Parks Commission Agenda Packet 09-20-1995AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMbUSSION Wednesday: September 20,1995-4:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of approving minutes for the regular meeting August 16, 1995. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. 4. Battle Rapids Townhouse Association requests review of park status. (Denton Erickson will attend for Battle Rapids Townhouse Association.) 5. Update on City Council meeting for Comprehensive Planning. 6. Update on 4th Street Park Hockey Rink. 7. Update on meeting with Mary Jepson/Connect 4 Student advisor. (Jeff) 6. Discussion on Pathway. 1. Discuss Spring Rally Day Concept (postponed grand opening ) 2. Discuss a winter use policy / 3. Discuss motorized vehicle restrictions 9. Diwwaion on the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association State Conference. 10. Discussion on Trees: I. Boulevard Trees 2. Shade Tree Program 3. Current ordinance on trees in new subdivisions 11. Adjourn. MRVUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARRS COMMISSION Wednesday, August 18, 1896, - 4:30 p.m. 11 to ord r. Acting Chairman Larry Nolan called the meeting to order. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED FOR THE JULY 19TH REGULAR MEETING. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously. STEVE ANDREWS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 9TH. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously. rn aid ration of Adeling ngenda item, 1. Earl Smith added discussion with the Monticello Lions and the CAmerican Legion. 4. D'arna ion on .h to +r of ot�rl„a, The Commission discussed the recent city tour of parks with the Council, Planning Commission, and Parka Commission and agreed that is was productive and should be looked at repeating on an annual basis. Boulevard trees were a target area that should be reviewed. School Boulevard was used as an e:amplo of a boulevard area that could be improved. Along with the boulevard trees a city-wide shade tree program should be considered. This could possibly be an internship project. The Commission then briefly reviewed the present city ordinance on tree planting for now homes and commented that the Parke Commission should recommend that the current tree ordinance be updated along with the comprehensive plan study. The following is the list to be reviewed: A shade tree and planting program should be a major point in the goads and objectives for the Comprehensive Plan, 2. The Zoning Ordinance should be updated on the tree and shrub Cordinance. Page I Parks Commission Minutes - 9/16/95 3. There should be a plan for reforestation. Tree preservation. Provide an internship program/full time public works person. There was also suggestions of more community involvement in planting of trees. In the last twenty years the road widths have increased also trees on the boulevards have been eliminated through Dutch Elm Disease and construction. The Parka Commission would like to see this chimed by allowing boulevard trees and even reducing street width requirements in neighborhood areas. It was recommended that staff draft a resolution from the Parks Department to the Planning Commission requesting strong attention to restoration in the Comprehensive Plan quidelines and policy implementation steps. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO BE PRESENTED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON THE IMPORTANCE OF TREES. SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS. Motion passed unanimously. C5. rmm1prahonaiye Planning. Steve r1rittman. The Commission discussed the report given by Steve Grittman and thought it would be beneficial for the City to add a more detailed sections to the comprehensive plan for the following reasons; 1. Before now development has gone too far 2. There is no plan in process 3. There is a need to budget for tho future 4. To plan in an orderly fashion 5. Help link park design with park demand 6. Help substantiate our park dedication fees 7. Commercial and Industrial land development is not being required to give park land. 8. Be proactive instead of putting Band-Aids on past problems 9. Proactive using a methodical approach. 10. Select areas in the community to preserve (example river area). FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO PROCEED WITH THE PARK AND TRAIL PLAN PROPOSAL AS PART OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. C SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. Page 2 6. Discussion an 1 13Ldvgt. Parka Commission Minutes - 9/16!95 The Commission was in agreement to leave the budget as was decided at the previous meeting. Fran Fair suggested a future project of planting trees in the Meadows park area which is just a drainage area now. This might be done as a Connect 4 or community project. 7. Update on path=. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the signs along the pathway are not up but will be soon, there was a use with caution notice in the Monticello Times, and the bridge is still scheduled for installation by November 1st. There have been many positive comments on the appearance and use of the pathway. The safety issues will need to be watched because of the diversity of groups using the pathway. The Connect 4 Students at the Monticello High School are interest helping with a city project. They could help by designing brochures, safety pamphlets, tours, and education on use. O'Neill reported that he would meeting with the instructor and get more information on this program. The Grand Opening is tentatively set for October 7th. There will be more information at the next meeting on this event. 8. Information on Ftkntehnard rinks The Commission discussed ideas for skateboards and in-line skaters. This sport does not have a designated park area for and does cause problems in the business district. Easy Strido Skate School in Edina expressed an interest in talking with the Park's Commission on ideas that have worked in other cities through their company. This will be scheduled for the November meeting. 8. oil= Earl Smith had been contacted by the Lion's member Harvey Kendall because the Lions are interested in a project with the city. The Commission discussed the possibility of tho Lions *adopting" a city park. There could be many levels of involvement depending on the Lions intentions. There will be now park areas developing in the City or expansion of equipment and i. shelters in existing parks. The Commission was in favor of the Lion's Page 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 9116195 involvement in one of the city parks but will need more information on their request. Smith will continue to work on this project. Smith was also approached by the American Legion on the City developing the two empty lots across from the Legion into a park area. The Commission agreed that this was too close to the Magic Kingdom and school playground area to be a worthwhile project. 10. Adia= EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Page 4 Z9M NW -01133IINOW ZOIT X08 Od -AVR(IV088 I OSZ NOISSIWWO3 SXbVd 0113011HOW dolvdISINIWOV LUVISISSV 1113N,O J:13r 0 1Ajz4SAw'a4a 0; B�{fis Of Pdrt & Revedthn 9 Its; RK '419d glaol Is ls 109t 1821 ;005 vappagiv Ina pug U01119JOG-d TIOSQUU1K Minnesota Recreation and Park Association 58th Annual State Conference and Exhibit Hall November 1-3,1995 St Cloud Civic Center St. Cloud, Minnesota '95 MR11_1 Conference Program and 'S,�hedule of E ve.jts Wednesday, November I 9:00 - 9:15 Continental Breakfast 9:30 Session Kev O = CE Us offered for this session A Administrative Track E - Enforcement Track G - General Track N . Natural Resources Track P e Programming Track T - Therapeutic Recreation Track Wednesday, November I 9:00 - 9:15 Continental Breakfast 9:30 t+ticonrr—.ilaor Chuck t+inklrmmr. St. Cloud; Ruth Venrmg, Sr. Cloud State U'niwrssrv: and .t IRP4 Presuirnt Ken I"rao 10:45 NG Effeerive Recognition afRecreatian Professionals R Ibluntren — Joe Scott, VP, Scott 4:00 OANPT Assmintes, Inc., 10:45 OG Data Privocv k Other --Ica — Jim Sheldon. NWA Attorney 10:45 aG Carter Plateau: What is n? u'har to do about it. 4:00 0AIN — Dr. Jon C. McChesney, Assixms Professor, SL—,U 10:45 OP Sworgihrntng Youth Sports: The Rol, ofd w Recreation Professional— Jay Lonhammer, Recreation Program Supervisor, 13rook)5n Park 4:00 NA Recreation and Parks Depinmeat +0:45 G Beneflis Bosed Ucoulgrmrnt — Ron Nickerson, Park Planner, Mimrsou Derartment of Nonrsl 4:00 9NPT Resource 10:45 G Sprcral Ewnu: The /mpanartcr ofCal"oration 101h )aur Communuv — Leu Berg. Minnesou 4:00 OPT Festivals and Events Association Director 12:00 Student Luncheon (Professional Sponsors) 1:30 aG c:rraivinytwnovanow ,4 Difforrm Approoch to e:howRr "Gimng iaun,lf Uw.g/rck' — hills 5DO Perin, Speach Communicatloa & Innovation Sprcialbs — Sponsored by W ILS 2:45 0.01PT Drvrloping.4 Curiomrr ServnctUanual — Mary 5:00 Jo Anderson, Presi em. MLA A Asxsiata - Pan 1 «:45 MA 11du03 BwrJ.kl srgrnerni: 1111 For )aril—U'dliam Mills. Praidrn4 William Mills R Asaur wto 2:45 OG Fo giwarss is Easier to Get Thais Pernowton . 9:30 •G Self-Guulyd Cnamiry for )-aur Orgaloirantan i Success — Julie Peters, Speech Communication & Innovation Speeinlisi 2:45 OAN Pari Dedication -11) Still Legal! — Jim Sheldon, MRPA Aticmev «:45 ONPT no Benrf7u a%Outdosr Education in the Brainerd High School -trust, Self Confldtncr. 9:45 OG Fun, Ahemmrri —Coleco Cortdet, Physical Education Teacher, Brainerd Iligh Schml -Pon I 45 OPT Powerful Parmrnhips: Panna .4 Profruionals 945 aAL•N Bwldtng Inclurive Recreation Progroms — Stuan S:hlcien, IJJM Pmressor & Dim..on Need; Carla F Tuh,urnc. Ph -D . CTRS. Aasisunt isrotessm, Sally Koenbc. Parent. Matinee Fahnestock. M.Ed„ CTRS. Gtadiute Research Assistant; f:athr Suom. M.A., Graduate Research Assistant. and Leonard Weiss. M.S . CTRS. Graduate Research Assistant - Pan 1 4:00 OANPT Developing .4 Customer Semler Manual - Part 11 4.00 OG Collaborations: What.lakes It l+bri — Pat Peterson, Consultant & Trainer. Wilder Foundation 4:00 0AIN .Approaching )b-1 Recreational Facdaies.iudii Muff "llreck". less Abamlan — Jim Marland. Recrewtonal Facilities Engin«:. Bo.mestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates 4:00 NA AgrncyAccreditonen - The Whv and How -- Bob Bierscheid, CLP, Ducetor. Roscsrlle Parks & Recreation 4:00 9NPT no Benefits of Outdoor Education in the Brainerd High School. rrusi. SelfConfidenee, Fun..4dwitrum! - Pan 11 4:00 OPT Powoful Partnerships: Parents & Profranonal Budding Inclusrw Recrearron Programs - Pan 11 4:00 G Geirmg the .Nosy Out of Studew Internships — Urdvcrsiry Panel and Recreation Professionals 5DO NYSCA Update — Jon Burlingame, NYSCA State c—minor 5:00 CLSA Lteettng — President Dolf Nmm 5:00 Hall of Ideas. Student Network Social, Job Mart, and MRPF Silent Auction Thursday, November 700 -9:30 Breakfast Bullet 9:30 •G Hawaiian, Irawwnw — How ho K„p going 14%en law Body Naw ro Stop — Tonv &bilk,. Tris Mete. Prafrssiunai Speaker 9:45 OG Lohbvtne For Fun wid PmfJr: Now to Adwcau SuccrujWtvas thr.kunnuotoLegnlamn — Jeraw Lane, Esecuuye Director, Mis-MN Legal Aadntance 9:45 OG What Dors rtchnalogy Hold For tour Futurr?— Peter Leydon, Information Technologies Re"a, Slat Tnbumf ' 945 aAL•N Hikers &,kloanratnBtk,n: Cdnflict.Learnmgs. and Prognrl — Alan BJoakinon, Visiting Aast. Professor of Envunamenul Stadia. Nrmh Park College. Chicago. BI. - Pan 1 9:45 NG Breal Awm• Coaching and Parenting - Developing Compru(sw.klaruniy In Adult Mi,wors — Tans Scbdlcr, Tnathlete, Professional Spealer 9'45 OG Dim 1 fou Know 1+7ur Pm Am& tng'—Cheng Chuan, CTRS, Integration Spe-cialist. Cinof Bloitnmgton Public Scluxsls TAunda), Nos, ember: — oonunued —> '95 EIRP. -1 Conference Program and Schedule of Events Thursday, November 2 — continued :.15 aA Benefits ofColleenve Bargamng For ff' it 45 NA,'�.T Conforming /o Cu­SufrN ,md.Iecrss+belir} Alanagrment & Praf-esuonal Emplovees in Gaxrnmeni .genies — Susan ANiallah Lane, 1� Standards on Existing Pluvgrounds — Steve Supervisor, Minneapolis Park King, Chairman, Landscape Struenaes Inc_ tion Borict and Recreation Board and Recreation 9,45 NP Tennis Is For Evenone • UST4 - Communrn•- 1:15 NAE GrnjTn In Parke: Perceptron vJ Reality— Laren Based Programs rad Funding Opportunities — Evennad. Sergeant, Minneapolis Park Police Pat Colbert, Jr.. Tennis Director. Dick 'Jetsam. Adult Recreational Tennis Director, Bill Roddy, 2:15 G Universities Mecting — Panel Multi -Cultural Tennis Dvector. NWTA 2:15 NT Functronaivs. Traditional: A Trans-Dacvplinary 11:00 NAEP? Peace In Parks — Thom Storm- Recreation TreaanentApproach for PM•s+cal Rehabilitation Specialist, Duluth Parks At Recreation — Terri Clark. CTRS, Polinsky Medical 11:00 aG Understanding theAlarrv.-Ispects of Technology Rehabilitation Center — industrial "pens in the ams of: computer 3:30 IT Therapeutic Recreation Programming in a hardware, computer sodware, telephones, cellular Diverse Communiry —Tracy Smith, MS, phones, video coruerencing, and computer Lcisure Advocate, Arc of Hennepin Counry, Matt net..nrk+ng Zeigler. Native American Advocate, Arc of 11:00 #AIN Hikers & Afountand m Bikers: Conflict, Learnmgs. Hennepin County', `L'eyne Ma1J;e, Self Advocaie aPrognrss -Pan 11 and an American Indian Presenter on Inclusion 11:00 G Remitter:g Afinorturs and Handicapped lssuu — 3:30 G Intra and lnterarhnic Communes aron: Ardis Sandstrism. Career Connectiou Supervisor, Examining Ethnic ldi nory mad Perception in Courage Center. German AJverndo. Human Communication —Michelle A. Cornelious Resource Representative. Hennepin Caunry: and Lockhart. Adjunct ProfessotRestituti m Fred Haider, Human Resource Specialist, City of Representative. Minnespolis Park and Recreation St. Paul Board 11:00 NAPT Ethical Dilemmas for TR Profrssronots Rbrking 3:30 A Benefits of CoJ/rcrrw Bargaining . Pan 11 Tawanl Conmumry Integration — Carol Joncs. 3-30 G Universities Meeting - Pan 11 CTRS, Access Coordinator. Community Service 3:30 NAE Gmfflu In Thr Parks - Pan It 1 Recreation Department. Lincoln Community 4;00 E.hibit Flail Clvcs l Centa/Liss D+shman. CTRS. Executive Director. 4:00 - 5:30 Exhibit Hall Socia! LEEP 11:00 IIANT Confoi ming to Curernt Safery and Acerss+bJlN 6:00 Dinner. Entertainment. and Social .Standard on Existing Playgrounds - Part It 9:00 SMRPA/CLSA Social 11:00 N Low Casrdlternarnvs to Staffing Pork ted 9:00 Retiree Section Social Recreation Programs — Mori; Crawford. Passe Manager, Lake Maria State Park: Deb Viola, Friday. November 3 - No CEOs offered Volunteer Programs, Hennepin Parks: Lam B+ILsusyer, Cit' of Eagan Police Department 9:00 G Lawful GramrngComm+tterAfrrting — Stove Michaud, LawtSd Gaming Committee Chaco 12:00 Exhibit Hail Opens 9:00 G RSC.tfertrng— Drip Moon. RSC Chair 12:00-1:30 Butler Lutiche n 9:00 G ,t/RP..41 Role In 73u Legulatevr Process - Do iia 1;00 G arvat+ngBarr+rrs: Girls'SelfEsurrm.Ph+arcal ,Vred.4Lobb}ast?— Maureen Durand. MRPA .4cirwry — Jami Lilledahl, tndepamtrnt Legislative Committee Chau Consultant, and Coheirs Bourdon. Special Events 9100 O Rr-lnirahrcrng .tLnnrsotal .v'aew Proven, arul Director. Minnesota Amateur Spans Cmitm+uion ltiWlarid Plant Commumtirt in Park ad 1:00 ND PJ+ry ,Voam ad the Human Sprat — Bob Recreation Ammar — Paul Jackson, Restoration Bartlett, Theology Teacher. Coach. Campus Exologiss Minister. Academy of Holy Angels 9;00 A Is 77trre Reath, a.t(omv Ther Our Then' — 1:00 NG 4 Suecrssful.tionugrmrns Infonmatton Solent Laity Ho..., Director. St, Cloud Parks k For )bur Organirason — LuAnn S hle+P, MIS Recrcotann Management, City of Brooklyn Park 10:00 G Mixed Blood Theatre 1:00 T Thernpcunc Recreation Section Meeting —Tracy Smith, CTRS, Therapeutic Recreation traction Sponsored by MRPF CChn r 11:00 G Brunch. Buffet and Wrap Up with Julie : tSNPT Sum mer Staff1rammg&Bnnnd—Ja% Peter, Walter Johnson lNRP.�I, and Litithammer, Recreation Program Supervisor. NRPA tang Bra+khn Park Recreation and Parks Department X XXX X X XXX X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X Nall of Ideas & f Student Network Social Wednesday, November I • 5:00 — 1:00 PSS Pool -Side — Kelly loo `.lake your plans to stop by and get eegttamlexl aiN sU of .our panocn and future profemoonab in Patty and Rnresbot! The. is, the Hall of Ideas ealibits to compimot thten on Iheu.rconplishments and lefiat a arn +. cuing pmiats might as, he vubbc in your community. • New Lim Parks and Reereuion. tntersrnennoral camp Duluth Parks and Reaction Anoka County Puts and RernAtron. Arehitaornd Orap fo Quatn BmWing. Ous csch W dtllik lab. Mighty Ducks UL and Moumod Pumi • Laky Community Roceeaon tAkeandrial Link Loagua Fund- RY Mounds Va. Parka, Rmvtion, d F*acsVy. Into Bridgsa Got Canty • South St. Paul Pska ted Raceatim: Splash Pod • Lak-fie Parts and Raaahot: Youth ANcia: Canpka Ix plan! Lite Myon parkway, Quigley,%rw YoW tM Basmill tamp , Lak2crFarmingnars Showrombdc • Chanhassm Parts and Rectcoon. Annual Sponsorship Programs • Shakopee P.rks.nd Reveation: Rotary's Tn l Rad Sates • Mapawcod Put, and Recession: Maplewood Gsnawwry center • MRPA Uirid.sive Committee: Intamsion and Survey • Minne><na Deportmamt of Natural Rear ume Court Infom.t.wa ARtLE C.mpr:auva: Leisure Onralery Cay B.L. Community Cmc. Rock Climbing Wall XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Minnesota Recreation and Park Foundation Fund -Raising Silent Auction Wednesday, November I 5:00 - 7:00 Pot • Poolside XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX St. Cloud Conference Hotels Ask for MRPA Patti k.elly ion 1136/single (h12.2534kh06) S621multiple `Radisson S60/single /\ 12.654-1661) SBU/double a 910 each additional person SBlUstngle with uhttlpool S10014ouble with tvhtflpool 1110 - $115/ Deluxe/ Grand Suite It's No Mystery Win Airfare for Two To Orlando! Just for visiting the fabulous Exhibit Nail at this year's conference! Booth .(fee boorb of the latest and letattst for the parks. reereatloo, tad leisure service professional. Cather ideas for group outlogs, eohamer your programs, improve your efficiency. sod etp.ad .our horatuas. Each booth will distribute . clue to a mystery. At the Thursday r,tnlog bsoquet. .11 correct sleuths will be entered into the Braving for rwo airline tickets complimeon of Odyssey Travel! Also, enjoy the social hour folioaing the Esbibit Rall with snacks, prize drawings and a cash bar. ♦ ♦ On -Site Tours Thursday. Nov. 3 Tour A: Whitney Senior Center Complex 9:45 ANI — 13:00 PM Tour B: Quarry Park and Nature Reserve Stearns County Parks 1:30 — 3:15 PSI Buses leave from Civic Center lobby at start times. It NJ Vk# f JEFFO ' ... MUgican am Yout Eves to the Tntth About Bendness L a maglcas e+n n.ttam moa tru I us. nugc to aumn. a ser.eaa aw av aaabus were. awuW aamaxc « Overs 140 nu. oma vas, mnmmda ea osoaan mu mos akn a vawyn.s mVwltpQa W cat'omtanre I tlaWer t y! Can e1 pe We 4M ans:.ss ,hal.rpae m I_V W n socw stress .eV orntuona saargs lulnun u. .":.,w emss gmuo -.1w. aq 1.D 0. M wv trams"J :aJn to Ie. sneoran -.;z n . cenaawiq N otosu,as re -0. ra mutat. o^.umarcn ,0 Printed on r"Nall paper sou. caw us moor. nnrra:.:++ W.a ser tsmTls betty U{AM MRPA Conference Registration Form November I - 3, 1995 — SL Cloud Civic Center Name Agency Mailing Address City Specify Special Needs to Accommodate Physically Challenged Title Phone State Zip Meal Diet Requirements (Vegetarian, Diabetic, etc.) Please check type of registration: C] Professional ❑ Retiree or Student p ❑ Neamember•• Registration Fees: Through 10113 After 10/13 Nonmembera •• Full Package ❑ s 190 • ❑ 5220 • ❑ 5230 Threeday no meals ❑ slso ❑ Slgo ❑ S210 Daily— Indicate days) W T F ❑ S75 ❑ S95 ❑ S120 C.E.u.s (at conference $15) ❑ S10 ❑ slo ❑ SIO Meal choice for Thursday Banquet ❑ Prime Rlb ❑ Jumbo Shrimp ❑ Vegetarian • MPSA R MCEA Members nue eligible for the NWA Member Conference Rates 0 MPSA 0 MCEA • Support sniff of MRPA Agony Members may attend the conferrna at member rates. •• Nonmembers: loin NWA before the conference and take adnvmage of the mcmbet registration fee: Call MRPA for membership infornumon as (612) 92"906 or 1400.662.3639. (a Rcu ees and students will reeeme a SOY. discount off the posed nue. 4 FLB tuckago registration include: Admission to all oduration sessions coffee breaks, social Marrs, meds, and emcrtainment. Daily registration includes: Admission to all education sessions, mals and coffee breaks. Meals-By-The-Doy: ❑ S30 Wednesday, November 1 — Continental Breakfast, Luncheon. Breaks, and Social Hour ❑ 111 Wednesday, Neve Caber 1 — PMjasiowats Sponsor o Sradewe jor da Sadenr Lawekents ❑ S45 Thursday. November 2 — Breakfast sod Lunchcoo Buffet. Breaks. and Banquet ❑ s23 Friday. November 3 — Grand Finale Brunch Total Fees a On -Site Tour Registration a Thursday. Nov. 2 Registration S (�' Tour A: Witholy S.olor Center Complex 9:11 AM — 12:00 PM CEUs S ❑ Tour 0: Quarry Park led Nature Reserve SrudearLuncheon (Sponsor) S Stearns County Parks poo 1 1:30 — 2:19 PM Additional Meals S Ahrens Institute S (Minimum $tn) Total $ Check Is P.O. 0 Complete the registration form and return it with a purchase order and/or check(s) made payable to MRPA. Mall registration to MRPA. 5005 West 36th St.. St. Louis Park, M'N 33416.2661. • CANCELLATION POLICV - A S 10 handling rce will be assessed on all cancellation requests receivod by October 13, 1995. No refunds will be given after this date. Altemates will be accepted at any time, ADVANCED REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRiDAV, OCTOBER 13. 1995. LATE FEES WILL BE CHARGED ON ALL REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED AFTER THIS DATE. r Volunteering The '95 Conference welcomes and needs volunteers! There are a number of ways to get involved. Please call our office if you are interested. Midwest Toll -Free: 1-800-862-3659 Metro Area: 612-862-3659 Ahrens National Recreation and Park Association Institute A little over a year ago Claude Ahrens announced his magnificent challenge. A pledge of 51 million to the NRPA for the creation of a national home for the parks and recreation movement, if the NRPA could match his gift dollar for dollar. The NRPA has joined in the support of this endeavor through a pledge to the Hall of States. On behalf of the membership, the NWA responded to the challenge by pledging 53,000, with the hope that our members and Foundation would come forward with some financial support. The NWF has already contributed $1,500 to the project. A great start! We would like to encourage our individual members to help us fulfill the challenge. Please consider making a donation to the Ahrens Institute in conjunction with our State Conference. The donation can be made along with your registration or at the MRPA/ NRPA booth during the '95 Conference Exhibit Hall. Your financial support will be greatly appreciated.