Parks Commission Agenda Packet 10-18-1995AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, October 18, 1995 -4:40 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of approving minutes for the regular meeting September 20, 1995. 3. Consideration of adding agenda items. 4. Update on the Battle Rapids Townhouse Association Request. 5. Update on the Chamber sign development. 6. Develop a time schedule to complete the requests from Planning Commission to: a. Define current policieslordinances governing trees b. Define current tree planting efforts. C. Define problems and shortfalls in existing program. Cd. Develop a Shade Tree Program. 1. Complete tree inventory 2. Establish planting standards and criteria 3. Conduct tree planting project or initiate incentive program 4. Adopt ordinance amendments as necessary. 7. Other. 8. Adjourn. -7.Cp �Q 4-0 C4 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING • PARRS COMMISSION Wednesday, September 20, 1995 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Bruce Thielen, Earl Smith, Larry Nolan, Fran Fair Members Absent: Steve Andrews City Staff. Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call tom, Bruce Theilen called the meeting to order. �� �.� .�. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE AUGUST 16, 1995 MEETING. SECONDED BY STEVE ANDREWS. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Co aid ra ion of ndefing,npen n items, There were no items added to the agenda. f 4, Battle Rapids Townlinmw Aggocintion requests review of park atntil-g. b (Denton Erickson will attend for Battle Rapids Townhouse Association.) Jeff O'Neill reported that the City obtained ownership of the Battle Rapids park land and 53,500 as parkland dedication in conjunction with the Battle Rapids Subdivision. Denton Erickson and Gar Holley, Battle Rapids Townhouse Association, attended the meeting, Mr. Holley requested that the dead fall be taken out of the park land. He suggested that the townhouse association could do the work and pay for the removal. There would be no cost to the City. Mr. Erickson stated that he was one of the first buyers and thought the park area would be maintained more as a city park. He did state that he did not expect it to be n picnic area but thought there would be view of the river. He passed pictures around to the commissioners so they could see how the trees block the view from his townhouse. The Commission discussed removing the dead fall and possibly a few of the smaller trees. The park is on the river and the Wild and Scenic guidelines do apply. It was hover intended to be a groomed park but a natural setting Page 1. Park Commission Minutes - 9/20/95 place for birds, ducks, and wildlife. If a "partial" clearing would allow the park to remain a natural habitat for wildlife, maintain the erosion control along the bank, and create a window view for the residents it could be considered. A suggestion was made to contact the DNR Forester, Mark Wurdeman to inspect the site and report to staff to assist the Parks Commission in determining on what could be removed/disturbed without spoiling the natural setting. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO HAVE STAFF CONTACT AND WORK. WITH THE DNR FORESTER FROM CAMBRIDGE TO OBTAIN INPUT ON TECHNIQUES/STRATECY FOR REMOVING VEGETATION WITHOUT NEGATIVELY IMPACTING THE NATURAL SETTING. SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN, Motion passed unanimously. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, and Bruce Thielen, Parks Chairman, reported on the outcome of the request to add a more detailed park plan to the Comprehensive Plan that is now being prepared. The City Council voted against the $4,000 increase to the present plan for park issues. There was a suggestion by the City Council that the Park's Commission consider this as a in house project. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that the 4th Street Park hockey rinks will be permanent structures. The City Council decided that their preference would be to have two permanent hockey rinks, despite the additional cost of moving the fire hydrant and lights, rather than a temporary rink which requires installation and removal of boards every year. It was suggested that the two hockey rinks be turned horizontally to allow both to be permanent. The Hockey Association would provide the labor to rebuild the original hockey rink. JefrO'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that he met with Mary Jo Jepson the Connect 4 Student advisor. She was very enthused about the students working together with the City on a project. The main project that was discussed was the pathway. There would be a wide variety of areas the students could work on like: safety brochures, public information packets, Page 2 Park Commission Minutes - 9/20/95 trimming trees and bushes, identifying plants, assisting in the grand opening. Vary Jo Jepson will be in contact with the City after school starts and she has a better idea of the schedule. The commission did have other concerns regarding the pathway. They thought the seeding in front of the Monticello High School and the old Gille Auto site should be inspected and also, questioned how close the trees had been planted together. O'Neill answered that he had contacted Lori McCrostie, who designed the landscaping plan at OSM, with the same questions and she confirmed that the trees were planted correctly. The seeding would be checked by the City Inspector. 8. Discussion on Pathway: 1. Discuss Spring Rally Day Concept (postponed grand opening )- stripping, 2. Discuss a winter use policy :l. Discuss motorized vehicle restrictions L Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, informed the Commission that the grand opening for the pathway was going to be changed from October to in the Spring. In the Spring the bridge will be in and everything complete. It will be a good time to hold a bike safety rodeo and conduct an all around pathway safety awareness day. Next, if the pathway should be maintained for winter use was discussed. Roger Mack, Parks Superintendent, replied that the City does not have the proper equipment to do an effective job of removing the snow from the pathway and is concerned with the snow getting packed down before the plow can go through. This first winter would have to be the trial time if the pathway is kept cleared of snow. The Parks Commission decided not to recommended keeping the pathway open over the winter. In the future this item should be taken to the City Council for the final decision because of the cost and maintenance hours involved. The pathway does not allow motorized vehicles but this will be hard to in force if the pathway is not cleared of snow. There will need to be signs installed alerting snowmobilers and pathway users of places where crossing Page 3 Park Commission Minutes - 9/20/95 Al occur. The Wright County snowmobile association should be contacted and informed what is decided with the pathway. 9. Diccugginn on thp MinnPcnta Recreation and Park Association State Cn frnc. Jeff ONeill, Assistant Administrator, informed the Commission that the 58th Annual State Conference and Exhibit Hall is being held November 1-3, 1995 at the St. Cloud Civic Center in St. Cloud. If anyone is interested in attending they should let Wanda Kraemer know by Thursday, October 12, so the registration forms can be sent in. 10. Dismission on Trees: 1. Boulevard Trees 2. Shade Tree Program 3. Current ordinance on trees in new subdivisions The discussion on trees was postponed until a future meeting. 11. Adinurn• FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. Respectfully submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Pago 4