EDA Minutes 01-26-1994MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 26, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Vice -Chairperson Barb Schwientek, Assistant -Treasurer Bob Mosford, Al Larson, and Harvey Kendall. MEMBERS ABSENT: Patty Olsen and Clint Herbst. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 9. 1993 EDA MINUTES. Harvey Kendall made a motion to approve the November 9, 1993 EDA minutes. Seconded by Bob Mosford and with no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved as written. C3. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1994 EDA OFFICERS. Harvey Kendall made a motion to elect the existing EDA officers as 1994 EDA officers: President, Ron Hoglund; Vice - President, Barb Schwientek; Treasurer, Rick Wolfsteller; Assistant -Treasurer Bob Mosford; and Secretary, 011ie Koropchak. Barb Schwientek seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE YEAR-END EDA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, ACTIVITY REPORT. AND PROPOSED 1994 BUDGET. Assistant -Treasurer l:.)sford explained the prepared financial statements with EDA members, starting with the Income Statement. Annual revenues totaled $139,410.00 and expenditures totaled $200.00 for a net income of $139,210.00. The beginning year fund balance was $497,604.08 and the end year fund balance was $636,814.08. Under revenues, the $600 loan fee was from the Custom Canopy closing, only, as the Standard Iron approved loan has not closed. Under expenditures, no legal fees were expended as the applicants are now liable for those costs, the $200 service fee is for the two GMEF loans serviced by Marquette Bank, and no interest adjustment - notes was noted. Because the EDA's annual meeting is prior to the deadline for notification of tax Page 1 EDA MINUTES JANUARY 26, 1994 Information, the Interest Income - Investment and Interest Adjustment - Notes numbers are taken from the City Ledger Accounts and are subject to an explanation of an audit. Under the assets of the EDA Balance Sheet, the remaining principal amounts of the five GMEF loans plus the approved and remaining appropriations totaled $636,814.08. With no liabilities, the EDA's net worth is $636,814.08. With a January 1994 cash balance of $70,504.21; projected receipts from the six GMEF loans, interest income - investment and loan fees of $250,316.89; and the projected expenditures of $201,250.00, the expected December 1994 cash balance is $119,571.10. Harvey Kendall made a motion to accept the 1993 EDA financial statements, proposed 1994 budget, and activity report. Barb Schwientek seconded the motion and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW YEAR-END BALANCES OF THE GMEF, UDAG. AND ERG. The year-end UDAG report indicated a cash fund balance of $71,170.80. The projected remaining principal and interest payback due through January, 2000 is $165,497.45. In order for the EDA to utilize the UDAG dollars, City Council must authorize the expenditure of UDAG funds which were earmarked for economic development. Previously, the EDA has requested funds from the UDAG upon approval of a GMEF loan and the request has been approved. The year-end SCERG report indicated a cash fund balance of $33,346.77. The projected remaining principal and interest payback due through November, 1999 is $175,685.07, providing the applicant utilizes the entire approved $170,000. Of the remaining $175,685.07, the City is allowed to retain approximately $98,918.82. These dollars were designated in the grant application for GMEF use. Of the five approved GMEF loans, principal and interest paybacks are current. The approved GMEF Loan No. 007 for Standard Iron has not been disbursed; however, Its anticipated to close in March. Upon review of the 1994 Cash Flow Projections, the UDAG and SCERG cash fund balances, the original intent of the GMEF to be self -supportive and the potential for a change in the City Page 2 EDA MINUTES It JANUARY 26, 1996 Council mix and the established tract record of the EDA, the following motion was made. Barb Schwlentek made a motion requesting City Council approve the UDAG cash fund and projected principal and interest payback dollars for GMEF use. If Council approves the requested UDAG expenditure, then the EDA requests a 1996 appropriation of $100,000 from the Liquor Fund, a reduction from the original $200,000 request. Al Larson seconded the motion and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. This would assure the EDA members and the community to the longevity of the city's revolving loan fund program and its commitment to economic development. The EDA members discussed the City's monthly record of receipt of the Muller payback payments as requested. Prior to consideration of whether to establish a late penalty period and fee, the EDA requested additional information as to the actual date of payments and the terms and conditions of the closing documents. Possibly, it could be a cash flow problem. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. Update - The loan is expected to close as scheduled. C7. ADJOURNMENT. Al Larson made a motion to adjourn the EDA meeting. Harvey Kendall condcd the motion and with no further comments, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. C)01-- Kv\ C-9�� 011ie Koropchak, EDA Executive Director ( Page 3