Parks Commission Agenda Packet 07-11-1996Agenda Special Meeting - Parks Commission Thursday, July 11,1996.4:34 p.m. 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Evaluate existing and future park needs. A. Discussion on 1997 project and budget needs. 1. Park equipment needs - in order by 1995 tour of parks 2. Future Parks 3. Pathway 4. Tree Plantings 5. Other B. Discussion on 2.5 year project and budget needs. 3. Discussion Prairie Creek Park Cleanup Project of time allows). 4. Adjourn. �� TOUR OF PARKS -- (1995) 1. 4th Street Park 1. Hockey Rink needs attention, the boards around the rink are in need of repair and paint. 2. The dandelions need to be sprayed., 2. Fallon Ave Park 1. Dandelions need to be sprayed, grass sparse. 3. Mississippi Drive Park 1. Lot only between two houses. No improvements planned. 4. River Mill Park 1. Project under construction - look at corner by off ramp for possible landscaping when entering Monticello. Seed in 1995. Budget item for 1997. 5. Battle Rapids Park 1. Area between County Road 39 and the Mississippi River No improvements planned, keep natural. 6. Outlot A 1. Under construction 2. Needs to be named 3. Reduce depth of drainage swale if possible. 4. Parking is budget item for 1997. 7. Eastwood Knoll 1. Pathway only - no park - landscaped pathway with caves. Perk tour 05/17/95 Page 1 S. Meadow Oak Park 1. Water in park - will help when new storm sewer is complete 2. Pathway's need to be widened to the 6 foot width. Budget item in 1997. 3. Research possibility of completing pathway network - financing methods. 9. Oak Ridge - Outlot A 1. Wetland area - revegetation to be completed by developer. Internal nature trail to be developed later. 10. Briar Oakes 1. Pathway from Briar Oakes to Meadow Oakes. See item 8-3. 2. Pathway between cul -do -sacs installed by developer with second phase. L 11. Little Mountain Park (Water Tower) 1. Possible future park. 2. If not a park, possible cut back on maintanance. 3. Define boundaries of City land at this location. 12. Cardinal Biala Park 1. Volleyball court looked good - basketball going in soon. 2. ' Chock mulch around trees - too high, may kill trees. 13. Futuna Cardinal Hills Park 1. Pathway to facture park is in place to south. 14. Slein Farm 1. Under construction - excellent park area at )Oda Farms (16 acres). Park tour 06!17/98 Page 2 15. Country Club Manor 1. Park was built with very little street access and close proximity to homes. Avoid this park design in the future. 16. Par West Park 1. Exercise equipment not used. Too many dandelions. 17. The Meadows 1. Large bank of dirt - concerns of safety & view to public, erosion problems. 2. Dandelions, park is an eyesore and a detriment to the neighborhood. 3. Drainage area needs to be maintained. 4. Enforcement of ban on ATV's in parks. 18. Balboul C1. Drainage pond - could be deeper to hold water all year. 19. NSP Ball Fields 1. Paving the parking lot. Budget item for future. 20. Mondssippi Park 1. County Park - trail development - might be a titture joint project City/County. 2. City/County could go together to buy parcel adjoining park_ 21. Hillcrest Park 1. OK as is 22. Right -of --way - Road right-of-way (by compost site) 23. Srldge Park - west 1. Tear down brown storage building, eyesore with limited use. Park tour 05/17/86 Page 3 L C ii 24. Bridge Park • east 1. Fran Fair doing a great job of maintaining the flowers and bushes. 25. Ellison Park 1. Take down historical site sign from county tour a few years ago 2. Check with DNR on signs in ground not nailed to trees 1 3. Fir trail area around gazebo 4. Screen dumpsters I 5. Remodel bathrooms a l I 6. Veteran's Monument • should be placed between the road and i the river, lining up to the gazebo but east about 30 feet. Park tour 05/17195 Page 4 POSSIBLE BUDGET ITEMS -- 1995 Fund Priority 'Amount Source Year (I-Low/5-High) 1. Increase dandelion sprayingtcontract out or hire employee 2. Hockey rink boards at 4th Street 9. Meadow Oaks pathway completion/ wideningtmaintenance 4. Meadow Oaks Outlet A parking/ paving 5. Pave NSP parking lot (baseball fields) G. Tear down old West Bridge warming house 7. Cemetery fonco B. Water Tower alta • Specific improvements/budget amounts to be discussed at the meeting. C PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS - INVENTORY AN)i :K NAME TOATAL GOVT ACRES TOBTAL CITY C CITY DEV POW WET- F PARK CLASS G RATE H AREA K PLAY- SOCCER ERt GRND FTIBALL _A�� HCKY 0 M CAL OPEN SLIDE LID SKAI ALL P LITTLE L -G IS R S SOFT. BASE- TENNIS Senior Center City NA NA NA NA NA Community A Cent Ellison' city 4.2 4.2 4.2 M* (No Community A Cent 1 'East/West Bridge Cit, 4.7 4.7 4.7 00/0 0% Community B Cent 1 1 1 1 4 Sr. High Schl 8 00/0 00% Community A Cent Fallon Ave city 0.5 0.5 0.5 00/0 00/0 Mini C Cent 1 4th Stre t rjtv 2.6 2.6 26 00/0 (No Community A -Cant Y. 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