Parks Commission Agenda Packet 09-08-1993AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE PARKS COMMISSION
d� Wednesday, *ugwet 8,1993 - 4 p.m.
S' + b
Members: Richard Frie, Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan
1. Call to order.
2. Adopt agenda.
3. Consideration of approval of minutes of the special meeting held in lieu of
regular August meeting - August 11, 1993.
4. Review winter recreation facilities operation plan.
5. Review status of Comprehensive Plan Development.
6. Review status of American Legion Memorial Park proposal.
7. Review status of 1994 budget request.
8. Other.
~ 9. Adjournment.
18'w'e �RGP".'D
V 1 576/1 )PC)AT,_
Wednesday, August 11, 1993 - 4 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Frie, Fran lair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan
Members Absent: None
1. Consideration of auuroval of minutes of Julv 21. 1993 meetine.
After discussion, a motion was made by Iran Fair and seconded by Larry Nolan to
approve the meeting minutes as sul}mitted.
2. Conduct tour of city narks and consider establishine fee structure for private use of
Ellison Park.
At this point in the meeting the group toured City park facilities. The first stop was
Bridge Park. Parks Commission toured the new warming house and was impressed
with the work done by City Staff and contractors. It was the consensus of the Parks
Commission to try to conduct some type of grant) opening ceremony or special event
to dedicate the opening of the warming house and dedicate the skating area.
Tho group discussed concerns regarding parking. It was noted that the redesign of
the rink will result in additional parking on site. It was the consensus to use
experience as the guide as fair as determining whether or not additional parking
might be needed.
The group toured the old warming house and noted its staalo ofdisrepair. It was the
feeling of the group that the old building is an eyesoro and that it should be removed.
At this time Clio warming house takes up valuable open space tit the park and there
is no need for the facility; therefore, it should be demolished.
Tic group then went to the arboretum and was impressed with the work Clint had
been done. Fran lair requested Chat the strip of grass lie removed along side the
stairway to expedite planting of Day Lilies at this location. Hoger Muck indicated
that he would coordinate this work as requested.
Tile group then went to Ellison Park to discuss establishing potential charges for use
of Ellison Purk. It was the consensus of the group that the City should establish a
charge for reserved use of the facility. The charge should at it minimum recover
naiintennnco expenses and electricity. The group reviewed the existing 1Hdicy fur
charging for ueo of tlw West Bridge worming house and concurred that the fees and
Cdeposits as proposed make sense.
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Parks Commission Minutes - 8/11/93
CAfter discussion, a motion was made by Druce Thiclen and seconded by Larry Nolan
to recommend that a fee of $20 and a deposit of $50 be provided to the City for
reserved use of the Ellison Park Shelter, the Ellison Park Gazebo, and the Bridge
Park Picnic Shelter. The fee above applies to Monticello residents only. Individuals
from outside of the community would be required to pay a fee of $40 and a deposit
of $50. Motion included the requirement that the fee structure be reviewed on an
annual basis. Motion carried unanimously.
The group then visited the Cardinal Hills Park. Dick Frie commended Roger Mack
on the work completed un the park to date which included: installation of park
benches, grills, and a sand volleyball court. The group reviewed the location of the
proposed basketball courts to be cunstructed in 1994. It was clarified that the
basketball courts are to be located 'at West Bridge Park, Fourth Street Park, and
Meadow Oak Outlot A.
The group also discussed the potential development of a basketball court at the
Cardinal Hills site. O'Neill indicated his concern that the Cardinal Hills area is
relatively large and users of the park will need to drive to the park. He noted that
a plan does not exist for off-site parking. A consensus en how ui address this issue
was not arrived at.
The group then moved to city hull to complete discussion of the balance of the
3. Review status of Comnrchensive Plan.
Item tabled.
4. Discuss the txwtent.inl of acceatine n uort.iun of the Leeinn urooert.v fur use as n city
it k.
Jay Miller, representing the Monticello American Legion, was present to describe in
detail concepts behind potential development of a Veterans Memorial Park to be
located across from the existing Legion facility. Miller indicated that the Legrion has
approximately 49,000 sq. ft, of land available on which to develop the park, this
includes Lilo existing parking area. Miller emphasized that currently there is no park
or memorial dedicated to veterans from Monticcllu. Under the proposal, Clio Legion
would be responsible for developing the memorial and other facilities associated with
Che park. The land would be deeded to the City for perpetual maintenance. The
Legion would require that if Clic park is abandoned, it would revert back to the
Legion. No auuping would be allowed on the site. Parking presently used by the
Legion would continue to be allowed for use by the Legion. The Legion would also
Cprovide snow removal in tho winter and would provide some cash
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Parks Commission Minutes - 8/11/93
necessary to fluid other mowing and maintenance activity in the summer. Dick Frie
mentioned that he could see the City supporting acquiring the park because the City's
costs are covered. This park helps round out our park system by providing a
memorial park wluch the City does not currently have. Larry Nolan noted that the
proposed park will tie into the Bike Trail System. Bruce Thielen noted that a site
plan for the park needs to be prepared. Jay Miller indicated that he will have
someone put the site plan together.
Alter discussion, it was Clio consensus of the group to support the concept and that
the matter should be pursued further. The next step would he W have Che Legion
prepare a site plan and for the City to write a note to the Legion indicating that the
Parks Commission is interested in the proposal.
Establish Won for winter operation of Fourth Street Park.
It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that this item should not he discussed
without the input from tine Hockey Association. Therefore, Assistant Administrator
O'Neill wasdirected to ash representatives from the Hockey Association Un attend the
next regular meeting of Che Parks Commission. At that time it would be Che goal of
the Commission to have a plan prepared for winter recreation whicli includes both
the operation of Che West Bridge Park and Che operation of the fourth Street Park.
This plan should ho reviewed by the Parks Commission in September and submitted
to Council at their next regular meeting for review and approval.
Other Matters
Bruce Thielen indicated that he will be applying For funds through the LCMR, which
would assist in development of an education center at Nye Park. Thielen requests
Clio Parks Commission provide support for his efforts.
After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Larry Nolun to
solid a letter to the Wright County Board of Commissioners supporting development
of an education center at Nye Park. Motion carried unanimously,
it was the consensus of Parks Commission to reschedule the regular meeting of the
Parks Commission from September 15, 1993, to September 8, 1993, nt 4 p.m. Motion
carried unanimously.
There being no further discussion, a motion was mado by IlrucoThielen and seconded
by Larry Nolan to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
Page :1
The objective of the winter recreation operations plan ;o
provide a management framework for providing winter recr �>n
opportunities for the citizens of Monticello In a cost ef' :ve
manner. The need for a management plan stems from a citize: Vey
that indicated that skating facilities need improvement. the
survey 62% rated skating facilities as fair or poor. Ott; input
has been obtained from winter park users that indicr:..t that
maintenance and operation of 0th street and West Bridge parks needs
to be improved.
Currently, the Hockey Association is responsible for flooding both
the hockey rink and the open skating area and is also responsible
for clearing snow from both ice surfaces. The hockey association
also owns the hockey rink boards. The City is charged with helping
clear snow In the event of a large snowfall and hires and pays a
warming house attendant from mid December through early February.
The City pays for the lighting of the rink.
Problem statement:
The manner in which the ice has been maintained has been less than
desirable. The main problem has been inadequate regular snow
removal by the Hockey association and some confusion as to when the
City is respcneible for assisting the Hockey Association with snow
removal. The Hockey association does not have the equipment to
remove even a moderate snow and expects that the City should remove
the snow even when only an inch or two falls. The agreement between
the City and the Hockey Association states that the City will
remove snow after a "heavy snow" Often times, the warming house is
open with an attendant, but the ice is unskateable or very bad. We
need to set up an arrangement for flooding the rinks and clearing
snow on a timely basis or consider abandoning the use of the park
for skating.
Removal of snow by City Crews is a low priority relative to getting
streets open. Generally, the rink Ss done after all streets are
plowed which could occur many hours after the end of the snowfall
The Hockey Association has left the warming house open after late
night practices.
250 East Broadway
P. 0. Box 1147
Monticello, MN
Phone: (612) 295.2711
Metro: (612) 333-5739
Fax: (612) 295-4404
Mr. Jay Miller
American Legion
Post No. 260
304 Elm St.
Monticello, MN 55362
August 20, 1993
CDear Jay:
This letter is written to inform members of the American Legion that the Monticello Parks
Commission is interested in the Legions proposal to develop a Veteran's Memorial Park on
the site currently owned by the American Legion Club. The level of interest justifies
preparation of a park plan and a more detailed discussion of the following issues:
Responsibility for maintenance of the park area and associated funding of such
2. Winter time use of the parking area and associated snow removal responsibilitieQ.
3. Development of a joint parking agreement which would enable transfer of the property
to the City without Clio loss of parking needed in conjunction with the American
Legion Club operntion.
4. Integration of the trail system and associnted landscaping already funded through a
grant provided by the State of Minnesota.
6. Other issues not identified at this time.
Once Clio site plan is prepared, we can meet at staff level and with the Parks Commission
Chairman to review the pian and associnted issues, then place the item on the Pnrks
Commission agenda at their earliest meeting thereafter.
Mr. Jay Miller
August 20, 1993
Page 2
Thank you for your work on this interesting park project idea. I look forward to
meeting with you and our Legion leaders to discuss the matter further. The next
meeting of the Parks Commission is scheduled for September 8, 1993, at 4 p.m. If
you should have any questions, please give me a call.
Yours truly,
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
cc: File
The objective of the winter recreation operations plan is to
provide a management framework for providing winter recreation
opportunities for the citizens of Monticello in a cost effective
manner. The need for a management plan stems from a citizen survey
that indicated that skating facilities need improvement. In the
survey 62% rated skating facilities as fair or poor. Other input
has been obtained from winter park users that indicate that
maintenance and operation of 4th street and West Bridge parks needs
to be improved.
Currently, the Hockey Association Is responsible for flooding both
the hockey rink and the open skating area and Is also responsible
for clearing snow from both ice surfaces. The hockey association
also owns the hockey rink boards. The City is charged with helping
clear snow in the event of a large snowfall and hires and pays a
warming house attendant from mid December through early February.
The City pays for the lighting of the rink.
Problem statement:
The manner in which the ice has been maintained has been less than
desirable. The main problem has been inadequate regular snow
removal by the Hockey association and some confusion as to when the
City is responsible for assisting the Hockey Association with allow
removal. The Hockey association does not have the equipment to
remove even a moderate snow and expecte that the City should remove
the snow even when only an inch or two falls. The agreement between
the City and the Hockey Association states that the City will
remove snow after a "heavy snow" Often times, the warming house Is
open with an attendant, but the Ice is unskateable or very bad. We
need to set up an arrangement for flooding the rinks and clearing
snow on a timely basis or consider abandoning the use of the park
for okating.
Removal of snow by City Crewe Is a low priority relative to getting
streets open. Generally, the rink Is done after all streets are
plowed which could occur many hours after the end of the snowfall
The Hockey Association has left the warming house open after late
night practices.
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UQ. 41
250 East Broadway
P. O. Box 1147
Monticello, MN
55362.9245 MEMO
Phone: (612) 295.2711
Metro: (612) 333.5739
Fax: (612) 295.4404
TO: Parks Commission Members
FROM: Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator
DATE: October 8, 1993
RE: Meeting notice
C'file regular meeting of the Monticello Parks Commission is scheduled for 4 p.nn.,
Wednesday, October 20. 'file tentative agenda is as follows:
1. Consideration of approval of the meeting minutes from the meeting conducted
Wednesday, September 8, 1993.
2. Review 4th Street and Bridge Park winter operation plan and consider forwarding
it to the City Council for approval. (Jeff - report at meeting)
3. Iteview ope•ution and maintenance of the NSI' balllields.
Representatives from the Monticello Baseball Association and the Softball League
have been asked to attend this meeting to discuss the operation of I,he facilil.y.
Specific items to review include 14nrks Commission's previous recommendation to
allow construction of a (Canto connected to the concessionstand and discuss
scheduling issues.
4. Consider establishing 4 p.m. as the regular meeting time fir the Parks
City scan' requests that the Parks Commission seriously consider making 4 p.m.
the regular meeting Dime of tine Parks Commission rather 011111 7 p.111. 'Suite law
requires that the City provide notice to the newspaper when the regular meeting
Parks Commission
October S, 1993
Page `l
date or time is changed. Due to the fact that most of our meetings are held at
4 p.m., it may make sense to make this our regular time, thereby avoiding the
paperwork associated with notifying the newspaper and others that the meeting
has been rescheduled to 4 p.m.
5. Review tentative plans for residential development of the Robert Krauthauer
The purpose of this item is to discuss park/trail needs in the general area. Parks
Commission comments will be forwarded to Krauthauer's engineerlplaatier for
guidance in designing the plat.
6. Review City Engineer update on the 14TFA pathway project.
Wednesday. September R, 1993 • 4 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Frio, Fran Pair, Larry Nolan
Members Absent: Bruce'rhielen, Roger Carlson
3. Consideration of approval of minutes of 1.11C.Special moel.ina; held in lieu of
regular Auanst meetina. Au¢ust 11. 199:1.
After discussion, it motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Larry
Nolan to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion curried
unanimously with Bruce Thieien and Roger Carlson absent.
Review winter recreation facilities oueration Man.
Mark Holmes of tite Monticello Hockey Association was in attendance to
discuss the winter operation of Ute 4th Street Park with the Parks
Commission. O'Neill noted that the current operation calls for the Hockey
Association tieing responsible for flooding hath the hockey rink and open
skating arca and is also responsible for clearing snow from hath ice
surfaces. The Hockey Association also owns the hockey rink hoards. 'file
1 City is responsible for clearing snow in the event-ofitlarge snowrall and
also hires and pays a warming house attendant from mid-December through
early February. 'rile City also pays for the lighting of the rink.
O'Neill and Roger Mack explained that the current method for nmintarining
Clio ice surface has not worked that well. 'rile main problem has been
inadequate regular snow removal by the Hockey Association and same
confusion ns to when the City is responsible for assisting the Hockey
Association with snow removal. 'rhe Hockey Association dues not have
equipment to remove even a moderate snow and expects the City to remove
the snow even when only an inch or two falls. 'rite agreement between the
City and the Ilockey Association slates the City will remove snow after at
heavy snow. Often times, the warming house is open with nn attendant but
Clio ice is unskalabie or very had. Mack and O'Neill noted that we need to
set up an arrangement, for flooding tho rinks and clearing snow mn a timely
basis or consider hamming the use of the park for skating. Muck noted Ihat
removal of snow sty City crews is at low priority relative to getting streets
open. Cenerally the rink is done after till streets are plowed, which could
occur many hours the end of n snowfall event. Mack also noted that.
on occasion, file Hockey Association hats left Uto warming house Open after
into night practices.
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Parks Commission Minutes - 9/8/93
The Parks Commission reviewed the problems in more detail with Mark
Holmes of the Hockey Association. Following is the general consensus as to
a potential management plan for operating 4th Street Park during winter
Flooding. The Hockey Association would continue to he responsible
for flooding both the hockey rink and the open skating nrea. Both
skating areas should receive equal priority in terms of flooding.
2. Snow Removal. The Hockey Association would he responsible for
sweeping ice shavings from the surface only. The City will be
responsible for removing any appreciable snowfall. City crews will
continue to make streets the number one priority; however, the ice
rink will be cleared before the snow removal crews quit.
The City recognizes that during certain light snowfall events, it may
not he necessary to remove snow from the streets; however, it will he
necessary to remove snow from the ice rink.
3. Hockev Rink Boards. 'rhe Hockey Association will be replacing
portions of the hoards that are in disrepair or broken. It is
C recognized that the overall condition of the rink is very poor and that
complete replacement nwy he necessary in the near future. This is
an item for the Parks Commission to consider in the 1995 budget.
4. Rink Attendant.. The City will continue to provide a rink ittendnnt
during the specified hours of operation. :5"& k09 P11--
im5. Hours of Onerntion, The warming house W be open Monday
through Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 9 Imn , Friday from 3:30 p.m. to
10 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Christmns/holidays
from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 'rhe warming house attendant will he given
explicit instructions to lock the facility after closing hours. No use of
Clio facility will be allowed by the Hockey Association after closing.
Only flooding activity will be allowed to occur with the lights on after
closing. 'rhe Hockey Association will be given to limited number of
keys to operate the lights to be used in conjunction with after-hours
flooding. E.J0 60.,.0,,. ►�,�� tt1..a..�Jo
6. Securil . The Wright County Sheriffs Department will he directed to
enforce the parks schedule. No one will he allowed to use the facility
after hours.
7. Vendinv Machine. A vending machine will lie installed at the 401
Street Park if a vending company is willing to expose the machine to
possible danuige that could occur.
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Parks Commission Minutes - 9/8/93
CIt was the consensus of the Parks Commission to summarize the conclusions
with regard to operation of the 4th Street Park and submit the conclusions
to the Hockey Association for review and subsequent comment at the next
meeting of the Parks Commission.
5. Review status of comprehensive plan development.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill indicated that further work on the
comprehensive plan has been delayed due to other pressing duties. He
noted that major aspects of the plan have been completed through
establishment of the trail system plan done in conjunction with the ISTEA
progrunl, and he noted that the park system inventory and needs
assessment has also been essentially completed. The next step is to pull the
existing data together into a plan document. He noted that he has not been
able to find the time necessary to complete this important project.
It was the consensus of the group to request that O'Neill continue to work
on the document and attempt to present it to Cho Parks Commission at their
next regular meeting scheduled for October 20, 1993.
6. Review status of American Lection Park proposal.
CO'Neill presented Clio Parks Commission with it letter sent to the American
Legion outlining Parks Commission interest in development of the memorial
park. Ile indicated that he is waiting for word from the Legion as to
establishment of it meeting date to discuss Che concept further.
Review stains of 1994 hudGet. request..
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the
1994 budget request will be presented to Che City Council at n special
meeting of the City Council scheduled for Thursday, September 9. at
4:30 p.m. Dick Frio indicated that he would attend this meeting to support
Parks Commission requests for funds for 1994.
8. Other.
A. Itoger Mack indicated Chat Ken Schwartz informed him Chat Cho
llalt.lo Hapids Townhmne Association requests that Cho City trim
some of the trees in Outiot A of the Battle Hapids subdivision in
order to provide it better view of the river. The group discussed the
function of Cho park in general.
It was t.11e consensus that Dick Frie should review the situation with
Roger Muck and develop a plan fir conducting minor maintenance to
the area to allow better access to: the site and an improved view of
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Parks Commission Minutes - 9/8/93
the river. O'Neill noted that, the City is still holding $3,600, which
was to be used to supplement the park dedication requirement. He
noted that this letter of credit had not heen cashed and that. perhaps
we should cash the letter of credit before completing any work on the
property. It was the general agreement of the group that the work
shouldn't he done until the developer provided the City with .$,3,500
as required by the development agreement.
IS. ISTEA Undale. Dick Frie indicated that. he had received numerous
requests from the public wondering about the status of the trail
system development. He also noted that t he Mayor had received
similar questions. O'Neill also informed the group that he had
received similar requests. O'Neill reiterated that it was not possible
to complete the project this year due to the long review process. He
noted the importance of getting all reviews completed this winter
with ground hreaking to occur as soon as it's possible in the spring of
After discussion, it motion wits made by harry Nolan and seconded by
Fran Nair to request that the City Engineer provide an update on the
status of the engineering of the pathway and to provide the City with
it time line showing fill steps of the review process. The time line
should indicate May I its the date for the ground breaking. The
report. to I,he Parks Commission should he provided by the Cil.y
Engineer fit the October 20 meeting of the Parks Commission.
Motion curried unanimously with Bruce Thielen and Roger Carlson
Roger Mack presented it concept submitted by the Softball Association
for development of an open shelter adjoining the concession area.
Under the proposal, the Softball Association would finance and instill
file structure.
After discussion, it motion was made by Lorry Nolan and seconded by
Fran Nair to approve the concept of developing fin open shelter
attached to the concession area subject to review and approval of the
design of the structure by Roger Mack. Motion carried unanimously
with Bruce Tllielen and Roger Carlson absent..
'there heing no furl.her discussion, it wits made by Larry Nolan find
seconded by Fran Nair to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Teff l )'Neill
Assisuant Administrator
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