February 23, 1976 - 7:30 P. M
Members present: Denton Erickson, Con Johnson, Dick
Martie, Gene Walters.
Member absent: Stanley Hall.
1. Presentation of Bicentennial flag.
The Mrs. Jaycees presented a Bicentennial flag to the
city to be used at the information center and for Bi-
centennial activities this summer.
2. Consideration of conditional use permit request by Charles
Ritze to allow the expansion of an equipment and storage
A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and
unanimously carried to grant a conditional use permit to
Mr. Ritze for a truck garage provided proper fencing is
provided per city ordinances
3 Consideration of Stan Hall's final plat of Hillcrest
Second Addition.
The preliminary plat had been approved by the planning
commission and the final plat has been reviewed and
approved by the city engineer and city planner.
A motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson, and
unanimously carried to approve the final plat as presented
and to eliminate the requirement of planning commission
review of plats after council approval, except in those
cases deemed necessary by council.
4• Consideration of extent of city's support of Monticello
Youth Hockey Association.
Discussion was held on a permanent site possibility for a
hockey rink and the city's participation in the main-
tenance of such a rink. The association's primary concern
was for a permanent location, and hopefully the construction
of two rinks, one for free skating and one for youth hockey.
A decision regarding the above will be made at a later
date after Howard Dahlgren, the city planner, has pre-
pared a preliminary park plan study on the 4th Street
Regular Meeting of Council
Feb. 23, 1976 - cont'd.
5. Consideration of request for an architect by the Civic
Center Commission.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Walters, and
unanimously carried to appoint Denton Erickson and Gary
Wieber to interview three or four architects who can
prepare proposals on possible additions or remodeling
of the present city hall or a new city hall structure.
The city administrator will prepare guidelines of the
city's building needs for the architects to work from.
The architectural candidates will be referred to the
Civic Center Commission for their recommendations be-
fore being presented to the city council for approval.
6. Consideration of actively advertising for a Public Works
A motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie, and
unanimously carried to have the city administrator ad-
vertise for a Public Works Director. The administrator
was instructed to set up qualifications required of
7. Progress reports.
(A) Bandstand
J. W. Miller estimated the cost of a revised band-
stand proposal to be around $12,000.
A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Erickson
and unanimously carried to have J. W. Miller obtain
the services of an architect or draftsman to pre-
pare plans and specifications for a new bandstand.
The cost of preparing plans should, -be around $60.00,
with plans being sufficient for bidding.
(B) Historical Center
The general contractor, J. W. Miller, reported that
construction is a little behind schedule, but will
be pushing for a May 1, 1976 completion.
Mayor Con Johnson stated that he wili'donate his
salary as mayor for 1976 towards the purchase of a
flag pole to be erected at the Historical Center.
Regular Meeting of Council
Feb. 23, 1976 - cont'd
(C) Park System Study
Howard Dahlgren, city planner, is preparing pre-
liminary plans on the three present city parks. His
proposals will be ready on March 9, 1976. City ad-
ministrator to check on feasibility of extending
water to ice skating rinks should they be located in
4th Street park.
S. Request for parade permit - American Legion.
J. W. Miller, representing the American Legion, requested
a parade permit for June 12, 1976.
,. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie and
unanimously carried to grant a parade permit to the American
Legion for June 12, 1976 at 6:00 P. M. Sheriff's Depart-
ment to be notified of event.
9. Consideration of a Public Informational meeting on 1976
L The mayor indicated that citizen's input should be con-
sidered on what projects are needed by the city for 1976.
Among projects to be considered are:
1) Extensions of sewer and water along Mississippi
Drive, Ritze Plats and Doerr Estates.
2) A new 750,000 gallon ground storage water re-
servoir system
3) A new City Hall and Senior Citizen Center
4) Street improvement program
5) Park system program
Council consensus was to have an informational meeting
on 1976 projects on March -23" 1976 at City flail, 7:30 P. M.
10. Consideration of necessary action relative to MPCA require-
ments on effluent flow and concentration.
The MPCA has outlined the effluent problem relating to flow
and concentration in Monticello. They have indicated that
the city is exceeding the standards set by the PCA and
they feel a major contributor of the present problem is
Wrightco Products. According to the treatment plant permit
issued to the city by the PCA, pretreatment requirements
are to be imposed as necessary by industrial contributors,
such as Wrightco Products.
Regular Meeting of Council
Feb. 23, 1976 - cont'd.
Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Walters and un-
animously carried to have city administrator and city
engineer set up a meeting with Wrightco in an effort
to resolve the effluent problem.
11 . Consideration of tree planting program.
The city administrator was instructed to pursue a tree
replacement program. Contacts will be made with the
county on possibility of obtaining transplantable trees
from a County Park. Administrator to check on other
alternatives and costs.
12. Approval of bills.
Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unani-
mously carried to approve bills for January and February,
1976 as presented. (See supplement 2-23-76 #1).
13. Approval of minutes.
Minutes of council meetings held February 5 and 9, 1976
stand approved as presented.
14. 1975-1 Sewer and Water Project - extra payment requests.
City Engineer discussed extra payment request made by
Hood, Inc. on 1975-1 Sewer and Water Project. Recommend-
ation was made by city engineer to approve claims totaling
$11,464.08 out of request of $21,058.43 in order to settle
this dispute.
Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unan-
imously carried to have John Badalich, city engineer send
a letter of compromise to Hood, Inc offering $11,464.08
as a final settlement on extra payments request.
15• Discussion on interior layout for new liquor store.
Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie and unanimously
carried to authorize Cary Wieber, and liquor store manager,
Mark Irmiter to purchase:
1) shelving and gondolas
2) cigarette machine
3) electronic cash registers as needed.
The cost of each item is not to exceed $5,000.00.
Me�etin/Jg, adjourned.
� !4 CAJ�.1lJti
Rick Wolfstel er
Administrative Assistant