City Council Agenda Packet 02-22-1982AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL February 22, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsno Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids for 15CO Gallon Tanker Truck and Truck Chassis for the Fire Department. 2. Consideration of Rezoning Request and Conditional Use Permit Request - John ROndhuS Residence. 3. Consideration of Approval of Change Orders #23 through #27 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. 4. Consideration of Authorizing City Engineer to Update the City Of Monticello's Maps. 5. Approval of Bills for Month of February 1982. 6. Approval of Minutes for regular meeting hold on February 8, 1982. 7. Unfinished Business. A. New Business. C COUNCIL UPDATE February 22, 1982 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING At the previous Council meeting, tax increment financing was dis- cussed as a possible tool the City could use for redeveloping certain blighted or deteriorated areas of the downtown areas. As part of the meeting, a general over view of tax increment financing was discussed and it was the concensus of the Council for myself to obtain further information for the Council to review including the possibility,of having Mr. Walt Hartman, a technical analyst for the law firm of Holms and Gravin, who specialize in developing and implementing tax increment financing districts. in addition to Holms and Gravin, there are a number of choices the City could make for selecting other firms who could also supply the City with information regarding establishing a tax increment financing district. The other sources include are own bonding consultant, King Forness of Springsted, Inc., or the bonding firm of Ellers s Associates who provided the service for the City of South St. Paul. I have talked with Mr. Walt Hartman of Holms and Gravin, King Fornesa of Springsted, Inc., and Mr. Neil Johnson of Ellers s Associates, regarding their services. All of these firms have indicated a willingness to meet with the City Council either at a regular Council meeting or at a special session where the sub- ject of tax increment financing could be discussed in detail, including what the City hopes to accomplish by setting up a dis- trict. All of these sources would attend a meeting and,provide the Council with information at no charge initially, but if their services are used to help develop and act up the financing plan, the City would be charged on a fee basis such as so much per hour. From what I can determine, all of these firms would charge in the neighborhood of $40 to $45 par hour and other plans that they have developed for other communities have cost anywhere from a couple thousand dollars to ton thousand dollars depending on how much work they do. Recently, there have boon a couple of interested parties that have expressed interest in possibly using tax increment financing in the downtown Monticello area of the Ford Garage and also the old Figs It Shop and Wards building. As was mentioned previously, without a developer on lino with a proposal, the City could only go no far in establishing the tax increment plan since part of the plan would require us knowing what typo of development would occur to determine whether any specific project was feasible. As a result, I see the City having two choices, either start developing a tax increment district and plan, and then wait until an actual developer comes along or not really got to involved at thin time until a proposal is made to the City by a developer for a specific mita. - I - Council Update - 2/22/82 Under either case, some direction is needed from the Council as to which firm the City may want to look for information and ad- vice in setting up the plan. THE PURCHASE OF THE LINDBEFL PROPERTY. As you may recall, February 1, 1982, was set as the closing date for the purchase of the Lindberg property by the City of Monticello. As of Thursday, February 18, 1982, the City has not officially closed on the purchase of the property because of discrepancies found by the City Attorney, Gary Pringle, in the legal descrip- tions. There apparently is a problem in determining exactly where the property line exists between the present wastewater Treatment Plant and the westerly line of the Lindberg property and approximately $85,000.00 is being held by the City until a survey can be completed to establish the property line. Although the City does not officially own the property, Mr. Jim Miller, Wastewater Superintendent, has been living in the Lindberg home since February 1, 1982. MEETING NOTICE. - CONFF.RFNCE ON NATURAL DISASTERS Enclosed in the supplement is a letter to the Mayor from Governor Quie in which he invites the council members and mayor to attend the Governor's conference on Natural Disasters on Friday, March 5, in St. Paul for one day only. One or two members have attended this conference in the past. If you wish to attend, please notify Rick or Loren as soon as possible, since reservations need to be made by Wednesday, February 24, 1982. C 2 - $TATE ' OF MINNESOTA 0 o P{t® OF TYE CioVBU" R ALBERT H. QUIE GOVERNOR ST. PAUL 55155 February 12, 1982 Dear Mayor: The State of Minnesota will hold its 17th annual Conference on Natural Disasters on Friday, March 5, 1982 at the Ramada Inn, 1870 Old Hudson Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55119, as a part of the Stato'e Preparedness Program. Please consider this an invitation to you, members of your City Council, and your City Civil Defense Director to attend. The winter of 1981 - 1982 has been very severe with record snow- fall over parte of the State. This anow fall on Boma areas that already had extremely high soil moisture content from fall rains. Historically, in Minnesota, heavy precipitation occurs in the latter part of February and March which can affect the spring flood potential in sections of the State. Mr. John Graff, Matoorologist in Charge of the National Weather Service Forecast Office of Minneapolis, will present this apring'a weather outlook at the Conference. Other speakers at the conference will focus on various governmental levels of disaster preparedness and response. If your schedule will permit, I encourage you to attend. Tho information that will be providod at this Conference will be most important to you. with best personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, ALBERT H. QUIZ GOVERNOR AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I l Council Agenda - 2/22/82 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Consideration of Awardinq Contract on Bids for 1500 Gallon Tanker Truck and Truck Chassis for the Fire Department. PURPOSE: To consider the awarding of a contract or the rejection of bids for the recently bid 1500 gallon tanker truck and pumper apparatus and chassis truck. At the previous council meeting, the bids received on February 1, 1982, for the new 1500 gallon pumper tanker apparatus along with the chassis bids were reviewed. The bids that were received on February 1, 1982 were as follows: Alternate 41 Company Basic Bid (Side Water Dump) Delivery Time Laverne Fire Equip. Inc. $32,473.00 $750.00 140 to 150 days after chassis delivery. General Safety Equip. Co 36,960.00 $590.00 240 to 280 days from contract date Pierce Manufacturing Co. 45,680.00 980.00 240 to 300 days from contract date At the previous meeting, a decision was made by the Council to table action on this item until further information could be obtained from the low bid- der, Laverne Fire Equipment Inc., regarding whether or not their basic bid met all the specifications required in the bid. It was recommended by the Fire Department personnel that they would have preferred the bid be awarded to General Safety Equipment, the second lowest bidder, since in their opinion they felt the specifications were not mot by Laverne Fire Equipment. Since the last meeting, I have contacted the representatives from Laverne Fire Equipment Company and General Safety Equipment, Inc., and have asked than to be present at Monday's meeting. In addition, a representative from Monticello Ford, the apparent low bidder on the truck chassis, will also he present at the meeting. As you may recall, the basic bid received from General Safety Equipment in the amount of $36,960.00 apparently did not include all of the items that were specified by the Fire Department. General Safety Equipment also submitted s letter with their bid in which they indicated that they felt a few items were omitted from the specifications and considered these optional items available to the Fire Department if they wished to add it their lase bid. (A copy of this letter is enclosed) - 1 - V.. Council Agenda - 2/22/82 In reviewing these items with Willard Farnick and Lee Trunnell with the Fire Department, it is our opinion that four out of the five items listed as optional items by General Safety should possibly have been included in their base bid since these items were indicated in the drawings submitted by the Fire Department as part of the specifications. The only optional item listed that could possibly be an optional item is the Elhart Booster Nozzle for the hose reel as the specifications only indicated that a hose and reel be provided and did not specify an actual nozzle. As far as the other four items are concerned, all the drawings indicated that the Fire Department expected these items to be included in the compartments fabricated for the truck. In talking with the representative from Laverne Fire Equipment, he did indicate that the brochure attached to the specifications indicat- ing that the pump would be a 375 gallon per minute capacity was the one they intended to provide, but the representative felt certain that the pump would meet the 475 gallon per minute rating required by the Fire Department. In addition, Laverne does intend to provide an oval style tank rather than the T shape tank specified but again, the representative felt that the oval tank would provide better weight distribution and also provide less stress than a T designed tank. The Fain DuparLmunL pnieuiu,ul also were concerned over the fiber glass material that would line the Laverne tank and the Laverne representative indicated that it would be three (3) coats of fiber glass material, 3/8 to 1/4 inch thick at the bottom and 3/16 inch thickness on the sides and again he felt this material would be exceeding the specifications required. The bids received for the fire truck chassis were as follows: Company .Bid Delivery Time Monticello Ford $16,166.71 60-90 days Could Brothers 17,730.00 90 days Laverne Fire Equipment, Inc. 18,655.00 60-90 days Pierce Manufacturing 20,575.00 120 days Representatives from the Fixe Department previously were concerned whether the Ford chassis would be provided with enough insulation as required in the specifications and the representative from Monticello Ford has indicated that the truck would be provided with standard in- sulation. In summary, the bid received from Laverne Fire Equipment apparently does not meet the specifications in the area of the pump capacity and also the shape of the basic 1500 gallon tank. In addition, although it appears that General Safety Equipment does meet the specificationa, I would have a question as to whether an additional 61,105.00 should be added to their baso bid of $36,960.00,oinco it is a matter of intarpro- tation whether or not these items were specified to begin with. It would appear that the only addition to the baso hid from General Safety - 2 - Council Agenda - 2/22/82 would be the Elhart Booster Nozzle in the amount of $215.00. In dis- cussions with the Fire Department personnel, I believe they will still he recommending that the low bid for the truck chassis be awarded to Monticello Ford and that the second low bid for the tank and pump apparatus be awarded to General Safety Equipment as it is their opinion these are the two bids that meet specifications. The Laverne Equipment representative has indicated in our conversation that they would pre- fer not to supply a T shaped designed tank and would be sticking to their original proposal for a half oval design tank. Further clarification from both representatives may be necessary at the Council meeting as both have indicated that they would be present. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of awarding a contract for both the truck chassis and the 1500 gallon tanker pumper apparatus. If the contract is awarded, approval by the Monticello Township Board will also be required before an actual contract is commenced. REFERENCES: A cover letter from General Safety Equipment for bid on optional items. After the above agenda item was prepared, I had a conversation with reprusuuLaLiveo from General Safety rZuirment, Tnc., regnH ing the additional optional items they indicated in their letter that could be added to the base bid. According to General Safety, they have reviewed both eats of specifications and indicated that the first set of specifications sent out by the Fire Department in December had specifically spelled out many of the items they were now in- cluding as optional items to their February hit+. They indicated that the second set of specifications for the Fehruary 1, 1982 bid letting did not indicate in the written specifications the require- ment for all of the items they listed in their cover letter. As a result, to avoid confusion, they felt the heat way to bid, since they were uncertain as to exactly what the Fire Department expected, was to provide a hale bid and offer thcoo items as optional equipment, if the Fire Department so desired. In their opinion, they did not feel they were trying to confuse_ or pull anything, they only wanted to make it clear what they intended to provide an part of the base bid. Basically, from my conversations with General Safety, it appears they intend to offer the basic truck at their base bid price and would only provide the items listed in their cover letter no optional items for an additional 01,ln5.00. Although it was explained to General Safety that the second not of specifications eliminated some written verhage regarding the equipment expected by the Fire Department, the second oat of specs did include a not of drawingo which were intended to take the place of the written verhago. Council Agenda - 2/22/82 It is still the opinion of myself and the Fire Department representatives that the drawings did indicate that a heat enclosure under the pump along with the folding steps and a folding tank compartment and a hose bed divider were included in the drawings and technically should have been included in the base bid. I also just received a confirmation from General Safety that they did find the Elhart Booster nozzle in the specifications and indicated that they would provide this in their base hid. In summary, it is still the intention of General Safety to require an additional $890.00 for the other four items listed as optional equip- ment in addition to their base bid if the Fire Department requested all the items in the letter. This would bring their bid total to $38,440.00 or $5,217.00 higher than Laverne Fire Equipment's total bid. - 4 - Council Agenda - 2/22/62 2. Consideration of Rezoning Request and Conditional Use Permit Request - John Bondhus Residence. PURPOSE: To consider rezoning request by John Bondhus to rezone the property upon which his residence is located from R-1 (Single family residential) to R -B (Residential business) and to consider a con- ditional use request to develop his present home into an office build- ing. Mr. John Bondhus and his family are planning to move into a new home in the near future and Mr. Bondhus has requested that his present property be rezoned from R-1 to R -B to allow for the anticipated need for more corporate office space. Due to the present location of the home situated just west of the new wastewater Treatment Plant, Mr. Bond- hus felt that the present location of his residence would make a good corporate head quarters for his company. Mr. Bondhus has indicated that if the rezoning and conditionaluse permit were granted, he would be willing to develop his office space according to all the requirements of the Monticello ordinances including providing off-street parking, etc. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on Feburary 16th, in regard to the rezoning and conditional use request and no objections or comments were heard from the abutting property owners. The Planning Commission also recommended that the property be rezoned to R -B and that a conditional use permit be granted contingent upon off-street parking, etc., being developed as part of the project. The Planning Commission, in reviewing the rezoning request, felt that the Wastewater Treatment Plant, which lies adjacent to this property on the east and also the current development which is occurring around the hospital at this time and is also zoned R -B, made this property suitable for the rezoning to residential business. AS you will note on the map enclosed with the agenda aupplement, there are only three (3) homes located between the hospital and Mr. Bondhua's property that are currently zoned residential. The balance of the property including the hospital is zoned R -B and our city owned wastewater Treatment Plant is zoned B-3. In addition, the proparty owned by Floyd Kruse is also zoned 6-3. Mr. Bondhus has indicated that when his residence is converted to office apace, no major changes would be planned in the building and would re- main a residential looking type office building. The Planning Commission also discussed with Mr. Bondhus the present driveway problem that had existed in the pact with Mr. Bondhua using his access to his garage over city property. Although Mr. Bondhus would like to continue to have access to his property through the Wastewater Treatment Plant for using his garage, he did realize that if the city did close off access to his property from the cost, he would be agreeable and would continuo to use Bart Blvd. as his access to his residence. 5 - ( Council Agenda - 2/22/82 k POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of rezoning Mr. Bondhus's property from R-1 (Single family residential) to R -B (Residential Business) and consideration of conditional use permit to convert the residence into an office building. REFERENCES: An enclosed map depicting the location of Bondhus property and zoning of other property surrounding this area. Also enclosed is a copy of the Planning Commission minutes. 3. Consideration of Approval of Change Orders 023 through 827 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treaty^nt Plant Construction Contract. PURPOSE: To consider change orders 023 through 027 with the Paul A. Laurence Company for the following items: 023 An addition of $550.00 for the purpose of changing 17 door locks from automatic locking to manual locking to better facilitate their operations. 024 A deduction of $207.00 for the purpose of converting pro- posed propane gas heating of the sludge vehicle garage to natural gas. e25 An addition of $1,575.00 for the installation, of corner shaped grout in the final clarifier tanks. 026 An additional cost of $2,463.00 for the purpose of modi- fying the methane fueled engine (Powering the blower to have the duel capability of burning natural gas along with methane gas). 427 An additional cost of $3,255.00 for the renovation of the two existing trickling filter recirculation pumps which were deliberately excluded from the contractor's bid per Spec ificationa. The total of these five change orders results in an additional cost on the construction contract in the amount $7,556.00 as recommended by City personnel and consulting engineer. POSSIBLE ACTION, Approval of change orders 023 through 027 for an additional $7,556.00 as indicated above. RF?rRF,NCF.S: Copies of related materials relative to the change orders. - 6 Council Agenda - 2/22/82 4. Consideration of Authorizinq Citv Enqineer to Update the City of Monticello's Maps. PURPOSE: To consider authorizing John Badalich,of Orr-Schelen- Mayeron to update the City of Monticello's maps which show the city's entire platting along with storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water system maps. Approximately two or three years ago, the City of Monticello had all of its base maps updated to include all new platted areas and also had its utility maps updated to include the latest improvement projects. Since the last updating of the base map, subdivisions each as Sandberg P.iverside Second Edition, River Terrace Second Edition by the Wayside Inn, Mac Arlund Plaza, Commercial Court south of I-94 and the Meadows and the Brothers Plat at the westerly edge of the City have been approved but are not included on our base maps. Additionally, other smaller subdivisions such as simple splitting of lot lines have taken place and could be incorporated into the new base map. The utility maps for storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water system maps also have not been updated since the 1977 Improvement Projects. Improvement projects completed since the last update include the 78-1 Improvement Project, 79 Improvement Project and the 80 and 81 Improvement Projects. John Radalich has indicated in a letter (which is enclosed with the agenda) the estimated cost of updating all utility and plat maps at approximately $2,790.00. As you can see from his estimate, the majority of the cost is in man hours to place the plate and the utility improvements on the large base map while the actual cost of printing the maps we use would be approximately $690.00. Although the City currently has quite a number of city maps that we have not sold or used yet, there would be an advantage to having all of the recent plata indicated on a new map. Public Works Director, John Simola, feels that if the Council is not interested in updating the regular base city map, the utility maps for sewer and water and storm sewer are used quite frequently by the Public Works Department and they would like to ace thece maps updated. The majority of the estimate is for updating the utility maps whereas the printing of 500 topica of the city map would cost approximately $900.00. - 7 - Council Agenda - 2/22/82 In discussing the updating of all city maps with the Public works Department and the Building Inspector, it is our recommendation that in the future an additional engineering charge be charged to all subdivision plats and also included in improvement projects for the purpose of providing money for updating all base maps in the future. For example, when a new subdivison such as the Meadows is submitted to the city for approval, an estimate of the cost necessary for updating our maps could be obtained from John Badalich and this fee could be part of the subdivision plat. In this fashion, funds would be available immediately to authorize the City Engineer to continually update the city utility maps and base maps when pro- jects are completed or subdivisions are approved. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of authorizing the City Engineer to update the city's base maps and/or utility maps per estimate. REFERENCES: A copy of letter from City Engineer estimating costs of updating plat maps. -8 - ohm. 074-004 A/C 012 T.in City Ph.. 225-71.2 GENERAL SAFETY E41UIPMENT CORP. Builders Of Quality f5're Apparatus fbr Orn A Quarter Cnuury City and Township of Monticello Monticello, Minnesota Gentlemen: February 1,1982 Enclosed herewith is our Proposal for the furnishing of a pump and tanker apparatus for your Fire Department. We appreciate the opportunity to bid on your requirements and we hope that you will find our bid complete and favorable. `li' You will find that we have included the 475 gpm rated pto driven two stage centrifugal Waterous have fire pump. To obtain this rating, the engine and transmission in the truck chassis that you supply must be adequate. Also, in working up a drawing of the apparatus we feel that the chassis to he supplied should have a 124" cab to axle length instead of the 102" length as specified. Thin additional length will provide a more workable body arrangement and will also provide a better weight distrtbuttnn. There were s few items that were omitted from your specifications that you may want to include. In the fire truck. We are offering the following optional Items which you may add to our bid If so desired: For a hent retaining enclosure under the pump compartment heated by the muffler and exhaust pipe, for winter protection, add $ 175.00 For four folding type steps Installed with kick plates, one on each side and two at the rear of the body, add 100.00 For a folding tank compartment provided in the hosehed area to house your portable folding tank, add 275.00 For an E6hart SFS booster nozzle for the hose reel, add 215.00 One hosehed divider is provided as specified however, if two Additional dividers are desired as shown on your sketch. Add 340.00 Thank you again. Yours very truly, ( GF.NP.RAL.SAFFTYyP-QUiP94T CORP. I Di, Dfc Scheel / OSA we"# 1YM' 102915 IN Flat PUMPS SINCI 1806 el, MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 16, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: John Bondhus, Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Bill Rurke. 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Meetinq Held on January 12, 1982. Ed Schaffer made a motion, which was seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the minutes as written. All voted in favor. 2. Public Hearinq - Rezoninq Request/Conditional Use Request - John Bondhus. John Bondhus requested at this public hearing consideration of a rezoning request to rezone his residential property on the west side of the Wastewater Treatment Plant along the river from R-1 to P. -B, so he could apply for a conditional use for his corporate offices on that property which could be allowed in that zone. Mr. Bondhus stated that he possibly would not utilize the property immediately for corporate headquarters if granted, but could possibly do so within five years and that his request would help in his long range planning. Considering the R -B zoning nearby for the hospital, and that there aro only three (3) residences between the hospital and Mr. Bondhus'o property and the Wastewater Treatment Plant on the cast side, a motion was made by Schaffer and seconded by Dowling to recommen9 rezoning the property to R -B. All voted in favor with Bondhus abstaining. On a motion by Schaffer, seconded by Dowling, all voted in favor of recommending a conditional use request with Bondhus abstaining. 3. Now puniness. Sym diocusaio wan given to coma posoihle ordinance changes to be g.v n a public hearing an March 9, 1982. oo ing Ad our ad. ran Klein niilding official - 1 - CONTRACT CHANGE OROER .7rUee cameo .as wewnp ORR' fCKZ LN.MAVEaON & AKOCIAT[f. RK. 4mwwow a moa oowau.t.wre n,c ® W gw..a•+w ewf eu+ta ly riwwV•R+f. w eY.l eta 77. re t•r. 7elAe1 :oatrector Paul A. Laurence Co. Chango Order am. 23 Aedresa P.O. Sox 1267 — 10000 Hwy. 55 Nest Field fbdlf, Ob.—66 Minneapolis, Minnesota f+oJect Ifa.068-2748.01 Job Local ton Mont icellot Minnesota EPA went mot. C270855-03 In accordance with the terms of your contract doled November 20 19 80 with City of Monticello owner for WWTP Upgradinq 6 Appurtenant Work roll are hereby reewesled loco—Ply with the following C%snges from the contrail plans and specifications: bocrlptlon and Justification: -Refer to Acid Modlf 166 (Attached) City of Monticello operations staff has requested that 17 of the most used exterior and interior doors be locked manually instead of automatically to facilitate better plant operations. 1 a ••:dawn v0 �,:rf r 4h is .".ryjw G der+ morE9ut t Prof It Owernead Total Add. I Total Deduct _ $208.00 I $270r001� I $72.00 I 6550.00 t„n„nt of Original Contract: $4,704,000.00 Total Contract ,t :oract Thru C.O. / 22 Total Addition Total Deduct Thr a (hie C.O. j2 $4,771,517.07 I $550.00 1$4,772,067.07 Wglnal contingencles 3%1 f 141,200.00 Mt Qwelnl,g .Ont. Thru C.O. ll22 Add This C.O. Deduct This CAL can'inganciee $73,682.93 I $550.00 $73.132.93 IGe.• will be en ewlanelon of 0 days for completion. tee cote of the compost low of Contract sesOctober 28 , I9 82 and hoe will be October 28 , t9 82. Actpted by Deta slowed +etaw•e+ded byJ1ID . _JU/ ate {laved (npiner {� YY 4V O.ed by pate flowed Owner -23 Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.C. 00. 1267 10.000 Highway 55 west Minneapolis, MN 55,440 Telephone 612/546.6911 TLx M730 January 29, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave. Suite 11238 Minneapolis, MN 55913 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 25 Gentlemen: Per Field Modification No. 66 dated December 1, 1981 for changing 17 door locks from autrimtir, locking to manual locking, we suhmit the following price: Material.........................$270.00 Labor............................$208.00 Overhead & Profit 15%............ 72.00 Total ............................ $=.00 Please issue a change order for the above amount at your oonvenienee. Sincerely yours, PAUL A. LA M(PAN-i '4— llt.rrivndtner ry Project Estimator JG:wl cc: Pnlco-Monticello Sibs ovary o1 S J G1o.o 6 Sona Company C3 Paul A Lawance Company is an equal opponuney employe ORR•SCHEIEN•MAYERONEtASSOCIATFS.INC. � Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors December 1, 1981 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 166 Gentlemen: Based on the requirements expressed by the City of Monticello J operations staff, we have been advised to change the mortise locks on some of the interior doors and the exterior doors most frequently used from automatic locking to manual locking to better facilitate their operations . This will require changing 17 mortise locks from automatic locking (function 57) to manual locking (function 51). A total of 33 doors are specifiedl 17 doors shall have manual locking( 7 shall have automatic locking, and 9 shall have no locking function (no keys). The following is a summary of all door functions. 0 LATCH' • MANUAL LOCEIIX' AL1T01;AT]C LnC1:31-:" FUNCTION ONLY C11 B01 03 CU1 C11+, call, ('1,^. C12 CO24 C17 Cl Olt Cl 21% C15 T101, C16 C20 All Tl OU D01 C20A A10A B10 S01 A10 :lU B I I SOLA Al2 BOIA 0101, A13 B -10A C13 • Changed from automatic locking. •' Remain as originally apecified. ?0?1 fort Hr:n+r;+:nArr.v;v ;:uirr 235. !•!,•�nr.in.,•. !r'••,•+t.. '''• • ."!:'�?A%•8ri;n 0 ,' J C' Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. December 1, 1981 C Please submit a Change Order Request at your earliest conveni- ence. Sincerely, OAR-SCHELEN-MAYERON b ASSOCIATES, INC. '4t q � ' NA Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, OSM John Simola, City of Monticello I CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER oN4`•M isMMtio 4`400 apstrsa Oa11,SC1sf1Cr4 WAYEACn i ASUKJU, PeC. o-•ao- a .,oa w.r.•.wte1 o• w• ws.ws+.w.n w^s na w�+.t.ea.a +� W.twesm a•Am, .., tear Contractor Paul A. Laurencg_,so. Change Ores ua•_. 24 Add,se$ P.Q. Box 1267 - I OQ0 Hwy. 55 W st Field melt, No. 61 Mi,nneaoolis Minn so a Projee *.068-2748.01 Joe'cocatton Monticello. Minnesota EPA Want tt.C27 84 55-03 In accordance with the torso of yawn contract daead November 20 11980 with City of Monticello owner formITP Uparadina s Appurtenant Work tow are hereby repoestd to cospty with the following Ganges froo the contract ptaes and specIflcattonf: awriptlon and Justlflcatloe: • Rater to field godll / 61 (A"oched) Due to recent availability of Natural Gas and Anticipated fuel cost savings, The City of Monticello Operations Staff has requested that the propane gas heating of the Sludge Vehicle Garage be changed to Natural Gas. Breakdown of Costa ISIS Chonge Ordari Labor Epu Ipint f►ofit 1 Overhead Total Add I {S160r001! 1 , Total 0W.0te 590.00 $37.00 $287.00 (i 1 Amunt of Original Contract) 1 40704.000.00 tract T%ru C.O. / 23 Total Additloo Total Odwet Tafel Contract Thre TAie 11.0. i� 54.772.067,07 $287.00 S4. 771.78 Original Contirgencles 1311 1 141,200.00 W1 aaplsing Cont, Thru C.o. 1_23 Add Tills C.O. OdYet %to C.O. 1 1 Contingencies $73,132.93 $287.00 $73,419.93 There olio be to aA•n11on of 0 days for caeelatlor. The data of the crapia+toa of Contract neOCtober 29 t 1# 82 ad ate pill 10e00tober 28 , 1182 . accosted b" gasp tldnad •twtr Of ec mows -dad by 040 Ala.. teginaar Asprwd by ............. K -r.. .................. ......... - • .............. . ... . / . to 111/snap 1 11 l Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors ORR•SCHEIEN-MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. October 26, 1981 Paul A*Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Bruce Hanson Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading a Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 161 Gentlemen: The City of Monticello Operations staff has requested a change from propane gas heating to natural gas heating for the Sludge Vehicle Garage. This change has been requested based upon the recent availability of natural gas by the local utility company and the anticipated potential of fuel cost savings. The propane gas .fired unit heater in the Sludge Vehicle Garage (shown on Drawing M-9) shall be changed to natural gas fired unit heater. The utility company shall provide a natural gas meter on the exterior face of the east wall of the garage and extend the natural gas line already on the site to their meter (refer to Field Modification 159). The contractor shall provide a 1' natural gas line from the meter to the unit heater and make the necessary changes to the unit heater to accommodate natural gas and provide the same BTU input capacity as propane gas. Due to this change, omit the 5004 propane gas tank and the guard posts located around this tank and the 3/4- propane gas line from the tank to the unit heater as detailed on Drawing M-9. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 A SOL(I?�TE I C. Gerald S. Corriek, P.E. Project Manager cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, John Simola, City of Monticello Y Chuck Lepak, OSM 2011 rift HennaoinAvenun nla 7J6 • 'v,':nneJpol;s. Vinnssva 55113 • 512J,;. l-6650 Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. So. 1267 10.000 Highway 55 weal Minneapolis. MN 55440 Telephone 6121546.6911 TLx 290730 January 29, 1982 RECEIVED ORRSCHELEN n::. l:.;:: ;. ASSM COMM 1.�'�✓ -�7yf, L'1 FEB011982 I Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Avenue Suite 8238 Minneapolis, MEN 55413 Attn: bit'. Gerald Corrick Re: Kasteuater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, MEimtesota FPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 26 Gentlemen: Per Field Modification No. 61 dated October 26, 1981 for changing the unit heater in the sludge vehicle garage from propane to natural gas and the other associated work, we submit the following credit: Material .........................($160.00) Labor ............................($ 90.00) Overhead & Profit 15%............($ 37.00) Total Credit .....................($287.00) Please issue a change order for the above mmmmt at your convenience. Sincerely yours, b. 7CE Grundtner Project Fst Lmtor JG;wl cc: Paloo-MionticelIo Suoa.aUry of S J Groves 6 Sona companyp` Paul A Laurence Company is an rapual OPPOliunay emPloyar J CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER w,ttas uamua Ya Warlryat ORA aCMFJLN MAYDoc ASSOC.4 DIC. W Pna4 uDq c0•a.ntewte, ..K ®.1441141 h1 .har1aurae.-i 11 ,0 11 w.eY.)w.aD3.easst.w. saw Tractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Charge Order Ab. 25 Iddress P.O. Box 1267.- 10000 Hwy. 55 west rigid modlf, oft. 63 Minneapolis, Minnesota Project sib. 068-2748.01 sob (ocatlon_Zpnti&P11n, M1nnpFa to EPA ?ant mD.C270855-,03 a accordance with the tare of your contract dated November 20 19 80 with City of Montice118 owner forWWTP Upqrad ing 6 Appurtenant work 'cu are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract plans and specifications: w,acriptlon and Justlflcatlon; - Refer to rigid modlf 163 (A»eUad) Review of Shop Drawinqs for Final Clarifier Mechanisms has revealed that corner shaping grout is required. by mechanism suiDplier. This requirement could not have been anticipated in engineering design. Irea►down of eta tela Charge order, (See unit prices in attached Part V of Bid Proposal Form) . or tquIpant f►oflt 1 Warhead Total Add Total Deduct I I I $1.575.00 I leprnt of original Contract: 14 704,000. 00 Total Contract :o.tract Thru C.O. / 24 Total Addlt lob Total Dsduot Thr w This C.O. I25 $4,771,78 I $1,575.00 $4,773,355.07 )riglnol Contingencles IN) 1 141#200.00 IrT Raylnlrg ;ont, Thry C.O. d24 Add 11, Is C.D. Deduct This C.O. contlrga.clgs $73,419.93 I $1,575.00 $71,844.93 Theis .111 be so swtanllm of 0 days for cmpletlm. Tho date of the cmplet lm of Confrgdt ass OCtobor 29, 1082 sad how will b{October 28 , 42 . Accep+ed by Data Ila -ad CpntregJty t .aw.ended by ` �. Data 1loaad trglnw A,sprored by Date Maned Other 3 �� Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS Pe Bo. 1267 10.000 NiQnwey SS Well M.nneapolis. MN 55440 Telephone 612/546-6911 TLx 290730 January 29, 1982 I i Orr-Schelen-Havemn F: Aavx , , Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Suite #238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Attn: Sir, Gerald Corrlck Re: Wastewater 71reatment Upgrading Ga Appurtenant Work Monticello, Rinnesota FPA Project No. C270b55-03 Change Order Request No. 27 Gentlemen: Per Field Modification No. 63 dated Novernber 11, 1981 for installing corner shaped grout in the final clarifier tanks, we submit the following 1 price: 1 7 C.Y. ® $225.00/C.Y. v, $1,575.00 The above price is based on part V unit Price adjustments, item No. 5 - Wall concrete including forming in place, of the contract documents. If this meets with your approval please issue a change order for the above amount at your convenience. Sincerely yours, PAUL A. LAURq4CE Q21P 91rry Lrundtner Project Estimator JG;wl cc: Paloo - Monticello �T Suosidialy o1 a d. Gloves a sons Company Paul A Laurence Company 1s an e0ual opponunmy emw010f ( "( ) I/ I' ORR SCHEIEN - NlAYERON @ ASSOCIATES. INC. Consulting £ngnee•s Land Surveyors November 11, 1981 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 west Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Ret Monticello wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Mork EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 163 Gentlemen: Review of the shop drawings for the Final Clarifier Mechanisms t has revealed that corner shaping grout is required by the mechanism supplier, in the Final Clarifier tanks. Refer to the shop drawings for placement. Grout_ shall conform to specification section 0337. This work could not have been anticipated in advance in the engineering design.In accordance with Section 6.4 of the General Conditions, this work qualifies as a change in work. Please prepare an estimate and submit a change order request at your convenience. The estimate shall correspond to the unit adjustment prices of Part V of the bid proposal form. Sinceroly, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ASSOCIATES, �IJNC. 414. "' 9 Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC/min cct John P. Badalich, OSM ( John Simola, City of Monticello Dick Reeling, 4SM Field nffice 2027 test Hennepin Avenue . Suire 238 . Mrnneap074. Minnes01s 55413 . 6121337.8650 J 068-2748 PF - S �a PART V The bidder shall complete the following list of unit adjustment prices to be used to adjust the contract price where additional or reduced work is required. 1. Excavation for Structures 1. -a. 50 /cu.yd. 2. General Site Excavation 2. ` /cu.yd. 3. Fill Material for Site Grading In Place 3. n. con. /cu.yd. 4. Footing Concrete Including Rein- forcement In Place 4. /cu.yd. 5. wall Concrete Including Forming In Place 5. 225.00 /cu.yd. 6. Slab Concrete (On Grade) In Place 6. 115.021 /cu.yd. 7. Reinforcing Steei In Place 7.. ' /lb. ) 8. Granular Backfill Mechani,-ally Compacted In Place. B.. ac, /cu.yd. 9. 4" DIP Flanged 9. 24.11 /L.F. 10. 6" DIP Flanged 10. 30. E /L.F. 11. 8" DIP Flanged 11. '34.6% /L.F. 12. 10" DIP Flanged 12. 50.6% /L.F. 13. 4" FRP Pipe Flanged 13. �0 /L.F. 14. 6" FRP Pipe Flanged 14. 7_71. - /L.F. 15. 8" FRP Pipe Flanged 15. �J1.� /L.F. 16, 10" FRP Pipe Flanged 16. �j2.gt /L.F. 17. 4" Steel Pipe Flanged 17, 5,=g /L.P. 18. 6" Steel Pipe Flanged 18. 4rQ.0+ /L.F. 19. 8" Steel Pipe Flanged 19. _i q 19 /L.F. 068-2748 PF - S �a CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER �awvttlaa Iwani hla w1 warnao ORR'SCMt1LN MAYERON A ASSMIATES. PIC. re.o. a 'oew Co+scn:,.» ..0 110111 Lr .e Nall ww AZZIMI lel M"N%I.RhM1 wN WIWI$ 3314OW'..., 21(04 ntracio, Paul A. Laurence Co. Ohenpe Odor no. 26 Addreaa P.O. Box 1267 - 10000 Hwy. 55 West field aocif. Nu. 59 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 project no. 068-2748.01 Job LoCetion Monticello, Minnesota EOR os.t No.C270855-03 to «dordonce with the tons of your contract doted November 20 tg 80 with City of Monticello Owner for WWTP Upgrading a Appurtenant work You are hereby repvesfad to comply with the following dtahpos fret the contract pians end specifications: Doscript ton and hlsilficotlon. - Rater to Field Nodif F 59 tArtechedi For economic reasons, the City of Monticello has requested that the methane fueled engine (powering the blower) be modified to have the duel capability of burning natural gas, which has recently become avaiblable,from the local utility. 4reotdown of Costa this Quepe Order: I. oberEquipment Prof It 4 Overheed I Total Add Total Deduct I . 62.463..00 Amount of Original Contract: 1417041000.00 Tomal Contract trect TC.O. e25 Total Addition Total Deduct Thr This C.O. /26 ory ICan $4,773,355.07 $2,463.00 14,775,818.07 original Contingencies tail 1141,200.00 lot Rapainip Cont. Thry C.O. f 2 55 Add ThIa C.O. Ooduct This C.O. Cent inganc t es $71,844.93 $2,463.00 $69,361.93 Theta Witt be M *0*A$ton of 0 day* ter caaotetioo. The date of the camotet lop of tipntroct woe October 28, 1082 and acts will be October 28 , 'jE2 , Acceoted by Date Signed ibmntr by ter��Ocf �r e«aw+ded Qete 1tRead too nae► Approved bw Date honed .,.. _. _ ....,...... anew � • �a C.J Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O 80. 1267 10.000 Nighwsy 55 West Minneapolis. MN 55440 Telephone 612/546-6911 TLX 290730 February 2, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeton b Assoc., Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Avenue Shite 1238 Minneapolis, M84 55413 Attn: Mr. Charles A. Lepak Re: Wastewater 7Yeatn*mt Upgrading 6 Appurtenant work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Revised Change Oder Request No. 24 Gentlemen: _J As per our telephone conversation yesterday with Mr. Gerald Carrick, we submit the following revised pricing regarding your Field Modification 159, dated October 13, 1981: Subcontract...................................$1,860.00 Overhead 6 Profit @ 58 ......................5 93.00 Piping; Material ..............................5 261.00 labor.......................................6 182.00 Overhead a Profit @ 159 .....................5 67.00 7%YrAL......................................... 2,63.00 This price included furnishing all necessary labor and materials for omstruction of a Manual Dual Fuel System for the Methane Engine. Consideration of the autcrwtic switch -over system has been elirminatod. Again, Jeffoo Power System will aooatplish the conversion of the kbukcsM VRG3101J Cas Engine at the jobsite. This revised change order replaces the previous C.O.R. No. 24, dated Doccmber 31, 1981. Please issue a change order for the above amauht as soon as possible. 7Theso prices are firm until February 28, 1982. Sincerely, PAUL A. LAUF04M OCWANY Bruce R. Hanson BM; wl oc: Palco-Monticello Office Copy Subsidiary Of S. J. Orores 6 Bons Company / Paul A, Laurence Company Is an aausi opportunity, employe, RECEIVED 08-SCHfbte-IlAr[a0A a ASSN COMM •_ .2_id_y/ FEB04 1982 J SIIORR •SCHEIEN • MAYERON b ASSOCIATES. INC. Consulting Engineers Lend Surveyors October 13, 1981 Mr. Bruce Ranson -- Paul A. Laurence Co. P. 0. Bo: 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Re: Monticello Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification No. 59 Gentlemen: The City of Monticello wishes to have the option of fueling the methane engine (powering the blower) with natural gas if and when it proves to be more economical than using the other electric blowers. This field modification shall include all piping, valves, ^� fittings and switches necessary for the construction of a dual J fuel system for the methane engine. This will include a mixing valve, prersure regulator, solenoid valve, 2 -way switch and two gas shut-off valves. we would also like to consider, as an alternative, the automatic switch -over from methane to natural (Jae. The gas company should be responsible for furnishing and installing the natural gas service and meter to the aeration blower building as shown on the enclosed drawings. Please submit a cost estimate for a change order for this work before placing any orders or doing any of the work. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON G ASSOCIATES, INC. 4&4a Charles A. Lep .E. CAL:nlb CEnclosure ccs John Simola, City of Monticello John Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, OSH Yield Office Jerry Corrick, OSM 2021 Estr HPnnPn;r AvpAstr Cniis 71A • M;RM0AAn11*0 MinAP-A/. 54019 . 9111 991. 049A I N .• f Ut�ItiROvND NA,. , a' NATUPAL GAS L1NC %4 CONTRACTOR ,O Bc NTILRT CO. �[l LOCATED IM RllLD TO tt.16. •r AvOIC CONPLICTB Wl 3.. Cw MtTNA11[ GAS IdN� 4AL MCTCV. (b1 A11 mOwNTta VALV[9 �'1 VTILIT4 CO I' I I i.....A .*� + �N�TALL W VALV! ON METMANL / / AND w►,U GAS 1.1NC16 ION[ GACA AND OTMCA IdCt»ACV COUMA M To COMwLt.Iv[ DWITU- / f FIRST FLOOR - 8�. 7 WEa ROOM SCALE' 'h" •-O" / i r i 000 / 01 1 FIRST FLOOR - 8�. 7 WEa ROOM SCALE' 'h" •-O" T s 1iAT'ttac6 GAS ..rJ SC4YiCt { 6AS MCTt0.S To bt T%slTALL[C *v UTILITV CO. —ttxr URAL GA9 KAIN + ,,,4, l t D b`I LOTILITY GO, I ILQU iATION T iGYIN!«1 =TRK { :�IIYE0.t>ER 16T STA -� ISSUED AS PART OF FIELD MODIFIC.VrION .► 9 0,000 Sv Doll Comm No. ORR BCHE4Eti•MAYERON 6 APRfIC1 AT IM IMC. mm!) 0a.. 12 060- oem .r..,....... wirru .r..L..r .wu+a .w. rrwa� ...r..e.rl .�..�..�. IIIb . ♦rr .I• w.. 19811 271ROI o.rcaror.roaco.wlr.._,6" Ire + H ,EtgTiNG Ta1CM{ wc, ''�lLT 1r0.L (pr16T RUGT 14n n0 AT 11 8t t i�Ev. pn/►W Inc, M• - l I} 100. N►+TUaRt GAS PIPING t YAI.vE9 Ix9TAtLtt+ 0Y 'ONTwxr Ik TM16 Aa t A. O,o�,� Tr+l• M01 T%C,ELL0 WASTEWATEF 't4lEaTMEN 4-c !Si PLpOy-T UPG9A01^�G pND ApPURTEN'4ri't wok.k T 'No CZ1o6�s -02) EPA PRO�Et GAS g£0.VILE RELpGA't IDN n aIGESTi, » t METCSL .'2Np 9TH 'OI:.tlTtl �2 A5 ME MAIL 7 jj-toR1�1t0. I �LU4t�� 1 ISSUED AS PART OF FIELD MODIFIC.VrION .► 9 0,000 Sv Doll Comm No. ORR BCHE4Eti•MAYERON 6 APRfIC1 AT IM IMC. mm!) 0a.. 12 060- oem .r..,....... wirru .r..L..r .wu+a .w. rrwa� ...r..e.rl .�..�..�. IIIb . ♦rr .I• w.. 19811 271ROI o.rcaror.roaco.wlr.._,6" Ire + H ,EtgTiNG Ta1CM{ wc, ''�lLT 1r0.L (pr16T RUGT 14n n0 AT 11 8t t i�Ev. pn/►W Inc, M• - l I} 100. N►+TUaRt GAS PIPING t YAI.vE9 Ix9TAtLtt+ 0Y 'ONTwxr Ik TM16 Aa t A. O,o�,� Tr+l• M01 T%C,ELL0 WASTEWATEF 't4lEaTMEN 4-c !Si PLpOy-T UPG9A01^�G pND ApPURTEN'4ri't wok.k T 'No CZ1o6�s -02) EPA PRO�Et GAS g£0.VILE RELpGA't IDN n Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS PA. no. 1267 10.000 Highway 55 West Whneapohs. MN 5S440 Telephone 6121546-6311 TLX 290770 December 31, 1981 Orr-schelen-Mayeron Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite #238 Minneapolis, UN 55413 Attn: Hr. Charles A. Lepa1L Re: wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project Iia. C-270355-03 Change Order Request No. 24 _D L ASM COMM.�DG+�' 7V g.D1 JAN -B 1982 Gentlemen: As per your Field Modification #59 dated October 13, 1981, we submit the following price: Option #1: Manual Dual Fuel Systcm Subcontract................................$1,8G0.00 Piping: Material .......................... 261.00 Labor................................... 182.00 Overhead & Profit ® I -T .................... 305.00 7bta1...................................$2.648.00 Option #2: Automatic Dual Fuel System Subcontract................................$2,450.00 Piping: Material .......................... 261.00 L,abor................................... 182.00 Overhead & Profit 0 15% ................... 434.00 Total...................................$3.327.00 The conversion of the Waukesha VRG3IOU Gas Engine will be accomplished at the jobsite by Jeffco Power Systems. Please inform us what option you choose to consider and issue n change order for the appropriate amount its soon as possible. These prices are firm until January 31, 1982.. Sincerely, PAUL A. LAUfii74M' COMPANY Druce R. Hanson BR1i ; wl l cc: PoloD44onticello SubsidaarV Of S. J. 6rD.0b 6 Sone COMPARY �� Paul A Laurence nDlOYer Company la an epual OPPOnUR11Y Of"i CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER :/ate Ufa 149,1/101 trs erewttewy ORA.SCNEtEN MAYEAON s ASSOCIATLS. RIC. o+.w, 0-:,30e co.eu.�.era ..c ea•. w* �a,.t•• ••a W�f Im'w+u.o.n.w. ta.•I�•e a•ass •... sae+ Contractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Change Order No. 27 Address P.O. Box 1267 10000 Hwy. 55 West field Nodif. No.. -- Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 -oj— 1b. 068-2748.01 Job Location Monticello.' Minnesota EA► osat fso.C270855-1 In accordance with the teras o1 your contract dated November 20 19 80 with City of Monticello Owner for WWTP Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work You are hereby requested to deeply with the following a'.anges frog the contract plans and specifications: (Attached see Spec. Sect. Description and Justification: - Refer to yield Nodlf f_ (A"achedl 1514A.07) Specification Section 1514A.07 stipulates renovation of the two (2) existing Trickling Filter Recirculation Pumps. This work was deliberately excluded from the Contractor's Bid as per Spec. and therefore is an add to the Contract. areandown of Cat$ Ibis Change Order: jL4bQr I4ulpnent Profit E Owwrheed ISub Contract s3.i00 5155.00 Amount of Original Contract: 1 4.7 AADD.00 tract Thre C.O. f -a6 Total Addition I Total Deduct 54.775,818.07 I 53.255.00 original Contingencies cif► 1141j200.00 ITatel Add Total Deduct 5).255.00 I Icant. Thr. C.o. f 2 6 Add ThisC.O. I Deduct This C. $69,381.93 I 53,255.00 111 Total Contract Thr w This C.O. 127 $4,779,073.07 t', senalnl,g Conti ngen d as $66,126.91 There will be on aatwlylon of 0 days for eoaplellae. The data of the caplatlon of Cantrwd was October 20 1982 and now will br October 28 , 198? . . Accepted by Data Heed contr top Recommended by Dote Maned 2 1 a. . _ f• [w01 Apsrowew by Donor Dote 1lonad Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. So. 1297 10,000 Hiphwsy 55 west Minneapolis. MN 55ee0 Telephone 9 12/546-6911 TLX 290730 February 8, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite #238 Minneapolis, MN 55913 Attn: Mr. Charles A. Lepak Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project No. 0270855-03 Change Order Request No. 28 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the Contract Documents, Specifications Section 1514A.07, vm submit the following price for renovating the two (2) existing Trickling Filter Recirculation Pins. Subcontract.........................$3,100.00 Overhead & Profit ................. 155.00 Total .................... 255.00 Enclosed is a copy of the Tri-State quote itemizing the cork performed on these pwp3s. The mechanical seals were added bringing their total to $3,000.00. The relmining $100.00 consists of electricians time and sales tax not included above. Please issue a change order for the above amount as soon as possible. Sincerely, PAUL A. LAURFNCE C MPANY RECEIVED Bruce R. Hanson O RSJtiC!(ItL,iE.74 8 ASSX BRH;wll Comm iv cc: Palco-Monticello FEBO 9 1992 Office Copy c Subsidiary o1 S J. Groves S eons Company Paul A Lawence Company is an equal opportunity smployw�/ PUMP DIVIsOf % 0 6WAidIOUMWCo. M � J! NG 16940 HWY. 15 WEST - PLYMOUTH, M' N • 16121553-1234 MAILING ADDRESS' P.O. BO 57,1. ro: PA U L A LAURENCE CO. O.. S.; Monticello. Minnesota 55365 Attn.t Dudley 'ROjECT: DATE OF OUOTF January 18, 1982 Repair of 2 Fairbanks Morse Sludge Putos DATE OF BID OPENING On 5432A-25 SPEC. REF ARCHT./ENGR. 0 N. sbi.11 P,.j.cx. r, u, pl .... d 10 P- -t fp ro.n c-id ­ti.. -, pope 1 fw N­hlng 1h. a?, 025calpTlow urrll .^.cc 1!.?9.9.0. 2 Lump Sun repair to include: I Sleeve 2 Bearing I Set Packing i Shaft Repair i Front Head Repair I Shop Labor I Lump Sum Remove & reinstall 2 pumps at Monticello Treatment Plant ADOj 7 Cnnvert to mechanical seal if dpeired Very truly yours. TRI-5TATE DRILL111C A ECUIP.IIENT CO. SB50.00 61,700.01 911.rC 82,600.03 $200.00 $600.0n 0-r—my r,T) 994;CHMN-MAYERON & ASSOC. COW, a .4 7 g f0t FEBO 9 1982 The Contractor shall submit the service agency's findings and estimate to the Engineer. The Engineer will review the cervica agency's report and make a decision on repairs or replacement. The Contractor shall not authorize the service agency to proceed with repairs without prior written approval of the Engineer. After the repairs are completed, the Contractor shall transport the pumps back to the site and re -install the rebuilt pumps ` back into their original position, ready for final use. If replacement of the existing pumps is required the Engineer will provide revised contract drawings and specifications identifying new pump requirements and revised piping, if any. All work specified in this section should be started and com- pleted within the time frame required for construction Phase IV as specified in specification Section 0120 'Special Provisions for Sequence of Continuous Plant Operation During Construction*. Payment for work included under this section will be an add to the contract. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following information in written form as a basis for pay- mentt 1) Log of man hours/costs required for removal, transport, and reinstallation of pumps. 2) Service agency's repair invoices. t: 9) Itemized list of special handling equipment costs, ` transport costs, and other miscellaneous costs. 4) Log of man hours/costa required for administrative and coordination efforts. '? If replacment of the pumps is required, the Contractor shall submit this additional information to the Engineer in written form: 5) Itemized list of additional materials costs as required (pumps, piping, valves, etc) by the revised contract drawings. 068-2748 1514 A - 5 7 The motor -pump shaft shall be centered, in relation to the motor 1 base, within .005". The shaft run -out shall -be limited to .003-. The motor shaft shall equal or exceed the diameter specified under sewage pumps, at all points from immediately below the top bear - ing to the top of the impeller. A bearing cap shall be provided for the bottom motor bearing. Bearing housings shall be provided with fittings for lubrication as well as grease relief fittings. The motor shall be fitted with heavy lifting eyes, each capable of supporting the entire weight of the pump and motor. .05 SPARE PARTS i For each pump supplied the manufacturer shall furnish a complete replacement pump shaft seal assembly, with complete installation instructions. A spare filter element for the seal filter shall be provided. A spare volute gasket shall be provided. .06 GUARANTEE The manufacturer of the sewage pumps shall guarantee for one year from date of use that the pumps will be free from defects in design, material and workmanship. In the event a component fails to perform as specified or is proven dofective in design, waterial or workmanship during the guarantee period, the mai-ufacturer shall provide a replacement part without cost to the owner. AN .07 EXISTING TRICKLING FILTER RECIRCULATION PUMPS All work included under this section shall not be included with the 'Contractor$ a bid, but will be an add to the contract. The Contractor shall remove the two existing trickling filter recirculation pumps in the control building from the existing piping and baso mounts. The Contractor shall transport these pumps to a qualified pump repair shop or to the factory representative service shop for inspection. Selection of the service agency by the Contractor shall not be made without prior approval of the Engineeer. Inspection and testing of the pump shall be made by service shop personnel. The service agency shall determine the con- dition of the pumps and make recommendations for repair or rejslacement. The service agency shall report the existing conditions and their recommendations in written form with an itemized estimate of repair costs for rebuilding. 068-7708 1514 A - 4 :�7 6) Log of man hours/costs required for installation of the new pumps in accordance with the revised contract drawings. 7) Itemized list of miscellaneous costs incurred, associated with installation of the new pumps. Failure of the Contractor to submit any or all of the above information shall result in loss of payment. _. 068-2746 1514 A - 6 i ORR•SCHELEN•MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors February 2, 1982 I Mr. Rick Wolfsteller Acting City Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick: I believe it's been at least two or three years since we brought up to date the City of Monticello map which shows the City's entire platting. The Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer and Water System Maps also need updating. This may be an appropriate time to undertake this work, in that most of the major developments are in and very little is contemplated in the way of new develop- ments in the near future. As you know, these maps are worked on in a very large scale (4 times the printed orop) and then reduced to the 2' x 3' size. I have estimated the costs of doing this work for the City and have enclosed a copy. If the total estimated cost is satisfac- tory with you, I believe Council approval of the expenditure is necessary. I have also enclosed a marked up copy of the City Map and one of the Utility Map indicating the subdivisions to be shown and the utilities constructed through the 1981 construction season. [lave Loren and John look these over to see if we may have overlooked an area. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Yours very truly, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ASSOCCIIAATEES,, IINCC.. John P. Badalich, P.E. Vice President JPn:nlb Enclosures cci John Simola IZ 2021 Fast Hennepin Avenuo • Suite 238 • Mii,,... polis. Minnesota 55413 • 6121331- 8660 CITY OF MONTICELLO C ~ UPDATING UTILITY 6 PLAT MAPS ESTIMATED COSTS Placing Plats 6 Sanitary Sewer On Sanitary Sewer Map 20 Hours Placing Plats 6 Water Main On Water Main Map 20 Hours Placing Plats 6 Storm Sewer On Storm Sewer Map 15 Hours Placing Plats on City Map 15 (lours 70 Hours 70 Hours @ $30.00 per flour $2,100.00 PRINTING COSTS Reduce Sewer, Water 6 Storm Maps $ 140.00 Reduce City Map b Print 500 Copies 450.00 Total Outside Printing Costs $ 590.00 Print three (3) Large Utility Maps & 10 Copies Each of throe (3) Reduced Size $ 100.00 Total Estimated Cost $2,790.00 GENERAL FUND February 1982 AMOUNT CHECK NO. MN. State Treasurer - Snowmobile Receipts 150.00 15348 Golden Valley Furniture - Library Furniture 5,624.90 15349 Olson Electric - Repairs 707.32 1535[ Mobil Oil Co. - Gas 135.38 15351 I� Suburban Gas - Gas 256.16 15352 MN. State Treasurer - Snowmobile 30.00 15353 U.S. Postmaster - Stamps 111.00 15354 Corrow Sanitation - Garbage Contract Payment 3,672:00 15355 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll Deductions 115.00 15356 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor Salary 125.00 15357 Dan Blonigen - Council Salary 100.00 15358 Fran Fair - Council Salary 100.00 15359 Ken Maus - Council Salary 100.00 15360 Phil White - Council Salary 100.00 15361 James Preusse - Cleaning City Hall 220.00 15362 YMCA of Minneapolis - Jan 6 Feb contract payments 516.66 15363 Wright County state Bank - Transfer to Savings 85,000.00 15364 Gwen Bateman - Animal Imp. expense 383.25 15365 Wright County State Bank - Fed. With. Tax January 1982 4,963.50 15366 Commissioner of Revenue - State With. Tax January 1982 2,027.70 15367 MN. State Treasurer - PERA Ded. 1,082.52 15368 Void 15369 MN. State Treasurer - Snowmobile 6 watercraft Reg. 281.00 15370 void 15371 Kermit 6 Ann Lindberg - 1/2 of survey costs 15.00 15372 M.P.S.A. - Reg. Fees for Roger Mack 12.00 15373 Tree Inspector Workshop - Roger Mack, Gerald Schmidt Reg. Fees 30.00 15374 Independent Lumber - Material 47.4: 15375 Gene Walters - Partial Payment for Library Shelving 91000.00 15376 - Gene Stanley Floor Covering - Labor for installing Carpet at Lih. 1,262.50 15377 Division of Waters - Annual Water Report 5.00 15378 Golden Valley Furniture - Bal. on Library Carpet Contract 6,813.45 15379 State Capitol Credit Union - Ded. s Withholdings 65.00 15380 Void 15381 Kermit s Ann Lindberg - Purchase of Property 80,000.00 15382 Monticello Township - Over payment in Fire Dep. Expenditures 1,197.49 15383 void 15384 University of Minn. - Reg. Penn for Roger Mack 6 Rick Cline 72.00 15385 MN. Maintenance Co. - Garbage bags for City Hall 34.73 15386 Dep. of Rmployeo Relations - January FICA 4,228.25 15387 Davidson Electric Co. - Check Control Circuits WWTP 60.00 15388 Olson Electric - Repairs 212.74 15389 Westco Inc. - Decals for trucks 274.85 15390 Monticello Office Products - Supplies 113.86 15391 Maus Foods - Supplien 61.38 15392 Water Products Co. - Replacement water Motors 2,413.32 15393 Northwestern Nat'l Dank - 73 G.O. Bonds Interest 1,432.50 15394' State Treasurer - Light Fixtures s Misc. Tools 67.50 15395 Badger tooter, Inc. - 500 ft. of wire, 12 water meters 632.06 15396 Int. Union of Op. Eng. Local 049 - Union Duce for Jan. 1982 84.00 15397 Safeco Life Inn. - Pension Cont. Gary wicber - Final Check 358.24 15390 City of Coronado - Performance Appraisal Plan 5.00 15399 Gould Brothers - Tow Charge - Snowplow Stuck 50.00 1540C Matt Theisen - Civil Mf. Exercise - Mileage 71.00 15401 { Cary Wisher - Expenses for January 1962 6.00 15402 Wright County Auditor - Assoonmen; Printout 6 1/2 P, lice Pines 11001.55 15403 J M oil Company - Gas S 2,319.20 15404 GENERAL FUND February 1982 (Cont) AMOUNT CHECK NO. Hoglund Bus Company - Lens 6 Kits 44.50 15405 Gordie Link - Mobil Oil - Diesel Fuel 518.63 15406 National Bushing 6 Parts Co. - Supplies 76.83 15407 Coast to Coast - Misc. Supplies s Tools 226.00 15408 Our Own Hardware - Misc Supplies 117.26 15409 Howard Dahlgren Asso. - Services for January 1982 190.30 15410 Suburban Gas - Repair Maint Bld. Office Furnace 22.80 15411 Figs It Shop - 12 Council Meeting tapes 77.88 15412 Adrian Duske - Mayor Associates Dues for 1982 80.00 15413 Davis Electronic Service - Repair Pagers 97.83 15414 Rergstrom's Lawn E. Garden Equip. - Fuel Filters 8.94 15415 Mac Queen Equip. Co. - New Snow blower 9,975.00 15416 void 15417 First Nat'l Bank of Mpls. - Service Chg. .4.00 15418 Gruys, Johnson 6 Asso. - Computer Processing Costs Dec. 1981 290.00 15419 Treasurer, MCFOA - Membership Dues 1981 S 1982 - R. Y:olfotcllcr 15.00 15420 North Star Waterworks Products - Clapper for a check valve 234.92 15421 Star 6 Tribune Newspaper - CA Ad 131.10 15422 Leef Bros. Inc. - Uniforms for January 1982 143.55 15423 NSP - Utilities for January 1982 4,747.31 15424 St. Cloud Daily Times - CA Ad 45.65 15425 St. Paul Dispatch - CA Ad 111.00 15426 Wright County Journal Press 6 The Drummer - CA Ad 12.25 15427 Smith, Pringle, Hayes - Fees for December, 1981 229.50 15428 Flicker's T.V. 6 Appliance - Pager Batteries 55.00 15429 Monticello Printing - Printing for Month of January 1982 208.80 15430 SMA Elevator Construction - 2 prints for Fire Department 5.00 15431 Monticello Senior Citizens Centr - 1981 Reserve from Info Cent. 787.60 15432 Central McGowan Inc. - Oxygen 6 Acetylene 2.48 15433 Amoco Oil Co. - Gas 19.99 15434 Clutch 6 U -Joint - Repairs 366.01 15435 NMS Road Machinery 6 Supplies Co - Bucket Truck Rental 314.00 15436 Allied Plastics of rtpla.,- Plastic for windshield repairs - 281.0 15437 Century Labs, Inc. - Supplies 23.26 15438 State of Mn. - Sub. Fee for State Register 136.30 15439 Paul A. Laurence Company - Payment 012 WWTP 78,956.40 15440 The Bankers Life - Group Insurance for 2/15/82 to 3/15/82 2,448.48 15441 Mont. Piro Depart. - Fire Department wages 1/22 thru 2/14/82 1,266.00 15442 MN. State 'rreasurer - Snowmobile Receipts 557.00 15443 Bridgewater Telephone Co. - Telephone for January 1982 696.00 15444 Barry's Auto Parts - Miac Repairs s Parts 6 Supplies 286.25 15445 The v.iplinger Washington Editors, Inc. - Subscription Fee 42.00 15446 Feed Rite Controls - Aluminum Sulfate and Testing 975.25 15447 Orr-Scholen-Mayeron Asno. - Prep. of Assess. Rolle 6 17119. Fees 4,511.10 15448 Minn. Dep. Reg. Asso. - Deputy Registrar Dues for 1982 50.00 15449 The Class But - Plex glass for Iliat. Bldg. s Replacement Shield 197.72 15450 Marco Business Products - Copy Machine Fluid s repairs 80.75 15451' Fyle'n nackhoo 6 Sower Service - Steaming chlorine WWTP 60.00 15452 Olson Electric - Hoaters for pumps, tower lite repl. 6 element 121.43 15453 Rick Wolfotellor - Mileage for 12/10/81 to 2/10/82 35.75 15454 Northwestern Boll - Fire Phone 25.24 15455 NSP Company - Rep. Lite Fixture - To he reimbursed 133.35 15456 Minn. Pollution Control Agency - Reg. Fee for Seminar WWTP 120.00 15457 North Central Public Service - Natural Gaon for January 1982 1,985.74 15458 w.11.Cates Co. - Payment 09 Library Construction 15,191.00 15459 Wright County State Bank - Purchase Investment due 6/16/82 150,000.00 15460 GENERAL FUND Februrary 1982 AMOUNT CHECK N( U.S. Postmaster - Stamps 94.00 15461 Brad Larsen In Trust For Kermit 6 Ann Lindbert - Held in Escrow 51000.00 15 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR FEBRUARY 500,007.76 J; LIQUOR FUND February 1982 AMOUNT CHECK N0. Midwest Wine Company - Liquor 428.15 10093 Ed Phillips s Sons - Liquor 6,065.80 10094 Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor 1,780.43 10095 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 875•.27 10096 Johnson Brothers - Liquor 89.92 10097 MN. State Treasurer - PERA payment 172.69 10098 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll Deductions 20.00 10099 Wright County State Bank - Fed. With. Tax January 1982 556.40 10100 Commissioner of Revenue - State With. Tax January 1982 220.00 10101 Ed Phillips 6 Sons Co. - Liquor 3,248.51 10102 Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores, Inc. Reg. fee for Mark 25.00 10103 Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor 4,272.25 10104 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 2,049.43 10105 D 6 B Vacuum Sales - New vacuum cleaner 220.00 10106 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll Deductions 20.00 10107 Griggs, Cooper 6 Company, Inc. - Liquor 2,667.67 10108 Ed Phillips 6 Sons Company - Liquor 2,758.03 10109 Jude Candy 6 Tobacco Co - Candy 6 Misc. items 420.31 10110 H. Trushenski Trucking - Freight Expenses 320.10 10111 Gruys, Johnson 6 Associates - Computer costs for Dec. 1981 110.00. 10112 Yonak Sanitation - Garbage Service for January 1982 69.00 10113 Maus Foods - Mis. Supplies 21.17 10114 Midwest Wine Company - Liquor 1,288.39 10115 Viking Coca-Colar Bottling Co.- Pop and Misc. Items 272.35 10116 Granite City Cash Register Co - Case 44 rIM Paper 52.00 10117 Day Distributing Co - Beer and Liquor 385.05 10118 Thorpe Distributing Co. - Bear and Liquor 3,086.15 10119 Grosslein Beverages, Inc. - Liquor 7,687.00 10120 Seven -Up Bottling Co. - Misc. Supplies 289.60 10121 Northern States Power - Utilities 498.75 10122 City of Monticello - water Bill 41.00 10123 Cronseth Directory Service, Inc. - Advertising 37.60 10124 Dahlheimer Distributing Co. - Beer 6,072.50 10125 Old Dutch Foodo - Supplies 111.82 10126 Bridgewater Telephone Company - Telephone Bill 56.22 10127 Dick Beverage Co. - Beer 6,912.55 10128 A.J. Ogle Company - Beer and Pop 1,674.00 10129 Department of Cmployea Relations - January FICA Taxoo 497.58 10130 The Bankers Life - Group Health Insurance 2/15/02 to 3/1.5/82 136.86 10131 MN. Municipal Liquor Store Ass. - Memberohip Dues 1981 - 1982 125.00 10132 Ed Phillips s Sons - Liquor 4,276.16 10133 MTi Departmont of Economic Security - Unemp. Benafits Scot VanLith 275.34 10134 Payroll for February 2,850.20 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR FED. 63,232.25 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ( February 8, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. t vi a.: Members Present: Arve Crimsmo, Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Phil White. Members Absent: None. 1. Consideration of a Variance for a Certificate of occupancy - Decorative Services. Mr. Rill Schackor, owner of Decorative Services, requested a certificate of occupancy for his new building being built in Oakwood Industrial Park. As part of the certificate of oc- cupancy request, Mr. Schackor requested that he be allowed until July 1, 1982 to complete all of his landscaping and hard - surfacing of his parking lot. Mr. Schackor agreed to arrange for his lender to provide a letter to the City of Monticello indicating that an escrow account will be set up for one and a quarter (1%) times the amount of the estimated landscaping and parking lot improve- ment costs. The reason for the request was due to the present weather conditions not allowing the parking lot improvement to he completed until this summer. A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the certificate of occupancy request for Decorative Services contingent upon proper arrangements being made for providing either a surety bond or an escrow account for one and a quarter (IN) times the amount of the estimated landscaping and parking lot improvements. 2. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bide for 1500 Callon Tanker Truck and Truck Chassis for the Fire Department. Rids wore received by tho Fire Department on February 1, 1982 for a now 1500 gallon tanker truck and truck chassis. The bids that were received on the tanker truck were an follows: Aiter.01 Side Del ivory Company Basic Bid Water Dump) Time Laverne Fire Equipment, Inc. $32,473.00 $750.00 140-150 days after chassis delivery General Safety Equip. Inc. 36,960.00 590.00 240-280 days from contract date Pierce Manufacturing 45,680.00 900.00 240-300 flays from contract. Council Minutes - 2/8/82 T ,.. General Safety Equipment Inc., also indicated a few alternate % optional items which could be added to the bid if the Fire J Department so desired, totalling an additional $1,105.00 to the base bid. Bids received for the truck chassis were as follows: Company Bid Delivery Time Monticello Ford $16,166.71 60-90 days Gould Brothers Chev. 17,730.00 90 days Laverne Fire Equipment, Inc. 18,655.00 60-90 days Pierce Manufacturing 20,575.00 120 days Members of the Monticello Fire Department reviewed the bids to see how they complied with all the specifications and in- dicated to the Council that they had a few areas of concern in regard to the apparent low bidder on the pumper apparatus from Laverne Fire Equipment Company which they felt did not meet the specifications in the following areas: 1. Bid specifications called for the pump to be rated at 475 gallons per minute and to be a two stage pump where - so Laverne's bid brochure indicated that the pump would be a single stage, 375 gallon per minute pump. J 2. Specifications called for a 1500 gallon tank to be con- structed of 10 gauge steel with the bottom to be 3/16 of an inch thick with Laverne's tank not indicating a 3/16 inch thick bottom as required. 3. Specifications called for the shape of the tank to be in a T shape design providing for deep aided comport - mento while the Laverne tank is proposed as an oval shape making for smaller compartments at the top. 4. Specifications also called for the inside of the tank to be lined with an epoxy compound which in flexible while the Laverne tank would be lined with fiber glass which the Fire Department personnel thought would not be as flexible. 5. specifications required all valves to be a watereas ball type, which the Piro Department indicated that Laverne's would not be. The total low hid for the new truck and pumper using the lowest bids received would total $49,389.71. It was the recommendation of the Fire Department that the City consider the low bid on the truck chamois from Monticello Ford in the amount of 516,166.71, and the second low bid from General Safety Equipment in the amount of $36,960.00.plua alternate for side water dump of $590, J, plus the optional items totalling $1,105 for a total price of $54,021.71, no they felt this bid did meet specifications. Council Minutes - 2/8/82 �•:� Since the Council had numerous questions in regard to the speci- fications, and none of the representatives from the two low bidders, Laverne Fire Equipment and General Safety Equipment, were present at the meeting, it was the eoncensus of the Council that no action be taken on the awarding of a•-ontract until the next regular council meeting to enable the Fire Department fcr- sonnel and city staff to contact representatives of the companies to be present at the next meeting to answer questions. C 3. Consideration of Increase in Fire Department Wages. Monticello Fire Department members requested that the City Council consider increasing their salary on fire calla and drills for 1982 f•nm the present $7.00 per hour for the first hour of the fire call and $5.00 thereafter to a straight $8.00 per hour. This request was previously brought before the Joint Fire Board consisting of a Fire Department member, a representative of the Monticello Township and a representative of•� the City. It was the recommendation of the Joint Fire Board that any increase in Fire Department salaries should not take effect during the year 1982 since this item was not budgeted for the coming year. It was noted that if wages :in1991 would have been paid at the new A: - quested rate of $8.00 per hour, the fire call salaries would have in- creased along with the drill costa by approximately 34 percent over the present pay scale. A survey of the surrounding com- munities indicated that the Monticello Fire Department personnel are currently paid one of the higher rates in the area and that the last increase from $5.00 per hour for the first hour and $3.00 thereafter was increased to the present $7.00 for the first hour and $5.00 thereafter effective January 1, 1979. A motion was made by Blonigon, seconded by White and unanimously carried to leave the present rate of pay for Fire Department per- sonnel at $7.00 per hour for the first hour and $5.00 per hour thereafter with all drilla being paid at a flat rate of $7.00 per drill. Council Minutes - 2/8/82 , 4. Peview of the 1981 Year End Liquor Store Financial Statements, Liquor Store Manager, Mark Irmiter, reviewed with the Council the year end financial statements for 1981. The financial statement as presented indicated that sales were up approximately $112,000 over 1980 figures or approximately 14% in- crease. Mr. Irmiter noted that although inflation accounts for some of the increase, it was his opinion that approximately a 5% real increase did occur. Gross profit increased approximately 15% over last year with the operating income increasing to almost SR5,000 from 569,000 in 1980. The total operating income increas- ed as a percent of total sales to 9.32 from 8.65 in 1980. With other earnings from investments, etc., total net income of the liquor store operation exceeded $108,000 in 1981 over the previous high of $87,000 in 1980. do action was taken by the Council other than review of the state- ments with the manager, Mark Irmiter. (See Exhibit 2/8/82 01). 5. Consideration of Expenditures for Historical Information Center Buildinq. 1 Mrs.Marion Jameson, Monticello Historical Committee Chairman, re- quested that the Council consider the possible funding of a few improvements for the local Historical Building. Mrs. Jameson had requesters that the Council consider the installa- tion of a separate phone at the Historical Building and the in- stallation of a ceiling fan to help circulate some of the heat from the ceiling to the floor areas. Concerns were expressed by the Council over how often the procenc Historical Building is used and it was the concenaus of the Council that a telephone may seem inappropriate for the 1ittlo use that the building has currently received. Currently, the Historical Building has not boon open on any type of regular hasis except during the summer time when the City also operates an Information Center from this tuilding. Mr. Greg ].rieknon, a member of the Historical Com- mitteq noted that currently there are not enough people to Getup and man the Rletorical Building on a regular basis and thus the facility has notl,een tined much recently. In regard to the coiling fan, the Council members felt that cir- culation of the heat is not a necessity at the present time since the building in not usually occupied in the winter. It was the eoncensus of the Council to table any action regarding / expenditures for the !tistorical Committee at the present time until the Historical Committee can indicate that a more regular scheduled use of the building w"' take place. 4 Council Minutes - 2/6/82 6. Consideration of Establishinq a Tax Increment Finaneinq District �.' for the City of Monticello. o� The purpose of this item was a review and discussion on the possible, application of establishing a tax increment financing district for the downtown area in Monticello. The basic concept behind tax increment financing is to utilize the new tax revenues generated by a completed new development or rede- velopment of an existing building, to pay for such things as the land acquisition and site improvement costs, thereby allowing a City to stimulate private development which might not otherwise occur. Eligible projects for tax increment financing are as follows: - Redevelopment Project - Any project involved in the removal of blight, any new land use such as housing or commercial and industrial may replace the blighted property. - Housing Project - Any housing project involved in the con- struction of low and moderate intone housing. - Economic Development Project - Any project that does not involve the removal of blight or the construction of housing for lower or moderate income persons. After reviewing some of the aspects of tax increment financing, the Council discussed whether the City should proceed to start the establishment of a tax increment financing district now or wait until a developer or developers propose the use of ouch financing prior to proceeding. It was the eoncensus of the Council to authorize the City Adminis- trator to invite Mr. Malt Hartman, a technical analyst with the attorney firm of Holms and Gravin, to make a presentation to the City Council on the procedures necessary to set up a tax increment district for Monticello. Mr. Hartman, a former employee of the League of Minnesota Cities, had previously indicated he would be available to describe the basic concepts and procedures necessary for the City to set up a tax increment financing plan in the future. Council Minutes - 2/8/82 !, � 7. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting Held on January 25, 1482. i Q- +I A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting hold on January 25, 1982 as presented and amended. 8. Consideration of Purchase of a Snow Slower for the Street Depart- ment. Public works Director, John Simola, reviewed with the Council the possible acquisition of a new snow blower for the Public Works Department. Mr. Simola noted that a new snow blower with approxi- mately 20 hours use has been demonstrated by the manufacturer in the City of Monticello, and this snow blower could be purchased for $9,975.00. The cost of this snow blower new would be in the range of $16,000 to $18,000 with comparable snow blowers priced anywhere from $20,000 to $40,000. Mr. Simola indicated that the City could possibly save $2,000 annually in labor and other cents associated with snow removal if the City did acquire a snow blower for. removing snow in the downtown areas and other areas of the City., This would be accomplished faster with more snow.ibeing loaded on each truck with the use of a blower rather than a loader. It was noted that although the labor coots would not actually be saved, the man power could then be used in other areas to accomplish tasks J that are now delayed duo to the time required for removing snow. Funding of a snow blower, although not budgeted for 1982, could he accomplished by possible cuts in other Capital outlay items in the Street and Tree Fund departments to provide for the necessary $9,975.00. A motion wan made by nlonigen, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Works Department to purchase the snow blower at a cost of $9,975.00. Meeting Adjourned . stick Wolfatellbrp�t� Acting Administrator .6� Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, Minn. 55762 Dear Council: Enclosed Is the Sheriff's Lav Enforcement report for the month of January, 1982. 576 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tailledt I - Report of an exposer at the Mall - cleared 1 Burglary at Dick's 66 - cash 6 cigarettes taken - under investigation 1 - Theft of drugs from Snyders Drug - under investigation 1 - No pay customer at Tom Thumb i - Theft of log chain 6 shovel from vehicle and flag from front yard i - Shoplifter at Wayne's Red Owl - cleared by arrest Domestics Civil 1 - Littering 1 - Suicide 8 - Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles - Harassment 2 Alarms sounded - checked out o.k. I - Traffic problem 1 - Annoying phone call 2 - Public nuisance 1 Miscellaneous complaint 1 Threats I - Missing person I - Liquor lav violation 1 Animal complaint 1 - Snowmobile complaint 113 Car 6 subject checks 35 Citisen aids 22 - Motorists warned 28 - Accidents investigated 103 Traffic tickets issuedt 1 - Driver license violations 80 - illegal parking S - Speed 2 - Stop Sign 2 Driving after revocation 7 - Driving while intoxicated 1 - Disobeyed semaphore 3 - Expired plates 1 Open bottle 1 - Driving after suspension 1 Reckless driving I - failure to yield right of way 1Tora trulpt —Wrtrell,V Iff, Shertrff� Billings for the month of January, 1982 -- S 7,110.33 SNERI FF'S OFFI Cg: ' ='._ :,• �.. •, .cr� Courtaoaw — ntrfpd County . l+r°•b -'�: " ;! • •-;: •y�: BUFFALO. RUNNE80TA $6717 - James F. Powers. Chia( Deputy Syr c_.'f�Y1} Telephone 682.1162 74 Hour E-rrg-n T.upf Noo.Emargenq' Boa. No. 662.7800 Toll Free 1.800,762.7667 Y4rro 47 6677 ' DARRELL L. WOLFP 8.00 a.m. • 4:70 P.M. Mon„t'no 29&2877 County ilwlll ONS.. 972.2824 ' Coln. 296-54U February 12, 1982 Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, Minn. 55762 Dear Council: Enclosed Is the Sheriff's Lav Enforcement report for the month of January, 1982. 576 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tailledt I - Report of an exposer at the Mall - cleared 1 Burglary at Dick's 66 - cash 6 cigarettes taken - under investigation 1 - Theft of drugs from Snyders Drug - under investigation 1 - No pay customer at Tom Thumb i - Theft of log chain 6 shovel from vehicle and flag from front yard i - Shoplifter at Wayne's Red Owl - cleared by arrest Domestics Civil 1 - Littering 1 - Suicide 8 - Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles - Harassment 2 Alarms sounded - checked out o.k. I - Traffic problem 1 - Annoying phone call 2 - Public nuisance 1 Miscellaneous complaint 1 Threats I - Missing person I - Liquor lav violation 1 Animal complaint 1 - Snowmobile complaint 113 Car 6 subject checks 35 Citisen aids 22 - Motorists warned 28 - Accidents investigated 103 Traffic tickets issuedt 1 - Driver license violations 80 - illegal parking S - Speed 2 - Stop Sign 2 Driving after revocation 7 - Driving while intoxicated 1 - Disobeyed semaphore 3 - Expired plates 1 Open bottle 1 - Driving after suspension 1 Reckless driving I - failure to yield right of way 1Tora trulpt —Wrtrell,V Iff, Shertrff� Billings for the month of January, 1982 -- S 7,110.33