City Council Agenda Packet 01-10-19780
Regular Meeting - Monticello City Council
Tuesday, January 10, 1978 - 7:30 P. M.
Mayor: Con Johnson.
Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters,
Philip White. C,
V,`keeting to be taped. I/J,/bro� A
�itizena comments. 0 0 GL
I. Consideration of Setting Regular "M.eting Dates.
✓2. Appointment of City Functions and Duties.
J3. Presentation on Public Official's Liability Insurance.
W • Removal of Snow Fence.
Ordinance Amendment - Culvert Requirements. /
Ifi• Consideration of Advertising for Bids on Former Senior v
Citizen Center Site.
//. Quarterly Meeting - Department lleads.
4 Approval of bills.
J9. Approval of minutes - Decokk)er 12, 1977.
J'0. Unfinished business.
V1 . Now business.
lie�:V 1S O to a ('1 ^. CAy UA 6,
_q -0w.-
Regular Mocting Monri,cel.lo, City `Ci+unci-'t'
rucgday-, January to, 107,% - 7:30 P. 11.
Mayor- Con Johnson.
Cuunciimen: Daniai Dtort.igcn, Aron liitim9ma„ fent tiat,r,e1•a,,
pll'a o' Wlri.te.
Mei*tin:; to be taped., +
✓6.Lizcns comments.
°'I. Cnnsideral.inn of Sett.1-ng Reµtil-n,r M'eeting Davos. _
v2. Appointment of Ci.ty PunctA ons and Duties.
Present:ati.on on Publac Offi°,A Uabi:ltt,y I:nsuran,ca: ,
Removal or Snow Fonr,e.
Ordinance Amcndmcnt� - CulvorY>` <Requi.remcnta.
>Con..s:jdei`a0'on r tiP �'riE{'�-pr Bads on,F9rm~ Ic ,�'t_•nl.or:
a. GIti z. ell GSntrr' :Ski;a. -
'',t�j.:_Qi:arti,�-.� �ej�a'ntineni: llcails.'•`�•
�`'t11: ttnPln(.�hod�bi�ain`�xA...' ..n• ..
VIA Nilw-.1lissin0'4v.
1Q ,
Agenda Item I. Consideration bf Setting Regular Meeting Dates.
Currently, the regular meetings of the Monticello
City Council are scheduled for the second and fourth
Monday of each month at 7:30 P. M.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of setting regular
meeting dates and time.
Agenda Item II. Appointment of City Functions and Duties.
Listed below are various functions and duties that
require annual appointment and the present appointment.
Acting Mayor: Gene Walters.
Council. Representative, Orderly Annexation Area Board:
C. 0. Johnson.
Police Commissioner: Arve Grimsmo. QA01%--L
Health Officer: Dr. Donald Maus.
Civil Defense Director: Douglas Pitt.
City Attorney: Gary Pringle.
* Building Inspector: J. W. Miller.
City Auditor: Gruys, Johnson & Assoc.
Official Depositories: Wright County State Bank and
Security Federal Savin& Loan.
OCGe14 Nau(►utt. Ztvwu
* Subject to annual. appointment until such time position
is fill ed by City of Monticello employee.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of duties and functions
listed above.
NOTE: Enclosed, please find a list of various com-
mittees, except for the liRA committee (where terms
are 5 years by law), all. appointments are made on
an annual basis. Only Leo Nelson's appoi-ntment on
the HRA has to be renewed or replacement found for
These committee appointment* will be on the next agenda.
Agenda Item III. Prementaiion un Public OL'1'iclat1w Liability tnj6uran-'e.
Jim Foster wi,1.t be at 'luesda,y's meeting to make a
presentation relative to Public Officials Liability
Thin presentation was initialed by council action at
a previous meeting. Mr. Foster's presentation will
include types and examples o1 the followingt
1- 10-7F
1. What city's present general liability in-
surance covers.
2. What additional coverage would be received from
Public Official's Insurance.
3. Review of two proposals received for Public
Micials Liability Insurance.
Enclosed, please find a specimen copy of a public
officials liability insurance policy. While some
of LStu lagpage may be of a technical nature, I
think it would be well. to read over and to ask Mr.
Foster any specific questions at Tuesday's meeting.
Additionally, I have talked to Gary Pringle relative
to liability of the city council and city employees.
Bezause of the nature of the subject, Mr. Pringle
and I thought it would be best if he were present at
Tuesday's meeting to answer any questions. Mr.
Pringle will also explain the types of acts or
omissions that the city council and employees arc
liable for. Mr. Pringle also would recommend the
city council review the enclosed memo from the
League of MN. Cities on tort liability of city
officers and employees.
At this point Mr. Foster hags received two (2) pro-
posals on Public Official's Liability Insurance
ranging from $1100 to $5176 depending on amount and
types of coverage which Mr. Foster will explain.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Agenda item is intended for information
purposes but if council feels comfortable with the
question a motion could be made to purchase such
Insurance and specific proposal to accept. It may be
well to make any approval conditional upon further
review by city attorney if neceswavy.
REFERENCES: Copy of a Proposed Policy, League of
CI.ties memo.
Agenda Item IV. Removal of Snow Pence.
On previous occasion there have been council inquiries
on the removal of the snow fence at the former Fuller-
ton Lumber site.
Present owner, John Sandberg, has requested that the
snow fence be allowed to remain until weath.r permits
this spring because of potential liability problems.
Mr. Sandberg said that while the vacant lot has bten
cleared of the majority of the rubble from the fire,
he is concerned about individuals cutting across the
/- 10 -?F
property and injuring themselves on cement slabs or
whatever. Mr. Sandberg indicated that the firm he
contracted with for the removal got a late start on
the project and 100',5 removal has not been completed.
I would recommend the snow fence be allowed to stand N a
until. May 1, 1978, at which time the fence should be
removed and the lot put in a °safe" condition.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of time period for
removal of snow fence. /
Agenda Item V. Ordinance Amendment - Culvert Requirements.
At the November 28, 1977 meeting, J. W. Miller regoe9t-
ed an ordinance amendment relative to culvert re-
quirements and minimum size standards. The city
council requested an ordinance amendment be drawn
up for consideration.
Enclosed, please find an amendment which has also
been sent to J. W. Miller for reivew. Please note
that the 12 inch requirement is a minimum and the
building inspector can require a larger size if
necessary. Also provision has been made for the
building inspector to waive culvert requirements if
not determined necessary. An example. would be a new
house being built in an area about to be served by
storm sewer.
n / POSSIBLE, ACTION: Consideration of grdinnnrn amendment,
RUERENC ES: Proposed ordinance amendment.
Agenda Item U. Consideration of Advertising for Bids on Former
Senior Citizen Center Site.
The former of the Senior Citizen Center has
now been cleared and would be ready for sale.
At a previous meeting it was council consrnsum La arll
the pruperi.y. Although .it is not, required by .law, it
may by bast fur the council to solicit bids on the
property to offer everyone an equal opportunity to
purchase U:c! land. I't' the bids are .low, the council
could roject them and either hold the property or
list, i,t, for sale on the open market.
Tile properly .Itself is 273' by 105' or a total OF
45373 m quare fret. An appraisal was prrviou sly
received on the- property June 24, 1476 of $16,500
it), Iudilit buildJngs. The appraiser indicated that
the lot would appraise at approximately $10,000.
POSSIIIIX ACTION: Consideration of ad%ertisins for bids.
.agenda Item VII. Quarterly Meeting - Department Heads.
The following department heads have been requested
to be at Tuesday's meeting to review the activities
of their departments with the city councils
Aright County Deputy Sheriff - Jim Powers
Iienior Citizens Director Karen Hanson
ivil Defense Director Douglas Pitt
i*ublic works Director - Mike Rajala
City Administrator - Gary Wicber
&ire, Chief - Paul Klein
Store Man,
zier - Mark Trmiter
POSSIBLE ACTION: Quarterly meetings are primarily
for review and no specific action necessary.
The City Council of Monti.cell,o hereby°;ordains
that ordinance Section 10-3-i-D-8 ,per,taini'hg to
Driveway Design be amended as fol`lors:
Add subsection (Q) All drivcw. y acecss
openings shall require a culvert unless
Lot is served by storm sewer ur is deter- -
mined unnecessary by Bu-ilding Inspector: ;
Size of culvert shall be determined by
Building Inspector but shall, bea
minimum of twelve (12), inches in diameter.
Passed-, by the Ci ty Council th is day of _
C-.r 'O. Johnson;. Mnyur _
Gary Wiebev
C.i:ty Administrator
A ° Minnesota Department of Transportation
4 Transportation I Udding, St. Paul, MN 55155
~T OF !:p
January 6, 1978 Phona 246-7929
Mr. Gene Walters
501 East 3rd Street
nonticello, MN 55362
Re: Proposed Resolutions for Phase I Acceptance
Enclosed for your use is a resolution Lhat should be passed by each
City Council. The resolution was drafted using special condition
18 of the Federal Grant Offer as a guide.
The following actions are recommended prior to initiating the resol-
1. Joint Airport Committee selects a site for further study.
2. The Joint Airport Committee, by written notification,
Informs each City Council of their recommendation.
3. Thu City Council of each City, after Indicating their
support of the recommended site, endorses the resolution.
The procedure for processing the resolution Is the same as It would
be for any other resolution passed by the City.
After each City adopts the resolution, Mn/DOT needs two certified
copies of the resolution from each City. The resolutions, upon
receipt in this office, will serve as the notice to proceed for
Phase 11.
-;ktsn U.A
Ron Lloyd
Ai'rp'ort Master Planning Coordinator
Division of AeronAullc5
Room 417
cc: Gary Wleber, City Administrator
An IN, It n# n•,•,•r
Rlr _
WHEREAS, the Cities of Buffalo,'Mapl.e Lake. and
FIontiit,el_lo,. under mutual, agrecment-i have_ iidi1afe-d_
ajoint use airport feasib.ili_ty study,, and
WHEREAS, the Phase l pol-H.011 (of the siudy'has
been completed, and
WHEREAS, a.itUens--have exp=ressed tont-erns regal_:Ung
a °jolnt'-use ai'rpurt w•hith t_annut be`addressed ai'th
the i-nfor•mati.on axailable From Pli se I of the study, and
WHEREAS, the recommeridat.ions, of the joint airport
(,omm.ittee-.have, been rece.S.ved,
NOW TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED= thot', -,chit"C-ia'r Counra.i l
l . aocrpts the: reenmmendati,ons nf the j� nl-, aivp�iri
� <�i: anil.selc�ts t.ho-ptit�aitii.a.l. R3U5, r�ci:iihrbdl
'to,.i:n,;Pliuso;•T.ns t_he''rumbined _R _trr far.°fiu_.�liel, si—tldy
.i if Plirisc'Ilj iii orde=r, •C&Iiht 6 mave,
tahi,�ai, til;batae'.'fiitura,det.a,y�l'��na.
I URTRER ,RcSOI,VIiD,- that; ;Che �6j;y 'C'gmiitiil -aiiciiiri.i.i.`e
riifd di:rut.t jIs, the ,1 tJiit aurpilrt
commct;tcc n;r-,d,}with Phase 11 pr: `.laic. aj:udyT:,
IM- f:r,r—UR'1'IIIiR; RI:S0_6V_IM i-.thaCG'nw offur4n d tc;qu,l-ra,n'u
land -or 1,91114truci.i.nd. a joint casts 6.i rpai;l= steal 1 bit
madrs prcitir`tO Che scL�era.i-ort of tin r_nv'Ivonmrnt.alI
� r
approved site.