City Council Agenda Packet 01-23-1979AGENDA
Tuesday - January 23, 1979 - 7:30 P. M.
Mayor: Arve Grimsmo
Councilmembers: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White.
Meeting to be taped.
OAA • or CFrc-- 1LGN MQuS
Citizens comments.
QQ-d 1. Public (tearing - Consideration of Variance to Use a Portion of a Commercial
�t Establishment for Residential Rental Purposes - Dr. Joel Erickson.
0 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance Request on Front Yard Setback
Q, for Lot 7, Block 1, of Sandberg's Riverside Addition - Mel Wolters.
3. qt
Public Hearing on Consideration of Variance Requests and Conditional Use
Permit for Holiday Stationstores, Inc.
F^ 0
4. Consideration of Rezoning Request from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to
Q B-3 (Highway Business) for Property Owned by Olga J. Swanson Estate along
Highway 25 in Monticello.
5. Consideration of Reducing Rotainage Amount on Contract with Arcon Construc-
tion for 1977-3 Street Improvement Project.
p� 6. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Feasibility Report on Additional
0 Area Petitioned For. <?a., tg
Consideration of Advertising for New Public Werke Director.
B. Consideration of Approval of Advortising for Bids for Mini -Pumper Fire Truck.
P� 9. Quarterly Mecting with Department Heads.
0. Approval of Bills - January 1979.
\ 11. Approval of Minutes - January 8, 1979 regular meeting. je♦�S
Unfinished business
New business - we
JConsidoration of adoption of Resolution of Participation in Minnesota �Q
Cities Week - February 26 through March 2.
Tuesday - January 33, 1979 - 7:.16 P.1.
:!embers present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigcn, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, 11hil:p t.bite.
Members absent : None.
oath of office for the newly appointed Councilmember, Ken Maus, was by
the City Administrator, Gary Wicher.
Citizens Comments:
Mr. Paul Klein questionned the Council's recent decision to appoint the
building inspector as the new Civil Defense Director. Mr. Klein fc1t that
with the unique position Monticello has with the nuclear power, a
local person who is more familiar with the power plant may be a bet•er
choice. He was also concerned that if the current building inspector
should ever leave his position with Monticello, the City would be lift
again without a Civil Defense Director familiar with the plant.
1. Public Hcarinq - Consideration of Variance to Use a Portion of a Cr-n(rcial
Establishment for Residential Rental Purposes - Dr. Joel Crich -on.
or. Joel Erickson requested a variance to lett a residential unit aliwo the
Monticello -Big Iake Pet Hospital, which is located South of 1-c)4 on tliylniay, 25
Since the area in question is zoned B-3, it was necessary to obtain a
variance for any typo of residential use. Mr. Erickson indicate:] tint the
small residential apartment would be used by an employee of the vetcri:iarinn
clinic only.
Because the residential use would seem to be a .luito minor use in r-,lnt_i"nn-
ship to the size of the overall Monticelln-Dig Lake Pet lovpital, a notion
was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil, White and unanimously carrtiil
to approve the variance request.
2. Public ]fearing - Consideration of Variance Request on Frontyard :'.tla:k fer.
tot 7, Block 1 of Sandharq's Riverside Addition - '!el Woltors.
Mr. Mal bolters requested a variance from the frontyard setback rt-Iiirements
of 30', and proposed to put a_house 25' back from the property L nv. 9c.
Wolters indicated that with the 50' setback from the rear lot lint 'r•a.0 o
of Otter Creek, fie nnadod the additional 5' in the froatyatd to Ivt'b an
adaquatw size house.
since this lot is on a cul do sac, the setback would not attPvt any al,�ininq
properties, and the Planning Commission, at their last meeting, vat 1 t,-
orecommend approval of this variance.
Council :dnutes - 1/23/7?
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair and unanime_:!ly
�• carried to approve a setback distance of 25' for Lot 7, Block 1,
Riverside Addition.
3. Public Hearing on Consideration of variance Request and Conditions: Vse
Permit for Holidav Stationstores, Inc.
Holiday Stationstores, Inc. requested a conditional use permit to :uild
a combination gasoline station and convenience store on tieo easterly half
of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 s 4, and part of Lot 5, Block 5 in Monticello.
Since the area in question was zoned B-3, a conditional use permit was
necessary for approval of this request. In addition to a conditional
use permit, the Holiday Stationstores requested four variances, as follows:
A. A variance to allow two 30' driveway openings on Seventh Strec:, instead
of the 24' openings allowed by City ordinances.
B. A variance request to have the openings 25' from the property lino on
the east rather than the required 40' Per ordinances.
C. A variance request to allow the gasoline pumps to be located 1)' from
the frontyard property line, rather than the 30' as required. Alsn
requested was a variance to allow the pylon signs to be apt ba k only
15' from Seventh Street and lOS' from Highway 25, rather then -,:0 30'
from both directions, as required by the ordinance.
D. A variance request to provide only 12 off-street parking space.. rather
than the 18 required by the ordinances.
At their last meeting the Planning Commission reviewed both tie rur.dt.,
tional use permit and the variances and recommended that the conditional
use permit be granted and also that the variances be approved exceir that
the driveway openings be required to be 40' from Highway 25 rather than
the requested 251, and that the Pylon sign be located 25S' from H1-J1tw3 y 25
rather than the requested 105' now that the driveway opening woull 1�u 4p'.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen end unantnrwily
carried to approve the conditional use request for the Holiday ,.ad
Station/Convenience Store and to approve the following vartanecr r,.sxnmonded
by the Planning Commissions
A. Two 30' Driveway openings rather than 24' openings.
B. Denied request for 25' opening from highway 25, must be 40'
C. Variance to allow the gasoline pumps to be not back 19' frim Siv#nth
Street rather than 30'. Also, to allow than Pylon siqn to l,e 1- ated
19' back from Seventh Street, but 25S' from Hiuhway :!r,, rather 1,an the
30' entbacks.
U. Variance to allow 12 spaces for off-street parkinq than lh as
provided in the ordinance.
- 2 -
Council Minutes - 1/3/79
4. Consideration of Rezoning Request from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to
B-3 (Highway Business) for Property Owned by Olga J. Swanson Estati along
Highway 25 in Monticello.
A request was made by the personal representative of the Olga J. Swanson
Estate to have a 20.16 acre parcel rezoned from R-1 to B-3.
Ila specific use of the property has been proposed, other than the fact
that the potential buyer of the land from the Estate felt that the use would
be more suitable for commercial as opposed to single family reside:.tial
since it did border along Highway 25. It was noted that approximately
half of the parcel is in a low land or wetlands area, and it was also noted
that the City's wetlands ordinances would apply, thereby not allowing any
of the wetlands area to he filled in for commercial development.
A public hearing was held at the Planning Commission level with no objections
heard, and the recommendations of the Planning Commission were to approve
the rezoning.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously -irried
to approve the rezoning from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to B-3
(Highway Business). (See Ordinance Amendment 1/23/79 463)•
5. Consideration of Reducing Retainaqe Amount on Contract with Arcon C,nstruc-
tion for 1977-3 Improvement Proiect.
At the last Council Meeting, Mr. Herman TOWS, Vice President of Arron
Construction Company, requested that the Council reconsider their d:tion
of December 11, 1978 whereby the retainage amount for this project was
reduced to 10% rather than the 3% requested.
Although the contract calls for a 10i retainage, a revised Minnesota State
Statute hes language requiring a City Council to reduce the retainage to
an amount sufficient to protect the City.
Consulting Engineers, Orr-Scholon-Mayeron C Associates, recommended -that
the City reduce the rotainage to 3%, which in their opinion was sufficient
to complete any work ramaining. It was also the recommendation of she
City Attorney, Cary Pringle, that the revised Minnesota State Statue
requiring a lower percentage should have been written into the conteact,
and therefore recommended that a lower percentage would be applicant
in this case.
In light of the recommendations made, a motion was made by Dan Hl; n,
seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve lowering t',,
retainage amount on the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project frrim I0% :non
to 36.
6. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Feasibility Retort on Addirtan,l Ara&
Petitioned For.
A petition was received on January 16, 1979, free Mr. Mike Rehror tm Dave
the J. R. Culp farm served with sower and water. Mr. Rohrer ha% an ipt inn
- 3 -
Council minutes - 1/23179
t to purchase this parcel from tlr. Culp, and requested that he be included
in the recently ordered feasibility report for 1979 improvements.
Mr. Keith nelson, consulting engineer with Orr-Scholen-Mayeron 5 A-sociates,
indicated that if the Culp property were to be included in the foanibility
report, most likely the area would be served by extending the imprarements
planned for the Oakwood Industrial Park from Dundas Road to the ca .t, rather
than coming South along Highway 25. Additionally, the feasibility of extend-
ind Dundas Road along the alignment for the proposed sewer and wat.r exten-
sion for the area could also be considered at the same time. Mr. F.eith
Nelson also indicated to the Council that a number of alternatives were
available for extending sewer and water and other considerations w,3uld have
to be given to possibly oversizing some of the sewer lines for future
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unani:-nously carried
to approve a resolution ordering a feasibility report on extension of
sewer and water to the J. R. Culp farm as part of the 1979 imFrove-,nt
project. (Resolution 1979 42).
7. Consideration of Advertising for new Public works Director.
After reviewing a job description of the Public works Dire -ton's p-�sntion.
a motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unaninoasl., carried
to advertise for a new Public works Director to replace Mike laaiaLi, who
resigned January 15, 1979.
The ad will be placed in the local paper, along with the St. Cloud Times
and Minneapolis Tribune and League of Cities Magazine.
$. Consideration of Approval of Advartisino for Bids for Mini-Pumrrr Piro
Fire Chiof, Paul Klein, requested that the Council consider advertising for
the purchase of a now mini-pumpor fire rescue truck. Mr. Klein indicated
that the fire department has been reviewing other community's similar
equipment and felt that the need with the Freeway does exist for tl.o
department to have a smaller mini -pumper with rescue abilities.
At the time the 1979 Budget was adopted, the Council was aware t,ut this
item would be considered in 1979, and funds would possibly be avail.ible
fres the capital outlay revolving fund in the approximate cost of S'3.V on -
The primary purpose behind this smaller fire truck would be the quirk
response time that a more mobil unit would offer. Additionally, wi-h the
addition of rescue coals, it would allow t1w fire department to uu this
piece of equipnent to rescue victims of a vehicle accident and wool' always
be the first fire truck to got to the scene of a fire.
This itom was previously approved by thw Mcntieello ,pint i ire fklat ..
consisting of a fire department representative ani a reproe,mtative from
both the Township and the City of Monticello. It who else nnteJ t h.,t it
- 4 -
Council 'Minutes - 1y.:3/79
would be necessary to obtain approval on awarding a contract from :zoth the
governing bodies of the Township and the City once bids were received.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to authorize the Fire Department to draw up specifications for
a mini -pumper and present to the Joint Fire Board and. nonticello ,.nahip
for approval. If both the Joint Piro Board and the :lonti..ello Tow•„hip
Board approves of the specs, advertisement for bids would prc eed.
9. Marterly Meetinq with Department heads.
The quarterly meeting with various department brads was h,ld 1, tl:”
City Council. The following department heads were in attendance a- t!ic
Liquor Store Manager - Mark irmiter
Fire Chief - Paul Kl^in
Senior Citizens Dir. - Karen Hanson
Building Inspector - Loren Klein
Wright County Sheriff's Dept. - Don Hozempa
City Administrator - Gary Wieber
Building Inspector, Loren Klein, informed the Council that the Lowing
inspections on rental property will be started within the next few weeks.
Mr. Klein also informed the Council that numerous items are availaFlo
from the Federal government for use by the Civil Defense Cepartment. The
Council authorized Mr. Klein to make a list of any items he felt tl.o City
could use that may be available. Mr. Kloin also indicated that in
application has been made for additional sirens to be located in :S nticello
with possible 50♦ funding by the Federal government.
City Administrator, Gary Wieber, informed the Council that the week of
February 26th to March 2nd has been designated as Minnesota cities :Ceck.
The League of Minnesota Cities has requested that the City of ::onti,cello
participate in support of Minnesota Cities Week and adopt the resolution
recognizing Minnesota Cities Week and its promotional activities.
Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Phil Whito anJ unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution participating in Minnesota Cities Weck of
February 26 through March 2, 1979. (See Resolution 1479 N3).
10. Approval of Bills and Minutes for January 1979.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimoutly carried
to approve the bills for January 1979, and the Minutes of January F. 1979,
as presented. Mae Supplement 1/23/79 a1i.
Meeting adjourned.
Richard Wolfsteller
Assistant Administrator
owering Existing Services
,.owering existing sanitary sewer services for storm sewer
construction will be paid for at the unit price bid per lineal
foot. All P.V.C. or V.C.P. service pipe lowered shall be replaced
with cast iron pipe. The unit price bid shall include all materials
and labor including C.I.P., bends, and adapters, and shall be
bid for all sizes and types of services encountered.
The Contractor shall be required to notify the Engineer 24 hours
in advance, indicating duration of water service shut-off, prior
to connecting to and/or shutting off existing water main.
Before being placed in service, the completed water main installa-
tion shall be disinfected and flushed in accordance with the
Special Conditions for water main. After the final flushing
the water shall be tested for bacteriological quality and be
required to meet the standards prescribed by the Minnesota
Department of Health. Collection and testing of water samples
shall be in accordance with the provisions of AWWA C-601.
Water quality will be tested by an approved testing laboratory.
The location of all tests will be at the direction of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall bear all costs of testing.
1. .11 hydrants shall be Waterous, Pacer Traffic Type, and shall
be in accordance with the Standard A.W.W.A. Specification C502,
latest revision, for hydrants except as otherwise provided herein
to suit local requirements.
Hydrants are to have 5 1/4" minimum valve openings. They shall
be equipped with two - 2 1/2" hose connections 2 1/2" NST,
3 1/16" O.D. x 7 1/2 TPI and one 4 1/2 inch pumper connection
4 1/2"NST, 5 3/4" O.D. x 4 TPI.
Existing water main to be lowered for sewer construction shall be
paid for at the unit price bid per lineal foot. Lowering of
water main shall be in accordance to Detail Plate No. 25. Unit
price bid shall include all materials and labor including pipe,
fittings, retainer glands, etc. and shall be bid for all sizes and
types of water main encountered.
3/4" x 1" Corporation cocks may be used in lieu of saddles on
6' and 8" diamoter Class 52 D.I.P. water main, and 12" diameter
Class 50 D.I.P. water main.
068-2807 SP -23
The Owncr shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any suit
or expense claim brought for or on account of any damage, main-
tenance,removal and/or replacement, or relocation of mains, con-
duits, pipes, poles, wires, cables or other such structures of
private utility firms or corporations, whether underground or
overhead, that may be caused or required by the Contractor during
the time the work is in progress. However, in cases where the
alignment, as shown on the plans, coincides with the existing
location of either an overhead or underground privately owned util-
ity (installed and located in accordance with a permit issued by
the Village or City) so that, in the opinion of the Engineer the
relocation of said utility is required to complete the installa-
tion, the Owner shall provide for such relocation.
For the performance of the contract, the Contractor will be per-
mitted to occupy such portions of streets or alloys, or other pub-
lic places, or other rights-of-way, as shown on the plans, or as
permitted by the Engineer. A reasonable amount of tools, materials
and equipment ,for construction purposes may be stored in such space,
but not more than is necessary to avoid delays in the construction.
Excavated and waste materials shall be piled or stacked in such a
way as not to interfere with spaces that may be designated to be
- left free and unobstructed, nor inconvenience occupants of adjoin-
ing property. Other Contractors of the Owner may, for all purposes,
required by their contracts, enter upon•tho work and premises used
'by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall give to other contrac-
tors of the Owner all reasonable facilities and assistance for the
-completion of adjoining work any additional grounds dosirod by the
Contractor for his use shall be provided by him at his own cost and
Where the work encroaches upon any right-of-way of any railway or
State or County Ilighway, the Owner will secure the necessary ease-
ment or permit for the work. Where railway tracks or such highways
are to be crossed, the Contractor shall observe all the regulations
and instructions of the railway company and Highway Department as to
methods of doing the work, or precautions for safety to property ex-
cept the right-of-way, shall be mode by the Contractor at his expense.
The Contractor will not be paid direct compensation for ouch railway
or highway crossings, unless so provided in the special provisions
and proposal.
The Engineer may have the right to stop work during rain or snow
storms and all freshly placed work, unless otherwise protected,
shall be protected by canvas or other suitable covering in such a
mannor as to prevent running water from coming in :ontact with it.
Sufficient covering shall be provided and kept rowdy for this pur-
pose. The Contractor will not be entitled to extra compensation for
work so stopped or delayed by the Engineer.
-29- cc
haverestored at his own cost and expense, such property to a con -
.tion similar or equal to that existing before such damage or in-
3ury was done, by repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise restoring as
may be directed, or he shall make good such damage from injury in a
manner acceptable to the Owner or the Engineer. In case of failure
on the part of the Contractor to restore such property or make good
such damage or injury, the Engineer may, upon forty-eight hours'
written notice under ordinary circumstances and without notice when
a nuisance or hazardous condition results, proceed to repair, re-
build, or otherwise restore such property as may he deto rmined nec-
essary, and the cost thereof will be deducted from any monies due
to the Contractor under this contract if not so deducted, the Con-
tractor will be obligated to forthwith reimburse the Uwner for the
cost thereof.
Prior to construction, the Contractor shall obtain field locations
or other assistance as may be required to determine the existence
and location of gas main and other private utilities as well as
public utilities of the Village, City, County or State which may
be underground or overhead within street and highway right-of-way
or within easements and which may be interfered with under this
Existing underground, surface, or overhead structures are not nec-
essarily shown on the plans, and those shown are only approximately
correct and no responsibility is assumed by the Owner or the Engi-
er for the accuracy of location. The Contractor shall make such
_.�vestigalions as are necessary to determine the extent to which
existing structures may interfere with the work contemplated under
this contract.
The sizes, locations and depths of such structures as are shown on
the plans and profiles are only approximately correct and the Con-
tractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the information
The Contractor shall not claim or be entitled to receive compensa-
tion for any damages sustained by reason of the inaccuracy or the
omission of any of the information given on the drawings, relative
to the surface, overhead, or underground structures or by reason of
his failure to properly protect and to maintain structures.
The Contractor is to exercise extreme caro in crossing or working
adjacent to all utilities and shall be responsible to protect and
maintain their operation during the time the work in in progress.
The Contractor shall restore, at his own expense, any public struc-
tures such as water mains, water connections and appurtenances,
sewers, manholes, catch basins and sowor connections which are
damaged or injured in any way by hie acts.
-28- GC
n Appl:eaLion ler:
X Set up license ($100.00)
On sale intoxicating liquor ($2,500.00)
On sale non -intoxicating liquor ($100.00)
X Off sale non -intoxicating liquor ($15.00)
Name: D'14K'8 /l C-e4a lel Age: 30 Date:
l (� Y,.r
a^re of Busi:ress:
A•;dr•_ss: /S�/ Erlrr �rpq/7wrRy Telephone No. - Home 566-88--/
Presrnt business owned or operated (if applicable):
Flame of Business Address .Type of Operation �e��Au.L,,, T /Sr/<' E.ce„�,, 47
Name Address Telephone Number
/I !i.•�- J /7 n-...�j CU..Lj / S-/�Lw-e.. 9 2 `7 .f -
Credit references (list at least one bank you do business with):
;Jame /J Address Telephone Number
/`("� �fi/vw.t.-��- , c /•v /l/A'! L • J /r. �i'/J �S�' / �""� � ,
Have you ever been convicted of a felony, or of violating the National
Prohibition Act or any State law or ordinance relating to manufacture
or transportation of intoxicating liquors:
E;xplaln type of operation you desire license for:
1' L R w �+.�•••�f — f.5,7 rC
2-.7, Np
1t,, ra ,, S --r/ rC-.S' J• Y %NllY2o� Lv+�� it✓-u"0o 7
:.ocation of proposed b inose:
/S t/ t/; s7
On sale intoxicating liquor only:
Amount of investment, exclusive of land:
DPS4007 (0.75)
Liauo, Convol Division
e80 cedar Street
(This Application Shall Be Typewritten attd Submitted Before Jurm tft of each Year?
To answering the followlog questions -APPLICANT- shell be governed se Lollore:
Por n Partnership, uoe of the partnere shall etecato this epPlicatio. for all manbere of the partnership. For
e Corporntioa, a o of ti car shell a eco [e thio eppl iced os, for sll otllcere, dl roc tore, Rod
et*Cllold:re. For
e Club, one of ter club off iters shell . acute t le appllca[ion for all tha tneneere. if addi tlonel space le
required, ase a sepere[e sheet of P•Per, lath c.ting Of camber the seat be answered.
(FEE FOR PERMIT - $100.00)
1. 1. , ac
I ■..r er ....•....... •re I ....... I It.a... au.t ...... Y•r, e.r. •rr.e.r, .lee •rr te.rl
for and in behal f of
Irl e..e. .r e•• ... •r ........ er n•.e or e.•sl
Hereby apply for a permit allowing consumption and display of intoxicating liquor to be
locnLed at , Minicipality of
L., • els.. n•ee.rl
Post Office of County of
1Ts.e.ale .ea B.aaleel
State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of M. S. 340.14, Subd. 3, as amended.
2. ';:ill business be operated as a private club or public place
3. State type of business
4. BUR A PUBLIC bUSINESS: If a partnership, state nam; and address of each member of
partnership; it' a corporation, state near, and address of officers and directors.
1 ..•.1 lag ..... 1
1 •agree.)
I Y...I 1•agr... I
5. FOR A PRIVATF CLUB: Date club was organized is club incorporated
number of rembera length of time in present location is club
buihlily; owned or rented what is the membership dueF what are
the. requirements for membership
Does club maintain lockers to be used by members for storing intoxicating liquor
Nnm.n of all officers and/or directors, of the club:
ad reel
1.•e.l I.a.r. •.1
1 •••.1 l.agr...l
Enclose, with this npplication a copy of the Constitution and By -Laws of the club and current
llut of bons fide m;mbero.
fi. 11' applicant or any partner, corporation officer or director, club officer or director,
in not a citizen 01' the United States, list Duch non-citizenr
7. ^tate name of person who will operate or manage business:
1 .... ) 1 .aa .... 1
8. On what floor to the! establishment located, or to be located
0. How are Lhe promieaB clnoslfied under the zoning ordinaries,
10. 8tntc name and addrena of owner or owners of building wherein the bulli neeB will be located:
1 Y.•.1 I ua...•l
App—od for Violations by: Do Nor 113E
3.e' 6
3.e'6 bT W.hler.
11. liar applicant; i1' partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if
club, any club officer or director, ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act
revoked or suspended or been convicted for any violation of state Laws or local ordinances;
if so, give date and details
17.. Is applicant; if partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if
club, any club officer or director, a member of the governing body of the municipality or
county in which this permit is to Le issued; if so, in what capacity
13. Has applicant; if partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if
club, nny club officer or director, any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any
liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota Give name and address of such
establishmo nr
14. Furnish the nam: and address of at least three business references, including one bank
re Terence:
In...I 1 uar •••1
15. Will intoxicating liquor be sold on the premises
16. (a) State whether application 1. Original— 2. Renewal — 3. Transfer_,
(b) State whether doncing will be permitted on the premiseG
17. Are the premises now occupied, or to be occupied, entirely separate and exclusive from
any other buninoss establishment
18. State trade name to be used
19. State whether an "On -Sale" or "Off -Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage License has or
will be granted in conjunction to this business and for the same premises
20. Has there been issued, or will there be issued, a $54.00 Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's
Special Tax Stamp for thy_ sale of liquor on these premises
21. His your local government an ordinance regulating the consumption and display of inLoxi-
cating liquor
22. It' operating under zoning ordinance how is location of building clasnit'ied
I hereby .1l.f V that 1 naw read and unde,siand every ountion in thin appliau0n, and that the snwwrs ere true of my oevn knovAedae. 1 lurcher
understand that the of falx intormahon in this appbcation, or the failure to Rlye pertinent intormstion Conpll utas cauwa for the immediate reV tion
ded mo
LIQUOR. Enur4 ,,—n, of $100.001nev order, bank 111.111ca
ye111 or ndied thecal pevebla to the Liquor Control Director a Provided by M.S. 1807,
Semon :.0.110.
It npplic-I ie locet.d Is to. Couety, the sil—itf sea
"1111"nppl a of Cmleioaobell
b. -1h cotenAcdofCoubeyoo.
IN..• .r ■•u.t t•... ul
(a ........ •r .........a •eyls•••.)
1 c..1..... a ... a .r C..., ........ I
If epplieest le located Is a Muaiclpallty, both the fiah.ulbed Aad ..on to bators ate this lay
Mayor and the Chief of Pollco shall approve the two copies
of this ePpllc.tio..
of IPS
Whist of Pollcel My Ctnnisaioa aspires
llf yrnl hdtrn no police department. Doth the Mayor and the Villare Clerk shall approve this
nor, a. ni.o ,•« .iul,dd.• .out adryuaty lar ir.i>.ni.iblr anJ aomfortaMr acconun,xla-
t ,n+l,a it, iso n l—q may allow' metnlr•rs to hnng and keep a personal supply of In.
cu,atnig hww" no h,:kna ac.q:nrJ to much nu•mticrm Every bottle, container. or
,shrr nreptai Ir ,ont.unutg Intoxicating liquor stored by members shall have attached
nn a label "fined Its the nienifter of the Nub. All liquor on the premises of the club
he LJw,led ,i. hefem n•gmnvl. and any not being actually used or consumed by
'hr auner tate-of .hall tae kept in a Luker designated to the use of such member. It
•hill th, untm t,d 1- ,mv Aub member under 10 years of age to be assigned o locker
!-rIhr .Inragr ,,I int—w ung liquor, nr to consume or display or be permitted to con•
,,mr or d,.pl- wi—i ung liquor ou .iny prcme ew owned or controlled by such pri-
i!r Joh
Sutul .I It n unL,wfid lar .tor N,Itlr club or for .upbusiness emahlishmenl, tit.
'•.th er uulur, its on, pill, nv It, fix .toy dex•re, tut allow the consumption
,An{.las 0 m1. ,, ,r, alp hqum .n the '.1".4
. n mg of any liquid for the purpose of mixing
I ll,•.0 ,I .a,. uhnm h.,, I -11.t.1,1 obl.onc.1 a liertnil therefor. Such pn•rma
e !. r,I t1 it. . ......n,.....m•r .,I publw wJel, .Jt.•r approval by Ila• govenung
• d, .q i!„1„ .tai, „ . a,, I..r a pro, J .a aur ,".it to eapue on July 1. next following
h I,. vn.. , u{xm the paymmut of SItk1 and mu.t be renewed annually on
'.a 1 xpph..nn ao I., .00h pinna .hall be made it, the eommwsionrr of public
tiny Mew o. hrnb:oni
•, rrn•d ul„m the governing laxly of each county and city in
'9-clale the aulhmd) to mip.a•. It ad,huon to the fee provided by this subdivision. a
,tat hienw fro not exceeding S30U ter year. which shall be payable to the county
edmy imp,s,ng the fee
Subd 4 %•, in'rson shall consume or display, or allow consumption or display of
• 1,ucating liquor on any premises of a bottle club or a business establishment be-
-n the hour. of one a.m. and eight a in: or between the hours of one a.m. and
•err p m on Memorial Day. or between the hours of one a.m. and eight p.m. on any
. marl, special, or general election day held in the district in which the bottle club or
uness establishment is located
Subd. S Any bottle club or business establishment allowing the consumption or
'µ,1q of mloutanng liquor shall be open for Inspection at all times by the commits•
mr of public safety and his designated :agents and other duly authorized peace offs.
it Refusal tit permit the commissioner of public safety and his designated agents or
-err duly authnnzed peace officers to enter and inspect the premises shall be a viola•
tiubd fi NO permit required by this Section shall be issued to any bottle club
.Ma it number of the board, management, executive committee, or other sirnilar
d, • hosrn by its members or when the business establishment or the owner thereof
it a federal retail liquor dealer's special tax stamp for the sale of Intoxicating Ifq-
Subd. 7 'This section has no application to any person or any premises licensed
,the sale of mtoucating liquor under the intoxicating liquor act, but any such per-
enr premises, being a business establishment, Is eligible for a permit authorized by
w tsar,
4nbd N A isolation of this section is a misdemeanor, and any violation of subdl.
c Its grmmds Por the revocation of such permit.
itabd 9 Intoxuating liquors sold, served, or displayed in the presence of anyone
rued to tespen the premises, ea provided in this section, in violation of this sub
A shall he subject to seizure for purposes of evidence and, contingent upon de.
! nun by a court, shall be disposed of as Provided in section 340.63.
1!0,7 r 19 .4 12, 107.1 r 123 an J s 7,• 1073 c 723 s 61; 1076 c 3 a I1; 1076 c 66 s
,,' 11741 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Every person desirtnit a license from the
,vlaier , f public safety, shall file with him a verified written application in the
„tee pr,scntitd by the commissioner. All applicants for manufacturer's and
,a;rt s hunsrs tii sell intoxicating liquor shall file with the commissioner of pub-
ub!, a bend with corporate surety, to be approved by the commissioner of public
bhae rranmtg such license. or, in lieu thereof, cash or United States govern -
wits in the sum of $10.0W, stcarding to the character of the license, made
to the state tat Minnesota All applicants for a license to sell intoxicating Ilq-
r any railroad train ar other common carrier, stag file with the commissioner
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance to Use a Portion of a Commercial
Establishment for Residential Rental Purposes - Dr. Joel Erickson.
Dr. Joel Erickson is requesting a variance to put a residential unit
above the Monticello -Big Lake Pet Hospital, which is located south of
the I-94 interchange and cast of Highway 25 in Monticello.
Since the area in question is zoned as B-3, it is necessary to obtain
a variance for this type of use since residential uses are not allowed
within a conunereial area. Purpose would be primarily for residential
facilities for an employee of veterinary clinic.
It would appear that there is justification for this particular
variance since the request is not to expand a particular structure, but
rather to make better utilization of a particular structure that might not
be suited for commercial purposes. Additionally, the residential use is
quite minor in relationship to the size of the overall Monticello -Big Lake
Pet Hospital. It would only entail one apartment unit and would not generate
any large volume of traffic, etc.
This request is handled on a variance basis, rather than an ordinance
amendment, since allowing apartments to be combined with commercial enter-
prisea might set a precedent for larger facilities than are intended in
this particular case.
At their last meeting, the Monticello Planning Commission unanimously voted
to approve of this variance request. lie objectives to this request were
received at the Planning Commission meeting. It should he pointed out that
all variance requests are subject to a public hearing at the City Council
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of varianco request.
(variance request requires 4/5's vote)
R17 ERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area.
2. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance Request on Front Yard Setback
for Lot 7, Block 1, of Sandberq's Riverside Addition - Mel Wolters.
Mel Wolters is requesting a variance from tho front yard eethaek requirement
of thirty foot (30'). lie is proposing to put a house on the above referenced
lot twonty-fiva foot (25') tack from the property line.
Purpose for the request is to allow adequate room to huild a house since
the rear setback is fifty foot (50'), which is twenty feet (20') more than
the normal setback required since the rear of tho lot borders Otter Crock.
According to the Shore Lands Management Act, which is required to be
adopted by the City of Monticello, any lot bordering Otter Croak requirca
- 1 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
a fifty foot (50') setback in the rear. Since this lot is on a cul de sac,
the setback will not affect adjoining properties, which was one of the concerns
of granting a variance on a front yard.
At their last neeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend
approval of this variance request. No objections to this request were received
at the Planning Commission meeting.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.
(Variance request requires 4/5's vote for approval)
REFERENCES: Enclosed site plan for Mel Wolters, letter from adjoining property
3. Public Hearing on Consideration of Variance Requests and Conditional Use
Permit for holiday Stationstores, Inc.
)hY Holiday Stationstores, Inc. has made application for a Conditional Use
�(U Permit to build a combination gasoline station and convenience store on the
uD easterly 5 of Lot 2, all of Lot 3 and Lot 4, and part of Lot 5, of Block 5,
f� /0 in Monticello. This location is just northwest of the intersection of
"\ '( Seventh Street with Highway 25 in Monticello and would be situated between
the Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Dairy Queen on Highway 25. See enclosed
Since the area in question is zoned as B-3, a conditional use permit is
necessary for approval of this request. According to our City Ordinance,
it is necessary to hold a public hearing on a conditional use permit at the
Planning Commission level.
In reviewing the requirements for a conditional use permit for a fuel station
and convenience store, it appears all requirements of the ordinance are met
by Holiday Station, Inc.
In addition to the conditional use permit requirements, it is necessary for
the holiday Stationstores to apply for four (4) variances, and they are
as follows:
A. Variance to allow two (2) thirty foot (30') driveway openings to Seventh
Street. According to Monticello's City Ordinances, driveway openings
are to he twenty four feet (24'). Holiday Stations, in the request,
indicate that because of the nature of the business, the driveway opening
should he largo enough to accommodate gasoline and merchandisu semi -trucks
as wall as safe passage for automobiles.
B. Variance requests to havo driveway opening on Seventh Street twenty-
five foot (25') from the property line to the cast, rather than the
required forty foot (40'). According to the Holiday Stations, Inc., it
is necessary to try to have tho driveway opening as close as possible
to Highway 25 and still provide sufficient setback of twonty-five foot''
(25') in order to make oasy ingress and ogress for automobiles and trucks.
- 2 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
C. Variance request to infringe on the setback requirements for the
proposed pylon sign and the gasoline pumps. Pylon sign is set back
fifteen feet (15') from Seventh Street and ten and one-half feet (1051)
from Highway 25, and normally the setbacks from both streets should be
thirty feet (30'). In addition, the setback of the gasoline pumps from
Seventh Street is nineteen feet (19') and thirty feet (30') is required.
D. Variance request to provide twelve (12) off-street rarking spaces,
rather than the eighteen (18) required by the City of Monticello.
Holiday Stations, Inc. indicates the reason for this is that there is
room for eight (8) cars at the gasoline pumps, and that the requirement
of parking spaces are somewhat stringent since most of the people using
the convenience store will be parking right within the islands themselves,
and these are not counted as part of the parking spaces provided.
As mentioned, requests for conditional use permits are held at the Planning
Commission level, but variance requests are subject to hearings at the
Council level. However, at their last meeting, as usual, the Planning
Commission reviewed both the conditional use permit and the variance
requests in their recommendations. The Planning Commission voted unani-
mously to grant the conditional use permit, and following is their action
on each variance request:
A. voted unanimously to recommend approval of 30' driveway openings since
the Planning Commission felt that the present standard of 24' was not
adequate in this particular case because of the truck traffic to the
B. voted unanimously to deny variance request to have driveway opening
on Seventh Street 25' from the property line to the cast rather than
the required 40'. Reason for this, is that Planning Commission felt
because of the future collector road and the opening of walnut Street
and heavy use of Highway 25, that this area would be heuvily congested
and there was concern for traffic safety in this area. It was felt that
traffic exiting out of the gasoline station would need adequate room to
enter onto Seventh Street since there may be cars backed up on Seventh
Street to got onto Highway 25.
C. Original Variance request was recommended for denials however, Planning
Commission did recommend that the gasoline pumps be allowed to be put back
19' from the property line as requested, but that the pylon sign he in line
with the gasoline pumps, that is 19' back from Seventh Street, and since
the driveway opening variance request setback from Highway 25 was now
going to be 40' back, or 15' hack further than the request, it was recom-
mended that the setback from Highway 25 for the pylon sign bo 255' rather
than the roquosted 105'. Reason for the approval of the variance request
for the gasoline pumps was that the Planning Commission felt that gone -
lino pumps are not ordinarily considered a structure, and this would not
be a major violation of the setback provisions. However, cinco the curb
cut opening roquoot to have the opening 25' from llighway 25 was denied,
the Planning Commission voted that this sign should he not tack at least
anothor 15' since moving the curb cut opening 40' from the intersection of
Highway 25 and Soventh Street would allow adequate room for at least a
setback of 25Y.
- 3 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
D. Recommended approval of variance request to provide 12 spaces rather
than 18 spaces since Planning Commission felt that a Large amount of
the traffic would be parking by the gasoline pumps and this was not
counted as off-street parking spaces for the Holiday Gasoline Station.
It should be noted that copies of the plans are available for review in the
building inspector's office in the Monticello City Hall. Additionally, our
engineers have reviewed the grading plan. A copy of their comments are
enclosed and these also have peen sent to Holiday Station Stores, Inc.
These recommendations should also be implemented.
No objections to the above requested conditional use permit or variances
were received at the Planning Commission meeting.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request
and conditional use permit. (Both of these items
require a 4/5's vote for approval).
REFERENCES: January 3, 1979 letter from our engineers relative to
the drainage, enclosed map depicting general area and
site plan is available at Monticello City Hall. Also
enclosed is a January 8, 1979 letter from Rosewood Corporation
in favor of the variances.
4. Consideration of RezOnin9 Request from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to
B-3 (Highway Business) for Property Owned by Olga J. Swanson Estate alonq
Highway 25 in Monticello.
Request has been made from the personal representative of the Olga J. Swanson
estate to have a 20.16 acre parcel (see enclosed map) rezoned from R-1
to B-3.
It should be mentioned that approximately half of this parcel, which boei-
cally encompasses the northerly half, is in the lowland or wetlands area.
Monticello City Ordinances have certain restrictions pertaining to
wetlands areas. This is mentioned for your information and was also
mentioned to the representatives for the Olga J. Swanson estate. whether
the City maintaino the present zoning of R-1 or rezones it to B-3, the w•et-
lands ordinance provisions would still apply. For example, any portion of
the twenty (20) acre parcel within the line within the wetlands area cannot
be filled in and in addition to this, there are numerous other criteria
within the ordinance.
No specific use of the property has been proposed, other than the fact
that the potential buyer of the land from the estate fools that the use
would be more suitable for commercial as opposed to single family residential.
Examples of the potential uses mentioned were possible site for a motol or
health club, for example. Since this parcel is quite large, oven taking into
consideration tho watlands area, it might land itself to this type of use
as opposed to aingle family tract housing which would have to work an
entire housing plot around the wetlands area as opposed to possibly a
single structure.
- 4 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
In reviewing this request with John Uban, with Howard Dahlgren Associates,
the City's Consulting Planner, there was some concern in rezoning this parcel
to commercial, since he felt that the wetland area, which is in the northerly
portion of this 20 acre parcel would serve as a natural boundary dividing
the area from the abutting commercial property, and should be left as
residential. Additionally, he felt that although there is surrounding
commercial property, in every case there i3 a road which divided this parcel
from the existing commercial property on the west and east sides of Highway 25.
This matter was subject to a public hearing at the Planning Commission level,
and no comments were received from abutting property owners in favor or
opposing the rezoning. The Planning Commission felt that since this area
did abut other commercial properties, except for the road barriers and its
proximity to Highway 25, that this area was suitable for commercial property
and unanimously voted to recommend to the Council approval to the rezoning
It should be pointed out that another representative for the estate,
Cecile Muehlbauer with Sandberg Realty, indicated that a potential buyer
of the property was interested in the land for a possible health club,
which would include tennis courts and racquetball facilities. Another
potential use mentioned by Ms. Muehlbauer was a motel, and she stated
that she felt that the size of the site, 20 acres, would be ideal to both
these types of facilities. She further stated that although it was realized
that the wetland area itself could not be built upon, that it would serve
as a good buffer from the surrounding commercial area to offer a degree of
privacy for any future development of the remaining parcel.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of rezoning request.
(A 4/5's vote is needed for approval).
REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area.
5. Consideration of Roducinq Retainage Amount on Contract with Arcon Construc-
tion for 1977-3 Street Improvement Project.
As you may recall, this item was requested to be put on the next Council
agenda after Mr. Herman Tews, Vice President of Arcen Construction, came to
our last meeting and asked that the Council reconsider their action of
December 11, 1978, whereby the retainage amount for this project was
reduced to 10%. Mr. Town is asking that the rotainago amount be reduced
to 30.
Enclosed for your reference, is a December 5, 1978 letter from our engineers,
Orr-Schelen-Maycron s Associates, recommending that the City reduce the
retainage amount to 3%. Also enclosed, is a January 12, 1979 letter from
Orr-Scholon-Mayeron s Associates accompanied by a worksheet used in arriving
at the 30 rotainago amount.
Total amount of the contract is $2,614,688.68. A 10% rotainago would result
in a retained figure of 5261,468.87, whereas a 3% rotainago amount would
/ result in a figure of $78,440.66, or a differenco of $183, 028.21.
- 5 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
Initially, the problem arose over the difference in what was stated in
the contract which calls for a 109 retainage, and a revised Minnesota
State Statute which has language requiring a Council to reduce the
retainage to amounts sufficient to protect the City. Enclosed for
your reference, is a copy of the State Statute 429.051 Subdv. 6 which
pertains to this issue.
I have reviewed this item with Gary Pringle, and his opinion is that the
Statute takes precedence over the contract. It should be mentioned that
the Statute was actually revised before the contract was written, but was
inadvertently left out when written by our engineers.
In light of the recommendation from our engineers, the opinion from our
attorneys, and the fact that the City still has a guarantee and a per-
formance bond for one year, I would recommend that the City reduce the
retainage amount to 39. A 59 retainage amount was discussed with Arcon
Construction, and they felt they were being reasonable in going to the
39 retainage figure and they have decided not to revise their request.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of reducing retainage amount on 1977-3
Project to 39.
REFERENCES: December 5, 1978 and January 12, 1979 letter accompanied by
a worksheet from our engineers, copy of Minnesota Statute
429.051 Subdv. 6.
6. Consideration of Resolution Ordering Feasibility Report on Additional
Area Petitioned For.
At our last meeting, the City Council ordered a feasibility report to be
prepared by our consulting engineers, Orr-Schelen-Mayoron s Associates,
for various areas that had petitioned for improvements. Previously, the
City Council had established January 1st of each year as the cutoff dote
for which petitions were to be received to insure consideration during
the year.
WO On January 16, 1979, I received a petition from Mr. Mike Rohrer to have
y the J. R. Culp farm served with sewer and water. Mr. Rohrer has an option
%V O to purchase this parcel from Mr. Culp.
d4 JSince this area is adjacent to Commercial Plaza 25, an area which the
• Council previously ordered a feasibility report on, it may want to
consider ordering the feasibility report to be prepared by our engineers
to include the J. R. Culp farm also. In talking to Koith Nelson, with
Orr- Scho lon-Maye ron s Associates, ho tins indicated that Commercial Plaza 25
` would most likely be served along State Highway 25, and if the J. R. Culp
farm were to to included in the feasibility report, moot likely the area
would be served by extending the improvemento planned for the Oakwood
NO Industrial Park from Dundao Road to the coot. Please see enclosed map
for reference.
- 6 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
Mr. Rehrer's preliminary proposal for the land is a motel, along with some
apartment complexes and an indoor tennis and racquetball court facility.
I believe that the Council should order a feasibility report on this area
for the improvements, since as you can see according to the enclosed map,
this would allow for looping of the water line extension that is being
planned to the southerly part of Oakwood Industrial Park and also to
Commercial Plaza 25. Additionally, the feasibility of extending Dundas
Iniad along the alignment for the proposed sewer and water extension for
the area could be considered, as this would resolve a traffic congestion
problem at the intersection of Highway 25 and County Road 117 in
Monticello. Please note the alignment on the enclosed map depicting the
proposed extension of sewer and water is merely a proposed alignment and
does not necessarily have to follow it exactly. It should be pointed out
the reason the proposed alignment to the Culp farm takes a direction to the
northwest is in order to eventually avoid the wetlands area on the west
side of Highway 25 which is also on the Agenda for tonight for rezoning.
It should be also mentioned that the current extension of sewer and water
along the east side of Highway 25 from County Road 117 cannot be extended
any further south to serve this parcel, since the area is too shallow accor-
ding to our engineers.
It should be noted that the developer, Mike Rohrer, would rather see the
extension of Dundas Road go further to the south so it touches the southerly
border of this Culp farm property, rather than disect the property further
to the north as the map indicates.
One thing that should be kept in mind if feasibility report is approved for
the extensions to this property is that casements should be obtained before
final approval of the project.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of resolution ordering feasibility
report on extension of sewer and water to J. R. Culp form.
(As part of this study, if approved, OSM would look at the
possibility of extension of Dundas Road.)
7. Consideration of Advertisinq for New Public Works Director.
As you may recall, this item woo on our last agenda and it was tabled to
review the job description of the Public works Director in case any revisions
were wanted to be made prior to advertising for this position. Enclosed, for
your reference, is the current job description for the Public Workr Director.
Purpose of this item on the agenda is to receive authority from the City
Council to go ahead and advertise for the position of Public Works Director.
In the past we have advertised locally, in the Monticello Times and the
St. Cloud Times, in addition to the Minneapolis Morning and Sunday papers,
along with the League of Minnesota Cities Magazine. This procodura has
worked rather well, as we normally would receive 20 to 30 applicants for
any one position.
For your information, the Public Works Department was created in 1975,
with the first Public Works Director hired in May of 1970. I believe this
position is essential to the overall coordination of the Public Works
- 7 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
Department to insure the most efficient and effective service to the
ultimate consumer, the taxpayer, at the least possible cost. While some
engineering experience and background is preferrable, I do not believe that
the City, at this time, is in a position to hire a city engineer. A city
engineer would require a supportive staff of four to five individuals and
even in larger metropolitan communities of 20,000 to 30,000, an engineering
staff of this size usually can only work on the design of small implovement
projects and relies heavily on a consulting engineer for design of larger
projects such as the City is currently experiencing.
POSSIBLE ACTI0N: Consideration of advertising for Public Works Director.
REFERENCES: Job Description for Public Works Director.
8. Consideration of Approval of Advertisinq for Bids for Ffini-Puaoor Fire Truck.
Enclosed for your reference, is a copy of a September 20, 1978 letter from
Monticello Fire Department Chief, Paul Klein, relative to the need of the
Fire Department for a pini -pumper.
This letter was submitted to the Council for consideration in setting their
1979 Budget. While the Council discussed the item briefly, it determined
that if this item should be approved in 1979, that it could come out of the
Capital Outlay Revolving Fund, which is a fund that has been set aside for
major capital improvement purchases. It is estimated that this Fund will
)lave approximately $265,000 in it at the end of 1979, unless any portion
is used during the year. Aa you can see, according to Paul F1ein's cost
estimates, the mini -pumper will run approximately $35,000.
.�.�Enclosed, please also find a eat of specifications for the fire truck.
Please note these are for a Chevrolet pumper; however, if the Council should
approve advertising for bids, these specs will be reviewed to insure that
y A comparable manufacturers can bid on the truck. Theoo specifications
woro reviewed and approved by the Monticello Fire Department.
It should be mentioned that this item has been previously approved by
the Monticello Joint Fire Board, which consioto of a representative from
pthe Fire Department, the Township of Monticello, and the City of Monticello.
�P� Should the City Council of Monticello decide to advertise for bids, this
would be contingent upon the same approval being received from the
�� 4�• Township of Monticello. Should both governing hodics decide to oolicit bids
for the mini -pumper, it will be necessary to obtain approval on awarding a
contract from both governing bodies once the bide have boon received.
Primary purpose behind such a piece of equipment will be the quick response
hat a more mobile unit would offer. Additionally, with the addition
of tho roseue tool, it would allow the fire department to use this piece
of equipment to rescue victims of a vehicle accident. This rescue tool is
the typo of device that will allow the Fire Department to pry open doors,
etc., in case a victim of an accident gate imprisoned in a vehicle. With
Monticello being on a freeway, the Firo Department foals that this is of
groat improtanco.
- 8 -
Council Agenda - 1/23/79
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of plans and specifications and
advertising for bids on mini -pumper.
REFERENCES: September 24, 1978 letter from Paul Klein, and specifications
for mini -pumper.
9. quarterly Meetinq with Department Heads.
Purpose of this agenda item is to review any matters of concern with the
various department heads. Each quarter, this item is on the agenda and
allows for input from department heads relative to suggestions, comments
or recommendations they may have, and also allows for the Council to
ask various general questions of the department heads themselves.
No particular items are set up for discussion, as it is intended to be a
general review. Following are the department heads that will be at the
meeting on Tuesday night:
✓Liquor Store Manager - Marl: Irmiter PM•t'; �r"'
Fire Chief - Paul Klein
Senior Citizens Director - Karen Hanson
Building 'Inspector - Loren Klein
Representative from Wright County Sheriff's Dept.
City Administrator - Gary Wicber
- 9 -
Attached is a sample resolution which we received from the
League of Minnesota Cities along with the cover letter dated
January 15, 1979. This item has been included under New Business
on your Agenda for January 23, 1979. At next Tuesday's meeting,
you may decide whether or not you wish for Monticello to participate
in this Minnesota Cities Week designation.
� n Cleag ue of minnesota cities
. it in h inovf r tuitiding. 480 c(r t3.jr Srrt t. :s 4,
January 15, 1979
10: Mayors, Members of the Councils, and Clerks:
Governor Albert H. Quie has agreed to issue an official proclamation design.rr ing tine week of
February 26 . March 2 as Minnesota Cities Week. This will allow cities the opportunity to high.
linht city services in concert with hundreds of other cities throughout the State of Minnv ola.
Theentire week will offer a variety of opportunities for your participation locally, so that you
can select the options that seem to best fit your community.
One purpose of this tetter is to ask you to adopt the enclosed resolution of participation, and to
return it to the League and to the Governnr. If we can get this kind of official participation firnn
cities in every part of Minnesota, it will help to underline the importance of the w eci,. We vvuuht
like to be able to say publicly that cities front Ada through Zumbrota are officially partkipat-
Ing in Minnesota Cities Week, but we can only do that if you pass this icsolution at the ne%t
possible council meeting.
The Board of Directors of the League has sctetted a slogan for the week. It's ----O lev •- It'licle
the PeupleAre/ We plan to have a campaign kit designed around this slogan and hope to have
samples in your hands at the beginning of February. The League will also provide sulgcstions for
a number of activities that citiesean undertake on their own. Finatly,we sill contact the news
media, so that we can coordinate the publicity here with the League's Legislative Confocnce,
which will be held Wednesday, Mart.h 1.
The Board feels that Minnesota Cities Weak offers a good opportunity not only to illustrate the
diversity and vitality of cltles, but to make cities more visible during this very Important Iehlslr
tive session. They would certainly urge your participation, via the enclosed resolution, and in any
other way that you deem appropriate either now, or after plans for the week are more de%eloped.
In the meantime, it you have any ideas that should be considered, or any comments, please let
me know.
1),,nI A. Si: o t
I st.uu�aUin�1 ,
OAS ,111
1110' l"l n e
Model City Government Week Resolution
(Adapt as seems appropriate)
City of
County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, February 26 through March 2 has been proclaimed as Minnesota Cities Week by the
Governor of the State of Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, city governments offer the best opportunity for most Minnesota citizens to take an active
part in the political processeswhich so profoundly influence their lives;and
WHEREAS, the recognition of the significance ofcity government by designation of a city government
week will provide an opportunity to promote even greater citizen understandingand involvement; and
WHEREAS, designation of a special week for recognition of clty government will provide opportuni-
ties for greater understanding of the role of cities in relation to other units of local, regional and state
government by governmental officersand employees;
NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that thecity council of _. r, _ offici-
ally recognizes Minnesota Cities Week and commits this city to such promotional and other city week
activities as the council shall herewith and hereafter direct.
BE IT FURTHER DIRECTED, that copies of this resolution be provided to Governor Albert li.
Quie, the League of Minnesota Cities and the official newspaper as well as other local news media.
Adopted by the city council of theCity of thl,
date of __e, . ___1979.
City Clerk Mayor .�
Ed wA At
JOM Sm�sra, eroter ArLs
Phone (612) 295.2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 • Lakeshore
Metro 427.6880 * 8u iiness
.7nirtary 2, 1070
w, do not object to tha regnest of "rlvio C,
Wolter® for a front yard variance for
Lot j, ,lock 1 Riverside, >tontjcello.
?181f JO 7.Ofl:i'ey
Joho w. Sand err, r
January 8, 1979
Mr. Gary k'eiber
Citv of Monticello
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Mr. tieiber:
It is my understanding the Holiday Store and Gas Station is
asking for a minor variance for the new facility to be located
north of our property known as Monticello Mall.
1 have. talked this matter over with the partners of ilontiCelle
Mall and find such a variance to be in the best interest of
the Monticello shopping district. tie (eel the Holiday Store
would be a good addition to our retail climate. If you have
any questions regarding this matter, please call me at your
\— convenience. '
Ken Bureau
Secretary Treasurer
L !rnul I flan) UovuloUrtMnt . Pool I4!a!u Invn)mw)nl 5nrvtco)
Cona!rurlico • Malntonon[o:a)rvros • fhoporty Monagornont
rwoil ot"otgnt • Worpnouwng Sorvicas
¢437 Fh,,, Aronua Nonh, n0 8or 8.107 Posou14) MN SS11J 1`ll,— In!. 1 r•-..1 91pp
January 3, 1979
;lr. Loren Kline
Building Inspector
250 C. Broadway
Monticello, MN 55362
Re: Grading Plan
Holiday Station Store
USM Conun. No. 066-1748
bear Loren:
I have reviewed the aforementioned plot plan submitted to our
office dated December 26, 1970. The drainage plan identiiius
pattern only without any elevations noted.
The south half of the parcel is noted to drain tuwaru :.,uvu,it,l
Street. The existiuy curb will have to be removed to accum..oud to
driveway entrance construction. Concrete driveway aprons such
as used in the 77-3 improvement project should be constructe'l.
:he north half of the parcel is shown to drain north to a swuil
which would thus be constructed to drain easterly tuwaru Pinu
Street. I assume this swail will empty into the westerly urainayu
ditch along Pine Street.
It is conceivable that in the near future Pine Street will be
upyraded with curb and gutter and full width permanent street
surfacing. At this time, tho ditches must be filled in to
accommodate the standard 44 foot wide street. With this in mind,
L110 outfall from the swail at the property lino shoulu be 0.5
loot or hiyher than the correspondiny centerline street oluva-
tion of Pine Street, such that drainage will bu over future
curb. Alternately, storm sewer could be constructed along the
westerly side of Pine Street extending from 5 1/2 Street. The
storm sewer may then be extended into the parking area, and
catch basins could be constructed. I recommend this alternative
as it will provide for most positive ru aff collection and
Mr. Loren Kline
250 E. Broadway
Monticello, MN 55362
January 3, 1979
Page 2
disposal. The Mn/DUT may participate in costs based on their snare
of runoff tributary from highway riyht-of-way. Please rote
that there is an existing 24" storm sewer located along the
westerly side of Pine Street in this vicinity but this
facility is sized for drainage from the I-94 interchange
only and may not be utilized for drainage from any other area
without written permission from the Mn/DOT.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call.
Very truly yours,
1,eith If. Nelson, P.C.
Project Engineer
�✓ KHN/mb
CC: John Badalich
City Engineer
December 1, 1978
Honorrible Mayor 6 City Council
-ISO East 3roadway
:<onticcllo, MN
Re: Payment Estimate ;Jo. 7
Improvement No. 77-3
Enclosed is Construction Payment Voucher :io. 7 for ;.rcon
Construction. The total value of worn certified to date
is $2,614,688.68. The engineer's estimate is ;2,4115,253.50
which underruns the actual construction cost by approxi-
r mately 52.
This is not the final estimate but perhaps the last one until
next spring that is after the sod sustains a 30 day mainten-
ance periotl/required under the contract specifications. in
addition to the turf maintenance poriod, corrective wor;: such
as driveway repairs, manhole adjustments, etc., will be
Since the project is over 902 complete, I recommend that the
retainage value of work completed to date be reduced from 105
to 32. This represents $78,440.66 which is adequate to cover
romaininq clean up work and includes 402 cost of the sod and
tree plants. If you have any questions, i will be present at
your next regular meeting to discuss them.
Very truly yours, +!�
John P. Hadalich, P. E.
City Ung incor
C cc: i.rcon Construction Co., Inc.
Larry G. Koenig, Wright County Engineer
OrrlcL —... I—, .AI --
January 19, 1979
Monticello City Hall
215 South Cedar
Monticello, M4 55362
Attn: Cary wieber
Re: Arcon
Dear Mr. wieber:
Pursuant to our office conference, I am sending you this letter indicating
that in my opinion the City of Monticello should pay the balance due Arcon
down to the 3% figure which is the representative figure of the amount of
work left to be done on the project.
CYours truly,
l0 v SOL
Cary L. Pringle
CLP eg
File 79-8640
January 12, 1979
Mr. Gary Wieber
City Administrator
250 East Broadway
Monticello, MN 55362
Re: Retainage on Improvement 77-3
OSM Comm, #068-2807
Dear Gary,
For your information, attached is my computations used for
determining the percent of retainage recommended for Improve-
ment 77-3. If you have any questions please don't hesitate
to call.
Very truly yours,
Keith Ii. Nelson, P.E.
Project Engineer
n `
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rh WP fnPl prF+ -P,..f ar. rn.•.,n..h `n
-nn..u•. ,rrirn,`, nr•-^1 Fire. at -c.
Si^cP•PI V./J
Mona irr)Io Fire fr"
PIt11) Klein, r1 :,•f
.. 8
e, ten.
Item 6
Chevrolet 11,000 lb. GVW 4 x 4
K-30 CK 31003
Front - 4500 lb. - Salisbury type - hypoid drive - 4:56 ratio
Rear - 7500 lb. - Salisbury type- hypoid drive - 4:5G ratio
Vacuum assisted hydraulic power
Disc brakes 0 front 12.5" roter
Drum brakes 0 rear 13.0" x 3.5"
Soft -ray windshield and windows
Gauges: Ammeter, fuel temperature and oil gauges
mirrors: Chrome dual 3mxxIxo== Jr. ;lost Coast
Full width foam bench seat
Fresh air heater and defrosters
2 rpeed electric windshield wipers
Saddle colored vinyl interior trim and upholstery
Chrome front bumper
Seat belts, can vicars, windshield washers. cigarette
lighter, tachometer and all other standard equilm:,nit.
Cinile 1,34to, dry dies, 11" diameter, 124 eq. in.
N. D. Cooling
12 volt 120 amp alternator minimum
60 amp 12 volt battery
Required Federal lighting
Done light, cloctrie horn
V-0 550-4V. IGS II.P. 0 3000 R.P.M., not torque 260 0 2400
Presced steel channel - 6.20 rection modulus
20 gallons
Hydraulic power
Front: Singlo stage leaf springs
2250 lb. capacity each 0 ground
Rear: two stage multi -leaf tpringz
1750 lb. capacity each 0 ground w/aux.
Heavy duty shocks front and rear
7.50-16 a ply mud/snow, dual rear
New process 705 two speed, full time hubs
?oar speed stanual 465
UZ L Liu .
13i" with C. A. 600"
Scaled proposals are desired from reputable builders of modern fire fighting apparatus in
strict accordance with the following specifications.
LIABILITY Or BIDDER: Each bidder shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his ability to
construct the apparatus as herein specified, and state the location of his factory where
the apparatus is to be built. Each bidder must state at least 10 location, .1:rvad across
the entire United States, where a similar unit, built by the bidder, has been delivered aryl
is operating; thus showing its acceptance and versatility.
11ARRMITY: The following warranty to be furnished with each bidders proposal and written W.
company letterhead papers
We warrant each new piece of fire apparatus manufactured by us to be free frm, defects in
material and workmanship under normal use and service. Our obligation under phis warranty
is limited to making good at our factory any part. or parts there of which shall he re•
turned to us with transportation charges prepaid and which on examination shall diceloso
to our satisfaction to have been thus defective, provided that such part, or parto shall
be returned to us not later than one year after delivery of such vehicle to the original
purchaser. This warranty is exproonly in lieu of all other obligations ar liabilities on
our part and we neither assume or authorize any other person to anou." for us any other
liability in connection with the Salo of our apparatus.
This warranty ahall not apply to any vehicle which shall have boon repaired or altered out•
sJ a of our factory in any way no as, in our judgment, to affect its stability. nor which
ban been subject to misuse, negligence, or accident, not to any vehicle riJo Ly us which
.t hall have been operated at n speed exceeding the factory rated speed, or lonlel beyond
he factory rated load capacity.
We make no warranty whatsoever in respect to tires, rims, electrical, igniticr aaw'aratust
horns, or other signalling devices, starting devices, generators in as much na t::ay oro
usually warranted coparately by their respective manufacturers.
Chassis osnufacturero warranty applied to ehaaain
RESPONSIBILITY FOR DC.5101s Each bid shall be accompanied by a detailed dnccrirrtion of the
apparatus and equipment which has bean proposed and to which the apparatus furnished uneer
the contract dust conform. It is tho intent of these speci.ficntionn to cover th fcrnishinq
and dolivory to the purchaser a complete apparatus equippod no hcreiniftnr S!"Itifie3. It
bidder substitutes items provided not in accordanco with there cpecirication,,^., sero must be
specifically set forth on a separate shoot in the bid properly describing tho variations
(failure to denoto variations or exceptions shall be grounds for rejection of H d). It is
the intent of the fire department to have the body constructed in exact accords-mr.a with
opacifications and no deviation will be accepted.
QUALITY AND WORKMAllSHIN The body „nd all equipment shall be of modern type, carefully de-
signed to suit requirements. All material, workmanship and finish entering ins" the con•
ctruction of the apparatus shall ennform to the purposo for which it In 3nto•.1 1.
LIABILITY: The bidder, if his bid in accepted, shall dofeni a.1y and all tuitn Ol'i assume
all liability for the uco of any patented process, device or article forming a Fart of the
status or any appliance furnished under the contract.
( 'r uRE To FEET TESTS: in the ..vent the apparatus fails to meet the test requirements'of,
l::,ese specifications on the first trials, second trials may lie made at the option of. the
bidder within thirty (30) days of the date of the first trials. Such trials aha(libe final
and conclusive and failure to comply with these requirements shall be cause for rejection.
Failure to eo=ply with changes as the purchaser may consider necessary to conform to any
clause of the specifications within thirty (38) bays after notice is given to ilio bidder
of such ch-:.ges shall also be cause for rejection of the apparatus.
Permission to %eep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the purchaser;.
or its use by the fire department during the above specified period with the permis::ion of
the bidder shall not constitute acceptance of same.
Ci o
,i Item 1
C. PUMP PANEL: Controls and gauges to be located on left side of apparatus and
properly marked with metal or engraved laminated plastic identification plates.
Pump panel controls and gauges to be illuminated by non -glare incandescent
lights equipped with a full length polished stainless steel shield. Both gauges
and controls are to be framed in a black vinyl covered steel panel to .111010
easy identification of controls and gauges and to eliminate glare.
Pu^p panels to be removable each side and covered with black vinyl. Polished
ctainlero steel trim collars to be provided around all suction inle-s and dis-
charge outlets. All push-pull controls to have chrome plated rods - minimum of
ii" diameter. Puch-pull controls to pull straight out of panel - controls which
pull out at an angle will not be acceptable - universal joints to be uc_1 where
necessary. Guidon for remote push-pull discharge controls to be a chrone plated
casting, securely attached to pump panel. Gauges ani identification plates to
be mounted in a chrome plated canting securely attached to pump panel. Controls
and gauges grouped for convenient operation, shall be as fellows:
Primer control One electric tachometer
water tank gougo-Fivo Light Pump pressure gauge 30"-0-600 lb.
Vernier engine throttle Compound Gouge 30"-0-600 ia.
Two(2) Pressure gauges for ZWn outlets
V. BODY AND HOSE BrDs The apparatus hose body shall be of all aluminum construe -
tion. Hose body and compartmentation to be bolted and welded construction com-
pletely assembled before being installed. Body to be mounted on a steel cub -
frame assembly, jig made, of heavy duty angles and channels and nocurely bolted
to chassis frame. Subfromo to include supports for running boards, rens stop
ani aide compartments. Hose body to be $052-1134, .125 aluminum.
Running boards and rear stop shall be .125 (1/811I aluminum treadplato with
polished appearance. Edges shall be flanged down and in to form channr_1 for
extra strength and to prevent cutting of hands while cleaning. rear atrn to be
17" deep and running boardo to be 19" deep tapering in to cab.
Rear fenders shall be integral with side compartments with flanged in rc-rdcl
opening*. Inside of fonder housing to be equipped with full rounded irrerliner
for ease of maintenance and to prevent corrosion pockets. Adequate chain elear-
anco to be provided in fender housing.
Slanted "beavertailo" to be provided at rear of body to give added currr.rt to
rear step and a pleaning custom finia~had look to apparatus.
The hose body to be located over the water tank and between body sides. 1t
shall be free of sharp corners or edges that could catch and injure hose. Bottoie
of bad to be equipped with varnishoe, removable hardwood grating with adcqunte
spacing to provide ventilation of packed hose. Edges of grating to k" rrsnecd
to prevent cutting of hone. Hose bed capacity to be 1000 feet of 15" r)' "75 ft.
of 2h" double jacket hose. Pogo body sides and rear beavertails to to 8,able
flanged at top for added strength and to prevent injury while cleaning.
Rear vertical faces of body including inside of beavertails to be covered with
aluminum trsadplate to prevent scratching and marring of body whon hose in
"pooled" off. Treadplate of "bright" .125" no. 3001 1112 aluminum.
Ona (1) hose bad divider for W11 outlet, to hold POO ft, of I"," t
4ackoted heas.
Item 1
E. CO.APARTMENTS: Are to be fabricated of aluminum, bolted and welded to side of
body panels and subframe assembly. Side and rear compartment floors to be inte-
gral with compartment and of flush "sweep -out" type. Compartments set on running
boards with lip at bottom of door opening, are not acceptable. Co:npartr:cnt door
openings are to be framed by flanging edges in 2k" and banding out 5/8" to form
a weatherctrip retaining flange. All compartment teams to be double_ cc3lcd
using cynthetie rubber type center. Compartments and both door panclo to be
490", no. 50521M aluminum. Compartment doors to be double panel construction
with alu.-oinum outer and inner panel. Outer panel door edges to be formai in
a channel design to contain inner pan. Doors are to be bolted to body for case
of re= -oval if the need arises. Polished stainless steel piano hinges with stain-
lecc pins to be used on all doors. Doors to be latched by paddle handle latches.
PaCdle handle, poliched stainless steal latches to be rece sed and instilled
after the doors are painted. All compartment doors to be flush type and fully
weatherstripped using a tubular neoprene extrusion.
Top of side conpartnento to be covered with aluminum treadplato with rolled ever
edges - front, rear and aide. Hoso body edge to be rolled upward a nininum of
IV. Outside flanged edge to be beat out h" to provide drip mouldinj full
length of aide compartments. 1�
cI; i SIDE CO}1?ARr1::(1TS: Both aides. Compartments over the rear whoolo
or. each side with vertically hinged double doors, 47" gide, 1911 deep, S
2dh'- high. Door opening ai-za.39)4+1 wide, 25 1/$1- hiCh. Compartments be-
h_nd the rear wheals on each nide with vertically hinged single doer, 32"
wive. 19" deep, 4511 hiCh. Door opening Dino 27A11 r+ido, 42 1/3" hi,,h.
R AR: One (1) er^+:)arrment directly ahead of rear step with vertically hin'cd
slr.nlo Poor. Cr.:pirtment to be 22" D. x 50" 14. x 32" H. Door opening to bo
24L" H. x 27k" V. (Hotel on Chevrolet the rear compartment is 19" deep)
F. 2=7ER TANK, £hall be 250 gallon capacity entirely constructed of fih-rglalls
reinforced, chemical resistant, polyester resin iaminatea. The tank is to b3
3/10" rinicum thick laminato which shall include one layer of fibrt-glans ewes
roving in addition to chopped fiberglass atrands. Tho tank body nn3 drain r l
ch -1111 to a ono 111cM, ceomlean molding. The tank top is to ho 3/16"
larSnato and chall be bonded to the tank utilizing a tongue and groove Joint.
The top chall include a 7" square fill tower with hinged cover, inside scrcen.
and 25" minimum 10 combination vont-overflow terminating behind rear e•tlr-
Fiberglacs baffles integral to the tank shall divide the tank Into four cr_+part»
menta. An anti••cwirl baffle chall also be provided Inside the tank over the
outlet aLrip. A removable cover for inspection shall be provided in the tank top.
The cover shall teat into n tank opening on e.igea which aro flongcd down and
Inward. A heavy gasket in to be installed between the cover and the tank top
to prevent leakago. The cover to to be held down by mechanical fantonern
attached to tho tank top. The tank is to hn mounted on fih:rglaco rz43 to lore -
vent retal contact. Spring loaded tank mount,ingq chall he provid-i to central
ctreraos imposed by operation over rough terrain. The entirn tank is to 1,,3
tautly removable from the body. A ik" drain is furnished in the tank resp.
A brass bodies water level gauge is provided with a dint indicator mounted on
pump panel. Because of weight, and chemical corrosion resistant requireaornts
of this tank. the tank shall be made of fibarglasn. No sub+tituto will too
accepted. Tank shall have a written ten year warranty.
ONE _, LIN-* :J ..7 J:;:: R --'-'L. Gate control located on pump panel. ;bis
valve ta to nkhart inline valve 390 KKD 11 turn full flow with rer..nte cnn-
tr•.1. Tee Kande controlle•i from pump panel. One 3" tank refill or recir-
cu:,tinZ; line. :snp panel controlled, sane ntyle valve and control:; rose
All i•' ar.i 1cr.;,r diacnar,;c valves are to to full flow ELknart. All 3" in-
lets ani oatl-._z to %ave locking handles. P,11 inlPto and outlets a. ..-11 or.
all car.:rols cn-inL tarcabn the control, panel to have otainlesn ntrol rim
co l:.e.ra. ;,_1 piping lye' or largar to be heavy duty galvanized. :.11 t-r^ads
are to to ;:,,. All v;.lvns to be recessed tehind pump p:,ntl in heatez -impart-
IYi" 3isnt frnnt of hose bed, panel controlled, with Chrunc ::..T
male adapter.
FRJ:^ 0 K,.^D:2'S pL.T:=aR?: Front bumper to be extended providing a !I" plat -
for^; is o, rade as the cab for pump and roil fire fighting. In conjune-
tio: aith t^e extended front platform, an B ft, preconnected 3/4" booster
line is to be iaciuded with an S -205B Elkhart nozzle. 'rater to be auprlied
to ::e 'rooster line thru a 1" 1,000 115I, SAE 100RI, typo T hese with cursting
strer,;- : of 4,000 PSI, kn Elkhart inline full flow yt turn valve on tor. of
the platform to control the booster line. Platform to be completely covered
with al.=insm troadplate including the raised area at the center .f the unit
includes a sincn. A stainless stool guard rail to be provided around the front
of tae clatform, tno same height as the hood. A 316" compound gauge to be pro-
videl irs_da the cab complete with stabilizing valve and mounted on a rtainless
steel .racket fa,r a+pport and appearance. Includes 114" shut-off valve lith
tea-nantle at pump panel.
FO;,:: S?.?:r.::. 1 :G .,^; Single around the pump proportioning system with flush
controls. 70 gallon fiberglass tank. mounts opposite the booster real. System
operates effectively at 100 to 250 PSI nt discharge rates up to 400 Gry, when
.Laing 3'; agents and up to 200 GPM when using 64 agents. All controln located
on pa=p panel.
b.lDS:iIP PUMP: A i aterous CYK-3 power tnke-off (P -J) driven puma r -.1
at 400 GPM At 150 PSI to be provided. Pump to be two stat;o-
parallea type :with manual transfer valve. Pump to be place! in .r
from ehaasis cab. rump snift to be clearly labeled as to pori:?,r., :'-C
and pump Gear ratios to be selected which will provi3e Good r::,, r:or-
aaneein "pwna and roll' operations. Precet relict valva to cc _�:Ied
in dircn.rge piping with rcturn to suction aide of pump for pr•± vc: -r. of
The pump is to "nave n hiGh tensile, gray iron case. Rronzc i _.e:'•.: _
to be provided and nounted on n stainless mmol ohaft. lmpottcr- _
both hydraulically anti mechanically balance. Impeller chaft
ported at sach end rith oil lubricated bail bcoringu. Pump gc::r _.. ~:a
here modern, allent runnine, helicnl (;cars (ally oun_orted by c..._
pump packinba are to be located at each end of irpoller shaft. _.. z;1ng
in to be hold in place by split, bronze glands tht are fully
and easily rcroved.
^he pump is to be installod so as to be easily removable fro= .no a,F sratus
for overhaul or service. Flexible couplingn (Victaalic) shall 'a. c:i en
both suction and dincharga piping.
Tho pimp is to 'so primed through use of rotary vena primer, olectr:cc:l
driven. Single control to be provided on pump panel to start ani
primer rotor and open and close the connections between the main and
primer. Primer rotors aro to be automatically lubricated from a five ;.:art
oil reservoir. oil reservoir to be located behind a stainless steel +,.1.p
inspection door in the right pump panel for convenient refill. „ Ar An is
to to provided to empty all pornible linea simultanvoualy. Add!.%:Ian drain
vnlver. to be provided for any linen which are not drained thruagh vj
aateroue adjuotoblo relief valve to bo pnnol controlled and 1nd.c-t»or lights
provided. Asher liGht to indicato that the relief valva in open, etc{gin
light to ir.dicnto that the relief valve is eloced. Indicator ii,, ::. .v ho
mounted on the ru!,r panel.
dEAT PAN39 UND:,tt PJAP: Encionuro is to have two nlido out bot:.r,
for operation during warm weather. Exhauut heat in to be rotainel i
diroeted to the ,1n:np compartment.
PJ::P PLU:': IVG: All piping to be heavy duty ealvani:.ed. A ZWO
PU:lP Tins provided. Ilno to be gated with a X,1" ganrter turn
with ractte control handle on pump panel. Valvz to to Elkhart
drop c:ylc 1. turn, full ''low tyyo. :he r:" lino from trr~
have n v4ctnulie coupling to control atrerlea icpenvd by opera'... .
rough terrain.
A 74" PI:,Cu.,Ft% ]inn frot pump to right uido of i•unn pnnel .,Sts v r-
trnllei rt i,arcl. :':"' v:,lve w:th locking hord!o, ctp ,1111 chat'- ..%1ve
_to 0o :.lknort $,G Kit' drop ont ut; lc )i turn, full flax typa.
� A 3" INLh? furnished through passengers side ,unp rano! ,+ith '•.ta
locking hvndle, fe.nalo awivul, screen, plug and chain. ':nim vel',c n
Elkhart 893 PK° drop out etyla )i turn, full flow tyro. Two (J) 3" x '
Chrome adaptern providod.
00 3
HCZr .4-:"L: One (1) ):annoy electric rwaind hose reel with painted 11scr, to
be inotolled over punp. Reel to be equipped with 150 ft of 1•, at �_ '.rrltinG
pre:.bure hone. 4ono to be coupled with barway couplings. Reel r-,! dnll c-vitch
to be finGer Gsar2ed button type conveniently loc•i.ed. 3oel to 't•,v=: r•,riuion
'or manual revriad. aoller and Guide asnonblios to he installed eAc,..,_dc of
body. nose i:, to be provided in one (1) 150 foot length. .ill -,:.ler to
have nylon be-+rinL;s. 1:oostcr lino is to Lc c,iuipjcd with iJkron 1:01 .:czzlo.
TLe rtandard reel mounts above Lne pump compart".,,nt an the side ?e—tc the
punp to balance the vehicle.
2a3L COV -R: Reriovnble type, to cover the entire urea of the b^3. nc
hose bol croi-s divider forward. The reel eager ir, desiGned for :tela
end is seed on snits with one reel an well. naterinl used is 1/,' .._hinao
treadplate vrith polivhed aupenranee. Seel cover :n.: lift up a.ce.:— ioors
on eacn Side to ino reels and an ncceso door for the booster tangy fill' QeZe.
HANDRAILSt To be IV diameter polished stainless steal tubing uith chrarx
plated end stanchions. Ono (1) vertical handrail mounted on each rear step
beavertail - 30" long, one (1) horizontal handrail above hose bed between end
stanchions. Rni.1 to have reinforcing rod inside.
ELECTRICAL EQUIrtu:NT: Shall be installed to conform to modern automotive prac-
tices. Wiring installed by body builder shall be in two primary wiring har-
neeces. Harneacco shall be 6 pt. automotive wire covered with V114400 rayon braidi,
no exceptions, protected by automotivo resat circuit breakers.
All terminals shall be installed with a crimp type bench mounted machine for
greater reliability and all wiras shall be color coded and nurberca for easy
trouble -shooting and vaintenanco. A complete multi-coloccl electrical firing
booklet shall bi furnished. This booklet shall contain (1) cer3le-to els:trical
dicr+n-:s oC ench i.idivi.lual electrical circuit inrtnllM by the arr.irn•tt°: rinu-
r+•^� (2) n Olegram of each wiring harness showing the calor, rt•^'icr ani
3— "^ .en of each wire and (3) a complete master wiring diagram. depicts ng each
inlividual circuit and each wiring harness. Ito exceptions.
All electrical equipment switches shall be mounted on a separate twitch rtnol
flush mounted in the cab dash with mnstor switch and individual rwitch+-s to allow
precelection of lights. All light switches are to be "rocker" typo with integral
indicator light. The rocker cwitchos to have internal indicating lirhto to chow
when switch is energized. Switches to be mounted in removable pano1 fo - i:Iro
in service and to be pleasing in appearance. Terminal board, circus! I•::.+4rra
and flashers to be mounted under hood in protected area. All ttwitchoz aro to
be appropriately identified. Standard electrical equipment to includ3........
1. Two Unity 10300 front cab combination spotlights and red warning lights one
each side on lower windshield foots.
Y. Two Unity AG rear dock lights each side above beavertails.
3. Ons redoral modnl PA -15 electronic siren mounted with ricrephone. Sn.tnlled
with horn control.
h. ^,,,;s.�+sic, rrrnnunt rri nt ,vith duel dircctinnn, •1irrnr 2
t lu•,, ,,, cli-or 1 .lbr.
j. ;,,.a'+ker, :'rd+•r;.l ,,,•.�'., !rr,t.allyd in 'i+vir,,;onic.
6. wo (2) panel lights with stainless stool shiold at left aide r Mp control
T. ono toaster light switch for auxiliary lights at cab dash. individual light
switches for preselection. Autosatio reset circuit breaker protection.
All switches have indicator light.
> B. All marker and clearance lights with other devices to comply with Federal
Covernment regulations. Rear cluster marker lights recessed behind rear
step flange. License plate bracket and light included.
9. Light in each compartment with switch in cab to turn lights on or off. Each
Licht is provided with an individual switch on the light itself.
1O. Stainless steel warning light brackets shall be provided at rear and wired to
flash alternately. These brackets to also support the 2AG deck lights and
the red bullet ID. lights.
"_l..Recr rotntin,; warning liChts, :thelen Roto -66. 30+1 doncr:, one to b. ir.-
L:led each rade on stainless steel b rackets on the rest; a.anchiono.
12. :xc (?) le Le -lite, 500 .tall. 7fxtondn 47", tole3cAping tuber, are anoized
alL., .,-leccopic f,eetion slides :n on a nylon tunhinG. Lanp hrlasing
`.o_ aware lune and is finished in Waite, hnri cunt epoxy. (Zt.indard loc-
ations are at the extreme front of the Lady at outter corners. ::ircd
direct to breaker box in rear compart:aent.
13. :..v•,rtcr 1600 watt. To provide 110 volt alternating current and be :ounted
in :he left compartment behind the roar wheels on the co^npartn.nt bottor3.
An adjustable plain shelf is to be provided above the inverter to fully
:tilize rpnco. The invertor is to provide 70 a•ap chnrgind to the vehicle
ta:.cry while in operation and is to include four (4) 110 volt outlets.
(?eluirea a heavy duty alternator, 105 amp minimus.)
:GIST LOC:, 110 VOLT: To include grounding connection, weather cover.
atecifyinO state locntionn. Recommended locntionn Ara: A. hasher front
corners" of the rear fender panels. H. in the rear comportment praneln facing
rear. Front corners of thu body on the front Cody sheet near the booster
CU^ -07F ..".:tlTCll: On-off nwiteh to cut off battery eurren'. to all cir-
8,000 U. , P.T.O. DRIVFN,. To mount behind thu front huspor on extension
brackets. ao include cab mounted controls, four way rollora (foirlead) ani 150
:t. of 5/16 cable with hook. Includes nlue. trandplate crincn covr eci :ids
._53C'Y a,,UIi •It,l-: Two 8 ft, longtha of 3" auction hero with c:a-^r_o plated
ca.:; -Ings. ?in lug on male end:: and long handlo feaale orale. :Inc) rn,sntei
_.. :c+. :f :oft ride carpartmontn hold ;pith chrome )i turn Locking h �'.:• c.
:ne 5" enromo slated enrrel rtraintr.
?no crecisl 171.1,1' Aide,rcty series 10OOA aluminum. 1? ft. tae Lcct:tn
ladder -••,s:tod on ton of richt rids of F„df and hold otth quarter tarn cnrors
locrirg anndle!•.
He a- :tx eye: Attncned to the chnania rra^n, locatod :nJer the rear %e-
r4TIM All exronrd mutat surfocen not chrorh pinte,i or roiich-d shill 11
tv nuocg ly cleans -i and hrrrareal. To prevent cortonion and to insure L rAis1
of rrlror, body rMll be wacherl under pressure by phocphatizing ani etchl,sp.
All irregularities in painted surfaces shall be rubbed down before the rrpli-
eation of the finishing coats. Both cab and body shall be painted and all
ravatrable itano i.e.. brackets. cosglartment doors, ate. shall be removed
and painted sabarattly. Dupont polyurethane enamel "Iaron" is to be used
on both the body and cab. (Standard "Intron" colors are (1.) limo yellow
07744UH (2.) throne yellow 070134U11 (2.) white 0501311 (4.) vermillion 55141 -UH
(bright red) (5.) candy apple red 497902UM, other colors urn optional
"spacial" colorL). 8
Operational and electrical manuals shall be furniohed. no exceprfann. v.—r-
ation manual shall depict eonplato and proper operation inotruction of the
Attack -pumper, The operation manual shall include the following. A complete
basic plumbing diagram, complete description of the pump including rounticg, and PTO, complete pump operation sequence to include, drafting,
funping from tank, pump and roll, pumping from relay, and IS", 24" and 3"
operations, paint maintenance and bright aluminum treadplato maintenance.
Cris (1) 6 lb. pickhend axe with wood hanlle, cnroxe-ountini; hn-i•:,rr .o to
be furninied.
One (3) Pike :ole, 8 ft., wood handle to include chrore "=r. .re.
One (1) tPron c:o;el 1715 nozzle (1)4").
one (1) Akrnn :iolil 1730 noz/.lo
one (1)Lianatic ranik-away bracket.
one (1) Cror, bar with mounting bracket.
poliahod alvminun cab atepo to be furnished. Steps, to be the fill 'Azgth of
cab on each tide rith front wheel mud flaps.
CP 7
Honorable Mayor
City Council
Monticello, Minn. 55362
Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of December, 1978.
576 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the
following activities were tallied -
1 - Damage to property - overhead door at the Monti Car Wash damaged accidently
2 - Thefts of C8 radios from vehicles
1 - Shoplifting from Skogmo Family Store - cleared by arrest of 2 juveniles
6 property was returned
1 - Simple assault - cleared by arrest
4 - Thefts by check - accounts closed - under investigation
1 - Theft of a chair from Dino's Other World - under investigation
I - Recovery of a stolen auto from St. Cloud
1 - Arrest of a subject for the theft of money from Dino's Other World which
occurred in September
1 - Theft of an extension cord
1 - Theft with altered money - cleared by arrest of a juvenile
I - Arrest for theft by check
1 - Arrest of a juvenile for possession of strong beer
I - Civil matter - cleared
1 - Suspicious vehicle
2 - Vehicles had antennas 6napped off
3 - Medical aids
3 - Domestics
1 - Suicide threat
I - Traffic problem
107 - Car 6 subject checks
32 - Citizen aids
28 - Accidents InvestlQated
29 - Motorists warned
I - Repair tag issued
7 - Open doors
r a
r - • a �
Caurt House — w.lam County d r
•" '`
71"r� Jamrts F. ADwar,, Chief Oepu[y
Tdephon, 612-1167 r Lt. Myron A. Marris, Investigator
LL E/ Haherling, Civil
County Sher111
January LO, 1979
Honorable Mayor
City Council
Monticello, Minn. 55362
Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of December, 1978.
576 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the
following activities were tallied -
1 - Damage to property - overhead door at the Monti Car Wash damaged accidently
2 - Thefts of C8 radios from vehicles
1 - Shoplifting from Skogmo Family Store - cleared by arrest of 2 juveniles
6 property was returned
1 - Simple assault - cleared by arrest
4 - Thefts by check - accounts closed - under investigation
1 - Theft of a chair from Dino's Other World - under investigation
I - Recovery of a stolen auto from St. Cloud
1 - Arrest of a subject for the theft of money from Dino's Other World which
occurred in September
1 - Theft of an extension cord
1 - Theft with altered money - cleared by arrest of a juvenile
I - Arrest for theft by check
1 - Arrest of a juvenile for possession of strong beer
I - Civil matter - cleared
1 - Suspicious vehicle
2 - Vehicles had antennas 6napped off
3 - Medical aids
3 - Domestics
1 - Suicide threat
I - Traffic problem
107 - Car 6 subject checks
32 - Citizen aids
28 - Accidents InvestlQated
29 - Motorists warned
I - Repair tag issued
7 - Open doors
�i .. SHERIFF'S OFFICE : - �p
_= r�
_ o;; -r. f.•'!9 � court Houss — Wright Couney
- James F. Powers, Chief Deputy
d ( Teleohena 687-1167 Lt. Myron A. Monis, Inves_ tigator
- Lt. EI lieheding, Civil
• founly Sh�rlll
Sheriff's report for Monticello for December, 1978 continued:
112 - Traffic tickets issued:
97 - Illegal parking
2 - Driving while intoxicated
2 - Erratic driving
3 - Open bottle
1 - Lane usage
2 - Speed
2 - Stop sign
1 - Improper registration
t - Leaving the scene of an accident
1 - Overweight
Yours truly,
/ Wz/wvoy
Darrell Wolff, Sheriff
Billing- For the month of November, 1978 -- $ 4,956,00
For the month of December, 1978 -- $ 4,380.00
plus 80 extra hours at $9.00 720.00
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 10,056,00
January 8, 1979 - 7:30 P.N.
Members present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Philip White.
Members absent: Ilona
The invocation for the first meeting of the 1979 year was given b, th,
Rev. Gerald Oas.
Oath of Office for the new Mayor, Arve Grimsmo, and new Councilmember,
Fran Fair, was given by the City Administrator, Gary Wieber.
Citizens Comments:
Mr. Herman Taws, Vice President of Arcon Construction Company, requested
that the Council reconsider lowering the retainage percentage on the 1977-3
Improvement Project. Arcon Construction had previously requested that the
retainage be reduced from 100 down to 3% now that the project is over 90%
completed, but the Council voted to leave the retainage at 101, per cnntract.
k, Mr. Tows indicated to the Council that a state law requires that onev a
project is over 901 complete, the percentage should be reduced accurdinilly
to match the amount of work that is still remaining. After discus, lion with
the City Engineer, this item was tabled for two weeks to enable the Council
to further study the possibility of lowering the percentage to Arcon Con-
Mr. Vance Florell asked that the Council reconsider their previous denial
of a variance an the height of the sign to be located at the new Standard
oil Station on I-94 and Highway 29. Mr. Florell felt that it was vital
to his business that the sign be seen from both directions on 1-94 and
requested that he be allowed to put up a higher sign similar to one that
is located at the Silver Fox Motel. The Council informed Mr. Florell that
once a variance is denied, he must wait six months before the item can
be considered again. Therefore, no action was taken by the Council at this
1. Consideration of Fillinq Vacancv on City Council.
Since Mr. Arva Grimsmo has taken his elected position as Mayor of the city
of Monticello,a vacancy is now a on the City Council for the ur.txlired
portion of Mr. f:ri.. -s term, wh t is December 31, 1980.
-tayor Grimamo nominated F.wn Maus for the unexpired term. Hearin; no :,t::vt
nominations, a motion was made by Philip White, seconded by Fran Fair and
I unanimously carried to appoint Ken Maus to fill the unexpired terra on thw
City Council.
2. Consideration of apoointment of Committee Members and V6iiou*W'CSti*
Functions and Duties. 0: 1
Various committees, functions and duties such as the Plafining� Cot= iasion,
Business and Industrial Development Commission, consulting engineer',
city attorney, acting mayor, etc., must be appointed by the City Council..
Except in the case of the HRA,ComVittec members whose terms are reguiai_'ad
by State Statute on a rotating five-year basis, all appointments at-,!
Mayor Grimsmo nominated Dick Martie and Ed Schaffer to fill two vacant
positions on the Planning Commission. Mr. Grimsmo also nominated
Ken Ivedt and George Do Mars for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
committee. Recommendation was also made to have the current building,
inspector, Loren Klein, as the now Civil Defense Director and
Phil White as acting Mayor in the absence of Arve Grimsmo.
Motion was made by Phil white, seconded by Dan Bf6nigen and unanimously
carried to approve and appoint the following Committee Members, functions
and duties:
Council minutes - 1/6/7B
Jim Ridgeway
Fred Topel
Dr. C. D. Bauer
Fd Schaffer
Dick Martie
Wren Klein (ex -officio)
Lowell Schrupp
Lloyd Lund
John Poirier
Lois Schocpf
Leo Nelson (Chairman) (1-1-83)
Vic Vokaty (1-1-81)
Robert Doty (1-1-82)
George DeMars (1-1-80)
Ken Tvedt (1-1-84)
Jim Herbst
Halal Kotilinek
Gary Pringle
John Mitchell
Isabel Holker
Leo Nolson - President
Harry Stokes - Treasurer
Marie Paterson - Secretary
Sheldon Johnson
Lloyd Lund
Barry Schaffer
Frank Thompson
Jay Morrell
Maria Bruning
Caroline Ellison
Huqh McKinnon
City - Ron Peters, Ken taus
School - Russ Martie, Gordon Link
Fire Dept. - Lee Trunnell
City - Rick Wolfsteller
Township - Gahart Decker
BOARD OF APPEALS - Housinq 6 euildinq Code
Council with Mayor an Chairperson
Rick Wolfstellor
Arve Grimsmo
Loren Klein
Philip White
Gary Pringle
Gruys, Johnson i Aasociatcs
Orr-Scholen-Mayeron L Associates
Howard Dahlgren Asecciatco
Wright County Stat Fm.k
Security 1'Oderal
Monticello Times
- 3 -
Council Minutc3 - 1/8/79
3. Consideration of Approval of Additional Billinq from Orr-Schelen-naypron s
Associates on Step I Wastewater Treatment Facilities Planninq Report.
John Badalich, consulting city engineer, requested that the Council consider
approving an additional billing amount of $3,432.88 on its Step I Facilities
Planning Report. Mr. Badalich indicated that this additional work was
above the original contract amount of $102,690 for the Step I Plan, and
he indicated that this additional billing would have to be approved by
the City of Monticello before it was submitted to the Pollution Control
Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency for their consideration.
It was pointed out that an additional $423.75 which was paid by the City
for treatment plant sludge samples may also be reimburseable by the
PCA and EPA. As a result, if both of theme amounts were approved for
funding, the City of Monticello would in effect receive a savings from
these bills as the EPA and PCA would reimburse 90% of these costs.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unaninr)usly
carried to approve the additional billing request on the Step I Facilities
Plan from OSM, contingent upon the EPA and PCA's approval to reimburse
90% of these additional costs.
4. Consideration of Advartisinq for New Public Works Director.
Mike Rajala, the City's current Public Works Director, has resigned his
position effective January 15, 1979.
The Council, after discussing the vacancy, tabled any action on advertising
for a new Public Works Director to enable them to further study what
qualifications the new person should have to fill this position.
5. Consideration of Resolution orderinc Feasibilitv R000rt on Protects
Petitioned For.
As of this date, three petitions have bean received by the City of Montirollo
as follows,
Area 1 - Lots 3, 4 and 5 in Block 7 of Upper Monticello - This area is
owned by Land Projects, Inc. and the petition is for sewer, water,
permanent streets and curb and gutter. This extension would run
from the intersection of Locust and Seventh Street, to the westerly
platted area of Seventh Street.
Area 2 - Commercial Plaza 25 - This area is owned by San Peraro and when
initially platted, there was concern for the size lots bx'inq less
than 2% acres, which is the minimum amount of land acronling to
the City Ordinances that is required before a septic. tank is
allowed. Mr. Peraro indicated at that time he had xubrt*',1 a
prtition for sewer and water and this was nt, file at ity till.
Potition is for sewer and water.
4 -
6ounci_1 Minutes - 1/,8/7,9
Area 3 - Oakwood Industrial Park - area petitioned for7by the Oakwood.
Industrial Park Partnership is for the improvement'of Dundas.
Road with sewer. and water and blacktop. As you may be,alread y
aware, this street is being improved currently with,a Cliss15
base and it is getting ready for the eventual improvements
planned for in 1979. �.
Motion was made by Phil white, seconded by Fran Fair' and unanimously
carried to adopt a resolution ordering the preparation of a)feasibility-
report for the above petitioned improvements which would be known as:',tlio-
1979-1 Improvement Project. (See Resolution 1979 p1).
6. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the Special Meeting held December 20, 1978 and the
Regular Meeting held December 11, 1978, were approved as read.
7. Miscellaneous. ,
By Council consensus, the next regular Council Meeting was rescheduled S
from Monday, January 22nd, to Tuesday, January 23, 1979.
It was also noted that all regular Council Meetings will be held on,th'e
second and fourth Monday of each Month in 1979.
�. Mectinq adjourned.
V 1
_ Richard=Wolfst lar 1
Assitant Admi strator
RW/ns o