EDA Agenda 01-26-1994ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 26, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Barb Schwientek, Bob Mosford, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen, Harvey Kendall, and Al Larson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 9, 1993 EDA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1994 EDA OFFICERS. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE YEAR-END EDA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, ACTIVITY REPORT, AND PROPOSED 1994 BUDGET. 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW YEAR-END FUND BALANCES OF THE GMEF, UDAG, AND ERG. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. Update. T. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, November 9, 1993 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Barb Schwientek, Harvey Kendall, Al Larson, Bob Mosford (tardy), and Patty Olsen (tardy). MEMBER ABSENT: Clint Herbst. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JUNE 7. 1993 EDA MINUTES. Al Larson made a motion to approve the June 7, 1993 EDA minutes. With the tardiness of EDA members in attendance at the June meeting, the motion received no second. With no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE PRELIMINARY AND FORMAL GMEF APPLICATION FOR LAWRENCE T. DEMEULES DBA STANDARD IRON AND WIRE WORKS. INC. The EDA reviewed the preliminary GMEF application from Lawrence T. Demeules, dba Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. and noted the requested 10 -year equipment loan term did not comply with the GMEF guidelines of 5 to 7 years. Koropchak reviewed the Demeuleo loan application with EDA members for compliance of the GMEF public purpose criteria and policies, and made various recommendations. Terms for the 975,000 loan were recommended at a 5% interest rate amortized over 7 years to comply the the GMEF equipment term condition, therebye, being somewhat comparable to the proposed annual GMEF debt service. Prior to the EDA meeting, Mr. Moaford requested to see the company's cash flow projections. Koropchak provided Mr. Moaford with the financial information as prepared for and submitted with the State Grant application. As par the enclosed Executive Summary, he noted the projected annual debt service was $316,236 and questioned the company's ability to (� Page 2 EDA MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1993 cover the debt service with the net income reduction from $345,168 in 1991 to the projected 1993 year -ending net income of $322,982. Upon review of the State Grant financial information which did not include the cash flow projections, Mr. Mosford was unable to determine corporate or individual ownership of the real estate. This is not an uncommon practice of corporations; therebye, maximizing tax benefits. The annual rent payment Indicated a reduction of approximately $130,000. Koropchak responded that the company plans to put the existing New Hope office building on the market which may account for part of the rent reduction. Additionally, Mr. Mosford noted the bank was requiring a payback of 1.25 times the annual debt service and questioned If that was reasonable. Although Mr. Mosford saw the GMEF loan of $75,000 as peanuts in relationship to the total funding of $3,125,000, he suggested the EDA request a copy of the cash flow projections for an explanation of the rent payment reduction prior to final loan approval. The EDA members briefly discussed whether the requested $75,000 was "gap" financing. If "gap" financing meant the determination between a do or die project than no GMEF loan request would comply. If a company had weak financials, the EDA would most likely deny the loan. The BOA viewed "gap" financing as an "incentive" for use among competitive communities. Additionally, the members saw a great potential for growth in this family-owned business. With no further discussion on the loan applications, the Chairperson Hoglund called for consideration of Agenda Item 4. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE GMEF LOAN NO. 007 FOR LAWRENCE T. DEMEULES DBA STANDARD IRON AND WIRE WORKS, INC. Barb Schwientek made a motion approving GMEF Loan No. 007 for Lawrence T. Demeulea, dba Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. subject to receipt and review of the cash flow projections by Mr. Moeford, and EDA affirmation of Mr. Mooford's findings and recommendation. Findings meaning an explanation of the rent reduction payment as it relates to the company's ability to cover the proposed debt service. The "subject to" approval Is for a $75,000 equipment loan at 5% interest rate amortized over coven years. GMEF loan fee of $1,125 and the GMEF legal fees are the responsibility of the borrower. The GMEF. State Economic Recovery Grant (ERG►, and Central Minnesota Page 2 EDA MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1993 Initiative Fund (CMIF) loans will share a first Purchase Money on the Horizontal Machine Center. Collateral, guarantees, and other condition requirements to be determined and prepared by the GMEF attorney. GMEF approval subject to State ERG and CMIF approval. The loan becomes null and void if funds are not disbursed by March 9, 1996. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. With the exception of the findings, the EDA determined Loan No. 007 to comply with the GMEF public purpose criteria and policies. Upon EDA affirmation and final approval, the City Council will review approved GMEF Loan No. 007 for compliance of the guidelines at the November 22 Council meeting. CONSIDERATION TO ENDORSE OR NOT ENDORSE THE FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FOR ADVANCED FOOD SCIENCES. INC. EDA members reviewed the enclosed agenda information. Although no formal proposal was received from BDS, Inc. for review, it was the consensus of the EDA that a research and development project would qualify as GMEF "gap" financing. The EDA supported the issuance of revenue bonds if backed by the corporation(s). OTHER BUSINESS. Looking into 1996. Koropchak reported two potential GMEF loan request from Genereux Fine Wood Products for a 19,000 sq ft manufacturing expansion and Steinwall, Inc. for an approximate 50,000 sq ft office/manufacturing facility. ADJOURNMENT. With no further business. Al Larson made a motion to adjourn the EDA meeting. Seconded by Harvey Kendall, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. 011ie Koropchak, EDA Executive Director !r Page 3 1 MOWICELI.O 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 3335739 Fax: (612) 295.4404 Dear EDA Member: November 17, 1993 At tine November 9 meeting, the EUA made a motion to approve GMEF Loan No. 007 for Lawrence T. Demeules dba Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. The motion was subject to receipt of the cash flow statements for verification of the company's ability to cover the proposed debt service. After conversations with Mr. Jim Moe, Standard Iron, and Lenny Kirscht, BDS, Inc., Commissioner Bob Mosford explained the questioned 9120,000 to 9140.000 annual rental difference. Three basic reasons: First, the flew (lope rent is being phased out of the operation by approximately 980,000 nnnua11y: secondly, a portion of the New Hope rental expense is applied to the new Monticello plant: and thirdly, the Demeules Family has re -negotiated a new equipment rental lease with Standard Iron for a reduction of approximately $80,000 annually. Although Mr. Munford did not receive a copy of the cash flow statements, he was comfortable with the explanation. If you would like a further explanation, please call Mr. Moeford directly At 295-4800. If you are not satisfied with the exhlnnation, please call me at 295-2711 prior to noon, Monday, November 22. The City Councll will review the EDA approved lona for Gt41iF guldaline coinplinm:e nt: their 7:00 p.m. meeting. Olherwlae, It'll be assumed you nre snt.inf.igd with the expinnation. 'thank you for your time. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICEL LO (3 \<1 -h �-Q 011ie Koropchnk QUA Executive Director CC: Dob Moeford EDA File i/ EDA AGENDA JANUARY 26, 1994 3. Consideration to Elect 1994 EDA Officers. A. Reference and Background. In order to comply with EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3-2: The Authority shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and secretary annually. The current list of officers are as follows: President Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary Ron Hoglund Barb Schwientek Rick Wolfateller Bob Mosford 011ie Koropchak Nominations will be made at the meeting; therefore, any EDA member unable to attend the meeting and doesn't wish to be re- elected or nominated, please contact me. At the January 10 City Council meeting, annual appointments were approved by the Council. EDA Member Barb Schwientek's term expired as of December 31, 1993 and she agreed to serve another term of which Council approved. EDA member's expiration terms stand as follows: Bob Mosford 12/94 Clint Herbst, Council 12/94 Ron Hoglund 12/99 Harvey Kendall 12/96 Patty Olsen, Council 12/96 Al Larson 12/97 Barb Schwientek 12/98 The EDA should elect 1994 officers. Page 1 EDA AGENDA JANUARY 26, 1994 4. Consideration to Review and Accent the Year -End EDA Financial Statements and Activity Report. A. Reference and Backqround. In order to comply with EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172. Section 2-3-6: The Authority shall prepare an annual budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue. And B: The Authority shall prepare an annual report describing Its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the City Council by March 1 of each year. Enclosed are the year-end statements, proposed budget, and activity report. The EDA will need to review for necessary revision and accept the statements/report. Page 1 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) v Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 1993 REVENUES Appropriations - 1993 Liquor Fund $ 75,000.00 1993 UDAG $ 42,500.00 Interest Income - Notes S 18,245.59 Interest Income - Investment $ 3,064.41 Loan Fees S 600.00 TOTAL REVENUES $139,410.00 EXPENDITURES Legal Fees $ 0 Service Fees $ 200.00 Int. Adjustment - Notes S 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES S 200.00 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures $139,210.00 FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year $497,604.08 FUND BALANCE - End of Year $636,814.06 C 1_ MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance Sheet December 31, 1993 ASSETS Cash in Bank Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. Notes Receivable - Muller Theater Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp. Notes Receivable - Custom Canopy, Inc Appropriations Receivables - 1993 UDAG Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc 1993 Liquor Fund TOTAL ASSETS FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 70,504.21 S 80,986.26 $ 46,450.47 $ 48,308.43 $ 73,824.50 $ 41,740.21 S 42,500.00 $ 75,000.00 5157.500.00 5636,814.08 $636,814.08 $636,814.08 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 1994 Cash Flow Projection BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, January 1994 $ 70,504.21 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected $200,000.00 Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper Inc. ($736.07 Mo.) 8-97 $ 8,832.84 Muller Theatre ($418.22 Mo.) 12-95 $ 5,018.64 SMM, Inc. ($316.32 Mo.) 12-97 $ 3,795.84 Aroplax Corp. ($1,241.73 Mo.) 12-99 $ 14,900.76 Custom Canopy, Inc. ($269.03 Mo.) 6-98 $ 3,228.36 Standard Iron (est. $1,060.05 Mo.) 4-01 $ 9,540.45 Interest Income - Investment $ 3,000.00 Loan Fees $ 2,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS S250,316.89 TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS $320,821.10 EXPENDITURES ;MEF Loans $ 200,000.00 egal Fees $ 11000.00 Service Fees S 250.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $201,250.00 EXPECTED CASH BALANCE, December 1994 9119,571.10 1993 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE SUBJECTS Annual Meeting EDA officers elected for 1993: held 1-27-93. President - Ron Hoglund vice President - Barb Schwientek Treasurer - Rick Wolfsteller Assistant Treasurer - Bob Mosford Secretary - 011ie Koropchak Accepted EDA 1992 Year -End Financial Statements and Activity Report. All existing GMEF loan paybacks are current. 3-30-93. Reviewed the preliminary and formal GMEF applications from Stephen P. and Joan M. Birkeland, Jr. (Custom Canopy, Inc.). Approved the Birkeland-GMEF Loan No. 006 for $42,500 at 4.5% fixed interest rate and amortized over 20 years ballooned in five years. Reviewed the accumulated payback balances of the UDAG and State Economic Recovery Loans. 6-7-93. Reviewed the financial package for the H - Window expansion as prepared by BDS. Inc. Denied endorsement for the Issuance of $1,175,000 G.O. Taxable TIF Bonds at 7.6% over 20 years for the H -Window expansion: however, recommended the maximun use of TIF, an aggressive approach for the State's $500,000 request with an explanation of the EDA's rational to Mr. Lemme. II -9-93. Reviewed the preliminary and formal GMEF applications from Lawrence T. Demeules (Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc.). Approved Demouleo-GMEF Loan No. 007 for $75,000 at a 5% fixed interest rate and amortized over seven years. Reviewed and gave preliminary concept endorsement for use of GMEFs or Issuance of revenue bonds if backed by the corporate guarantees for the Advanced Food Sciences, Inc. project. EDA AGENDA JANUARY 26, 1994 G_ 5. Consideration to Review Year-end Fund Balances of the GMEF. UDAG, and ERG. A. Reference and Backaround: All GMEF loan payback payments are current as accounted for in the 1993 year-end statements. However, as recorded in January of 1993, the Muller-GMEF loan payback to Marquette Bank continues to vary from month-to-month. As per the January minutes, the EDA suggested to check this out with the bank and If the trend continues the EDA may need to consider the establishment of a late penalty period and fee. The City of Monticello records indicate a receipt of the 1993 Muller payback payments as follows: January 1993 0 February 1 March 1 April 2 May 1 June 0 July 1 August 1 September 2 October 1 November 0 December 2 Additionally, copies of the UDAG and ERG fund balances are enclosed. The payback payments are current and the fund balances are available for use by the EDA. l Page 1 GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) LOAN STATUS January 26, 1994 Economic Development Authority (EDA) was created in 1989. APPROVEDLOANS Tapper/Genereux (1990) $88,000.00 Muller/Monti Theatre (1990) $50,000.00 Barger/Suburban (1992) $50,000.00 Schoen/Aroplax (1992) $85,000.00 Birkeland/Custom Canopy (1993) $42,500.00 Demeuies/Standard Iron (1993) $75,000.00 TOTAL APPROVED LOANS $390,500.00 Docomber 31, 1993 LOAN DISBURSEMENTS Liquor Fund: 1991 to GMEF $73,000.00 1992 to GMEF $115,000.00 Total Liquor Fund $188,000.00 UDAG Fund: 1991 to GMEF $65,000.00 1992 to GMEF $20,000.00 1993 to GMEF $42,500.00 Total UDAG Fund $127,500.00 In Process: $75,000.00 TOTAL LOAN DISBURSEMENTS $390,500.00 Docorntam 31,1993 URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT (UDAG) FINANCIAL REPORT January 26, 1994 Payback began in January, 1988 for 12 years ending in January, 2000. Annual principal and interest payback total is $27,971.40. GRANT TOTALS ORIGINAL PAID REMAINING Principal $256,957.71 $119,321.21 $137,636.50 Interest $78,699.09 $50,838.14 $27,860.95 TOTAL $335,656.80 $170,159.35 $165,497.45 REVENUES Principal Payback $119,321.21 Interest Payback $50,838.14 Interest Income - Investment: 1990 $3,562.62 1991 $8,593.59 1992 $8,436.32 1993 $7,918.92 TOTAL REVENUES $198,670.80 EXPENDITURES 1991 Transfer to GMEF $65,000.00 1992 Transfer to GMEF $20,000.00 1993 Transfer to GMEF $42,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $127,500.00 FUND BALANCE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $71,170.80 Docombof 31. 1993 c SMALL CITIES ECONOMIC RECOVERY GRANT (SCERG) 4 Grant must be expended by December 31. 1994, up to $170.000. EXPENDED: $116,556.75 $16,996.18 $12,356.59 $145,909.52 REVENUES Principal Payback $22,342.18 Interest Payback $9,942.67 Interest Income - Investment: 1993 $1,061.92 TOTAL REVENUES $33,346.77 EXPENDITURES Transfer to GMEF $0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0.00 FUND BALANCE FOR SMALL CITIES GRANT $33,346.77 Docombei 31, 1983 FINANCIAL REPORT January 26, 1994 Payback began in December, 1992 for 7 years ending in November, 1999. Annual principal and interest payback total is $29,801.40. First $100.000 principal payback ends April. 1997. GRANT TOTALS ORIGINAL PAID REMAINING Principal $170,000.00 $22,342.18 $147,657.82 Interest $37,969.92 $9,942.67 $28,027.25 TOTAL $207,969.92 $32,284.85 $175,685.07 APRIL 30. 1997 GMEF STATE Principal $170,000.00 $99,400.23 $70,599.77 Interest $37,969.92 $31,803.44 $:3,166.48 TOTAL $207,969.92 $131,203.67 $76,766.25 4 Grant must be expended by December 31. 1994, up to $170.000. EXPENDED: $116,556.75 $16,996.18 $12,356.59 $145,909.52 REVENUES Principal Payback $22,342.18 Interest Payback $9,942.67 Interest Income - Investment: 1993 $1,061.92 TOTAL REVENUES $33,346.77 EXPENDITURES Transfer to GMEF $0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0.00 FUND BALANCE FOR SMALL CITIES GRANT $33,346.77 Docombei 31, 1983 J ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AU7'HORI'1'V FUND (EDA) FINANCIAL REPORT' 1/26/94 Revised GMEF Loan 001 - Tappces: $88,001) at 9% amortized 20 years: balloon 7 years. GMEF Loan 002 - Muller.Theatre: $51 .0ot1 at 8% amortized 20 years; balloon 5 years. GMEF Loan 004 - Barger's: $50,000 at 4.5% amortized 20 years. balloon 5 years. GMEF Loan 005 - Schoen's: $85,000 at 6% amortized 7 years. GMEF Lman 006 - Birkeland: $42,500 at 4.5% amortized 20 years; balloon 5 years. GMI-1- Loan 007 - I)emeules: $75,11011 at 5% amortized 7 years. ORIGINAL LOAN PRINCIPAL PAID INTEREST PAID BALANCE REMAINING Tapper/Genereux(1990) $88,000.00 $6,975.46 $23,203.29 $81,024.54 Muller/Monti Theatre (1990) $50,000.00 $3,507.00 $11,967.14 $46,493.00 Barger/Suburban(1992) $50.000.00 $1,651.00 $2,461.16 $48.349.00 Schoen/Aroplax(1992) $85,000.00 $11,154.77 $4,987.72 $73.845.23 Birkeland/Custom Can (1993) $42,500.00 $769.39 $1,113.82 $41,730.61 Demeules/Stand Iron (1993) $75,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 TOTALS $390.500.00 $24,037.62 $43.733.13 $366,442.38 Docambor 31.1993 EDA. WK t : 03!01 /95 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FUND (EDA) FINANCIAL REPORT January 26, 1994 GMEP Loan 001 - Tapper's: $88,000 at 8% amortized 20 years: balloon 7 years. GMEP Loan 002 - Killer Theatre: $50,000 at 8% amortized 20 years: balloon 5 years. GMEP Loan 004 - Barger's: $50,000 at 4.5% amortized 20 years: balloon 5 years. (imI"l- Loan 005 - Schoen's: $85,000 at 6% amortized 7 years. GMEP Loan 006 - Birkeland: $42,500 at 4.5% amortized 20 years: balloon 5 years. GM EF Loan 007 - I)Cmeulcs: $75,000 at 5% amortized 7 years. ORIGINAL LOAN PRINCIPAL PAID INTEREST PAID BALANCE REMAINING (amortization SChodule) Tapper/Genereux (1990) $88,000.00 $7,017.64 $23,161.11 $80,982.36 Muller/Monti Theatre (1990) $50,000.00 $3,548.75 $11,925.39 $46,451.25 Barger/Suburban(1992) $50,000.00 $1,712.85 $2,399.31 $48,287.15 SchoeNAroplax(1992) $85,000.00 $11,171.16 $4,971.33 $73,828.84 Birkeland/Custom Can (1993) $42,500.00 $759.79 $1,123.42 $41,740.21 Demeules/Stand Iron (1993) $75,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,000.00 TOTALS $390,500.00 $43,580.56 $366,289.81 $24,210.19 GMEF LOANS GMEF LOAN NO. 001 - TAPPERS $86,000 8% AMORTIZED 20 YEARS BALLOONED IN 7 YEARS. ($736.07) 8-13-90 $ 2,944.28 91 8,832.84 92 8,832.84 93 8,832.84 94 8,832.84 95 8,832.84 96 8,832.84 97 5,888.56 BALLOON PAYMENT 70,989.14 PAYBACK $132,819.02 GMEF LOAN NO. 002 - MULLER THEATRE $50,000 8% AMORTIZED 20 YEARS BALLOONED IN 5 YEARS. ($418.22) 12-1-90 $ 418.22 91 5,018.64 92 5,018.64 93 5,018.64 94 5,018.64 95 4,600.42 BALLOON PAYMENT 43,762.79 PAYBACK $ 68,855.99 GMEF LOAN NO. 003 - NULL AND VOID GMEF LOAN NO. 004 - BANGERS $50,000 4.5% AMORTIZED 20 YEARS BALLOONED IN 5 YEARS. ($316.32) 12-1-92 $ 316.32 93 3,795.84 94 3,795.84 95 3,795.84 96 3,795.84 97 3,479.52 BALLOON PAYMENT 41,350.00 PAYBACK $ 60,329.20 GMEF LOAN NO. 005 - SCHOENS $85,000 6% AMORTIZED 7 YEARS ($1,241.73) 12-1-92 $ 1,241.73 93 14,900.76 94 14,900.76 95 14,900.76 96 14,900.76 97 14,900.76 98 14,900.76 99 13,338.57 PAYBACK $103,984.86 GMEF LOAN NO. 006 - BIRKELAND, JR $42,500 4.5% AMORTIZED 20 YEARS BALLOONED IN 5 YEARS. ($269.03) 6-1-93 $ 1,883.21 94 3,228.36 95 3,228.36 96 3,228.36 97 3,228.36 98 1,345.15 BALLON PAYMENT 35.157.40 PAYBACK $ 51,299.20 UPDATED 1-21-94 PREPARED BY OLLIE KOROPCHAK GMEFLOAN.ACC 10 GMEF LOAN NO. 007 - DEMEULES $75,0QQ0 5% AMORTIZED R YEARS. ( ( BeT. "'Ge"o ) �B'95r�8 6 `A`iS. `+ 4 � .4-1-94 $ 9,544.50 95 12,726.00 96 12,726.00 97 12,726.00 98 12,726.00 99 12,726.00 00 12,726.00 01 3.181.50 �t'A PAYBACK 0 89,082.00 UPDATED 1-21-94 PREPARED BY OLLIE KOROPCHAK GMEFLOAN.ACC CASH BALANCES FOR GMEF USE JANUARY 26, 1994 GMEF Cash Balance $ 70,504.21 UDAG $ 71,170.80 SCERG S 33,346.77 TOTAL CASH BALANCE $175,021.78 RECOMMENDATION: 1994 LIQUOR FUND APPROPRIATION REQUEST $100,000.00