City Council Minutes 02-13-1973F
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
February 13, 1973
Regular meeting of Village Council -- February 13, 1973 -- 7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P M. by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council-
men present were: Dan Blonigen, Walt Markling, Dick Martie and Jeff Rowan.
The minutes for the meeting of January 309 1973 were read and approved with
one correction. The trustee for the issuance of the pollution Control Bonds
SHOULD READ "The First Trust Company" not the St. Paul Trust Company.
Robert Dowli-ng of Monticello made a presentation Questioning the amount billed
him for Storm Sewer Assessment #E7010A. Mayor Sandberg said the village
would check with Thore Mever on this charge.
A presentation was made by Mr. Arland Brusven in re7ard to the issuance of
approximately 2.8 mill -ion in Pollution Control Bonds. A resolution concerning
this matter was presented to the Mavor and Council.. Signing delaved until
the village attorney for this matter, Mr. William Hoffman, has reviewed
the revised documents.
A discussion was held concerning the proposed garbage contract with Yonak
Sanitation. A motion was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dick Martie, to
accept the contract as drawn by the village attorney, Gary Pringle, with two
additions. The first addition: The terminology reading "corporate limits"
corrected to read "present corporate limits." The second addition: An
additional statement to be added obligating "the contractor, Yonak Sanitation"
to provide 30 -gallon garbage containers for village parks. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: Hone.
A request was made by Bel Mar Builders for approval of a building permit
or a 12 -unit apartment building. This was delayed until the Planning
Commission has had time to review applicable blue prints. The Village Ad-
ministrator was instructed to make plans available for the Planning Commission.
A request was made by Maus Food Market for an off -sale, 3.2 malt liquor license.
A motion to accept this request was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan
Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg.
Opposed: None.
Applications for cigarette licenses for the year 1973 were presented by the
following: The Dairy Store, Del's Service, American Legion Post, Holker's
Drive In, La.uring Drug, Poirier Drug and Schneider's Recreation. The motion
to approve the issuance of a cigarette license to each of the following
organizations was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting
in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: None.
A resigna+ion letter of Arve A. Grimsmo, chairman of the Monticello Housing
& Redevelonment Authority was read by Mavor Sandberg. The motion to accept
this resig ation was made by Dan Bloni7en, seconded by Walt Markling. Voting
in favor: onigen, Marklin.z, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opnosed: None.
Regular meeting of Village Council
February 13, 1973
Page 2
A letter from the engineering firm of Meyer—Rohlin was read by Bill
Sandberg. The letter outlined the firm's service and fees for the
review of building plans. No action taken.
The motion to annrove the payment of village and licuor store bills
for the month of January, 1973 was made by Walt Marklin, seconded
by Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, artie, Rowan
and Sandberg. Onnosed: None. Liquor: t 1 94Q.99; Admin:$1 ;
Park: t161.11; 1; Firms-: 16,,364.54; Sewer : 1.589.68 • Water: $2,175,6299
Services: .1.581.68; Street: $4.042.57; er:4.187.01.
A brief discussion was held concerning the hiring of a Liauor Store
Manager. The Village Administrator was instructed to advertise for a
manager in at least the following papers: St. Cloud Press, Wright
County Press, Monticello Times and the Elk River Times.
A short discussion was held concerning the status of Township Fire
Contracts. No specific action taken at this time.
The Council gave verbal approval of a meeting with the Downtown
Development Group scheduled for February 21, 1973.
The motion to adjourn was made by 'Walt Markling, seconded by Jeff
Rowan. Carried all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M.
Kevin La France, Adm.