City Council Agenda Packet 07-10-1978/ S\ AGENDA _ N � C RFREGULAR MEETING — MONTICELIA CITY OOUNCIL 19 �. \Q July 10, 1978 — 7:30 P. M. •_ a D I® r ? \y Mayor: C. 0. Johnson. ®O Councilmen: Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, k� 5 Philip White. II A/ Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. ,/1. Consideration of Conditional Use $ Variance Request by Mr. Bob Mosford. ./2. Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Ord-k`inance. ✓3. Consideration of Land Acquisition* Q.vw`Qp:'y ,/4. Consideration of Requesting Determination of Eligibility [ ,j for Urban Development Action Grant Program. x,11 t v� �/5. Quarterly Meeting with Department Heads. 'I V6. Approval of June 269 1978 minutes. / 7. Unfinished business. 17 P\ 1 1 ' y B. Now business. \ " ti F.tit�l- • �d 0' ✓ �P�P,�' \e °S ` (A 1 ,V D AGENDA RDAJLAR MEECIP:G — MONTICELLO CITY COUINCIL July 10, 1978 — 7:30 P. M. Mayor: C. 0. Johnson. Councilmen: Dan Blonigcn, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Philip White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of Conditional Use & Variance Request by Mr. Bob Mosford. 2, Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Ordinance. 3. Consideration of Land Acquisition. 4. Consideration of Requesting Determination of Eligibility �. for Urban Development Action OrruiL Program. 5. Quarterly Moe Ling with Department Heads. 6. Approval of June 26, 1978 minutes. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New business. I a t. -�. 10.11 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT AGENDA ITEM 1 - Consideration of Conditional Use & Variance Reouest by Mr. Bob Mosford. At their regular meeting on June 20, 1978, the Planning Commiosion noted to recommend approval of the Conditional Use request by Mr. Bob Mosford on Lots 9 & 10, Block F (SE corner of Cedar and East 3rd) for a professional office building after hearing no objections. However, later when the building plans were reviewed by the Building inspector, it was determined that several variances were necessary and a special meeting of the Planning Commission was called. The building plans had not been submitted prior to the Planning Commission meeting for a thorough review, thereby requiring a special meeting to complete the necessary items before presenting the request to the Council. The Monticello Planning Commission met in special meeting at 5:30 P. M., July 5, 1978 to discuss variance requests by W. Bob Mosford to 1) allow sideyard parking on a corner lot, 2) to allow him to park within the 500" setback for parking from a property line, 3) and to allow only 33 parking spaces instead of 39 as required. Monticello ordinances do not allow parking in a side - yard on a corner lot (the side abutting a street). After trying several arrangements for his building on the property, sideyard parking would be necessary to achieve the maximum parking spaces with the least need for variances. In order to use this arrangement he would need to have a variance to allow him to have parking up to the property line on the west side (Cedar St.) of his trailding. If parking were permitted up to tho property line on the west sidc only, it would leave 2210" between the edge of the parking lot and the curb along Cedar. Also, the most spaces for parking Mr. Mosford is able to come up with is 33, and he would need 39 to meet the ordinance requirement. APPLICANT: Mr. Robert Morford P%SIBLE ACTION: Approve or deny those variance requests. REFERENCES: Plot plans are in the Building Inspectorle office. AGENDA ITEM 2 - Consideration of Adoption of Assessment Ordinance. This item is just a follow-up to the Council meeting of June 12, 1978, at which the Council adopted an assessment policy. At that time, it was decided that the assessment policy would be put in ordinance form and codefied and later on presented to the City Council. As you might recall, the City also did amend various segments of its subdivision ordinance that made reference to the assessment policy. However, these were done directly through an existing ordinance, and therefore, this portion is not presented again as the ordinance has already been amended. Primary reason for putting the assessment policy into ordinance form is that it forms a more permanent record and there is no question as to the exact form of the policy. In addition, it also does lend itself to be more easily revised and amended, thereby forming a permanent but also a continuing record of the City's current policy. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adoption of ordinance rela- tive to the City's assessment policy. REFERENCES: Enclosed copy of the City's Assessment Policy. AGENDA ITEM 3 - Consideration of Land Acquisition. Mrs. Alberta Hill, who owns the house jLet South of City Hall, has indicated to me she is planning to sell her property in the very near future to move in with a relative. Her purpose in informing me of this situation was that she was inquiring if the City of Monticello would be interested in purchasing her property. Furthermore, she indicated she would be desirous of selling the property to the City rather than a private party. For your information, the legal description is lots 4 & 5, except for the South 75' in Block D. Since lots 4 & 5 are both 66' lots, the totalware footage of the area is 11,880 square feet, or just over of an acre. For your information, when the City of Monticello purchased the property for City Hall, two of the prrcela did have houses on them and both of these houses existed on lots that were 49P x 165' or a total of .1875 acres. In 19769 the City purchased these parcels with the houses on them for $20,000. It should be pointed out that Mrs. Hill's lot is considerably larger than these two lots by approximately 3,700 square feet. Purpose of bringing this matter to the City Council is to see if there is any interest in pursuing this matter, as Mrs. Hill is quite anxious to put her house on the market otherwise. If the Council is interested, the City could get an appraisal of the property and have this brought back to the City Council, - 2 - and at that point, an offer could be communicated to Mrs. Hill or as an alternative, the Qty Council themselves could set what they believe might be a reasonable price and communicate this to Mrs. Hill. It should be pointed out that if the City n were to be interested in this parcel for future expansion of Qty Hall or for other City purposes, the house most certainly y could be rented out in the meantime. .n V POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of interest in land acquisition as detailed above. NOTE: The Qty currently has approximately $70,000 in its capital outlay fund, and it is projected that this will reach $140,000 at the end of the year, so if the Qty does decide to purchase the property, funds could be made available from this fund. AGENDA ITEM 4 — Consideration of Requesting Determination of Eligibility for Urban Development Action Grant Program. The City of Monticello has been identified as potc,ltially eligible to apply for Urban Development Action Grant, since it appears to meet the minimum standards of stress as required under the program. This program is run through the Department of Housing and Urban Development and its intent is to stimulate the economy through a combination of private and public invest- ment. In the United States, 944 communities have been identified as potentially eligible for the program, and in Minnesota, there have been 12 communities that have been identified. Basis for determination of potential eligible applicants was based on the following factors of distress: Age of Housing Per capita income Population lag Poverty The City qualifies under the age of housing, the per capita income and the poverty categories. Any applications for funding under this program are to be sub- mitted in August of 19789 or later. The regulations require a determination of eligibility request be sent 60 days prior to the beginning of the month you intend to submit. For example, if the City of Monticello were to submit an application for October 1, 1978, it would have to request a determination of eligibility letter by August 1, 1978. The request for determina- tion of eligibility is a simplified form that merely includes the City'o interest in applying for such a grant and also the type of grant the City wishes to apply for. — 3 — Eligible activities for grant application include the follorr_ng: 1. Acquisition of land which is blighted, deteriorated, undeveloped or inappropriately developed, or appropriate for rehabilitation. 2. Utilities, street, street lights, sewer and water facilities, pedestrian malls, walkways and parks. 3. Clearance, demolition or removal or rehabilitation of buildings to alleviate harmful conditions. According to HUD, the activity being applied for should retain jobs, or attract a new employer or benefit low and moderate income individuals. Quite an important factor in these activities is that it should create jobs or stabilize the job market. One possibility would be improvements in the downtown area, and taking down some of the more dilapidated buildings and attempting to attract commercial and retail outlets to these sites. It is quite important that there is a combination of private and public investment as mentioned above. For example, if the City of Monticello were to spend $50,000 in the demoli— tion and clearance of a building that was dilapidated and the private investment of construction on that piece of property were to be $300,000, the $300,000 would then constitute the private investment. The City of Monticello's share of $50,000 would be eligible for the grant program on a 100%, basing so the net cost to the City would be 110". In total, there is $300,000000 available and HUD has indicated that the average grant application will be $500,000. Eligible applicants for the program are all under $5090009 however, since Monticello is still on the small side in terms of popula- tion, the average grant for City's of its size may not be quite as high as $500,000. Two public hearings must be hold relative to the grant applies-- tion, pplico-tion, one being on needs of the City and another one on the actual application itself. In talk= ng to Housing and Urban Devolopmen area office, they have indicated that the hearings do not necessarily have to bo hold prior to the submission of a determination of eligibility. However, no previously men— tioned, the City will have to identify a project just to determine whether it's eligible for the program or not, and the Council may want to consider holding the hearing on needs prior to the submission of a determination of eligibility request. Procedurally, here is a scenario of how the City of Monticello's Grant application could evolve: —4— I 1. City Council is made aware of potential eligibility of the City of Monticello. 2. City Council makes a determination on whether to apply for funds. 3. City Council determines project to be requested (this could be done at any meeting of the City Council end could include one of the hearings that is mentioned). 4. within 60 to 90 days after the submission of their request for determination of eligibility, the City receives word back from HUD. 5. If it is determined that the City 13 eligible, the City holds the remaining hearing or hearings. 6. The actual application is approved by the City Council and sent to the arca office of HUD. 7. The City receives word from HUD on whether its applica- tion has been approved or disapproved. 8. Actual start of project. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of applying for request for determination of eligibility for Urban Develop- ment Action Grant Program. It should be mentioned that since even the determination request for eligibility requires an actual project to be identified, the city council may want to take some time to take this item under consideration and bring this beck to the council agenda within 30 days for example. Additionally, the council may want to consider the possibility of getting input relative to an assessment of needs for possible funding. — 5 — AGENDA ITEM 5 - Quarterly Meeting with Department Heads. The following Department Heads are expected to be at the meeting Monday night, since it is the first meeting of the Third Quarter of 1978: e Chief puty Sheriff Senior Citizens Director F l Defense Director ding Inspector it Works Director City Administrator It should be noted that the Liquor Store Manager, Mark Iridter, will be at a subsequent meeting at which time he will also have the financial statements for the First Six Months of 1978 to review with the City Council. PWSIBLE ACTION: No specific action is necessary unless some particular item is brought to the attention of the City Council. -b- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 10, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. ;c,-bers present: C. 0. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, C. Walters, P. White. Members absent: D. Blonigen l.. Consideration of Conditional Use and Variance Request by Mr. Bob Nbsford. Mr. Bob Mosford requested a conditional use permit to construct a profes- sional office building on Lots 9 & 10, Block F, located on the corner of Cedar and E. Third Street. In addition, Mr. Mosford requested that the Council grant variances to allow 1) sideyard parking on a corner lot; 2) to allow him to have his parking lot extend to the property line rather than sutLing back his parking lot 5' from the property iine; and 3) to allow 33 parking spaces instead of the 39 required by the ordinances. City Ordinances do not allow parking in a sideyard on a corner lot (tne aide abutting a street). After trying several arrangements for this building, sideyard parking would be necessary to achieve the maximum parking spaces with the least need for variances. On June 20, 1978, the Planning Commission recommended approval o: the condi- tional use permit for the office building and on a special meeting held on July 5, 1978, at 5:30 P.M., the Planning Commission recommended that the variance requests be granted. Hearing no objections, the motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, second•:d by Phil White and unanimously carried to grant the conditional use permit for a professiondl office building and the following variances: 1. Allowance of parking in the sideyard abutting Cedar Street. 2. Allowing the parking curb area to be on the property line on Cedar Street. 3. Granting a variance of b parking spaces, requiring only 33 parking spaces. 2. Consideration of Adoption of Aosoesment Ordinance. At a previous Council meeting held June 12, 1978, the Council adopted a revised assessment policy. In order to have this now assessment policy as a permanent record of the City, and to make it more easily amended, Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Geno Walters and unanimously carried to amend the currant coning ordinances by adopting the ordinance relative to the City's new assessment policy. (Soo ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 a ). 3. Consideration of Land Acquisition. Mrs. Alberta Hill, who owns the house ,Just South of City Hall, has indicated to the City that she is planting to sell her property in the very near future, and has inquired as to whether the City would be interested in purchasing her property. Mrs. Hill did not indicate an asking price for the house, but did say she would rather sell the property to the city, than to a private party. Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Grimsmo and unanimously carried to have the City Administrator negotiate with the property owner regarding purchase of her home, and report back to the Council. If the price seemed excessive, it was the concensus of the Council that an appraisal would then be obtained on the property. 4. Consideration of Requesting Determination of Eligibility for Urban Development Action Grant Program. The City of Monticello has been identified as potentially eligible to apply for Urban Development Action Grant, since it appears to meet the minimum standards of stress as required under the program. This program is run through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and its intent is to otimu.late the economy through a combination of private and public investment. Any applications for funding under this program are to be submitted in August of 1978, or later. M'ai gible activities for grant application include the following: 1. The acquisition of land which is blighted, deteriorated, undeveloped or inappropriately developed, or ready for rehabilitation. 2. Utilities, street, street lights, sewer and water facilities, and park improvements. 3. Clearance, demolition and removal of buildings to alleviate harmful conditions. It appears that the City of Monticello may be eligible for up to $500,000 should their application be accepted. Before the City can apply for such a Grant, it must indicate the type of improvement the Grant would be used for. A decision was tabled for further review by the Council members to enable them to review possible eligible activities that could be applied for under this program. 5. Aporoval of Minutes. Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried l.o approve the Minutes of June 26, 1978, as presented. - 2 - Mtinu*,-2s - 71/10/7--' 6. Discussion on Blacktonpins Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and "ihomas Industrial Drive in Oakwood Industrial Park. At the previous Council Meeting, City Fhgineer, John Badalich, discussed with the Council the possibility of re-blacktopping that portion of Cedar SLreet between the bowling alley on Chelsea Road and the Thomas Industrial Park Drive. This portion of the road had deteriorated somewhat• and the Engineer indicated that the re-blacktopping could be made part of the 77-1 improve- ment Project with a Change Order. Letters have been sent to the abutting property owners to see if they would be interested in being assessed for a new blacktopped street. The City Administrator indicated the: none Of the property owners have responded yet to the letter and a motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to hold a public hearing on the proposed improvement along this road to give all property owners a chance to express their opinions. 7. Consideration of Certificate of Occupancy Variance - Mel Worth Storase Buil din R. Mr. Mel Worth, owner of the storage building south of Interstate 9r. on Highway 25, requested a variance on his Certificate of Occupancy to open without the landscaping being completed. Mr. Worth indicated that it was recommended to him that the shrubs and trees not be planted until later this Fall, but did indicate that the blacktopping would be completed before opening. MoLion was made by White, seconded by Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the Certificate of Occupancy variance for landscaping providc'd a bond is posted with the City for the uncompleted portion of the landscaping. S. Discussion on the Sid yard Variance Heeded for a Residential Homo in Hillcrest Second Addition. Loren Klein, Building Inspector for the City of Monticello, informed the Council that a residential home being built by Sam Peraro in Hillcrest Second Addition may require. an 8' frontyard setback variance. Mir. Klein indicated that he had made the error in determining where the setback line was, and indicated that a variance should probably be granted to Mr. Peraro as the home is now almost completed and requiring the property owner to move the house would seem to be unrealistic. Since no action by the Council can be taken until a Public Hearing is held, it was recommended by uoncensus that a public hearing be hold at the next regular council meeting concerning this 8' variance request. It was further indicated that no further construction should take place on this home until the public hearing is hold. 9. Discussion. on 1978-1 Improvement Project. Mr. John Bodalich, City F}igineer, informed the Council that plans and sheci- ficaLions for the 1978-1 Improvement Project should be completed and prc� C acnLablo to the Council at the next regular meeting. If the plans and space. aro approved by the Council, bide could be called for returnable on August 18, 1978. -3- a Minutes - 7/1G/73 As a result, a special meeting was scheduled for August 21, 1978, at 5:00 P.M. for consideration of possibly awarding bids on the 78-1 Project. 10. Quarterly Meet: nR with Department Heads. A quarterly meeting with the following department heads was hold on various topics: Fire Chief Deputy Sheriff Senior Citizens Director Building Inspector Civil Defense Director Public Works Director City Administrator In discussions with the Public Works Director, Mike Rajala, it was the concensus of the Council to have the Public Works Director get quotes for possibly sealcoating two parking lots, one located behind Johnson's Department Store and the other one located behind the old City Hall, and quotes to resurface the parking lot just Nest of the old Fullerton Lumber Yard with bituminous mat rather than sealcoating. Mr. Rajah will be reporting back to the Council after cost estimates are received. 11. Discussion on Chemical Treatment Improvemonts at Disposal Plant. Mr. John Dodalich, City Fhginecr, informed the Council that it again appears that chemical treatment to the sewage at the Disposal Plant will be necessary as the affluent levels have again exceeded the permit requirements. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has indicated that chemical treat- ment will be necessary if the City continues to exceed the state standards of our sewer penin. Even though Step II Grants should be forthcondng as far as improving the sewer plant, it appears that it will be at least 19aO or 1981 before the plant will bo upgraded to moot the new standards. The Council requested that Mr. Badalich get revised cost estimates for installing the chemical treatment equipment, and this item will be discussed by the Council in two weeks. Meeting adjourned. RW/na - 4 - Fiichord Wolfst�511or Assistant Addinistrator RW/na - 4 - 0 MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 14, 1978 - 11:30 A. M. Members present: C. 0. Johnson, D. Blonigen, P. White, G. Walters. Members absent: A. Grimsmo The purpose of this meeting was to review a variance request for a Certificate of Occupancy for Mel Wolter's Dairy Queen at the corner of 6th Street and Highway 75 in Monticello. Mr. Wolters indicated that the landscaping would be able to be completed within 60 to 90 days, and additionally, that a curb barrier of concrete would be put in if he were granted a variance, otherwise he would have to put in a blacktop curb barrier. Additionally, the unpainted wall will be treated with a stain or paint. Motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to grant the variance for the landscaping requirement and the curb barrier and the painting of the fourth wall, with all items to be completed within 90 days provided a bond is posted. Meeting adjourned. Gnry cber City dministrator GW/ns