City Council Minutes 03-23-1971f
Monticello, M nnesota 55362
Regular meeting of the Village Council, March 23, 1_.071, at 7:30 P -i,%
The meeting was called to order with the following members present:
Ron Schleif, James Maus, Richard Martie and William Sandberg. Walter
Markling arrived late. Thore Meyer, Bill Elliott, Bob Davis, Dick
Brooks and Jerry Sinclair were also in attendance.
The minutes of the previous meeting were annroved as mailed with the
stipulation that Ron. Michaelis' salary for Civil Defense director re-
main at $100.00 per month until further notice.
Motion was made by James Maus, with a second by Dick Martie to approve
the following names to the HRA:
1 year -- Roman Brauch
2 years -- Rev. W. Johnson
3 years -- `Tern Smedstad
4 years -- Gloria. LaBau
5 years -- Arve Grimsmo
Motion carried.
Thore Meyer presented an estimated cost of material. and labor for re-
placing the seals in the disposal plant according to PCA reouirements.
Motion was made by James Maus to get an engineer out to fix seals, and.
Dick Martie seconded. Carried.
Four bids on the garbage disposal were received and are as follows:
Wavne's Sanitation Buffalo, Minnesota
Once a week -- `1250.00 Der month
Twice a week pick -un -- 1550.00 per month
Elk River Sanitation Elk River, Minnesota
Once a week nick -up __ '?50.00 pEr month
Al's Sanitation Monticello, Minnesota
Twice a week nick -up -- 900.00 per month
Rackliffe, Inc. Delano, Minnesota
Once a week pick-up -- 670.00 per month
Twice a week nick -up -- 990.00 per month
Motion by Walt Darkling, second by Dick Martie to accept Al's Sanitation
bid. Carried.
There was a lengthy discussion with two representatives of Mid-America Dairy-
men Assn, as to the new sewer rate proposal. Both parties feel a feasible
agreement can be worked out.
The council will contact the Hospital about getting their own auxiliary
unit for power equipment to provide water in the event of another power shortage.
Bob Davis, Planning Commission chairman, reported that the annexation hearings
will hopefully be wrapped un in the next two days.
R. Schleif and J. Maus will serve on a committee to investigate the street
and sewer project to see if the whole undertaking can be consolidated
into one DackaRpe.
-2 -
The Council decided to have Dick Brooks fill the holes in the streets
with fill mix and pack it down temporarily until the streets dry out
and a permanent repair job can be done. Authorization was also given
him to purchase a used motor for the village pick-up and install same.
The clerk was instructed to schedule a veterinarian in town on a given
date and dog owners are to be required to have their animals given a
rabies shot. A notice is to be in the Aaner twice before the appointed
date. This is to be enforced after the license issuance date, May 1.
William Sandberg was to present to the council the formula by which he
arrived at the $50,000 assessment to the Pinewood school.
The increase in the gas rate to North Central Public Service was approved.
Motion by W. Sandberg, second by Ula Markling, to approve naymernt of the
liquor liability insurance. Carried.
Mil ton 01 son is to be contacted for an estimate regarding the w_i.ring on
the water tower and the time clock on the siren.
Bud Fair applied for a covered addition to the south side of his building
54 ft. long with a P ft. extension. Motion to grant permit by Dick Martie,
second by Walt Markling. Carried.
Fullerton Lumber Co. requested a buil-din? permit for a 24 ft. x 96 ft.
lean-to on the north side of existing building. Motion to grant permit
by Dick, -Martie, second by W. Sandberg. Carried.
Earl Lindenfelser requested a building permit for a component home 14 x 60
to be set on his lot. This request will be given to the Planning Com-
mission for consideration and recommendation on how to handle component
homes in the village.
Authorization given the clerk to obtain bids on the repair of the sign
in front of the village hall.
Motion to adjourn at 10:30 P. M. by William Sandberg, second by Dick
Martie. Carried.
L. Gillham
Acting Secretary