City Council Agenda Packet 06-09-1980I
June 9, 1980 - 7:30 P. M. -9 n
VY- `1
Mayor: Arve Grimsmo
Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White.
Q� / Meeting to be taped.
0 Cjtizens Comments -
Consideration of Request for Banner, Sign, Closing of a Portion
P ` of a Street and Restriction on Parking - Church of St. Henry.
2. Consideration of Awarding Contracts for the Purchase of a Debarking
Machine and Wood Splitter for the City's Shade Tree Disease Program.
®� 3. Review of Matters Relative to Providing Library Services in
Monticello and the Oakwood Block.
1-,4. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting held Tuesday. May 27, 1980.
Unfinished Business -
New Business -
1�i4 4�00 Orn 44%d_
C )U uM;+ *- .
City Council - June 9, 1980
1. Consideration of Request for Banner, Sign, Closinq of a Portion of a Street
and Restriction on Parking - Church of St. Henry
PURPOSE: A request has been received from the Church of St. Henry, copy
enclosed, asking permission for the following items for their fall festival:
A. Banner Across 4th Street
B. Temporary Sign
C. Closing of one -block section of 4th Street between Maple Street and
Minnesota Street
D. Restrict parking on Minnesota Street from 4th Street to Railroad tracks
E. Construction of temporary signs relative to parking close to the intersection.
A similar request was reviewed and approved by the City Council last year.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of request briefly noted above and outlined
In detail in the June 3, 1980 leLLer frum the Church of St. Henry.
REFERENCES: June 3, 1980 letter from the Church of St. Henry's Ad Hoc
Committee for the Fall Festival.
2. Consideration of Awarding Contracts for the Purchase of a Debarking Machine
and Wood Splitter for the City's Shade Tree Disease Program.
PURPOSE: At the City Council's last meeting, approval was given to solicit
b dTs for a debarking machine that our Public Works Director, John Simola,
estimated would cost approximately $12,000, and also solicitation of quota-
tions was authorized for a wood splitter, which was estimated to cost
approximately $5,000.
These bids and quotations should be returned by June 9, 1980, the date of
the City Council Meeting, and John Simola. Public Works Director, will be
reviewing the proposals and his recommendations with the City Council.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of award on contract fora wood splitter and
debarking machine for the City's shade tree disease program.
City Council - June 9, 1980
1 3. Review of Matters Relative to Providing Library Services in Monticello
and the Oakwood Block.
PURPOSE: In light of the fact that Monday night's meeting has a very short
agenda, it might be well to review the matters relative to the library issue
and the Oakwood School block.
For your information, on June 3, 1980, a petition was submitted in District
Court in Buffalo, Minnesota, by Independent School District #882 of Monticello,
Minnesota, relative to the termination of the W. Worth Brasie Trust. At the
time of the writing of this agenda, the Court was taking the matter under
advisement, and as the Council is aware, should the Court rule favorably, the
purchase agreement previously agreed between the City of Monticello and Monti-
cello School District would take effect. Items submitted in this agenda
supplement obviously are contingent upon a favorable ruling from the Court.
Should the Court rule favorably relative to the petition, there appear to be
at least three, and possibly four major tasks the City would be involved in,
and they are as follows:
A. Build new library.
B. Remove existing Oakwood School Building.
C. Sell Oakwood block.
D. Build a new information center/historical building or comoine with the
library (this item was discussed briefly at a Council meeting, but was
never gone into in detail).
Following are some significant items for possible discussion at the Council
meeting on Monday night relative to the major tasks:
A. Build Library
1. Location - Previously, the City Council of Monticello, as part of the
purchase agreement with the School District, indicated that those por-
tions of Lots 9 8 10, Block 17, conveyed to the City by the School
pr District, would be suitable for a library. As you may recall, the
School District conveyed this property, in addition to the Oakwood
{� block, contingent upon the City utilizing these lots in Block 17 for
V library purposes.
2. Financing - There are various ways the City could finance the project,
and they include the following:
(a) Issuance of a general obligation bond, contingent upon the approval
of a referendum.
(b) Utilization of reserve funds.
(c) Utilization of proceeds from the sale of the Oakwood Block.
City Council - June 9, 1980
One item worth noting relative to the referendum is that the City of
Monticello is charged with providing library services, contingent
upon a favorable Court ruling, and should the referendum be defeated,
the City of Monticel to would still be charged with the relocation of
the library.
3. Consideration of a Building Committee - The Council may want to
consider the possibi lity of a Building Committeee, which might be
composed of Council Members, the Librarian and a representative
from the Great River Regional Library System, along with some citizens,
including Friends of the Library. Obviously, the Committee system has
some advantages and drawbacks, however, if the Council does decide to
appoint such a Commi ttee, it might want to be quite specific in their
assigned task, inclu ding budget, timetable, etc.
4. Architects - City could review various proposals for an architectural
firm, or consider re taining the Architectural Alliance, who designed
the Monticello City Hall. My own opinion is that the Architectural
Alliance did an excellent job on the City Hall both in respect to
design and the inspection thereof, and there is some merit in retaining
an architect on a continuing basis similar to what the School District
is doing and similar to what the City of Monticello does with an
engineering firm. �j �;(c
5. Determination of Approximate Size of Library. W" .5 a '
6. Determination of Expansion Potential for the Library.
7. Operation and Staffi ng of the Library - this is done through the
Great River Regional Library System and they would be consulted as
part of the general building program.
8. Vacation of 4th Street - One way of obtaining additional land area for
parking for the Library on Block 17 would be to vacate 4th Street. Ob-
viously, this has some disadvantages in restricting the flow of traffic,
0 yet at the same time ,for all practical purposes, this street was vacated
nine months of the year when the Oakwood Building itself was used as a
school facility. Whether this item has any merit remains to be seen, but
possibly, this could be worked in the schematic for additional parking.
B. Removal of Oakwood School
Fire Marshall's Report - the State Fire Marshall has given an order that
certain improvements must be made to the Oakwood Schnol by August 31, 1980,
to bring the building into compliance with the Code. Obviously, in light
of the fact that the City of Monticello has previously determined at their
February 11, 1980 me eting, should title transfer to the City, that this
building would be removed and there would be no use bringing this building
up to code. However ,an extension of time would have to be granted from
the State Fire Marshall 's Office to allow adequate time for the School
District to relocate to their new offices and the ABC Day Care Center.
At this time, it appears that the School District's offices will be ready
by the end of November, and similar arrangements can be made for the
relocation of the ABC Day Care shortly thereafter. A meeting will be
arranged with the State Fire Marshall's office to review the possi-
bilities of obtaining such an extension.
- 3 -
City Council - June 9, 1980
2. Disposition of Furniture and Fixtures.
3. Building Removal - Bids will have to be received for the removal of
the building. An estimate previously received in the amount of
$39,000 unless the area had to be entirely compacted, which would
require an additional $9,000.
C. Sale of Oakwood Block
1. Zoning - City of Monticello would have to determine the proper use
of such land. Currently, the area is zoned as R-2, which is one
area in which a school is allowed to exist; however, there appears
to be a consensus that possibly a commercial zone is the most proper
to link the Shopping Center with the Downtown area.
2. Conceptual Plan - Previously, Howard Dahlgren's office submitted a
report to the City Council on various schematics for the development
of the Oakwood Block. At the time, no one conceptual plan was pre-
ferred over another to allow any potential developers some options.
3. Appraisal - City will probably want to obtain an appraisal on the
property. For your information, it should be noted that similar
property in the Downtown area has recently sold in the area from
$3.75 a square foot to $5.75 per square foot. Using a figure of
$4.00 a square foot, the entire 2;1 acres would sell for approxi-
mately $435,600.
d. hi-inir.inal Parking Lot - Determination will have to be made whether
the Oakwood Block would include a municipal parking lot similar to
those parking lots maintained by the City in the Downtown area, or
whether the parking lots would be privately maintained and owned.
D. Relocation of information Center/Historical Building to the Oakwood
Block, or Combining this with the Library Building Project - There
may be some merit in considering the possibility of relocating this
facility in light of the present parking limitations and expansion
potential at the existing site on the corner of Highway 25 and Broadway
in Monticello.(
Obviously, there are other significant issues relative to these major tasks\
and the intent is only to generate discussion so that the issues will �I
surface and be identified, tiO
POSSIBLE ACTION: No specific action is necessary other than a review of v
the issues involved.
4 -
To: City council of Monticello June 3, 1980
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Request for Permission
The Church of St. Henry Ad Hoc Fall Festival Committee requests
permission from the city of Monticello for the following:
1. To place a rope supported banner running across
.the street in front of the church on 4th Street
attached by two trees on the boulevard as we did
last year with your permission. It is to be
put up on Saturday, September 13 and taken down
Sunday evening after the close of the event
September 21, 1980.
2. To place a temporary free-standing sign on the
southwest corner of 4th Street and Pine Street
(Highway 25). It would be anchored by metal
stakes to prevent it from being moved or blown
over. It would be put up on Saturday morning
September 13 and taken down on Sunday evening
September 21.
The purpose of the sign would be to announce
the auction and point to the location, plus the
time and date it was being held.
3. To temporarily close a one -block -long section of
4th Street in front of the church between Maple Street
and Minnesota Street with the use of city barricades.
we did this last year with your permiraiar.. The
elimination of parking and any thru traffic during
JUST hours of the festival is a necessary safety pre-
caution, as the church has activities going on both
sides of the street. The church owns the property on
both sides of the street, so no one else would be
4. we also would like to restrict parking on Minneoota
from 4th street to the railroad tracks -- a dead end
street, to just loading and unloading. Parking dur-
ing the festival adds to the congestion and is a
safety problem.
5. 1b put up temporary cardboard signs on the corners
of the four surrounding intersections of the church
to remind people not to park within 20-30 feet of
the corner as a safety precaution.
we aro asking that the City Council re9pond favorably to our
request on these 5 items. we definitely feel that they are a
very necessary part of a successful and safe Fall Festival.
Don Luger, St. Henry Ad Hoc Committee for the Fall Festival
Richard and Marilyn Tirovold, Chairmen
county Sheriff
Honorable Mayor
City Council
Monticello, Minn. 55362
Court Howe — Wright County
Telephena 682-1162
e.9oncy sue. No. 682-2900
8:00 e.m. - 4:30 p.m.
James F. Powers, Chief Deputy
24 Hour Emer9eney Telephone.
Metro 4716673
Mann -1W 295-2533
D. no 9722924
Co= 285.5454
May 28, 1980
Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of April, 1980.
544 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the
following activities were tallied:
1 - Attempted theft of a CB radio
I - Theft of money from a coat pocket at Country Kitchen - under investigation
I - Theft of a lighter from employees lounge at Country Kitchen - cleared by arrest
and property was recovered
1 - Possible child abuse - checked out and Human Services will follow up
1 - Theft of a horse plow from yard
1 - Shoplifting from Stokes Marine - cleared by arrest d property recovered
2 - No pay customers at Tom Thumb - 1 case cleared by payment
2 - Shoplifting at Snyder Drug - 1 cleared by mediation 6 1 cleared by arrest
1 - Property damage - vehicle ran over bicycle
2 - Damage to property - vehicle drove on lawn d into garbage bags 6 garbage cans
1 - Criminal damage to property - vehicle struck house - under investigation
I - Theft of miscellaneous items from garage
1 - Bus causing damages to freeway fence 6 to door at Freeway Standard - cleared
1 - No pay customer at Country Kitchen - cleared 6 bill was paid
1 - Theft of blue flashing light from top of a pick up
4 - Criminal damage to property - vehicle drove over lawns 6 struck 1 vehicle -
cleared by arrest
1 - Attempted burglary at Monti Clinic - no entry gained
1 - Burglary - cleared by arrest of 2 juveniles d most of the items were recovered
1 - Vandalism to storage shed 6 to the miniture golf at River Terrace Trailer Park
1 - Theft of h ems; from Silver Fox rotel room - under invemtigetion
1 - Burglary - medic+tion taken - under investigation
7 - Mailboxes vandalised
1 - Theft of 4 hub cape from parked vehicle
1 - Vandalism - house was egged
I - Theft of a revolver from Jack's of Minnesota
1 - Theft of tool box d tools from pick up
County Sheriff
Court Hous'— Wright County
Teleplw w i12-1162
No Emerpermcy Bur. No. 682-3900
8:00— • 4:30 p.m.
Sheriff's report for Monticello for April, 1980, continued:
Jamas F. Powers, Chief Deputy
24 Han Emwpw,ey Teleph—,
M.I. 473.6673
Monticello 295.2533
O.Imo 9722924
Cohato 285.5454
1 - Theft of money from wallet - under investigation
I - Theft of 2 canvasses used for car covers
1 - Theft of garden tiller from outside of O.K. Hardware
1 - Vandalism - car dented in while parked at Joyner Lanes
1 - Theft of money from residence - cleared by arrest of juvenile who also had shoplifted
from 4 stores. All items were recovered.
1 - Criminal damage to property - vehicle tore up lawn
I - Theft of 2 wheels from pick up and other 2 tires were slashed - under investigation
2 - Thefts of rollarskates from McDonalds Restaurant
1 - Theft of plaque from Poirier Drug - cleared by arrest 6 item recovered
1 - Theft of narcotics from Poirier Drug - under investigation
1 - Arrest for a Bench Warrant
1 - Arrest for public nuisance
1 - Arrest for probation violation
5 - Animal complaints
3 - Lost property
10 - Traffic complaints
6 - Fires reported
2 - Public nuisance 6 disturbances
I - Motorcycle complaint
1 - Harassment
9 - Suspicious persons d vehicles
4 - Miscellaneous complainth
1 - Prowler reports
3 - Alarms sounded - checked out o.k.
1 - Medical aids
1 - Threatening phone calls
1 - Runaway - located
I - Missing child - located
1 - Littering
1 - Intoxicated person
1 - Recovered property
4 - Domestics
226 - Car 6 .subject checks
38 - Citizen aids
32 - Motorists warned
9 - Accidents investigated
8 - Open doors
County Sheriff
Court Mouse — Wright County
Telephone 61MI162
N—E—gorKv Bb No. 61323900
9:00 em. • 4:30 pm.
Sheriff's report for Monticello for April, 1980s continued:
57 - Traffic tickets issued:
2 - Driving while intoxicated
3 - Erratic driving
13 - Speed
4 - Open bottle
2 - Stop sign
1 - S drool bus stop sign violation
1 - U-turn
1 - Leaving the scene of an accident
2 - Driver license violations
2 - Improper registration
2 - Unsafe equipment
24 - Illegal parking
You truly,
Darrell Wolff Sheriff
Billing: For the month of April, 1980 -- $ 6,378.66
James F. Powers, Chief Deputy
24 hour E'nergency Telephone.
Metro 4736873
Mantleetb 2952533
Delano 9722924
Cokstp 2886454
June 9, 1980
LS 500 20T SS 500 25T
Coast to Coast $4,047.49 $5,450.00
Energy Shed, Brainerd 4,103.50 5,470.13
Energy Shed, Fridley 4,100.00 ' 5,600.00
' NOTE: Includes estimate $100.00 freight and estimated $50 battery
Road Machinery, Bloomington, MN.
Morbark Ind. Inc., Winn, Michigan
. a
June 9, 1980 Meeting
1. Siqn Ordinance Amendment Proposed for Planning Commission Meeting
of June 10, 1980.
Enclosed, please find a sign ordinance amendment that the Planning
Commission will hold a hearing on on June 10, 1980. in effect, this
sign ordinance amendment would grandfather in all existing billboards
but not allow any additional billboards to be constructed in the City
of Monticello. More importantly, the ordinance amendment also does
provide that the billboard shall be construed as the principal land use
of any parcel of land, and if development is to occur on any parcel that
contains a billboard, the developer will have to make a choice between
the development in question or removal of the billboard. In this fashion,
ultimately the City of Monticello should have all billboards removed
since these billboards are on parcels that are undeveloped.
2. Condemnation Award - Ruff Auto Parts, inc.
At a jury trial, the District Court awarded Ruff Auto Parts, inc.
$25,250 for land and $5,000 in moving costs for the removal of debris.
It should be noted that previously the City of Monticello had appraised
Ihe property value at $1,500, which did not take into consideration
ny removal costs. The Commissioner's in the eminent domain proceedings
had awarded Ruff Auto Parts $11,000, and Ruff Auto Parts was initially
asking for $30,000 for removal of the debris and between $50,000 and
b25u.uuu for the iand ano damages thereto. At the Court hearing itself,
Ruff Auto Parts reduced their request to approximately $73,000.
The matter of the award is being reviewed by our Attorney, and there
are several possibilities open to the City, which would include
an appeal, or the possibility of reopening the assessment hearings
on this project and assessing the additional cost.
Tuesday, May 27, 1980 - 7:30 P. M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None
1. Public Hearinq - Consideration of a Resolution to Order Plans and
Specifications on the Extension of Sanitary Sewer, Water and Street
Improvements - Prairie Road.
A feasibility report presented at the last Council Meeting by City
Engineer, John Badalich, had the following estimated assessments for
the sewer, water and street improvements to the following parcels:
Lots 16-19, Blk 4 Sewer 6 Water Services Only $1,950 per lot
Lot 3, Blk 5
Lots 1-6, Blk 6
Lots 20-23, Blk 4 Sewer, Water 6 Street improvement 55,053.55 per lot
MEADOWS PLAT and Service Connection
LuL 24, Blik 4 56-e,', W6Ler n SLrueL dliU $5,386.15
MEADOWS PIAT Service Connection
Unplatted Parcel Sewer, Water, Street and $19,881.60 entire
Owned by Mr.LMrs. four (4) service connections parcel
Don Christopher
Mrs. Don Christopher expressed concern over the cost of the estimated
assessment against their property under this improvement, but indicated
that Mr. Quintin Lanners currently has an option to purchase their
property contingent upon the property being rezoned to R-2 and R-3 and
also, approval is given to his forthcoming subdivision plat.
Mrs. Christopher indicated that if Mr. Lanners does purchase the property,
she would not be opposed to the extensions of sewer and water, but if the
deal would fall through, they would not be in favor of the assessments
since her husband is currently ill,
Mr. Mel Wolters, developer of The Meadows Plat, requesting the improvements,
indicated to the Council that no matter what would happen in regards to
ownership of the Christopher property, lie would have to have the improve-
ments extended for the Meadows Plat, even if it meant The Meadows paying
the entire cost of the improvement.
Mr. Wolters also requested that the current grading plan for the lots
in The Meadows subdivision be lowered by 1', which would result in
cutting down Prairie Road by the same amount to enable him to better
utilize the excess material for fill. In addition, Mr. Wolters indicated
that he will be contracting privately to install the sewer and water
services to Lots 16 thru 19 in Block 4, Lot 3 in Block 5, and Lots 1
thru 6, Block 6 of The Meadows Plat, and would not like to see this
part of the plans and specifications.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt a
resolution ordering plans and specifications to be prepared by the
City Engineer for the improvements proposed along Prairie Road,
contingent upon the revised grading plan for The Meadows subdivision
plat being approved by the City Engineer. Voting in favor: Phil
White, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair. Abstaining: Ken Maus.
(See Resolution 1980 012)
2. Public Hearinq on the Consideration of a Variance for a Zero Lot Line
and a Variance from the Minimum Lot Size in an R-2 Zone - Ouintin Lanners.
Mr. Quintin Lanners requested approval to build a duplex in an R-2
zone on the south ,., of Lot 3 and the south '; of lots 4 b 5, Block 38,
Lower Monticello, consisting of approximately 13,600 square feet.
Although this type of building is allowed in an R-2 zone, Mr. Lanners
would like to sell each portion of the duplex rather than merely renting
it out, and requested variances of a zero lot line and also a variance
from the minimum size lot requirement of 10,000 square feet after the
subdivision. In some respects, if approved, this duplex would be similar
to a condominium in that each owner has a specific parcel of land and
would own each building unit.
A declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions would be recorded
along with the property restricting and protecting the value and desir-
ability of each piece of real estate.
John Uban, City Planner, indicated that similar proposals in communities
around the metropolitan area allow this type of development, and the
Planning Commission, at their last meeting, voted unanimously to
recommend approval of the variances for the zero lot line and variances
from the minimum lot standard.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried
to approve the variance for a zero lot line and the creation of two separate
lots, each of which would be less than the City's 10,000 square foot
requirement in an R-2 zone for Quintin Lanners.
3. Consideration of an Ordinance Amendment to Allow Consinnment Auction
Sales and/or Auction Sales within a B-3 Zone.
As a result of a request by Bob Davis to operate an auction sales facility
within Monticello, an ordinance amendment would be necessary to allow
such a use within any zoning district since our current ordinances
do not allow for this type of use.
The Planning Commission, at their last meeting, recommended that if an
auction sales facility is allowed as a use within the zoning districts
of Monticello, it should be considered as a conditional use within a
B-3 (Commercial) zone. By amending the Ordinance in this fashion and
allowing such a use as a conditional use, the City of Monticello would
still retain control through the establishment of various conditions.
The conditions that were proposed are as follows:
A. The architectural appearance and function plan of the building and
site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as
to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting
influence within a reasonable distance of the lot.
B. At the boundaries of residential districts, a strip of not less than
5' shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Ordinance
Section 10-3-2-(G) of this Ordinance.
C. Any light standard islands and all islands in the parking lot shall
be landscaped or covered.
A, parking ;Ireac Shall be screened from view of-Lutting, residcntial
districts in compliance with Ordinance Section 10-3-2-(G) of this
E. Parking areas and driveways shall comply with Monticello Ordinance
F. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of
conflict through traffic movements, shall comply with Ordinance
Section 10-3-5 of this Ordinance, and shall be subject to the approval
of the City Engineer.
G. A11 lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is
not visihle from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence,
and shall be in compliance with Section 10-3-7.-(H) Of this Ordinance.
II. The entire area shall have drainage system which is subject to the
approval of the City Engineer.
I. All signing and information or visual communication devices shall
be in compliance with Ordinance Section 10-3-9.
J. The provisions of Ordinance Section 10-22-1-(E) of this Ordinance
are considered and satisfactorily met.
K. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change
when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request, tt
finds the general welfare and public betterment can be served as l
well or better by modifying the conditions.
L. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring
residential uses or abutting residential districts in compliance
with Section 10-3-2-(G) of this Ordinance.
M. Outside sales connected with the principal use is limited to 30%
of the gross floor area of the principal building. This percentage
may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit.
N. Outside sales areas may not take up parking space as required for
conformity to the ordinance requirement.
0. No pets or livestock may be sold at this auction sales facility.
P. Provisions must be made to control and reduce noise when adjacent
to a residential zoning district.
Q. Ail outside storeage shall be effectively screened from public view
in accordance with Monticello Ordinance Section 10-3-2-(G), and
limited to 10% of the gross floor area of the principal use building.
in addition to the establishment of conditions for such a use, one other
concern expressed was relative to the parking requirements for an auction
sales facility. it was recommended by the Planning Commission that one
parking space fur edcb 40 square feet of building area should be required
for an auction sales facility, along with other uses such as skating
rinks and dance halls.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve an
ordinance amendment adding an auction sales facility as a conditional
use in a B-3 zone with the above referenced conditions - A thru Q -
and amending the parking formula requirement to one parking space for
each 40 square feet of building area. Voting in favor: Arve Grimsmo,
Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Phil White. Opposed: Ken Maus.
4. Public Hearing on the Consideration of a Variance. from Monticello
Ordinances Relative to Off -Street Parking and a Conditional Use
Request for an Auction Sales Facility - Robert Davis.
As mentioned in the previous item, Bob Davis, who owns the property
across the street to the west of Hoskins Electric on Oakwood Drive,
requested a conditional use permit so that he may establish an auction
sales facility on his property. In addition to the condit.innal use
request, Mr. Davis requested a variance from Monticello ordinances
requiring him to install hardsurfaced parking and curb barriers around
his parking lot.
- 4 -
Mr. Davis has a building that is approximately 2,400 square feet, and in
light of the new parking requirement for this type of use, approximately
60 parking spaces would be required. Mr. Davis has indicated that since
he is just starting out in this particular business venture, he would
like approximately 4 - 6 weeks operation time to see if this type of
business will survive in Monticello, and then would like a one-year variance
from the requirements of hardsurfaced parking. Mr. Davis indicated that
if, in 4 - 6 weeks, he felt his business could survive, he would then be
willing to post a bond for the parking lot and curb and gutter improvements
as required with completion within one year. If the business proved not
to be feasible after 4 - 6 weeks, he would agree to cease business as
an auction sales facility.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried
to approve the conditional use permit for an auction sales facility to
Mr. Bob Davis, provided he met the conditions of the conditional use
request .
In regards to the parking requirements for this type of use, it was the
consensus of the Council to defer any action on his variance request
at this time and to grant a temporary approval to operate without hard -
surfaced parking until July 28, 1980, at which time, it will be reviewed.
5. Consideration of a Simple Subdivision - Kenneth Larson.
1.1r. Kennel.h Larson requested that he be allowed to subdivide his property
consisting of approximately 30,190 square feet in Block 32, Lower Monti-
cello, into two individual lots. The lots currently run in a north/
south direction, and Mr. Larson proposes to divide the lots into an
east/west direction. Each lot would contain approximately 82y' x 183',
or 15,097 square feet, and would be in excess of the minimum 10,000
square foot requirement in an R-2 zone.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to approve the subdivision of the East 51' of Lot 6, and all of
Lots 7 L 8, Block 32, Lower Monticello, into two equal parcels, contin-
gent upon a certificate of survey being submitted and the recording of
the same in the Registrar of Deeds office in the Courthouse.
6. Consideration of Appointment of Council Members to an Ad Hoc Committee
to Establish a New Joint Powers Agreement with the Monticello School
District P882 for a Joint Recreation Proqram,
As a result of a comment made by the State Auditor, the City of Monticello
and the School District of Monticello should have a written agreement
relative to the summer recreation program being provided by both parties.
In reviewing the matter with Duane Gates, Community Education Director,
and Shelly Johnson, School Superintendent, it has been suggested that a
committee be established to prepare a proposal on a joint recreation
program between the two bodies, rather than just merely writing a joint
powers agreement to cover the existing conditions.
5 -
The School District's Joint Advisory Board on Community Education, of
which one of their functions is the Joint Recreation Program, is willing i
to appoint two members to an ad hoc committee along with two members J
from the School Board. If the City appointed two members of the Council
to this Committee, the six member committee's task would be to develop
a joint powers agreement between the School District and the City of
Monticello for such a joint recreation program.
The City Administrator, Gary Wieber, and Mayor Arve Grimsmo will be meeting
in the rear future to appoint two Council Members to this ad hoc committee.
7. Consideration of Award of a Contract for Garbaae Disposal and Removal.
Bids were received at 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 27, 1980 for providing
the service of residential garbage pick up and disposal fur the City
of Monticello. Bids received for the proposals are as follows:
(1) Year Contract:
A. Once a Week Pickup
B. Twice a Week Pickup
(3) Year Contract:
A. Once a Week Pickup
B. Twice a Week Pickup
$3,756.00 per month $2,500.00 per month
$5,166.00 per month $3,125.00 per month
$4,245.00 per month $2,750.00 per month
$5,840.00 per month $3,450.00 per month
After Council discussion with Gary Corrow, of Corrow Sanitation, the low
bidder, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unani-
mously carried to accept the low bid from Corrow Sanitation for a three-
year contract for twice a week residential pickups per agreement starting
August 1, 1980.
8. Review of Engineer's Progress and the Allocation of Chemical Feed Equip-
ment and Cost.
Purpose of this item was to review the engineer's report on and allocation
of cost on the chemical feed equipment purchased between the City of
Monticello and Wrightco Products, the City's only classified industrial
user. A portion of the $16,600 cost of the chemical feed equipment, plus
a portion of the chemicals used at the Treatment Plant, will be reim-
bursed by Wrightco Products according to EPA standards.
John Badalich, City Engineer, informed the Council that the report and
the proposed allocation of cost will be available for presentation at
the next Council Meeting scheduled for June 9, 1980.
- 6 -
9. Consideration of Approval of Intoxication Liquor, Non-Intoxicatinq Malt
'\ Liquor, Club Liquor and Set Up Licenses.
Council discussed and reviewed the fees to be charged for the following
types of licenses:
A. Ron -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License - Fee $100 to remain the same.
B. Intoxicating On Sale Liquor License - Fee $2,500 to remain the same.
C. Non -Intoxicating Off -Sale Malt Liquor License - Fee $15 to be raised
to $30.00 annually.
D. Set Up License - Fee $100 to be raised to $200.00 annually.
E. Club License - Fee $100 to be raised to $200.00 annually.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve the following license renewals for July 1, 1980
through June 30, 1981, with the new license fees, as follows:
A. Non-Intoxicatinq On -Sale Malt Liquor License (Fee $100)
Monticello Rod A fun Club
B. Intoxicatinq On -Sale Liquor License (Fee $2,500)
Monticello Liquors, Inc.
Silver Fox Motel
Wayside Inn
Joyner's Lanes
Dino's Other World
C. Non-Intoxicatinq Off -Sale Malt Linuor License (Fee $30)
Monticello Liquors, Inc.
Ernie's Bait Shop
Wayne's Red Owl
Maus Foods
River Terrace Trailer Park Store
Ton Thumb Superette
Wayside Inn
John's Discount foods
Holiday Station
D. Set Up License (Fee $200)
Monticello Country Club
E. Club License (Fee $200)
American Legion Club
VFW Dorchester Post
10. Approval of Bills.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Yen Maus and unanimously
carried to approve the bills for May 1980, as presented. (See
Exhibit 5/27/80 pl).
11. Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of the Special Meetings of the
City Council held 4/24/80 and 5/13/80 and the Regular Meeting of 5/12/80.
12. Consideration of Ordering Pians and Specifications for Sewer, Water and
Storm Sewer Improvements to Macarlund Plaza Development.
John Badalich, City Engineer, previously presented a feasibility study
on extending sewer, water and storm sewer improvements to the Macarlund
Plaza development, located near East Broadway and East County Road 39.
The estimated cost of the improvements totalled approximately $106,100
with property owners Curtis Hoglund, Maurice Hoglund, and the Macarlund
Plaza development sharing in the cost of the improvements. The pro-
posed assessments for each property owner based on the feasibility study
cost, would be approximately $11,408 for Maurice Hoglund Property,
$75,199 for the MacArinnd Plaza Townhouse Development, and $19,503 for
Curtis Hoglund Property. All parties proposed to be assessed uider
this improvement have indicated they would be agreeable to this type of
assessment breakdown, and a motion was therefore made by Phil White,
seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution
ordering plans and specifications for the sewer, water and storm sewer
improvements to the Macarlund Plaza townhouse development. (See
Resolution 1980 013).
13. Consideration of Equipment Purchase; - Shade Tree Disn,cr, Program.
The State of Minnesota has made available Grant -in -Aid funding in the
amount of 50% of equipment purchased for utilization of Dutch Elm and
Oak Wilt wood as an alternative to open burning and burial. The City
of Monticello has, in the past, obtained a burning permit from the PCA
for the purpose of disposing of its diseased Elm wood, but has recently
been denied a burning permit for 1980 due to its disposal site being
too close to a public road and single family housing.
Rather than direct burial or hand debarking of all our shade tree
diseased wood, it was the recommendation of the Public Works Director
that the City consider taking advantage of the Grant -in -Aid program and
purchasing a debarking machine and a heavy-duty log splitter in the
approximate cost of $17,000, of which the City's share would be $8,500.
The Public Works Director noted that the City currently uses some of the
wood for burning at the Maintenance Building site, and the balance of
the wood could be used for other purposes or sold to the general public
to help produce revenue.
- 8 -
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to approve advertising for bids and quotes for the purchase
of a log debarker and a wood splitter, and to also apply for the
State's Grant -in -Aid reimbursement for 50% of the cost of these items.
14. Consideration of a Variance to Allow a Banner to be Displayed by
the Rod & Gun Club.
The Monticello Rod 8 Gun Club requested a variance to display a
banner across Broadway Street in Monticello similar to that put up
by the A.F.S. recently. The banner will be put up during the period
from August lst through August 9, 1980, to advertise the steak fry
to be held by the Rod 8 Gun Club.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unani-
mously carried to approve the variance to the Rod S Gun Club for
the purpose of erecting a banner from the period August 1 thru 9, 1980.
Meeting Adjourned.
Rick Wolfsteller
Assistant Administrator
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