City Council Minutes 01-11-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 January 11,, 1972 0 Regular meeting of Village Council --January 11, 1A72.-- 7#30 P, mo Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. M. by William Sandberg, mayor. Council_ men Dan Bloni7en, Richard Martie, Jeff Rowan, Walt M-arkling attending. Absent: none. Minutes of January 3rd meeting read and amroved. Warren Krause, Wall -7 Lawton and Robert Anderson,, representing Mid-ATnerica Dairymen's Association, discussed with coancil sewer rate charges. Mr. Lawton stated the plant has not been oneratin-ir since last summer and has been a reoeivinF station only. Yid -America has connected to storm sewer. Whore -Meyer renorted on canacity of sewer plant and basis of developing sewer rate charges. Mid-America studying future use of plant considering alternatives of expansion, retaining plant as a receiving station or closing ..Out. Thore Meyer to work with Robert Anderson to determine approximate sewage input at present operation and present at next meeting. Arve Grimsmo reported on progress of H. R. A. Stated that they are amiting allocation of federal funds. R. R. A. has amended request to 75 housing units. Robert Davis and Dale Lungwitz reported on Planning Commission progress on downtown planning and zoning. Davis presented the name of James Maus as candidate to fill vacancy on Planning Commission. Walter 111arkling, made motion, seconded by Jeff Rowan to appoint Janes Maus to Planning Commission. Carried .. all in favor, Ronald Michaelis and Paul Klein appeared before council and presented bill from attorney for legal services for Fireman's Relief Association. Council acknowledged billing and will -process. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by, Dan Bloniqen to annoint Dr. Clyde Bentzin as Village Health Officer, Carried .. all in favor. `alter 'darkling reported on their contact with Leo Baker regarding village sunervision. He indicated Leo would be interested on a half time basis. To be confirmed. Several water patrons have comnlal.red of noor water pressure. It was determined that these lines will. need to be reverse pressure cleaned. Walt Tack to expedite with compressor and aid from Brenteson, William Sandber'a, renorted that there are men available from the 7�lelfare Dept. on the Work Relief Pro7ram to provide labor for municipalities. Coi3ncil selected Albert Meyer to work for village under Emergency Employment Act. January 11, 1972 -- cont'd. Walt Markling and Jeff Rowan were appointed to wage review committee. Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Walt Markling to approve bills as presented. Administrative: $?2 0,.0$; Police Fund: $1757,36; Fire Dept: $469.86: Park Fund: $6L40; Water Fund: $507,91; Street: $18 8,86; Sewer: 2 60; Service; 6 ; Salaries: $10 0; Liquor: _2b.�26.88. otion for adjournment by Dan Dlonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan. So ordered. on anlund, Clerk Don Smith, of the Monticello Times, took picture of councilmen after meeting.