HRA Minutes 04-03-1987CMINUTES
Friday, April 3, 1987 - 9:OOAM
Monticello Council Chamber
Members Present: Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp, Ken Maus,
Ben Smith, and Al Larson.
Members Absent: Marlys Erickson.
1. Call To Order.
Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp call the HRA meeting to order
at 9:04AM.
2. Approval of the February 4, 1987 HRA Minutes.
Ken Maus motioned to approve the February 4, 1997 HRA
Minutes, Ben Smith seconded the motion. Minutes stand
3. Public Hearing on the Dispositon of Public Land for
Construction Five Tax Increment District A5.
Acting Chair Bud Schrupp opened the hearing for comment
from the public; however, with no publication of notice
in the newspaper the hearing will remain open until Monday,
C April 20, 1987, 9:00 AM to allow for proper publication
4. Consideration of the HRA to Execute a Quit Claim Deed
fur Construction Five Tax Increment District 95.
Koropchak reiterated the reason for a Quit Claim Deed,
although Construction Five has possession of the land.
The HRA acquires and reconveys the land to Construction
Five for security reasons and for the County Assessor
to legally assign a market value to the property. Ken
Maus explained the uniquiness of the property which
would constitute a hardship to a developer for the cost
of public improvements. This the reason for creation
of Tax Increment District 05. Al Larson questioned the
need for more apartments in the City of Monticello.
Koropchak explained the 40% ratio for apartments under
the City Zoning Ordinance. Ken Maus motioned to adopt
the execution of a Quit Claim Deed for Construction
Five Tax Increment District ®5, with the provision, that
no public contentment will be heard at the April 20
public hearing. Seconded by Al Larson, and passed 4-0.
5. Consideration of Concept Approval and the Ilse of Tax
Increment FlnancinR for NAMCO Minnesota, Inc.
After a short discussion of the proposed Tax Increment
C District :, :..r NAYCO Minnesota, Inc., Ken Maus
further stated the purpose of TIF for economic development
and his view of a very high quality product produced by
the this company. Ben Smith motioned to approve the
concept and the use of Tax Increment Financing for NAYCO
HRA Minutes - 4/3/87
CMinnesota, Inc. Ken Maus seconded the motion and passed 4-0.
6. Other Business.
Acting Chairperson Bud Schrupp having welcomed Al Larson
to the HRA, he excused himself from the meeting and Ken
Maus proceeded to preside. Other properties discussed
were IRI Complex, Data Card, Key Tool 6 Plastica, and the
Post Office. What and when in the future potential for
door-to-door mail delivery in Monticello? Is a public
hearing necessary for the sale of the Old Fire Hall?
These were questions raised and to be answered.
7. Adjournment.
Ben Smith motioned to adjourn the NRA meeting, Al Larson
seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 9:45AM.
Olive M. Koropchak, Executive Secretary
Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority