City Council Agenda Packet 03-22-1982AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 22, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Necting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of a Set -Up license and a 3.2 Beer License for the Lions Club - Ducks Unlimited Banquet. 1 2. Consideration of Appointment to Senior Citizens Board. 3. Consideration of Allowing Monticello Youth Hockey Association to Erect a Storage Shed near the Hockey Rink. 4. Consideration of Authorizing the Public Works Director to Prepare Plans and Specifications and Advertising for Bids for a Maintenance Pole Type Building. 5. Approval of bills for month of March, 1982. 6. Approval of Minutes for regular meeting held on March 8, 1982. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. New Business. C COUNCIL UPDATE March 22, 1982 ANNUAL LEAGUE CONFERENCE The 68th annual League of Minnesota Cities conference will be held in Rochester, Minnesota June 15th through the 18th, 1982. En- closed you will find a brochure giving a program summary of the activities planned and housing reservation information. Arve is planning on attending and if any other council members would like to go, please let me know so 1 can make proper arrange- ments. UPDATE ON FIRE DEPARTMENT TANKER PURCHASE On March 16th Township Board meeting, the Monticello Township Board approved the joint purchase of the new tanker pumper truck. The Township had at their previous meeting tabled any action on the purchase to review with their attorney the ramifications of not taking the low bid from Laverne. Willard Farnick, Fire Chief, indicated that the Township did approve the purchase as recommended by the City Council including the optional items trom the General Satety Equipment ana the truck chassis from Monticello Ford. According to Willard, it appears that new brakes will have to be installed in the present tanker prior to the delivery of the new truck which may take as much as nine months. Once the new fire truck is delivered, more than likely the old tanker will remain with the City and be used possibly by the Public Works Depart- ment, therefore, repair expenditures for the brakes may be a wise investment. ADDITIONAL TAX LEVIES AGAINST NSP - EXERCISE COSTS. Previously, Council members questioned whether the City would have the right to levy additional taxes against Northern States Power for the purpose of providing funds to cover the City's coat in planning for a nuclear incident. In reviewing the States Statutes and consulting with the League of Minnesota Cities, it appears that the City of Monticello does not have legal grounds for levying additional taxes against just one property such as Northern States Power's generating plant for the purpose of providing additional funds for Civil Defense purposes. It was noted by the League of Minnesota Cities that although the City may incur additional expenditures for the sole purpose of providing nuclear response plans in case of a I Council Update March 22, 1982 Page U2 disaster which would seem to be attributable to NSP, NSP is already providing additional tax base for the City and thus, the League felt these costs should be borne undergeneral taxation of all property within the City. It would appear that all residential property and commercial property would benefit by the City establishing a nuclear response plan and not just Northern States Power. The League of Minnesota Cities was sponsoring a legislative bill that would allow cities to charge an extra levy against certain properties if the City could show that these properties received an extra benefit for these taxes. For example, if the City pro— vides extra police protection in a certain residential subdivision, because of a higher crime rate in that area, the proposed legis— lation would allow the City to have this area pay an extra mill levy to provide for this police protection. Although this would be similar in that the City has extra expenses because of Northern States Power being in the city limits, it may be hard to show that the entire Civil Defense plan is a benefit only to NSP and not the other property owners within the City. As of this date, even the additional legislation allowing cities the right to cherga extra for mill levies for certain services has not been passed, and as L a result it does not seem possible for the City to single out Northern States Power's property for additional mill levies associated with Civil Defense. C Council Agenda - 3/22/82 I COUNCIL SUPPLEMENTAL V. 1. Consideration of a Set -Up License and a 3.2 Beer License for the Lions Club - Ducks Unlimited Banquet. PURPOSE: The Monticello Lions Club has requested a temporary one day set-up license and a 3.2 beer license for the annual Ducks Unlimited banquet which is being planned for May 10, 1982 at the Monticello Roller Rink. The Ducks Unlimited organization annually holds a banquet in the Monticello area which,in the past, has been held at the Caboret Room of the River Inn. Due to the large turnout, Dicke Unlimited is planning on holding their banquet on May 10th, 1982 at the Monticello Roller Rink and as part of the banquet has requested an organization to provide set-ups and 3.2 beer. The Monticello Lions Club has agreed to provide this service for the banquet and is thereby requesting a set-up license and 3.2 beer license for the event. The State Statutes allow local governments to issue two temporary 3.2 beer licenses per year to an organization and the Lions Club would like the one day license for this event and will probably ask for a one day license for the July 4th celebration. As far as the set-up license is concerned, the State only recognizes this license on an annual basis which is the same for the City. The annual fee for the set-up license is $220.00 per year, but City Ordinances do allow the licenses to be prorated from the month of issuances until expiration which would be June 30th, 1982. In this case, the months of May and June would be prorated total- ing approximately $36.00 for the set-up license and $15.00 for the temporary one day beer license making a total of $51.00 in license face for the City with an additional $153.00 fee being payable to the State of Minnesota. As with the Softball Association, the Lions Club would also have to provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance for general liability and liquor liability, which the Lions Club representa- tives indicate they have. If approved, both licenses should be issued in the name of the Lions Club for the location of the Monticello Roller Rink for a one day event on May 10th, 1982 only. This would protect the Roller Rink from having a license for set- ups until the expiration. Representatives from the Lions Club will be at Monday night's meeting to answer any questions in regard to the above license applications. POSSIBLE ACTION: Considerutlon of temporary one day 3.2 beer on- 8 le license and set-up license for the Lions Club on May 10th, 1982 at the Monticello Roller Rink. Any approval should be contin- gent upon proof of general and liquor liability insurance coverage. CCouncil Agenda - 3/22/82 2. Consideration of Appointment to Senior Citizens Board. PURPOSE: To consider the appointment of Doug Pitt to the Senior Citizens Board to fill the vacancy of Frank Thompson who recently resigned. At the January 11, 1982 Council meeting, all members of the Senior Citizens Board were reappointed by the City Council to additional one year term. Mr. Frank Thompson recently resigned from the Senior Citizens Board creating a vacancy. Marie Peterson and Karen Hansen, Senior Citizens Center Director, recommended to the Senior Citizens Center Board that Doug Pitt be appointed to fill the vacancy until December 31, 1982. The Senior Citizens Board reviewed and recommended unanimously that Doug Pitt be appointed. Mr. Pitt has indicated a willingness to serve on the board if appointed. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of appointing Doug Pitt to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Frank Thompson on the Senior Citizens Board. - 2 - Council Agenda - 3/22/82 3. Consideration of Allowing Monticello Youth Hockey Association to Erect a Storage Shed near the Hockey Rink. PURPOSE: To consider a request by the Monticello Youth Hockey Association to erect a small storage shed in 4th St. park near the Hockey Rink for the purpose of storing their garden and sweeper along with miscellaneous shovels and brooms, etc. Mr. Gene Jensen, representing the Youth Hockey Association, in- dicated that the association may be able to obtain a small 8 K 12 foot wood storage building and would like permission to place the barn -like structure on a cement slab near the hockey rink for storage purposes. Mr. Jensen indicated that a building may be donated to the association and the association would pro- vide all labor and materials to place the structure in the park. In addition, the facility may have electricity which they would also provide on their own. In reviewing this item with the Public Works Director, it appears that there would be no problem with allowing the hockey group to locate a storage building near the hockey rink as long as the City is not responsible for clearing anuw, eLc. ur wuiaLmwuac on the building. If authorization is approved, it should be contingent upon the building meeting the building inspector's approval and the Public Works Department's approval of the site location. POSSIBLE ACTION: To consider approving or denying the Youth Hockey Association's request to place a storage building in 4th St. Park. REFERENCES: None. (A representative of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association has been asked to be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions). - 3 - Council Agenda - 3/22/82 4. Consideration of Authorizing the Public Works Director to Prepare Plans and Specifications and Advertising for Bids for a Main- tenance Pole Type Building. PURPOSE: John Simple, Public Works Director, would like to have the City Council consider authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of a metal pole type storage building at the present maintenance building site. As part of the 1982 budget, $26,750 was budgeted for the pur- pose of constructing a 2,800 square foot pole type building at the maintenance building site. Recently, the City authorized the purchase of a snow blower and $5,000 previously budgeted for the maintenance was allocated towards this purchase which still leaves a balance of $21,750 budgeted for a maintenance building addition. In order to give you some additional background on this build- ing, John Simola has prepared a short, narrative summary on the need for this new building. In addition, a sketch of the main- tenance building site indicating the proposed location of this new building is enclosed with the agenda. In order to get a better idea of Lila actual cost for this type of meeting, detailed plans and specifications should be completed and then, if approved by the Council, advertisement for bids could be solicited. At that time, a determination could be made whether or not sufficient money has been budgeted to complete the type of building desired by the Public Works Department. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of authorizing the Public Works Director to prepare plans and specifications for a 36 X 78 foot pole type building and advertising for bids. REFERENCES A summary by John Simola regarding the need for the building and the estimated coat along with the site plan. NOTE: If authorization is given to John to prepare plans and specifications and advertising for bids, it should be noted that the City will have to hold a public hearing for issuance of a conditional use permit to erect the building, since our property is zoned R-1 and government utility buildings are allowed as a conditional use only in R-1 Districts. - 4 - CADDITIONAL BUILDING - PUBLIC WORKS (Pole Barn) March 16, 1982 As discussed on several earlier occasions with the Council, the Public Works Department is in need of additional storage space to accommodate immediate needs and provide for some limited growth. In preparation for this, the 1982 budget includes a figure of $26,750 for the purpose of constructing a 2,800 square foot pole type building measuring approximately 36 X 78. $5,000 of the $26,750 was used to purchase part of the snowblower leaving a balance of $21,750.00. 1 believe we can still provide a building of the needed mise for the remaining amount. City personnel and summer help could pour the floor and so some of the insulating and interior work, thus keeping costa down. The building would provide 4 stalls, 2 of the stalls would be ( used to house 1 snowplow truck each, 1 stall would be used for the \ cold storage of the snowblower, snowplows and miscellaneous equip- ment. The fourth stall would house one of the sludge vehicles in the winter to allow the heated building at the WWTP to be used to store the jet machine and leave room for repairs to miscellaneous equipment. I believe we could at this time of year receive favorable bide and ask that 1 be allowed to prepare plans and specifications and solicit bids to determine actual costs for your review. C. Sincerely, John Simola Public Works Director I have enclosed previously supplied data for your information. ADDITIONAL BUILDING FOP PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. The Public Works Department buildings have become crowded since the last building was built in 1976. To aeeoam.odato immediate needs and provide for some growth, an additional building is needed. We estimate approximately 2,800 sq. ft, is needed to provide com- fortable space for the existing usage and equipment. Tentative plans would be to build a 36 x 78 metal pole type building on the property obtained from NSP to the northwest of the existing buildings. We would propose to have the capability to heat the central S of the building (the most energy efficient) and have that portion only, insulated. The building would have four stalls and would be located as shown in the oncloacd drawing. The city now has all of the electrical wire, conduit, lights and wire necessary from Oakwood salvage no it would not be neer.s Giu•y to include theno items. In addition, the concrete floor could he included au an option with the Public Works Department installing it if work acheduleu pomi t . Expected coats of this building are in the area of $26,000. 11owover, I would expect the bid to be somewhat below this figurp due to the procent slump in the building trades. Thin building should take care of our storage needs into thu 1990's. It z euOrN GENERAL FUND 1982 AMOUNT CHECK NO. CoAnow Sanitation - Sani,tation'contAact payment State Capaot CAedit Union - PayAott deduction League o6 MN. Citieh - 2 dlAeetoA,ie6 State T4wauneA - PERA w/h LaTouA ContAuction - Front payment on Corset. project AAve GLiwmo - Mayo4 6a.taAy Dan Bton.igen - Counci,t ba.tany Mte. Fran Fain - Council .6atany' Ken Haub - Counci.t hata.ty 0.t. Phi.t White Counci,t hataAy Jamey Pneu64e - Cteaning City Hatt YMCA 06 Mpt6. - ContAact payment WAiig ht County State Bank - FWT - Feb. Comm.iee.ioneA o6 Revenue SWT - Feb. State TAeaeuAeA - Sociat SecuA,i,ty - FICA MN. Anatyh.t.6 6 Ptanning Syatem - Printout o6 Pop. - 1980 Gwen Bateman - Animat Imp. expene WA.ight County State Bank - Invvetmente NoAth Centnat Section AWWA - Reg. 6ee6 bon 6choot - Watt WA.ig ht County State Bank - Inve6 Onent6 MN. State TAeaAuAeA - Dep. Reg. Sea FohteA-FAanzen Agency - In . Aenewith - mi6e. MacQueen Equipment - Paxtb 6oA 6uaepeA - St. Dept. State TAea6u4eA, Sunptuae PnopeAty Fund- Mice. aupptiea So, Ak. lav Ka.ttin - Meat expen6e - LibuAy Fund L^.. r. Kt^ -b* - .'.Ic.:tt zxpesi6e pun Li&laAV mty. i -i St. Ctoud Mu. Matge BaueA - Meat expetue - LibwAy mtg. EaA.t F. Andeuen - 10 tAa66ic coneh, 2 ai nh, 25 batteA,i.e Gtante Management Adv.iamy SeAv.i.ee - Handbook updateb Monticetto Timee - Pub. 6 pt.inting Equ.i.tabte Li6e A66uAance - Inh. paemiwu 0. K. Ha4dwue - Stnee.t Dept. huppt.ieh II PoiA.iet DAug - WatcA Dept. aupptieh Mobi.t Oit Coop. - RepaiA4 to 76 Int. muck State Capi,tot CAedi,t Union - Paynott deduction State Taea6uneA - PERA Paut A. Lawrence Co. - Payment 013 - LWTP League6b MN. CiGieb Houeing BuAeau - Room dep. 604 Conv. Montic,A Fine Dept. - Pay4ott Hauataden Sates Agency - Di6h=zhen 6m LindbeAg liouee Bt.idgwiteA Tetephone - Tetephone Rick Wot66tetteA - Mi Ac- m.iteage Lei6ett Trucking - F4eight Son St. 6 Water Depth. Big Lake Machine - Miee. Aepa.iAe bon St. Dept. St. Cloud Fite Equipment - SeAvice on 6.iAe ext. J M Oit Co. - 55 gat. o.i.t bon St. Dept. Gordon Link - O.i.t 6o.t FiAe Dept. I Goutd Sto. Chev. - 2 towinge 6oA hno plow, pace bon tAuc Ham y'6 Auto Suppty - Parte 6o4 St. Dept. Coact to Coaht - Supptieb 601L St., PaAk 6 Water Depth. u. o6 MN. - City Ctetk'6 Conti. Aeg. 6ce Subu.tban Gae - Animat Imp. expene Cenub 5 Matti SIwF 3,672.00 15463 65.00 15464 20.00 15465 2,191.10 15466 60, 239.50 15467 125.00 15468 100.00 15469 100.00 15470 100.00 15471 100.00 15472 220.00 15473 258.33 1 5474 3,344.00 15475 1,457.10 15476 3,152.28 15477 6.00 15478 457. 50 1 5479 145, 904.02 15480 90.00 15481 150,000.00 15482 322.00 15483 15, 450.00 15484 897.97 15485 12.75 15486 10.75 15487 10.61 15466 12.60 15489 111.39 15490 171.00 15491 197.04 15492 40.00 15493 15.08 15494 10.20 15495 22.00 15496 65.00 15497 458.92 15498 182,141.60 15499 38.00 15500 385.00 15501 340.72 15502 434.35 15503 31.00 15504 80.13 15505 31.50 15506 57.25 15507 222.75 15508 , 24.24 15509 165.53 15510 233.49 15511 27.38 15512 75.00 15513 195.91 15514 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Feed Rite ContAOta - Testing, atum. 6ut6ate, poly phoaplatee 1,765.13 15 Phittipa Pet)oteum - Gaa 604 Van 16.23 15.0 BankeA'6 Li6e Ina. - GAoup Ina. 2,320.10 15517 North Centiat Pubt.ic SeAvice - Utiti,tiee 1,663.75 15518 John Simota - T)avet expense to .inspect atudge Uiucka 27.24 15519 Finet Nati.onat Bank' o6 Mpta. - Punchaee charge-'invatmta. 4.00 15520 Northweetenn Belt Te.tephone - Eine phone 25.24 15521 Monticetto Chamber o6 CommeAce - 1982 ChambeA dues 75.00 15522 OSM - Eng. 6ees 604 WWTP,'4 counc.i.t mtga., miteage, phone catty 36,478.73 15523 American NationaZ Bank 6 Tnuat Co. - 1960 Imp. Bond .inter ;6t 4,432.50 15524 WA,ight County Audi.ton - HomeAtead notices 6 k police 6inea 1,088.28 15525 Vance'a Standard - Gas 604 6.uie trucks 47.25 15526 Fyte's Backhoe - Steaming atudge tinea at WWTP 570.00 15527 Our Own Handwue - St., Sewer., W'aten and Fine Dept. supptiea 129.33 15528 Gotden VatteVJ FuAn.i,tune ExtAa eaApet 6on Lib. Eon repairs 116.00 15529 F&ienda u6 the Libwny - Reg. 6eea 6oA Bocud 6lember.a 50.00 15530 Locat 049 - Union dues 84.00 15531 Ru66 Auto Patta - PaAt 6oA 75 Fond pick-up 35.00 15532 MN. Val-tey Testing Lab. Rental o6 aampte) 6on testing at WWTF 30.00 15533 Davis Etectnonic Service 6 Bete 06 pageA batteA.iea - Fine 25.50 15534 Drew Chemi.cat Corp. - 55 gat. Drew 6toc - Sewer Dept. 897.81 15535 Cur.ti.a Induatniea - Nuts, bona, &ti.tt6, etc. 6on St. Dept. 202.83 15536 Monti.cetto Printing - By -tales 6 ptan ahee.t.6 6o4 Fine Dept. 164.80 15537 SeAco - Lab. anatysia 126.00 15538 MaAco 6ua,cnesa PAoducta - 066ice aupptiea 85.13 15539 SnydeA D.nug - City Hall 6uppt.iee 6.05 155" Amoco Oit - Gas 6nA 6ine Lnucha 52.80 15. ) G 6 G InduatA.iat Suppty - DAitt pne.ea 60n aiwp - St. Dept. 566.10 15542 Nationat Bushing - Miac. St, 6upptie6 - St. Dept. 70.95 15543 Ctuth 6 U Joint - RepaiA hydraulic pump - truck - St. Dept. 49.70 15544 Maus Fooda - Mise, auppt,iea - Animal, St., Sewer 80.14 15545 Sentry Systems, Inc. - Lease o6 alarm system at 4e.6eAvoin 165.00 15546 Publication PAognam - Budget Guide booktet 6.00 15547 AIN. State Documents CenteA - 83 Guide Book to State Agencies 9.00 15548 Willard Favtick - AEi.teage to Anoka - Fite Dept. expense 13.00 15549 Baasnesa 0-wga - Fitm, battvUea, 6ta4h cubee - St. Dept. 47.13 15550 The Gtas6 Hut - Repair gtaaa in M-37 truck 17.42 15551 Alonticelto 066ice Products - Misc. auppt.iea 6on att Depta. 289.76 15552 CentAat McGowan - Cyt. nentat 2.48 15553 Alonnelt T4au6cA - Freight 24.23 15554 Voaa Etecttiic Suppty - MiAc. tight butba 6on St., SeweA, Mun. 233.58 15555 NuntheAn Staten Powe) - UL.iLi,t.ie6 4,913.75 15556 Newnan Sig,u - 3 dead end aigns - St. Dept. 81.06 15557 Twin City Bolt 6 Suppty RepaiA body paneta - FoAd pick-up 91.50 15558 SMA Ltevato.n - Repair Light pole - St. Dept. 68.75 15559 L. N. Sichd.A 30 drama o6 cAach 6i"en - St. Dept. 851.70 15560 inbeAnd M69. - 2 - 5'Ught pote aectiona - St. Dept. Mltc 195.47 15561 Lec6 Bnoa. - Uni6OAMA 116.00 15562 AI. W. O'Connor - Union negotiations 6ee 177.00 15563 Mon.ticetto Fond - RepaiAa to FoAd pick-up - St.,Dept. 81.63 15564 aught County Shmi66 - Po Lice ,con AactA - Jai. 6 Feb. 14, 698.66 15565 Paytott 60n Febwany .. 161376.61 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR MARCH, 1982 $664,264.51 LIQUOR PM Paytott 6oA Feb. 3, 452. 23 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR AARCH $104,667.72 s 81MJUNT CHECK MARCH DISBURSEMENTS 1982 . MN. Dept. 06 Revenue - Sate6 tax - Jan. 2,562.73 10135 With Cen.ttat Pubtic SeAvice - UtiG.i.ti.e6 290.07 10136 State Capitot Credit Union - Paynott ded. 20.00 10137 State TAe"cutc,t - PERA WIH 367.53 10138 GtZgga, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor 1,902.86 10139 Twin City Wine Co. - LiquoA 787.75 10140 OW PeoAia Co. - Liquort 1,156.68 10141 Ed PhiR.Zi.p6 6 Sons - Liquor 6,776,15 10142 WAight County State Bank - FWT - Feb. 558.90 10143 Commie6.ionet o6 Revenue SWT - Feb. 221.30 10144 State TAeazuaen - Monthty FICA FEB. 518.40 10145 Gtigg4, Cooper. 6 Co. - Liquor 4,481.67 10146 Ed Phit.t.ipa '8 Sona - Li.quon 2,219.52 10147 WAight County State Ba;tk - Inveatmenta 15,000.00 10148 State 7Aeaau4eh - PERA 218.24 10149 State Capi,tot CAedit Union - Paytott ded. - Mark lAmaten 10.00 10150 "ht County State Bank - 6 month C. D. pu)tci"e 10, 000.00 10151 BankeA'a Li6e Inb. - Group Ina. 942.78 10152 Vo4a EteeVuLe Suppty - Light butba 282.35 10153 Commi6a.ionen o6 Revenue - Satee tax - Feb. 2,640.42 10154 FoateA FAanzen Agency - Reneunte on miAc. poticies 11,984.00 10155 wAh T4 -t te': - '?i:z. m.iteagc to League Conv. 150.00 10156 No,tth Centtat Pubtic SeAvice - Utititi.ea 324.32 10157 0. K. Harduure - Power atwvet and peg boaAd hook,6 83.80 10158 TAuahen6hi TAuck,ing - FAeiglit 24.20 10159 Jude Canty 6 Tobacco - Mize. mdse. 366.98 10160 Otd Dutch Foo", Inc.- Miac. melee. 93.64 10161 Mojiticc,Uo 046ice P4oduct6 - Supptieb bon atone 14.66 10162 Dalitheimer Drat. Co., - Beet, etc. 5, 204.53 10163 Dick Beverage Co. Been 14, 741.15 10164 Hotet Leamington - Con6erence expenae4 - Mwek 1. - LiquoA Con. 80.68 10165 Day Diet. Co. - Been 434.40 10166 GAoaate-in Beverage Co. - BeeA, etc. 10,923.65 10161 7 Up Bottting Co. - WAc. mdse. 267.10 10168 Thorpe Vint. Co. Becr 2,325.85 10169 V.ihing Coca Cota - MiAc. md6e. 495.66 10170 Maus Foods - Stone aupptie6 26.80 10171 NOA,thenn States Paver - UtiR.i.t u 470.02 10172 Vonah Sanitation - Contract payment 69.00 10173 A. J. Ogte - Been 107.70 10174 Paytott 6oA Feb. 3, 452. 23 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR AARCH $104,667.72 s MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 8, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Phil White. Members Absent: Ken Maus. ]. Consideration of a Variance for a Certificate of Occupancy - Monticello Printing. Mr. Dave Kranz, owner of Monticello Printing, re- quested a certificate of occupancy variance for his new building being remodeled, located directly east of the present fire hall. Mr. Kranz requested the certificate of occupancy variance to enable him to move into his new building prior to the comple- tion of all finishing, landscaping and hard surfac- ing of the parking lot. Mr. Kranz indicated that the building will probably be ready for occupancy approximately May let and he has agreed to provide the City of Monticello with a letter from his lending institution, the Wright County State Bank, providing for one and a quarter (1 1/4) times the amount of the cost of completing the parking lot improvements. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the variance for a certificate of occupancy for Monticello Printing's new building with the letter of credit provided by Wright County State Bank for one and a quarter (1 ]/4) times the estimated amount of the unfinish- ed improvements. 2. Consideration of Clarifvinq Current Park Dedication Ordinance. Previously, on March 9, 1981, the City Council amended the park dedication ordinance requirement which changed some of the wording to indicate that an appraisal of the market value of a subdivision shall be provided by the developer for purposes of computing the ten percent (109) park dedication fee if the contribution was to be in cash in lieu of land. The now ordinance amendment provided that an appraisal shall be based on current market value of the raw land. The market value based on raw land resulted in a substantial increase in the Council Minutes - 3/8/82 market value calculations over the county assessor's -� market value, which intended to help equalize the values should a subdivider contribute either cash or actual land for park purposes. Although raw land was not actually defined in the_ ordinance, it was the concensus of the Council that this would mean the value of the land prior to the actual platting of a subdivision into lots. In addition, the Council addressed whether any sewer, water or storm sewer improvements should be consid- ered in the value of the raw land for determining park dedication requirements. It was the opinion of the City Staff along with the concensus of the Council that the definition of raw land was to mean unplatted land and unimproved land. 3. Consideration of Allocation of Funds Towards Monticello's Chamber of Commerce Business b Indus- trial Development Committee. Mr. Bruce Gagnelius of the Business 6 Industrial Development Committee reviewed with the Council the Committee's goals for 1982 which include direct mail advertising campaigns to attract business to Monticello. As part of their 1982 budget, they -- requested $5,000.00 funding to be allocated to the committee by the City of Monticello out of a total budget of $16,555.00, it was noted that in addi- tion to the $5,000.00 requested from the City, the Chamber of Commerce would contribute $6,710.00 along with an additional $4,845.00 reserve balance to make up the total budget of $16,555.00. Mr. Gagnelius noted that in the past, the City's contributions have been used primarily for adver- tising in state publications and again this year, the City funds would be used primarily to promote the City of Monticello through direct mail campaigns. A motion was made by Phil White, secondod by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to allocate $5,000.00 to the Chamber of Commerco Committee on Business 6 Industrial Development during 1982. - 2 - Council Minutes - 3/8/82 I � ` 4. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Hlonigen and unanimously carried to approve the Council minutes of the regular meeting held February 22, 1982. Meeting adjourned. Rick Wolfateller Acting Administrator - 3 - A 'SHERIFFS - OFFICE r �;' •.� : � �- CetrrtNea.. — Wr1aM County . 1. o� �• �. • �'� •� . BUFFALO. MBIME60TA 66313 ��:�_'. ,.i • 7�% relopta663.1163 ro Janes+ F. Powen. Chief Deputy 24 Hour Em 9!ncr Tatrehwn, No finergency Bus. No. 663.3900 Toll Free1.600-362.3667 Woo 4736673 ' DARRELL L. WOLFF 6:00 a. m. • 4:30 p.m. ssom—uu 2952533 • County VwIll Dtlum 9722924 Lo►no 28&5454 March 15, 1982 Honorable Mavor Citv Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Dear Council: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Lav Enforcement report for the month of February, 1982. 512 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: 1 - Assault - cleared by arrest 1 - Report of suspicious person with gun at Perkins - cleared by arrest i - Theft of a wallet from a purse at the high school I - Theft of a coat from the Legion Club I - Forgery at Snyder Drug - cleared 1 - No pay customer at Perkins - Theft of cash from residence - cleared by mediation 6 money recovered r - Thefts of wallets from purses at Wrightco Products - under investigation 4 - Thefts of tools, C8 radios, fuzz buster 6 truck tires from parked semi's 1 - Assault at Junior High School - under investigation I - Arrest of Juvenile for criminal damage to property which occurred in December I - Arrest for theft which occurred in December I - Arrest for disorderly conduct 2 - Arrests for bench warrants I - Arrest for having a handgun without permit and impersonating an officer 1 - Medical aid 4 - Annoying phone calls 4 - Fires reported 4 - Public nuisances 5 - Suspicious circumstances, vehicles 6 persons 5 - Domestics 1 - Prowler report 3 - Miscellaneous complaints 2 - Runaways - both located 2 - Missing persons 4 - Animal complaints 1 - Recovered property 1 - Traffic complaint i - Liquor law violation 1 - Intoxicated person DARRELL L. WOIPP Cwoty sheriff 616FMA. MINNIG iTA 96373 Talapkwr 662-1162 MmrLmergency Bus. Ma. 692J900 . Toll Fran 1.600.362.3667 9:00 a.m. • 4:30 a.m. Sheriff's report for Monticello for February, 1982, continued: 102 - Car 6 subject checks 28 - Citizen aids 29 - Motorists warned Il - Accidents Investigated 38 - Traffic tickets issued: 2 - Stop sign 16 - Illegal parking S - Speed I - Driving after revocation 2 - Expired plates 3 - Driving while intoxicated 1 - Erratic driving I - Unsafe equipment - Improper registration - Disobeyed semaphore 1 - Over centerline 1 - Improper U-turn 1 - Pass in no pass sone Yours ttu ly, Ll. ` Darrell Wolff, Sheriff 81111ng1 For the months of January, 1982 - $ 7,349.33 February, 1982 - 3 7,349,33 TOTAL DUE $ 14,698.66 A James F. Pam . Chief Depurr 24 Hour E—SrTrlrphonrr ertm 4736873 a4mruso 2952637 Oalano 9724924 cosato ta56464