Parks Commission Agenda Packet 04-19-1995AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, April 18th, 1895 - 4:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Welcome Steve Andrews, newly appointed Park's Commissioner. - "5— t L; S: 3. Appoint chairperson and acting chairperson. 4. Consideration of adding agenda items 5. Consideration of approving the minutes for the meetings held February 15th and March 15th. & Consideration of allowing Battle Rapids Townhouse Association to "brush out" the Battle Rapids Park. 7. An update on the joint planning meeting between the city and the school regarding the community center. -gIJ4 8. Comprehensive plan update. 9. Pathway Project update. 10. Soccer program update. 11. Other. 12. Adjourn Meeting. �' 13, Br-�r 1("k MINUTES C REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, March 15, 1995 - 4:30 p.m Members Present: Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Fran Fair Council Members Present: Brad Fyle, Mayor and Shirley Anderson and Clint Herbst, Council Members Staff Present: Jeff ONeill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer The meeting was called to order by acting chairperson Larry Nolan. 1. Consideration of adontine oeenda. The agenda was adopted as is. 2. Consideration of aoorovine minutes for meetine held on February 15. 1995. This item was not completed at this meeting. Consideration of approval will be at the April 19th meeting. 3. Interviews for Parks Commission membership. �. The City Council sent two representatives, Mayor Brad Fylo and Council Member Shirley Anderson, to the Parks Commission meeting for the interviews. This was to avoid a second interview require at the next council meeting. Earl Smith and Steven Andrews were the two applicants that applied. After deliberation, the Parks Commission along with Mayor Fyle and Council Member Shirley Anderson recommended Steve Andrews. They did directed staff to send a letter to Earl Smith expressing appreciation for his interest in serving on the Park's Commission and indicate the hope that if he is interested in helping with 1Lture park projects he would be contacted. Because the interviews were over Shirley Anderson left the meeting. Mayor Fylo and Clint Herbst, Council Member joined the meeting for the discussion on the Community Center. 4. Pathway nroiect undnte. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, gavo a short update on the Pathway Project. Tho bids would be let April 11th, 1995 with a schedule of completion set for C August of 1995. Page 1 Parks Commission Minutes 5. Comorehensive Plan Uadate The Commission discussed the importance of having a Park Comprehensive Plan. This could be done in conjunction with the City's update this year. 6. Communitv Center discussion. Jeff O'Neill discussed the "Inventory of Potential Uses and Opportunities for City/School Cooperation" chart with the members. This study indicates that there are many areas that the city and the school could work together on. Shelly Johnson, Superintendent of Schools, had called ONeill about the City Council, City Staff, and the Parks Commission attending the next School Board planning meeting. The Commission members were in favor of meeting with the school and discussing joint facility opportunities. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO HAVE BRUCE THIELEN REPRESENT THE PARKS COMMISSION AT THE SCHOOL BOARD JOINT FACILITY MEETINGS. SECONDED BY BRUCE THIELEN. Motion passed unanimously. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 2 MINU'T'ES C REGULAR MEETING • MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION February 15, 1995 Members Present: Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan Members Absent: Roger Carlson Staff Present: Jeff ONeill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer Meeting was called to order by acting chairperson Larry Nolan. 1. Consideration of adootine aeenda. The agenda was adopted as is. 2. Consideration of auDrovine meetine minutes for meetine held on January 18. 1995. Roger Mack, Parks Superintendent, corrected the spelling of Sandy Koufax baseball league. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH C THE CORRECTION. Seconded by Bruce Thiclen. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Aaaoint chair to the Parks Commission. The Park's Commission was in agreement to wait until the now member was appointed by council to select a chairperson. Larry Nolan would serve as the acting chairperson until then. 4. Undate of Parks Commission interviews, Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, asked the commission if they wanted to interview the candidates to replace Dick Frio or have the City Council make the decision. (Dick Frio was appointed to Planning Commission in February, 1995.) The Park's Commission was in agreement that they would like to meet each candidate and make a recommendation to the City Council. It was decided to hold a Special Meeting, to replace the regular meeting for March, on March 1st at 4:30 to interview the candidates. C Page 1 Parks Commission Minutes 2/15/95 C5. Review Monticello Soccer Club oroeram status. Jeff O'Neill, as a member of the Monticello Soccer Club program, gave a brief summary on the progress of establishing a spring and fall soccer league in Monticello. The commission was supportive of an activity that has the potential to involve a large number of players, which would include participants ages kindergarten through adult. 6. Review Meadow Oaks park desien. Roger Mack gave a final presentation on the Meadow Oak Park. Everything is on schedule. The 6 1/2 acre park will include two baseball fields, one soccer field, 50 parking spaces, and possibly two basketball hoops. There is a concession stand in the plans for 1996. 7. Update on Pathwav nroiect. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that MNDOT has been given the pathway rules and guidelines by Burlington Northern that are needed to keep the project on schedule for this Spring. There will be an update on the March agenda. 8. Review Leerssen pint sketch vinn. John Leerssen, owner of tho plat, was at the meeting to discuss the park area. The commission agreed that the location of the plat is well served by parks in that area and a cash amount would be better than land in this rase. BRUCE THIELEN MADE. A MOTION TO ACCEPT CASH IN LIEU OF LAND FOR PARK DEDICATION. THE CASH SHOULD BE DEPOSITED INTO A DEDICATED PARK FUND FOR PARK ACQUISITIONS AND/OR TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS. CASH IS PREFERRED BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF PUBLIC LAND NEARBY (CARDINAL HILLS PARK AND LITTLE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. MOTION PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Uudnte on status of discialine nroblems nt ico rinks. Roger Mack, Park Superintendent, reported that since the trouble at the rink last month he contacted Don Lindahl, Wright County Sheriff's Department. Mack was told to have the attendant just call the deputy on C Page 2 Parks Commission Minutes 2/15/95 1kduty if there was any problem and they would handle it. That suggestion was working at this time. 10. Discuss eoals and obiectives for 1995/96. The commission's main goal for 1995 was to work on the comprehensive plan which will include a long range park plan. Researching the idea of a community center is also an objective for the near future. Jeff O'Neill would draft a memo to the council on the commissions views on researching a community center. ONeill will present this at the March 1st meeting. THERE BEING NO FURTHER DISCUSSION LARRY NOLAN MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Seconded by Bruce Thielen. Meeting adjoined at 6:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wanda Kraemer / Development Services Technician C Page 3