City Council Agenda Packet 09-24-1984AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL September 24, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve A. Grlmsmo Council Members: Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held September 10, 1984. 3. Citizens Comments/Po tit ions, Requests and Complaints. Public Hearings 4. Public Heartng - 1985 budget. Now Business 5. Rezoning Request to Rezone from I-1 to B-3, Applicant - Burgor King Corporation. 6. Consideration of Preliminary Concept Approval of Plaza Partners PUD, Applicants - Powers, Kjellberg. 7. Consideration of Installing Drain in Water Reservoir. 8. Consideration of Bills for the Month of September. 9. Adjourn. C 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL September 10, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of the regular meeting held August 27, 1984, as presented. 4. Consideration of Adoption of an Ordinance Granting a Non-exclusive Franchise to Rite Cable Company of Minnesota to Operate and Maintain a Cable Communication System in the City. Tha Joint Powers Commioaion consisting of members from nine surrounding communities has recently selected and negotiated with Rite Cable Company to provide a cable communication eystom for the cities. Tom Creighton, the Joint Commission -a Attorney, explained to the Council the proposed Ordinance that would grant a non-exclusive franchise to Rita Cable Company. Motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve adoption of an Ordinance granting a non-exclusive franchise to Rita Cable Company of Minnesota. Soo Ordinance Amendment No. 141 . S. Consideration of a Resolution Grantinq Final Approval to the Sala of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for Fulfillmont Systamn, Inc. Recently, all of the documents necessary for the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Fulfillment Systema, Inc., have boon completed by the City's Consulting Legal Advisor, Holmes 6 Graven. As a final atop, the City Council moot acknowledge full acceptance of the entire financial arrangomonte organized between Fulfillment Systema and their landing institution. As a result, motion wan made by Maxwoll, seconded by Slonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution 1984 140 authorizing the ioouanco, oa1o, and dolivary of the $479,000.00 Commarcial DovoI pmont Rovonuo Note for Fulfillment Syatemo, Inc. -1- Council Minutes - 9/10/84 6. Consideration of Making Final Payment on Project 482-2 (Meadow Oak) c Consulting City Engineer, John Badalich, had indicated prior to the meeting that the contractor, Richard Knutson, Inc., on the 82-2 Improvement Project had not yet had a chance to review the final construction payment voucher. AS a result, it was recommended by the Engineer that the final payment approval be delayed until the next meeting to allow the contractor adequate time to review the proposed final payment amount. 7. Consideration of Bide on Sealing City Hall Roof and Exterior Brick. Over the pest few years, the City personnel have noticed increasing problems with the exterior City Hall brick spalling and flaking off. It was recommended by the Building Inspector that some type of sealant should be applied to the exterior brick to prevent moisture Prom entering the used brick. In addition, the interior coiling docking along with the beams have boon recommended for additional varnish and/or Dealer coats to prevent the wood from separating. Bide and quotes ware received from two area painting contractors as follows: Doran Painting Interior Varnishing $2,500.00 Exterior Sealing of Bricks 42,760.00 with Thompson Water Seal Lindberg Painting Interior varnishing 82,984.60 Sealing of Exterior Brick $6,372.30 with Okon Latex Scalar Although Mr. Lindberg's bid for exterior coaling of the bricks appeared much higher than Doran Painting'o bid, it was noted by some Council members and the Building Inspector that Mr. Lindborg'a scalar product was of much higher quality than the Thompson Water Seal. Additionally, the Council discussed the time restraints the City is under to gat the brick sealant on before the and of September and noted that Lindberg Painting had a larger, crow for completing such work. After considerable discussion on both the interior and exterior portions of the bids, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair, and unanimously carried to accept the Lindberg Painting 1 proposal in the amount of $6,372.30 for coaling the exterior brick on the City hall with a note that it should be completed by the and of September, 1984. -2- �i7� Council Minutes - 9/10/86 Council members noted that since it is planned for major roof repairs on City Hall in 1985, the varnishing of the ceiling deck could be made as part of the new roof project next year. Rick WolfstelleV Assistant Administrator Council Agenda - 9/24/84 4. Public Hearing - 1985 Budget. (T.E.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is the annual Budget Hearing for the 1985 Budget. In conjunction with discussion of the overall Budget, we must address the proposed use of Revenue Sharing funds in a general sense. That is to say, we must indicate that we intend to spend "X" number of dollars on Capital Outlay and "X" number of dollars in contributions to Community Ed. We don't have to go through a specific detail during the hearing of every piece of equipment that's going to be proposed for purchase. The Preliminary Budget is being typed and may, in fact, be included with your agenda packet. At the conclusion of the hearing, I would request that, as in the past, the City Council set a special meeting for Some morning when the discussion of the Budget will be the only item on the agenda. This basically would be the Budget Work Session. Because the final adoption of the Budget and setting of the tax levy is scheduled to occur on October 9, I would like to hold the spacial meeting as soon as possible so that any changes, revisions, additions, subtractions that might occur can be put into the final document and ready for adoption on October 9. The changes and preparation of the final document is mainly a production matter concerning Karen and Successful operation of the copy machine and binder. We have not in the past ever had anyone attend a Budget hearing with any kind of question, and I have no reason to believe we will have any public here at this time either. I would hope that we would limit intra -Council Budget discussion until the work session and that the only formal action from the Council will be the setting of a special meeting. Because this is a Special hearing, there are no alternative actions. Staff requests that a Special Budget Work Session be scheduled for Some convenient morning time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy Of the Preliminary Budget. Council Agenda - 9/24/84 l 5. Rezoning Request to Rezone from I-1 to B-3, Applicant - Burger King Corporation. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Burger King is proposing to have Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition, rezoned from I-1 to B-3 to accommodate their proposed new Burger King restaurant. In talking with our Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgren 6 Associates, and John Uban, Consulting Planner, Mr. Uban indicated that when City zoning areas were set up that they usually ran on one side of the street and that they didn't intersect through lots or parts of lots in a block. He did, however, indicate that he saw no problem with the rezoning of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition, from I-1 to B-3 and that it is adjoining a B-3 zone and is conducive with the type of business in the B-3 Zone in this area. At the September 11, 1984, Monticello Planning Commission meeting, there was no input from the public in regard to Burger King's rezoning request. As of the writing today of this supplement, September 20, 1984, we have received no additional input from the public in regard to the rezoning request. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the rezoning request to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition, from I-1 to B-3. 2. Deny the rezoning request to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition, from I-1 to 0-3. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request to rezone Lots I and 2. Block 2, Louring Hillside Terrace Addition, from I-1 to B-3. The rezoning is conducive with the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. The proposed now business to be built on Lots 1 and 2 is very compatible with the adjoining businesses in the B-3 Zone. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the location of the proposed rezoning; Copy of the alto plan of the proposed Burger King restaurant. -2- Tl +tr ��.' J •"/�I 4 •' ' t + fil .(.,�• t�``��.+.! '7� j'1`1 ++j+ 'i,�1 � I. j( 1. /j •7,��t,/�•f1>,}/) tjj�p��� � /' , ; -r• .1' ``stlj`:!�/'(,,,�/ j ff , ��,1��,-�[f/+?j' 071W ^` ,� (t '• �L���CttLj��JJJ ���++TTr ^ fu t' ' � • ' '�.. + �` i 'Ear, � ". � — - HIGH WAY QsLo �-�•�..., _ ,- 4�°vs4 ti to 13-3• N0. 84 Cf.00 Tat `MOCe�ti jA9 C° x4.0,11 ,.Tk-L ..r, pt�A "j. B° � mat.. •.- . "n.,r KK\i r W �. .,. _«+:.,...... .....N COUNTY IIMY No Council Agenda - 9/24/84 6. Consideration of Preliminary Concept Aeproval of Plaza Partners PUD, Applicants - Powers, Kjellberg. (T.E.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Plaza Partners PUD is the proposal from Kent Kjellberg and Jim Powers that last came before you with respect to the sale of 1 acre to Wendy's by a metes and bounds description. After the conveyance of the acre parcel was allowed, the developers began to put together some of the loose ends of their Concept proposal in order to go back to the Planning Commission. After considerable discussion, we allowed the Concept Plan, though incomplete, to go back to the Planning Commission with the intent that the Planning Commission could indicate to the developers that they could have permission to pursue the Development Stage of the Plan so long as they addressed certain deficiencies that were highlighted. The Planning Commission did precisely that. Essentially, the developers were given contingent approval and told that they could proceed to the next phase of development. Some of the contingencies contained in that approvai were based solely on the notion that all deficiencies highlighted by staff and consultants would be addressed in the final Concept Stage. The main reason this was allowed was to prevent further delays of the Development Stage. Technically, the preparation of the Development Phase of aPUD should not even begin until the Concept Plan has boon given total and final approval. I find this to be unnecessary in most cases, and we certainly didn't require ouch a waiting period in the Meadow Oak PUD. In my estimation, the Concept Development, though quite incomplete, had taken enough form that specific deficiencies could be Bighted and could be addressed. Since they could be sighted, then the developer should be able to enter the Development Stage and address the deficiencies at both levels. The Planning Commiosion consequently approved the Concept Plan to be sent to the City Council provided that City staff prepare a complete list of concerned areas and deficiencies. A second motion also stipulated that the developers of this PUD should not coma before the Planning Commiooion again until the Development Stage is at total completion and hoe full and total approval of City staff and City Consultants. They want on record explaining to the developer that they will hoar no further requests with respect to thio PUD until it is in its absolute final form. Shortly after that Planning Commission meeting, City staff did go over the entire Concept Plan an wall so the Development Stage requirements in the Ordinance and prepared a detailed lint of !Lama required to roach completion. That lint has boon given to the developers. -3- Council Agenda - 9/24/84 The only activity required of the City Council at this time is to give a conditional approval to the Concept in light of the deficiency list that has been supplied. This will basically tell the developers that their Concept is okay provided that the list is met, and they may continue to invest in the development of plane and specifications and building construction plans. This motion would in no way give any kind of final approval to this plat or allow recording or any other use. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Give conditional Concept approval thereby indicating to the developers that they may proceed to the Development Stage and work on the completion of the Concept concurrent with the completion of the Development Stage. 2. Do not give Concept approval - this basically sends the developers back to the Planning Commission for Concept approval in its final form and that the Development Stage proposals will not be considered until the following meeting. This basically generates a delay of approximately one month to six weeks, which is probably not a problem to other construction but is of concern to Wendy's. Wendy's is concerned that they have appropriate access to their facility whether or not the PUD is successful. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Council grant conditional approval to the Concept Plan. After extensive review with Jim Powers, we have highlighted a number of our concerns and cited ovary one of those in the list of deficiencies. They ars fully aware that formal final approval will not be granted until the entire deficiency chock list hoe boon addressed. I do not, however, see any difficulty with allowing them to proceed with the more technical phone of the design. Granting the conditional approval of the Concept at thin timo will allow them to do the development design concurrently with the completion of the Concept Stage. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the Planning Commission Minutes; Copy of the plat as last presented; Copy of the deficiency lint. -4- Planning Commission Minutes - 9/11/84 7. Public Hearing - Concept Plan and Preliminary Plan for Proposed Planned Unit Development - Applicants, Jim Powers and Kent Kjellberq. Jim Powers was present with his Registered Land Surveyor. Dennis Taylor of Taylor Land Surveyors, and also Mr. Lee Nelson, representative from Wendy's Family Restaurant Corporation. Planning Comiesion Chairman, Jim Ridgeway, questioned Zoning Administrator Anderson if everything was in order for the Concept Plan as presented. Zoning Administrator Anderson answered that there are certain Items that are missing from the Concept Plan before them, those being water and saver plane as presented need additional footage added to the water and sever pipe in the newly constructed road through the proposed Planned Unit Development; it would also need additional pipe sire than the sire indicated; it would also need cross sectional drawings of the manhole and the water hydrants proposed in the water and sever construction; also City staff had questions as to the 1 -foot outlet between the newly platted Sandberg Road extension through the Planned Unit Development and the next adjoining property owner, Monticello Ford. Two other questions were rained on two other outlets, those not having a building or building site allocated to those proposed outlots for any proposed use of those outlets. Other than that, City staff felt that all the items were addressed in the Concept Site Plan submitted before them. Planning Commission Chairman, Jim Ridgeway, along with the other Planning Commission members present, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson,•and Don Cochran, wore vary opposed to actually hearing the proposal for the Concept Plan if overyth Ing waan't in place as needed per Concept Stage of the Planned Unit Development. That is per the requirement in a Planned Unit Development that everything has to be in order before approval or denial by Planning Commission and the City Council. Having an indication from Jim Powers' partner in the proposed Planned Unit Development that everything would be in order for this Planning Commission meeting from the last Planning Commission meeting held on August 14, 1984, Jim Powers countered that everything was in order except a few changes that Zoning Administrator Anderson and City Administrator, Thomas Riders. had found in a meeting with Mr. Powers at 11:10 A.M., Tuesday, September 11, 1984. Mr. Powers indicated that there are three different firms that are involved with the Planned Unit Development, each of them specialists In different fields of development as so indicated on there. They had recoivod promisee that they would be to City staff by Thursday. September 6, at the latest and then only received portions of them Friday. September 7, and portions Monday. September 10, and the final portion Tuesday, September it. Planning Commission Chairman, Jim Ridgeway, reiterated that that is a developers problem, not a City staff or Planning Commission problem and that, as a partner in the proposed development of the Planned Unit Development, it is his responsibility to coordinate between him and the people doing the work for him so it does arrive to City staff, Consulting Engineering, and Consulting Planning Firm on time for their review. Zoning Administrator Andereon indicated to Planning Comuisalon members that City staff is recommending to Planning Commisalon members their approval of the Concept Stage of the Planned Unit Dovelopment with the conditions or revisions as mentioned earlier and that we foal A3 the Concept Plan stages of it are intact and of good design with the few exceptions that we have noted earlier. Commission members reiterated to the partner in the proposed Planned Unit Development that they will not look at any future development stages of the proposed Planned Unit Development until everything is in order, has been reviewed by City staff, Consulting Engineer, and Consulting Planning Pirm and is recommended to them for their approval. Motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Jcjyce Dowling, to approve the Concept Stage of the proposed Planned Unit Development, Plaza Partners, with the condition that all revisions of the City staff, Consulting Engineer, and the Consulting Planner be addressed in the Concept Stege of the Planned Unit Development. Motion carried unanimously. Also, as a directive motion, motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Joyce Dowling, that the Planning Commission members as a Planning Commission body, direct City staff to work with the developers of the Planned Unit Development, Jim Powers and Kent Kjellberg, to inform them in writing and with their presence, any items that are needed before submitting the next Otago of the Planned Unit Developmont, that being the Development Stage. Motion carried unanimously. _g. s 413 / I L0•9"C.M't LIMIT LAMVN. PR AFCA i Wo!,CAF : •+tCA y LOT 2 BLOCK 3 f { ' ,f 4FXE AF.tA i y U. rt• n t OUTLOT O 1 < t r • , I �.A,r � � t , 6i7u1t�Y.'.. , '• . � L A�•'' • ' '111 .! :AfACC - J 1 ' rr zl � !�� .... .'•,1.' ,s'ti;At ,.•4MV ..1 <�1T �1 • "q r 3 t• • _ yy 24' y .4( t r• • "" "` � B40CK� M «• � Nw 43S w i•v:Si.•+i'li+ltAJ, ' i \�.�4ArtG•,�► .+AVr.y / . �= ,. � ut '"''.' �,i. �,�� '•fir . i---..»�. { t! L�NIi . �tiY�v �.. r p9 L' l t �" _ ._ ._..: - - —, �. 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V(_ ( .! �t .�/ �1: �.,�/Jli 'fp'w; Cl:vaaI * '• �1; � �t (��! ��� t I � I�t .':..= t..• . ♦fit t i" �+• t. s'v�,♦ .s e.tMyft.s.+ .:y •.�, 1•', ...s' �M. ; ' t : , �, 1 � ••..�, �t n18,"'°S►t +wt.'s � �' t f . 10 . y i r: r f: ITEMS REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF CONCEPT PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1. Cite the proposed uses for Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlet D. Also designate as Outlot E (?) the leg on the south lying oast of the proposed City street and cito a proposed use for this land. (A list of proposed limitations drafted by the City is attached at the end of this punch list.) ❑ 2. On the plat map, must show Outlet 0 lot lines cutting across the access to the now street (between Lot 3, Block 3, and Lot I, Block 2). Also, show lot line of Outlot B at the access to Oakwood Drive. 3. Provide an explanation for what occurs in the rectangular area lying southwest of the Health Club but lying outside of those lines designated as "landscape limit". 4. Must eliminate any private land lying between the proposed public street and the oast property line, except in the far south whore the street needs to turn westerly to join Sandberg Road. 5. In the rendering of the proposed City street, show total width of City right-of-way, and Within that right -of -ray show how much will be developed as actual usable City street. ❑ 6. On the drawings submitted to date, need to add the Invert elevations and the water lino location that currently exist in Sandberg Road. Bower is properly shown but Invert elevations and water line have boon omitted. ❑ 7. A written operations and maintenance program must be developed for all common open space, including Outlets. landscape areas, and parking lots. This should address moving, litter clean up, onow plowing. Water and sower failure, parking lots striping, aoalcoating, patching, curb repair, and any other maintenance tacks that will be required in a joint operation. a B. Mint show a utility casement along the private entrance running oast and vast in front of 'the Health Club and restaurant indicating City access to water shut -offs. 9. In a grid chart placed right on the Concept Plan rendering chow the following: a. Square foot devoted to parking' b. Square foot devoted to other open space c. d. Square Square foot devoted to stroot• foot devoted to commercial use (on the drawing that you have already submitted, The following information is required for the Development Stage of the PUD. We have prepared this checklist with the intention that by completing the itema listed above an wall as the following, your proposal will be virtually ready for final approval. There may be some minor alterations or adjustments that would be required, but we are providing this in the hopes that you can complete the Concept Stage and the Development Stage concurrently. That explains why we are requesting substantially more detail than would ordinarily be required in just a Concept Plan. The following items should be addressed by professional anginoera since they will be reviewed by City Engineers and in soma canon will be submitted to State agencies for approval. -2- J !'J the square foot shown inside of the building and indicating the activity already addresses a separate question and should remain on the drawing.) e. Total number of parking spaces 10. Foreach development activity that occurs there should be a statement addressing the proposed phasing, including ouch items as proposed opening of facility, etc. Be sure to include a statement about Lot 1, Block 1, and Outlet D. 11. Concept Map and Plat Map must show 6 -foot and 12 -foot easements in their appropriate places around the perimeters of all Iota. 12. Must Include a statement that the plat with all covenants and restrictions ae stated will be recorded as stated. 13. Each lot should show its mailing address numbering system. ❑ 10. Per each building proposed there should be preliminary architectural drawing$ which include the use proposed, a floor plan, elevations, and a description of the exterior wall finish. IS. In Outlet C. please address either relocation further to the east or a reduction in the number of parking spaces on the west to accommodate major truck turn-arounds. Also, address whether or not an access out of this parking lot needs to be designated into Outlet D for future through traffic. 16. Entire proposal should be drawn on a plat suitable for recording. The following information is required for the Development Stage of the PUD. We have prepared this checklist with the intention that by completing the itema listed above an wall as the following, your proposal will be virtually ready for final approval. There may be some minor alterations or adjustments that would be required, but we are providing this in the hopes that you can complete the Concept Stage and the Development Stage concurrently. That explains why we are requesting substantially more detail than would ordinarily be required in just a Concept Plan. The following items should be addressed by professional anginoera since they will be reviewed by City Engineers and in soma canon will be submitted to State agencies for approval. -2- J !'J ❑ I . Must enclose a detailed grading plan showing drainage routes for the total project, not just one construction phase. Drainage and grading plan must be designed for when the entire 12 acres has reached its total development so that we can become aware of the and result. This plan should include storm sewer provisions and street construction including detailed plane and specifications, design calculations, outfall lines, etc. ❑ 2. The plane for sewer and water supplied were incomplete, i.e., they ware missing spec's ouch as class of pipe, detail sections. F]3. water main must be sized at 10 -inch and must be extended to Oakwood Drive. Drawings must show a water stub into Outlot D. 4. Plans should be included to put in a stub both easterly and westerly off the water main and both easterly and westerly off the sewer main out in Oakwood Drive. D 5. The 6 -inch line indicated on the private property which is deadended, apparently does not most with Minnesota Health Department requirements. Please make necessary adjustment. 6. Eliminato elcan-out at the and of the sewer lino on private property and replace with a menh03o. 7. Hydrants and hydrant leads should be located so an to not interfere with Gower lino construction and repair. S. Hydrant shown near manhole 17-10-C on the Utilities Y1an should be relocated to the r.orth to the intersoction of the private drive and the now proposed public street as it in shown on the Concept Plan drawing. That hydrant should be situated 0 feet behind the curb. 9. we recommend that the private sewer and water lines which and near the motel should be extended northerly and service linos put in to Lot 1, Block I. so that no construction, reconstruction will be required at a later data to supply this lot with servieas. 10. with respect to the public street, the extension of Sandberg Road must be identical in design to existing Sandberg Road as constructed in Sandberg South. 11. Both on the private drive access and tho.Oakwood Drive access, the turning radii must be designed to be 30 feet. a12. Curbing on the extension of Sandberg Road must be 8-610 design. -3- D 17. You must submit erosion control.plans in sufficient dateil addressing both construction and post construction erosion problems. 14. Submit,a sign plan for all signs for all businesses proposed within the development. 15. A landscape plan should be submitted, said plan to address some of the landscaping detail for those areae designated as landscaped areas. 16. Lastly, should there be any substantial changes that occur in your design, between the Concept and the Development or Final Stages, a written statement of those changes should be submitted immediately. Because ,there are no proposals for the development of Lot 1, Block 1, City staff has prepared a list of development limitations for that lot taken from the.City Ordinance. Any of the following uses may be allowed as a Conditional Use on Lot 1 or Block 1. As a Conditional Use, of course, certain, specific conditions may be attached at the time of permit application. This list of land use limitations will have to be prepared in recordable form and recorded as covenants/limitations on the property. 1. An extension or expansion of any of the ,existing or proposed facilities already designated for the PUD. Z. Multiple family dwellings, either for rent or for individual ownership, but in no case will the number exceed nix individual dwelling units. ]. Barber shop, beauty shop. a. Convenience store, but not a supermarket and not a store which has gas pumps. 5. Laundromat, self-service washing and drying but not a commercial laundry or dry-cleaning plant. 6. Professional and/or commercial office space including doctors, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, accountants, ate. This building can also be similar to the Metcalf and Larson structure located in the downtown which has multiple uses, soma of which are cervico oriented, coma of which are retail salon. 7. Government and/or utility buildings. 8. Art supply store. -a- 9. Financial institutions, banks, savings and loans, credit / unions. 10. Bicycle sales and service. 11. Camera and camera supply store. 12. Delicatessen. 13. Drug store. 14. Florist. 15. Gift, novelty, antique store, but not an antique furniture restoration and sales. 16. Robby store. 17. Restaurants, cafes, drive-ins. 18. Private clubs and lodges serving food and beverage. • 19. Jewelry store. 20. Books, office supplies, stationery. l 21. wearing apparel. 22. Leather goods and luggage. 23. Records/music store. 24. Shoe store. 25. Toy store. 26. Travel bureau. 27. Sporting goods, but not including live bait sales. 28. Video sales and rental. 29. Variety store. 30. Pot store, but not a pat clinic or pot hospital. 31. Radio and television appliance sales, but only with minor incidental repair included. As we have discussed, outlot D still preaants some problems. It may be necessary before final completion to draft a list -S- C�� similar to the one above restricting the potential uses of Outiot D and any potential replat of that parcel. As I have mentioned to you, the difficulty with Outlet D is that it is an unplanned section lying within what is supposed to be a totally planned development. Any planning control that is to be exercised at this time must necessarily be in a restrictive sense, and I will attempt to arrive at an equitable solution for both sides. -6- Council Agenda - 9/24/86 C7. Consideration of Installing Drain in Water Reservoir. O .S.) C � A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The water reservoir located on Chelsea Road in the Industrial Park is constructed without a drain line. In order to empty the reservoir, all the water must be pumped into the main water system. The Water Superintendent is concerned that we should physically clean the reservoir itself. In order to do this cleaning, we must get into the reservoir tank using high pressure water and wash down the sides and bottom of the storage area. After it is washed down, it is impossible to remove the slime and dirty material without pumping them back into the water system. We have proposed to install a "T" and hydrant in the discharge line for the water reservoir. We would close a valve to the City water system and open the hydrant. We would then turn on the appropriate pump in the reservoir and pump the slime and dirty water out into the existing drainage ditch near the reservoir. We have estimated the cost of materials for the project at $1,700.00, and the coat of labor to install the hydrant and valve at approximately $600.00, or a total of $2,300.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Alternative 01 would be to construct the drain utilizing a hydrant which will onablo the Water Superintendent to clean out the reservoir utilizing City people. 2. Alternative 12 would be to not install the drain and hire a profoseional company or organization to clean the reservoir and contract for such services. 3. Alternative #3 would be to do nothing and leave the reservoir as is. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the staff recommendation that we construct the drain utilizing the hydrant as outlined in Altornativo 01 for an estimated coat of $2,300.00. Wo have placed an amount into tho Budget for tho installation of this drain of $2,000.00. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Nona. -5- Proposal Proposal Ne' _ FROM BRFNTWN CONSTRUCTION Sheet No. Box 335 Do's'Da Big lake, Minnesota 56309 9/24/84 2833100 a 441.1407 Proposal Submitted To Work To 6o Performed At Name City of Monticello st,ee,_Montice.Uo oater_Re.aer_voir— Street City__State_ City "'—Mont6ce7lo Date of Plan - slot. Fla. 55362 Arcnite. Telephone Number We hereby propose to furnish all the materials and perform all the labor necessary for the completion of ioi,,ta6ua• u,astsiAaAu y,.uvieea oy city for water valves a,tu iayuranT ac sissy water reservoir Fnr 3480 no All material is guaranteed to be at specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the d,awings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in o substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of Dollars IS I. with payments to be mode as follows: Any oherotion or deviation from above specifications involving erno costs, -;It be e.eculed only upon .ninon orders, and will become on e+tra charge over and above the animate, All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other neceuo,y insurance span above work. Workmen', Compensation and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by Respectfully submitted Par Note — This proposal may be withdrown by us If not accepted within days ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions ora satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are outhorited to do the work as specified. Payment will be mode as outlined above, Accapt*A Dote _,.. i twee roes. a+so O Signoture slgnature rc /Cec'e �0 2 ofv , erf A; b ` , I 1984 -- GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER AMOUNT CHECK NC MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 25.00 19390 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 23.00 19391 Mrs. Margaret Gahr - Tree reimbursement 39.38 19392 Best western Inn - Marshall, MN. - M. Theisen seminar expense 88.29 19393 MN. Dept. of Econ. Security- Reimb. for double payment - Westpall 384.00 19394 J M Oil Co. - Gas 397.29 19395 Matt Theisen - Mileage for'seminar 81.25 19396 Corrow Sanitation - Contract 4,652.50 19397 Gary Vassar - Reimbursement for car damage on Lauring Lane 176.50 19398 Lindberg Decorating - Paint, etc. for pump house 145.48 19399 Mid Central Fire, Inc. - Hose for Fire Dept. 420.00 19400 OSM - Engineering fees for 82-2 Project 1,030.45 19401 Jerry Hermes - Janitorial services at Library 137.50 19402 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 125.04 19403 Gwen Bateman - Animal control - August 665.00 19404 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 1,355.01 19405 Wright County State Bank - FWT 4,199.80 19406 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT 2,376.00 19407 State Treasurer - Social Sec. Cont. Fund 2,459.62 19408 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 84.00 19409 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 36.00 19410 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor ealary 175.00 19411 Dan Slonigcn - Council salary 125.00 19412 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 125.00 19413 Ken Maus - Council salary 125.00 19414 Jack Maxwoll - Council salary 125.00 19415 James Proueso - Cleaning city hall 275.00 19416 YMCA of Mple. - Monthly contract payment 312.50 19417 R. C. Assoc. - Cleaning Supplies 101.25 19418 Janette Loarasen - Inf. Center salary 112.50 19419 Mrs. Lucy Andrews - Inf. Cantor salary 146.25 19420 State Agency Rev. Fund - Emp. Relations - Adm. fees 25.68 19421 Patty Cash - Reimb. patty cash fund 62.55 19422 City of Elk River - Seminar rag. fee 16.00 19423 Country Lumbar - Lumber 542.10 19424 Monticello Firs Dept. - Fireman wages 1,932.00 19425 Wright County State Bank - Investment purchases 160,065.69- 19426 Election judge wages - Primary election 6 training program 1.015.00 19427 -- MN. Stats Treasurer - Dep. Reg. foes 13.00 19443 MN. State Treasurer -,Dnp: Reg. fast 26.50 19444 Waste Management Board - Rag. Pas - John Simola 12.00 19445 N. S. Power - Utilities 8,845.01 19446 North Central Public Service - Gap 590.71 19447 Thomas Eidem - Car ,allowance - Sept. 300.00 19448 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 125.04 19449 Jerry Hermes - Janitorial services at library 137.50 19450 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 1.322.10 19451 MN. State Treasurer - PICA W/H 2,405.00 19452 JAWS Precast, Inc. - Bondhus sewer connection supplies 430.00 19453 Layne MN. Co. - Parts and labor to switch well /2 995.08 19454 Earl F. Anderson - Signs - 12 handicap signs 168.83 19455 Neenah Foundry - Manholes 751.72 19456 Central Contractor's Supply - 3 jar puller - at. Dept. 61.53 19457 Century Laboratories - Supplies Mtcs. Bldg. 84.96 19458 Morrell Transfer - Freight 42.45 19459 SMA Construction - Blueprints - Pump house 7.50 19460 V GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Rick Wolfsteller - Mileage 56.41 194" Monticello Time - Adv. 6 legal publications 752.34 19,6 Midwest Computer Service - Minor equipment - WWTP 80.00 19463 Oxford Chemicals, Inc. - De -germ 6 lotion - WWTP 117.10 19464 Omann Construction - Street Dept. supplies 234.96 19465 American Scientific Products - Chemicals, etc. for WwrP 423.85 19466 Orkin Exterminating Co. - Pest control expense for WWPP 106.00 19467 Wright County Auditor - 1984 Assessment book 12.50 19468 Fire Instructor's Assn. of MN. - Manuals for Fire Dept. 114.50 19469 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone for August 962.42 19470 North Star Waterworks Products - Pipes, etc. for Bondhus Pro',. 1.72.20 19471 Goodin Co. - 10' air duct 31.71 19472 Electronic Center - WWTP supplies 102.42 19473 Davies Water Equip. - 10" PVC pipe 84.25 19474 Ranger Products - Nuts and bolts - WWTP 50.92 19475 Vessco, Inc. - 2 diaphragms - WWTP 233.84 19476 OSM - 90% payment due on 84-2 Imp. project 35,748.39 19477 Burlington Northern Railroad - 40' crossing at Cedar St. 2,869.17 19478 Holmes i Graven - Issuance of G. 0. bonds of '84 1,500.00 19479 Fair's Garden Center - Trees - Par West park 2,158.16 19480 Buffalo Bituminous - Patch for let Nat. Bank 2,200.00 19481 Braun Engineering - Soil testing 25.00 19482 0. K. Hardware - Calculator, battery, filter, glue - Mtco. B19g. 85.07 19483 Coast to Coast - Concrete mix, polyaheet, gloves, shovel, etc. 513.20 19484 Independent Lumber - Lumber, sand, otc. - Par West a parks 360.94 19485 Our Own Hardware - Misc. supplies for all Dept$. 444.35 1948a National Bushing - Filters, anti -freeze, timing sot, battery 359.36 194 Phillips Petro. - Gas 62.96 19486 Mobil Oil - Gas 32.73 19489 Northwestern Dell - Fire phone charges 39.37 19490 Monticello Office Products - Library desk - 467.10 549.66 19491 First Bank - Mpls. - Public fund charges 12.00 19492 Gruys, Johnson - Computer charges - July 290.00 19493 Tom Eidem - Meals at meetings 9.94 19494 Audio Communications - Repairs for Fire Dept. i WWfP 324.40 19495 Marco Business Products - Mtco. agreement on machines 378.28 19496 Davis Electronic Service - Repairs for Fire Dept. 122.66 19497 Marlene Hellman - Dep. Reg. seminar fees 28.40 19498 Comfort Craft Co. - Repairs at City hall a Library 1,915.95 19499 Maus Foods - Dog food, coffee, trash bags, lawn bags, towels 241.80 19501 Banker's Life ins. - Group Ins. 4,025.44 19502 A T i T Information Systems - Firephons charges 3.59 19503 State Treasurer - Surplus Property Fund - Membership fee 30.00 19504 AHE Ready Mix - Concrete 132.08 19505 Road Machinery c Supplies - 8' plow for St. Dept. 1,583.84 19506 Dig Lake Lumber - Pole barn material 2,586.99 19507 Sentry Systems - Lease of telephone for water dept. 90.00 19508 Conway airs G Safety - Wrench for booster hose - Fire Dept. 45.00 19509 Central McGowan - Cylinder rental 2.48 19510 filen Franklin - Film, tape 19.52 19511 National Life Ins. - Life Ins. - Tom Eidem 100.00 19512 J M Oil Co. - Gas for equipment 1,790.50 19f Hoglund Bus Co. - Hose - Shop 10.10 195. " Monticello printing - Copies 6.05 19515 American Management Assoc. - Membership dues 125.OU 19516 Don Busch, Treasurer - Membership dues - Clerk 6 Fin. Assoc. 30.00 19517 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK Ni Adam's Pest Control - Contract at Library 38.20 19518 Local 049 - Union dues 126.00 19519 AIN. Municipal Finance Officer's Assoc. - Reg. fee - seminar 75.00 19520 Safety-Kleen Corp - Supplies at Mtce. Bldg. 33.00 19521 Vance's Service Center - Gas - Fire Dept. 64.79 19522 Wright County Treasurer - 2nd.% taxes - Lindberg house 522.75 19523 Suburban Gas - Gas - Water Dept. 7.68 19524 Wright County Sheriff Dept. - Police contract services 9,494.38 19525 Moody's Investors Service - Municipal bond rating fee 1,000.00 19526 Feed-Rite Controls - 1000 Feed Rite 05 900.00 19527 Water Products - Maters and connections, etc. 2,782.72 19528 Parpart Truckline - Freight on motors from Water Products 25.54 19529 Harry's Auto Supply - Windshield wash, filter, screw, etc. 135.87 19530 Eull Concrete Products - Curbs i stops 176.40 19531 Scranton Gillette Communications - Sub. - J. Simcla 19.00 19532 American National Bank G Trust - '60 G. O. Bonds - P 6 I 23,627.50 19533 Construction Fastening Systems - Anchors - Bondhus Sewer 102.24 19534 The Forms Group, Inc. - Election supplies 89.75 19535 Diane Jacobson - Dep. Reg. seminar expense 22.95 19536 Anoka County Social Services - Payroll ded. foe 88.00 19537 Central Eyewear - Glasses for S. Hancock - Raimb. 43.45 19538 Gary Anderson - Mileage - September 71.52 19539 Unitog Rental Services - Uniform expanse 176.00 19540 Payroll for August 27,661.43 TOTAL GENERAL DISBURSEMENTS $332,173.53 SEPTEMBER LIQUOR Fm Al CHECK LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER - 1984 N0. 00. Wright County State Bank - C. D. purchase 30,000.00 11373 Eagle wine Co. - Liquor 1,041.28 11374 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 1,344.68 11375 Ed Phillips - Liquor 4,208.43 11376 Quality Wino - Liquor 1,725.46 11377 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll dad. 20.00 11378 State Treasurer - Para 173.23 11379 Wright County State Bank - PWT - August 446.60 11380 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT - August 238.00 11381 State Treasurer - Social Security Cont. Fund 287.67 11382 Twin City Wine - Liquor 990.30 11383 Eagle wine Co. Liquor 80.80 11384 Griggs, Cooper & Co. --Liquor 3,317,.85 11385 Northern States Power - utilities 755.22 11386 North Central Public Service - Gas 8.61 11387 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 6,040.67 11388 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll dad. 20.00 11389 MN. State Treasurer - PERA 177.05 11390 State Treasurer - FICA W/H 294.02 11391 Wrlyht Cuunty State Bank - C. D. purchase 35.000.00 11392 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 1,476.57 11393 Commissioner of Revenue - Excise tax - August 8.190.72 11394 Bernick'• Pepsi Cola - Boor - mist. mdso. 3,982.70 11395 Grosslain Beverages - Beer & misc. mdse. 14,511.35 11396 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. mdse. 476.40 11397 Monticello Times - Adv. 60.00 11398 Quality Wine - Liquor 38.40 11399 Our Own Hardware - Wastebaskets 11.78 11400 NCR Corporation - Tapes & ribbons for cash register 249.11 11401 Olson & Sons Electric - Equipment maintenance & motor repair 100.44 11402 Dick Beverage - Beer & misc. mdse. 6,852.75 11403 Day Dist. Co. - Beer 4 misc. mdse. 832.95 11404 Yonak Sanituion - Garbage service 82.50 11405 Slifka Sales - Misc. mdse. 73.63 11406 Jemco - Adv. SO.00 11407 Seven -Up Bottling - Misc. mdse. 366.00 11408 Dahlheimar Dist. - Beer & misc. mdse. 20,041.26 11409 Maus Foods - Store supplies 26.96 11410 Old Dutch Foods - Misc, mdse. 307.10 11411 Jude Candy & Tobacco - Misc. mdse. 905.13 11412 Liefert Trucking - Freight 536.23 11413 Lovegren Ice. - Ice purchase 382.05 11414 Coast to Coast - Bucket, naps, bulbs, etc. 28.09 11415 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone S1.37 11416 Gruys, Johnson - Computer charges for July 110.00 11417 Banker -s Life - Group Ins. 364.91 11418 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer & misc. mdse. 5,953.45 11419 Twin City Wine - Liquor 915.62 11420 S Payroll for August 3.723.82 TOTAL DISBURSBJIER" ron awT"na - 1934 9156,871.16 nr� INDIVIDUAL PEP.MIT ACTIVITY REPORT MONTH OF AUGUST , 1984 ! TOTAL REVENUE 1,788.24 W J 1 I _ ERMIT DESCRIPTION P I NAME/LOCATION VALUATION Frrt UMBER F PERMIT SURCHARGE PLUMBING SURCHARGE 84-669 Detached Garage RGI Doug Miller/707 west 6th Street 57,200.00 $ 63.70 5 3.60 84-670 Reshingle House AD Dolly McLeod/212 Locust Street 1,200.00 14.30 .70 84-671 Reside House 6 Garage AD Russell Bell/718 West River Street 3,000.00 .38.50 1.50 84-672 Reshingle House G Garage AD Clifford Olson/519 East Broadway 1,200.00 14.30 .70 84-673 Reshingle House 6 Garage AD Roman Brauch/409 West Broadway 1,200.00 14.30 ..70 84-674 1 Reside House G Garage AD Emil Kaufert/613 'lest River Street 3,929.00 44.07 1.96 84-675 Detached Accessory Garage RG Tom Moores/1216 Sandy Lane 3,600.00 40.00 1.80 84-676 Bund New walls G Roof ACS Jones Manufacturing/100 Locust Street 2,000.00 32.50 1.00 I between Buildings 84-677 Reshingle House G Garage AD Myron Marquette/1025 west River Stree: 1,430.00 14.30 .70 , 84-678 Single Family Dwelling !SF: Marvin George Builders/34 Fairway Dr. -42,300.00 248.35 I 21.15 $23.00 S .50 84-680 Storage Building IC I Heroes lnvestments/108 Thomas Park Dr. 22,600.00 156.10 11.30 1 , 84-681 Reside House G Garage ADI Leo Mazer/18 Eagle Circle 7,500.00 65.50 3.75 84-682 Wendy's C Oxboro Development Co./120 Oakwood Dr.133,300.00 516.25 66.65 41.00 .50 84-683 Demolition Gila Service (D 11 Tripp oil Co./300 west Broadway 10.00 i . • TOTALS '230,459.00 1,272.17 115.51 64.00 1.00 j i PLAN CHECKING i I 1 I 84-682 1' Wendy's C Oxboro Development Co./120 Oakwood Da. 335.56 - I I � 1 I , I 1 ! TOTAL REVENUE 1,788.24 W J CITY OF MONI'IC10.10 Monthly Building Department Report PERMITS and USES Month of -August 1984 Lest 'Shia •Same Month 'Last Year 'This Year j PERMITS ISSUTiD Month July Month Auqust Last Year To Date To Date RESIDENTIAL Number 8 10 6 41 72 ; Valuation E 443,230.00 S 72,559.00 $193,275.00 $1,814,672.90 $2,321,227.00 Fees 2,419.21 557.32 1,042.09 8,425.03 12,817.11 Surcharges 221.70 36.56 96.64 908.44 1,151.20 00MME 1CIAL - Number 1 3 1 13 25 Valuation 3,100.00 157,900.00 3,687.40 1,082,212.40 940,329.00 Fees 39.10 1,040.41 42.60 5,047.71 6,324.36 Surcharges 1.55 78.95 1.84 540.99 470.30 INDUSTRIAL Number 1 1 2 5 ' Valuation 8,000.00 90,000.00 590,000.00 1,776,500.00 Fees 68.50 664.95 1,862.40 8,318.53 Surcharges 4.00 45.00 295.00 - 888.65 PLUMBING Number 4 2 4 22 37 232.00 64.00 94.00 693.00 1,367.00 �gees - Surcharges 2.00 1.00 2.00 12.50 18.50 OTHERS Number 1 1 9 I 2 Valuation 32,220.00 Fees 10.00 10.00 480.30 20.00 Surcharges 13.90 TOTAL N0. PERMITS 14 16 1387 141 TOTAL VAIUATIOM 454,330.00 230,459.00 286,962.40 3,529. 105. 30 5,038,056.00 TOTAL FEES 2,758.81 1,671.73 1,853.64 16,508.44 28,847.02 TOTAL SURCHARGES 229.25 116.51 145.48 1,770.83 2,528.65 CURRENT MONTH __ ' plrtca Number to Date PERMIT NATURE Number PFRMqT Wei= Valuation M This year Last yearl Single Family 1 $ 248.35 $ 21.15 S 42,300.00 21 17 Duplex 1 1 I Multi-family 2 3 Commercial 2 1,007.91 77.95 155,900.00 8 9 Industrial 4 1 Res. Garages 2 103.70 5.40 10,800.00 15 6 Signs 0 2 Public 8uildingo 2 0 ALTERATION OR REPAIR Dwellings 7 205.27 10 .01 19,459.00! 33 10 Commercial 1 32.x0 1.00 2,000.00 15 4 Industrial I 1 1 I PI.UMBIIJG All types I 2 64.00 1.00 37 22 I ACCESSORY STRUCTURES i Svimminq Poole 0 3 Docks 0 4 I TEMPORARY PERMIT 0 2 DEMOLITION 1 10.00 2 2 ITOTALS 16 $1,671.73 $116.51 5230,459.00 141 87