City Council Agenda Packet 04-24-1978AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 24, 1978 - 6:30 P.M. PLEASE NOTE TIME Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Gene Walters, Philip White, Arve Grimsmo. V6:30 - 1. Consideration of Landscaping Plan for Monticello City Hall. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 7:30 - 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Sideyard Variance for Tom St. Hilaire. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Drive- way to Extend to the Property Line - Mr. Frank May. 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Drive- way to Extend to the Property Line - Gene Jensen. 5. Consideration of Rezoning Harold Ruff Property from Residential (R-1, R-2, R-3) to Heavy Industrial (I-2). 6. Conditional Use Permit for a Pet Hospital - Mr. Sam Peraro, Jr. for ` Dr. Joel Erickson. 7. Conditional Use Permit Renewal - J. W. Miller. 8. Consideration of Preliminary Plat - Balboul Estates. 9. Consideration of City's Participation in Joint Recreation Program. 10. Consideration of Increasing Monthly Maintenance Allocation for the Library and Additional Shelving. ..0011. Consideration of Awarding Contract on 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. 12. Consideration of Authorization for City Officials to attend Annual League of Minnesota Cities Conference June 7-9, 1978 in Minneapolis. 13. Approval of Bills. 14. Approval of Minutes - April. 10, 1978. 15. Unfinished Business - `�1'� Assessment Policy '61 16. New Buelnoee - Q� Schedule Hearing on Comprehensive Plan.. Reminder - Board of Review Meeting, 700 P.M., May 169 1978. (� A AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY OOUNCIL April 24, 1978 - 6:30 P.M. PLEASE NOTE TIME Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Gene Walters, Philip White, Arve Grimsm0. ,/6:30 - 1. Consideration of Landscaping Plan for Monticello City Hall. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 7:30 - 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Sideyard Variance for Tom It. Hilaire. 3• Public Hearing - Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a i way to Extend to the Property Line - Mr. Frank May. 4. Public Hearing - Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Drive way to Extend to the Property Line - Gene Jensen. 5. Consideration of Rezoning Harold Ruff Property from Residential (RrI, R-29 R.-3) to Heavy Industrial (1-2). l` 6. Conditional Use Permit for a Pet Hospital - Mr. Sam Peraro, Jr. for Dr. Joel Erickson. 7. Conditional Use Permit Renewal - J. W. Miller. S. Consideration of Preliminary Plot - Balboul Fstates. 9. Consideration of City's Participation in Joint Recreation Program. 10. Consideration of Increasing Monthly Maintenance Allocation for the Library and Additional Shelving. X11. Consideration of Awarding Contract on 1977-3 Street Improvemait Projec, . 12. Consideration of Authorization for City Officials to attend Aruiaal League of Mlnnenota Cities Conference June 7-9, 1978 in Minneapolis. 13. Approval of Bills. 14. Approval of Minutes - April 10, 1978. 15. Unfinished Busincou Assoo:ment Policy 16. Now Business - OVI I\ ,r Schodule Hearing on Comprehensive Plan., CReminder - Board of Review Meeting, 7:30 P.M., May 16, 1978. I 4-24-78 AGENDA SUPPLDENT 1. Consideration of Landscaping Plan for Monticello City Hall. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SEGMENT OF THE OOUNCIL AGENDA WILL START AT 6:30 P.M. Fran Fair will be at Monday night's meeting to review a proposed land- scaping plan with the City of Monticello. This plan has been prepared after I had talked with her and requested she come up with a proposal to landscape those areas not included in the contract for the completion of City Hall. Mrs. Fair will present a landscaping plan which will include putting in trees and shrubbery on the present city hall site plus development of a landscaping arrangement for the lot adjacent to the new city hall between the city hall and Red's Mobil Station. At Monday night's meeting hopefully we could get council consensus for a landscaping concept for the new city hall and also receive authorization to have the work done. It is almost essential that this work should be commenced fairly shortly to allow adequate time for completion so that the area is ready for the Open House on June 4, 1978. Although I have received no figures from Mrs. Fair on landscaping the entire area, it would appear the cost will run approximately $6,000. This does not include an estimate we received for sodding and filling of the adjacent lot plus sodding of the present city hall lot which should come to approxi- mately $3500. It is estimated then that if the landscaping and Us sodding of the area comes to approximately $9500 the total cost of the city hall project would be approximately $463,000 or $100000 over the initial budget that we initially set. If council gives approval to have the landscaping done and the sodding which is proposed to be done by Don's Landscaping from Maple Lake at this time, the additional funds could be transferred from the capital outlay fund to the city hall construction fund. POSSIBLE ACTION: Review of proposed landscaping plan and authorization to have the landscaping plan implemented along with the sodding of tho area. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of o Sidevard Variance for Tom St. Hilaire. Mr. Tom St. Hilaire has presented plane to the building inspector for a new home at 221 Mississippi Drive on Lot 8 Block 1 of Hoglund Addition and these plane would require a 9 foot sidoyard setback on both sides of the home. The normal setback required by our ordinance is 10 foot on both aides. Reason for the request is that Mr. St. Hilaire indicated that he was not aware that a variance was necessary and at this point to meet the city ordinances relative to setbacks he would have to completely revise his plane for his residential home. Hearings for variances are held at the city council level, however, at this time no input has been received from any objections in the neighborhood and the surrounding property owners indicated that they would not be opposed to the variance. 4-2478 At their last meeting the Planning Commission unanimously recommended the variance be approved. It should be pointed out that variances re- quire a 4/5 vote of the city council. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of a setback variance allowing owner to build within Q feet of property lane on both sides of the property. REFERENCES: See enclosed map. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Drive- waV to Extend to the Property Line - Mr. Frank May. Mr. Frank May has purchased the piece of property at 1001 West Broadway. This is a duplex that was grandfathered in when that area was annexed into the city. This area is currently zoned as R-1. In the lower level, there is a small, single tuck -under garage which at present is accessible only by driving around the house on a dirt driveway that touches the property line to the east. To enhance the appearance of the property and to prevent erosion of the ground, since this driveway slopes down a hillside, Mr. May would like to blacktop this driveway. In his variance request he has asked permission to put blacktop up to the property line. The variance is necessary due to ordinance section 10-3-5(G) requiring curb access openings and driveways to be 3 feet back from the abutt- ing property line in a residential zone. Mr. May feels that this black - topping is necessary to adequately meet the offstreet parking requirement for a �- dust free surface and to prevent any further erosion. Letters have been received from the two abutting property owners indicating that they would have no objections to the variance. At their last meeting the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the variance. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request. REFERENCES: See enclosed map. 4. Public Hearing, - Consideration of Granting a Variance to Allow a Drivewav to Extend to the Pronerty Line - Gene Jensen. Mr. Gone Jenson is requesting a variance to allow him to cover his present driveway at 711 Fast 4th Street with blacktop. This is Lot 3 of Block 32. This would require a variance as did item 3 in that the driveway is proposed to be right up to the abutting property lino. Mr. Jensen's garage is behind his home and hie driveway is on the side of his house. By having a black - topped driveway, he could rid himself of using his existing dirt and gravel driveway. There was no objection raised at the Planning Commission and again the hearing for a variance is held at the council level, however, no objections have been indicated to the city at this time for this request. At their C last meeting the Planning Cbmmiasion unanimously voted to recommend approval of the variance. -2- 4-24-78 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance. REFERENCES: See enclosed map. '�. Consideration of Rezonins� Harold Ruff Property from Residential (R-1. Rr2, R.-3), to Heavy Industrial (I-2). Mr. Harold Ruff is requesting that the city rezone an area of approximately 16 acres from R-1, R-2 and R-3 to I-2. Reason for this request, as indica- ted by Mr. William Hoffman, Mr. Ruff's attorney, is as follows: 1) Would like to have the auto salvage yard be in a zoning district that would conform with the operations of the salvage yard. 2) Would also like to possibly someday add o huildirg addition to the auto salvage yard and currently this would not be allowed since the use is non -conforming. At the Planning Commission hearing, it was indicated to Mr. Hoffman that the Planning Commission feels fairly comfortable with the present zoning of the area as residential, but also feels comfortable with allowing the auto salvage yard as a permitted non -conforming use. Mr. Hoffman then indicated that he felt that Mr. Ruff would be satisfied in the present zoning as Rrl, Rr2 and R-3, although ideally he did desire the change to industrial. As a result of this, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to deny the request for the rezoning to heavy industrial. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of rezoning request from Residential to Heavy Industrial. REFERENCES: See enclosed map depicting area. Conditional Use Permit for a Pet Hosoital - Mr. Sam Peraro Jr. for Dr. Joel �I Erickson. Mr. Sam Peraro is applying for a conditional use permit to remodel the former Promart Building presently occupied by the Printing Place into a pet hospital. Currently the area is zoned as B-3 and as such a conditional use permit would be necessary for a pet hospital. This property is included in a purchase agreement between Mr. Peraro and Dr. Joel Erickson pending approval or denial of the conditional use permit. Dr. Erickson has chosen to waive two previous conditional use permits because of their financial aspects and decided to purchase a building of his own rather than lease one. At their last mooting, the Planning Commission recommended approval unan- imously of the conditional use permit with the following stipulations attached: 1) No pots or kennelsoutside; 2) Annual inspections by the city health officer at the owner's expense; 3) All animals must be leashed; 4) Treatment would be limited to small and domesticated animals and large animals would only be treated during the day time. No boarding of large animals would be allowed overnight; 5 Setback requirements for sideyard would be 20 foot instead of 10 foot; 6 No outside storage of carcasses would be allowed. Mr. Peraro has presented to our building inspoctor, plane for the remodel - Lig of the Promart Building. -I- 4-2478 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of a conditional use permit request for a pet clinic plust the building permit. REFERENCES: See enclosed map. Conditional Use Permit Renewal - J. W. Miller. Mr. J. W. Miller is requesting a conditional permit request renewal for a permit previously granted him for a proposed four-plex on the northwest corner of 4th and Minnesota Streets (Lot 5 Block 27), and a variance per- mit for an 8' sideyard setback. Variances and conditional use permits lapse after one year. It should be mentioned that when the conditional use permit was initially granted the Monticello Oridinances required only 2,000 square feet per unit or for a four plex apartment, an 8,000 square lot. However, now the city is contemplating an ordinanocchange that would require this multiple family housing proposal to be on an 8,000 square foot lot for the first unit and an additional 2500 square feet for each two bedroom apartment thereby requiring a lot size of 15,500 square feet. This provision has been reviewed at a public hearing by the planning commission and recommended for adoption by the city council. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to deny such a permit based primarily upon the fact that a variance was necessary to allow this and that the building site was too small in light of the current pro- posed ordinance. Two property owners were at the meeting to present testi- mony in opposition to the granting of the conditional use permit at the Planning Commission meeting. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of the conditional use permit and variance. REFERENCES: See enclosed map. P Consideration of Preliminary Plat - Balboul Estates. Mr. Elie Balboul is proposing a 16.76 acres plat fust west of Anders Wilhelm Estates (see enclosed map). Proposed platting is for 31 residential lots ranging in size from 12,100 sq. ft. to 2149100 sq. ft. Tho proposed use would conform to the present and future zoning and the comprehensive plan for this area. It would appear that all city ordinances aro met relative to minimum lot sizes and widths. Additionally, an area of approximately 3.1 acres is proposed for park lands. This dedication for park land would be more than ads unto to meet the city's requirement that any new develop- ment dedicate l of its land or an equivaleut in cash for park or open spaco. At their last meeting the planning commission reviowed the proposed plat with the applicant's engineer, Mr. Bob Rohlin. The Planning Commission reviewed the comments from OSM with Mr. Rohlin and Mr. Rohlin indicated that he would submit a revised grading plan to OSM relativo to their con- cern about the low area that is proposed for park dedication. At the meating, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to approve the -4- 4-24-78 park dedication and land as proposed and also approve the preliminary plat. However, the park dedication proposal was contingent upon further review by OSM of the revised grading plan and to assure that the area would be suitable for park development. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of park dedication and approval of preliminary plat. REFERENCES: Enclosed map plus enclosed copy of plat of area and OSM letter of April 17, 1978. 1 e. Consideration of Citv's Participation in Joint Recreation Program. Many of you may be aware that the Independent School District of Monticello recently decided to redirect their summer school efforts more towards educational developmental program and away from enrichment courses and recreational activities. As a result, programs such as T ball and peewee youth baseball which were in the most part funded by the school district in the past, may have to be reduced to a large extent if a new funding source is not found. In the past, the City of Monticello contributed to- wards the funding of the Joint Recreational Program during the summer months. For example, in 1977 the city contributed $2200 towards the school district for the summer school joint recreation program and for 1978 did budget $2425. As a result of the decision by the school board, the Joint Recreation Board, which is a board comprised of two members from the school district and two members from the city, reviewed the matter with scheol officials along with Duane Gates, community education director. At that meeting, it was proposed that the city consider funding the Joint Recreation Program on an equal cost sharing basis with the school district. Ehclosed, please find a budget for the summer recreation program as prepared by Duane Gates which indicates a total cost of the programs indicated of $7,360. It should be noted, this does not include the swimming program which involves hiring of a life guard and swimming lessons, and historically the city's share of the summer recreation program has been going towards this effort which in effect has picked up approximately half the cost. As a rosult then, it would appear that the total joint recreation program budget would be approxi imately $12,210, or if it was shared on a 50 50 basis, the cost to the city would be approximately $ 6,105. As you can see by the listed budget, there are various activities included such as T ball, peewee baseball, Lennie, basketball, soccer, open gym, arts and crafts, tot lot, playground activities, otc. It is intended that the program would still be administered by the school district since they do have the facilities, plus the staff to coordinate such a program. It would appear also that possibly the Joint Recreation Board would probably become more active with the increase of the city's participation in the program. In talking to Duane Gates he has somewhat given me an overall perspective of the community education program in addition to the joint recreation program and he informs me that the total not budget for the community education program will run approximately in the area of $38.0000 for the school year of 78-79. This is the net of expenditures over revenues, and this is entirely picked up by the school district, in addition tothe joint recreation program. In thu past there may have been some concern with the city's participation in such a juLiL recreation program in light of the fact that residents from outside the city limits of Monticello will obviously be -5- 4•-21-78 participating in the program, however, it would seem that the city could certainly justify its proposed 50% share in light of the benefits received by city residents. Duane Gates will be present along with Shelly Johnson at Monday's meeting and additionally I encourage arty of you that would like to talk to Duane directly about the matter to do so if you have the opportunity before Monday night's meeting. Mr. Gates had indicated he is attempting to set up the summer program and if possible would lino approval for the city's proposed 50% share or at least an indication whether the city would be receptive to picking up this portion of the budget. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of City of Monticello's participation in the joint recreation program. REFERENCES: Ehclosed copy of budget for the summer recreation program and the community school education program. �?. Consideration of Increasing Monthly Maintenance Allocation for the library and Additional Shelving. This item was presented at the councilts March 27, 1978 meeting and at that time a decision was tabled until a proposal was forth coming from the school district for the increase in monthly rent for the additional space being used for the public library. Ehclosed, please find a proposal from the school district for a charge of $147.00 per month as compared with the existing $75,00 per month. As you can see according to the enclosure, the school district has put in approximately $4352 of improvements and the basis for the $147.00 is documented and it seems certainly fair and reason- able. Additionally, as you may recall, the Librarian, Phyllis Burbank, had requested the Council authorize additional shelving for the new room that would be added. I have contacted Gene Walters and requested he meet with Mrs. Burbank and have a proposal ready for Monday night's meeting which the council could consider. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of 1) increasing monthly maintenance allocation to the School District from $75.00 to $147.00; 2) authorization to acquire shelving. REFERENCES: Enclosures dated April 17, 1978 from Shelly Johnson. I%. Consideration of Awarding Contract on 1977-3 Street Improvement project. Ehclosod please find a list of bidders and their respective bids that were received on April 20, 1978 relative to the above project. O.S.M. is reviewing all the bids that were received and is making a computation to determine if they are correct and true to determine the lowest responsible bidder. By Monday night's meeting, a recommendation should be on hand from O.S.M. relative to their recommendation. -6- 4-24-78 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of awarding contract on 1977-3 Project to lowest responsible bidder according to report from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates. REFERENCES: List of bids received April 20, 1978. 2�. Consideration of Authorization for City Officials to attend Annual League of II Minnesota Cities Conference June 7 - 9. 1978 in Minneapolis. Ehclosed, please find program outline for the annual conference. Estimated cost per person would be $130.00 including registration and motel. I would recommend the Council authorize the City Administrator and any interested Council Members to attend the annual conference. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of authorizing city officials to attend annual League of Cities conference. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL REX JLAR =rJG /y)ril 24, 1978 — 6:30 P.M. [Members present: Con Johnson, Gene Walters, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Phil White. 1. Consideration of Landscaoin¢ Plan and Sodding for Monticello City Hall. Flys. Fran Fair reviewed a landscaping plan for the new Monticello City Hall and in addition this covered the adjacent lot just west of the new city hall. Estimated cost of the proposal presented by Mrs. Fair for the existing city hall area would be $3,024, and for the landscaping of the vacant lot would be $1200 for a grand total of $49224.00. After review, it was council consensus to implement plan as presented with the exception of possibly working with Red's Mobile Station to eliminate some of the Flowering Crabs along the west property line and replace with Honeysuckles. According to Mrs. Fair, approximately six of the Flowering Crab could be eliminated and replaced with approximately 55 Honeysuckle at approximately the same cost. This type of arrangement could also possibly eliminate the need for the fence which was not in- cluded in Mrs. Fair's quotation. City Administrator to contact Red I•lichaelis about the possibility of working with the city in improving the appearance of the empty lot and also the Mobile Station property. A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to authorize the City Administrator to spend up to $89000.00 for sod and landscaping for the city hall. It is estimated that sod would run approximately $3500 including the extra fill necessary for the vacant lot for the landscaping plan. 2. Public Hearings - Consideration of a Sideyard Variance for Tom St. llilaire, Consi-deration of Grantinf, a Variance to Allow a Driveway to Extend to the Property Line for Frank May and Consideration of Granng tia Variance: to Allow a Drivew% to Ext. �o the Proaorty fine for Gene Jensen. Rr. Tum St. Hilaire is requesting a variance to allow to allow the setback to be 9 feet on both sides of his property for lot 8, block 1 of Hoglund Addition. Mr. Frank May is requesting that he be allowed to improve the driveway at his newly purchased residence at 1001 West Broadway and this would require a variance in order that he be allowed to improve the drive- way vith blocktopping right up to the property line. Mr. Gene Jenson is requesting a variance to allow him to cover his present drive way at 711 East 4th Street with blacktop. This would require a variance in that the driveway is proposed to be right up to the abutting property line. No testimony was given in opposition to the throe items that were subject of the public hearing. Mr. Frank May did indicate that in his particular case he felt that there was justification for the variance in that it would eliminate an erosion problem. Counuilman Blonigen stated opposition to the request of 14r. Tom St. Hilaico in that the property itself was 100 fee, wido and lie didn't feel there was justification for a variance on that item. A motion was made by Phil Whito, seconded by Arve Grimsmo to approve Lhe three vru•lana, reque6La. Vo Ling in favor: White, Crlmsmo, Wal _.,rs, Johnson. Opposed: Blonigan. // L . 2j, 78 3. Consideration of Rezoning Harold Ruff Portrerty from Residential (R-1, R-2. R-3) to Heavy Indu5trial(I-2). Mr. Harold Ruff is requesting that the city rezone an area of approximately 16 acres from Rrl, R-21 R-3, to I-2. Reason for this request, as stated by Ron Ruff who was present at the meeting is as follows: 1) According to the city ordinance, Mr. Ron Ruff indicated, a salvage yard is a permitted use within a heavy industrial zone and the desire for Ruff Auto Parts is then to be in the proper zone according to Monticello Ordinances. 2) Would like someday to possibly put up a building and felt that currently as residential they would be a norb-conforming use and this could be a problem in the future. Mayor Johnson indicated that his personal opinion was that the city did not intend to amortize the salvage yard or any salvage yard out of business regardless of the current status of zoning. However, he did indicate that it could be likely that restrictions would be put on relative to requiring salvage yards to be screened. Councilman White indicated his feelings were somewhat the same, and stated reluctance to rezone the property to "grandfather" the use in because he felt that the use was not objectionable and felt compelled to implement the overall comprehensive plan which did not have that area listed as industrial. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Gene Walters, and unanimously carried to deny the rezoning request. 4. Conditional Use Permit for Pet HospiLal - Mr. Sam Peraro. Jr. for Dr. Joel Eri ck son. Mr. Sam Peraro is applying for a conditional use permit to remodel the former Promart Building on the East side of Highway 25 for use as a Pet Hospital. Currently the area is zoned B-3 and as such a conditional use permit would be necessary for a pet hospital. This property is included in a purchase agreement between Mr. Peraro and Dr. Joel Erickson pending approval or denial of the conditional use permit. Dr. Erickson has chosen to waive two previous conditional use permits because of their financial aspects and decided to purchase a building of his own rather than lease one. A motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit based upon the following conditions: 1 No pets or kennels outside; 2) Annual inspection by the cit haoth officer et the owner's expense; 3) All animals must be leashed; L� Treatment would be limited to small domesticated animals and large animals would only bo treated during the daytime. No boarding of large animals would be allowed overnight. 5) Setback requirements for sideyard would be 20 feet instead of 10 feet; 6) No outside storage of carcasses would be allowed. 5. Conditional Use Permit, Renewal Request for a Four Unit. Family Dwellinr., - J. W. Miller. Mr. J. W. Millar is requesting a conditional use permit renewal for a permit previously granted him for a proposed four-plex on the northwest corner of 4th and Minnesota Streets (Lot 5 Block 27), and a variance permit for an 8' aideyard setback. Variances and conditional use permits lapse after one year and this is the reason for the renewal request. Mr. Miller indicated he was asking for renewal of a previously granted permit and that the building plans had remained the soma. He stated the city planner did recommend spotting multiple family units throughout the city and in addition in terms of the variance request he felt it was not unreason- able in light of the fact that it would bu on the comer of the property 4--2rr7a which faces Mijtnesota Street which has 100 foot right-of-way where most right-of-ways normally are only 80 feet. Councilman Blonigen indicated that he felt the lot size was too small and indicated that the conditional u -e permit section of our ordinances require that all the requirements of an Bra area should be adhered to for a request of this nature. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White to deny the request for the variance and the conditional use permit. Voting in favor: Dan Blonigen, Phil White. Opposed: Con Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters. Another motion was made by Con Johnso:i, seconded by Arve Grimsmo to approve con- ditional use permit and variance request. Voting in favor: Con Johnson, Arve Grzmsmo and Gene Walters. Opposed: Phil White, Dan Blonigen. Monticello city ordinances do require a 4/5 vote for all conditional use permits and variances and as a result the conditional use permit and variance was denied. 6. Consideration of Preliminary Plat - Balboul Estates. Mir, Elie Balboul is proposing a 16.6 acre plat just west of Anders 'Wilhelm Estates. Proposed platting is for 31 residential lots ranging in size from 12,100 sq. ft. to 24,100 sq. ft. The proposed use would conform to the present and future zoning and the comprehensive plan for this area. Additionally, an area of approximately 3.1 acres is proposed for park land, which more than meets the city's requirement that 10% of the land be dedicated for park or an equivalent cash contribution be made to the city's park Burd in lieu thereof. There had been some concern by our engineering firm about the area desig- na*,ed for park, however, a revised grading plan presented by Mr. Bob zohlin indicated that the area north of the proposed Hedman Lane could carve as a detention pond in the spring or during heavy periods of rain fall but otherwise could be used for a play area. The proposed park dedicaLion south of Hedman Lanocould essentially be used year round, Mr. John Badalich indicated he did review the revised grading plan and also reviewed the revised plan in light of his comments previously to Mr. Hohlin relative to the plat and recommended approval of the plat. Motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve of .he park dedication as presented and also of the preliminary plat. It was pointed out that the city is reviewing its current assessm:nt policy and this particular plat would be subject to arty change in assessment policy should city ingmvements be sent out to the area. 7. Consideration of Increasing Monthly Maintenance Allocation for the Library, and Additional Shelving. The School District of Monticello is proposing a monthly maintenance allocation to the City of Monticello of $147.00 per month for the main Lo - nonce of the present space used for the library plus the additional space beinC made available by the school district. A motion was made by Phil White, seconJed by Gene Walters and unanimously carried to approve of the increase in the monthly maintenance allocation to $147.00 per month. Additionally, the item of shelving was discussed with the librarian, Phyllis Burbank, and Mr. Walters, after reviewing the area proposed for shelving previously, indicated that the coat could run approximately $1896 and it was his feeling that probably the city could not afford this amount at this time in light of its budget in that it was not budgeted for 1978. Additionally, Mr. Walters felt that any shelving put in should be no: permanently attached to the structure since the proposed shelving would go in the new space which is sLill owned by the school districL. Council -3- �� 4-24-78 consensus was to defer action until the next meeting when it could review both a short term and long term program for providing shelving for the library. S. Consideration of Awarding Contract on 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. Bids were received April 20, 1978 relative to the 1977-3 Improvement Pro- ject and six bids were received. Bids were received on a total base bid which was for the full depth bituminous (41 inches of bituminous) and also on an alternate bid basis which was for an aggregate base of class 5 and bituminous. Additionally, bids were separated into section I and section II with section II being strictly those streets that have been designated as county state aid roads. Mr. Badalich recommended that the city accept the low bid of Arcon Con- struction of Mora, Minnesota which was $2,495,253.50. Arcon Construction was also low an the alternate bid with the bid of $2,1,58,474.00. Mr. Badalich strongly recommended the full depth bituminous surfacing in that this has its advantages over the aggregate base in terms of the expediency of contruction and the durability. Mr. Badalich farther recommended that the city make the award of the contract contingent upon final Minnesota Department of Transportation approval of section II plans and specifications for the state aid road. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Gene Walters to accept the low base bid of Arcon Construction for $2,495,253.50 contingent upon state aid approval of the plans and specifications for section II which comprise the cout,ty state aid roads. Voting in favor: Phil White, Gene 'Halters, Con Johnson, Arve Grimsmo; Abstain: Dan Blonigen. Mr. Badalich indicated that as part of the contract documents the contractor would have to furnish a time table and also indicated that an informational meeting could be set up before the estimated construction start of May 10, 1978. (Sec agenda supplement 4-24-78 N1 for complete list of bids.) 9. Consideration of Authorization for Citv Officials to Attend the Annual Learue of Minnesota Cities Conference - June 7 through 9, 1978 - Minneapolis. A motion was made by Con Johnson, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to authorize any council member, mayor and city administrator to attend the above conference. Estimated cost per person would be approxi- mately $130. . 6P 10. Consideration of City's Participation in Joint Recreation Program. Recently the Independent School District of Monticello, at a Board Meeting, decided to redirect their summer school efforts and place less cz9hasis on the recreational program mid more emphasis on the educational developmental program. As a reault, programs such as T -ball, pewee youth baseball, which were in the most part funded by the school district, may have to be reduced or find a new source of funding. In the post the City of Monticello con- tributed towards the funding of the Joint Recreational Program during the summer months. For example, in 1977 the city contributed $2200 towards the school district for the summer school joint recreation program and for 1978 budgeted $2425. Mr. Duane Cates, Community Education Director for the Monticello School. District, reviewed a proposed summer recreationol budget with the City Coiuicil of Monticello. This budget included such activities as T -ball, baseball, tennis, basketball, soccer, arts and crafts, special activities, etc., and amounted to $7360. 71tis budget did not include swimming lessons, Tied Cross Instructions. 11r. Cates indicated that the city's contribution historically, has ;ono towards the swimndng programa and the city's con- 1-21-78 tribuLion has picked up about half of that cost. In effect, then, the total proposed budget would be approximately $7360 for the summer rec- reation program budget as presented by Duane Gates, and approximately another $5,000 for the swiimeing program. Mr. Gates indicated that the proposal would be that if the city would consider funding fifty percent of these programs or a total of approximately $69000. Mayor Johnson and Councilman White indicated they felt the more proper tax base for financing the scanner recreation program was more properly the school district. Mr. Duane Gates indicated the original concept for the summer recreation program was that when it was initiated it would be on a fifty-fifty basis. Mr. Sheldon Johnson, school superintendent, indicated that the school district is in effect, covering more than fifty percent of the cost even if this proposal were accepted in that they pick up 100 percent of the Conmunity Educational funds. Councilman Grimsmo inquired as what would be the future of the program if the city did not consider increasing its alloca- tion and Mr. Sheldon Johnson indicated that the school would have to con- sider another method of funding the program or funding it entirely through the school district. A motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to deny any increase overthe proposed budget level of $2425 as the city's share of its allocation towards the Joint recreation program. Council member Walters indicated that he would be willing to consider an increase for the budget year of 1979 but did feel that the school district and the city should get together and discuss the program prior to that time. 11. Approval of Bills. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the April bills as presented. 12. Approval of Minutes - April 10. 1978. There being no objections, the minutes atatid approved as presented. 13. Assessment Policy. Initially, Sprinoted Inc. was to present a draft copy of the assesanent policy to the City Council at the April 24, 1978 meeting, however, because of an illness they could not be present. It was the consensus however, of the council, to have the assessment policy presented as soon as possible, and also have the feasibility reports for any new improvements be prepared on the consensus that the council came to at their last meeting of April 10, 1978 in reviewing the assessment policy. This would allow OSM to begin work on the feasibility report a which do present proposed assessment figures. It was indicated that if this policy was to change somewhot, it could be presented at the time of the hearing on the feasibility report. 14. Setting Henrinp for Comprehensive Plan. By council consensus, the hearing for the comprehensive plan was set for May 8, 1978 at the next regular meeting of the council. 17. Sewer and Water Improvement to Thomas Industrial Park. John Badalich presented an estimated construction cost whleh was approved -5- 4-2L -78 by Arcon Construction for a change order he to the 1977-1 Improvement Project for $45,971.45 to extend sewer and water and improvements to Thomas Industrial Park. Council discussed this improvement and also the cost of the improvement in light of the recent assessment policy change and it was ocnsensus to present the cost of the project to the developer to determine if he was receptive to putting in the project but indication of the actual assessments or even the proposed assessments could not be made at this time. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ZYdPieber City Administrator GW/mjq .d -6-