tJanuary 10, 1977 -- 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Con Johnson, Stanley Hall, Gene Walters,
Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo.
I. Oath of Office.
The oath of office for the newly elected councilmen Arve
Grimsmo and Dan Blonigen was given by the City Administrator,
Gary Wieber. (See supplement 1-10-77 #1.)
2. Goals and Objectives for 1977.
Mayor Johnson reviewed the accomplishments and projects
implemented during 1976 and proposed the following goals
and objectives for 19771
1. Construction of a new city hall and council chambers
2. Continuation of airport feasibility study
3. Implementation of neighborhood parks
4. Maintenance and upgrading of all streets over
a period of years
$. Quarterly meetings by the councilmen with City
department heads and police department
6. Continuation of sewer and water extensions where
needed and requested.
3. Citizens Comments.
Four teenage girls requested the city council consider
starting a teen center for the youth of Monticello. They
felt there is no place for the teenagers to go outside of
school activities.
Council consensus was that a teen center had been tried
previously in Monticello with not much interest. The
primary question raised by council members regarded proper
supervision. Council opinion was that the school could per-
haps provide the space and supervision for such a center.
4. Consideration of Setting Regular Meeting Dates.
Motion made by S. Hall, seconded by D. Blonigen and unan-
imously carried to set the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
as regular meeting dates for the city council.
5. Appointment of Committee Members.
A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by Dan Blonigen and
unanimously carried to appoint the following members to the
commissions as noted:
Howard Gillham, Chairman
Robert Brown, Chairman
Fred Topel
Jim Herbst
Jim Ridgeway
Hazel Kotilinek
Henry Doerr
Julie Lewandowski
Dr. C. D. Bauer
Gary Pringle
J. W. Miller (ex -officio
member) Don Smith
Lowell Schvupp, Chairman
Lloyd Lund
Leo Nelson -President
Kenneth Maus
Harry Stokes -Treasurer
John Poivicr
Marie Peterson -Secretary
Lois Schoepf
Sheldon Johnson
Lloyd Lund
Charles Plotnick
Jean Powers, Chairman
Frank Thompson
William A. Anderson
Jay Morrell
Leo Nelson
Marie Bruning
Vic Vokaty
Caroline Ellison
Robert Doty
Hugh McKinnon
Dale Lungwitz Gene Walters
Harvey Kendall Dave Bauer
Robert Rierson
(fifth member to be recommended City - Ron Peters, Ken Maus
by commission) School - Russ Martie, Gordon Link
Arve Grimsmo
Rick Wolfsteller
Fire Dept. - Lee Trunnell
City - Rick Wolfsteller
Township - Gahart Decker
6. Appointment of City Functions & Duties.
Motion made by C. Johnson, seconded by St. Hall and unanimously
carried to appoint G. Walters as acting mayor for 1977.
A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by A. Grimsmo and
unanimously carried to approve the following appointments:
Official Newspaper:
Monticello Times
Health Officer:
Dr. Donald Maus
Civil Defense Director:
Doug Pitt
City Attorney:
Gary Pringle
Building Inspector:
J. W. Miller
City Auditor:
Gruys, Johnson & Assoc.
City Depository:
Wright County State Bank and
Security Federal Savings & Loan
7. Consideration of Taxi Cab License.
Motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Blonigen and
unanimously carried to grant a taxicab license to Country
Taxi, Inc. owned by George Johnson & Gary Stolp of Monticello.
S. Consideration of Landscaping Requirement Ordinance Amendments.
Howard Dahlgren and Associates prepared a memorandum relative
to landscaping requirements which were previously reviewed by
the Planning Commission. This item was reviewed and tabled
at the December 27, 1976 council meeting to clarify the bond
posting requirements to insure ordinance compliance.
The proposed ordinance amendments would require:
1. 3% of service area within an off-street parking
area to be landscaped with grass and/or trees and
2. 2% of the development costs to be devoted to
landscaping, exclusive of sod and walkways
3. Posting of a bond in the amount of 2% requirement
to insure compliance and also the posting of a
bond for 20% of said 2% to insure the landscaping
is properly maintained for two years.
These requirements would apply to all developments except
single family residences.
Council discussion centered on what percentage of development
costs should be devoted to landscaping and whether landscaping
requirements should depend on lot sizes of a development.
G. Walters entered a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unani-
mously carried to table landscaping amendments for future
study to enable other alternatives to be prepared.
9. Consideration of Fire Contract with Townships of Silver Creek
and Otsego.
S. Hall made a motion, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the fire contracts with Silver Creek and
Otsego Townships for 1977. (See supplement 1-10-77 #2.)
10. Consideration of City Hall Construction Project.
The appointed committee of Stan Hall and Gene Walters met with
the Architectural Alliance to determine the feasibility of
rebidding the city hall project so that the exterior design
remains essentially the same and the cost would come within
the range of the estimated amount of 53309000. Bids were
initially received on December 9, 1976 with the low bid at
It appears the project could be rebid to come within the
$330,000 range by eliminating or changing the specifications
on some items. Bids could be relet January 17 with bids re-
turnable February 17, 1977. 'l
A motion to reject all bids received on December 12, 1916 U
for the City Hall Project was made by S. Hall, seconded by
G. Walters and unanimously carried.
S. Hall then entered a motion, seconded by G. Walters to
authorize the committee members to meet with Architectural
Alliance on January 20, 1977 to review and approve the final
plans and specifications for rebidding provided the project
costs are within the $330,000 budget. If final plans and
specifications are approved by the committee, separate bids
will be received for the electrical, mechanical, plumbing
and general construction, etc. Voting in favor: G. Walters,
S. Hall, C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo. Opposed: D. Blonigen.
11. Consideration of Rules and Regulations on 4th St. Park Skating
Councilmen G. Walters and S. Hall met with representatives of
the Monticello Youth Hockey Association for the purpose of re-
solving various issues regarding the general skating and hockey
rinks, in 4th Street Park. 0
As a result of the meeting, the committee recommended (7)
regulations be adopted by the city council.
G. Walters entered a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unani-
mously carried to adopt the following rules and regulations
pertaining to the ice rinks:
1. No figure skates should be allowed on the hockey
2. Hockey sticks should not be allowed on the general
skating rinks.
3. All public notices relative to the use of the hockey
rink and the park by the Hockey Associations should
receive clearance from the City of Monticello before
4• Hockey Association to maintain all expenses of hockey
rink except city would clear area of snow after a
heavy snowfall.
j. Hockey Association would be able to utilize the small
garden tractor which has a sweeper attachment.
6. Any buildings, equipment or• other items the Hockey
Association wishes to store at the 4th Street Park
must be approved by the city.
7. Parking shall only be in areas designated by the
ci ty.
12. The minutes of the council meetings held on December 23 and
December 27, 1976 stand approved as presented.
13. Discussion of Skating Rinks and Warming (louse.
The council discussed establishing a general skating rink at
the former site in West Bridge Park. A public works depart-
ment employee would open up and maintain the rink with limited
G. Walters made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unani-
mously carried to authorize the public works director to
provide a skating rink in the West Bridge Park parking lot
and open up the warming house to the public.
Council consensus was to help J. Barthel flood his private
skating rink this year only, but the new policy for the future
will not allow the use of city equipment such as fire hoses,
etc., for flooding private skating. rinks.
14. Joint Workshop to discuss Comprehensive Plan.
G. Walters made a motion, seconded by S. Hall and unanimously
carried to have the city council meet with the Planning
Commission and Howard Dahlgren and Associates in a joint
workshop session to discuss and review the overall compre-
hensive plan for the city and orderly annexed area.
The meeting is scheduled for January IS, 1977 at 7:30 P.M.
Due to recent inquiries regarding the use of snowmobiles
within the city, consensus of the council was to have the
city administrator publish the snowmobile ordinance high-
A motion was made by S. Hall, seconded by Gene Walters and
unanimously carried to adjourn.
Rick Wolfs lere . (,�
Administrative Assistant o