City Council Agenda Packet 04-12-1982t AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 12, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip Nhite. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of Appointing New City Administrator as Official Monticello Deputy Registrar. 1 2. Consideration of Approval of Change Orders H28, #29, #30 and N31 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant Construction Contract. 3. Consideration of Authorizing Administrative Assistant to Attend Seminar on Accountability for EPA Funds. 4. Department head Quarterly Meeting. 5. Approval of minutes for regular meeting on March 22, 1982. G. Unfinished Business. 7. Now Business. PLEASE NCTEi Arve Grimsmo and Phil White will not be at Monday night's meeting. c son-- r.y, SA M/0 i Mel 0,,'14-4r At:j a E EVI MEMO TO: All City Council Members FROM: The Monticello Fire Department DATE: Monday, April 19th, 1982. TIME: 8:30 P.M PLACE: American Legion Club SUBJECT: Annual oyster Stew Tho Fire Department cordially invites you to their annual Oyster Stow being earved-on Monday, April 19th, 1982, at the American Legion Club at B:30 P.M. rim OUARTERLY REPORT OF THE MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT President — Greg Dahlheimer Vice President — Doug Pitt Secretary — Lee Trunnell Treasurer — Willard Anderson Chief — Willard Farnick Joint Committeemen — Lee Trunnell Assistant Chief — Gordon Link Paul Klein 1st Captain — David Kranz Training Officer — Gene Jensen 2nd Captain — George Lietert Asst. Training Officer — Ted Farnum The following is a quarterly report of the Monticello Fire Department from Jan. 1, 1982 to March 31, 1982. There were 21 personal assists by the Chief and/or Assistant Chief. There were 17 fires which required 461 man hours. The average attendance at a fire ' was 16.5. l During the past three month period there were 3 training sessions which required 63 man !tours. The overage attendance at these training sessions was 21. The department manned a booth at Expo '82. We showed a film and served coffee at the booth. Also, in the past quarter, three Scout Troops were taken on a tour through the barn. Two men give these tours and their approximote time is an hour. The Lions Club gave an appreciation night for all the fireman. Sincerely, ///J //�1,, g. D?vid B. Kranz Reporter Council Agenda - 4/12/82 COUNCIL SUPPLEMENT 1. Consideration of Appointino New City Administrator as Official Monticello Deputy Reqistrar. PURPOSE: To take official action appointing Tom Eidem as official deputy registrar for the City of Monticello. Prior to 1977, the only deputy registrar office in Wright Country that was operated by a governmental unit was operated by the Wright County Auditor's office. In 1977, Wright County was con- sidering eliminating their deputy registrar office in the court- house if they could get cities within the county interested in providing this service. Mr. Uave Uouglas, County Auditor, requested the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, to issue deputy registrar offices in Wright County cities that were interested in providing this service. The only way the State of Minnesota would allow the cities of Annandale, Delano, and Monticello to establish Deputy Registrar offices was if they were under the responsibility of the Wright County Auditor, who would have the responsibility of selecting an official of each city to be responsible to him. In light of the fact that the Wright County Auditor could be liable for the operations of the city's deputy registrar offices, he selected only the official city clerks of each city as the respon- sible authority for the deputy registrar operations. This was done, as in most cases, the city clerk or the city administrator would be the person with the most authority in each office. As a result, Gary Wiaber, the former administrator, hoe officially as far as State records go, boon appointed the official deputy registrar for the City of Monticello. Although Mr.. Wieber was never involved in the operation of the deputy registrar day to day transactions, all rocorda indicate that the city clerk or city administrator is the responsible authority. Since Mr. Eidem has officially been appointed the City Administrator effective April 19th, the Wright County Auditor's office has requested that the Council take official action appointing Mr. Eidem to the position of deputy registrar. If approved by the Council, the County Auditor will then reconmwnd that Mr. Eidem be appointed to that capacity to the State of Minnesota. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Consideration of Appointing Mr. Tom Eidom as the official deputy registrar for the City of Monticello. Council Agenda - 4/12/82 2. Consideration of Approval of Chanqe Orders 028, 029, 030 and 031 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract. PURPOSE: To consider change orders 028, 029, 030 and 031 with the Paul A. Laurence Company for an additional amount totalling $1588.00 for the following: 028 - Changing the typo of surge tank control valve and addition of insulation for the hot water storage tank, a deduct of $400.00. 029 - Deletion of the methane gas line from the Digester Building to the Control Building to allow for future use of natural gas for fueling the burners in the laboratory, deduct of $360.00. 030 - Replacement of the existing amp pump in the dry well be- cause of inadequacy of the pump to handle the required loads, addition of $985.00. 031 - The addition of a chlorine emergency repair kit in order to minimize health hazards in case of chlorine accidents. addition of 51,363.00. i The total of these four change orders results in an additional not cost on the construction contract in the amount of $1588.00 as recommended by the city personnel and the city engineer. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving change orders 028 thru 031 for an additional $1,588.00 as indicated above. REFERENCES Copies of ralatod matorialo relative to the individual change orders. 2 C Council Agenda - 4/12/82 3. Consideration of Authorizing Administrative Assistant to Attend Seminar on Accountability for EPA Funds. PURPOSE: Previously, the City Council authorized the former City Administrator, Gary Wieber, to attend a seminar on the accounta- bility of EPA Funds contingent upon EPA and PCA approval. Origi- nally, Gary Wieber had planned on attending this seminar in Kansas City on May 20th and May 21st of 1982. A grant amendment request was reviewed by the PCA and they indicated that they would approve of the registration fee of $450.00 but the remaining cost would have to be absorbed by the City of Monticello. The reason for only approving the registration fee was because the City previously had Jerry Currick with OSM attend the course along with a cut back in funding for the PCA. The PCA does feel that it is a very worthwhile course and this is the reason they are at least approving the registration fee portion of it. Currently, according to Jerry Corrick of OSM, a grant amendment approval has not yet been received from the EPA since the original grant amendment request was misplaced in their office. Mr. Corrick indicated that there should not be any problem with this amendment request and he indicated that the City of Monticello should plan on sending an individual to this course. For your information, there are a number of different cities through- out the United States where the seminar will be held in the upcoming months, but unless something changes or prohibits myself from attend- ing the Kansas City seminar, May 20th and 21st will more than likely W the dates I plan on attending if approved by the Council. Althouyh the original grant amendment indicated that Gary Wicber would be attending, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency was in- formed that tho City of Monticello would bo amending their grant request to indicate that a city representative would attend in his place. The reason this item is on the agenda in to receive authorization for myself to attend the seminar, and if approved to make the proper arrangements as the May 20th data is approaching. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of authorizing the adminletrative assistant to attend the EPA seminar to be hold in Kansas City on May 20th and 21st of 1982 regarding accountability of EPA Funds on the Wastewater Treatment Plant. - 3 - C L C- Council Agenda - 4/12/82 4. Department Head quarterly Meetinq. Since Monday night's meeting is the first meeting of the second quarter of 1982, it is also the quarterly department head meeting. The following department heads will be at Monday night's meeting. Fire Chief Willard Farnick Wright County Sheriff's repre- sentative YMCA Detached Worker Public Works Director Building Inspector/Civil Defense Director Buddy Gay and Don Hozempa Mike Melstad John Simola Loren Klein Acting Administrator Rick wolfsteller POSSIBLE ACTION: Review with the above department heads any issues and topics relative to the particular departments. - 4 - I I I 1 - , CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Gra leewila o wnu oa ORR'SCNELEN MAYERON 1 ASSOCIATES, CNC. D..40. or ..Dal COr.eV:h.,,iL. ,wC mT. aNt MthtlM4lrJ WISI JJ/ YeNMJ..Ol13 Y46Y,)ath 7Jhaew tw, now A IctorPaul A. Laurence Co. Change Order No. 28 Tress P.O. Box 1267. 10000 HSRhwav 55 West Field Modlf, Ma. 79 Minneapolis, Minnesota Prolect MD.068-2748.01 Local ton Monticello. Minnesota EPA Grant Ib. C270855-03 eccordante with the ten" of your contract deteo November 20 14 80 with ity of Monticello Owner for WWTP OpgradinR IS Appurtenant Work are hereby requested to comply ulth the fallowing C.aoges fro, the contract piens ON specifications: crlpt Ion and Justiflcat ton: - Rotor to Field Modlf /79 (Att ached) he pneumatic type water level controller shall be replaced by a Rlobe type pilot control loaf valve for the surge tank. Inadvertently excluded insulation for the Hot Water corage Tank is added. ]k.'cv� _ ':t:t: •� hewn MM., C. EquipmentProfit 1 Overhead Total Add TM at Deduct ISub Material(Credit) $60.00113.00 Contract (Add) 365.00 $52.00 $400.00 punt of Or Iglnal Contract: 14,704.000.00 Tata) Contract .tract Thru C.O. 9_27 Total Addition Total Deduct Thr u This C.O. f -2A 4,779,073.07 1 1 $400.00 1$4.778.673.07 . ginal Contingencies US) i 141,200.00 Not Pemalning Thru C.O. ♦ 7 Add This C.O. Deduct This C.O. Contin nciat .66, 126.93 1 1 $400.00 1$66.526.93 ore will bs an se •igloo of 0 days for catpletlon. . date of the completion of Contract *as October 28 19 82 and now rill be October 28 IOB2 , :*pled by Data Sinned F W'10 r yn `.,nlneNit. by t`t �Cu+'��" Data sienee Engineer pro -ed by Dat• ilaned owner Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Bo. 1267 10.000 N.phway 55 west Minneapolis. MN 55440 Telephono G 12/546.6911 TLX 290790 March 18,1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 6 Assoc. Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Ave., Suite 238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Gerry Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading arra Appurtenant Work Monticello, riinnesota FTA Project Ranber C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 31 Gentlaren: As per Field Modification No. 79 dated February 25, 1982 for charging type of surge tank control valve and adding insulating of Hot Water storage Tank we submit the following: Labor Credit $113.00. Material Credit $600.00 subcontract Add $365.00 Credit $348.00 Overhead s Profit 158 $52.00 70TAL CFMIT $400.00 Yours truly, PAUL A. LAUUREN= CCMAANY • •.�✓rti. •D l�Lv�. Pete Backlin PB:lf oc: PALCO-Monticallo,MN General Filo subsidiary 015, J. 010rtl 6 sons Company Paul A. Laurance Company Is an epual opporluMly employs RECEIVED ORRSCHELEN•MAYERA 8 MSOC. CDMhk r(�kIR WR22TO J 0 i. .. . URR•SCHEIENMAYERON&ASSOGIATES,lNC. ' ,."onsulting Engineers Land Surveyors February 25, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr. Peter Backlin Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading G Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification 179 Gentlemen: Pragmatic review of your suggested alternate of water level control for the non -potable water surge tank has resulted in our ' approval and thereby the following modifications to Specification Section 1520.16, 'Surge Tank and Appurtenances*. The pneumatic type water level controller specified including sensor, control valve, and actuator shall be replaced by a globe type pilot control float valve. The float valve shall comply the the following specification: 1. Size - 2' diameter, globe type 2. Side inlet 3. Suitable for dead end service 4. Bronze piston 6 cylinder, rubber disc 5. Adjustable lever and float 6. 125 lb. flanged connections 7. Provide strainer in inlet line The insulation specification for the hot water storage tank was inadvertently excluded from Section 1516. The hot water storage tank located in the Boiler Room of the Digester Control Building shall be insulated the same as the surge tank specified in Section 1516.07. r � 2021 fan ficn,iepin Avenue • Suite 238 • Minneapolis. Alinnesota 55413 • 612/ 331. 8660 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. February 25, 1982 Please submit a net change order credit for the work specified herein at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, OAR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & A SOCIATENC. S, '4�4 �D& -4 Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:min cc: Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello Mr. Jim Miller, City of Monticello Mr. John P. Badalich, OSM Mr. Milton Roelsch, OSM Mr. Dick Reeling, OSM Field Office, Monticello C/ J CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER aln0{ 1004110] .00 OYrYt10tl ORR-SCMELEN MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. a+40. o. .-DDI CO.$., Lr.TO,�wG IID, w+ wn WI)e,rl33140{0 r.y. 2e0.0 '�ntractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Orange Order No. 29 �edra{{ P.O. Bo%1267, 10000 Highway 55 West Field Mpolt. No, 64/65 Minneapolis, MN Project No. 068-2748.01 no loce?lon Mnnflrello. Minnesota EPA pent Mo. C270855-03 n accordance with the terns of your contract dated November 20 19 80 with Cityof Monticello Omer for WWTP Upgrading d Appurtenant Work au are hereby requested to comply with the following Oranges Iron the contract plans and specif ice? Ions: ascription and Justification: - Refer to Field Modif If 64/66kttecnedL Recent availability of natural gas combined with the unreliability of methane gas for fueling the burners in the laboratory requires elimination of the l" FHP pipe which brings methane gas from the Digester Building to the Control Building. reekdown of Costs this Charge Order: (` .r Ealpnant el Deduct (Mterial) e0, 60$93.00 $220.00 $7.0 $3.00 -cunt of Original Contract: 5 4,704,000.00 ere will be in ertenllon of 0 days for conplellon. e data of the cmpfetlon of Contrect 000 October 28 , 1982 and no. will be October 28 , 19 82, cep - ad by Date Vaned Ce o rt for ( nwended by .i—f'�'"^lam{ t..if`f�lr�' Date 610ned t ng 1 aver M p•o•o0 by� Date flanad Owner .2 ` X 4P Total Contract retract Thru C.O. / 28 Total Addition Total Deduct Thr u ibis C.O. /_ )4.778,673.07 $360.00 $4,778.313.07 Iglnel Contingencies 13%L s 141.200.00 Rewalning rat,"t Tnru C.O. / 28 Add This C.O.C. o. oaduct ih h C.C.C.o. I Contingand a ;66.526.93 $360.00 $66,886.93 ere will be in ertenllon of 0 days for conplellon. e data of the cmpfetlon of Contrect 000 October 28 , 1982 and no. will be October 28 , 19 82, cep - ad by Date Vaned Ce o rt for ( nwended by .i—f'�'"^lam{ t..if`f�lr�' Date 610ned t ng 1 aver M p•o•o0 by� Date flanad Owner .2 ` X 4P Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P,0. So- +267 - 10,000 wgh-av 55 west MinneepOhs. MN 55440 Telephone 6121546.6911 . TL% 290730 March 19, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron b Assoc., Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Ave., Suite 238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Gerry Corrick Ra: 6:astewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant work Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project Number C270855-03 Change order Request No. 32 Gentlanen: As Fcs Field Modification No. 65, dated November 24, 1981 for deleting the Mcthzmc Cac Linc :-t3: th` O'gcct= Bu=ilding to the Oontrol Building we subTdt the following credit: Labor $ 93.00 rt3terial $220.00 Overhead a Profit 158 $ 47.00 'DOTAL CiEDIT $360.00 Yours truly, PAUL. A. LAu!zENXM CCMPANY Pete Backlin PB:lf cc: PALLTO-Monticello, PW Cenral File -M �a 2 2 1982 G� J Subsidiary o1 B, J. Ororae 8 Sons Co— Paul A Lau,InCO COMP•I- an Oeue1 OPPu•wmq Impteye, f � I l �l ORA•SCNELEN• MAYEAON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers L and Surveyors November 24, 1981 Paul A• Laurence Co. P.O. Be. 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 065 Gentlemen: nue to the rern•irements of Field Modification l64, omit the 1" FRP pipe that brings methane gas (CH4) from the Digester Building to the Bunsen burner in the laboratory of the Control Building. The length of this pipe between these buildings is approximately 2001. This field modification will require an adjustment in contract price. We therefore request that you submit a change order credit. Sincerely, OPR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, Ir/NC. Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager cc: John P. Dadalich, OS M Dick Keeling, OSM John Simola, City of Monticello 2021 Eist Hennepin Avenue • Suaa ::3 5:.:13 • 5t7 J 131 • d750 } �I . ORR SCHELfN • MAYERON a ASSOCIATES, INC. Consu,7:ng Engineers Land $urreyors November 24, 1981 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 064 Gentlemen: i The City of Monticello Operations staff has requested a change from mo thaac gas to natural gas for the bunsen burner in the laboratory of the Control Building. This change has been re- quested based upon the recent availability of natural gas by ) the local utility company and the several undesirable properties of methane gas (CH O , such asr 1. Amount of CH4 produced varies, therefore the amount available at burner may be adequate or non-existent. 2. CH4 varies in its makeup - so that it may burn brightly or it may burn dimly. 3• CH4 burns dirty. The utility company shall provide a natural gas meter on the ex- terior face of the south wall of the laboratory in the Control Building and extend the natural gas line already on the site to their meter. See attached drawing 4-r(6) for location of this line. Refer to field modifications 059 b 061. A copy of drawing 4-r(5), issued as part of field modification 059, is attached for reference. The contractor shall provide a 3/4" natural gas line from the motor to the laboratory to service the bunsen burner. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON cc: John P. Badalich, OSM i pppJ;S_O TES I% Dick Keeling, OSM '1( y l .�� John cello ,City of Go aid S. Corr�ck, P.E. Monticello Project Manager 'li 1 L�d3t !act;,t,z n,., .. ,':UC j i'r.:ra>.➢:; tai. 1. -.'r.: n.' SSI';.) :— �.� ' r ' ; 1 : J. 3'0 - .._,..... .... , .............. ... DIGESTER ES"U ALIZAIION Ti{ iCucN=R GAS MGTGR —Z-- 6AS DIG EST eto&TeR cz. \�� 4�S METCR I� i i i rDGE ti d V G A.ECtA-TION A eMA IOW -j c Ilf ? u r u' I k I G r-!ETECz 1 F 1LIZQ -G WA'TuCiAL 3,,S SERvlce G NS METERS To FA INSTALLCO AY QTILIT`{ CC)' GARAGE czwczA"caa / f c, A5 /� METG g..0 No. °." e, oats, comm. a WIMCM0 WIMN sa�/� ATER TR"p.TMGNT PL ArJT o{'�°.i"°ryi.0 ( T T � aAR•BCliRI.FLN M.aYRAO�t ,&,rZT j k 1 SiTa PLAN Show � rel G r l dA13BOC1A"1"FHINC l)n 12AOING b APPURTENANT W02K �T�QAL GAS, LIN? 4-Y(6) O.S.D. NN'll 1149.01, O'N.Y. •^"�• EPA. PROJGCT Un. G`21065$-05 LCiCAi14N of N .«..a... ..� tGAT1ON Coo 1981 °�•°•Of-0acoriutuuvs.mc. MONTIGLLL0 MINNESOTA, FIEELD AAC) -- -A5.29 I Q 7 ' a � 3 a i � I I d I G = G- I' NATURAL GAS SE\VICE I GAS M6TERS TO Be INSTALLED AY UTILITY CO. eff -NATURAL GAD MAIN INSTALLCO E`t UTILITY GO. O Cku T sT `. ±r IC tt►"'K $.:1V�AT ,�Oj: -IS s lk a s :DIOEL _DIGEST& W. ' _ - EUIL�1Ti - 1'' AS METUR 2ND 9T „1A. DIGC[T[ 2 MAAS IL MMIOIf'IER �`— FINAL b"", R rINAL CIA►RIFIER ROOM CL&RI FiSR - C �T {Qp t �/IERA�CYQN ' E1119TIMG T0.lCKL1NG F ILT E0.4 . -- N . - . ,-_ CONSTRUCTION NONTN SEE REV. O�wIN6 M-4•• f"') FOR NATURAL GAS PIPING GONTU CTOANSNATN S 6Y ISSUED AS PART OF FIELD MODIFICATION +rt 39 Shoal ND •. Or Dole CDww t1D.O.D.In Tln• S7E ATER TREATMENT ORR SCH<I.CN MAVKRON Mpt�IGELLO WA W (� A.ASSOCIATKALINC. PLANT UPGPkDING AND APPURTENANT f.r (s) NMS OCT 12 O(�8- ,Mh 1 IORK. 1991 2T�8.01 "" m "" """""""""""""'"' EPA PRO.)ECT N0. C2 -7065S•03 D.V I11IDY of .1089 Cort W t..r 6 luc C GAS �ERVIf E RFI (1C A1100 , YY') ' CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER 3uttns uwl[e uv wmtam OFAI'SCMEIJ_`N•MAYERON A ASSOCIATES. INC. uoo[ cosuu..ts. ,.c 6,09 in....L.movs... bl,t 3 a12133, able t.- 3e0[Y _tractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Change Order Mo. 30 Iddress P.O. Box 1267, 10000 HiAhvay 55 West Field Modif. No. 70 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Project No. 068-2748.01 Job Location Monticello. Minnesota EPA trans bio, C270855-03 In accordance with the forms of your contract dated November 20 19 80 with Pity of Monricello Owner for WK1'P Uparadine 6 Appurtenant Work 'ou are hereby racuested to cabp)y with the followlmj chen;es from the contract plans and specifications: escrlptlon and Justification: - Rotor to Field Madill 070 (Attached) ft�pinremenr of the exiating sump numo in the Dry Well has become necessary due to t_n.,deglflcy of the pump to handle rho renuired loads. kdown of Costs this Change Order: abor Epuf Dnent Profit & Overhead Total Add Total Deduct (Material) ;365.00 $490.00 $130.00 $985.00 munl of Original Contract: 14.704,000.00 Total Contract -tract Thru C.O. 0 29 Total Addition Total Deduct Thr u This C.O. J 30 ;4,778,313.07 $985.00 $4.779,298.07 rlginal Contingencies 1311 $141.200.00 Thru C.O. 0 29 Add This C.o. Deduct Thls C.O. ntingen;66 Ns6"5, 886 93 $985.00 901.93 • t cera wlII be an ertens Ion of 0 days for conpleflon, n. data of the completion of Contract was October 28 , Ig82 end now .111 be Octobar 28 1082 :cept.d by Date Sinned Cont r ctor Cetanee,WedDy _ oat. sinned Yf 42 E ng I nor DDr Oral by ' �O pate Sinned Owner Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P,O Bo. 1267 10.000 H.gh.ay 55 Wow M—eaoof,S. UN 55440 Telepnone 6121546-6911 TL X 290730 March 25, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc.,Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., suite 1238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Attn. Mr. Gerald S. 0orrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Revised Change Order Request No. 29 Gentlartan: RECEIVED ORR-SCHELEN L-- ' - ' - - ' ' - ",N & ASSot COMM. 'A 7-70-01 Per your Field modification No.70, dated January 4, 1982, we submit the following revised pricing: Material .................................$490.00 Labor ....................................$365.00 Overhead & Profit 015% ................... $130.00 IMAL....................................$985.00 This price supercodes that mount mitirdtted with the original change order request dated February 15, 1982. All other tem and conditions rcuain the sam. Please issue a change order for the above mrount as mon as possible. Sincerely, PAUL A. LAURENCE CCMPANY Pruce R. Hanson Brat: if ac: Palco-monticello'm Job Pilo Subsidillry Of B. J, Groves A Sons Compr P#.l A L&v,*nC* COfn0*nV Is an #4.01 op: --W, I Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P O. Go. 1267 10.000 H,ghway 55 west Minneapolis, MN 55440 Telephone 612/5.46-6911 TL % 290730 February 15, 1932 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite #238 Minneapolis, Mill 55413 Attn: Mr. Charles A. Lepak Re: wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 29 RECEIVED ORR-ZHELENAAYERON 8 A&= COMML L&'V-. 7yYd/ FEB 18 1982 Gentlemen: Per your Field Modification #70 dated January 4, 1982 we sutrnit th following price: \ Material ................... .$695. Labor.. .... $590 Overhead & Profit.0 1%...... _ Total......................J.... 8.00 '1TTe proposed pump is an Enpo Model #1602-474 identic:`1 to the one l;eing furnished per Specification Section 1514c of the original contract docu- ments, and as amended according to Addendum No. 3. The "run -dry" oondi- tions its mentioned in the specifications do not apply to this puq). The above price also includes all necessary discharge piping, valves, fittings, and electrical hook-up for proper interfacing with existirq, conditions. please issue a change order for the above amount its soon as possible. Sincerely, PAUL. A. LALPOICL COMPANY Bruce R. Ranson BRH ; wl cc: Palco-Montleello Office Copy 30 Subildiary 01 a J. G,OVaa ! SOns Company Paul A Laurence Company is an equal opportunity amptoyar 0-SCHELEN•MAYERON b ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers Lend Surveyors January 4, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr. Bruce Hanson Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification 170 Gentlemen: Upon field investigation of the existing sump pump in the existing Dry Well, it has become apparent that it lacks capacity to pump the required loads due to its extremely poor condition j and therefore requires replacement. The following text is to be used as a specification for the one i1j required pump. 1. GENERAL The Contractor shall replace the existing sump pump with a pump manufactured by Chicago Pump,Enpo; Kenco, or equal. The unit shall be capable of delivering not less than 10 gpm against a total'dynamic head of 15 feet. The sump pump shall operate on 115 V, single phase, 60 cycle power. The sump pump shall be a complete self contained unit with cast iron case, stainless steel shafting, bronze impeller and built in float switch. The Contractor shall verify all existing conditions concerning discharge piping, valves, etc., to assure compatibility of the pump. If required, the Contractor shall make all necessary field modifications to piping, etc. to aesure adequate interfacing 6 proper fit. 2. PUMP The pump shall be capable of handling raw, unscreened sewage. The design shall be such that the pump will be automatically connected to the discharge piping when lowered into place on the discharge connection. The pump shall be easily removable for 2021 East Hennepin Supe 23f �"f'� 01. Minnrsota 55413 • 6!2(331.8660 Page Two Paul Laurence Co. January 4, 1982 inspection and service requiring no bolts, nuts or other fastenings to be removed for this purpose, and no need for personnel to enter pump well. The pump shall be fitted with a galvanized chain of adequate strength and length to permit raising the pump for inspection and removal. The stator casing, oil casing and impeller shall be of grey iron construction with all parts coming into contact with the liquid protected by a coat of rubber -asphalt paint. All external bolts and nuts shall be stainless steel. The impeller shall be protected by a bronze wear ring of neoprene 0 -ring at the inlet of the pump. The impeller shall be a single vane' non -clog design, capable of passing solids, fibrous material, and heavy sludge, and constructed with long through -way with no acute turns. The pump shall be provided with a tandem double mechanical seal running in an oil reservoir. Pumps with only a single seal will not be acceptable. The pump casing shall have a machined angle connection with yoke to connect with the cast iron discharge connection, which shall be bolted to the floor of the sump and so designed as to receive the pump angle connection without the need of any bolts or nuts. Sealing of the pumping unit to the discharge connection shall be accomplished by a simple linear downward motion of the pump with the entire weight of the pumping unit guided to and wedging tightly against the angled discharge connection; no portion of the pump shall bear directly on the floor of the sump and no rotary motion of the pump shall be required for sealing. Sealing at the discharge connection by means of a diaphragm or similar method of sealing will not be accepted as an equal to a metal to metal contact of the pump discharge and mating discharge connection specified and required. 3. MOTOR The pump motor shall be 1/3 HP and shall be housed in an air-filled watertight casing and shall have Class F insulated windings which shall be moisture resistant. The single phase motors shall be 120 volt. The pump motor shall have cooling characteristics suitable to permit continuous operation, in a ACL Page Three Paul Laurence Co. January 4, 1982 totally, partially or non -submerged condition. The pump shall be capable of running in a totally dry condition under full load without damage, for extended periods. Hermetically sealed oil filled motors will not be acceptable. Before final acceptance, a field running test demonstrating this ability, with 24 hours of continuous operation under the above condition, shall be performed for the pump being supplied. 4. GUARANTEE The manufacturer of the sewage pump shall guarantee for one year from date of use that the pumps will be free from defects in design, material and workmanship. In the event a component fails to perform as specified or is proven defective in design, material or workmanship during the guarantee period, the manufacturer shall provide a replacement part without cost to the owner. Please process a change order regaest for the new pump at your convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. "J c�4 Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager cc: John P. Badalich, OSM John Simola, City of Monticello Dick Reeling, OSM Field Office 3° J CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER win" nsuem use wsynwn o)C+-scnELEN raAVEr1oN a AssoeUTes. lrle. �Yl WTI lb YiNMUMII]. YM 10.1]}Ie ylaeep TNS. i►paN �6ntrector Paul A_ I g•urwn�0 Co. Change order No, 31 ,ddress P.O. Box 1267 Highway 55 West Field Ilodlf. No. 75 Minneapolis, MN 55440 project W. 068-2748.01 iib Location Monticello, Minnesota EPA Grant MD. C270855-03 n accordance with the ferns of your contract dated November 20. 19180 with City of Monticello Ownar for NWTP Upgrading d Appurtenant Work n, are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract piens and speclflcatlons: o.crlptlon and Justification: - Rotor to Field Nodif / 75 (Attached) provision of a chlorine emorgency repair kit in order to minimize health hazards In case of chlorine accidents. ,{ •akdow, of Costs this Change Order. 4� .bar E.0 IPoent profit a Overhand Total Add Total Deduct I $mater jai185.001 13178.00 I $1,363.00 I , nt of Original Contract: 3 4,704,000.00 kpproved byDet. stoned Owner Toter Contract ontract Thru C.O. F 30 Total Addition 1$1,363.00 Total Deduct Thr u This C.O. F 31 44,779,298.07 $4,780,661.07 rlglnal Contingencies Iii) 1 141.200.00 e11t Ramelning ant. Thru C.O. 0 30 Add This C.O. I Deduct This C.O. I Contingencies $65,901.93 $1,363.00 $64,538.93 here will be on ewfenslon of 0 dors for coepleRlon. -he date of the eoepiwi Ion of Contract was octobor 28 Ig 82 end how 9111 be Oetotlor 28 Ig B2 . ccepted by Date Slaved C Mai ►catibed �-L'7� er V �`CrFn Dete sinned Engine er kpproved byDet. stoned Owner Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O Bo. 1267 10.000 Kghway 55 West Minneapolis, MN SS440 Telephone 612/546.6911 TL%290730 RECEIVED ORRSCRELE11-MAYEHON a ASp=�. COMM ��%'yC•� R 3 0 1982 I LLLEtfl Stirch 29, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Shite 238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Cbrrick Re: Wn—stmmater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project C27O855-03 Change Order REquest No. 34 Gentlmen: As per field modification no. 75 dated February 12, 1982 for adding a Chlorine Emergency Kit type "8"; we submit the following price: Material ........... ....$1185.00 J Overhead'R'Prof1t 15%....$ 178.00 Total....................$1363.00 Please issue a change order for the above aalount as soon as possible. Sincerely Yours, PAUL A. IAUREW1- O7r.SPANY ,Aerry Grundtner Project Estimator JG: jc cc: Pa1c:o, Monticello Job File J 3 SuoaldlarY of S. J. Ororq a Sonit Company Paul A. LautenCo Company I. trpuel oppolu� o. aRR scNElEN - MAYfRan b ASSOCIATES, iHC. Division of Xidde Consultants, Inc. .onsulting Engineers and Surve yorS February 12, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading s Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification $75 Gentlemen: ( The Operations Staff has requested that in case of chlorine accidents, to minimize health hazards, a chlorine emergency repair kit be included in the Contract. See attached specification for such a unit. Please submit a change order request for this kit at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6SSOCIATES�N�+�A1JR�`� Gerald S. Corrick,S7P1.`E. Project Manager GSC:min Enclosure cc: John Badalich, OSM Johm Simola, City of Monticello Dick Reeling, OSM Field Office, Monticello .'31 2021 East tfennepin Avenue a Suite 238 a Minneapolis. Minnesota 55413 6121337.8660 TELEX: 29-0948 CHLORINE EMERGENCY REPAIR KIT -, Provide one (1) self contained unit built of durable construction housing the following chlorine cylinder repair parts. This kit should be portable by hand. Desutpuoo Per on H(.d 1 Yoke 1 Gasket, Garlock, 1-k OD a 11A1 ID a IAI 1 Strad 1 Cap Nut 1 Gasket, Garlock, UiA1 dim. ■ VIS I male 1 Take ! Cap Strew 1 1 Steel Pateb Gasket, Yam, 1" p. a k► 1 Ilood Assembly with 11rV) Vent Valve 1 Gasket, Molded Vltoo 1 a" OD a 1-% ID a N wall Gasket. Vlm, 1" OD a 1" ID a M Til. 1 Bar Assembly 1 Gasket, Vilm Molded, I-% OD a V% ID a q 1 Wrench. Walght open nerd, 1-M a U ! Wrench, socket, 1-% bn ! Wrench astemlon. 1" sq, drive a I with adaptor 1 Wreaeh bar. I" dia. a to ! Wrench, crowfoot special, 14M a U ! Wrench, U sq boa k 1•K am and a Drut Pin, Ill? a N a 1 1 1 Drift Pb, Is a 1.4 a 0 1 . Drift pto, 1.14 a 1.7/11 a 0 1 R44• rent valve packing ! • Faint scrapes. 1.1: blade ! . Hammer, machtnst.If !! UPW Ratboad Car Scad ! Gasket Sack ! Valve Yoke ! Valve Adapter 1 Casks, Garlock II/11 OD a MI M I Via PLetk Bas ! dtad Boa ! ! Toot Ret Imtrvetior BooUat 'Chlorin 1 ! Farts Book ! ) l Parts List + AGENDA ITEM FOR QUARTERLY DEPARTMENT HEAD MEETING Consideration of Purchasinq Portable PH Monitorinq Equipment. Enclosed is an update concerning the WWTP and Wrightco. Jim Miller has recommended that we purchase a portable PH monitoring device. We have rented one these past few weeks for $25.00 per day. I concur with Jim's recoaemiendation and ask that you allow us to purchase the equipment for $1,170.00. We have budgeted $5,000.00 for the purchase of just such lab and testing equip- ment in 1982. John Simola Public Works Director [1 C WRIGHTCO REIATED PROBLEMS April 9.•1982 During the months of January, February and March, 1981 the effluent from the City WWTP was degrading to a point :he discharge was not longer meeting the City's t7PDES permit. Since previous months had indicated no major problems with the Wrightco discharge, it was assumed that the prob- lems may be related to the extreme cold weather and in February an over flow of digester sludge into the systemcausing reduced effeciency. On March 22nd and 23rd when the City and Wrightco were conducting the routine composite sampling, the flow proportioned Wrightco sample PH was observed at 5.3. Since this was abnormal, a random check of the Wrightco manhole and plant influent was initiated. High PH values were obtained at the Wrightco discharge and City influent during "normal" work hours. 24 hours PH monitoring was initiated at both the Wrightco discharge point and the City of Monticello influent. Results obtained are on the following pages. It was noted that Wrightco periodically exceeds 12.0 and is below 2.0 during moot 24 hour periodo observed. The Pit at the influent of the City Wastewater Plant has been observed between 5.5 and 12.0. Thecc PH values obtained indicated definite problems at the City's ]v'WTPJ the biological organisms on the - media in the trickling filter cannot function under those conditions and are constantly being killed by these Pit conditions. In addition, the Wrightco discharge contains a high BOD loading, com- pounding the problem. The expanded treatment that will be provided when the new activated sludge and related improvementu may be able to achieve the desired removal limits provided the Pit is in a reasonable range. wrightco personnel have boon cooperative in attempting to define and correct the problem. At this time it looks as though the pretreatment system now utilized by Wrightco will be used to neutralize the PH an a priority rather than a small activated sludge system with limited BOD removal. Preliminary observation of the Wrightco discharge after the change in operation appear to be reducing the impact of their discharge on the City's WWTP. The city will continuo to monitor the situation as recommended by the MPCA. At this time the City and Wrightco will utilize an existing manhole for monitoring the discharge from Wrightco. when the Wrightco mode of operation is established and coordination with city sower routing a separate monitoring manhole or manholes will be established. I D.L. Christensen and Associates ,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3600 WEST FULLER ST. P14ONF: 10121 922.2420 EDINA. MINNESOTA $5410 April S, 1992 Mr, Jim Miller Plant Manager Wastc Water Treatment Plant City Hall Monticello Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Quotation - Portable pH monitor/recorder Dear Jim, Per our discussion last week, f submit for your consideration the following items manufactured by Great Lakes Instruments: Item Quanity Description 1 . i Model 77-1 protable pH monitor/recorder; 11S VAC or two Gel -Cell 12 volt batteries for remoto power; housed in a NEMA 3 ABS case; scaled 2 to 12 on a 4-1/2 inch mirrored scale; 2-1/4 inch inkless strip chart recorder, 30 day drive including on P60C-0-1 pli probe haviny 2S feet of cable with quick disconnect fitting. Pric $1145.00 l 2. 1 Model P60C-0-1 spare pH probe with cable and fitting. / Price $ 350.00 3 . 5 #99X3A0497 rolls of chart paper. at $S.00/roil Price 25.00 Total items i thru 5 is $1520.00 1'.O.B. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Terms are net 30 days. Delivery is 6 weeks FRO. Sincerely, Lee Christenson Factory Representative - GLI DLC/pc cc; GLI Enclosures 77/679 — Supersedes SPA77/777 (W/ GREAT LAKES INSTRUMENTS, INC. MO17EL 77 PORTABLC_ITOR/RECORDER The Model 77 portable pli Instrument Is a rugged, industrial grado unit. It Is Ideal for in -plant spot checking or for longer term recording of pil values. Two displays are provided: a 4-1/2 inch motor and a 2-1/2 inch strip chart recorder. Housed In a NEMA 3 ABS plastic carrying case with gasketed, clear plastic cover, the instrument can be used outdoors or in a humid environment. The pH probe connection is made via a weatherproof connector on the side of the case. Complete solid—tate circuitry permits portable operation by using two rechargeable Gel. -Cell 12 -volt batteries. An integral battery charger i:; standard r:quipment. Tho instrument may also be powered by IIS or 230 VAC, SO/GO Hz, The easy-to-use controls located on the Instrument panel include calibration ad)ustments, ors/orr switch, battery press -to -test and recorder ON/orr switch. The Model 77 uses GLI's patented Model 60 pH probe based on the differential electrode technique. It is the same sensor used in GLI's industrial process control oil Instruments and Is easily adaptod to a variety of temporary or permanent mounting configurations, / :,oth b5th buco, Milwaukee. Micunun 53223 lelephune 14141 755 3601 1e:r• No 20 0605 1 1 1t )MI. N'rA TI(.)N I'OIa PI1t), :1 ;) AN( 1 I It )I.L.t)'I It 1N ( :' IN 1 I4f )1 MODEL 77 SPECIFICATIONS METER CLASSIFICATIONS 4-1/2 inch mirrored scale Electrical - General Purpose Scaled 2-12 pH Enclosure - NEMA 3 'RECORDER CASE MATERIALS ---Z-1/2 inch inkless strip chart, ABS plastic with clear plastic cover 30 -day drive WEIGHT RESPONSE TIME 25 pounds (11 .5 kg) I second for 99% response pH Probe UMPERATURE COMPENSATION GLI Model P60j 11 convertible type, --automatic 0'C to 65"C with 1-1/2 inch NPT male mounting threads, cast epoxy construction. AMBIENT CONDITIONS 25 -foot interconnect cable with quick: U"C to +SU"C disconnect fitting. Temperature rating 0-100% relative humidity 0"C to 65'C. PROBE TO ANALYZER DISTANCE BATTERY LIFE BETWEEN CHARGES Up to 3000 feet At 251C 170 hours At 0°C 135 hours Recharges overnight. Consult LAE1F:CTRICAI_POWfR factory for four -battery unit to to 130 VAC, 60 Hz or Internal extend recharge cycle. —atteries, 230 VAC, 50 Hz optional. Two 12 -Volt, 4.5 Ampere -hour ORDERING INFORMATION Ciel -Cell batteries included. Integral 77-1 for 115 VACPower supply charger and 6 -foot power cord Included. 77- or O power supply t':onnections via quick disconnects. Replacement/spare pH probe: P60C-7-1 DIMENSIONS GAS l: �I V I- a 16.60 s PROBE rnNures REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL dl� March 22, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimamo, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Phil White, Ken Maus. Members Absent: None IA. Citizens Comments. Mr. Wayne Voight, representing a group of potential developers, noted that the group is considering possibly developing a par- cel of land next to Kampa Estates and NSP property along County Road 39 into apartment complexes. This property was previously owned by Jack Kornovich and a preliminary PUD for an apartment complex had previously been approved by Lila City Council. Mr. Voight noted that the group is interested in continuing the development but because of the present economic conditions, lie inquired as to whether the City Council would possibly give -ay ... agi t Lo'1pi,is rhe ,.c .:.kart sad; as iacr s... financing,etc. It was noted that although the City has not used tax increment financing yet, more than likely this typo of development tool may be used in the downtown area to rid the area of blighted buildings rather than applying this to undeveloped raw land. The Council informed Mr. Voight that they would be willing to have an open mind regarding tax increment financing and may know more once a plan is developed for the City. 1. Consideration of a Set -Up License and a 3.2 Beer License for the Lion's Club - Ducks Unlimited Banquet. Mr. Ron Hoglund of the Monticello Lion's Club requested a temporary one day set-up license and a 3.2 beer licence for the annual Ducks Unlimited banquet which is being planned for May 10th, 1982 at the Monticello Roller Rink. The Lionb Club indicated they would provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance for general liability and liquor liability and no a result, a motion was made by Fair, seconded by White and unanimously carried to approve a temporary one day 3.2 beer on sale license and a one day eat -up license for the Lion's Club on May 10th, 1982 to be used at the Monticelln Roller Rink only. - 1 - Council Minutes - 3/22/82 V i t C� 2. Consideration of Appointment to Senior Citizen's Board. Recently, Senior Citizen's Center Board member, Frank Thompson, resigned creating a vacancy. Marie Peterson and Karen Hanson of the Senior Citizen's Center recommend- ed after reviewing applicants that Mr. Doug Pitt be appoint- ed to fill the vacancy until December 31, 1982. The Senior Citizen's Center Board also reviewed and recommended unani- mously that Mr. Pitt be appointed. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unani- mously carried to appoint Mr. Doug Pitt to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Frank Thompson on the Senior Citizuu's Centor Bui,rd. 3. Consideration of Allowing Monticello Youth Hockey Associ- ation to Erect a Storage Shed near the Hockey Rink in 4th Street Park. Representatives of the Monticello Youth Hockey Association requeoted approval from the Council to be allowed to erect n small metal stornge. shed next to the warming house in the 4th Strect Park. The purpose of the small eturage building would be to house the garden tractor and rink sweeper a:nng with miscellaneous shovels, brooms, etc. Although it was noted that an exact building had not been located at the present time, the Council members suggested Clint the association might want to check into and see what it would cost to build a concrete block addition to the present warming house for the purposes of a storage shed, ate. rather than Lisa just n metal building at the present time. Concerns were expressed that a metal building may not fit the decor of the area and the Council would rather possibly see a permanent addition to the present warming house. It was the concensus of the Council to table any action at the present time until the Hockey Association can obtain more definite costs regarding possibly building a permanent building. Consideration of Authorizing the Public Works Director to Prepare Plana and Soccifieations and Advertise for Bida for a Maintenance. Pole Tvpo Building. Mr. John Simola, Public Works Director, reviewed with tho Ciry Council the proposed plans for the construction of a metal pole typo storage building to be. located at the pre- J aunt maintenance building property site. •` _ 2 Council Minutes - 3/22/82 ` Mr. Simola noted that with the increase in the present equipment owned by the City over the past few years and with the addition of two new sludge vehicles as part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, additional cold storage facilities will be needed. As part of the 1982 budget, $26,750.00 was budgeted for the purpose of constructing a 2800 square foot pole type building and although approximately $5,000.00 of this amount previously budgeted has been allocated towards the recent purchase of a snow blower, the Public Works Director felt that the remaining $21,750 may be sufficient to provide the basic pole building structure. Mr. Simola also noted that possibly some of the interior wall par- titions and possibly the cement floor proposed for the. building could be done by the city crew during the summer to cut down costs. A motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unani- mously carried to authorize the Public Works Director to prepare plans and specifications for a metal pole type building and to advertise for bids. It was noted that the plans and specifications will be prepared i' providing for a basic metal building with items such as partitions, insulation, cement floor, etc. being bid as alternates or optional items. i_ 5. Approval of Bills and Minutes for the Month of March, 1982. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maus and unani- mously carried to approve the bills for the month of March, 1982 as presented and the minutes of the regular meeting held March 8th, 1982. 6. Consideration of Appointing the City Administrator. Five candidates for the position of City Administrator were interviewed by the City Council on March 17, 1982. After discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus to offer the position of City Administrator to Mr. Tom Eidem at a salary of $29,000 per year and to increase Rick Wolfotellar's salary to $26,800 a year as assistant administrator contingent upon Mr. Eidcm accepting employment based on normal current city hiring policies without an employment agreement. Council Minutes - 3/22/82 11 An amendment to the above motion was made by Phil White, v! seconded by Ken Maus that the proposed salary increase for Rick Wolfsteller be retroactive to February 1, 1982. Voting in favor of the amendment was Arve Crimsmo, Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen and Phil White. Opposed: None. Voting in favor of the original motion to hire Mr. Eidem was Fair, Maus, Crimsmo and White. Opposed: Dan Blonigen. Meet�ing� Adjourned. Rick WolfatellAr Acting Administrator 5 J W Honorable Mayor Citv Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Dear Council, Enclosed is the Sheriff's Iaw Enforcement report for the month of March, 1982. 560 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were talliedt 1 - Attempted theft of camper - damaged considerably 2 - Thefts of Honda ATC's from Noon Motors - both thefts cleared by arrest and property was recovered ] - No pay customers at Freeway Standard - 2 were cleared by arrest 1 - No pay customer at Tom Thumb - cleared 6 bill was paid ' - No pay customer at Country Kitchen - cleared - Theft of tennis shoes from locker at the high school - cleared by arrest and property was recovered I - Theft of stereo 6 speakers and tools from vehicle I - Theft of check from mailbox - under investigation I - Shoplifting at brothers 1I - cleared by mediation 1 - Firearm violation - Theft of two dogs from vehicle - cleared by arrest 6 dogs were recovered 1 - Attempted shoplifting at Sayders - apprehended 6 warned 6 released 1 - Criminal damage to property - va1licle drove into gate on athletic field near the high school 1 Mailbox vandalism 1 - Criminal damage to property - vehicle pushed into the entry way at the Legion Club I - Theft of bicycle 1 - Forgery at Snyders - under investigation I - burglary of residence - cleared I - Report of suspicious person at Pinewood School - unfounded 1 - Arrest for possession of small amount of marijuana 1 Arrest for purchase of liquor by person under 19 years of age 8 - Traffic problems 7 - Fires reported I - Intoxicated person I - Lost property 6 - Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles filEnIFF'S OFFICE Z tUi/ALO, a6NM[bOTA 6gi�i' ' I'a -• Jame F. Povamn, Chia) Ospuh ITC TdeOkww 411112-1 Ica NasKmarpmey tw. am. 622!31100 24 Hb Em--. T NW - ' Toll Fran Mam 4714573 DARRELL L. WOLFF 2>aO a.m. • e:30 p.m. hl-t...a 295-2e33 fir sbwuv Dwawo 972.2924 Couto 20664M April 9, 1982 Honorable Mayor Citv Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Dear Council, Enclosed is the Sheriff's Iaw Enforcement report for the month of March, 1982. 560 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were talliedt 1 - Attempted theft of camper - damaged considerably 2 - Thefts of Honda ATC's from Noon Motors - both thefts cleared by arrest and property was recovered ] - No pay customers at Freeway Standard - 2 were cleared by arrest 1 - No pay customer at Tom Thumb - cleared 6 bill was paid ' - No pay customer at Country Kitchen - cleared - Theft of tennis shoes from locker at the high school - cleared by arrest and property was recovered I - Theft of stereo 6 speakers and tools from vehicle I - Theft of check from mailbox - under investigation I - Shoplifting at brothers 1I - cleared by mediation 1 - Firearm violation - Theft of two dogs from vehicle - cleared by arrest 6 dogs were recovered 1 - Attempted shoplifting at Sayders - apprehended 6 warned 6 released 1 - Criminal damage to property - va1licle drove into gate on athletic field near the high school 1 Mailbox vandalism 1 - Criminal damage to property - vehicle pushed into the entry way at the Legion Club I - Theft of bicycle 1 - Forgery at Snyders - under investigation I - burglary of residence - cleared I - Report of suspicious person at Pinewood School - unfounded 1 - Arrest for possession of small amount of marijuana 1 Arrest for purchase of liquor by person under 19 years of age 8 - Traffic problems 7 - Fires reported I - Intoxicated person I - Lost property 6 - Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles rc DARRELL L. WOLFP Crary Faarin 3N IFF'I� WIC8 EWF7ALD. WHIMOTA 6%!: Tea Pbor0fowl 16! Fa�s[m4raowl WIL FIs BB24900 Tan Free l-OW362.3667 6Ao a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Sheriff's report for Monticello for March, 1982, continueds 6 - Miscellaneous complaints 2 - Public nuisance 1 - Runaway - located I - Trespassing 2 - Harassment 3 - Obseeme and annoying phone calls I - Civil matter 3 Domestics 1 - Animal complaint 2 - Alarms sounded - checked out o.k. 1 - Firearm violation I - Missing person - located 114 - Car 6 subject checks 30 - Citizen aids 28 - Motorists warned '8 - Accidents Investigated Open doors 42 - Traffic tickets issuedf 10 - Driving while intoxicated 7 - Open bottle 15 - Speed 1 - Over centerline 1 - Driving after revocation I - Erratic driving 1 - Reckless driving 4 - Illegal parking 1 - Driving after suspension 1 - Owner permitting Illegal operation Tours truly. �t/f/1t� Kl Darrell Wolff. Sheriff III llin6r For the month of March, 1962 -- $ 7.349.33 16 James F. Pam r+. Chid Oputy 24 Maur Ea-prer rM,p�arwe mean 4734673 IlonLkeac 2967633 Dd n 972.2974 Cauro 2804e64