City Council Minutes 01-02-1962January 23 1952 Re al ar neetin ; of the v -i :! lare council held t' -lis date in tyle villan e council roor.. I''embers present- 0jakan�;as, Adams. Baker, gasper Si-,Teilson. Absent none. Ni 1 n.ar O j Akan a s was 5rarn in as rla_ cr b r T�Tra.Anc;.erson. ITathan Adams was sworn in a s councili an a nCi T' 11. Jon e?raard as treasiirer b�J" ma7TOr 0 jakanr as. Fiai tes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Yotion b7T Adams t',at Georr es be .r)aid ')(300.00 as partial pay-nent on con- struction of parh toilets seconed by Baker and carried. Lotion by Kaspen t1hat t' .e I onticello T Alese designated the official newspaper and the I.Iright Ccunty Stat Da1LL official depository for 1962. Seconed by Adams and carried. I'lotion b_;-- &.-Tanson t1nat AC'nzas be desi-Vniated as coL?,ncil president in the absence of the m .y or. . Seconed b --,r Faker and carried. i•'oti on by Kasper that bills be _,,aid ).s read. se:coned by Si -rale son and car2ied. a seperate list beim; on file L -i the cl�:rks of. -Lice. 1 otion b Jr Adarls to accept bill of Justice Christianson fn the uriotuZt of `'21!.,0, Seconed by and Carried. The folloirinr, corm.iittiedr1were set up b -;r Iayor Ojakanras. Park- Nathan Adanis, 0. S. Johnson, and Ronald I ichaelis. Liquor- I, el Sv arson and J. A. Kasner. Street- Teo BaI->er and Lathan Adaitis. Hea_i_th off icer - Dr. ITtleson Recreation board- Jim f o-­Teru ,,n( -I- Art I LCTnti re. Tt eras _ ;red to reappoint Jal-les Schaffer as Do- Catc'Icr i he -:ould. accept the position. Appointment of a Justice of the peace tabled until nett reSula.r ineetin. Provosed ordinance coverinS fine on is Mucins; . of bad cheeps tabelea until nest, rleeting, . r M M r � abled tiuit-il a later Proposed a.gl.isi-cion of no paJ. kzn;� signs for poste 01�icc ��_� date. Acceptance of bid on Vne proposed fire barn and rnulicipal equipment lb- ildin- tabe ')._ed until after the election. On motion ourned. erk . . )eC7.al ple -'i- ; of t'":.G v1l_l^�_;e councii ''_elC� t: is eveninc to canvas the resu7its of the election ''eld t' -,is da -r to deterY-:I ne Y, e the-,- the co-cTcil s' --'.all be perrti'rted to pL1rc'_ ase bonds not to exceed 35, 000. ng for the wi-oo se of pure' asin a f1noe tr+ c'- rind fire erjui-onent and tt e errecticn of a rTuacip .l ouildin r . 1io tion T),r Kasper t1hat t'le result- of the, election juO riles I e accented-. Seconed by Ss.'anson and c:11' .-iec?. The vote was 1.97 in favor and 73 opposed. Iyotion b77- STTanson that T� e purcina,se a 1950 ds �.rlond T truck froi:i ?'!idzr� r i'ord LJ _� 4,J .C. J 1 C.i. for the sun. of X300.00. Seconed b Adar,is and c--a-,­-ied. On _ < tion ad jpii2ned _e,