City Council Agenda Packet 10-15-1984AGENDA FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 15, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve A. Grimsmo Council Members: Fran Fair, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus 1. Call to Order. 2. Public Hearing - Proposals Under the Municipal Industrial Development Act. 3. Consideration of Adopting Resolutions of Preliminary Approval. 4. Adjournment. C Special Council Agenda - 10/15/84 2. Public Hearing - Proposals Under the Municipal Industrial Development Act and 3. Consideration of Adopting Resolutions of Preliminary Approval. (A.P) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Both of these items are inter -related. They are the sole reason why this special meeting was called. By Minnesota Statute 474, a public hearing must be held for the purpose of 1) allowing ;he developer(s) to inform the City of their proposal and 2) allowing the public to comment on the proposals. The second part of this would allow the Council to give preliminary approval of the project or deny it based on the outcome of the hearing. Because we have two proposals at hand, both should be heard and acted upon separately. Also, because one proposal is more common than the other, we should hear that proposal first, act on it, and then proceed to the second proposal. As in the past, representatives for the projects will be present to explain their proposals and to answer any questions the Council or the public may have. Gary Le Frombolse of Construction 5 will explain his Washington Business Cantor West Offica/Warehouse proposal. This should be followed by the Monti Stadia Development Company, which will be represented by Dick Maw. I would like to remind you that giving preliminary approval does not grant final approval. Basically, the resolution of preliminary approval states that the project appears to be f000l blo under the limitations of M.S. 474 and that the Council is prepared to land its tax exempt status to the project. It is the adoption of those resolutions that is needed in order for those developers to submit their IRB applications to the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Devolopment Authority for competition in the last allocation process for 1984. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation Is given. Each proposal should be judged on its morito. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copiao of tho rasolutiono granting preliminary approval. ME RESOLUTION 1984 W RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE MINNESOTA ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR APPROVAL, AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, the welfare of the State of Minnesota (the "State") requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and it is the policy of the State to facilitate and encourage action by local government unite to prevent the economic deterioration of such areas to the point where the process can be reversed only by total redevelopment through the use of local, state and federal funds derived from taxation, with the attendant necessity of relocating displaced persons and of duplicating public services in other areas; and WHEREAS, technological change has caused a shift to a significant degree in the area of opportunity for educated youth to processing, transporting, marketing, service and other industries, and unless existing and related industries are retained and now industries are developed to use the available resources of the City of Monticello (the "City"), a largo part of the existing investment of the community and of the State as a whole in educational and public service facilities will be lost, and the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature ago to areas where their cervices may be effectively used and componsatod and the lessoning attraction of persons and businesses from other areas for purposes of industry, commerce and tourism will deprive the City and the State of the economic and human resources needed as a baso for providing governmental services and facilities for the remaining population; and WHEREAS, the increase in the amount and cost of governmental services requires the need for more intensive development and use of land to provide an adequate tax base to finance those costs; and WHEREAS, a representative of Washington Business Cantor Meat (the "Developer"), has advised this City Council that it desire@ to acquire land and construct a new building for industrial use thoreon in the City (hereinafter referred to as the "Project,,); and WHEREAS, the existence of the Project in the City will contribute to more intensive development and use of land to Increase the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing authorities and maintain and provide for an Increase in opportunities for employment for rosidonto of the City, including economically disadvantaged or unemployed individuals: and WHEREAS, the City has been advised that conventional, commercial financing to pay the capital coat of the Project is available at such costs of borrowing that the economic feasibility of operating the Projoct would be significantly reduced, but that with the aid of municipal financing, and its resulting lower borrowing coat, the Project is economically more feasible; and 9 Resolution 1984 6 Page 2 WHEREAS, this Council has been advised by a representative of the Developer that on the basis of information submitted to them and their discussions with representatives of area financial institutions and potential buyers of tax exempt bonds, industrial development revenue bonds of the City could be issued and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance the Project; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to issue its revenue bonds to finance the cost, in whole or in part, of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement or extension of capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, such as that of the Developer, and the issuance of such bonds by the City would be a substantial inducement to the Developer to construct its facility in the City; and WHEREAS, on the basis of information given the City to date, it appears that it would be in the best interest of the City to issue its industrial development revenue bonds under the provis lone of Chapter 474 to finance the Project of the Developer in an amount presently eatimated not to exceed $800,000.00. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Project is hereby given preliminary approval by the City and the issuance of the revenue bonds for such purpose and in such amount approved, subject to approval of the Project by the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority and to the mutual agreement of this body, the Developer and the initial purchaaer of the bonds as to the details of the bonds and provisions for their payment. In all events, it is understood, however, that the bonds of the City shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance legal or equitable upon any property of the City except the Project, and the bonds, when, as, and if issued, shall recite in substance that the bonds, including interest thereon , is payable solely from the revenues received from the Project and property pledged to the payment thereof, and shall not conatituto a debt of the City. 2. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 7a, the Mayor of the City is hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the Project to the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority for approval of the Project. The Mayor and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized to provide the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority with any preliminary information needed for this purpose, and the City Attorney ie authorized to initiato and assist in the preparation of such documents as may be appropriate to the Project, If it is approved by the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority. 3. The law firm of Holmes G Craven, Chartered, is authorized to act as Bond Counsel and to assist in the preparation and review of necessary documents relating to the Project and bonds issued in connection therewith. The Mayor, City Attorney, and other officers, employees and agents of the City aro horaby authorized to aeaist Bond Counsel in the preparation of ouch documents. Resolution 1984 9 Pago 3 4. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 11, the City Clerk/Treasurer and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized and directed to encourage the Developer to provide employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged or unemployed individuals. Such individuals may be identified by such mechanisms as are available to the City, including a first source agreement in which the Developer agrees to use a designated State employment office as a first source for employment recruitment, referral, and placement. Adopted this day of Thomas A. Eldom City Administrator C Arve A. Grimsmo, Mayor 0 RESOLUTION 1984 N RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE MINNESOTA ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR APPROVAL, AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, the welfare of the State of Minnesota (the "State") requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and it is the policy of the State to facilitate and encourage action by local government units to prevent the economic deterioration of such areas to the point where the process can be reversed only by total redevelopment through the use of local, state and federal funds derived from taxation, with the attendant necessity of relocating displaced persons and of duplicating public services in other areae; and WHEREAS, technological change has caused a shift to a significant degree in the area of opportunity for educated youth to processing, transporting, marketing, service and other industries, and unless existing and related industries are retained and now industries are developed to use the available resources of the City of Monticello (the "City"), a largo part of the existing investment of the community and of the State an a whole in educational and public service facilities will be lost, and the movement of talented, educated personnel of mature age to areae where their eervicos may be effectively used and compensatod and tho lessening attraction of persona and busineanos from other areae for purponoo of industry, commerce and tourism will deprive the City and the State of the economic and human resources needed as a base for providing governmental eervicos and facilities for the remaining population; and WHEREAS, the increase in the amount and cost of governmental services requires the need for more intensive development and use of land to provide an adequate tax baso to finance those costo: and WHEREAS, a ropr000ntativu of Monti Stadia Dovolopmont Company (the "Developer"), has advised thlu City Council that it daoiLes to acquire land and construct a now building for industrial use thereon in the City (hereinafter referred to as the "Projects'); and WHEREAS, the existence of the Project in the City will contribute to more intensive dovolcpmont and use of land to incroaoo the tax base of the City and overlapping taxing authorltion and maintain and provide for an increase in opportunities for employment for residents of the City, including economically dioadvantagod or unemployed individuals; and WHEREAS, the City has boon advised that convontional, commercial financing to pay the capital coat of the Project La available at ouch 0 Resolution 1984 Page 2 coats of borrowing that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, but that with the aid of municipal financing, and its resulting lower borrowing coat, the Project Is economically more feasible; and WHEREAS, this Council has been advised by a representative of the Developer that on the basis of information submitted to them and their discussions with representatives of area financial institutions and potential buyers of tax exempt bonds, industrial development revenue bonds of the City could be Segued and sold upon favorable rates and terms to finance the Project; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to issue its revenue bonds to finance the coat, in whole or in part, of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement or extension of capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, such as that of the Developer, and the issuance of such bonds by the City would be a substantial inducement to the Developer to construct its facility in the City; and WHEREAS, on the basis of information given the City to date, it appears that it would be in the best interest of the City to issue its industrial development revenue bonds under the provisions of Chapter 474 to finance the Project of the Developer in an amount presently estimated not to exceed $20,000,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Project la hereby given preliminary approval by the City and the issuance of the revenue bonds for ouch purpose and in ouch amount approved, subject to approval of the Project by the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority and to the mutual agreement of this body, the Developer and the initial purchaser of the bonds so to the details of the bonds and provisions for their payment. In all ovento, it is understood, however, that the bonds of the City shall not constitute a charge, lion or encumbrance legal or equitable upon any property of the City except the Project, and the bonds, when, as, and if issued, shall raclto in substance that the bonds, including interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenues received from the Project and property pledged to the payment thereof, and shall not constitute a debt of the City. 2. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 7a, the Mayor of the City in hereby authorized and directed to submit the proposal for the Project to the Mlnnosota Energy and Economic Development Authority for approval of the Project. The Mayor and other officers, employees and agents of the City aro hereby authorized to provide the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority with any preliminary information needed for this purpose, and the City Attorney Is authorized to initiate and Asolat in the preparation of ouch documents as may be appropriate to tho Project, if it is approved by the Minnesota Energy and Economic Development Authority. Resolution 1984 0 Pago 3 3. The lav firm of Holmes 6 Graven, Chartered, is authorized to act as Bond Counsel and to assist in the preparation and review of necessary documents relating to the Project and bonds issued in connection therewith. The Mayor, City Attorney, and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized to assist Bond Counsel in the preparation of such documents. 4. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 11, the City Clerk/Treasurer and other officers, employees and agents of the City are hereby authorized and directed to encourage the Developer to provide employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged or unemployed individuals. Such individuals may be identified by such mechanisms as are available to the City, including a first source agreement in which the Developer agrees to use a designated State employment office as a first source for employment recruitment, referral, and placement. Adopted this day of Arve A. Grimamo, Mayor Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator O -e Mayor and Fellow Council Members, Since I agreed to serve on the Fire Station Building Committee, I am somewhat remiss in not being present at the October 9 meeting when the final decision will be made. However, guilt feelings can't make me change my plans or diminish the pleasure in a trip to Kentucky. I feel the Committee accomplished its goal in planning a fire station. The architect started with a 9600 square foot building which incorporated all the specifics outlined by the Fire Department. The preliminary plan presented to you drastically scales down the original. At the same time, the basic requirements in the apparatus room, storage and personnel areas and offices have been met. The more public areas --meeting room, bathrooms, kitchen, and the entrances --will serve the Fire Department well but could be used by the general public if needed. I think the final plan will meet the needs, has potential for expansion, and will be attractive to the taxpayers and be an asset to the City. In my opinion, the architect and the Committee did a very responsible job. Fran INDIVIDUAL PUNT ACTIVITY REPORT MONTH OF Seotember , 1984 PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION PF NAME/LOCATION VALUATION Fr PERMIT SURCHARGE PLUMBING SURCHARGE 84-679 Burger zing Restaurant C Burger King Corporation/200 Lauring L $ 130,400.00 S 509.00 $ 65.20 S 36.00 $ .50 84-684 24 Unit Apartment Building Q Construction 5, Inc./615 Lauring Lane 841,700.00 1,854.25 420.85 151.00 .50 84-685 Stair Entrance G Door Opening %C Dr. Maus/201 West Broadway 6,000.00 56.50 3.00 84-686 House Reshingle ND Clarence McCarty/312 East River Stream. 1,400.00 14.30 .70 84-688 Building Remodel 4C Marcus Fleahman/143 East Broadway 30,000.00 193.00 15.00 84-689 Concession Building C Monticello High School/1006 E. Broadwr,y 16,100.00 117.10 8.05 11.00 .50 84-690 Concession Building C -Pinewood Elementary School/1216 w. Brdadway 12,800.00 97.30 6.40 23.00 .50 84-691 Single Family Dwelling 3P.- Lyle Olson/409 E. River St. I 65,800.00 330.40 32.90 27.00 .50 84-692 Single Family Dwelling SPi Gene Pair/1119 Club View Drive 97,900.00 426.70 48.95 27.00 .50 i 84-694 Detached Accessory Buildin4 C: Phil Ritze/1403 W. River Street 9,800.00 79.30 4.90 84-695 Single Pandy Dwelling -F1 Ultra Homes, Inc./2881 Red Oak Circle 52,600.00 290.80 26.30 I 23.00 .*0 84-696 Attached Garage -IG Marvin George Builders/22 Fairway Dr.� 6,000.00 56.50 3.00 • TOTALS $1,270,500.00 , $4,025.15 5635.25 $298.00 $3.50 I PLAN CHECKING I I 1 I � 84-679( Burger Ring Restaurant, C I Burger King Corporation/200 Learing 4 S 330.85- t 84-684 124 Unit Apartment Building !Concession -(F Construction 5, Inc./615 Lauring LanelI 1,486.71 84-689 Building C I Monticello High School/1006 E. Broad wjy 76.11 84-690 !Concession Building C' Pinewood Elementary School/1216 W. Brpadway 63.24 I I I I $1,956.91 � . I t i I TOTAL REVENUE $6,918.81 1 ITOTALS 19 3 6,280.06 $638.75 $1,270,500.04 160 119 -_� CITY OF MCIffICELLO Monthly Building Department Report PERMITS and USES Month ofseptemberl9ea PERMITS ISSUED "This Same Month Last Year This Year Month Month Auguet MOnthSeptember Last Year To Date To Date RESIDENTIAL Numbsr 10 6 10 51 78 Valuation E 72,559.00 $ 1,065,400.00 $ 481,455.00 S 2, 296, 127.90 S 3,386,627.00 Fees 557.32 4,459.66 3,262.01 11,667.04 17,276.77 Surcharges 36.56 532.70 240.94 1,149.38 1,683.90 COMMERCIAL Number 3 6 10 23 31 Valuation 157,900.00 205,100.00 813,900.00 1,896,112.40 1,145,429.00 Fees 1,040.41 1,522.40 4,848.45 9,896.16 7,846.78 1 Surcharges 78.95 102.55 407.45 948.44 572.85 INDUSTRIAL Number 2 5 Valuation 590,000.00 1,776.500.00 Fees 1,862.40 8,318.53 1 Surcharges 295.00 888.65 PLUMING ! Number Fees 2 64.00 7 11 33 298.00 44 Surcharges 1.00 406,00 1,099.00 3.50 10.50 23.00 1,665.00 22,00 OTHERS Number 1 1 10 2 Valuation 10.00 8,000.00 40,220.00 Fees 68.50 548.40 20.00 Surcharges 4.00 17.90 TOTAL NO. PERMITS 16 191 32 119 160 TOTAL VALUATION $230,459.00 $1,270,500.001 $1,303,355.00 $4,822,460.30 $6,308,556.00 TOTAL FEES 1,671.73 6,280.061 0,584.96 25,093.00 35,127.06 TOTAL SURCHARGES 116.51 638.751 662.89 2.433.72 3-167.40 CURRENT MONTH to Date i PERMIT NATURE Number Valuation PERMIT I This Year Last Year! Single Family 3 S 1,047.90 : 108.15 S 216,300.00 24 21 ! Duplex 1 1 multi-remily 1 3,340.96 420.85 841,700.00 3 6 Commercial 4 1,272.90 64.55 169,100.00 12 11 Industrial 4 i 1 Res. Garages. 1 56.50 3.00 6,000.00 16 7 Sipis 0 3 ! Public Buildings 2 0 ALTERATION OR REPAIR Dwellings 1 14.30 .70 1,400.0 34 12 Commercial 2 249.5o 18.00 36,000.00 17 f l Industrial 1 2 i PLUMBING All types 7 298.00 3.50 44 33 ACCZSSORY STRUCTURLS swimming Pools, 0 3 backs 0 4 TEMPORARY PERMIT 0 2 DEMOLITION 2 2 ITOTALS 19 3 6,280.06 $638.75 $1,270,500.04 160 119 -_�