City Council Agenda Packet 03-13-197801 E AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 13, 1978 - 6:00 P.M. (Please note early time) Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Gene Walters, Philip White, Arve Grimsmo. Cp•"'` MEETING TO BE TAPED. CITIZENS COMMENTS. P C 0(1. 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. - Workshop Session with Planning Commission. 3/ � N - V2. Consideration of Approval of Howard Gillhom's Country Club Manor - *LV Preliminary Preliminary Subdivision Plat. T.y �11�19 K %6. Consideration of Final Plat - Lauring Hillside Terrace. ✓4. Consideration of Renewing Garbage Disposal Service. ✓5. 1977-3 Street Improvement Project - Dead End Streets. mak, ✓6. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Feasibility Reports end Public Hearings - 1978 Improvement Projects. � `F P� ✓7. Consideration of Street Width - Front Street. ��1*4 �. Consideration of Club Barrier - Maintenance Building. ►A. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Diesel Truck. 10. Approval of Minutes - 2/27/78. ��� �✓ Unfinished Business: XOY�Open House - City Facilities - April 30th.� row, Building Inspector. New Businuds: `-�/,� 1�'v / �J_•�, Greet River Road Meeting Reminders: Union Meeting - 3/14/78 - 5:00 P.M. �p Council Hooting - 3/16/78 - iP.M. ; 1 / AGENDA �- HEOULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 13, 1978 - 6:00 P.M. (Please note early time) Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Gene Walters, Philip White, Arve Grimsmo. Cp•" MEETING TO BE TAPED. CITIZENS COMMENTS. ✓1. 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. - Workshop Session with Planning Commission. ✓1. Consideration of Approval of Howard Gillham's Country Club Manor '/A si[ O� N Preliminary Subdivision Plat. 'W ., IL 'It ✓3 . Consideration of Final Plat - Lauring Hillside Terrace. Vjl,. Consideration of Renewing Garbage Disposal Service. ✓ 5. 1977-3 Street Improvement Project - Dead Ehd Streets. ✓6. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Feasibility Reports and M Public Hearings - 1978 Improvement Projects. / �•Y( A 3 -/7- Consideration of Street Width - Front Street. �$. Consideration of Curb Barrier - MainLenance Building. ✓� n,�.� f,,� v�. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Diesel Truck. 10. Approval of Minutes - 2/27/78. ��t' ",.` �• Unfinished Business: Open House - City Facilities - April 30th. �,� Building Inspector. L ev. 1r,L �r." t:' , ® 4 i � r�r New Business: K�V Greet River Road Meeting Reminders: Union Meeting - 3/14/78 - 3:00 P.M. tr pts Council Mooting - 3/16/78 -1P.M. �y �c `� /Z � /�g MONTIMJ CITY COUNCIL R=LAR MEETING March 13, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: G. Walters, D. Blonigen, P. White, A. Grimsmo Maabcrc Absent: C. 0. Johnson Also Present were Planning Commission Members: F. Fair, D. Erickson, F. Topel, C. D. Bauer, J. W. Miller (ex -officio) 1. Workshop Session on Comorehensive Plan and Ordinance Amendments with Planning Commission. Consulting Planner, Dick Dwinell, reviewed with the Council and Planning Commission the revised comprehensive plan for the City of Monticello including the orderly annexation area. Mr. Dwinell proposed that the following areas within the City be considered for re -zoning: A. Area Northwest of Prairie Road to Orchard Road from Rrl to I-1. B. A strip along I-94 from W. County Road 39 to the Shopping Center as B-3 (Highway Business). C. Block 30, Upper Monticello from current zoning of B-4 to R -B (Residential Business). D. Rezoning of parcel east of E. ODunty Road 39 and North of County Road 75 from R-1 to R-3 (Multiple Family). In addition, a few zoning ordinance amendments were recommended for consideration by Mr. Dwinell, including: 1. Increasing the minimum lot size and lot area per units for multiple family zoning districts; 2. Requiring at least one (1) enclosed parking space per each two (2) dwelling units in multiple family structures; 3. Allow any permitted uses allowed in an R-2 district as permitted uses within an ti_3 district; 4. Allow multiple family dwellings containing more than thirteen (13) wits as a conditional use within an R-3 zone; 5. Requiring all off-street parking areas to provide a curb barrier oansisting of a 6" concrete insurmountable design; and 6. Allowing signs on a temporary basis for promoting or selling a develop- ment project. The Council and Planning Commission recommended that the proposed street cloain3 plan be eliminated from the plan along with the proposed central business development plan along Broadway and Walnut Street. /3 j= -3/2 OF A motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to accept the preliminary comprehensive plan as presented with the recommended areas considered for rezoning and zoning ordinance amend- ments per memo from Dick Dwinell. A public hearing on the revised comprehensive plan along with the pro- posed zoning and ordinance amendments will be held by the Planning Commission in April, 1978. 2. Consideration of Approval of Howard Gillham's Country Club Manor - Preliminary Subdivision Plat. Howard Gillham proposed a 48.7 acre plat consisting of 67 single family residential lots along W. County Road 459 just north of I-94. In addition, a large portion of the plat (approximately 20 acres) is listed ae an outlot with a proposed dedication for a future collector road. The following items were discussed relative to the plat presented: PARK DEDICATION: City Ordinances require subdivisions to dedicate either 10% of the land I or park purposes or 10% of the land value in cash. Dick Dwinell, consulting planner, recommended that the park dedication be in land of approximately 3 acres with the balance in cash. Mr. Gillham preferred to give cash instead of land, but also indicated that 3 acres of park land was not needed and thought the dedication should be based on the area actually being subdivided or 27.8 acres. Aftor discussion by the Council, Kr. Gillham did agree to provide approxi- mately 1 acre for a neighborhood perk with balance of requirement to be In cauh. OOLLF.CTOR ROAD: Mr. Gillhom's plat proposes a collector road running through the property, but Mfr. Rohlin, engineer for the plat, indicated that they would like to wait on dedicating the 100' width until a need arises for the road. Kcith Nelson, consulting engineer, did not see arty problem with the road width being reduced from 100' to 801, but did feel that the road should be dedicated when the plat is accepted as it would serve future place- ment of utilities. Questions were raised as to whet would happen to the road if it was never developed, and whether Mr. Gillham could over got the property back. Should the road never be developed, Mr. Gillham had concerns regarding the balance of his plat being land -locked as the present streets planned do not leave arty access to the future collector street. Mr. Rohlin was informed that the plat was prepared showing three cul de sacs with no direct access to the future collector mad and that the developer could provide for a through street if he desired. - 2 - 3/z.-? /7Q RELONSNG OF PROPERTY: Currant zoning of the property is B-4 (Regional Business) and Mr. Gillham has requested that the area north of the proposed collector road be rezoned to F-1 (Single Family Residential). If the property were rezoned to R-1, the property would conform to the revised comprehensive plan in that the area north of the proposed collec- tor road is recommended for Residential uses. Mr. William Hoffman, representing Ruff Auto Parts, opposed rezoning any part of the plat to residential because he felt that the area already has commercial uses, and that the land was originally proposed for commercial zoning by Mr. Gillham in 1976. Mr. Hoffman also indicated that if the plat is accepted as presented, it would appear that the rezoning of the property would be automatic. Keith Nelson'# consulting engineer, reviewed with the Council a number of recommended changes regarding the plat, including proposed storm drainage, lot size minimums, setback requirements, sewer and water feasibility to serve the plat. (See supplement 3-13-78 #1). Because of the collector road dedication, park dedication, and engineering items yet to be resolved, D. Blonigen entered a motion to defer council action on the preliminary plat until the rezoning issues are resolved on this property and abutting areas. Died for lack of second. A. Grimsmo then made a motion, seconded by P. White to defer any action on the preliminary plat for two weeks to enable the developer to resolve the road and park dedication requirements and engineering problems listed. In Favor: G. Walters, P. White, A. Grimsmo Opposed: D. Blonigen 3. Consideration of Final Plot - Lauring Hillside Terrace. At the council's July ?b, 1976 meeting, a preliminary plat was presented and approved on Lauring Hillside Terrace. The final plat has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer with the recommendation that "Law•tng Lane" be named 7th Street Be as to coincide with existing street namco. In addition, park dedication requirements have been previously approved in cash for 10%. Motion was made by A. Crimen, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the final Lauring Hillside Terrace Plat as presented. 4. Consideration of Renewing Garbage Disposal Service. On March 31, 1978, the city's contract with Yonak Sanitation and Landfill expires. This contract was a throe -year contract commencing on April 1, i 1975. C A proposal was made by Yonak Sanitation for $2,750 a month for a three- year contract to cover all existing residancea, apartments, etc. This would be about a 40% increases however, it does cover three years resulting in an annual increase of 13% or so. This proposal amounts to $3.50 per month per residence for twice weekly pickup, which is still competitive with the proposals received from other individuals in 1975. D. Blonigen made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to award a new three-year contract for garbage removal to Yonak Sanitation in the A munt of $29750.00 per month provided the gas increase allowance provision is removed from the new contract. Additional new residences would be added at the rate of $3.50 per home per month during the life of the agreement. 5. 1977-3 Street Inmrovement Prolect - Deadend Streets. At the last two council meetings, the possibility of putting curb and gutter on Vine and Minnesota Streets was discussed. An inventory of the existing streets within the city of a similar nature was taken. Approximately sixteen different deadend type streets, which only serve as private driveways or no public purpose at all were presented to the council for review. After discussing each street in question, G. Walters made a nation, seconded by A. Grimsmo to construct a 24' blacktop road only on Vine between 4th and the railroad tracks, and to construct curb and gutter approach only for Palm and Hennepin streets between 4th Street and the railroad tracks. !-` Also, Minnesota Street between 4th and the railroad tracks would receive curb and gutter in addition to blacktop as part of the 1977-3 Street Program. In favor: G. Walters, P. White, A. Grimsmo Opposed: D. Blonigen 6. G)nsideration of Resolution CallinR for Feasibilitv Reoorts and Public HcarinRs - 1978 Imorovement Protects. Petitions have been received from twelve (12) separate individuals reques- ting various improvements for construction in 1978. The petitions have been segregated into the following categories: I. Public Hearing Held k Prolect ADnroved 1978-1 Improvement Prolect. West County Road W. #39 II. Plans a. Specs Being Prepared as Part of Street Improvement Prolect - HeArinR Not Held Yet. 6th & Minnesota to 7th h Minnesota (Ruff, Olson, Tucek) Elm St. from 6th to B.N.R. tracks 5th St. from Elm to Vine C - 4- /3 P -1 /l -? /?y III. No Plan & Soecs Being Presentiv Preoared but Gould be Change Order to Street Improvement Pro.iect,. Si of Lot 7 & 8, Block 32, Lower Monticello (Kenneth Larsen) 6th & Pine to Cedar & 6th (Wilbur Eck) IV. Final Plat Approved - No Plans & Specs Yet Prenared. Sandberg South Riverside Plat Laurtng Hillside Addition (for approval 3-13-78). V. Final Plats Not Yet AOnroved - No Plans and Soecs Prenared_. Country Club Manor Thomas Park Kampa Estates Holker Subdivision After consulting with the City Engineer, it was recommended to call for a feasibility report and hearing on category II projects for 3-27-78 and feasibility reports on the other projects for 4.-24-78 with the public hearing on these projects scheduled for 5-8-78. Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo, and unanimously j carried to adopt a resolution authorizing the preparation of feasibility reports and public hearing for category Il projects on 3-27-78 and feasibility reports on the other projects for 4-2478 with the public hearing on 5-8-78. (See resolution 1978 V.) No feasibility report will he started for any subdivision requesting improvements until a preliminary plat has been presented. 7. Consideration of Street Width - Front Street. Currently, the proposed width of Front Street between Walnut and Linin Streets is twenty-eight (28) feet. According to city records, the north forty feet of Front Street between Walnut and Locust along with the north fifteen feet between Locust and Linn Street has been vacated and is part of the landowners property description. As a result of the portion of the street being vacated, Front Street has only a forty foot right of way between Locust and Walnut Streets and a sixty five foot right of way between Locuet and Linn Streets. If a twenty eight foot street were put in, it would reduce the drive- way for Loot 10, Block 54, to four or five foot and the street itself would be only 10 feet from the house. It was recommended that the proposed width (currently 20 feet) be / reduced to 24 feet aid allow no parking on north side of street. This l would increase present road width by four feet without infringing on —5— i3 L any property. Approximately three trees would have to come dorm but these trees would be almost unavoidable unless street is not widened at all. By council consensus, city administrator was asked to contact the property owners involved as to how they would feel about a 24' road width and the suggested alignment. 8. Consideration of Curb Barrier - Maintenance Building. C At the council's October 25, 1977 meeting, the suggestion of a proposed curb barrier around the parking lot at the maintenance building was brought up. Mike Rajala, public works director, prepared a report outlining the proposed project. Both a bituuinous and concrete curb barrier were detailed from a cost standpoint and it was recommended that the concrete curb barrier be installed at a cost of approximately $600.00. The council discussed the merits of additional curbing on the south and eastern sides of the parking lot, but the report recommended these areas not be curbed to allow adequate drainage to the ditch on County Road 39. Motion was then made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen to install the curb and gutter at the maintenance building as proposed by the public works director. (See supplement 3-13-78 q 2.) In favor: P. White, A. Grimem, D. Blonigen . Opposed: G. Walters. 9. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Diesel Truck. Mike Rajala, public works director, presented to the council specifica- tiono for a new diesel truck discussed at the last council meeting. (Sep supplement 3-13-78 N3.) After discussing the merits of both a gas and diesel engine, a motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the specifications for the now truck and advertising for bids for both a diesel and gasoline engine truck. 10. Approval of Minutes. After noting that item 6 of the 2-27-78 minutes be corrected to read 5410,000 instead of $140,000 Commercial Development Revenue Notes, the minutes were approved so presented. 11. Consideration of full Time Building Inspector. Motion was made by A. Grimamo, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to hire Loren D. Klein as the full time building inspector at an annual salary of $12,600. -6- 4-4 3/z -?/7Y 12. Acknowledgement of Letter from Electro Industries. Currently, city ordinances require that all freeway billboard advertising signs be removed by 1980. Mr. William Seefeldt, in a letter written to the City Council, requested that if the council is considering extending this time limit, action be taken now rather than in 1980. Mr. Seefeldt felt that by not changing the ordinance now, property owners who do not currently have billboards on their property may have a right to collect lost revenue damages from the city for deriving them a chance to erect billboards now. (See supple- ment 3-13-78 #4.) Meeting adjourned. Rick Wolfsteller, Adm. Assistant .c - 7- /j Ab 3/13/78 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Item 1. Joint City Council - Planning Commission Workshop Session on Comprehensive Plan. Enclosed, please find Dick Dwinell's suggested Format for the workshop. Please bring the following: I. Materials sent out on March 3, 1978. 2. Comprehensive Guide Plan dated June, 1977. 1 3/13/78 Item 2. Consideration of Approval of Howard Gillham's Country Club Manor- Preliminary Subdivision Plat. V Howard Gillham is proposing a 48.7 acre plat (copy enclosed) along W. County Road #39 just north of the freeway. It should be noted that a large portion of the plat (approximately 20 acres) is listed as an outlot with a proposed dedication for a future collector road. Fallowing, are some of the significant issues relative to the plat: Zoning: As proposed, Country Club Manor would contain 67 single family residential lots. Current zoning of the property is B-4 (Regional Business which re- sulted due to a request previously of Mr. Gillham to have the property zoned from residential to commercial. However, it should be pointed out that the property does conform to the revised comprehensive plan (agenda item 1) in that the area to the north of the proposed collector road is residential and area to south bordering freeway is commercial.. Since area to south is not platted at this time, the zoning along freeway could remain the same and plat approval be given. One of the major concerns of the Planning Commission in reviewing the plat was the zoning question. Initially the plat had been presented with the entire 48.7 acres platted for residential and after several revisions, the developer reduced the re- sidential, area to its present size. Additionally, the Planning Commission did address the issue of whether the entire area should remain commercial. They pointed out that the original decision to zone the entire area to commercial was based on not knowing exactly where the collector road would be platted and the road itself serves as a barrier in going from a commercial to a residential district. A concern has been expressed Prom Ruff Auto Parts and they object to the rezoning of any part of the plat to residential. Their specific objections, stated at a prwviou■ meeting are as follows 3/13/78 1. That all the land south of the county road 39 to the freeway, including the Ruff property, was originally proposed for commercial zuning and that Mr. Gillham petitioned for commercial zoning of his property in December 1976. �a 2. The current comprehensive plan adopted by the city actually proposes residential zoning for this area, while the revised comprehensive plan not ySt adopted proposes commercial zoning along_the freeway. 3. Felt that the entire area should be zoned B -q (Commercial) because the existing businesses along county road 39 would make the area compatible with commercial uses. Also, they feel that abutting residential areas will possibly bring pressure to eliminate or reduce their salvage yard operations. Because of this concern, RuffAuto Parts has applied for rezoning to I-2 (Heavy Industrial) for their own land currently zoned as residential. Since the plat is in preliminary form, it is re- commended that no action be taken on the rezoning question until the final plat has been approved. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission did recommend the area north of the collector road be rezoned from B -Q to R-1. Additionally, the re- zoning question of Ruff Auto Parts should be resolved by that time. Park Dedication: Monticello City Ordinance Section 11-6-1- requires a 10% park dedication in land or cash as determined by Monticello City Council. Although the Planning Commission did not recommend that park dedication be in land, there was concern with regard to this Issue since 67 residential lots are involved. Please refer to Dick Dwinell's 2-23-78 letter on park dedication. In a sub- sequent phone call, Mr. DwinelI indicated that the park dedication should be at least 3 arras in land and the balance could be 1n cash. Mr. Dwinell had proposed lots 15-25, Block 2 for park dedication, however, this could be reduced if the council went to 3 acres or even less. Mr. Gillham has stated the following concerns relative to the park dedications r This objection is not founded in that the plat as proposed dues conform to the Revised Comprehensive Plan. 3-13-78 1. Would prefer park dedication to south of collector road. i� r_ 2. Felt 3.5 acres was too much and would rather dedicate an acre or so with balance in cash. 3. Felt partial credit should be given for extra wide collector road of 100 feet. 4. Thought park dedication should be based on area that was actually being subdivided or 27.8 acres instead of including outlot bordering freeway. Mr. Dwinell felt that park dedication should be in land and at least 3 acres in size to accomodate a soccer field or ball field. Balance, as mentioned, could be in cash. Additionally, he felt dedication requirements should be based on entire 48.7 acres and discouraged park south of collector road due to anticipated traffic. Keith Nelson of OSM did feel that the 100' right of way could be reduced to 80' without any problems. a Accesses: Plat has been revised so there are no direct accesses i onto County Road #39 or collector road. This resulted from Planning Commission's recommendation and would allow an even traffic flow and reduce safety hazards. OSM recommends approval of preliminary plat con- tingent upon some minor revisions of drainage plans which will be brought up Monday night. .eel `-V ACTION: pei �G+' Y POSSIBLE. Consideration of: Cl` ND' AC.. 01. Park dedication i r ✓2. 80' collector road 3. Approval of preliminary plat REFERENCES: Planning Commission minutes of 12-20-77, 0� 1-17-78, 2-7-78, 2-21-78, Country Club Manor plat, Dick Dwinel.l's 2-23-78 letter on park dedication. Item 3. Consideration of Final Plat - Lauringllillaide Terrace. At the council's July 26, 1976 meeting, a preliminary plat was presented and approved on Lauring Hillside Terrace. As you might recall, the city did vacate various streets in the plat in return for the dedication of the collector street. Enclosed, please find a photocopy of the plat. a 3-13-78 Park dedication was previously approved in cash for 10%. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of plat approval. REFERENCES: Photocopy of plat. Item 4. Consideration of Renewing Garbage Disposal Service. On March 31, 1978, the city's contract with Yonak Sanitation and Landfill expires. This contract was a three year contract commencing on April 1, 1975. Presently, there are 749 individual residential. homes receiving garbage service from Yonak at a coat of $2.43 per home. This results in a re- sidential charge of $1820 and combined with gas increases (previous contract allowed for factor when gas increased by a nickel or more) the total present charge is $1962 per month. A proposal has been made by Yonak Sanitation for $2750 a month for a 3 year contract to cover all existing residences, apartments, etc. This would be about a 40% increase; however, it does cover three years resulting in an annual increase of 13% or so. It should be pointed out that the total in- crease would be effective April 1, 1978. Although the increase is substantial it should be noted that since they began picking up garbage in 1973 the increase figures out to be about 9% annually ($1.75 per home was charged in 1973). Additionally, when proposals were requested in 1975, the other two proposals were $3.75 per month for pick up service once a week and another proposal for $3.50 per month for twice weekly pickup. As you can see, therefore, Yonak Sanitation is pro- posing a contract that matched its closest com- petitor 3 years ago. Minnesota Statutes 471.345, Subdivision 20 does not require bids for services and as a result I would recommend a contract be awarded to Yonak or at least a counter-offer be forthcoming frnm the City. Additionally, proposals could be requested but I believe the city has received quality service from Yonak's and since they have quits an investment In equipment and are certainly competitive, I would recommend a contract be awarded or negotiated. 3-13-78 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of: 1. Awarding contract based on Yonak's proposal 2. Making counter-offer to Yonak's proposal. 3. Soliciting bids or proposals. a, REFERENCES: Enctneed proposed contract. Item 5. 3977-3 Street Improvement Proiect - Dead End Streets. For lack of a better word, I use this terminology to apply to all streets from River St. to the River and from 4th Street to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. I viewed these streets and they are listed below in three categories; intersecting River St., Fourth Street and vacated streets: A. River Street: 1. Washington - 801 Ellison Park 2. Hennepin - 40' Portion of A. Grimsmole driveway - no structures Wright Street - 401 Garage to E. close - driveway for both aides ie4. New Street - 40' Driveway for W. only empty lot to E. S. Maple Street - 80, No driveways - no purpose V6. Minnesota Street - 801 Driveway to W. only - also some big trees be7. Chestnut Street - 801 Lift station - driveway W. only B. 4th Streets V1. Vine Street - 801 D. Blonigen driveway only on W. aid. V,2. Minnesota - 801 Driveway only on W. side, school buses -5-9--kof 3. Maple Street - 80, Through street 4. Linn Street - 801 Contra Sets, driveway on W. side for home, transformer on E. side Cedar Street - 801 Driveway on E. side and W. side Codarcrest. V6. Palm Street - 80, Driveways both sides. Now. 04070-� 7. New Street - 801 No driveways - no purpose 8. Wright Street - 801 4th Street park 9. Ramsey Street - 801 Goes across R. R. track - 2 driveways E. side a 3 -►3-7 ./10. Hennepin Street Driveway W. aidea only r C. Vacated Streets: 1. River Street a. Ramsey St. (vacated) - driveway for both sides b. Palm St. (vacated) - garage both sides - garage on W. side is on 401 c. Vine St. (vacated) - house on RW - no driveways d. Elm St. (vacated) - same as above 2. 4th Street a. Locust St. (vacated) - buildings (Wrightco) on RW Listed below, are the streets that have been scheduled for blacktop improvements on the 1977-3 Street Improvement Program: River Street n Washington Street (Ellison Park) 4th Street , Vine Street (D. Blonigen) Minnesota Street (School buses) a Linn Street (Centra Soto) o Cedar Street (Cedarcrest) o Ramsey Street (goes across R. R. tracks) # Maple Street (Through street) a Scheduled for curb and gutter in addition to blacktop. As you recall at the last two meetings, the possibility of putting in curb and gutter on Vine and Minnesota Streets was mentioned and it was requested that this item be put on the agenda along with a listing and status of similar situations. As you can ace from the list, there are an additional seven streets of this nature with driveways that could receive consideration. My recommendation would be to only blacktop Minnesota and Vine Streets and if a request was received for curb and gutter on these two streets or for black- top and curb and gutter on other streets, consideration be given to assessing the additional improvements 1006. POSSIBLE ACTIONt Consideration of improvements to dead end streets listed. 3/13/78 Item 6. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Feasibility Reports and Public Hearings - 1978 Improvement Projects. Listed below are various improvements either petitioned for or proposed for construction in 1978: Project Area Services Requested Number 1. County Road W.#39 Sewer, water 2. 6th & Minnesota to Curb, gutter, sewer 7th & Minnesota water, paved street (Ruff, Olson, Tucek) 3. Sandberg South Sewer, water, blacktop q. Riverside Plat Sewer, water, blacktop, curb, gutter 5. Country Club Manor Sewer, water, curb, gutter, bUct.f. 6. Lauring Hillside Add.*Sewer, street, curb, gutter 7. SJ of Lot 7 & 8, Sewer, water service Blk 32, Lower Monti. 1 (Kenneth Larsen) 8. Thomas Park Sewer, water, curb, gutter, blacktop 9. Kampa Estates Sewer, water, curb, gutter, storm sower, blacktop 10. 6th & Pine to Cedar c** Blacktop, curb, & 6th (Wilbur Eck) gutter, sanitary sewer I1. Holker Subdivision Sewer, water, curb, gutter, storm sewer, blacktop, street lights 12. Elm St. from 6th to **** Sewer and water B.N.R. tracks 5th St. from Film to Vine * Only sewer petitioned for * * Water main on Washington but no service * * * Only street petitioned for * * * * No petition 3/13/78 Of the above 'improvements a feasibility report and public hearing has only been completed on the sewer and water extensions along W.County Road #39. In reviewing these plats they can be -segregated some- what into the following categories: I. Public Hearing Held & Project Approved 1978-1 Improvement Project. West County Road W. #39 II. Plans & Specs Being Prepared as Part of Street Improvement Project - Hearing Not Held Yet. 6th & Minnesota to 7th & Minnesotap (Ruff, Olson, Tucek) •10 Elm St. from 6th to B.N.R. tracks �J 3 5th St. from Elm to Vine III.No Plan & Specs Beim Presently Prepared but Could be Change Order to Street Improvement Project. Si of Lot 7 & S. Block 32, Lower Monticello (Kenneth Larsen) 6th & Pine to Cedar & 6th , (Wilbur Eck) ,I IV. Final Plat Approved - Net Plans & Specs Yet Prepared. Sandberg South Riverside Plat Lauri.ng Hillside Addition (for approval 3-13-78). V. Final Plats Not Yci Approved - No Plans,and Specs Prepared. Country Club Manor ^ _Thomas Park Kampa Estates Holker Subdivision In roviewing these with OSM and coordinating their schedules, it would be recommended to call for a feasibility report and hearing on category II projects G for 3-27-78 and call for hearings and feasibility V" 'p. reports on the other projects forMAO Some thought should be given to the a ove indicated category II and III projects since they could be additions to the Street Improvement Project. It j was indicated that the initial project would be assessed 1 only 205 but I would think that any additions would be viewed as any other project in terms of assess- ment policy. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of call -ng for feasibility reports and public heariugd as indicated. 3-13-78 Item 7. Consideration of Street Width - Front Street. Currently, the proposed width of Front Street between "r Walnut and Linn Streets is twenty-eight (28) feet. According to city records, the north forty feet of Front Street between Walnut and Locust along with the north fifteen feet between Locust and Linn Street has been vacated and is part of the landowners pro- perty description. As a result of the portion of the street being vacated, Front Street has only a forty foot right of way be- tween Locust and Walnut Streets and a sixty five foot right of way between Locust and Linn Streets. if a twenty eight foot street were put in, it would reduce the driveway for Lot 10, Block 54, to four or five feet and the street itself would be only 10 feet from the house (see enclosed map for area). A picture is worth a thousand words and I would re- commend that council members take a look at Front Street between Walnut St. and Locust and then envision the street fourteen (14) feet further south.` It is recommended that the proposed width (currently 20 feet) be reduced to 24 feet and allowing no parking on north side of street. This would increase present road width by four feet without infringing on any ti property. Approximately three trees would have to come down but these trees would be almost unavoidable unless street is not widened at all. No attempt has been made to contact property owners since council may not have been fully aware of situation. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of road width. REFERENCES: Enclosed map. On proposed 28 foot street, the existing 20 foot road would be shifted six feet to the south in this area and eight Peet added. Item 8. Consideration of Curb Barrier - Maintenance Building. At the council's October 25, 1977 meeting, the suggestion of a proposed curb barrier was brought up and council requested it be put on the agenda in spring of 1978. Enclosed, please find Mike's report outlining the proposed project. Both a bituminous and concrete curb barrier are detailed from a cost standpoint and it is recommended the concrete curb barrier be in- stalled at a cost of approximately $600. 3-23_'-7.$ 'It should be noted that although the 'south and east sides of the 1"ot-are recommended not to be curbed to allow adequate drainage, the ,area to the south Ci} bordering County •Road #39, could be curbed with portable concrete curbs. The city currently has several portable concrete " curbs on hand and drainage would still flow toward County #39 if these were installed. Monticello city ordinances require entire perimeter of parking lot be curbed but type of curb is not specified. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of curb barrier for maintenance building parking lot. REFERCNCES: Mike Rajala's report. Item 9. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Diesel Truck. Enclosed, please find specifications for the diesel ° truck discussed at the last regular council meeting. o POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving specs and advertising for bids. REFERENCES: Specs enclosed, 2-27-78 Supplement Item 9. c 2 u ., o Te,-ne 2952711 Meno line 3335739 City o f IM10.1i"."110 1 250 East Broadway MONTICELLO, MN 55362 March 3, 1978 TO: City CouncilandPlanning Commission Membet•s FROM: Gary Wiebeli— a-) r SUBJECT: Workshop Session on Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance Amendments - March 13, 1978 - 6-8 PM Enclosed for your reference, are the following: I. October 12, 1977 memo from Dick Dwinell on adoption of an ordinance relative to the Wild and Scon-ic Rivers Act. 2. December 20, 1977 memo from Dick Dwinell on proposed ordinance amendments. 3• December, 29, 1977 memo from myself on junkyards. 4. January 3, 1978 Planning Commission meeting reviewing items 2 and 3. 5. Opinion (undated) from Gary Pringle on junkyards. 6. Jrrne 74 League memo on junkyards. These ordinance amendments will be vevit:wed at, the i3th meeting along with the revised Comprehensive Plan and zoning changes. Onc specific zoning concern is Block 30 across from the McLhodisi, Chni,ch. '1'h.is block is currently zoned as 11-4 (Regional Iusin(2ss) although r_nt vely oc.copied by residences at, this time. Some consideration might, be given to rezoning to a R -D (Residential Business) allowing homes and professional offices as peI'm .itl.ed uses for example. This would be n comp- romise from a strictly commercial area ill that such uses as gas stations would not be allowed and residences would be alluwed as permitted uses as opposed t.o tion -conforming uses. This information is being sent: out now to allow time for review. Also to be t-eviewed is the, proposed revision of t,lle sign ordinance. 1flomo to Alon icotlo (i/l!o inounjain � ' V AGRB6im Ihi;,ti _1PHF'',IY'!1F_\'C-,i s,'hi_I�ageli6hc_ C,1;1',Y ilF �tOS,I',IC'F,FL�I: .1. ' ept:c.l�nliicili:all :cub-d`i,risi�q :c1Y' ia�c Syagr uP �1'ingesoao, I!� f fndllt.;ry rii i;c.l cd' as C,YTY Acid' YNNAK ,SAINITA' 10%, A%D q.ASD-. 1 It'll} hcr.r in.l,i't.:1=reCFi',t.rd 'I iY as; HAI)I:Gk., r lillERd ate_ the CI I'Y wallus garbage and'_-�clet:ir:c ,1iil_kdup' :uul fi.oiI in_ 1'nr i_t.' residinit.s cin a-tl,ontiracC ai, a-lotmi:,lil, r.tl •• Till' orderly :Ind rc'I iabh_ p.ic6'-up gerriee and, �cl'i;_I;�'i�fl`li' _.. .- .. .. .. .. .1 1•l- l'll jl•. t•Ci ' t111. r,1•U 1,, Without l,till-- PQS�p (ins,l.bi I I G��1 t.i , Ill.• ,"IIY mainuvinillh equipment, eol• said pm -pose and :1 i,-1 ,Aid d.i sposa I and, � , I. hilL•HFA:, rhe HAULER is orl:an'.ired to and de.iriel> .W, /.01•� ill_ out such CITY wants and des'.iccs,- :Incl has ;titegnat-11 rcgtlipment. a;t;ist.Inct: and know-how'to carry out :-i::11'd , 111 ...I, •. 1 . NOU illl'.IMFOU, IT IS AGREED, .in lmisidera(iwi -I' ,Ir melual promi.;es of Chi- CI FY and HAIIII;R: 11?I I %T 1. Ihar C -I 11' shat l pay IIAtji,ile ilii• sum .i1' -INI SI-) lIVNDRED FJ FIT DOLLARS 1 2,-7 it 1.11111 sial'1'in, •sn I%-- 1'i l•sI clay of Apri l , 11175, and t:a.•h .:out month thereot't.er, on hill- same day or eat'lI mnnth, sia id' -Kum 1'or Cha Ct rm ,ul' t h i A1nkl'J X11 V;f;; lr un l esc the a!;i•.v•mell1. is term1II;I L•'d by li,i •.ilei panty a.. seC t'ortll in this aarrtmenl:. Ilii!'" Ii nulil 1111 l -pay mgn t. .;lul l l br ail;jlist'vd, hy,,tui` -i tic- rl cl,gl, All !.':L;..1�fill! ati IP (it 6,1111 Ily and pl,'Iti-e-aliil_.:idd i,l, laid 01' re.idcncey; H. Gasol Ine. IIAIII hR wi I I be I:rnnted only tAl._':.7ii=.. .•.•otic in gasoI Inc pr.iu/,;,y„ no lit 11"p, o{�.,•.ed1 iIiG1 t ,AIs wll I be t'onsidt-red, haled oil 1111'1.1.•.1,x.' ❑ati.11 ine tic at least it, a Q111-11111. - (Ilnlltl,i 1 t'. IIAUI I:R w'.i I I Ill• :Il l owl•d i tl• 111 11.1.1111 1 ty or gast"l illt• col• I•.•I idellt ••v added I ... . .�Iry{111111111111 ni abme 1111'1 -vase Ill V.I,.)l ille 111 l 1'he prit e.l and quantity of µcholine cl t ... IIt.• j fpr11 1, 11171 ary as CIO l,lws- lit•it a per M1;.II ton Lh1.Int i t gip' iIl' ,.11 I on. Any''priec and quantity increases will be An- itipled and noted by both. parties on this con- tract. It, wj.1:I Ue the _respunsi bi,l fty of the IIAULER tti notify CIVY .of any increases and increases wuA be effective 'upon na't.Lfication, C. Any additional residences picked up by the HAULER upon the request of the CITY will be added to monthly payment at $3. $0 per resi'denii-, with apartment units added at the rate of ;1. i0 per uni.I . Additional residences and apa r•tment tut i t s w i I I. be added to the mon t b'1 payment on October 1st and April Ist of mach � U.3 V. TERM LIF AGREiEMENf Ihics AGREEMENT -shall remain in force for a P. riod of : years beginning un the first clay of April, lu'<, and ending on the 31st day of Marsh, last, unletis Otherwise tetminated in acturdanoe'with 1111. %1'KFCMI:NT-. This AGREif IFNP may lie renewt;d al any time before Ius natural trrm.ioaiion, by Int• written mutual. consent of bush partit-, and rc- soloticat of the CITY. rFRMISA1IoV Ibis ACREDIENT may bo terminated by ciththr p;ulr with ut• wi.t hour t ause, upon a It mmiih. %svi l.l.tan notice to the et:ber party. .1. 1NSt'RANC17, That HAULER ahaL.l, carry public Liability Insurante, with it recognized insurance carrier and keep in force at all times during this AGRELMENT the follow minimum of coverage= a. 81110,000 per person. b. 83,011,000 per aceldent.. c. o 10,000 property damage. i. nfopv, nl• WORK A. That HAULER shall not be required La picl, up and disposo of any refuse or garbage that i., not placed In a container by the resident awl that HAULER shall not be requlred to ose ,h•�c� 1. In the loading thercol'. further, Int• %,r1c,..• 0 _ _ - :heat':Ettj�:iYtatLrmjsiia.#,.t�t1 ytiFtly'I�rii;{tie fi[tii':is}t•� :-:Si.�'.{:7 '1rt2. xy '' t ti 1 l}Mled`iiii i 1 } U "Dit! res i til,-IIt. to 01•I i'li. •i-111!•: t.n _ - - _ _ _ ft•(dt:,!dt� ale 'I, i, flit us—Citi Ii. l,h;i1 �!!At!I,Fk':ta,11 np.; t:\) t:}� !'x`il,.• ,\1•,•Rt1 .i_/.{h -ilk: •} _ :11ICI.1'll1�11:+i:>at^'CIII ob..l,(h• Ilya},1. ids i- - ' - r.:,a:ia/wnt'!• in- .:I.i:d C;I`P;Y„ inl.;luilin:„ lir*.}nl'hr:;�,i'i1- _' r •• iutq.gTMCn:, r fns u1: litli- Ajm- n't_h,:iti • :{.rrC; -- au(I t it;d >setmr.-Iy ill bund,his ik,:i bing lora -'j-,n - cel .•0 4 u1'° 511 pilmds :till Jr., il,i'fi pu,411= r,I' ,•:ru,!r 1'i"h - _- y a dlnnl). 'This see -vi, r oN(vil(4 unl) ('c, r:,:1'dtill •a9 pt l,I)+•r(y and n._rt tit rnminrr, ial' ,•r iodn.•:t v,.l,i cn1 rrpris(•. file IfA11I.lik t;an nt•t;nt'inI r t,i,itt :int t'+•+ t tl.`Itt tit t.11 .t'r�;i, r:lh t •, l II.• i/l.:t/ <9U<'tt C' I' 1 i1i' - naI 1}.t•,t,' :Ind numtt,-r tQ Ili} kiip 1 I,}`}' Irt•t•h. t, G.tt v illitait1}•t'.; mtist Il„(. extl,•(t it} ;,,.,t l.rtl• _ _, - e , .ti).t, i l,1• :tld sIl})t l d h,.. 1•(11} i f)I)t!d with 11.}}}}11 ,•ti I".1• 1'.1 •: ,' .1t' llalldl ill;. (ll:t.41}t 1111`.11 1m, to,," 011 Stitt•1I11; L+•a Phil �1+. r.l i,1•lp t).l�•. +u-,• ,+,1 Ilernli4..lIll y. titllyd% val'dbunitl ,11•:, Ill�w•,-61, I':11.1., Illw, lll.l�\' IN• 11,�,•II I�r 11 cll'•11 ', •-.11''I/ir ;;.,}T- �� _— - — ' 1,. I h.1 } II 1III+I:k ,Iia I I (n• r•rgn i rrd I +, 1,1 •.� I,d,• .,sld m:lin•,/lu �("t Gatlrm g:/1•hagr Iunlainr1..:1".1 1°145" r� PI_kl tk!il \tit C BOND _ HAGILk .hall I'tit•IFish CITY as it ./mdit'lial 1,. i i'1 ••I-11it- Imis lderavi to Sider t Ili s, 1•til,•.I.) +}.•: :l,•t.. 1 ~ till: III A1,t u•11. 1, :1 Yert`ur•nafit, r If. -fill ,:rid f1mill ,Ilni l t t -ma in In 1'tt•, ,' dt}t'lnu t hr I -vin Iit 't tit• •1Glernu•Ill .uld -414 he itlarrd tilit11 a lilmdIw,, lumll4fli, .l,1 eill .11)1 }' 1t l'1I1•. Sit id 114tlld shaI 1' 111' i).1\:Illl I- •I'. I ..t IN• t I PY of: MIN l 1t' I 1 1,10. and :ha l l I+, III I h, Jm,nlnl ,II 1111. 1hlilld:/nd did Il, rh (�i, 111111, 11111 til ?lP 11 „ he -Ibligistitlt Isf Ih,• 11,11111k I,1 ilhl:.11l Il1••I,t•1• dNP1f)I/t 1:. t••1 .11I11ClN 1'„1' I ht• 1'1.1'1111•. {;,11.1}1•`x'• r•1. 11111 ° flit l,' -Illi) awt ter and 117,`ve Ito mt t ... h1,11nneI.i1 I t ••1 Iii. ' i, 3tid NJII„) tltt' t'1'1'S I's tltt•ltish Vaill thlini)itlu I II }I •+- t u Mt1t'l 1 lt. • o � I i C- 8. ASS IGKMENT Phis-A,rcrmen t -mat• not be ass gnrid ill e'hv Lr 6r, in. part w•_i thuut the wa-H.Len consent of toe If VI r, f.l"\LRAI This Agrvemenl contains the entire Agrvcmcnt bctwecn the IIAIII.ER and the CITY and mat- be am:suhsd onit• by the mutual consent: oC CITY and IIACI ER, in writing. Ill. IVA I VER A wa.i vrr of line par•1 oP rights of ci t hr•r party is not a waiver or all the rights that mat a— nit.• to either pant•. IN Itl'I'NLSti MIMIJIF, the part ics hrrcto hat:. -d tIti. \CRI FMI S I ••n Ow date of ('111' tt1MON I I('I.I I -t HY: Manor IIY : CIrrk HE Y(INAh SAS I I'VI ItN AND I AVUI 11 1 3�f 3/)�( m' ALAIIM SYSTEM FOR RESFRCOIR I would like to recommend to the Monticello City Council that they authorize installation of a security alarm system for the water resertoi.r control building located in Oakwood Industrial Park. The somewhat i-,ulated Ielation of this building encourages arts of %andalism that can easily jeopardize the npovations of the water distributtun system. Also, the potential. health hazards to all. Monticello residents in the eventof contamination of this water suppl% are enormous. Two recent Inc idents relating to vandal ism and contamination to city water suppli.cs ha%e occurred in Bloomington and Golden Valley. The Wright County Sheriff's Department has recommended a thermal detection alarm system. This system will be directly tied .into a control panel located in their head- quarters in Buffalo. Cost of this unit is $655 - $7009 plus a monthly user fee of $15.00. Since this Is a security matter, this item is not on the agenda for formal review but. I would gladly answer any questions you may have before or after, Monday's meeting. MATNTENANC6 BUILDING PARKING LOT At a previous council meeting there were several questions regarding installation or a permanent type turb barrier for the Monticello maintenance building parking lot. This :lot is pr•esrntly blacktupped with landseapinq 75" completed. Approximate cost Por tonstrurl.inga semi-, ermaneni blacktop curb .is $300 or $7.011'1.1. Concrete curb with gutter in $400 or $4.00!I.f. plus excavation and vestnration costs of $150 - $2111). hither of these curb types could be installed as part of a I4)77-.3 project change order. At that time, exact unit priors will be known. You will note, that, only the west and north sides of the lot were considered for curbina. The reason for this is that the drainage pattern for the lot is constructed to channel runoff into the di.t.ch along west C.S.A.II. uj%). (Golf Course Road). 'rhe south and east widen should ntrt be curbed to allow this wal.er to run ort' into iho ditch. Sturm sewer catch basins located In the ditch and ron.rtt_ructed as part, of the water and sewer extension project fur went C.S.A.II. 3e, will carry this water away. Mike Rajala V /7F MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL �._ SPECIAL MEETING March 16, 1976 - 7:00 P.M. Members Present: G. Walters, P. White, D. Bloaigen Members Absent: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo Following items were resolved regarding 1977-3 Street Improvement Program: 1. County -State Aid. Proposed and current county -state aid streets would be bid as Section II and remaining streets bid as Section I. This was done to allow more time for approval from Wright County on redesignation request of February 27, 1978. Bids cannot be awarded prior to approval of county -state aid streets if funds are to be used. 2. Width - Front Street. Width to be reduced to 24 feet and work within 40 foot right-of-way avoiding trees as much as possible. Private property would not be infringed without easement. 3. Drainage Problem - Intersection of Elm and 3rd Street - Edgar Klucas. Mr. Klucas to be contacted about drainage of his yard, estimated cost of $1,000 would be borne by Mr. Klucas if he desired improvement. 4. Excess Fill. Estimated at 40,000 cubic yards including asphalt and dirt. To be applied towards city property on east Bide of Highway 25, maintenance building area, 6th Street between Cedar and Pine (if project approved) and property in Block 6 to resolve drainage problems. Specifications to allow contractor any excess fill over and above indicated uses. 5. Wrightco Scale Accosues. Orly one access allowed, with trucks required to turn around on Wrightco Property. Situation would be reviewed if area to souLin of seal: was to be improved at time of building permit application. 6. Approval of Plane and Specifications. Notion by P. White, seconded by G. Walters to adopt resolution approv- ing plane and specifications for the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. Voting in favor: P. White, G. Walters. Opposed: D. Blonigen. Motion carried. Mr. Bla:igen objected as a result of not specifying curb and gutter for Vine Street. (See Supplement 3-16-78 K1). 1„3 .r 3/Z-� l?p 7. Advertisement for Bids. Notion by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to advertise for bids with bid opening set for April 20, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. (See Supplement 3-1078 A2). Meeting adjourned. v Gary W e e City Administrator GW/n s /3 3/23/73 - ( LLIcil MOINTICELLO CITY ODUNCIL y1'hr SPECIAL ME TING 1 March 23, 1978 - 8:00 A.M. Members Present: Gene Walters, Dan Blenigen, Phil White. Members Absent: Con Johnson, Arve Grimsmo. Also Present: J. W. Miller, Building Inspector. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss whether Cedarcrest Apartments for the el'crly should be required to install sprinkler heads in the stairwells and elevator shaft. Jay Miller, building inspector, felt that the sprinkler system should be installed in both locations, even though the state building code does not specifically require them. Mr. John Bargstad, Cedarcrest developer, felt that the existing sprinklers were more than adequate compared to similar apartment structures being built across Miluiesota. The council consensus was to have O.S.M., city engineer, review a set of sprinkle:• plans to obtain their opinion in regards to the necessity of requirb•,g sprinklers in the stairwells and elevator shaft. The consensus was to bace their decision on the recommendations of John Badalich, city engineer. Meeti--ig adjourned. Rick Wolfsteller/ Ad::dnistratLve A'ssistmu R«/m,q C I