EDA Agenda 09-28-1990AGENDA MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Q> Friday, September 28, 1990 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Vice Chair Barb Schvientek, Assist Treasurer Bob Mosford, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Harvey Kendall, and Al Larson. STAFF: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director 011ie Koropchak, and Jeff O'Neill. GUEST: Mike Muller, President of the Muller Theatre. Kevin Doty, Commercial Lender, Wright County State Bank. Tom Hayes, EDA Attorney 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 24. 1990 EDA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR UPDATE ON CMEF LOAN APPLICATION FOR JEFF EASTEY ENTERPRISES. INC. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW PRELIMINARY AND FORMAI. GMF.F APPLICATION FOR MULLER THEATRE. EXPANSION. 5. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE OR DENY GMEF LOAN FOR MULLER THEATRE EXPANSION. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. 7. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, July 24, 1990 - 7:00 A.M. City hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Fran Fair, Barb Schwientek, Warren Smith, and Bob Mosford. MEMBERS ABSENT: Al Larson and Harvey Kendall. STAFF: 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Ron Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:05 A.M. 2. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 24, 1990 EDA MINUTES. Warren Smith made a motion to approve the April 24, 1990 EDA minutes, seconded by Fran Fair, the minutes stand approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR. ADJUSTED REDUCTION OF THE CHEF ALLOCATION FOR TAPPER'S INC. Koropchak informed the EDA members that the CHEF loan for Tapper's Inc was reduced from $100,000 to $88,000. This became necessary, as the Small Business Administration (SBA) officers would not accept the recommendation of Bob Heck, BUS, Inc.. as given to the EDA upon the CHEF loan approval. SBA loan requirements state that any subordinated debt must have o maturity equal to or granter than the 504 debenture. The subordinated debt gap for equal maturity is $12,000, therefore, the Tax Increment Finance (equity) was increased to rectify the problem. This meets SBA requirements and allows for n greater remaining balance in the city's revolving loan fund and reduces the city's loan amount which is a third position loan. The minimum market value placed in the assessment agreement of the redevelopment agreement is sufficient to cover the increased proposed budget, bond Issuance, and bond indebtedness. The developers, Wright County State Bank, SBA, and Tom Ilayea were all in agreement with the recommended resolution. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW PRELIMINARY GMEF LOAN APPLICATION FOR EASTF.Y, INC. Koropchak reported that approximately one year ago, the Eastey Company had visited with Kevin Doty, Wright County State Bank, regarding the need for financial assistance. (+ Mr. Doty vas unable to assist a company outside the bank's regional area, however, he gave the EastLy Company the name of Pat Palstring, BDS. Inc., who has a financial consultant agreement with the Housing and Radavalopmant of I EDA Minutes 7/24/90 Page 2 4. CONTINUED. Authority. This reference was done as the company expressed an interest to expand in the Monticello area. On Monday, June 25, 1990, Charlie Rogers, Pat Pelstring, and Koropchak met to discuss the potential of a financial proposal. The Jeff Eastey Enterprises, Inc. is a small company located off Highway 101 in Rogers, Minnesota. They designed and produce a shrink wrap machine which sales for $5,000-$6,000, they do rebuilts, and would like to expand their operation to include a basic full line production. The company currently employs twelve and plan to employ an additional five to seven with the proposed expansion. Pat Pelstring summarized the company sales at $1.5 million and stated the company is highly leveraged. On July 10, 1990, the same group (plus Sally Eastey) visited the M&P Transport facility. The company is looking to lease an approximate 7,200 sq ft of which Jay Morrell's one bay fits perfectly. An initial proposal letter was prepared by BDS. Inc. and signed by Koropchak, stated total capital required, $450.000 (operating capital, $400,000 and equipment acquisition, $50,000). Sources proposed were SBA Guaranteed loan Program, CMEF (equipment), and Central Minnesota Initiative Fund. Again, Pat summarized the financials as good, the need to pull out the Research and Development for greater profit- ability. Monticello makes good sense as It is within a close proximity of existing facility In Rogers. The company needs to prepare the CHEF preliminary application, draft a letter of Intent, contact a lending institution, and draft a lease agreement with Morrell. IDC representatives Ron Hoglund, Shelley Johnson, Jeff O'Neill and Koropchak visited the Eastey facility in Rogers on July 20th. The group was given a demonstration of how the shrink wrap machine and tunnel (heat process) works. The product is quality and soundly constructed. Jeff Eastey 1s SOZ owner and to the company's designer and sales person. Sally Eastoy is 202 owner and finance controller. The company states they have always liked the Monticello area, they were more or less forced into purchasing the Rogers five acre parcel and have concerns about entrance and exist with the proposed four -lane Highway 101. Mostly, a Monticello site location Is fnvorable because of our tax structure compared to Hennepin County. Koropchak compared the EDA public purpose criteria to the company's application. First. Koropchak explained no recommendation is given at this time as to the company's credit worthiness because a bank nor staff has nor seen financial statements. Five of the six public ouraoses are satisfied, the one not satisfied is there would be no EDA Minutes 7/24/90 Page 3 4. CONTINUED. increase in the community tax base as Eastey plans to lease initially. Other issues of concern addressed were: 1) to verify that jobs created are new; 2) owners Jeff and Sally Eastey are divorced; 3) a M&E loan would be to a leased property business; 4) what can be used for collateral; and 5) $450,000 is a very healthy loan request for a company who started in 1986. It was recommended by the EDA that the MdE loan become due if the building is vacated or the company is no longer located in the City of Monticello. Attorney Tom Mayes will address this issue, advise the EDA, and draft the appropriate documents if agreed. The EDA agreed that leasing a facility would allow the company more time to increase profitability prior to additional debt for land and building. Barbara Schwientek made a motion stating the project was worth looking at, recommended staff continue working with Jeff Eastey Enterprises, Inc., and to request the company to complete the CMEF formai application. This motion is a preliminary application acceptance, only, with final loan approval/ denial at a future date. Bob Mosfora seconded the mccion and without further discussion the motion carried 5-0. 5. OTHER BUSINESS. The EDA briefly discussed the idea to change the EDA meeting time from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM as suggested by a couple of members. In their opinion, this would allow more relaxed time for discussion and approval consideration. It was decided to table the issue until after Council member Fran Fair and Warren Smith terms expire. Bob Mosford requested that meeting notices be mailed two weeks prior to a meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT. Chairperson Ron Hoglund adjourned the EDA meeting at 7:40 AM. 0 CSS4,� \<rn oG �rJ 011ie Koropehak EDA Executive Secretary CI 1. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR UPDATE ON GMEF LOAN APPLICATION FOR JEFF EASTEY ENTERPRISES, INC. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. According to Mr. Charlie Rogers, the Jeff Eastey Enterprise, Inc. was denied bank financing necessary for the SAA 7(a)Loan. The company is applying for SBA 7(a) bank funding at another lending institution or others. The GMEF formal application will be reviewed upon securing bank financing. Charlie Rogers is the the company's attorney. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW PRELIMINARY AND FORMAL GMEF APPLICATION FOR MULLER THEATRE EXPANSION. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. Mr. Mike Muller will be present to explain the expansion project to the EDA and to answer any of your questions. Kevin Doty will be present to give a credit analysts of the developers. Tom Hayes. EDA Attorney may be present for legal advise. Enclused is the information 1 have as of today. I'0 BE DETERMINED: Financial Method GMEF dollars a` Terms Interest Rate Collateral Loan Fee FORMAI. APPLICATION: Projections only. 5. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE OR DENY GMEF LOAN FOR MULL ER THEATRE EXPANSION. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. The F.DA may wish to table the approval or denial for GMEF loan if they feel an i»sufficlent amount of information is present at the time of the IrDA meeting. Formal application documentation has not been completed at this time. GREATER. MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE 250 EAST BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA �v PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FOR LOAN ' APPLICANT: 1111b I;IUA//L FIRM OR TRADE NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: /,?/ E !_4ic.o�JaY /hC�%[r.% , (I b Street) ZCity a State) (Zta Code) TELEPHONE: BUSINESS P'!) �'G3 1011Z HOME 6—) �,�.3 3 OY/ DATE ESTABLISHED: //07,3 EMPLOYER I.D. 1: ZL/'32,F,4// SOLE PROPRIETOR CORPORATION it PARTNERSHIP MANAGEMENT NAME TITLE OWNERSHIP 8 /toroa� /n //tia A- 'X- & r �o PROJECT LOCATION: NEW BUSINESS X EXISTING BUSINESS TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: S ,SS/, -n9 -9 PROPOSED USES: REQUEST: LAND s /. S' Tv 0 AMOUNT OF LOAN EXISTING BUILDINI ,T "'' MATURITY 6 TEAMS CONSTRUCTION 7/0 /pCJ REQUESTED MACHINERY CAPITAL O P6 APPLICANT'S WORKING CAPITAL EQUITY OTHER IRAN PURPOSE TOTAL USES $ „TS/ ,,9,P PROPOSED BEGINNING DATE: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: TITLE TO PROJECT ASSETS TO BE HELD BY: X OPERATING, ENTITYY _ ALTER EGO PARTICIPATING LENDER: LW/fh/ LIO✓�✓r' 1/ ��I • /%%O.✓//Glt�� , (Name) (AdOress) Cr / ✓ // ( ) Contact PerBonj (Telepnons I) PRESENT 1 OF EMPLOYEES: G,S PROJECTED 1 OF EMPLOYEES Ia, s ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: ��� f7 ib✓o/, n�/1/s.' r /)//�✓ /,A �Cr n 1 iea )- �/ U//✓jJ APPLICANT SIGNATURE: /��/�: //s'rt�� DATE SIGNED: MON710ELLO 250) Easr Broadway Mon ricello. MN 55362.9245 Phone: (617)295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 AUTHORIZATION RELEASING INFORMATION TO: /^/i o/L , l D J�j /'< .Q e Name of Financial Institution Street City State Zip I hereby authorize any person to furnish to the Monticello Economic Development Authority, 250 East Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, any and all financial records, reports, statements, or other documentatio or information in their possession regarding: All-Ifa /�l✓%ice Developer's name(s) Developer's address Upon presentation of this authorization or an exact copy thereof, you aro directed to permit the personal review, copying, or photostating of such records, information, and evidence and provide same to the Monticello Economic Development Authority. I, the undersigned, acknowledge the said above information may become public. This authorization shall be valid the entire pterm of the loan. Dated: 9/r�1�a Ono copy for each principal of a partnership or corporation as woll as the entity itself. Authorized Signature GMEF LOAN APPLICATION APPLICANT: Mike Muller, Monticello Theatre Expansion PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project is to expand the current two screen theatre (509 seats) to a four screen theatre (additional 406 seats plus bathrooms and lobby area). Acquisition of the Bank Plaza lot plus two feet of the abutting lot to the west is necessary to complete this project. The theatre will have a shared parking lot agreement with Wright County State Bank on the lots previously occupied by National Bushing and Stoke's Marine Service. Parking plans have been approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. GMEF POLICY CRITERIA: A. PUBLIC PURPOSE: 1) Credit worthy business - to be determined by the EDA upon the recommend- ation of Kevin Doty and 011ie Koropchak. 2) Creates new jobs - Two full time and eight part-time for a total of six full-time. 3) Increase community tax base - Estimated annual taxes $9.470. 4) Assists an existing non-competitive commercial business to Improve or expand its operation. 5) Used as a secondary source of financing to a conventional bank. 6) Used as gap financing. 7) Does not assist in obtaining other funds such ns SRA, federal or state grants. (Theatres do not qualify under these programs.) B. BUSINESS ELIGIBILITY: 1) Non-competttive commercial business which enhances the community. 2) Business located within the City of Monticello. 3) Credit worthy existing business - to be determined by the EDA. 4) $10,000 loan per each job created (Maximum $60,000). 5) OTHERS: Maintains a more vibrnnt downtown Supports the Streetacape Project Creates n higher use of under-utilized property C. FINANCING METHOD: The financing method has not been determined until the Bank receives confirmntion from the Muller Family to refinance the existing theatre mortgage of $112.000 into one mortgage and the Hank receives the appraisal from Jack Maxwell. Listed below are two options. Option I. PARTICIPATION LOAN - Convert to one mortgage Existing Mortgage $112,000 Project Cost: Land $ 69,500 Project Cost 550,000 Construction 310,000 TOTAL $662,000 M6E 172,500 EQUITY 110,000 TOTAL $552.000 DSS $552,000 OR New Mortgage $440,000 C`tEP may buy a portion of the loan (the CHEF to not lit a subordinate position, no collateral is required by the GMEP, and the loan provides a lower Interest rate) 130.000 or $50,000. MULLER APPLICATION Page 2 C. CONTINUED. Option 11. Companion Direct Loan - GMEF loan is subordinated to primary lenders if requested by the primary lenders and collateral is required. Example: Wright County State Bank $360,000 54.01 or $360,000 54.01 GMEF 50,000 7.51 30,000 4.51 Equity 110.000 17.01 110,000 17.02 Other Bank 142,000 21.51 162,000 24.52 1 TOTAL $662,000 $662,000 D. USE, OF PROCEEDS: a) P. al Property acquisition L) ..::•I :'coperty expansion and improvements c) Machinery and Equipment E. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: n) Loan size - $200,000 Original Loan Balance 88,000 Tapper's Inc. $112,000 Remaining Balance 56,000 GMEF Available for funding (501 of remaining balance)p b) Leveraging - Minimum 601 Bank Maximum 301 GMEF Minimum 101 Equity See Financing Method Option 11 for leveraging percentages. c) Loan Term - depends on financing method Options: Real estate amortize up to 30 years, balloon payment of five years. MhE five to seven years. d) Interest rate - Fixed rate not less than 21 below Minneapolis prime rate. (101, 9/24/90. Nat'l Bank of Mpla. First Bnnksl). e) Loan Fee - Minimum fee $200.00 or not to exceed 11 of total Loon project ($5.520) or $300 to $500 of GMEF loan f) Prapayment - No penalty for prepayment. g) Deferral of Payments - Subject to EDA membership by majority vote. h) Interest limitation on guaranteed loans - Subject to security and/or ravlawnl by EDA. 1) Assunwbillty of Loan - None. J) Business Equity Requirements - Subject to type of loan. Board of Directors will datormino case by caro, analysis under normal lending guldalinas. MULLER THEATRE Page 3 E. CONTINUED. k) Collateral - subject to finance method. • Liens on real property In project (Mortgage Deed) • Machinery and equipment liens (Except equipment exempt from bankruptcy) • Liens of real property in business (Mortgage Deed) • Personal and/or corporate quarantees (requires unlimited personal guarantees) • Liens on real property held personally (Subject to Board of Directors - homestead exempt). F. LOAN CONDITIONS: Loan conditions as written within the commitment letter as prepared by Attorney Tom Hayes. MULLER THEATRE EXPANSION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Present structure: Lots 5 and 6 plus W 14 inches of Lot 7, Block 53 Building: 8,526 sq ft first floor 2,600 sq ft second floor ENV '90 - $232,100 (Land and Building) C 9,508 Taxes 7,781.64 Expansion: Purchase Lot 4 plus W 24 inches of Lot 3, Block 53 EMV '90 $19,100 Purchase Price - $69,500 Fair market value per Doug Gruber, County Assessor - $35,000 Construction 5,775 sq It, two screen theatre ($40-550 per sq ft) EMV per Doug Gruber Building $250,000 Land 19,100 Total 5269,100 $100,000 $169,100 .0320 .0495 S 3,200 f 8,370 C . $11,570 Taxes 9,470 ESTIMATED Current Assessments On Lot 4 190 Remaining '60 Improvement f 10.02 - '61 Improvement 3.72 $ 3.32 '77-3 Streer Imp 3.50 23.31 '88 Streetscape 324.52 1,370.13 TOTAL. $341.52 $1,396.76 NO Delinquent Taxes Adjoining Property: Lot 1, Block 53 F11V $19,100 Taxes $790.70 Lot 2 6 3, Block 53 P14 $71,000 (Bldg $32.900 Land $38,100) Taxes $1,918 The HRA purchased the Old Monticello Ford property for $75.000 Stelton's Laundry property for $65,000 plus $10,000 for relocation and moving expenses J ft