City Council Agenda Packet 02-11-1980AGENDA
February 11, 1980 - 7:30 P. M.
Mayor: Arve Grimsmo
Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Meeting to be taped.
Citizens Comments -
+' 1. Presentation by Howard Dahlgren Associates on Conceptual Site Plan
for the Oakwood School Block.
2. Consideration of a Resolution on the Termination or Transfer of
W. Worth Brasie Trust and Library Obligation.
'3. Review of Annual Financial Statements for the Municipal Liquor Store.
~ r4. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of January 28, 1980, and Special
Meeting Held January 30, 1]980. - 4,,i
Unfinished Business -
v.Wrightco Report. 3"�°'F' ( 3
^Finalize Committee Appointments.
New Business -
® Union Committee Meeting - February 21, 1980 at 1:30 P.M.
Notice of termination of garbage removal contract from Yonak Sanitation.
p Y r
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1. Presentation by Howard Dahlgren Associates on Conceptual Site Plan for the
Oakwood School Block.
Purpose of this item is to review the report previously authorized by the
City Council of Monticello to be completed by Howard Dahlgren Associates
relating to the development of the Oakwood School Block. In addition to
the study of this block, the report will also address the issue of locating
a library.
At the time of the writing of this Agenda Supplement, the report had not
yet been received from Howard Dahlgren Associates, but will accompany the
agenda when it is sent out to the Council Members.
It should be pointed out that on February 1, 1980, members of the City's
Business & Industrial Development Committee met and reviewed conceptual
site layouts with John Uban, of Howard Dahlgren Associates. Some of the
members of the Council were also present at this meeting. After the pre-
sentation by John Uban and reviewing alternative site layouts, the Business
and Industrial Development Committee recommended the following:
A. Preference for site layout that showed retail stores along Walnut and
Pine Streets, with 3 parking lot in the interior. All traffic enter-
ing into the parking lot would come off of 3rd and 4th Streets, instead
of Pine and Walnut Streets.
B. Recommended City Council put Library on property made available by the
School District on the Block south of the Oakwood Block.
C. Recommended further that the City Council consider the purchase of the
Bob Dowling property for future expansion and parking purposes.
D. Felt that the open space provided by the property owned by the School
that contained a covenant which restricted its use for School and play-
ground purposes would be somewhat beneficial at this time for site vision
to the retail stores and parking lot.
it should be pointed out that the purpose of the meeting is to review a con-
ceptual design and if this design layout is approved and adopted by the
City Council, it would be similar to a planned unit development. In this
fashion, as the property is sold, developers would have to adhere to the
concept intended by the site layout. However, nothing is cast in concrete
with the acceptance of this site layout, since revisions could be made and
individual developers might have proposals different than shown in the layout.
The primary purpose of accepting a conceptual design 1s to have a definite
theme that the City is desirous of obtaining on this block. It should be
pointed out further that the City could have some very definitive criteria
in terms of exterior design so as development occurs within this block there
is some adherence to this design. Additionally, it givesthe City some
additional control relative to landscaping, etc.
- 1 -
While the decision has not yet been formally made that should the City ob-
tain title to property that Oakwood School building would be removed,
1_ acceptance of the conceptual design presented by Howard Dahlgren Assoc.would
eventually require the removal of this building. At a later date, once
the City obtains a title, questions of the use of tax increment financing
and rezoning would have to be addressed. §#
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Adoption of conceptual site layout
for the Oakwood School block and also some consideration
might be given to considering obtaining an option from
�c Bob Dowling on his property which would have the same
contingencies that the City currently has on its purchase
Oakwood School Block that is, contingent
of the - upon
the responsibility of a library being transferred to the
City of Monticello and all other legal questions relating
thereto being resolved. Pili
REFERENCES: Report prepared by Howard Dahlgren Associates. f.
2. Consideration of a Resolution on the Termination or Transfer of W. Worth
Brasie Trust and Library Obliqation.
Purpose of this item is to consider the enclosed resolution which would
allow the Mayor, City Attorney and myself to proceed to District Court in
order to resolve the termination and/or transfer of the W. Worth Brasie �`7
Trust and library obligation.
After reviewing the matter with School ufficials, the City Attorney and
i feel it would be to the best interest of both parties to proceed with
this matter through District Court in order to resolve the question of the
Trust and library obligation in the most forthright manner.
POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Adoption of Re.o'•:tion Enclosed.
REFERENCES: Resolution on determination of transfer of W. Worth Brasie
Trust and Library Obligation. Also enclosed is copy of
resolution adopted by School District at their February 4,
1980 meeting.
3. Review of Annual Financial Statements for the Municipal Liquor Store.
Enclosed with the Agenda you will find a copy of the Annual Financial
Statements for the liquor store operations for 1979. Mark Irmiter will
be at Monday night's meeting to review the statement with the Council.
Following are some items of interest contained within the Annual Report:
A. Sales - have increased 13.3% over 1978 sales, with the final sales
figures increasing approximately $80,000 over 1978. This is approxi-
mately $19,000 over the projected sales figures for 1979.
B. Net Income - up over $14,000 over last years net income. Approximately
$11,000 of the increase was due to interest income from investments,
with operating income contributing approximately $3,800 more than 1978.
C. Salaries - as a percent to sales, has remained fairly even with 1978
percentages at 5.66% of total sales.
D. Utilities 8 Fuel - costs have risen approximately $1,000 due to higher
fuel costs.
E. Insurance - costs also have continued previous year's increases by
rising approximately $3,600 over 1978 costs.
F. Gross Profit Percentages - while these percentages in some areas are
slightly down from the previous year, the concept of the operation was
to remain competitive with immediate, St. Cloud and Metro Areas. The
addition of new competition in surrounding communities with discount
operations has forced the Liquor Store to remain competitively priced
to retain its sales volume.
In summary, were it not for increases in fuel and insurance costs, the
operations would have had a net income of over $69,000. These cost
increases are uncontrollable by a Manager, but items that are - such as
gross profit percentages and sales volume - indicate that Mark is doing
a fine job.
POSSIBLE ACTION: No action necessary other than review of Annual Finan-
cial Statements with Mark Irmiter, Liquor Store Manager.
REFERENCES: Copy of 1979 Financial Statements for Municipal Liquor Store.
- 3 -
ON MOTION duly made by Doran, and aeconded by Cauano, -it
u" unanimous Cy
That Board Cha.inman Buoiard K,inecla and Superintendent
Sheldon Johnson and Attorney James G. Metca2.6 cue licAeby authorized
and dijLec.ted to inetitu.te appnopr.i.a.te De6trict Count Proceeduip,
jo.iring with .the City o6 MonticeUo ort eepanatety, to tuurLiiuLte, or
tnaa66ea, the chanUabee must cAeated by W. Worth guwie and do au
otlier acts reuonabty nece.eeary to t-66en .the obtigation 06 wintaiung
a pabfic Library 6Aom Independent Scicoot 0882 to the City 06
January 28, 1980 - 7:30 P. M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Haus, Phil White.
Consideration of Reimbursement for Dewatering Costs for Sewer Service
Connections for Certain Lots in Ritze Manor Addition.
This item was previously discussed at the January 14, 1980 Council Meeting
when three property owners indicated to the Council that they had incurred
additional expenses when they tried to hook up to their sewer services
in Ritze Manor. The additional cost was for dewatering before their
sewer service connections, because the sewer service stub was below the
existing water table. At that time, no action was taken by the Council,
to allow the City staff to discuss with the developer, Charles Ritze,
as to whether additional lots in the area may also require dewatering for
sewer service connections.
A meeting was held with Mr. Ritze prior to the Council meeting, whereby
Mr. Ritze indicated he would like to see a couple of his lots, plus his
own home be reimbursed by the City for half the cost of any extra expense
for dewatering to hook up to these services.
The City Engineer, John Badalich, explained that the services were put in
at a 9' depth on all lots, which is standard engineering practice, so that
all future homescan be served should they put in a full basement, lie
noted that although some of the test borings done during the project indi-
cated the water level might be above the 9' depth, standard procedure was
still to put the services at a 9' depth.
The Council discussed what precedent this reimbursement procedure would
establish for future or past sewer connections where dewatering was
a problem. It was noted that the real issue is whether the City should
be held responsible for always making sure that the sewer pipes are above
Lite water table when, in the future, we have no control over how the water
table may fluctuate. Because of the precedent it would establish, motion
was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Phil White to not offer reimbursement
to any of the property owners for dewatering costs in Ritze Manor. Voting
in favor: Dan Blonigen, Phil White, Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair. Opposed:
Ken haus.
2. Consideration of Approval of Revised Preliminary Plat for "The Meadows"
The Council reviewed a revised subdivision plat previously approved for
Jim haus for The Meadows subdivision on June 25, 1979.
The basic reason for the revised subdivision plat was that the previous
plat had a provision for permanent storm sewer system that would outlet
into a creek behind Hillcrest First Addition, but City Engineer, John
Badalich, has indicated that approval for this type of storm sewer outlet
may not be granted by the State. As a result, the developer has revised
his plan whereby 64 residential lots would be developed, with a ponding
area being constructed to hold the runoff from storm water.
The City Engineer indicated that this type of ponding would be acceptable
for the subdivision, but that it should be large enough to hold the anti-
cipated water runoff with additional lands dedicated for park purposes.
The developer was proposing that the ponding area be accepted as the
requirement for the 10% park dedication.
Because the proposed ponding area and park area was more than 13 of the
land in the subdivision, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran
Fair to approve the revised preliminary plat as presented with the ponding
area being accepted as part of the 10% park dedication requirement.
Voting in favor: Phil White, Fran Fair, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen.
Abstaining: Ken Maus.
3. Consideration of Wetlands Area West of State Hiqhway 25 and South of
Sandberq South Addition in Monticello.
At a previous Council meeting, the Council considered the possible acquisi-
tion of land owned by Mel Wolters to serve as a future ponding area south
of Sandberg South Addition. At that time, Mr. Wolters had offered to sell
the City the parcel of land for $32,000 while an appraisal was received
on the property for only $20,000 by the City at that time. Mr. Wolters has
now indicated that he would be willing to sell this land for the appraised
value of 520,000.
The City Engineer has recommended that it would be most cost effective to
utilize this wetlands area for ponding in lieu of construction of separate
storm water system underneath the freeway to ultimately outlet into the
Mississippi River. It was also the engineer's recommendation that the City
eventually acquire approximately 40 acres of this wetlands area for ponding.
Since tir. Wolters acreage only amuunted to approximately 8 of the 40 acres
needed, motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unani-
mously carried to have the City try to obtain options on all the property
needed for ponding areas before any action would be taken on a specific
parcel , and also to check into the legalities of assessing back the cost
of acquiring the ponding areas to the benefitted property owners.
Consideration of iloldinR a Mearina on the Issuance of Industrial
Revenue Bonds for a ScotWood liotd .
The Brutger Companies of St. Cloud, Minnesota have requested that the
City Council hold a public hearing to consider issuing industrial revenue
bonds for the development of a 36 -unit ScotWood Hotel on a site just
east of Perkins Coke R Steak (louse.
f.011NC11_ MINUTES - 1/28/80
Mr. Jerry Hertel, of Juran & Moody fiscal consultants, requested that
the Council set February 25, 1980 as the public hearing date to consider
issuing approximately 3/4 of a Million Dollars in industrial revenue bonds.
In addition, the Brutger Companies is also indicated they would be in favor
of vacating Cedar Street, abutting their property, and purchasing one-half
of this parcel to add to their property. The public hearing for vacating
Cedar Street would also be held on February 25, 1980 Council Meeting.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously
carried to set February 25, 1980 as the date for a public hearing on the
consideration of Industrial Revenue Bonds for a ScotWood Motel by the
Monticello ScotWood Partnership.
5. Approval of Minutes and Bills for January, 1980.
1lotion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried
to approve the bills for January 1980 and the Minutes of the regular meeting
held January 14, 1980, as presented. (See Supplement #1/28/80 #1).
Meet�ing� adjourned.
Rick Wolfsteer,
Assistant Administrator
January 30, 1980 - 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Also Present: Arne Carlson, Minnesota State Auditor
Purpose of the Special Meeting was to review with the State Auditor's
Office the recently completed petitioned Audit report for the years
1974 through 1978.
State Auditor, Arne Carlson, along with his staff attorney and three (3)
other staff members, reviewed item -by -item the specific points of the
Audit Report with the City Council.
The City Council members and City Administrator questionned numerous
items listed in the report, and suggested that many of the items could
have been clarified further in the final report.
The following action was taken by the Council as recommended by the
Audit report:
1. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Phil White and
unanimously carried to adopt an ordinance combining the
offices of Clerk- Treasurer 6 City Administrator, and also
to appoint Gary Wieber as the Clerk-Treasurer•City Administrator
for the City of Monticello. (See Ordinance Amendment 072 dated
2. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unani-
mously carried to transfer $123,426 from the C.O. Revolving
Fund to the Sewer Fund.
3. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and
unanimously carried to ratify all previous monies paid to
Councilmembers for the years 1974 through 1978 for all
official council meetings held by the City of Monticello.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolfsteller
Assistant Administrator
Feb. 1, 1960
Monticello City Council
Yonak Sanitation, is hereby giving notice of termination of our,
garbage removal contract. Effective 6 mos. from Feb. 1, 1980.
In accordance, with garbage removal contract, dated April 1978.
Reasons for termination are, increased fuel, and operating expenses.
AC rd 614ej*
Yonak Sanitation
1. Purchase of Wetland Area West of Highway 25 in Monticello.
As you recall at our last regular City Council meeting on January 25, 1980,
the issue of the possible purchase of the wetland area west of Highway 25
was discussed.
At this meeting, discussion centered around the possible purchase of 8 acres
currently owned by Mel Wolters. According to the report received from our
engineer, John Badalich, with OSM, it was indicated that approximately 40
acres would eventually satisfy the storm water drainage needs of the
particular storm sewer district. It was decided to defer any action on the
purchase of the particular parcel in question until such time as the legal
issues of obtaining land now and assessing any portion at a later date
were addressed. Since the land in question could ultimately benefit surrounding
property owners, including those property owners who now currently own the
wetland in question, one way to finance this project would be through an
assessment procedure under Chapter 429 of the Minnesota State Statutes.
I have addressed a letter to legal counsel with the State Auditor's Office
asking the following questions:
A. Can a city acquire a wetland area under Chapter 429 of Minnesota
State Statutes with reserve funds, and later (anywhere from 1 to 10
years) assess any portion of the cost without holding necessary hear-
ings under Chapter 429 until such time as it is proposed to be assessed.
B. Can the City of Monticello acquire a wetland area under Chapter 429
of Minnesota State Statutes, but by holding the preliminary hearing
thereby allowing affected property owners a chance for input, and then
holding the final hearing at a later date, which may be anywhere from
one to ten years.
2. Approval of EPA Grant Amendment for Alternative Funding.
As a result of a decision by the EPA approving various costs totaling
$1,039,700 for alternative funding, which changes the funding on some items
applied for in our grant application from 75% Federal /15%State/10% Local to
85% Federal/6% State/9% Local, the total cost now projected for EPA funding
is $5 ,562.510 with the following breakdown:
Federal Share $ �/, 7S, 5 St -
State Share 771,994
City's Share 514,664
The EPA is still reviewing some additional items that the City has requested
to be considered for alternative funding, which has the possibility of
reducing the City's share another $11,000 or so.
3. Mini -Computer.
On Wednesday, February 6, 1980, I will be attending a course relative to
the application of a mini -computer. This possibility is being considered
for the City of Monticello, along with other alternatives such as a service
bureau, or the possibility of not purchasing a mini -computer ourselves,
but obtaining a terminal which would put us on line with a mini -computer
which would be in a central office and the City would have to pay a set fee
per month. These alternatives are being pursued, and along with the
possibility of still remaining in our present system and hopefully a
recommendation will be forthcoming once all the information is obtained
in order that a decision can be made for the 1981 Budget.
4. Interest Income.
In 1979, the City of Monticello earned over $210,000 in interest income.
At the beginning of 1980, the City of Monticello had over $2.5 Million in
investments, which are primarily invested in government securities earning
from 10 to 13% along with some daily passbook accounts for flexibility
earning from 5; to %%. It should be pointed out that the total amount
of investments is not to be confused with the total amount of reserve funds
that the City has for such items as funding for the Wastewater Treatment
Plant, since most of the funds are dedicated to a particular sinking fund
or construction fund..
- 2 -