HRA Minutes 04-03-1986MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, April 3. 1986 - 7:OOPM Monticello City Hall Members Present: Bud Schrupp, Ken Maus, and Ben Smith. Members Absent: Roger Hedtke. 1. Call to Order. The HRA meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp at 7:3OPM. The March 6th meeting was cancelled because a quorum didn't prevail. 2. Approval of Minutes. Ben Smith motioned to approve the February 6. 1986 HRA minutes. Seconded by Ken Maus. Passed 3-0. 3. Consideration to Accept Gary Wieber's Letter of Resignation. Ken Maus motioned to accept Gary Wieber's letter of resignation, seconded by Ben Smith. Passed 3-0. 4. Consideration to Aopoint a New HRA Member and to Elect a Now L HRA Chairperson. It was the concenaus of the Authority members to table the election of a new HRA Chairperson until Roger Hedtke was present. Suggestions for a new HRA member to fill Gary Wieber's vacancy were: Leo Nelson, Kermit Benson, and Marlys Erickson (Mrs. Denton). Koropchak is to personally contact the above named persons for possible NRA membership. 5. Consideration to Extend the NRA Real Estate Loan With the Wright County State Bank and to Extend the HRA Option Agree- ment with Metcalf/Larson. Ben Smith made a motion to extend the HRA Real Estate Loan 084022 with Wright County State Bank for six months, expiration date being August 9. 1986. Seconded by Ken Maus, passed 3-0. Ken Maus motioned to extend the Option Agreement between the Monticello HRA and Metcalf/Larson for six months, expiration date being September 19, 1986. Ben Smith seconded the motion, and passed 3-0. Interest on Bank Loan 084022 is approximately $1.120.00 for 90 days and Metcalf/Larson's monthly payment on the option agreement is $400.00. 6. Discussion Items: Jones Manufacturing Property - A brief discussion was held on the Jones Mfg. Property and was left with a number of unanswered questions: Tf surrounding property o ncrs donate land for as HRA Minutes - 4/3/86 C alley, would the City pave the alley? Can the City condemn the Topel's tin building? The committee would like to see relocation of the O'Connor trucking. Koropchak is to ask Gary Anderson, what kind of tenant can legally go into the Jones building (what for and it's use with limited parking space)? What is the appraised or market value of the property? Downtown Redevelopment Project - The committee's consensus was not to use Tax Increment Finance for the Downtown Redevelopment Project but felt the 80/20 special assessments were appropriate. The Committee felt updated information on the project would be well received by the Downtown Retailers Assocation. 7. Reports: Key Tool and Plastica, Inc. and Pvro Industries, Inc. Accepted by the Authority members. 8. Other Business. None 9. Adjournment. Ben Smith motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ken Maus. Passed 3-0. Meeting was adjourned. C' Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary for the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority.