Parks Commission Agenda Packet 12-19-1996AGENDA Ar REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 19, 1996. 4:50 p.m. Parks Members: Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Robbie Smith 1.. Call meeting to order. 2. Consideration of approving the minutes for the regular meeting November 21, 1996. 3. Add agenda items. 4. Discussion.on advertising r vacancy on commission. b, Update on Prairie Res tion Project - update Larry/BrucelJeff! 6. Discussion of Compr ensive Park Plan for 1997. 7. Added items. 8. Adjourn meeting. I MINUTES rp REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, November 21, 1996 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Robbie Smith Members Absent: Earl Smith Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman Thielen called the meeting to order. 2, ron-idpration ofapp roving the minutes for the. refrular meeting October 24 ID.fL COMMISSIONER FAIR MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER R. SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 24, 1996 MEETING. 3. Add items. Chairman Thiclen stated because of his election to the City Council, January 1. 1997, he would be stepping down from Parks Commission in December. Thiclen requested a nomination to replace him as chairperson on the commission. After a short discussion, COMMISSIONER FAIR MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER R. SMITH TO ELECT LARRY NOLAN AS THE PARKS CHAIRPERSON. Commissioner Nolan would replace Commissioner Thielen as Chair at the December meeting. The Commissioners added discussion on requesting a comprehensive park plan and a snowmobile barricade on the Otter Creek Bridge. 4, Dan Wouchn/DNR - j!regentatinn on Prairie Rpmaneat . Dan Wouchn, DNR, gave a presentation informing the Commissioners on rcrannentB of prairie and snvannn on Innd owned by the City. NSP, and Burlington Railroad are perhaps the only opportunity left to restore and preserve the large area of the Mississippi River area. Wouchn stated he had observed many areas with relatively good native species composition. There are ninny other areas that are either overrun with sumac or that have some native prairie plants but are dominated by exotic grasses. These areas should recover well with burning, possibly combined with planting of seeds collected from the core areas of healthy prairie. Most of the savanna thnt he Page 1 Parks Commission Minutes - 11 .21-96 looked at in the area are overgrown and would also benefit greatly from fire. If the savannas were burned inward from the edges it is very likely that prairie plants from adjacent prairie would recolonize the understory as the tree canopy become more open. The amount of land owned by the City of Monticello and NSP, in contrast, is large enough to make a viable prairie and savanna preserve. The area probably represents a unique opportunity in Minnesota for restoration of mesic prairie and oak savanna on level sandy terrain. Woucha added Minnesota's interests in protecting these natural environments as part of the state's historical and biological heritage began in t 1891 when ltasas State Park was established to preserve remnants of the primeval pine forests. Today, public resource agencies and private conservations organizations are cooperating to establish a network of preserves that represents Minnesota's extant natural ecosystems. Developing such a network depends on accurate ecological information. Comprehensive date on the distributions and status of intact biotic communities is now being compiled by the Minnesota County Biological Survey. Initiated in 1987, and conducted in cooperation with the Natural Heritage and Nongame Wildlife Programs, the survey systematically gathers, county -by -county, information on Minnesota's rate nature habitats and the R% plans and animals they shelter. The information was followed by a filmstrip presentation showing numerous species of native plants still in this area today. After the presentation, the commission members discussed working together with NSP and Wright County to restore this area and also researching skate grants. Chairman Thiclen stated the suite had a combine and drill that could be possibly used for planting. This would be added to the December agenda for further discussion. The Commissioners discussed changing the ordinance regarding trimming trees. It currently states property owners abutting boulevard are responsible for maintenance. The Commissioners requested language added to the ordinance allowing trees to be trimmed at the City's discretion. COMMISSIONER It. SMITH MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO HAVE STAFF DRAFT A RESOLUTION TO Page 2 Parks Commission Minutes - 11-21-96 CHANGE THE TEXT FOR PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYSMOULEVARDS IN THE ORDINANCE AND BRING BACK TO THE NEXT MEETING. 6. Snowmobile Ordinance/Pathway Snow Removal Update, The Commissioners discussed changing the text in the snowmobile ordinance to add pathways. 6-5-2 (F) - Restrictions: On any sidewalks orpathtoays in the city of Monticello. THE PARKS COMMISSION MADE A RECOMMENDATION TO BRING THE ORDINANCE CHANGE TO THE COUNCIL MEETING ON DECEMBER 9, 1996. Also, how to enforce the ordinance was discussed. Because the recommendation to keep the pathway plowed had been denied at the last City Council meeting other ways needed to be used. The options suggested were the use of more signage and a barricade on Otter Creek Bridge. Roger Mack, Parks Superintendent, stated he had been told by the Public Works director not to install a barricade on the bridge because the insurance company would not insure the City. Chairman Thielen stated he had foxed the state statute on this issue to the City and if proper signage was used a barricade could be installed. He added that the City needs to use reasonable care but if the barricades are not installed there could be permanent damage done to the bridge this winter. THE PARKS COMMISSION MADE. A RECOMMENDATION TO HAVE STAFF PRESENT A LETTER, PROTESTING THE DECISION NOT TO I'LOW THE PATHWAY, ATTHE FIRST COUNCIL MEETING IN JANUARY. 7. Disrussion on Minn soL Recreation and Park Association State Conference. The Commissioners and staff who had attended the state conference reported that the conference had been excellent. 8. nia ussi on no advertiginfr for Park Co mission Membor. The Commissioners discussed advertising for Bruce Thielen's vacancy. Everyone agreed because of it being the holiday season this should wait until January. Page 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 11.21-96 rr 9. MCP updates- A. pda c A. Board Meeting - Jeff O'Neill reported the MCP Board was in the process of interviewing for a project manger. B. Pathway - Wanda Kraemer reported the date May 31, 1997, was set for the pathway celebration this Spring. C. Farmers Market - The MCP is researching a Farmers Market in Monticello next summer. Kraemer inquired if the Parks Commission would be interested in sponsoring entertainment in West Bridge Park during this event or if that would be Community Education? This will be discussed in more detail at a future meeting. D. Christmas tree at Pine and Broadway - At the last meeting, Mack and Thielen had volunteered to provide a Christmas Tree at the intersection of Pine and Broadway by the Chamber Office. This was confirmed for the first week in December. 10. Added items. The Commissioners discussed the need for a Comprehensive Park Plan. It was the consensus to request this item at the January meeting. The added item of n gate or barricade on the Otter Creek Bridge was discussed with Item 6. 11. ArhQtim. COMMISSIONER FAIR MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER NOLAN TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Respectfully submitted, Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 4