City Council Minutes 03-25-19741si7 Regular meeting of the City Council - March 25, 1974 - 7:30 P. M. - City Hall The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Bloni gen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Absent: None. The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped. The minutes for the meetings of March 11, 1974 and March 13, 1974 were approved as presented. Time was allowed for citizen inquiries or comments. In this regard, Mr. Jim Lun gwitz noted that there had been a discussion regarding snowmobiles at the meeting of March 11, 1974; at this meeting it had been agreed that there had not been any snow- mobile problem this winter. Mr. Lungwitz felt there had been some problems. The Mayor asked Lee Hatfield from the Public Safety Commission to study this problem and work on a possible solution for next season. The Mayor noted that he had received a memorandum from Mr. Martin Menzel who requested that the insurance requirements for his taxi service be lowered. The ordinance now reads, "as to public liability, the sum of $300.,000.00 as to bodily injuries or death of more than one person." Mr. Menzel re- quested that this $300,000.00 requirement be lowered to $1001000.00. The Mayor noted that Mr. Menzel does provide a service for the community and stated the City Attorney has determined the city of Monticello could not be held liable if the requirements were lowered to $100,000.00. In this regard a motion was made by Rowan, seconded by Blonigen, to have the City Attorney draw up an amendment to the Taxi Driver Ordinance (#4.07.020) by which the public liability limitation for "bodily injuries or death of more than one person" be lowered to $100,000.00. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, John son, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The Mayor stated that Tuesday morning, March 26, 1974, he and Mr. Pringle would be meeting with Superintendent Mr. Sheldon Johnson, the school attorney, and a member of the school board to try to finalize a written agreement on the Fourth Street issue. The Mayor emphasized that nothing would be signed at this meeting; an attempt will be made to finalize an agreement which will in turn be brought back to the City Council and to the School Board for review and signing. The Mayor presented a sketch given him by Senior Citizen Center representatives whereby a new front is proposed for the Center. The Mayor suggested that this proposed improvement be handled on a community -wide basis and asked for Council approval to R Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 - cont' d. turn this matter over to the Planning Commission (c/o J. W. Miller). The Mayor proposed that an effort be made to have local business men and tradesmen donate materials and time to complete this project. There was Council consensus, no vote, to move forward with this project. The Mayor announced that the annual Board of Review regarding taxation will be held on Monday, May 20, 1974 at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. No objections made by anyone present to this announcement. The Mayor stated that Mr. Pringle had requested the Council be asked if they would approve the use of Northern States Power Co. attorney, Mr. Ray Haik, in the event the annexation issue is appealed to the Supreme Court. Mr. Haik would work with Mr. Pringle if an appeal is made. There was general con- sensus, no vote, to approve the use of Mr. Haik if the appeal is made. The Mayor asked the Administrator the status of Federal Revenue Sharing payments that are due, but not yet received. The Administrator noted that the City is due to receive about $15,000 - $20,000 in back payments, but no firm date as to when these funds will be received is known. The Mayor requested the appropriate Commissions to meet with city employees and hear any ideas they may have that would improve city operations. The Administrator was asked by the Mayor if anything was being done regarding an information pamphlet regarding services pro- vided by the City. The Adm. noted he had discussed this matter with Lynn Smith and Mr. Smith stated it would take several months to complete this project properly. The Mayor noted he is not expecting anything elaborate and would like to see a pamphlet published soon, nothing elaborate - just information. The Adm. noted this would be done. The Mayor asked the Planning Commission to work on an updating of city maps -- perhaps meet with the engineer as necessary and come up with some idea on what is needed and what costs for the project might be. Chuck Stumpf, Planning Commission Chair- man, agreed to have the Comm. make this study. The Commission will report back to the Council in approximately 30 days. A report was made by Planning Commission Chairman, Mr. Chuck Stumpf. Mr. Stumpf stated they had made a study of building inspector needs for the City; it was the determination of the Commission that the City should have a local inspector. The Planning Comm. recommended that Mr. Bud Schleif be appointed on the basis that he is highly qualified and would be access- ible. It was noted that Mr. Axel Rasmussen had stated in a 159 Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 - cont' d. letter to the Adm. that he would not be returning until approx- imately May 1. A report was made by Mr. J. W. Miller who stated he had worked with Bud Fair (Fair's Market) who plans to build a new store on the present Fair's Market site. Mr. Miller noted that the new building would be approximately 321 by 120' and would run north and south along the easterly line. There would be room for two depth parking along the west side - room for 20 cars or more. Mr. Miller stated the Planning Comm. recommends to the City Council that Cedar Street to Palm Street on both sides of Highway 152 (Co. Rd. 70) and the east side of Cedar Street from Highway 152 (Co. Rd. 70) to the northerly property line of the Cedar Street Meat Market be rezoned from the pre- sent R-3 classification to a B-2 (General Business) classi- fication. In this regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson, to change the Zoning Ordinance to B-2 for the aforementioned property and to approve the issuance of a building permit to Mr. Bud Fair after a HEARING has been held amending the Zoning Ordinance. The HEARING date for this Zoning Ordinance amendment set for Monday, April 22, 1974 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erick- son, John son, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (Publication dates for HEARING set at March 28, April 4, 1974) • The final recommendation from the Planning Commission was that if annexation should occur, the City should consider a full- time engineer. The Mayor noted this recommendation is one to keep in mind until annexation occurs and then decide if this is feasible. Mr. Stumpf stated that possibly a comparison could be made with other villages/cities of approximately the same size as Monticello. The Council returned to the discussion concerning a Building Inspector. The Mayor asked the Council if they felt a decision on this matter should be made now. Planning Comm. Chairman, Chuck Stumpf, again emphasized that the Planning Comm. was favorably inclined to appointing Bud Schleif to this position. It was the consensus of the City Council that Mr. Schleif is more aware of the different phases of -construction than most individuals would be; further, the Council agreed that two building inspectors could be designated by the City. The positions would be reviewed upon the return of Axel Rasmussen. In this regard, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie, to appoint Mr. Bud Schleif as City Building Inspector. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The Adm. was instructed to write an appropriate letter to Mr. Bud Schleif notifying him of his appointment as Building Inspector. 160 Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974. - cont' d. A presentation was made by Mr. Jim Lun gwitz and Mr. Doug Pitt, representing the Parks & Recreation Comm. Mr. Lun gwitz stated the new soft ball field west of the City will probably not be ready until June 1; the soft ball or slow pitch league will use the Fourth Street field until June 1. When the soft ball league is through using the Fourth St. field, the Park & Recreation Comm. recommends that the field be changed so that there would be 901 bases and the field would be de- signated as a Babe Ruth type field; the Fourth Street park could be used by the soft ball league in emergency situations. Cost of changes to the Fourth St. field according to Dick Brooks would be about $300.00. Mr. Doug Pitt stated that the Park & Recreation Comm. has met with local citizens regarding a possible hockey program for next season. A more compre- hensive report will be made on this matter at a later date. A discussion was held concerning the Dutch elm disease problem. The Adm. explained a verbal proposal submitted by the city attorney regarding an amendment needed to the Dutch elm disease ordinance. A proposal was presented from Mr. Gary L. Kroll in which Mr. Kroll proposed to cut and remove all diseased Dutch elm trees at a cost of $75.00 per tree. Mr. Lun gwitz was asked to meet with Mr. Kroll and work out details for tree removal by which all ordinance requirements would be satisfied. Park & Recreation Comm. members agreed to work with Mr. Kroll on this matter. The Council returned to the discussion of an amendment to the Dutch elm disease ordinance (#1311). In this regard, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie, that an amendment be drawn up to the Dutch Elm Ordinance, #1311 as follows: 1 . Definition of Forester - Person educated to recognize Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt disease. 2. The assessment of property owners will be on the basis that property owners will pay 50% of the cost per tree, the remainder to be paid by the City out of general taxation revenue. Voting in favor: Erickson, John son, Martie, Rowan. apposed: Blonigen. Motion carried. A motion was made by Rowan, seconded by Martie, to approve the $300.00 expenditure for improvement of the Fourth Street park field. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion.carried. A presentation was made by Dr. C. W. Erlandson.and Mr. Donald Doran, representing the Liquor Commission. Dr. Erlandson Ul Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 - cont' d. stated the Liquor Comm. recommends that set-up liquor licenses be issued by the Council - possibly two or three licenses; recommendation made after receipt of requests by two Monticello businesses. No decision made on this matter at this time. Dr. Erlandson reported on the purchase of a building for a new off -sale liquor store. The Liquor Comm. has been dealing with Maus Foods and Mr. Dick H olker regarding the possible purchase of the building where Maus Foods is presently located. Dr. Erlandson stated that there had been an agreement arrived at by the parties involved which would involve a package purchase of the building at approximately $90,,000.00 -- this would include most of the equipment in the store, the present Post Office and a 33 foot parking lot on the east side. It is the opinion of the Liquor Comm. that this is a very good buy in a good location. ]fir. Erlandson stated the Liquor Comm. would like permission from the City Council to have the City Attorney draw up the final agreement. A new facility was estimated to cost $160,000.00 with a final cost figure in the neighborhood of $605000 - $80, 000 more than the Maus Foods building. The Liquor Comm. estimated the Post Office could be rented for $300.00 monthly. The Post Office may need more space which could be provided after the purchase. Ken Maus estimated the Post Office now has approximately 2,000 sq. ft. and that they may need another 1,000 sq. ft. The Mayor asked if any Council members had,any questions regarding this purchase; in answer to required repair costs, Dr. Erlandson estimated they could run $20,000 - $30,000 which would leave the total project cost in the $120.,000.- $130,,000 range. The roof of the building is in need of repair, but Dr. Erlandson stated this would not pre- sent a major problem. No opposition was expressed regarding this project. Upon conclusion of the discussion, a motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to authorize the City Attorney to have a purchase agreement ready by May 1, 1974 • Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Mr. George Phillips, representing the Business & Industrial Development Comm. Mr. Phillips outlined the latest cost estimates in regard to the "proposal for 1974 Monticello Downtown Parking Lots and Alleys." Total bond issue costs for the project could total $174,200.00., depending upon whether commercial property owners paid for the improvement immediately or made annual payments. Commercial property owners have the option of paying their assessment in a lump sum payment or incorporating their share into the bond issue and assuming an annual principal, interest payment. The pro- ject will be financed over a 15 year period and will have an annual interest rate of approximately 52 per cent. The Mayor noted that the next step is to approve plans and order ad- vertisement for bids. He noted that when bids have been presented, 162 Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 - cont' d. the Council will have the authority to reject any bids - if a bid is accepted, the work will be done after which there will be an assessment hearing - any individual who felt his assess- ment was computed erroneously could voice his opinion at the hearing. After a question and answer period, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie, to adopt a "RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: for the improvement of alleys and parking lots in six block downtown area." Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (Copy of Resolution attached as Enclosure 1) . Mr. Phillips reported on developments in progress by Wright County Products Company. He noted there is still a question regarding water mains in the area; this problem will be dis- cussed at a future council meeting. Mr. Phillips stated that Wright Co Products has purchased property and is enthusiastic about getting the plant in operation. The Mayor stated that he has been informed by Security Federal that as soon as title passes on the parking lot they will start building. They hope to start construction by May 1, 1974• A decision was made, no vote, to open bids on the parking lot and alleys improvement on April 18, 1974 at 2:00 P. M. in the City Hall. The advertisement for bids will be in the Monticello Times on March 28 and April 4, 1974. The bids will be re- viewed by the City Council on April 22, 1974• A presentation was made by Mr. Dale Lungwitz, representing the Roads & Streets Comm. The purpose of the report was to up - date the City Council on the activities of this Comm. over the past month, which included the following: 1. Meeting with Wright County Engineer. Discussion centered on possible use of Sixth St. as a county -state aid road. If Sixth St. is improved as a state aid road, it would have to be constructed to meet the 9 -ton load limit and would require a complete curb and gutter system. A complete study of costs would have to be made - $705000 - $80, 000 is available from the County - remaining costs would have to be assumed by the City. The Roads & Streets Comm. questions whether Sixth St. is proper to use as a county -state aid road. An alternate proposal is to have, as the county -state aid road, the road that runs in front of Gould Bros. (new location) . This proposal; with the road on the south side of the Interstate, would run "across field and hook up with County Road 39, on south side of the golf course." This proposal is only feasible if annexation does occur. The Comm. requested permission of the City Council to study this matter further with Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 - cont' d. the Planning Commission and possibly Mr. Brauer (City planner in the annexation question) . Mr. Blonigen, inquired as to whether there is any other street in the city that meets the criteria of a state -aid road other than Sixth St. Mr. Lungwitz replied that no other street meets the footage requirements, but noted the engineer had mentioned gaining footage `:)y looking for unused portions of other areas. Mr. Lungwitz stated that Sixth St. has merit for improvement even if it is not de- signated as the state aid road, but this could possibly be done in a more inexpensive manner if it does not have to meet the state aid requirements. Discussion returned to use of a Planner by the Comm. In this regard, a motion was made by Rowan, seconded by Blonigen, to authorize the Roads & Streets Comm. to work with the Planning Comm. and a Planner (fees of the Planner and determination of reasonableness to oe made by Dale Lungwitz) . Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 2. Mr. Lungwitz mentioned a traffic safety problem by Interstate 94 and Highway 25. The Roads & Streets Comm. had discussed this problem with Minn. State Highway representatives. High- way representatives feel there is an entrance problem from the Monticello Mall on to Highway 25; they concluded there should not be an access from Highway 25 to the Monticello Mall, Mr. Lungwitz mentioned that Highway Dept. representatives had met with the owners of the property and the matter had been resolved. The Minn. Highway Dept. representatives stated there would be consideration given to widening of Highway 25 to insure proper access lanes, etc. This would include the possibility of a 24 foot island, possible installation of stop lights and consideration that if Highway 25 is widened it could be built on either an urban or a rural basis. The Highway Dept. recommends the urban basis and Thore Meyer has expressed a favorable opinion for this method. The urban method would require the City to pay a portion of costs for curb and gutter. The rural plan, however, takes more space and Highway Dept. representatives are not sure this is possible. The cemetery blocks any high- way increases to the east and if there was any increase, it would have to be to the west. The Highway Dept. recommends that the turn lane problem and access lanes be looked at by the Sixth St. intersection. Their feeling was that the Seventh St. inter- section would-be too close to the Interstate bridge. Mr. Lungwitz noted that Country Builders, Inc. , had been notified of the discussion concerning access from Highway 25 and other possibilities near the Interchange as the Comm. wanted to in- sure that the builder is aware of all problems that could ultimately affect the Country Kitchen site. 3. Another item discussed with the State Highway Dept. was lighting at the Interchange. Mr. Lungwitz noted that the Highway Dept. is not opposed to lighting of the Interstate but stated they 164 Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 - cont'd. will not do so unless the City agrees to light the area from the Interstate back into the City. Mr. Lungwitz stated the Commission estimates the City would be re- sponsible for oighting approximately a five block area, down to the Fullerton Lumber Co. location - this would entail about twelve (12) standards - City cost for this would be about $15,000 to $18,000. 4. The last item of business in the meeting with the State Highway Dept. was stop -light requirements for Monticello. The Highway Dept. feels that the stop -lights at the inter- section of Highway 25 and Broadway are antiquated and should be replaced. The Highway Dept. estimates that new lights at this intersection would cost about $45,000.00. Stop light replacement has to be justified by traffic volume. The Roads & Streets Comm. will be reviewing traffic volume and will work with the Highway Dept. to review changes needed. The City Council agreed that the Roads & Streets Comm. should continue researching the problems mentioned. The Council will look for specific recommendations as information is obtained. A presentation was made by Mr. Howard Rekstad and Mr. Ted Yoch of the Bureau Investment Corporation. The discussion centerod on development of the Monticello Mall area. Mr. Rekstad stated there will be times when the Council and the Monticello Mall developers meet to resolve certain issues. The Mayor agreed there will be meetings and stated that certain issues will be referred to Commissions for study. No decisions made at this time. The Mayor asked the city engineer, Mr. Thore Meyer, if he had any item to report. A discussion regarding watermain replace- ment on Locust St. for Wright Co Products was postponed to the next meeting. The Mayor will be discussing various problems involved with Wright Co Products. A discussion was held regarding a salary adjustment for Albert Meyer. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to grant Mr. Meyer a salary increase of $75.00 per month, retroactive to Jan. 1, 1974. Voting in favor: Blonig6n, Erick- son, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie, to approve a payment to Northdale Construction Co. of $9,960.14. This is the final payment, minus a retention of $1,000.00) on Improvement Project 1973-1, Monticello Mall. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Regular meeting of Council - March 25, 1974 cont d. A motion to approve the issuance of cigarette licenses to Vance's Standard Oil Station and Stella's Cafe was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (Mayor and Clerk author- ized to sign licenses by motion) . A motion to adjourn was made by Erickson, seconded by Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 P. M. Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm. KLLF/lsg Encl. 1: Resolution Approving Plans & Specifications & Ordering Advertisement for Bids. Regular meeting of the City Council April 8, 1974 - 7:30 P. M. City Hall The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen, Erickson, Martie, Rowan. Absent: None. The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped. The Minutes for the meeting of March 25, 1974 were approved as presented. Time was allowed for citizen inquiries or comments. None, were made. A presentation was made by Park Board members Jim Lungwitz, Gordon Link and Doug Pitt. Jim Lungwitz noted that the regular meeting date of the Park Board will be at 9:00 A. M. on the day of each City Council meeting. Mr. Lungwitz stated the Park Board would like to have the Council approve a tree planting program (seedling trees). The trees would possibly be provided through the State Agricultural Stabilization Committee. No final decision made on this program, but it will be studied more thoroughly by the Park Board. Mr. Lungwitz noted that Dick Brooks had stated an additional employee will be needed for work in the parks this summer and had also requested authorization to purchase a used cub mower. Mr. Brooks noted that the cub cadet mower is not adequate for extensive use. After discussion, a motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Rowan, to authorize Dick Brooks to purchase a used cub mower at a price of up to $1,000.00. The limit of $1,000.00 would in- clude any needed repair costs. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. a Regular meeting of Council - April 8, 1974 - cont' d. A discussion was held concerning help for the summer months. The Mayor asked for a report on this matter in approximately one month. A discussion was held concerning the Dutch elm disease problem in the city. In this regard, a motion was made by Martie, sec- onded by Blonigen, to appoint Mr. Clarence Roadfelt as park in- spector and give him the duties of Forester. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The administrator was directed to write Mr. Roadfelt a letter of appreciation. Mr. Lun gwitz stated that the Dutch elm problem should be approached from two directions. First, the city would need advertised bids, a formal contract, proper bond. Another approach would be to publish a notice inviting people who have diseased Dutch elm trees to voluntarily sign a statement on file in the city office. This would permit the trees to be cut without formal notices. Mr. Pringle stated he would dictate a form that could be signed by individuals volunteering to have trees removed. The removal of diseased trees for those who sign the form could be commenced as soon as the city signs a tree removal contract. Steps will be taken to implement both proposals. Attorney Gary Pringle gave a presentation regarding amendments needed to the Dutch Elm Disease Ordinance 1311. In this re- gard, a motion was made by Rowan, seconded by Martie, to adopt an ordinance amending sections 1311.010 and 1311.080 of Ordinance #1311. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (Copy of ordinance amendment, as drawn by City Attorney, attached as Encl. 1). A motion was made by Rowan, seconded by Erickson, to have the Park Board call for a request for bids regarding removal of diseased Dutch elm trees; the call for bids will include a 5% performance bond. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: none. Motion carried. (Review of bids, insurance requirements, etc. will be made by Park Board - final decision will be made by City Council). Attorney Pringle noted that after the Forester sends a registered letter to a resident who has a diseased Dutch elm tree or trees, the tree could not be removed before a minimum 5 day period. There was city council consensus to set a 30 day maximum period for tree removal after the notice has been mailed. A motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie, stating the City Council adopt the 5 day minimum notice period and a 30 day maximum notice period in regard to the removal of diseased Dutch elm trees. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, John son, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried.