City Council Agenda Packet 07-12-1982AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL r July 12, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo. Council Mem Mrs: Phi] White, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen. Meeting to be taped: I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held on June 28, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Ordinances/Resolutions. -A) Consideration of a Resolution Deferring (Or Abating) Assess- ments Against Outlot A, Lauring Hillside Terrace. B) Consideration of Granting One -Day 3.2 Beer and "set-up" License to the Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club. C) Consideration of Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Con- tract for the Improvement of 7th Street Between Trunk Hwy 25 and Cc1a. Ctrcct. D) Consideration of Change Order 040, and 042 through 049 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. E) Consideration of a Property Management Grant Amendment. III. New Busineae. A) Consideration of Adopting as Ordinance, the Granting of a Non- exclusive Franchise to North Central Public Sarvico Company (A Natural Gas Company). r B) Consideration of Plans and Specifications for Seal Coating Streets within the City of Monticello. C) Consideration of a Request to Construct a Freight Loading Dock at Hiway Liquors. D) Consideration of a Request to Construct an Expansion to the Walk -In Cooler at Hiway Liquor. v E) Consideration of a request for Financial Asaistanco for the Monticello area Chemical Awareness Program. F) Adjourn. ADDE14DUM TO THE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT FOR THE July 13, 1982 Council Meeting Attached is the statement and financial report of the Monticello area chemical awareness program that I mentioned in the original supplement. I send this out to you now, so that you have a couple of days to review the facts and fig+fres to the meeting. In my estimation the information contained herein does not really shed any new light on my original discussion. In the discussions, both mine and John Simola's, concerning the up- coming seal coating, you will likely note a difference in budget appropriations. I state that we have appropriated $17,000 and John's figure indicates an appropriation of $28,200. Where this discrepancy arises is that when the Capital Improvement Program was established in 1980, a set figure of $28,200 was proposed for each year in the ongoing 5 year program. The concept here is that %ithin 5 years every street in town would be seal coated and in the 6th year, we would begin the process again. In 1981, the bid came in substantially lower than expected and thus the number of blocks seal coated was increased to match the budgeted amount of $28,200. a res.._, and 1 find his out from talkie; to Gary wielb r the 1982 appropriation was reduced in order to bring the proposed 5 year schedule into line with itself. John then has been operating on the assumption that we would again be budgeting $28,200 when in fact, the budget was $17,000. In the 1980 budget, there was $13,000 appropriated for an overlay coat on the Gould Brothers service drive. It is John's opinion that this road does not need the overlay this year and thus, the $13,000 could be attached to the original $17,000 so that again $28,000 approximately could be dedicated to seal coating. Another possibility is that we seal coat only the $17,000 worth, postpone the Gould Brothers overlay, and rededicate the $13,000 towards 7th St. Improvement which has run considerably over projected estimates. This latter suggestion is the one that seems the moat reasonable. Part of the difficulty in doing the full $28,000 worth of seal coating is that the 5 year plan then becomes significantly out of proportion and would have to be adjusted on an annual Iasis. I would prefer that we take action that would bring the job size into line with the dollar appropriation and take $13,000 and rededicate to other projects. A single added note to the earlier discussion concerning the removal of the fuel tank at the liquor Store freight loading dock. Since this tank is in good condition, I see no reason why we could not install thio tank at the plant, which would address at least part of the issue discussed in change order 040. Granted, we would still bo involved in the cost of the pumps, but we would be lessening the overall coat by the amount of the coat of the tank. MEMO Beginning with the material that was assembled for you for your last meeting, some of the supplement information is being written and presented by the person most closely related to the business at hand. Beginning with this supplement and all future supplements, you will note that at the end of each topic heading are a set of initials who prepared the supplement. This is being placed there so that in the interim between the time you receive the material and the time of the meeting, if you feel that the information is incomplete or you wish to secure additional information, you may go directly to the person who prepared the information to seek out any additional data you might require. This method resulted from the fact that the Tuesday prior to each meeting, the department heads and myself are meeting in an agenda meeting, specifically designed to go over each item on the agenda to discuss it at length and make a unified recommendation, if necessary, to the Council. It was also quite apparent that in certain matters, for example, change orders, John Simola could better write and explain the extent of the work than I could, not being that familiar with the technical aspects of the project. I am also of the cpinicn that _h-- dcpar=cnt .`.cad, cercciall?• in cases where requeets are being made, can better state their case if, in fact, they are l bringing the request before the Council. Ideally and hopefully, frequently, there will be unity in all of the information presented to you in the supplement. If there is a case where I have a rec- ommendation in opposition to the department head, I will be sub- mitting that to you as part of the supplement. Generally though, I think the agenda meetings give us on the staff the opportunity to work out any discrepancies so that the information presented to you is already agreed upon by all staff m•embera involved. Thomas Eidem TE/mh C hl I NUTS S k REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 28, 1982 - 7:70 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, and Fran Fair. Members Absent: Phil White and Dan Blonigen. I. Call To Order. A. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 14, 1982. II. Ordinances/Resolutions. A. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment Regarding One -day Set Up Licenses. Currently, the City Ordinances allow the issuance of a set up license on an annual basis only. The 1982 leg- islature made provisions allowing City's to issue one day set up licenses for non profit organizations with a maxi- mum one day license fee not to exceed $25.00. In order for thr. City of Monticello to issue one day liconson, an ordinance amendment had to ho adopted to allow for this new provision. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unani- mously carried to adopt an ordinance amendment allowing for the issuance of a one day set up licenue for the display and consumption of intoxicating liquor for a non profit organization with a foe of $25.00 per day, provided proper liability insurance is provided by the organization. (See Ordinance Amendment 1982 - 0116). (Sec RaaelULi On 1982 #47). B. Consideration of a Resolution F,atablishing Minimum Requiro- mento Indicating when a Building Permit should be issued. C. Consideration of a Resolution Cutablishing a Scale of Building Valuations. Recommendatlona were recently made by tl.c State Building Code Division that City Councils paoo resolut.inno making it an official policy of the City establishing when a building permit in required and nlno a scale determining building valuations. In the past, the City of Mmnticallo lion, In most Coosa, loft this up to the discretion of the Administrative Staff including the Building Official, but due to recent COUrt eases, it has loon reeommunded that any policy establishing the minimum requirements for a Ixiilding permit or setting of valuations ho Bono through Counc action. Council Minutes - 0/28/82 ft�-17,1_ As a result, it was recommended by the Building Official )lam' that a schedule of valuations for determining a building valuation based on square foot cost he adopted and also that the building permit policy be adopted noting that under certain conditions a building permit is not necessary such as: 1. When the amount of work is less than $800 or re- quires no structural change. 2. When reroofing or residing is done. 3. For a portable building of less than 100 square feet. 4. For driveways, sidewalks, etc. 5. For installation of wood burning fire places or stoves. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to adopt both resolutions establishing the valuation of buildings and also the resolution establishing when build- ing permits are not required as recommended by the Building Official. (See Resolutions 1982 048 c 049). i III. Unfinished Business. J �- A. Consideration of Request by PiZLa Factory to lift Parking Restrictions. At the loot Council meeting, representativou of the Pizza Factory Restaurant requested that they Ix; allowed to open for business between the hours of 11 :30 A.M. and 1:30 11.14. for the lunch trade. As part of their original Certificate of Occupancy, a restrictive covenant was placed on the buildine they were located in, limiting their hours of operation to the evening hours due to limited parking. The Downtown Parking Committee mot on June 24th to discuss Cite possible lifting of this restrictive covenant but no final doncision was made until further contact was made with Security Federal, the abutting business operation. In the past, parking spaces were limited in the block where thesef*isineoneswere located due to the fact that commuters were parking their cars in Lilo city lot, but since that time a commuter lot has lwen made available which has alleviated the parking problem. A recent count indicated that during tho hours of 11:30 to 1:30, approximately 31 parking spaces were available in Lila Municipal Parking Lot and 9 opacoo were availablo at. thio private Security Foderal Lot. 1 - 2 - Council Minutes - 6/26/52 I It appeared from this count, that adequate spaces would Ir. available for the noon lunch trade should the restrictive covenant be lifted temporarily. Although spaces are available in the Municipal Lot, appar- ently some problems have existed with customers of the Pizza Factory parking in the Security Federal Parking Lot, thus tying up Security Federal's customer parking. The possibility exists that if a realignment was made from the Municipal Parking Lot with a different access for the drive- in facility at Security Federal, problems could be eliminat- ed and better traffic control would result for Security Fed- eral. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to lift the restrictive covenant on the Pizza Fac- tory allowing them to open for the lunch hour between 11:30 and 1:30 for a 90 day trial period if an agreement can be reached with Security Federal, ate. The City Administrator will be meeting with representatives of the Pizza Factory and Security Federal to work out an agreement. rnr,q i.lnrgtir•n of r7linng- ­d-ro eon nni 041 fnr til.• waef­ { - water Treatment Plant. v As part of the wastewater Treatment Plant construction project, a change order was recommended that would provide for a diesel fuel storage tank and fueling station for the sludge trucks located near the new masonry vehicle garage rather than piping the diesel fuel from the diesel generator tank to the fueling station. Duo to the heavy fuel consump- tion of the generator, estimated at 40 gallons per hour, the tank would only last one full day and it was recommended that a separate tank be used for refueling the sludge trucks. In addition, the contract does not provide for a pump or wiring for the fuel station and the estimated coat for these items was $1,345.00 with the additional furl tank change order totalling $443.00. Council discussion concerned whether a separate fuel tank for Lilo two sludge vehicles was a necessity duo to the limited use the vehicles will have. The vehielue are primarily intended to be used only during the summer monlho and a possibility exists that either fuel W ob- tained as originally planned from Lilo generator tank or that Lilo vehicles could be refueled at the city's main- tonanco building on West Cty. Rd. 039. It was Lha Council conconaus to table any action on this change order until the full Council could meat to review Lha item. 3 Council Minutes - 6/28/82 Change Order #41 concerned a modification in the piping lay out in the blower roan to make the methane engine and blower as supplied compatible with the structure and other equipment. The additional change order would result in an extra cost of $629.00 and a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve Change Order #41 with the Paul A. Laurence Company for $629.00 as recommended. IV. New Business A. Consideration of a Proposal by Mr. James VDInes to serve as Legal Consultant on Tax Increment Financing Plan. Mr. James Holmes, a principal in the legal firm of Holmes and Craven of Minneapolis, reviewed with the Council their desire to be legal consultants for the City in developing a tax increment financing plan. Mr. Holmes and Mr. wait Hartman Of the firm noted that typically a consulting fee for a feasibility study could ra:ye CO to 54000 and that an additional $3000 to $3500 is typically spent for the complete development of a tax increment financing plan. Mr. Hartman noted that ._ with the city administration doing some of the work in- volved in developing a plan, it was estimated that their fee would possibly be approximately $5000 total. It was noted that their service would be primarily in the field of legal consultation and eligible property determination and that they would not be serving as land use planners or the actual physical consultant in the event that tax increment bonds had to be sold. It was the concensus of the Council that since this is the City's first attempt at a tax increment plan, an expert in tax increment financing would be essential for the City and a motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to appoint the firm of Holmes and Graven as tax increment financing consultantn for the City of Monticello with the City Adminiutrator to work out a firm cost proposal. B. Consideration of Request to Increase Fire Department He- liof Anon. Benefit to $14,000/70 year Payment Plan. Members of the volunteer Piro Department were 11) attend- ance at the mooting to request an increase in the Retire- mant nonofita of the Relief Association from the currant $10,000 amount to $14,000. This benefit is payable in a lump sum after 20 years of service at the rate of $500 per year and the rrquost was to increase this amount to $700 per year. 4 —� A- Council Minutes - 6/28/82 By stateStatutes, as long as there is a deficit in the J11) Relief Association Fund, they must come to the City Coun- cil for approval of any increase as part of the deficit would be the responsibility of the City. in reviewing the figures presented, an increase to $700 per year of service would,in 1983, require a city contribution from tax sources in the amount of over $7,000. Representatives from the Fire Department felt that the City of Monticello should be a leader in establishing retirement benefits for volunteer Fire Departments and that they felt their job was more hazardous in this community than in others, and therefore, their retire- ment benefits should be higher than surrounding communi- ties. A survey of surrounding communities indicate that the City of Monticello is currently as high or higher in regard to retirement benefits than others. Although it was the consensus of the Council that the volunteer firemen do a good job for the City, it was the consensus of the Council that this item would he tabled until the full Council was available to review the iter at th,! s,.r_nnA mnotinn in July. C. Consideration of a Request by Mr. Roy inuring to Abate Assessments against an Dutlot in lauring Hillside Addi- tion. Mr. Roy Inuring requested that the Council consider the possibility of abating the special assessments for street improvements against an outlot in Lha lauring Hillside Addition because the lot is only 7,000 squaro feet and is considered unbuildablo at the present time. The ansess- ment against the property wan for the 1978 Street Im- provement Project and totalled originally S1,851.08. At the time the improvement project was completed, it wan felt that since thin property could be eventually combined with the abutting property to create a build- able lot, Lila property wan assossed. It wan recommended by the City Staff that although there may be arguments for deferring the assessment, an out- right abatement of 0.0 assessment may not be in the beat intaroot sinca the property could bo, in the future, combined with another parcel and Iv conaidured buildable. It wan recommended that the present oasoaament could he deferred but that the assoasment would be attached so that when and if the lot is placed under ownership with the adjacent property, thus making it buildable, the amuesament then bacoman due and payable with back in- torost. - 5 _14 Council Minutes - 6/28/82 A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimous- ly carried to approve deferring the original assessment against this outlet until such time as the lot is com- bined with another piece of property and or is determined buildable at which time the entire amount would be due plus back interest. City Attorney, Gary Pringle, will be consulted for the preparation of the appropriate documents relating to this deferral. D. Consideration of Purchasing Auxiliary Pumping Equipment for City Lift Stations. At a previous Council meeting, the Public Works Director was directed to obtain cost estimates on the purchase of a portable standby gasoline driven trailer mounted pump that could be hooked up to the City's lift stations in case of power failure or equipment failure at the lift stations. Public Works Director, John Simola, informed the Council that in order to pump 600 gallons per minutu against a 45 foot head, a minimum of a 6 inch pump would be required for approximately $6,000.00. In addition, a manhole would have to be placed over the force main at Bridge Park and with the installaLjUn WE fittings the cost could rise to $9,000.00 total. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimous- ly carried to authorize the Public Works Director to pur- chase a portable emergency perp from Road Machinery in the amount of $5,925.00 and to contract with Utility Service Company in the amount of $1,460 for the installation of the necessary manhole and fittings. The cost of the man - holo wan estimated at $580.00 with an approximate cost of $900 for all the necessary fittings bringing the total estimated cost to $8,865. In addition, the Public Works Director was directed to send a letter to all property owners affected by the previous lift station failure ad- vising them to still purchase back water valves for in- atallation in their homes. E. Approval of Bills for Month of June. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimous- ly carried to approvo the list of bills an presented for the month of Juno and to also approve the bill suliniLted by Utility Service Company for the repair of the manholes in the amount of $6,250.00. Monti Adjourned. Rick Wolfat ley Auni ,4nt &IM tor Council Agenda - 7/12/82 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT I. Call To Order. A) Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting Held on June 28, 1982. B) Petitions, Requests, Complaints/Citizens Comments. II. Ordinances/Resolutions. A) Consideration of a Resolution Deferring (Or Abating) Assess- ments Against Outlot A, lauring Hillside Terrace. (TE) Enclosed is a copy of a resolution abating the assessments on Outlot A that was discussed at the previous meeting. As you will note, the assessments will become due and payable at the time the parcel, either by itself or in conjunction with another lot, becomes buildable. Since this was last discussed at the June 28th Council meeting, we have had additional discussions around the city office about this matter. There seems to be a consensus of concern that the abatement or deferral of the assessments could cause the cost of the parcel to go up in terms of a sale. That is to say, that without the assessments becoming more delinquent daily, the present owner will have no reason to try and move the land, since there is absolutely no penalty involved for the non sale of the parcel. The result of an exorbitant asking price could very likely be such that the lot would not sell, thus, obstructing potential develop- ment and too, the assessment would not be paid and the City would be carrying the amount of $1,851.00 for an indefinite period of time. we have diacunsed various alternatives, none of which seem particularly acceptable, but none quite so objectionable as the original deferral plan. Ono alternative was that the City buy the parcel outright with an eye towards selling the lot to the adjacent land owner when development is immi- nent. This likely would not be a profitable venture, and I am not sure that we should be getting into the real estate business. Another alternative that was mentioned was the possibility of executing an agreement with Mr. touring that assessments be deferred, but that a cooling be placed on hie asking price for sale. Thio strikes me no a cumbersome and perhaps an impossible typo of solution. A third suggestion was that the assessment be deferred for a limited period of time, say for six months or one year. This would keep Mr. louring from incurring additional penalty for delinquent assessments during tho period of time, but it would not com- plately release him of all obligation to the City. - 1 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 Loren Klein did mention at the agenda meeting that the de- velopers who are currently building at the Holker Subdivision have already expressed interest in additional building on certain other lots in the area and that the lot adjacent to this Outlet A is a long range goal as well. Again, it seems that the opinion of the staff members is that without the obligation of the assessment, the asking price could increase substantially because the seller would really have nothing to lose by it not being sold. I realize that at the June 28th meeting, the Council generally assented to an abatement of these assessments and that this resolution should he prepared. While it is extremely delicate to change positions, it is not impossible nor unwise for the Council to recant on its original decision. The simple fact that more thought went into the matter and additional data came to the front is justification enough for adjusting the decision. Finally, no formal action was in fact taken at that meeting, simply a general statement of cooperation. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: A. Adopt the enclosed resolution abating assessments on fhtt)nt A, Taurina Hillside Addition. The re- sults of this action are discussed above. E. The City to acquire the parcel - This may eliminate the possible obstruction to potential development but it does become precedent setting for the City getting in the practice of buying and selling land to accommodate individual land owners. C. Abate assessments as in A., but enter into an agree- ment with the seller that stipulating a maximum amount that can be asked for the parcel - Protv+bly a very cumbersome solution, and would require total cooperation of the seller. It also smacks of governmont interference in the right to sell your property. D. A temporary deferral of existing asaosmments and abatement of additional penalties and interest accruing - Again, a cumbersome methodology= would require documents going back and forth to the County Auditor and County Recorder. Not par- ticularly an attractive alternative. P. Take no action, lot assessments stand as is - Challenges to the assessment should have boon made at the time the assessment roll was presented and adopted. They are, in fact, delinquent and Mr. Lauring clearly stated that he lad no intention of paying them. I, however, do not moo why the existing assessments would be such a detriment to the sale of the proporty unless the asking price is sot no high in order to accomplish a aignifi- - 2 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 cant profit margin or net gain over and above the assessment. RECOMMENDATION: My recommendation, though not a strong con- viction, is to let the assessments and the records stand as is. It strikes me that all other alternatives are simply a way of assisting a private citizen in getting himself out of a situation that could have been addressed at the time the assessments were adopted. We have already assisted the people associated with the Holker Subdivision in getting out of a mess that they created and I think the City should dis- continue that practice before we become everyone's problem solver. The only disadvantage I see in letting it stand as is is that the net gain to the seller may not be as great as he hoped for or would like. REFERENCES: Resolution abating assessment on Outlot A, Lauring Hillside Terrace. B) Consideration of Granting One -Day 3.2 Beer and "set-up" License to Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club. (TE) The Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club have scheduled steak frys for Friday, August 13th and Saturday, August 21st, 1982. They would like to have one day 3.2 beer and sot -up licensee Lor each of those days. At the last meeting you adopted an amendment to the act -up license ordinance now granting one day sot -up license and setting a fee of $25.00. The pro- cedure that we would have to go through for this would be that the licenses be granted by the Council. We would in turn send the applications to the Department of Public Safety or the Liquor Control Commission who would make final approval. The fee of $25.00 for each license will remain in the city treasury, the State receives nothing in this case. While these should be considered as two separate licenses for two separate days, they all could be granted in a ainglo motion stipulating the exact dates ro- quostod. REFERENCES: 3.2 Beer License application from the Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club. - 3 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 C) Consideration of Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Con- tract for the Improvement of 7th Street Between Trunk Hwy 25 and Cedar Street. (TE) Enclosed is the resolution that needs to be adopted in order to accept the bid and award the contract - REFERENCES. Enclosed resolution with bid tabulation on it. - 4 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 D) Consideration of Change Orders 040, 042 through 049. (Js) Chanqo Order 040. This item is the fuel storage tank at the sludge vehicle garage, which was expected to add $443 of which the City's share is $44. 1 did point out at the last meeting that we would have to supply our own pump and wiring which new would cost $1,350.00. Since that time Mr. Jerry Corrick, Jim Miller, Chuck Lepack and myself have spent a good deal of time reviewing the antici- pated fuel requirements and costs of fueling up at the mainten- ance building on west Co. Rd. 39. The figures are enclosed for your review. Basically, the figures indicate that a new pump would take approximately 6 years of use to pay for itself in fuel and labor excluding any cost for tire wear or vehicle maintenance. It would be possible to purchase a used pump for $500 or less. This would reduce the cost to the City to $744. This would be paid back in 3 to 4 years. It is a staff rec- ommendation that we establish this fueling station primarily to reduce thru city traffic with the sludge trucks. The fact that the System will pay for itself in 3 to 7 years should be of secondary consideration. If the trucks were here and visible, I am sure the Council would be as concerned as I about traveling through town with such an immense vehicle as the applicator. Chanqo Order 042, Electrical Chanqo Order. 1. Adding electric lino to waste gas burner for elec- tronic ignition, none provided in plans. 2. Provide outlet to plug in sawago sampler provided in previous change order, necessary to run sampler. 3. Add sparo wires in motor control panel and change conduit sizes. 4. Change control wiring for 3 motors adding more wires for switching purposes. 5. Clarifying motor overload protection. The total cost of thoso changes is $1,642.00. Chanqo Order 043. The goo sensors provided warn too broad a rango and would not allow for small prociao measurements nood- ed in control of gas production. Total coot of this change order is $589.00. - 5 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 Change Order 044. Telephone inter -connect. The nuw line phone system provided by Bridgewater and the new alarm system provided by Paul A. Laurence Company required connection to each other. Connection required one relay, one conduit and one 110 volt electrical outlet and necessary wire. The total cost of the change order is $699.00. It should be noted that the City must pay 100% of Bridgewater's installation costs which are expected to be $250 plus the necessary conduit in- stallation. Change Order 045. Electrical Revisions. I. Supply conduit and wiring for solenoid valves for air operated sludge pumps. These valves are necessary to operate the pumps. Wirinq not included in plans. 2. Provide safety switch with rope to shut off grit ele- vator from primary treatment room in case of emergency. 3. Connect conduit and wire for torque limiting switch on rotating final clarifiers, wiring not on plans. 4. Add conduit for two air operated diaphram pumps and relocate sump pump receptacle. '.,. Change :rom hiy^h proGcure rM irnm light at aeration tanks to metal halide for color detormination at night. No charge as contractor was one lift short. Those changes amount to a total cost of $9oo.0o. Change Order 046. Return Activated Sludge Pump Controls. Return activated sludge, also called "bugfood" is pumped off the bottom of the final clarifiers and returned to the aeration tanks to adjust the amount of food the bugs have. It is im- portant to keep the bugs comfortable and just a little bit hungry. It is extremely important to the plants effectiveness to have precise even control over the return activated sludge rates. The plans called for manual operation of fixed capacity pumps. This is unacceptable as it would be almost impossible to provide any sort of constant or adjustable flow. Change order 046 calla for an electronic switch control to start and atop the fixed capacity pumps to obtain a certain flow rate, say so many gallons per hour, etc. This method may start tho pump, food the bugs for a few minutes, then stop and go again. Discussions during started services by Sarco Labs and in dopth study have revealed that it would be beat to have variable speed controls for tho two small pumps rathnr than an elaborate oloc- tronic system which at best will only provide unconstant flown. It is a staff rocamandation that the City ask our engineer to pursue the variopood pumps for this location. we would oxpoct the coot to be In the area of 6 to 7,000 rather than the $2,699 for change order 046. Mr. Jerry Corrick may have more precise coot information at Monday's meeting. .. 6 ,. Council Agenda - 7/12/82 Change Order #47. Electrical Revisions. 1. provide additional electrical outlets in laboratory (only 5 in plans) for equipment. 2. Mounting and wiring mixer motor controls in Oiverter Building. 3. Relocating air flow meter (No charge). 4. Specs for relocating air flow motor. 5. Wire sludge thickener torque limiting switch, not provided in plans. The total cost of these changes is $1,091.00. Chanqe Order #48, Sludqe Vehicle Garaqe Changes. This change order is self explanatory and should be referred to for detail. Basically. the building was changed to allow park- ing of the large vehicles without increasing the building size. Most expensive changes in this change order are the change from wood to steel overhead doors and the widening of one door from 14 to 16 feet and wiring the door openers. The other changes were relatively small as they were relocations of equipment not yat placed. :7o total cent or this c.... gc _rdcr is °4,4e2.00. Change Order #49. Blowor Air Meters. Three of the four air pressure meters are unnecessary as the pressure can be measured in the main, rather than at each blower. The total savings of this change order is $340.00. The following is a tabulation of costs anN remaining contingencies. No. Cost Savings Remaininq Continqoncies. "40 443 32,900.93 '41 629 32,271.93 42 1,642 30,629.93 43 589 30,040.93 44 699 29,341.93 45 900 28,441.93 46 2,699 25,742.93 47 1,091 24,651.93 48 4,482 20,169.93 49 340 20,509.93 •Approved G/28/82 REFERENCESa Enclosed copiao of all change orders. - 7 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 E) Property Management Grant Amendment. WS) Mr. Jerry Corrick would like to discuss a grant amendment to establish a property management program to satisfy EPA requirements. He will have additional info at the meeting on Monday evening. C e- Council Agenda - 7/12/82 III. New Business. A) Consideration of Adopting as Ordinance, the Granting of a Non- exclusive Franchise to North Central Public Service Company (A Natural Gas Company). (TE) It is time to renew our non-exclusive franchise agreement for a period of 25 years with the North Central Public Service Com- pany, our natural gas company. The franchise is a fairly standard type form and can be enacted with a simple motion and second. I have had Gary Pringle, City Attorney, review it and in his opinion it is alright for adoption. Like all franchise ordinances, it will be adopted into the code and a summary of the text will require publication. REFERENCES: Enclosed copy of the franchise agreement with North Central Public Service Company. B) Consideration of Plans and Specifications for Seal Coating Streets Within the City of Monticello. (TE) John talked with me earlier about preparing the plans and Specifications for seal coating during this season. I told him to go ahead and prepare the detailed plans and specs for presentation to the Council. The 1982 budget has an appro- priation of $17,000 for seal coating for this year. REFERENCES: Enclosed memo from John Simola, Public Works Director, giving a more detailed outline of the proposed noel coating and a map showing the location of the Streets to be seal coated- - 9 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 III. C. Consideration of a Request to Construct a Freight Loading Dock at Hiway Liquors. (TE) Mark Irmiter has discussed with me what he feels is a need for a loading dock at the back door of the building, especially for the unloading of beer. He is claiming that there would be two primary functions: It would facilitate the unloading of the trucks taking less employee time and less trucker time. 2. Using a pallet loader, entire pallets of beer would be able to be moved into the Liquor Store at a single time, thus allowing us to shut the doors creating a substantial energy savings. The energy savings have not been pro- jected, but having double doors standing open in either summer or winter can be very costly. The cost estimate that is included in the memo as part of the references was done by John Simola. An actual design plan has not been prepared, this is only a feasibility study, and the cost is estimated. Mark did point out that if this loading dock w�ro� e"rn tr-icte,j A^A i❑^tAl1eA, wn would be removinq a 1,000 gallon fuel oil tank which is only approximately 6 years old and could probably sell it for between $300 and $500. I have dir- acted Mark to contact Dan Blonigen prior to the meeting and have him look at both the building to see what his opinion is and to look at John's ostimato on the freight dock construction. As of this writing, Mark has not gotten back to me so I do not know if he has contacted Dan. Finally, you will notice that John does make the comment that aomo of the work could be done by city staff, however, I do not have projected coat estimate of what the city could do and what would have to be contracted. I will have John be prepared to provide you with those figures by the meeting. RFFERFNCES: A coot estimate prepared by John Simola. D) Conoidaration of a Request to Construct an Expansion to tho Walk-in Cooler at Hiway Liquors. (TE) Sometime ago, Mark and I discussed tho possibility of expanding the walk-in coolar to provide greator storage arca for keg bear and perhaps additional case boor. After making the pito inapoc- tion, we doto nmined we could oxpand the existing coolor and thus, require no additional cooling units or cloctrical work, etc. At that time I told Mark to go ahead and accurc price quotoe for the expansion and to draft a rough okotch ahowing what he wished to do. - 10 - Council Agenda - 7/12/82 The original concept looked as if we would need to provide one new door, but after reviewing that, we have decided that the existing door, although relocated, would be sufficient. The primary reason for the expansion is to create additional room in the cooler for the case beer specials, such that the beer distributors may load increased inventory directly into the cooler, thereby eliminating the second moving of beer from warm storage to cold storage. Mark also noted that in order to have on hand the volume of beer that was necessary for a busy weekend, the cooler becomes so crowded that it becomes extremely difficult for personnel to be working in the area. Presumably, less cramped storage space would provide greater ease for city personnel in the delivery goods. Having had considerable ex- perience in the liquor business, I am well aware of how much more efficiently one can operate with substantial elbow room. I recommend that we go ahead with this particular construction. REFERENCES: Copies of price quotes from two walk-in cooler dealers. E) Consideration of a request for Financial Assistance for the Monticello Area Chemical Awareness Program. (TE) Buddy Gay, representing the Chemical Awareness Task Force, will be attending the Council meeting to make a request that the City contribute an amount of matching funds towards the operation of the task force for the up coning year. lie will be bringing with him, or perhaps will got a copy to me for me to distribute to you prior to the meeting, a financial report of their opera- tiona for rho pact year. Having had certain funding sources, namely the school, reduced, it was the conclusion of the task force to approach the City as a contributor and perhaps grant matching funds for whatever else they can secure through other contribution aources. In prior conversations, I told Buddy Gay how much I personally supported the program and that it was no doubt considered to be a worthy program. I did go on to state that I could not recommend that funds be granted. Such a contribution could be precedent ootting for other spacial interest groure that have equally worthy objectives. I have also talked at length with Morn Flicker, who situ on the task forco, about this matter and expressed to him why I pro- fooeionally coo them as a spacial interest group and that it would be difficult for me to recommend govornment money con- tributions. I believe they do have come valid points insofar as the money that in used by the task force is spent 100% locally and for local benefit, unlike contributions any to Muscular Dietrophy, Carobral Paley and similar causes. Morn did hevu a creditable arguemont in saying that money spent in the prevention of chemical abuse will save money in the long run. Council Agenda - 7/12/82 This, of course, unsubstantiated, but he contends that money spent for police protection, medical services, as a result of accidents, damaged property through accidents and vandalism could be reduced by an investment in the prevention of abuse. Also, in my earlier discussion with Buddy, I suggested that he by pass the Council since I could not give my whole hearted support to this contribution, but he persisted and said he would still like to come before the Council. As I noted both to Buddy and to Marn, that this is basically a special interest group, all be it a valuable one. It would be a non -ending philosophical type discussion showing that it is a universal appeal group that we ought to fund. I know from my earlier discussions that Buddy may present an arguement such that we contributed money to the band trip to the Rose Bowl, surely we can contribute money to help people became aware of the results of chemical abuse. I do not think that this is a valid arguement insofar as the band trip is sone time contribu- tion that can be easily construed as community development and promotion expense. Again, I wish to reaffirm my position that I do think it is a valuable program, but cannot make a pro- fessional recommendation in favor of granting the contribution. Let me also state that I will not recommend, in this case, ag alnz;L Lha car.trisrtion. T think It is an excellent orooram j and the money would probably be wisely spent, so I will not go on record as opposing it, but I also will not go on record as being in favor of making the contribution. REFERENCES: (If available, last year's took force financial report). F) Adjourn. - 12 - RESOLUTION ABATING ASSESSMENTS ON OUTLOT A, LAURING HILLSIDE TERRACE WHEREAS, Outlet A in Lauring Hillside Terrace was assessed for public improvements made in 1978 in the amount of $1,851.08; and, WHEREAS, Outlet A is considered to be an unbuildable lot as it presently exits. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTI- CELLO that the assessment of $1,851.08 be, and hereby is, abated, except that in the event that said Outlet A becomes a buildable site, either by itself or in conjunction with an adjacent lot. The above amount shall be reassessed and an interest amount shall also be computed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator notify the ou„ti Au.lit .'.,. - atcmc-., and that � _ of thin rcnolu.^^._.. be filed with the County Recorder for attachment to the records of said Outlet A. Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator Mayor Arve A. Grimsmo Dauer Control 01,10on ' Nene+•r aulldlna aa•e001-07 Cao c•a.r ava.t STATE OF MINNESOTA 5. /•ul, Mlnna.ota 05101 lata) zaeasaa DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ONLY ALLOW CONSUMPTION & DISPLAY OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR IThis Application Shall Be Typewritten and Submitted Before June to of each Year) In answering the following questions "APPLICANT" shall be governed as follows: For a Partnership, one of tho partners shall execute this application for all members of the partnership. For a Corporation, one officer shall executo this application for all officers, directors, and stockholders. For a Club, one of the club officers shall execute this application for all the members. If additional space is required, use a separate sheet of paper, indicating by number the question answered. (FEE FOR PERMIT —$100.00) EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED as IN.— of P.,... —kind .ppllta.lon) IInd:vldual a,m•r, gums, artier, club o,llc.r) for and in behalf of r' %, r f ac ItG 4-1 1 im".11•rn.mtl of p tne,a, niurra or Corporation, or lathe e1 club) hereby apply for a permit allowing consumption and display of intoxicating liquor to be located at c a• ?-J 1a' z-,. - . , Municipality of ,� +- - : tae; , Iatwal dd,o. andra, Lo, and elock numbio Post Office of ,ae. r, e I rat• County of `� •: r.' -i r r It a ' <G (TMnCllla`.nd Soc,l.nl State of Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of M.S. 340.119. 2. Will business be operated as a private club or public place /'Kr•^, 3. State type of business r-•. .0 " ., c f k• ` `, °, t o . art✓ +. , , e., ,{ 4. FOR A PUBLIC BUSINESS: If a partnership, state name and address of each member of partnership: if a corporation, state name and address of officers and directors. IN.—I (Addy—) (N•mal IAad,aol IN•,nal [Add,—) 5. FOR A PRIVATE CLUB: Data club was organized / C is club incorporated i 3 Sy , number of member o "•R —s• length of time in present I9�ation t a, ., is club building owned or rented r I ,' , what is the membership dues T181. 10 what are the requirements for membership pe E i7 in .te%': I . Does club maintain lockers to be used by members for storing intoxicating liquor A,'j Names of all officers and/or directors of the club: n IAdd,on) liJlEf'rCAI i, cc •/ti IN•mal lwadroo) INan•) lAdd,tlt) I N-0 (Adder.) 'nclosa with this application a copy of the Constitution and By -Lam of the club and current list of bona 4. fide members. n,a n•- I.,%h a 0. If applicant or any partner, corporation officer or director, club officer or director, is not a citizen of the United States, list such noncitizens ' ). State name of person who will operate or manage business: /ter ,v,.,, 1,. - s IN.—I IAdd,aul 8, On what floor is the establishment located, or to be located • - �' 9 Haw are the premises classified under the toning ordinance Appn :r1 fur Violations by 00 NOT USE Check Cut+ Recd , w. "on Sir,. an Recd by Cashier 10. State name and address of owner or owners of building wherein the business will be located: f•1 s•ei%i[[C c. .e: L•i.•. 6% a ["(,,. !� i O ii �' "i' ✓ INmm.l firearm) 11. Has applicant; if partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if club• any clut 1 officer or director, ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked or suspended or bee. J convicted for any violation of State Laws or local ordinances; if so, give date and details z, .� 12. Is applicant; if partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if club, any ClUb officer or director, a member of the governing body of the municipality or county in which this permit is to be issued: if so, in what capacity "t, l' 13. Has applicant; if partnership, any partner; if corporation, any officer or director; if club, any club officer or director, any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota . a . Give name and address of such establishment 14• Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference: C -;� 41/e, G Y l' : 4 —.7" c, w IN. -1e) ued.er.f IN.me) IAaa.n.) rrl..nll lwda.lm) 15. Will intoxicating liquor be sold on the premises "1 5 16. (a) State whether application is: 1. Original -+ 2. Renewal 3. Transfer (b) State whether dancing will be permitted on the premises IL [r 17. Are the premises now occupied, or to be occupied, entirely separate and exclusive from any other business establishment Y'5) 18. State trade name to be used 'L •'' 19. State whether an "On -Sale" or "Off -Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage License has or will be granted in conjunction to this business and for the some premises wT-5 v v .`+:11( 20. Has there been issued, or will there be issued, a $54.00 Federal Retail Liquor Dealer's Special Tax Stamp for the sale of liquor on these premises _ ° M o0 21. Has your local government an ordinance regulating the consumption and display of intoxicating liquor 7t ? 22. 1! operating under :c^in3 ordinance how is location of building c!2:5iffed f 1 hereby entity the) I have rete and understand every question in 'hie eppli-scion, and Islas IN ma mws are trim of my own knowledge. I further understand Mal the giving of Isla. informalion N 'his maplieetlen, or the failure in give Fourierism information constitutes emus. Is, the medi.te re10u1ion of this permit. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT ANY PERMIT ISSUED HEREUNDER DOES NOT ALLOW THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Enslosed Is psymons of 5100.00 payable He the Liquur Control Director er provided by M.S. 1057, Section 340.115. NO CONSIDERATION WILL BE GIVEN TO h1•'s_t': i [[ : •i'lg L'C :a•; THIS APPLICATION UNLESS APPROVED AS f INm-1. sf sous anmentl HEREINAFTER PROVIDED: If applicant is located in the County, the Chairman �s��A����—;' 4u1her11 of the Board of County Commissioners or his ISignjtu.. of aw AYWlcwnl Representative shall approve both copies of the Subscribed and sworn to before ma this day application. of , 19—. 1011,4-1111. u.m.d of county cemmlmiene.e e. Oil AeP.taenseuve) 11 applicant is located in a Municipality, the President of the Council or his Representative shall approve both copies of this application. Innldml N In. Ceunnt er me bereevnW'wd I Ner... frlm.i.t My Commission expires D RF,SOLUTION ACCEPTING BID FOR IMPROVEMENT OF 7T[1 STIIEE,r WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of 7th Street from Trunk Hwy 25 to Cedar Street by the construction of new bituminous surface, curb and gutter, and other appurtenant work, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertise- ment: Base Bid Total plus Total plus Alternate A Alternate B Bituminous Consulting 6 Contractors, Minneapolis, MN. Veit 6 Co. Rogers, MI. Wisconsin Country Stone Golden Valley, MN. Acro Asphalt, Inc. Hamel, MN. Iluffalo Bituminous Buffalo, MN. Qnann Construction Hanover, MN. 33,452.00 45,222.50 41,106.50 31,555.00 40,511.50 39,871.00 37,457.00 43,169.00 47,096.00 31,025.00 39,542.00 37,062.50 28,270.00 36,770.00 34,234.00 25,915.70 37,900.20 31,501.70 AND W11EREAS, it appears that of is the lowest responsible bidder; and, NOW THE'RIiFORC, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Mayor and City Adminiatrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with in the name of the City of Monticello for thu improve- manc of 7th Street from Trunk Hwy 25 to Cedar Street by the construction of now bituminous surface, curb and gutter and other appurtenant work according to the plana and spocificationa therefore approved by the City Council and on filo in the office of the City Adminis- trator. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AID FOR IMPROVEMENT OF 7TH STREET Page 2 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the success- ful bidder and the next lower bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of July, 1982. krva i,. Grimawc' Mayor of Monticello Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator iqiiL 13 J�A� looke. b-iHI. -i" .27 Act,* ot 0.1172 a 3.P9 qql I i PAW Z- �t. Y - 0 qt Q. ° -" 19 �ie,ss - A•r« C,St �. a.!- oG' 'f�i ilo.+c � � �� �. 4•.S • i,l1s i �sss.,a•c t,zS/S,A:» pi+. �ello.aa� " - 6•: C; its �� S ry.lr �u....t. +�•�•� ira i:t\ Oar/ �i..:c� : � r'11.6�,,gow, Mew 3V•/3 a i. j,.flo••l. �j t(S•Lo M:..•.i�a {<.4:ii = y016M S3.?S �1•oy- 68,ot< t' '!+" Vi2�1 •f 41 ytK IAV i. it MA:'�`• VO} ,NC.I�•�CI\ 1953 !1 j r3y.92 - )G.t,Sp t'iO.S+f - .7o+f.S6 j l 11 ir<i 167. i •, a• e a t 8 1. a /7f,St aa4,Tt snn, 30 9Zy7 a+19 •yg Ord4 �0 11,a� Ie7e �«ur++st 217.1L 27/3c' wN< 794.�J ft - f ;r 11 i PAW Z- �t. ORR•SCHELEN-MIAYEROM 0ASSOCIATE& INC CaeRdlinp Enpiir>Iears Dtv/sW o/ Kidde ConsuRante. Inc. [eta Sretierora 0.,.� � N a IJ� 8Z le'e-ocD 41 *ry 1,,JK �fAk 43 Q5I C�-, Attn: Gentlemen: We we mr%&V you Andrd XL.. SN nitsiv _ By Mewreps_ti'o fonowlro itstrs: O Shop Drawings O Spedtkertlenw NPOWW Ord- of Ion Rspon D Prints o Pref. Repots OI cona.en O Mo m.ndun N0. SHOP DRAWING pE3CRIPTtON PRINTS NUMBER TAW w trenhad a docked: O No Earweaptiocs Taken O Not. Wrki p O Pm Your Use O Rooam o Re+ia rid Am bmh O Comments Artied sd O As Rowmad O Reelw• end Cms "m io for Sfpotur" ��'1�-�' � nt' %S1ri.•I-� �I�( �foi Rerwks: •'�UN1-- � t DEM UTYDF �r.�f� Guu►EwAruee � Aoowrtt �t � �HtiJ � N1GI.A .lCi T� r•,F �,cFi,L � SNPAt,LI Cele{ � 1021 EON Nenfb—'� cm • Sub?39 • AQnRIwbaut9 • Qi!/Sir -am y.- oto.dente cite the tr+s a+ Tw* contrec+ dated November 20, 1080 ai+h :v of Monticello 0-orforWWTP Ucaradina t Appurtenant work &'a he•a>r ,ecwts?#: to cov.:11 .its. The fol o.inp ct.enpes trap. Tb cont.sct pis -s an: saacir;catlons: :rcpt It, she justification; - ANar to field ill d 76 fA"o:-ed! ield installation of electrical conduit b wiring in the Control Bldg. b igester Control Bldg. has revealed some minor revisions necessary in eceptacles, spare and control wiring provisions for various equipment. .kdo.n o, Coats TMs 0•sn96 rider: 0, b Material Ded.,ct hbcontractor $1,564.00 $78.00 $1,642.00 ,,,.t of 0.191-I0 Co11,90: 14,704,000.00 TOnN Contract •t,ec+ Thru C.O. 41 Ideal Addition Total Now" Tier u Tris C.O. 0 42 $4,812,928.07 1 $1,642.00 $4,814,570.07 iptnet Comlt{dnttas 141,200.00 yt A�e,ni,ip M. Tn.. C,O, 14 1 Ade This C.O. � COc.c- This C.O. Co,tinpr•cles $32,271.93 $1,642.00 }.Q,��o-01 :.0-•6 .tit be e, er.enlsm of n Ears fw 4c►fipfIon. 'rhe We of +1,0- sotle•lor a. Ca.t,en .es October 28, tp 82 one ,ce all, be October 28s 1992 . icia:•at at Dr's Sii•nsa E2�"Ur.r a•r,aneed by -j • " C,.b 1 near 14f•o•09 9► we 112-00 6-13% k .;.ad .,r„•.. •ter... :. .. ...., .�r �. . reanrro ""' T m:aas . -evR• ORR $CKL1th MAVEROh A ASSOCIATES, INC. 0-10.0.01 .ax to.s .*. is a tat• M..t «. evI Wnt to r.w.i.ro.q w aM,ff,} Iv+tut tw, Aou l acro. Paul A. Laurence Co. Change o.0-,. f<. 42 ,ss P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Highway 55 West field swell. ft. 76 Minneapolis, MN 55440 proles, 0,.068-2748.01 Local Ion Monticello, Minnesota MA qrent 270855-03 oto.dente cite the tr+s a+ Tw* contrec+ dated November 20, 1080 ai+h :v of Monticello 0-orforWWTP Ucaradina t Appurtenant work &'a he•a>r ,ecwts?#: to cov.:11 .its. The fol o.inp ct.enpes trap. Tb cont.sct pis -s an: saacir;catlons: :rcpt It, she justification; - ANar to field ill d 76 fA"o:-ed! ield installation of electrical conduit b wiring in the Control Bldg. b igester Control Bldg. has revealed some minor revisions necessary in eceptacles, spare and control wiring provisions for various equipment. .kdo.n o, Coats TMs 0•sn96 rider: 0, b Material Ded.,ct hbcontractor $1,564.00 $78.00 $1,642.00 ,,,.t of 0.191-I0 Co11,90: 14,704,000.00 TOnN Contract •t,ec+ Thru C.O. 41 Ideal Addition Total Now" Tier u Tris C.O. 0 42 $4,812,928.07 1 $1,642.00 $4,814,570.07 iptnet Comlt{dnttas 141,200.00 yt A�e,ni,ip M. Tn.. C,O, 14 1 Ade This C.O. � COc.c- This C.O. Co,tinpr•cles $32,271.93 $1,642.00 }.Q,��o-01 :.0-•6 .tit be e, er.enlsm of n Ears fw 4c►fipfIon. 'rhe We of +1,0- sotle•lor a. Ca.t,en .es October 28, tp 82 one ,ce all, be October 28s 1992 . icia:•at at Dr's Sii•nsa E2�"Ur.r a•r,aneed by -j • " C,.b 1 near 14f•o•09 9► we 112-00 6-13% k .;.ad .,r„•.. •ter... :. .. ...., .�r �. Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONIPACIORS P.O. 80. 1267 10.000 H.ghsy 55 West kill—ltoohS. UN 554A0 Telephone 6121546-6911 TLX 29070 June 22, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Carrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 76 Change Order Request No. 39 Gentlemen: After reviewing Field Modifleaticn No. 7C, datcd Fob:. r; 17, leS-2, for minor D electrical revisions in the control building and digester oontml building; w submit the following price: Subcontractor Material & Labor ...................$1,564.00 General Contractor O.H. & P. - 51 ................ 78.00 I)ota I .......................................... 1,642. 00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please :issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. LA004M MIPANN, brrtrundtner Estimator JG:jc cc: Palco, Wntjcello, Minnesota Job File General File &Vbs'a'ary Of 6 J ato-tts - " Company ZA— P8,41 A Lowt1tv Co -r— .0vol opponumliv employe, ................ Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONMAC10R5 P.O. Bo. 1267 10.000 H.ghwey 66 West Mmneapohs, Mt/ 65,440 Telephone 612,546.6911 T lx 290730 May 10, 1982 RECEIVED ' 0RR•SCMELER•biRYERON 6 ASSOC. COMM. 0 27yiLt WAY 12 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 8 Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis. Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading 8 Appurtenant Mork Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 76 Change Order Request No. 39 Gentlemen: After reviewing Fielo modiricatiun Nw. 7G, da 1U., ry 17, 198?, for minor electrical revisions in the control building an digester control building; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material b labor ....................$1,760.00 General Contractor O.H. d P. - 5% ................. 88.00 Total.............................................31.848.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, UL A. LAUR( E COMPANY Jerry Grundtner Project Estimator JG:jc cc: Palco, Monticello, Minnesota Job File General File sut've.eq of s J 010.ee 6 aoro C0.n0e*1, J / PAW A L6416AC1 CC-tlfhf M oPPpn MA .. _..»� _ .................... ... ... .r._ii+iti�i..��hh. .....ti ..• +� �(.'�Y/N.MIh�t.'I.^l;.•• ORR-SCNEIEN'MAYERflN bASSOCIATES. INC. onsu/T;ng Engineers February 17, 1982 and Surveyors Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 hest Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading 6 Appurtenant stork EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification #76 Gentlemen: Field installation of electrical conduit and wiring in the Control Building and Digester Control Building has revealed some minor deficiencies in receptacle, spare and control wiring provisions for various equipment. The following revisions and awd:t:cns to wiring shall he made as identified below: 1. Sheet E-1 Furnish and install the following wiring for the waste gas burner: 1/2" conduit, 2-112, 1-#12g to spare 20-1 circuit breaker in LP -B. Run conduit underground and make all necessary connections. 2. Sheet E-3 Furnish and install one duple: receptacle wired to circuit 13 at nearest Type G light fixture to connect sewage sampler added as part of Field Modification 043. The wiring shall be as follows: 1/2" conduit, 2-#12, 14129. Receptacle mounting height shall be 4'-0'. 3. Sheet 8-4 Add 10% spare wires to pulls between MCC's and MCP. Change control wiring from main control panel to 3 motor control centers as follows: Change 3'-106-#14 to 30-117-#14, MCCA To MCP Change 2-1/2"-82-114 to 2-1/2"-90-114, MCC -8 to MCP Change 2"-52-#14 to 2 57-#14, MCC -C to MCP 4. Sheet E-14 Control wiring coded CD, for motors M46, M47 and 1448 shall be changed from 6-114 to 9-114 from push button control to MCC -C. 2021 fair Henn, -iue • Sura 238 • Minn- p(I—, neinre 55413 • C121331. SC1.9 Page Two Paul A. Laurence Co. February 17, 1482 S. Clarification - Thermal Overload Protection Your inquiry regarding motors M-116 and M-117 prompts us to clarify the intention of the specification and drawings regarding all motors. In the motor schedule on dwgs E15 and E16, all motors designated with the symbol *TT* under starter require either built-in overload protection or shall be provided with a thermal trip switch. This requirement is specified in the Speci- fications, Section 1670.03, 'Motor Starters*. Please note that the Schedule takes precedence over the thermal trip switch symbols on the drawings. Please submit a change order request for work related to Items 1 thru 4 at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, ORR-SCRELEN-MAYERON i ASSOCIATES, INC.'���,J,�� Vw Ge ASr4rk, P.E. Project Manager GSCsnlb cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, OSM John Simola, City of Monticello Paul B. Blomberg, OSM :. 1 the" kit W O/ 1•.4110 p..l+e4 OelRi:l4Cllh eteYtROS a 4S50CleTES. INC. e6' W• r««I,«.rl t1••II it •««I.•O.n r«IY,1•./, Ill•e•er+w. e.oer lrerfo, Paul A. Laurence Co. G1enDe 43 ;t P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Highway 55 West Viola awl.. W. 82 Minneapolis, MN 55440 o4.0jrc, ft.069-2748.01 Local lon Monticello, Minnesota to 0,6n1 270855-03 eccoroonce elth fh. le'ma W ►ov, conlren doted November 20, 11080 r:1h ,tv of Monticello 0■n•• +o,WW'TP UPoradino b Appurtenant Work a. . We_, lecuelt eC 10 Cdr: +GI Io.; IS d.e,;.t t,cr The COn-r O.' 0 W eM eO.CI};W 10,1: t:' lv 1o,. e,c wrt if icor lo,: - R.fe• 1c nelc 1+ocif It 82 1+Tie-oe1 (2ioester gas pr n- lrp gnncing rin. oe eco ac _,and a device with a narrower range is more compatible with anticipated Pressures. -09 -do". a- Cot -e Trill D�Slvq 014.1; ., b Material te.;Pesn, Profit 4 0.e,heed lots' .od ♦! C+dvcl �;.,ubcontractor $561.00 1 $28.00 589.00 V -o,rt of Cal;'nor Co•tren: 14,704,000.00 Xe' e' Co•+• en .w iron Th,u C.D. I-42 total Addltloe Tole} Deduct Tf,'v This C.Q. d 43 $4,814,570.07 $589.00 $4.815,159.07 1,iS1neI CoMT%.nC1et (311 $141,200.00 N- 1-11 11+19I :0,1. T—. C.D. 142 Add ll- 16 C. 0. D•d.c, Tele C.D. Co-'Ingo'tlet $30,629.93 $589.00 $30,040.93 T+•r• .111 be •• •.'tool for of (� den to, co;IeT loo. The 96.0 Of f1.e co';;Vfor or C001ec, at October 28, 1082 •,k no. •n1 pe October 28, 1082. A. te;'•e bt 0.'e Slp1e$ .,dee b► —Y) too liy,eo L 3p Z 114 ►• d• ee bT Des Snood Paul A. Laurence Company ' -GENERAL CONTRACIORS p.0. 9o. 1267 10.000 N.Onwa7 5$ wait Mm416009A, UN 554+0 7alaphone 01215x6.6911 YLx 2907]0 June 22, 1882 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: W. Gerald Carrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Aprpirtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 1270$55-03 Field Modification No. a2 Change Order Request No. 45 Gentlemen: After revieu3ng Field Modification No. 62, dated March 5, 1982, for re- placing the Digester Pressure Transnitters; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material & labor ....... $561.00 General Contractor O.H. & P, - 9i,,,. 28.00 Total................................$589.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ALR. A. 1A 07tII>� Je Grundtner Project Estimator cc: Pasco, Monticello, Mui Job File General File b,loa.e-ary or 8 J. G.a.sa a sone Canpany Paul A Lowll-Co Compan7 u an •Cval eppOn...,,, .'Worn ! ✓ 0 IEN'TEC ENGINEERING CORP. 3050 PIONEER TRAIL :DEN PRAIRIE, MN. 55344 i June 16, 1982 Mr. John Davidson Davidson Electric Company 2067 E. Center Circle Plymouth, MN 55441 Subject: Field Modification 182 Dear John: RECEIVE[) JUN 18 1982 --TI TELEPHONE 612.944.7000 Quote 162264JB Rev. 1 We are modifying our previous quote as follows: Delete 3 - Honeywell model WE5 Differential Pressure. Transmitters ------------------------------------------ $2.163.00 3 - Honeywell model 411122----------------------------- 2,376.00 or Rosemount 115IDP3 156 Overhead 6 profit on $645 difference--------------- 96.75 t 4 hours Engineering 0 $50----------------------------- 200.00 Net Change-------------------------- 509.75 Terms and conditions are Identical to the original order. Very truly yours, BENTEC ENCINEERINC CORPORATION Jodict J8:mjw Paul A. Laurence Company T GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Bo. +767 10.000 N,pnwe7 :5 West I M—eep Oht. MN 55..0 Telephone 61715,46-6911 1 L x 790730 June 9, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Oorrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification No. 82 Change Order Request No. 45 Gentlenen: \ C) After reviewing Field Modification No. 82, dated M41thf;i 5, 1982, for re- placing the Digester Pressure 7 ransrnitters; we suhmit the following price: Subcontractor Material & Labor ..... $1,083.00 General Contractor O.H. & P.--%... 54.00 lbtal .............................. 1 137.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a Change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. 1ALCE Cn6P� , 3er:ryZrundtner Project Estimator cc: Paloo, Monticello, W Job File General File JG:jc - ll J 6061d,e1y 01 6 J. G•O.et 1 50-- 00,1 A,U,,,awu Comn•^r it en .... ..... „nor e•..e�era .bauillson C.(edrit Company goal 9.01 ear+a. e..c,a gaols a ea June 8, 1982 Mr. Jerry Grundtner PaulA. Laurence Co. 10,000 Highway 55 Minneapolis, Mn. 55440 Subject: Field Modification 482 \ Dear Jerry: We quote the subject modification as Delete 3 - Honeywell model 411E5 Differential Pressure Transmitters ----------------------- ($2,163.00) Add Restocking charge for above (.20%) ------ 432.00 3 - mncywcll model 411E2 ------------------- 2,472.75 4 hours Engineering 9 550.00 ----------------- 200.00 Net -change ------------------ S 941.75 15% Ovet-head and Profit --------------------- 141.26 Terms and conditions are identical to the original order-------------------------------------------- S1,OB3.01 Very truly yours, Dav'dson Electric � /Company r'P "J" v John T. Davidson JD/mc �q3 ORR-SCNEIEN-MAYERON bf ASSOCIATES, INC, :onsulting Engineers March 5, 1982 .and Surveyors Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrading i Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification 182 Gentlemen: The sensitivity requirements of the digester gas pressure sensing devices 155, 56 and 57 (Honeywell Model 411ES) have been re-evaluated, and we have determined that a device with a narrower range of approximately 0-40 inches water column would be more appropriate for this application. we, therefore, request that you supply Model 411E2, Rosemount Model 115iGPIE12, or equal, (3 each) in place of Model W ES. Please process a change order request for the price differential to go to the narrower range devices. Please note that in my preliminary discussion of this change with Bentec, we were talking about a Model 411E1, however, the 4llE2 and 1151GP3E12 are less costly and will do the job. Additionally, in our letter to you, dated September 21, 1981, concerning the Bentec and Edison submittal, we indicated that the nameplate on the MPC for these devices was to read 00-1.5 PSIG'. With this change, we expected Edison to modify the display to have a 'ones' unit and two decimal places in the three digit display. Please confirm that this was done. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON L ASSOCIATES, INC. �A. Lepak7 P.C. CAL:nlb cc: Bentec Edison Controls John Simola, City of !'.•nticello Dick Reeling, OSM James Miller, City r.onticeilo Jerry Corrick, OSM John Badalich, OSM 17 -1) Til%1 (af� L'rnr.r�P„ cyanic ?19 . Minnre,—lis. ti9:nnr8010 55413 • W1331. 600 J t54 ii It 165416411 ORR SCHUEM 04AYERON i ASSOCIATE$. P4,. %wdvwA,o- o• .,ax cah1�.M.w1 ,.,: a.•W'+1.r,w. awl Wal/L —,..o.q •IL'f IT N, WOW+4.. wft• rano, Paul A. Laurence Co, chity. 0•09. ko 44 + P.O. Bax 1267, 10000 Highway 55 nest Fio,o nwi, uo 84 Minneapolis, M14 55440 p,oj,, re 068.2748.01 i«.+low Monticello, Minnesota EPA ?aR+ 270855-03 ecc0•aahca .Ith the f.•w1 O• ", corltroEq Catatl November 20, 1980 .i+h tv of Monticello G.na- Ta•h'WTP UAgradina a bppurtenant work G-. Owe, reeu.11ar to co+pl) oil?. the fclio'frs cTa,lpai fro. the Contract 018+1 aht t0aliitr loll: x•Ip•ior. alta J.atlTicoelon: - R.T., le rlole TToeil / 64 (itta:hod) cork required by the Contractor to facilitate installation of the telephone system by the local telephone utility (Bridgewater Telephone Co.). •6.00- of Cote this C%a•q. 0'"'; . 6 maLentil CIt Gvarhaae 1Subcontracto ) Toll A0a 1a+ai ;No.cl $666.00 $33.00 $699.00 ,,•+ of 6i9ihol Cohtrorl: 14.704.000.00 C.',I:.•tiat 1$29,341.93 $30,040.93 'C. a+roA thru C.G. f43 1081 Aatllt Aon Tota DaOuCf Thru 11% C.O. 1 4 4 54,815,159.07 $699.00 54.815.858.07 ipih.i Cm+(rSaRclo1 1)%) 1141,-200.00 t4 82 the ho..ifl be October 28, Ij82 , 43 y1.1hi R9 Thri, C.O. i h06 Th le C. 0. D.e.,r Thll C.G. C.',I:.•tiat 1$29,341.93 $30,040.93 $699.00 14.4 .111 be a, arTonlioe of. n Oar$ for cWt IRTloft. he era of the /ppto•iw o+ Canrae+ n, October 28, t4 82 the ho..ifl be October 28, Ij82 , (pri, ec+or 1 +.saw+eatl er ,��� Kl' or.11oft.a O'�30%�Z. kro•oe by Gra iitlh84 O. Ra. j 'Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONIRACIORS P.O- so. 1267 10.00 Nrgh..r 55 writ ,. Mrnr>fippiN, UN 55440 TibOhone 63?x546.5931 TLX 2907]0 June 22. 1982 Orr-Schelen-biayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Rork Monticello. Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 84 Cbange Order Request No. 40 Gentlemen: tJter reviewing Field Modification No. 84, dated March 18, 1982, for electrical revisions to acconodate the new telephone system; we submit the following price: J Subcontractor Material & Labor ....................$666.00 General Contractor O.H. & P. - 5% ................. 33.00 Total ........................................... .$693.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience, Sincerely, qe alR. A.LA�: diner project Estimator JG:jc cc: Paloo, Monticello, Minnesota Job File General File 11 bubildlov of 1 J Oro.„ S Soni Co.: Pool 4 Uur4na CO -i••• r an Q,81 I I Paul A. Laurence Company GENE RAL! CONT RAC I ORS P 0 B9. 1267 ; t0.000.M39hwiy 55 Wes, fJ.nneapol.s; MN 5S-40 Ipepnpnfr 612/5-6.69" 10 290730 May 10, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron b Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick OAR•SCHELIN-LL '. ',�'l b ASSOC. COMM. M z -7�6. 0 MAY 12 1982 L , 1 Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading 8 Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification No. 84 Change Order Request No. 40 Gentlemen: After reviewing Field Mudificatiun No. Ca. doted Mir- 18, 1982, for electrical revisions to accomodate the new telephone system; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material b Labor................S 972.00 General Contractor O.H. 8 P. - 51; ............. 49.00 Total.........................................$1021.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. LAUPENCE COMPANY ;ferry Grundtner Project.Estimator JG:jc cc: Palco, Monticello, Minnesota Job File General File 6abeld.sry Of a J Grove, 6 compsny 7 ' Vein A Leulen0e Co.+.p-^• n1 opponuntl, emptoyst I ••- .rv5'ic - . i. ORR •SCNEIEN • MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. -7sulr�ng fnginee,^s -,d Survet•ors ' March I8, 1962 Paul A. Laurence Co. P. 0. Sox 1267 10000 Highway 55 Kest Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification t84 - Telephone System Gentlemen: on March 1, 1982, the City of Monticello staff met with Bridge- water Telephone Company to discuss the telephone system for the project. The primtry purpose of this Field Modification is to provide information on the system to be installed by the tele- phone company and to specify the associated work required by your subcontractors. As you are aware, there are no provisions for phone service in the original contract documents. The City will subcontract to the telephone company direct for their installa- tion. The telephone system decided upon was Businesscom by Tie Com- munications, Inc. Please find attached a letter dated March 3, 1982, from the City of Monticello to OSM, describing the phone system. Also enclosed is a data sheet on the Businesscom phone unit outlining the standard features. In addition to these standard features, a common alarm circuit will be provided for in the new telephone system. The alarm circuit will be activated on the telephone system only during the hours a plant operator is on duty. During unattended hours, the telephone alarm circuit will be disconnected, and the alarm telemetry automatic dialer system in the main control panel will be active. Refer to Specifica- tions, Section 1690.23P. Bridgewater Telephone Company will be responsible for installing the telephone service and corresponding underground work. Refer to the enclosed drawing number P4, PA -2, PA -3, PA -11, and PA -17 for the approximate location of the proposed telephone service. The telephone company will furnish and install all phones, main control box (primary junction box), necessary internal wiring, alarm circuit system, and the loud bell alarm unit mounted high outside the Operator Rc -'s exterior wall. 2027 Fast Hi.w,etit 1.vcnue "33 • 14,'nntanofis. 1.1;nnesots 554:- .`12133/.8660 J Page Two Paul A.;Laurence CO. march 18, 1982 In order to provide for the telephone system, the following work is hereby requested by the Contractor: 1. In the Main Control Panel, wire the normally open contact of the co. -non alarm relay 1CR4209 through the Automatic Dialer selector switch contact to the terminal block. The covmon alarm contact shall be connected to the telephone system when the automatic dialer selector switch is in 'Local" position and disconnected when in 'Remote' position. If a contact of the common alarm relay or a selector switch on the Automatic Dialer is not available, they shall be provided by the Contractor. 2. Install one 3/4' conduit and 5 - 112 (2-112, 1-ii2g - power, 2 -112 -control) conductors from LP -E Main Control Panel to the telephone system control box for power and alarm control. 3. Telephone system power shall be provided by Circuit #7 of LP-£. Mire the common alarm contacts in the main control panel to the telephone system control box alarm input terminals. Enclosed are ten (14) sets of drawings P4, PA -2, PA -3, PA -11, and PA -17. Please distribute these to your electrical subcontractor and other subcontractors and suppliers as necessary to facilitate coordination. Please submit a change order request at your earliest convenience for work associated with phone systems hook-up as specified herein. Sincerely, ORR-SCRELEN-MAYERON OCIATES, INC. bSS4 � &VLZ4 Gerald S. Corriek, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nib Enclosures cc: John P. 8adalich, OSM Jim Miller, City of Monticello Dean Sharpe, OSM Meg Sherburne, OSM Bob Rierson, Bridgewater Telephone Co. Jahn Simola, City of Monticello Dick. Reeling, OSM Field Office In ty1aN7'Yp�Yti Lily ai 250 East Broadway Route 4, Sox 83A MONTICELLO, MN 55362 March 3, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron s Associates, Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave. Suite 238 Y,inneapolis, Y.innesota 55413 hrrLU TION: Jerry Corrick -- alma lir 13Y4VF@ ^ 1 RP: Telephone System for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Gentlemen: On Yarch 1, 1482, the city staff met with Bob Rierson of Bridgewater Telephone Cor.,pany. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the phone syster., proposed for the wastewater Treatment Plant. The system decided upon the now Businesscom by Tie. The system will be installed by Bridgewater as indicated on the drawings prepared by OSM and shall include a control box leas than two (2) feet square, four (4) phones and two lines. A copy of the equi$^ent brochure is enclosed. There will be an ad- ditional feature not shown. This is an slam repeating of a signal from a security or safety alarm system. All phones will emit a European siren like sound when the alarm is tripped. This a very good feature for daytime operation. we ask that the contractor be responsible only for the following: 1. Providing hook up from the telephone control box to the main control panel alarm systems. 2. Providing one 110 volt/15 or 20 amp single phase outlet at the location of the telephone control panel. If you `.eve any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us. Si cerely; ) f / � John Simole Public WorY.s Director JS/mh cc: Jerry Grundtner, Paleo Dick Y.teling, OSY Field Officer John Badalieh, OSM Jim Miller. IwWrp superintendent 1 1111onrP to 9Jrinnlito!/n Bill, Mot •`ti is ••• - :��,. «• -': a ns w'n ,-.trrc o�c ars r.a'.OS t/es, t• OT B:+C'! f tilt oes- o= 4. lost fru roc+'n Fjsning a s'nyit o n.to . p ns .-coni.nq ca.t On nolo ano less you instanliy announ:e It r l�f v^a' n t! a'. ,n.L :.'cane Ca . l'a�• t l;, 6"' G'+g n; &'-a It ..r Ca' C:.U. :,. 7s�.! t..: walcrmr.u-.,uuo•nito,•+ �•lr�t rt"'oa't aoaea v tai ant I•js,r•es, More oommunicatrons power for your business. Faster. NSIK eOrrlrrA7NCMlOrls: BUSINBusill twCorrvtWnlCatlOrtS fof all types d businesses ••. ESSC.OMpway is a sett.contelnep system for pr otess'onai dlttces an0 Strait oustnesses. or executive offices ano ousy omariments. working in conjunction with a larger switcnv,g system tPAaXi. • - Instantly locate People- Selective speaker Intercom neiD! you 11110 DeOp a witn the Pis" of a single Ouhon anO tali, tO ine-r, Mrougri the speaker In their telephone instars reloty-People answer yo+j wtnOul tOwmir,;l tnelr telecinone-uom a:foss the oesl< or across ine rO;Vr Saes time. re,luces irtertu.Nions: speeas rece'Dl ol,rlco'ning Ca11S cuts cosily can -backs Insert -A11 -Gall- Page -Locale DeODle Quickly Cry s,rn jganep:rsly' caltingthrougha.ltelephones Inthe sysiem anoop:,Onai'y. tnrOugn exlernal Iouospeaker5 Instant access-D,lett Station Selection MSSi in e+erj Dno-ze connects you toOlner staitonSo, dl, -cast Daae witRtte Dush o: a s'ng C bjhon Instant call -for wading- Put incorn.rig calls On ho:o a n,^. anno:,n:e them Instantly-wGn the pus's d' a s'ngle D. -tor. 'Courtesy- Intercom Circuit - %Vnen you are on an cl„:y X, CcH moon ling inlet cont calls we s,gnaleO Dy a otsC rCCI rACaS,lnt rrkrs cal tone. eliminating DOSsiVe O,straCtions Qt SINESKOM's manyatner berrerl ,. Eno 1CCIOertal Interruptions an0 tavesOropping - AurIemal.0 prn a:y w Uh release pt events anyone It Om listening in without your permission Set up your Own Conference falls• -NO Operator assistance reOuireO to continence with two OutSiOe Calls Calls one' 1410' Can't he forge ten- Atter a orecietermtned perrOO. cats you Dlaceo on too autonlatiGtiy re•rirg at YOU` extension OtSlinCI,ve, flashing' 1 .Rollo S,gna. at yeur telconcirle auto. niatKalty IOenlittes cans you CIRC" on nyo Iron', a! i otners When you wish to return to the call, tree+e inc. 07jDa Scroo which fine topics, up 'DC,Nol DisturW-insuresDrivaCywher,you w,s• Us liming away to:e, Com tal1S Mu%JC-on•ndd• - P,ctsanl music rakes Caller $,A,. r j:tl more wtl.hg 10 wait. COntifnls they are s:ti COnneC:ea Autorrtatit reslr,CSIOn d un &Ahorixed Cells' - S!,M:eO Dn Drft rrtaybetes:r,CleoltomptaCingiong-dlsta•iCeano Oranyoutstce Certs wnnW refir,Cirng imeiCom CapaD .,:,eS Electronic six"d.all -One O• morepn.,ne!Ca- tr. eoj p—. -c with l IE se-cius-ve MEMORY DIAL' un; :rut: fit"n.,aes uG totenficauenity Useo num:y_•*s sntl 6,a's Inert a. !,".a:.:a'tl'as elemontr sr k etl Upon Commano iia:kgroundmusiv-LNne,evertheir isatele:,-•:'•e y.UCan nave measant mjsR /automa:ita:ly Ove•r-13r. C, a'Ita pager 5eCur1lydtw• answenng—IOenUt, vtsil:; s bavk.'tL::, t�'ktng ♦'�a I,slen,rp U On. any INC Gn,ine in yCV• 61 sten. Monitor CtIIICS'areas- Keep a CDnt,nu,ws eat C'a't, v,:a Ioca:,On On yojn D,em,ses Inc, east0 or OduCtl Vlty and $UtM 0111 141 Cost savings» bj$i?gE SSCOM p, Ov-OCs lne u'ti•r late it OK le": j a* -3 ver sit ibly Sra:t•a•1e sisit•04•1ne an m,:rocCMrl.re1 Ces 7n Wuv,o_; ngn tenwrrrnce re+ia i M) anotiesto,t,ly o• ts,u'ng!ia-a.' c: s rlgtebrit te,ear,ane wire BUSINESSrnM,by �' is,¢ GVV?.ESS C&Ar,A WAYrD JS C KWctj7S . VVI. �,'awV • r/•. r.. �— —..... �-, a te4gf10 rM,eO ORA SCKLLin 14AMON { RSSOCIATi1, O4C, �� px• W' .4»»r �..+14v^1 t0- r..»,.ro.n r. w•,.a v4itr 0-r.. so.a r.ctor Paul A.. -Laurence Co. Chove,Oee•am. 45 .,, P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Highway 55 West riele roti., it. 89 Minneapolis, MN 55440 a olan ,.068-2748.01 Lac e, ta^ Monticello, Minnesota 0-a. o -•*t ,070855-03 sc con ae^c• .nn the t•at a' tom»' cantrae+ ee•ee November 20, 11$0 ran tv of Monticello a"•• }o•K(4TP Uporadinc b {appurtenant Work e'I h••e., 'Kt,.N •.' 10 cR.:il Oil. the 1CIi0.:MS O.t^944 har tht contra.• pte:S e•: spec If lens: c'h'ip, ene 7»S/1liee1101: • 11410- It rlele Moen 1 89 (mlev'e2) :'review of shop dwgs. t electrical wiring installation requirements has necessitated minor compatibility revisions in the wiring for the air operated pumps, grit elevator, and final clarifiers. ,..ao.r o' Cot`. thta 6.6,94 Oar: :d b Materialtc.:G+ant Isle IV { Cortese Toter +t•: Tot3 nal •C.Ct j ubcontracto $857.00 1' 00 $900.00 o1 al;IleI to. t'ec•: 14,704,000.00 To• e' Co•.r pet •t•ect T'h,w I 144 Tsr'sa AGeitlon Te+40- dr0utl n,ru T.I. C.O. i 45 4,815,858.07 $900.00 1 1$4,816.758.07 ilrn.t Cor'ln{•^tree I�l1 114�.�.QQ Q_Q_.._ y• e4•t:.rn� a•.+, T-. C.C. / 44 Ke Th. it C. 0.CMc.c» T%Is C.O. C0•1i,r,clot 529,341.93 I $900.00 $28,441.93 1.4.4 pit be e,. Se*"1101. at A9016 to• t0;te"lM. Ce's o+ Its tv:le•to+ o' Ca.t,ee, .n October 28, 11 82 a+t ho. alu be October 28, 1982 , C".t, act Of We .J y" a. ee OT •. i ll'"et Paul A. Laurence Company��—�--_�_ GENERAL CONIRAC1oRS P.0 9o. t?67 10.000 H.Onw4y !S west { M -04001's, MN 55440 14ieDhone 6121546-6911 1LX 290730 - June 22, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeran & Assoc., Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerai Corrick Re: wastewater Treatment Upgrading and Appurtenant work Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field W difieation No. 89 Change Order Request No. 42 Gentlemen: ( After reviewing Field Modification No. 89, dated April 21, 9182, for minor `. control airing revisions to the air operated diaphram purips; se submit the foilaving price: Subcontractor Material & W-or..................3857.00 General Contractor O.H. & P. - Sr ............... 43.00 Total...........................................$900.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience, Sincerely, r,PAUL A. LA�� LiD.'PAA e rundtner Project Estimator JG:jc cc; Palco, Monticello, Minnesota Job File General File 5. bs4 0'+ti or 5 2 O10..49 4 : :O+p4M P4.1 A 14wo-co compo' •01 opponunnl Paul A. Laurence Company RECEIVED ' GE.ERal C4'7nTRACTORS QRp•9CHElEk%' �3 ' COMM. P.0 Ho. 1257 •-•- 70.000 M,pi wa, ss well M�Y 1 2 1982 Mmnaaoo��s Mtr 55aa0 ` lf";.honr 51?+Sab•5411 i TLI M730 r11 May 10. 1982 Orr- Schel en-Mayeron b Assoc.. Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis. Minnesota 55413 Attn: Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment upgrading and Appurtenant Work Monticello. Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 89 Change Order Request No. 42 Gentlemen: After reviewing field Modification No. 69, dated April 21, 1982, for minor control wiring revisions to the air operated diaphram pumps; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material 8 Labor...: ............. $1,156.00 General Contractor O.H. 8 P. - 51 :............. 58.00 Total .......................................... $1,214.00 If the above figure meets with your favorable approval. please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, AUL A. LAURE:JCE C014PAIJY i erryrundtner roject Estimator JG:jc cc: Palco, Monticello. Minnesota Job rile General file lt:45' 5ubomav of 5 J G -o.0 A Som Com; P#vf A IN.101C♦ •ouai ox+Wn ,.a, +•mvlovn �. �, .� . � ,-• ORR•SGHELEN•AdAYERON 6ASSOGIATES, INC. ufling Engineers" Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. -)c Surveyors April 21, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 089 Gentlemen: Review of shop drawings and electrical wiring installation require- ments for the air operated diaphram pumps (Mechanical Unit No.'s 19 through 24, 59 c 60), final clarifiers (Mechanical Unit No.'s 55 a 56), and grit elevator (Mechanical Unit No. 3) has necessitated minor co^_petibility revisions in the control wiring for these devices. Review of the site lighting plan has revealed that a high pressure sodium fixture has been specified for installation above the aera- tion tanks. The color rendering characteriatices of high pressure sodium luminaires will distort the true color of the liquid in the aeration tanks, thereby severely limiting visual process control. For this reason, a luminaire with true color rendering characteris- tics shall be provided for this application. The following revisions shall be incorporated: 1. Sheet E4 Ct.ange the Mechanical Unit designations for the primary sludge pumps in Room C-01 from 36, 37, 38 to 21,•20, 19 respectively. Change the Mechanical Unit designations for the intermediate sludge pumps from 33, 34. 35 to 22, 23, 24 respectively. Con- duit and wiring for the solenoid valve and the control panel for each of the air operated diaphram pumps shall be revised as indicated on the attached 8-I/2'x11• revision drawing E -4r(1). Power from a spare circuit in LP -E. 2. Sheet E4 In room C -IS, mount grit elevator safety switch on southwest corner of the grit elevator. Rope to hang down Ehrough ope- ning in floor. Route 1/2• conduit with 2 i14 to local control station. Wire safety switch in series with local control station. 20?1 I's sr He - in Avenue • Suite 238 + Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 G1tr. JEtEX:29.0948 ?iL Page .Two r Paul A. Laurence Co. April 21, 1982 3. Sheet EIO Reference final clarifiers (Mechanical Unit No.'s 55 Route 1/2' conduit with 2 i14 from sludge collector drive (M28 M29) torque limit switch to local control station. wire limit switch in series with local control station. 4. Sheet E12 Provide conduit and wire as indicated on attached revision drawing E -12r(1) for the air operated diaphragm pumps (Me- chanical unit No.'s 59 i 60). Move receptacle for sump pump from west wall to east wall in the area of the sump. S. Sheet El Delete requirement for a high pressure sodium luminaire above the aeration tanks. Provide one (1) 250 watt metal halide lu- minaire, 208V, with low temperature ballast for this location. Fixture appearance shall match the other fixtures provided for site lighting. Please submit a change order request for this additional work at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCRELEN-MAYERON i A 4fS)OCIATES, IN Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager CSC : ml n Enclosure cc: Mr. John P. Sadalich, OSM Mr. Dick keeling, OSM Field Office, Monticello Mr. Paul Blomberg, USM Mr. Dean Sharpe, OSx Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello Mr. Jim Miller, City of Monticello y60 `� r cv _J O 00 ' Y 1 •\ 8 00 J mh f 6 pot •- .. ;. 1!7 47 4 J 6 �• S8 1005tr� >. AST 3 ~ ,,. o W Z' ti AKSl7('IATFS. I1C. �,. ......... ... ...........max....... .a .. ��. .. .. ... - r.... " T -?2, M- 7-3, M-24, er1-2£ /,(CT) ns% LI �--� •. 2 ! �. s1 24 s 19 t nz C -O! N� L UP rc r•cc B i LP -" c O�1 F l cT xo,o�•23,% sh•7q�M,�' t55uCG AS Pio'' Or r+r.0 mmirlWIGN084 DRS / � ,ORR•6CNBULN•MAYERON �IRIN(� 1\�VISi�1Y5 Oem& ^A)SOCI ATVs. INC. CONTROL Bt, ILDIM6 0.'06.2749.01 011i* tw.r rra ■t���• ...... a . i✓u n. ..... +.yw... •n.Hm..unni«» BA!>EMENT PLAN !heat of. 9 (00 59 5L LAD3% E —NlCKr=r4Ef;" ,rp."K- 1315U[D Al P4kk't OF FlrLD MOO;F+LkT101i VEIR ry"'foe"N OPLA - BCH CLX?4 - MAYERON proulfto Title Wir,,N5 Rrv*icN� c" � 'I'- & AGOCCIATES, INC 5LLJC)GC TNIC-KCNCR .«8.27161JOWW . 6.111 ... Owls, skeet lot, .......... Bu, OiNr. > E-lZr(i UMP —:404 Q --i �" W' — ........__. �4 I.abllb rs+i ratl `L7 � QRR•iCMCitw Icat2aOw t AiSCiCiaTLS, twt q.rl ••. .rl 9x'11 eY w•..t ••r..�f «.S•'Iw S!• a\ ,... e.aw r actor Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Sox 1267, 10000 Highway 55 hest Minneapolis, Mtn 55440 tots -! lot. Monticello, Minnesota Cenpe o -e.• a:. 46 tlaic taor !. .c. 80 polo., ,1,068-2748.01 CGA Orot, 270855-03 .:co•de,ce 911h the +►-au o' November 20, 80 .'C*+r Conlran dao sd tp .;It tv of Monticello 0.>a• fv,1,l,iP Uncradin0 a Appurtenant Work e•a hVOt-) +st.a.ts: to CT,:;t .itr. the fr!to.I,; ee.e mps frcr the contras Lte'.t a,: %oecif;eet;CIS: •';c!it, anc Jurtlf;C►, Ion: - Reb- tc mete boelf 180 10r1a:na:f rsonnel staffing requirements has rendered manual operation of return tivated sludge (RAS) pumps (Units 40 thru 45) infeasible. This change order oxides for the necessary hardware and software for automatic adjustment of turn flow. .a•:o.• o• Coa•a thi% 0+e+7e Odt•: / • 4 Materials Cc.tp"'It_52,511 AA 1 `pof i♦ i Ow-tse: To r+ �: s; r. 1 ct-3 o:•• o, o-ir,•.eCoe!+ar*: $ 4,704,000.00 Ta'a+ Ca•'rar! .!rarf Thr. C.O. 1 -AL) Total A401110e 10!11 Ord.rt Thr. Te -la C.O. 1�_&6 _1816,758.07 s2,699.00 ;sines Co—%o—ciat I)p $141,200.00 fa: ca•e'ntr, T.. C. C. 145 arc n, It C.o. Oae.rr, Thi% C.O. Co,! 1,.p•c4% $29,441.93 $2.699.00 $25,742.93 '•e'e 9111 be a• s,:aniiar, of n flays to, ao•7ir.loft. . We of f/•a .o•;ia* lar 01 C ,..,,a< .a. Octobar 2B, 14 B2 sat no. all, ba October 28, 1062 . ..wee by Oe*s ttp+,r, �r v ac • o• .: rr.,: alr br �,(•,'�A-''-C1 � • 1..E7'1i1.�•-G� D+ra 11b�re Ga/3U�Q2 (IYrlwpr/ t: a•a�ae be f p�,a iil',•a0 Paul A. Laurence Company GENE FAL CONTRAC7oRs P 0 so. 7267 ,+ t0.000 H,QnWq 55 west V.nnee DDl4s, 1AN $5440 tetepnor•e 612/5+16.69n TU 290730 June 22, 1982 RECEIVED ORR•SCHELEN M&YERON A&M COMNL JUN 2 3 1982 r Orr-Schelen-Mlayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin At'enue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 80 Change Order Request No. 46 Gentlaren: After revieA3ng Field Modification No. 80, dated March 2, 1982, for Automatic Operation of the Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pure Units 40 thru 45; we sutmit the following price: Subcontractor Material & Labor .... $2,571.00 General Contractor O.H. & P. -5`v... 128.00 Total. ............................ $2,699. If the atsave figure meets u3th your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, g.1l, A. I -AL CCa.IPA.\1' r71 Grundtner Project Estimator JG:jc S cc: Palco, Monticello, bit General File Job File ' swoll;Maq of S. J C-o•ss i SO-$ GOmPsnr �f1 PA41 • Ler-ewCit CD/nDen1 n ,Uel ODC= n4nitf Tla 790730 June 9. 1982 Orr-Schelen-hayeron F; Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55913 Attn: kir. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treaunent Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855--03 Field Modification No. 80 Change Order Request No. 46 Gentlemen: + After reviewing Field kiodification No. 80, dated March 2, 1982, for Automatic Operation of the Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pump Units 40 thru 45; we submit the following price: Subcontractor Material & Labor.....S6,489.DO General Contractor O.H. & P.-5%.... 324.00 Total..............................S6, 813.00 ( If the above figure meets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. LAURMCE COMPANY 'Jerry Gr=dtner RECEDE;_: Project ESL iratOr OFF SCHELIR 144 tLWOj JG:jc COMM. cc: Palco, Monticello, IN .J/UN 10 19W General File M�A' Job Filo Subs -0,8l of 5 3 G,o.ea 6 Som company paw a L*o—ca Company n an aq�sl QSporWd+y amp+oyv lbavideon Gledr;c Company 1 [D�'1 [A1+C[r�'Rf o1foLR *LYY b 4ir. .—too— June r[fo— June B. 1982 Mr. Jerry Grundtner Paul A. Laurence Co. 10,000 Highway 55 Minneapolis, Mn. 55440 Subject: Field Modification 480 Dear Jerry: we quote the subject modification as fol o Microprocessor System to achieve ape' ie sequence according to item 2 ------------------ ----------- 2 - Set point Generators -------------------------- 6 - Contact blocks on motor switches -------------- Freight------------------------------------------- 16 hours assembly and test at the jobsite 2t $50.00 15% Overhead and Profit --------------------------- Terms and conditions are the same as on the original contract. Very truly yours, Davidson Electric Company J hn T..� Davidson JD/mc S4, 391.00 320.00 72.00 80.00 800.00 846.45 $6,489.45 ACy, )I ORB •SCNEIEN•WIAYERONhASSOCIATES, INC. aa� S:,n•rs•o: s March 2, 1482 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading L Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 480 Gentlemen: Field installation of electrical conduit and wiring in the Digester Control Building has revealed that the proposed location of the air compressor (Motors M54 • 1455) disconnect stitches will render them inaccessible. Assessment of personnel staffing for facility operation has rendered manual operation of the return activated sludge (RAS) pumps (Units 40 thru 45) infeasible. In its initial years, the plant will not be manned on a continuous basis, and therefore some type of automatic control is necessary. To rectify the above conditions, the following revisions and additions shall be trade: 1. Drawinq C-14 Relocate compressor disconnect switches for M54 and M55 to an accessible position on the wall below the staircase. 2. Return Activated Sludge Pump Control Revision Control panel modifications shall be made to operate RAS pumps (Units 40 th ru 45) based on a percentage return flow to the final clarifiers. Control of units 40, 41 and 42 shall be based on flow to final clarifier •A•. Control of units 43, 44 4 45 shall be based on flow to final clarifier '8'. The control scheme for each group of pumps shall be as follows: (a.) Flow to each final clarifier shall be totaled every 15 minutes. (b.) Based on the total flow figures for the previous 15 minute interval, selected sludge recirculation pumps shall operate for the length of time required for the selected pumps to achieve the desired percentage of influent flow to be recireulat ^.d. : p'1 fe:; M,r,ni, 5usrs 238• �'rrurtapefis. l,!;^neca:a L5413 • 6111331• 8650 Page Two Paul A. L" ence Co. March,'2, 1482 (c..)' The above steps (a. 6 b.) shall be repeated on a continual basis. For purposes of calculating recirculation flow, the nominal flow rate of each pump shall be assumed constant. A set point shall be provided for each pump grouping to allow the plant operator to set recirculation flow percentage. Shop drawings for the modification shall be submitted for approval after a change order for this modification is executed. A detailed technical and cost proposal shall be provided for review with your change order request. Sincerely, ORR-SCAELEN-MAYERON ASSOCIATES *J� Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick Feeling, OSM Field Office, Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Jim Miller, City of Monticello Dean Sharpe, OSM Charles Lepak, OSM Paul Blomberg, OSM 4 IMe1�6 ,"I towORR KaUh MAYEROA 8 +ISS0Ci4 tt. INC. o.a,o-o• ,.acr ca.t.,.,.v,t . )COOVa•w e..t�,s ls✓1trr,..,.ro.a r.w.3012.r ear,... waw ,.eya, Paul A.—Laurence Co. ( P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Highway 55 West rield aloei<, it. 93 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Projert ,t 068-2748.01 loc,tloo Monticello, Minnesota t,a Gren1 270855-03 {ca*e.*ca -1111 tna 10-.1 0• To„- da1.110c1 doled November 20, 1980 .;tn tv of Monticello 0-ne• to-WhPP Upgrading S Appurtenant work s•t be-*D'-Kuts•w: td ccr::t Will, tM tolloolts 04n,Pa1 4r0 tM cont,aC 91.-1 a-': Specll.CaT ions: c+tp•lo-. am 1N5'111Ca'Iany - Rtl-r to -tate 1ttteil 0 93 u,ts:nael ctrical installation requirements of various equipment at the Diverter Bldg., alization tank, thickener and Control Buildinq has necessitated minor wiring isions to assure power and control compatibility. e.00+-• w c4{•s "is O•t+pt Oda•: 70t1 Adelt.pn Into, Dwort S Materia is [e.fyaanl Aol It 1 G+rn. so Tots! Ar• To'a, Dad.n lucontractor) p. ,, Wn•.nj*,cios U11 1 141'200.00 _SLOi9 n—__21.�n as sa.l:nt,y r —1 o1 0,151nal C4-e,-Gt: 14.704,000.00 Co -u n�s•c n •.t•t ♦111 Dt S.. a.'anl for 04 ..n d#Vt Tor 4V;1.+10n., ,.t cra o/ its .v11&.1a. o- Cant,ac+ ass October 28, 19 82 s.c no..11, as October 28, 1982 . n;•se 6♦ Ot-•a 111'."a: Co-,rw/o. ♦:?-.-nGK 0T p.'t 1, nod 417/3 oZ 1 np ! vee, 40•0•66 by `y/-/ we 11Gnad Tery co"161:4 •1faGt Tnru C.o. 1 46 70t1 Adelt.pn Into, Dwort TAru Tt.ls C.G. r 47 1$4,820.548.07 4,819,457.07 $1,091.00 p. ,, Wn•.nj*,cios U11 1 141'200.00 I 46 as sa.l:nt,y r K: U.11 C.G. :ve n T*Is dodo Co -u n�s•c n 525,742.93 $1,091.00 $24,651.93 •.t•t ♦111 Dt S.. a.'anl for 04 ..n d#Vt Tor 4V;1.+10n., ,.t cra o/ its .v11&.1a. o- Cant,ac+ ass October 28, 19 82 s.c no..11, as October 28, 1982 . n;•se 6♦ Ot-•a 111'."a: Co-,rw/o. ♦:?-.-nGK 0T p.'t 1, nod 417/3 oZ 1 np ! vee, 40•0•66 by `y/-/ we 11Gnad Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P,o, So. 1767 10.000 H.ghway 55 west U—;XoolU, MN SS -40 Telephone 612/546.6911 % TLX M730 � , June 21, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55913 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Bork Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 93 Change Order Request No. 49 Gentlatten: After reviewing Yield Modification No. 93 fur minor electrical revisions in the main control, diverter and aeration buildings; we submit the following price. Subcontractor Material It labor ..... $1,039.00 General Contractor O.N. & P,51.... 52.00 Total .... K 91.00 If the above figure mcets with your approval, please issue a change order at Your earliest oonvenience. Sincerely, AUL A. IAUyD¢.�`-..[�G.�� erry rundtner Project Estimator JG:jc cc: Paloo, Monticello, MN General File Job File suv..0+#" of S J 0•0.ee i Soq company --fl— b�/,,. f Paul A Laurance Co"•Deny .1 on epuel eppomuMl, eme f�'�J- ploy ORR•SCHELEN•MAYERON b ASSOCIATES. INC. _,ih,no Engineers -ir.Sjr'.•ero.s May 26, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P. 0. Box 1267 10000 Bighway 55 west Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 093 - Electrical firing Revisions Gentlemen: Review of shop drawings and installation requirements for the laboratory equipment, chlorinators and other process equipment installed in the diverter structure, equalization tank and sludge thickener has necessitated minor wiring revisions to assure power and control compatibility. The following revisions shall be made: 1. Sheet E4 - Main Control Buildinq Provide receptacles and additional circuitry for the labora- tory equipment as indicated on enclosed revision drawing E4r(2). Provide receptacle and equipment power from spare circuits in LP -A. Provide additional circuit breakers as required. Chlorinator wiring shall be as indicated on enclosed revision drawing E4r(2). 2. Sheet E6 - Diverter BuildinqEqualization Tank Mount local control station or miser motor M13 on railing adjacent to junction box for motor power. Connect motor thermal overload contact in series with local control station. Route 1/2• conduit with 2 012 from motor power junction box to local control station. 3. Sheet E6 - Diverter Buildinq/Aeration Buildin Equalization tank air flow transmitter PTB, air pressure transmitter PT58, and equalization tank air flow control valve PY58 shall be relocated to the Aeration Pump and Blower Building. This relocation was initiated by the contractor after discussion with the instrumentation supplier concerning mounting procedures and limitations. We hereby approve this relocation subject to installation requirements described in Item 4 at no additional cost to the owner. � 7 .70.11 lost A. Suer, ^?B Alir,niepchs. AS;nnesora 55413 • 612/331.66,50 Page Two ' Paul A. Laurence Co. May 26, 1982 4. Sheet E9 - Aeration Building Pump Room Equalization tank air flow transmitter PTO, air pressure transmitter PT58, and equalization tank air flow control valve shall be mounted in the 6 inch air line to the equalization tank on first floor of the Aeration Blower Building. Control wiring to these instruments shall be routed from the main control panel in the same conduit containing the control wiring for the other instrumentation leaving the building. Conduit and control wiring to the equalization tank air line instrumentation and air flow control valve shall be 3/4', 2 122 2/c TS and 4 014. Connect 1 422 2/c TS to PT58 and FTS. Connect 4 114 to PY58. Extend instrumentation power from the instruments in the basement. Power conduit and wiring to be 1/21, 2 112. The wire count for the underground conduit to the MCP in the Control Building is thereby changed to 18 t22 2/c TS and 4 414. 5. Sheet E12 - Sludge Thickener Buildingg Route 1/2' conduit with 2 414 from sludge thickener collector drive motor (M42) torque limit switcb to local control station. Vire limit switch contact in series with local control station. use 1004 torque limit switch contact. Please submit a change order request for additional work outlined in Items 1, 2 and 5 only at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ORR-SCBELEN-MAYERON b 4SSC)CIATEq, INC. Gerald S. Corrick, A.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb Enclosure cc: John Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, OSM Field Office Paul Blomberg, DSM Dean Sharpe. ON John Simola, City of Monticello Jim Miller, City of Monticello �` T CMLZ*.Nf LEAK / DC'*f C7R f � PROVIDE 5CAL5 7 0►I ALL CONQUIT5 LLWIWG T►,Is Room a� bra NOW OE%ACCg Ur.0j SLLAdCQ,RECCF'TAC-Li) I W7 a 3 7 7 2x-230101 9 1�ICg o:J 3a , -;OA —nG 0 J1 of CPT' c a G 41. 50A rI D S RP C-12 '� 42 PRES:AItF I i C -II -lox3 N:GG"F."1 I i i 22,E •2115 1 7b L1G1fT1�-- ati + \ �G J ►G - — -- - I - t••14 :CAL T+.1514x•. v lam'— TD L►BMT f� 44 RA ( I LRA 29 7,9,ST,76,39, 4�; 41,42 �+ii � !J m 21 4 f —_— I I =9a12i -ie' I 1.. 91 D111 Cr. Me. OM SC'NSIdlV &IW_0T1 DRS S�Z0�82 28.01 As>lOcuTes►n1e �w w� IY' M..•.•.! • YI.1 YI r M...=•.Y M.•q Wil • w n � ,oAkwo� / .�.,, •0. 0. X01 Lca" -me 1 49 I �1 I 135AD •: AGI• OF FICLJ O F111TICh • 93 D,e.;.q TAW W IRI43 REv'SION; COI :'OL. Bu1LGu1a LAB ¢ CHLORINE Room y7 SVM 11. E•4 r(2) �� pp, ye+ p..tnw .A W'it Ili vow} a.o,+i .., eM•i•+7ii.ret i... t.iri � _ anon Paul A,.,Laurence Co. fTrnpr aa6- rc. 48 ei P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Highway 55 West Field motif. W. 83 Minneapolis, M14 55440 Project ft.068-2748.01 :oce=ton Monticello, Minnesota EPA QIo,i J270855-03 [Coloohce nit, the Ivirs 0= tw• co=ma acted November 20, 1980 .v of Monticello oenr•fo=WWTP Oparadina & Appurtenant Work ,•e 1`41`6:7 r6rvlet6c TO mor: 11 silL The fcllo.tns men9ee 1rar the ronira:i ole•e 6n: 6oetli;ret tons: rip- ioh one Juo if ;to, to..; - Act*- tC }lose motif / 83 (Att a:h•t) :rous revisions in the Sludge Vehicle Garage including lamer overhead doors, i CPA lighting And rPCPptgr•iP 2#vout, work area relocation, etc., are uired to accommodate the larger size of the approved sludoe handling vehicles. i.aorr. of coiv m4 0.8+90 Oa^ b1 :0tl.00 Material Profit ♦ o'orhooa !st A:: (Total Do"" bCpntrAn L(.� $75.4}7 $227.00 11a$4,482.00 iiinen nn 11- ,.., of a t�tnar Go*'=rr+: $4,704,000.00 Ttret Go•.+meet irset Thru C.o. it 47 Tniot 01,1061116. To•o::W.rt TA=u Ty, 16 C. 0. tr to 4,820,548.07 $4,482.00 54.825..4 9thor GontYrti6nrr6t (SfY i 141,200.00 b' rrernt+ir, ,i. Th,.. C.O. ! A7 Act Tile t.0. 00twr This G.O. Go =I=•p► rtes $24,651.93 $4,482.00 $20,169.93 0-0 011, D6 o" Womillo, of.n_ Qete to, to+Dtetto.= '. to+e of the tvLle= to, a, Gdn.er ne October 28, fi 82 a,ta 4100 mist D8 October 28, 1982 . ::r+wr nt •t et X../���� ,.1�• �.�f!'� "'i...ff' Oo"6 Strva �(S�/J Z y (K:hoe, Oche• We Iip^h Paul A...Laurence Company GENERAL CPNTFLACTORS Vo 80. 1"? j . 10,000 H,ghwayS5 Weal Lbnne.:)olia. MN 55440 70160hone 612i6-6-6911 TLX 290730 June 23, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron &- Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Miruicapolis, Minnesota 55413 Attn: Mr. Gerald Carrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification No. 83 Change Order Request No. 47 Gent lemn: RECEIVED COMM. 'U 2 4 882 d 2-1 fcr Eicctrical = Overhead Door revisions at the Sludge Vehicle Garage; se submit the following price: General Contractor Material ........... $ 75.00 General Contractor Labor.. ......... 150.00 Suboontractor Material 6 Labor........ 4,030.00 O.H. & P. on Subcontractor - 5%.. ... 201.00 General Contractor O.H. & P. - 15%.... 26.00 Total .................................$4.482.00 If the above figure cleats with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. LA7 0061PANY erry "dtner Project Estimator JF:jc cc: Paloo, Monticello, M Job File General File av64 net M 0 0 a-"@* & left Goo Mis a- OQUOI : Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL GONTR.CIORS 1 P.O. Bo 1267 10.000 N.pn.ry 55 vow M-08Polu. MN 55640 TeiePhone 6127546.6911 TIX 290730 June 9, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 Fast Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Miinnesota 55913 Attn: Air. Gerald Corriclt Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Rork Monticello, Minnesota FPA Project No. C270855-03 t Field Modification No. 83 Change Order Request No. 97 \ Gentlaaen: ( After revicwing Field Modification No. 83 for Elec 1 and Overbead Door revisions at the Sludge Vehicle Garage; we the following price: General Contractor Material ........ $ 75.00 General Contractor Labor........... 150.00 4030-00 Suboontractor Material & Labor..... O.H. & P. on Suboontractor-9b...... X66-ee ei 4 f e 201 -so General Contractor O.H. & P -M... 28.00 Total............................:$9.985 -ea .41482.50 If the above figure moets with your favorable approval, please issue a change order at your earliest oonvenience. Sincerely, AUL A. LAlMF74CECMIPANY "-r " Jerr}� Grvndtner Project Estimator JG:jc cc: Palco, Monticello, MN Job Pilo General File SUbeiO'Iry vYPi A U1.nr-u Comnen, u .� eoael . T r . .., ORR SCHEIEN MAYERON b ASSOCIATES. INC. ' Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. •nsut;ing f»gineers •na Surve,•ors April 7, 1982 Paul A. Laurence Co. P.O. Dox 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, Minnsota 55440 Attn: Mr. Jerry Grundtner Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment PIant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 483 Sludge Vehicle Garage Update Gentlemen: Sludge Vehicle Garage Drawings S-36, A-17, M-9, and E-8 are here- by re -issued as part of this field modification. We have updated these drawings to incorporate all previous field modifications. AJ3iti-yn '. `.a•.c also been made in order to accomodate actual measured dimensions of the sludge vehicles. The approved sludge handling vehicles specified in Section 11558 are consi- derably larger and wider than anticipated in the design. The ac- tual dimensions could not be predicted and/or specified in the specifications except to violate the non-restrictive specifica- tion requirements of the EPA regulations. This has caused nu- merous revisions to the garage which have been incorporated into the re -issued drawings and are listed below. We anticipate re- issue of these drawings will assure better field coordination and quality control. Previously documented revisions incorporated by field modifica- tions are as follows: 1. A new drainage and collection system consisting of a 26' long floor trench and grating with a 4' floor drain at the West end discharging into a waste trap. (P.M. #27)• 2. ruel for the heating system in the Sludge Vehicle Garage was changed from propane gas to natural gas. (r.M. #61), 3. The 1-1/4' cold water service extending from the Control Building to the Sludge vehicle Garage was omitted. A 1• copper service tapping into the existing water m4in and run- ning to the Sludge Vehicle Garage was provided. (P.M. #81). The following new revisions have been incorporated in this field modification to accommodate larger than anticipated vehicles. 7071 Fast M. nnepin • Suite 738 • +.4+nneapobs. " , -Ole 55413 v•..., -.•g650 rFtfrr7fl-t)flae -`�'M7! Page 2 Paul X. Lal fence Co. Apiil 7, 1982 1. The doorway opening for overhead door S -01A was widened from 14'-0' to 16'-0'. 2. The steel lintel L2 for doorway S-OiA has been lengthened 2'-0'. As the shorter lintel has already been delivered, it shall be extended 2'-0' according to attached revision Draw- ing S -35r (1). 3. The storage/work benches have been moved from the North side of the Sludge Vehicle Garage to the hest side. Refer to Drawing A-17. 4. The floor drainage pattern has been revised. The level portion of the floor has been moved from the north to the west side of the building. The floor trench has been moved 2'-0' east and the waste trap has been moved 1'-6" south. Refer to Drawing A-17 and S-35. 5. The 3/4" hose bibb has been re -located for better access along the west wall. Refer to Drawing M-9. 6. :he unit heater and acccmpanyiny motor M149 hes been mo- ved near the center of the garage in order to provide more uniform heating. Refer to Drawings M-9 and E-6. 7. The layout of the receptacles has been revised, providing the same total but more receptacles near the work area. Refer to Drawing E-6. B. The lighting fixtures have been moved to accomodate the wider garage doors and the larger vehicles. Refer to Draw- ing E-8. 9. The welding receptacle conduit was changed from l'-3 16 and 1 41OG to 3/4'-2 110 and 1 110G. The disconnect switch was changed from 60A/3pole to a 30A/3 pole. Also the following shall be furnished and installed: 1 - 30 amp. 600 volt three wire grounding type twist lock receptacle. I - 30 amp. 600 volt twist lock plug for receptacle. 1 - weather proof cover plate for receptacle. Refer to Drawing E-6. F: Page Three Paul A. Laurence Co. April 7,'1982 I 10. Two 30A/3 pole disconnect switches fused at 20A have been provided for the 230/460V 3 phase 1/2 M.P. garage door openers. Power and control conduits and wiring have been added to Drawing E -B for the garage door openers. Refer to Drawing E-8 and B-1/21 x III revision Drawing E-17r(l) at- tached with this field modification. 11. 'Me overhead doors specified in the original contract specifications Section 0636 are inadequate for the new door size and conditions. Both overhead doors shall be fL;rnished and installed in conformance with revised specification Sec- tion 0836 -Overhead Doors, attached and included as part of this field modification. Please note that City personnel are planning to install at their cost a lavatory in the S.w. corner of the garage after completion of the contract. in order to acommodate such lavatory, the City staff will install/extend water and sanitary sever service to the S.W. corner of the building from the primary service locations installed by the Contractor. Work to be provided by the City is outlined on the enclosed drawings and specifically listed below. 1. City will build concrete block masonry lavatory with door, etc., Refer to Drawing A-17 for size and location. 2. City will extend water service and sanitary service to lavatory. 7Tje City shall install floor drain and under- ground piping as needed. Refer to Drawing M-9. 3. City will provide tie-in to electrical wiring at near- est receptacle for light fixture and exhaust fan in lavatory as necessary. 4. City will notify Contractor of exhaust fan opening re- quired in exterior garage wall. The Contractor shall coordinate with City personnel the associa- ted work involved with the lavatory (io. City shall install un- derground work prior to concrete pour by Contractor ). Please find enclosed fifteen (15) complete sets of this field modification including re -issued Drawings S-36, A-17, 14-9, and E-8. Please distribute to your suppliers an subcontractors as necessary. c I Page Pouir ` Paul A. Laurence Co. Apri1..7, 1482 Please submit a change order request for the new contract work specified herein. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON i ASSOCIATES.I "dzw awl Gerald S. Corrick, P.E. Project Manager GSC:min Enclosure cc: Mr. John P. Badalich, OSM Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello Nr. Dick. Peeling, OSM Pield Office C Mr. Dean Sharpe, OSM C Mr. Jim Miller, City of Monticello Ms. Meg Sherburne, OSM I REVISED SECTION DE36 (F.M. 183) i OVERHEAD DOORS 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 Scope Furnish and install all overhead doors shown on the drawings com- plete with motorized operators, track and operator supports and all incidentals thereto including final operation adjustments. Furnish control stations for installation under Division 16. 1.2 Quality Assurance A. Provide each sectional overhead door as a complete unit pro- duced by one manufacturer including frames, sections, brackets, guides, tracks, counterbalance mechanisms, hardware, operators and installation accessories, to suit opeinings and head room allowable. B. Insulated Steel Sectional doors shall be provided by Door Company which is a member of the National Association of Garage Door Manufacturers (NAGDM). C. wind Luadirig: Design and reinforce sectional overhead doors to withstand a 15 psf wind loading pressure. 1.3 Submittals A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, roughing - in diagrams, and installation instructions for each overhead door. Include manufacturer's operating instructions and mainte- nance data. B. Shop Drawingei Submit shop drawings for special components and installations which are not fully dimensioned or detailed in manufacturer's data. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials A. Steel Insulated Sections 1. Flush -type sections: Panel sections shall be hot -dipped galvanized steel with flush outside face. Each section shall be chemically treated for paint adherence, sections shall be 1-1/2' nominal thickness and not more than 24' high. •1• M,96 2. Each door shall contain 7 panels. Provide at the 3rd panel up, 1 -window lites. Glass and glazing shall be in conformance with Section 0880. 3. End stiles shall be 16 gauge formed steel, fastened on the back of the door with thru-bolts capped by rigid insula- ting PVC end caps. 1. Each section shall be rolled to provide rabbeted meet- ing rails that form weather joints and for interlocking struts that run the full length of each section. 5. Each section shall be reinforced full width with roll formed steel scuts. 6. Insulation Core: 1-1/2" thickness solid polyurethane foam. 7. "u" factor shall not exceed 0.09. 8. Finish: All sections shall be pre -finished on the in- side face with a polyester primer and on the outside face with a baked -on acrylic finished coat. All finishes shall be shop applied by the door supplier. 9. Sections to lap masonry opening 1• each side. 10. WEATHERSTRIPPING: Section Joint Seal - Compressible, rubber -based seal in ac- cordance with the manufactuer's recommendations. Jamb and Header Seals - Jamb seals shall be pliable vinyl •V" strip. Header seals shall be PVC urethane. Compressi- ble seals shall be long lasting, low friction, shall not protrude into opening and shall be installed so as to provi- de the optimum seal while allowing smooth operation of the doors. Bottom Astragal - High density PVC astragal, double contact type. Flab toward inside and bead toward outside to avoid 'freeze down" damage caused by freeze -thaw winter cycles. Maximum air leakage shall be less than 0.5 efm per foot of Jamb, head and sill at 15 mph wind velocity. 2.2 Hardware: A. Provide heavy-duty, rust -resistant hardware. with galvanized steel fasteners. -2- t � s B . Hinges.:+ Provide heavy-duty galvanized steel hinges at each end stile end at each intermediate stile, per manufacturer's re- commendations for size of door. Attach hinges to door sections through stiles and rails with insulated PVC capped thru bolts. C. Rollers: Provide 2' full -floating ball bearig rollers with hardened raceways. Provide roller tires to suit size of track. D. hocks: Provide a five -pin tumbler unit mechanism with stan- dard right-hand installation. 2.3 Counterbalancing Mechanism A. Torsion Spring I. Hang door assembly for operation by torsion spring coun- terbalance mechanism, consisting of oil tempered steel tor- sion springs mounted on a casehardened steel shaft, and con- nected to door with galvanized aircraft type lift cable. 2. Provide cast aluminum or grey iron casting cable drums, grooved to receive cable. Mount counterbalance mechanism with manufacturer's standard baIlbearing brackets at each end of shaft with one additional mid -point bracket for shafts up to 16' long and 2 additional brackets at 1/3 points to support shafts over 16' long, unless closer spa- cing recommended by door manufacturer. 2.4 Tracks, Supports, and Accessories A. Tracks: 2' wedge action with weathertight closures and steel jamb mounting. Torsion spring mounted directly above the open- ing. Reversed continuous angle mounting of vertical tracks shall be welded securley to the steel jambs. B. Track Reinforcement and Supports: Provide galvanized steel track reinforcement and support members. Secure reinforce and support tracks as required for size and weight of door to provide strength and rigidity, and to ensure against sag, sway and detri- mental vibration during opening and closing of doors. Support and attach tracks at opening jambs with continuous angle welded to tracks and bolted to wall. Support horizontal with continuous angle welded to track and supported by laterally braced attach- ments to overhead structural members at curve end of tracks. 2.5 Electric Door operators A. Furnish electric door operator model provided by door a.anu- facturer; complete with factory -prewired motor controls, gear -3- reduction unit, solenoid operated brake, clutch, remote control stations and control devices. B. Motor shall be rated 1/2 h.p., 230/460 V. 3 phase, totally enclosed, - instant reversing. C. Provide hand -operated manual disconnect mechanism located at door jamb for automatically disengaging drive chain from opera- tor. Manual disconnect must be operable from floor level with- out use of Iadder or rods to disengage or re-engage operator. D. Operation: Three position manual switch. Control station shall have momentary contact (three button) open, close and stop, E. Provide heavy duty single point dual rail drawbar operator, automatic reset thermal overload, adjustable friction clutch, so- lenoid actuated band type brake. Double 'V• belt primary reduc- tion, chain and sprocket secondary reduction. F. All electrical power wiring, cutting of loop and power hook- up by electrical contractor, and shall be as specified under Division 16. G. All jamb and header steel framing by miscellaneous metal supplier, H. Final adjustments to operator and control systems by door supplier after electrical wiring is completed. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 Installation A. install door, track, and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, jamb and head mold stops, anchors, inserts. B. Fasten vertical track assembly to framing at not less than 24' o.c. Hang horizontal track from structural overhead framing wth angle or channel hangers, welded and bolt -fastened in place. Provide sway bracing, diagonal bracing, and reinforcing as re- quired for rigid installation of track and door operating equip- ment. C. install manual button operating controls at interior jambs of each door. -4- D. Upon coipietion of installation including work by other trades', lubricate, test and adjust doors to opreate easily, free from warp', twist, or distortion and fitting weathertight for en- tire perimeter. J E. The -complete installation shall be guaranteed for a period of not less than one year commencing and concurrent with the guarantee of the entire building. U � � c o HELD MOD OSS V-0. ADDITION .� . N �� DCUVRCD �riPJtlai t rrKrf4. IL ruLL PENEThAT10M 0. G00VE WELD ip n srla! t' S 0 c �� Wara1 i� TO sy -ww Wetz waits. Y R 1t w ♦0'-S" Cx Slot Ar TER ExTENS100`4 I2 TOTAQ G%OOVC WE%.DS 3 Q C irQ cOMPI.XrE t Gh1N000 S�Y.>aTN a' i� MOrM. GR%%b KLL EINVOecc 1^ P1 n �.1C�o'S .PAWTN. 1c7b1lR N rUk.A- ►cCT1SRTiON O � -.." rr 4AOCt•/C VU-10 .1inxf'i iv a �90C. n fs Z TP LINTei- is OYEANEAD DOOR 5-01A — 2'•O" C1cTEN51014 OQ�p SCALE VII" - V-O" U � � c o HELD MOD OSS I WIR£WAY 4 a 30A ru D ax _ruxoeta►- s.- /W -3#3 [ /VaG .W TO 1r'CC A FUUIED DISC FUSED D13C FUSED Q 30A m5co to tJA 3D AV.4 *ea-lronc+sv virLDER DUTLzr tap V !i LI`D SLUDGE Ve,YICLE GARAGE rict.D moD. • aJ CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER e Ir, n.l N{iH /0 W{ WBriton OWI SCMLLLh MAYEIIOr. A ASSOCIATES, INC. Dr00'. O•.0D1 CL. {u.•.r.1 rC fmW: rlrr/rr ..1 w'f11Y rrrl..O..t rr ►Y•10+7. I11 -ON I... sacra./ tohtrscto. Paul A. Laurence Co. p,e-1ge Drpar we. 49 Aa it, eia P.O. Box 1267, 10000 Highway 55 West r1e,d „0ei. so 96 Minneapolis, MN 55440oJsn kc.068-2748.01 Job Loco, 10. Monticello, Minnesota EPA oaht G.270855-03 In KCOr 00 nCs .Ith iht ter.L O• your COntr eer datedNovember 20, 1080 .nth , Citv of Monticello O.ne•fo,WWTP Uparadina a Appurtenant Work tou sro h• -a -y rK WIt•e to cor:1y .;tt. The lei to, ,aq p.enges fror the COntrse• pls's BAC I D.CI fl ce: l o•.l: Dsscrlptlor. and Justlfifea*Ion; - sef.r to Field 4Ddlf /—a&— (Art O:hed) Review of the blower air mercury mannmptprc: and thn air press the air discharge lines has revealed that 3 of the a m„rr„ry m met.,.., provided are superfluous, and Arp thprehy rhmitterl from rhe . e -t o .ckdcr.• L' Cess tf•Is Dens NM•: tabor LauiprntProfit l Orerhesd Tale, ACS Tolal Dedwet $70.00 I $270.00 I I I s14n nn 4.ornt of original Coht,se+: {4.704,000.00 1p1e1 Cornrael Contreet Thru C.D. 14 8 Taal Aaditlon Total Deducl TAr. TT,a e.0. / 49 $4,825,030.071 I $340.00 $4,824,690.07 O,iglnsl c4wrVencies q(1 1141:200.00 yt aera'hfn Cont. Thr. C.O. / 4 8 Aad This C.O. Dsd.n This C.O. Coh+ihp.•e�•I $20,169.93S I I 34n gn $20,509.93 Thar• .111 be ah 0.19-1110. of n day& for corp 10, on. The Coto of the ev,plelm Of C45011100 na October 28, Ig 82 ane no..111 be October 28f 1982 . Actscfse by Date 1lohed r Conftactor 'Ze^ef f+etan,..rdea by �CY`•Orf• {IOnae 7/1I �Z thplw • AdpafM OC � � �/� Data 110•sa .Paul A. Laurence Company GENERAL CONTRACTORS P.O. Oo. 1267"' � ' , 10.000 Hiphrey 55 We61 Minneepof,e; MN 55440 Telephone 612/546.6911 TLX 290730. June 29, 1982 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Suite 238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55913 Attn: Mr. Gerald Corrick Re: Wastewater Treatment Upgrading & Appurtenant Work Monticello, Minnesota EPA Project No. 0270855-03 Field Modification No. 96 Change Order Request No. 50 Gentlanen: RECEIVED ORRSCNELEN NA''ERON i ASSOC. C(>MhL f 7-749.01 JUN 3 0 1982 YI J As per your Field Modification No. 96, dated June 9, 1982, we submit the following credit. Material Deduct ..................$(270.00) Labor Deduct ................... 70.00 Total Credit ..................... 0.00 This change order request includes credit for furnishing and installing throe (3) Merian ManaTeters, mercury and appurtenances required for connection. The total credit was offset slightly by return freight, handling, and restocking charges. If the above credit meets with your approval, please issue a change order at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, PAUL A. IAURENCE COMPANY Bruce R. WuLson BRH:jc cc: Paloo, Monticello, MN Job File General File 449 eueaoUry of •. J. 0- Sanp.n) PAVIA Ied'e•'. c0"- ppen-11Y.w.pl.r.. J J 0 {l."suftinq Engineers .andsurveyors June 9, 1982 ORR-SCNELEN-MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. Paul A*Laurence Co. P.O. Box 1267 10000 Highway 55 West Minneapolis, MN 55440 Attn: Bruce Hanson Re: Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrading and Appurtenant Work EPA Project No. C270855-03 Field Modification 196 Slower Air Mqnometers - Spec. 1540.04I Gentlemen: C10=e review of the blower air mercury manometers and the instrumentation air pressure sensors on the air oiseharga has revealed that three (3) of four (4) wall mounted, 0-15 psig, mercury manometers are superfluous and shall be omitted from the project. The one (1) remaining manometer shall be connected to the common 10' discharge line. Please submit a change order credit for the the three (3) manometers, mercury, and appurtenances required for connection, including installation costs. Sincerely, ORR-SCH ELEtl-MAYEROH i ASSOCIATES, INC 4 'J. �&M4 Gerald S. Corriek, P.E. Project Manager GSC:nlb cc: John P. Badalich, OSM Dick Reeling, OSM John Simola, City of Monticello 2021 East Hen, •, Avenue • Suite 238 • Minneapolis, Minnosots 55413 I --W — I NORTH CENTRAL PUBLIC SERVICE C5. May 27, 1982 Rick Wolfsteller City Manager Monticello City Hall Monticello, Minnesota Attention: Rick Wolfsteller Enclosed are 3 copies of a non exclusive natural gas franchise renewal. The ones I sent you a few days ago are wrong. They were for a township and yours should be for a city. I'm very sorry you were sent the wrong ones. Please destroy them and have your city attorney review these and when they meet with his approval let me know so we can schedule a hearing before the full council. Very truly yours, Thomas V Gallogly Division Manager TVG/jd Enc: 3 M FRANCHISE FOR NATURAL GAS AN ORDINANCE GRANTING UNTO NORTH CENTRAL PUBLIC SERVICE CO., DIVISION OF D0140VAII COMPANIES, INC., OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, AN IOWA CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE FRANCHISE AND RIGHT FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS TO ERECT, CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A GAS DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF GAS IN THE CITY OF MONfICELLO, MINNESOTA, CON- SISTING OF ALL SUCH EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY, PIPES, FIXTURES, TANKS, AND OTHER APPURTENANCES AS MAY BE NECESSARY OR USEFUL FOR SUCH DIS- TRIBUTING SYSTEM, AND TO USE AND OCCUPY THE STREETS, AVENUES, ALLEYS, BRIDGES, AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF SAID CITY WITH GAS MAINS, PIPES. PIPELINE CONDUITS AND OTHER NECESSARY OR USEFUL APPLIANCES OR EQUIP- MENT FOR THE SALE AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF SUCH GAS IN AND TO SAID CITY AND TO THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, AND OTHERS, AND TO SELL, TRANSMIT AND DISTRIBUTE SUCH GAS TO SUCH CITY AND ITS INHABITANTS, OR OTHERS, WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY FOR LIGHT, HEAT, l POWER, FUEL, COOKING AND FOR ALL OTHER PURPOSES, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GRANT AND THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAME, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN COIIFLICT THERE -WITH. WHEREAS, North Central Public Service Co., Division of Donovan Companies, Inc., of St. Paul, Minnesota, has requested a Franchise for the distribution'of gas in the City of Monticello, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, It is deemed to be to the beat interest of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that North Central Public Service Co., Division of Donovan Companies, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, be granted a Franchiso therefore. NOW THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minneaotai M SECTION I That the City of Monticello, Minnesota, hereby grants unto North Central Public service Co., Division of Donovan Companies, Inc., of St. Paul, Minnesota, an Iowa corporation, its successors and assigns, a nonexclusive Right and Franchise for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance, to erect, construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate within said City a gas distributing system, together with all appurten- ances, pipes, machinery, tanks and appliances necessary or useful there- to, for the distribution of gas for the purpose of selling, distributing and supplying gas to said City and the inhabitants thereof, and others, together with the Right and Franchise to use and occupy the streets, avenues, alleys, bridges and other public places of said City, as now laid out and hereafter extended with its gas mains, pipes, pipelines, distributing lines, conduits and other appliances and appurtenances necessary or useful for the purpose of maintaining and operating such gas distributing system within said City, and the Right and Franchise of selling, distributing and supplying said City and inhabitants there- of, and others, within and without the corporate limits of said City, with such gar for light, heat, fuel, power, cooking and other purposes, subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, as herain act forth, and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith. SECTION II Grantee shall construct, maintain and operate or otherwise provide a modern and adequate gas distributing system for the furnishing, sale and/or distribution of gas in said City, and said aystom shall havo adequate capacity to furnish the reasonable requirements of said City and ito inhabitants with gas, and Grantee shall, from time to time, make such reasonable additions and oxtanoions as may be required to furnish adequate service within said City. 2 - --J277- A— SECTION III 1 In order to affect the rights granted hereunder, the Grantee i; authorized to make all necessary excavations in the streets, avenues, alleys and other lanes and public places of said City, but the same shall be done with the least possible interference with or inconven- ience to the public, individuals, or public property; and the Grantee shall, in all cases, restore all streets, alleys and public places, and all pavements and excavations to their original condition; and, in laying mains and pipes, the Grantee shall conform to all reasonable regulations prescribed by the City to prevent injury to the pavement, streets, avenues, alleys, and public places, and Grantee shall not un- necessarily interfere with, injure or change any pavement, water pipes, drains or sewers of said City, either public or private without written consent of the owner thereof. SECTION IV -Cho grants herein contained are upon the express condition that the Grantee shall be liable for all damages caused by the negligence or mismanagement of Grantee, its agents or employees, in the eonotruc- tion and maintenance of said gas distributing system, and it shall protect uaid City from any and all liability therefrom. SECTION V Grantee agrees to furnish and supply to the City and its in- habitants an adequate supply of gas as long as available under ouch pr000ure and conditions as may be reasonably required under such rules and regulations as may be established by Grantee, and the Minn - coots public Service Commission or other such regulatory body as may hereinafter be established under the laws of the State of Minnesota and given jurisdiction thereof. SECTION VI The rates to be charged by the Grantee for gas or gas service hereunder, and the standard of service, shall to such as may be fixed from time to time by the Grantee and the Minnesota Public Service Commission, or such other ratemaking body as may hereinafter be es- tablished under the laws of the State of Minnesota and given juris- diction thereof. SECTION VII That all the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to the successors or assigns of the Grantee with the same force and effect as they do the Grantee itself. SECTION VIII That the Grantee, in addition to saving the city harmless from any and all claims which may be made against the City by reason of, or on account of, the construction, maintenance, or operation of the plant, diatributing systems, and other construction erected and main- tained under and by virtue of this Franchise, shall defend any suit brought against the City on account thereof at its sole cost and expense, and should any judgment be rendered against the City an a result of said suit or suite, the Grantee hereby agrees to pay said judgment, and the record of the judgment against said City in such suit shall be conclusive evidence to entitle said City to recover the amount thereof from said Grantee. SECTION I% That if the Grantee fails to perform any of the conditions, ro- quiremento, duties, or obligations horain provided to 4: performed by said Grantee, the City may cause to be served upon the Grantoo a written notice in the manner provided for serving original notices in civil action, which notice shall specify the particular conditions, duties, obligations, or requirements which it io claimed the Grantee has failed to perform, and if the Grantee shall not perform such conditions, 1 requirements, duties or obligations specified in said notice within (30) / days after the date of the service of said notice, upon a proper showing made by the City before a court of competent jurisdiction, the Court, at its discretion, may order or refuse to order the performance of such re- quirements, or may declare a forfeiture of all rights of the Grantee. SECTION X That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, insofar as they are in direct conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION XI This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon its passage and approval by the City Council and its publication as provided by law; nrovidel, that the Grantee, within thirty (30) days from the date of said approval authorizing said Franchise, shall fila with the City Adminiatrator its written acceptance thereof. SECTION XII whenever the term "Grantee" is used heroin, it shall he taken to moan and include North Central Public Service Co., Division of Donovan Companies, Inc., of St. Paul, Minnesota, and it succeasors and assigns. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of tho City of Monticello, Minnesota, on the day of Arvo A. Grimamo, Mayor J Thomas A. Eidem City Adminiatrator /w/_ - 5 5 -K` C SEAL COATING John Simola As part of our Comprehensive Street Maintenance Program which we began in 1981 (after completion of the 79SC-1 Sealcoating Project in Hillcrest). An amount of $28,200 has been budgeted this year for seal coating. The area to be seal coated this year lies north of 4th street from Chestnut Street to Pine Street. A detailed list is included for your review. This year we have planned to seal some 64,298 square yards for a price of 45C per square yard If more favorable bids are received, I would rec- ommend those numbered 9 through 16 on the list be included. As you may remember last year, very favorable bids allowed us to do some extra sealing at that time. Copies of the plans and specifications are available at City Hall for your review. 1982 SEAL COATING 82SC-1 1. 3rd St. from Chestnut to Pine St. 6400 ft. X 37 ft. 26,311 sq. yds. 2. Vine St. from Broadway to 4th St. 660 ft. X 33 ft. 2,420 sq. yda. 3. Minnesota from Broadway to 4th St. 660 ft. X 33 ft. 2,420 sq. yds. 4. Maple from Broadway to 4th St. 660 ft. X 33 ft. 2,420 sq. ydo. 5. Linn from Broadway to 4th St. 660 ft. X 33 ft. 2,420 sq. yds. G. Locust from Broadway to 4th St. 660 ft. X 33 ft. 2,420 Sq. yd u. 7. walnut from Broadway to 4th St. 660 ft. X 33 ft, 2,420 sq. yda. 8. River St. from Chuutnut to Pine 6400 ft. X 33 ft. 23,467 sq. yda. TOTAL. 64,298 sq. yds. IF MORE. FAVORABLE BIOS -AOT) PORTIONS OF 9. Front St. from walnut to Linn St. 750 ft. X 21 ft. 1.750 sq. ydo. 10. Walnut from Front St, to River St. 330 ft. X 25 ft. 917 sq. yda. 11. Locust St. from Front to Broadway 660 ft. X 25 ft. 1,833 sq. yds. 12. Linn from Front to Broadway St. 660 ft. X 25 ft. 1.833 sq. yda. 13. Maple St. From River to Broadway 330 ft. X 33 ft. 1,210 sq. yda. 14. Minnesota frau River to Broadway 330 ft, X 33 ft, 1,210 sq. yda. 15. Vino from River to Broadway St. 330 ft. X 33 ft. 1,210 sq. ydo. 1G. Elm from River to Broadway 330 ft. x 33 ft. 1,210 sq. ydo. TOTAL 11.173 aq. yds. 1`` HIGFIWAY MEMO TO: Mark Irmiter \� FROM: John Simola DATE: June 23, 1982 SUBJECT: Loading dock for Liquor Store rear door, 16 ft. wide extending 22 ft. from the building and 30 inches high and 0.3 ft. slope. I checked the elevations of the building in regard to storm drainage and offer the following information: The elevation of the top of the catch basin is 2.6 ft. lower than your floor elevation. This is not enough for a loading dock and to allow for proper drainage. In order to install the 30' high dock, it would be necessary to lower the top of the catch basin 6 to 8 inches. This could easily be accomplished by removing the three adjustment rings and replacing the 9" high casting with a thinner one. In conjunction with the 22 X 16 ft. platform and retaining wall, it will be necessary to replace approximately 50 ft. of black top for regrading purposes. I would also recommend removing and selling the existing 1,000 gal fuel oil tank at the same time. The following is a cost estimate: Excavation, tank removal, grading and backfill $ 500.00 Concrete work, 5" slab, 8" retaining wall 1,300.00 Blacktop, 2" + 2" mat on existing granular soil 000.00 Mli Casting replacement 175.00 Fine grading, black dirt and cod 350.00 TarAL 3,125.00 This is only an estimate and more firm prices can only be determined after the actual design has been determined. It is also possible that City crews could do a portion of the work. John Simola Public Works Director JS/mh jarefres igeration co. Highway Liquors Hwy's 25 & I-94 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 TO THE ATTENTION OF: Nir. Mark Irmiter Quotation REFERENCE N0. 1528 PAGE No. 1 of 1 ) DATE 01-28-82 F.o.a. re.onticello PAYMENT REFERENCE: Notice: prices will be wolected lot ;i0 dan Irom dalo. Jamal cannot assume relponobd i ty for delay daliwry, .mon mused by r9alenl beyond our control. d yli= dein ere based on Current evodebilily of mslerial enprMuCtion Iallil iel. Fiove 10' of existing cooler wall.including y 1447,00 entrance door and furnish two walls. approximatly 7' x 716" high and neccassary ceiling sections and install them. No electrical wiring. Concrete curb removal by others. . -" ' _ -_ -- APpbcabin wlm nrCA�r uv u•n rn be tido , hme nr blllmp _ _ _ —_ _ �_ 00 P.O. BOX 2�'" MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 65424 012.920.6404 rut ........ fn.ne rua. LIQUOR STOKE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COMPANY 4425 Lyndale Avenue South Suite 328 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 610.!!8.)990 Mr. Mark Irmiter Highway Liquors Route 4 - Box 83A Monticello, Minnesota 55362 June 23. 1982 Dear Mr. Irmiter. Sorry for the delay in getting this bid to you for walk-in cooler expansion. 'We will do the following: 1. Expand the length of the cooler 7' to just short of the back door E 2. Maintain the full 10' cooler depth on the expansion 3. New cooler walls to be 8' high from floor (this is the height of the present cooler wall panels plus the concrete rise) 4. Relocate the existing cooler door over one panel toward the front of the store and provide one new standar_36 w1'de service door 5, insulation to bo 3>,;hi " ck fib re glass 6. Finish to be galvanized Inside and Outside On, t T 7, If the Drop Wall on the present South Wali (service door wall) of the cooter needs removing it is to be done by the customer. The following price includes: Cost of the Cooler Expansion Deiivery of the Cooler Panels Ail Labor Charges State Sales Tax Computed on an "Installed Equipment" basis (wholesale) which Municipals must pay on equipment which must be installed to function. PRICE: t 1,939.00 Thanks for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you later wish to proceed with new Gravity Flow Beer Shelving, I can assure you that no one can bring more expertise to the task while preserving aggressive prices. L Yours Truly, Bob Carstenbrock _7227:--<6 ? 3s"oa y l LOU je IV � � 1 CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY AND PREVENTION EFFORTS l' 7 7"'--Ch.emical Awareness and Prevention program in Monticello has evolved aruund l 3✓ three(overlapping components. These components are: the Monticello Chemical Awareness and Prevention Task Force, the Monticello Faculty CARE Committee and the Partnership in Prevention (PIP) program. All three components believe that the chemical abuse problem In Monticello can be curtailed by families, the schools and the community all working together towards a"chemically healthy community. *chemical health is defined as: "A state of physical, emotional and social well-being that exists as a result of a lifestyle which includes responsible decisions about chemicn) use." MONTICELLO CHEMICAL AWARENESS AND PREVENTION TASK FORCE The primary goal for this task force is to design and implement programs that will stimulate awareness and provide important information that teens, adults and senior citizens can use to make sound decisions about chemical use. The task force members for 1981-82 were Marn Flicker, chairperson; Joan P,ehkamp, lois Maus, Gene Bauer, Ruddy Cay, Pat Seitz, Mike Diem, Candy Benoit, Meg McLeod and John Gurney. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN 1981-82 1. Co-sponsored the Partnership in Prevention program. (PIP) -five students trained (their skills Include peer counseling and drug education). the New Years Eve I.nek-in party. .,,. �. Co-sponsored a two part series on "What Healthy Families Need to Know About Drugs". -part I - Guest speakers: Rich Neuner and Jerry Joker. -part II- Guest speakers: Carl Eller and Jeff VanVonderen 4. Sponsored two parent programs. -Helping Others Feel Good About Themselves. -Effective Listening. 5. 80% of the task force went to a workshop sponsored by the university of Minn. -"Community Prevent ion-Organiting a Response to Chemical Problems". G, have been meeting and planning next years program. RBC01-0111?14DATIONS'FOR 1982-83 (pending financial suuport). 1. To continue the PIP program. 2. Sponsor a Pipfest. -network for students. -develop a broader bnso for PIP students. -communicate and cooperate with others *staff development *community involvement *identifying local resources 3. Sponsor a Parents Are Responsible course again. 4. Develop a Parent Network ^vstem. 5. Financially aw It . n Graduation or Prom party. r, ANNUAL. REPORT ' o- FOR THE COTAL CONTRIBUTIONS REVENUES MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CHEMICAL AWARENESS AND PREVENTION PROCRAM !FW Auxiliary $ 25.00 1981-82 . !FW 150.00 :C's of Monticello -Big Lake 200.00 Ministerial Association 500.00 Vmerican Legion 0260 350.00 Jelcome Wagon 25.00 totary 200.00 :t. Henry's 150.00 :t. Henry's Auxiliary 100.00 .foness 150.00 :hamber of Commerce 200.00 :lectro Industries 500.00 :ospital 250.00 :ommunity Chest 400.00 .ions 120.00 aycees 25.00 $3345.00 NET •ESCRIPTION EXPENDITURES REVENUES EXPENDITURES artnership in Prevention (PIP) $1750.00 $1750.00 - PIP Update for students 100.00 0 -Mileage 116.40 7. 74 4� !? l -Open (louse - Advertising 75.00 - Pipfeat 73.57 $416. 31 - Mon. Night Croup (advertising) 25.00 (refreshments) 16.60 $2166.31 ick -in Party for New Years Eve $1300.00 $ 955.00 $345.00 - included in this was film rental, band, pixzaa, breakafaat food, advertising, party favors, etc. raintnn workshoo for Task Force Members -University of Minn. Wkop $ 375.00 $150.00 $225.00 -St. Cloud Workshop 25.00 25.00 $250.00 Inn. Prevention Center (March 16 and April 19) - Iluost speaker on 2 different occasions and 0 advertising. $122.80 $122.80 !ph School Seminar (Carl Eller and Jeff VnnVonderan, May 4) - guest speakers $1200.00 - advertising, postage, films, refreshments 132.76 $892.02 $440.74 tir.cellnneoun Fxoennes - - - Co-sponsored a C.C.D. class withSt. Henry's, Jan 27 - rob 3 - Handouts and ro(rcohmonta 0 $16.25 338.12 997.02 $3341.10 Rol. 3.90 MEMO TO: City Council Members FROM: /0/ Tom Eidem, City Administrator DATE: July 23, 1982 SUBJECT: Adjustments to the agenda supplement. Enclosed, please find a sheet concerning the Fire Department Relief Association. Please insert this sheet in your reference section, listed 04, of your agenda supplement and destroy the other sheet. The reason we are changing these is that after distribution of the packets, we discovered there were some adjustments of a few figures because they were not accurate. This is the accurate sheet. Also, aiLur cvmpiuLing Liw n9en,3a aupyicii—L, 1 rviceivvJ a l', from John Badalieh concerning 7th Street construction. lie stated Omann Construction had just called him back and said that they were able to find a contractor who would do the stone wall for approximately $2,000.00 less than the $12,000.00 figure we have been looking at. The subcontractor would not make a bid on the timber wall. Thus, the adjusted price on the entire project including Alternative A would be approximately $35,000 rather than the $37,000 figure we have been using. I am sure that John will have more information and perhaps more accurate figures to give you on Monday night. Finally, you have undoubtedly noticed the new indexing system for your agenda packets. I have gone back to the straight numeri- cal sequence, but in addition I have placed the reference material for each agenda item right with the supplement page. The metal page signals are attached to the supplement pages and are then followed by the references by that particular topic. What I am requesting is that as you proceed through the meeting and move on to the next item of business, you simply remove the signal from the page and lot then lie on the council table so we can pick them all up after the Council meeting or the next morning and can rouse them for your next agenda packet. Call me if you have any quoations.