Parks Commission Agenda Packet 08-08-1993Pq AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday. August 8, 199.3 - 4 p.m. Members: Richard Frie, Fran Fair, Bruce'fhielen. Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan I . Call to order. 2. Adopt agenda. 3. Consideration of approval of minutes of the special meeting held in lieu of regular August meeting - August, 11, 1993. 4. Review winter recreation facilities operation plan. 5. Review status of Comprehensive Plan Development.. " 6. Review status of American Legion ,Memoria) Park proposal. 7. Review status of 1994 budget request.. ( 8. Other. 9. Adjournment. 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362L9245 MEMO Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 TO: Yorks Commission Nlem 1e F'ItU11: Je(T'O'Ncill. Assistant Administrator 1 ()AT1s: August 1), 1993 t HE: 5}social Mect.ing of I'atrks Commission - August. H. 1993 l A special meeting of the Mouticelio 19trks Comminsimi hos been scheduled foo Wednesday, August 11, 1993. al 4 p.m. This meeting will lake t.lte place of the regular meeting; of l.he Parks Commission which was scheduled for Wednesday. August 18, The proposed agendo is as follows: 1. Consideralion of approval of minutes of,luly 21, 199:1 atcel.ing. t. Conducl. tour of city Pim-lis mid consider est,ahlishitig fire structure for private use of I-Ylison Park. :1. Review sutus of Comprehensive 1'11111. }t 4. Discuss l.hc potent.in) ofaccept.ing it portion cif the IA.,gioti proltcrty for use its u city park. S. i?stuhlish phut for winter uperaf,iun of i ourth Streel. hir•k. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING • MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, July 21, 1993 • 4 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Roger Carlson, Fran Fair, Larry Nolan arrived approximately 4:30 p.m. Members Absent: Bruce Thiclen 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. 2. Adopt agenda. Discussion of the Veterans/Legion Memorial Park was added to the agenda. 3. Consideration of at)i)rovnl of,luneffi. 1993. minutes. A motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Roger Carlson to approve the minutes of the meeting held June(6, 1993. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of ntwrovoil of minutes from the meetines held .lune 2.1993: April 7. 1993: March 17. 1991 February 16. 1993* lanunry 13. 1993; December 29, 1992: December 16.1992: and November 18. 1992. A motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded by Fran Fair to approve the minutes as listed above. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consensus of the commission to hold the August meeting on August 11, 1993, at 4 p.m. The purpose of the meeting will be to view West Bridge Park and Ellison Park in order to establish fee schedules for the facilities. Also to review Clio comprehensive plan, to discuss the Veterans/Legion Memorial Park idea, and to review what is happening at 4th Street Park. 6. 1994 Caoitxtl lmorovements, A. A motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Roger Carlson to include $3,000 for additional playground equipment in Par West Park and $1,500 for a tot lot ballfield. Motion carried unanimously. 13. A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Fran Fair to provide outdoor music, concessions, and to got good worming house attendants for West Bridge Park. Motion carried unanimously. Pago I Parks Commission Minutes - 7/2V93 C. A motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded by Larry Nolan to remove the old warming house in West Bridge Park. Motion carried unanimously. D. A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson that improvements to Outlot A in Meadow Oaks should include two little league ballfields and a soccer field. Motion carried unanimously. E. A motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Roger Carlson to budget46,900 for three basketball courts for 1994, and also to install one in 1993 in West Bridge Park. Motion carried unanimously. It was the consensus of the Parks Commission to west and see what kind of use the volleyball court in Cardinal Hills gets before installing any additional ones. 6. It was the consensus of the Parks Commission to consolidate any of the vita course equipment in Park West Park if it has any play value. A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Z �*4 RogaF Mack Street/Park Superintendent Pago 2