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City Council Agenda Packet 05-24-1982
AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL May 24, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Phil White, Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen. Meeting to be taped. I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on May 10, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Unfinished Business. A) Consider Alternate Proposals on City Maintenance Building. D) Cen_ider A„^reisel �If 15 feet of Cbacr.mit Str—t. As Vier CVacation Request. C) John Simola - Report on Cost Related to Replacement of Man Hole at Intersection of Hwya 75 and 25. III.. New Business. A) Consideration of Change Orders 034, 035 and 036 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. B) Continuation of Public Hearing - Vacation of the Westerly 15 feet of City Easement Lying Over Vacated Cedar Street. C) Liquor Store Quarterly Report. D) Approval of the Bills for the Month of May, 1982. E) General Council Comment. F) Adjourn. Council Agenda - 5/24/82 SUPPLEMENT I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on May 10, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Unfinished Business. A) Consider Alternate Proposals on City Maintenance Building. On Monday afternoon, May 17, 1982, Council Member Blonigen submitted to me a comparative bid sheet based upon the type of building constructed by the Bondhus Corporation. The com- parative figures are as follows: Building Proposed Building Proposed by Simola by Bloniqen size 35 feat X 7A feet 35 feet by Rp feet Built to be insulated Not built to be in- sulated Rafter spacing 6 feet 8 fact Cost $19,324.00 517,377.00• Poles 6 inches X 6 inches 5 inches X 6 inches Doors Steel ribbed insulated wood flush insulated Total coat difference is 51,547.00. The estimate was figured by Independent Lumber. -The numbers making up $17,377.00 aro as follows: $16,077.00 Building Erection $ 800.00 Concrete work $ 200.00 Building Permit $ 300.00 Performance Bond It is my understanding that Council Member Blonigon wishes to further address the Council on this matter. No requested that I supply you with this information. Repeating my statement from the last meeting's memo, if tho original building is agreed upon, tho contract may be awarded. If the design is to be changed, r than the project must be rebid. l - 1 - Council Agenda - 5/24/82 Concerning the award of the job, Statutes require that the award is to go to the lowest responsible bidder that accurate- ly bid to the prepared specifications. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1) Award bid to Menard's for bid price of $19,324.00. 2) Reject all bids and totally redesign building. 3) Reject all bids and respec building to specifically address certain features. REFERENCES: Estimate prepared by Independent Lumber for Bondhus building, estimate prepared by Independent Lumber for city building, and floor plan for Bondhus building. B) Consider Appraisal of 15 feet of Chestnut Street as per Vacation Request. As per Council direction, Rick has secured an appraisal of a 15 by 330 foot parcel of Chestnut Street. This is parcel re- quested iv Mr. lxitzke to M vncnted. Even with the granting of �- the vacation, Mr. Litzke will need a variance to build his gar- age under his original plans. As reported for last meeting, a vacation of said 15 feet would not intorfer with or jeopardize under ground lines, or the eventuality of street development. Finally, there have been no further comments, for or against, Mr. Lutzko's requost. REFERENCES: Copy of appraisal letter from Sandberg Realty. C) Report on Coats Related to the Replacement of the Manhole at the Intersection of Hwys 75 and 25. While this matter does not require your immodiato attention, John did request an opportunity to update you on costs ro- latod to the project. When the cost range is eatabliahod, John and I, along with John Badalicn, will prepare a replace- mont program (including when it is to be done) for future Council action. III. Now Business. A) Consideration of Change Ordors 034, 035 and 036 with the Waste- water Treatment Plant. Change order 034 addresses the replacement of poor and aged equipment in the city's existing final clarifier. The change order, so notod in the text, providos for material only with installation by city personnel. Installation by city parconnol represents a savinga of approximately $7500. 1 fool that the change order packot is self explanatory. - 2 - Council Agenda - 5/24/82 Change Order 035 addresses a change from bituminous curb to concrete curb and gutter. As noted in the OSM letter of January 6th, city ordinance requires the use of con- crete curb in lieu of bituminous curb. While there was apparently some disagreement as to the unit cost, OSM has apparently arrived at an:acceptable figure for this installation. Again, the change order packet, I think, is fairly self explanatory. Change Order 036 is necessitated in order to conform with Building Code Rule 908 for a Group H. Division 1, occu- pancy. The requirement therein states that there must be a two hour resistive separation between a boiler and any structure storing and handling hazardous and highly flammable gases. Because of that regulation, the project will require a separate building addition which will be adjacent to and attached to the east wall of the digestive control building. This will be the housing for the gas scrubber and purification system, thus putting us in compliance with all safety requirements of the state building codes. Again, all details are provided in the change order packet under the reference materials. PROPnSRn ACTTnN: Approve by A motion, All three channo orders. REFERENCES: Copies of change order packets for 034, 035 and 036. B) Continuation of Public Hearing - Consideration of the vacation of the Weaterly 15 feet of City Easement Lying Over Previously Vacated Cedar Street. Mr. Willard Murphy, owner of Amoric-Inn, appeared before the Planning Commission on May 11, 1982, to request a vacation of the weoterly 15 of the city casement which lies over Cedar Street which was vacated on February 25, 1980 and sold to W. J. Murphy and the V.F.W. Club on March 9, 1981. They contend that since they purchased it, they would like to be able to use it. The final proposal states that the building would still be 7 foot from an under ground telephone cable. While this was a point of contention, Loren Klein has informed me that this matter has now boon rosolvad by Bridgewater and Mr. Murphy. Mr Murphy will be inattondance on Monday evening. Thorn are no city linos in this portion of Cedar Stroat. The currently maintainu the easements for Bridgewater and NSP. NSP has indicated that they have no objection. letters from Bridgewater and NSP are forthcoming, but may not be hero by Monday. I. - 3 - Council Agenda - 5/24/82 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1) Deny request - may be challenged as arbitrary since property already is purchased by Murphy. 2) Table request until we receive written statements from NSP and Bridgewater. This would require action at a later meeting. 3) Approve request contingent upon receipt of letters from NSP and Bridgewater. This would not require additional action, staff can prepare documents for recording and this will expedite matters. 4) Approve the request without the contingency - this is legal: the hearing has been held and all parties were allowed to address the commission. REFERENCES: Site plan. C) Liquor Store Quarterly Report. Mark Irmitor will be present to review the first quarter liquor operations. I have enclosed copies of the computer print outs. All information should be self explanatory. D) Approval of the Bills for May, 1982. E) General Council Comment. F) Adjourn. - 4 - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL May 10, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. ri Members Present: Arvc A. Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None. I. Call To Order. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Blonigen, second- ed by White and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the April 26, 1982 Council Meeting as presented. Ii. New Business. A. Citizen Comments. Mr. John Dick of 619 East 4th Street requested that the Council consider having yield signs placed on Ramsey Street near the 4th Street park. Mr. Dick was informed by the Public works Director that the signs have been ordered and will be erected shortly. Mr. Chuck Bangasaer of Monticello Ford, Inc., informed the City Council about a change that Monticello Ford could make in ordering the new fire truck chassis that was recently awarded to them. Mr. Bangasser noted that by changing the ordering procedures, the City of Monticello could be eligible for a direct $1,000.00 rebate from Ford Motor Company under the retail purchase plan rather than ordering the truck under the government aeeiBtance plan. To be eligible for the $1000 rebate, Monticello Ford would incur an extra $100 cost in their price of the vehicle and asked that the City consider a change order in the bid amount increasing it by $100 to com- penuato Monticello Ford for their extra coat. Ulan with the $100 increase, the City of Monticello would, as a result, net an additional $900.00 because of the $1,000.00 relate program available. It waB the Council concensus to authorize the City Administrator to prepare the necessary agreements with Monticello Ford allowing the City to collect the relate and compensating Monticello Ford for its $100 additional coat. B. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Request to Vacate a Por- tion of Chestnut Streot. Mr. Paul Lutzko of 824 west Broadway petitioned the City of Monticello requesting that a portion of Chestnut Street lying adjacent to his property be vacated to allow him to build a double garage on a portion of the vacated atreet. - -T-- A Council Minutes - 5/11/82 IF This street in question would be located between Broadway and 3rd Street and would consist of approximately 15 feet. Mr. Lutzko noted that he has only 13 feet available to his property line and he would like to build a 26 foot garage, thus requiring at least 13 feet of Chestnut Street to ac- complish his plans. John Badalich, City Engineer, indicated that although the City is currently using the street right-of-way for utility purposes and may have plans for both a storm sewer and force main sewer line, it was the opinion that the City could vacate up to 15 feet of the east portion of Chestnut Street without occurring any problems in the future. it was recommended by the City Engineer and City Staff that if 15 feet was vacated, the entire 15 foot east portion of Chestnut Street should be vacated from Broadway all the way to 3rd Street. It was suggested by the Council that Mr. Lutzko contact the other abutting property owner, Mr. Fd lane, to find out if he would be interested in acquiring the 15 foot portion abutting his property. Before proceeding with the vacation hearing, it was recommended that the City first obtain an r--. appraisal on the value of the 15 foot portion proposed for vacation to enable both the City and the property owners to know what costa may be involved. As a result, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to authorize the City Staff to obtain an appraisal on the east 15 foot portion of Chestnut Street and to report back to the Council at the next meeting. At that time another public hearing would be hold on the vacation request and also this would allow Mr. Lutzke more time to determine the exact location of his garage with sot back requirements being noted. C. Department head Reports. Public works Director, John Simola, informed the Council that a man hole located in the intersection of Hwy 25 and Broadway is crumbling and will need to be replaced coon. Because of the difficult location and heavy amount of traffic, the osti- mated coat could be in the neighborhood of $5,000 to $10,000. By Council concensuo, Mr. Simola was authorized to obtain cost quotes and estimates from various contractors for the repair. Mr. Simola also noted that a change order hao boon approved by the State of Minnesota on the Ellison Park improvement Project resulting in an additional amount of 82100 for additional excavation work. 2 - 2', A Council Minutes - 5/11/82 3 The City of Monticello would be liable for an additional 125% of this amount, which is the City's share of the entire pro- ject. Mr. Simola also requested direction from the City Council on how to proceed with the possible improvement of 7th Street between Cedar and Hwy 25. It was noted that improvements have been budgeted for 1982 and the cost has been estimated at a low of $4,000 to over $36,000 deperding on how the road is improved. Perkin's Restaurant and the new owners of the proposed motel adjacent to Perkin's have both been contacted and expressed interest in improving the street with curb and gutter if any improvements are made. A motion was made by White, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to authorize the City Engineer to prepare a feasibility study listing alternatives and cost estimates for improving 7th Street with a nine ton design and curb and gutter. D. Consideration of Resolution - RE: Machine Signed Signatures on City Checks. .-a ,.r iyht CoanLy SLatu Haus 1ws rcyuueLud L).at th,: City of Monticello adopt a rosolution covering the use of facsimile signatures on its checking account. A resolution would'allow ` the use of stamped signature for one of the required signatures and authorizes its use on all checko. A motion was made by White, aeconded by Fair and unanimously carried to adopt the resolution allowing for machine signed signatures on city checks. (See Resolution 1982 040). 1'.. Conoideration of Resolution - RE: City Administrator Bloc Ling to be Excluded,from PERA. Minnesota Statutes currently allow a City Administrator to bu excluded from membership in the Public Employees Retirement Aosoeiation and allow the person to establish his own deferred compensation plan. A new City Administrator hoe 30 days from data of employment to elect to be excluded from PERA and as a roault, Mr. Tom Eidom has requested he be allowed to establiah a deferred eomponeation program of hia own no an alternative to Lho present Public Bnployoos Retirement Plan. A motion was made, by white, seconded by Blonigon and unanimous- ly carried to adopt a r000lution approving the election of Mr. Ton Eidom to be excluded from the Public Employeos RoLiremont Association and also to adopt a rueolution authorizing the City Administrator toGot up his own deferred compannation plan. l (See Roaolutian 1982 038 and 1982 039). 3 Council Minutes - 5/10/82 F. Consideration of Change Order #33 with the Paul A. Laurence / �, Company on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Pro- ject. A change order #33 in the amount of $2,627 has been recommend- ed by the City Staff on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Con- struction Project for the purpose of adding additional mis- cellaneous items and accessories to the sludge hauling and land application equipment which will be acquired by the City as part of the upgrading of the treatment plant. Some of the optional equipment will be items such as hoses, gaskets, re- volving lights and other spare parts and gauges for emergencies. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to approve change order #33 with the Paul A. Laurence Company on the wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Project for an additional amount of $2,627.60. I12. Old Business. A. Consideration of Senior Citizen Center Expansion. Karen 31anson, Senior Citizen Center Director, informed the Council that the cantor has completed its applicntivn Z grant funeing from the McKnight Foundation for the purpose _ of expanding its existing facilities to alleviate cramped quarters. The expansion would take place into the former portion of the building that was rented to Monticello Print- ing. Karen noted that the expansion as proposed, would pro- vide additional space for present activities at the center and would not necessarily be used for adding now activities. As a result, it was her opinion that by expanding the center, additional traffic and parking problems would not increase over the present situation. Concerns expressed by the Council were whether the proposed expansion would cause more parking problems in the area. Other concerns expressed were whether the City should pon- oibly consider relocating the Senior Citizens Cantor in a different location to allow for future growth and expansion or whether to proceed with the remodeling at that present location. Although parking is limited at the center and surrounding areas, a motion was made by White, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to allow the Senior Citizen's Cantor to use and expand into the extra portion of the building recently vacated by Monticello Printing with the understanding that the Senior Citizens themselves will work toward a solution to avoid additional parking problems. - 4 - Council Minutes - 5/10/82 B. Consideration of Maintenance Building Project. At the previous Council meeting, bids were reviewed on the construction of a new pole building at the maintenance prop- erty site. The low bid was received from Menard's Incorpor- ated for a base bid of $19,324, but no action was taken by the Council in awarding a contract as Council Member Blonigen felt the building was over speced and could be built for less. In regard to the specifications prepared on the pole building, it was noted that both in September 1981 and March 1982, Public Works Director had prepared information that was presented to the Council that indicated the maintenance building proposed would have provided for the future insulation and possible heating of half the building and that the building would in- clude insulated garage doors. Although Mr. Blonigen has not completed his report on how the building is over speced, Mr. Blonigen was instructed to prepare any information regarding the maintenance building specifications, etc. and present them at the next Council meeting. ,•-1 Meeting Adjournud. d.;w &� W'zrz, Rick Wolf./.Ilar Assistant Administrator - 5 -:�7- ' / v ESTIMATE CIO 5T. MICHAEL. MN. 55376 MONTICELLO, MN. 55362 497.2121 295-2120 Dote LUMBER COMPANY IZ7/,?/ Nemo_ �� r�'� '^^�' r: /?'!?.a �%'rYtl nov,sr to 71V1 Ertimeto Na. Addrare• Addran '` 1X 2 JriF ,4Riyl_wf rioFriec+t Le+ptl TQi•neuw+ DetcripNe.------- Feet Ta4t Tek. A-0 - _ ._ i L J- 15- :S�l A3.0 C4 0 _ i7 �f i KJ � � ' ='. / -T �c" - /r,Xii-„acrr� _ - - - 1_ j �- __._,- _ •`_•j i � yC U Z2, -J1 Ota -- _ r� • - � �.:.��-- �,-�,/ �' Y -- `'. �, -' tai --� - '` to '..4� ..�_«i', i�'i• /�.�a - .> Y . - - -� �I �- i Imo', � i{-�% ' �^ 1.IR _.,. 33 ss 1 _�s' '�' �r.r. Fn - �' —JA aelr�"_.r_•�._...d;.✓�t�c ] t {( �/ .e r.� — /! t,�.. ��a1.•a r�r ria ori ” J Please examine carefully and see that nothing Is omittted that y>ou went Included In this list, as we 16 i9S.43 agree to furnish only what appears on the estimate except as an. 't"Icharge. ' 6rronorOmbalomSubject laConectlm TE _5 ��7W' L--—azi D BIB ! Ell: F ESTIMAL -rin ST. MICHAEL, MN. 55376 MONTICELLO, MN. 55362 497-2121 295.2120 Data LUMBER COMPANY 51-7 9 4r Name ')@I;vor to Addrais - Address A-11 7 3 J e-) L ___per-iod—of—eenstru,c6ir_-- - - ---p rovided—that—esfimai6l- - ... -� j- _l'i�—i =};-- -{- - — — pricesaTe—acrepted ana proviaeJ' "'that construction begir'3_____ by --and is concluded--- --- ---- by PleaseexaminaCArefully and one that nothire It tited that you want 1,�61d In tWo list, as we allreeo furnihh only what app. ,s an the attlmol- Masono itionalch..40, t 0 y—•--�� — mea EMMATE ST. MICHAEL, MN. 55376 MONTICELLO, MN. 55362 497-2121 295-2120 �Date .pt>de4d LUMBER COMPANY S / r Fgu a Name ��'•Y [^tom" y J'Tir.� t r� 9dim ban.�nY Addrtts.• _'Sim• ����'"l Addraaa SLY"r&Akb{ -•� /tio "i". r4a.. Aw T.t•t pd" A..." Is X61 t !t° - �tir�i:il�r _. _.- (o7 �/,n t� /lam' `' :y -y' A=- T�( - )tc4AK,n—•__---_j =o i1y"I 1315 V_ r+' A r{i i lSrsr: • _+)� _f - _ _ ._ _ _..�.�__ _.. 9 fes"Al IS9- LJE. _ at IV -CnA OX -11 Al era _1"�"_'_, rig i'taaae eumtne earttull; and aae that nathlry is ematted [flat yyaaup rant InCtnded ti tWa tart• as 0, , IV" to tarntaB Only %: 69 appear an the aat [=ta atcapt a an addltlmlal [:dirge. Eraen ar (>ebaeao 9tl+Mi� ------------ C=) 0 -----------0o m0 9QEor ESTIMAu aIEQ u TE I u➢a j p ST. MICHAEL, MN. 55376 MONTICELLO. MN. 55362 497.2121 295-2120 Date LUMBER COMPANY figwad by Nanta rwi.ar to _ Edima4 No. Addrau - ddran /I•a- la.eta W-6.D..cAlriw t-1 T•1•1 Fri" N 11.•..1 v �16 it IZVAAS 4nW�--------�---- �--- -TZ,,eeY AA -F&-16- --------- - x� Lq - - —�/xs :4 � � u.1c�Yc•.,.._ _ —_ _:—_ � 71100 =T-1---- —.eco tr-- -- - - -- - - ----- -� ,a7 f-dFt;4F'nl C-tk�je�L _-t Tf�-' /•itis _ �/ •ren. T��a. ��- -- -�'` _''"L. — __ � / _ � / S•v' `�„d_ �� n •-- --`-----'iyiL— /_ice% /1'� TT _ L"iJA�_-n-iw—/F� - Vu t.. _ _ _ —_ 1�. ,--- / ' �,� �••/ '' Piazze mamma carefully and me that nothing to otnlitted tint you rant lrcludad to Ilat- as w 77 agree w furalab only what ap,-roan on ttr ea.lrtute e:capt as an addltlmal charge. f . 6rro )a4alamfltt►1ae11aCeeaertls I ale © nESTIMATEE �—-EkR e- fo� . 6 '7 ST. MICHAEL, MN. 55376 MONTICELLO, MN. 55362 497-2121 295-2120 Akr"&Od LUMBER Off* COMPANY F;gu,od Ity Name '±eti+em ter Estimate NO, Ada,*#$ L..Gtb 01-16. Oavteli.s F-1 T.1*1 00" A....# A N J SA 1.27 /V :2-11 C -7 Z'S In 72: A 7 r�j - Zl- T' -P: T.-rTba of cc-.nsinjt;-..•1o provided that estirr, i vices are accepted by -k.2. and provided -that rrinntrurntinn begini ? f- n nn I I Iff Y Please examtre, carefully and an that nothlr4 is ensitttad that W" ta lumlall only wtust appears w the satirrustsexcio as on ar== 1LwaMOaYsYriljeettacseantlaa r3cxvar- zxc. C"QZF-R ZI -.SXG 20' 7�ATZ6 12x14 FtA=W OVF-�AZ I 14]VC-0, TRLMWZ 15A11,511 n ZX4 LINS ao lz,ccK E," /50'0" 2X4 WAL,-Q+� 4- - 7SKYL-jGgT--S EAC -4 Slr�-- OP tp4mr K/ECeRAr-JNG7 L— 19- —W a COL-OREb ::STEEL- W", L -4" ,V/VG )( 10/10 WIRZ MCS14 �► . LJNC CF PJW-C Aawc- 1rq 'F&� lc�croc- g a N a m m m e 206 WEST BROADWAY MONTICELLO. MN 55362 OFFICE 2952317 • METRO 427.6880 JOHN SANDBERG - BROKER May 11, 1982 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller Asst. Ci. y Ad. instrator City of Monticello Monticello, HN 55762 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Pursuant to your request, I have reviewed the East 15 feet of Chestnut St. adjacent to Block 42 and Lots 1 and 10 within ;. t .:.. .�... ...�.... �.o .J :. :.. ........ ... ....ta y,.. c...a is 15' Z.� 15' x 165'. Taking into account that neither of these parcels are buildable , 1 would place the value at between $500.00 and $1,000.00, pd� depending on the cost to the City of transfering these to the adjoining property owners. If you have any questions, please call. Yours tr yj r John W. S dberg JWS/ml C �=8 CONTRACT 'CHANGE ORDER .n■eimm�e c 111 "glass Oi11t-SCHElEN,MAVERON 6 ASSOCIATES. INC. alrOlON OF Moot CONsunANrs. INC =1 CAaI NINNI INN 5VI .VII. IL YINNIerOL.S. UN 6MV30111aa14M IW.. lbom actor Paul A.Laurence Co. Change Order No. 34 1,055 P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Hiqhway 55 West field alodif. No. 68 Minneapolis, MN 55440 project Iu:068-2748.01 Location Monticello, Minnesota EPA (Vent No. C270855-03 accordance with the torus of your contract dated November 20 19 80 wlfh - :ity of Monticello ane, for WWTP Upgrading and Appurtenant Work I are hereby request ad to comply with the following changes Iron the contract plans one spoelflcet Ions: . ;criptlon and Justlflcetloni - Rotor to field Modif 068 (Attached) ceptad by he aludcle'collectina mechanisms in the existinq final clarifier are n poor condition and require replacement. This change order o.rOyop.q .or material only. Installation is anticipated by City nersonpgj- arLdorn or t:o5ts tela uhang• llraarl coew+nd ed by �ar Equip®nt ol It l OverNAed Tolsl Add Total Ooduct Matri 1($100907100 1pr�1,636.00 1512,543.00 1 [rpIAO•, - ,unt of Original Contract: {4,704,000.00 proved Or Total Contract Itract Thru C.O. 0 33 Total Addition Total 0edrrcf I '_ Thru TAIs C.O. da4 1$4,794.136.07 ;4,781,593.07 $12,543.00 :glnol Contlrgonclos (31) { 141,200.00 " Istt R<teelnlrlg It. Thru C.O. IF - Add This C.O. Deduct This C.O. contlnpencles I I :60,979.93 '• $12,543.00 $48,436.93 are will be OR erten{Ion of 0 days for coapirflon. h dote of the cmplotion of Contract wasOctober 28 , 42 and sow oil is. October 28 , 1v 82. ceptad by Date {Igeed (�ntff((OCier coew+nd ed by ►/1 •� fM• {fnawd [rpIAO•, - proved Or e {lewd Owner ,�.. 60 Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS PA. Go, 1267 10.000 Highway 55 west Mmnea0011S. MN 55440 Telephone 612/546-6911 TLX 290730 May 6, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite #238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald S.Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading And Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 36 Gentlemen: COMM. r RAY 17 1982 I �— Per your Field Modification No. 68, dated February 23, 1982, we :Lc following price: Option No. 1 - Furnish Material and Labor Material.................................$11,700.00 Labor................... ............... 5,810.00 Overhead and Profit @ 15% ................ 2,627.00 TOTAL -OPTION NO. 1........$20,137.00 Option No. 2 - Furnish Material Only Material.................. ...............$10,907.00 Overhead andProfit@ 15% ................ 1,636.00 TOTAL -OPTION NO. 2........$12,543.00 This request is based on furbishing Jeffery Non -Metallic Chain and accessories, as outlined in Field Modification No. 68. The price quoted with Option No. 1 includes all material, labor, mia- cellancous equipment, supplies and expenses, supervision and start- up necessary for a complete installation. Option No. 2 includes material price and freight allowed to jobsite, with no provisions for unloading, supervision or start-up time. 1 BuaalOUry 01 a, J. Coors..• Com Powl A, L&UNA a Company 1, 4n oc.� -1 0ponnunhy -ploy" x�ORR SCNELEN MAYERON B ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers Lnnd Surveyors February 23, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr. Bruce Hanson Re: 'Monticello Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification i68 Gentlemen: Upon field investigation of the sludge collecting mechanisms in the exiar-ing final clarifier, it has become apparent that they are in poor condition and in need of replacement. City of Mon- ticello personnel have made repairs to this equipment on several occasions in the past, but now the chains and sprockets show ex- cessive wear. The Contractor shall furnish and install the following equipment and materials plus miscellaneous fasteners, anchor bolts, etc., which may be necessary to complete the installation. (See attached revision drawing P -13r(1).). Pour (4) lengths of non-metallic collector chain, 70 feet long each, with flight attachments every 10 feet 28 - 6' brackets for flights 14 - 6' flights, 9'-10' long_ 28 - return wear shoes 28 - floor wear shoes Four (4) headshaft sprockets mounted on existing shafts Eight (8) idler sprockets mounted on existing shafts 12 - bearings for 1 15/16• shafts Two (2) metallic drive chains Two (2) drive chn' take-up sprocki %071 Ca:.r Suer 2.79 • 6•1,imesnnlis. L -ni-sors 55413 - 6121331.8,660 Paul A. Laurence Company Page 2 May 6, 1982 J OSM One -(1) year quarantees are figured in both options. Please inform us which option you choose to consider and issue a change order for the appropriate amount as soon as possible. These prices are firm until July 3, 1982. Yours truly, PAUL A. LAURENCE COMPANY Bruce R. Hanson BRH:lf CC: Palco-Monticello,MN Job File General File 0 Page Two Paul A Laurence February 23, 1982 Two (2) driver sprockets (9T, 6.75' P.D. existing) Two (2) driven sprockets (32T, 23.5' P.D. existing) One (1) coupling between gear box and motor One (1) coupling between drive sprocket and gear box This equipment shall comply with the following specifications: Collector Chain Sludge collector chain shall be non-metallic 6' pitch pintle chain weighing not more than 1.3 lbs. per ft. with a working value of not less than 2,400 lbs. Ridgid attachments shall be located every 10 ft. with four holes for mounting a 6' flight. The chain links shall be manufactured of Delrin and be of the flanged, curved sidebar design. Connecting pins shall be tubular, heat treated stainless steel with a T -head design to prevent pin rotation. Collector Sprockets All sprockets shall be cast iron of split construction for ease of assembly and disassembly. They shall be of the "Chainsaver Rim" design to transfer the load to the chain sidebar flanges. All tooth sides and rims shall be machined smooth for proper meshing with the chain. Flights Sludge collector flights shall be 6' nominal size and of fiberglass composite construction. The flights shall have continuous aligned glass fibers the full length of the flight and a 1/4' thick scraping lip at the base of the flight. All cut and drilled edges shall be. polyurethane coated to prevent moisture wicking by the fibers. Each flight will include a molded Delrin attachment bracket for bolting of the flight to the chain attachment and floor wear shoos. Wear Shoes All wear shoes shall be 1/2' thick molded high density poly- urethane and reversible to provide two wearing surfaces. Page Three Paul A. Laurence Co. February 23,.1982 Bearings 1 All bearing shall be babbitted and self -aligning with the top 'designed to prevent the accumulation of solids. Placement of the idler shafts in the tanks shall be as per manufacturer's recommendation. Drive Equipment The Contractor shall match or modify the existing parts of the drive mechanism which will be reused so as to make a complete and functional system with all shafts in proper alignment. The new couplings shall include shear mechanisms. (Shop drawings of the existing drive are available at the Engineer's office.). Gu.canLee The manufacturer shall guarantee for one year from date of installation that the sludge collecting mechanism will be free from defects in design, material and workmanship. Please process.a change order request for this work. The request should also include, as an alternate, furnishing of. the above listed equipment only. With this alternate, City personnel would do the installation. Sincerely, ORR-SCHEL£N-MAYERON b ASSOCIATES, INC. Charles A. Lepak P.E. Project Enginee CAL:min cc: Mr. John P. Badalich, OSM Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello Mr. James Miller, City of Monticello Mr. Dick Keeling, OSM Pield Office Mr. Gerald S. Corrick, OSM Project Manager Re pL Act __ I � t II.� II -n• t� � LStLWa N7 II I04ER S�+AP1,Sv¢oCkeT 1 geA¢ING IDLER SHAfT, SPCOCKET 4 hGRING + �1 - (ex IST.) �C 1 l ` `J I N� 1 ` i�{�iTE 1. 2fP I At_4 01"A 11artitS d P10t..D Cp�ITIofJS• Sheol No ',i 110V MONTICELLO WASTEWA,Tt TQCATM�NT PLANT HC tit�GQAfliNG 1'PPU21 INWT WORK I NTCRM�DIA7E C AQIF�ER5. ci ,,,,,,,1. EPA PRg3ECT NC?• 'm555 - 05 FIE"O MODIFICA. IfON %8 D'G." By! DoW Co".. no. , ORp•BCHICCIA • RI d A88t1CIAT,!,i, t O.S.D. TAN.'29 1149.Q1 1r' NI11.11 p.gnf Nl.... 1962 1...._... n.a.•pn..n.up.........t M I N N E 5 A T ��I/V olruoro.Kim coosmun,.mc. MONTiCt=LLQ NOT E5 Li�A17 t-A.CS�COWTAC t Re7LACE 4 j I NE C0�ITPGT TArJK 1. THE TWO (I) CXIyTINd% 21JPy0AR 0 d" THE HGaO SHAFT ARF (SEARING (QePLACe l2) B @ IDLER SHAFT! i (tI L / fjEARING$ haujjj - e D)AMCL WA". WfTHInI SHE COMMON `�'�At-L• THIS MAI{ irEI?u1RE SPGCIAL (DNSIO'RATiOk ,4,. C+a HSA�q SHAFTS I All) tNSji.LtATj0W TeGNNIQJES. 2- REJca ALL eA+STIMc°+ IDLR Q 5" ANO HEAD 1-14AFT5. �T' _ - rte' 3• .Dk'�v� MEGNP�tSM IDLER SPROCCET I �� '-S GMAIfJ - IrJTERt�iL t71 AT E, A) REUSE- EKISTINt'+AKTS, -AKIN 4�, MOTort AND ( eePLACE $� INTERMEDIATE El.G' c.loc. rem R CLAiZ1FtE C.•£Aft F'rjo •ICER. b.)•PR.Cbv r1�E NEM( DRIvE GNAT 1JSt - - .^¢ A,11J+ L _cK `_� / -. TAILE-Ur ��RO LKE Ts 1 ' - - WET' r'• �_M�r Q Ar.aU NEW CL7UVl.+^1GS • - q A --A WELL I TOIEL'MCDIAiE LToC.TbH, ILS 11 `T y !nJ L• gt.6' - lt CiiL.L C.C.TC Q, FLiGk—i I�S2AU CN+ 11� j� r j /_.~_ 1 V EXIST. �QEPLAGE 4� ►jEAD SHAFTtSP20CC°T sE?:AzlrJfi NOT T S CALL NEvJ DRIVE 1 &-%45- D2lvE sp¢OGr�TS J Sit-� WE. TWO LAR -4E AQD T�A'L-? SM ALI. '1bPCLOGI_£.T5) Re pL Act __ I � t II.� II -n• t� � LStLWa N7 II I04ER S�+AP1,Sv¢oCkeT 1 geA¢ING IDLER SHAfT, SPCOCKET 4 hGRING + �1 - (ex IST.) �C 1 l ` `J I N� 1 ` i�{�iTE 1. 2fP I At_4 01"A 11artitS d P10t..D Cp�ITIofJS• Sheol No ',i 110V MONTICELLO WASTEWA,Tt TQCATM�NT PLANT HC tit�GQAfliNG 1'PPU21 INWT WORK I NTCRM�DIA7E C AQIF�ER5. ci ,,,,,,,1. EPA PRg3ECT NC?• 'm555 - 05 FIE"O MODIFICA. IfON %8 D'G." By! DoW Co".. no. , ORp•BCHICCIA • RI d A88t1CIAT,!,i, t O.S.D. TAN.'29 1149.Q1 1r' NI11.11 p.gnf Nl.... 1962 1...._... n.a.•pn..n.up.........t M I N N E 5 A T ��I/V olruoro.Kim coosmun,.mc. MONTiCt=LLQ CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER xlo/as uslefro WO ewa"Yoft ' ORA• SCKELEN'MAYERON A ASSOCIATES, INC. prom. o, .1001 co.su0.N7e. i.0 =1 SAal mt-Im1N Avg Mfg 111 wINN1AngIn, ON &W10121 331MO 100 3904 cntrector Paul A. Laurence Co_ Change Order No. iS Address P.O. Box 1267. 10000 Highway 55 West ►letdaodlf. No. 17 Minneapolis. MN 55440 flroJect No.068-2748.01 job location Monticello. Minnesota EPA trent No. C270855-03 In occordanco with the torus of your contract dated November 20 3980 with City of Monticello Owner for AlTP Upqradinq and Appurtenant work Tou.ore hereby rcquostod to comply with tni, fol loving changes from the contract plans and specification e: . Nscrlptlon and Justiflcatlon, - Rafor to Field Nedlf #17 (Attached) Adiust Part VII Unit Prices and quantities for curb and quitter, 2341 bituminous wearing course, and Class 5 aggre4ate base as per attached revised Bid Proposal Form.' These unit prices are adjusted as necessary to accomodate revision of bituminous curb to concrete curb and gutter. Breakdown of Costs this change Order: `—I. ebor I Equipment I Prof It l Overhead I Tot aINAdd TotaDeduct . Amount of Original Contract, S 4,704,000.00 Total Contract Contract Thru C.O. /� Total Addition Total Deduct Thru This C.O. /j1 1$4,794,136.07 I NA NA $4,794,136.07 Original Contingencies 13%1 b 141,200.00 Not Remaining Cont. Thru C.O. 04 Add This C.O. Deduct This C.O. Contingencies 1$4 8 4 36 . 93 I NA I NA $48,436.93 There .III be an awtea►ion of n days for completion. The este of the couplet ton at contract wssOctobar 28.. l9a2— and now all be October 28 Accepted by Date domed Cont �sacoemended by{tamed rngmear Approved by pate Ito -ed owner Q Raul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P,O, Bo, 1267 10.000 H,ghwer 55 west M —e.pol.s. MN 55440 Telephone 6121546.6911 TLx 290730 May 6, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification No. 17 - Concrete Curb and Gutter Change Order Request 110. 22 Gentlemen: EC. V E D a Assoc. COMM. t ,tel 7V -O/ MIA 0 7 1982 i After reviewing Field Modification No. 17, dated January 6, 1981, for changing the bituminous curb design MN/DOT 2535 to a concrete curb design MN/DOT 2531; we respectfully request that there be three (3) unit price revisions to the contract. The unit prices are included in Part VII of the contract documents and specification section 0260. The first unit price is for installing the concrete curb itself; and we submit a price of $6.35/LF in lieu of $2.20/LF for the bituminous curb as is originally in the contract. The second 'unit price adjustment is for the 2341 bituminous wearing course. We submit a price of $24.50/Ton to do this work in lieu of $21.00/Ton as was again originally in the contract. This increase is justifi- able because by eliminating the bituminous curb, the approximate tonnage of wearing course material will decrease about 20 percent, from 1000 tons to about 800 tons and therefore, the price is more expensive per ton to perform the work. Continued on Page Two subsldi,ry 01 S. i Groves a sons c"Pany C ORR•SCHEIEN•MAYERONb ASSOCIATES, INC. .Division of Kidde Consultants. Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors January 6, 1981 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Sox 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading a Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 017 Gentlemen: City ordinance requirements have necessitated the use of concrete curb in lieu of bituminous curb specified in the contract documents. The "Typical Pavement Section" on the Site Plan (Dwg. 44) indicates formed bituminous cures design MN/DOT 2535 with 2341 material. Revi- sion drawing 4r(2) included as part of this field modification indi- cates the revised design to concrete curb and revised roadway widths as noted in Addendum i2. The concrete curb design "D" shall be as per attached plate 27 also included as part of this field modification. Concrete curb shall conform to MN/DOT design 2531. Substitution of concrete curb for formed bituminous curb clearly qualifies as a change order. Please submit a unit price add for the concrete curb bid quantity of 2200 lineal feet with your change order request. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC.JeX4 � C6'" Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Mcnsger cc: John Simola 2021 11j51 Henr,nh n n $uira ; Ifi Aamn(lapnhS, Minnosola 55413 1. 'rrn Tr , rv. "n —n Paul A. Laurence Company Page Two The third unit price adjustment is for the Class 5 aggregate base: and we sub- mit a price of $5.80/Ton in lieu of 54.30/Ton. The increase is due to the fact that by installing the concrete curb with the bituminous wearing course we must place and compact the Class 5 base in a two step operation. The pro- cedure for installing the Class 5 base for the bituminous curb and the wearing course combined is a one step operation of .placing and compacting. Therefore, with another step or operation involved we feel this unit price adjustment is also warranted. I hope the above figures meet with your favorable approval and that a change order will be short coming. If you should need anymore clarification or back-up data, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely yours, PAUL A. LAURENCE COMPANY Jerry Grundtner Project Estimator JG:jc 1 cc: Palco, Monticello, Minnesota t Job File 3 s�_ C r235'7 6lTVMIr1gVS TACK COAT GJR P7 SEE c--(ZAOING Pt -.N POR SLOPE SLE mri ADwG PLArJ FOR 6LOPG � �/,►.R 1 IS IloOr OQ IB�oiI :V.yIr .DM. 02' IFT_ I �..02 Ilri...- 1 g" cl_�aSS S I .A -"21j,41 -V 4RiTMtQOUS WEA121WO AGGQed'ATe BA52� 2- 1-.IF7S TYPICAL PAW E-MENT S e GT I G�NJ S G --. L eE V4r- IL C) 11 S -,MB SLOPO ASI — /�Up (ZACG OF q„ • (Z OP.OW A`( \ / 12e 3 lzr 111 I •' ' .. .` � DESIGN X10° /see ATTA" 0 I OL ATB II 1) Dro.n sl D.S.O. I Y : `011R PCIIOr\ 1.1I)f� 6 APnf K'l1 7+: w.INC A�ING Dob: ...,r •r .. ni�u., ........ ..� ..•,nw llotleo"111• s Comer. No. CORN# GOTTea VeVIS10N rABI148.01 MONTICOLLD WASTeWATe¢ TQGAlMGNT PLANT snesi EPA PRoxecT NO.C2,70955.0, 4 r �rL T•Y91IAL AVEMr4-1 ULTIOIQ p5 p� s 1 SpMC SHOO, poll. 5�at p,CC 1/2 P..i•�,� o 7 I% , u ,AjWD(,VnElk V`7`�`� <%IX .'scup Ep� N�SG�A MSN 000 GUPB 1 r -777- ��!•}X.i.•� c ', ^.fit::�:.'.:•.i Mp,4 f E ON 63 Revised Unit Prices - Change Order 8 .35 PART VII Roadways, Parking Lots, and Storm Drains specification Section 4260 Est. Qty. +2,000 Tons Class 5 Aggregate Base @$ 5 ___/ton S 11,600.00 800 Tons 2341 Bituminous Wearing Course Sxa_5n /ton = S_,19.600.00 220 Gals.. 2357 Bituminous Tack Coat S l 20 /Gal.=•An 2,200 LF2535.Concrete Curb and Gutter $ 6.35 /LF 5 13_g7n nn 3 Each Adjust -Manhole. Castings $50.00 /Ea - $ 150.00 1 Each Operate and Adjust -9" Gate Valve -$350.00 /Ea —S 354.40 1,020 LF 12" RCP Class IV $ 15.40• JLF = $ 15,300.00 70 LF 12" RCP Class IV Catch Basin Leads . S 17.00 /LF - $ 1,190.00 1 Each 12" RC Flared End Section $350.00 JEA - S 350.00 6 CY Random Riprap, Class A $ 30.00 jCY - $ 180.00 4 Each Standard Manholes W/Castings (8' deep or. less) $1,000.00 /EA - S 4,000.00 2 Each Manholes W/Inlet Castings $1,100.00 JEA - $ 2,200.00 11 Each CatFh Basins $ 600.00 jEA '- $ 6,600.00. TOTAL PART VII $75.754.00 (this figure inserted under Item 2 of Part I of Bid Proposal) ' Revised quantities and Unit Prices for Change Order ! 35 068-2748 PP - 12 S Original Bid Proposal Form - $/20/80 J PART VII Roadways, Parking Lots, and Storm Drains' Specification Section 0260 Est. oty. _ z wywwv Tons -Class 5 Aggregate Base @$ 4.tbo /ton $ 8600.00 Tons 2341, -Bituminous Wearing . Course $ 21.00 /ton S 21oou.ou sti6B Gals. 2357 Bituminous Tack Coat $ ' J. -'Lo /Gal.- $ 2b4.o 0 2,200 LF 2341 Bituminous.'Curb $ 2.20 /LF S 4$¢o.o�" 3 Each" 'Adjust Manhole Castings 5- 'So .00/Ea 1 Each.Operate and Adjust 8" Gate Valve $ 35o.00/Ea. $ 950.60 1,020 LF 12" RCP Class iV S 15-ar•/LI' _" 5 155co.0C, 70 LF 12" RCP Class IV Catch Basin Leads $ 11-o o /LF -.6 11 Q 4• u 1 Each 12" RC Flared End Section $ 350.o0 /EA o S 35o.0 o 5 Cy Random Riprap, Class A- 5 34.0 0 /Cy m a O 4.Each Standard Manholes-W/Castifigs 18' deep or leas) S 10 oo:6u/EA = S Q -000.o o 2 Each Manhblea W/Inlet Castings-' $ 1100. 00/EA o $-2."lao.00 11 Each ,Catch Basins - $ (moo- ao /EA S & (000 . o 0 TOTAL PART VII . S loS O t4 • o 0 (this figure inserted under Item 2 -of Part I'of Bid " Proposal) 068-2748 PP - 12 ASSOC IAT INC. l I ES. ORR•SCHEIEN•MAYERON 6 t Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Sun•eyors April, 7, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Hoz 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: . Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater. Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 117 - Price Negotiation Concrete Curb and Gutter Gentlemen: We have reviewed your change order request 022 dated December 7, 1981 and followup letter including quotations dated February 19, 1982. We feel the requested unit price of $0.91 per lineal foot for design "D' concrete curb and gutter is unreasonable and does not accurately reflect current market pricing. It is our esti- mate based on data from previous bids in Monticello and in the Metro Area and actual quotes reflecting the site conditions on the job, that the cost breakdown should more closely approximate the following: Concrete Subcontractor - $ 5.50/L.P. 10% Subcontractor Markup - $ .55/L.P. • $ 6.05/L.P. 5% Prime Contractor Markup - $ .30/L.P. •• Total - $ 6.35/L.P. •, •• - Permissible Markup as per General Conditions Article 14. The following is a summary of the more recent bids on curb and gutter we have experienced in Monticello and other Metropolitan communities. Type "D" Deaiqn Bid Date Quantity (L.P.) Unit Price (6/L.P.) C October '81 3,760 6 3.70 October '81 3,500 6 3.95 August '81 2,000 6 3.95 Summer 101 3,000 � 8 3.50 2021 East Heni+^vin Avonue • Suite 238 • Minnoepolis. Minnosota 55413 n1213_71.asso TELEX: 29.0948 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. April 7, 1982 J Type '11618' Design Bid Date Quantity (L.F.) Unit Price ($/L.F.) November '80 10,400 $ 4.57 June 181 11,600 $ 5.50 Summer 181 6,400 $ 4.49 Extrapolation to Current Unit Price Average Unit Price is' approximately $4.25/L.F. Average 10 month escalation. to June 182 is approximatley 108 Assume Complexity Factor - 1.30 • *Considers tight site, many radii, hand forming, if req'd., etc. Estimated Unit Price $4.25 x 1.10 x 1.30 $6.10/L.F. This above evaluation results in'$6.10/L.F. for a total price in lieu of the previously estimated $6.35/L.F. In either case the unit price is considerably less than the $8.93/L.F. quote. We hereby reject your change order proposal and suggest that you ) re-evaluate your pricing with your subcontractors and re -submit a more reasonable competitive quote. Please find attached a copy of your December 7, 1981 and February 19, 1982 letters, a copy of Field Modification 117, and a copy of March 23, 1982 letter quote from D. F. Schmidt Construction, Inc. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 WOCIATES, �INCr. Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:min Enclosure cc: Mr. Robert M. Berglin, Hayes Contractors Mr. John P. Badalich, OSM Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello T. SclntmidE Co�stnuctioa�, �9�c. ROUTE 2 SOUTH HAVEN; MN 55382 TELEPHONE 236-2279 March 23, 1982 Orr, Schelen, 6 Mayeron, 2021 East Hennepin Minneapolis, MN 55413 Atttention: Gerry Corrick Dear Mr. Corrick : _ This letter is in response to your telephone call of March 16, 1982, regarding the curb and gutter at the waste treatment plant at Monticello. we would install approximately 2.200 L.F. of type 'D" curb and gutter for $5.50 per lineal foot; assuming that the site would be properly graded to lay the curb and gutter, a plus of .1 to .2 of a foot. This price would not include landscaping, only the back- filling to -protect. Sincerely, D. A SCHMIDyI' COTR CTI0'�, INC. Darrel F. Schmidt. President CC: Hayes Construction L• Li Paul A. Laurence Co.a:u;LaiASS= as p -01 MAR 2 4 1982 C Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS A.O. Boy 1267 10,000 Nighwey 55 wast Minneapotte. MN 55440 Telephone 612/546.6911 TLX 290730 December 7, 1981 Orr-Slen-Mayeron s Assoc.,Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave.. Suite 238 Minneaoalis, tMt 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick RE: 'Wastcwater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant Work, Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project No. C270855-03 Change Order Request No. 22 Gentlanen: :.CEIVEa DECO 1981 As per your Field Modification i 11 dated January 6, 1981 for changing the curbs from Aitwdmous to Concrete, ale submit the fallowing price: Subcontractor Material and UAW ............$8.50JLF. General Contractor Overho3d S Profit.......$ .43AF. 71otal Add per Lineal Foot..................$8.93%lf. Please issue a change order for the above annum as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, PAUL A.OQ� e ,, ..{ x - ry;= Project Estimator JG:If aMal e subeidwy of 6. J. b,oves P co"peev Pal A. uu/ence W,not— Quel 6PPO,% m- y."Wove, b Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS �r�{ 1 - tl\ C C E I y/ ED P.O. Bo. 1767 10.000 Highway 55 West '/ pp -U1 CONIK A %% 76-01 Minneapolis. MN 55440 FSE B 2 2 1992 Telephone 0121546-691 t TLX 290730 1C of February 19, 1982 arr-schelen-taayeron s Assoc., ane. 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite 9238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Attn: Gerry Corrick Re: Monticello Wast pater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Werk EPA Project No. C270855-03 Gentlemen: Encloscd is a cover letter from Hayes Contractors and three (3) quotations on the concrete curb fran subcontractors. Sincerely yours, PAUL A. IJ\IJl�2� csY Grundtrter Project Estimator JG:lf Encls. OC: Paleo-Monticello, MN A Sueanonn o1 S. J. Oro.oa 6 sono Company Paul A, LounnCG ComPan, n equal DPt7onun1ly emacrer fir. Jerry Grundtner Paul A. Laurence Company Post Office Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis. fAl 55440, February 18, 198 i1jhi��J� re: MONTICELLO WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT FIELD MODIFICATION N17 CONCRETE CURB ' Sir, As per you r request for the names of curb and gutter contractors and their prices, we are submitting copies of actual bids. If you have any questions, please call. Respectfully, HAYES CONTRACTORS, INC. SEWER AND WATER DIVISION ROBERT M. BERGLIN PROJECT I•IANAGER/ESTIMATOR R11B/ j Enc I. 61ERLE N'ORDEEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 9320 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH _ MINNEAPOLIS, LIMNESOTA 55431 10121888.4608 .;ENERAL CONTRACTOR - _ MERLE NORDEEN Ownu February 12, 1982 Mr. Bob Berglin i Hayes Contractors, Inc. 1010 Currie Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 Reference: Monticello Waste/Water Treatment Plant Dear Bob': I am pleased to quote you a price of $8.00 per lineal foot for curb and gutter type Minnesota 2531, on the above referenced project. This price is for the 1982 season. CSincerely, MERLE NORDEEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. Merle Nordcen /g C (�D PRO'.. SAL I —� I PHONE j7Y•C9C�� I Oy '7> 0 LINDAHL AND CAUSON, INC. CONCRETE CONTRA0011S 5Yfl•D *01el;Z-A/ V f AAMMIAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 554YI DATE: 10, Job Location: We propose to fumish all labor and materials for the following described work in accord- ance with the terms and conditions specified: \ . � � v Lam:• -,cam.[': C�..�-U nt .imaP•�.(lo a 7. 7.2 zr _/e . • �r/�� �f, �. ��...,, :tie.. �.�.-..,..,,, D Accepted INm) IAAA-I Date ti Total Price for above work = LINDAHL AND CARLSON, INC. 103 QUOTATION February 11, 1982 JOB QUC"AnO!: DROS. . 11 057RACTOU, HIC. Phone 408.9463 300 larch Straat St. Paul. Minnow@ $5117 Hayes Contractors, Inc. 1010 Currie Avenue tars Attention: Jia or Bob. Berglund Address Minneapolis, Minnesota 35403 :e agree to supply all labor and materials necessary to: Surmountable Concrete Curb and gutter in Monticello, Minnesota (With Radious)' i 2200 Lineal Feet at $7.65 = $ 16,830.00 EVE.Wrl` A. PEDEfGON President and Estimator ;errs Days after conpietion of work 1% interest per r.cnth will be charged after this date. 701 AL ArrPQ:70 FY: AN OVAL OPPC•:rTVNtiY CONTRACT- CHANGE ORDER .l ne/ laahellb _ c eYFAatl ORII•&CH[J.LM•MAYERON ASSOCIATES, INC. pra.Ow 01 ft.001 GUM\ul1eM)5. INC =,&"I ftlwwlhw -Buhl \)t w.wwlfthth4. ww H.I)dlh))latea ta,. 04Ml ,tractor Paul A. Laurence Co. Change Order No. 36 dress P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Hwy. 55 West Field tlodit. No. 77 inneapolis, Minnesota 55440 project D 068-2748.01 b Location Monticello, Minnesota EPK a -ant so.C270B55-03 accordance Nit the terwu o1 your contract dated .November 20, 19 80 .Ith . ity of Monticello Omer for WWTP Upgrading S Appurtenant Work u are hereby requested to caaply with the following changes. from the contract plans and spec) l scat Ions: script -Ion and Justification: - Refer'to Field Modif 0 77 (Attached) .elocate gas scrubber and purification system to a new separate housing. elocation is required for compatibility with suppliers installation equirements and to comply with safety requirements of the State Building Code. oakdown of costs this Change Order: l.or Cqulpmnt II Profit l Overhead jTpt,l2,,,,.00 AddTot$2,520.00 (Material $4555]0 $1,272.00 Sl,h ron- S47an ffrriiiin runt of Or191nal Contract: f 4.704.000.00 - Total Contract nt rsct Thru C.O. / Total Addition Totsl Deduct _ _Thr u Thls C.O. 13 6 $4,794,136.07 $12,588.00 I $4,806,724.07 I Iglnai Contingencies (111) 6141,200.00 ' 1bt pZ.1= whe l n l req ,m. Thry C.D. 135 Add Thls C. 0. :I Deduct This C.D. cont lag .1= $48,436.93 I $12,588.00 $35,848.93 .are will be an ew1e116 Ion of 0 days for couplet hon. .e date of the caspiN ion of Contract was October 2q 1982 and no. ails be October 28 ; 102 Dole Vaned:copied by Cont ctor .cooeended by We &lofted 51111o 2 [r191near . 61 dead ;pro -ad by .� Owner Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS REM' .� P.O. so. 1267 QRR.QCHELEK M..; r �I( - 10.000 Highway 55 well comm. M-capolis. MN 55440 - MAY 10 iii 198'2 Telephone 612/546-6911 - TL%290730 I �! In May 7, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 11 -- 2021 East Hennepin Ave., Suite 238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald S. Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota - EPA Pro,;ect IIo. C270855-03 Field Modification N77 ---Gas Scrubber Building Addition . Change Order Request No. 37 Gentlemen: After reviewing Field Modification ®77, dated April 5, 1982, we respectfully submit the following price breakdovr: to perform the required work: Labor Material Total Excavation & Backfill $ 95.00 $ 60.00 $ 155.00 Concrete Wort' 790. or) 520.nn 13on.no Carpentry & Metals 115.00 175.00 290.00 Precast Concrete 115.00 625.00 740.00 H.M. Door 135.00 715.00 850.00 Caulking & Dampproofing 95.00 65.00 160.00 Fane & Dampers 260.00 890.00 1150.00 Heating & Units 390.00 905.00 1295.00 Outside Piping 275.00 225.00 500.00 Inside Plumbing & Process 260.00 375.00 635.00 Masonry - Subcontractor 1425.00 Electrical - Subcontractor 980.00 Roofing - Subcontractor 975.00 Painting - Subcontractor 860.00 Total Direct Coot 511;315.00 Overhead & Profit General Contractor 155 1,060.00 Overhead & Profit Subcontractors 55 212.00 Total Price $12.588.00 If the above figures meet with your approval, please iecue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely yours, A. La1y�c� op<p�y,Paul erry Orundtner Project Estimator cc: Paleo, Monticello, MN Job Pile Buodeiary of S. J. Grows 6 ' •�a Company Paul A. Laurence Comr&- .. noun oppofluelty employar Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors April 5, 1982 ORR-SCHEIEN-MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. Paul A. Laurence Co. - P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55.440 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment -Plant Upgrading 5 Appurtenant work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification i77 Gas Scrubber Bldg. Addition Gentlemen: Recent installation recommendations from the gas purifier sup- plier prohibit installation of the gas purification system in the first floor level equipment room of the Digester Control ,Build- ing. Their recommendation is consistent with the Uniform Building Code Rule 908 for Group H, Division 1 occupancy requir- ing a two-hour fire resistive separation between a boiler and occupancies storing and handling hazardous and highly flammable or explosive gases. Further, the required floor space for installation of the purification system equipment is considerably more than anticipated in.the design and allocated in the Digester Control Building. For the above stated reasons, we require relocation of the gas scrubber and purification system to a separate housing. The system shall be located in a newly constructed building addition adjacent and attached to the cast wall of the Digester Control Building. Please find enclosed revision drawings A -11r(1), M -6r (4), M -6r(5), and E -14r(1) detailing the general construction, gas process piping, building mechanical, and electrical work required as part of, this field modification. Please note that the contract drawings and specifications are referenced throughout and are required for proper interpretation of the enclosed drawings. The following equipment indicated on the revision drawings is provided for in the base contract or by the Owner, and is listed herein to avoid duplication of effort/ costs. 2021 East Hennenin A% - • ItSuite 238 • MinnoaDolis. Minnesota 55413 n i o .aan rr l FY: 99•nodR 9 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. April 5, 1982 1. £-14r(1) - Explosion proof light fixtures provided by Owner. - 2. M -6r(4) - provided in base contract or in Field Modification #38 a. Gas purifier b. All drip traps C. All valves, flare traps 6 relief valves d. Sediment trap e. Methane and natural gas meters f. All below grade exterior gas piping The contractor. shall coordinate the installation of the natural gas service and meter with the natural gas utility company. Please submit a change order request for all new work required as part of this field modification. Do not proceed with the work specified herein until a change order is formally executed by the Q City - Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 6 A SOCIATES, JNC. ` 4 -' . Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb - cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Charles A. Lepak, OSM Vern E. Stelmack, OSM Paul Blomberg, OSM Richard Keeling, OSM Field Office John Simola, City of Monticello James Miller, City of Monticello I) RL27F DSSI4LI LpApS S.a PGfi1MFY» o D.L. rl3 PSF (tIt7lFpFiM) - S�Pe0.1,nFi,baO L•L = &,o PSP CUNIPoan,) �� r Z aooF l 2 GLEAF UPAN °0 GxrvaJST `/ 0 1) SPFtIFIGAT IONS REft 0.6L1[P•. I o a) GAULIC001, 0190 CI b? FAI Wn Ll1+ • 0990 ( FM "3l , CS•3 PPS -I, PS'Z�Gb9 .•.S M�►ar GD. G p mFILa 105"L.►.7 o" — 0"1 0 T'�l lII N v di FPA tl-.,IAL- 0120 TYP! 9 pp) AMP94vF104 - 0110 I 41 FZCWILIG 4 10 LA10.0 - ogo)l q7 FLKa.il tFk. ogl CoO I " I' r I' Bo>t-OUT IN Fi'oJT v T >r h) MCO/.IC-(iETtr - O'S'1iO7 pji1 �ARN4R� OF ft De%TAL $ I SGJVP R'T Fofk T7Fa.P 'IN -P J` N 3) �R40ie T Sr+�LL66n IaVLPPwOEWIT �Uf I n^ n Cow C. PEOGiTAL hC"97 3'i --IC lT-P A el -T 0 r, r P LA - 616'-Ot.T�P! P�oT ^ ' IJ } D V4/ 0 t! c T _ u' Bio w N eooG ErNAJtf - p 0 % ' PQECA :T � •I� � TOP OF GLAAK V EL. �A, 9 I / G A,�L I \ IV YA• 1� BICC ., IIt�L/ PJ21PIfiR O fCS•S CRsI r A , , ,/� GL. „i'•7� �� B.0 6LOCL uNrll :t II 'L' -O SEOIM4AIT TQAP� W i.�8, �1:4' Z�4 •_ I I `�� y2" FxP -+I— MAIL _T...�• _ _ _ _ 9���7-0 rlYf'STLtI 0062 F.D. (A!, pet,) ;i 8. _— We TYPe A, Doo¢ PJAMe A METE¢ �% �- d I14P l� (CAS PUeI/16Q 1 -OUT-OUT' [ SCC QWrA. A•IS INTALG .-0wR! ,\ NuTo. tocKlNd L 'DAK. 9LD [L s- / / T¢.�P iEDtSTAt ACOWAQC l SE 1 P _` % ,•"fit.,•/%) .-•%,.: I OooR N6+►0 Sec. eIA'IS ODOR,,/A- h L� tout. P o 8' � c..I•t I/",'v�wsloN � —c"'•� \J oo.rtTwsuuo6o, sec. �/A•15 TOP Of SL sa17 Roo►oa AIJ� r arar/r/ l+"--�•T•�., L.—.�4•-.�•s+��.: _•� —1— L►L 4ALM I.W{. / 4t,� .. "r • . .... ,' ///: /4: //I �i rL BL.ACL Tef (i' SANO DAM/P10"PCNA (. }.uA.11) 4, LLAr, CD.,►ACTI! 4f(,'ox•I �a' veQIMCTaz W rltt CA. WAT 2,JLJUI1I.J Trop T li• (� L A N S— —NORTH "SECZ ION '/� �' n��°Jr"� f - I (C NTIwJDJI LAQ 6 cog-XN 0.0,PS 40 DIA. o.a.n or, oDl. (.Own. N0. ' EWAICR TR•TMENT PL AN'T D•oI•InD TOW Shell No ORII•BC116LILN•MAYINION FAoNTIce�Lo w,� JT WORK D 1 GESTER CONTROL hUILDING d ANBOCIATMB•ING UPGRADING 4 APPURTCI• O.S.D. 4I b2 2141 �I ...-.".I.W.Y ..,II..I.1...... ... .1.1,.,.. CT NO. c14655-03 kDDIT10 FOR GAS SCQU�I'�ER 1�••`••-�•w•••...,I.......... ..... .....I,II.,,. Ir PA PROJP v�INNES(JTA r -I MOTIF i CAT 1QN 7 % V\��DIVISION 0' &1001 CONSULTAMr&.INC. MOIN'T I' CELLO PRE ISURG Rewar 1JigGVG f . IVOT1=�? e,'I'ZO-raRKWLA.EAD AG+ LB RVE I�- �1wri beR RPR )o l C0N7Rr7C70R S/rocC PROP/DE DRIP TRpPJAND✓4LYEJ aY16Q�4�T/►aEE ' — 3"4mle5 FRa't Dicie5 93 Anvo.5700cre Tx/X!ND/GESTER aw7ROL / v / 809-1-C l7ENT 105 -5`WN ON ()1"140. /1"I-6 AVO fiECO Inn a 38 _ rjEev1-Aroz Z DPjP TRAPS ON E ct-4 1"DRpw (/NE OF G'q5 N/R/FlER SnWcc ARAi/N Cpl. To FuuNFC Ftoo Q -D'e4w 3 6,9.5 lwe TQ WASTE CX.YPMGR PILOT (/eeNT .SHALL. BE /V4rdAq qt G-93� SEDT TRIQP J / aO'r i% erk-d4NG A,5 5A4OPVN ON v % � � F��9/))G OH& 1-44MF�TreRP AND 7HERMA4 YA4VE FOR MF TX 4ti/E f-IV41,,VE ZIP TRa'-To UNNE a FLoola % F>OM J TD B4`" •COCATeG //V %%!Er(!l T/oN 5C.O WfrC ROOM JjZ"NAr AQAf-Gq-� To / y ..a-: . '••o' -"'�'" �1(AQNEF2 p/LUT :7464 DraEZTEa 3'CN4 Ta !✓Rhe- fc�xn 2 ' > AA 3 "CF /,( TO AER4T/ON �' BURNS. R :1!liGE D16 &5 TER FO 8'C,W4 U Z 49TEAQi94 4;4,5y4 k) _ L 'r i _ ' ON - GiK/PTa,oP-/0 V I ~�••�4 4 EL-cw !l i`'�y� i0? OF PUNK Ker !-T i V i�2iG taST 'l Fri $•_. E;33'• tt+ I r j ! . 1TPLA V. _ pp d 011 iIA�p.T, A II * f x� t FF1/t7R^Ttio�1 1 it l b r /I%ETGR Q l ` SELvmFDi"T 1 g � O.T. c 4 in' f Ti�raP Oi i MBTFR % 0' ?X2aP (�' �� S"GNI l '• TOP OF 5L .2, Ll p, a NGC7� GE , \ \ !•2• IJa u t ! �} ® e4. q�e'•3't 404-5, 120- B!! ♦ 3' GHQ - +lAsrrEn , N j /lHrfl/aljf� Y m',r7� /rR#Q G'Q3 - �. � To AeaAT.alj up 8v 4?04 J GO • w l�to4 4Mr CIJT -► �- � ' 922: IF' PL N- N s woaiH SECZ IC3N'1�1` v+" ; pa ,/�„ to 0„ rb 4 N'G-� oI; Dole Co. w. Mo. MONTICtU.O WA;TeWATeR TRC MINT PLA NT o •• •o t��l� i :' "tet"��':" ��A•'�:iz,", D I G ESTER CONTROL �iUiLDiN G �rc4) 08mdABPOCIATICN.INC UPGRADING Q MPUIZTEN/T WOCK DD (�, IQ M- �.A.� 4-1-9112 ?748.0! % -..1,,..,.,..,.,...,.,..,,,"1 N FOQ GAS SCtZU$6F—fZ ...�.� .,..,.. A P;t0 J L' CT N o. C eP 1n85S-09 DIVISION OF Cam co■wn,rn.'rc M04T I C E L L 4 i INN E 5 OT /a IF Lid MOpiFiGATtAN p: i .`U t41T IEArF_lX..;.J S000L:.J5TV1..g A1_EO..ON_&Car- W/ATIGR 1. _A nID .o-e:'r EMP.;PROP -' -4!• MP. . ILP --0 L4_I p....♦a--a,i P.O b.9 -PITOOP .MOTOR;-REPVFL 'f0.79rt. 194-CV.CW__ -•-_._:_ --Po\vCR 'calor- VGwi"ILA'TpLrF{�R TO'-b�'�I�1GOtGb-- 145CFPA /'&p.'$e'NP 11e'Vtlr_7"-7Pwn.Sa, -f" 6 I 0 K."'TO 1,c O"T OP A 0. tljTA^w".: FU0.NIDMCP \YITM -_c.1lAViYY 04.t.K D:3AR?=DAMMCR� MtiTO([_TD._M _&,YPLO.,,� PIS I _ _ _ _ -' ��`^ / . _ -Tn♦WPMOYfocT'1VSTt�-,_..__� .. J �.y.'Rt.+sTt buLO F G�['1'ST '�{-V✓A T10 � L4 �yPsi1.E¢ Rh 1, Niro WnT/ � T � L 71 ' ^ �•' lOjIO TxRv rlr' T I •PMsw Tsw p 1T/ TVs n} ��` O•LweawrT HAZA#Z S - t71Vt7tG7N i . • '>G.�L P %4u HA7�n,Rc�, t.lX.ATIG�iI J FaNjrw�yoN w (� L N N s -r- w8Rir1 Cy41I.1 1. all plea Of ouuco. .l. ne. A^^ WARtWgTGR T N' y l nn11."C"t�IXN-�.t.�VE14cIy M0 TIMLLd A A980r,IAT,'li,INc. UPGRADING 4 APPURTE {' .....a ePA. PaolecT NO. .1601to"Ithl.rir.l.c. MO NT I C I- L t_ q gar, t..x -�-•. I � o rn IV4e i d. ' :PowER RooF vG wT �1ju�4 t..., =11 Q/IPREC n TOP OF PLAICE .fl T I L "P .. � Uri• L/ .j% ..--G LOJYQR Ton or Art, F1 AI 5EC710N //' IJ4N o 1' 0" r^/•'j-) > PLANT Dt1 DiG1 STECl CONTROL (BUILDING s4tRi N6 .NTT W WORK M• t'70855_03 ' ?D1TION FOR GAS SCRUB 51Z (or(F!i) MINNESOTA :LD MOG'IFJCAT ION c NOTES: 1) E(P60510N PROOF FIXTURES SUPPLIED BY OWNER. INSTALLATION AND WIRING BY CONTRACTOR. 2) UNIT HEATER FAN MOTOR tA115 1/25 H.P IZO\/ 10 EXPLOSION PROOF--C4NTROLLEU 13Y. THERMOSTAT (REF. DING M•c.rUS) ). 3) ROOF MOUNTED EYMAUST FAN MOTOR M104 1/40 HP 120V IV CONTROLLED BY WEATHER PROOF SWITCH WITH PILOT LIGW.. 0 ,vl TO L P -C 21,23h J L' � 1 u J to C TRAT. PILOT LIGHT • 21 MI r � O bEG NoTE� , .O CLASS I DIVISION I HAZARDOUS LOCATION I t•Ir� T Rn o.= � Z . j `Q EnHA�YT d6 0l 0 \e d J 6 J - , i = 0 I I n %• be^L • p WALL PEHETIEATIc4 ;T .4.IEL7 4 Tllr.lw -Al- PPe�i� w L n N S ,,pp��� +Or. ,. 1'. 0'/ • • By Dell Co.. we. � MONTIG_LLO "ACTEWATLQ TRI C 111111 1:1'111•:1.1?\ \I \\Till..\ �•\��I111.rr..l�c UP62AP146 * A.PPURTCN �.R.s 4•I s= 2148.01 �M ........ ,. W,., ..,... ...,...,• ...,.,.. ... ... CPA PROJ�CI a- m. ..c MOIJTICELL0 WWI PL/ -\N 1/n rl!O' 4 DREG AST I r� TOP OF PLANA I i I _J _ OF L / 1. _. _ iyJI �e� 4:•'?n 7rb` : .vz 5EC71ON 1/4 �. a , ! (, r, —36.ATM[NT PL ANT O.e..o 7-110 s..11 No ANT W02Y. DIGESTER CONTROL (BUILDING 2-70 855 _ 05 > D IT ION F02 GAS SC RUW� E R E-14r(I) MINNESOTA Lr, MODIFICATIQN 11 1 l Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors C April 12, 1982 ORR•SCHEIEN-MAYERON ft ASSOCIATES, INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. Paul A. Laurence_ Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55455 Attn: Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading b Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03' Revision to Field Modification 477 Gas Scrubber Bldg. Addition GeriL le Olell: In order to provide adequate room for maintenance behind and around the gas scrubber, the size of the concrete pedestal shall be increased to 4'-0' x V-8* x 11-4-1/2'. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON b ASSOCIATES, INC. ^ ^� 14 'j� Gerald'S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Charles A. Lepak, OSM Richard Reeling, OSM Field Office John Simola, City of Monticello James Miller, City.of Monticello 2021 Pest 17 AvnnuP • Suito 238 0 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55413 Ic MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIOIJOR BALANCE SHEET MUNICIPAL LIOUOR STORE -- ---MARCH-31, 1982 CURRENT ASSETS CASH CASH IN DANK -RESTRICTED INVESTMENTS 'I'NVESTMENTS-RESTRICTED NSF CHECK -RECEIVABLE DUE FROM OTHER FUNDS INVENTORIES PREPAID INSURANCE UNAMORTIZED BOND DISCOUNT TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PRQPERTY AND EQUIPMENT LAND BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS PARKING LOT nc r_ 11CCUMULATED DEPRECIATION TOTAL P'ROP'ERTY AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL ASSETS C ASSETS 2 29,143.53 ( 20,540.20) 45,571.32 47.540.20 27.05 7,534.00 114,109.39 4.490.14 1,368.46 8 6,839.95 151,671.04 7,765.50 !007,17 ------------- S 210,949.61 %( 48,915.18) ------------- 4 229,243.89 S 162,034.43 ------------- 4 391.278.3:' 4k 4 MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STOR CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED EXPENSES TOTAL CURRENT LIABTLITIES LONG --TERM LIABILITIES DONDS PAYABLE (REVENUE) TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILTIES TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY RETAINED EARNINGS REVENUES OVER EXPENDITUhES "' TOTAL_ LIADILITES AND CUUTTY C MARCH 31, 1982 LIABILITIES AND EOUITY S 23,706.04 5,453.23 ------------- 8 30,159.27 8 105,000.00 ------------ 4 105,000.00 ------------- S 135,159.27 R 244,856.73 11,260.32 ----------- ---- 4 3Y1,228.3 , A Ar MOPTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIUUOR REVENUE ANtl EXPENSES MUNICIPAL L100OR STORE 1"1 t FOR THE. THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31p 19E12 ANTI 1981 CURRENT -PERIOD CUR-Pll YEAR-TO-UhTE Y-1 -11 5AME-Pit-LS"1-YR PD-LYR Y -T -D -LST -YR YTD -LY AMOUNT RAIIO Af10UNT Rr1I0 AMOUNI RAT 10 AMOUNT RATIO OFF SALE 3 60+608.35 :(5.50 S 60.608.35 :1',.50 ; y8,324,58 35.39 8 58x324.58 35.39 LIQUOR SALES BEER SALES 81,893.43 47.97 81,89-3.43 47.97 81+437.24 49.41 81+437.24 49.41 WINE SALES 22+241.38 1:;.03 22,241.36 1:1.03 19,413.42 11.78 19,413.42 11.78 OTHER 5+970.11 3.50 5+970.11 -----'------`- 3.50 ------ 5,633.21 3.42 5,633.21 ------------ '- 3.42 - TOTAL SALES (OFF SALE) $ ---------'--`- 170,713.27 ------ 100.00 s 170+713.27 100.00 4 - 164,808.45 100.00 $ 164,808.45 100.00 i COST OF SALES (OFF SALE) COST OF SALES s 134.893.57 79.02 s 134,BY3.57 iY.02 ------ S 1x4,645.91 81.70 s 134,645.91 -------- 81.70 C ------ TOTAL COST OF SALES (OFF SALE S ------------- 134.893.57 ------ 79.02 S ------ -------------- 134,893.57 ------------- 79.02 ----- S 134,645.91 81.70 2 ------ 134,645.91 ---------`--- 81.70 i ----- GROSS PROFIT (OFF SALE) S ------------- 35,819.70 20.98 $ 35,819.70 "0.914 q 30,162.54 18.30 Y. 30+16"'.54 18.30 EXPENDITURES COMPUTER COSTS E 110.00 .06 s 110.00 .06 s .00 .00 s .00 .00 +DURANCE 2,638.43 1.55 2,638.43 1.5:1 2.775.39 1.68 2,775.39 1.68 LARIES 14+472.64 8.48 14,472.64 8.48 12•996.31 7.89 12,996.31 7.89 I PAYROLL TAXES 1.389.08 .81 1,389.08 .81 1+414.62 .86 1,414.62 .86 GROUP INSURANCE 1,216.50 .71 1.216.50 .71 602.01 .37 602,01 x37 TELEPHONE 159.2'? .09 1C9.ill .09 171.77 .10 171.77 .10 UTILITIES 2,104.13 1.23 :'.+104.13 1.23 ,174.09 1.32 2,174.09 1.32 SUPPLIES 831.77 .4Y 831.77 .4Y 740.18 .4t; 740.18 .45 R $ it EQUIPMENT 106.75 .06 106.75 .06 334.6 •20 334.65 .20 j R 8 M BUILDINGS ( 278.43) < .1F) < 278.43: ( .16) 163.68 .11 183.66 .11 ADVERTISING 336.70 .20 336.70 .20 231.35 .14 231.35 .14 UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS EXPENSE 275.34 .16 275.34 .16 .00 .00 .00 .00 DEPR-ACOUIRED ASSETS 2.147.79 1.26 2,147.79 1.26 2,089.82 1.27 2,089.82 1.27 OTHER 367.68 .22 36/.68 ------------- .2`,2 ------ 528.52 ------------- .32 --- -- 528.52 ------------ .32 -- --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5 ------------- 25,877.60 ------ 15.16 S 25,877.60 1.';. lb S 24,242.39 14.71 w 24,242.39 14.71 � A Ar MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIPUOK REVENUE AND EXPKNSE.S MUNICIPAL LIQUOR SIORK 0 t Of FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDL E1 MARCH 31, 19P2 At21) 1981 CURRENT -PERIOD CUP -PD YEAR-TO-DATE Y -T -D SAME-PYI-LS"I -YR PD-LYR Y-T-[,--LST-YF: YTD -LY AMOUNT RATIO AMOUNT RA 1.10 :.MOUNT RAI To AMOUNT RATIO OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) CETA REIMBURSEMENTS $ .00 .00 $ .00 .00 $ 3r963.03 2.40 3:963.03 2.40 IATEREST INCOKE 3.178.60 1.86 3,178.60 1.86 5#889.96 3.57 5,889.96 3.57 OTHER INCOME 70.65 .04 70.65 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 CASH OVER (SHORT) 19.10 .01 19.10 .01 ( 88.97) ( .Wj) < 88.97) ( .05) BOND PAYMENT -INTEREST ( 1,950.13) ( 1.14) ( 1,950.13) ( 1.14) ( 7,046.33) ( 1.36) ( 2,246.38) t 1.36) TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) ------------- $ .. 1,318._ ------ .77 ------------- $ 1,318.22 --- ------ .77 $ - 7,517.64 - - 4.56 $ --------- 7,517.61 4.56 ------ NET INCOME ------------- s 11,260.32 ------ 6.59 ------------ $ 11,260.32 - ---- 6.59 ------------ _ $ 13,437.79 ------ --- 8.15 $ --------- 13,437.79 6.15 0 t Of MnNIICELLO MUNICIPA-L LT11UOk GROSS PROFIT S'IA'IEMENT e-\ For the Period 01/01/82 to 03/31/82 Current - Period Year - to - Dato Some -Period -Last -Yr Year-tu-Date-Last-Yr Amount % Amount % AnuunL % Amount LIQUOR SALES $ 60,608.35 100.00 s 60:608.35 1{)0.00 $ 58,324.58 100.00 $ 58,324.58 100.00 COST OF SALES -- 47.019.77 ---------- 77.58 ------ - 47,019.77 ---- - -- 7'7.58 ----•-- -------------- 46,361.01 79.49 46,361.01 79.49 CROSS PROFIT $ 13,588.58 !.4' s 13.588.58 .._'.42 s 11,963.57 ------ 20.51 s - 11,963.57 20.51 BEER SALES 81,893.43 100.00 81,893.43 100.00 81x437.24 100.00 81,437.24 100.00 COST OF SALES ------------- 66,515.77 81.22 ------------------- 66,51.7.77 8).22 ------ 68,892.29 84.60 68,892.29 84.60 GROSS PROFIT s 15,377.66 18.78 s 15,377.66 --------- 18.78 s --- 12,544.95 ----------------- 1;.40 s - 12,544.95 ------ 15.40 WINE SALES 22,241.38 100.00 22, 241 . 38 100.00 19,413.42 100.00 19,413.42 100.00 COST OF SALES 151429.95 69.37 1::1,429.95 6Y.37 13•510.92 69.60 13,510.92 69.60 -ROSS PROFIT ----------------- s 6,811.43 ------------- 30.63 S 6,811.43 ------------------- :;0.63 s 5,902.50 ------ ------------- 30.40 S 5,902.50 ------ 30.40 OTHER SALES 5,970.11 100.00 5,970.11 100.00 .;,633.1 100.00 5,633.21 100.00 COST OF SALES 4,659.85 ----------- 78.05 ----- 4,659.85 .» 78.05 :;,000.49 88.77 5,000.49 88.77 GROSS PROFIT s 1,310.26 1.95 $ ` 1x310.26 :1.95 S 632.72 11.23 $ 632.72 11.13 FREIGHT SALES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 COST OF SALES 1-268.1-3 .00 1,268.23 .00 ------ 881.20 .00 881.20 .00 GROSS PROFIT ------------ sl 1,268.23) ------------------- < .00)s{ 1,268.23) ------- { .OU)b{ ----- 851.20) ------------------- { .00)1.{ 881.20) ------ { .00) TOTAL SALES 170,713.27 100.00 170,71'3.27 100.00 164,508.45 100.00 164,808.45 100.00 TOTAL COST OF SALES 134,893.57 79.02 134.893.57 79.0^ 134,645.91 81.70 134,645.91 81.70 GROSS PROFIT ---------- s -- 35,819.70 ------------------- 20.98 s 35x819.70 ------ -------------- 20.98 $ 30,162.54 ------------------- 18.30 s 30,162.54 ------ 18.30 I MAY -- GENERAL FUND -- 1982 AMOUNT CHECK NO. U. S. Postmaster - Postage 202.00 15679 Gerald Stanley - Labor on carpeting at Library 40.00 15680 Jay Morrell - Fire School reimb. 105.70 15681 David Bitzer - Fire School reimb. 116.40 15682 Jim Maurice - Fire School reimb. 137.25 15683 Woody Ilaaland - Fire School reimb. 137.25 15684 Gordon Link - Fire School reimb. 24.00 15685 Marn Flicker - Fire School reimb. 137.25 15686 -Lee Trunnell - Fire School reimb. 153.10 15687 Corrow Sanitation - Contract payment 3,672.00 15688 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 135.04 15689 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 219.00 15690 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 1,235.41 15691 Petty Cash - Reimb. petty cash fund 34.41 15692 Mr. Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 125.00 15693 Mr. Dan Blonigen - Council salary 100.00 15694 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 100.00 15695 Mr. Ken Maus - Council salary 100.00 15696 Dr. Phil White - Council salary 100.00 15697 James Preusse - Cleaning City Hall 220.00 15698 YMCA of Mpla. - Monthly contract payment 258.3 15699 Gwen Bateman - Animal imp. expense 718.00 15700 Great River Regional Library - 2 paper back displayers 6 trans. 720.45 157U1 Gene Bauer Construction - Picture rail at Library 48.00 15702 Wright County State Bank - FWT - April 3,551.30 15703 Eo Scnalfer - 1'inisning woos at Library 1J5.uu 157U. Walter's Cabinet Shop - Payment 03 on Library shelving 4,678.49 15705 Internal Revenue Service - Balance on FWT for March 259.47 15706 MN. State Treasurer - PEKA W/H 766.33 15707 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 526.00 15708 MN. Statc Treasurer - PERA W/11 197.40 15709 Wright County State Bank - Investments - Daily Int. 250,000.011 15710 Wright County State Bank - Investments - C. D. 200,000.00 15711 Paul A. Laurence Co. - Payment 015 on WWTP 3U5,023.15 15712 Security Federal Savings - Investments - Daily Int. 10,OOC.00 15713 State Treasurer - Monthly FICA - April 3,449.52 15714 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT - April 1,615.70 15715 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 160.04 15716 St. Cloud State University - Reg. for workshop for Karen Hanson 60.00 15717 Tom Eidem - City manager's conference reimb. 172.08 15718 Monticello Fire Dept. - Payroll 566.00 15719 MN. State Building Code Service - Plan review for McD. Winton 591.44 15720 Country Travel Store. - Air fare to Kansas City - Mgmt. seminar 130.OU 15721 The Cilren Co. - Grant workshop reg. fee - Rick W. 450.00 15722 lien Franklin Store - Picture frame - City Hall 2.89 '15723 Mr. Al Nelson - Sub. 9.86 15724 Oiek Brooks - Mileage - St. Cloud - air compressor 25.00 15725 Automnted Supply Center - Paper - copy machine 170.24 15726 ISL National Bank of Mpls. - Activity fund charge 12.00 15727 L. N. Sickels Co. - Craekfillcr 567.80 15728 Richard Cline - Mileage for picking up parts - St. Dept. 24,25 15729 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK K0. Banker's Llfe Ins. - Croup Ins. OSM - Misc. eng. fees - I.WTP - 18,477.93 Local 049 - Union dues Bergstrom's Lawn 6 Carden Equip. - Mower blades - Bolens North Central Public Service - Utilities Cruys, Johnson 6 Assoc. - Computer processing - Jan. b Feb. Equip. Sales 6 Services Division- - Air compressor parts Smith, Pringle 6 Hayes - Legal fees for March 6 April Leef Bros. - Uniforms Heskins Electric - Hookup receptacle at Library Jerry's Auto Salvage - Seat for Ford truck Great Lakes Instruments - Portable monitor/ recorder - Sewer Depi Feed Rite Controls - 6000 Lb. alum. sulfate, testing, repairs Bowman Sheet Metal - Furnace repairs at City hall M. W. O'Connor - Union neg. legal fees Tom Eidem - Misc. mileage to meer.ings, etc. J M Oil Co. - Hod. fluid Mid Central Fire - Shields, helmets for Fire Dept. Loren Klein - Misc. mileage - April 21 4 May Ind. School Dist. 0882 - Joint Rec. program allotment Equitable Life Assurance - Ins. W/11. Patco Co. - Floor brushes 6 handles for St. Dept. Suburban Gas - 10 cyl. refills for St. Dept. Phillips Petroleum - Repair tire ' 78 CMC truck Northwestern Bell - Firephone Olson Electric - Commuter lot repair - lights St. Cloud Fire Equipment - Fire ext. recharged - 4 General Safety Equip. Corp. - Fire truck parts Maus Foodu - Misc. supplies for all Depts. Monticello Ready Mix - Concrete test cylinder - 8 Geyer Rental Service - Air compressor rental Figs It Shop - Batteries Lee Trunnell - Repairs at Fire. Hall Independent Lumber - Materials for Library General Electric Co. - Car radio charger 8 bracket for St. Lindberg 6 Sons - Paint for library MN. Valley 'testing Lab. - Recorder rental for Sewer Dept. I?hloru 6 Assoc. - Neg. fee for seminar for Rick W. Jim Miller -Mileage to lab. seminar and mileage around town Maus fire Service.. - 2 tires for John Deere. Marco Business Products - Copy machine repairs Harry's Auto Supply - St. and Park supplies Davin Electronic - 2 pagers repaired - Fire Dept. Uirectory Service Co. - County directory - townships National Bushing - Oil filters 6 floor dry for St. Dept. Coast to Coont - Misc. street supplies Flicker's T. V. - Battery tester for Fire Dept. Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc. - Settlomcter kit - Sewer Central McGowan - Cyl. rental Northern States Power - Utilities Our OWL) Hardware - Misc. uuppliea fur S/W, Fire 6 Animal In Bill Matthews Ford - Fender panels for 75 Ford pickup Fidelity Bank 6 Trust - 74 Parking bonds - Prin. A Int. American National Dank h Trust - 1960 Bonds - P. 8 Int. Fyle'n Backhoe - Steaming storm sewers Dept Dept 2,465.44 1573 16,906.11 15731 84.00 15732 213.60 15733 509.27 15734 655.00 15735 280.15 15736 509.50 15737 145.00 15738 39.74 15739 50.00 15740 1,177.69 15741 1,276.00 15742 510.50 15743 210.00 157..1. 43.65 15745 122.76 15746 1,686.00 15747 155.50 15748 10,000.00 15749 40.00 15750 94.30 15751 211.40 15752 6.00 15753 57,50 15756 25.24 1575 53.67 1575, 56.25 15757 3.40 15758 176.62 15759 13.20 15760 41U.00 15761 2.05 15762 121.00 15763 12.8U 15764 319.00 15765 14.47 15766 140.00 15767 25.00 15768 33.60 15769 42.36 15770 128.55 15771 98.13 15772 67.17 15773 16.50 15774 31.21 15775 62.56 15776 14,OU 15777 121.99 15778 2.48 15779 3,790.52 157P' 241 . UU 157. 87.83 15782 13,027.98 15783 5,142.50 15784 33U. 00 15785 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. C' Treasurer, State of MN. - State notary comm. fee - Rick 10.00 15786 Monticello Agency - Rick's notary bond 30.00 15787 Mobil Corp. - Gas b fuel oil - St. and Fire Depts. 33.08 15788 Wright County Treasurer - Real estates taxes on Lindberg prop. 349.84 15789 Liefert Trucking - Freight on crackfiller 65.00 15790 Foster Franzen Agency - Lindberg house insurance 279.00 15791 Wright County Auditor - k police fines - April 1,204.75 15792 Liquor Fund - Reimb, liquor fund for over-estimated chge. 7,534.00 15793 on insurance premiums Monticello Office Products - Cabinets for library b supplies 853.29 15794 Davidson Electric - Install control panel in pump house 483.96 15795 SMA Elevator - Copies of pole building 3.00 15796 MN. City Management Assoc. - Membership dues - T. Eidem 25.00 15797 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 597.64 15798 Public Technology News - Sub. renewal notice - J. Simola 30.00 15799 Payroll for April 11 C TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - MAY �L D 21,240.57 $888,781.87 LIQUOR FUND AMDUNT MAY DISBURSEMENTS ------ 1982 k]iWay Liquors - To increase change fund- 400.00 Ed Phillips b Sons - Liquor 2,529.55 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. for Mark 1. 20.00 MN. State Treasurer - PERA 180.62 Wright County State Bank - FWT - April 528.60 Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor 1,758.43 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 1,432.11 Wright County State Bank - Investments - Daily interest 10,000.00 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT - April 215. 50 MN. State Treasurer - Monthly FICA - April 515.88 Ed Phillips b Sons - Liquor 888.72 Midwest Wine Co. - Liquor 1,024.58 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 743.33 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 4,302.40 %State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. for Mark 1. 20.00 Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax - April 3,182. 70 O. K. Hardware - Store supplies 30.90 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 54 .42 A. J. Ogle - Beer 703.75 Grosslein Beverage Co. - Beer, etc. 11,728.00 Dshlhcimer Dist. - Beer 10,710.45 Thorpe. Dist. Co. - Beer 2,927.00 Dick Beverage Co. - Beer, etc. 3,729.30 Day Dist. Co. - Beer 188.05 Mr. George Marx - Sausage sticks for sale 60.00 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. mdse. 495.25 City of Monticello - Sewer and Water - 1st quarter 36.40 Liefert Trucking - April' freight charges 316.72 Northern Statea Power Co. - Utilities 374.76 Yonnk Sanitation - Garbage contract 69.00 Maus Foods - Store expense 23.24 7 Up Bottling Co. - Misc. mdae. 271.40 Jude Candy 6 Tobacco - Misc. mdse. 387.30 Old Dutch Foods - Misc. mdse. 107.79 Banker's Life Ins. - Croup Ina. 405.50 Payroll for April 3,497 .18 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - MAY $63,858.83 Enclosed is the Sheriff's Lav Enforcement report for the month of April, 1982. 552 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period In which the following activities were tallied: 1 - Theft of rabbit from cage 1 - Vandalism - catsup put on windshield of vehicle - cleared 1 - No pay customers at Holiday - two cleared 6 Mils paid SNFR/FFT OFFICE 3 - Foraerles - all cleared by arrest I - Thefts of bikes ¢�.�yy�,.,,....,,, , gun Ce.,Mease _ WrW Cawd7 • 'i c• 119"AL0.MD1m1l6OTA95313 Ames F. Powai. Chief Deputy -1 c school - cleared by arrest tl Ksv sraeaer M. Ne. 41112.3900 Ss Now ema9..cr Tespbo 1 - Theft of battery from vehicle Yen Free 14IM361.3marawHaro 662.1162 I - Vandalism - air let out of tires on vehicle 9,00 m.aw • 4310 PAL arlro 4736673 OARRELL L. mOLFF blocks at Monticello - gig Lake Hospital construction site - cleared Mo Wmlo 2.9.7837 .— 977.2674 Cvaty Sheriff causing damages 1 - Criminal damage to property - tires slashed on vehicle Co6eo 2688484 I - Criminal damage to property - windshield in vehicle broken - cleared 2 - TrespassinR - both cleared by arrest A.rwn th 274 3635 1 - Burglary - miscellaneous items 6 food missing 2 - Arrest for possession of marijuana May 10. 1982 2 - Arrests for consumption by minor 1 - Arrest for permitting harassing phone calls Honorable Mayor 2 - Arrests for disorderly conduct City Council Monticello. Minn. 55362 Dear Council: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Lav Enforcement report for the month of April, 1982. 552 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period In which the following activities were tallied: 1 - Theft of rabbit from cage 1 - Vandalism - catsup put on windshield of vehicle - cleared 1 - No pay customers at Holiday - two cleared 6 Mils paid 2 - No pay customers at Tom Thumb - 1 cleared 6 bill paid 3 - Foraerles - all cleared by arrest I - Thefts of bikes 1 - Criminal damage to property - window in vehicle shot by BE gun 2 - No pay customers at Freeway Standard 1 - Theft of fire hydrant 1 - Theft of billfold at the elementary school 1 - Theft of warm up suit from women's locker room at the high school - cleared by arrest and property recovered 1 - Theft of battery from vehicle 1 - Attempted theft at Dalry Queen - subject tried quick money scheme - cleared by arrest I - Vandalism - air let out of tires on vehicle I - Criminal damage to property - minor fire in room at Silver Fos - cleared 1 - Criminal damage to property - two juveniles smashing cement blocks at Monticello - gig Lake Hospital construction site - cleared 1 - Criminal damage to property - beer bottles thrown at vehicle causing damages 1 - Criminal damage to property - tires slashed on vehicle I - Criminal damage to property - windshield in vehicle broken - cleared 2 - TrespassinR - both cleared by arrest 1 - Burglary - miscellaneous items 6 food missing 2 - Arrest for possession of marijuana 2 - Arrests for consumption by minor 1 - Arrest for permitting harassing phone calls 1 - Arrest for making harassing phone calls 2 - Arrests for disorderly conduct I - Arrest for giving false information to police ;'C OARRELL L. WOLf4 County Merit SN&WIFFIS ffFlca Cu.Msese — WHO Cuadr �Y/IAIO,IN W MA 99313 IIoa.Emm3uer ohn• Me. 6ai-1000 Tub From 1406303.3647 6.00 s.ar. • 4910 pA& Sheriff's report for Monticello for April, 1982, continued: 7 - Public nuisances 14 - Suspicious circumstances, persons 6 vehicles 4 - Animal complaints 1 - Annoying phone call 2 - Civil matters S - Alarms sounded - checked out o.k. 7 - Domestics 9 - Miscellaneous complaints S - Traffic problems I - burning violation 2 - Missing person - located 7 - Medical aids 2 - rises reported 2 - Village ordinance violations 1 - Recovered property - De LOA - Harassment 108 - Car 6 subject checks )S - Citizen aids 34 - Motorists warned S - Accidents Investigated 2 - Open doors 27 - Traffic tickets issueds S - illegal parking 7 - Speed 2 - Disobeyed stop sign S - Driving while Intoxicated 2 - No 2 -wheel endorsement 2 - Driving after revocation ] - Open bottle 1 - uratic driving 1 - Careless driving I - Driving after suspension I - improper U-turn I - Improper registration Yours truly, t l.arrell Wolff, Sheriff 5111In$, For the month of April, 1962 -- 3 74349.33 .0 Jsnsn F. Poaaet. Chief D+epup 2e Flour emerenry Tel Buff" 402- 1162 antro a77aa77 al.wbwo 2262522 DW— 572.2224 0-*Iw 2568454 AmM4 271&2078