EDA Agenda 01-27-1993AGENDA NONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, January 27, 1993 - 7:00 p.m. City Ball MEMBERS: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Barb Schwientek, Bob Mosford, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen, Harvey Bendall, and Al Larson. STAFF: Rick Wolfstel.ler, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 28, 1992 EDA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1993 EDA OFFICERS. C. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE YEAR-END EDA FINANCIA1, STATEMENTS AND ACTIVITY REPORT. 5. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR THE YEAR-END STATUS OF GMEF LOANS. G. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Potential GMEF applicants. b) Acknowlr_dgement of receiving the 1993 Economic Development Work Plan. 7. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, October 26, 1992 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Vice Chairperson Barb Schwientek, Assistant -Treasurer Bob Mosford, Clint Herbst, Harvey Kendall, and Al Larson. MEMBER ABSENT: Brad Fyle. STAFF PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 21. 1992 EDA MINUTES. Barb Schwientek made a motion to approve the July 21, 1992 EDA minutes, seconded by Al Larson, and with no corrections or additions the minutes were approved as written. C3. CONSIDERATION TO RATIFY EARLY DISBURSEMENT OF GMEF LOAN 110. 004. Upon the Darger's request for early disbursement of approved GMEF Loan No. 004 (prior to bank closing) for acquisition of lands, Koropchak contacted EDA members via the phone for authorization. Five EDA member gave authorization for early disbursement, Brad Fyle declined, and Harvey Kendall was not reached. Upon City Attorney Weingarden's advice, the EDA is asked to formally ratify the early disbursement. Bob Mosford made a motion ratifying the early disbursement of approved GMEF No. 000 for land acquisition. Al Larson seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. Early disbursement was granted to allow construction to begin thereby enhancing scheduled completion date of the new facility and allowing possession date of the existing facility in Rogers to occur as agreed upon. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW EDA LEGAL FEES ASSOCIATED WIT11 Gh7EF LOANS. Upon review of the 6150, $2,800, and 0290 legal fees from Mr. Weingarden for the Barger project, the EDA requested Mr. Ileingarden Itemize the October 23 billing and bill t accordingly. It was the EDA'o opinion that title matters, EDA MINUTES OCTOBER 28, :992, ` PAGE 2 sign issues, o;jd piatting costs were not the obligation of the EDA. The City Attorney's role is to review GMEF closing transactions. They questioned who gave Mr. Weingarden the authorization to proceed on the EDA's behalf. The EDA members agreed that the GMEF was created for gap funding (a benefit to the company) and was not intended to be a large expenditure of the EDA or of the GMEF recipient. Additionally, members viewed the not -to -exceed 1.5% loan fee as a charge for servicing the GMEF loan much as a bans: charges. The EDA did agree and saw merit for the HRA and tate EDA to use the same attorney for continuity, understandability, and cost effectiveness. The EDA recommended researching the cost of working with John Dean, Holmes & Graven. CONSIDERATIO14 TO DEFINE FUNDABLE COSTS UNDER THE GMEF USE OF PROCEEDS. Koropchak asked EDA members for a clearer definition of fundable costs under the GMEF guidelines. It was Koropchak's understanding that construction loans generally do not cover soft costs such as appraisals, legal fees, etc. Mr. Mosford said he would prepare a guide for Koropchak and the EDA responded that the machinery and equipment must apply to production or manufacturing. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS 1993 GMEF BUDGET. Koropchak presented EUA members with a summary of the GMEF appropriations and loans stating the current remaining GMEF balance is $85,000 and suggested for recordable purposes the EUA make a motion requesting a 1993 Liquor Fund Appropriation of $:15.000. It was the EDA's opinion that the request was unnecessary as they felt the annual request was a standing request until such time the GMEF was self-sufficient therefore no request was made. OTHER BUSINESS. None. ADJOURNMENT. The EDA meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. V,, '5� a 011ie Koropchak, EDA xecutive Director EDA AGENDA JANUARY 2-1,.1.993 3. '760nsideratldn io Elect 1993 EDA Officers. A: Reference and Background. Inorder ,to comply with EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2=3-2: The .Authority shall elect a president, vice president, treasurer, assistanttreasurer, and secretary. annually. The current list of officers are as fdllows: President _Ron Hoglund Vice President Barb, Schwientek Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller Assistant Treasurer Bob Mosford Secretary 011ie Koropchak Nominations will be made at the meeting, therefore, any EDA member unable to make the :meeting and doesn't wish to be re-elected or nominated, please contact me. At the January 1'_1 City Qouncll- meeting annual appointments .were. approved by the Council. -EDA Member Al Larson'a term expired as .of. December 31, :1992 and .he agreed to. serve, anotKeir term of Which Copneil approved. Additionally, Councilmembe`r Fyle reque-s:ted 'a tran®for to t1io-Pa`rki:Commispion.{A9visory poai,tion), therefor®, now Cound_ilmember Olson waa.'appointad to "the MDA; EDA`,mamber'a lakgAratl'6n-ter" ®tand as 01101wa:. Bneb MS�hwidn_ie_k 12/.93 Bob-oiford 12/94 Clint,lterbit; Council 12/94 Ron Hoglund 12/95 I[ar voy-,Randa hl 1:2/%O 6 Patty 01len i2`/98, Al Larson 12/97 "a .BDA .ih6uld elect 44'0- offieers. EDA AGPNDA JANUARY 27, 1993 4. Consideration to Review and Accept the Year -End EDA Financial Statements and Activitv Report. A. Reference and Backaround Inorder to comply with EDA Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2-3-6: The Authority shall prepare an annual budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue. And B: The Authority shall prepare an annual report describing its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the City Council by March 1 of each year. Enclosed is the year-end statements, proposed budget, and activity report. The EUA will need to review for necessary revision and accept the statements/report. MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance Sheet December 31, 1992 Cash in Bank Notes Receivable - Tapper's Inc. Notes Receivable - Muller Theater Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. Notes Receivable - Aroplax Curb. Appropriations Receivables - 1991 UDAG 1992 UDAG 1992 Liquor Fund TOTAL ASSETS ASSETS $ 32,822.33 83,257.09 47,685.62 49,871.18 83,967.86 65,000.00 20,000.00 115,000.00 $497,604.08 FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans (Economic Development.) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY S497,604.08 $497,604.08 j MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �- GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 1992 REVENUES Appropriations - 1992 Liquor Fund 1992 UDAG interest Income - Notes Interest Income - Investment Loan Fees TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Legal Fees Service Fees Int. Adjustment - Notes TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess 0f Hevenues Over Expenditures FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year FUND BALANCE - End of Year $115,000.00 20,000.00 11.006.26 696.78 2,085.00 $148,786.04 $ 977.50 210.00 1.74 S 1.189.24 $147,598.80 $350,005.28 g497,604.08 MGNTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY v GREATER MONTICE:LLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 1993 Cush Flow Projection BECIIINING CASH BALANCE, January 1993 $ 32,822.33 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected $200,000.00 Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper's Inc. ($736.07 Mo.) 8,832.84 Muller Theatre ($418.22 Mo.) 5,018.64 SMM, Inc. ($316.32 Mo.) 3.795.64 Aroplax Corp. ($1,241.73 Mo.) 14,900.76 Interest Income - Investment 700.00 Loan Fees 3,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS S236.248.08 TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS $269,070.41 EXPENDITURES GMEF Loauo - ( Custom Canopy $ 35,000.00 Al] -Temp Distribution 75,000.00 Wilson Tool International 90,000.00 Legal Fees 3,000.00 Service Foes 315.00 TOTAL. EXPENDITURES $203„315.00 EXPECTED CASH BALANCE., December 1993 $ 155,'"55.41 EDA AGENDA .JANUARY 27, 1393 1993 EDA ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE 31JB.JECTS Annual Meeting EUA officer elected for 1992: held 2/5/92 President- Ran Hoglund Vice President - Barb Srhwientek Treasurer - Rick Wolfsteller Assistant Treasurer - Bob Mosford Secretary - 011ie Koropchak All approved GMI,F loans: Tapper's and Muller Theatre are current as accounted for in the 1992 year-end statements. 4/28/32 Reviewed the Letter of Intent between Aroplax and the City of Monticello and the revised proposed funding sources: TIF, $70,000; Bank, $300,000; SBA, $300,000; CMIF $30,000; State Grant, $170,000; and GMEF, $05,000 (includes cost overruns). Amended GMHF GuidelInes: NON --PERFORMANCE PROVISION An approved GMEF loan shall be null and void if funds nre not dr.iwn upan or disbursed within one --hundred (120) days from date of EDA loan approval. 7 21/92 Reviewed preliminary and formal GMEF applications for SMM and approvad GMEF Loan No. 004 for $50,000, 4.5% intrreet rate, amortized over 20 years balloon in five years. Approved requesting City Council authorize all a.idII iona1 $20,000 appropriation transfer from the Liquor Fund to the GMEF. Revluwod preliminary and forma.l GMEF app] irat.lon for Aroplax and approvo,l Loin No. OOb for- $8b,000, 6% interest rate, amortized over 3;ven years. 10/28/92 Hat if.ted early disbursement of approv—i C1417F Loart No. 004 for ar,Guicition of Iattd. Reviewed EDA legal fees. EDA AGENDA JANUARY 27. 1993 Consideration to Hear the Year -End Status of GMEF Loans All the GMEF Loans: Tapper's, Muller Theatre, SMM, and Aroplax are current as accounted for in the year-end statements. With the understanding that the Muller Theatre loan payback time varies from month-to-month, the EDA may wish to discuss the need for a late penalty period and charge. Additionally, a brief summary of the projected annual GMEF loans paybacks with balloon payments through 1997 is provided for your information. GMEF LOANS GMEF LOAN NO. 001 - TAPPERS S88,000 8% AMORTIZED 30 YEARS BALLOONED IN 7 YEARS. (5736.07) / 8-13-90 S 2,944.28 / 91 8,832.84 92 8,832.84 93 8,832.84 94 8,832.84 95 8,832.84 96 6,832.84 97 5,888.56 BALLOON PAYMENT 70,989.14 PAYBACK S132,819.02 GMEF LOAN NO. 002 - MULLER THEATRE $50,000 8% AMORTIZED 20 YEARS BALLOONED IN 5 YEARS. ($418.22) 12-1-90 $ 418.22 91 5,018.64 92 5,018.64 93 5,018.64 94 5,018.64 95 4,600.42 BALLOON PAYMENT 43,762.79 PAYBACK S 68,855.99 GMEF LOAN NO. 003 - NULL AND VOID GMEF LOAN NO. 004 - BARGERS $50,000 4.5% AMORTIZED 20 YEARS BALLOONED IN 5 YEARS. ($316.32) 12-1-92 9 316.32 93 3,795.84 94 3,795.84 95 3.795.84 96 3,795.84 97 3,479.52 BALLOON PAYMENT 41,350.00 PAYBACK $ 60,329.20 GMEF LOAN NO. 005 - SCHOENS $85,000 6% AMORTIZED 7 YEARS ($1,241.73) 12-1-92 5 1,241.73 93 14,900.76 94 14,900.76 95 14,900.76 96 14,900.76 97 14,900.76 98 14,900.76 99 13,338.57 PAYBACK $103,984.86 11-24-92 PREPARED BY OLLIE KOROPCHAK GMEFLOAN.ACC J t 11-24-92 PREPAREDBY OLLIE KOROPCIIAI( ECONOMIC .REV TIF GMEF STATE "SURPLUS" LOANS UDAG GRANT BEGINNING BALANCE $127,975 $ 32,623 $ 7,971 $ 2,483 1993 $ 18,217 $ 32,548 S 27,971 $ 29,801 1994 $ 1,739 $ 32,546 $ 27,971 $ 29,801 1995 $ 12,728 $ 75,892 $ 27,971 S 29,801 1996 $ 12,040 $ 27,529 $ 27,971 $ 29,801 1997 $ 17,447 $136,607 S 27,971 $ 12,417 1998 $ 8,078 $ 14,900 $ 27,971 1999 $ 18,609 S 13,338 $ 27,971 TOTAL $216,841 $365,989 $203,770 $134,106 11-24-92 PREPAREDBY OLLIE KOROPCIIAI( ECONOMIC .REV Under the GMEF Guidelines use of proceeds for real property acquisition and development, real property rehabilitation (expansion or improvements) and machinery and equipment. The following commentary is intended to a8318t developers with those costa typically considered eligible: Real Property Acquisition and Improvement Coate Lend Acquisition Engineer/Design/Inspection Fees Building Permit Fees Architect Pees Building materials Soil borings Construction labor Appraisal Fees Landscaping LegaL Fees Grading Environmental Study Curbing/Parking Lot Recording Fees Title Insurance Personal property used as an integral part of the manufacturing or commercial business, with a useful life of at least three years. Acquisition costa would include freight and sales taxes paid. As a general rule, office equipment would not qualify. TAX INCREMENT FINANCE ESTIMATES WILSON TOOL INTERNATIONAL Tam Emery and Jim Mishek 12912 Farnham Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (612) 426-138; FAX (612) 426-9134 BACKGROUND: This 26 -year old company is headquartered in White Bear Lake and employs 350 people, running three shifts. The company is looking to expand and construct an approximately 40,000 sq ft concrete manufacturing/office facility on 5-7 acres. Projections are 40 employees within three years or 85 employees within five years. Average wage is about $12.00 per hour for computer control operators, general machinist, and grinder operators. The company produces punch and die replacement parts. The company is looking at other Minnesota communities and in Wisconsin. Referred by Joel LaValle of Remmele and Maureen Steinwall of Steinwall, Inc. PROJECT: Building: 2,000 sq ft office @ $32.50 per sq ft o $ 65,000 d 38,000 sq ft manufacturing @ $23.00 per sq ft - S 874.000 i Total 40,000 sq ft $ 939,000 Land: 87,120 sq ft or 2 acres @ 1.40 per sq ft = $ 34,848 217,800 sq ft or 5 acres @ S.25 per eq ft - i 54.450 Total 7 acres $ 69,298 TOTAL ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE $1,028,298 $100,000 $928,000 .0300 .0470 $ 3,000 $ 43,616 NEW CAPACITY VALUE - $47,616 193 EST. TAX RATE m 1.07212 ESTIMATED TAXES $51,050.06 ORIGINAL CAPACITY VALUE CAPTURED CAPACITY VALUE . ESTIMATED TAX INCREMENT e ADJUSTED TAX INCREMENT TIF PENALTY e PROJECTED PROJECT INVESTMENT 4 m January 27, 1993 MON ICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Pat Pelstring Business Development Services, Inc. 8990 Springbrook Drive Suite 230 Minneapolis, MN 55633 (� Dear Pat: I'm sorry you were unable to join us yesterday for a tour of Wilson Tool International. On Monday, February 1, Mr. Tom Emery will be presenting his site location recommendations to the company's upper management. lie requested that Monticello submit a financial proposal by Friday. January 29, therefore, I request your assistance. Mr. Emery gave us the impression that the company is financially strong which may present a problem with obtaining state or regional dollars. The company Is oleo considering Wisconsin for this expansion. Mr. Emery inquired if the State of Minnesota offers any state tax credits or rebates for machinery or equipment purchased as the company plans to invest ono -million dollars in machinery and equipment within the first your. The company will retain its headquarters in White Bear Lake and the new production satellite is projected to create approximately 85 new jobs within 3-4 years. Mr. Emery estimates building construction at 925.00 per square foot for a total of 91,000,000 and machinery 8 equipment at 91,000,000. For the sake of the proposal, lot's estimate the seven -acre land coats at 090,000. The company mentioned no need for working capital. Enclosed are the estimated taxes on the building and land. Mr. Pelstriny January 27A, 1997 Page 2 Pat, please call me regarding this proposal. Again, Mr. Emery was most interested in state credits or rebates. The company plans to be operational at the new facility by the third quarter of 1993. Look forward to hearing from you. CITY OF MONTICELLO Sincerely, 011ie Koropchak Economic Development Director AX I:.CFEb1E:. FI:. .CE EST_}1n T.. ALL -TEMP DISTRrB(;TIUN C0MPAN'i John C. Holman, President 5400 NE Main Street Minneapolis , MN 55421 (612) 5-71-0215 BACX(3ROU:4D: This family-owned storage distribution company was started in 1965 and today operates out of a 425,000 sq ft facility on 25 acres with 50 employees in Fridley. The company plans to expand and construct an approximate 50,000 sq ft metal facility on a minimum of 2.5 acres. Potential 100,000 sq f The company would initially employ 20 full time (forklift operators, customer service, clerical) , starting wages at 58.00 ranging to S1C.00 per hour. The company desires rail, estimated 24-40 tru�:ks in and out per day, shifts run from 5:30 a.m. to 6A C p.m. with 5 -day extended option. Some customers are Sunny Fresh roods, Haagen Dazs Ice Cream, Tombstone Pizza, Green Giant, etc . Sunny Fresh Foods uses holding freezers and has the need for blast freezing. Referred by Jerry Rose of Sunny Fresh Foods. PROJECT: Building: Metal insulated -panels , construction costs $55 per oq ft (52,750,000). As3es3ed value per Doug Gruber, County Assessor. 5,000 sq ft office @ S30.00 per sq ft 45,000 sq ft metal warehouse storage @ $17.00 45,000 sq ft refrigerated storage @ $3.00 Land: Five acres. 87,120 sq ft or 2 acres @ 5.40 per sq ft 130,630 sq ft or 3 acres @ $•25 TOTAL ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE $100,000 $1,015,000 .0300 .0470 $ 3,000 S 47,705 NEW CAPACITY VALUE $50,705 '93 EST. TAX RATE 1.07212 ESTIMATED TAXES $54,361 .84 ORIGINAL CAPACITY VALUE v CAPTURED CAPACITY VALUE e ESTIMATED TAX INCP.EMENT ADJUSTED TAX INCREf4L'NT TIF PENALTY a = S 150,000 $ 765,000 = sS 135,000 $1,050,000 = S 34,848 $ 32,670 S 67,518 P $1,117,518 JAN -05-93 TLE 14: 30 I D: EDS INC. TEL NO: MG -9034 Mew F01 Business Dsyslopment Services, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: 011ie Kompcltak. City of Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority PROM: Pat Pelstring, President, Business Development Services, Inc. DATE: January 3, 1993 SUWECT: ALL -TEMP DISTRIBUTION COMPANY I have had an opportunity to review the information provided by Ms. Koropchak concerning the potential for Tu Increment Financing to assist in the recruitment of All -Temp Distribution � Cly I have prepared the attached analysis which identifies the potential LOA lou and calculates the projected net•inemment avOable per project cost. This analysis assumes that we establish an Economic Development District over a ten year time period, without a significant economic dgvalop hent• adjustment factor. On an up -front bads, after adjustment for LOA loss, the project generates approximately S35,380 per you of net tax increment. This would support a proposed bond issue of approximately $200,000. After issuance costs and capitalized interest, the HRA would retain approximately $150,000 for project investment. As I understand, the company's anticipated net land acquisition cost is $67,500. I would propose that the HRA offer to Nlly reimburse the land acquisition cost, and provide an aMdona1S32,500 for site development and onsite utilities. This would leave approximately $30,000 to offset the extension of public utilities, which may be required to serve the site. We would recommend that the HRA improve this offer, if necessary, to complete the project. TMs company has an excellent reputation in the Twin Cities. Although the proposed new jobs in relatively modest compared to the size of the facility, these am higher•payinj, quality positions. A company of this type also has the added value of serving to support additional food pmaeasing development projects within the immediate area. Your consideration of this information Is appreciated, Please contact me if you would like us .to meet with you and the company and/or prepare a more deviled proposal. PWP/mam &40suris SMSprW9b0004DrIwaSults21CaMin m"s,MNISSWaPhone 70SQU34 CUSTOM CANOPY 12903 MAIN STREET, SUITE 203 P 0 BOX 275 ROGERS, MN 55374 (612) 428-8478 OWNER: STEVE BIRKELAND CONTACT: JIM BEYL EXISTING BUSINESS: EIGHT YEARS OLD BUILDING: OFFICE 1,300 SO FT (65 X 20) MFG 7,910 SO FT (70 X 113) METAL EXTERIOR 25 FT SIDE WALLS 4 (12 X 14 FT) OVERHEAD DOORS LAND: THREE ACRES (OAKWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK) BUSINESS: PRODUCTION AND ASSEMBLY OF CANOPIES FOR GAS STATIONS JOBS: EMPLOY 11 FT PEOPLE (PROJECTED GROWTH 2-3 JOBS) WAGES: STARTING $8.00 PH (RANGE $9.76 - $18.00) OFF JAN -MAR CURRENTLY: LEASE FACILITY IN ROGERS, OWN PROPERTY IN ALBERTVILLE TIME FRAME: WINTER/SPRING CONSTRUCTION COMMERICAL LENDER: AVAILABLE ALSO INTERESTED IN GMEF ESTIMATED TAXES: ( BUILDING: OFFICE 1,300 SO FT @ S30.00 - $ 39,000 MFG 7,910 SO FT @ $17.00 = $134,470 LAND: 2 ACRES OR 87,120 SO FT 6 5.40 $ 34,848 1 ACRE OR 43,560 SO FT @ 5.25 $ 10,890 $219,738 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE $220,000 $100,000 $120,000 .0300 .0470 $ 3,000 $ 5,640 NEW CAPACITY VALUE 8 81650 '93 TAX RATE (ESTIMATED) 1.0800 ESTIMATED ANNUAL TAXES $ 9,331 LESS ORIGINAL CAPACITY VALUE LESS ADJUSTMENT FACTOR LESS HACA PENALTY LESS TIF EXPENDITURES PAT, PLEASE ESTIMATE PAY-AS-YOU-GO OR DIRECT TIF ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE FOR THIS SMALL POTENTIAL PROJECT. HRA TO REVIEW ON DECEMBER 2. '%%V_- oa'+%k RDs Business Development Services, Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: 011ie Koro ha"' tv of Monticello FROM: Pat Pelstrin , dent. Rusiness Development Services. Inc. DATE: December 4, 1992 SUBJECT: REVISED CUS'rOM CANOPY TII' ANALYSIS I have revised the TIF analysis for Custom Canopy, based upon the discussion at the HRA meeting Wednesday evening. 'I'he revised numbers reflect a $5.000 annual "pay -go" payment. Phis translates into a net present value for the company of 56,34$.31. I.aiso extended the analysis to identify the available administrative income, and anticipated excess increment. Please contact me if you have additional questions. PW 1"'mam I?nclosures n_. _ r -- ,. ______.;- -- e11+en em. mac— 10c_nnv January 11 , 1993 Mr. Pat Pelstrirg Business Development Services, Inc. 0390 Springbrouk Drive Suite 230 Minneapolis, MIN 55433 Dear Mr. Pelstring: At the January Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (LIRA) meeting, the commission again reviewed Business Development Services, Inc. (BDS) charges associated with packaging the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund, the Small Business Administration, and the State Economic Recovery Grant for the Aroplax and Suburban Machine & Manufacturing projects. Although, the associated charges can be recovered through the transfer of TIF total project incomes into a HRA Development Fund, it was the decision of the commission to delete packaging from the agreement between BDS and the HRA. The HRA understood that all city packaging and development costo would be recovered through the respective TIF District administrative expense. The HRA elects to retain BDS for TIF packaging and marketing. we may need to amend our agreement. Pat, it is the hope of the HRA that the established relationship between BDS, the HRA, and the City of Monticello will not change. The HRA'a only request Is that packaging charges associated with federal, state, or regional programs be negotiated between BDS and the prospective business. Q Mr. Pelstring January 11, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at METRO 333-5739 or (612) 295-2711. I thank you in advance and look forward to a continued business -working relationship with Business Development Services, Inc. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO 011ie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: Administrator wolfsteller Assistant Administrator O'Neill HRA F --"e SUBURBAN MACHINE & MANUFACTURING PROJECTED TAX INCREMENT = $100,488 X 10% ADMINISTRATION = $10,048.80. TIF ADMINISTRATION COSTS: TIF PLAN (EDS) $ 3,850.00 TIF LEGAL (HOLMES & GRAVEN) 2,142.00 SUBTOTAL $ 5,992.00 POTENTIAL TO TRANSFER TO DEVELOPMENT FUND PACKAGING COSTS: CMIF (BDS) $ 3,206.25 PROJECT COSTS: LEGAL (WEINGARDEN) EDA $ 2,349.25 TIF S 412.50 SIGN ORDIANCE & PLAT S 712.50 SUBTOTAL $ 3,474.25 MISCELLANEOUS: FILING, PUBLIC NOTICES $ 183.76 ENGINEERING COSTS: OSM $ 1,316.25 TOTAL SUBTOTAL $ 8,180.51 TOTAL $14,172.51 BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE $ 7,500.00 TOTAL BUDGET $89,000.00 BOND ISSUANCE: $75,000.00 4ROPLAX CORPORATION t_ PROJECTED TAX INCREMENT = 5157,904 X 10% ADMINISTRATION = $15,790.40 TIF ADMINISTRATION COSTS: TIF PLAN (BDS) $ 4,700.00 TIF CERTIFICATION S 50.00 TIF LEGAL (HOLMES & GRAVEN) $ 5,081.87 SUBTOTAL $ 9,831.87 jO b X1. 5 1 POTENTIAL TO TRANSFER TO DEVELOPMENT FUND PACKAGING COSTS: CMIF, SBA, STATE (BDS) $ 12,289.53 PROJECT COSTS: S u LEGAL (WEINGARDEN) e _`R \ TIF $ 243.75 STATE $ 1,580.45 SUBTOTAL S 1,824.20 ENGINEERING COSTS: OSM $ 837.57 TOTAL SUBTOTAL S 14,951.30 \ S . 01 :OTAL S 24,783.17 BUDGET: ADMINISTRATION $ 15,000.00 PROFESSIONAL FEES S 10,000.00 TOTAL BUDGET $235,000.00 BOND ISSUANCE: $120,000.00 NVON= 4 4067; "'Qnt :2110 HRA i".iV 1'z 9:a Cavy. s~a11 a=:• @r08Cway F. Q. L z x t33A Monticello. MN Ra: Schoen Rvdave:ac.nant C:ntra:: Fcr All Laval Servicsz,Fercorec Th-,ough Darrmoer '31. 149e All Foi'Lam9 10/oli92 Phone call a-tn a!:tarnay re latter of Q,.:° under ta'itnq re Schoen 1G/02;92 Prepara, intrao0Tics c•m�eran:a wish Korooc:ak and make rsvislens .ra letter of sincertakin;; phcna.:a,l.' with 0 Weingirden rt Schwan doting Tota.! Ear•3ic+Ra 1. 10, 9187..50' Fur All Disuursaments as FciicWs;:,, 1./13%92 Parking expan,ae S. CO Trt'a'; Dib6uriemen.ts: '?+' TOTALTEESAND DISBURSEMENTS: 7 1 declare. unoer pwafty of tae Ow We ammM claim w demand Y W and Dome will smt no pari Dttuhn/ CHARTERED Re r@rb" Cab.. Ybraydb. Nei Well f Tdep6rr �lu>TiLe NVON= 4 4067; "'Qnt :2110 HRA i".iV 1'z 9:a Cavy. s~a11 a=:• @r08Cway F. Q. L z x t33A Monticello. MN Ra: Schoen Rvdave:ac.nant C:ntra:: Fcr All Laval Servicsz,Fercorec Th-,ough Darrmoer '31. 149e All Foi'Lam9 10/oli92 Phone call a-tn a!:tarnay re latter of Q,.:° under ta'itnq re Schoen 1G/02;92 Prepara, intrao0Tics c•m�eran:a wish Korooc:ak and make rsvislens .ra letter of sincertakin;; phcna.:a,l.' with 0 Weingirden rt Schwan doting Tota.! Ear•3ic+Ra 1. 10, 9187..50' Fur All Disuursaments as FciicWs;:,, 1./13%92 Parking expan,ae S. CO Trt'a'; Dib6uriemen.ts: '?+' TOTALTEESAND DISBURSEMENTS: 7 1 declare. unoer pwafty of tae Ow We ammM claim w demand Y W and Dome will smt no pari Dttuhn/ PROJECT COSTS CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR AROPLAX CORPORATION October 14, 1992 Business Development Services, Inc. 1991 TIF Plan �S 4,700.00 1991 Packaging S\2,705.78 1992 YTD Packaging $ 9„783.75 Legal Fees 1991 Holmes & Graven Paul Weingarden $ 808.82 1992 Holmes & Graven S 2,292.25 Paul Weingarden TOTAL $20,290.60 Approximate Central Minnesota Initiative Fund 22.37 hours $1,677.75 Economic Recovery Grant 58.13 hours $4,359.75 SBA 17.25 hours $1,293.75 Business Plan 19 hours $1,045.00 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 1991 REVENUES Appropriations - 1991 Liquor Fund 68-000.00 1991 UDAG vS 90,-0-60.00 Interest Income - Notes 10;-657.64 ► 1 o o . Interest Income - Investment -0- U, S, o c Loan Fees %— -0- o UO O O TOTAL REVENUES $148,857.64 EXPENDITURES Legal Fees S -0- Service Fees 310.00 Int. Expense - Fund Deficit In 1990 275.74 TOTAL EXPENDITURES S 585.74 lExcess of Revenues Over Expenditures $148,271.90 FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year S201,733.38 FUND BALANCE - End of Year $350,005.28 I v`T (9 J40-) •.7. J Sf17 J� A V0 t•t.11 A.L r MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �� ali14L GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 199X1_ REVENUES Appropriations - 199a1 Liquor Fund 46 0 19911-UDAG 33,3vC.Lv a'•"""' Interest Income - Notes }0863rd +,a�z� Interest Income - Investment -0- 64.7y Loan Fees -0- post-> iVS,7sl-Y -rY-Pafr.'t{ TOTAL REVENUES $148,,86-7--64— EXPENDITURES Legal Fees $ --e--�"' Service Fees 31g --9o7'""' Int. Exertse = r -..9 C:: I i t i.. i ti 0- '- &r -?4-/ 7y o. TOTAL EXPENDITURES Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year FUND BALANCE - End of Year "v9.'V S-G•Bbr7d $L4br2�3r90 5360-006-28 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GRE'ATE'R M0)NTIU;ELL0 ENTERPRISE FUND (GME'F) Balance Sheet December 31, 1991'' Cash in Bank Notes Receivable - Tapper's Inc. Notes Receivable - Muller Theater �A. d•• Appropriations Receivables - Ord g i na 1--Iri-quo r -bund 199T-iiyu—or n"d_ 1991 UDAG SIL '"a' __. TOTAL ASSETS ASSETS Jx,p».71 Efi,-03a.:P. 93,'�� 9 CI,9L 7. aL FUND EoUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans ( (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY \J'_0' — uL ?W" - 62,00000 f,r a$3-5.0-r0D5--29 C v-- QD Q 9,� v d7, Le: - P 926A-A6b:2B 5�30...Dfl� y9Z Lev „J.