HRA Minutes 01-06-1988CMINUTES
Wednesday, January 6, 1988 - 7:OOAM
City Hall
Members Present: Chairperson Ken Maus, Lovell Schrupp, Ben Smith,
and Everette Ellison.
Members Absent: Al Larson.
Chairperson Ken Maus called the HRA meeting to order at 7:03 AM.
Everette Ellison made a motion to approve the December 2, 1987
BRA minutes With Ben Smith second to the motion and with no
further discussion the motion passed 4-0.
Koropchak explained to the HRA members that Mr. Dan Carlson
of Foster, Franzen, and Carlson had given her information he
received from a Mr. Bill Haldy of Monticello. The information
was from Realife Cooperative of Mankota which appealed personally
to Mr. Haldy's housing needs and also indicated Realife
/ Cooperative's interest for such a project in the Minneapolis
northwest suburbs/area. However, as per the NRA goals the
committee will proceed to accomplish or explore it's first
priority of elderly housing needs/options.
Koropchak then presented the HRA members with a townhouse
design prepared by Johnson, Sheldon, and Sorensen Architects,
Inc. based on the input Mr. Sheldon received at the joint
meeting with the BRA on December 8th. The general response
from HRA members was good but a few comments were made about
the two baths, 3 bedrooms, and double garages. Koropchak
reminded the committee this was only a preliminary design and
we must keep in mind our target investors. This particular
design would need a one foot reduction per width of each six
inside units inorder to accommodate the required setbacks
allowed by the city if constructed on a portion of Block 33
with front doors facing Cedar Street. Other block options
discussed were Block G and Blocks 11 and 13 on the vest side
of Highway 25. The HRA needs to consider comparable
cost to purchsee vacant land versus the coat to purchase
land and building which would mean demolition coat therefore
raising the purchase price per townhouse unit.
Ken Maus estimated the cost to purchase the three homes on
Block 33 to be aoproximatnly ;160,000.00-5175.000.00. Ker.
C asked Koropchak to check the appraisal of Block 13 which the
City had appraised some years ago. The HRA role would be to
convey the concept to the present property owners, negotiate
a purchase (three to six months option on property, possible
trade, etc.), acquire and demolish property, and sell to a
developer/builder. Ben Smith is to contact the Crandall's
NRA Minutes — 1/6/88
\ and the Lindberg's for their input or expressed interest.
Koropchak is to call Elk River Realty for the selling price
of the Olson property, to check with local contractors for
interest of concept, and to check with local banks for general
guidelines for approved financing.
In addition to the reference and background information written
in the agenda supplement on the IxI property, Koropchak reported
to the HRA members that a Certificate of Sheriff (foreclosure
time exceeded) has been placed on the property for $425,000.00,
however, I assume this is for total buildings and Lot 7 only,
as this bank does not hold the mortgage on Lot 6. The committee
agreed with Mr. Wolfsteller and myself to have the City Attorney
review the matter.
With the HRA being informed that no written agreement regarding
the landscaping and berming could be found, the HRA dismissed
the agreement as a small matter. The HRA option to hold Lot 5
for five years for the Johnsons expires December, 1987, and
because the Johnsons have defaulted on the Tax Increment
Development Contract the HRA retains the Lot 5 property.
Although, the HRA has invested at this time an approximate
total of $103,745.70 for Lot 5 or $16,169.84 per acre inorder
to market the property and to remain competitive the HRA may
need to absorb the loss.
Koropchak advised the HRA members of a request by Mr. David
Hornig for a letter from the HRA on the award of the Lucius
Johnson property for a low to moderate income elderly and
family housing development. This part of an application
process for FmHA funding and is similiar to the request by
Metcalf and Larson. The committee advised Koropchak to contact
Metcalf and Larson of Mr. Hornig's request and as both projections
are of equal feasibility and at the same stage the HRA remains
unbias to either developer and to address both letters.
Koropchak informed the HRA of the Housing Voucher Questionnaire
received from HUD and asked the HRA of it's interest. The
committee didn't see the need to provide additional rental
housing subsidies to the very low income families, however,
felt is may be more appropriate for the county.
The HRA meeting adjourned by consensus of the committee at
8:30 AM.
\<,e, GRI
011ie Koropchak
HRA Executive Secretary
HRA Agenda - 1/6/88
A brief summary of the informational meeting held
December 8, 1987 between the HRA and Mr. Al Sheldon
is enclosed as supporting data. Last week Mr. Sheldon
stopped by my office with copies of a design plan which
was prepared as a result of that meeting. Also, Mr.
Dan Carlson of Foster, Franzen, and Carlson Agency, dropped
off some information he had received from a Mr. Bill
Haldy of Monticello. The information was on Reallfe
Cooperative of Mankota. Mr. Sheldon and myself are both
in the process of contacting Mr. Haldy. The HRA needs
to do some homework; I will work with Gary Anderson,
Zoning Administrator, and present additional site options
for the NRA meeting. I called 011ie Krahl, Monticello -
Big Lake Nursing Home, for her opinion of the NRA goal
of three types of elderly housing needs in Monticello.
She is in complete agreement with the HRA and would be
happy to work with us at any time. Also, the HRA needs
to address questions C, D, and E as summarized from the
meeting notes. Further information will be presented
at the RRA meeting.
Tax Increment Finance District 91 was created in 1982
for Ron and Dee Johnson or IXI and included the acquisition
of Lot 7, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park by the HRA
with conveyance in two transactions: a) The East 180
feet of Lot 7 in 1982 and b) the remainder of said lot .
1983-84. TIF District 91 was modified in April, 1984
to include only portion a) of the above. TIF District
94 was created in 1984 for the HRA to acquire the Westerly
one/half of Lot 7 and the North 175 feet of the East one
half of Lot 7. HRA loan from the City for Lot 7 was
$73,501.67 ($58,600.00 plus $14,910.67 to pay off the
current assessments against the property. According
to City Council minutes of 8/22/83 a loan to the HRA
for $154,800.00 was approved for the purchase of Lots
5 and 6. (See Supporting Data). Lot 6 sold to Ron and
Dee Johnson on October 1984 for $15,500.00.
As for the written agreement to begin landscaping and
berming around lots 5 6 6 between the HRA and the
Johnson's, I cannot locate at this time. I have found
HRA minutes and City Council minutes which address the
The appraisal done for the Johnson's was appraised at
$1,000,000.00 for Lots 6 and 7 (land and buildings);
however, Mr. Bob Smith informed me the mortgage they hold
NRA Agenda — 1/6/88
on the property is for the building and Lot 7 only.
Therefore, need to do more research about Lot 6.
Rick Yolfatelier provided these figures on Lot 5 which
was held in option. Initial investment was $77,400.00
plus total interest paid to date (12/31/87) of $26,345.70
for total of $103,745.70. Approximate lot size of 650 x
430 or 6.416 acres. This computes out for the RRA to
fully recover investment cost we would have to ask for
$16,169.84 per acre. This total cost of $103,745.70
does not include the additional interest the HRA could
have collected on the interest the HRA has paid out.
Asking price by the Oakwood Industrial Park through
December 1987 was $13.000.00 per acre.
It is in the opinion of Rick Nolfsteller and myself
that the matter should be reviewed by an attorney.