EDA Agenda 04-03-1990I AGENDA P MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, April 3, 1990 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS: Ron Hoglund, Harvey Kendall, Al Larson, Barb Schwientek, Bob Mosford, Fran Fair, and Warren Smith. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to Approve the EDA May 16, 1989 Minutes. 3. Consideration to Review and to Adopt a Resolution Approving the EDA Bylaws. 4. Consideration to Adopt an Organization Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Economic Development Authority in and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota and appointing officers. 5. Consideration to Adopt a Resolution Approving a Joint Powers Agreement and Authorizing and Directing the President and Secretary to Execute Same. 6. Other Business. 7. Adjournment. ,[ MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, :.ay 16, 1989 - 7:OOAM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Mosford, Barb Schwientek, Harvey Kendall, Al Larson, Warren Smith, and Fran Fair. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Hoglund. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller. Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. The EDA organizational meeting began at 7:05 AM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT, THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, AND THE GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES. Jeff O'Neill briefly highlighted the contents of the Ordinance Amendment stating the document creates the Monticello Economic Development Authority and describes Its organizational structure and functions. The Joint Powers Agreement defines the powers of the City of Monticello, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, and the Economic Development Authority. The EDA has powers the HRA does not, the EDA's prime purpose to the management of the revolving loan fund (Grenter Monticello Enterprise Fund) and the HRA's prime purpose is the manngement of Tax Increment Financing. City Council tins the ultimate power to approve or deny action token by either the EDA or the HRA. Mr. O'Neill presented the GMEF Guidelines to the Commissioners. Comments made at the meeting included: 1) non-competitive business in a grny area, not black and white; 2) mandatory public purpose no. 1 b 3 for approval; 3) 102 equity in GMEF Loan; and 4) Loan fee, if not incorporated with project cost, where is the source. 5200,000 is available from the Liquor Store Fund for transfer upon approved lonn request (maximum loan request of 502 RLF balance). The Council line the right to reverse EDA action within 21 days following. Detailed application process needs to be drafted. No formal action was taken on either of the three documents. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. MINNNSOTA AND APPOINTING OFFICERS. EDA offices were astnblished with tho following commissioners voluntooring: Barb Schwientok, Vice President; Rick Wolfsteller, EDA Minutes 5/16/89 Page 2 a ). CONTINUED. Treasurer; and Bob Mosford, Assistant Treasurer. The other offices were not filled, therefore, no action was taken to adopt the organizational resolution. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ADOPT THE EDA BYLAWS. The EDA revived the Bylaws as presented, however, not completed. The EDA suggested quarterly meetings in January, April, July, and October on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:OOAM. Special meetings may be called upon needed loan approvals. The item was tabled. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE SAME. No action was taken as the EDA President and Secretary were not determined. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A NOTICE FOR THE CITY'S JOINT GOVERNMENTAL_ UNITS MEETING. The EDA members were invited and encouraged to attend the Joint Governmental Units meeting to be held June 5, 1989 at the Fire Hall. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 8. ADJOURNMENT. � The EDA meeting adjourned by general consensus. QQ �' N<mk �� 011ie K Recorder I BYLAWS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE I - THE AUTHORITY Section 1. Name of Authority,. The name of the Authority shall be the "City of Monticello Economic Development Authority." Section 2. Office of Authority_. The office of the Authority shall be at the City Hall in the city of Monticello, state of Minnesota, but the Authority may hold its meetings at such other place or places as it may designate by resolution. Section 3. Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization. Section 4. Establishment. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority is established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.090 to 469.108, and adopted by Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. ARTICLE II - THE COMMISSIONERS Section 1. Appointments Termss vacancies, Pay, and Removal. Shall be in accordance to the Monticello Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, Section 2-3-1: Creation. ARTICLE III - THE OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The Authority shall elect a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretary, and an assistant treasurer. The Authority shall elect the president, treasurer, and secretary at the annual meeting. A commissioner must not serve as president and vice president at the same time. The other offices may be hold by the same commissioner. The office of secretary and treasurer need not be hold by a commissioner. Section 2. Duties and Powers. The officers have the usual duties and powers of their offices. They may be given other duties and powers by the Authority. IBYLAWS.EDA:3/27/90 Page I Section 3. Treasurer's Duties. The treasurer: (1) shall receive and is responsible for Authority money; (2) is responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer; (3) shall disburse Authority money by check only; (4) shall keep an account of the source of all receipts and the nature, purpose, and authority of all disbursements; (5) shall file the Authority's detailed financial statement with its secretary at least once a year at times set by the Authority. (6) shall prepare and submit an annual report describing its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition to the City of Monticello by March 1 each year. Section 4. Assistant Treasurer. The assistant treasurer has the powers and duties of the treasurer if the treasurer is absent or disabled. Section 5. Public Money. Authority money is public money. IARTICLE IV - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Economic Development Director shall be designated as Executive Director of the Authority. Section 1. Duties. The Executive Director shell have general supervision over the administration of its business and affairs subject to the direction of the Authority. As secretary, the Executive Director in his own name and title shall keep the records of the Authority, shall act as Secretary of the meetings of the Authority and record all votes, and shall keep record of the proceedings of the Authority in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Executive Director shall keep in sole custody the seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority. Any person appointed to fill the office of Executive Director, or any vacancy herein, shall have such terms as the Authority fixes, but no commissioner of tie Authority shall be eligible to this office. M BYLAWS.EDA:3/27/90 Page 2 ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1. Reqular Meetinqs. Quarterly meetings shall be held upon oral or written notice at the regular meeting place of the Authority on the 4th Tuesday of January, April, July, and October, at Section 2. Arnual Meetinq. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held in conjunction with the regular January meeting at o'clock p.m. at the regular meeting place of the Authority. Section 3. Special Meetinos. Special meetings of the Authority may be called by the president or two members of the Authority for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. All commissioners of the Authority shall be notified. Section 4. Quorum. At any meeting of the Authority, the presence of four Commissioners shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, those present shall have power to adjourn the meeting from time to time without notice other than announcement at such meeting until the requisite number of votes shall be present to constitute a quorum. At any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. Any resolution, election, or other formal action of the Authority shall be adopted upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the Authority membership. Section 5. Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Authority the following shall be the order of business: 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. 4. Bills and communications. 5. Report of the Executive Director. 6. Report of committees. 7. Unfinished business. B. Now business. 9. Adjournment. All resolutions shall be in writing and shall be copied in the journal of the proceedings of the Authority. Section 6. Unless otherwise specified in the agreement or in these bylaws, all mootings of the Authority shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts' Rules of Order revised. IBYLAWS. EDA: 3127190 Pago 3 Section 7. Manner of Voting. The voting on all questions coming before the Authority shall be by roll call, and the yeas and nays shall be entered upon the minutes of such meetings. ARTICLE VI - EMPLOYEES; SERVICES; SUPPLIES Section 1. Employees. Subject to limits set by the appropriations or other funds made available, the Authority may employ such staff, technicians, and experts as may be deemed proper and may incur such other expenses as may be necessary and proper for the conduct of its affairs. Section 2. Contract for Services. The Authority may contract for services of consultants, agents, public accountants, and other persons needed to perform its duties and exercise its powers. Section 3. Leqal Services. The Authority may use the services of the city attorney or hire a general counsel for its legal needs. The city attorney or general counsel, as determined by the Authority, is its chief legal advisor. Section 4. Supplies. The Authority may purchase the supplies and materials it needs to carry out Sections 469.090 to 469.108. Section 5. City Purchasinq. An authority may use the facilities of its city's purchasing department in connection with construction work and to purchase equipment, supplies, or materials. Section 6. City Facilities, Services. A city may furnish offices, structures and space, and stenographic, clerical, engineering, or other assistance to its authority. Section 7. Delegation Power. The Authority may delegate to one or more of its agents or employees powers or duties as it may deem proper. ARTICLE VII - POWERS Section 1. Functions, Powers, and Duties. Shall be in accordance to the Monticello Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, Section 2-3-4: Functions, Power, and Duties. Section 2. Limitations of Power. Shall be In accordance to the Monticello Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, Section 2-3-5: Limitation of Power. 1 BYLAWS.EDA:3/27/90 Pago 4 ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS v Section 1. Amendment to Bylaws. The bylaws of the Authority shall be amended by a majority vote of the Authority membership at a regular or special meeting. The amendments must be in written form. Section 2. In any instance where these bylaws are in conflict with the Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Chapter 3, Economic Development Authority, such Ordinance Amendment shall control. Section 3. These bylaws are effective upon their adoption by the Authority. Dated: , 1990. Signed: President Executive Director (Seal) 0 BYLAWS.EDA:3/27/90 Page 5 ® EDA RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, WRIGHT COUNTY. That the attached bylaws be and they are hereby adopted and approved as and for the bylaws of the Economic Development Authority of Monticello, Minnesota. After dicussion of the resolution, Commissioner moved that said resolution be adopted as introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner The question being put upon the final adoption of said resolution, the roll was called with the following result: YEAS: NAYS: Chairperson declared such motion carried and resolution adopted. IDATED: I EDA RESOLUTION 89-1 ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF • COMMISSIONERS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOP111ENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA AND APPOINTING OFFICERS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the Economic Development Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "EDA") as follows: 1. Recitals. All actions required by the applicable provisions of the Economic Development Authorities, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.108 inclusive, as amenaeo, nave teen duly taken in order to create, constitute, and activate the EDA. 2. Appointment of Officers. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.096, the Board hereby appoints to the following ottices of the EDA the following persons, respectively: President: vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: 1. Appointment of Executive_Director. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.091, Suouivision 1, the Board heresy appo7nts Me Economic Development Director to be designated as the Executive Director of the EDA. 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective as of the date of the resolution of the Monticello City Council activating the EDA becomes effective. Adopted by the Board of the EDA this day of , 1989. President ATTEST: Secretary EDA RESOLUTION 89-2 ® A RESOLUTION APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND sp AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PRESIDEN A14D SECRETARY TO EXECLPPE SAME WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority of the City of Monticello did, on the day of , 1989, at a scheme and duly called meeting, consider and review a "Joint Powers Agreement" dated April 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, said Joint Powers Agreement did provide for the assisting of certain economic development and redevelopment activities of the City of Monticello by and between the City of Monticello, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello, and the Economic Development Authority of the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Pedevelopment Authority of the City of Monticello has determined that the execution of the Joint Powers Agreement is in the best interests of the City of Monticello. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Joint Powers Agreement dated April 10, 1989, is hereby in all respects approved and the President and Secretary are authorized and directed to execute said Joint Powers Agreement. Adopted this 16th day of May, 1989, by the Economic Development Authority of the City of Monticello. President ATTESTED TO BY: Secretary (SEAL) 250 East Rr.ei hr.,r M,miiccllo, \1N 5ilo2-9245 AUTHORIZATION RELEASING INFORMATION Ph,mv: ((112 ) 2,15-2 % 11 \ iro: (612) 333.57.39 TO: Name of Financial Institution Street City State Zip I hereby authorize any person to furnish to the Monticello Economic Development Authority, 250 East Broadway, PO Dox 1147, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, any and all financial records, reports, statements, or other documentation or information in their possession regarding: Developer's name(s) Developer's address Upon presentation of this authorization or an exact copy thereof, you are directed to permit the personal review, copying, or photostating of such records, information, and evidence and provide same to the Monticello Economic Development Authority. i, the undersigned, acknowledge the said above information may become public. This authorization shall be valid the entire term of the loan. Doted: Authorized Signature Ona copy for each principal of a partnership or corporation as well as the ontity Itself. a 6 MONTICELLO EDA CHECKLIST FOR Preliminary GMEF Loan Application. Formal GMEF Loan Application -- Business Information: History and Description of business. Resumes of principals and senior management. Financial Information: Personal financial statements -- all principals with 20 percent ownership or more and/or guarantors. Business financial statements current within 60 days -- operating statement and balance sheet. Aging of existing accounts receivable and payables. Schedule of existing debt. Operating projections for two years. Project Information: Purchase Agreement. Coat estimates with supporting documentation. Project Appraisal. Collateral Listings. Business benefit analysis -- job creation/efficiency, etc. Lender commitment letters or commitment agreement between landing institution and the EDA. Prior to Loan Closing: Certificate of Good Standing (verifies existence). Corporation Resolution (who is authorized to borrow). Articles of Incorporation/By Laws (lteting of do's and don't). Picitious Namo Statement. Equity doposti verification. Applicablo permits and/or liconsas. Loose Agroomants Monticello EDA Checklist for Page 2 O UCC I Filings: State (M&E) Date of Filings continuations UCC II Filings: County (Fixtures) Evidence of insurance -- life and property. Preliminary title report. Certification of current status on employment compensation, workman's compensation, and state and federal tax withholdings. Partnership Agreement. Personal Guaranty(s) Authorization Releasing Information. Loan Agreement. Subordination Agreement. I The EDA reserves the right to request additional information if so determined. A FI OPTIONAL REQUIREKE:TS Business Information: Business and marketing plan. Franchise Agreement. Financial Information: Month -by -month cash flow. Source of equity capital. Personal/business federal and state tax returns. Proforma balance sheet. Project Information: City, state, £edeal review by Plans and specifications -- city site plan review. 0 A motion was made by EDA member to (approve - disapprove) GMEF in the amount of dollars and cents to developer this day of Seconded by EDA member YEAS: NAYS: GMEF disbursed 19_ by Check No. EDA Treasurer City Council may reveres an EDA loan decision within twenty-one days of EDA approval. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS I (We) hereby accept the terms and conditions stated above as approved by the Economic Development Authority In and for the City of Monticello. Datedt GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND ECO::OMIC DEVELOPMEt:T AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO Preliminary Loan Application approval Loan terms negotiated and agreed upon between the developer, the lending institution, and the EDA Executive Director Formal loan application and financial statements analyzed by the lending institution and/or city staff Formal loan documents reviewed by_city staff Building permit approval or construction commitment Loan documents reviewed by the City Attorney Economic Development Authority approval or disapproval: Loan Number Loan approved Borrower Address Loan disapproved Loan Amount —' Rate Date Terms A motion was made by EDA member to (approve - disapprove) GMEF in the amount of dollars and cents to developer this day of Seconded by EDA member YEAS: NAYS: GMEF disbursed 19_ by Check No. EDA Treasurer City Council may reveres an EDA loan decision within twenty-one days of EDA approval. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS I (We) hereby accept the terms and conditions stated above as approved by the Economic Development Authority In and for the City of Monticello. Datedt a Sb---IARY OF REVOLVING LOAN FUND (GMEF) AS OF ECO,%O?nC DEVELOPMENT AUnDR-17Y CITY OF MONTICELLO COMPANY. DATE OF MATURITY AMOUNT OF PRINCIPAL irrrREsT BALANCE AS MON'My PERSONAL CERT OF DATE OF LOAN DATE Lam PAID TO DATE PAID To DATE OF PAYMENT GUARANTEES INSUREXPIRES COLLT REV MCF RALA CE 11/1/89 $200,000