Parks Commission Agenda Packet 12-15-1993AGENDA
Wednesday, December 15, 1993 - 4:40 p.m.
Members: Dick Frie, Fran hair, Bruce Thielen, Roger Carlson, Larry Nolan
1. Call to order.
2. Adopt agenda.
3. Consideration of minutes of the regular meeting held November 17, 1993 (to
be provided at the meeting).
4. Review park plan for Cardinal Hills subdivision - phase IV (Jeff report).
5. Review City Council action with regard to 1994 parks budget.
6. Update on NSI' haseball complex planning (Roger Mack report).
7. Other.
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Bleachers i2 sets)
Dugouts - 6 chain link
Dugouts - 2 block or wood
Safety netting
Scoreboards - installation in field #4
Additional scoreboard for field #1
Playground - sandbox
Field lights for fields #2 and #3
100,000 4..y
Pr000sed Donations:
$2,500 from Monticello Baseball Association
$2,500 from Monticello Stowpitch Softball Association
Wednesday, November 17, 1993 • 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Frie, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan
Members Absent: Fran Fair
Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill. Roger Mack
2. Consideration of adoat.inv agenda.
After discussion, it motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson
to adopt the agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Consideration of auoroval of minutes of the meeting held October 20, 199:1.
After discussion, it motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded by Larry Nolan
to approve the minutes of the meeting held October 20. 1993, as submitted. Motion
curried unanimously.
Review nroP(1sal to ince¢rate the NSP nathw•av into the city oathwav system.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that he had Mxn
contacted by officials from NSP regarding the potential of including the NSI' pathway
in the city-wide system. O'Neill noted that the pathway on the NSP property extends
approximntely from the NSP softhall fields along the railroad trucks and under
Comity Road 75 to it point approxinumtely 1/2 mile west of County Road 75. The NSI'
pathway provides an excellent hypass for bikers and walkers wishing to avoid using
the County Road 75 bridge. The pathway serves as a recreational facility as it passes
through it natural setting. It also meets all city requirements with regard to pathway
width and construction.
O'Neill noted that. the pathway was viol, included in the original plan because it is on
private property: and as such, it was not expected that this pathway could be
incorporated into our overall city pathway plan. According to some at NSP, public
use of the path does not appear to be it significant concern for NSP, and officials have
gone so far as to request that the City consider including lite pathway in our overall
plan. Including the pathway in the city system simply means that city pathway 111111)
information provided to the public and perhaps signage of the system would include
the presence of the NSI' pathway. Incorporating the pathway into the city system
dors not. nmean thnt. the City is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the system
and that it is still essentially a private pathway that NSP is allowing the public to
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Parks Commission to formally request
that the NSI' pathway he allowed to be, included in the city pathway system for
Page 1
Parks Commission Minutes - 11/17/93
purposes of identifying the path to the public in informational material and identified
through the use of pathway signage.
5. Review plans for Bridt=e Park Brand opening scheduled for week of December 27 -
December :31, 1993.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the City will he
providing free tickets to anyone wishing to use the Heartland Express to get to West
Bridge Park during Christmas vacation. Free rides will be triven from Monday.
December 27, through Friday, December 31.
The Parks Commission also discussed the plans for the Bridge Park grand opening,
which the Parks Commission scheduled for Sunday, December 19, at 3 p.m. The
agenda for the grand opening would include a short ceremony at 3 p.m. The open
house would occur generally from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. with refreshments provided
consisting of cookies, hot cocoa, and coffee. It was also suggested that the City ask
the high school choral group to provide entertainment at the open house. Dick Frie
indicated that he would contact choral group director, Dave Kantok. Roger Carlson
noted thathe would contact an individual that could possibly provide horse-drawn
carriage rides during the open house.
Status report, - vathwav vroiect.
O'Neill reported that when the grant was awarded, he requested information from
the project supervisor at the state level on the process of ubtaining reimbursement for
engineering expenses. The project, official verified that the grant funds can be used to
reimburse the City for all engineering expenses. Unfortunately, he failed to indicate
that reimbursement of engineering costs can only occur after specific approval is
provided by the state and federal agencies monitoring the project. Therefore, all of
the City engineering expenses to date will need to be paid out-of-pocket by the City.
O'Neill noted that fortunately, the City has obtained more revenue than expected for
state aid projects and that the unexpected engineering expenses can be paid by using
the state aid funds. In addition, it is not. expected Lint. the project will be as costly as
originally anticipated from a construction standpoint. According to the City
Engineer. the out-of-pocket expense to the general fund will not exceed the originally -
anticipated number of $95.000.
Dick Erie requested that. City staff provide him with ongoing information on the
status of the pathway project and to update hint on what's happening on an ongoing
There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded
by Bruce Thielen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator
Page 2
Wednesday, November 17, 1993 - 4:30.p.m.
Members Present: Dick Frie, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan
Members Absent: Fran Fair
Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack
2. Consideration of ndonl.ine neenda.
After discussion, a motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson
to adopt the agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consideration of auoroval of minutes of the meetine held October 20. 1993.
After discussion, a motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded by Larry Nolan
to approve the minutes of the meeting held October 20, 1993, as submitted. Motion
carried unanimously.
4. Review uronocal to intearat,e the NSP nat,hwav into the cit.v oathwnv system.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that he had been
contacted by officials from NSP regarding the potential of including the NSP pathway
in the city-wide system. O'Neill noted that the pathway on the NSP properly extends
approximately from the NSP softball fields along the railroad tracks and under
County Road 75 to a point approximately 1/2 mile west of County Road 75. The NSP
pathway provides an excellent bypass for bikers and walkers wishing to avoid using
the County Road 75 bridge. The pathway serves as a recreational facility as it passes
through a natural setting. It also meets all city requirements with regard to pathway
width and construction.
O'Neill noted that. the pathway was not included in the original plan because it is on
private property; and as such, it was not expected Clint this pathway could he
incorporated into our overall city pathway plan. According to some at NSP, public
use of the path does not appear to be a significant, concern for NSP, and officials have
gone so far as to request that the City consider including the pathway in our overall
plan. Including the pathway in the city system simply means that city pathway map
information provided to the public and perhaps signage of the system would include
Clic presence of the NSP pathway. Incorporating the pathway into the city system
does not. mean that the City is responsihle for maintenance and upkeep of the system
and Chat it is still essentially a private pathway Clint NSP is allowing the public to
After discussion, it was the consensus of the forks Commission to formally request
ChaL the NSP pathway he allowed to be included in the city pathway system fiir
Parks Commission Minutes - 11/17/93
purposes of identifying the path to the public in informational material and identified
through the use of pathway signage.
.9. Review ulans for Bridee Park urand ooenine scheduled for week of December 27 -
December :31. 1993.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the City will be
providing free tickets to anyone wishing to use the Heartland Express to get to West
Bridge Park during Christmas vacation. Free rides will be given from Monday,
December 27, through Friday. December 31.
The Parks Commission also discussed the plans for the Bridge Park grand opening,
which the Parks Commission scheduled for Sunday, December 19, at 3 p.m. The
agenda for the grand opening would include a short ceremony at 3 p.m. The open
house would occur generally from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. with refreshments provided
consisting of cookies, hot cocoa, and coffee. It was also suggested that the City ask
the high school choral group to provide entertainment at Lite open house. Dick Frie
indicated that he would contact choral group director, Dave Kantok. Roger Carlson
noted that. he would contact an individual that could possibly provide horse-drawn
carriage rides during Lite open house.
6. Status reuort. - uat.hwav uroiect..
O'Neill reported that when the grant was awarded, he requested information from
the project supervisor at the state level on lite process of obtaining reimbursement foi
engineering expenses. The project official verified that the grant funds can be used to
reimburse the City for all engineering expenses. Unfortunately, he failed to indicate
that reimbursement of engineering costs can only occur after specific approval is
provided by the state and federal agencies monitoring the project. Therefore, all of
the City engineering expenses to date will need to be paid out-of-pocket by the City.
O'Neill noted that fortunately, the City has obtained more revenue than expected for
state aid projects and that the unexpected engineering expenses can be paid by using
the state aid funds. In addition, it is not expected that the project will he as costly as
originally anticipated from a construction standpoint. According to the City
Engineer, Lite out-of-pocket expense to the general fund will not exceed the originally -
anticipated number of $95,000.
Dick File requested that City staff' provide him with ongoing information on Lite
Status of the pathway project and to update him on what's happening on till ongoing
'there being no further discussion, a motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded
by Bruce Thielen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator
I'age 2
Wednesday, November 17,1993 - 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Dick Frie, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan
Members Absent: Fran Fair
Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack
2. Consideration of adont.ine ar-enda.
After discussion, a motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson
to adopt the agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consideration of anvrovat of minutes of the meeting held October 20- 1993.
After discussion, a motion was made by Roger Carlson and seconded by Larry Nolan
to approve the minutes of the meeting held October 20, 1993, as submitted. Motion
carried unanimously.
4. Review or000sat to intettrate the NSP oathwav into the city n:+thw:av sv.tcm.
/ Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that tie had been
contacted by officials from NSP regarding the potential of including the NSP pathway
in the city-wide system. O'Neill noted that the pathway on the NSP property extends
approximately from the NSA softball fields along the railroad tracks and under
County Road 75 to a point approxinintely 112 mile west of County ]toad 75. The NSI'
pnthway provides all excellent bypass for bikers and walkers wishing to avoid using
the County Road 75 bridge. The pathway serves as a recreational facility as it passes
through a natural setting. It also mects nil city requirements with regard to pathway
width nod construction.
O'Neill noted that tine pathway was not included in the original plan because it is on
private property; and as such, it was not expected that this pathway could be
incorporated into our overall city pathway plan. According to some at NSP. public
use of the path does not appear to be n significant concern for NSW, and officials have
gone so fir its to request, that the City consider including the pathway in our overall
plan. Including; the pathway in tine city system simply tncanis that city pathway map
information provided to the public and perhaps signnge of the system would include
the presenco of the NSP pathway. Incoryutrating the pathway into the city system
does not mean that tine City is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the system
and that it is still essentially it private pnthway that NSP is allowing the public to
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Parks Commission to rormally request
that the NSP pathway he allowed to the included in the city pathway system for
Page 1
Parks Commission Minutes - 11/17/9:3
purposes of identifying the path to the public in informational material and identified
through the use of pathway signage.
Review plans for Bridee Park eruad ovenine scheduled for week of December 27 -
Decemher :31. 199:3.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the City will be
providing free tickets to anyone wishing to use the Heartland Express to get to Nest
Bridge Park during Christmas vacation. Free rides will be given from Monday.
December 27, through Friday. December 31.
The Parks Commission also discussed the plans for the Bridge Park grand opening,
which the Parks Commission scheduled for Sunday, December 19, at 3 p.m. The
agenda for the grand opening would include a short ceremony at 3 p.m. The open
house would occur generally from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. with refreshments provided
consisting of cookies, hot cocoa, and coffee. It was also suggested that the City ask
the high school choral group to provide entertainment at the open house. Dick Frie
indicated that he would contact choral group director, Dave Kantok. Roger Carlson
noted that he would contact an individual that could possibly provide horse-drawn
carriage rides during the open house.
6. Status report. - mathwav oroiect..
O'Neill reported that when the grant was awarded, he requested information from
the project supervisor at the state level on the process of obtaining reimbursement to,
engineering expenses. The project official verified that the grant funds can be used to
reimburse the City for all engineering expenses. Unfortunately, he failed to indicate
that reimbursement of engineering costs can only occur after specific approval is
provided by the state and federal agencies monitoring the project. Therefore, all of
the City engineering expenses to date will need to he paid out-of-pocket by the City.
O'Neill noted that fortunately, the City has obtained more revenue than expected for
state aid projects and that the unexpected engineering expenses can be paid by using
the state aid funds. In addition, it is not expected that the project will be as costly as
originally anticipated from a construction standpoint. According to the City
Engineer, the out-of-pocket, expense to the general fund will not exceed the originally-
nnt.icipated number of $96,000.
Dick Frie requested that City staff provide him with ongoing information on the
status of the pathway project and to update him on what's happening on tan ongoing
There being no further discussion, a motion was node by Roger Carlson and seconded
by Bruce Thielen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator
Page 2
Bleachers (2 sets)
Dugouts - 6 chain link
Dugouts - 2 block or wood
Safety netting
Scoreboards - installation in field #4
Additional scoreboard for field # 1
Playground - sandbox
< 7.
Field lights for fields 02 and #3
100.000 7 B • 4• � ' ^' '
Prouosed Donations:
$2,500 from Monticello Basehall Association
$2,500 from Monticello Slowpitch Softball Association
BALLPARK.I M 1': 12/15/03