City Council Agenda Packet 02-26-1979AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL February 26, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Councilmembers: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 0abs (� q� 1. Public Hearing on Sideyard Setback Variance Request - Donald Q. Smith. 1� ao �jiL°Q2. Consideration of ordinance Amendment on Wall Signs. 11PIC Public Hearing on Variance Request for Six Wall Signs - Marn Flicker. t' ^1 4. Consideration of Scheduling Interviews for Candidates for Public j 3 1y\ Q Works Director Position. ) �OOV 5. Consideration of a Subdivision of Property - William Scefoldt. 6. Public Hearing on Variances for Monticello Alano Society. i��7.✓ Approval of Bills - February 1979. h 1 8 j Approval of Minutes - February 12, 1979 Regular Meeting. 0, Unfinished Business - Joint Meeting with ISD #882 on Library ( two possiblo dates - March '�3, 1979 or March 19, 1979). r1 Q N. Now Business - $.;ag0- ¢4 Mao kL CCto,• } PA4J^ w t p'b t4 -1 C M MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ' February 26, 1979 - 7:30 P.N. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Members Absent: done 1. Public Ifearing on sideyard Setback Request - Donald Q. Smith. Mr. Don Smith, of 425 West River Street (Lots 1 6 10, Block 56), requested a variance to build a garaqe to within two feet (2') of his easterly property line. There is curcontly a small garage on the site proposed for the new struc- ture, which is right on the property line, and as a result, a variance is necessary to build a new garage if it is less than 10' from the sideyard. The abutting property owner, Kermit Benson, indicated he had no ob;,.ction to the new garage or the location thereof. licaring no opposition, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the sideyard variance of 2' for thr garage for Ion Smith. 2. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment on wall Siqns. Currently, City ordinances allow businesses to erect either one fre.:-standing sion and one wall sign, or, as an alternative, two wall signs. In the past, wall signs have been allowed that meet the square footage requir,:mrnt in a particular area that may contain several massages along with the identifi- cation of a businean. If, however, an individual were to put up an identification sign and in addition have other signs advertisinq brand names, the City's policy has been to construe this as more than one wall sign. In order to resolve this problem, an ordinance amendment was recommen,lod to simplify the procedure. The intent of the new ordinance would h,• to allow a business which proposed to put up wall signs to allow up to four brand identification signs and two premiss identification signs in a case where a business would apply for Option A allowing for only wall e.gns. (In no case will there be more than two brand identification signs and one premise identification sign on any one wall). Under Option B where businesses would apply for the combination of both a pylon sign and a wail sign, one pylon sign would be allowed along with one business Warr- tification sign and two brand identification signs. At thelr ',nst. meeting, the planning Commission racommended approval of the new ordinance amendment. Motion was mado by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil white and unanimously carried to approve a revising of the ordinance amendment pertaining to wall ainns and pylon signs. (Seo ordinance amendment 2-26-70 +64). 'aJ Council Minutes - 2/2-5/79 3. Public Hearina on variance Request for Six Wall Siqns by Mar:: Flicker. Mr. rarn Flicker had requested a variance to allow two identification signs and four brand identification signs for his new TV a Appliance building on Highway 25 in Monticello. With thi adoption of the ordinance ame::'mont in Agenda Item 2, this variance was no longer needed as Mr. Flicker's proposal fell within the scope of the new ordinance. 4. Consideration of Scheduling Interviews for Public Works Director Candidates. As of the Council meeting, 25 applications have been received for the position of Public Works Director for the City of Monticello. The City Administrator has reviewed the applications, and has recommended that eight (8) individuals be interviewed further. A special meeting of the Council was scheduled for March 8, 1979 at 7:00 P.M. to interview the eight selected candidates for the position of Public Works Director. 5. Consideration of a Subdivision of Property - William Seefeldt. Mr. Bill Seefoldt requested to subdivide a 1.28 acre parcel off of the Electro Industries property of approximately 12.2 acres. This property is currently zoned I-1 (light industrial) and if approved, Mr. Seefeldt has arranged to sell this property to the Monticello area Alano Society for use as a meeting room. This simple subdivision requires only Planning Commission and City Council approval along with a Certificate of Survey and a park dedication fee of 10% of the value of the land, or in this case, approximately $321. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, aoconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the subdivision of the 1.28 acre parcel. G. Public Hearing on Variances for Monticello Alano SOCiety. The Monticello Alano Society (Alcoholics Anonymous) plans to purchase the 1.28 acre parcel of property discussed in Agenda Item 5. The Society would like to utilize the existing building on the property as a meeting room, and also requested the following variances from the City of Monticollel A. variance from minimum 24 acro requirements for a private newer and water system. B. Variance from City provisions on parking lots requiring hardaurfaco end concrete curb barriers around the perimeter of tho parkine lot. Parking surface would be gravel and log harriers would t„t put around the purimeter of the parking lot. C. Variance to allow a Club within an 1-1 (light industrial) zone. - 2 - 1:0 m Council Minutes - :/26/79 The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, approved all three var- iance requests primarilly because of the nature of the club, which was to be anonymous and it was felt that the particular area in question would retain a low profile identity that the club seeks. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the three variances requested by the Alano Society contingent upon the variances being effective only for the Alano Society, and if the use of the building should change, the variances would be terminated. 7. Approval of Bills. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously carried to approve the bills for February 1979 as presented. (See Supplement 2-26-79 #1) B. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the Council Meeting held February 12, 1979 were approved as read. 9. Presentation of Preliminary Report on 1979-1 Improvement Project. Mr. John Badalich, consulting engineer, presented to the Council the preliminary feasibility study on the 1979-1 Improvement Project for the Council reviewal. Mr. Badalich will review the report in detail at the next Council Meeting. 10. Miscellaneous. A. A joint meeting with the School Board and the City Council to discuss the worth Brasie Library situation as it pertains to Oakwood School has been scheduled for March 13, 1979, at tho administrative offices of the Oakwood School. B. The Council also discussed the potential hazards of spring flooding and what procedures the Civil Defense of Monticello would take rela- tive to flooding at the River Terrace Trailer Park. The City Council also recommended that the River Terrace Trailer Park be contacted and informed that they would be responsible for moving trailers from the flood hazard area if flooding seems eminent. Meeting adjourned. kiciard wolfst for Aar ie an Adm iatrator RW/ns AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Public Hearing on Sideyard Setback Variance Request - Donald Q. Smith Mr. Donald Q. Smith, of 425 West River Street (legal description Lots 1 6 10, Block 56), is requesting a variance to build a garage within two feet (2') of his easterly property line. It should be noted that the drip line of the roof will be entirely upon Mr. Smith's own property, and will be approximately six inches (6") from the easterly property line. Currently, there is a small garage on the site of the proposed 24' x 26' structure, which is right on the property line. Mr. Smith feels the old garage is in quite poor condition and inadequate to meet his needs. Please refer to February 14, 1979 letter from Mr. Smith relative to the matter. A variance is necessary to erect this new garage since Monticello ordin- ances require a structure to be 10' from the sideyard in an R-2 zone, which is the zoning of the particular property in question. As Mr. Smith indicates in his enclosed letter, there is room in his back yard to keep the garage 10' from the property line, but it would require the removal of a large oak tree and would also put the structure behind their home thus blocking their view of the River and interferring with a deck that they are proposing to build in the future. Additionally, please find a letter from the property owner to the cast, Mr. Kermit Benson, who indicates that he has no objection to the new garage and the location thereof. Additionally, Mr. Smith has indicated he would have no objection to Mr. Kermit Benson building a garage and requesting a similar variance. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously approved of the variance request. it should be noted that a public hearing on variances is held at the City Council level, and additionally, that a variance request requires a 4/5'a vote for approval. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request. REFERENCES: Letter and plot plan from Don Smith, latter from Kermit Benson and map depicting location of property. 2. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment on Wall Signa. Currently, Monticello City Ordinances allow a business the option of either installing one pylon (or froo-otanding) sign and one wall sign, or ao an alternative, two wall signs. The problem with the ordinance is that an individual or business could propose )n:tting up a sign that is constructed on a piece of plywood that may contain several messages along with the identification of the business. city Council Agenda - 2/26/79 A hypothetical example would be a plywood sign advertising Jones Bar and j on the same plywood sign, brand identifications for Schlitz, Hamms, Budweiser, y_ Coldspring, etc. This could be construed as one sign since it's on the same plywood backdrop; however, another individual may want to put the words Jones Bar directly attached to the building and may want to have individual signs advertising the various brands of beer. In order to resolve this problem, enclosed is a suggested ordinance amend- ment which although quite complicated in reading is intended to simplify the procedure.' The intent of the ordinance would be to allow a business which proposed to put up wall signs to allow up to four brand identification signs and two premise identification signs in the case where the business would apply for Option A allowing for only wall signs. Under Option B where the business would apply for the combination of pylon and wall signs, one pylon sign would be allowed along with one business identification sign and two brand identification signs. In effect, this would allow a business such as Flicker's TV s Appliance to utilize the front and back of their building to advertise the premise, Flicker's TV 6 Appliance, and still advertise two brand products such as Frijidaire and Zenith. This ordinance would also pre- vent a business establishment from advertising seven or eight different brands using the same backdrop since this would be aesthetically unpleasing. The ordinance then woyild not make any distinction between signs put up on a backdrop, such as a plywood backdrop, or signs attached directly to the building. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the ordinance amendment. This recommendation was made after discussion on the relative merits of the existing ordinance in comparison with the revised ordinance. There was a discussion whether it might not be better to allow an individual or business to put up any number of signs as long as they met the square footage requirements. However, it was felt that these cases would be rare and there was come justification for limiting the number of signs even though they might still fit within the square footage require - menta. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of revising ordinance amendment. (Ordinance amendments on zoning require a 4/5's vote) REFERENCES: Enclosed ordinance amendment as proposed. 3. Public lienrinq on Variance Request for Six wall Signs - Marn Flicker. It should be noted that at the outset of this agenda item, that this will not be necessary to take up if agenda item 02 is approvod, since Marn Flicker's proposal for signs does fall within the scope of the propoeed ordinance, but not the current ordinance. Mr. Marn Flicker, of Flicker's TV 6 Applianco, is requesting a sign variance for his now business location on Highway 25. - 2 - City Council Agenda - 2/26/79 As previously discussed in Agenda Item N2, Monticello Ordinance presently allows only two wall signs on any one building, and Mr. Flicker would like to put up a total of six wall signs, which would include two signs advertising his business, Flicker's TV 6 Appliance, and also two signs advertising Frigidaire and Zenith. It is intended that there would be one Flicker TV 6 Appliance sign along with the Frigidaire and Zenith on the front and the rear of the building. Enclosed, you will find a schematic drawing of the front and rear of the building as drawn up by Mr. Marn Flicker. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recom- mend approval of the variance request if the City Council did not adopt the ordinance amendment as proposed in agenda item 02. As previously stated, if the ordinance amendment is adopted, it will not be necessary to grant Mr. Flicker a variance. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration, if necessary, of approval or denial of variance request. (A variance request requires a 4/5's vote and the Public Hearing is at the City Council level). REFERENCES: Enclosed front and rear views of the building. Map depicting location of building. 4. Consideration of Schedulinq Interviews for Candidates for Public Works Director Position. If possible, at Monday night's meeting I would like to schedule a special ( meeting of the City Council to interview candidates for the Public Works Director position. Enclosed, please find resumes for eight applicants that could qualify for the position, and I would like to schedule these for the interview session. In all, twenty-four applications were received for the position of Public Works Director. Should any of the Council members desire to ace the remaining sixteen applications, I do have a file at City Hall that can be reviewed at your convenience. Ono poseiblo date for interviewing candidates could be Thursday, March B, 1979. If eight candidates were to be interviewed for the position of Public Works Director and approximately 15 to 20 minutes allowed par interview, this session would take about two and one-half to three hours. As in the post, I will prepare a standard set of questions that the Council members may wish to ask the candidates. POSSIBLE ACrIONi Consideration of Scheduling interview session for Public Works Director position. REFERENCESt Enclosed resumes of eight Public Works Director applicants. - 3 - City Council Agenda - 2/26/79 5. Consideration of a Subdivision of Property - William Seefeldt, 4. Mr. William Seefeldt has made application to subdivide a 1.28 acre parcel off of the Electro Industries Property of approximately 6.0 acres. Legal description: part of the SW4 of the NE4 of Section 4, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. This property is currently zoned as I-1 (Light Industrial). If approved, Mr. Seefeldt has arranged to sell this property to the Monticello area Alano Society for use as a meeting room (this item is to be discussed in the next agenda item as a variance application). According to the Monticello ordinances, minimum requirements of a simple subdivision such as this are approval of the Planning Commission and the City Council, and also the park dedication requirement of 109 of the value of the land. This would amount to approximately $321.00. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of subdivision request. REFERENCES: Enclosed map. 6. Public Hearinq on Variances for Monticello Alone Society. The Monticello Alano Society (Alcoholics Anonymous) plans to purchase the 1.28 acre parcel of property discussed in Agenda Item 5, if this subdivi- sion is approved. This group of people would like to utilize the existing building on the property as a meeting room, and would like to receive the following variances from the City of Monticello: A. Variance from minimum 25 acre requirements for a private sewer and water system. Since area is only 1.28 acres, a varianoe is necessary. D. Variance from City provisions on parking lots requiring hardsurface and concrete curb barriers around the perimeter of the parking lot. Parking surface would be gravel and log harriers would be put around the perimeter of the parking lot. C. Variance to allow a club within an 1-1 zone (light industrial). A club is allowed in some commercial districts of the City, but it is not cur- rontly allowed within an 1-1 zone. At their lout meeting, the Planning Commission approved all three variance requests, primarilly because the nature of the club is to be anonymous and it was felt that the particular area in question would retain a low profile identity that the club seeks. Additionally, it was felt that with the request for having a lot smaller than the minimum size, 2y acres, for a sower and water, would not present too much of a problem because of the amount of usage that this system would get, plus the fact that the area probably would be served within five years with sower and mandatory hook-up would be required. - 4 - City Council Agenda - 2/26/79 Additionally, it was felt that the variance from the parking provision would be similar to that granted to the Trinity Lutheran Church and the Alano Society indicated that they would probably have a parking area that would be somewhat of a green area also. It should be pointed out again that variance hearings are held at the City Council level, and a 4/5's vote is necessary for approval. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of variances requested by the Monticello Alano Society. REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area. M'2C o 0 0 0 0 0 oq o \.r DO/IBrd Editor, sod Publisher � 0 . u 116 East River Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone 16f2) 295.3131 Feb. 14, 1979 TO: :,onticello Cit,! Planninq_ Commission nonticelto 'City 'Council, R;': Variance Renuest for Garage Construction Iots 3 r 10, ril.ock 56 PRrr:t: Done'_d A. Smith e are currently planning a remI-delinq project at our hrr,e 42` "est River Street...and we'd like to include a, new dc•Iwie ^ira-e as rRrt of, the c-onstruction. however, to do this we are recuired to obtain a vzi�zianr_e from the city since we'd like to huild the garace within two feet or the easternly lot lire. Artually, we'd be replacing a current structure which is vir- t,jally on the lot line—and is in quite noI r condition. sitz- adjacent to Kermit P,ensen's garage of a sim'.lar size which is also on the lot line. It's my understanding that he, too, some da'; has plans to upgrade his garage facility and at that time may be recnuestinn a variance. He kno'.as of our intentions and her indicated that he's not opposed to the variance. And, if it's nranteci, S would nledge not to onnose a s'n1lar reouest on the adjninino pronerty. Moreover, if rerli'ired by the city, are would be? willinq to build a firewall on tho,east side of this 24x7.6' atrurtiire. The variance is ,needed bemuse a geraoe ten feet from the nronerty line would reouire the remov.il of a laroe oak tree... and wou)d alga put the strw-ture behind,eur house. thus blocking the view of the river and i,ntrrferina with the deck we're nl,annina (see print). 1 think the 1mnnrtsknt thine to rementer here Js that we're not adding n new variance here (actuall.v it will he twr feet n'f the l ine)...and that the new oarnre will be an imprnvenent to t`ie property. 0 Thank you for vour con sideration. S incerf-ly, �DI�� - Donald 0. Snit. t tom,-„• ��� �F • i �i • I i Ft•hniary 20, 1979 1'tl: City of )IontieCIIO, Planning Commissfon FROM: Kermit lien -sen 419 Best River Street Monticollo, Minnesota TOPIC: Variance for `Ir. Donald Smith's garage After talking to Mr. Smith and revtewing the building plinis h,:! has for his house and garage, I have no objections for him to place his new garage approximately on the Samr_ Ior.atlon that the existing garage is now on. As I nlso havo plans to build a new garage In the near future, I would like to have a Statement from Mr. Smith Stating that he would not have any objections toward me building where my p recent Enrage lU located. (Both gnrages arc now near the lot line) Lith our present driveways and Iocatlonn of our existing, bouaes. I feel that the hest place for our nev gnrages would be uher,e they now stand, ns thev would not obstruct our view t, our back yards or the river. Kermit F.. Bensen l 0 , r 1 1 �:� ? 'ate, ••.,.�"., "t'=��. , tauciul %4 / _: _ `�_ :_� �/ , �. % r. • • �'"' is MARN FLICKrk VARIANCE kEQUEST p' F fes• ,�/.. ��. DONALDF. � . CCS .�, '•, '�z/' ',, �aeas� i - Q. SMITH VARIANCE REQUEST '/d .a ����� '� _ •� 1 i ,,li4 WAIA. SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains the following ordinance amendment: SECfIOU 10 -3 -9 -(E) -2-(b)-1 . . . Currently reads as follows: Option A: Under Option A, only wall signs shall be allowed. The maximum number of signs on any principal building shall be two (2) and in all cases each sign shall be placed on a separate wall (frontage). The maximum size of wall signs under Option A shall be determined by taking twenty percent (20%) of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building, up to three hundred (300) square feet. Where the principal building is on a corner lot and thus faces two (2) public streets, the size of each sign may be determined in the manner described abuve. If however, the building has only one (1) frontage and the owner elects to erect two signs, the total square foot—je o: both signs may not exceed the maximum allowable square footage determined from the front buildinq silhouette. For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the pri::cipal building, the silhouette shall be defineci as tint area within an outline drawing_ Of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or trom the related public street(s). AKEt.DED TO READ: Option A: Under Option A, only well signs shall be allowed. The maximum number of signs on any principal building shall be six signs (four product identification signs and two premise identification signs), with only two walls allowed for the display of the signs. Foch wall shall contain no more than two product identification signs and one premise identification sign. The total maximum size of wall signs shall be determined by taking twenty percent ( of the moss silhouette area of the front of the bcildinq, up to three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is less. For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within an outline drawing of the principal building an viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street (a). SECTION 10 -3 -9 -(E) -2-(b)-2 . . . Currently rearls as follown: Option B: Under option B, either wall signs or pylon signs may be utilized, or in a combination of both. In no case, however, shall more than one (1) pylon sign or combination of two (2) signs be displayed. The maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking ten percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building, up to one hundred (100) square foot. The method for determining the gross silhouette area for wall signs is as indicated under Option A. AMENDED TO READ: Option Br Under Option 0, either wall signs or pylon signs may be utilized, or a combination of both. In no came, however, shall more than one pylon sign ix., allowed. Only two product identification signs sad ons premise identification uign in allowed and those wall oiqro must be only on one separate wall. The tots] maximum allowable uign arca for any wall shall be determined by taking Loll percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of Uig front of the building, up to one hundrood (100) square foot, whichever ill loon. The methckl for j dotormining tlo gross silhouette area for wall signs iu as indicated in Option A. \ Tills AMCI(UMlitlP I6 ADOPTED THE 26TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. Gory Wiober, City Administrator Arve t:: imumn, Nny.+r �m AN MCC - .7 a y s- 20 Tot, z sz G 0 R- l D S�Sq I f �S 0.D f4 f(n1/f fi t166 z�ltfi�eas- RrJ Phr�c (3.S �:�E) 4(xg F L Cool i ra 7088 Innsdale Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 February 15, 1979 City Administrator P. 0. Box 777 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I am enclosing my resume for the Public Works Director position you have open. My resume containing my qualifications and other pertinent information is enclosed. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call or write. I know the public works field as it is related to city government. My experience is practical and extensive and includes innovative ideas of getting cooperation from the different people and contractors that work with or in the public works field. Thank you for reviewing my resume. 1 shall look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Encl. - Resume I Ver truly yours, AFFFFthur ug / L/ Resume of 7088 Innsdale Avenue South Arthur T. Young Cottage Grove, Minnesota Phone (612) 459-1310 JOB OBJECTIVE Public Works Director EDUCATION 1963 Diploma - St. Paul Park High School Courses in Solid Geometry R Trigonometry, Physics, Geometry, Chemistry and Advanced Algebra 1963- Attended University of Minnesota - 1 year 1964 Courses in Applied Math, Geology, Geometry, Geography and Physics I have attended numerous schools put on by the State of Minnesota in the sewer and water works field. I have a Minnesota State Board of Health Water Supply System Operator Class "B" Certificate. i also have a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Waste Treatment Faility Operator Certificate Class "C" EMPLOYMENT 1971- City of Oakdale - 1854 Hadley Avenue No. 55119 Present Utility Maintenance 1965- Univac - St. Paul, Minnesota 1971 Leadman 1964- Control Data - Cedar Eng. Div. - St. Louis Park, Minnesota 1965 Printed Circuit Tech. MISCELLANEOUS 1967- Oakdale Fire Department, Inc. - 6279 50th St. No. - Oakdale, Minnesota 1978 Treasurer and Chief Engineer FOR AMPLIFICATION PLEASE SEE FOLLOWING C/ Amplified Resume Arthur T. Young EMPLOYMENT HIGHLIGHTS 1911 -Present City of Oakdale (Public Works) I started with the City part-time in 1969 and was responsible for all parks and pump house maintenance for two years. Then I went to work in the water and sewer department part-time in 1970 and was employed full time in 1971. I handle customers with their complaints: bill collection, etc.: discuss problems and implement solutions. I make inspections of new construction in water, sewers and streets. I make purchases of materials and supplies in the Public Works Department. I direct the use of personnel in the Public Works Department at various times and situations. I also assist in writing specs for major purchases and budgets. 1 make out reports for the state, the utility superintendant and administrator. I have trained new employees into the system of the Public Works Department. I have been responsible for repairs to streets, water systems and sewers. Oakdale has 52 miles of streets, 55 miles of water mains and 60 miles of sewer lines. Public Works Department has an annual budget of 5500,000. 1965-1971 Univac (Mfg. of computer equipment & parts) I was responsible for getting supplies, materials and use of personnel in Plating Department, training of new personnel, movement of jobs throughout the department. 1967-1978 Oakdale Fire Department, Inc. (fire protection with City of Oakdale) I was treasurer for 5 years with the department. i was responsible for making up an annual budget which was submitted to the City Council for their changes and approval. I also administered the annual budget and was responsible for payment of claims from various vendors. As Chief Engineer I was responsible for setting up a regular routine check of trucks and other equipment. I also set up regular maintenance programs for the equipment. i was responsible for writing a spec for a 1000 G.P.M. Pumper and a 1200 G.P.M. Pumper while 1 was Chief Engineer. Reference on request. Please do not contact present employer until after interview. 4e APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL INFORMATION DATE 2-15-79 SOCIAL SECUPTY,�.� .? e,,�;V NAME Young Arthur Thomas NUMBER ".5' E mEsEwwoptss 7088 Innsdale Avenue So. co ttaqe Grove Minnesota 55016 POIJANtNT ADDRESS Same PEFFRQED �D,JL IM 612/459-1310 Fly SPECIAL QUESTIONS 00 NOT ANSWER ANY OF THE QUESTIONS IN THIS FRAMED AREA UNLESS THE EMPLOYER HAS CHECKED A BOX PRECEDING A QUESTION, THEREBY INDICATING THAT THE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR A BONA ROE OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATION, UP OICYAJ ED BY NATIONAL SECURITY LAWS. On IS NEEDED FOR OTHEP LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE REASONS. 0 Height. fee[ —inches E] Citizen of U.S.—Yes— No 0 Weight lbs. 0 Date of Birth n -I Ixt ACILI Dw4wnmucn in EMPIEPITIVent, Art of 1967 proKbtb d=lh`iMtion On the basiS of age With refipeCt to na,Kkih,,a Y,rici —i in lest 40 hat less Um 65 veam of op, EMPLOYMENT DESIRED POSITION Public Vilorki Director OAIEYOU 2 IlotIC05ALAPYSIPTO on pp CANS7AffT CIC AREYOULIMPLOYCONOW1 yfjo IF 50 MAY WE INC)LRPE oFYouAPqrsrNTcMPLovFrp 6�O Ro,wno fVER APPLIED TO THIS COMPANY WFORE1 no wNrw W-lY.Nl EDUCATION YEARS! DATE NAME AND LOCATION Ot EICHOOL ArTETOfo GRADUATEO SlJtU(CTSSTUDiE0 GRAMMAIISCHOOL See Resumo 110, !XHOOL COLI CCC fnAOI.OIJ51NE5SOP COMIC SWNU[NCF 13C04001. nn AfpI Ur. xirnmim in ri"pit) ph—L ACL ()f 1907 DrT"K5 dGWOMIltlEin on LNI Tim_ ppn WA11 a ..Sr-lct In nnrvaW Nl who -- 01 .,,St 40 tkA it -So LiIni, 65 In'.. -- 0! alp QENEitAI SURA CISOI GPI CIALSTUDY OAAFSIARO- WOn. WKAVIO$Wr,NLANmAGrsDoYou rj4Ab;RurNttyv Fill An moll, U 9 Ml IT ARY OR PIXUNI MF%ffI9-UW 64 NAVALSF"VICE PAW I-- cp (DONIIIIAllippin"P= FORMER EMPLOYERS BUST BELOW LAST FOUR EMPLOYERS. STARTING WITH IAST ONE RRSTI nATI MI1N1.. 'NI 7 1AR NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER SALARY vDSrrloN gEA50N FOP LEAVING mom TO See Raswnc FROM TO mom TO ---� I RDM To REFERENCES: GIVE BELOW THE NAMES OF THREE PERSONS NOT RELATED TO YOU. WHOM YOU HAVE KNOWN AT LEAST ONE YEAR, NAME ADDRESS BUSINESS YEARS ACQUAINTED ' Ray K1B►as 700 Broadway St - Pant Pnrk. MN Barber 20 yrs. C 2 James Noloon otCa =,AN' Telephone eompany 5 years 3 Arthur DeRaven Cottage Drove, KN Railroad Company 2 years PHYSICAL RECORD: DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL DEFECTS THAT PRECLUDE YOU FROM PER - FOAMING FOAMING ANY WORK TOR WHICH YOU ARF BEINGCONSIDEREO" WERE YOU EVER INJUPCD' no GIVE DETAILS HAVE YOU ANY DEFECTS IN HEARMno G� no NVISIOM' MSP ECM'R no NCASE OF Jud Young 7088 lnnsdalopvo. So. Cottage �rovD 459-1310 CMLFUENCY NOTA` y B NAME ADDRLSS 1' 10NI- NO AUT HORILF MVESIIGATION OF ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION I UNDI:RST AND INAI MISREPRESENTATION OR OMIS DON OF I ACTS CALLLD FOR IS CAUSE FOR DISMISSAL. FURTHER. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT MY EMPLOYMENT IS FOR ND DEFINIT F PFRIOO ANO MAY. REGARDLESS OF THE DATE OF PAYMENT OF MY WAGES AND SALARY. SE TERMINATF.O AT ANY TIME WITHOUT AN, PREVIOUS NOTICE / , % 'r DATE I"! � % SIGNATURE 00 NOT WRITE EIELOW THI9'LINE N T EPMENVI D 0• DATE REMARKS: NEATNI SSI I CHAnACTIP PCWZNAIITY ABILITY MAP, HwI.D TORDBPT POSITION WILL RLPOPT WAGS -S APP14OVI0 1 2 D FYI\ D•MI NI MANAF1IP rrM HT AD FA NI RJIL Ns(:IP Oren I1060Md t0 5"" NxllYply m,.h to and Fadd'd Ter ITnlpdymoRl m'aCINCa tow, prYfvanNrTp daLl'r01TOLOn to Vm tTocm M en MdrdrTi a ul. W rtv LV sunlit QnatmP d.oclN a• MP'aC W ralYTGtFTO aU+ slaUB haVo DOAm rTGrfitl Dory wlTma raRotlnd to tlnllr o—Ia a hTrIa tion oCr.LjWLKFW Qry VCOL1011 Orfar othW Dam4m bla W WPa9. wF91 cf mma a aro NppmproLaly mtad on els wVhc AWP NDt• a hstalt V Ovw? nithrul. TOPS dma rot Dmmo rospmaGKV old tWMbV MK4WM"YabIbLy for rjeka n the fpm, of nr V %r U,fra A,NTP v hch a uOIRItATh 01 SLata am FodarN tar Bnallo IOM PISCtaa Iowa May Da bROW J o .-F-Laaavj 3,, 1979 i"t) Box 777 4An�lt ' j"aime4ata 55312 ycn,Uencrw I an irdemdtad in oWbjj,,,. /on the pwi . ojl 1-dx&c .,v.& dicaw, '. Zk cibc o� 1 uidaiceVv- ilmc pteviow amh expeAie-ce cum! o�caiivtf 4aac vac ;6o believe that I am qi&diAd /on Ai4 opcw:ng. ;,.,i pwAcmt licaidcnce id in w4a. loatLeeUv uAm 1 .-uzve Lem a. hawc oanw Pv- Uae yeau. I am 33 Beau of age, j7m&icd m-th km clu,"tc% arzc an in exec tent "Le&Wt. ;lAe4e%tZj I wa o;p&jed uA a -St*wAintow&id udlh Vikiwg I-- A*pe ScAvice4 vA Sacra i"W&4 4tjWAVi4LV va4iou4 4tom doom and 4anL&%;t deLCA PWjed4.� Aid po444im Aerjuinad a gacat deal oA btaveL and I an anxioud to o6&m a pavmnertt pod4tion iAtha.ilwttiee.Uo mew 6-wJoded i4 arj Acdom dafaULV aj paevioud educaUan and mWe44XACV, 7 Iloidd 6c available Ax an Zatmvica on a fi;undwy amnA . Aq a4 F.Z4 a*v.�. ; lcwc cmU oA unite Am ue uvLdd 6e able 40 4et Lip an iniewimb ,John SitioJa i4i 2 Box IS3, j'km&rAUo ,un, 55352 . %.t 2 Liox 183 h4uc" 55X2 �L.T. li i76. bec"ca 25, 1945 Du6d4 ddmc4qta a ulte 1963 §4a4=ied lAom Aawza livyt Laked /Ugh -o".4 Auw/u4 —&meocita. septo4eA 1963 - ilUelded illex6i Rate 0A- CaUep, Viz,-Zv:q, u.Zmedqia-, �u 1%5 1dlvRad &L IA&w4v:aJ- 6&wauolt. ril,a.a 1%6 bnited Stated AwYJ 4CIWUJ-4.- ApLa /,Xo &wne Shovel C;pwatoA4 �choo,4 Ft, LwnoAal -/oL4 it-idwmi, S" AwZjAAA School, Ft. Letwi,4 ln4&uc&vL TAawnq Schao.4 Ft. 1,avo" ViAgLriia- vctoj'o% 11,167 iic�wctzon 5ei&wjrAaph. ThaaV d raactica: Saa TcAi Inc., C%MhOV, oli4COn4ilb Yarw 1972 LearlriieJup A-J'n symvz-ion sc/-V.l f'ovc.�: A"ociatcd'Indu4&i" OA Rie3uat /972 Ce.UPXtC iA Du=vodj,,CcmtcA A- c--=-S-p—vi4ion 7&,L, . oAn 6- S"a )'g. 2 ale Ilibl - ..,o ied W J-JM'wju:r, Cli-lm j uacl.'we uposaiat, .,,A v(,viou4 co,- vd-'L b=CZM4 Oft k'w- IWA AWIge OI. il.ZMedaia On P%OjeCi4 IALCi Va&i,6d AM 4OCKI 6ui,lding a AaiZWGc.1 6uL6. �j to 0&&jjru,. 4UC devcdopml and excavatim Iaz tie i.irvtfac rlwd ai-awdaiA 11wri, vdrdwAa&. �,ve;Lt one yean in Vietwi ijZb'L a 4,wxia,4 ie&-ain irUC.44if;elLCC unit nyping j invc44&jaiinfL rw,&)ric c!ala o,, -JOUZL --4.ie Uy— ,14, --14 6-1d led, ainfi a la4, i,--, an, u dA ani POP Pm';aecf- tk=dOi bl e iw-17 Lm-ldmiia l -8=1 ',Iz Ire AUOVliVU4 VeaViCC in Viet , f;�.tCt "bWablq kW.1 VVCUfto 4mtat the 3" &WZPZ4 $C O� in tt. .Je&,.,.q V- 'U ' ' ua waU IuNwAaUy di4cianred udA Ac un',- o,, '--5 in M"Ai.i 676.1-1 6Y. L-4PeA Gl—tlu,CtZOn Aap&,61, 4..Zmewia on a Qukll unica raun pwAed .in IuLbnr, 4 aimwa& a4 oLCm+. %b &acl.hoe opeAd" ucb.Zez by 60zeem aiv--iti-d or, --, '.imtedoia- H.,a /jY4 S&%icn' at Ae po4itZon oA oidd Tccudx.Zm oral i att; Lhicf in V=iOM 4" P401.edd. i AWWCd /Lo JepM4hRCMt !lend jA Clta4ge 0� bw ;to 44Aea AeU emm and a dna yaudat .1 peawimeZ -AdiAd inc4del 4&jmvi4itm ok peA4cNme4 cUoU coniac,4 ami Ixr pa" wvgna°^in3 and RQt7UAt0 Pentnivwtr to va-io- CWWi&W-&M rAOjCCid- SUCt PWjCd4 Q4, 4ited4d, &XL.a, 4=0t and UU&4 CAUtQWXWrl, Vtu:iV&4Wdydtffld, ('AOL= utttCA IWILU" W", ..tVeZop M!rk v. C,) j..C%Cjaj Cn:,%e)j, &LtjaZ 6ui,a,�IJ ,.A omd,,.bwpeo&4Zcj --,aw. Cu JIZLd IC at Za. 4- -dupwwi4imu jaluz(. ig. _? ji. ex'd&cz (Cont&uwd) nj.VU 1,,-74 - 6pplayaZ 6,t OiveA4L� ripe SeAvicc4, Cc!ca r1wiAir., .&mejuta in .the pWil-LOn O� :!AWL L,c 5MI Of'- catuod,tLed, and watlzacion4 cmi t 4ualt _LLc4 a4 field 4upmvi4ioa and opowtion. o� dene% deanin- rnintenance —pa,iA U'd i -p --ii— Cv-O.Mni- L,,—at-J j-- jci4, 6uc%e;t racdu:iwA, 7V itwpedAva varw and tn4=Wt 4eztLqr e,4Ldp- awn.4. aad reapwbaihle �oa AA;-,uAA arcs! ra"Liownce o,. a.0 mamt and puw4a" w ,,en.t nev eruicrwiut md 4ijz*uei. in rip%" / 976, ;f/Le car. p=L, und 4oU ;la . , doe ) eAvZcej - ti".Za ///L - 6rp�ogcd 6y &.j r4;pe ieAvicea, u4dw, . innewta a4 _)tj!.otiniatdcAi ma, U41 1970 tUWL 4W.W_ ad P2CViOU4 QXPWV,'- 3q,dc-.j m 1976 - 6np,&Ucd by Vi&.ma hwn. .-vA/4 i wuntain btort, i a:ivvbz. f caruav, /977 WdWd a4 SkUW-609d WC&= on XaCOMUC 4xmdxr 4tcLti.&cd ai 6Ai.e ildlUir Lo-, Poyi Lalew - facomi-ic ..aALa,4 ­imewta. LeAt U"Wa j4aj:cct aw oxp&tw.'. 1V7 - baa&L44, o;p&;zcd 6y Vikino, ripe Se-vicu (,o,, )aLat , a4 i-adUzon. I'd 4tv-tir.tN![LC'nAlt U,. all vz'-4" i,Lw&L4At dupowi4iiv g a 120, OW Uizca( ;.gut 4tww: and 4wutavj ,dmem ctw" and bwpedun puo,czt. &ju:Uc4 incZmc odwLd- ZV uoAlvm and eju4p-mnf m vanioud 4cum rauLia=cc pwiecid Awwphout five Aia& aam. In o4Utiot I ,Aqznc yeazZy btdretd and . ..dW"ihJA /" pm/mdEruj-,' a-: w.u4-wnt. I o. ao ope-us4c &U kjm4 v' 4em ra"�L,'"mcc and iw,-lection eVAip- Llemi aw! wwpme fir al Aqva4 and 6U"f A. In , v w -italigal cvUeA S rmc!=14 cm owctae a 4aive'uti ;lrcmV and ,?�a4ne,L4 4la/e,74, 6aClVWCJ (nd 4Ufr-'-l- ­lZVC I t CZaJJ Is ; YAiV6U JiCCJ14C- ."OIw , wLtjvj, p 4nvuimAU4V ivu,' c,&uslx cm A&*ia4atim. S.roalary 4 0 I ,'w j,5af% -.d"wAotn yaa lcquin:d, ;,',&mc4uia Sauh CcL&e, ,djmedo;ia iccx at ;loners r,Gl, if'OPV.'Ld, liz Omen JW.- acheU vma ,Uc a"aa/u OLwxta& L La- .. ia&,zd Fje-i ,& ripe Tvv( C.- 0 I ,'w j,5af% -.d"wAotn yaa lcquin:d, ;,',&mc4uia Sauh CcL&e, ,djmedo;ia iccx at ;loners r,Gl, if'OPV.'Ld, L APPLICATION,OOR EMPLOYMENT - PERSONAL INFORMATION DAM NAME LAST r FOOT ku)OLE PRESENT ADDRESS m c PERMANENT ADDRESS STREET 07" BUTF PHONE NO. FIEFEFFFO SPECIAL QUESTIONS 7 DO NOT ANSWER ANY OF THE QUESTIONS IN THIS FRAMED AREA UNLESS THE EMPLOYER HAS CHECKED SOK ROEOCCUPATIONAL PRECEDING A QUESTION. THEREBY INDICATING THAT THE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR A BONA GUAURCATION, OR DICTATED BY NATIONAL SECURITY LAWS. OR IS NEEDED FOR OTHER LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE REASONS. 0 HeVIL—k— 0 Citizen of U.S.—Yes—No 0 we9v------Jbs. 0 OM of Brth I The Age l3sowwwMan m EnVbynmm Act of 1987 profteA ds=nnBtion an ft bm of 09D wUh rOOPM to rdWIL019 ■ft fire st bust 40 but law Mm 65 yowl of op. EMPLOYMENT DESIRED SALARV POSITION &.MMIT OE9AFD FSDMAY WEINGLOIE ARE YOU EMPLOYED NOW? OF YOUR PFIESrNT FMPLOVEM PY EVER APPLIED TO THIS COMPANY BEFORE'/ vmtrtp VW1400 EDUCATION NAW AND LOCATION OF 804DOL AlYTEENDEDAPS GRADUDAATE TED SklaJECISSTIJOED' HIGH SCHOOL. COLLEGE TIMM= I SCHOOL I DamnsTaton n Dnpklrwrt Act Of 1967 prolifts dwaimmm on the bass of age with rtmmct to ncIN", m wic am m tong 40 but bw yea's of ago. d6dERAL' WQL"y OR PES&AACH WON "'O"rCTI, OF WHAT FOAMN LANO%jjMpO YOU GEAR R.LffNTLY? WATT Vmll U B. MILFTARV CA PAM 411 %lE%#nrqEImlP IN NAVAL, GE RAW W19- - ,mq %W "oummavero, m4wold oymp sn I APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME 147 Do—, ner LGA 5 li (pL�'r 1 �M�REiUSc Socti4 4L•, L Lg T r1 -ST M�®LF PRESENT ADDRESS R�. L F3. u �L,ka .ti snot, v 0" „ATI PERMANENT ADDRESS S<t yNC t S, -1 >-v e_ I 11 q STWEI OI, STAR PFiDTIE NO ��+�� - 3lPZS REFERRED SPECIAL OUESMONS T OD NOT ANSWER ANY OF THE QUESTIONS IN THIS FRAMED AREA UNLESS THE EMPLOYER HAS CHECKED A BOX PRECEMNO A QUESTION, THEREBY INDICATING THAT THE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR A BONA ROE OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATION, OR DICTATED BY NATIONAL SECURITY LAWS. OR IS NEEDED FOR OTHER LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE REASONS. ❑ Height feet etches Otizen of U.S.—Yes—No ❑ Welght Ibs. ❑ Date of Blrth' ' The Ago O=—natAa+ R Gnpbyrnent Act of 1967 prohtnts drefUvnnatro On Vv Cow of cgs wrth respmt to Mvduala wnl Iry at (cast 40 out esa Uw 65 yeare of ago. EMPLOYMENT DESIREDDATE YOU ` POSITION �.Y�11L �)nt-F�,S �tI C�C_�Or� CANSTART SALARY D C.I. IF SO MAY WE t1DUIRF I Q AREYOUEMPLOYEDNOW1 _✓[_::: OF YOUR PRESFNI EMf4OYFR't FV( R APPI IED TO THIS COMPANY n[FOREI .� �� WHFRF'I WIiFN, EDUCATIONYEARSDATF NAME AND LOCATION OF SCHOOL A17CNDCO GRADUATED SUEUICTSSTUOIEOI GRAMMAR SCIIDOL __ `�`,1n(111 11 S�p.,� :,\•rl 1 1V Uf Tr1 K �`.+�1 f_. �f�:, ch\ •ice. -G-SC-400L �`•`C1 c1a:�tQ +�.`n1l! .-�. -'- 1 L TRADFAUSWFSSOR L.c 17('O ►ltiQ -CA-1. �O n•m IC) L, L- C-Jrt, `'l. I\,_ COWdSPONDINCC t. `-� Y y _ - -- - -(� ( —' SD(O01 -1, \�c Lt l 1 i.:J a-�,. -1-•1 Cil. � /\\U L.\° ' ia,_` i.1El\<tit. 1. �J:YLy The Agn I]sfU•rt Lw l n I:mpllyrnmt Act of 1007 prtntA+t Rot noton on the oasN of or mth r cum to vut-%ufa wno ern at wast 40 INA V= NM 65 Ycory Of np. SUI7JI CIS OF SM DAL STUDY OR MSF AA04 WOW WIIAI FDqION tANGUAGF900 YOU SPFAt FLUFNTIV? WILD iNIllf U a MILP APY nfl I `� PIV SFNI MI MN R!-JiP N N'VAL GfPvfCF. r i llly K-�•.�.C�G R.rac `'� jx E t WttoNAL T�RjitL�iL�:'+►.I'1tG �.� I _i t • r,..�.� rN-;mrn„rw� wwn �' ImN t:D ndnanI PtMtR RMPLOVERO JUST MLOW LAST FOUR EMFIOYEM. STARTING WITH LAST ONE RR5fl: �• - a4 - , v�,� 3 p, DALE MONTHANOYEM NAME AND ADDRESS 0FEMPLOYER a I SALARY - P09TIONiE/LSONFOR LE+A~VNO' ro C��-:��T 1,?�I •ri Mils. i .- ���_ :� ri�5_i,;l►� «:; � L 7 FROM Iq V --, TO �2�,boo I FROMTO DATE 2/ S i t;IGAIATLII>E IJIi FROM 1^l TOI I NTOWIrNED OV DATE REFIEREIIICES: GIVE BELOW THE NAMES OF THREE PERSOM NOT RELATED TO YOU. WHOM YOU HAVE KNOWN ATtLEAST ONE YEAR, REMARKBT _ _, NAME ADDIWM BIGNESS YEARB . ADQUANTED . � t�1:1:rv.� \i.rL...:c.4i �.s�. ti� T� Q 4 `:�. .,o. PbI' •1t Y.-�. o _ 2 1ne211 Un�o.�Y..r' Lo.. W. 5..:..r Jnr I •Z � f1. Anne, rt• L.kecrya4>lMA P,.%i �eQ. �N�• (yw(r.i ZDti•re NEATNESS HER PNVINM RECORD: PERSONALITY ABILITY SALARY 0D YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL DEFECTS THAT PRECLUDE YOU FROM PER- Km MPOEPT PO'3TON WILL REPORT WAGES FORMING ANY WORIC FOR WHICH YOU ARE SONG CONSrAMO7 T r9 APPROVED 1, I. 9. WERE YOU EVER NUURED4 At) WE OETAt8 HAVE YDU ANY DEFECTS N HEARwa? (� N VL90M 9)C3 N SPEECH? III A err IN EEME�acE�NOTIFY S.,'lA.-1 j..�lr� i\�.� Q i -o _ I, n NAME) V ADDRESS PHONE NO ( "THOMn INVESTIGATION OF ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN TMS APPLICATION I UNDERSTAND THAT MISREPRESENTATION OR OMfS., `dON OF FACTS CALLED FOR IS CAUSE FOR DISMISSAL. FURTHER, I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT MY EMPLOYMENT IS FOR NO DEFINITE_' 1 I„ PERIOD AND MAY, REGARrn ESS OF THE DATE OF PAYMENT OF MY WAGES AND SALARY, RE TERMINATED AT ANY TIME WRHOUT'4NY PREVIOUSNDTICE. DATE 2/ S i t;IGAIATLII>E IJIi 1� DO NOT WFUTE BELOW THIS LINE NTOWIrNED OV DATE _ REMARKBT _ _, L` 1 �h o s NEATNESS HER PERSONALITY ABILITY SALARY Km MPOEPT PO'3TON WILL REPORT WAGES APPROVED 1, I. 9. FMRO+AeNlmANAQR Ami MAR GINIRUMANAGEP .... The fWr has Ogen C to Lo StF10 4 Hbn M wth SIAM at Fed" for &ngM lTVn WaC' = lows pmhbWg doef#,notnn an [ho bno of on aHOleonc'a OBA Or nvlOntY stRIB OMSU" o rereCUf rofbetgV au@I Nt1e tWrA bam iMdoC ci ft ft o nooded t0 dater. a bone Let owLaAmaa mAakfmw or for (their paYTmabb PUU=. Skil IIAttA m WO atAfyWmtary rotad an the sppltAUM. Not• Cmna wrllatanbl9a nl thof tou. TOPS Owe mo L owai roepam8drW and homy dodWM airy poLoy for rcksm in on Tom, of aM CIIAMOM " tOm Al1YfY1 a vo mon of State aro Fodord for ompbvmot lowsmay bo bNOd. y Donald J. Pappenfus Age: 33 Date of Birth: October 11, 1944 Place of Birth: St. Cloud Hospital Home address: 801 2nd Avenue North Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Employment: Date: Employer: September 14, 1977 City of Sauk. Rapids Job Title: Working Water -Sewer Foreman Description: Maintaining crater - sewer pumps. Maintaining water - sewer mains. March 7, 1977 City of Saul: Rapids Job Title: Working Water -Sewer Foreman July 6. 1977 City of Sauk Rapids Job Title: Working Supervisor Water -Sewer September 3, 1974 City of Sauk Rapids Job Title: Maintenance personal Description: Working on and with water & sewer mains. September 1, 1974 - July 5, 1969 City of Sauk Rapids Job Title: Street Maintenance Personal Description: Working with street equipment and repairing streets. July 1, 1969 - September 2, 1967 City of Souk Rapids Job Title: Water -Sewer Meter Reader Description: Reading and recording motor readings for City records. August 10, 1971 - August 10, 1969 United States Army Job Title: Dental Lob Personel Description: Making and producing denture plates. Ranh upon discharge: SP5 February 1, 1968 Sauk Rapids Fire Department July 1, 1973 Was promoted to Captain of the Sauk Rapids Fire Department having six squad members. Maintained Captain until date. Certificates are as follows - 1 Discharge Certificate 2 MN Uniform Fire Code 3 Tactical Procedures in Fire Fighting 4 Rescue Training 5 Fifth Course Flremanship Training 1976 6 Fifth Course Flremanship Training, 1977 7 Fourth Session in Firemanshlp Training 8 Commendation from American Legion of Sauk Rapids for achievement. School: Graduated from Sauk Rapids High School in 1963. Attended Sacred Heart Grade fch,u)l. Received a one year acholorahlp in 1959 from Sacred Heart Grade School. Z/ APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL INFORMATION �J 1 DATE 1 F •• + t t�' -� I a� . 1 CIS F' NCInf . `�l• SMQHER OAAL SECURTY Pow PF[SFNT ADDRESS f`) , •/ - .;;t J L%. /t T z > l 1 I N,.,.J f ` .. ,. STSFFI orY S•.•T PERMANENT AODFWSS STREET CRS Sa" P-01, QY T EiRERiU SPECIAL QUESTIONS DO NUT ANSWER ANY OF THE QUESTIONS IN THIS FRAMED AREA UNLESS THE EMPLOYER HAS CMECKEO A BOX PRECEDING A QUESTION, THFREBY INDICATING THAT THE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR A BONA HUE OCCUPATIONAL UUAUHCA I IUN, UH DN.: T A I E O BY NA T IUNAL SECURITY LAWS. ORIS NEEDE U Ft1H OTHER LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE REASONS ❑ Heght. _ _ feet _ rghes ❑ Cluze� of US Yes No ❑ Weght bt; ❑ Dote of Birth • The Ape Qif •Rlflitm n E"Vloymimot Act of Igh 7 p,#Wvt6 dIB(:fTIMW1tT m the bM of aqp w4h -sperF N OdYKi—K wtD !Y et Iwt �0 aFA W LMR BS ytars or epe SOV r F PO&TK)N �',•�,I�: LC'••'t.1 /�f•'�'�� f CAN SCATE TAIFY DOU ES"D i SO MAY YVF NOUIRE ARE YOU fMA DYEDNnW' ,/ OF YOUR PAESFNT FMR OYFW Rf A ARL Ir n TO THIS COMP/W Y SEf Of[T WHIv VVHF N' EDUCATION NAME AND LOCATION OF aCmM LSEAMMAR vcrf[xx r.GH S(?QNII , YEARS ArTENOFD DATE CRAOUATFO - SU&il;lSSTUOIFO I TSF1 1 1 l • The Ape DM1'rreNFtp1 n MyYTy.RerK Actof i98)P (rahbU EmfF'rRete w —L* hffee of eSe wlrh rYfepetR w n61a..Mn wM . M w f ADM "a than 65 yefrtr of no W&rtL:TS OF IPWAk ATtDY OR FNStAICH WOge WHATfUPOGN LAND -IAM DII LORI SPE AK ItUFNTL Yl u e4 RUEY am , M%AVAA EM11BlKW�1lVORFl6Vlylr . w tn.•n.w •.. ICONTi'Aintwn tOF� EMPIOVE I LST BLL OW t AST FOUR EMPLOYERS. STARTING WITH LAST ONERRMI ...._D NAME AND 4ppES5 OF EMPLOYER DATE MONTMN.DIFAR SALARY POSITION REASON FOR LEAVING FROM TO FROM I REFERENCES: GINE EIROW THE NAMES OF THREE PERSONS NOT RELATED TO YOU. WHOM YOU HAVE KNOWN AT LEAST ONE YEAR _. NAME _ _.._. ...__ ADOWSS BUSINESS IFARS AC WAINTEO Q 4 /•-y� I` . r i Ei ri.f .. �< 1`.,,.i t /lfr•r-. Y f`V,. ..... /NVIWAL RECOM: DD YOU K4AV( ANI RIYSCAI DEFECTS THAI PRECLUDE YOU FROM PER- fOFMING ANY WOl* ROP WHICH YOU ARE BE ING COff"R..EE1 DI �l WERE YOU MR N,)UF*D1 DVE DETAKS . (Y �! E•r w' , HAVE YOU ANV DEF[t'TF,v4HfARNGl IN V11300 w NSPEECHI . INCASE OF P 1.; j 1 i RAWANCYNDT#1 I • - NAME ADDRESS [HONE NO . AUTHOR[ZE NVESTIGATiON OF ALLSTATE MENIS CONT AMD IN THIS APPLICATION I UNDEFTSTANO THAT MISREPRESENTATION OP OMK; BION OF FACTS CALLED FOR IS CAUSE FOR DISMISSAL FURTHER I UNDERSTAND AN[) AGREE THAT MY EMR OYMENT IS FOP NO Of FINITF PEF800 AND MAY REGARDLESS OF THE OA,E Of PAYMENT Of MY WAGES AND SALARY. BE TERYfINA7 EO AT ANY TME WITHOUT ANY PREVXX S NOTICE DATE YIGNIAIIIRE • / e �w DO NOT WFVTE BELOW THIS LINE MfP.t WfLIP. DATE EaMAAKEt WAMESS I I (?tNND1IP I PFR60hA.'1 r AMITY F&API MED tOP!7f Pl PON,IKM W%I REPORT WAUf5 APPROVED • / t INH.. •MN'Mu.M w., t.PI ..IMi .'w.r NAND n rho Pt1'•r' ht tI l ftegw tI' At.. IN I I-" wth Bt A" .,a F -low t. orgaIYrrllrl Pada **A P"#4" dN['rmnMn, rn ttr Lr uI W s[pLW4 A W. n nrmHtY WN .. (AMM M Orr th'r *0 W r %Gt. V W13" Anus PMMA ht "*AWd6MlV .WIMr'MArtM.l III rktm nYry •fort tlOr aPZ.IgttrllW qutElr N Y.I p IDR tNw Iwmw*d t W qoM S.[ h QIM101p W1 RDPrw MUOV MlW MUM XlPNAUr Ntrt .v*tErldrrp lEMAt Iff .tA TOWS **-rot tltmA—01-dLLv Aro PMI.bv d *1 "Mbky f. rrlA-01 r, VM It.rr' II erh 'pt••t er..A ,W rM K* • rdRmn d tate srd FwtM'M NrtlTlp *-wt Prto bm PMt to httAO 95 o o csp 1 o00 0 0 00 0 o o 000 CC3 o C? o C? o o o" WILLIAM J. ALBERG s2 Rose Avenue, Borth_ Maple Lake, Minnesota SS5SS (612) 963-3437 BORN: December 14, 1932 MARITAL STATUS: Married 25 years. Five children, ages 13 through 24. Four are married and one is at home. EDUCAT I (tl' : 1951 Cokato Righ School, Cokato, Minneaot:i. Graduated witl, honors. 197/1975 St. Thomas College School of Business, ?Ianagcmcnt and Supervisory Courses. 1970 Minnesota Adult Education, Waste ttatet Treatment Operators Course. 1972 Vocational Flight Training, Maple Lake, Minnenota. Private Pilot Ground and Air School. 197.1 Instrument Rating, Ground and Air School., > 19,15 Multi -Engine Ground and Air School. Pilot's License with Instrument and Multi' -Ln inc endarsencnts tilA35O.1. 1108!31!-5: Flying, Fishing, woodcarving and Campita;;. BAC};GROUXD SWI,%RY: I was rnizacd on a farm so 1 am used to hard work nnJ long hour::. I have held n number of farm related and mechanical typo jobs since i was 15 years nid. 1 also have some sales experience ahlca lies ineludeJ public relations work. In .January of 1964 1 joined American Pipe Cicanint Company as an equip:xent operator. Over the years the company grew and diversified. 1'hc company numo was changed to Araorican Pipe Services And npprANimoteiy five or six years age to American Consulting Servicea (ACS)• lite name chun;es reflected the gradual shift from n contractor orientated setter and water utility - rehabilitation activity to more technical and cn•lttcering related work. From my starting lasltion as equipment operator in the field, I lytic been r7tulnrly A Promoted and have assumed supervisry rc "onaibiIITla9. S0:10 of the pu-altlonn that I have held ln.ludc+l f1 l.la •, :rr:.:h.:i, itc11 utpervi atr,'1•utloer or HVIJ 011•ratinita. 1111 ; ,• r +i In the latter pastas tit I waw retpntwihle .••r tae ;, ...4.t+,.t' 1A., +,• V'11 1-. mcr• 1,, tin nP up to .; crews. WILLiAM .1. ALRI-RG rage During my emplowaent with ACS my duties an.l responsibilities have included: (Bring and discharging of field personnel, cost esti^•lting for field as well as engineering activities, preparation and pre- sentation of proposals for clients, direct sales of service h pe jobs to municipalities and industry, linison between field crews, en;,inecrs and clients, "trouble shooting" projects to resolve mechanical'. personnel or client problems, drafting specifications for and pur- chasing of specialized equipment and service vehicles (over 150 pieces of motnri zed equipment and trucks), directed the maintenance program of the vehicles and equipment fleet. 1 have presented several papers on the subject o`_ sewer collection and water system maintenance procedures. These seminars included ones for the Minnesota (taste hater Treatment operators and other profc!;Qional and public organizations concerned with public works activities in the five -state arca. 1 have strong aptitude for and excel in mathematical, mechanical. technical and public relations activities. i have extensive pracrlcil knowledge of sewer and water systems and their related prohlens. I hnvc, the ability to identify, diagnose and resolve these typc.a of prolile_ts. i have kna:;lcl,go of soils and soil grouting technology. S01I1. !;rGC1FIC SKILLS: i have .the ability to operate, service ui:d oupc; 4 -Sc t.t, ui..r'lti.;.t ui sewer and water main equipment such aU ptn.er roddors, huci.o: nacifines. high velocity hydraulic pipe cleaners, closed circuit tele\•isien pipe Inspection equipment, sewer grouting equipment, sewer root trentrent equipment„ water and pressure main cicanimt equipment, power debris removal equipment (i.o.,vacuum, air convection and water convection types). I hnve extensive knowledge and exporionco in the investicative procedures required for sanitary sewer infiltration/Inflow i.lentiflcation under the Federal Clenn !tater Act of 1972 (publ It Low 9:-;011). This cork included flow metering (weirs. recorders, flumes, velocity meters), rhysical surveys, smoke testing;, dye water testing, flow isolation, i.lentifleation of illegal root leader connections, huildinq footin,t drain identification, internal sewer inypoetlon with T.V..and other speclalize.l ;t -:.hes of sanitary and storm sewer-;ygtcme. 1 have devigned and bnlIt npeclal to-l•i I'ov uni•t!i: tr:'11 pipe cloanln;• probit -'n,. -Lf j -A 10 0 0� 0 0 0 000 0'J ° o o WILLIAM J. ALBERC Page 3 o OBJECTIVES: To join a well established private or public organization which ,can utilize my many years of technical and practical experience in the sewer, water and environmental field. I am looking for a position' which will provide a challenge, self-satisfaction, opportunity to 0 grow personally and technically and to allow advancement, to areas of increasing responsibility as I prove my worth. I do not object to and I am free to travel In the midwest area. = COMPENSATION RE•QUIRGIENTS: Open and negotiable but commensurate with my broad knowledge, experience and skills. EXPERIENCE HISTORY: 1964 -Present American Pipe Cleaning Company, American Pipe Services, Inc., American Consulting Services. (The same company, but the ° name has changed over the years) See above for various, titles held. j 1963-1964 Twin Cities Rapid Transit Company, driver. t 1957-1962 Self employed as petrolcum'bulk de31'cr. 1956-1957 IVynins Cities Service Station, Cokato; Minnesota, mechanic. , 1955-1956 Cokato Implement Sales, Cokato, Minnosotn, mechanic. 1953-1955 U.S. Army Military Police Corps. Served in the States, Italy, and Austria. Served six years inactive reserves. Honorable Discharge 1961. 1948-1953 ° -Several part time jobs In high school: Farm work, well o drill`Ing, creamery work, mechanic, movie theater pro- o jectionist, and farm food supply and mill work. REFERENCES: o 0 ' BUSINESS Leland E. Cottstein, Founder and Fast President of American Consulting Services, Inc. until 1977. Business Phones: (613) 546-1300 or (612) 5.14-9551 llomo Phone: (61:) 544-.t101 lav rence Cillls, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating; Officer of the Roto Rooter Sewer Service Cuai,any, Minneapolis, 4N; St. Paul, IN: and Cincinnati, 011 1 14111ncss 1'h,wo: lg't=1 3•II•P:,31 Ilume Phone: ("I-') 93 -u11S5 i� o O O 400 Oo S. • 0 NILLIA,%t J. ALUR(I Page 4 0 o tai CREDIT Donald Weismann, President of the Security State Bank. Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358 Business Phone: (612) 963-3161 PERSONAL William G. Kemp, 715 Baxter Avenue, Champlin_, Minnesota 55310 Phone: (612) 421-7736 William Mavencamp Sr.. Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358 Phone: (612),963-3845 Robert Kramer, Maple Lake, Minnesota 55358 Phone: (612) 963-3733 a C) Adam, GA AMERICAN CONSULTING SERVICES Mancnarm•, NN PSG/MoMENNAMIN' d- ASSOCIATES Me-Martie. TN Mlnnaapol,w MN Kis No, County Road t8 Mlnnespolls, Mlnnasots 95127 (612) 0,W$14 December 18, 1975 To Whom It Mav Concern: This will introduce Mr, William Aiberg who I have known and wurked with for the past IS years. I hired Bill as an equipment operator in the field. However, it was not very long before I recognized that Bill had much more to offer our company. We discovered that he was highly intelligent, very creative in his thinking, could shoulder responsibility, follow through well on his assignments and complete his projects in a timely fashion .., usually ahead of schedule. Bill has a real thirst for knowledge and self improvement. tie is always seeking new skills. His accomplishments and contributions are too many to mention here, Suffice to say his resume accurately reflects many of the copa- bilitics and abilities that he has to offer. Mymind was at case when I sent Bill into the field to solve the many problems we faced with field projects over the years. Hill was very adept at not only identifying these problems but also successful in finding; solutions to them. I have been proud to have Bill represent us to our clients. Ile has alwayc main- tained a professional posture. 1(e has been a real credit to our organization. Hill is a very hard, dependable worker. 1(ottrs mean nothing to him. I believe Ile has had only five days sick leave in 15 years, His main concern has always been to achieve the objectives of the tasks assigned to him. Bill is very honest, conscientious and concerned about the welfare of his fellowman. Ile is a very moral person and enjoys a stable happy family life. I have foun,l him a pleasure to work with, In summary 1 am sorry to sec Bill leave our organization after so many ycnrs. ' However our loss will he someone's gain. Ile will be a dedicated, valuable employee. I have only the very highest regard for Bill and heartily recommend him for any �position that he feels qualified to accept. 1„ E. Gottstein, P.li. 'd:utar�er-(:urpnrate Development anmw 0 0 0 0 - erase ~ 04Q.W. W —-6 -a-3„"� U q � o a January 30, 1'979 City :administrator F. 0. Box 777 Monticello,. MN 55362 0 Denr Sir I am wrltlnr. In regard to "-r- Ad which appeared 1n t;u Minn,?apolle Tribune for the Fublic Works Director. Presently, I am employcd by the City of Fergus Falls, Mr.n. ae a Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator. I graduated from the St. Cloud Area Vocational Technical Institute In 'dater and Wastewater Treatment, 1976. I currently hold a Class B wastewater t rentment license and Class C water- operators ateroperators licenne. I would apnreclnte an interview for this position and can be reached at (218)799-2765 or through the. Tall: 632 Went Cavour. Fergus Falls. �N 56537. Sincerely. �t-Z IJDo nne Enc. a I a U P,.trick J. Denne 720 W. Stanton Ave. Fergus Falls. MN 56537 Telephone: (218)739-2765 'work: (218)736-6855• EDUCATIUN St. Cloud Area Vocational Technical Institute. St. C]oud, Minnesota. Water and Wastewater Technology. August. 1974 to April. 1976. Fundamentals of Wastewater. Sponsored by the Minnesota Health Depart- ment. Mora. Minnesota. St. Cloud State Universitv. St. Cloud, Minnesota. Generf:l Education Courses. September. 1969 'to June, 1973. St. Cloud Cathedral High School_. St. Cloud, Minnesota. Graduation: June, 1969. Activated Sludge Workshop. Sponsored by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. St. Cloud. Minnesota. November 15-18. 1976. Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants. California State University. Sacramento. California. 1976. Water Treatment Plant Operator Course. Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina. 1976. EXPERIENCE Fergus Falls Waste Treatment Plant. Fergus Falls. Minnesota 56537. April. 1976 to Present. Veteran's Administration Hospital. St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301. October. 1973 to March. 1976. St. Cloud Park Department. St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301. June. 1975 to August. 1975. Naah-Finch Company. St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301. February. 1968 to March, 1972. ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS Private Pilot's License. Hunting. Swimming, Snow Skiing. PERSONAL DATA Age; 27 Weight: 210 lbs. Height: 6' Marital Stntuo: Married U.S. Veteran Y Patrick J. Denne Page 2 REF-TH`iCES Merel Ellingson Plant ''amgcer Fergus Falls Waste Treatment Plant Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537 Telephone: (218)736-7420 .loris: (218)736-6855 Dnn VanHale ODticinn Y i N Optical, Inc. Midwest Vision Centers St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 Telephone: (612)251-7271 Wor'r.: (612)251-6552 James Kruger Manager National Bushing rind Parts Co. 101 East Broadway Monticello. Minnesota 55362 "elephona: (612.)295-2916 v APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL INFORMATION �Ait i It SUC At N�MEIER _iR t .15• �#• 5•TYAh PF*SFNT A[,tM3S af,7 .rJv? il.;• �:9�_` ,�•• PERMANrNT AOY)NESS ' . J , v i - 'i 1 ? i.'f ✓ e 1 .... SPECIAL QUE57WNS DO rJOT ANSWER ANY OF THE QUESTIONS IN TH15 FRAMED AREA UNLESS THE EMPLOYER HAS CHECKED A SOX PRECEOINO A QUESTION, THEREBY INDICATING THAT THE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED FOR A BONA FLOE OCCUPATIONAL OUAI IRCATION, OR DICTATED BY NATIONAL. SECURITY LAWS OR IS NEEDED FOR OTHEP L EGALL Y PERMISSIBLE REASONS ❑ Height feta whes ❑ Citizen of US h PS Nt, ❑ Wegr,t ILS ❑ Date utBnr, El .1 All Do m,rw tm n ETrl ibymMlt Act M I%I TioahbK.A A(ItamWxn m the tie of mw wQh —,S t to —.o wii, nn r . wx..• 40 NO M54 then, fi� YtMt•A P1.91r , EMPLOYMENT DESIRED Wel YE vi 'Ae At, E')r' CMNSTAHil N 1.•., of,41 K MAY M SU WI NEA A)eF r rIMPl nvFU Nt)W'' �`•�• ESNtI OF AY MR. 'i H, 1 -11 1,q • )• h to R AM ilO TO TIME MIOAPANY Rtr()li r•T wC WHERE? ,ity i.•I„1,', WHEN' 1nAlf '. SONCATION NAME ANE) I LXATION1 OF SCHOOL ATTEFrll GAA() Ay1: E 9, •`. �•.'Mk: I nrt]ow]lo ?l�rwrca�t• GRAMMAR !h*r1ow11m Plgl,- Setonl T(11tiy 'HA:V P ,00"1 r)H �.)rl r,cit OT I() ,. •^•\• 1"t RLei •atx lNl �qr .T'71 10'UT ):,•,t x')t .•bei •• t.,M • In �f --A At 1 .1 19F {x'tfifxl' ,1wr n.r,Atm n, 1M Irr. •N w � , r e w,.' . .. • . • N �µ a T (wR AaEI)1 1 h9 VA Mr+•h•' E•... 1' t •. E• ,^ , •• t �Sii • �n�,, t uo•__P�� ` •1 �.•�•:♦ t'tT tFw ).1tlt li Vw�T11, 1 hlYw MOt•41.1 , t•ww+r :ti t+�)t•b •- tc. a•:.a oa a•t anw. WM'IORKir'/LMIEIUA(iLiLY/r011 lMi All E11ANY1,' r�M, •��rll tib Mu 'AHv UR wi•aNr MI MENMI•N �NA � ��� YMt �AtlpN�ta)yAgxaa`i,e•I, • �••w....... IawnwlEn�Hw+1 FORMER EMPLOYERS ILIST BELOW LAST FOUR EMPLOYERS STARTING WITH LAST ONE FIRST DAIS MONTH AND YEAR NAME AND ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER SALARY POSITION REASONFOP-FAVN' fuoM ?-I I Virl mn "our• Ritior Co. 11.14^ cra^- ^r. i TD FROM 1"--` ICrerne .ontractinir .orr, I 1q^.+ 01 w^-: To 11-H I P.lrr mpol Ise F.r FROM '''ehc^r 1TIcorForatlon 2^.90 To Savage1 D^. FROM j L. . SAw1AR .O. 11.=40 1anir n •q1 -V To hirrear^lis, 1'•n. IIEPE/IEMM: GIVE BELOW THE NAMES OF THREE PERSONS NOT RELATED TO YOU WHOM YOU HAVE KNOWN AT LEAST DNE YI NAME -- --__ — ADDRESS f3LISINFSS YEARS ALU' JAIN•F C Donau Ln^dq Iist Ft. d4, i.onticello Salesman v�ar v 'TTillari Anlerson 230 i. River St. :•.ail Ja^rSer 1' "oi• 3 t)^je^ '<aser Xorticello ;;oT•1+ Ir,r-. yea^ PHYSICAL RECORD: DO Y01,.. [ERECTS THAT PRECL LJOf YOU FROM PER FORkw4f, •/.�,.«I[JH Nrnt'H VOIJARF FIFNGCONSIDERFO' '.O WfRF YDO FvfA N.1LJRF0' V.^ GNEDFTA•s 7roker RlOt Lest HAVE YOL71NYDFRCTSNHf ARNG' T'O INvew NO NSPfECff' ..^ N CASF Of FMFRf:f Nf.YNOTIFV ''^rtta M]f!1^ 114 Lakes. p;n, ;41-'c7o NAMf ADORE SS PHONf NO I AUTHORIZE NVFSTrATION Of ALL STATEMFNTSCONTANFDN THS APR CATION I LMOFRSTANO THAT Mr;REPRFSENTATpN OR OKI SION OF FACTS CALLED FOR IS L;AUSF FOR DISMISSAL FURTHER. I LINOERSTANO AND AGREE THAT MY EMR OYMEN' IS FOR NO DEFY. PEROD AND MAY FEGAAMFSS Of THE DATE OF PAYMENT OF MY WAGES AND SALARY BF TfAMINATFO AT ANf TIME WITHOUT A PREVIOUSNOTICE �•7 DATE J e I 9' SIONA N IRF -- DO NOT WEITE BELOW- — - - THIS NTFFFVIFHAI n RY DATE memAm: Nf ATNF tih ILI.ARM TER PFFOA)NALITV •� i11 1A.1R. II FnP('FPf IN Wk Rf PIR• %A'A- AF41w i , SMI I M 'M.NAfAM ie.�• ,. �I , • ., ,• The fp.n N•.. Own f bQ1Iff,ff to a,e th Iar.xN wen !A" rd Fw4pFI f W wq FOV,,w M IY I,/ fe,.a pah"A y ITw r I/Vt.t • III. "BYAa Of en YPPALrfx • r. IN m A V ALGIA f&enit.rl. &V0tIF v nA+rrrW rPFt« I.Iy w. r •IAI., a N•.e tx wl e11fIb0 fMM� wflRr� IwAM N eYx� 11" • bwIs IW f m amILIfrnl QLAW, MUI u TO, RifIYP vV"%ftM PU'PIM•e '- I, gli.F.— ov RA d - ow •pyrAun V" ,MMtA' dp thW p" -t♦ TI7P!, ,MIP. IMA rwlmr IgYppr 4 V &W pe V,, .ia yyln pry AIb&V III, .xjl•Ip1 n Lf1a I�.w� M I,Iq +pV gv% I,nrn .HIIrn • YIal�terl d 5t Ate rrt fellYf M Ir enIPIPLeTI�y p IX4RY YHA. nI•. Ii fI•yMt 5/ w .RIG H T t c t, UN i y �p WILLIAM Srl:FELDT ,SUBDIVISION BEQUEST = V E BESTS' Tll� mr %Ot& P vfhl� 1? MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March B, 1979 - 7:00 P.;.. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White Fioml,_­s Absent: Non,: Purpose of this meetinq was to interview eight candidates from the twenty-five applications received for the position of Public Works Director. After the interview of the eight candidates, it was decided to put this item on the Agenda for the Regular Meetinq of Monday, March 12, 1979, and hopefully at t.::at Lime, the City Council could make a decision as to t.h•2 appointment of a Public Works Director. Meeting adjourned. �y WVbor y Administrator C /d