City Council Minutes 02-13-1978MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL
February 13, 1978 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: C. Johnson, D. Blonigen, A. Grimsmo, G. Walters, P. White.
Citizens Comments:
Gary DeBoer inquired as to when sewer and water would be extended along
W. County Road #39 (Golf Course Road, and what the approximate cost might
be per lot. Mr DeBoer also questioned the Council on the length of time
the assessments would be payable. City Engineer, John Badalich, estimated
the cost at approximately $1,000 per lot. In addition, the Council indi-
cated that sewer and water assessments against homes already built would
probably be spread over 20 years.
1. Consideration of Building Permit Approval - Silver Fox Motel.
Mr. Ed Larson, owner of the Silver Fox Motel, requested a building permit
to add 12 units to the existing 42 unit Motel located South of I-94.
Plans have been reviewed and approved by the Building Inspector and Planning
The Council discussed with Mr. Larson the fact that a curb barrier around
the parking lot and all entrancesshould also be completed to comply with
City Ordinances.
D. Blonigen entered a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried
to approve the issuance of a building permit for the 12 unit Motel addition.
2.4 Consideration of Resolution Conti
Study on Site B.
Phase II of Airport Feasibili
At the last Council meeting, a discussinn on whether to continue with Phase II
of the Airport feasibility study was tabled to enable City representatives
and airport committee members an opportunity to consult with State and
Federal agencies in light of Buffalo and Maple Lakets withdrawal from
Phase II participation.
A meeting was held and FAA and MN/DOT officials indicated that funding
would continue even if Monticello would remain the only sponsor. In
addition, the State and Federal officials would approve studying a site
closer to Monticello than the original combined site selected when all
three communities participated in Phase I.
A recommendation was made by the Monticello Airport Committee to pursue
a feasibility study for Site B located approximately 2 miles south of
Monticello between County Road 117 and Highway 25.
Because Buffalo and Maple Lake would not be participating in Phase II,
the City of Monticello's share of the cost would be increased to $1,090.00.
Citizens of Maple Lake, Buffalo and Monticello Townships were present
to voice opposition to the continuation of an airport study.
Speaking on behalf of the citizens present, Dr. Dave Sandell made the
following comments in opposition to a regional airport in Wright County:
A. Airport would be an environmental disaster resulting in noise
pollution and urban sprawl along Hwy. #25•
B. Questioned that a need for an airport had not been established.
C. Felt that only a few small private airplane owners would benefit
from such an airport.
D. An airport would result in loss of much needed agricultural land.
E. Felt that a regional airport in Wright County may become a
"parking lot" for metro area airports.
F. Felt that an airport of this size is overbuilding for the area.
Mr. Sandell also reminded the Council that the Cities of Buffalo and
Maple Lake, along with the Townships of Buffalo, Maple Lake and Monticello
have all voted against the establishment of a regional airport and
continuation of any study.
Monticello Township Chairman, Franklin Denn, indicated that Wright County
recently adopted a county land use plan and that an airport was not included
for any area in northern Wright County.
Mr. Phil Pesola stated that another airport is being planned for the
western part of Hennepin County by the Metro Airports Commission and
felt that two airports within 15 - 20 miles of each other would be over-
building for the area.
Councilman G. Walters explained why the study was initiated to begin with
and expressed the airport committee's desire to complete Phase II in order
to get all the questions answered before a final decision is made. In
the meantime, no acquisition of land would be pursued and an environmental
impact study would have to be made should Monticello decide to proceed
with the airport after Phase II was completed.
Motion was made by G. Walters, second by P. White to adopt a resolution
selecting site B as the potential site for further study in Phase II and
approved an amendment to the contract with Ralph Burke Assoc. increasing
the cost of the study to $9,700-00.
In favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters, P. White.
Opposed: A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen
(See Resolution 1978 #2).
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3. Consideration of In stalling Underground Utility Lines and Telephone Cables
As Part of the 77-3 Street Improvement Project.
At a recent council meeting, the possibility of installing underground
electric utility lines and telephone cables was discussed as a part of
the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project.
N.S.P. has indicated that there are many factors involved in going to an
underground system such as a charge to the customer for changing the
service, the cost of excavation on private property, easement rights to
obtain and an additional $2.90 per month charge to a residential customer.
In addition, the estimated cost to the City would be $7.5,497.00.
(See supplement 2-13-78 #1).
Bridgewater Telephone also had negative comments on replacing overhead
cables with an underground system.
Due to the cost factor involved, D. Blonigen made a motion, seconded by
P. White and unanimously carried to not pursue the installation of under-
ground utilities and telephone cables as part of the 77-3 Street Project.
4. Consideration of Adoption of Uniform Housing Code.
As was discussed by the Council at the 8-24-77 council meeting, the adop-
tion of the Uniform Housing Code would provide a tool for the building
inspector to inspect any building that may be substandard, and provides
the authority to order the building repaired, vacated or demolished as
The Code would apply to all buildings either existing or intended to be
A motion was made by C. Johnson, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried to adopt the 1976 Uniform Housing Code.
A motion was also made by C. Johnson, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously
carried to appoint the Mayor and Councilmen as the Housing Advisory and
Appeals Board relating to enforcement of the Uniform Housing Code.
5. Appointment of Council Representative to Community School Advisory Board's
Annual Meeting.
Mayor Johnson recommended and by consensus of the council, Councilman
G. Walters was appointed to attend the Community School Advisory Board's
Annual Meeting.
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6. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance Establishing Four Year Term for Mayor.
Minnesota Statutes provide that a city council may, by ordinance, establish
a four year term for the office of Mayor. Although the present term of a
mayor would not be affected bir adoption of the Ordinance, mixed opinions
were expressed by the council on the merits of a two year vs. a four year
term for mayor, and questions were raised on the proper procedures for
filling the remaining term of a mayor should a vacancy occur.
As a result, consideration of changing the mayor's term was tabled for
two weeks for further study.
7-k Consideration of Ordinance Revising Mayor and Councilmen's Salaries.
Monticello's Councilmembers are currently paid $15.00 per meeting and the
Mayor is paid $20.00 per meeting.
Due to factors such as increased activity, budget responsibility and time
involved for the councilmen, Mayor Johnson proposed setting a salary of
$100.00 per month for Councilmen and $125.00 per month for the Mayor.
According to Minnesota Statutes, any increase in salaries would not
become effective until after the next city election.
On a motion by D. Blonigen, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously
carried, the following salaries for councilmen and mayor was adopted to
begin after the next city election:
Councilmen - $100.00 per month
Mayor - $125.00 per month
(See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #45) •
8. Consideration of Special Meeting to Interview Building Inspector Candidates.
February 15, 1978 has been set as the deadline for accepting applications
for the position of City Building Inspector and thus far, 37 applications
have been received.
By consensus of the council, a special meeting was scheduled for March 6,
1978 at 7:30 P.M. to interview approximately 6 to 10 of the top candidates.
9. Consideration of Approving Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. to Review
Floodway Map.
The Federal Insurance Administration, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, has contracted with Barr Engineering to update the present
floodway maps for Monticello along the Mississippi River and Otter Creek.
Purpose of updating the maps is to provide more detailed information for
the National Flood Insurance Program under which local individuals can
purchase flood insurance for their homes and businesses.
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Before adoption by the City, Keith Nelson of O.S.M. felt that there are some
revisions the City should request specifically along Otter Creek.
As a result, a motion was made by
unanimously carried to authorize
Associates to further review the
revisions before adoption.
10. Approval of Bills.
P. White, seconded by G. Walters and
Consulting Engineer, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron &
flood plain maps presented for possible
Motion was made by P. White, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously
carried to approve the bills for January and February, 1978, as presented.
(See supplement 2-13-7$ #1).
11. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of 1-23-78 and 1-26-78 council meetings were approved as
12. Review of Street Improvement Project by John Badalich.
John Badalich reviewed with the council items relating to the 1977
Street Improvement Project that were discussed at the all day council meeting
previously held on 1-26-78. (See supplement 2-13-78 #2).
A. River Street between Locust and Pine Streets was recommended to be
constructed with its centerline shifted 8 ft. south of platted center-
line due to embankment problems. Because of the high cost of cen-
tering the street, council consensus was to make River Street between
Pine and Locust 32 ft. wide and erect no parking signs on these two
B. Second, discussion concerning use of County/State Aid Funds for
improving Elm Street between Fifth and Broadway and also Fourth
Street from Elm to Locust and Locust to Broadway were reviewed.
Mr. Badalich has contacted Wright County Engineer, Larry Koenig,
who has indicated that funds are available for such municipal projects.
Council instructed Mr. Badalich to check with Mr. Koenig to see if
the City could construct Fourth Street 44 ft. wide with a 9 ton
design and still meet the state -aid criteria for funding. Also by
consensus, Monticello should try to receive as much funding as
possible to improve the designated county/state aid streets.
C. Mr. Badalich discussed street construction methods using a full depth
bituminous pavement vs. a bituminous surface with aggregate base.
Economically, the latter would save approximately $80 - 90 million
in construction costs, but on the recommendation of Mr. Badalich, the
specifications will ask for bids on a full depth bituminous pavement
with an alternate bid deduct for using the aggregate base. This
will allow the council the opportunity to determine the actual
savings involved before awarding construction bids.
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D. The fourth item discussed recommended rerouting the large storm
sewer trunk line on Sixth Street between Maple and Elm Streets to
along an easement paralleling Seventh Street from Maple to Elm.
As development dictated, the line could be extended along the ease—
ment to pick up storm water in the low areas east and west of Elm
The storm sewer pipe size used on Sixth Street will be reduced in
size by this alternate, thus saving construction costs on the 77-3
A motion was made by P. White, seconded by G. Walters to use the
alternate storm sewer proposed on Sixth Street as recommended by
John Badalich.
In Favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters, P. White, A. Grimsmo.
Opposed: D. Blonigen.
Councilman Blonigen asked that the council consider improving Vine Street
between lith Street and the railroad tracks with curb, gutter, permanent
street as part of the street improvement program. Mr. Blonigen felt
that even though the street stops at the railroad, it is a city street
and should be improved like the rest.
Finally, the council instructed Mr.
on the possibility of all east—west
of the proposed 36 feet width.
A special meeting was scheduled for
purpose of reviewing the final plans
Project before advertising for bids.
13. Miscellaneous.
Badalich to present cost figures
streets being 40 feet width instead
March 16, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. for the
on the 77-3 Street Improvement
The joint fire board was asked to review and report to the council with
recommendations on methods for reimbursing fire department personnel
for lost wages resulting from attendance at fire school seminars and
training courses.
A joint meeting with the Planning Commission and City Council to review
the revised comprehensive plan was tentatively scheduled for March 13,1978
as part of the regular council agenda.
Tentatively set the March 27, 1978 council meeting as the date to review
feasibility reports on all requested city improvements petitioned for
such as sewer, water, streets, etc.
Deadline for petitions requesting Improvements in 1978 has been set at
March 1, 1978.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolfste er
Assistant Administrator