City Council Minutes 01-12-1971228 Regular meeting of Village Council January 12, 1971 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. H. by Mayor Ronald Schlelf. Councilmen present James Maus, Richard Hartie, Walter Markling and I William Sandberg. Absent: none. Staff people present were Gary Prinele, attorney; Thore Meyer, engineer; Hill Elliott, engineer; Richard Hesley- Art McIntire, Walt Hack, Richard Brooks and Ronald Michaelis. Confirmation of the swearing-in of Walter Markling as trustee as con- ducted by Mayor and Clerk on January 4, 1071. Motion by James Haus and seconded by Richard Martie to accept the minutes of Previous m-eting as mailed. Motion carried. Report of the Police Department received and accented. Report in- dicated a substantial increase in crime incidents during 1970 including the new (1070) incidence of drug traffic. Also of note is the fact that over 510,000 was collected in fines during 1970. Councilmen reported that there have been some infractions of snowmobile regulations. Discussion centered around need for a firm snowmobile ordinance. Granlund to contact League of Municipalities for sample ordinances and provide copies of some to Chief McIntire and Attornev Pringle for study. Walter Mack reported that Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is aware the l sewer equipment contains mercury seals, which could be causing a mercury J pollution. Replacement must be made by July 1, 1971 at an estimated cost of $3,000 - $3,500.00. Richard Brooke had no report. Richard Hesley reported that Liquor Store is operating smoothly and that annual audit is in process. Gary Pringle reported that annexation hearings were started on January 7th., Not enough time in one day so hearings are continued to March 24 and 25, 1971. Ron Michaelis reported that Fire Denartment is operating smoothly. Ron also reported the Civil Defense meeting at the Hivh School on Jan. 11, 1071 was well attended by representatives of Wright & Sherburne Counties. Mr. Dave Collins and Mr. O'Brien of the North Central Tublic Service dis- cussed the proposed rate increase and explained the method of and need for the increase. 0ranlund to ask Anoka for copy of report of rate study conducted by them and a copy of rate schedule. Walter Markling and Dick Martie to study data and make recommendation. Ed Schaffer anneared before Council to advise that Rome of Christmas decorations were not hurninQ and in need o^ repair. Also that waste I_J cant-*ers on Main Street were not being emptied frequently enough. Noted that garbage hauling contract was due for negotiation in near future. 22y Regular meeting of villaee council -- January 12, 1971 » cont'd. Gene Fyle appeared before Council to contest settlement of charges made against him for repairs to West Third and Elm Street. In view of fact that streets were upgraded to better than original condition and that Fyle was not consulted before repairs made, motion by W. Varkling to with- hold $70.00 for settlement to repair streets. Seconded by Richard Martie. This settlement agreeable to Gene Fyle. Motion carried. rhore Meyer reported on sewer rate study. Report indicated that a rate structure based on usage should be established. Concensus of Council that this structure has merit and advised Thore Meyer to prepare firm proposals for Council study. Letter from County Assessors office requesting Council action on application by Gus Hitter for Homestead consideration on Monticello home for 1970. Action deferred pending further supportive information. Motion by James Maus that the Council allocate funds from the Liquor Store operating profits to support the costs of the Senior Citizens Center to the extant of the directors salary, utilities and fuel. Directors salary established at 420%00 oer month. Carried. Motion by James Maus that Council will cover costs of any Councilman, Mayor or the Clerk if they plan to attend Conference of Mayors & Council- men at U. of Minn. on January 16th. Carried. Motion by 1•li'lian Sandberg, second by Richard Vartie that club license C for American Lesion Post 260 be approved. Carried. Motion by Walter warklina and seconded by James Maus that contract he signed with Tonka fennels avain this veer for dog control in Monticello. Frenuency of natrol at the discretion of Village Clerk to a maximum of 24 patrols. Motion carried. Letter from State Highway Dept. that parts of County Road 58 (4th Street West) must lose state aid status because of barricading at the Oakwood School. Action deferred pending further study by Ron Schleif. Bill by Alama Blacktopoing Co. for $993.52 presented for payment. This is final billing on completion of village parking lot and roadway. Motion to approve and pay by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie. Carried. Bill presented by Layne -Minnesota for $4231.00 as final payment an digging of well. Motion by Richard Martie to approve and pay seconded by James Maus. Carried. State Highway Department request renewal of easement for five years to use village property adjacent to Highway 25 in coordination with building of Highway 94. Action deferred pending further information. Mayor Schleif appointed the following persons to the. Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority. Roman Brauch, one year; George Phillips, 2 years; Gloria LaRau , 3 years= Arve Grimsmo, 4 years and Lloyd Schnelle, 5 years. It was questioned if George Phillips wnuld be eligible because of his being on the Hospital Hoard. Formal confirmation delayed until -eligibility of Phillips is determined. Wage negotiation co"ittee reported rn present base and reauested consider- 230 January 12 meeting __ continued ations. Discussion and action deferred until special meting called for January So, 1071. D Twp change orders to the cnntract with J. W. Miller for pump house con- struction presented: (1). to reduce contract by $212.00 by change in usave of tvpes of fittings, (2). to increase contract by $31.60 for installation of viewing window to chlorine room. Motion by Walter e"ark- ling, secnnded by James Maus to anmrove both change orders. Richard Martie reported on study of request by Police Dept. to have extra man on on Friday and Saturday, nates. Recommendation by Martie that man be provided for this time. Seconded by J. Maus. Carried. Motionadjourn at 11 P.M. by William Sandberg, second by R. Martie. So rder d, o Don GVinlund, Clerk DCG/ Special Meeting of the Village Council January 19, 1971 — 7:30 P. M. Council members present: Ron Schleif, Dick Martie, Walter Markling, James Maus, William Sandberg. Councilmen absent: none. Also present, Arthur McIntire and Robert Westermann - Police Decartmentl Richard Healey - Linuor Store Manager. and Robert Davis, Planning Commission Chairman. Robert Davis presented an outline of the objectives of planning as presented to the Planning Commission by Charles Tooker, Planning Con- sultant. Planning Commission will meet January, 20 to select three main projects to start on. It was pointed out that the development of the downtmm ar-a will fall to the responsibility of the Rousing A Redevelopment Authority. Charles Tooker will outline the procedural steps. A motion made and auvroved by the Planning Cbmmission recommends to the Village Council that Atty. Paul Helchert be retained to represent the village in all hearing and proceedings with the Municipal Commission. Council will act on recommendation later. Wage & Salary Discussion: James Maus and William Sandberg serving on the committee. Presentation of outline with comparisons with other villages in area. The following recommendations were made: 1. Arthur McIntire, Police Chief, to remain at $750.00 base ( 1 monthly salary and to be allowed $3.00 per hour overtime for hours over 200 per month. 2. Robert Westermann, patrolman, to be given a $50.00 oar month increase to $650.00 base monthly salary and be allowed $3.00 per hour overtime over 200 hours per month.