City Council Agenda Packet 05-14-19790
May 14, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor: Arve Grimsmo
Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White.
Meeting to be taped.
Citizens Comments.
1. Public Hearing on a Variance Request from the Minimum Square Footage
Requirements of a Rambler - Marvin George Builders in Balboul Estates.
2. Public Hearing - variance to Allow the Use of a Mobile Home as a Sales
Office in a B-3 Zone - Scott Potato Company.
3. Public Hearing - Consider Variance on Sideyard Setback and Subdivision of
Parcel - Mr. 6 Mrs. Harry Benson.
4. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request on Sideyard Setback -
Janet Irvine.
5. Public Hearing - consideration of a Variance Request to Allow more than
One Accessory Building - John Kiebel.
6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request on Rear Yard Setback
and Subdivision of Land - Mr. 6 Mrs. Ed Klein.
7. Consideration of Approval of Subdivision of Land - Fd Rivera.
B. Consideration of Change Order N1 on 1978-1 Improvement Project for
Sower Extension to Monticello Country Club's Access Road.
9. Consideration of Club On -Salo Intoxicating Liquor License - Monticello V.F.W.
Club (Incorporated Nano - V.P.w. Dorchester Post 8731).
10. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids Received for Fire Department
Attack Pumper.
11. Consideration of Advertisement for Bids for Sealcoating Various Streets
in the City of Monticello.
12. Review of Liquor Store Quarterly Financial Statements.
13. Review of Minutes - April 23, 1979 Roqular Meeting.
Unfinished Business -
Now Businoos -
Scheduling of nnxt meeting dato (May 28, 1979 to Memorial Day)
May 14, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Philip White, Ban Blonigen,
Ren Maus.
Members Absent: Norte
Citizens Comments -
A representative of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association asked the
Council for permission to install six new mercury vapor lights at the
4th Street skating rink. The representative indicated that the now
lights would be installed at their expense and his request was just for
the okay by the Council to do the installation of the lights. Permis-
sion was granted to the organization by consensus of the Council.
1. Public Hearinq on a Variance Request from the Minimum Square Footace
Requirements of a Rambler - Marvin George Builders in Salboul Estates.
Marvin George Builders requested a variance from Monticello Ordinances
which require a one-story dwelling to be a minimum of 1,000 square feet
on the first floor. The variance request would apply only for those lots
In Balboul Estates.
Mr. Marvin George presented information at the Planning Commission re-
questing a minimum square footage for ramblers of 912 uquaro font based
on the following reasons:
1, Mr. George felt that a good mixture of split entries and ramblora
makes a more neathetic appearing neighborhood.
2. By allowing for a smaller square footage home, it would make it more
accessible for the person in the lower income bracket.
3. Mr. George indicated that because of a loan commitment program from
the Federal housing Mminintration for homes in Balboul Estates, he
is limited in terms of the amount of money he can spend on an indi-
vidual home and felt that by lowering the square footage, he would
be able to work within the scope of the program.
The following citizens comments wore prosen:ed,
non Christopher indicated opposition to a rambler of loan than 1,000
square foot, but indicated he would not be opposed to split entries if
they wore loan than 1,000 square feet.
Daryl Tindla also indicated his opposition to ramblers being loan than
1,004 square foot in the area.
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
Gordy Jacobson also indicated opposition to the variance request and
also asked the Council why some type of diversity can't be required
of local builders in a subdivision. He felt that the Council should look
into possible ways of controlling what type of homes are built in an
area so that they do not all look alike.
Hearing no other comments, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by
Fran Fair and unanimously carried to deny the variance request for
ramblers to be built in Balboul Estates of less than 1,000 square feet.
2. Public Hearinq - Variance to allow the Use of a Mobile Home as a Sales
Office in a B-3 Zone - Scott Potato Company.
Scott Potato Company, which operates a potato brokerage office during
the pctato season south of Monticello Ford on a parcel owned by
Larry Flake, requested the following variances:
A. Variance from the building code provisions since Mobile Homes do not
meet current building codes.
B. Variance from the hardsurfaced parking requirements for an office.
C. Variance from landscaping requirements for a business.
The Scott ),state Company currently leases a parcel of land trom Larry
Flake and operates out of the mobile home as a sales office. When the
new Monticello Ford building was constructed, owner Larry Flake agreed
that he would no longer allow Scott Potato to lease a parcel from him
relative to the mohile homo. site after 1978. Scott Potato Company has
indicated that they will be looking for a new site to build a building
within the Monticello area, but have asked for a one year variance to
Allow the nn(�ration to continue at the present situ.
The Planning Commission recommended that the variance be granted for
one year to allow Scott Potato Company the opportunity to provide a
new office.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to grant a variance to the Scott Potato Company to allow them
to remain a,. the proi:cnt site until January 1, 1980, at which time they
would have to move. At the present time, the hardsurfaced parking
requirements and landscaping requirements would not be unforced.
3. Public Hearing - Consideration of Variance on Sideyard Setback and
Subdivision of Parcel - Mr. 6 Mrs. Ilarry Benson.
Mr, b Mrs, harry Denson have requested a variance from the aidoyard
setback requirements of 10' to allow an existing garage to have its
dripline up to the abutting property line, and also to allow a sub-
division of the parcel to allow the garage to be entirely on their
own property. The existing garage was built several yearn ago, and
now it was determined that the garage is locatnd half nn the Benson's
prop:;rty and the other half on property owned by the abutting neigh-
bor, Kevin Olson. Mr. R Mrs. Benson will be selling their property
to Mr. Gene Carlson and havo nagotiatod with Mr. Kevin Olson to purchano
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
a strip of land that is 10' wide and 135' deep to allow their garage
to be entirely on their own property. In exchange for this 10' wide
parcel of land, Mr. 6 Mrs. Denson will be giving Mr. Olson a strip
that will be 30' by 66' towards the southerly rear of their property.
Mr. Kevin Olson has indicated that he is agreeable to the exchange of
the property with the provision that the City of Monticello go on record
as indicating that they would not be opposed if some day Mr. Olson
or a subsequent property owner of this parcel would like to build a
garage that also -eded a sideyard setback variance to the east. Mr.
Olson indicated that the reason for this request is that his lot after
the sale of 10' becomes quite narrow, and as a result, indicated that
he may, in the future, need a variance if a new garage was built on his
At their last meeting, the Planning Commission reeostnended approval of
the subdivision of land for the extra 10' and also recommended that
the Council approve the aideyard setback variance.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the following:
1. Subdivision of land contingent upon obtaining a certificate of
survey and rtrmclf of recording the dauJ al the wrignt county
registrar of deeds.
2. Approval of the aideyard setback variance provided the drip line
falls on his own property.
3. Recommending to any future Council thnt if an application for a
aideyard variance is requested by Mr. Olson or a subsequent property
owner, that the variance be given consideration provided the now
garage :could 1x: located behind the existing garage, or that the pro-
per safety precautions were taken care of in regards to fire hazards
if the two garages were side-by-side.
Public liearinq - Consideration of a Variance Request on a Sidevard
Setback - Janet Irvine.
Ms. Janet Irvine requested a variance to build a garage to within 6'
of her property line. The 24' x 24' proposed garage would be located
on lot 5, Block L, Riggs Addition.
A letter has been presented from the abutting property owner stating no
objection to the garage and the Planning Commission recommended approval
of the variance.
Motion was made by Fran ?air, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried
to npprovo the 6' sidayard varianze for the garage for Janet Irvine.
- 3 -
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Variance Request to allow More than
One Accessory Buildinq on a Lot - John Kiebel.
Current City Ordinances prohibit more than one garage or accessory build-
ing per lot, and Mr. John Kiebel requested a variance to build a douhle
garage on his property in addition to the present single garage that
is located now on his property.
Mr. Kiebel indicated that he would be using the small garage for storage,
which is located in the rear of his property. The Planning Commission,
at their last meeting, recommended approval of the variance.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the variance request for the new garage.
6. Public Hearing - Consideration of a variance Request on hear Yard Set-
back and Subdivision of Land by Mr. 6 Mrs. Ed Klein.
Mr. s Mrs. Ed Klein, who own Lots 1 s 2 of Block 37, Upper Monticello,
requested to divide their two lots equally east and west instead of
north and south, as presently platted.
With the change of the lot line, it became necessary to request a
variance because the rear yard setback for the existing house on
Lot 2 would only have 26' setback instead of the required 30' setback.
At the last Planning Commission meeting, approval was recommended for
this variance.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the variance request on the rear setback of 26'
rather than 30', and also to approve the subdivision of land provided
a certificate of survey in presented to the City and proof of recording
Of name.
7. Consideration of approval of Subdivision of Land - Ed Rivers.
Mr. Eel Rivers, owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Kampa Estates, requested
approval to sell 15' off the want aide of his property to his noighbor,
Mr. Dick Frio.
The reason for the requent was that Mr. Frio had recently cold off 20'
of his property on the wont side duo to an error created several years
ago in datermining the lot line h3twoen him and Mrs. Judy Sandberg. As
the result of having his lot reduced by 20', Mr. Frio would like to buy
the 15' to the east from Mr. Rivers to have his property essentially the
same size that it originally was intended to be. The Planning Commission
at their last meeting also recommended approval of this subdivision.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to approve the subdivision request provided a now certificate of
survey is obtained and proof of recording is completed.
- 4 -
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
B. Consideration of Chanqe Order 01 on 1978-1 Improvement Project for
Sewer Extension to the Monticello Country Cluo's Access Road.
At the last Council meeting, representatives of the Monticello Country
Club indicated that they desired the sewer be extended on Golf Course
Road westerly to their access road. John Badalich, City Engineer, pre-
pared a cost estimate for the change order which would total approxi-
mately $34,313. Two methods of assessing the cost to the Country
Club were discussed by the Council. If this change order was considered
as a separate project rather than as part of the entire 1978-1 Project,
the cost to the Country Club would be the entire cost of the sewer
extension, or $34,000. This would break down to approximately a $4,035
per parcel assessment due to the fact that the other side of Golf Course
Road could not be assessed, as they have already been served with sewer.
Under this assessment method, only half of the street restoration would
be picked up by the City. Under the second method of assessing the
Country Club property, the entire cost would be lumped with the 1978-1
Project cost and spread over the entire area of Country Club Manor and
Kampa Estates. This would then, in turn, lower the assessment to
approximately $2,690 per parcel for the Country Club while increasing
the assessments approximately $150 per parcel for the other lots in
Country Club Manor and Kampa Estates, etc. Under either method, it
was the recommendation of the engineer that the additional cost of $1,100
for dewatering the area for this sewer line should be paid by the Country
Club, as the area was once previously dewatered and this is an addi-
tional cost.
After noting that during the past years improveinent projects that had
change orders were all considered as one project, a motion was made by
11hil white, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve
the Change Order 01 to the 1978-1 Improvement Project in the amount of
$28,594 with the preliminary determination that the seven parcels served
by this extension would also he assessed at the lower rate par parcel by
assuming the change order as part of the entire project. The assessments
for the Country Club property would then be the same as Country Club Manor
and Kempa Estates and those along County Road 39, except for the addi-
tional $1,100 for dewatering which would be paid entirely by those
seven parcels of the Country Club Property.
9. Consideration of Club On -Sale Intoxicatinq Liquor License - Monticello
V.F.W. Club.
The Monticollo V.F.W. Club has applied for an on -pale intoxicating liquor
license for their new club. The State Statutes do allow for the issuance
of an on -sale liquor license provided the V.P.W. club has at least 50
Motion wan made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to approve the issuance of the on -mala liquor license contin-
gent upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building
itself and also the submission of a surety bond in the amount of $3,000
Cto tho City of Monticello.
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
10. Consideration of Awardinq Contract on aids Received for Fire Department
Attack Pumper.
The following bids were received Monday, May 14, 1979 at 2:00 P.M.,
relative to the Fire Department's attack pumper.
A. Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. - total bid price $35,600 with delivery
within 120 working days (6 months).
B. Emergency One, Inc. - total bid price $32,650 with delivery sixty
days after receipt of chassis.
Mr. Paul Klein, Fire Chief, reviewed the bids received along with the
specifications with the fire department members and reported to the
Council that they recommended the bid presented by Pierce Manufacturing
be ac=opted. Mr. Klein indicated that the reason for the recommendation
to accept the higher bid of the two was that the Emergency One vehicle
did not meet all the specifications in regards to pump capacity, etc.
Mr. Klein also informed the Council that if the Council awarded the bid
to Pierce Manufacturing, the joint fire board would review the bids before
being presented to the Monticello Township Board for their approval.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to award the bid for the one attack pumper and chassis to
Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. from Appleton, Wisconsin in the amount of
$35,190, including the $410 deduct for the chassis being paid for at
time of contract signing. It was noted that this awarding of bids would
he on contingent upon p joint Piro board and Monticello Township Board approval.
11. Consideration of Advertisement for Bids for Sealcontinq Various Streets
in the City of Monticello.
Public Works Director, John Simola, presented to the Council a list of
the streets, mostly surfaced in the last four or five years, that were
beginning to show signs of wear and could use same aealcoating applica-
tions. The nino separate sections of roade to he acalcoated was eati-
mated to cost approximately $18,000 to $19,000. Mr. Simola recommended
that bids for aealcoating those streets he advertised as soon as possi-
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve Lha advertising for bids for the aealcoating of the
nine aLrooLn listed in Mr. Simoln'a report. (See supplement 5/14/79 N1).
12. Review of Liquor. Store Ouartarly Financial Statements.
Liquor Store Manager, Mark lrmiter, reviowod with the Council members
tho first quarter financial statements of the off-oale municipal liquor
store. Mr. Irmitor noted that sales have increased approximately 19•
over the first quarter of 1978 and felt confident that sales could
reach $700 - 9725,000 for the year. Mr. _rmitor also noted that although
the gross profit pereentagna are a little bit lower than last year, his
pricing has remained very competitive duo to now discount atoros located
in surrounding communities such as talk River and St. Michael. The Council
accepted the report as presented. (Seo supplement 5/14/79 02).
•9410 can bo doductod rrnm tha total bid price If the chaasio
portion in pnid for at time of signing contract.
- 6 1�r
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
13. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the regular council meeting held April 23, 1979,
were approved as presented.
14. Discussion on 1977-3 Improvement Proiect.
Public Works Director, John Simola, requested that since Arcon Construc-
tion Company will be replacing small sections of curbing on Ramsey Street,
near Broadway, as part of the 1977-3 Project, Mr. Simola asked that the
Council consider replacing also the deteriorated sections of the curb
along Broadway at the Corner of Ramsey Street. Mr. Simola indicated that
these curbs are in bad shape and should be replaced with pedestrian ramps
to the sidewalks, and estimated the cost at about S400.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to authorize the Public Works Director to replace the curbing
on the corners of Ramsey and Broadway and also install pedestrian
ramps as part of the 1977-3 project.
John Simola and engineer, John Badalich, also discussed with the Council
the progress of finalizing the 1977-3 street project in relation to the
raising of various manholes on the street project. They noted that the
contractor, Arcon Construction, was experimenting with various methods
of eliminating the bumps over the manholes. Mr. Badalich noted that
the methods they have been using do not appear adequate and will result
in all the manholes being within 3/4 of an inch from the surface of the
15. Miscellaneous.
Mr. Wilbur Eck anked that the Council consider adopting a resolution
against the storage of nuclear waste at the NSP Plant. After diaeussion
by the Council, it was decided that thia item will be brought up at the
next Council Meeting if Mr. Eck has any information to present.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried,
the meeting was adjourned.
Rick wolfatp/.ler
Aosiatant miniotrator
- 7 -
1*"'---- 705-7711
M—. L.— 333 5739
(fily 4'fflonlicello
250 East Broadway
TO- City Council m-�rrbers
FROM: Gary Wicber, City Administrator
DATE: may 24, 1979
SUBJECr: Proposed Improvements to Monticello Ford Building
Enclosed for your review, please find a proposal made by
Mr. George Yir!,cht who has an option to purchase the Monticello
Ford Building site in downtown Montir;0110. An you can see by the
proposal, Mr. Kirocht would like to occupy the building as is and
then mnke various staged improvements in the coming years.
Additionally, as you can see by the proposal, Mr. Kir::cht is
requesting the City Council consider certain items such as the
aKntemo.nt of sewer and water cost, real estate cost, waiving
zoning requirements, etc.
Thor,, in urine concern for the waiver of these provisions as
I doubt if Lhe City Council would even want to connicler them. lot
,alone the fact If they are legal or not. Ilownver, a meeting will
W hold with Mr. Kirscht an Friday, May .'.5th, to hopefully clarify
some of tlwse ivauco and see if n proposal could be
4-vrthcoming from Mr. reirscht. the Agenda does go out on
Friday, thin memo was written thin m,,cting took placo and
the reaulti of that m,!QLi:uf will zeportnd to tht! Council on
Tuesday evening.
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Ceurl House - Wright Canty
Teleph— 662-1162
James F. Powers, Chief Deputy
Lt. Myron A. Morris, investigator
Lt El Heberlrng, Civil
April, 1979.
County Sh*rIN
hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period
May 15, 1979
Honorable Mayor
Minn. 55362
is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of
April, 1979.
hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period
in whin the
activities were tallied:
I -
Simple assault - cleared
1 -
Theft of wallet from purse
I -
Theft of a garbage can
I -
Theft of fog lights from vehicle
I -
Vandalism to mailbox - subjects placed firecrackers in box 6
lit them
I -
Assault - cleared
I -
Criminal damage to property - door on parked vehicle damaged
1 -
Burglary of a garage - under Investigation
2 -
Shoplifting at Snyder Drug - cleared by mediation
I -
Property damage - truck window broken
I -
Criminal damage to property - vacated house damaged
1 -
Property damage - garbage can run over by vehicle
I -
Theft of lumber, sink, doors d brick from residence - under
I -
Attempted theft of tool box from vehicle - nothing missing
I -
Property damage - window broken out of vehicle
1 -
Criminal damage to property - radiator hose cut on vehicle
I -
Criminal damage to property - lawn 6 garbage can damaged
I -
Simple assault - cleared by arrest
I -
Theft of wedding ring 6 opal ring - under Investigation
I -
Aggravated assault - cleared by mediation
1 -
Obscene phone call - cleared
1 -
Theft by shoplifting from Chickery-Chick Shop - under investigation
2 -
Arrests for possession of beer by minors
1 -
Arrest for procuring beer for minor
7 -
Arrests for Issuance of worthless checks
I -
Arrest for forgery
r r''
County Shertll
Court Hasa — Wright County
Telephone 662.1162
Sheriff's report for Monticello for April, 1979, continued:
1 - Fire reported
1 - Trespassing
1 - Prowler reported
1 - Disturbance
2 - Harassing phone calls
1 - Animal complaint
1 - Vandalism - subjects taking down road signs
4 - Domestics
1 - Littering
1 - Recovered property
2 - Public nuisance
1 - Medical aid
3 - Traffic problems
185 - Car d subject checks
46 - Citizen aids
55 - Motorists warned
13 - Accidents investigated
4 - Open doors
38 - Traffic tickets issued:
3 - Driving while intoxiented
15 - Speed
3 - Improper lane usage
1 - Reckless driving
I - Erratic driving
4 - Open bottle
4 - Stop sign
3 - Driver license violations
1 - Improper registration
3 - Illegal parking
Yours truly,
,z;,,,,o ') "t
Darrell Wolff. Sheriff
Billing: For the month of April, 1979 -- $ 5,838.00
James F. Powers, 'Chief Deputy
Lt, Myron A. Manit, Inrestipator
Lr. El HeberlinB,Civi!
May 14, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Philip White, Pan Blonicen,
Yen Maus.
;:embers Absent: None
Citizens Comments -
A representatives of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association asked the
Council for permission to install six new mercury vapor lights at the
4th Street skating rink. The representative indicated that the new
lights would be installed at their expense and his request was just for
the okay by the Council to do the installation of the lights. Permis-
sion was granted to the organization by consensus of the Council.
1, Public Hearing on a Variance Request from the Minimum Scluare Footage
Requirements of a Rambler - Marvin George Builders in Balboul Estates.
Marvin George Builders requested a variance from Monticello Ordinances
which require a one-story dwelling to be a minimum of 1,000 square feet
on the first floor. The variance request would apply only for those lots
in Balboul Estates.
Mr. Marvin Goorge presented information at the Planning Commission re-
questing a minimum square footage for ramblers of 912 square feet based
on the following reasons:
1. Mr. George felt that a good mixture of split entries and ramblers
makes a more aesthetic appearing neighborhood.
2. By allowing for a smaller square footage home, it would make it more
accessible for the parson in the lower income bracket.
3. Mr. George indicated that bocauso of a loan commitment program from
the Federal Housing Administration for hones in Balboul Estates, he
is limited in terms of the amount of money he can spend on an indi-
vidual home and felt that by lowering tho square footage, he would
be able to work within tho scope of the program.
The following citizens comments were prosentods
Don Chriatonhor indicated opposition to a rambler of less than 1,000
square foot, but indieatod he would not be opposed to split entries if
they were loos than 1,000 square foot.
Daryl Tindle also indicated his opposition to ramblers boinq leas than
1,000 square foot in tho area.
- I -
Council Minutes - 5/14i7_
Gordy Jacobson also indicated opposition to the variance request and
also asked the Council why some type of diversity can't be required
of local builders in a subdivision. He felt that the Council should look
into possible ways of controlling what type of homes are built in an
area so that they do not all look alike.
Hearing no other comments, a motion was made by Phil %lute, seconded by
Fran Fair and unanimously carried to deny the variance request for
ramblers to be built in Balboul Estates of less than 1,000 square feet.
Public Hearing - variance to allow the Use of a Mobile Home as a Sales
Office in a B-3 Zone - Scott Potato Company.
Scott Potato Company, which operates a potato brokerage office during
the potato season south of Monticello Ford on a parcel owned by
Larry Flake, requested the following variances:
A. Variance from the building code provisions since Mobile Homes do not
meet current building codes.
B. Variance from the hardsurfaced parking requirements for an office.
C. Variance from landscaping requirements for a business.
The Scott Potato Company currently leases a parcel of land from Larry
Flake and operates out of the mobile home as a sales office. When the
new Monticello Ford building was constructed, owner Larry flake agreed
that he would no longer allow Scott Potato to lease a parcel from him
rolative to the mobile home site after 1978. Scott Potato Company has
indicated that they will be looking for a new site to build a building
within the Monticello area, but have asked for a one year variance to
allow the operation to continue at the present site.
The Planning Commission recommended that the variance be granted for
one year to allow Scott Potato Company the opportunity to provide a
now office.
Motion was made by Ken Maud, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to grant a variance to the Scott Potato Company to allow them
to remain at the present site until January 1, 1980, at which time_ they
would have to move. At the present time, the hardsurfaced parking
requirements and landscaping requirements would not be enforced.
3. Public Bearing - Consideration of Variance on Sidevard Setback and
Subdivision of Parcel - Mr. F, Mrs. Harry Bannon.
Mr. F Mrs. Harry Bandon have requested a variance from Lila oideyard
setback requirements of 10' to allow an oxidting garage to have its
driplino up to the abutting property line, and also to allow a oub-
division of the pareol to allow the garage to he entirely on Lheir
own property. The existinq garage was built several years ago, and
now it was determined that the garage is located half on the Benson's
property and the other half on property owned by the abutting neigh-
bor, Kevin Olson. Mr. 6 Mrd. Bandon will be selling their property
to Mr. Gono Carlson and have negotiated with Mr. Kevin Olson to purchase
- 2 -
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
a strip of land that is 10' wide and 135' deep to allow their garage
to be entirely on their own property. In exchange for this 10' wide
parcel of land, Mr. s Mrs. Benson will be giving T1r. Olson a strip
that will be 30' by 66' towards the southerly rear of their property.
Mr. Kevin Olson has indicated that he is agreeable to the exchanae of
the property with the provision that the City of Monticello go on record
as indicating that they would not be opposed if some day Mr. Olson
or a subsequent property owner of this parcel would like to build a
garage that also needed a sideyard setback variance to the east. Mr.
Olson indicated that the reason for this request is that his lot after
the sale of 10' becomes quite narrow, and as a result, indicated that
he may, in the future, need a variance if a new garage was built on his
At their last meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of
the subdivision of land for the extra 10' and also recommended that
the Council approve the sideyard setback variance.
Motion was made by Ken Maua, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the following:
1. Subdivision of land contingent upon obtaining a certificate of
survey and proof of recording the decd at the Wright County
registrar of deeds.
2. Approval of the aideyard setback variance provided the drip line
falls on his own property.
3. Recommending to any future Council that if an application for a
sideyard variance is requested by Mr. Olson or a subsequent property
owner, that the variance be given consideration provided the new
garage would be located behind tho existing garage, or shat the pro-
per safety precautions were taken care of in regards to fire hazards
if the two garages waro aide -by -lido.
4. Public iiearin4 - Consideration of a Variance Request on a Sidoyard
Setback - Janet Irving.
Mo. Janet Irvine requested a variance to build a garage to within 6'
of her property lino. The 24' x 24' proposed garage would be located
on lot 5, Block E, Riggs Addition.
A letter has been presented from the abutting property owner stating no
objection to the garage and the Planning Commission recommended approval
Of Lila variance.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried
to approvo the 6' aidayard variance for the garage for Janet Irvine.
- 3 -
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request to allow More than
One Accessory Buildinq on a Lot - John Kiebel.
Current City Ordinances prohibit more than one garage or accessory build-
ing per lot, and Mr. John Kiebel requested a variance to build a double
garage on his property in addition to the present single garage that
is located now on his property.
Mr. Kiebel indicated that he would be using the small garage for storage.,
which is located in the rear of his property. The Planning Commission,
at their last meeting, recommended approval of the variance.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the variance request for the new garage.
G. Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Variance Request on Rear Yard Set-
back and Subdivision of Land by Mr. 6 Kra. Ed Klein.
Mr. 6 Mrs. Ed Klein, who own Lots 1 5 2 of Block 37, Upper Monticello,
requested to divide their two lots equally east and west instead of
north and south, as presently platted.
With the change of the lot line, it became necessary to request a
variance because the rear yard setback for the existing house on
Lot 2 would only have 26' setback instead of the required 30' setback.
` At the last Planning Commission meeting, approval wan recommended for
this variance.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the variance request on the rear setback of 26'
rather than 30', and also to approve the subdivision of land provided
a certificate of survey is presented to the City and proof of recording
of same.
7. Consideration of agU oval of Suhdivision of land` Fd Rivera.
Mr. Ed Rivers, owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Kampa Estates, requested
approval to sell 15' off the west aide of his property to his neighbor,
Mr. Dick Frio.
The reason for the request was that Mr. Frio had recently sold off 20'
of his property on the west aide due to an error created several years
ago in determining the lot lino between him and Mrs. Judy Sandberg. An
the result of having his lot reduced by 20', Mr. Fria would like to buy
the 15' to the oast from Mr. Rivers to have his property essentially the
name size that it originally wan intended to be. The Planning Commission
at their last meeting also recommended approval of thio subdivision.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigan, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to approve the subdivision request provided a new cartificat,> of
survey is obtained and proof of recording is completed.
- 4 -
Council Minutes - 5/14/79
8. Consideration of Change Order M1 on 1978-1 improvement Project for
Sewer Extension to the Monticello Country Club's Access Road.
At the last Council meeting, representatives of the Monticello Country
Club indicated that they desired the sewer be extended on Golf Course
Road westerly to their access road. John Badalich, City Engineer, pre-
pared a cost estimate for the change order which would total approxi-
mately $34,313. Two methods of assessing the cost to the Country
Club were discussed by the Council. if this change order was considered
as a separate project rather than as part of the entire 1978-1 Project,
the cost to the Country Club would be the entire cost of the sewer
extension, or $34,000. This would break down to approximately a $4,035
per parcel assessment due to the fact that the other side of Golf Course
Road could not be assessed, as they have already been served with sewer.
Under this assessment method, only half of the street restoration would
be picked up by the City. Under the second method of assessing the
Country Club property, the entire cost would be. lumped with the 1978-1
Project cost and spread over the entire area of Country Club Manor and
Kampa Estates. This would then, in turn, lower the assessment to
approximately $2,690 per parcel for the Country Club while increasing
the assessments approximately $150 per parcel for the other lots in
Country Club Manor and Kampa Estatoe, etc. Under either method, it
was the recommendation of the engineer that the additional cost of $1,100
for dewatering the area for this sewer line should be paid by the Country
Club, as the area was once previously dewaterad and this is an addi-
tional cost.
After noting that during the past years improvement projects that had
change orders were all considered as one project, a motion was made by
Phil White, seconded by Dan Olenigon and unanimously carried to approve
the Change Order 01 to the 1978-1 Improvement Project in the amount of
$28,594 with the preliminary determination that the seven parcels served
by this extension would also be assessed at the lower rate per parcel by
assuming the change order as part of the entire project. The assessments
for the Country Club property would than be the same as Country Club Manor
and Kampa Estates and those along County Road 39, except for the addi-
tional $1,100 for dowatering which would be paid entirely by those
soven parcels of the Country Club Property.
9. Consideration of Club On -Salo Intoxicating Liauor License - Monticello
V.F.W. Club.
The Monticello V.P.W. Club has applied for an on -Bale intoxicating liquor
license for their now club. The State Statutes do allow for the inouanco
of an on-nalo liquor license provided the V.P.W. club has at least 50
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to approve the issuance of the on -Bale liquor license contin-
gont upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building
itself and also the submission of a surety bond in the amount of $3,000
to the City of Monticello.
Council 'Minutes - 5/14/79
C 10. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids Received for Fire Department
Attack Pumper.
The following bids were received Monday, May 14, 1979 at 2:00 P.M.
relative to the Fire Department's attack pumper.
A. Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. - total bid price $35,600 with delivery
within 120 working days (6 months).
B. Dmergency One, Inc. - total bid price $32,650 with delivery sixty
days after receipt of chassis.
Mr. Paul Klein, Fire Chief, reviewed the bids received along with the
specifications with the fire department members and reported to the
Council that they recommended the bid presented by Pierce Manufacturing
be accepted. Mr. Klein indicated that the reason for the recommendation
to accept the higher bid of the two was that the ❑nergency One vehicle
did not meet all the specifications in regards to pump capacity, etc.
Mr. Klein also informed the Council that if the Council awarded the bid
to Pierce Manufacturing, the joint fire board would review the bids before
being presented to the Monticello Township Board for their approval.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to award the bid for the one attack pumper and chassis to
Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. from Appleton, Wisconsin in the amount of
$35,190, including the $410 deduct for the chassis being paid for at
time of contract signing. It was noted that this awarding of bids would
be contingent upon joint fire board and Monticello Township Board approval.
11. Consideration of Advertisement for Bids for Sealcoatinq various Streets
in the City of Monticello.
Public Works Director, John Simola, presented to the Council a list of
the streets, mostly surfaced in the last four or five years, that were
beginning to show signs of wear and could use some aealeoacing applica-
tions. The nine separate sections of roads to he sealcoated was esti-
mated to cost approximately $18,000 to $19,000. Mr. Simola recommended
that bids for soalcoating those streets be advertised as soon as possi-
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the advertising for bids for the scaleoating of the
nine streets listed in Mr. Simola'o report. (See supplement 5/14/79 xl).
12. Roview of Liquor Store Quarterly Financial Statements.
Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, reviewed with the Council members
the first quarter financial statements of the off-aale municipal liquor
store. Mr. Irmiter noted that sales have increased approximately 19t
over the first quartor of 1978 and felt confident that sales could
reach $700 - $725,000 for the year. Mr. Irmiter also noted that although
the gross profit percentages are a little bit lower than last year, his
pricing has remained vary competitive due to now discount atores located
in surrounding communities such as Llk River and St. Michael. The Council
accepted the report as presented. (Son supplement 5/14/79 02),
•5410 can be deducted from the total bid price if the channis
portion is paid for at time of signing contract.
council Minutes - 5/14/79
13. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the regular council meeting held April 23, 1979,
were approved as presented.
14. Discussion on 1977-3 Improvement Project.
Public Works Director, John Simola, requested that since Arcon Construc-
tion Company will be replacing small sections of curbing on Ramsey Street,
near Broadway, as part of the 1977-3 Project, Mr. Simula asked that the
council consider replacing also the deteriorated sections of the curb
along Broadway at the Comer of Ramsey Street. Mr. Simola indicated that
these curbs are in bad shape and should be replaced with pedestrian ramps
to the sidewalks, and estimated the cost at about $400.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to authorize the Public Works Director to replace the curbing
on the corners of Ramsey and Broadway and also install pedestrian
ramps as part of the 1977-3 project.
John Simola and engineer, John Badalich, also discussed with the Council
the progress of finalizing the 1977-3 street project in relation to the
raising of various manholes on the street project. They noted that the
contractor, Arcon Construction, was experimenting with various methods
of eliminating the bumps over the manholes. Mr. Badalich noted that
the methods they have been using do not appear adequate and will result
in all the manholes being within 3/4 of an inch from the surface of the
15, Mlocallancous.
Mr. Wilbur Eck asked that the Council consider adopting a resolution
against the storage of nuclear wanto at the NSP Plant. After discussion
by tho Council, it was decided that this item will be brought up at the
next Council Meeting if Mr. Eck hos any information to present.
Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried,
the meeting was adjourned.
ick wolfotq ler
Assistant A'minlatrotor
7 .
SANDBERG REALTYJokn Senm.p, aroko, •FarmsMLS
• Lakeshore
Phone (612) 295.2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Metro 427-6880 • Business
May 29, 1979
AIr. Cary Wiel',ur
City Administrator
City Of Alonticello
DIont i cello, ?IN
Dear Ar. Wieber:
Per your request T have reviewed the easement proposed
at the %lonticello Jr. and Sr. Iligh School, such ease-
munt being 30 foot wide and approximately 2,250 feet in
length, rhis is approximately 67,500 square feet.
First, understanding that the school district could
grant an easement to the city that would include the
school district retainin;rt.he right to erect parking
lots, temporary buildings, athletic fields and athletic
facilities; with the city vesponsible to repair and
return all property to its oric.inal state whenever
exercising such easement. This agreement should provide
that no permanent structure with foundations he eructed.
Secondly, for the!t of such uaseuunt at this
date and time, 1 wonld stE;;,.:et that a monetary consider-
ation would he $15,000.00,
I'.ecauso of the brevity of this appraisal, please feel
free to contact. me if there are any questions you or any
of the council merthovs may have vogardinl,, this casei,cni,
Yours truly,
Jo Sandberg
1. Public Hearinq on a Variance Request from the Minimum Square Footaqe
Requirements of a Rambler - Marvin Georqe Builders in Balboul Estates.
t_,vin George Builders has made an application for a variance from Monticello
Ordinance 10-3-4-(G)-(1) which requires a one-story dwelling to be a
minimum of 1,000 square feet on the first floor. This variance request
is for Balboul Estates.
Mr. Marvin George presented information at the Planning Commission indica-
ting that he would like to have a variance to build ramblers that would be
24' x 38', or 912 square feet. These homes would be three-bedroom homes.
The purpose for the variance request according to Mr. George is as follows:
A. Mr. George felt that a good mixture of split entries and ramblers
makes an area more aesthetic in appearance then an area with all
split entries. Mr. George indicated that if a variance weren't
granted, that he would have to build all split entries in Balboul
Estates. (It should be noted that the minimum square footage of a
split entry for Monticello is 750 square feet and Mr. George's plans
for split entries do exceed this minimum requirement).
B. By having a smaller minimum requirement for square footage or granting
a variance to Mr. Marvin George, he felt that the cost of homes would
be reduced and would make it more accessible for the person in a lower
income bracket.
C. if a variance were granted, split entry homes and the ramblera he intends
to build in Balboul Estates would cost about the name amount of money.
Mr. Marvin George had also indicated previously that because of a commitment
from the Federal (lousing Administration for homes in Balboul Estates, he is
quite limited in terms of the amount of money he can spend on any individual
home, and by reducing the minimum square footage, he would be able to work
within the scope of the program.
As a matter of policy, the so-called splits whore the basement area in far
enough out of the ground to provide for the development of habitable space
is considered as a two-story building and allowed an long as the first floor
is over 750 square foot, and also this policy in used whore a rambler of
750 square foot has a walkout basement and there is development potential
in the basement for at least 250 square fact of habitable space. 11owover,
whore a rambler is leas than 1,000 square foot, and no habitable space can
be provided in the basement, a variance would be nocoasary.
For your information, the building coda dofinos habitable spaco as "apace
in a structure for living, sleeping, eating and cooking." Bathrooms, toilet
compartments, clonota, hallo, storage or utility spaces and similar areas are
not considered habitable space.
- 1 -
Council Agneda - May 14, 1979
One very important requirement of habitable space is the window require-
ment, which says "all habitable rooms within a dwelling unit shall be
provided with natural light with means of exterior glazed openings with
an area of not less than 1/10th of the floor area with a minimum of
10 square feet per room. Windows shall have a minimum net clearing
opening of 5.7 square feet with a net clear heighth of no less than
24" and a net clear width of no less than 20"," that is, a window
24" high would have to be 34.2" wide to obtain the required 5.7 sq. ft.
net clear opening.
At the Planning Commission meeting (see minutes of May 1, 1979), testimony
was received from various property owners in opposition to the variance
request. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial
of this variance request to the City Council. Reasons for this recommenda-
tion are as follows:
A. Concern for property values in the immediate and surrounding areas.
B. Concern that there would be enough space for the inhabitants of a
dwelling, and felt that the 1,000 square foot requirement was a
realistic minimum.
C. Concern for the small bedroom size that would be in the rambler that
is 912 square feet. These bedrooms would be approximately 10' x 10',
or 100 square feet.
It would seem that there is certainly some merit in going to a smaller type
of home in light of the current situation and the cost of heating a large
home, and also in light of the price of homes. with the price of homes
far exceeding the consumer price index, it is obviously very hard for a
young couple or other families within a low to moderate income range to
afford now housing. This concern, however, must be balanced with the
concern of a City as a whole to retain its own character, identity and
tax base, along with preserving the rights of its citizens along with the
health and welfare of the community so a whole. It should be noted that
previously the City had two conflicting ordinances, one requiring at least
1,100 square feet on the first floor above grade, and the present ordinance
which indicates 1,000 square fest for one-story homes and 750 square feat
for two-story homes, and the City did amend the ordinance to delete the
provision which required 1,100 square foot.
POSSIBLE ACTION,• Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.
REFERENCES Enclosed Planning Commission Minutes of May 1, 1979.
Public Hoaring - Variance to Allow the Use of a Mobile Ilomo as a Sales
office in a 0-3 Zone - Scott Potato Comj+:ny.
Scott Potato Company, which operates a potato brokerage office during the
potato season south of Monticello Ford, on a parcel owned by Larry Flake,
is requesting the following variances,
i A. Varianco from building code provision. Mobile home does not moot
building code, and it would have boon considered no grandfathored
int however, it hag boon moved to a different location on the parcel
and thug would be subject to the building code.
-Variances require 4/510 veto - 2 -
of Council for approval.
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
B. Variance from hardsurface parking requirements for an office.
C. Variance from Landscaping requirements.
Currently, the parcel that Scott Potato Company is situated on is owned by
Larry Flake and leased to Scott Potato Company. The Monticello Ford site
is a different parcel and is in the name of Monticello Ford Corporation.
It should be pointed out when Larry Flake was initially issued a temporary
certificate of occupancy for the Monticello Ford site, it was agreed upon
that he, Larry Flake, would no longer allow Scott Potato to lease a parcel
from him relative to the mobile home site after 1978.
It should be further pointed out that there is no previous record that this
mobile home site was approved initially when it was in the Township of
At their Planning Commission meeting of May 1, 1979, the City received
testimony from Mr. Myron Jensen, who spoke in favor of the variance
and indicated that it was his understanding that Scott Potato Company
is only asking for a one-year variance.
While there was no representative from Scott Potato Company at the Planning
Commission meeting, the Conaaission did vote unanimously to allow Scott
Potato Company to operate from the present site for a period of one
year, and at that time, the Scott Potato Company would have to meet all
City requirements. It should be noted that Scott Potato Company apparently Q
is looking for another site in the Monticello area to build a building, etc.
POSSIBLE ACTION:• Consideration of approval or denial of variance request,
and also any time period that might be put on the
REFERENCESs Enclosed copy of Planning Commission minutes of May 1, 1979.
3. Public Iloarinq - Consider Variance on Sidevard Setback and Subdivision of
Parcel - Mr. 6 Kra. Marry Benson.
Mr. 6 Mrs. Harry Benson, owners of Lots 6 6 7, in Block 11 bower Monticello,
are requesting the following:
A. Variance from aidayard setback requirements of 10' to allow an existing
garage to have its drip -lino right up to the abutting property line
to the went.
B. Subdivision of parcol to allow a garage to be entirely on their own
Pleaso rofor to the copy of the photograph an this property and also a site
layout plan. An you can Boo by the site layout plan, there is an existing
garage that straddlon the property lino between that of Mr, c Mrs. Harry
Benson and that of Kovin Olson to the want. Apparently, this garage was
built before a permit was roquirod several years ago, and now the situation
is trying to be rectified in light of a potential aalo that Mr. c Mrs.
L Harry Benson have on their property to Mr. Gone Carlson. Mr. 6 Mrs, Menson
aro negotiating to purchase a strip of land that will be 10' wide and 135'
deep from Mr. Kevin Olson to allow their garage to be entirely on their own
parcel. In exchange for this parcel, Mr. G Mrs. Benson will give Mr. Nevin
*Variances require 4/519 veto
of Council for approval. - 3
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
Olson a strip that will be 30' x 66' towards the southerly rear end of their
Approval on two issues is necessary from the City of Monticello on the sub-
division of land that is oceuring and also to grant a variance on the side -
yard setback minimum requirement of 10'. This is necessary since the
garage still will infringe upon the 10' setback requirement. Obviously,
the situation that will be created relative to the setback will be better
than it currently is, as the garage currently straddles the proper; line.
According to John Sandberg and Mr. and Mrs.Harry.Benson, Mr. Olson is
agreeable to the exchange of the property with the provision that the City
of Monticello go on record as indicating they would not be opposed if some-
day Mr. Olson or a subsequent property owner of this parcel would build a
garage that would need a sideyard setback variance to the east. Reason
for this request is that Mr. Olson's lot becomes rather narrow, 561, as
a result of deeding over the 10' of his property to Mr. 6 Mrs. Harry Benson.
While it is realized that one city council cannot bind another one, Mr. Olson
would feel more comfortable with the situation if, at least at a minimum,
the current city council went on record indicating they would not oppose
the variance. As a result of having this in the Minutes of the City Council,
Mr. Olson feels that he or a subsequent buyer of this land will have a
better chance of getting a variance in the future if it does become
It would seem that the request of the sideyard setback variance and the
subdivision are reasonable. However, there is some concern with the
City Council going on recurd as not opposing a variance in regard to a
future garage to be built by Mr. Olson or a subsequent property owner of
the parcel. Reason for this, as you can see by the enclosed site layout,
is that if a garage were built in the same area of the other garage, there
would be the possibility of these two garages almost touching each other,
and of course, there would be concern relative to a fire hazard. There
might M some consideration for stipulating that the City of Monticello
would go on record supporting such a varianco if the garage on the Olson
property were sot back further to the south so as not to be adjacent to
the Benson garage. You might recall a situation somewhat like this where
there were two existing garages adjacent to each other, and the City of
Monticello did grant a variance for a now garage to be built in the same
area. However, this case diffore in the fact that there is only one
existing garage at the present time.
At their Planning Commission mooting of May 1 , 1979, the Commiosion
voted unanimously to recommend approval of the subdivision of land as
indicated, and also, to recommend to the Council that they approve the
sideyard setback variance. They also recommended that the City Council go
on record as in favor of a oidoyard setback variance for the Kevin Olson
property, provided that proper safety precautions were taken care of. By
this provision, the Planning Commission intended to inoure that either the
garage were cot back far enough from the garage that currently Oita on the
Benson property, or adequate safety precautions such as a fire wall were
created between the two proportion.
- 4 -
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
It should be noted that the approval of the subdivision of land should be
contingent upon obtaining a certificate of survey and proof of recording
the deed at the County Registrar of Deeds.
POSSIBLE ACTION:• Consideration of: 1 - approval of subdivision of land
with the above conditions;
2 - approval of sideyard setback variance;
3 - consideration of statement going on
record for the current city council
as recommending to any future council
to approve of the variance with the
stipulations indicated above.
REFERENCES: Enclosed copy of the picture, site layout plan and map depicting
location. Also, Planning Commission Minutes of May 1, 1979.
4. Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Variance Request on Sideyard Setback -
Janet Irvine.
Janet Irvine would like to build a garage on her property (Lot 5, Block E,
Riggs Addition) within 6' of the sideyard property line. Address is
325 E. 4th Street. This area is zoned as R-2, or single and two-family
residential dwelling.
She has presented a letter from the abutting property owner stating no
objection to the proposed 24' x 24' garage being built within 6' of the
property line.
At their meeting of May 1, 1979, the Planning Commission unanimously voted
to recommend approval of this variance request.
POSSIBLE ACTION:• Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.
REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting the lot and a plat plan. letter from
the abutting property owner. Copy of Planning Commission
Minutes of May 1, 1979.
5. Public liearinq - Consideration of a Variance Request to Allow more than
One Accessory Buildinq - John Kiebel.
Pursuant to Monticello Ordinance Section 10-3-2-(D)-(5) which prohibits
more than one garage or accessory building per lot, Mr. John Kiobel is
requesting a variance to build a double garage on his property (Lots
3 6 0, and A of 2 6 9, Block 36, Lower Monticello), the address of
which is 424 E. 4th Street. Currently, this is zoned R-2, single and
two-family residential.
Currently, Mr. Kiobol has one single garage on his property sitting
on permanent footings, and is proposing to make this an accessory
or storage building for such items as lawn mower, step ladder, tools, etc.
-Variances require 4/5's vote - 5
of Council for approval.
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
` Purpose of the above ordinance is to ensure that a lot is not entirely
occupied by several accessory buildings which could present a fire
hazard along with preserving the aesthetic appearance of a residential
At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to
recommend approval of the variance. Subsequent to the Planning Commis-
sion meeting, we have received a letter from an abutting property owner
stating they have no objection to this garage being built.
POSSIBLE ACTION:• Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.
REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting location and Planning Commission
Minutes of May 1, 1979. Also, copy of letter from abutting
property owner.
6. Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Variance Request on Rearyard Setback
and Subdivision of Land - Mr. 5 Mrs.. Ed Klein.
Mr. s Mrs. Ed Klein, who own Lots 1 & 2 of Block 37, Upper Monticello,
which is on the corner northeast of the intersection of 3rd s Linn
Streets, propose to divide their lots in order to have the length run
east and west instead of north and south.
With the change of the lot line, it is necessary to request a variance
because the rear yard setback for the existing house on lot 2 would only
be 26' instead of the required 30'. (See enclosed plat plan). Although
the hearing for variances are held at the Council level, at this point
the City has received no objections from surrounding property owners.
At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to
recommend approval of the variance request and subdivision of land.
POSSIBLE ACTION:• Consideration of approval of variance request on
rear setback requirement, and subdivision of land
with the provision that a certificate of survey be
presented to the City and proof of recording of the same.
REFERENCESs Enclosed map depicting location and plat plan, along with
Planning Commission minutes of May 1, 1979.
7. Consideration of Approval of Subdivision of Land - Ed Rivers.
Mr. Ed Rivers, owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Kamp& Estates, would like approval
to sell 15' off the went side of his property to his neighbor, Mr.
Dick Frio. It should be noted that Lot 1, Block 1 of Kampa Eatateo in the
site of an existing home that was previously owned by Mr. Nick Kampa and
occupied by his mother.
The reason for the request was that Mr. Frio had recently sold off 20' of
his property on the went aide duo to an error created several yearn ago
in determining the lot line between him and Mrs.Judy Sandberg. The result
•variances require 4/5's vote
of Council for approval.
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
of having his lot reduced by 20'. Mr. Frio would like to buy the 15' to the
east to have his property essentially the same sire that it originally was
t" intended to be.
At the Planning Commission meeting of May 1, 1979, the Commission voted
unanimously to recommend approval of this subdivision contingent upon
receiving a certificate of survey and proof of having this recorded.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of subdivision request.
REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area, Planning Commission minutes of
May 1, 1979.
S. Consideration of Chanqe Order N1 on 1978-1 Improvement Project for Sewer
Extension to Monticello Country Club's Access Road.
Enclosed, please find a May 3, 1979 letter from John Badalich relative to
the estimated cost of a change order to service Country Club property with
sewer extensions up to their access road.
As you may recall, this item was discussed at the City Council's last meet-
ing, and was decided that the Monticello Country Club should get back in
touch with the City as to whether they would desire the improvement. Since
that time, the City of Monticello has received a formal request from
the Country Club, in writing, requesting the extension of sanitary sewer
to the access road. It should be noted that the formal request was received
prior to the May 3, 1979 letter from John Badalich, and the Country Club
was not aware of the specific costa involved with this extension. As a
result of this situation, I am sending a copy of Mr. Badalich's letter of
May 3, 1979 to the Country Club for information purposes, and I am sure
that they will have representatives at the meeting on Monday night.
As you can see by John Badalich's letter, tho entire project coot would be
$34,313. Following is a brief review of the two alternative methods of
assessing this cost against the Country Club,
Construction Costa $28,594 $28,594
Indirect Costa (20%) + 5,719 + 5,719
50% Stroot Restoration - 6,068 - 6,068
Assessments to other parcels -8- - 9,415-
t28,245 $18,830
7 parcels ;- 7 parcels
$4,035/parcal $2,690/parcol
'This cost would be spread to Country Club Manor, Kampa Estates
and other parcels along Woot County Road #39. increasing ass000-
mont approximatoly $150 per parcel..
Aa you can see from the above, method of a000sament to the Country Club
is of prime concern, as there is a difference of approximately $1,345
per parcel botwoon method one and method two. It should be pointed out
that the reason under method one for the increased cost is that the entire
project, except for hole of the street restoration (which has boon a pro-
viouo Council policy, but does not necessarily have to be carried forward)
- 7 -
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
is proposed to be assessed against the Country Club itself on the seven
parcels to be improved. In Method 2, there is approximately $9,415 to
be spread against other parcels, reducing the per parcel assessment to the
Country Club for its seven parcels to $2,690. Had the Country Club initially
been platted out and requested the sewer service all the way to the access
road, Method 2 would have probably been proposed for assessment. This
area is quite expensive to serve since the sanitary sewer runs along only
the north side of County Road 39, and the assessment cannot be divided
between two sides of the street. This is true because on the south side
of County Road 39, the parcels in Country Club Manor are served off of the
side roads that go through the plat. In the .past, Council policy has been
to treat any change orders as part of the overall improvement project and
to spread the additional cost of any change order over the entire project.
As a result, Method 2 would be consistent with this policy. However, in
the past also, the City has looked at each individual change order on a
case by case hasis to determine what effect this might have on other parcels
that are part of the project. It should be noted that there is only one
cost, which is $1,100 for dewatering, which would be an extra charge due
to the fact that this area has already been dewatered and it would have to be
dewatered again. This $1,100 would be assessed entirely under either
method against the Country Club. All other costs remain the same from
the original contract because it is on a unit price basis.
There may be some argument for going to Method 1, that is assessing the
entire assessment portion against the Country Club, since if this change
order were not part of the current project and were done as a separate
project, this is the cost the Country Club would have to pay for this
improvement. As a third alternative, there may be some compromise between
Method 1 and Method 2, and that being that 50% of the $9,415 would be picked
up by the Country Club, and the remaining portion could be spread over the
other parcels. It should be noted that the City definitely has a choice
on whether to approve thio change order or not, and the final determination
of the assessment method comes at the time the actual assessment hearing is
hold once the project is completed. However, because of the vast amount of
difference, some determination should be made on how this area would be
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving change order and also pre-
liminary determination of how area would be assessed.
REFERENCES: Enclosed May 3, 1979 letter from John Badalich.
9. Consideration of Club On -Salo Intoxicating Liquor License - Monticello V.F.W.
Club (Incorporated Name - V.F.W. Dorchester Post 8731).
An application has boon received from the Monticello VFW Club for a Club
On -Salo Intoxicating Liquor License, according to Minnesota Statutuae,
the VFW Club, since they have more than the required number of members
(50) and also meet other criteria spoiled out in the Statutoo.
It should be pointed out that the Statutes provide that the City of
Monticello can only charge $100 for ouch a license (this is exactly the
same license fee the City now receives from the American Legion Club.
License is only for the retail sale of liquor to members and bona fide
gueots of the VFW Club.
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
Any approval of this license should be contingent upon the issuance of
a Certificate of Occupancy for the building itself, which the VFW will
use the license for, which is just to the east of the Perkins Cake s
Steak, and also of the submission of a surety bond which is required by
Statute in the amount of $3,000 to the City of Monticello.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Approval or denial based upon the
above conditions of a Club On -Sale Liquor License to
the VFW Club.
10. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids Received for Fire Department
Attack Pumper.
Bids are to be received Monday, May 14, 1979, at 2:00 P.M. relative to
the fire department's attack pumper.
I have asked Paul Klein, the Fire Chief, to be at the bid opening on
Monday afternoon and also to make a recommendation to the City Council
at Monday night's meeting as to the award of a contract on the above
item. It should be pointed out that since Monticello has a joint
fire district with the Township, any action that the Council takes would
also have to be approved by the Monticello Township Board also.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving of contract on bids received
for the Monticello Fire Department attack pumper.
11. Consideration of Advertisement for Bids for Sealcoatinq Various Streets
in the Citv of Monticello.
Enclosed, please find a report from our Public Works Director, John Simola,
relative to sealcoating various streoto in the City of Monticello.
It should be noted that in the 1979 budget, $17,000 was allocated for this
project, and the estimated cost of this project will be approximately
POSSIBLE ACTION, Consideration of authorization for the City of Monticello
to advertise for bids for sealcoating the various streets
mentioned in John Simola'o report.
REFF.RENCESt John Simola'a report, and enclosed map depicting areas to to
12. Review of Liquor Store Ouarterly Financial Statements.
Enclosed with the Agenda, please find the let Quarter Financial Statements
for the Municipal Liquor Store operations. Mark Irmiter, tho Manager,
will be at Monday night's mooting to review the statement with the Council.
As you will note, sales have increased 19% for the let Quarter of 1979
over 1976 lot Quarter figures. Traditionally, the first throe months of
the year are the slow periods, and if the percentage increase continues,
solos could reach $700,000 for the year.
9 -
Council Agenda - May 14, 1979
• In an effort to remain competitive, the gross profit percentages are
lower than the 1st Quarter percentages of 1978, but Mr. Irmiter is
reviewing his pricing policies to see if they should be raised.
POSSIBLE ACTION: No action is necessary other than review with Nr. Irmiter.
REFERENCES: Enclosed Financial Statements.
- 10 -
Tuesday, May 1, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Fred Topel, Ed Schaffer, Dick Martie.
Loren Klein (ex -officio)
Members Absent: Dave Bauer
1. Approval of Minutes.
A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously
carried to approve the Minutes of April 17, 1979 as presented.
2. Consideration of a Variance on a Sidevard Setback and Subdivision of
a Parcel - Mr. 6 Mrs. Harry Benson.
Mr. s Mrs. Harry Benson, owners of Lots 6 s 7 in Block 11 in Lower
Monticello, are requesting the following:
A. Variance from sideyard setback requirements of 10' to allow an
existing garage to have its drip line right up to the abutting
property lino to the west.
B. Subdivision of parcel to allow a garage to be entirely on their own
Currently, there is an existing garage that straddles the property
line between that of Mr. L Mrs. Harry Benson and that of Kevin Olson.
Apparently, this garage was built beforo a permit was required several
years ago, and now the situation is trying to be rectified in light of
a potential sale that Mr. s Kra. Harry Henson have of their property to
Mr. Gene Carlson. Mr. s Mrs. Benson aro negotiating to purchase a strip
of land that will be 10' wide and 135' deep from Mr. c Kra. Kevin Olson
to allow their garage to be entirely on their own parcel. In exchange
for thio parcel, Kr. 6 Mrs. Benson will give Mr. Kevin Olson a strip
that will be 30' x 66' towards the southerly rear end of their property.
A motion wan made by Dick Martin, seconded by Fred Topol and unanimously
carried to approve the subdivision as indicated above.
A motion was made by Dick Martin, seconded by Fred Topol and unanimously
carried to approve of the aidoyard setback variance.
A motion wan made by Dick Martin, seconded by Prod Topel and unanimously
carried to recommend to the City Council that they go on record as approving
a aidoyard notback variance from the cant property lino for Mr. s tire.
Kovin Olson or a subsequent owner of their parcel. This variance would
I apply to the possibility of a future garage being built on the parcel
owned by Mr. s Kra. Kevin Olson, and also the motion wan contingent upon
all safety precautions being taken care of at the time. Purposn of thin
motion was to satisfy Kr. a Mrs. Kevin Olson for their concern in allowing
10' of their easterly property lino to be deeded over to Mr, s Mrs. Harry Ronson
Minutes - Planning Coam. - 5/1/79
and what effects this may have on a future garage if they were to build
one on their parcel or a subsequent owner were to build one. it is
further understood that if the Council ultimately decides to accept the
recommendation, that one council cannot bind another.
3. Consideration of a Variance Request on a Rear Yard Setback - ::r. 6 Mrs.
Ed Klein.
Mr. 6 Mrs. Ed Klein, who owns lots 1 5 2 of Block 37, Upper Monticello,
propose to divide their lots in order to have the length run east and
west instead of north and south.
With the change of lot line, it is necessary to request a variance
because the rear yard setback for the existing house on Lot 2 would
only be 26' instead of the required 30'
Motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously
carried to approve of the variance request.
4. Consideration of a variance Request on Sideyard Setback - Janet Irvine.
Janet Irvine would like to build a garage on her property, Lot 5, Block E,
Riggs Addition, within 6' of the sideyard property line. Address is
325 E. 4th Street.
Ms. Irvine has presented a letter from the abutting property owner stating
no objection to the proposed 24' x 24' garage. A motion was made by
Ed Schaffer, seconded by Fred Topel and unanimously carried to approve
<_ of the variance request.
5. Consideration of a Variance Request for Two Accessory Buildinqs -
John Kiebel.
Mr. John Kiebel is requesting a variance to build a double garage on his
property at 424 East 4th Street (Lots 3 s B, and W 5 of 2 s 9, Block 36
Lower Monticello). A variance is necessary because the Monticello
Ordinance does not allow more than one garage or accossory building
per lot.
Presently, Mr. Kiahel has one single garage on his property setting
on permanent footings, and is proposing to make an accessory building out
of it if he builds his now garage.
A motion wan made by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously
carried to approve of the variance request.
6. Consideration of Variance Request from Minimum First Floor Square Foot -
ago Requirements - Marvin George - Balboul Estates.
Marvin George Builders has made an application for a variance from
Monticello Ordinances requiring a ono -story dwelling to be a minimum
of 1,000 square feat on the first floor.
- 2 -
16I r14 7
Minutes - Planning Comm. - 5/1/79
Mr. Marvin George presented information at the meeting indicating that
he would like to have a variance to build homes that would be 24' x 38',
l or 912 square feet. These homes would be three bedroom. Purpose for
the variance request according to Mr. George is as follows:
A. Mr. George felt a good mixture of split entries and ramblers makes
an area more aesthetic in appearance than an area with all split
entries. Mr. George indicated if a variance weren't granted, that
he would have to build all split entries in Balboul Estates.
B. By having a smaller minimum requirement for square footage or granting
a variance to Mr. Marvin George, he felt that the cost of homes
would be reduced and would make it more accessible to the person
in a lower income bracket.
C. If the variance were grdnted, split entry homcsand the ramblers
he intends to build in Balboul Estates would cost about the same
amount of money.
Mr. George further indicated that similar homes of the same size are
being built in Elk River, Clearwater and Buffalo.
Following is testimony received from residents opposed to the variance:
Don Christopher - Opposed to the variance, and felt that a home the size
of 28' x 421, or 1,176 square feat was about as small as the City
should allow.
Paul Lindblad - feels the variance would change the quality of the
community, and was opposed.
Daryl Tindle - Opposed as it would devalue homes in the area.
Motion was made by Ed Schaffor, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously
carried to recommend to the Council that they deny the variance request.
7. Consideration of Variances Relative to the Use of a Mobile Nome as
a Sales Office in a 8-3 Zone - Scott Potato Company.
Scott Potato Company, which operates a potato brokerage office during
the potato season south of Monticello Ford on a parcel owned by
Larry Flake, is requesting the following varianceos
A. Variance from building code provisions. Mobile home does not meet
building code, and would have boon considered as grandfathored ins
however, it has bean moved to a difforent location and this would to
subject to the building code.
D. Variance from hardourfaco parking requirements for an office.
C. variance from landscaping requirements.
- 3 -
/ rpt.•• 7
Minutes - Planning Comm. - 5/1/79
Mr. Myron Jensen spoke in favor of the variance and indicated that it
was his understanding that Scott Potato Company is only asking for a
` one year variance.
A representative from Scott Potato Company was not at the meeting;
however, a motion was made by Fred Topel, seconded by Ed Schaffer and
unanimously carried to grant a one-year variance to allow Scott
Potato Company to use the mobile home at the present site without
any improvements.
8. Consideration of Approval of a Subdivision of Land - Mr. Ed Rivers.
Mr. Ed Rivers would like approval to sell 15' of his property on the
west side to his neighbor, Mr. Dick Frie. Legal description of this
parcel is Lot 1, Block 1 of Kampa Estates.
In selling this property, Mr. Rivers would be reducing his present
lot from 16,875 square feet down to 14,850 square feet, which would
still leave the lot 2,850 square feet larger than is necessary in
that zoning, which is R-1.
Motion was made by Dick Martic, seconded by Ed Schaffer and unanimously
carried to approve of the variance request contingent upon a certificate
of survey being presented to the City before final approval.
9. Consideration of Scheduling Hearing on Ordinance Amendment for
Blacktop or Concrete Driveways.
City Administrator, Gary Wicber, informed the Planning Commission
that the Council previously had deleted,a building code section provi-
Dion within the Ordinances which had required that all driveways,
including single and two family residences, to have blacktop or
concrete driveways. with the deletion of the Ordinance in the building
code section, the only provision the City now hau relative to driveways
is in the zoning ordinance section, which requires all driveways to be
hardourfaced with concrete or blacktop, except for single and two family
As a result of some of the concerns expressed at the meeting of the
Planning Commiasion, it was felt that this ordinance certainly
d000rven consideration, and it wan decided to advertise an ordinance
amendment for the Planning Comamisaion's next meeting, May 15, 1979,
to consider the ordinance amendment which would require all driveways
to be hardourfaced with concrete or blacktop, including Dingle and
two-family raoidences. This provision would be required for all
now rosidencoo.
A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, aaconded by Dick Martio and unani-
mously carried
to/adjourn the meeting.
carior , City Administrator
r v
- 4 - /tAru 7
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0 1
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This is to inform you that I, as owner of Lot 6. Block J, A. C. Ri&&s
Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello, do give my consent to ianet
Irvine, oirner of Lot S. Block ], A. C. Riggs Addition to the Towtt of
Lower Monticello, to build a 24 foot by 24 foot garage 6 feet fron our
ajoining lot line. I realize this requires a variance to the building
code and do this day agree to the granting of such a variance.
CJ `
t; uAV j- " n U
11 pj: Pt1FJjjC 111",%R
"by given- that 'it' 131 -it.
writ 1i.- IwId t» ('he NMI)II(Avellt. City Zouncil,
Mnday, May 1kT11
I I I Cjj,%, 11a I I to dons i dew (01, ri'l
A variance application to allow two accessory
buildings on a Fdngle lot in a F_2' zone.
The property is located at 424 East 4th Street,
Lower Monticello, lots 3 & 8 & W* of 2 & 9,
Block 36. This item pursuant to Ordinance 10-3-20))6).
This item will also be discussed at the. Planning
Commission an May 1, 1979 at 7:30 P. M. in the
City Hall.
APPLICW: John Kiebel.
%'v i I
I ten and orn testimony wi.) I be accepli,ed :on,
v stt1Vj,t. and atl persons dealt ing to be hi!'isi`d i in
_,ktbjetft wi I I he heard at this atecting.
� cl
Consulting Engineers
Land Surveyors
May 3, 1979
Mr. Gary Wieber
City Administrator
City of Monticello
250 East Broadway
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Re: Change Order No. 1
Improvement No. 78-1
Dear Gary:
Pursuant to our several discussions and based on the request
you received from the "golfing". Country Club representatives,
I am submitting for the City Council Is• review. and considera-
tion the information and coats relative to this request.
As you know, when Project 78-1 was awarded to Northdale Con-
struction Company in late August 1978, that•part of the
Country Club's property, along the north side of County Road
No. 39 from the Country Club's entrance opposite Country Club
Street thence eastward approximately 7001. which is opposite
Gillham's home,•this section was not to receive sanitary
sewer. Only water main was planned to be placed in the north
ditch of C.R. 439 which in effect saved the roadway surfacing
in that sewer was not being installed. However, to facilitate
a future sewer extension to the Country Club property, we did
stub out a sewer line northward from the last manhole opposite
Gillham's home for future connection to the property in ques-
tion via a frontage road east and west.
Based on unit prices in the Northdalo contract, the cost of
the requested sewer extension would be $28,594.00 (construction
only) which includes an extra of $1,100.00 for dowatering. This
area was once dowatered by the contractor so the dowatering at
this time would be additional work and this figure also includes
the added fuel costa. This total figure also includes seven
sower service connections to property line and the coat of
stroot restoration (CR 139) which amounts to $10,120.00. The
Council should also note that this requested sanitary sower
would only servo the Country Club property (north side of CR 139)
27 l ;rsr aw,ipfirpin Avomie . Suao 233 • Alinneapnlis, Minrresoia 55.113 • u l7l ?71 '! .D
Mr. Gary Wieber
May 3, 1979
Page Two
as the property on the south side, Country Club Manor, will be
served from side, -streets so the assessable costs will be sub-
stantially higher to this northerly. •property•if considered as
a single project.
As you know in larger projects, such as Project 78-1, even though
sewers or water main are constructed on the so-called side streets
to complete the system and .provide looping in the case of water
main construction, all costs are lumped together and the assessable
costs calculated on the basis of parcel or front footage, so that
property, such as in this case, are not penalized because of the
one -side situation.
Therefore, based on the cost noted above and the estimated indirect
costs of 208, the total change order cost is $34,313.00. Further,
based on seven parcels (north side only) the cost of sewer service
would be approximately $4,035.00 per parcel. The approximate
assessment for sewer under Project 78-1, based on the original
contract was calculated at $2,135.00 per parcel without lift
station cost and $2,540.00 per parcel with the lift station costa.
You can note the difference when only,one side is assessed for
L the full improvement. Recalculating the entire project and
assuming the $1,100.00 dewatering cost will be borne by the
Country Club property, the $2,540.00 per parcel amount will be
$2,690.00 per parcel and applicable- to the Country Club property
plus $190.00 per parcel for dewatering, which then would total
$2,880.00 per parcel for the Country Club property now being
considered for sewer extension.
I have sent the change order to the Contractor for his signature
and this will be available to the Council prior to execution of
the change order by the City Council.
If you have any questions in this regard, please give me a call.
Yours very truly,
ohn P. Badalich, P.E.
ity Engineer
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METRO LINE 3335139 a century -old city
with a nuclear age view
May 10, 1979
City Council Members
City Council
Monticello, hod. 55362
Dear Council Members:
The following list of streets were surfaced mostly in the last 4-5 years.
They are beginning to show signs of wear. Some cracks have developed
as well as portions of the surface have worn away leaving a more porous
and brittle mat which is increasingly susceptible to weathering.
We propose to seal coat these streets:
1. River Street - Hwy. 75 to just west of Chestnut St.
2. Oakwood Lane - East of River St.
3. willow Street - River St. to Hwy. 75.
L. Hillcrest Road - River St. to River St.
5. Hilltop Drive - River St. to Dead Ehd.
6. Sandy Lane - Hwy. 75 to River St.
7. Otter Creek Road - River St. to Hwy. 75.
S. Hillcrest Circle - North of Hwy. 75.
9. Pinewood Elementary School - Hwy. 75 to Chestnut.
A seal coat is the final. application placed on an asphalt surfacing.
It is a tough wearing surface that must carry the traffic and yeL be
supported by the base and subsoil. It is also the final coating placed
on a bituminous surface for maintenance purposes after correction of
any flaws in the roadway to provide a tough wearing, continuous surface
resistant to water infiltration.
welcome to.."— T.
...little mountain
Generally there are three types of seal coats: inverted penetration,
thin hot mixes and slurry seals. We are proposing the inverted pence
tration method for the Monticello streets. In this method, a heated
liquid asphalt is applied to the clean road surface and covered im-
mediately with rock clips a maximum 3/8^ in size. The surface is
then rolled with a rubber tire roller. The excess rock is then swept
up at a later date.
Seal coating should be applied every 4 to 5 years depending on the
traffic over the mat and subsoil beneath it as well as weather
yjohn Simola
Public Works Director
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Thursday, May 10, 1979 - 7t30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen.
Mcmbcro Absent: Fran Fair, Phil -White. -
PURPOSE OF MEETING: Board of Review - Assessed Valuations
Mr. Bernie Mattson and Mr. Orlan Krietlow, Wright County Assessors for
Monticello, were present to explain the assessment procedures used
in Monticello.
Mr. William Thompson and Lester Andersen asked general questions
about the assessed and market values of their homes. Mr. Mattoon
explained that all of the homes in Monticello had market value increases
duo to rapid inflation.
Mrs. Laura Rowland had a question concerning her legal description
which was answered by the Assessors.
Hearing no other comments, motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded
J by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to accept the assessment rolls
for 1979, as presented.
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigon and unanimously
carried to adjourn.
k lolfotoo6r
Assistant Ad6inietrator