City Council Minutes 03-13-1978MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING March 13, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Members Pxesent: G. Walters, D. Blonigen, P. White, A. Grimsmo Members Absent: C. 0. Johnson Also Present were Planning Commission Members: F. Fair, D. Erickson, F. Topel, C. D. Bauer, J. W. Miller (ex -officio) 1. Workshop Session on Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance Amendments with Planning Commission. Consulting Planner, Dick Dwinell, reviewed with the Council and Planning Commission the revised comprehensive plan for the City of Monticello including the orderly annexation area. Mr. Dwinell proposed that the following areas within the City be considered for re -zoning: A. Area Northwest of Prairie Road to Orchard Road from R-1 to I-1. B. A strip along I-94 from W. County Road 39 to the Shopping Center as B-3 (Highway Business). C. Block 30, Upper Monticello from current zoning of B-4 to RB (Residential Business). D. Rezoning of parcel east of E. County Road 39 and North of County Road 75 from R-1 to R-3 (Multiple Family). In addition, a few zoning ordinance amendments were recommended for consideration by Mr. Dwinell, including: 1. Increasing the minimum lot size and lot area per units for multiple family zoning districts; 2. Requiring at least one (1) enclosed parking space per each two (2) dwelling units in multiple family structures; 3. Allow any permitted uses allowed in an R-2 district as permitted uses within an R-3 district; 4. Allow multiple family dwellings containing more than thirteen (13) units as a conditional use within an R-3 zone; 5. Requiring all off-street parking areas to provide a curb barrier consisting of a 6" concrete insurmountable design; and 6. Allowing signs on a temporary basis for promoting or selling a develop- ment project. The Council and Planning Commission recommended that the proposed street closing plan be eliminated from the plan along with the proposed central business development plan along Broadway and Walnut Street. 2. 3/13/78 - Council A motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to accept the preliminary comprehensive plan as presented with the recommended areas considered for rezoning and zoning ordinance amend- ments per memo from Dick Dwin.ell. A public hearing on the revised comprehensive plan along with the pro- posed zoning and ordinance amendments will be held by the Planning Commission in April, 1978. Consideration of Approval of Howard Gillham's Coun Preliminary Subdivision Plat. Club Manor - Howard Gillham proposed a 48.7 acre plat consisting of 67 single family residential lots along W. County Road #39 just north of I-94. In addition, a large portion of the plat (approximately 20 acres) is listed as an outlot with a proposed dedication for a future collector road. The following items were discussed relative to the plat presented: PARK DEDICATION: City Ordinances require subdivisions to dedicate either 10% of the land for park purposes or 10% of the land value in cash. Dick Dwinell, consulting planner, recommended that the park dedication be in land of approximately 3 acres with the balance in cash. Mr. Gillham preferred to give cash instead of land, but also indicated that 3 acres of park land was not needed and thought the dedication should be based on the area actually being subdivided or 27.8 acres. After discussion by the Council, Mr. Gillham did agree to provide approxi- mately 1 acre for a neighborhood park with balance of requirement to be in cash. COLLECTOR ROAD: Mr. Gillham's plat proposes a collector road running through the property, but Mr. Rohlin, engineer for the plat, indicated that they would like to wait on dedicating the 100' width until a need arises for the road. Keith Nelson, consulting engineer, did not see any problem with the road width being reduced from 100' to 801, but did feel that the road should be dedicated when the plat is accepted as it would serve future place- ment of utilities. Questions were raised as to what would happen to the road if it was never developed, and whether Mr. Gillham could ever get the property back. Should the road never be developed, Mr. Gillham had concerns regarding the balance of his plat being land -locked as the present streets planned do not leave any access to the future collector street. Mr. Rohlin was informed that the plat was prepared showing three cul de sacs with no direct access to the future collector road and that the developer could provide for a through street if he desired. - 2 - 3/13/78 — Council REZONING OF PROPERTY: Current zoning of the property is B-4 (Regional Business) and Mr. Gillham has requested that the area north of the proposed collector road be rezoned to R-1 (Single Family Residential). If the property were rezoned to R-1, the property would conform to the revised comprehensive plan in that the area north of the proposed collec- tor road is recommended for Residential uses. Mr. William Hoffman, representing Ruff Auto Parts, opposed rezoning any part of the plat to residential because he felt that the area already has commercial uses, and that the land was originally proposed for commercial zoning by Mr. Gillham in 1976. Mr. Hoffman also indicated that if the plat is accepted as presented, it would appear that the rezoning of the property would be automatic. Keith Nelson", consulting engineer, reviewed with the Council a number of recommended changes regarding the plat, including proposed storm drainage, lot size minimums, setback requirements, sewer and water feasibility to serve the plat. (See supplement 3-13-78 #1). Because of the collector road dedication, park dedication, and engineering items yet to be resolved, D. Blonigen entered a motion to defer council action on the preliminary plat until the rezoning issues are resolved on this property and abutting areas. Died for lack of second. A. Grimsmo then made a motion, seconded by P. White to defer any action on the preliminary plat for two weeks to enable the developer to resolve the road and park dedication requirements and engineering problems listed. In Favor: G. Walters, P. White, A. Grimsmo Opposed: D. Blonigen 3. Consideration of Final Plat Lauring Hillside Terrace. At the council's July 26, 1976 meeting, a preliminary plat was presented and approved on Lauring Hillside Terrace. The final plat has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer with the recommendation that "Lauring Lane" be named 7th Street so as to coincide with existing street names. In addition, park dedication requirements have been previously approved in cash for 10%. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the final Lauring Hillside Terrace Plat as presented. 4. Consideration of Renewing Garbage Disposal Service. On March 31, 1978, the city's contract with Yonak Sanitation and Landfill expires. This contract was a three-year contract commencing on April 1, 1975. A proposal was made by Yonak Sanitation for $2,750 a month for a three- year contract to cover all existing residences, apartments, etc. This would be about a 40% increase; however, it does cover three years - 3 - 3/13/78 - Council resulting in an annual increase of 13% or so. This proposal amounts to $3.50 per month per residence for twice weekly pickup, which is still competitive with the proposals received from other individuals in 1975• D. Blonigen made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to award a new three-year contract for garbage removal to Yonak Sanitation in the amount of $2,750.00 per month provided the gas increase allowance provision is removed from the new contract. Additional new residences would be added at the rate of $3.50 per home per month during the life of the agreement. 5. 1977-3 Street Improvement Project - Deadend Streets. At the last two council meetings, the possibility of putting curb and gutter on Vine and Minnesota Streets was discussed. An inventory of the existing streets within the city of a similar nature was taken. Approximately sixteen different deadend type streets, which only serve as private driveways or no public purpose at all were presented to the council for review. After discussing each street in question, G. Walters made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo to construct a 241 blacktop road only on Vine between 4th and the railroad tracks, and to construct curb and gutter approach only for Palm and Hennepin streets between lith Street and the railroad tracks. Also, Minnesota Street between lith and the railroad tracks would receive curb and gutter in addition to blacktop as part of the 1977-3 Street Program. In favor: G. Walters, P. White, A. Grimsmo Opposed: D. Blonigen 6. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Feasibility Reports and Public Hearings - 1978 Improvement Projects. Petitions have been received from twelve (12) separate individuals reques- ting various improvements for construction in 197$• The petitions have been segregated into the following categories: I. Public Hearing Held & Project Approved 1978-1 Improvement Project. West County Road W. -x#39 II. Plans & Specs Being Prepared as Part of Street Improvement Project - Hearing Not Held Yet. 6th & Minnesota to 7th & Minnesota (Ruff, Olson, Tucek) Elm St. from 6th to B.N.R. tracks 5th St. from Elm to Vine - 4- 3/13/78 - Council III. No Plan & Specs Being Presently Prepared but Could be Change Order to Street Improvement Project. S2 of Lot 7 & 8, Block 32, Lower Monticello (Kenneth Larsen) 6th & Pine to Cedar & 6th (Wilbur Eck) IV. Final Plat Approved - No Plans & Specs Yet Prepared. Sandberg South Riverside Plat Lauring Hillside Addition (for approval 3-13-78)• V. Final Plats Not Yet Approved - No Plans and Specs Prepared. Country Club Manor Thomas Park Kampa Estates Holker Subdivision After consulting with the City Engineer, it was recommended to call for a feasibility report and hearing on category II projects for 3-27-78 and feasibility reports on the other projects for 4-24--78 with the public hearing on these projects scheduled for 5-8-78. Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution authorizing the preparation of feasibility reports and public hearing for category II projects on 3-27-78 and feasibility reports on the other projects for 4-21-78 with the public hearing on 5-8-78. (See resolution 1978 #7.) No feasibility report will be started for any subdivision requesting improvements until a preliminary plat has been presented. 7. Consideration of Street Width - Front Street. Currently, the proposed width of Front Street between Walnut and Linn Streets is twenty-eight (28) feet. According to city records, the north forty feet of Front Street between Walnut and Locust along with the north fifteen feet between Locust and Linn Street has been vacated and is part of the landowners property description. As a result of the portion of the street being vacated, Front Street has only a forty foot right of way between Locust and Walnut Streets and a sixty five foot right of way between Locust and Linn Streets. If a twenty eight foot street were put in, it would reduce the drive- way for Lot 10, Block 54, to four or five feet and the street itself would be only 10 feet from the house. It was recommended that the proposed width (currently 20 feet) be reduced to 24 feet and allow no parking on north side of street. This would increase present road width by four feet without infringing on - 5 - 3/13/78 - Council any property. Approximately three trees would have to come down but these trees would be almost unavoidable unless street is not widened at all. By council consensus, city administrator was asked to contactthe property owners involved as to how they would feel about a 241 road width and the suggested alignment. 8. Consideration of Curb Barrier - Maintenance Building. At the council's October 25, 1977 meeting, the suggestion of a proposed curb barrier around the parking lot at the maintenance building was brought up. Mike Rajala, public works director, prepared a report outlining the proposed project. Both a bituminous and concrete curb barrier were detailed from a cost standpoint and it was recommended that the concrete curb barrier be installed at a cost of approximately $600.00. The council discussed the merits of additional curbing on the south and eastern sides of the parking lot, but the report recommended these areas not be curbed to allow adequate drainage to the ditch on County Road 39. Motion was then made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen to install the curb and gutter at the maintenance building as proposed by the public works director. (See supplement 3-13-78 # 2.) In favor: P. White, A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen Opposed: G. Walters. 9. Consideration of Approving Specifications for Diesel Truck. Mike Rajala, public works director, presented to the council specifica- tions for a new diesel truck discussed at the last council meeting. (See supplement 3-13-78 #3.) After discussing the merits of both a gas and diesel engine, a motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the specifications for the new truck and advertising for bids for both a diesel and gasoline engine truck. 10. Approval of Minutes. After noting that item 6 of the 2-27-78 minutes be corrected to read $410,000 instead of $110,000 Commercial Development Revenue Notes, the minutes were approved as presented. 11.i Consideration of Full Time Building Inspector. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to hire Loren D. Klein as the full time building inspector at an annual salary of $12, boo. - 6 - 3/13/78 - Council 12. Acknowledgement of Letter from Electro Industries. Currently, city ordinances require that all freeway billboard advertising signs be removed by 1980. Mr. William Seefeldt, in a _letter written to the City Council, requested that if the council is considering extending this time limit, action be taken now rather than in 1980. Mr. Seefeldt felt that by not changing the ordinance now, property owners who do not currently have billboards on their property may have a right to collect lost revenue damages from the city for denying them a chance to erect billboards now. (See supple- ment 3-13-78 #4.) Meeting adjourned. R ck Wolfsteller, Adm. Assistant - 7 -