City Council Minutes 03-24-197529l
Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council
March 24, 1975 - 7:30 P M. - City Hall
Meeting called to order by Mayor Con Johnson.
Present; Con Johnson, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Denton
Erickson, Stanley Hall.
Mayor Johnson announced meeting would be taped.
1. Consideration of request by Jay Morrell to have C ouricil
send letter to State Highway Department on Truck Traffic
on County Road #75.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried
to send letter to state highway department endorsing voluntary
compliance plan of Mr. Morrel and request that, should 5 ton
limit signs be necessary, they be posted just east of inter-
section of County roads 75, 39, and 118.
2. Consideration of 2 -Way Radios for Fire Department.
Bruce Frederick, Motorola representative, explained details
of two way radio system. Is assessing the needs of the Monticello
Fire Department he felt that a system with a range of 25 miles
was necessary. On a motion by Martie, seconded by Hall and
unanimously carried, the council decided to purchase the two
way radio system (for specifications see supplement 3-24-75 #0
for $3,670.40 which, acco ding to Mr. Frederick, includes all
costs. (Motion amended 4-28-75)
3. Approval of Parallel Parking only on Walnut between Broadway
and 3rd Street.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried.
4. Consideration of Malt Liquor (3.2 Beer) License.
Motion by Hall, seconded by Erickson, to approve off sale licenses
for Holker's Market, and Fair's Market.
It was the decision of the council to delay approval of on sale
license for Monticello -Hasty Slow Pitch League until information
could be obtained from the city attorney on insurance requirements.
5. Approval of Aerial Photographic maps.
Motion by Erikcson, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried,
to approve maps for $550 as recommended by City Planner and Plan-
ning Commission. These maps would be purchased through Mark Hurd.
Regular meeting - March 24, 1975, continued.
6. Public Works Position Under CETA.
Motion to hire individual recommended by City Administrator
by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried.
7. Approval of wording of April 8th Ballot.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried
to approve following wording:
Split Liquor:
"Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to continue
the sale of liquor at the Municipal Store and be author-
ized to issue private "on -sale" licenses to hotels and
restaurants as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.07."
General Obligation Bond:
T'Shall the City of Monticello be authorized to issue
General Obligation Bonds in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, Section 475.58 for an amount up to $130,000
for the purpose of a maintenance building and maintenance
8. Approval of Minutes for March 5 and March 10, 1975.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried
to approve minutes.
9. Approval of February Bills.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to
approve bills as presented (see supplement 3-24-75 #2•)
10. Approval of Transfer.
Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie to approve transfer of
$21,519,80 from Liquor to General Fund, unanimously carried.
This was the remaining payment on the Kjellberg warehouse building
of $215300 plus interest.
11. Approval of resolution applying for Flood Insurance.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried
to approve resolution applying for flood insurance. (See supple-
ment 3-24-75 #3.)
Regular meeting - March 24, 1975 - continued.
12. Discussion on road (referred to as Al Meyers road).
Decision was made that status of road should be clarified
with both the city attorney and city engineer as to require-
ments of City to maintain and improve road and whether assess-
ments would be proper.
13. Upgrading of Pine Street from 4th Street to Burlington
Northern Railroad tracks.
Decision of council to have Meyer-Rohlin, INc. to continue on
particular project.
14. Resolution certifying land as non -conservational.
Motion by Walters, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to
approve resolution certifying lot 7 block C as non -conserva-
tional land. (See supplement 3-24-75 #4•)
15. Special Meeting April 9, 1975 at 3:00 P.M.
City council to meet to declare results of the April 8, 1975
special election.
16. Regular Meeting to start at 3:00 P.M. April 14th.
City council to meet in afternoon session to review Burnsville
ordinances and conduct regular business in evening session.
Motion to adjourn at 11:15 P M. by Martie, and seconded by
Erickson, unanimously carried.
Gary W ' ber
Acting City Administrator
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