City Council Agenda Packet 09-23-1985AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 23, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Members: Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigen, Jack Maxwell 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 9, 1985. 3. Citizen's Comments, Petitions, Requests, Complaints. OLD BUSINESS d. Consideration of a Resolution Establishing Marvin Road as a Minimum Maintenance Road. 5. Consideration of Approving a Final Plat for Victoria Square, Applicant - Mike Reher. NEW BUSINESS 6. Consideration of Granting a Simple Subdivision with Ro-platted Descriptions, Applicant - Harold Ruff. 7. Approval Of Bills. 8• Other Business. 9. Adjourn. C MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - CITY COUNCIL September 9, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arvo Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigen, Jack Maxwell. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. Councilman Bill Fair requested that the minutes of item number four regarding reimbursement to Mal Wolters for part of Meadows Pond construction, last paragraph be amended to read that the City initially made a good will offer rather than good faith offer. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Jack Maxwell, and unanimously carried to amend this last paragraph of the Council minutes to read good will. As a result, motion was then made by Fran Fair, seconded by Jack Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting August 26 as amended. 3. Citizens Comments. Mr. Jeff warwan, property owner within the Meadows subdivision, noted that at the recently hold informational meeting on the proposed zoning map, developer John Sandberg was requesting that portions of the Meadows property be rezoned to R-3 for multiple family structures. Mr. Warwao questioned whether the residents of the area will be informed of additional public hearings regarding his request for this area to be rezoned. Mr. Warwas was informed that if the area is considered for R-3 zoning, the Council would be holding a public hearing on the final zoning map proposal and a notice of hearing would be published. d. Consideration of Granting a Conditional Una for Outdoor Auto Sales in a B -a Zona - Applicant, Clarence McCarty, DBA Monti Motors. At the previous Council meeting, Mr. McCarty was directed by the Council to prepare a site plan showing location of parking stalls and tho area proposed for the sales of vahicloo. The site plan was prepared by tho City staff after reviewing the property which showed that a possible 19 total spaces could bo available for both parking and sales of vahiclos. It was also noted by the staff that approximately six variances would be required by Mr. McCarty if this conditional use was granted for a salon lot including variances for the driveway alolo width, a reduced turning area for parked vehicles, the proximity of tha parking area to the building, the number of spaces required, parking in front of a curb cut opening and a variance to incroaso the outdoor •alas area square footage. Council Minutes - 9/9/85 Mayor Grissom noted that some concerns were expressed by neighboring residents during the recent informational zoning hearing concerned over the possible display of vehicles at Dr. McCarty's residence if the conditional use was granted since his home is only a block away from this site. It was noted that currently Dr. McCarty has had up to 30 vehicles for sale at his present sales lot site and it is apparent that the property in question could not support a sales lot in excess of approximately 12 cars at most. Council members Fran Fair, Bill Fair and Blonigen all felt that too many variances would be required to make this site suitable for a sales lot. As a result, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, to deny the conditional use request for the Minor Auto Repair and outdoor Sales facility requested by Or. McCarty. Voting in favor was everybody but Maxwell who was opposed as he felt the property should not remain vacant. 5. Consideration of Adopting Amendments to Title it of the City Code Relating to Subdivisions. An ordinance amendmont was prepared by City staff that clearly defines the position of the City in the future cases where one subdivider installs permanent improvements which may be of benefit to subsequent subdividers. The proposed amendment prohibits refunds and reimbursements to any original developer for improvements that may be utilized by a later developer. j The amendment would also preserve the right of the City to J levy surcharge or memo other fee against later developers for the purpose of collecting conics to maintain or upgrade the public improvements that were installed by the original developer. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt ordinance amendment 0148 which amends the su bdivioion ordinance regarding refunds for subdividers/devoiopor installed improvements. An additional ordinance was recosunondod that would clarify that a simple subdivision is not allowed when a parcel of land of loan than 2 1/2 acres is subdivided by motes and bounds descriptions. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigon and unanimously carried to adopt ordinance amendment 0147 which clarifies that no subdivision shall take place that creates a lot or parcel loan than 2 1/2 acres by a metas and bounds description. 8. Consideration of Donign Criteria and Financial Participation in Wriqht County Piano to Improvo Co. Rd. 39. In July of 1984, the City had received a raquant from rosidonta along Golf Course Road (West County Road 39) requesting that the road be widonod to form a pedestrian and bicycle path area along the shoulders. -2- council Minutes - 9/9/85 Since this road is a County road, Public Works Director John Simola requested that the County look into the possibility of widening Golf Course Road in conjunction with the resurfacing and grading of West County Road 39 outside the City limits during 1986. The County has indicated a willingness to include this portion of the project with their proposed county road improvement. A cost study was prepared by the City Engineer using two options, a forty foot rural design estimated at $157,000 and an urban design with curb and gutter and storm sewer improvements at a cost of $424,000. Under the rural design, the cost of the project would be 706 paid by the County with 306 payable by the City, estimated at approximately $47,000. Under the urban design, it was assumed that all costs above a rural design would be the responsibility of the City which in this case could amount to over $300,000. In regard to the proposed improvement of West County Road 39 from Broadway to Mississippi Drive, the Council previously had indicated a desire for an urban design street with curb and gutter which would result in a City expenditure of approximately $381000. The urban design with curb and gutter was requested by the property owners along East County Road 39 and it was proposed that this additional coat to the City be assessed to the property owners as they would be directly benefited by the curb and gutter and storm cower drainage facilities. Public Works Director John Simola noted that the West 39 improvement may have additional costa involved if the electric power poles have to be moved because of the extra slope required for the wider road and also come additional casements may be necessary from soma of the abutting proporty owners for the wider ditch. It woo the consensus of the Council to have the Public Works Department discuns with the abutting property owners along 39 whore additional oasomento might be necessary that if the additional casement area can be obtained at no additional cost to the City that the improvements along 39 would not have to be asseaaed to the property owners. It was noted by the Council that if additional costs result from the casement purchases and relocation of power polos, the project might have to be assessed in part to the benefiting owners along 39. A motion was made by Bili Fair, seconded by Jack Maxwell and unanimously carried to accept the County's proposed design for Wont County Road 39, Golf Course Road, as a rural aoction and to formally request that tho County Highway Department include this portion with their proposed project during 1986. A motion wan also made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigon and unanimously carried to request that Zest County Road 39 be of the urban design with curb .and gutter rather than the rural design with the City to participate in the project by paying the additional coat involved of the curb and gutter and storm cower improvements but with no other participation in the planned improvement coot. —3- Council Minutes - 9/9/85 7. Consideration of a Proposed Extension of Public Services - 1 Petitioner, H. Ruff. Mr. Harold Ruff and Mrs. Lela Panter had petitioned the City for sanitary sewer and water services for their parcelv1 located along Elm Street just south of Sixth Street. A proposed extension of sewer and water services would be to serve the residence of Lela Panter and her proposed single family dwelling for Mr. Randy Ruff. Public works Director John Simola noted that in reviewing the proposed sewer extension, it was noted that a forced main for sanitary sewer was directly in line with the proposed sewer and water services and noted that the force main pipe would have to be lowered a few feet for the project to be feasible. The additional cost for the parts to lower the force main was estimated at less than 5400 which could be included as part of the project cost estimated at about $8,000. The cost of the project would be assessed at 1008 to the two benefiting property owners with the amount being payable within 30 days after completion of the project except in the case of Mrs. Lola Pantor whose assessment would be deferred under the senior citizen's hardship statute. The deferral would remain as to such time as Mrs. Pantor does no longer qualify for the hardship status. A motion was made by Blonigon, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously J carried to authorize a sewer and water extension and to solicit bids provided the cost is loco than $10,000. 8. Consideration of a Resolution Requesting MN/DOT to Establish Recognized RR Crossings at Cedar Street and at Jerry Liefort Drive. The MN/DOT has requested the City pass resolutions for the authorization of two public railroad crosaings in Monticello. The resolutions aro needed as a formal declaration for these crossings which have recently been installed. A motion was made by Maxwell, ascended by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to adopt resolutions #14 and 15 requesting the Department of Transportation to establish railroad crossings at Jerry Liofort Drive and Cedar Street. 9. Consideration of Authorizing the Acquisition of a Utility Tractor. As part of the 1985 budget, 59,000 was budgeted for the purpose of replacing the old 1947 International tractor mowar with a now pieta of squipmont. Public Works Director John Simola recommended that a now John Deere four-wheel drive tractor and rotary mower bo purchased from Moon Motors at a coot of $5,888 and that the 1947 International tractor and mower be cold to the highest bidder. -4- A Council Minutes - 9/9/85 The estimated sale of the 1947 International would be in the range of 51,000 to $1,500. An additional quote was obtained for a Kubota tractor and mower at a cost of over 58,000. In addition, a request was made to purchase an additional flail mower that could be used with the present Allis Chalmers or Bolens tractor at an estimated cost of 51,800. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of the John Deere tractor for $5,888 from Moon Motors and to authorize the purchase of a rear mounted flail mower at a cost of 51,800 and to advertise for sale the 1947 International tractor to the highest bidder. 10. Consideration of Authorizing the Acquisition of a Snow Plow. The Public works Department requests that the authorization be granted for purchasing a new snow plow that would be used on the recently acquired International Truck. The recommendation made by the Public works Director wan to purchase an additional STP snowplow at a cost of $2,675 installed. Other plows suitable for the International truck were in the $4 - 5,000 range. A motion was made by Blonigon, seconded by Maxwell and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of an additional STP snowplow in the amount of $2,675 and to authorize the advertisement for solo of the old Hinkoy plow to the highest bidder. 11. Consideration of Making Final Appointment to the Position of Liquor Store Manager. The City Council interviewed three finalists for the Liquor Store Manager position at a special mooting hold at 6:00 p.m. prior to the Council meeting. After interviews with the candidates, a motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to offer the position of Liquor Stora Manager to Mr. Joseph Hartman Sr. of Blaino, Minn000ta at a salary of $25,500 with the understanding that Mr. Hartman will relocate to the Monticello area and that the position will be reviewed after the six month probationary period. 12. Discussion Item - Zoning Map. The City Administrator Tom Eidom noted that the staff has hold two informational meetings on the proposed revised zoning map for Monticello and Mr. Eidam asked direction from the Council on what further revisions the Council felt should be included in the proposed zoning map and whothor the Council members had any specific zoning changes they would like to sea incorporated into the map before the final public hearing is hold before the Council. -5- Council Minutes - 9/9/85 Mr. Eiden noted that some of the comments received at the informational meeting have been already incorporated into the base map including comments by Jay Morrell regarding the Ready Mix plant property and also comments from wrightco Inc. Council member Fran Fair felt the hearings previously held by the staff provided enough input and direction at the present time and did not think that the proposed PZR and PZM zones would continue to provide too much opposition from area residents along River Street and should remain in the proposed zoning map as new residential zones. Council member Bill Fair concurred that he did not see any major changes other than those proposed by the staff but would like to see the text part of the ordinance prior to any public hearing. Council member Blonigen felt that the proposed PZR zones which would allow in some cases multiple family structures to be erected along River Street will sti it cause problems and was not sure that the staff and future Councils should decide who gets to build an apartment or multiple family dwelling next to a residential structure. In regard to the expanded downtown B-4 commercial area as proposed, it was the general consensus of the Council to leave the expanded commercial zone as proposed noting that if davolopment did not expand in the future, this area could always be rezoned at a later data. It was noted by the administrator t hat a request for multiple family zoning within the Meadows subdivision and the request for an expanded R-4 zoning for mobs la homes by River Terrace Park be not included in the proposed zoning map at this time but could be considered on an individual basis when a petition is presented and a plat of the properties are submitted in the future. It wan recommended by the Mayor that the staff prepare amendments and fin.loh the zoning map with a hoaring to be hold in the near future , an soon as possible. 13. Mine. Ztemm. 1. Voit Construction Co., developer of a proposed retail facility along Ilwy. 25 requested that the Council oat a public hearing for Choir industrial revenue bond proposal at tho October 15 Council mooting. A motion was made by Fran Fair, ascended by Bill Fair and unanimously carried to eat October 15 for the public hearing data for the industrial rovenuo bond proposal from Veit Construction Co. -G- Council Minutes - 9/9/85 2. Council members were informed of the recent lift station failure on Chestnut Street which resulted in sewer backing up into approximately four homes along West River Street on Tuesday, September 3. public Works Director informed the Council that all information regarding the lift station failure has been turned over to the City's insurance representative to see if any claims are the responsibility of the insurance company. No further action was taken at this time. Rick Wolfstellr Assistant Administrator -7- Council Agenda - 9/23/85 d. Consideration of a Resolution Establishing Marvin Road as a Minimum Maintenance Road. W.S. ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Marvin Road is in the southcentral portion of the community. It extends from Oakwood Drive in a southeasterly fashion connecting with Hwy 25 just south of the Martio's Feed Store. This road was turned over to the City by the Township through its annexation in 1972. The road has received minimum maintenance by the City of Monticello. Summer maintenance consisted of an occasional binding, and until recently the road was not plowed at all in the winter. With the building of ols on's Electric on the north end, the Powers' Health Club in the central portion of the property, and the Maus Tire Store and Martie'e Feed Store on the south end of the property, the road is beginning to ens more use. Kent Kjollborg, connected with the Powers' Health Club, has requested that the City plow, this road in the wintertime and keep it in better condition than it is now. Mr. Kjellberg said he would be willing to upgrade the road by doing some grading, straightening and some ditching as he wishes to use thin road for access to hie building. If the City were to place a few inches of gravel on the road, it may be maintained in a passable condition after Kjollborg completes his work. Tho heaviest use now is that portion near Olson exactric and that portion on the south and leading into Maus Tire. These areas we have boon plowing in the winter. Chapter 215 (S.F. 675) clearly authorizes countio s and townships, and may permit cities as road authorities, to designated by resolution, minimum-maintonanco roads within thoi r jurisdictions. At the present time, there is no need to fully upgrade Marvin Road. Thorn Ia. however, some responsibility on the City to either blockade thin road or maintain it in a passablo condition. with the cooperation of Kent Kjollborg, the City could upgrade this road slightly to the minimum maintenance road standard an the lav dictatoo at minimum cost. After adopting the resolution. it would be necessary to poet a sign just south of the driveway to Olson Electric and just north of Maus Tiro indicating that the road is a minimum maintenance road and that the public travels at its own risk. Properly posted signs aro evidence that the authority provided adequate notice making the road authority and its officsra employees axomtpt from liability for tort claims arising from travel on the minimum maintenance road. You can refer to the August, 1985, League of Cities magazine for a description of this now lav which took affect August I, 1985. Mr. Kjollborg fools the road would be satisfactory with the existing baso of a nand -gravel mix. The Street Superintendent and I disagree and fool a C minimum 3" class V bona is necessary. Thisis,atill below standards for othor gravel roads in the City, Township, or County. Thorn is also a reluctance on Mr. Kjollb+arg's part to put a culvert across Marvin Road just south of Milton 0lson'a. Currently, water site or runs over the road in th is aroa. Mr. Kjollborg'. Engineer shoved this culvert In the plane for the original PUD. Council Agenda - 9/23/85 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. The first alternative would be to discontinue maintenance of this low use road, just south of Olsons driveway and just north of the Maus Tire Store. At these pointe we would blockade the road. 2. The second alternative would be to request that Kent Kjellberg and Mr. Powers completely develop the road, bringing it up to City standards at their own expense prior to using it as an access road to the rear of this building. The City Engineer could prepare a simple cross section and prepare a profile. 3. Alternative number three would be to cooperate with Mr. Kjellberg and Mr. Powers in upgrading this road slightly, and clearly posting it as a minimum maintenance road by adopting to the enclosed resolution. Our costs would be approximately $2300 to have gravolhauled in and 2 or 3 days with the road patrol. The signs would be an additional $80.00. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS It is the recommendation of the Public works Director that we astablsih this section of Marvin Road as a minimum maintenance road as outlined in alternative number throe. It is further recommended that we clearly state to Mr. Kjollberg and Mr. Powers that should this road become impassable duo to high drifts of snow in the winter or broken up wat areas in the spring which would be contributable to its minimal design, the City would atop maintenance on the road until conditions improved. D. SUPPORTING DATA A copy of the August, 1985, League of Cities magazine, page number 33. RESOLUTION 1985 #16 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A PORTION OF MARVIN ROAD AS A MINIMUM MAINTENANCE ROAD WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 215 authorizes cities to designate car tain streets/roads within their jurisdic t ion as minimum-maintenanco roads, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that Marvin Road, beginning at Oakwood Drive and extending southeasterly to T.H. 25 is used intermittently for passenqer and Commercial travel, and WHEREAS, a request has been made to the City to provide minimum maintenance of Marvin Road as described above. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA THAT: 1. Marvin Road beginning at Oakwood Drive and extending southeasterly to T.H. 25 is hereby designated a minimum maintenance road. 2. The Public Works Director is hereby directed to place appropriate r signs providing notico to vehicle operators that said road is designated L, minimum maintenance and that the public travels at its own risk. 3. The Public Works Diractor notify all jurisdictions that may be affected by said deoignatio n. Adopted thio 23rd day of September, 1985. Thomas A. Eid em City Administrator c Arvo A. Grimamo, Mayor tMI 0 P &I !- a="i, t NUnimurn-maintenance mads Chaucer 215 (S.F. 815) c!eaty =acnes cowces and town• s tips. and may permit eces, as road autho 4-s.:o designate by •esoludon r. ^:ta•csr e: snce :cads wit`i1 their jursdiccons Road auttarces must dee �a: t:e :oad is used only occaaiona8y or inter:dneeJy for passe-;er Md car. ^e^ ! t avel. and identity the begi— and ed poina of the desi;.ated t road iM the resolution. A.:eu adopting the :esolucon. the road au_.oray must post r.gns at easy pouts and at re;;Sz: :antes to noc^y the public thit -,.a road is a citir..um•r. .a:once :cad and that the public travels at is own rsk. F:apery posted si;..s ( are evidence that the authorri provided ode,^.'ace nodce. mals.; the road aut`.orty r -d is orcers and e-t!oyees_exe-ot tar. t liabSir! for tort &ims esing Lrom cvvel on a r._ m• f ttaiate:arceroad. f The road suthorty must also noc�/ adjori:; jursdlcz-M of r rL-i:•um•rai.te:ance road desi.-adons. 7r.e `:;sways cruct be rddmuct-main:erance :tads. The Law prc'r.Nts dest;,aoons wniea would result Li reduction of fede:al•staa aid to MInnacta. Road auu antes ctr.ot ac;sc add!d .al r;=ts-o#-way or f easettents by eminent domain ar corst^ac_.; or designa=g a m rih u^ .raL1a ar to road. exce:t where necessary for drama;e or public safety. Authondes may mainwn rdrimiLm-mainteuance roars at a level less Can the s_:mu n cai.te== stn cats for state -aid l:i;hw7ys. roads. and sceets. but must mains= them a at a leve! cecesurf to tette occasional t2t. The sun:a does not, however. exempt road aut:.oritics from duty to main= bridges. Medve Aug, 1. 1855. a Traffic: unmarked T intersections e Clapter :4 (S.F.19) re;tdres that at an unatco4ed approach a to a T (nte.^secdon. the driver retied to V= sha8 )it!d to cross o Council Agenda — 9/23/85 5. Consideration of Approving a Final Plat for Victoria Square, Applicant - Mike Reher. (G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mr. Mike Behar 18 proposing a request for final approval as proposed a now subdivision to be called Victoria Square Addition. Final revisions have been made at this time and are ready and aro being put on hard shell copies at this time. At the Planning Commission meeting held on September 10, 1985, there were no additional changes to be made on Mr. ReherI r, proposed new subdivision plat. Prior to recording, however, we would like all past bills a1,3ng with the current bills which have been paid out and are yet to be paid out for resulting services on Mr. Reher's project be brought up current and paid in full. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. To approve the final stage plan of a subdivision request to be called victoria Square Addition. 2. To deny the final plan stage for a subdivision request to be called Victoria Square Addition. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the final plan stage of a subdivision to be called Victoria Square Addition. We are, however, at this time recommending that the all past bills and the current bills which have boon paid and are forthcoming yet, be paid in full, prior to recording of this final plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA A copy of the location of the proposed final plan stage request and a copy of the final stage plan for a aubdivieion request. Lq R.T. DOC. NO. TOWA SQUARE NOO*07'17". 924.00 -1 3 4 _'-'.:0 aw H"IFT 10.07-17-E 10 Z�l 517 Q 6,00 a N89,00 ,to Ir 6,00 9 w 3 6,00 0 ,v. 00 100: F-11, V.p00 11, Aw : A00 A L1� 00 41�9 6,,V io -Z 9 9511V Soo .0.07,7 - I v v i4 1.0 34a Z3, ;;4' S9 to )RIA 't, "¢_90 4 44 --- -.0 I ..No *0 �i "'o I -L 14 ¢'90'00' 7_q is Council Agenda - 9/23/85 6. Consideration of Grantinq a Simple Subdivision with Re -platted Descriptions, Applicant - Herold Ruff. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mr. Harold Ruff is proposing to subdivide a 2.96 acre tract of land which is parcel #101603 described by mates and bounds. This parcel of land was formerly occupied by Henry and Minis Ruff, Harold's parents. After they passed away, Harold had the mobile home and sheds removed from the property. The property has stood basically vacant since that time. Harold now wishes to have hie son, Randy Ruff, located near him. Randy is proposed to build a new home on this parcel of land. Since this parcel of land is extremely largo, Mr. Ruff has requested that the City allow him to subdivide this piece of property so that a lot fronting on Elm Street, approximately 100' x 330 foot containing .76 acres could be sold to Randy Ruff. There are currently no development plans for the remaining portion of the lot containing 2.2 acres. It is Mr. Ruff's contention that this property would not be developed until such time that Ruff Auto Parte storage yard is removed from the adjoining property, and the Ruff Auto Parts facility becomes located only on the cast side of Elm Street. In the future Mr. Ruff intends to develop the entire property into residential lots to ba in conformance with the City Zoning. The trend in currently for salvage yards to become smaller due to the increasing value of land and the need for lass and lees storage space on their operation. Mr. Ruff proposes to plot this 2.96 acro tract into the two lots previously described. It seams impractical to have Mr. Ruff go through the entire subidivioion ordinance process for such a simple subdivision. It in therefore requested that he be allowed to subdivide the property with a simple plat and hard shell copies with the park dedication face being paid at the time development occurs. Since the smaller lot will be developed almost immediately with Randy Ruff'e now home, park dedication face would be duo at occupancy of thio home. The face for the other remaining lot would be duo upon its development or incorporation with a larger subdivision. The Planning Commission approved thio request on September 10, 1985, A copy of the minutes arc ancl000d for your review. A copy of the proposed plat is also enclosed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Approve the simple subdivision roquact to allow unplattod land with mates and bounda description to be cubdividod into two residential lots by using the platting process but waiving the root of the platting requirements with the exception of the park dedication face. Thin would, however, include the necessary oanamonto along the now small lot, ac required by the ordinance. 2. Deny the simple subdivision request to allow unplatted land with metes and bounds description to be subdivided into two residential lots without going through the entire platting process. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the simple subdivision request as outlined in alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of the proposed plat. Copy of the certificate of survey for lot 2. Copy of the minutes from the plarining commission meeting. F d ; a 46 CQ, ---- Li J7 P Si .. __ 'i_ ., r :r 9 9 �K—A-M�—� n ~ i �. a s t t sj: 7Z7- 40 � I� 2 .� � � • b , 1 x.. � 4 .. 4 V E.3�.I � I /� a . �xu �----- .400- 6 r a V -4o slo , •.. I � ,} II � '1 �J A t� •� / N f AQ� ....................... Ca SKETCH Preliminary of PLAN Plot 9[011 �• rrrl �TTO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parr of the Welt30 ocree of the S. E. 1/4 of "to N,E. 1/4 01 Sec. 10. T. 121. R. 25. City of Mon I ICO 110 Wright county. Minn. REOUESTED BY: HAROLO RUFF Man tics Ito. Minn. l Q. 4. Simple Subdivision Request to Subdivide Existing Metes and Bounds Descriotion Land to Residential Lots - Applicant. Harold Ruff. Zoning Administrator Gary Anderson indicated to Planning Commission members Mr. Harold Ruff's request to subdivide existing metes and bounds description land into two residential lots. Rather than make Mr. Ruff go through a whole new subdivision request, ® we suggested that he go with a simple subdivision request. _ In doing so Mr. Ruff has created two lots which will be called lot 1 and lot 2, block 1, Ruff*a Addition to the City of Morticello upon a registered survey being done of the unplatted property. The newly created lots would meet the minimum square footage for residential lots in an R-2 zone. Taking the above information into consideration and no input from the public, a motion by Richard Martis, seconded by Joyce Dowling to approve the simple subdivision request with the park dedication fee being paid on or before occupancy on each lot. The motion carried unanimously with Jim Ridgeway and Ed Schaffer absent. l Q. GENERAL FUND -- SEPTEMBER AMOUNT Citizen's State Bank of Big Lake - Tax Inc. note interest pymt. 1,440.00 Thomas Eidem - Travel expense 7.49 Midwest Federal Savings 6 Loan - Meadow Oak Subordination agmt. 1.00 Walters Cabinet Shop - Mowing for the city by Charles W. 25.00 Sherburne/Wright Cty. Cable Comm. - City's cont. to cable comm. 4,140.00 U. S. Postmaster - Postage 390.00 VOID -0- MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 18.00 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 59.00 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 58.00 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll W/H 160.04 PERA - ins. payment 18.00 Internal Revenue Service - Payroll ded. 150.00 Jerry Hermes - Janitorial services at Library 172.92 Corrow Sanitation - Monthly contract payment 5,870.00 Dave Stromberg - Animal Imp. expense 212.50 Beverly Johnson - Animal Imp. expense 250.00 David Stromberg - lot half of Aug. Animal Imp. expense 212.50 Wilma Hayes - Inf. Center salary 204.75 James Preusse - Cleaning City Hall 308.35 YMCA of Mpls. - Monthly contract 458.33 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 175.00 Dan Blonigen - Council salary 125.00 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 125.00 William Fair - Council salary 125.00 Jack Maxwell - Council salary 125.00 Janette Leerssen- Inf. Center salary 67.50 Wright County State Bank - FWT for August 4,221.00 Commissioner of Revenue - SWT for August 2,154.00 State Treasurer - Social Sec. Div. - FICA W/H 2,549.87 Anoka Social Services - Payroll ded. 88.00 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/li 933.09 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 454.55 Petty Cash - Retmb. petty cash fund 36.92 Fullerton Lumber Co. - Payment 02 on Fire Hall project 80,085.00 North Central Public Service - Utilities 1.142.63 Northern States Power - Electricity 8.250.39 Tom Eidem - Car allowance for Sept. 300.00 Internal Revenue Service - Payroll ded. 150.00 Terry Hermes - Janitorial at Library 172.92 State Capitol Credit Union - Payroll ded. 160.04 David Stromberg - Animal Imp. expense 212.50 Monticello Fire Dept. - Salaries 551.00 Star City Conference - Reg. fee for T. E.1dem conf. 50.00 State Treasurer - Social Sec. Div. - FICA W/H 2,436.83 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 837.75 PIRA - Ins, premiums 18.00 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg, fees 76.00 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg, fees 40.00 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 18.00 Big Lake Machine - St. Dept. mtce. 14.00 Big Lake Equipment - Mott Mower 1,410.84 Phillips Petro. - Gas - WWTP 6 Water Depts. 53.26 Moon Motors - Mower repairs 17.85 John Henry Foster MN. - Equip. mtco. suppl too 278.49 The Plumbery - Double lock paper rollers (Parks) 6 WWfP suppl. 478.67 ($229.88) GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Seelye, Inc. - Welding rods 6 elements - WWTP 225.24 21154 Allied Fisher Scientific - Kit for water purifier - WWTP 286.23 21155 Goodin Co. - Equip. supplies for WWTP 171.67 21156 Vessco, Inc. - Seal box cover for WWTP 120.00 21157 Millipore - Water purifier supplies for WWTP 425.42 21158 Davies Water Equip. - Interceptor sewer const. supplies 998.47 21159 Walters Cabinet Shop - Mowing by Charles 96.00 21160 Water Products Co. - 3" meter d curb box 770.75 21161 Seitz Hardware - Supplies for all Depts. 437.05 21162 J M Oil Co. - St. Dept. gas 192.50 21163 Wright County Highway Dept. - Crack filler 921.20 21164 Simplex Time Recorder - City hail clock repair 84.00 21165 St. Claud Restaurant Supply - Towels 33.18 21166 Simonson Lumber - City Hall -$759.08 6 other Depts. 1,399.96 21167 Snyder Drug - WWTP supplies 18.08 21168 OSM - :fisc. eng. fees 2,188.95 21169 Lindberg Decorating - Paint, etc. 78.63 21170 Auto Con industries - Repairs at Reservoir 1,037.70 21171 Marco Business Products - Copier, and mise. supplies 11505.90 21172 Olson 6 Sons Electric - Misc. repairs - Meadow Oak Lift Station 1.158.01 21173 Monticello Office Products - Supplies 125.22 21174 Monticello TW Hardware - Mtce. supplies 112.09 21175 First Trust St. Paul - Annual adm. fees for Tax Inc. Bonds 365.9121176 National Bushing - Battery, volt, reg., etc. 281.14 2 11 77 Gordon Link - Diesel fuel 484.50 21178 Neenah Foundry - Castings, frames, etc. for St. Dept 467.55 21179 Martte's Farm Service - Lawn seed 174.50 21180 Maus Tire Service - Tire, tire repair b alignment 111.71 21181 Harry's Auto Supply - Battery, light, filters, etc. 245.61 21182 A-1 Portable Welding - Light pole repairs - welding 175.00 21183 Hazard Control - Fire exting. at WWTP 202.00 21184 Fullerton Lumber - Sky lights at City Hall 1,042.41 21185 Glidden Coatings 6 Resins - Paint 194.00 21186 Continental Corp. - Aerosol at VWTP 100.33 21187 Coast to Coast - Supplies for all Depts. 324.14 2tI88 Fricke 6 Sons - Sod 91.00 21189 Border States Co. - locator and metro clamps 1.610.00 21190 Braun Eng. - Grading elevation - Sandberg Road 47.00 21191 All Fire Test Inc. - WWTP fire exting. mice. 46.00 21192 Hoglund Bus - Switch 11.70 21193 Fair's Garden Center - Grass seed, tree replacements 223.44 21194 General Rental - Equip. rental 23.00 21195 Amway Products - R 6 C Assoc. - Soap - Mtce. Bldg. 79.50 21196 Unitog Rental Services - Uniform rental 176.00 21197 Banker's Life inn. - Group ins. 3,713.12 21198 Gruys, Johnson 6 Assoc.- Computer fees 290.00 21199 First Bank Mpls. - Public fund activity 4.00 21200 Central Eyewear - J. Hoffman glasses (refmb.) 33.40 21201 Dahlgren, Shardlow 6 Ubnn - Aug. services 437.31 21202 Foster Franzen Agency - ins. premiums 1,083.75 21203 Biff's. Inc. - Latrino rental 85.50 21204 Adams Pest Control - Library contract 39.70 21205 Barsness Drug - Guest book for Industry Day 10.50 21206 Ben Franklin - Park supplies 26.16 21207 Audio Communications - Battery for Walkieltalkie at WWTP 115.00 21208 Bowman Dist. - Nuts and bolts for Mice. Bldg. 65.96 21209 GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Davis Electronic - Fire Dept. repairs 129.23 21210 Conway Fire 6 Safety - Fire Dept. supplies 36.00 21211 Faue Construction - City Hall repairs - gutters, etc. 90.00 21212 Fyle Backhoe - Backhoe labor at WWTP 260.00 21213 Feedrite Controls - Samples 10.00 21214 Maus Foods - Supplies for all Depts. 168.35 21215 Monticello Printing - Misc. printing - statements, s/w cards 232.60 21216 Sherburne County Equipment - Repairs for city vehicles 325.86 21217 Monticello Floral - Arrangement for R. Eichten 25.00 21218 Orkin Exterminating - Contract payment for t,'WTP 106.00 21220 Persian's Office Products - Repair to calculator & dictaphone 55.25 21221 Ranger Products - WWTP nuts and bolts 104.79 21222 Ruff Auto Parts - Fender and radio for WWTP 95.00 21223 TKDA - July fees for Fire Hall Const. 2,807.55 21224 Wright County Humane Society - Animal Imp. expense 86.00 21225 Wright County Auditor - Police contract for Sept. 9,782.08 21226 Wright County Treasurer - Fire Hall lot Real Estate taxes 1,481.60 21227 American Management Assoc. - Dues from 11/85 to 10/86 125.00 21228 Mr. Mel Wolters - Reimb. for Meadows pond const. - Par West drd;n. 1,363.04 21229 American National Bank - P 6 1 payment on Imp. Bond of 1960 23,197.50 21230 Radisson Resort Arrowhead - MFOA conf. reservation deposit 75.00 21231 MN. Govt. Finance Officer's Assoc. - Fall conf. reg. fee 75.00 21232 AT&T Information Systems - Fire phone charges 3.77 21233 Monticello Times - Misc. publishing 1,211.89 21234 Matt Theisen - Fire school expense - Rochester 185.36 21235 Nntionnl Life ins. Co. - T. Eidem's premium 100.00 21236 MN. Public Employer Labor Relations Assoc. - Membership dues 85.00 21237 Local 1149 - Union dues 147.00 21238 Diane Jacobson - Travel expense for Dep. Reg. seminar 19.00 21239 Nott Co. - Couplings for WWTP 264.55 21240 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 917.64 21241 Marlene Hellman - Travel expense to seminar 21.80 21242 Rick Wolfeteller - Misc. mileage 31.00 21243 Gary Anderson - Misc. mileage 144.45 21244 Radisson Hotel Duluth - Misc. expenses for Assessor seminar 140.09 21245 Payroll for August TOTAL. DISBURSEMENTS - SEPTEMBER 29.470.36 $220,229.83 LIQUOR FUND -- SEPTEMBER -- 1985 AMOUNT CHECK SEPTEMBER DISBURSEMENTS - 1985 NO. MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 73.43 11935 Mpls. Star 6 Tribune - Adv. for Manager 110.00 11936 Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax for July 8,847.76 11937 Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor 2,547.82 11938 Wright County State Bank - FWT - August 482.00 11939 Commissioner of Revenue - State W/H for August 214.00 11940 State Treasurer - FICA W/H 589.58 11941 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 99.64 11942 Eagle Wine Co. - Liquor 439.80 11943 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 1,129.69 11944 Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor 2,091.12 11945 Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor 1,966.36 11946 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 59.19 11947 Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor 3,767.20 11948 Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor 1,619.38 11949 Northern States Power - Utilities 673.36 11950 North Central Public Service - Utilities 17.50 11951 State Treasurer - FICA W/H 128.80 11952 MN. State Treasurer - PERA W/H 16.17 11953 Griggs, Cooper 6 Co. - Liquor 2,484.04 11954 Eagle Wine Co. - Liquor 202.37 11955 Ed Phillips 6 Sons - Liquor 3,161.25 11956 Twin City Wine - Liquor 1,523.68 11957 Grosslein Beverage - Liquor 14,960,20 11958 Coast to Const - Store expense 15.52 11959 Cloudy Town Dist. - Misc, mdse. 40.50 11960 Lovegren Ice - ice purchase 223.20 11961 Frito-Lay, Inc. - Misc, mdse. 132.10 11962 Cruys, Johnson 6 Assoc. - Computer charges 110.00 11963 Bnnker's Life - Ins. premiums 345.44 11964 Maus Foods - Store expense 25.22 11965 Day Dist. Co. - Liquor purchase 715.20 11966 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 5,828.35 11967 Bernick's Pepsi - Misc. mdse. 1,129.40 11968 Yonak Sanitation - Contract pnyment 91.50 11969 Old Dutch Foods - Misc. mdse. 130.35 11970 Jude Candy 6 Tobacco - Misc, mdse. 762.84 11971 Seven -Up Mottling - Misc. mdse. 285.75 11972 Viking Coca Coln - Misc. mdse. 514.30 11973 Dick Beverage - Beer 3,426.85 11974 Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer 17,570.20 11975 Mark Irmiter - Misc. mileage expense 9/83 through 9/85 275.00 11976 Liefert Trucking - Freight 546.87 11977 Monticello Tiffus - Adv. 46.20 11978 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 57.93 11979 Payroll for August 6,237.12 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - SEPTF.MBF.R $85,714.18 UPDATE - CITY HALL ROOF The re -roofing of City Hall is now fully completed. We are, however, watching for trouble spots around the skylight on the southeasterly aide. That skylight has leaked during some rains, during others it has not. We have had Greg Vetsch return each time it leaked to attempt to seal the leak. He thinks he found the last leak the last time he was here. We'll be testing it in the near future. As you know, during the construction, the roof was left unprotected one night. A heavy rainfall created severe damage inside City Hall, the biggest problems being the electronic equipment that got wet (typewriters and the new copier). We immediately had Marco replace the machines with loaners (for rent), and requested their service department do an analysis on our machines for insurance purposes. In essence, their analysis is that the water voids the guarantee, and further Marco would not enter a service agreement since the damage from water might not show up at this time, but could be a major problem over time. Their service department projected it to be cheaper to buy now than to rebuild. About the liability: The morning of the incident, we notified vetach that he should contact his insurance company. We also contacted our agent. Our agent said our policy would not cover it, since we intentionally opened the roof; it was not duo to severe weather, hail, etc. At the same time we compiled a list of losses. A listing of total losses and a listing of revised losses is enclosed. The following day we discovered that votsch tried to buy insurance that morning. He was uninsured when he began the job. I mot with Gary Anderson on the insurance requirements of the bids. Gary said he did not have a certificate of insurance on file, but that Votsch had brought him his policy, showed it to Gary, and agreed to have a certificate prepared. On that basis, Gary lot the work begin. That policy apparently was not in affect, and never was put into affect. Hence, votsch had/hos no insurance to cover our losses. A copy of a letter from Votach'o insurance carrier is unclosed and indicates that he wouldn't be responsible oven if he had boon insured since the City wan the general contractor. I mot with Pringle on the matter. With Council consent we will suo for looses. On Pringlo'o advice, we have withhold payment of approximately $7,100.00 duo Votsch. Pringle also advised that the City got back to business as usual. He said to buy the replacement equipment needed and atop the rental charges from increasing. I have purchased a replacement typewriter already, and we will alao keep the one that got wet. Marco offered virtually no trade-in value on the machine. We think we can still got good usage out of it, in spite of the water. The copier I wish to clear with the Council. Marco offered us $800 trade-in on the maching that got rained on (a $9,900.00 machine, loan than 4 months old). I think we can sell it outright for more than that, but I don't really want to take the risk involved in keeping it as our main copier. The replacement will cost S 64,•x'=. (original bid) The rent incurred will be credited to the purchase price. Pringlo's opinion of a suit 1B not good. The specs state that no work will begin before a certificate of insurance is filed, yet we did let work begin without that certificate. However, according to Gary, a policy was shown to us, but it was fraudulent. I would like Council authorization on two items. First, copier replacement. We may or may not get repaid for this, but we need a good machine, and the rent total increases monthly. Second, should we authorize Pringle to pursue full litigation for non-payment and for recovery of losses. The insurance mix-up is indeed unfortunate and may be quite costly. We, however, must get back to normal as soon as possible. If we recover our losses so much the better. If we don't, we simply have to recover from the looses and get back to business. Either way, it has been an expensive mistake and we have learned from it. S 35.00 Bridgewater Telephone - Replacement 612.00 IBM Typewriter 8,695.00 SAVIN Copier 63.00 Cases of Copy Paper 200.00 Electricians 17.00 Equipment Rental for Clean-up 3,627.00 Replace all Burlap wall Paper 6,535.00 Sand and Clean all wood $ 19,784.00 TOTAL Total cost can be reduced by sale or trade of typewriter and copier; replacing only damaged burlap, rather than all. $803.40 - Wages lost due to Closing of tho City Offices Continued on the next page. LIST OF WATER DAMAGED ITEMS DOLLAR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF ITEM $219.00 - 2 Sharp calculators @ 109.50 ea. Both just_ run. Tom's water damaged/ fogged, but works. r - 1 Kroy Lettering machine water soaked, it works. see estimate - 1 OJay Cash Register - water inside machine. - 1 Stereo unit. water soaked, but works. $5.00 - I Dictaphone, water soaked, but works. ate I tape $35.00 - Bridgewater Telephone minimum charge for service call. 5 telephones were water damaged and were replaced. $612.00 - 1 IBM Typewriter - water soaked. see estimate. $10,545.00 - 1 Savin 7025 copy machine - see estimate $63.00 - 2 cases of copy paper. 1 - 8}xll, $30 6 1 - 8}x14, $33 $27.00 - 1 Leather grief/note case, water soaked/stained. $275.00 new - i Bell d Howell Film 0 Sound machine, water soaked. $200.00 - 2 Wall maps - replacement costs. -73L- '"Y'sea estimates - Gleaning expenses for windows, floors, and valla, etc. $5.95 - Rand McNally Road Atlas, waterdamaged. $138.24 - 1 set of Minnesota Statutes water damaged. $42.95 - 1 Samsonite 3 legged foldicg table, water damaged on top. .1011, l� sce estimates( - Ceiling, floor b wallpaper replacement or refinishing, etc. $44.95 - I Panosonic cassette Tape Recorder. water damaged see estimate - service charges for fixing light fixtures, etc. $100.00 - replacement cost for 5 display charts that were water damaged. $45.00 - 1 pair of Dress shoos water damaged. A substancisl amount of paperwork was ruined by water damage or destroyed. There will be more that will be discovore d as time passes, filed papers, papers loose on desks, etc. maps and misciianeous copying will be nescessary due to water damago. $803.40 - Wages lost due to Closing of tho City Offices Continued on the next page. Wages lost, cont: ,L D.Jacobson 8 hrs. $65.04 L. Gilham " $66.96 M. Hillman $62.40 K. Doty " $58.16 Betty W. $48.00 A. Pelvic $95.37 R.Wolfsteller $135.57 G. Anderson $105.02 T. Eidem $166.88 $803.40 Revenue lost to City from Deputy Registrar : $217.75 Deputy Registrar average daily Transactions - 67 @ $3.25 ea. _ $217.75 TT NS1 CERTIFIED MAIL (RRR) August 29, 1985 Monticello City Hall 250 East Broadway Monticello, P17 55362 Attn: Cary Anderson OUR INSURED: GREG VETSCH CONSTRUCTION OUR CLAIM NO. 8197674EO ( DATE OF LOSS: 7/24/85 ` Dear Mr. Anderson: We have reviewed the recently turned In claim for water damage to the Monticello City Hall and have given it careful consideration. Our policy with Vetseh Construction Company was not in force at the time that this loss occurred. Therefore, we will be unable to give any consideration to your claim, and we must, therefore, respectfully deny your claim. Furthermore, our obligation would be to pay for the losses for which our insured is Legally responsible. However, all available information indicates that our insured's actions as an employee of the general contractor, the City of Monticello, did not cause the damages to the Monticello City HAI 1. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 535-3128. Sincerely, ward L. Olson, Jr. - Field Claims Representative pr Madlnp adarass: P.O. Be. 64035. St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 Homo Office: Two Pine Troo Orlve, Arden Hdls, Minnesota 55112 (612) 631.7000 Mutual Somite Life Insurance CompanylMutual Service Casualty Insurance ColnparlylModam Smvrco Insuranco ComDaMIMSI Insurm a Compa