.
It should be pointed out to the developer, that all lots shall be
in accordance with the grading plan before building permits will
be issued on any of the lots.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of final plat — Anders
Wilholm Estates.
REFERENCES: Final Plat available at City Hall.
Gary Pringle will be at Wednesday's meeting to update the council
on the above situation and recommend procedural steps to obtain
Unless the situation has changed, Gary Pringle feels the city would
lose its case if it were to argue that the railroad should pay for
a portion of the crossing. If the city were to agree they would be
liable for all costs incurred for the crossing, the railroad would
agree to support such a crossing when the matter comes before the
Minnesota Public Service Commission for a hearing.
Our city attorney also feels that the Minnesota Public Service
Commission will probably approve the opening but will indicate that
a signal device with extended arms will be necessary.
POSSIBLE ACTION: After review by our attorney a determination
should be made on the next procedural step.
Agenda Item 7.
Consideration of Approval of Buildinq Permit for Two Family Dwelling —
Tom Chock.
Mr. Tom Chock has applied for a building permit to put a duplex
on Lot 5 Block 42 in Upper Monticello (see enclosed map).
At their lost meeting, the Planning Commission approved the building
permit with the understanding that a landscaping plan would be
presented that met with Monticello City Ordinances. All other
applicablo ordinances would appear to be met.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of Building Permit.
Agenda Item 8. Consideration of Final Plat — Anders Wilhelm Estates.
Mr. John Sandberg is requesting approval of his thirty parcel fifteen
sere plot duet west of Hillcrest Addition and south of Prairie Road.
The plat, known no Anders Wilhelm Estates, has been approved in
r preliminary form at a previous council meeting after review and
,� approval by the Planning Commission at a Public Hearing subject
il�.Y to making the necessary revisions indicated by our city engineer.
v Thece revisions have been made and John Bodalich is reviewing the
final plan and will have a recommendation by Wednesday's meeting.
It should be pointed out to the developer, that all lots shall be
in accordance with the grading plan before building permits will
be issued on any of the lots.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of final plat — Anders
Wilholm Estates.
REFERENCES: Final Plat available at City Hall.
p -z. -(-1i
Agenda Item 9. Review of Pronosed Imerovements to New Senior Citizens Center.
At the council' s last meeting, Arve Cr:Lmsmro and Phil White were
appointed as a comadttee to meet with Senior Citizens Center
representatives to determine what improvements were necessary at
the recently purchased Moon Motors building.
Following is a list of improvements that were reviewed by the committee
along with Karen Hanson and Marie Peterson:
1. Partition to segregate shop area from ceramics area.
2. Tiling 0£ floor in ceramic area.
3. Electrical rewiring to bring in multiphase wiring.
Separate meters will be installed for Dave Kranz and
Senior Citizen Center.
4. Additional restroom. Building currently has only one bathroom.
5. Landscaping to be done in front of building.
6. Painting interior and exterior walls.
Enclosed you will find a letter from Karen Hanson indicating that the
Center will provide free labor for the necessary improvements. Addi-
tionally she said a special meeting of the Senior Citizens Center
Board of Directors will be hold to make a decision as to the amount
of money the Center will allocate towards the improvements. Koren
Hanson indicates there is approximately $3500 in a Senior Citizen
Center Fund and about $800 has been built up for the Senior Citizen
Center for operation of the information center this summer.
Although no figures have been compiled on the cost of the improve-
ments, it is quite possible that tho funds accumulated by the Center
could cover the cost of the improvements.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Since cost of ic9rovemrnts and extent of Senior
Citizen Center funds available for improvements aro not Imown,
council may want to consider requesting the Senior Citizens Canter
Director to bring this information to the council's next meeting.
REFERENCE: Karen Hanson' o letter.
Agenda Item 10.
Consideration of Adopting Uniform Housing Code.
Enclosed with the agenda you will find copies of tho Uniform Housing
Or �
Code for your review.
Following aro significant elements of the Uniform Housing Code:
APPLICATION buildings oxisting or
- Code would apply to all either
designed or intended to be built. owevor, existing buildings do
not have to conply with all the provisions of the code, only thoso
found to be substandard as spolled out in section 1001.
04FORCEMENT - Building Inspector has authority to enforce code.
HOUSING ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD - City Council appoints board
consisting of five members who are not employees of the City.
The Building Inspector is an ex officio member of the Board.
This Board acts in an advisory capacity on the interpretation
of the Uniform Housing Code and also as an appeal board. Should
a property owner disagree with a decision rendered by the Building
Inspector, he would have the right to appeal the case to the board.
The board could be the City Council itself or a combination of
Council Members and other appointed members.
PROCEDJRE - Whenever the Building Inspector has inspected or
ceased to be inspected any building and has found anddetermined
that such building is a substandard building, he shall order the
building repaired, vacated or demolished to abate the problem.
The order of the Inspector must be carried out in a reasonable
period of time normally not to exceed 60 days.
APPEAL HEARING - If the property owner appeals the order of the
Building Inspector, a hearing is held by the Board of Appeals and
a final decision is rendered. Property owner must appeal order
of building inspector within 30 days after order is issued, and
if not appealed within 30 days, the'building inspector's order is
ETLFORCEMENT OF ORDER - If the property owner fails to obey the order,
the building inspector may prosecute or institute any appropriate
action to abate such a nuisance.
the city in carrying out the provisions of the Uniform Housing
Code in repair or demolition of a building shall be assessed
against the property.
At their last meeting the Planning Commission recommended adoption
of the codo, however, they expressed concern over the degree of
technicality to which the code would be applied. It was their
feeling that the code should be utilized to concentrate on rental
units and also single family residential unite that are definitely
in need of repair. Additionally they recommended that rental units
be inspected on a regular annual basis.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adoption of Code and appointing
Housing Advisory and Appeals Board.
REFERENCES: Uniform Housing Code.
F - -Li --)i
Agenda Item 11. Consideration of Adoption of Street Improvement Program.
At the council's July 27, 1977 meeting, consulting city engineer,
John Badalich reviewed a Supplemental Report on Permanent Street
Improvements in the City of Monticello. After the report was
presented, the council instructed W. Badalich to delay preparing
plans and specifications that were previously ordered for a 2"
overlay and to put the matter on the agenda for an upcoming meeting.
According to John's supplemental report, the estimated cost of a
2" bituminous overlay would be $342,000 compared to a permanent
street improvement cost of $2,557,600. By eliminating a portion
of atom sewers in the permanent improvement, this cost could
further be reduced to $2,272,000.
Listed below are various cost figures to consider relative to a
permanent street improvement program:
Assessments based on typical 66' x 165' lot
1. If Project 100% Assessed
$3146 or $281.17 per year over 20 years
2. If Project 5O% Assessed
$1573 or $140.58 per year over 20 years
3. If Project 2016 Assessed
$630 or $56.30 per year over 20 years
It should be noted these assessments were based on Mr. Badalich's
report of May 11, 1977 and alnce some portion of the storm sewer
has been eliminated the assessments may be slightly lower but
inflation would probably eraso any reduction.
Ad Valorem — following are comparisons of three methods of financing
the project as it would apply to a home valued at $30,000 and $40,000.
$30,000 Per year $40,000 Per year
p Home Over 20 Yrs Home Over 20 YTB
yy If 100% Assessed 6 $ 6 6— $ 6
If 50% Assessed $282.91 $ 23.80 $395.52 $33.27
�( If 20,8 Assessed $452.65 $38 .08 $632.81 $53.24
Other Possible Improvement Protects and their Effect on Ad Valorem Taxes
Listed below aro possible improvement projects and the estimated
++/ ad valorem portion as it applies to a $30,000 and $40,000 home.
Ad Valorem $30,000 Per Year $40,000 Per Year
Project Share Home Over 20 yrs Home Over 20 yrs
Treatment Plant $1,000,000 $294.04 $20.95 $348.16 $29.29
Sewer & Water Oakwood 285,000 $ 70.95 $ 5.97 $ 99.19 $ 8.34
Boyle Sewer & Water 230,000 $ 57.18 $ 4.81 $ 79.94 $ 6.72
CBD Plan 200,000 $ 49.75 $ 4.19 $ 69.54 $ 5.85
Sandberg Plat 25,000 $ 6.13 $ .52 $ 8.57 $ .72
* County Road 39 Sewer & Water 21.000 $ 5.23 .44 $ .4 $ .61
Total $1,761,000 $438.28 $36.$s $612.71 $51.53
* Does not include serving Country Club
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Street Improvement Program.
If any portion of the costs are to be assessed a public hearing
\ w will be necessary. ` ` REFERENCES: Street Reports by John Badalich dated May 9 and July 22,
1977 (handed out previously.)
Agenda Item 12. Consideration of Ordering Feasibility Report on Business District
The Business District Development Plan has been previously reviewed
by the Business District Development Committee at a joint meeting
with the Planning Commission and City Council.
The Business District Development Committee and the Planning Commission
both have endorsed the plan and the recommendations contained therein.
Both committees have also recommended that priority be placed on
opening up Walnut Street between the downtown area and the mall.
Additionally, the Planning Commission recommended the entire plan
�Q be implemented at one time rather than in stages as mentioned by
Howard Dahlgren Associates. The plan indicates two possible methods
of assessments — one based on 65% assessed to benefitting property
owners, and one assessing 50% of the project. Since assessment
hearings are hold at the council level, the committees did not make
recommendations in this regard.
If the council concurs with the plan, the noxi step would be to
A. request a feasibility report be prepared by OSM & Associates to
determine the estimated cost of the project since the report by
O Howard Dahlgren Associates is only preliminary plus the fact this
did not include any unforseen coats relative to improving Walnut
Street. This cannot be ultimately determined until an engineering
report is received and soil boringo are taken. Estimated coat of
the project is $400,000, which includes the Walnut Street crossing.
h or '�
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of ordering a feasibility report on
the business district development plan.
RE 9ZMCES: Business District Development Plan (handed out
previously) .
Agenda Item 13. Consideration of Setting Hearing Date for 1977 Lighting Improvement
The Lighting Improvement Project for 1977 is expected to be com-
pleted within 2 weeks. In order to get the portion of the project
on the assessment rolls in 1978, a hearing should be held at our
September 12, 1977 meeting.
Fhclosed for your review, is a list of the proposed assessments.
These assessments were based on the following computations.
Project Costs
Bid - Electric Repair & Service $29,360
Engineering fees 2,600
Inspection Work - P. W. Director ME 110
Project Scope
A. Replace 7 existing fluorescent lights with 250 watt
high pressure sodium.
B. Erect 18 new ornamental standards with 250 watt high
pressure sodium lights - from 1-94 interchange to midway
between 3rd Street and Broadway on Highway 25.
Project Cost Breakdown
Total Cost $32,510
Estimate Section A
7 high pressure sodium lights 0 300 2.100
Balance Section B i0�-10
At public hearing for the project, it woe proposed to assess
50% of the 18 new standards with high pressure sodium lights
and 50% of the 7 fluorescent lights replaced with high
preasura sodium.
Section A
$2100 • 990 lineal foot - $1.06/foot
Section D
$30410 • 3565 lineal foot • $4.27/foot
It should be pointed out that it was also indicated that any pro-
perty used as a homestead would be deferred from payment of the
assessment until such time as o change occurred in the homestead
statue. Only one parcel of this nature qualified for a deferral.
POSSIBLE AMON: Consideration of setting hearing on oseessmento
at the September 12, 1977 meeting.
REFEFt NCE9: Proposed asoeosments. -9-
The Monticello Senior Citizens Center,
in order, to help with the .improvements
needed in the Moon building will provide
the following free labor:
We hope to have enough money to purchase
the needed tables, chairs, dishwasher
and snooker table.
The Board of Directors will be meeting
in the near future to dolegate what money
we have for the necessary purchases.
sprclAl, MEETING ., ciTY- coijNcm
Sp,ptqmba I r 5, 1,07— '7,:30: P.,
PRESE-%'.-X,: CuUnWAnien, nt-w J61ii-asoni A: Gi�imsmav, G. Wal tersy
T. WOJ,O, 1R. _,Bhn.!:gc.!n.
P3'nnil:rnR>GiSmini'ssi iniMemiicr6i —jacigewa-Y
Stcv.i:Aohnsonj, Main FUck6r. T. F.Lake
and, ii-ek DwineJ.1., Cow.;tjl, ing,PVanncrg.
Tho- Rur,005.!E` .1.116 [Dee.ijing yas. td :i-tykew yvil.tfi, tlic. j-fpimt..O,
P.t.i_inn-!hg` CamMlssl-on iknd 06untoi�ii 136.4:i,n6;sMeA,, Lhll p
.i,!nprqvcmc6lg Cil -,� thd .0t2fitIvAl. Bits I tics§,, D.J 5 tv..i IC.
lloiavd Dahlgml ticvtc , wed tilie'lit-tiposuct
qi, 61cl
aA BU-4kne-s- Walniic,
�Lm LO: n t
cave estimat-U& a(.
ri Y., thu cos;�:pi"r reom, ropt� C.01! !he nowwy)ylk,
i. die poilgooLat-Lon-, (Jtvtuqatleig ya',. opined t !Cnmmi-nt_ti
cm, PiWlioscd from tlinstc xn ad:crttlaq.Ci
Mi•.. .1 JO 6embee, 61",the PlannInE , CoMm.i.siO"on,
t,:iqnccl Owrlif1w4,bigh-us, M;e. ,were,
_11-11_!t Scil-et"t. po'sttJ6111,01' 111d7Pvo,,,. ;M, il I so NA t,
'di:tt ahla U,dsm w ou T (I cj . c to 4 i - , on Nafn ii U', StAiccL shouid such
141:445,, and, pfajl6rl - la., buj."p-tafled..
My :Art D_ --Co an,, lotokev 411? sk,!O, (k. St;tsve, Fip :--Chti M Vl: 4j!wqLItjric3d
112"ca . d, be. matin -Lfv pay ra iq p!)r—
the Obwatown
F - Iii - kh &I)A-e .7.6, ;110 Tcl:c
J,4, ilii'. ifflunfo-wn ,a ecu all!iwvd: to
tk �1.('
T1 b6, IwOnfisNIA), A-almed. to
eftalt 61111(lo1, - '.'t 11'emJ
FICO 'atnkc3 4i)icc:d �suppcil% Cor ;some triun'Ln the
-dnc:ut'ria•_n 'n rca.,, :but '�dlt nuY. agt•oc :wJ f.h'n;,; '.t;0 Chii,�,t)r•nrer .��,
(curb nitdi.s'Lung, bvnadwaj' ;jl,vctilic;. Ile. fe] t t:Itii'u; i.60) ;notl'ss
wuuld cause sli.i.gllet- im:c;i'itticnan�.fr civ cc 'r"fin .�_1�!ier. t crtfie:r.l`
.and cibf y u-mvi'd also vl!S ti;!i thi 'Iu55'-:cii' _,) palH:.i,nA'
tti:l_Irin ''t ,'y lil'tua:.nrc a. llc= Cc,;lu that t:hi-'dinoi'I,c %:n r.: i -•iii I'r..i',
should icon§rider the {t,•;i.l'v ti�C brew ane( pl.ult`-In'ti3
pl. %coil rill Lim oai�ri.n; ,P'i.dri.:il,kt t';r'rr- a bc(uil-i.i_i,3:c.t,i'on pl.•,_,_irl.:
larit{;ti�iA;z :iudi,caue_d'su{i{u1rl;- IEt)r 11w WaLnue �41!I:;i:
prnrnc bu1kc ,y ;Iti,fll SCokc+� 41;ir+tt.5vccd; %6.uh imy .obst-viii--
I,i,rnls br'i.n�, brr.i:-11:-.inPr, �Ihrs ..Lr•crtl'•
4:u`u FI'r suppovted some: L�'j,i: of. ib)%%Iff vfl 'impo,c%•elin•nl
prrr,jcat but= aJsn di!s,:rgre��•d_ %0111 t:hr rnleb on
ISlcnadaa% .
Ile,:u•i.n:;' no �culeyr. rccinmr•nls .I'roin fhe' 11!`^Rl.r' in .at_Lc•nd:uu'%'.
th•• ?Lie4inC H':cs:,nd;juiuvtril.
I'Irh f'ral_P;rrrf!+r;;; Ili.tija•i.r( .{il;au.nii,l�l ,fi�n;i:� brr rcaiva�'•il
by the t"iN,y Go1111e,il'1 :i 1. :i �I nlsiir`,ini:e et _i'tiL.
Itt ik: W�iaa'srl!.I Ir' - .
1`,'J t.y, �Idma n7a �r:fl;hr
��� `( �p
ala V
Q September 12, 1977 - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor: C. 0. Johnson
Councilmen: D. Blonigen, A. Grimsmo, G. Walters, P. White
p �V /Meeting to be taped.
X Citizens comments. - Street light request on West River Road.
�h ® Public Hearing - Proposed Assessments - 1977 Street Lighting
Improvement Project.
%11.4,Public Hearings - Setback Variance Requests.
l / Public Hearing - Proposed Use of Revenue Sharing Funds - 1978.
-/3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Rezoning Block 6 of Upper Monticello
From R-3 (Medium Density Residential) to a3 (Highway Business).
✓4. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to Allow Sales of Motorised
Vehicles in a B-4 (Regional Business) Zone.
Consideration of Building Permit - Larson Mfg. Co.
✓6. Consideration of Variance for Overhanging Sign - Harry's Auto Supply.
./7. Consideration of Awarding Contract on 1977-1 Improvement Project.
✓8. Consideration of Adopting Resolution Approving Plano and Specifications
and Calling for Construction Bids on 1977-2 Sanitary Sewer, lMatermmin
and Street Improvement Project.
of Resolution Setting Sale Date for General Obligation
v`,� \1 Improvement Bonds on 1977-1 and 1977-2 Improvement Projects.
yc yJ 10. Consideration of Furniture and Fixtures for City Hall.
`Y 1I Consideration of Adopting Ordinances Relative to Delinquent Sewer
and Water Accounts.
%12. Adoption of Assessment Rolle for Delinquent Accounts.
Approval of Minutes
Unfinished business -
Changorders - warning house
vel Now �uein:as -
1'. JJ�ndscaping - City Hall
�Bneed limit - County Rd. A75
lyinal Payment - Orfet A Sons
Uf, vmooting date chango - 4th Wednesday to 4th Monday/
/V,° ./GM.�su�•a� . flj /dog.
RhCX-I.Ak mhwriNc'
sumbeys: irosen Of "441 3ph-ilsovy, iD,. Bloni. dyiptymp, Q Whj&,t
01 P! e en q rdnm en xv�
py enun4l sh�!utA ,st--t-16tisly
the 'pr'i,jjdspid ktt!vqt i::
imRvpypMdjqL1 pr9jeaL rathdii khan'by: �onjnyfl, minion,
;WQnHnrmd4j*h4t a ptibIA't- heavin'4' On
has,);t9c:n .sdhedulcd_ Cor_AAWZK ,
new ii'MtAi yqtitti
Andin" Sonjiv phesedeed A -pot: In tw,
om431 x6perc3i owom-s'
she 25,0aic:dt
M" j"601 nUmm. ,'It -s� at
.4favo3ckti Aq� ly!v'qthe ?Itbl Cr: Wnt.'k-1, jjiyetipt-
tin! +I-!! pusi.dcnttal9brecl, 1,jg1i#�hkq,.ipv6q ' I!= nnl
No I jjIs
hiwa mj,qog; #! :Qvir pruet.
?W VAIS Heant"g : P—W&I ol%isesnmvnis i- 11I)T7,
Ympiwomrim vvnJovt T'or t'07 along Ilwy. .25 'hw%
r.nsis 41g.rf I ieit ,I hI I 4_4 i jw6p4l,ty i5wilers.
A. 014ffism,k� Ii.
, jd!t ;a
j)"w W 14 Ad4pi a tW"aQtjL"q aQpAwDW IMI "$I Www;C 14 Wdhi;,
Tmpro"!IgNiA prolAt calls as poolicniUY6 �pa$ao"Volt
fj "V
xy Poole 1b."Aw! Wmwb ob"MUK MOON_
Nm 1V0filqojj'j kettat,*, vavianvo J-11 ito: ii -1,13
Thia 'l.ot
abuts. Ch Cstnut. Street, and the 'variance
.rerlUest ii (0t•
'tile. west
line which abuts the street.
This partl_cular
of street
is 'platted but has, never been
put in.
G'. hali-ers
made a
,mor,1on, second by, P. White to
hppruvu n
Variance Cow ,Mr.'Welimann to build i�J.thim
5' of phe
wes er•1"y
Brae on Lop )O, Black 42.
_ln 'favor.: 'Q dphns! rt, I'. ;h'1i4e, G. Woi tees, ,:\. GriRwo
,Absta_QQ: D., 'IJl.nQ*M.
%`ay.(.ance Rcnli(st be -Mr. Jcttoalc.Nelson.
I1r. Jcrumc jAMon asqurKed, a .Nail lce; to build h 124' x non
double garage iS_tlihi S' wr his praq>g.rby line Yw CuL 4, AroMli E,
Riggs Add.i.i, un, Lf +.2c1� Munt'i:cc.l J o:
Chr .rvist'ing houses :is vl=n"d A, from the mma pro""w 1, ne
f.nd the rani anr,,.- r•ggLlXS1; b'as to; bu i Cd a dmibl c jpttlga $' from
101c cast rrppOfC, 'lini.•
c\ _ngftrK lcgT mjI0 ,by ,I). IIIun,igen, .vhcunci by ;p. %h(.Uc surd
ani:uti.murl�t)'rnrria�d I.;.r-npprntr l;h.• Sr s.i:deyalld %aviall-ee rCq1IP61
' ly Jeromq Ne15o1a Co bn.i,l,d it double gnrhgu un .Cot. 4, Bl.iwk '1;,
Riggs rlddi.L(,un.
F'•- 11rarina - Propinsed ,use of Revcnirc 'Shai•.ing loud. - I t'jpc
TIIC pltl'l1UAr;. . of, t:hl}. parin ' acs It- 4eLL i,oput. Xvorn: oit_iiCrty rat•
Mnrtl I.Ce( fo. fin Lh)• p0o14ible't zws! fii' Fcderah Revenlla ahal'ing
Fluid,. for qpha fluid i ha+g hi -on esl;imal.ed
apMT&m.l cQ hut1,fOlt., 11•., tt'i l lilir Mok ;ttaU ld Lh+M he
l.i kr if., :ev 11w maanla•.N :tipctit, fnr a l ava I pol;;l,r rp. I;urr.s. Sit
gUstiatns, 17ronl Uly' eQi.lIKIV ineAnded Lalsing Hort„ions r.1' tho m.{ui'ro.
l' -,1V r, 1 .• hu,l l,tiufln vommllttsr lxl,k_ lig 101. allff !h.�-
Implement.oli,on n_r 11 t_rcr pl+glt;lrtg program.
11.•o,rinR nu 1lthor r -mi 4"r: m mtv,to•nti, chp pnbii! hr•nt•i:nli .aa'aa
I •,,ail kj i t lf,,nif .1wi ng made on j,.isNl hl o .,.�yrgd:l turn
a)t Chu' lloilier urtt-i-I ChoI�y'S btidgor 1,y l•flvlewud'.
l?nn�idnrntlon..if'hriun.i_nu'Mark o oi'_hntlol,
Jhitit.i.'f•1I.i I'cum R-=,1 1 Modhinl Rrq[di-ni:Fiil)' .to It,9 (117 ghe
! in• 11J'`,_(117 t; '(�1!11111'�' OI,:1 ;tr�ll.11ll: .hd3''plit;(IIIiQsijd' liltiitrl: I'), ).(� 1'pp.}1'
�1.ill# It'f 1-I, i} illlll .11.11U1;�,1i41', Ili hall' �Ql'fe x111 l'riC Iii'm k 1'l'/,nn�,d etc)
no) 10r A he plil'liira,='' r•�' 'Imi ldinp ;L ih�'l ad"m hanl,"w 1'Ur .i COW on.
nr�rkj; ha;li'„f th.• hlriik.
1'h.:, ,.tdjaccnt bl,.tcks ce the cnsL and s<ruth_ are 'currently toned:
B -''and y'kth the ,A A101WIT npirl&# of: �ialnut. Street, .it: wjtuJd appoar•
Lhac,n remmerr._ial jon_i g wtould Ue. more compatgble than mu.lL.iple
him i Uv.
G. KpIrgra,'made a .m91ion, second by P. kl_i,i.t:e nurl nnInImr "My
t,arci.ed tn; approve the'of' Block ,6, tipper'Tlonti'ce1,.L4,
Qlcdlunl 'Dcnc.i:G_ RcaiticnL.ia"L) I:o iB=3 (111ghtay Hu.inrss}.
I'?er: Ord" Shotd., ISO,
is Cons.cdcrnt i oh. hP A Condi t.i nnai. Usc';Pcrmi t; to A'I'l ot.' 'Su'Las,.:uP
Muctr:ited Volhiol:el-iit --n W4 414vaimml Ifuainf^at %brie:
Deuton EKWAody Vedsiduii,t Of Mon plotnrs, Me., i•cyi�u�Irti, a
r nnditional "so permlic tv 11I.Jw up. -ll ur r,,utdnnry„s nl" mnt:ori,ted
tc`hir-les i'01, Inf: I._ ..:,- r11'.Dluck 16 9t; dipper �1nn1'.;Irq,ll�r 1;1'trr,-
m.-r'ly i=l.rvPro-]udu5i,rirti�-. _
Ber-aitsc Monn aor.uri„Yril Ls .dhd scr"ma "dr ,Ifil:cd, Sllbhmu Akes,
elr:-.. it110 as part tilt ''ih-is Ito ls.ittiasti, gnmu qi1 It's' pr_ndrirts lila'• bu
rLi. pl'ay.ccl' in an i,u,t'3ide aren'i''tn• s; t'es puiposeS, •:i
r• 'r,onifi,lil,frital
osperp11 .n' .b.�'vuquliq• cF I;imla;.ln6, rrut�.Fdra ni11,2•..' Ip
Vil'l” arnti$• 1'Innr ar'r-a, toil thr„prn'nri-pol huil'Ohig. Tito, „Ptlivap(t'es
do 'itnt_ _•;prw_-Ii;id,al I,yt IAS1 11 1Me 'Simi Inr noY;lattn Mo ,L'✓t`s, Prj`r'dr•Ct,r-
'mininS illi: nunHov lit' ,pnt lying- spa'....; reynir6l' bal, Ni'. F.r.l.aksun.
•d,i'd Ind,i,i ;i Pc Ilia t. hN joad' 11y t, An pmM pow Q prriy' i OUR UC I "414
it spaces.
A mm i.i,nt .wa3 imde by P., '1iPlK, ,senvtirtl by D. I►limi•,rvn and vnnlii-
""sly cnrricd 10 iy"pru%c a .rnnd,i Giunnl uye pr+r•mi1, i'tor tolldnnr
si•rj;i a. nod, sales Yu jimm jhnu prs ,and to, regni.rc Ib parlt,i!gj 1;p[yy44-i
dont do nt:rt have "to be hardrnld'accd with Altuml""N ur ,r,nuvrotes
1 not, Idova11toii of Hill Piliaig permit - I'av-son Mia. 'rn,
Lb rsnn MC.4. Cn.., an ,nsAembl y p.l ant pruduc.i nR 0MAi ” L bou r1 1 iiia i -
nurl wi-inhi n'x rued dnov-S i,-, 6to .ISni ld it 1 `d.,0oll sytuiev flout'
1it11'1'din!" tin the •gintlh haii.' >iP d:ol: ! .of" ,f)Int,i:. I in, til,!I�tr11t .,r1+,1't11
P mk.
Nr. 1'rilnk Daniels of Lapson Wgs Mort rcyul^ "A it xnrianep YrM1im
.0)o Jtl"1t1.s4rnl-:y lip CLlo. trrdinnnt r i:hai. g it eun'Ij Iltt^rYr r
arr.iuul lobo• pari"no Lir :rit' t,hi) Bart: ilii;• Lnt.., Rr�rlSwi vol.illri a=r,fptt ,t
„,tri Mr, if in 'Ou urjln, iUinrrT i,1w'L1ii1_tlIng ..uill p»ir,iryl 'Inti:
tit ,J,tt osp--nded, _i i 'p -.;told bi), nr.rl;,..rnry Yn UT_ -I.�:r3.t
a, p,1f.l;i.rnT:.rM11' Lftir.,;l.irCh hatu•�i•i�:,
Moi"Imli tta', t.;.li10 It ,1. ttt'im.r0ir, rirt and Ii, Il. and Inlan'i
j • rtyi, talh•iid t;, •rppr.ic.• )Iii+ bit Ll41iuµ pol11i1, 6.1, Lar sun 111'x.
i and hf. m a tatanni r• A iminal into I ho, itirb b.t1•t•ittr on 11 into kiaw
U1. ConsiAcTi:ation ,.oi' vatojanco For- Qeor^han'�-1.riq,:51tm - Ilart•y-'-s
Am 0 sown.
When .Utc in_i pial surrey or sQiis w i& taken to d% grm.,i tit MhAh
s,i,gns Mere i:n vio,lat.i.on of NontRal-lo,s ordinnncr__,pr_r,hibi Cin,
orerliangin a' s.i:gn nn Ilan !:
A g sighs r S ,1uGn'Suppl:y 51 :i,nad"orsentl,y
yince then,- Ilperyt's Auto; supply has been noyri.ed ar .t:he 'vi.oln-
cian and: "s Abloacd unt-i I' Nor. '1, 1977 to take dmin Lke-�,ign.
Ilare}` Bebo, owncr' of Ilart-y's Auto Suppl.,v, ,rt3giwsLid .a •\arjancc
Crum. the proWA'i,uns of tlu; ordinancr• :s! c4.hi's busin.zs-s' 'i Is ,Inc>aU;d
on a tleadend Otreet annd.iO ntt, '.the ovcrhnnpi np, isign,; rou.ld not
hl',3i1'n 1frolli 11141:IdM.9\':.
IT WO a Moan",, soc:nuil:by• I'.. 141iUC to d&V Qr!
.\ar.i,rotl a' .roquostecI hy-Ilnrr}'S ilul,u' Supply.
In Gaior: C. ,l.ihnson, A. •lir.Cmsmn, P. _White,.,
Qpiagged: D: l31_un,iggn
('on;ciUccat.ion of AtaardinJ_ P'aiu t•+ W nn I QN! 'Impmwelnc}nt. Pra P",.
M d10-77,, U1 weve opmet! on the 147Q! Sauii,uny $_rtau', hilts r.
nnd.'Si,raap .Imprmem!•nt. Ilv.)Jepli}:,itli, '.I'.t!Mc til. :tpjt:i?,nl,
(� ljiddt•v billig A('cr' d OnsunpLUit, on, nji Mnrny MY, miCli a b)d nt-
55146IW"051 (sup Sup6i m*t, •l-I_-,ii#51.
10.i,myed TuAt of 'thin Project I'pt• roilscm tion way Nfayl nrc
su th, bid Is •n\ur $1ci11;,uU11 .Ic;an than, penjected'.
P. Will CO ,entmred .rt cautJoll, Regrind 'by G. Will4rri4, _and tllmO�ni„usl�,ed 1'., a%t aI'd hhr. rc;Itilrat,L f'nt+ 1_pIISI,I-I1111_j.JL' Il ('it:! lv% I'U.77-:1
Iii I1.LIJvy Spud i-, Wa.termain and Rl,rtcct 11llprnc-rment' prn;j't •rt, r•t
1rrc�n Giuintrnrtiyn 17p. in t,ha.umou,nl (if „4353,ni6.'9.i.
�. idetYaclun ,ct Adopting k.•sitA,nL.i_on Apttrov gg:1`,1-ams and
so. .it:d.;acion•4.nnd ea1..Ilnr, low .Cnn,NLritr,l:,Inn'llIdN nn -11!7i" -'i
Vrciutur.��Jtii;arr`; Wt,Ccrrcnri,in uutl=il.rc.,t,"�I'tnp; Pr.l,jri�ti..
\1 t.1i1i' lcisl ciorat:ln„ .lulnt R_:cdn'Lieli my r;oquc-sted tm yrr.yr.tnr
pj+rtii ;mil Kp��. ,Tl'it=:i.l:inns .t,n Lh.. ubrlvN t*.aCer.•nri'i1 pi`s jri;l i uhleh
pt'ut'1d Cti 1•4tl dtapti041111irot4 Iii JOhn $anilbrnµ'•s Ancl� !s A2fl i• l In
mab A.
Y.NAT pr COW :•iArp hate lids n crii i_mpYrd OJOIj Nil.
Motion was made by A. G&mW% second by C. Jo inm)n and
tuwnim,uslc i•al-fled CO'Adopt, a reso'lttulon approving, rival- plans
And sper.ifKations on LhG 1977-2 Sanitary S(wer, thHopma-in, and
jlrcct Impruv.•mcnt Pruje%.L and ca11 iug For bids I., 'bas npunr.d
l.U-a-77. (See Aeso-Intlon .1977 .#15)
�,. Con:i.devat'i(nv ni Wnlutinn SeLtin5 We DW -Fr Genural
bprinn improvement. Bonds oil '1977-I :Ind 1977-2 'Inlprovclncni,
pr.QW t S. - - - -
'King Furness (it' ;Sprin�st:ed; Inc., r jy C.isea'l constil tants, vevi.,;wcd
'with the coranc.L.l ,l-hc f:inaucing procedures rot' L -hr 1.477-1, tial
1,977'-'-' lmprnv.vment Pru;ieets.
Mr. Pnrncss PecommendwL 044 b"Nprujects W, finairluelf 106pnugh
the gala of (I)} bond, issue: 'flip prolecL would be :fKAlced. Omr•:
26 a r:u• nssr;.._mcn pq t.. C4 .:1 "I I my. For Win ad va l oram pont yon
p►:I A over •a Li Yine pu,r,it,d. Addi l..iona l,l'y, 45 -dl :Of` Qw.
woo I tl -be va-I,l abl & afCtnr ,14 . yq.ti i r. the. ci ty has 4ul .l r;utc:d a
c ihstontA_a:l, amngni, 'QI_ ;L :;ca5mvtm I r,•paymcnl}y by I.heq,.
In 1 •,tm,:.9* :, 1 S rt:ronunendrd that Lh,•.snun q 1 tonsAVV a pul=i,ey
ii t- 911 h anst s9mcnts against :incllyshuns pa vcul,p 'pn'i,d in Cull
ate Ole t'.imc c1 lilt Itlinit'• perms' -1, in Asslied.
11 -is rt��ommi•ndat,-i:on3 wtrW to apply Lhin p6LJcy La ,subdivisiuus,
c.t;r. fhac '.u•1' boiny' sOrved by spare :Intl 'w'nsur tri I lir
future, hilt (It, not, al voatly have housing. devO,olmtcnts. As OW
drvalopm:nt_ ttr hnmr•s occurs-, the nssps5mc-o;s, would h,;• paid ofi",
Lhus Chit 1.i1.j .'uu.l(I i.'aSur :hands roe a. sboj%cen perJ(ttl of Lime.
C,ritn"3 1rm)_;"n"S 1OW "I tahlt, tiny tlec.i,s'ion on dqh ahov,7 u,st:cs-
m.:ut payufl' pol-Icy unl l'1 the nei,:L mveting.
C. bhUrra,m.tde a mot,lnn, Aevo d by P. Whi.ttz.h'tid unrwLm'uusl�
('avt Icd to .ulupt It resultlt.iou 111-12=77 Its 011 +.)I(- dnt.e
1'u11 Thu cit'neral, pption 1Tmprnyem4!n'I', .Bonds tin lho 1477•-1 and
1077-2 lmpt o%vmenl C 1/11uJ.i4A s In Allo runounl. of !$7-311,t.It1U.t)0-
i3ntl Iletiolnl.lun Lt1-7 af'lit).
Ltl. i'I.tjsidrl;ut,icm-ut. Lenniinrrl. rend I'.iXfnlvr� fur 1'_Ity Iln.l'l.
C.,try, b"t efio •, CIA %, Admi-ni v1 ratitr, a ,I'Lv. t)V pi:, jjOy"O
f"I ISIO,uge. 010 Q. n+tp .l=Lty Will 1-I :Iltr coon. ianti_n.
W\u $11-I,I" at isi illi 1?111�111JI1 hurt weII I)v'1post'd 6111 IliG illituih il�rj 1liltl
1''i v/.urt', 'latrll:.•t ,Ind I t am" arv. t.hal- horn i nhint s t an Ilc pal ,-ti.Ig1 tl
0.1: .tilhlosimatrl�° ;n,Slltl.11ll. %vas made bl- 11. lthice, second by G. Wallrc. and unaniint pits l�"
t'al t i.•d f..t 11.Itr .'anal ilm•lu A. crimimo revl(w 1110 I-i.tii nr t'11110:li-
t-n': n. c11rd witli lily and prrpnrr, purthrlvr' •md, t>
t ut 11.4, i fl d:. ha 1 hr u. %I t onuri I movi-inti. (tier tiuppl.•nutil
1.11,. 't:unSid.prar coli r,i4 .Adoptinq'Qrdi.nances .Re.lativc .to 'Do A-liyue_nt:
5ewev :-and Water -Account,..
A, motion ivas mndc 'by (:: Will Lers, sr.,_ond .by A: Cri:msmo' trod: tln':ini.-
�/ muu;;ly' to ad6p4, an ordi nanet_ amendment providing fur shut'ol i
6ts Lateen s. i r;i'i c. fur non=pa`ymen�.r and- ;ccr,bif:i.caciori qP amgtinL
Pie W County 'Aud`.i_ton ,Por'voll,cctiim': (Scc 0itdinance Amend-.
'Ad„pi:'..i.on,oli A-;.qv_SsmcnG:Rul.l:s f'ur DvIJI-nljitenL'Ac.ciiun,ts.-
:1 Ii. t oi, nl,al,.iiiyticnt ;icvtcouni s, rclaita:[vc''Co sciecr'and war;ev bills,
9o%rr OO days Iia�C, 4uc ;wer!, pre enimd Lo -Ole ccllm(",i'f for rar,lit:
turf ,.crti['i.c.iCiO .(Six supplomunL, �?-12-.771 %/'4•)
A moulcia was made ,by G'. 3Na:l t:crs, .s!:cond'by, P. Aild,tac-aiiil unimi=
mnusly carried r„ ;idnpr a rcev.l ilt;inn cecLif;y.i.ii 1 tltc„dn;t i.nijiaclit,
sewer and watoi, at�cuunc4' fits,,:, 77. to the Cmult�y AudLOor' C,ial
col-Pri-'t'_lon. t_ScQ Resolul idn I �.1,iT ;Y.1,7)",
I". Minlmos_.
'l)l;nnigcai n1n1 'nrruiT-
tnonsl:�i eai r;icil u!Y ap�riilii. t_llirm:i.ntitcq u( QrL4-.7;7 t,id pl;i;sc9iu-- f.
14. ,11114i'lt:�qlori-',m M"wiriilut, Iloiir;c" -Cli:nitGc irvJers.
(dvndi•al .Cot%C a:ot• int the 4111 :$6rnG�_ 'I'arl: lltfrmi;nj
;IIi115C �hrit;jcaLt c;illtiiUed it uiinngl; "clef" in UiQ I'muitn,t r,P
Parr• thc'C•i:to'I I:�rinm;,H n, Z4as i'iu'nai-� mitt previnnslry 1;11011,
'fn'cllc� Kkzi• hid,.
Ji!Iin• 13cu1a:1, i.!;h, l`;i Ly I;ntylncsr_ 1•i w i 1,1 br, 'i"nspi:r. l:3,nµ .4h�7, t�'angt-inei
'111u:G' si,riu i'.ni•,e t.0 doccrtaiuu''f'i• '1,11ni• rnf Rii•A can be malitr nuc o
S. "! s ir.{g9'ncl,'111y yperi'f'iril 'in, c1►e: pbins.
Ali!.. t0i''1 .1bfnin rho rn_9C, Rae•i'ngN thhia wunld 'ollpiy Lu thecluhlgo in lai'tuv J11C,ii'ji1fP_:LL:iUll�s and,,p1.11jQnI. 1:q�i,a1t, Wiv, ucbl i',iun-
,,i r..hmt r 'ur<Ip,1 S u'i_I"1 h•3 'i mf ,i.d'cr:� d 11C 011" .nmt, 11161rfnr;.�-lPrra inr Uillikeapinn-at vi•w'.t`;ia-v Ila 11.
fq!',•' 'I,IiG 1 ui-1 d.i ul,” 'has. lii�rn r .,•mol'r , f 'gin,'.Llw gi i-� •t'1 ' A. I_'pntl'.
�.._.,._._. I -
nr t:'i t1'1.', vin., i Tly,-Ila'If,l -i.l., Lha i�ollsell, u.ti .;1=!1-rt;.lnrf',1'
t'..1, iJr�� }:IJ•if' ,'ni i'maCu Pl+.,w ilio cm11 rnrinr 1','rrannd�titpinl_-lht-i
r:7pi;1' pdt!c.,•1 Ln ,ti,,,, -i11 t;ILIt the•onud�11il icy=,ILIP"I.,
•�Ia(6 n?; '.aril_ u,I I'I, wall l d 11 a- rryli I red.'lirf.fic4: s c d c iu 1'd lir I 11 i it;
16. Consideration of Final Payment to Orfei & Sons on 1976-1 Sewer
and Water Improvement Project.
A. Grimsmo made.a motion, second, by P. White and unan.imnosly
carried to approve the final payment; to Mel & Sons on the
1976-.1 Sewer and Water project in the amount of $49,209.23-
1.7. Final Inspection Report - Street Lightina Project.
Mr. John Nadal Leh, City Cn6.i.nver, r.iported that t he 1977 •Scree t
improvement Prnjput on Ili,ghyay 25has been cmgMuted and
inspected. Thr contract Ica% .Srhllhl l rll to bc'compt eted by o-20-77
and damages in the amount of '5311..00 per day can br levied.
tnunQ3 consrnwus ua.s to havt• the City 14ngi.necr MOM the.
tvntimeror, ClrvTvic Repair and Cmistruetion, that the (,ity
intends to deduct S_,7v0.00 from the, Mal- payment as
Liquidating damages For the ennstruction,delay.
1 NLi srel taneoos I't emc.
A PrAgnt meeting has boon hold on the possibility of refhm:inq
rhe cperd limit on Courtly Road74 (Uunadwoy) to jn 014.11. 'ilii.
hUght. County Conui.ts.ionrin havp brru nol.lNed iii" OcCfats
rugtrest and a study wi 1,1 he eal duotrd. Counci'1 cons(• mm waw
to pursue ee url ,-; to g-,!!- thu. specd i imi P reduced to 30
from the Senior High S4 hoof to Pinewood Ctcmentary, Schonl.
Mause a vane l,iet duet n-il, exisL un}-mnrt•, JL ,vas t,h-! -.Dune 111,
. un.IrIca s to vfiange lht, second regulat- - ounri 1 mv.-I in•i t'to eo. h
trait t.h bat• h on t h v 4th klll 1py -
A, spit;i.a! mpeting of Lhv t,Ily fkamril will bo hrld nn 4 -0 -7 -
at thr Nnntil Kilo High S. hood I'm lho purpose of huldina tt
""hi fc braving un I he lmvp"s-•d 5trrcl, Imprntemenl 1'rn,i.-r I,
Uhl- h t Irtors a l'Ir-gV pr.i t.ron ,tf Mont feel lo.
A motion a -'s mado- by G- iia 1 l, crr'ond by P. White and AMM i -
i: molt rf. d Lu airlhtn•irn tha, fund~ urt.rhsnrt Coo tht• Mo. sol
alto his hit to a"Inud th.>'tlIMMI ?l. -,loots CuntrriMV "I Lt, Li`'rl
,.-n (llo-g71 uCJun in tn`lgjtel .
gt't,I�;n', aIJ,titn-•t1.
f\-1^-;u.�ir.It,tr \atsldul
Agenda Item 1. Public Hearing - Proposed Assessments - 1977 Street
'Lighting Improvement Project.
The Lighting Improvement Project for 1977 is completed.
`-y !Acf� Enclosed for your review, is a list of the proposed
V/l / assessments. These assessments were based .on the
following computations.
Project Costs
- Bid -Electric Repair & Service $29,360
M Engineering fees 2,600
4 Inspection Work - P. W. Director 550
"? $32,510
Project Scope
A. Replace 7 existing fluorescent lights with
250 watt high pressure sodium.
B. Erect 18 new ornamental standards with 250
watt high pressure sodium lights - from
1-94 interchange to ,midway between 3rd
Street and Broadway on, Highway 25.
Project Cost Breakdown
Total. Coat $32,510
Estimate Section A
7 high pressure sodium lights • 2,100
Balance Section D U2,-4 10
At a public hearing; for the project, it was
proposed to assess 50% oP the 18 new standards
wi th high pressure sodium lights and 50% of
the T fluorescent lights .replaced with high
pressure sodium.
Section A
$2100 + 990 lineal Fret — $1..06/foot
Section 0
$34410 + 3.565 lineal Feet - $4.27/Foot
It should be pointed out that it was also in-
dicated that any property usod as a homestead
would be deferred from payment of the assosament
until such time as a change occurred in the
hoaentead status. Only one parcel of this
2- -77
enda Item I A. Public Hearings - Setback Variances,
Variance request by Halsted Wehmann:
Mr. Wehmann is requesting a setback variance of 10
feet to allow a home to be built up to the western
property line on Lot 10, Block 42 of Upper Monti-
cello (see enclosed map).
'Phis lot abuts Chestnut Street and the variance
request is for the west property line which abuts
the streets. This particular segment of st'rect
is platted but has never been put in.
You may recall, that in May of 1977 the city
council received a request from a prospective
buyer of this .lot be allowed to ut.i.l.:f. c Chestnut
Street for a driveway and this request was denied.
It was indicated, however, that a variance could
be possibly favorably considered since the street
was not in use and a similar request- of this nature
had been granted another property owner.
UL \ At the last Planning Commission meeting it re-
commendation was made to approve the variance re-
quest to build up to the wr_stcriy property line
as lung as the 11dri.1)" line of the intended structure
„would would not infringe upon city property (Chcst-
V//. v nut Street).
`7 POSSIBLE ACTI'QV: Cons.idernti.on otfNerovin or SS�tpwtit
denying setback variance.
REFERENCES: See enclosed map.
Variance Request: fey Mr. Jerome Nelson.
Mr. Jerome Nelson .Is requesting a variance: to
build n 241 s 241 dnulile garago Se of his
property line on 1,01; 4, Block 11, Riggs Addition,
Lower Mont.icel.lo. Current • or•dl.nanees for
no R-2 district require a 10e sideyard setback,
The existing house .is located Se Prom the west
property .I.Inc and the vnr.fance request: is to bu.i.:ld
a double garage 51 Prom the cast property line.
Both houses on the abutting .fogs are owncd by Mel
Wolters and are set 101 From the property .line.
At the lost: Planning Commission meeting a rccnmmenda-
Li.on was made to approve so Se setfutck var.fanee
eeq"cst provided the proposed garage: was out Par
f enough buck on Mr. Nelson's lot so that there would
be at toast 201 distaue:o from se S. E. corner of his
garage and the N. W. eon ne:r of the new house bring
Will; on the, lot.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Cunsideratinn of approval or denial
oil setback varianeo request.
Jt:ti•D1+nP IVt:lru�i - `ef Y, F'�ue% r �`'�`s` lild.F...,
30` {
M �
ZY' •
s/ /r�Port1
1 �
p ( I -
I f �
POSSIBLE ACTION: No action necessary other than
conducting the hearing and rece.i.ving c.i.t.i.zcn input:.
nature qualified for a deferral (Ploy McCoy).
At our last meeting, the proposed assesswents were
handed out for your review. These assessments have
been sent to the property owners and will be the subject
of the hearing.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adopting resolution
approving assessment rolls.
REFERENCES: Proposed assessment roll; resolution
adopting assessments.
Agenda Item 2.
Public Hearing - Proposed Ilse of Revenue Shav"g Funds -
Modifications have been made to the Federal Revenue
Sharing laws among which is the requirement of a public
hearing on proposed uses of such funds.
Intent of the hearing is to afford citizens of the
recipient governmental units an opportunity to pro-
vide oral and written comments on t:hc possible uses
of Federal. Revenue Sharing monies.
It .is estimated that Rcvenuc Funds w.i-l..l.
approach $69,000 .in 1975.
Purpose of the hearing will not be to make n final
determination of the use of Revenue Sharing Funds, but.
to receive cltizcn input as stated above_. As pnrt
' II
of the new law, it will be necessary also to have a
public hearing an the city's budget find at this time
or at the final budget approval meeting, the
ut.i.l.i.zati.on of Ravenna Sharing Funds will have to
be determined.
Fr your information, one poss.ibla use of Revenue
ShorngP11nds in 1975 could be towards the payment of
Cit:y Ila 1.l,, the City Hall project: was
dgeted for Ln 1977 using approximately $100,000
rom the General,Stree, Park, Sewer, Water and
ree funds. Since P.i,nal payment on t:hc project will,
not likely occur unt.i..l INS, It: would be possible to
use the 1975 al-lo"tlion of Reverhlle Wring FWWs to
dePr•ay a good share of t:lle montes that, were cspented
to come from the funds .Indicated.
POSSIBLE ACTION: No action necessary other than
conducting the hearing and rece.i.ving c.i.t.i.zcn input:.
(.oenda Item 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Rezoning Block 6
of Upper Monticello From R-3 (Medium Density Residential)
to 13-3 (Highway Business).
The Wright- County State Bank has purchased Block 6 of
Upper Flunticello and is requesting to have this block
rezoned to B-3 (Highway Business) . Present zoning
of the block .is R-3 ( Density Residential).
Reason Cor request to change zoning is as follows:
1 . Applicant is proposing to build a detached
banking facility on the north half of Block
6 and a commercial zone is necessary for this
2. Applicant feels that south half of block
should be rezoned also at this time to make
zoning of enti.rc block the same.
As can be seen from enclosed map, the blocks to the
immediate cast and south are zoned B-3. Aclditionall.y,
with the of walnut Stircct it would appear
that a commercial use is more appropriate than mult:i.ple
family s:i.nce an objcct;.ive of the Walnut Street opening
was to make shopping areas more accessible to local
According to the proposed comprehensive plan, Block 6
Is scherhiled to be a commercial usage as well as Block 13
to the north of Block 6• Reason behind not rezoning
Block 13 to B-3 from 1-1 is that no specli'.ic request
has been vecol.ved on Block 13 and this rezoning will
Inter become the subject of hearings alon(; with the
proposed comprehensive plan.
At a .later date, Wie Wright; County State Bank will be
applying for a building permit should the rezoning
Ile approved.
POSS1111.1: ACTION: Consi.drral;.ioil o) npp�rovn'1. if rcgncsl,.
REVERENCES: Bnr.losed map. C
Agenda :Item 4. fons:i_(teratiun of a Conditional Use Permit; to Al low Sales
of Motm•.i.zed Vehicles In n I1-4 (Regional 13usincsls) Zone-
Dent;on Vvir,kson, president; of Moon Motors, Inc:., is
requost.i_ng n conditional list, permit, to allow open or
outclonr sales of motorized fm• Lots 1,".,3
of 11 -Lock 16 of Uppev Monticello (formerly Blectwo-
:ln( See enclosed map.
�- As you arc probably aware, Moon Motors, Inc. sells
and services motor bikes and snowmobiles. As part of
this business, Moon Motors, Inc. displays some of its
products in an outside area for sales purposes and
therefore requires a conditional use permit in a B-4
zone, which is the current zoning district of the arca
in question.
Fol.l.owing arc the conditions as spelled out in the
10-14-4-(B)= open or outdoor service, sale and
rental. as a principal and accessory
use and including sales in or from motorized
vehicles, trailers or wagons provided that:
1. service, sales and equipment rental.
connected with the principal. use .is limited
to thirty (30) per cent of the gross Cl_oor
arca of the principal use. This percentage
may be increased as a condition of the con-
ditional use permit.
2. outside sal.cs areas arc fenecd ov screened
From view of neighboring residential uses
or an abut; residential district in
compliance with Section 10-3-2-(G) of this
3. All lighting shal..1 be hooded and so d.i-rected
that the light source shall not be
from the public right-of-way ov from neighbor -
Ing vesi.dences and shn.11 be in compliance
with Section 10-3-2-(11) of this ordinance.
4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control
$. Thr. of Section 10-22-1-(B) Of
this ord.innnec are conSldered and satisfactorily
Section 10-22-1-(G) rends as fOl.low's:
Thr. Planning Commission shall consider pOSS.i.ble
tt<IvcrS. effects of the proposed amendment ov con-
di-ttnnal. use. Its ;judgement Shall be based upon
(bot not limited to) the followink factors:
1. Rel-ationship to muiie,ipal plan.
(_ 2. 'I'hc gcngrnphi.'al. arca involved.
3. Whether suelt use will tend to or actually
depreeince the area in which .14, in proposed.
4• The character of the surrounding arca.
5. The demonstrated need for such use.
Mr. Erickson has indicated there will. be a minimum of
outdoor sales, if any, and has no problem with the
limitation that the outside sales arca be limited to
thirty per cent. of the gross floor arca of the building.
In talking with Mr. Erickson, he did express concern
over the following requirements of the Monticello city
I. Requirement that parking arca be six inch
class 5 and two Inch bituminous topping or
concrete equivalent. The current surfacing
is made of a material that controls dust but;
docs not meet the requIr.ements of the ordinance.
2. Number of parking spaces required. In ordinance
Section 10-3-5 spelling out the parking re-
quirements, there is no use similar to Moon
Motors, :Inc. except for a retail store which
requ.i res one space for every 200 square feet;
and the building is about 7200 square feet
requiring 36 spaces. This requirement woul. d
appear unreasonable since many of
••,, the customers during the summer ride motor-
\ bi.kes and do not, require the same amount. of
room as all aut;omobIle.
At the last Commission the recommenda-
tion was to require sixteen (16) spares based upon
Dick Dwincl l Is recommendation that t;hc use he Lretltcd
the same as nn auto repair shop. Reason behind this
vecommendal.i.on was that the specIfIc use of Denton
Erickson' s nature was not covered in the parking pro- and it, would be more rcasonabl,c to place the,
requ.ivcme_nts in all nuto repair category as opposed
to retol..l. saics.
1'urthermor•o, the Planning Commissi.on reenmmenclat.ions
did not, 1110.11cle any requlremcnbs bo surface t;hc parking
lot; with bitaim.inous or conrretc.
FOSS-1111Ii ACTION: Conslch:rat:Lon crf condi.til (lain l use
perm1t, and determination of pnrkAng Int, roqu.i.rements.
Rlil'ERENC1:S: Enclosed mail of nrea.
endo Item j. Consideration of Rui Iding Permit. - Larson Mfr;. Co.
Larson Mfg. Co., an assembly plant producing combination
alerminum windows andtloars is proposWq to build a
12,000 square foot, building on the snnth half of Lot,
4 of Block 1 in the Inchr " Nd Park. (See enclosed map).
In talking to Mr. Frank BMWs of Lat•son Mfg., he
has indicated the firm will initially employ six people
with ultimate expansion expected to employ a labor -
force of approximately 1j-20 people.
I have reviewed all applicable ordinances with Mr.
Daniels and he has indicated the firm intends to comply
with all ordinances but would !Me to request a varinnca
from the provision that requires if curb barrier
around the perimeter of the parking lot. Kerion for
the request is that, if the parking lot, were to be ex-
paudrd some day in the future it would be nucossary
to Lake Out, at, least, a portion of Chu curb barrier.
At. the Planning Commission's last, meeting approval was
recommended for• the building permit, including the
variance from the curb harrier. J. H. Miller had
approved the plans and recommended approval of the
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of alMir- al of building
permit and variance from curb barrier, provisions.
REFERENCES: SOL of plans available at, C", hall;
enclosed map depicting area.
Agenda Item U, Consideration of Variance for fh•erh"gint.; Sign - Ilarrv's
Aorto Supply,
When the initial survey of signs was taken to determine
which sirens were in violation of yfeutt.Wel le'e's ordinance
prohibiting overhanging Signa, lr sign on harry', Anto
Supply was inadvertently missed.
This Sit.uat.iear was b"mot to my af,Lmm6m in A W"W,
and Ilarry'w Ante Sopply wan notified in person and in
writing of LIM Violation. Since llar•ry's had not ve-
ceived prior notice, they were allowed until November•
1, 1977 to take the sign Clown and a I su the opperr•tun i Ly ,
as the other violators had, to request. n variance.
Enclosed, Please find a letter from Harry's Ant.o Snpply it variance for• their siµn.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Cnnsiderlltion of Variance request.
*encla Item 7 .%/Considera Lion of Awarding Contract on 1977-1 Improvement
Last Thursday, bids were opened on the 1977-1 Sanitary
Sewer, Water Main and Street Improvement Project with
the lowest apparent bidder being Arcon Construction
Co. of Mora, MN. with a bi.d of $353,616.95•
Estimated cost of this project for, construction was
$462,000 so the bid is over- $100,000 less than projected.
Enclosed, please find a of the bid -s. It should
be mentioned that OSM is reviewing the unit and
quantity extensi.ons of al.] bids for verification and
will. have a recommendation for Monday's meeting.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of award of contract as
recommended by OSM.
REFERENCES: List of bids.
Agenda Ttcm S. Consideration of Adopting Resolution Approving Plans
and Spec if.i.caLions and calling for Construction Bids
nn 1977-2 Sanitary Sewer, Waterma.i.n find St:r'CO, .1'1111).
4 At our last mect.iog, John Bridal ich was requested to
prepare_ plans and spec.ifleat.ions on the above re-
ferenced project, which provi.cles for improvements to
John Sandberg's Anders Wilhelm Estates.
Plans and specifications have been prepared for this
project and will he for review tit Monday's
meetJ lig. Acid It.i.onaI'ly, a bid date. of October 6, 1977
has been set; and advcr•tlsed in both the Monticello
Times and Const -ruction Bill,.let.i.n. I'hc Will date has
been ndvort.i.sed prior to the In order to allow
all early start nn the project, however, an addendom
could be prapared to change this if them :i -s need for
POSSIBLE ACTION: Cons:i.deratJon of adoptJon of resolution
approving plans and spee..i.firat;ions for the. 1977-2
Improvement; Project find for bids Octohcr, 6,
1977 at; 2:00 11. M.
REFERIiNCES: Plans and spr,r, i f.i.rntt ons (uo be presented
at Menday's meeting), vesolut;ion.
tnda Item 9. Consideration of Resolution Setting Sal.c Date for
General Obligation Improvement Bonds on 1977-1 and
1977-2 .T.mprovement Projects.
King Por•ness of Spr•.i.ngsted, Inc., out, fiscal consultants,
will be here Monday night to review the financing of
the above projects. Doth projects can be f.inanced
through the sale of a single bond issue.
The present bond market is quite attractive Cor the and the interest, rate on bonds should be in
the area of 5.25 - 5.50%. This compares with bond
issues sold .in 1975 and 1976 at interest rates of
6.54% and 5.74% r•espectivcl.y.
Purpose of this ,agenda item wiil be to approve bid
date for sal.c of bonds. Tt .is proposed that Clic 1977-1
Project be financed on 20 year assessmcnts with a tax
levy for the ad va.iorem portion for 15 years and the
1977-2 improvement; Project be assessed over 20 years
with the ad valorem portion .levied over 5 years.
Additionally, King Torness has recommended that the
assessment for the 1977-2 Improvement Project
(serving John Sandbcrg's Anders Wi.lhcim Estates) rc- that assessments be paid in full upon taking out
n bu.i.l perm.i t. Reasoning for 01 -is Is that this
project .is only a development as opposed to
the 1977-1 Prnject and other projects and the city
shou'I.d not; finance a developer over twenty years even
though the lots might. be built on before then.
At Monday's meeting, Mr. Porness w.{.11. present a bond
payment schedule based upon the cost of the construction
projects. This schedule could not be sent out before-
hand since the bids on tho 1977-1 Project were only
vecc.ived last; Thursday.
Pol lowing is a breakdown of estimated costs and
of the two r•oiecls;,, C)Portion rns Jodi-rrr,t'PoCnl Portion Yrs. d Yrs.
Costs Costs Costs Assessed Assess. VnAuremtevied
1977-1 $353,000 $70,600 $423,600 $266,S63 20 $156,732 15
1977-2 $140,000 $2S,000 $168,000 $143,000 20 $ 25,000 5
POSS1111.Ii ACTION: Consideration of setting snios date
Por bonds (Wednesday, October 12, 1977 at 11:30 A. M. .{.s
suggested) and determitilt tion of requiring assessments
to be paid when permll; .is t,nken out oil 1977-2
improvement Project.
RI:PIN41INCIiS: Spr•.ingsCcd, 111018, rcpnrt CO bn presented
at Monday's meel;.{.ng.
Agenda Item 10: Consideration of Furniture and Pi.xtures for City Ila.11.,
Enclosed, please find a List of proposed furnishings
and fixtures for the new city hall.
It is expected that the list shall be less than the
budgeted amount of $10,000 and can be purchased
locally without having to require bids.
At Monday's meeting I will present a specific selection
and vendor for each item with alternatives.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of budget amount for furnish-
ings and fixtures and authorization to purchase the
same. Attempt; is not necessarily to agree on colors,
patterns, materials, specific chairs, etc. at; Monday's but to grant approval. to items necessary for
city hall and a budgeted amount authorized to purchase
these furaish.i.ngs and fixtures.
REFERENCES: Proposed of furn:ishi.ngs and fixtures.
Agenda Item I1.jCons iderati.on of Adopting Ordinances Relative to Do-
li.nquent Sewer and WaLev Accounts.
Enclosed, please find a proposed ordinance relative to
the col lection of delinquent,• sewer, and water bil Is. the ordinance provides for two provisions:
1. Shut off for non payment.
2. of amount clue to County Auditor.
Thr, ordinance Itself is dvaftxd from a samp'Ic re-
commended by the League of M:i.nnrsoLn Cities. A] thou gh
both of these met;hods of colleet.i.on have been used,
they should be mode, a part of our ord1nances. Add I(;:iunaI Iy,
the prevision for watxv shut, off rognires a hearing
by law as spe.11ecl out in the ord.i.nancc.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Considel•aLIoil of adopting Ordinance.
REFERENCES: Proposed ordinance.
Agenda :I tom 1 Z. Adoption of Assessment; (tolls for Dali.nquent Accounts..
linclosed, you wi-1.1, find a list of dr.l.:inqucnt account's
relative to the payment; of sewer and water bills that
art, 90 days past due. These amounts should be aO•tLficd
to the county auditor for collection.
With the esLnbl.i.shment; of nn ordinance to provide for
payment of delinquent accounts as mentioned in agencla
r ILem procedu,•o L0 certify these accounts will bc!
clone on all annual, basis.
1'OSS1111,1i ACT:I'ON: Cunsideral;iun of atl,ipLing resolution
eerLifying unpu,id suwev and wator nccountis to t.ho county
nud I tor.
REPIi1(ENCES: Proposed asr:cssment 1-011,, rosolutiun (.(!I-tifyina
del innuent nrcuimts Ln cOOty audicor.
$ 683.20
$1.a, 271.95
155-C10 002010
Bureau Investmant
155-010 002011
Monticello Shopping Center Co.
155-010 003010
Perkins .
155-010 005010
Lawrence Kren--
155-010 015010
Wilbur Eck
155-010 016010
Denton Erickson
155-010 016100
Clifford Olson
155-01,0 017030
ISD 4882
155-010 017060
ISD 4682
155-010 032010
ISDW 882
155-010 033010
155-010 033011
1.55-010 033100
155-010 034010
Security Federal
155-010 035040
155-400 000040
Burlington Northern
155-010 035060
Dr. Fish
155-010 034150
Phillipa Petroleum
155-010 052090
C. 0. Johnoon
155-010 052110
Dr. Bontain
155-010 053010
Hannah Sundloff
155-010 053130
Wright County State Dank
East Side N::5 - $704.55
Liquor Store - $704.55
Cemetory - $1,1.09.10 Information Center - $95.40
Balance of City's Share - 50%
$ 683.20
$1.a, 271.95
1477-2 Sanitovv Sewer, Water•main IMPROVEZ-01T PROJECT
& Street:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Monticello,
Minnesota, as follows:
1. Mr. John Badalich of the city's consulting
engineering firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron and
Associates, has submitted final plars and
specifications for the 1977 Sanitary Sewer,
1d�t•rrmnin R• St�'PCt Improvement Project
which aro hereby adopted as submitted. The City
Council reserves the right to make any changes
In said plans which may hereafter appear to
be necessary and expedient.
2. The City Administrator is hereby autliorieed
and directed to cause ndvertisement for bids
for the construction of said improvement to be
published by law. Date and time for opening of
bids shall take place at the Monticello City
Hall On 'Ihal,Rdav , Ort.obcr G. 197;
at ".,ln 1, At The bid security
shall be in the amount of 5% of the amount of
the bid.
3. no City Administrator and said engineer are
hereby authorized and directed to receive,
open and tabulate bide received at acid time and
place, and the Council shall meet at the City Hall
in the City of Manticello on Mmulav ,
at Octnher Itl , 1977, ai, r: w r. n. , for
the purposo or considering such bids and awarding
a contract, or also rejecting all bids.
Gary Niober
City Resnl ut.ion
City Administrator
72-20 r PROY ISION,rOR',SHUT.CFF' fW: tiOfj-PA7N!CNl,:
Silul.01,FLlR_NPAVLENI.','TNC'�Clf_Y�1,gN4Cl',1'�N_OC�40K 'p dL' pt9fCC_L I•i7U[+W
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[ ON VIi1Cr1 fYC 'YOTI,CC�:1?F ^lb �i l;T.
VATER^SUPVLI TO TML PACMIS C S' TILLC ,tl�bMUI ' Orr_. $U:N Ici1l���Vt� Xi4U' NOt,�1.
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'IM YNICM'CABC TML' suppCi:;Vlll NOI,DC tUi' Off UNT, 1'L' Af lt;Al ,iNCi jy Ad111.. 1'y.
N[LD. Ir"TMC .CVs TONT.A 4RC000bTf{ IA IANC ApIM(i 9LfpAC Mr., OAIC APC�'Iilleb,"a
!rC iAINO BNAL\ OL fNCt O'!OM', TMC. M�i7Ch 107 INC ITT COIINO iL+ �T'�Ltt �9T 1�; OA!O"
p7i1M6 10%ACTYiLL� OU[.'AID-UMPAA.D iiiOTwi1'Ticrv, Tm ' MO'_L'1:diL : RCAiaN' r'1ir'
DANCC,M YIITMl!i ORDIMAY.CL. �111L''Cl lv NAr,'!gNVT .�T'P'111649U1
724i1e WROVISiON_FOR COILLrC1)ON'-VITH InsC4t: •BC_\IwCU�tn nCSD1U1sB )rr.4L
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:AGiINSt 1.r�Re SPCCI lvC-PROPCATIC;; OCAv[D. TwC; A95CO.wLNt govi.: 7w�11'at
of i I vovEN,r .4WFW AND WA'I VR ACCOB I'S
!Iii ilao-I Mil lieu118 S 50.aii
vol I'S. in
fil vhi r I r.)!, -Y, wal-i r t; ,Ix a.
Te I I, er
i 04-1 1., Nucreation
704-30• 2'. A -'r
klo haorl Valk
%taa J. Alitahsimston
0. So
K. vin 011-79-011
j4. 210
R'1. Ila I-cl
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!Iii ilao-I Mil lieu118 S 50.aii
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fil vhi r I r.)!, -Y, wal-i r t; ,Ix a.
Council B- Pfaoning Commission: Chairs
Office Chairs, - Desks
Stacking Chairs for Audi`cnce
Council Chambers
Desks with Secretarial. Returns
Desks = Offices
Sitting Chairs. - lobby
Conference Table
Stting'.Ghoira Offices
Pile Cabinets
C'offec Table,
Sub -Total:
Accessories; &, •Mi"scel,l.ane Otis
NOTE: Six council.; chairs to be' utilized in
. Total:
$ 630
21 9-
- 56
NOTE: Six council.; chairs to be' utilized in
Council & Planning Commission Chairs
Secretarial Chairs
Office Chairs - Desks
Stacking Chairs for Audience - Council Chambers
Desks with Secretarial Returns
Desks - Offices
Sitting Chairs - Lobby
Conference Table
Sitting Chairs - Offices
File Cabinets
Coffee Table
Note: Six existing councilch airs to be utilized in cont. room