City Council Agenda Packet 03-26-1990AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 26, 1990 - 7:00 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus Council Members: Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen 1. Call to order. IZ- 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held F�br`uary 26; 1990. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Public hearing and consideration to affirm the modification of Redevelopment Plan No. 1, modification of TIF Redevelopment District Plans No. 1-1 through 1-8, and the establishment of TIF Districts No. 1-9 and 1-11, and to affirm the approval and adoption of the TIF plans relating thereto. 5. Public hearing relating to the modification of Redevelopment Plan No. 1, modification of TIF Redevelopment Plan Nos. 1-1 through 1-9, and establishment of TIF District No. 1-10, and the approval and adoption of the TIF plan relating thereto. 6. Public hearing (continued) - Consideration of vacation of Fallon Avenue between Chelsea Road and I-94 and consideration of vacation of utility easements. 7. Public hearing (continued) - Consideration of resolution approving development prograR and TIF plan for TIF District No. 1-1 (The Lincoln Companies/K-Mart). 8. Consideration of adopting developer's agreement between the City of Monticello and The Lincoln Companies. 9. Consideration of purchase of land necessary for the 7th Street alignment --Tom Holthaus property. 10. Consideration of resolution accepting feasibility study, consider adopting developer agreement, and consider ordering plans and specifications - Meadows and the Meadows 2nd Addition phase II. 11. Consideration of an ordinance amendment --public nuisances. 12. Consideration of ordinance to regulate cigarette vending machines. 13. Consideration of change order 01 for Project 90-1, booster pump refurbishment at the water reservoir on Chelsea Road. t Council Agenda 1. March 26, 1990 Page 2 14. Consideration of refurbishment of well N2. 15. Consideration of providing safety switching for variable speed pump drive at the wastewater treatment plant. 16. Consideration of shelter for Ellison Park. 17. Consideration of adopting personnel policy and procedural manual. 18. Consideration of hiring full-time municipal construction Inspector. 19. Consideration of authorizing establishment of City Management/ Planning Intern position. 20. Consideration of bills for the month of March. 21. Adjournment. (A%oiF. GMC-4"-Q4L �r1./ . — q, —61" ) (Ja/�F+ r r MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 12, 1990 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Warren Smith, Shirley Anderson, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None 2. Approval of minutes. Motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held February 26, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. 4. Consideration 'of aoprovinq preliminary and final plat - Remmele addition. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that the plat cannot be recorded at this time, as Remmele Engineering has been unable to acquire all of the land affected by the proposed plat. He went on to inform Council that Remmele hopes to acquire the necessary property in time for the Council meeting scheduled for March 26, 1990. After discussion, motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Warren Smith, to table consideration of the preliminary and final plat of the Remmele addition until the proper names and signatures of the affected property owners are placed on the plat. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Public hearinq - Consideration of vacation of Fallon Avenue between Chelsea Road and I-94 and consideration of vacation of, utilitv easements. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that this item should be tabled pending finalization of the Remmole addition plat. After discussion, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to continue the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. 1 e r Council Minutes - 3/12/90 Public hearinq and consideration to adopt a resolution relating to the modification by the Housina and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello of the redevelopment plan relating to Redevelopment Project No. 1, the modification of the Tax Increment Financinq Plans relatinq to Tax Increment Financinq District Nos. 1-1 through 1-9. and the establishment of Tax Increment Financinq District No. 1-10, all located within Redevelopment Proiect No. 1, and the approval and adoption of the Tax Increment Financinq Plan relatinq thereto. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Staff informed Council that approval of this TIF district has been rescheduled to March 26, 1990. The added time will allow the City to fully meet the public notice requirements. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by warren Smith, to continue the public hearing on this matter to the regular meeting scheduled March 26, 1990. Public hearinq - Consideration of a resolution adoptinq tax increment financing plan - The Lincoln Companies/ K -Mart. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Council was informed by staff that the public hearing on this matter should be continued to the next regular meeting of the City Council. The delay will provide time to complete all the necessary public hearing requirements. In addition, the delay will not substantially affect the project schedule. After discussion, motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to continue the public hearing on this matter to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council on March 26, 1990. Consideration of purchase of the Pratt property - a portion of, land necessary for the 7th Street alignmont,. Assistant Administrator O'Neill asked Council to authorize purchase of property owned by Larry and Debra Pratt for the sum of $68,000. O'Neill informed Council that the City originally expected to purchase the property for $61,000; however, the owners of the property have failed to make any payments on their loan. As a result, interest penalties have boon increasing to the point where principal and interest costs may amount to as much as $7,000. O'Neill went on to inform Council that the City Attorney indicates that clear title to the property can only be obtained if the City pays the original purchase price and the additional interest and penalties. 0 Council Minutes - 3/12/90 Finally, O'Neill informed Council that acquisition of the property at this time is critical to the timely installation of 7th Street improvements. Council could consider condemnation of the property in order to obtain the necessary right-of-way; however, the time required to complete the process creates a problem, and there is no guarantee that the City would be able to obtain the property at a lesser price. Therefore, staff and the City Attorney recommend that the property be purchased at this time. Shirley Anderson noted that purchasing the property at a higher price is a bitter pill to swallow; however, it looks as though the City has no other alternative. Ken Maus requested that City staff and the attorney make every effort to limit the amount the City must pay beyond the original agreed upon price of $61,000. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to authorize purchase of the Pratt property at an estimated purchase price of $68,000. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of request to rezone R-1 (sinale family residential) to PZM (Performance zone mixed). Applicants, Tom Holthaus, Matt Holker, and Steve Holker, owners of West Side Market. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the planning case and informed Council of Planning Commission's recommendation that the rezoning request be denied based on the Planning Commission's view that the request was inconsistent with the comprehensive plan, the added traffic created by the development will negatively impact the area as an R-1 or residential zone, a PZM (high density rosidential/limited commercial zone) imbedded in an R-1 zone is not consistent with the character of the R-1 zone, allowing an R-1 zone to be rezoned to PZM would set a poor precedent and constitute spot zoning, and the applicant failed to demonstrate that a need exists for the rezoning. Shirley Anderson indicated her opposition to the development of a car wash in tho area; however, she could accept a concept of a deli being developed at the site. Mayor Maus noted his concern over the definition of a doli. In this particular instance, the developers are proposing to develop an addition with booths seating 20-30 people. A case could be made that what's being proposed is not really a doll but something more akin to a restaurant. Fran Fair asked the developers if they could divide the property and sell off a E Council Minutes - 3/12/90 portion of it for housing. Tom Holthaus stated that that option does not seem feasible, as it is a bad spot for housing. Holthaus noted that most of the homes along Highway 75 do not sell as fast as other homes. Ed Solberg of 1204 Sandy Lane indicated his opposition to the proposed rezoning. Solberg reminded Council that in 1987 Council allowed a restaurant/supper club to be changed to a convenience store under the logic that a convenience store is less non -conforming than the supper club. Solberg went on to say that the developers knew the rules regarding the zoning in the area and that the rules should not be changed. In fact, the R-1 rules were kept in place in 1987 to prohibit this very request. Tom Holthaus stated his support for the rezoning. He noted that there has always been a business use at this location. He also noted that there are other PZM zones in the city with similar characteristics to this area. Holthaus noted that the property has been taxed commercially. Finally, Holthaus mentioned that the facility will draw a business from existing traffic associated with the NSP center, the elementary school, Riverside Terrace Park, and the neighborhood. The business will not create traffic from outside and will benefit only from traffic that already exists. Holthaus also went on to describe the operation of the dell. He noted that it will not be a restaurant with food cooked on the site; however, fresh sandwiches and pizza will be served. Diane Peters noted that three years ago the residents were led to believe thdl this convenience store would be the only commercial development allowed on the corner. She went on to note that some of the landscaping requirements have not been kept, and the screening fence was not painted. Steve Johnson spoke to the issue and noted that in 1987 the City Council made the best of a bad situation when they allowed the convenience store to be developed in replacement of the supper club. It was a logical decision that the Council made at that time, as they opted for the lesser of two evils. Johnson went on to note that the developers know full well what to expect regarding the use of that land. Johnson went on to state that the PZM zoning is not appropriate in this area, as it was not intended to be a transitional zone from a business district and a residential district. In summary, Johnson concurred with the Planning Commission's recommendation on this matter. 0 Council Minutes - 3/12/90 Ken Maus asked if the landscaping plan was completed. Gary Anderson responded by saying that the screening was put in place as requested. Some of the trees originally planted may have died due to drought conditions. Anderson also noted that the screening fence along the eastern border of the property was not installed at the request of the adjoining property owner. Fran Fair noted that it was her recollection that the original decision was intended to allow a convenience store as a lesser of two evils. It was her view that the intent was not to create a business zone. Fran Fair was opposed to the concept of rezoning this site, as it would constitute spot zoning. Shirley Anderson concurred with this view. Dan Blonigen noted that there is a considerable amount of property at this site that will be unusable if the Council is not flexible on this matter. Blonigen noted that conditions change and that the City needs to be willing to modify its zoning accordingly. Warren Smith agreed with Shirley Anderson that a car wash is not appropriate at this site. In terms of the deli, he might be for it depending on the nature of the deli. He also agrees with Dan that the best use of the land might be for commercial use; however, he did note that it is important that the Council be consistent with the decision made three years ago. At that time, it was intended that this convenience store be allowed to develop in an R-1 district on a limited basis with no further expansion contemplated; therefore, Warren Smith was not in favor of the zoning amendment. After discussion, motion was made by Dan Blonigen to rezone the property to B-1 which would allow convenience stores, laundromats, beauty parlors, barber shops to operate in a neighborhood commercial zone. Motion seconded by Shirley Anderson. During the discussion, Warren Smith again noted that the intent at the time that the convenience store was developed was to not allow further development. That is why the land wasn't rezoned at that time. Fran Fair agreed with warren Smith's recollection of the events in 1987. Voting in favor of the motion: Dan Blonigon, Shirley Anderson. opposed: Ken Maus, Warren Smith, Fran Fair. Motion fails. Motion was then made by Warren Smith, seconded by Fran Fair, to deny the rezoning request based on the finding that the rezoning is inconsistent with the comprehensive plan because the comprehensive plan discourages commercial development in residential areas, the added traffic created by the development will negatively impact the area as an R-1 or 9 Council Minutes - 3/12/40 residential zone, a PZM (high density residential/limited commercial) zone imbedded in an R-1 zone is not consistent with the character of the R-1 zone, allowing an R-1 area to be rezoned to PZM would set a poor precedent and would constitute spot zoning, and the applicant failed to demonstrate that a need exists for the rezoning. voting in favor of the motion: Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Warren Smith. Opposed: Dan Sionigen. 10. Update: Status of conditional use permit which would allow development of a car wash and deli at the site of the West Side Market. Applicants, Tom Holthaus and Matt and Steve Holker. This item was withdrawn from the agenda due to Council's decision to deny related rezoning request. 11. Consideration of a variance request to allow no curbinq or hard surfacing in certain areas of a driving area and loading/unloading area. Applicant, Martie's Farm Service. Staff informed Council of the Planning Commission's recommendation that the variance request be granted which would reduce the amount of blacktop and curbing associated with the development. Shirley Anderson noted that she is concerned that an insufficient hardship has been demonstrated in this case and that a variance from the ordinance is only appropriate when a hardship exists. Ken Maus also noted that by allowing the development to occur without the level of curbing and blacktopping as required by ordinance would set a precedent and that a variance in this case may not be appropriate. Maus wont on to say that allowing a variance in this case could open the door to similar requests by other developing manufacturing plants. Maus noted that it might make more sense to modify the ordinance in this case rather than allow a variance. Mr. Martie asked why Simonson Lumber is allowed to operate vehicles in areas where there is an unpaved surface. In response to Martin's question, staff reported that the Simonson Lumber parking lot design will be reviewed in terms of City ordinance requirements. If there is a problem at this site, Council will be informed, and the City can respond accordingly. Council Minutes - 3/12/90 After discussion, it was the general consensus that the hard surfacing and curbing requirement as outlined in the City ordinance needs to be reviewed. Staff informed Council that it would begin work on modifying the hard surface and curb requirement in a manner that would accommodate special circumstances as noted in the Martie Feed Store development and the Simonson Lumber development. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to deny the variance request based on the finding that the applicant failed to demonstrate a sufficient hardship associated with meeting the requirements of the ordinance. In the motion, staff is directed to prepare potential amendments to the hard surface and curbing requirements of the ordinance which would provide the City with more flexibility in determining hard surface and curb requirements at each development site. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of replacing overhead doors at the public works building. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to replace the doors with the steel rimmed doors from Automatic Garage Door Company for the amount of $5,242. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consideration of holding annual sunk amnestv day on June 1, 1990. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Warren Smith to schedule the annual junk amnesty day for May 19, 1990. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consideration of hirinq receptionist/utility billinq clerk. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the staff's selection process is complete and staff recommends Wanda Kraemer for the position of racoptionist/utility billing clerk. O'Neill noted that the City received 210 applications for the position. Due to the high number of qualified candidates, the selection process was particularly difficult; however, Wanda Kraemer rose to the top by virtue of her experience as a receptionist for the City of Plymouth. In addition, she received excellent references. After discussion, motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded by Warren Smith, to authorize hiring of Wanda Kraemer for the position of rocoptionist/utility billing clerk at a salary of $8.71 per hour. 0 Council Minutes - 3/12/90 l 15. Consideration of granting a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. After discussion, motion was made by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to grant the license contingent upon receipt of necessary insurance documents and fees. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Consideration of gamblinq license application renewals - Monticello Jaycees. With no action being taken in opposition to the license applicant, the license application is renewed. 17. Consideration of liability insurance Coveraqe Waiver of Immunity. The City Council was informed that the City's insurance carrier, The League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust, offers the cities the option of waiving the statutory liability limits to the extent of the excess liability coverage purchased. The City has a basic liability coverage of $600,000 and has purchased an additional $1,000,000 in excess liability coverage. The Council discussed the feasibility of choosing to waive the statutory liability limits which would allow all claims to be covered by the higher liability limits of $1.6. The Administrator noted that if the City Council chose to waive its statutory limit of $600,000, the additional premium cost would amount to over $1,900 per year; and a recommendation was made to not waive the statutory limits. The Council also discussed the merits of increasing the excess liability coverage from $1,000,000 to a higher limit but felt that the protection provided by the state statutues limiting most claims to $600,000 should be adequate protection with an excess liability coverage of $1,000,000. As a result, motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Shirley Anderson, and unanimously carried to inform The League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust that the City did not wish to waive its statutory liability limit and to continue purchasing an excess liability coverage amount of $1,000,000. 8 D Council Minutes - 3/12/90 18. Consideration of request for one-dav setup/3.2 beer license for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and one -day 3.2 beer license for July 1 Riverfest celebration - Lions Club. After discussion, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by warren Smith, to approve the liquor licenses as requested. Motion carried unanimously. 19. Other matters. Council was informed by Roger Mack that the Lions Club is interested in assisting with development of a park shelter at Ellison Park. After discussion, it was the general consensus that the City would work cooperatively with the Lions Club toward development of such a shelter. It was suggested that City staff meet with the Lions Club and develop preliminary plans for the park shelter for further review by Council. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to establish May 9 as the annual Board of Review meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Peg 2occoli of the Elk River Builders Association requested that Council consider partipating in the Home Magazine which previews homes for sale in the northwest metro area. Council was informed that the cost to run a full page ad is $1,650. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that there is not enough support for placement of an ad in this iscuo of the magazine; however, next year with support from local builders, there is a good chance that the City and the builders can work cooperatively toward development of a joint ad. A general discussion regarding the City's public nuisance ordinance developed. No action taken. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator 9 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. (R.W.) Consideration of oroclaiminq Handicapped Awareness Week. For the past number of years, Ms. Betty Held has appeared before the Council to request the City Council adopt a proclamation declaring Handicapped Awareness Week in Monticello. It is my understanding Ms. Held will be appearing under citizens comments to explain briefly the purpose of Handicapped Awareness Week and will be asking the Council to adopt this proclamation. Council Agenda - 3/26/90 4. Public hearing and consideration to affirm the modification of Redevelopment Plan No. 1, modification of TIF Redevelopment District Plans No. 1-1 through 1-8, and the establishment of TIF Districts No. 1-9 and 1-11, and to affirm the approval and adoption of the TIF plans relatinq thereto. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is simply some housekeeping to meet the statutory requirements that state a public hearing notice must now include a map of the TIF district. When the original public hearing notices appeared in the local newspaper for District No. 1-9 (Tapper, Inc.) and District No. 1-11 (Martie's Farm Service) no maps were Included. The notices were republished in the local newspaper of March 15, 1990, thereby meeting statutory requirements. The Mayor should open the public hearing and with the assumption of no public comment or opposition, close the public hearing. Thereafter, the Council should make a motion to affirm the modifications referred to in the agenda title. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: f Open and close the public hearing. Staff recommends that Council make and pass a motion to affirm the modification of the Redevelopment Plan No. 1, modification of TIF Redevelopment District Nos. 1-1 through 1-8, and the establishment of TIF District Nos. 1-9 and 1-11, and affirm the approval and adoption of the TIF plans relating thereto. This is to meet statutory requirements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the public hearing notices inclusive of maps. cWv ri 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tee City Council hhe " Cojeoll" j In end lot the City of Mora tksUo. County of Wdght, Stats of Minnesota, win hod a public hearing on March 20, 1000. al approximately 7:00 p.m., at City Haff. 200 East 9rOadwev. MantICe00. Mkw%M:a. taakfp to the proposed MOCRICatlon, by Increased Ofolso Coats, of the HouaYtg and Raowolo0m/m AuthonMs RWwatopment Rojo" No. T and the approvtl sell adopdot of trw Modilled RWwtlop- ment Nen relating thereto: the proposed mOdilkatien, by InC»aed Pt*!Wt Coen, of the Modified Tat Incrament F. ww" Plane lot Tex InCramatt founded 012ttku Nos. 1.1 through 14. tooaHd within Radavabpmont Folaet No. t; and the approval wail sociftiot of Met" tndr mere Fatat. arty Plan relating to Tax Imminent Financinngp Ouatrin No. 1.0, elan located with RodgvahomMt Protect No. t, am oursusm to aid M 4"Otdance with MMnsiwn 9uttutae, Seaports 460,001 to 460.047. inclusive, as amended, and Sections 469.114 to 4ua.179, irtClielva. as emaWW. A Copy of the Modified Redevoleoment Plat fat Redevelopment Project No. 1 And Tax Iners• then fkta" Nate for Tat increment Finencing OlsMcta Nos. 1-1 though 1.9, ea orodoaad to be adopted. will be an fila am available for inspection a me Office of 1M City Administrator W C,fy Hall not lata than Fabrbarit I9. 1000. The oropaTY Cbmprtxup Tax inC»ment Finartdrt0 OIsVW No. 1'.9 to ea tafbwa al LIOel OftCftt on: Lot 4.9tock 2.Oakw000d ndustriM►MM. City Of Momkab, Mfnmedtrf, C*UnN of W"QhL Mb NO.I 799.010.002040 Owner: Oakwood InduaMal Perk Further Information ra0ardled the kfemitkaden of the wait to be kwk4W N Tax tnoattent Fnandn9 District No. 7.0 tray be obt" from dna allies Of the COY AIM W*U& M. All interested persona may appear Of the hosr ft and proWt OWIr view$ aaRy OF In wdtkq, Ostedt 21121#1 9Y OROER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Rick Wellstaltor; C,rr AOmrniatratol Werch Is, 1990} ' 3 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Councd tine "Council -I in and for the City of Mon- tIgIW, County of Wrighl, Sure of Minnesota, will hold a public hearing on March 26, 1990. at opprmxmateW 7:30 p.m., at City Hall• 250 East Stoodway, Monticello. Minnesota. rotating to the proposed moddic4bon, by increased project costs, of the Housing and Redevelopment Auttionty'a Redeyanpprrnnt Protect No I ab the eapr0ves and Wootton Of Mo Md lflW Redav*M' mens Plan teletln9 thereto, the proposed momfcshon, by inCreaead prgM Cmtl, of the Modified Tax thctanlent Finux Wins for To. Increment ininncnq Districts Noe. 1-1 through 1-10, iOCa1M within Redevelogm ni hoject No. t: and the aovro.d and Woohon of the To, Inctement Finan. icing Ptan rauNnr1pp to To. tncrarant Kinancmg District No. 1.1 t. also located win Redevelopment Project No. t, aR Pursuant to and In accotdance with Minnesota Etetuea. Sections 469.001 ro 469.047. mctuerw, as intended, and Sections 469.174 to 469.179, mciueea. ea amended. A copy Of the Modified Rederoiopment Plan for Redevelopmanl Prolett No. i and To. incre- ment Financing Plans td Ta. inclement Financing Districts Nos. 1.1 through 1.10."poPO84d to be edooli d. w18 be On fife and wadable fol msWcuaa at the Office 00 the City Administrator at City Halt not later than January 11. 1990. The property comprising To. Increment Fineickng District N0. 1.11 U M foBdwa: Level 00000tion That pin of Lot 1. Block 3 of Oakwood industrial Park daacriDad pre toi(ow.: Ccmnelnckv at the nOnnw.11 Cdnar of the lard lot: then!. S«nth along the West )Hie 376.32 test to a point; thence East at s right single 223 feet to a Prim: whom$ North parapet with the West 9ne t0 a point on the North 9ne: thence Watt of a rlghl 4n91e to the point Of begin• wring , Weam blect to drainage and utility seen'"OFts of /or PID NO.; 165416-003011 Owner: Oakwood Industries Park Further informetbn regarding the Identification of the 06m f to be metuded in To. Inde rml Financing District No. 1 • I 1 ever be obtained hom the office of the City AdmlMatrator. AM mryrested persons may appear at the KOW" and presser their yiowa reality Or in Wfi"- NY OROER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Rick WoifstarNt• City Admrrestfater (March 16, 1990) EN f Council Agenda - 3/26/90 l 5. Public hearinq relatinq to the modification of Redevelopment Plan No. 1, modification of TIF Redevelopment Plan Nos. 1-1 through 1-9t and establishment of TIF District No. 1-10, and the approval and adoption of the TIF plan relating thereto. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It is recommended that City Council continue the public hearing relating to the above-named TIF district (Remmele Engineering, Inc.). It is the opinion of Mr. Larry Griffith, attorney with the firm of Dorsey 6 Whitney, that the public hearing be continued and recorded as such. Currently, all the pieces of the project are not yet in place, namely, the acquisition of the Boyle property. Mr. Griffith prefers to close the public hearing and adopt the plan the same evening, providing state legislation does nothing to impair TIF. One cannot guarantee the actions of the legislation; however, closing the public hearing has no relationship to the legislative issues. Again, in order to qualify this TIF district as a redevelopment district, the district must be platted as one parcel. The plat request requires Remmele Engineering ownership or signatures inclusive of Farm Credit r and/or Jim Boyle; therefore, the adoption of the plan must follow the approval of the plat. It is suggested by Business Development Services, Holmes b Graven, and Springsted, Inc., to certify all newly established TIF districts with the county auditor prior to May 1, 1990. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Continue the public hearing until Monday, April 9, 1990, regarding the above-named TIF district. 2. Close the public hearing and adopt the TIF plan on April 9. 3. Close the public hearing and deny approval of the TIF plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommondation is alternative 01, continue the public hearing and adopt the plan on April 9, 1990. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Mr. Griffith's letter; Copy of the public hearing notice Inclusive of the map. v 3 \ a• DoRSEY & WHITNEY aao Iva ••enue 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST •!. mu..e. mu Ieou MI`l�EAI'0115, MINNESOTA 55402 RIernCCi •reR.•e. n. �. •~M.•asa,vro..o (612) '340- 2600 C.— (000) [],.0.00 0 04[[C 0000 -.1 DOI IAO 0! di, e00Y00 "� T[U! "-5 I•lI (041'W PLOO a0GW0 b. eC T! e00[e aT A« IWa.IWOe I•e a CenT61 O. LARRY ORIPPITH. P. O. lelel �4o-a iaa e000 [O10 March 21, 1990 Mr. Michael Pudil Remmele Engineering, Inc. 17701 U.S. Highway 10 Big Lake, Minnesota 55309 Re: City Council Hearing Dear Mike: o.o neR n canna eocueru,.n mm• aaeoa as n u e.ae ea•Alno ., • aaael n•�dvl oa�oa.� IOOa IIbT M[eR•Te CQTEO e6•J00e, eOR•!• feg0 I.OeI ay-Oam ' eb N�t01 ORlDnO OWt I•!L. eOli•0• fu001 1...1 m-asw m eW r on RaR • eORY• a•00a I.mi.mama I spoke today to 011ie Koropchak and told her that we thought it was appropriate to continue the City Council Hearing until April 9. She was understanding of our situation and agreed wholeheartedly. She stated that the City remained fully behind the project and would do all that it could to assist us. I asked her to check into one aspect before making the final determination to continue the Hearing; namely, investigate to be sure that the Minnesota Legislature will not do anything within the next two weeks that might impair the Tax Increment Financing. She needs to talk to Pat Pelstring before she will know the answer to my question. Unfortunately, he is not going to be available until Monday. There ic, therefore, the slight possibility that something might occur on Moday. If so, 011ie will notify Tom Pantalion and he, in turn, will notify you. I am going to be out of town on Monday, so I will not be able to attend the Hearing if it is held, but Tom will be available if needed. GLG:kh Enclosures cc-. 011ie Koropchak Red Heitkamp Thomas Pantalion Very t my yours, V . L y Griffith (J 0 C :T !fi4 ! EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGIfT r STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, the City Council Imo ••Council•9 In and for the City of Mon. ticollo. County of WrlghI_5!Ala of Minnesota, will hold a public hooting an March 70. 1990, at opprorimaterly 7:00 p,m., of City Holl, 750 Fast Broadway, Mont icallo, Minnesota, totaling to the proposed modilicatlon, by Increased project coats, of the (lousing and Radovalopmont Authority's RodavelOprnttm Pmjttcl No. I and the approval and adoption of rho Modified Rodavellop• nnnnt Plan rulaling Iheeto; Ilya proPaeed modificatiay by iocrttosnd project costs, of still Modified Tax lncmment Financing Plane for lax lnciomonl Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through l•9. located within redevelopment project No. 1: end Cho approval and adoption of the Tax Inciamom Finon- cing Plan rotating to Tex Incremonl Financing District No. 1.10, also located with Redevelop - mons Projocl No. 1, all pursuant to and In accordance with Minnesota Statuette, Section. 409.001 to 409.047, Inclusive, os amended, antl Sacliuns A00.174 Io 460.178, Inclusive. ea .mantled. A copy of ens Modlliod Rodavolopmttnl Plan for RttdttvelopmenI Prolttct No. 1 and To, Ines, mens Financlno Plsell for Tax Incromont Finendno Districts Noe. 1.1 through 1.10. as proposed to he adoplad, will btt on filo and—istibla ter inspection as the office of the City Administrate at Cily IIb1I nut total than February 10, 1000, I his Is Daily comprising Tax Inciament Financing District No. 1.10 in as foliowr LeOsl OsBcdptdn Lot 0. Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park according to the recorded plot thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, The Eon 33,00 teal of Bald Oakwood Industrial Park lying rrosth of the easterly entotn Rion of the north line of Chols re Road of sold Oakwood Industrial Park. sold Eon 33.00 fool shown as a Township Road. I hot post of the Northwest Ouertof of Section 13. Township 171, Range 78, Wright County, Minnesota, lyinU court, of the southerly tightot.way lino of Interstate 10phway 1.04, norlh of Christie. Road and lying northwesl of a lino distant 80.00 foot non net of antl parallel with a line described as follows; Beginning a a point an the southerly nIghie .,.way lino of Imamate Highway b84 distont 410,00 tool southeast from the .0113110of said Northwest Gustier as nraaeuled along sold Rarmerly dgtihobwey line; Chance soulhwosto,ly to a point On tho north lino of Chalseo Road distant 180.00 fact ateulhonal flan said wool lino of the Northwoss GUelw as moasumd e101y said north line of Choboa Rood and said line Ihero tarminsfing, Further Information regarding the Identification of the property to be Included in Tax Incm- ment Financing District No, 1.10 may be obtained from the office Of the City Administrator. All interested poisons may appear as the honing and preset their views orally of in wilting. Ostod; February 70, 1000 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL —Rick Wollstonor, Cly Adminlwstor 'Mach 15, 19901 1 1 9) C 6. Public hearing (continued) - Consideration of vacation of Fallon Avenue between Chelsea Road and I-94 and consideration of vacation of utility easements. (J.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to continue again a public hearing on the proposed vacation of roadway and easement areas that were in place prior to the development of the Remmele plat. Remmele was unable to obtain the land needed for the Remmele addition plat; therefore, this associated vacation of streets and utilities must be continued. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to continue the public hearing to the April 9, 1990, meeting of the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that this public hearing be continued. D. SUPPORTING DATA: v None. A 4 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 Public Hearinq (continued) - Consideration of resolution approving development proqram and TIF plan for TIF District 1-1 (The Lincoln Companies/K-Mart) (J.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution approving the establishment of the development program for Development District No. 1 and the tax increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 relating thereto. The proposed TIF program associated with the K -Mart addition to the Monticello Mall has been presented to Council in detail on two separate occasions. The final plan incorporates Council input on this issue brought forth during previous discussions. For a review of the proposed use of TIF associated with this project, please refer to the attached project finance plan. City staff and the developer have negotiated a developer agreement which is discussed as a separate agenda item. if Council is satisfied with the developer agreement, and if Council does not have a change in heart regarding the use of TIF with this project, it is recommended that Council approve the plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt resolution approving the establishment of the development program for Development District No. 1 and tax increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 relating thereto. If Council is satisfied with the developer agreement and if Council continues to support the use of TIF as proposed, then Council should select this option. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving the establishment of the development program for Development District No. 1 and tax increment financing plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 relating thereto. This alternative should be selected if now information or public testimony causes Council to re-evaluato the finance plan. Selection of this alternative will bring the project to a halt. Council Agenda - 3/26/90 Q_ C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. If the development agreement is satisfactory and if Council remains supportive of the use of TIF as proposed, it is recommended that the resolution be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of project finance plan; copy of TIF related resolution. C wG�r VA 4 :INANCE MIIEL VERSIIN:-_ 1_------ S SM USES ILINCOLN 1HORNIG ITIF (ASSESSABLE PROPERY TOTAL I I I ILINC, HORNIG RDGEMNT BREN04 KRAMER SPRNG 11 TOTAL 11--------- - A. M4 WE. SAN SEN 130,000 I I 1------------------- 1 $24,000 1---------------------------------------------------- $6,000 $12,000 10 19,000 $3,000 $0 II $54,000 B. MN AVE. NATER $30,000 I I I $24.000 $6.000 1 112,000 SO 19,000 $3,000 $0 II 154,000 C. MN AVE. ST IMPR 150,000 1 I 1 $2,400 $2.550 1 $0 121,300 117,400 $1.150 $5,200 II $50,000 D. 7TH STREET $203,000 1$28,000 I 1 $43,750 $58,188 153,625 $14,438 i0 f0 $0 t0 '(1$203,000 E. 77H ST STORM $100,000 1 I 1 150,600 1 143,406 $0 122,900 $0 SO 11$122.9C0 F. ON-SITE PO4DING $32,000 1342.000 1 1 (includes Brennen)( II 142,000 I I I I I I so G. WRIGHT CTY BANK I I I I II $0 Land 186.000 I I I $85,000 1 II 186.000 Dvuy/curb $5,000 I 115,000 1 I1 $5,000 I I I I I I $o H. PRATT ACD 155,000 1 $0 1 1 $65,000 t0 1 $0 10 10 t0 $0 '11 $65,000 I. HOLTHAUS ACQ $55,000 1 $0 1 1 $56.000 t0 1 $0 10 t0 $0 t0 '11 156,009 J. KRAMER ACO t0 I f0 1 1 t0 10 1 $0 10 10 $0 $0 11 $0 K. REMNANT PARCELS (TRADE - CITY REMNANT FOR LINCOLN CO REMNANTS) II $0 L. DEMO/RELOCATION 14,000 1 $0 1 1 $4,000 30 1 $0 30 t0 t0 $0 '11 $4.000 M. SOFT COSTS INCL 1132,400 1 $0 1 IS132,100 11$132,400 CAP INTEREST - I I I I 11 OF HARD COSTS I I I (Sub tot 572,738 I II I I I OTA( COST 1803,100 1170.000 1$5.000 1$560,888 I 11132,02'. $14,438 521,300 158,300 II 17,150 $5,200 '113874,300 TOTAL LINCOLN COMPANIES COST: 1202,025 TOTAL UP FRONT TIF EXPENSE: $560,888 REMAINING TIF FUNDS: $39,113 TOTAL DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS: 370,90D TOTAL TIF EXPENSE MINUS DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS MINUS REVENUE FROM LAND SALE: 5403,956 ACQUISITION PROPERTY 1207,000 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 1313,000 .nnu.nn..n..n....nnu... n...n..........I........ ..............nn n.. n., nn....n.n.un.0 un..I unn...... 0 Councilmember introduced the following resolution, the reading of which was dispensed with by unanimous consent, and moved its adoption: CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, AND THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-1 RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. It has been proposed that the City establish Development District No. 1 and the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 therein and approve and adopt the proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan with respect thereto, all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 through 469.134, inclusive, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, inclusive. 1.02. The Council has investigated the facts and has caused to be prepared a Development Program for Development District No. 1, and describing the action to be undertaken by the City to aid the development of Development District No. 1. 1.03. The City has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the establishment of Development District No. 1, and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 relating thereto. Section 2. Findings for the Establishment of Development District No. 1. 2.01. The Council hereby finds that the establishment of the Development Program for Development District No. 1 and the establishment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 are intended and, in the judgement of this Council, its effect will be, to provide an impetus for commercial and industrial development in the City, to increase employment, and otherwise promote certain public purposes and accomplish certain objectives as specified in the Development Program. ED Section 3. Findinqs for the Establishment of Tax Increment Financina District No. 1-1. 3.01. The Council hereby finds that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 consists of a project, or a portion of a project, not meeting the requirements found in the definition of a redevelopment district, a housing district, or a soils correction district, but which the Council finds to be in the public interest because: (a) it will discourage commerce, industry or manufacturing from moving their operations to another state; or (b) it will result in increased employment in the municipality; or (c) it will result in the preservation and enhancement of the tax base of the municipality. 3.02. The Council further finds that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary; that the Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plan for the develop- ment or redevelopment of the City as a whole; and that the Tax Increment Financing Plan will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sounds needs of the City as a whole, for the development of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 by private enterprise. 3.03. The Council further finds that the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 is intended and, in the judgement of this Council, its effect will be, to promote the public purposes and accomplish the objectives specified in the Tax Increment Financing Plan. 3.04. The Council further finds, declares and deter- mines that the City made the above findings stated in Section 3 and has set forth the reasons and supporting facts for each determination in writing, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 4. Approval of the Development Proqram and Tax Increment Financina Plan. 4.01. The Development Program for Development District No. 1, and the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 are hereby approved and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office of the Clerk at City Hall. 0 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by councilmember , and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: Dated: March 26 , 1990. ATTEST: L Clerk Mayor e EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the establishment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 as required pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 3, are as follows: 1. Finding that Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 is an "economic development district" as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 12. Please refer to Exhibit II -B of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1. 2. Finding that the proposed development, in the opinion of the Council, would not occur solely through private in- vestment within the reasonable foreseeable future and, therefore, the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. City staff has reviewed the available financing costs associated with this development. Due to the high costs of the public improvements, the project would not be financially feasible without the City's assistance. 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Monticello Planning Commission reviewed the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 on March 6, 1990, and determined that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 conforms to the comprehensive plan of the City. 4. Pinding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole, for the develoment of Development District No. 1 by private enterprise. The project includes the construction of a R -Mort facility north of Interstate 94. The Tax Increment Financing funds will be used to realign a collector street which the City feels is necessary to improve safety and traffic flow. 0 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) C J COUNTY OF WRIGHT )ss. CITY OF MONTICELLO ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said City held on the date therein indicated with the original minutes thereof on file in my office and that the same is a full, true, and correct transcript thereof insofar as said minutes relate to Resolution No. WITNESS my hand officially and the official seal of the City this day of , 1990. Clerk (SEAL) -07 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 8. Consideration of adopting developer's aqreement between the City of Monticello and The Lincoln Companies. (J.0.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached you will find a developer's agreement which outlines the terms and conditions associated with the development of the K -Mart addition. Due to the late delivery of the most recent version of the developer's agreement, I am unable to provide a summary of the important terms and conditions contained in the agreement. It will be prepared at the Council meeting to provide a summary of the major points outlined in the agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the developer's agreement as presented. The agreement before you is the third draft of an agreement originally prepared some months ago. The draft before you has not been reviewed by The Lincoln Companies' attorney. It Is not expected that there will be significant objections to any of the terms of this agreement; however, I would like to note that this agreement at this time has not been finalized. I em / hoping that the agreement as it is now written will be 4\y\ reviewed by The Lincoln Companies' attorney and that they will be in a position to accept the agreement at the time the City Council meets on Monday. This option should be selected if the agreement is acceptable to Council and to The Lincoln Companies. 2. Motion to deny approval of the developer's agreement. In the event that Council is not satisfied with the provisions of the agreemont, or in the event that Council wishes to change its course regarding this project, or if any other information becomes available to indicate to the City that this project might fail, this option should be selected. Denial of adoption of the developer's agreement would halt the further development of this project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Unless information is forthcoming which causes the City to question the financial viability of the project, staff recommends that Council approve the developer's agreement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the developer's agreement. A—MOD DRAFT A March 22. 1989 CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT By and Between f THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA And MONTICELLO R.M. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP This document was drafted bye HOLMES & GRAVEN, Chartered 470 Pillsbury Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 58402 C 'Rs.oL�.i�1c-aQ 3�a3/yo TABLE OF CONTENTS Pelle PREAMBLE 1 ARTICLE I Definitions Section 1.1. Definitions 3 ARTICLE 11 Representations and Warranties Section 2.1. Representations by the City 8 Section 2.2. Representations and Warranties by the Redeveloper 0 t ARTICLE III Acquisition and Conveyance of Property Section 3.1. Status of Property 8 Section 3.2. Conditions to City Obligations 8 Section 3.3. Conveyance of the Redevelopment Remnant Property 8 Section 3.4. Time of Conveyance 8 Section 3.5. Purchase Price 9 Section 3.8. Conveyance of City Remnant Property 9 Section 3.7. Public Improvements 9 ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Improvements Section 4.1. Construction of Minimum Improvements 10 Section 4.2. Construction Plans 10 Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Construction 10 Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion 11 Section 4.5. Platting 11 l ARTICLE V Insurance and Condemnation Section 5.1. Insurance 13 ARTICLE VI Tax Increment Section 8.1. Real Property Taxes 18 ARTICLE VII Financing Section 7.1. Financing 17 ARTICLE VIII Limitation on Assignment and Transfer Section 8.1. Representation as to Redevelopment 18 Section 8.2. Prohibition Against Transfer of Partnership Interests 18 Section 8.3. Assignment of Agreement 18 (Iq 0 ARTICLE IX Events of Default Section 9.1. Events of Default Defined 20 Section 9.2. Remedies on Default 20 Section 9.3. No Remedy Exclusive 20 Section 9.4. No Additional Waiver Implied by One Waiver 21 ARTICLE X Additional Provisions Section 10.1. Conflict of Interests; City Representatives Not Individually Liable 22 Section 10.2. Provisions Not Merged With Deed 22 Section 10.3. Titles of Articles and Sections 22 Section 10.4. Notices and Demands 22 Section 10.5. Counterparts 22 r (Iq 0 ARTICLE XI Termination of Agreement Section 11.1. Termination TESTIMONIUM SIGNATURES SCHEDULE A Description'of Property SCHEDULE B Quit Claim Deed SCHEDULE C Certificate of Completion SCHEDULE D /I Memorandum Agreement SCHEDULE E CONTRACT POR PRIVATR REDEVELOPMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made on or as of the day of March, 1990, by and between The City of Monticello (the "City"), a statutory city of the State of Minnesota, having its principal offices at City Hall, 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota, and Monticello K.M. Limited Partnership (the "Redeveloper"), a Minnesota limited partnership having its principal offices at 840 East Lake Street, Suite 200, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City Is a statutory city of th fourth class organized and existing pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and is governed by the Council of the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Development Districts Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 489.124-.134, et seg., as amended, the Council is authorized to establish development districts in order to provide for the development and redevelopment of the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174-.179, as amended, the Council Is authorized to finance the capital and administration costs of a development district with tax Increment revenues derived from a tax Increment financing district established within such development district; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City will consider the establishment of Development District Number 1 pursuant to the Municipal Development Districts Act on March 26, 1990; and WHEREAS. Council of the City will consider the establishment of a tax Increment financing district within Development District Number 1 pursuant to the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act on March 26, 19901 and WHEREAS, a Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan have been prepared and the Council of the City will consider approval thereof In accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Development Districts Act and the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing Act on March 29, 1990; and -.. t WHEREAS, the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan as currently drafted recite that the major objectives of the Council In establishing the Development District No. 1 are for (1) promote and secure the prompt development of certain property In the District, which property Is not now in production use or In Its highest and best use, in a manner consistent with the City's Comprehenslve Plan and with the minimum adverse Impact on the environment, and thereby promote and secure the development of other land In the City; (2) promote and secure additional employment opportunities within the District and the City for residents of the City and the surrounding area, thereby Improving living standards, reducing unemployment and the loss of skilled and unskilled labor and other human resources in the City; (3) secure the increase of commere lal/Industrial property subject to taxation by the City, Independent School District No. 881, Wright County, and other taxing jurisdictions in order to better enable such entitles to pay for governmental services and programs required to be provided by them; (4) provide for the financing and construction of public Improvements in and adjacent to the District, necessary for the orderly and beneficial development of the District and adjacent areas of the City; (S) promote the concentration of commercial, office, and other appropriate development in the District so as to maintain the area in a manner compatible with its accessibility and prominence In the City; (6) encourage local business expansion, improvement, and development, whenever possible; (T) create a desirable and unique character within the District through quality land use alternatives and design quality in new and remodeled buildings; (8) encourage and provide maximum opportunity for private redevelopment of existing areas and structures which are compatible with the Development Program; (9) enhance the development potential for the property adjacent to 1-94 to the north of the Monticello Mall; and WHEREAS, subject to adoption of the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing Plan (which adoption shall be at the sole discretion of the City) and establishment of Development District No. 1 and a related tax Increment financing district, the City is prepared to acquire certain real property located In the City (such real property Is more particularly described in Schedule A to this Agreement), to undertake certain public activities with respect to such real property, Including relocation of existing tenants, demolition and clearance of existing Improvements, and the construction of public roads and utilities, and to convey a portion of such real property to the Redeveloper for development and redevelopment In accordance with the Development District Plan all for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Development District; and WHEREAS, In order to achieve the foregoing the City has determined subject to adoption of the Development Program and Tax Increment Financing, to provide substantial aid and assistance through the We of bonds and the contribution of federal, state, regional and local funds; and WHEREAS, the City believes that the development and redevelopment pursuant to this Agreement, and fulfillment generally of the terms of this Agreement, are In the vital and best Interests of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of Its residents, and In accord with the public purposes and provisions of applicable federal, state and local laws under which the Development District Is proposed to be undertaken and assisted; NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 0 ARTICLE 1 Definitions Section I.I. Definitions. In this Agreement, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: "Acquisition Property" means the real property described as such on the attached Schedule A to be acquired by the City, a portion of which (referred to as the Redeveloper emnant Property) will be conveyed to the Redeveloper pursuant to Article III of this Agreement. "Act" means the Municipal Development Districts Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 489.124-.134, as amended. "Agreement" means this Agreement, as the same may be from time to time modified, amended, or supplemented. "Bonds" means the bonds or other obligations Issued by the City to finance the acquisition of the Acquisition Property and construction of the Public Improvements (and related costs). The term "Bonds" shall also Include any bonds or obligations Issued to refund any Bonds. "Certificate of Completion" means the certification, In the form of the certificate contained in Schedule C attached to and made a part of this Agreement, provided to the Redeveloper, or the purchaser of any part, parcel or unit of the Redevelopment Property, pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. "City" means the City of Monticello, Minnesota. "CltyljRgmpant Property" means the real property described as such on Schedule A to be conveyed by the Redeveloper to the City In accordance with Article III hereof. "Construction Plans" means the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents on the construction work to be performed by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property which (a) shall be as detailed as the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents which are submitted to the building inspector of t iV City, and (b) shall Include at least the following for each building. (1) site plan; (2) �oundatlon plan; (3) basement plans; (4) floor plan for each floor; (S) cross sections of each (length and width); (B) elevations (all sides); (7) facade and landscape plana and (8) such other plans or supplements to the foregoing plans as the City may reasonably request. "County" means the County of Wright, Minnesota. "Development District" means the City's Development District No. 1, If and when created. CY) "Development District Plan" means the plan to be considered for adoption by the City on March 28, 1990, creating the Development District. "Event of Default" means an action by the Redeveloper described in Section 9.1 of this Agreement. "Holder" means the grantee under any Mortgage. "Holthaus Parcel" means the Drooertv so designated which is lerally described in Schedule A attached hereto. "Maturity Date" means the date when the principal of, premium (if any), and interest on the Bonds are paid in full. "Memorandum Agreement" means the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit D, as further described in Section hereof. "Minimum Improvements" means a retail shopping11facility containing approximately 88,479 square feet to be constructed by Redeveloper on the Redevelopment and Redeveloper Property. "Mortgage" means any mortgage made by the Redeveloper which Is secured, In whole or in part, with the Redevelopment Property and which is a permitted encumbrance pursuant to the provisions of Article VIII of this Agreement. "Net Proceeds" means any proceeds paid by an Insurer to the Redeveloper or the City under a policy or policies of insurance required to be provided and maintained by the Redeveloper pursuant to Article V of this Agreement and remaining after deducting all expenses (including fees and disbursements of counsel) Incurred in the collection of such proceeds. "Permitted Encumbrances" means the encumbrances described In Schedule G of this Agreement. "Public Improvements" means the activities to be undertaken by the City as provided In Section 7.7 hereof. "Redemption Date" means the earliest date on which any Bonds may be redeemed and paid prior to full maturity. "Redeveloper" means Monticello K.M. Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, or Its successors and assigns. "Redeveloper'kRemnant Property" means the portion of the Acquisition Property described as such on Schedule A which Is to be conveyed by the City to the Redeveloper or1LS.>igliree. In accordance with Article III hereof. "Redeveloper Property" means the property described as such on Schedule A which Is owned by Redeveloper. "Redevelopment Property Deed" means a quit claim deed, substantially in the form of the deed In Schedule B of this Agreement, used to convey the RedeveloperlRemnent Property from the Agency to the Redeveloper. "State" means the State of Minnesota. 4 OV "Tax Increment" means that portion of the real property taxes paid with respect to thel*edeveloper Property, Redeveloper Remnant Property and the Minimum Improvements which is remitted to the Clty as tax Increment pursuant to the Tax Increment Act. "Tax Increment Act" means the Tax Increment Financing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 499.174-.179, as amended. "Tax Increment District" means the City's Tax Increment District No. 1-1 created In connection with the establishment of the Development District. "Tax Increment Financing Plan" means the tax increment financing plan for the Tax Increment District, to be considered for adoption by the City on March 29, 1990. "Tax Official" means any City or county assessor, County auditor= City, County or State board of equalization, the commissioner of revenue of the State, or any State or federal district court, the tax court of the State, or the State Supreme Court. "Unavoldable Deljivs" means delays which are the direct result of strikes, other labor troubles, fire or other casualty to the Minimum Improvements, litigation commences ojr third parties which, by injunction or other similar judicial actjon, directly reaul[a in delaysr or acts of anv federal, state or local governmental unit (other than the City) which dire �v res 1 t it�n dninvvs .0'.., 10] ARTICLE II Representations and Warranties Section 2.1 Representations by the City. The City makes the following representations as the basis for the undertaking on Its part herein contained: (a) The City is a statutory city of the State with all the powers of a statutory city of the fourth class duly organized and existing under the laws of the State. Under the provisions of the Act, the City has the power to enter into this Agreement and carry out its obligations hereunder. (b) The City proposes to hold a public hearing regarding establishment of the Tax Increment District and to consider adoption of the Development District Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan on March 26, 1990. Adoption of such plans and establishment of such districts shall be within the sole discretion of the City, and nothing herein contained shall create any right of or duty to the Redeveloper regarding establishment of such districts. In the event the City falls to adopt the Development District Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan, this Agreement shall be terminable as provided in Articl XI hereof. (c) In the event the Development Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan are adopted, the City proposes to (1) acquire the Acquisition Property by negotiation or condemnation, (11) relocate the existing tenants from the acquired Acquisition Property; (iiq demolish, clear and prepare the Redeveloper, Remnant Property for sale to the Redeveloper; and (iv) construct the Public Improvements. (d) The activities of the City are undertaken for the purpose of accomplishing the goals and objectives of the City In connection with the establishment of the Development District. (e) To finance the costs of the activities to be undertaken by the City, the City proposes to use the proceeds of Bonds Issued by the City and to pledge tax Increment generated by the Project Area to the payment of the principal of and Interest on the Bonds. Section Z.Z. Representations and Warranties by the Redeveloper. The Redeveloper represents and warrants that: (a) The Redeveloper Is a limited partnership duly organized and in good stenting under the laws of the State, is not In violation of any provisions of Its partnership agreement or the laws of the State, has power to enter Into this Agreement and has duly authorized the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by proper corporate action. (b) The Redeveloper will construct, operate and maintain the Minimum Improvements In accordance with the terms of this Agreement and all local, state and federal laws and regulations (including, but not limited to, environmental, zoning, building code and public health laws and regulations). A 101 (c) The Minimum Improvements will be/I& conditional use under the zoning ordinance of the City and will be constructed at a cost of at least $3,341,000 (Includln6aly the construction contract). (d) At such time or times as will be required by law, the Redeveloper will have complied with all applicable local, state and federal environmental laws and regulations, and will have obtained any and all necessary environmental reviews, licenses or clearances under any applicable local, state, or in federal environmental law or regulation. As of the date of execution of this Agreement, the Redeveloper has received no notice or communication from any local, state or federal official that the activities of the Redeveloper or the City in the Project Area may be or will be in violation of any environmental law or regulation. As of the date of execution of this Agreement, the Redeveloper is aware of no facts the existence of which would cause it to be In violation of any local, state or federal environmental law, regulation or review procedure or which would give any person a valid claim under any applicable local, state, or federal environmental law or regulation. (e) The Redeveloper will use its best efforts to construct the Minimum Improvements In accordance with all applicable local, state or federal energy - conservation laws or regulations. (f) The Redeveloper will use Its best efforts to obtain, In a timely manner, all required permits, licenses and approvals, and will meet, in a timely manner, all requirements of all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulatlons which must be obtained or met before the Minimum Improvements may be lawfully constructed. (g) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the consum- mation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or compll- ance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement Is prevented, limited by or conflicts with or results in a breach of, the terms, conditions or provisions or any corporate restriction or any evidences of Indebtedness, agreement or Instrument of whatever nature to which the Redeveloper is now a party or by which it is bound, or constitutes a default under any of the foregoing. (h) The Redeveloper agrees that It will Indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, Its elected officials, officers and employees, from and against any claims or causes of action of whatever nature arising or purportedly arising out of the activities of the Redeveloper under this Agreement in connection with the acquisition, Installation, construction or operation of the Minimum Improvements. 8 ARTICLE III Acquisition and Conveyance of Property Section 3.1 Status of Property. The Redeveloper Properties are presently owned by the Redeveloper and will be retained by the Redeveloper'for the purpose of undertaking the development contemplated by this Agreement. The Acquisition Property, Including the RedevelopeplRemnant Property is presently owned by third parties. The City agrees that it will, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, use its best efforts to acquire title to and possession of the Acquisition Property and convey title to and possession of the Redeveloperjgenj= Property to the Redeveloper all as provided in this Article 111. Section 3.2. Conditions to City Obliaetions. (a) If the City approves the Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Development District Plan the City shall use its best efforts to acquire the Holthaus Parcel by negotiation by April 15, 1990. In the event the City is unable to acquire the Holthaus Parcel by negotiation on or before April 30, 1990, It shall commence condemnation proceedings with respect to such property. Any delay In the City's performance of Its obligations hereunder caused by the necessity of acquiring the Holthaus Parcel by exercise of eminent domain shall constitute an Unavoidable Delay hereunder. (b) The obligation of the City t,onstruct the Public Improvements shall be expressly made conditional upon the C ty being able to Issue bonds repayable with Tax Increment which, net of costs of Issuance. esoltalized Interest and administrative costs, will provide not less then S which may be used by the City to finance the Public Improvements and upon the Redeveloper(I) having undertaken and completed, In accordance wim all of the terms an provisions of this Agreement, construction of 30% of the Minimum Improvements) ii having completed grading of the proposed_roadbed far Seventh Street between Minnesota Street on the West and the Eastern boundary of the Redeveloper Property In accordance with Section 4.3 hereof, and (111) having either replatted the Hedevef6pment Property or dedicated essements for/ISeyenth Street asLown on Schedule D hereto In form satisfactory to the City. The determination of when the Redeveloper has constructed 30% of the Minimum Improvements shall be made by the City on the basis of Information acceptable to the City provided to It by the Redeveloper, and may be based upon either (q a percentage oVLexpensS Incurred under the construction contract, or (11) a percentage of the anticipated five S month construction period which has passed. Section 3.3. Conveyance of the RedevelonediRentnant Property. The City shall convey title to and possession of the Redeveloper Remnant Property to the Redeveloper under a auit-claim deegijin the form/bet fo AIn Schedule B of this Agreement./1The City shall deliver to the Redevelooer logger with_such_Qi1it_ claim deed a copy of the title opinion with respect to the Holthaus Parcel received by the Uty In connection with Its acquisition of such property, which opinion shall be addressed to the Redevelober as well as the Cltv. Section 3.4. Time of Conveyance. (a) If no Event of Default has occurred (or If an Event of Default has occurred but has been cured), the City shall execute and deliver the Redevelopment Property Deed simultaneously with execution and delivery to the City of a warranty deed, reasonably acceptable to the City, from 8 the Redeveloper conveying the City er/� e n t Property to the City, on the�latf: /1 (i) thirty (30) days after title to and possession of the Redeveloper Remnant Property has vested in and been obtained by the City; or ii such other date as the City and the Redeveloper shall mutually agree in writing. The Redeveloper shall take possession of the Redevelopment Property the day following execution and delivery of the Redevelopment Property Deed by the City. (b) Unless otherwise mutually agreed by the City and the Redeveloper, the execution and delivery of all deeds)�snd other documents shall be made at the principal offices of the City. (c) The Redevelopment Property Deed shall be in recordable form and shall be promptly recorded. The Redeveloper shall pay all costs for such recording. Section 3.5. Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid to the City by the Redeveloper in exchange ror the Redeveloper Remnant Property shall be One Dollar ($1.00). Section 3.0. Conveyance of Citv Remnant Prooerty. The Redeveloper agrees to convey to the City the City Remnant Property simultaneously with conveyance to the Redeveloper of the Redeveloper Remnant Property In accordance with Section 3.4 above. The purchase price for the City Remnant Property shall be One Dollar ($1.00). Conveyance of the City Remnant Property shall be by warranty deed acceptable to the City. Section 3.7. Public Improvements. (a) The City agrees that in conjunction with the Redeveloper's activities hereunder it will undertake the construction of certain Public Improvements. Such public improvements generally consist of the realignment of a public street, including Installation o0sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water main to the Redeveloper Property. Such realignment will necessitate the utys acquisition or the Acquisition rroperty. (b) The Public Improvements will be designed by the City according to City specifications relating to the installation of public streets and utilities. (c) The City will, subject to Unavoidable Delays commence construction of the Public Improvements at such time as the Redeveloper has completed construction of 30% of the Minimum Improvements. (A determination of when the Redeveloper has completed construction of such 0% of the Minimum Improvements shall be made In accordance with Section(JML hereof.) Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the City agrees that it will complete construction of the PaW*improvements on or before such time as the Redeveloper has completed construction of the Minimum Improvements.A A (d) The Redeveloper understands and agrees that the City Intends to assess a portion of the costs of the Minimum Improvements against benefitted property Including the Redevelopment Property and additional property owned by the Redeveloper or Its afflUates In the Tax Increment District pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 420. The Redeveloper shall not object to or challenge special assessments relating to the Public Improvements against the Redevelopment Property or other property owned by the Redeveloper or Its affiliates In the Tax Increment District to the extent that such assessments wal generate funds needed by the City to pay the costs of the Public Improvements. ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Improvements Section 4.1. Construction of Minimum Imorovements. The Redeveloper agrees that It will construct the Minimum Improvements on the edeveloper Property In accordance with the approved Construction Plans and at all times prior to the Maturity Date will operate and maintain, preserve and keep the Minimum Improvements or cause the Minimum Improvements to be maintained, preserved and kept with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, In good repair and condition. Section 4.2 Construction Plans. /'/(a) The Redeveloper has submitted Construction Plans to the City and the qty has apeQroved such plans. Such approval by the City shall not relieve the Redeveloper of the obligation to comply with the terms of this T-g—reement, the terms of the Redevelopment Plan, applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or to construct the Minimum Improve ments.A Such approval by the City shall not constitute a waiver of an Event of Default. he Clt 's approval of the Construction Plans shall constitute a conclusive determination that the Construction Plans (and the Minimum Improvements, if constructed in accordance with said plans) comply to the City's satisfaction with the provisions of this Agreement relating thereto (b) If the Redeveloper desires to make any change in thq RE nstru I Plans a terAthe execution of this Aureement. the Redevelener shall Ruhm t p proposed change to the City for its approval. If the/JConstructlon Plans, as modified by the proposed change, conform to the requirements olAthis Agreement/1 the City shall approve the proposed change and notify the Redeveloper In writing of Its approval. Such change in the/lConstruction Plans shall, In any event, be deemed approved by the City unless rejected, In whole or In part, by written notice by the City to the Redeveloper, setting forth In detail the reasons therefor. Such rejection shall be made within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. Section 4.5. Commencement and Completion of Construction. The Redeveloper shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements by April 1, 1990, or on such other date as the parties shall mutually agree. The Redeveloper shall complete the construction of the Minimum Improvementsl1I)y_S=t1mbeerr90i 1.990 -subject to Unavoidable Delays. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property shall be In conformity with theiConstructlon Plans as submitted by the Redeveloper and approved by the City. In connection with, and at the time of, site preparation of thelRedeveloper Property by the Redeveloper preceding commencement of construction, the Redeveloper shall grade the roadbed for Seventh Street adjacent to the Redevelopment Property In accordance with specifications provided to the Redeveloper by the City. The Redeveloper shall pay all coats relating to such grading without reimbursement from the City. 0 The Redeveloper agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, and every successor In Interest to the Redevelopment Property, or any part thereogl that the Redeveloper, and such successors and assigns, shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to completion the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be commenced and cotnpleted within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. It is intended and agreed, and the Memorandum Agreement to be recorded against the Redevelopment Property upon execution of this Agreement shall so expressly provide, that such agreements and covenants shall be covenants running with the land and that they shall, in any event, and without regard to technical classification or designation, legal or otherwise, and except only as otherwise specifically provided in the Agreement Itself, be, to the fullest extent permitted by law and equity, binding for the benefit of the City and enforceable by the City against the Redeveloper and its successors and assign� Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. (a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with those provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Redeveloper to construct the Minimum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof), the City will furnish the Redeveloper with an appropriate instrument so certifying. Such certification by the City shall be (and it shall be so provided In the Redevelopment Property Deed and In the certification itself) a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of the agreements and covenants I hia Agreement/ with respect to the obligations of the Redeveloper, and Its successors and assigns, to construct the Minimum Improvements and the dates for the beginning and completion thereof. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Redeveloper to any Holder of a Mortgage, or any insurer of a Mortgage, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. (b) The certificate provided for in this Section 4.4 of this Agreement shall be In such form as will enable it to be recorded In the proper office for the recordation of deeds and other Instruments pertaining to the Redevelopment Property. If the City shall refuse or fall to provide any certification in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the City shall, within thirty (30) days after written request by the Redeveloper, provide the Redeveloper with a written statement, Indicating In adequate detail In what respects the Redeveloper has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements In accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, or Is otherwise In default, and whet measures or acts it will be necessary, in the opinion of the City, for the Redeveloper to take or pe;ftrm in order to obtain such certification. (c) The construction of the Minimum Improvements shall be deemed to be completed when such Minimum Improvements are substantially completed, as determined by the City in the exercise of Its reasonable discretion. Section 4.5. Platting. The Redeveloper shall cause the Redevel pment Property to be platted in accordance with all City procedures not later thanAugust I5 1990. Such Diet shall orovlde for the dedication of a right of way for Seventh Street and for utility and drainage easements acceptable to—the_C U. The Redeveloper will pay all of the customary fees to the City In connection with the N; plat, provided that the City will not require the Redeveloper to pay a park dedication fe+r dedicate anv Dark land in connection with approval of the plat. C A ARTICLE V Insurance and Condemnation Section 5.1. Insurance. (a) The Redeveloper will provide and maintain at all times during the process of constructing the Minimum Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish the City with proof of payment of premiums on: (i) Builder's risk insurance, written on the so-called "Builder's Risk -- Completed Value Basis," in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Insurable value of the Minimum Improvements at the date of completion, and with coverage available in nonreporting form on the so- called "all risk" form of policy. The interest of the City shall be protected in accordance with a clause in form and content satisfactory to the City. (ii) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including opera- tions, contingent liability, operations of subcontractors, completed opera- tions and contractual liability Insurance) together with an Owner's Con- tractor's Policy with limits against bodily Injury and property damage of not less than f for each occurrence (to accomplish the above - required limits, an umbrella excess liability policy may be used). (iii) Worker's compensation insurance, with statutory coverage. The policies of Insurance required pursuant to clauses (1) and (iq above shall be In form and content satisfactory to the City and shall be placed with financially sound and reputable Insurers licensed to transact business in the State. The policy of Insurance delivered pursuant to clause (1) above shall contain an agreement of the insurer to give not less than thirty (30) days' advance written notice to the City In the event of cancellation of such policy or change affecting the coverage thereunder. (b) Upon completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements and prior to the Maturity Date, the Redeveloper shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, at Its cost and expense, and from time to time at the request of the City shall furnish proof of the payment of premiums on. Insurance as follows: (1) Insurance against loss and/or damage to the Minimum Improvements under a policy or policies covering such risks as are ordinarily Insured against by similar businesses, Including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) fire, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief, boiler explosion, water damage, demolition cost, debris removal, collapse and flood in an amount not less than the full insurable replacement value of the Minimum Improvements, but any such policy may have a deductible amount of not more than f . No policy of Insurance shall be so written that the proceeds thereof will produce less than the minimum coverage required by the preceding sentence, by reason of co -Insurance provisions or otherwise, without the prior consent thereto In writing by the City. The term "full Insurable replacement value" shall mean the actual replacement cost of the Minimum Improvements (excluding X foundation and excavation costs and costs of underground flues, pipes, drains and other uninsurable items) and equipment, and shall be determined from time to time at the request of the City, but not more frequently than once every three years, by an insurance consultant or insurer, selected and paid for by the Redeveloper and approved by the City. All policies evidencing insurance required by this subparagraph (i) with respect to the Minimum Improvements shall be carried in the names of the Redeveloper and the City and shall contain standard clauses which provide for Net Proceeds of insurance resulting from claims per casualty thereunder to the Minimum Improvements which are equal to or less than $25,000 for loss or damage covered thereby to be made payable to the Redeveloper, and Net Proceeds from such claims in excess of $25,000 to be made payable to the City. The City and the Redeveloper shall jointly agree on the amount of settlement. (11) Comprehensive general public liability insurance, including personal Injury liability (with employee exclusion deleted), and automobile insurance, including owned, non -owned and hired automobiles, against lia- bility for injuries to persons end/or property, In the minimum amount for each occurrence and for each year of S , for public liability not arising from ownership or operation of automobiles (or other motor vehi- cles), and In the minimum amount of S for each occurrence and for each year for liability arising out of ownership or operation of automobiles (or other motor vehicles) and shall be endorsed to show the City as additional Insured. (iii) Such other insurance, Including worker's compensation Insur- ance respecting all employees of the Redeveloper engaged In work with respect to the construction of the Minimum Improvements, in such amount as is customarily carried by like organizations engaged in like activities of comparable size and liability exposure; provided that the Redeveloper may be self -Insured with respect to all or any part of its liability for worker's compensation. (c) All Insurance required in Article V of this Agreement shall be taken out and maintained In responsible Insurance companies selected by the Redeveloper which are authorized under the laws of the State to assume the risks covered thereby. The Redeveloper will deposit annually with the City policies evidencing all such Insurance, or a certificate or certificates or binders of the respective insurers stating that such Insurance Is In force and effect. Unless otherwise provided In this Article V of this Agreement each policy shall contain a provision that the insurer shall not cancel nor modify it without giving written notice to the Redeveloper and the City at least thirty (30) days before the cancellation or modification becomes effective. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of any policy, the Redeveloper shall furnish the City evidence satisfactory to the City that the policy has been renewed or replaced by another policy conforming to the provisions of this Article V of this Agreement, or that there is no necessity therefor under the terms hereof. In Ileu of separate policies, the Redeveloper may maintain a single policy, blanket or umbrella policies, or a combination thereof, having the coverage required herein, In which event the Redeveloper shall deposit with the City a certificate or certificates of the respective Insurers as to the amount of coverage In force upon the Minimum Improvements. IN (d) The Redeveloper agrees to notify the City immediately in the case of damage exceeding $25,000 in amount to, or destruction of, the Minimum Improvements or any port on thereof resulting from fire or other casualty. In the event that any such damage does not exceed $25,000, the Redeveloper will forthwith repair, reconstruct and restore the Minimum Improvements to substan- tially the same or an Improved condition cr value as it existed prior to. the event causing such damage and, to the extent necessary to accomplish such repair, reconstruction and restoration, the Redeveloper will apply the Net Proceeds of any insurance relating to such damage received by the Redeveloper to the payment or reimbursement of the costs thereof. Net Proceeds of any insurance relating to such damage up to $25,000 shall be paid directly to the Redeveloper. In the event the Minimum Improvements or any portion thereof is destroyed by fire or other casualty and the damage or destruction Is estimated to equal or exceed $25,000, then the Redeveloper shall within one hundred and twenty (120) days after such damage or destruction, proceed forthwith to repair, reconstruct and restore the damaged Minimum Improvements to substantially the same condition or utility value as existed prior to the event causing such damage or destruction and, to the extent necessary to accomplish such repair, reconstruction and restoration, the City will apply the Net Proceeds of any insurance relating to such damage or destruction to the payment or reimbursement of the costs thereof. Any Net Proceeds remaining after completion of construction shall be disbursed to the Redeveloper. (e) If the Redeveloper is In compliance with the terms and conditions of the Redevelopment Plan, this Agreement and the Redevelopment Property Deed, then any Net Proceeds of Insurance relating to such damage or destruction received by the City shall be released from time to time by the City to the Redeveloper upon the receipt of: (1) A certificate of an authorized representative of the Rede- veloper specifying the expenditures made or to be made or the Indebtedness Incurred In connection with such repair, reconstruction and restoration and stating that such Net Proceeds, together with any other moneys legally available for such purposes, will be sufficient to complete such repair, construction and restoration; and (2) If Net Proceeds equal or exceed $25,000 In amount, the written approval of such certificate by an Independent engineer. The Redeveloper shall complete the repair, reconstruction and restoration of the Mfnlmum Improvements, whether or not the Net Proceeds of insurance received by the Redeveloper for such purposes are sufficlent to pay for the same. Any Net Proceeds remaining after completion of such repairs, construction and restoration shall be remitted to the Redeveloper. 15 ARTICLE VI Tax Increment Section 8.1. Real Property Taxes. (a) The Redeveloper shall pay or cause to be paid when due all real property taxes payable with respect to the Me eeveIopment Property and Redevelopment Property during the Redeveloper's ownership of the same. (b) The Redeveloper agrees that prior to the Maturity Date: (1) it will not seek administrative review or judicial review of the applicability of any tax statute determined by any Tax Official to be applicable to the Project or the Redeveloper or raise the inapplicability of any such tax statute as a defense in any proceedings, Including delinquent tax proceedings; (2) it will not lease or convey the Minimum Improvements to any entity If such lease or conveyance would cause the Minimum Improvements or Redevelopment Property to be exempt from property taxes; (7) It will not seek administrative review or judicial review of the constitutionality of any tax statute determined by any Tax Official to be applicable to the Project or the Redeveloper or raise the unconstitutionality of any such tax statute as a defense in any proceedings, including delinquent tax proceedings; (4) It will not cause a reduction in the real property taxes paid in respect of the Redevelopment Property below the amount which Is necessary to generate Tax Increment in the amount described In Section 8.1 of this Agreement through: (A) willful destruction of the Redevelopment Property or any part thereof; (B) willful refusal to reconstruct damaged or destroyed property pursuant to Section 5.1 of this Agreement; (C) a request to the city assessor of the City or the county assessor of the County to reduce the Assessed Market Value of all or any portion of the Redevelopment Property; (D) a petition to the board of equalization of the City or the board of equalization of the County to reduce the Assessed Market Value of all or any portion of the Redevelopment Property; (E) a petition to the board of equalization of the State or the commissioner of revenue of the State to reduce the Assessed Market Value of all or any portion of the Redevelopment Propertyl (F) an action In a District Court of the State or the Tax Court of the State pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Chapter 278, or any similar State or federal law, seeking a reduction In the Assessed Market Value of the Redevelopment Property; (G) an application to the commissioner of revenue of the State requesting an abatement of real property taxes pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 270, or any similar State or federal law; and (H) any other proceedings, whether administrative, legal or equitable, with any administrative body within the City, the County, or the -894UNor with any court of the State or the federal government. The City understands and agrees that the tenant or tenants of the Minimum Improvements may be granted the right under a lease or leases with the Redeveloper to challenge real estate taxes payable by such tenant under the lease. Any such challenge of taxes by a tenant or by the Redevelooer to the extent the Redeveloper is required to cooperate under the terms of Its lease and any resulting reduction nT property taxes wilt not violate the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE VII Financing Section 7.1. Financing. The City heretofore has reviewed -the Redeveloper's financing for the Minimum Improvements. The terms of the Redeveloper's permanent financing for the Minimum Improvements shall not conflict with the requirements of Article V hereof relating to the reconstruction of the Minimum Improvements with proceeds of Insurance following damage to or the destruction of the Minimum Improvements. 52 ARTICLE VIII Limitation on Assignment and Transfer Section B.I. Representation as to Redevelopment. The Redeveloper repre- sents and agrees that its undertakings pursuant to the Agreement, are for the purpose of redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property and not for speculation in land holding. The Redeveloper further recognizes that, in view of (a) the importance of the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property to the general welfare of the City; (b) the substantial financing and other public aids that have been made available by the City for the purpose of making such redevelopment possible; and (c) the fact that any act or transaction involving or resulting in a significant change in the identity of the parties in control of the Redeveloper or the degree of their control is for practical purposes a transfer or disposition of the property then owned by the Redeveloper, the qualifications and identity of the Redeveloper, and Its partners, are of particular concern to the City. The Redeveloper further recognizes that It is because of such qualifications and Identity that the City Is entering Into the Agreement with the Redeveloper, and, in so doing, is further willing to accept and rely on the obligations of the Redeveloper for the faithful performance of all undertakings and covenants hereby by it to be performed. Section 8.2. Prohibition Against Transfer oflPartnershio Interest( For the foregoing reasons, the Redeveloper represents and agrees that: Prior to the completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements, and without the prior written approval of the City, is) there shall be no transfer by any general partner of the Redeveloper (which term shall be deemed for the purposes of this and related provisions to Include successors in Interest of such interests or any part thereof or Interest therein), (b) nor shall any such owner suffer any such transfer to be made, (c) nor shall there be or be suffered to be by the Redeveloper any other similarly significant change In the ownership or In the relative distribution thereof, or with respect to the Identity of the parties In control of the Redeveloper or the degree thereof, by any other method or means. With respect to this provision, the Redeveloper and the parties signing the Agreement on behalf of the Redeveloper represent that they have the authority of all of the general partners to agree to this provision on their behalf and to bind them with respect thereto. Section 8.9. Assumption of Agreement. Following the completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Redeveloper may transfer or assign Its Interest In the Minimum Improvements without the consent of the City. tsw-only upon delivery to the City of an assumption agreement authorized and executed by the transferee or assignee pursuant to which such transferee or assignee assumes all obligations of the Redeveloper hereunder. Any such assumption agreement shall be In a form reasonably acceptable to the City. The obligations of the Redeveloper under Articles V and VI hereof shall be covenants running with the Redevelopment Property and they shall, without regard to technical classification or designation, legal or otherwise, be, to the fullest extent permitted by law and equity, binding for the benefit of the City and enforceable by the City against the Redeveloper and Its successors and assigns. The Memorandum Agreement to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder shall reference this covenant and the covenant contained In Section 4.3 hereof. The covenant of the Redeveloper contained In this Section 8.3 and In Section 4.3 are necessary to C induce the City to undertake the Public Improvements without which the Minimum Improvements would not be undertaken. Such covenants accordingly touch and concern the Redevelopment Property. 19 eg) ARTICLE IX Events of Default Section 9.1. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "Event of Default" shall mean, whenever it Is used In this Agreement (unless the context otherwise provides;, any one or more of the following events: A (a) Failure by the Redeveloper to provide and maintain any insurance require - o be provided and maintained by Section 5.1 of this Agreement or failure by the Redeveloper to reconstruct the Minimum Improvements when required pursuant to Section 5.1 of this Agreement. (b) Failure by the Redeveloper to commence and complete construction of the Minimum Improvements pursuant to the terms, conditions and limitations of ArticlelV of this Agreement. ((c) -Failure by the Redeveloper to substantially observe or perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on Its part to be observed or performed hereunder. (d)*xercise by the holder of any mortgage secured by the Redevelopment Proper y or any remedy provided by the Mortgage documents ory xeretse of any remedy provided by law or equity in the event of a default In any o�terms or conditions o(amortgage. 11 Section 9.2. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 9.1 of this Agreement occurs, the City may take any one or more of the following actions after providing thirty days written notice to the Redeveloper of the Event of Default, but only If the Event of Default hes not been cured within said thirty days: (a) Suspend Its performance under the Agreement until It receives assur- ances from the Redeveloper, deemed adequate by the City, that the Redeveloper will cure Its default and continue its performance under the Agreement. (b) Cancel and rescind the Agreement. (c) Withhold the Certificate of Completion. ' (d) Withhold the Net Proceeds from the Insurance policies provided to the City pursuant to Section 5.1 of this Agreement in accordance with the terms of the policies. (e) Take whatever action, at law or in equity which may appear necessary or desirable to the City to recover damages or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement, or covenant of the Redeveloper under this Agreement. Section 9.3. No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the City is Intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or 20 a) remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall Impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may tie deemed expedient. In order to entitle the City or the Redeveloper to exercise any remedy reserved to it, it shall not be necessary to give notice, other than such notice as may be required In this Article IR. Section 9.4. No Additional Waiver Imolied by One Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this Agreement should be breached by either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach hereunder. 91 OF ARTICLE X Additional Provisions Section 10.1. Conflict of Interests; Cttv Representatives Not Individually Liable. No member, official, or employee of the City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in the Agreement, nor shall any such member, official, or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is, directly or Indirectly, interested. No member, official, or employee of the City shall be personally liable to the Redeveloper, or any successor in Interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Redeveloper or successor or on any obligations under the terms of the Agreement, except in the case of willful misconduct. Section 10.2. Provisions Not Merced With Deed. None of the provisions of this Agreement are Intended to or shall be merged by reason of any deed transferring any Interest in the Redevelopment Property and any such deed shall not be deemed to affect or Impair the provisions and covenants of this Agreement. Section 10.3. Titles of Articles and Sections. Any titles of the several parts, Articles, and Sections of the Agreement are Inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or Interpreting any of Its provisions. Section 10.4. Notices and Demands. Except as otherwise expressly provided In this Agreement, a notice, demand, or other communication under the Agreement by either party to the other shall be sufficiently given or delivered If It Is dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt re- quested, or delivered personally; and (a) in the case of the Redeveloper, is addressed to or delivered personally to the Redeveloper at 840 East Lake Street, Suite 200, Wayzata, Minnesota 55391; and (b) In the case of the City, Is addressed to or delivered personally to the City at City Hall, 250 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota 55382 or at such other address with respect to either such party as that party may, from time to time, designate In writing and forward to the other as provided in this Seetift Section 10.5. Counterparts. This Agreement Is executed In any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same Instrument. 21 n ARTICLE XI Termination of Agreement Section 11.1. Termination. This Agreement is being entered Into by each of the parties hereto subject to approval b7 . the City Council of the City of the Development District Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan and establishment of the Development District and the Tax Increment Financing District. In the event the City Council fails to approve such plans and establish such districts following the public hearing scheduled for March 29, 1990, this Agreement shall be of no further force and effect and the City shall return to the Redeveloper the full amount of the deposit made pursuant to Section 9.9 hereof, together with Interest thereron. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be hereunto duly affixed and the Redeveloper has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf on or as of the date first above written. This Instrument was drafted by: HOLMES do GRAVEN, Chartered 470 Pillsbury Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 c THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By Its And by Its MONTICELLO K.M. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By Its Genera! Partner And by Its General Partner 14 C C SCHEDULEA (Description of Property) Acquisition Property (to be acquired by the City): Redevelopment Property (now owned and to be retained by the Redeveloper): Redeveloper Remnant Property (the portion of the Acquisition Property to be conveyed by the City to the Redeveloper): CIV Aemnant Property (property to be conveyed by the Redeveloper to the City In exchange for the Redeveloper Remnant Property): ZS H SCHEDULE C CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION4 WHEREAS, The City of Monticello, Minnesotiland Monticello K.M. Limited Partnership (the "Partnership"), by 9A and , respectively, have caused to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles in and for the County of Wright and State of Minnesota, a Memorandum Agreement (the "Agreement") relating to thenfollowing descried iand in the County of Wright and State of Minnesota, to -wit: and WHEjt EASJ')i;ectlon of sal greement contained certain covenants and restrict ion9lIand WHEREAS,i Ile-Eaetaer" has performed said cppvenants and conditions r 4g&Q as it Is able In a manner deemed sufficient byi,the City to permit the execution and recording of this certification; NOW, THEREFORE, this is to certify that all building construction and other physical Improvements required to be done and made by th*LP&rtnershlp have been completed and the above covenants and conditions In said' have been performed by the/Tartnershlp therein and that the covenants are hereby released absolutely and forever insofar as It applies to the land described Perein, and the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles In and for the County o and State of Minnesota Is hereby authorized to accept for recording and to record, the filing of this Instrument, to be a conclusive determination of the satisfactory termination of the covenants and conditions of the contract referred to In said AAareement,, but the covenants created by Sectlogt of sal"greement shall remain In full force and effect. C-1 V C Dated: 119_ THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA (SEAL) By Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 99. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of , 19 , before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that (s)he Is the of the City named In the foregoing Instrument; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said City; that said Instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said City by authority of Its Council; and said acknowledged said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said City. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of , 19_, before me, a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that (s)he Is the of the City named In the foregoing Instrument; that the seal affixed to said Instrument Is the seal of said Cityl that said Instrument was signed and sealed In behalf of said City by authority of Its Council; and said acknowledged said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said City. C-9 Notary Public Council Agenda - 3/26/90 9. Consideration of purchase of land necessary for the 7th Street alignment --Tom Holthaus property. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff seeks Council authorization to purchase the property owned by Tom Holthaus as noted on the attached site plan. This land is needed to Create the 7th Street alignment. The purchase price for this land is $56,000. This land must be available for site grading by the third week in April; therefore, it is important that the City acquire this property as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the purchase of the Holthaus property. 2. Motion to deny authorization of the purchase of the Holthaus property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: / If the TIF plan and development agreement have been adopted, `. then it follows that the City should purchase the Holthaus property. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map showing location of tho Holthaus property. l� 5 '�4 Sri' Q. L'V C e a 0 • s+�s / � f o J' � � Mpttti �3• r + olthous property v , OC m LANIK ,.--•'..'�,% + .01 / s` Council Agenda - 3/26/90 10. Consideration of resolution acceptinq feasibility study, consider adopting developer aqreement, and consider ordering plans and specifications - Meadows and the Meadows 2nd Addition phase II. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the February 26, 1990, meeting of the City Council, Council ordered the development of said feasibility study contingent on the developer depositing $1,000 as a feasibility study pre- payment. The deposit was forthcoming and the feasibility study has been completed. In light of the information contained in the study, the developers now request that the City continue to move forward with the public improvement process. The developers have waived the request for a public hearing on the public improvement; and since no other property owners will be affected by the public improvement, Council has the authority to order development of plans and specifications without a public hearing. Prior to ordering development of plans and specifications, it seems wise to have an agreement which governs the financial arrangements. A proposed agreement is included for your review. Prior to detailing the proposed agreement, I would like to review history behind financing of other public improvement projects. The first phase of the Meadows Second Addition was successfully completed and financed privately. It is the view of the developers that the cost savings associated with private financing of the project was not significant; and in fact, the duplication associated with needing two engineering firms may have actually added to project costs. It is their view that a project of this magnitude will be less expensive and less complicated with the City managing the project. From the City standpoint, City management of the improvement project simplifies the process resulting in reduced staff time and improved quality control. Of course, if the City completes the project utilizing the special assessment process, the City places all of the taxpayers at risk in the event the developers fail to pay assessments. in tho past few years, the City has boon oncouraging developers to finance construction of public improvements with the City ovorsooing the construction process. This direction was in response to previous problems the City experienced with developers failing to pay special assessmonts. This continuos to be a problem, as it is estimated that special assessment delinquencies now total an estimated amount of $1,000,000. As you may recall, lato last year Kont Kjollborg requested that the City consider utilizing the special assessment process to assist in the financing of phase I of the Evergroons. Council at that timo agreed to utilize tho Council Agenda - 3/26/90 special assessment to finance 40% of the construction costs. Under this scenario, Kjellberg would be required to pay 608 of the project costs "up front" with the balance assessed against the lots created. In light of Council's renewed interest in utilizing the special assessment process to finance public improvements and in light of past experiences, staff submits the attached developer agreement for your review. The major goal of the agreement is to provide reasonable protection to the City that the assessments associated with the development will be paid. The total cost to develop 13 new lots is estimated to be $114,000, which equals $8,800 per lot. Of the ten lots developed in 1989 with phase I, seven remain. The developers have indicated that most of the seven remaining lots are already spoken for, and it is likely that they will need additional developed lots to meet the demand they expect this year. In sum, according to the developers, it is likely that they will be able to move the new lots in a relatively short time. The terms of the payment of the assessment include an interest rate estimated at 8-1/28 over five years. The developer agreement proposes a combination of two strategies for increasing the chance that the annual assessments will be paid. For every lot that is sold, the developers will pay an amount equal to the assessment against two lots. In other words, the total assessed amount will be repaid at such time that seven of the 14 lots are sold. In the event that the annual assessment amount is unpaid via the formula above, a letter of credit will be available for draw by the City. The letter of credit is in an amount equal to ono -third of the total assessment amount, or $34,000. Please review the developer agreement for more information regarding the provision above. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt resolution accepting feasibility study, adopt development agreement, and order plans and specifications for public improvements associated with the Meadows and the Meadows Second Addition phase II. 10 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 This development calls for the development of a relatively small number of lots at a time when there is not a surplus of available building lots in the City; therefore, it appears that there is a relatively good chance that at least seven of the developed lots will sell, which would result in total repayment. Even if the lots do not sell at a rate sufficient to pay the total annual debt, the City may draw upon the 434,000 letter of credit to pay the difference. Participation in this project at this level has policy implications that Council should consider. For instance, would the City entertain the possibility of providing the same arrangement to finance the "Evergreens" development? It is suggested by staff that the financing arrangement outlined above need not set a precedent, and participation in each project requires a separate analysis of risk versus potential benefit. In this situation, the risk to the City is minimized by the relatively small size of the development and because the market appears to be positive. This same deal, on the other hand, would be much riskier with a larger development (Kjellberg's 43 lots), as the chances of selling one-half of the lots is not as great. In sum, the nature of each development and the market demand should make the biggest impact on the level of risk the City is willing to bare on any public improvement project. 2. Motion to adopt resolution accepting feasibility study, deny adoption of development agreement, and deny ordering of plans and specifications for public improvements associated with the Meadows and the Meadows Second Addition phase II. If Council is inclined to encourage the project to be financed privately or if Council is not satisfied with the developer agreement, then this option should be selected. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 01. D. SUPPORTING DATA: v Feasibility study of phase II of the Meadows Second Addition; Copy of proposed developer agreement; resolution accepting feasibility study. IE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT THE MEADOWS AND THE MEADOWS SECOND ADDITION PHASE THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 1990, by and between VALUE PLUS HOMES, referred to herein as "Developer"; and the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City"; WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, Developer is the fee owner and developer of a parcel or parcels of land described in Exhibit "A" ("subject property"), and which property is proposed to be developed bearing the name THE MEADOWS AND THE MEADOWS SECOND ADDITION; and WHEREAS, The City requires that certain public improvements, which are herein referred to as "Petition Items," including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, water, storm sewer, and streets be Installed to serve the developments all at the expense of the Developer; and WHEREAS, the City further requires that certain on and off-site improvements be installed by the Developer within the Subject Property, which improvement typically consist of boulevard sod and drainage swales, and which improvements to the Subject Property shall be referred to herein as "Escrow Items"; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is entered into for the purpose of setting forth and memorializing for the parties and subsequent owners the understandings and agreements of the parties concerning the development of the Subject Property; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AND HEREIN MUTUALLY AGREED, in consideration of each party's promises and considerations herein set forth, as follows: 1. PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENTS (PETITION ITEMS). Developer herein petitions the City to construct as part of the City's Improvement Project 90-01 and/or any other the City project deemed appropriate by the City, the Improvements referred to as "Petition Items" in Exhibit "B" that is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reforenco. 2. WAIVER. Developer waives all right to a public hearing and other statutory rights granted to a property owner under Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes, as the said rights therein granted relate to Petition Items sot forth in Exhibit "B." VALUEAGR:7/27/90 Page 1 100 PETITION ITEMS. The City shall construct at its discretion, as part of its City improvement projects, the Petition Items as found on Exhibit "B," pursuant to its regular methods of making public improvements. The Developer agrees that special assessments for said improvements may be levied by the City without Developer's objection after construction is commended and that the City may recover its costs and expenses (including legal, fiscal, and engineering), said special assessments at a minimum are to be payable In equal installments together with interest hereon as determined by the City over a period of five (5) years. PETITION ITEMS - ASSESSMENTS The cost incurred by the City In extending services to and throughout the plat shall be assessed against the entire plat, the total amount to be established by the City at the completion of the public improvement project. The unpaid assessments shall, in addition to being a lien against the plat, be secured as follows: a. Developers shall post a letter of credit in a form acceptable to the City for an amount equal to or greater than $34,000. The letter of credit shall be available for draw by the City during the period of time during which assessments against the plat remain unpaid. b. The City shall release individual lots from the assessment levied against the entire plat as follows: the City shall release one lot as designated by the developer if all interest on the entire assessment is current through the most recent assessment installment due date and the developer has reduced the outstanding assessment principal balance by an amount equal to 2 times the proportionate assessment principal for each lot to be released plus 2 times the proportionate asaeasment principal for each lot previously released hereunder. For this subparagraph, the principal for each lot shall divided by tho total number of contained within the plat. proportionate assessment be the total assessment lots, excluding outlots, In the event that any assessment installment payment is delinquent, the City shall be entitled to withhold all building pormits and certificates of occupancy until such time as all delinquent assessments against the entire plat are brought currant. VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Page 2 ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS\ESCROW ITEMS; SURETY Developer shall also perform all on and off-site improvements set forth on Exhibit "B" as "Escrow Items." Developer will provide the City with cash, approved letter of credit, or other satisfactory surety in the sum of $ 2,000, which represents 100% of the estimated cost of said escrow items. The boulevard improvements (sod or established seed) for each lot or parcel shall be completed by the City's satisfaction within sixty (60) days of the date that a certificate of occupancy is issued by the City for a building located on the lot unless the certificate of occupancy is issued after October 1 or before March 30 in any given year, in which case the boulevard improvement shall be so completed by the following June 1. Erosion control and street cleaning shall be regulated as described in paragraph 9. The said cash, letter of credit, or other surety for escrow items shall be released upon certification of the Public Works Director of the City that such items are satisfactorily completed pursuant to this agreement. Periodically, as payments are made by the Developer for the completion of improvements described under "Escrow Items" and when it is reasonable prudent, the Developer may request of the City that the escrow items surety be reduced for the portion thereof which has been fully completed and payment made therefor. SURETY DEFICIENCY. In the event that any cash, corporate surety bond, letter of credit, or other surety referred to herein is ever utilized and found to be deficient in amount to pay or reimburse the City in total as required herein, the Developer agrees that upon being billed by the City, Developer will pay within ten (10) days of the mailing of said billing the said deficient amount. If there should be an overage in the amount of utilized security, the City, upon making said determination, shall refund to the Developer any monies which the City has in its possession which are in excess of the actual costs of the project as paid by the City. All monies deposited with the City shall be used by the City at the City's discretion to defray the City's costs and expenses connected with the Project. ABANDONMENT OF DEVELOPMENT - COSTS AND EXPENSES. In the event Developer should abandon the proposed development, the City's costs and expenses for the preparation of the feasibility report, plans and spocifications, and all VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Pago 3 other costs expended by the City which are associated with the improvements referred to on Exhibit "B" shall be paid by said Developer. The Developer shall deposit cash fund or a letter of credit in the amounts as follows: PURPOSE AMOUNT Costs associated with $1,000 prep of feas. report Costs associated with $7,000 prep of plans and specifications: The City may withdraw funds from the above -referred cash deposit or letter of credit for the purpose of paying the costs referred to in paragraph 7 of this agreement. The funds shall be released by the City upon the Developer providing satisfactory sureties for the Petition Items referred to in Exhibit "B." DEVELOPER TO PAY ALL COSTS. It is understood and agreed that amounts set forth in this Agreement as costs, unless specifically specified as fixed amounts, are estimated. The Developer agrees to pay to the City the entire costs associated with the development together with interest, fiscal, and legal costs. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL. A financial guarantee, which is included as an Escrow Item in Exhibit "B," will be returned when all disturbed areas have permanent vegetation re-established. 10. MAINTAIN PUBLIC PROPERTY DAMAGED OR CLUTTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. Developer agrees to assume full financial responsibility for any damage which may occur to public property including, but not limited to, streets, street subgrade, base, bituminous surface, curb, utility system including, but not limited to, water main, sanitary sewer, or storm sewer when said damage occurs as a result of the construction of homes and driveways associated within. In the event the Developer fails to maintain or repair the damaged public property referred to aforesaid, the City may undertake making or causing it to be repaired or maintained. When the City undertakes such repair, the Developer shall reimburse the City for all of its expenses VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Page 4 0/6 within ten (10) days of its billing to the Developer. If the Developer fails to pay said bill within thirty (30) days, the letter of credit may be drawn upon for reimbursing the City therefor. 11. STREET CLEANING. The Developer must keep the streets clean. In the event dirt and/or debris has accumulated on streets within or adjacent to the development, the City is hereby authorized to provide 48- hour notice to the developer to correct the situation. It the streets are not cleaned within 48 hours, the City may perform the necessary street cleaning. The City will then bill the Developer for all associated street cleaning costs performed by the City. Failure to reimburse the City for street cleaning costs will result in the City drawing funds from the Developer's letter of credit. 12. DRAW ON EXPIRING LETTER OF CREDIT. In the event the terms of the letters of credit will become null and void prior to the time at which all money or obligation of the Developer is paid or completed, it is agreed that the Developer shall provide the City with new letters of credit or other surety acceptable to the City at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the said expiring letters of credit. If new letters of credit are not received as required above, the City may declare a default in the terms of this Agreement and thence draw in part or in total, at the City's discretion, upon the expiring letters of credit to avoid the loss of surety for the continued obligation. 13. ATTORNEY'S FEES. The Developer will pay the City reasonable attorney's fees to be fixed by the Court in the event a suit or action is brought to enforce the terms of this Agreement or in the event an action is brought upon the letter of credit furnished by the Developer as provided herein. VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Page 5 0 14. AGREEMENT EFFECT This Agreement shall be binding upon and extend to the representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. CITY OF MONTICELLO VALUE PLUS HOMES By By Ken Maus, Mayor Matt Holker By BY Rick Wolfsteller, Steve Holker City Administrator By Tom Holthaus STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY OF MONTICELLO ) SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of , 19_, before me personally appeared Ken Maus and Rick Wolfsteller to me known to be the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are raspectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the municipal corporation named therein and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Ken Maus and Rick Wolfsteller acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) SS. On this _ day of 19_, before me personally appeared I I to me known to be the parsons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are partners of the corporation name therein, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its partners and said partners acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and dead of said corporation. Notary Public VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Pago 6 9 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description for Second Phase of the Meadows Second Addition The Meadows: Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 3 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 4 The Meadows Lots 3 and 4, Block 3 Second Addition: VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Pago 7 0/40 EXHIBIT "B" WORK PERTAINING TO THE MEADOWS AND THE MEADOWS SECOND ADDITION PHASE II I. PETITION ITEMS Estimated Costs A. Sanitary Sewer $31,000 B. Watermain $33,000 C. Street $38,000 D. Storm Sewer $12,000 Total Estimated Project Cost $114,000 Required Letter of Credit $34,000 The above total includes a contingency factor and all related indirect costs. Indirect costs are estimated at 248 and include legal engineering, administrative, and fiscal costs. II. ESCROW ITEMS A. Boulevard Improvements 1. Installation of boulevard sod or seed B. Grading/Erosion control 1. All disturbed areas shall seeded at the discretion of the Public Works Director. C. Street Cleaning All streets in the area shall be kept free of dirt and dobris during all phases of home construction. Surety requirements: Cash or lottor of credit in amount of $2,000. C VALUEAGR:3/23/90 Page 8 RESOLUTION 90 - RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDERING IMPROVEMENT, AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WHEREAS, a certain petition requesting the improvement of Crocus Lane and Crocus Circle within the Meadows Second Addition with sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, bituminous streets, curb and gutter, and appurtenant work was duly presented to the Council on the 26th of February, 1990. WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted February 26, 1990, a report has been prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, consulting engineer with reference to the improvement, and this report was received by the Council March 26, 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: The Council finds and determines that said petition was signed by all owners of real property abutting upon the streets named as location of the improvement. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed. J. Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. They shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such Improvement. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of March, 1990. Mayor City Administrator 0 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 ��• Consideration of an ordinance amendment --public nuisances. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the February 12 Council meeting, the Council reviewed possible changes to our public nuisance ordinance regarding cars, trucks, and other vehicles being stored on property in Monticello considered as public nuisances. Our present ordinance defines any automobile, truck, or other vehicle that is not currently licensed and which is, because of mechanical deficiency, incapable of movement under its own power as a public nuisance. As you may recall, the City Attorney suggested that this definition be expanded and redefined since It may be difficult for the City to issue citations even if a vehicle was not licensed but the owner could show that it did run. As a result, our City Attorney drafted a recommended amendment to our public nuisance ordinance that further defined cars, trucks, and station wagons, along with other vehicles, as to when they would be considered a public nuisance. A provision was also provided within the proposed ordinance that would allow for a property owner who has a vehicle stored for more than 30 days to petition the City Council for an extension of the time limit for extenuating circumstances. I believe the Council had some concerns with the now ordinance being too strict in not allowing any flexibility, which I feel this would cover. Basically, a vehicle would be considered a public nuisance if: 1. It is not licensed and it is not running; 2. Currently licensed but not running 1f stored outside for more than 30 days; �3. Not licensed but running if stored outside for more than 30 days. If an individual was cited under 02 or N3 above, an opportunity would be given for the property owner to appeal to the City Council for an extension past the 30 days on a case by case basis. The Council would be allowed to consider the circumstances under those cases and may find that an extension is warranted. The City staff would still handle the public nuisances in the same manner as we have in the past by providing warning letters to those found in violation. If no response is obtained through our warning letter, we would then got the cooperation of the Sheriff's Department to issue a citation to the offender. While it does appear that the County Attorney 12 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 is not anxious to get too involved in prosecution of violators, they did indicate a willingness to prosecute those offenders who violate our public nuisance ordinance. An additional section would be added to our ordinance that indicates any person who violates the public nuisance ordinance could be found guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $700 and by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 90 days. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment as revised, including the option of appeals to the Council for extenuating circumstances. 2. Leave the ordinance as is. 3. Modify the proposed amendment further before adoption. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It Is the staff's opinion that the ordinance could be i construed as being somewhat vague in allowing an unlicensed vehicle to remain if the property owner could prove that the vehicle was running. An individual could store more than one vehicle unlicensed on their property and not be in violation of our ordinance if he could show that they all were runnable vehicles. I believe the intent of the public nuisance ordinance is to avoid property owners from accumulating and storing vehicles outdoors within residential neighborhoods. As a result, staff feels the new ordinance would correct this problem but still allow some flexibility for unusual cases. As a result, staff recommends that the ordinance amendment be adopted, including the provisions for penalties and allowing the Sheriff's Department to issue citations to those who fail to respond to our notices. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposod public nuisance ordinance; Letter from City Attorney. ^ I/ r 'ofi 13 March 9, 1990 Mr. Gary Anderson Monticello City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Gary: Over the past three weeks I have had several contacts with the Wright County Sheriff's Office regarding the criminal prosecution of the City nuisance ordinances. While the County Attorney is not anxious to open a new field of work for this office, he did indicate a willingness to explore county prosecution. You should handle the matters as you have in the past as fRr as the warning letters are concerned. If no response is obtained cont.act. the Sherim s office for a deputy to Lob charge the offender. For now restrict those to be tabbed to motor vehicles, npplinneen, rurnlLure, Ste. Avoid CRh charging tumbled down buildings, sheds, etc. A new penalty clause should be added to 7 1-1, Enclosed is n suggested amendment. Yours truly, Thomas D. Heyes / TDH/sem l File No. 87-15969 Eno. SMITH & HAVES MOHTIC [LLO OF VIS[ ATTORNEYS AT LAW lLF wIv[w Mrit! 207 SOUTH WALNUT STREET CINEMA PROFESSIONAL BLDG. LP, O. BOK 9EB M ONTICELL0 MINNESOTA SS362.OeeB GREGORY V. SMITH GARY L. PRINGLE 1194P 19B7I 657 MAIN ST.. SUITE 102 ELIC RIVER, MINNESOTA SSJb THOMAS D. HAYES OrpIC! vHOHc Ie I xl eve -e. m OvvIC! p.woH! le el u I -2seo RICHARD D. CLOUGH RUTH E. KRONLOKKEN March 9, 1990 Mr. Gary Anderson Monticello City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Gary: Over the past three weeks I have had several contacts with the Wright County Sheriff's Office regarding the criminal prosecution of the City nuisance ordinances. While the County Attorney is not anxious to open a new field of work for this office, he did indicate a willingness to explore county prosecution. You should handle the matters as you have in the past as fRr as the warning letters are concerned. If no response is obtained cont.act. the Sherim s office for a deputy to Lob charge the offender. For now restrict those to be tabbed to motor vehicles, npplinneen, rurnlLure, Ste. Avoid CRh charging tumbled down buildings, sheds, etc. A new penalty clause should be added to 7 1-1, Enclosed is n suggested amendment. Yours truly, Thomas D. Heyes / TDH/sem l File No. 87-15969 Eno. (A) No unwholesome substance, garbage, refuse, offal, or similar substances shall be brought, deposited, left, dumped or allowed to accumulate within the City. For purposes of this Section of the City Ordinances entitled "Public Nuisances", refuse shall include but not limited to the following or similar items stored or parked outside: 1) passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks and other vehicles not currently licensed (if applicable) by the State which are because of mechanical deficiency incapable of movement under their own power; 2) passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks and other vehicles which are currently licensed by the State but because of mechanical deficiency Incapable of operation on a public street or highway under their own power or passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks and other vehicles which are capable or operation under their own power but which are not currently licensed by the State when stored or parked outside for more than 30 days; unless prior to the expiration of the 30 days the owner of said vehicle petitions the City Council for and the City Council grants an extension of the time limit on outside storage; in reviewing such application the City Council shall consider: a) the number of such vehicles stored on the petitioner's property; b) the condition of the vehicles for which the extension is sought and the hazards posed by such vehicles to public health and safety; c) the effect of said vehicles on r neighboring property and property owners; `- 3) household appliances such as but not limited to washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers, television and radio sets, phonographs, and similar Items, vehicle parts, old machinery, machinery parts, tires, tin cans, bottles, building materials (unless cureent building permit for their use is in force), wood (unless used for fire wood and nently stacked, motal or any other material or case off msterial, and similar items. 7-1-1 proposed amendment (o) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance, 7-1-1 is guilty or a misdemeanor punishable by a fine or not more than $700.00 and by Imprisonment in the county Jail of not more than 90 days. Council Agenda - 3/26/90 12. Consideration of ordinance to requlate cigarette vendinq machines. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In early February, the City Council was presented with sample ordinances that had been recently enacted by the City of White Bear Lake and the City of Big Lake regulating the sale of cigarettes through vending machines. It was the general consensus of the Council that the staff should consult with the City Attorney and develop an ordinance that would allow cigarette vending machines only to be operated in liquor establishments or other areas where it would be impossible for underaged individuals to have access to the machines. Although I don't know the status at this time, there has been some legislative action introduced in the State House and Senate aimed at regulating vending machines on a state level. It is my understanding that this bill may not be passed this year; and as a result, this item is now being again brought up for Council consideration. The City Attorney has developed three possible ordinances to regulate cigarette sales and vending machines. One option would prohibit the sale of cigarettes from vending machines entirely and requires licensing for other sales. The second option would prohibit sales from vending machines except in establishments with liquor licenses. The third option also prohibits vending sales except in liquor establishments and would require licensing. From the discussion at the February 12 Council meeting, it appears that if the City of Monticello would establish a cigarette vending machine ordinance, the Council was leaning toward the concept of allowing vending machines to still be available in liquor establishments but banning them from other locations. I believe the second ordinance proposal would accomplish this without getting into the licensing aspect. Even with the regulation of vending machines, I am not in favor of requiring cigarette licenses for other sales with each request being brought before the Council for approval. 14 I Council Agenda - 3/26/90 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to adopt an ordinance that prohibits all cigarette vending machines and requires all vendors to be licensed for over-the-counter sales. 2. The second option would be to allow vending machines only in liquor establishments with or without other vendors being licensed. 3. Do nothing at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: From the staff's opinion, the concept of eliminating the availability of cigarettes through vending machines where underaged people have access is a good idea. I believe the staff does not have a problem with vending machines being available in liquor establishments and would support the ordinance allowing them only in those establishments. As far as the licensing requirement is concerned, the staff feels the revenue generated would be minor, and the additional paperwork and Council approval of each license could be cumbersome. While it is uncertain what the state legislators are planning on doing, the Council could still wait until this legislative session is over before adopting any ordinance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of three draft ordinances prepared by the City Attorney. 15 SMITH & HAYES wownceuo oF.ICe ATTORNEYS AT LAW .1. —.. o.aC. 207 SOUTH WALNUT STREET CINEMA PROFESSIONAL BLDG. P.O. Box "a GREGORY V. SMITH EST MAIN ST.. SUITE 102 MON TICELLO, MINNESOTA 55302-0000 GARY L. PRINGLE (1940-1907) ELK RIVER. MINNESOTA 55330 THOMAS D, HAYES 0—C...ore Ie I a ave -a I m — e..ICE .HO -E 16-111— RICHARD ola4n—RICHARD O, CLOUGH RUTH e. RRONLOHREN March 2, 1950 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 PE: Cigarette Ordinance Dear Hr. O'Neill: I have enclosed three draft ordinances on the regulation of cigarette sales. One prohibits the sale of cigarettes fron vending machines and requires licensing for other sales. One prohibits sales from vending machines except in establishments with "hard" liquor licenses. The third requires licensing and prohibits vending sales except in "hard" liquor establishments. I suggest that any cigarette regulations be placed under Title 3 of the ordinances. Please review these proposals and advise me on your thoughts. Yours truly, Thomas D. Hayes TDH/kg File No. 90-18106 Enc. 6 a An Ordinance Disallowing the Sale of Cigarettes Through Vending Machines 3-13-1 CIGARETTES - PRCHIBITED SALES. No person shall sell or dispense any cigarettes or tobacco product, cigarette paper or cigarette wrapper through the use of a vending machine, unless the vending machines are located in an establishment that has a on -sale Intoxicating liquor license and unless all other provisions of this chapter of the Monticello ordinances shall be complied with. No person shall keep for sale, sell or dispose of any cigarette or tobacco product containing opium, morphine, jimsen weed, bells donna, strychnia, cocaine, marijuana. or any other deleterious or polsonnus drug except nicotine. 3-13.2 LOCATION. The cigarette vending machines shall be located in the area of the establishment where intoxicating liquor Is served. The cigarette vending machine shall at all times be in visual observation of at least one adult employee of the establishment. 3-13.3 PENALTY. Violations of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a penalty of up to 90 days In fail and a fine of up to $700. ll 0 3-13-1 CIGARETTES-. LICFNSF. SEQU!RED, APPLICATION. ISSUANCE. No person shall keep for retail sale, sell at retail or otherwise dispose of any cigarette or any tobacco product or cigarette paper or cigarette wrapper at any place in the City without a license. Application for a license shall be made to the City Administrator on a form supplied by the City. The application shall state the full name and address of the applicant, the location of the building and part Intended to be used by the applicant under the license, the kind of business conducted at such location and such other information as shall be required by the application form. Upon the filing of an application with the City Administrator, it shall be presented to the City Council for its ccnsideration. if granted by the Council, a license shall be issued by the City upon payment of the required fee. The license shall be valid one (1) year from date of issue and may be renewed upon reapplication, approval by the City Council and payment of the required fees. 3-13-2 CIGARETTES; LICFNSE FEE. Prior to issuance of a license to sell cigarettes, the applicant shall pay to the City the our of E CIGARETTFS; PROHIBITED SALES. No person shall sell or give away any cigarette or any tobacco product, cigarette paper or cigarette wrapper to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years. No person shall sell or dispense any cigarettes or tobaacco product, cigarette paper, or cigarette wrapper through the use of a vending machine. No person shall keep for sale., sell or dispose of any cigarette or tobacco product containing opium, morphine, jimson wood, belle donn, strychnia, cocaine, marijuana or any other deleterious or poisonous drug except nicotine. 3-1�-3 DISPLAY OF LICENSE. All persons who obtain a license, to sell cigarettes, tobacco products, cigarette wrappers, shall at all times post said license in a place clearly visible to the public and within reasonable proximaty to the intended place of sale. 3-13.4 CIGARETTES - PROHIBITED SALES. No person shall sell or dispense any cigarettes or tobacco product, cigarette paler or ciparette wrapper through the use of a vending machine, unless the vending machines are lccated in an establishment that has a on -sale Intoxicating liquor license and unless all other provisiono of this chaptor of the Monticello ordinnnces shall be complied with. No pernon shnll keep for sale, sell or dispose of any cigarette or tobacco product containing opium, morphine, jimson weed, bells dcnnn, strychnia, cocaine, marijuana, or any other deleterious or poisonous drug except nicotine. C17)- 3-1 -5 LOCATION. The cigarette vending machines shall be located in the area of the establishment where Intoxicating liquor Is served. The cigarette vending machine shall at all times be In visual observation of at leapt one adult employee of the establishment. 3-1 -6 PENALTY. Violations of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a penalty of up to 90 days in ,)ail and a fine of up to $700. In addition any license under which a sale in violation of this chapter of the Monticello Ordinance occurs shall be forfeited; no reapplication for a license will be considered by the City for a period of at least 180 days from the date the revoked license is surrendered to the City Administrator. If a sale In violation of this chapter occurs by virtue of the seller. Its agent or employee, being unlicensed then said seller shall be prohibited from applying for a license for a period of one (1) year from the date of the Illegal sale. ORDINANCE N0. 3-13-1 CIGARETTES; LICENSE REQUIRED, APPLICATION, ISSUANCE. No person shall keep for retail sale, sell at retail or otherwise dispose of any cigarette cr any tobacco product or cigarette paper or ciga:•ette wrapper at any place in the City without a license. Applicaticn for a license shall be made to the City Administrator cr. a fcrn supplied by the City. The applicaticn shall state the full ran:e and address of the applicant, the lccat'_on of the building and part intended to be used ty the applicant under the license, the kind of business conducted at such location and such other informaticn as shall be required ty the application form. Upon the filing of an applicat.cn with the City Administrator, it shall be presented to the City Council for Its consideration. If granted by the Council, a license shall be issued by the City upon payment of the required fee. The license shall be valid one (1) year from date cf issue and may be renewed upcn reapplication, apprcval by the City Council and payment of the required fees. 3-13.2 CIGARETTES; LICFCSE FEE. Prior to issuance or a license to se'' -1 cigarettes, the applicant shall pay to the City the sum of E CIGARETTES; PROP._R1TF.D SALTS. No person shall sell or give away any cigarette cr any tobacco product, cigarette paper or cigarette wrapper to any perscn under the age of eighteen (18) years. tic perscn shall sell or dispense any cigarettes or tobaacco product, cigarette paper or cigarette wrapper through the use of a vending aachine. No person shall keep for sale, sell or dispose or ar.y cigarette or tobacco product containing Opium, morphine, ,)imson weed, bells donn, strychnis, cocaine, marihuana or any other deleterious or poisonous drug except nicotine. 3-13.3 DISPLAY OF LICENSE.. All persons who obtain a license to sell cigarettes, tobacco products, cigarette wrappers, shall at all times post said license in a place clearly visible to the public and within reasonable proximity to the intended place of sale. 3-13.4 PENALTY. Violations of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a penalty of up to 90 days in ,)ail and a fine of up tc $700. In addition any license under which a sale in violation of this chapter of the Monticello Ordinance occurs shall be fcrfL_ted; no reapplication for a license will be considered by the City for a period of at least 180 days from the date the revoked license is surrendered to the City Administrator. If a sale in violation of this chapter occurs by virtue of the seller, its agent or, employee, being unlicensed then said seller shall be proh_Lited from applying for a license for a period of ore (1) year rrcm the date cf the illegal Vale. Council Agenda - 3/26/90 13. Consideration of chance order #1 for Project 90-1. booster pump refurbishment at the water reservoir on Chelsea Road. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The booster pump refurbishment for the water reservoir was awarded to E.H. Renner 6 Sons of Elk River for ;35,296. Renner's electrical subcontractor is Olson 6 Sons Electric of Monticello. During the design of the project, OSM worked with Automatic Systems of Minneapolis to determine the adequacy of the existing motor control center at the reservoir. Automatic Systems is the firm who represents Autocon Systems, the manufacturer of the electronic control center recently installed at the reservoir. Automatic Systems and OSM determined with the original design that the motor control center or switch gear panels were not large enough to accommodate the new larger motor starters and switches and meet electrical codes for wire bending radii. OSM, therefore, specified modification of the existing control panel to fit in the new starters and switches. When Mike Olson of Olson Electric checked the electrical requirements and size requirements, he noted that new starters and switches could be put in the existing motor control center without the space problems anticipated. He, therefore, proposed to change only the motor starters and switches and leave the entire control center intact. The savings as proposed would amount to $10,000. Automatic Systems, the manufacturer of our electronic control center, was opposed, as they would lose an approximate $15,000 subcontract and were concerned about damage to the electronic control panel nearby. They even went so far as to threaten removing the last eight or nine months of our warranty. Their rationale, as noted in the enclosed letter from Automatic Systems, is totally unfounded; and Olson expects to retain their factory authorized field services to check out the system following Installation. We have had "numerous problems" with Automatic Systems in the past and may not continue our relationship with them beyond the end of our warranty period. Dean Sharp, the electrical project engineer from OSM, has approved the changes requested by Olson Electric and also feels that Automatic Systems' grounds for voiding our warranty aro totally unfounded. 16 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve change order N1 from E.H. Renner s Sons in the amount of a credit of $10,000, which is a 28.38 savings on the overall project. This includes final check out of the system following installation by Automatic Systems. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve change order $1. This does not appear to be appropriate. In addition, as we understand it, by going through Automatic Systems and Autocon as originally proposed would delay the project beyond its scheduled completion date of May 15. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Water Superintendent, and City Engineer that the Council approve the change order as outlined in alternative A1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposal from Olson 6 Sons; Copy of the letter f from Automatic Systems; Copy of change order 01. 17 C hon & @ ons Electric, o9nc. 240 West Oakwood Drive - Box 686 Monticello, MN 55362 TO: Orr. Schelen. Maveron. k Assoc.. Inc. OATF 03/05/90 PROJECT Monticello Booster Retro Returbishment CUR JOB NO. 1621 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 2 COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING: 0 HEREWITH a UNOERSEPARATECOVER I have talked with John Simola with the City of Monticello in regard to'the' electrical work associated with this project. 1 am Submitting as a substitute _jp luf of factory installed eoutomenl. eouilanent built to retrofit with the existine eauiDment. Since the existine eauipment was a non -UL labled motor control center, we can not UL lable ft now. l feel the equipment offered here is a comparible substitute and can save the city a large amount of money. I might add, we do all of the City of Monticello's motor control maintenance repr, or replacement and have qualified technicians to properly interface this equi.ent. It there are any questions, please call me at Z9-2b9U. E ARE: �iH BEWGSUBMITTEOFORAPPROVAL O RETURNEOFORCORRECTION O REVISED *BEING SUSMITTEOFOR FINAL APPROVAL O FORUSEONJOB O APPROVED AS NOTED O FOR DISTRIBUTION O APPROVED SE: RETURN COPIES APPROVED OR APPROVED AS NOTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 0 SENO-COPIES FORJOBUSE 0 REVISE AND RETURN COMB FOR FINAL APPROVAL REMARKS' CUPIESTO: , VERYTRULYrOURS. p.�I Frnrpr- 1 Michael E. Ola vice-president - 1 John Si_mn10-City of MontirellnBY THIS SUBMITTAL, HAS BEEN CHECKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PIANS AND SPECIFICATIO '" N Namo,i i3eto. ��;•�� ..•..•��r.�n*�'i���. mss, l�� . • t G, NEW �- covM ovc 9" v=scon►uE�r • PA=Nr WH=TE • EXI 6TrN v COVER • NOTE 1.) ;-ISANalESjr ASEA, GROWN BOVERI * OESAFtOOZTb ` /4 0,0V1. n3 POLC O`J y4t l h T ev c Faonsr Vxevut N. 'C. -,$. TMA scaaT - R C [1xst�_ oN►�1E�'r JOb mom -S�ELLO pomp Koo!.E oat 3/Zl BTATZS BLECTFUC M . 00. costs. O LSn h) E LECTtt rC �ca scAtf 1Q3 �•rT�rur 0 STR6M4IBF.RG Non -Fusible and Fusible . Disconnect Switches w- mm mm � WBRAWN WVM 13 IQ A.O FUSW CtSCORRECT EWITCw ROTARY TYPE (30-600 Amps, 300V & 60OV) 1L11111-yY MdRSCrOWER RATU40 Awv FUSE aATuq Teva emv Euv " .aov 400 A.O FUSIBLE 04COMECT SVnTC-4 /tAA,pARD 91uFT 0•TA Arr.IOVAt G O wU.8911 /IR v; PRICE , e00v I Yq�MIl�O 08►TM V, "LEMON . 2 K7 FUSE ADAPTOR KITS for TYPE -T' FUSES 100-600 Amps FUaaD {wITCw rn1 30A, 6MV J OESA D(1•JiT6 •:4'.2 25 •• OESA F2OWT6 OESA ZX1J2T6 ;: e! OESA Fa00JT5 DESA V1•JOTO -f q'87„ CESA "a'B- ! 20! . AM AWO.ON MCM Camperlft e.v.4 30A, 600V T S 7.5 7.3 15 20 Slr/ - 8st 52M CSA W DESA 11T1=., 1T6 30A. 300V T OESAIS30° DESA F3OT3 +-'' 172 BOA,6WV J 0ESA F6JJ6 .;270_ 80A, SMV I T 1S 15 13 30 40 3'.2 -ass am= CSA% DESA F60T6 .�;, 60A. 300V T OESA F60T3 ': 232' 600VI Jf91 1. 23 30 00 _ SO S,d - Bs/ 3xaa CSA.W CESA F100JT T•. 337 I 149A. X40—Tf-i"'r DESA F100T3 •�' • 336 /•41�-r�1�0A, 200A 600v Jm 50 60 60 125 150 9,1.-13w,/ 10 CSA. OESA F200JTS .�. 712 . I •. nOA. rvl T gSSA F7ggT3 OOOA 600VI J ® 100 125 125 230 350 9,,. - 13n/ 10 OESA F400JT6 CSA 4 980 lggA. 2ggy T UL OESA F4001`3(171,030 ' 600A, NOV J® 150 I 150 200 000 500 10,..-tk. 1 0 OESA F60CUT6I. CSA UL 1.560•;•, 600A.300V T DESA F600T3 4 ' 1,670 Catalog number Snd ;Acs Includes NEMA 12 pistol Aeedle and standard length tna,*k witch, and terminal I,O$. FUSE ADAPTORS are required for T Type fuses for 100 amp to 600 amp, 600v S-BcAes. K7 FUSE ADAPTOR KITS for TYPE -T' FUSES 100-600 Amps FUaaD {wITCw rn1 cAIALOO : L13T ' wu89A v.KE . CESA FiOWT6 OESA D(1•JiT6 •:4'.2 25 •• OESA F2OWT6 OESA ZX1J2T6 ;: e! OESA Fa00JT5 DESA V1•JOTO -f q'87„ CESA F60WTO CESA 23(IJBT6 �11: ' WIRE SIZES for TERMINAL LUGS ' aw c- TvM ~ (J6V CROSS ucrom MRAs 1vvE 20.60 14AWO • AWO a CO/pa. 100 le AWO • AWO 2A CapperrAluffAM n 200 6AWO. 300 MCM Cppeortkor4 m 000 AM AWO.ON MCM Camperlft e.v.4 Boo OA Aw0. 2.600 MCM Cabo.nAwnb%v% OPTIONAL EXTENDED SHAFTS CATuDO IU..att. 30-100 Amp! , 9-q-12va • OETL IA27 WOUM Darn• (7) ft*: 11 CATALoo wuwetR t0 3.4:8"2 ,. CESA Mel OESAZ313 13-4 -16,4 . 6-i1CESA 20 ZS2! L:"—Zl H11 -1• 19 W - 22 . OESA 28293y. -18s. . OESA My OESAIS30° OPTIONAL EXTENDED SHAFTS 200.600 Amps WOUMM per1Y(•J) CATuDO IU..att. �•,IL@t -•�. t. r~a vada 9-q-12va • OETL IA27 ft*: 11 OESADc9 t0 IOTA - IU4 ,. CESA Mel 13-4 -16,4 . DESA M02 20 16,4-19,4 . OESAM03 ^^� •t0. , 19 W - 22 • CESA MN 22 - 20.v. . OESA My ..r.ra.�elroal..e41.e...rr.«.aerel..Arm1. .A.,F.pe.p.eM•Y.04q.heObraMm.NalmnM. M.eO-A-aAr-1 a..e LawyweM erdA-a0a rbv g4-Y,ShrVL r A ryes T Th •...Ir.E YO "A.Ar.r- W .mab Rnr v 4 A -w Am -- Yt U.W - Tbr..RyuR w b4r I►la,stl.4be LAvnOM. ti A..4.e-Alr-... uR7r• N N .M..r b r -.b..eb.Ue a.-.01.eL a„Rm/eaa,eA 60o"m,.. ..Yr.)4p W..10h V Ylh..NV•E ISL.-TRn..,.err wa...RAudv~ LA WWW" M 0-agYu4W`%W OYIDU.1{.hrRA�I.bM4Prmr0l.O,b,lrl 1Rw aN AA...for W a ftw.. 0 wam" u A e0v.0- md" am" Ib,.4mM.m.Ir ft v0did r! 4n. -v W4~9 msp Page s (3 4pA STIROMBURO 30 Amps 60 Amps 100 Amp 200 Amps Disconnect Switches Fusible —"J" Type Selector/Pistol Type Approximate Dimensions 3 -Pole 17M W " M. 3 r IIA. VA.-, 1 N. fle 44+ to 16 AC MAGNETIC STARTERS WITH MELTING ALLOY OVERLOAD RELAYS Lim wluge magnetic starters are uxd wtwn full starting torque and the resulting current innlsh is not objectionable. Motor overload protection is provided by melting alloy type Ower ll ovedoad relays. All maners Wude 1 N.O. holding circuit contact as standard. >j L RaOaDle Overload ProleCJon • tncroased Flexibility - TV" C One place factory tested theme] units • Complete Enclosure lino - 1/ 3 pay tunr • Easy Inspection and Maintenance • Easy Field Modifications • Small S17e • Long Electrical and Medlankal life - 0 Quick installation t 000 Volts Max. - 50.80 Hertz . - 7 POLE SINGLE PHASE -3 POLE POLYPHASE wencCCa. gm:•01 Ina I. 1yORim left. Rlnjna. Wledtn rgi.106ro, Om1 I, Oram e 1 o Cam n 6.0- leetaya W1n101e 0.n1nrSent• ria mrd f<I. COY n, Omaa E. 1.1 0 C%%I. F. 16 attics u Cwra ow- us femurs RdWrte�• Gt- Gira IC1111j•a 7S, / 1Y0.1 ~ Uu Y6n.pn = R71 rya•3•) EMItwr1 IOP. [imlon aPIX Plse• PIA 7w 1 in. IS .1 sats 113 TM a BON (nets. Eemtn 9aM (I.W. x771100• u• Oen this 6m I I".. I". I I I I Pm wa.tt Ism•' 14P. W.. her. PAn. %" hr. iyp. Pe. tis. Pnn1 M. Pin• bn Pin. M1w PWi, W 11M! ty Stall 1 SIL U. 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Lata in& LIoI fnt a Mlea/ DO ■OT.CLuOa TMLaYAI UYITL, wR Ituelf=11, au PACs M7• O MXp• ,fit. n P• P b yM. mho. •n Yw. a s1 A,ea0n M r•IMe W w M LTuOupp Tan THUYAS, UYR/ us /L CMI nllcla IDA 1,•r�u.1q I.Wctl .n Pu wn. fm,..cm,l M •m s m .m. 6.10. w w Pea 0lrlelreq e0L 1.0 t •0-0 rOL7 COLI OYS,r, %e oTYU m1,na1 b IW nm4 qwX1..a0 M1p. •M N. m11�neN1p a.r1.1 (c�ba m• YOLfAOLL �0 /10, we111 .n1O1 w I. M.Yr.d b a...n v. We•^ aP•a11 a•IP•1• II>YX.c10r.1 • w1 aTla.rtser'•Um •.. P•0• LL.. •P••T• flet. a• wsap IT. a.�1d.1dt6euAxnwOw • bXa,s L+1w Paw LmR •p.o61 .1n11 b.b. 84•7L7Y.nP1114 114.110- ppP.Pr pbdOr.alWld ��l a W.It "eco Ytp vias. M.A. and Mess M ppl O..w ant ..m O•.ea. . is aAZARDOUI LOCA"CUS a lraroy ccs SAM A ., PIEYN 144..1d.It.w mftft U L PW/ft, Vito ti crate e. OX•1.r, S. ewe 0 tIXaM 1 A11 Ile 170 er10Oy10.OWI.nn 1.40-,W-nA, P_ - an. W.dmnn•1 W.. 1 w ryMO W 120 '20 OEOEgwO DUOEMAIION 180UetEp 8.=12 w We 'AM and "ne.8s. ea•w em1�3 =D pw.1/ Seo ,Wl& • X Y %Va. ao*w ly and d- r(s� ad wiled and 6wpwgy 8 anew 60.11 g11e .3hcw a •wLw 0-1 84..67 e»I �P - "'W­a.Osw nPid OPUS, TOP Is. e•ml . d•aa a*- 0 C "., Qr1 262 COMMERCIAL NET PRICE? !3 . AC MAGNETIC STARTERS AND CONTACTORS APPROMWE DIMENSIONS AND SHIPPING, WEIGHTS CLASS 8507 OPEN TYPE • WITHOUT ENCLOSURE CLASS SS73 OPEN TYPE- WITHOUT ENCLOSURE 6 ?: r ------------- 198-1 noun 7 "EII• fl9un Nw1u^0 {Paw m bD'.C.a. Fgw.l -- WW2) ON. 91. Trv• PW11 M""0w 8w. 1 • e c o e IF o " 1 00 610 2-3 1 (2)110 Try lw •b2) IN IN 101 7'N1 .... 0 600 1.7 I M#10 7Lr 42)r .ib 14 1% br 7'M. • •.S'. 1 /CA ••/ 1 01110 •N .'Ir .NI IN 2% Ir 01N. •N 1�•' FO 1 171010 .N. eN 1'N. 940 m N) 11.r 'N. IN. 6N I 9 no I 10 1 UI 110 6N IN .'NG 9Nb 71ft NI •'N1 '101 1N. 7I 97 1 UIIG/ /'Na /N1 eN 1N Yb M. /NI 7N aN 11 1 -{Vi. 2)C] 7 6E0 90 1 PIN♦ 6 6N. 1N IIw 7W. M. 7 7'.r 6N. 19 • 6F0 )� 1.6 1 U:Nr 9.. 6N. N1 010. /'N. N. r .'tr 0N. II] 6 060 2.1 I (31 %7 01tL 111. /N 7'.1 /'NI N 114 .N fu .6 6116 9d 1 UIw 17`11 IIN. 6 7"n 6Nr IN. IM. .N 1N 00 I 610 P7 1 IJIw 1711b 3711 W. a'Ir eNr nM tlN .N fu 135 i �• o• r 6^0'"o PJ 0 (31 010 /N 64 .va M 1 INY Nw 637 3KV / .. 1, I 0,1 "o"co . 9 U1r'0 aw 6w "' N I VW Nr eN 3"""'64 r7 9 (110 IN. 1'N. .'N. N 1 2)r '..' 1'41 •N. /N 9 660 • 0 od 9 mw /Nr IIN. 11% N 1" 710r N. 104. 6N 17 0 690 6J]0 / 0 (N• ON 2)1$ 6N IW. 1N 6`N. N. IIN. ON to 9 0 UI N/ 6 In. 64 1'N. IN 0'N. N. IM. 6m 97 1 6FO • o mN/ 01. IT. 6N 1'N. IN e1•.1 M. IIN. 6N 90 6 600 9 0 UI w 9N. IIN. eN •N rN 2)6 M 1016 / 67 / 9M0 6 • (31 %r 19'41 nN. 9 11. PA 111" 001 161" /'W u �i�• r 610 / 0 mw 1W ft sm 104 •N rN In" nu 974 6 1w '; E, •. 274 A 6AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. March 6, iyyU ORR, SCHELEN, MAYERON 8 ASSOC. 2021 East Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 ATTENTION: Mr. Gene Anderson, P.E. REFERENCE: Booster Pump Refurbishment %later Reservoir, Chelse3 P.cad, Monticello, Minn. Dear Mr. Anderson, After a Short conversation this afternoon with you and with Mr. Mike Olson of Olson Electric, I determined that Olson Electric will be submitting on modification materials provided by States Electric in Minneapolis in lieu of AUTOCON Industries, Inc., the original manufacturer. While States Electric is certainly a premier switchgear manu- facturer, and the City or Contractor obviously have a right to purchase whatever they want from whomever they want, it should be noted that whatever is submitted, it will not be in Compliance with your specifications, and also that any unauthorized modifications or additions to our existing switchgear is not accectable to us or AUTOCON' Industries Inc. The specifications call for the existing motor control center to be modified to accomodate four (4) new Size 3 FVNR combination motor starters, for reinstallation of the existing phase failure relays in the new motor starter compartments, for service to be performed under the direct supervision of factory authorised service personnel, and for the replacement equipment to match the existing. None of this can be accomplished utilizing States Electric. I would like t0 point Out that the existing AUTOCON MCC and Supervisory Controls are presently under a two year warranty bond hold by Automatic Systems Co. and specifically required by the City of Monticello. If any additions or modifications are made to tho existing equipment without our express written permioSicn, or if the existing equipment is tampered with in any way, shape or form by anyone Other than Automatic Systema CO. personnel, the remaining warranty period on this bond will be considered null and void. MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES • CONTROLS • MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAIN OFFICE: P.O. BOX 26490 ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55426 PHONE 812.545-2900 ❑ BRANCH OFFICE: P.O. BOX 787 AMES, IOWA 50010 PHONE 515.272-4770 ❑ BRANCH OFFICE: P.O. BOX 88 BOYS TOWN, NE 68010 PHONE 402.770-8171 �3 March 6, 1990 ORR, SCHELEN, MAYERON 8 ASSOCIATES If States Electric must be utilized for this project we would recommend that they separate mount the starters either in individual enclosures or separate free standing enclosures and that they retain our factory authorized field services for connection of the pilot circuitry and for check out of the system following installation. Please consider all of the above when reviewing the submittals from 01scn Electric. Sincerely, BRUCE W RT� Automatic Systems Co. cc: Mr. John Simola, City of Monticello United Fire and Casualty Co. AUTOCON Industries Inc. ruaP 21 '90 14 01 OSM MPLS, P11 P. 2 Jr WELL ORIUING FOR FOUR OF-NEUTIONS S 0 IA612) u 6100 INNPHONE: / A CELK 2)42? 0339 tNCORAOWED March 20, 1990 Orr, Scholen, Nayerson, 6 Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave. Suite 238 Minneapolis, MN 55413 AlTHt Mr., Cone Anderson Res Monticello 90-1 Booster Pump Refurbishment Electrical Specification Division 16000 Base bid $35,296.00 Subject, Changs Order Request Dear Mr. Anderson, She following substitution and changes have been requested by the City of our Subcontractor, Olson 6 Sons Electric, Inc. 1) Remove fusing in main switch and replace with 300A fusing. 2) Remove existing 60A disconnects and site 2 starters for pumps 01 through 4 and replace with 100A.Stromberg disconnect and 40 hp magnetic starters as submitted. 3) Reconnect control wiring as it exists now. 4) Make connections to new 40 hp pumps as required. 5) Modify disconnect hinged doors as required to retrofit new installation. 6) Remove any panel labels and replace with appropriate engraved labels to match existing. 7) Included to an allowance for Autocon Eattery representative to review control and pilot wiring and to assist in testing the system after completion. Deduct from base bid...............................$10,000.00 I understand you have the submittal on this project. If you have a on the above, please call me at 421-6100. ,Aq4t Regard*, r�j�J a ry jets/Salmineer E.B. RERNER 6 SONS, Inc. LICENSE NO. 11015 JA/kk/6A/69 An laual Opp wffy CoWeya 0 OR 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Schdm Minneapolis, NN 55413 Engineers OAMS ntayvoo& 612 -"1 - Surveyors Change Order ASS00a1GS. 91C FAX 331-380380 nn 6 Plaers CHANGE ORDER NO: I OWNER: City of Monticello DATE OF ISSUANCE: March 20, 1990 CONTRACTOR: E.H. Renner & Sons OWNER'S PROJECT NO: 90-2 15688 Jarvis Stree N.W. Elk River, MN 55330 ENGINEER: Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. CONTRACT FOR: Booster Pump Refurbishment at the Ground Storage Reservoir OSM COMM. NO: 1748.67 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document: Description: To substitute starters and their construction in lieu of the specificed components, which were the same in kind as existing equipment. Contractor guarantees performance and meetings of electrical code with substitute equipment. Purpose of Change Order: To save installation time and reduce the costs by providing substitute equipment and construction. Attachments: (List documents supporting change) Letter from E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Price Original Contract Time S 35,296.00 May 11, 1990 Previous Change Orders No.— to No._ Net Change from Previous Change Order $ N/A N/A Contract Price Prior to this Change Contract Time Prior to Change Order Order S 35,296.00 May 11, 1990 Not Docrease of this Chango Order Net Increaso (docrease) of Change Order S 10,000.00 N/A Contract Price with all approved Contract Time with Approved Change Chango Orders Ordors $ 25,296.00 I May 11, 1990 RECOMMENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: // by: 4., j-- by: by: E.H. Andorson, P.E. City of Monticello E.H. Renner & Sons /3 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 14. Consideration of refurbishment of well 02. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As planned, we have removed the pump and motor from well N2, which is the well closest to the old fire hall, and inspected the well with closed circuit t.v. The inspection revealed that the well and screen were in excellent condition. On March 16, the Water Superintendent and myself met with Jerry Aljets of Renner 6 Sons well Drilling to inspect the pump, column, and line shafting removed from well q2. It appears that the three -stage pump bowls, column, and most of the shafting are in satisfactory condition to go one more cycle (approximately five to seven years). By adding a fourth stage to the pump, we would be able to utilize the 75 hp motor and starter system removed from well 01 and have a capacity of approximately 1,050 gpm at the new pressures expected. Gene Anderson from OSM has reviewed the recommendations of E.H. Renner 6 Sons and found them satisfactory. The following is a summary of costs of refurbishment of the pump and motor for well 02. 1. Removal of pump and inspection of well $1,600.00- 2. Refurbishment of existing column, shafting, bearings, and adding a 4th stage $2,334.00 3. Reinstallation of pump and motor assembly 1 950.00 TOTAL PUMP 6 WELL COSTS $4,BB4.00 Since we are changing the horsepower requirements of the electrical control system for well N2 from 60 hp to 75 hp, I had Olson 6 Sons evaluate the existing system. It appears that the existing electrical control cabinet is not capable of handling the loads for a 75 hp motor and will need to be changed. It would be wise in this instance to make the change for the electrical panel to 100 hp capability so that another change In the panel is not needed in the future. It should be noted, however, that the electrical supply cable from pump house #1 over to pump house 02 is not capable of supporting any more than a 75 hp motor. This will have to be changed in the future should we go beyond the 75 hp. Olson has put together the following estimates for the new motor control center. •NOTE: Already complete 18 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 New motor control center with 100 hp capabilities but wired to 75 hp utilizing existing starting equip. This also includes the wiring of the electric check valve. $5,352.00 New motor control center with 100 hp capability with new 100 hp soft start wired to 75 hp motor. $9,568.00 3. Replacement of the aluminum conductors between pump houses Y1 b A2 with copper conductors capable of 100 hp. $3,400.00 In addition to the above work, water department employees, with help from the public works department, are replacing the concrete floor, floor drain, and chlorine room walls in pump house q2. Over the years, voids had developed beneath the concrete floor from consolidation of material in and around the well. These voids caused significant settlement of the floor. Additionally, the water department personnel will be installing the 8 -inch electric check valve previously purchased from Northwestern Power Equipment Company for $3,037. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize E.H. Renner & Sons to complete remaining portions of the pump refurbishment and reinstallation at an estimated cost of $3,284. This alternative would also include having Olson 6 Sons replace Lhe existing motor control center with a unit sized for 100 hp but wired to the existing 75 hp equipment at a cost of $5,352.00. 2. The second alternative would be to have Renner complete the remaining pump refurbishment at a cost of $3,284 and to have Olson 6 Sons Electric change out the motor control center for 100 hp capability and Include a 100 hp soft start wired to operate a 75 hp motor at a cost of $9,568. 3. The third alternative would be to add to the second alternative the replacement of the aluminum conductors between pump houses 01 and A2 with copper conductors capable of supporting a 100 hp load at an added cost of $3,400. 19 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Prior to the increase in pressure, well #2 had a capacity of 1,200 gpm. In order to utilize the existing 75 hp motor from well #1, we will lose approximately 150 gpm capacity in the well. At this time, the Public Works Director and Water Superintendent feel that this is acceptable. It is conceivable, however, that we would opt for the 100 hp when the pump reaches its maximum life expectancy, which could occur with the next cycle in five to seven years (the pump at that time will be 27 years old). In addition, the 75 hp motor that is going to be utilized has been overheated and may not last the full seven-year cycle. We may decide ahead of time to switch to a 100 hp motor when the 75 hp fails. It, therefore, may be appropriate to install the soft start at this time, as it will be necessary for the 100 hp, and it will be beneficial to the 75 hp in regard to power, cost management, and electrical loads in the downtown area. Additionally, Matt has noticed that previous "air in the water problems" have disappeared at well #1 after installation of the soft start. Well #2 has more air problems and could benefit also. It is, therefore, recommended that the City Council opt for alternative #2. We would recommend delaying the installation of the copper conductor until the final change is made to 100 hp. We do not see a significant cost difference between having it installed now and then. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the quotes from E.H. Renner 6 Sons and Olson 6 Sons Electric. 20 E N. RUN I sons March 16, 1990 ORR, SCUELEN, MAYERSON 6 ASSOC. INC. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 ATTN: Mr. Cene Anderson WELL DRILLING FOR FOUR GENERATIONS 15668 JARVIS STREET N.W. / ELK RIVER, MN 55330 PHONE: (612) 427.8100 / FAX: (612) 427.0533 RE: City of Monticello Deep Well Turbine Pump 02 E.H. Renner 6 Sons, Inc. Job 41617-90 SUBJECT: Proposed Repairs and Bowl Redesign Dear Mr. Anderson, E.H. Renner 6 Sona, Inc. removed this Deep Well Turbine Pump on Monday 12, March ( 1990. On the 16th of March, Mr. John Simola and Mr. Matt Thiesen from the City inspected the disassembled pump in our shop. The following repairs were discussed at that time: DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1. Clean Lk" Head Shaft Lump Sum $ 20/L.S. $ 20.00 2. Replace Packing Box Bushing Lump Sum $ 60/L.S. 60.00 3. Replace Packing Lump Sum $ 35/L.S. 35.00 4. Sand Blast 8" x 9'1IY' lump Sum $200/L.S. 200.00 5. Paint Column with Paint Supplied by City 6/hra. $ 30/hr. 180.00 6. Clean Line Shaft Lump Sum $ 90/L.S. 90.00 7. Replace 1 3/16 x 120" 1045 Shaft 2/ea. $ 68/ca. 136.00 B. Replace 1 3/16 Coup. v/(.300) Stainless 7/ea. $ 35/ea. 245.00 9. Replace 2" x 1 3/8" Rubber Bearings 7/ea. $ 20/ea. 140.00 10. Sandblast 8" x 10' Suction Pipe 6 Paint 1/ea. $ 40/ea. 40.00 11. Add 1 Stage to Ploway Bowl 1/ea. $888/ca. 888.00 12, Replace Collets w/ Stainless Steel 3/on. $ Wes. 180.00 13. Trim Impellers to New Design Conditions 1050 CPM @ 220' T.D.H. 3/hra. $40/hr. 120.00 A TOTAL REPAIR COST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,334.00 An EQus' OpportuxN► EouWw 8 I have enclosed a performance data sheet along with the curve of this pump. If you have any questions, please call me at 427-6100. Best Regards, Jerry Alkets, Sales Engineer E.H. RENNER 6 SONS, INC. LICENSE #71015 JA/ts A1/276 c.c. City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway Monticello, MN 55762 A17N: Mr. John Simola L PACE #2 (a Cl) ' U J 157.1 4.9 162 40.5 78.5 70.8 .9 ---- 71.1 A. Pump ca; Icly in C1r 9. TCW rood In:ali to ,a Ga.e'cpS:y;cmp papvafrl Co Nu kuool C. Frkaon leu In fait a Good • Vnhafjs Gold &Ad Q;lurvl WcJon leas D. BC -i Mad (TOX) . B ♦ C E. Said;4r a:sCo . 0 No. Cl S:s(11 P. BC -1 Ofliclon y (00M;4do-arcs Cuna) 0. BC.f Hp • A -J --C ]i6] ■ H. Th usl GarLp antra srrl loo (HP) TFuI•al t.arDp lou (Hp) . OODIS - RPM a THRUST Iw LOW PC, 00, L so. see 'MI4.In1011 Frlclion Lbab`es Cra.l gl;aTa IV.La, J. Cada Ica* In HP Dom aVrR/ plus to nofor (sv:Mnsrs:Oln Ony) K Pump HP . O ♦ H L CaDTe Icol h parCaal . K - 103 R•12 IIYORALIC THRUST @ 220' . 26400 TOTAL THRUST @ 220' - 29660 . M. pump s:..0 InCy e A ■ 9 ]SS) a K N. E:ICIA r..C:Of /.'Cudoxy (fton moll dais shad) P. Nal lfKlkat onlc:1Ky • N - MOO - L) It HP Mpl1 . V S. Ovelal I•.Mcle cy • M a P T. KN inp6i.9746-K P U. ICW N. ;4' IOOO 612dr4 S NOTES: CroK1 b:{11'Cy ID doCV-61 :Dim Dalo's VAnp. - (Cokmn S) Twat Good 11 fell Cerslopod by"pump lKwel told bel. Calum and Mad a)C"s CCILM Hlad a9C•I emn Mvst InCLda Matoc0l rood Kolas Al pool Cl hold mI11NeR.snl, PERFORMANCE DATA WORKSHEET (.NOTE: Thi PL:a-manes Dasa WoriC.lal 11QA1 be Comp:etad at Cos:On COndr,'on U plop" a s: Y.1 rfLlArh Compwonts and 42 of - I.e.. m01Y. aGa1 fr&m4 . C2INr:M1. nwlra puns a.:darcy,pd.) PUMP MOOEL: IFLOWAY 12D101 S.O. NUMBER: 70-8581 CUSTOMER: r1T9 nP MnMTTrRi o n IMPELLER DIAD.-CTEA: NO. OF STAGES: 4 SPEEr�, 1770 RPM TYP-t::®VERTICAL OSUBMERSIBLE MOTOR HP: 7s PHASE: 3 H2: 60_ VOLTAGE: 240 CABLE SIZE: LENGTH —JP FT. IA070PI MFR: as COLUMN DU,VETER: _� TUBE OLAMCTER: SHAFT DIAMETER: 1 3116 WELL O"t.-TER: 16" A IC D E P G N J K L M N P R' E T U TOTAL HD. a COI HU) THRUST KWHAS HUD IRICT104 BOWL PIRBOWL IUR:NO C' 811 CUL[ PUMP ILICTRIC NET OVIRAL PER CAPACITY (N.) LOSS HUD STACE IFP. IOBT, aSurr Less PUMP LOSS EFF. MOTOR (l[C. INPUT (IF. KN 1000 GIL (GIM) If .No:.) Irl.) pct) (FT) A FP TOSS KP HP Hr ,. .. [if -A Iii LS HP 'A INPUT PUMP!] 1050 217.:42.7 220 55 80.5 72.4 .9 --- 73.3 157.1 4.9 162 40.5 78.5 70.8 .9 ---- 71.1 A. Pump ca; Icly in C1r 9. TCW rood In:ali to ,a Ga.e'cpS:y;cmp papvafrl Co Nu kuool C. Frkaon leu In fait a Good • Vnhafjs Gold &Ad Q;lurvl WcJon leas D. BC -i Mad (TOX) . B ♦ C E. Said;4r a:sCo . 0 No. Cl S:s(11 P. BC -1 Ofliclon y (00M;4do-arcs Cuna) 0. BC.f Hp • A -J --C ]i6] ■ H. Th usl GarLp antra srrl loo (HP) TFuI•al t.arDp lou (Hp) . OODIS - RPM a THRUST Iw LOW PC, 00, L so. see 'MI4.In1011 Frlclion Lbab`es Cra.l gl;aTa IV.La, J. Cada Ica* In HP Dom aVrR/ plus to nofor (sv:Mnsrs:Oln Ony) K Pump HP . O ♦ H L CaDTe Icol h parCaal . K - 103 R•12 IIYORALIC THRUST @ 220' . 26400 TOTAL THRUST @ 220' - 29660 . M. pump s:..0 InCy e A ■ 9 ]SS) a K N. E:ICIA r..C:Of /.'Cudoxy (fton moll dais shad) P. Nal lfKlkat onlc:1Ky • N - MOO - L) It HP Mpl1 . V S. Ovelal I•.Mcle cy • M a P T. KN inp6i.9746-K P U. ICW N. ;4' IOOO 612dr4 S NOTES: CroK1 b:{11'Cy ID doCV-61 :Dim Dalo's VAnp. - (Cokmn S) Twat Good 11 fell Cerslopod by"pump lKwel told bel. Calum and Mad a)C"s CCILM Hlad a9C•I emn Mvst InCLda Matoc0l rood Kolas Al pool Cl hold mI11NeR.snl, dvd1Idula11IptlI1d111111-11 Vb. Please contact the factory. 0 400 800 1200 1600 CAPACITY (USGPM) 12DKH ENCLOSED TYPE IMPELLER 1770 RPM NO OF EFF. CHANGE PER STAGE PERFORMANCE STAGES (NO. OF POINTS) 111 1 —3 2 —1 FOR I EWM Panam No 5411773 -A -.01 -R5411773 -A -.01I PImp 3 —0 PERFORMANCE -narn No 54179E -C -RS I ly I 100 IPSHR 0, I!1 IMPELLER Q 10 HORSE POWER WILL BE EFFECTED ' ' ' ' I ' t LL BY CHANGE IN EFFICIENCY Aso ' I I If ! I •..• 11 I l �1 I 1 � PERFORMANCE FOR: 8 ' ! : ` 65, ', 0 74 ' lit.I :: i 1 I I ..:: 0 LU Bowl Pattern No.: 541773 -A -R 13 F • ' ' ' ' t 77 BO 82; Imp. Pattern No.:541798-C-R5 60 83 5; t _ C .. 821— B2 1 80.. ...i PUMP DATA 40 _ ' ..BOWL HEAD 77 7470 _ Z Shah Dia. (IN) 1" Aa Q , Maximum Sphere (IN) 1 LU - • • ; - : ' A - 7.813 FULL DIA. ; , ; -77 5 Maximum Head (FT.)' 813 = 20 8. 7.000 DIA. Min Submergence (IN )" . 22 J : ' :. C . 6 125 DIA .... .... .... _._. .,.. .....,... _... .,.. .-_ ..•:: impeller WI (LBS) 15.0 O _ - - • - . . ' Thrust Constant (K) .. . . 12.0 m : ; ; I Bowl O -D. (IN ) . . . . . . I VA10 • . .. • . .:. ; ; NOTES : ; ::: B)WL H • :. ' ' ' ! ' _ Performance Indicated based on ; ; A /� ; ; ; ; ; ' ' ; ; ; ; ; cold water with a specific gravity of10. : .. ... . • y,�—� - - - - - • i r t5 3 .. .... .: B Standard construction ::: O Minimum submergence over lip of C ` — I 10 fD bell to prevent vortaxing; ; ; ; .::. : . r t r • ; - . ( : 1 I 1 1 4I Efficiency Improvements are .17 , .: :: ; i , , , ' I . i . • • .. i : j 1 I , I available in certain instances, 1 4 b ow 1 1600 20�0 Please contact [he factory. CAPACITY (USGPM) PEABODY FLOWAY VERTICAL TURBINE DATA HANDBOOK �i s. TMESIGN OF ,. OEYENDABir E l V/CE City of Monticello Attn: John Simola 250 East Bdwy. Monticello, MN. 55362 Dear John, (91soll & e on -s d lertf7C. Ll m. 240 West Oakwood Drive - Box 686 Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295-2690 March 20th. 1990 I have reviewed the necessary work at well q2 to accomodate a 75hp motor, and find that the wires feeding the main panel are adaquate for this load, including the existing small pumps & heaters. If, however you decide to increase this pump to a 100 hp, they will have to be replaced. If you would like this done now, the costs are reflected below. This amount may increase at a later date if you do not do it now. The existing panelboard on the right can be reused, and remain in it's present location. However the left portion is not adaquate even for the 75hp, & will have to be replaced. Feedback taps will be installed to feed existing panel on right, and customer owned used starter will be installed into the new enclosure. This enclosure will be suited for the loads of 100hp motor, if needed in the future, with the replacement of the main breaker. It has an overall width 16" wider than that of the existing panelboard. The price below reflects panelboard installation, wiring, & 75hp motor hookup, control wiring, & installation of used starters. For your information, I have included the costs of installing a soft start starter, comparable to the one in wellhouse pi, but with it's own enclosure. This will be sized for a 100np, but adjusted for the 75hp that you plan to install now. You may want to consider it. If there are any unanswered questions, please feel free to call. Thanks, again for the opportunity to work with you. W 01 n I t.� Olson Sons Electric Inc. • Change panelboard & hookup 75hp motor, complete with controls. TOTAL....... S 5,352.00 ' Replace wires feeding main panelbaord to accomodate future 100hp. TOTAL....... S 3,400.00 ' Supply & install 100hp rated Soft start, & enclosure. TOTAL....... f 4,216.00 9 Orr GamA' A ASwdara, Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis. MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Surveyors Planners March 20, 1990 Mr. John Simola City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Deep Well Turbine Pump No. 2 OSM Comm. No. 1748.70 Dear John: I have reviewed the letter of proposal submitted by E.H. Renner 6 Sons for the repair of Deep Well Pump No. 2 including the additional stage required to allow the well pump to pump at the new discharge head, which will be required to serve the new tower. In reviewing their proposal and looking at their pump curves, I would recommend that the City accept their letter of proposal and that the City enter into a contract with E.H. Renner 6 Sons in the amount of $2,334 to bring the Deep Well Turbine Pump No. 2 up to the requirements of the future system pressures. If you have any questions, John, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. E.H. Anderson, F.E. Associate EHA/cmw 03/90-com.js cc: John Badalich Dan Kling Ot Council Agenda - 3/26/90 15. Consideration of providinq safetv switching for variable speed Pump drive at the wastewater treatment plant. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the improvements to the wastewater treatment plant in 1981, a variable speed drive was added to one of the 15 hp main wet well pumps at the head of the plant. This variable speed drive was added so that the pump output could better match incoming wastewater to provide a smooth flow through the plant. The original variable speed drive proved to be a lemon and was replaced by the general contractor under warranty in 1984. After the installation of the variable speed drive, City personnel operating the wastewater treatment plant thought it would be beneficial to have the variable speed drive capable of being switched to another 15 hp pump in case of failure of the first pump. They, therefore, went ahead and made what they thought were the appropriate wiring changes at the wastewater treatment plant. Unfortunately, what they really built into the system at that time was an electrical safety problem. The switching over from one pump to another required a systematic throwing of switches and adjusting of motor starters. If the switches were thrown in the wrong sequence or one switch wasn't locked out, the variable speed drive could be fed backwards with 480 volts. This occurred the second week of February. Luckily, no one was injured; but the variable speed drive, or variable frequency drive as it is often referred to, was essentially fried. PSG has said they will pay for the new variable speed drive if the City will have the control system and switch -over system rewired to current electrical codes to remove the obvious safety hazard. PSG would also, however, like the City to consider paying for a small portion of the variable speed drive, as the existing unit was five years old and approximately 208 of its useful life was used up. The cost of the electrical conversion work as proposed by Olson s Sons Electric of Monticello is $2,600. The cost of the variable speed drives range from about $3,400 to $4,000 depending upon the type, capacity, and manufacturer. PSG has researched four separate suppliers of variable speed drives. The first was the Robocon unit identical to the existing one at the treatment plant. Second was a Glen Groon unit, which appeared to have little or no track record. Third was a Mitsubishi system, and fourth was the ABB system. Both 21 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 Olson & Sons and PSG prefer the Mitsubishi or ABB system, which are of a newer technology than the existing Robocon unit. The ABR units are sold by Specified Mechanical Systems in Minneapolis and appear to have an excellent track record. Specified Mechanical has provided two options for the City. One would be a ABB model V022 capable of running the existing 15 hp pumps at a cost of $3,400. The second would be a slightly larger unit, the ABB model V042, which could accommodate the existing 25 hp lift pumps at a cost of $3,800. Since this larger unit would be an improvement over the existing equipment, the City would have to pay the additional $400. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize the rewiring of the VSD system at the wastewater treatment plant for a cost of $2,600 and authorize PSG to replace the existing VSD with a similar sized ABB unit, with PSG picking up the entire $3,400 cost. 2. The second alternative would be to authorize the rewiring of the VSD at a cost of $2,600 and to authorize PSG to install the larger ABB variable speed drive for future growth, with PSG paying $3,400 and the City paying $400 toward the VSD. (City total $3,000) 3. The third alternative would be for the City to pay for the $2,600 rewiring and to authorize PSG to install the 15 hp ABB unit, with PSG paying $2,600 of the cost and q� 0 the City paying $800 of the cost. (City total $3,400) 4. The fourth alternative would be for the City to pay for �5 the $2,600 electrical rewiring cost and authorize PSG to Install the 25 hp ABB unit, with PSG picking up $2,600 and the City picking up $1,200. (City total $3,800) C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Thare IS rationale for tho City to pick up the $2,600 rewiring coat. Had we boon aware that this hazard existed, we would have rectified it immediately. As Public Works Director, I think the ABB unit will fill our needs, as it appears to have a good track record and has a standard 18 -month warranty, which is longer than the other units. I do fool that this would be an opportune time to purchase the unit capable of running the 25 hp pumps. As flow to the plant increases, we may find it necessary to drive one of the larger pumps. 22 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 Therefore, staff's recommendation is for alternative #2 or W4, depending on whether the Council feels PSG should pay for the depreciation on the existing unit or not. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copies of various quotes and data sheet on variable speed drive and installation. 23 Attn: xelsie McGuire F.elsie. I have reviewed the present application of a VFD driver installed within the controls of The raw sewage pumps 7 & B. The following is an explaination of the necessary wiring 8 supplies needed to electric:ally d mechanically interlock these pumps to prevent any hazard of equipment damage due to equipment adjusting error. Install 2 reversing contactors into the existing enclosure where the present VFD is housed. Install selector switch in control room. for mode selection of new VFD. Position of selector switch defines if pump 7 or pump 8 is controlled by the VFD. The other is controlled across the line by the present pump 8 controls. Existing controls will be re -marked with plastic adhesive tags to match existing. Thermal overloads for pump 7 6 8 will remain within the existing motor control center, and be marked as such. This estimate includes all interconnecting wiring, removal of existing interior equipment in present VFD, installation of all control starters, mounting of new VFD driver, supplied seperately from this goute. & removal of present manual transfer switch, wiring new VFD into present system. We do not include any necessary re -wiring to accomodate a different type VFD supplied by others, that does not directly adapt to present system. Includes Elect1l'cal Inspection_& Certificate costs. TOTAL $ 2,600.00 �,vara,Un�nJ d �.��, If reversing contactors are suppldod-by others; DEDUCT.... E 1,066.00 We Olson (.�r. ( A. Olson & Sons Electric Inc. 295-2690 /J(,-' yo C10tro / Yr'_ [u6i%V?4 TCL (Qlso)i 6 eso»s 6leclric, 0))/c. 240 West Oakwood Drive - Box 686 - Monticello, MN 55362 (612)295-2690 February 25th. 1990 Professional Service Group 1401 Hart Blvd. Monticello. MH. 55362 Attn: xelsie McGuire F.elsie. I have reviewed the present application of a VFD driver installed within the controls of The raw sewage pumps 7 & B. The following is an explaination of the necessary wiring 8 supplies needed to electric:ally d mechanically interlock these pumps to prevent any hazard of equipment damage due to equipment adjusting error. Install 2 reversing contactors into the existing enclosure where the present VFD is housed. Install selector switch in control room. for mode selection of new VFD. Position of selector switch defines if pump 7 or pump 8 is controlled by the VFD. The other is controlled across the line by the present pump 8 controls. Existing controls will be re -marked with plastic adhesive tags to match existing. Thermal overloads for pump 7 6 8 will remain within the existing motor control center, and be marked as such. This estimate includes all interconnecting wiring, removal of existing interior equipment in present VFD, installation of all control starters, mounting of new VFD driver, supplied seperately from this goute. & removal of present manual transfer switch, wiring new VFD into present system. We do not include any necessary re -wiring to accomodate a different type VFD supplied by others, that does not directly adapt to present system. Includes Elect1l'cal Inspection_& Certificate costs. TOTAL $ 2,600.00 �,vara,Un�nJ d �.��, If reversing contactors are suppldod-by others; DEDUCT.... E 1,066.00 We Olson (.�r. ( A. Olson & Sons Electric Inc. 295-2690 /J(,-' yo C10tro / Yr'_ [u6i%V?4 TCL Ohm & e5o?is 61ecicic, e)?rc. 240 West Oakwood Drive - Box 666 Monticello, MN 55362 (612) 295-2690 Moi•. �..�ti� Ci.hr P I 7 C St�CcFo� 3u,�.�t: •� fw•.n C.o �fe1 P4nL� [fZY.,a II1J 7 t4 I I� 1.) K.O.A. V.F. D p•^? :.� HOA. A,.. : -•i 3.� v P _F SJ"s, P.r. % OEf,fi�:. fie. it.�if : WVL C I�cls�s J��� •I� A L•„L, d��,�,.. sly.,:-� �Lz. r�•r�� � c, Z...i cls-prs . �. F, +�•„ ;, ��.� y w �.��. a . I REPRESENTING THE MANUFACTURER SPECIFIED MECHANICAL SYSTEMS PHONE; 612/377-7720 5001 CEDAR LAKE ROAD FAX: 612/377-7731 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55116 DATE: �G. 1[� NUMBER OF PAGES: ai r� (TOTAL) COMPANY: i snr'��p.�pf /fp,,Q�s�3/OCATION: ATTENTION: � ' DEPARTMENT: REGARDING:1�17„(6GLtt-�=ee/Cj✓cam1�/mss FROM: ....ld� ✓IZI.0 M E S S A G E I 'S.S w:'3+ a31l1.3 ez:t,i 0,a at tea. «+e.:. '>�. �.: '+ =i, .::;,�j•;J�.tr• ;, ,-�;:{""PRODUC UL'LETI ;V %®® ip ASEA BROWN BOVERI FLOW ECONOMIZER G Adjustable frequency AC drives for HVAC flow control Flow Economizer G AC drives are designed to improve [tic Cost effeclowenesS of a!I HVAC tic, control Operations Ovct tiro range of 3 to 50 HP By controlling the speed of the AC motor, the drives mach the oulput of cenrnlvg-il 13rs and pumps to the flow requnernenls of Valuable Mr Volume (VAV), cooing tower, chilled wafer punip:ng and other HVAC systems 1 lie -controls are easy to uce, highly reliable, and Operate at 961.3 c0,c,cncy Features and Benefits Flow Eeonomizu G AC cl—eo oflci out;ldnd.ng elfie'cney, rcl:ab.l.ty and economy Features Benefits Variab!o Speed • Up to 60'b energy savings over conntanl spcM A Up to 9G"0 mcv 0,1z:ency s Inzrea,etl pnyb3CF over ollizf control rnclhod5 A Reduced pcah demand Charge A Mcte accurt!n f!Gw control M'UCItro"'s (♦ Provrdc; nta.anum Ctalt:ng torque ba -ed Pulte YJ 01 El:m:nate, low:peed me!er coaq:nq Modulated (11"'61) lcC.hno!ogy Inlicrenl Soll A No peal, darbitgcun CnL" Sun ■ IIcduc,crl t.nv v0a9n cuauat;onn ■ Int F v cd 1. to 01 bt'tn. put!(, is and coup!ng, ():ad,, Midge a 611.Ttlewinceof 95poxctfactor Front Ind Iluoughvut Ihv creed rannd 111Genct art , no AC line northing ■ Cunq J .mco wth IEEE 5191 a nr!Ch 11 t,landard UC Sa.IUr:ng ■v0.19c d pride though PGwCI Sul'p!Y C: 1'.It : ty • GnTcr miinun ty to AC I.np no. 0 U.g.IJID,P!ay ■ Ca crU.vtup mantenancearid Ly ".f nn Illi.lricnq is If( . d. ut (Ppm) angm c ;, and vt.!! I'Jf1 • Canq to 10 dojnna.c AS 2.32 Port O haiLrnA:aril 'lyw'Ihcu Un1u.r avr,,y y m.:n t,y :nerd and tcmy,;t�l pltlre CUi :r C1 LYGCn.G D lir,• -i Td Iryr,;,!i.flpal.:iy ADD D 41104ft"r ARB 0 Standard Specilications Input 208- 10,iow4GOVAC .109b. 3 PHASE. HP at 460 Volts 50160 Hz of 26510 715 VOC EFFICIENCY— 979b 'YPICAL FULL LOAD, 6 ILL SPEED V0080 OVERLOAD RATING. 11094 FOR 2 MINUTES ENVIRONMENTAL, AI.IBIENT OPERATING TEMPERATURE. 10 32 to 101°F to To 40°C) ENCLOSURE NEMA l BUILT IN OPERATOR START/SLOP DEVICES FOR'.VARQIREVERSE 28 CUSTOMER DEFINED SWITCH (DPDr/ V0320 CENTER OFF ROCKER SWITCH) 30 DISPLAY SELECT 42 SPEED POT SPEED CON TROL. POTEIIHOPAEIER 13550000HMS 40 CURREr'it SIGNAL' O 50rnADC (WIGAIN 5 60 OFFSET ADJUSTMENT) V0650 VOLTAGE SIGNAL 0 10 VDC (W/GAIN S OFFSE T ADJUSTMENT) PNEUMATIC 315 PSI (OPTIONAL) AUTOMATIC CUSTOLIERSELECIED SATIEMPTS AT RESTART 20 SEC INTERVALS NOTFUNCIIONAL ON GROUND FAULT OR THERMIAL MOTOR TRIPS V/Hr' INTERNAL SWITCH. CAUSES OUTPUT %OLTAGE TOINCREASE PROPORTIONAL TO THE SQUARE OF THE FREOUENCY FOR':ARIABLE TORQUE LOADS, ACCE L RAMP. 0 5 30 SEC130 300 SEC (RANGE SELECTABLE) DECEL RAMP, 130SEC/30300SEC(RAr1GE SELECIABI E) MIN SPEED ADJUST 010090 MAX SPEED ADJUST TOO OAb ( 1 -LOG OUTPUT ADJUSTABI E 0110010 VDC SAITCH� SELEC7AB1 E 10 BE PROPORTIONAL TO FREQUENCY, VOI NAGE OR CURRENT PROTECTION OVERCURRENI 150-b CURRFNT LI6ul 50 1109b VVLFIVULIAUt 800VDC(DCBUS VOLTAGE) DECEI. LIMIT 725 VDC (DC BUS VOLTAGE) UNDERVOI TACE 200 VDC (DC BUS VGu A GE) GROUND FAULT 6 AMPS AC OVER T EMIPERATURE, 80"C HEATSINK 1 FII IPEAMUAE ELEC t RONIC MOTOR OVERLOAD: AOJUSIABI E 60 10094 OF DRIVE S CURRENT RATING AL PHA NUtAERIC A Cl IARAC1rn ALPHANUMERIC LED DISPLAY DISPLAY'S VOLTAGE. FREOUENCY. CURRErNT, AILD FAULT CONDI (IONS VIII, ADJUST A01 r 109b OF NOMINAL Will OU I PUT CONTAC IS FAULT( I FORM C EACH RAI ED AT 1 A 11 SVAC OR 28VDCIO 5A IID 230 VAC) FNABI.E II.11T A 00 1Y/ A51A BIlOY:ri BOVI R. 90 Industrial Systoms Inc. Inoord Drives Division .625 W Gland:la Duve Nor Burfin. WI 53151 lel (414) 785.3200 FA 1(.(414) 7850397 Tale.: 260045 Models Standard Features Operator Controls Stan/Slop Mode In/Moda Out (H O.A ) Speed POT Y Digital Display Y LED Indicators Y Analog Follower Circuits Ir Analog Output Signal For Customer Use. Non tsolarea Y Terminal Board For Customer Interlocks Y Ground Fault Protection Y Over Temperature Protection Y Over Voltage/Unaer Voltage Prdmcuon Y RS 232 Pon Y Dual Voltage Input Y Automatic Restm 1, Customer Selociahle Optional Features Y 3.15 PSI Input Signal Y Floating Point Control bi Inpul Disconnect Switch Y Manual Bypass Y Manual Bypass With Service Switch Y E Bernal Fault Indication 01 Customer Interlock Y Doorldounlod Analog Motors Y Mulli Motor Protection Worldwide Service and Support Whon you purchase an ADB Flow (conomi er G AC Drive you got a product that was specifically designed for HVAC appltcmions• plus you got one of Iho world's finest AC motor speed controls and much more. You got the support of Iho world's largest manufacturer Of morel control OQUipmenl, And that moans you have the world wide support of Lha ABB team, Our network of distributor sales offices stands ready to give prompt answers to your questions. And Ino ABB team of applications ongineors Is just e phone call uway. ready IO solve eompfel IaChrliCOl protNOms by Comtrning Our knowledge and 0) parionco with yours Chooso the Flow Econdmi2er G for the HVAC e. porlonco and a par 6so trial went into II and for ilia ABB supper l loam that stands Withal — worldw'Ido. Roprosontod by: 0 PBFEO 001 Current HP at 460 Volts Model q Rating 3 V0060 6 5 V0080 8 7 v V012O 12 10 VO 150 15 15 V0220 22 20 V0280 28 20 V0320 32 30 V0420 42 40 V0540 5.1 40 V0600 60 50 V0650 65 Standard Features Operator Controls Stan/Slop Mode In/Moda Out (H O.A ) Speed POT Y Digital Display Y LED Indicators Y Analog Follower Circuits Ir Analog Output Signal For Customer Use. Non tsolarea Y Terminal Board For Customer Interlocks Y Ground Fault Protection Y Over Temperature Protection Y Over Voltage/Unaer Voltage Prdmcuon Y RS 232 Pon Y Dual Voltage Input Y Automatic Restm 1, Customer Selociahle Optional Features Y 3.15 PSI Input Signal Y Floating Point Control bi Inpul Disconnect Switch Y Manual Bypass Y Manual Bypass With Service Switch Y E Bernal Fault Indication 01 Customer Interlock Y Doorldounlod Analog Motors Y Mulli Motor Protection Worldwide Service and Support Whon you purchase an ADB Flow (conomi er G AC Drive you got a product that was specifically designed for HVAC appltcmions• plus you got one of Iho world's finest AC motor speed controls and much more. You got the support of Iho world's largest manufacturer Of morel control OQUipmenl, And that moans you have the world wide support of Lha ABB team, Our network of distributor sales offices stands ready to give prompt answers to your questions. And Ino ABB team of applications ongineors Is just e phone call uway. ready IO solve eompfel IaChrliCOl protNOms by Comtrning Our knowledge and 0) parionco with yours Chooso the Flow Econdmi2er G for the HVAC e. porlonco and a par 6so trial went into II and for ilia ABB supper l loam that stands Withal — worldw'Ido. Roprosontod by: 0 PBFEO 001 ELECTRICAL .JOBBERS EQUIPMENT, INC. 2533 2.11H AVENUE SOUTH . MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55406 . PHONE AC 6121721-4815 1331 FAX AC 6121721.4818 QUOTATION TO: Professional Services Group, Inc. 1401 Hart Boulevard Monticello, KN 55362 ATTN.: Kelsie McGuire SUBJECT/JOB NAME Monticello Waste Water JOB LOCATION We thank you for your inquiry and are pleased to quote you as .`ollov s: ITEM I CUAN. CAT No. I 1 1 EJE Ouotation No. 1331 RO Date February 20, 1990 Your Inquiry No. phone 1 (Dated February 7, 1990 (Terms Net 30 ❑ run:panarion aor incruaed Ana s a: auI e• r e ,c. Iii rranspprrarian inc/uo'd u Ser eerp.v DphverY 4 weeks ARO with no drawing, DESCRIPTION Series 0453 Opti -speed Drive, suitable for 30 HP variable torque load (centrifugal pump). Includes: IStandard Controls (Start -Stop Pushbutton, j11 -0-A Switch, Speed Potentiometer, Power "ON" Lite, Fault Lite, Reset Pushbutton) Additional Controls: Speed indicator, • Ammeter, Fused Disconnect Switch instead of Circuit Breaker This is a "Demo" unit which will be fully conditioned and carry a full one year warranty. Drawings will be furnished. (TOTAL PRICE. (INCLUDING FREIGHT) I i Quote docs not include: Start-up Service i Spare Parts User Training i "System Engineering" Please note: Although you1 only require o 15 11P Drive, the 30 IIP "Demo" unit will fit your needs and also help to defray soma of the coat of replacement. I _ ELECTRICAL JODDEP9 EQUIPMENT, INC. Soles for Robicon Corpo ution O"Olm—, valid lur 30 days Ple.rse rr•Inr en; I uu"I,Iion ra"' le, on ell co,,Csllnndvnce pad iv ch-— er Anel $4000.00 PRODUCT DATA AC VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES OPTI-SPEED SERIES The Opti -Speed is a compact, economical, transistorized drive. designed with built-in diagnostics. It operates any standard 3-phase induction motor, rated at 101,16 to 100° c of the drive's HP rating. Available from 5-100 HP. ETL certification available on most configurations. APPLICATIONS The Opti -Speed is a definite -purpose variable frequency drive (VFD) designed for AC control of motors in various industrial, wastewater treatment and HVAC applications. Some typical applications irclude: ■ raw sewage pumps ■ chilled water pumps ■ building ventilation fans ■ return activated sludge ■ cooling tower fans (RAS) pumps ■ extruders ■ mixers and agitators ■ conveyors ■ process fans and pumps FEATURES • Automatic Restart Restarts after drive trip. Switch selectable If not desired. If trip problems persist, the VFD will latch out after three attempts. • Faust Indicator Internal digital display, visible through door window, Indicates the cause of a system fault to old trouble- shooting. • Built -In Diagnostics Indicates eight normal sequential modes of operation. • Overload Tolerant Current Limit Yields speed below setpoint during overload condi tions without tripping Returns to setpoint speed at preselected acceleration rate • Adjustable Frequency Permits response to a 100•.• speed command to b, rv%calM from 20 to 120 Hz • Slip Compensation Provides t 51 o speed regulation without tachometer ferdtrack Rubicon Corporation A BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY Voltage Source Drives 5-100 MP 460V AC, 30 • Stan -up Boost Adjustable to permit torque boost for heavy-duty loads at start-up • InvereoTlm• Overload Trip The VFD will trip when the excess amp -time product reaches approximately 600 percent-secor"s to pro. tect the motor. User alarm and fault light activated - • Spinning Load Start The VFD can be started into a motor that Is already turning Generally used with auto restart and large Inertia loads Can be SwdCh defeated • DC Braking During a stop. VFD deceterates to 1 Hz and applies adjustable DC current (from 0,501, rated) to motor, to eliminate residual rotation Duration sdiustable from 1 to 10 sec • Energy Saver Impr,.vrti muter erhi.ir•nt y on vanaL'r torque (ren tnhiq,d)load% at rrdw rif s{rr dti 0'Var'F...;Z STANDARD PROTECTION FEATURES • In stantaneous Overcurrent Trip occurs when current exceeds 200% of rated cur. rent for drive and motor protection. • Inverse•TimeOvercunent Trip occurs on an inverse time basis when current exceeds setting. • Input Line Noise Suppression MOVs and snubber circuits to prevent noise intrusion. • Input Line Undervoltage Trip Protects VFD components when the input drops below 651,16, or phase imbalance exceeds 10%. • Overtemperature Protects all power semiconductors from overlem- perature conditions to prolong component life. • Procharge Check Detects faulty bus capacitors or precharge circuit upon application of power to protect all other drive components. • Overcunent All power semiconductors are Independently pro• tecled against overcurrent. • Soft Start/Ground Fault Eliminates Inrush current and protects drive from starting into a grounded motor. • Continuous Ground Fault The VFD Is furnished With an Input ground fault CT and protective circuits to trip If a zero -sequence cur• rent exceeding 3 amps is detected. SPEED REFERENCE 1. 4.20 mA Isolated standard -100°/ speed at 20 mA. 2. 0.10V DC standard— 100% speed at IOV DC. 3. Door -mounted manual speed potentlomotor. 4. Option available for 3.15 psi control. ADJUSTMENTS • Current limit adjustable 50%•150% • Minimumfroquoncy0.55% • Maximum frequency 55%-110% • Volts/Hzs 15% from 7.67V/Hz for optimumdrive/load efficiencies • Accel and decal roto—throe range switches provide C.5 to 100 Hz/sec. adjustment Voltage boost (low frequency V/Hz) • Frequency range: Ob0 Hz; 0.90 Hz; 0.120 Hz DOOR MODULE FEATURES • Power ON Light Shows that control power is present in the VFD. • Start Pushbutton Starts VFD if no faults are present and Mode switch is in "Hand" position. Causes VFD to run at preset speed if Mode switch is in "Jog" position and "Start" Is held in. • Stop Pushbutton Stops VFD if Mode switch is in "Hand" position. VFD can also be stopped by turning Mode switch to "Off". • Reset Pushbutton Resets VFD after trip. Reset is automatic with Auto -Restart enabled. • Manual Speed Potentiometer Allows selection of speed setpoint in "Hand" mode. • Mode Switch Allows selection of: Hand, Off, or Auto control modes. • VFO Running Light Steady light shows that VFD is running. Blinking light shows that Auto -Restart is pending. • VFO Fault Light Steady light shows that protective circuits have tripped VFD. Blinking light shows that VFD is overloaded and Inverse -time trip is pending. INSTRUMENTATION OPTIONS • Analog ammeter (0.110%) Monitors AC motor amperes. • RPMIHortz motor Displays 0.110% speed, plus 0.66 Hz, 0.99 Hz or 0.132 Hz. • Motor load motor (0.110%) Monitors rated motor torque. • Analog voltmeter (0.600V AC) Monitors AC motor voltage. • Analog KW motor (0.110%) Monitors rated motor powor. NOTE: Select no more than 4 motors from above. • Elapsed time motor Displays hours of operation up to 99999 hours, • Custom controls Available on an engineered basis. • Alarm Morn "Beeps" when either an automatic restart Or an Inverso4lmo overload trip Is pending. iS OPTIONS CONTROL CIRCUITRY OPTIONS • Open Panel Construction Drive without enclosure for mounting in customer's enclosure. Includes digital fault indicator and bar graph display. • Custom Enclosures to meet your needs. • Input Line Fuses For 200.000 amps interrupting capacity. • Circuit Breaker Panel -mounted and door interlocked for your protea tion. Interrupting capacity of 14.000 amps or 100.000 amps. • Input Disconnect Switch Panel mounted and door interlocked for your protection. • Reversing Provides the ability to reverse the rotation of the motor. This memory reverse option permits reversing while the drive is running, decals the motor to zero speed. then accels in the opposite direction. Does not provide braking. (Direction switch can be provided with door module if required.) • Electrical Constant -Speed Bypass Provides circuit breaker, constant -speed contactor, VFD contactor, thermal overloads, VFDlline selector switch, power On light and Start/Stop pushbuttons in a wall -mounted NEMA 1 enclosure. Manual or auto- matic transfer available. Field Interconnection wiring required. • Jog Door module includes jog position on mode switch, with jog Option. • Mechanical Constant-Spood Bypass Used on retrofit applications where the motor starter exists. A manual transfer from VFD to constant - speed starter Is accomplished via a 3 -pole double. throw non -load break, nonfusible switch with elec- tronic Interlock. Provided in a wall -mounted NEMA 1 enclosure. • Transformers For use on 46OV, 60 Hz supply, no Isolation trans. former is required. Any other supply voltage requires step-up or step-down transformers to 46OV. For other voltages and 50 Hz operation, consult factory. • Remote Oporotoes Station Provides Start, Stop and Speed Control. An optional, pre-engineered Interface Module provides a wide variety of control schemes. • 120V AC Fused Control Power Up to 75VA is available from VFD. User circuits include CRO - CR1 - CR3 - CR6. • Resetlnput Isolated 120V AC input energized by user to reset VFD after trip (reset is automatic with Auto - Restart enabled} • Direction Input Isolated 120V AC input energized by user to select reverse output phase sequence in "Auto" mode, with dynamic reversing (effective only with reversing option) • SotpointInput Isolated input for 4.20 mA control signal, with Zero and Span adjustments. Insertion loss is less than 100 Ohms. The Interface Module also provides connections to low level signals to operate remote meters and a powerful set of optional control modules. Up to four modules can be selected from the following list: • Speed Profile Allows arbitrary Initial and final speeds to be assigned to the control range (Including reverse action). Also provides for auto -start and stop with adjustable delays at arbitrary setpoints on the control range. • Critical Speed Permits selection of a critical speed and a rejection band centered on that speed. VFD will ignore setpolnt signals requiring operation within the rejection band. • Monitor and Hold Equivalent to motor -operated potentiometer. Accepts Isolated 120V AC "Up" and "Down" signals to incroaso or decrease VFD setpolnt. Selpoint is retained Indefinitely In the absence of signals, but resets on toss of power. Pate of change can be selected in 8 steps from 0.2% to 25% per second. • P + I Regulator Provides proportional plus Integral action on the error between a setpolnt and a foadback signal, to permit VFD to regulate a process variable. Four ranges, plus trim, allow 500 -to -1 adjustmont of integral and propor. tional gains. • Output Isolator Converts low level VFD signals (speed, current, volt. ago, or load) to Isolated 4-20 mA signal for transmission to remote location. • Pressure Transducer Converts 3.15 psi pneumatic signal Into electrical setpoint. 3ECIFICATIONS HP Range Input Input Power Speed Range Output Frequency Design Output Voltage Regulation Ambient Temperature Altitude Short Circuit Protection Overload Capacity BUILT-IN DIAGNOSTICS Normal Status — An LED bar graph display indicates the following 8 normal sequential modes of operation: 5to100HP 460V AC + 10%. — 5%,60 Hz, = 3 Hz, 2% maximum imbalance. Not phase rotation sensitive. 20:1 (motor dependent). 0.60 Hz. Customer modifiable to 90 Hz and 120 Hz. Frequency stability x0.25% of maximum frequency. Transistorized, voltage source. tt% 0-40°C Maximum 3300 feet above MSL. instantaneous solid-state overcurmni. Circuit designed to withstand a line -to -line short on output terminals without damage to control. Short -to -ground protection at start-up. 110% for 1 minute at 40°C. (Variable Torque Rated -VT) 150% for 1 minute at 40°C (Constant Torque Rated -CT) Fault Status — An LED display indicates the following 8 possible fault conditions'. 0. Standby 4, Magnetize Motor 0. No Faults Present 4. Ground Fault 1. Discharge Bus a2 5. Accelerate 8 Run 1. E.cess Start Time 5. Instant Ovorcurrent 2. Prechargo Bus M1 6, Decelerate 2. Undorvoliago 6, Inverso Time Overload 3. Preset Frequency 7. DC Braking 3. Fuse or Phase Out 7. Overtemperature Both displays, tocolher with an e,olanatory Iegond. are visible either with the enclosure open, or through a window in the door. ' Robicon's complete lino of AC Variable Frequency Drives Includes 5.5000 HP, see bulletin 440001 for details Rob/con Corporation A a4 RUCR•COL MAN COMPANY 100 Sagnmoro Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239 Phone 412/327.7000 vr+ D31n Sheol 540.453-A 7187 O VARIABLETOROUE CONSTANTTOROUE ORDERING INFORMATION (110°/ overload for 1 minute) (150% overload for 1 minutol I HP Continuous Current HxWxD(inches) Weight fibs.) H%WXD(inches) Weight (lbs.) I 5 9A 33x27xl2 170 33x27xl2 170 1 I 71h 12A 33x27xl2 170 33x27xl2 170 I 10 15A I 33x27xl2 170 390204 190 I I 15 22A I 33x27xl2 190 39x32xl4 I 305 I 20 29AI1j 33x27x12 190 39x32x14 305 25 36A 390204 305 39x32xl4 340 I 30 43A I 390204 305 39x32xl4 350 I 40 56A I 39x32xl4 340 39x32x14 350 I 50 70A 390204 350 39x32xl4 350 60 83A 39x32xl4 350 39x32xl4 350 75 103A 45x341020 450 45x34'hx20 450 i 100 133A 45x34'hx20 450 45x34'hx20 450 ' Robicon's complete lino of AC Variable Frequency Drives Includes 5.5000 HP, see bulletin 440001 for details Rob/con Corporation A a4 RUCR•COL MAN COMPANY 100 Sagnmoro Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239 Phone 412/327.7000 vr+ D31n Sheol 540.453-A 7187 O BENTEC ENGINEERING CORP. 13050 PIONEER TRA11_ :DEN PRAIRIE. NIN 553.17 TELEPHONE 612-9..4-7000 FAX 612-94.3-951.4 February 16, 1990 Quote A 20462 J13 Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Hart Boulevard Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Kelsie McGuire Ref: Variable Frequency Drive Dear Kelsie, We met last week and discussed the variable frequency drive application. This proposal is submitted for your consideration and approval in regard to that. Item A. Equipment furnished: One (1) 15 HP Mitsubishi Variable Frequency Drive, model Z200. One (1) Mitsubishi parameter unit. One (1) control panel with four (4) contactors for switching the drive between Pump 07 and Pump 118, one (1) Mitsubishi PLC model F2-20MR-UA1 to provide the automatic startup, sequential startup and logic required, and necessary terminals and appurtenances. One (1) sel_ctur switch for the main control panel for switching the drive between P-7 and P-8. We propose a sequence that will always start up the constant speed pump after the variable speed pump is off. This will be done to reduce your peak demand. Item B. Pricing: 1. The 15 HP variable frequency drive with the parameter unit Is ...... $3460.00. Installation a d rlup as Islance Is gyallagle s a at ...... $551hour and 40</mite. �(,`+ JrU- U 2. As an option, we propose a 20 HP variable Crequency drive j! •• =• for an additional $480.00. The 20 HP drive is being proposed,'r because it has as a standard feature, the automatic restart feature, which enables a drive to be started Into a rotating motor. We can do this with our PLC by turning the variable speed drive off before any transfer Is made. The feature, therefore, Is only required If you do not purchase the PLC. 3. All of the equipment listed In Item Appnd-the s rviees listed Item C, below. Net price...... G, 807.00. Cin 4. Installation of the system, Including rem vol'of the Robicon drive, _ ♦1, �t �, Installation of the Mitsubishi drive, Installation of the Mitsubishi �y�: �.� wcontactor panel, connection to the selector switch In the. main control tw nr-''AL. panel, and necessary cabling. Net price....$1,200.00. O l i c Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Quote R 20462 JB February 16, 1990 Page 2 Item C. Included with the equipment are: 1. Shop drawings and complete submittals. 2. Coordination of all equipment furnished under this proposal. 3. The provision of installation instructions. 4. Equipment calibration and checkout. 5. Initial startup of the equipment. 6. Training of owner personnel. 7. As built drawings upon completion of work. 8. Complete operating and maintenance manuals. 9. Freight (F.O.B. factory, freight allowed). Item D. Not included are: 1. Any sales or use tax. Item E. Terms and Conditions: 1. Price good for 60 days from bid date. 2. Terms are net 35 days from Invoice. 3. Add 1}B per month after 35 days. If you buy the drive only, freight Is not Included. Hope this answers your questions. Sincerely, Q/' John Benedict JB/mf 0 rl.: +0 ap .tmrrSuBlSN1- BENTEC ENGINEERING CORP 13050 Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie, DIN 553.17 612/944-7000 FREQROL Z200 SER/ES GENERAL PURPOSE VFD Y2 to 75 HP Fully digital design featuring high gain transistors and user friendly 16 bit microprocessor. For 200/230 volt and 400/460 volt, 3 phase, 50/60 Hz Input. STANDARD FEATURES . SsxrsoidM Pw,M alga 01srV parer ban"I(XI .I*tt 4o 10 bA MoVa Faresw • SpeCW h(,jt pairs xotsisrs m«Aias rm*e no base omp «nes • No eC•e+vfirver rirninaws •r.ArmumallplAxeu�wcy�%, FAz • hUtt.b PWM M" oePPps (16) •WA"A rU(-ut ve MIM99 • Conr -M1X4 •IA PY«K•re AwtGiwx+s try) . PA04 M rxo set 111)"C1e (II . Resortarw Weed avakwu 13 ropes) • H0h accuracy 1001x) . DpeM drnMy (vac., rnK+, w «RPM) ADDITIONAL FEATURES Fn ZNS' M w•iew t — A4, N I— o's o, no". owb hfo," W./MA vOft 'Gowt arta r•w••• f."o we aw Not wwo a role" muko rR Zns' WtrN ant+«,riryl ttrwt NaKrew 01weN•Yt Mut nwl.nva wl+N' n a.�'tl N low-w'w+1c by V W*V its n+erxa etttlsA MA4 wn1 jFMwtv�xe 2V'r ?trf'o.i�rF rwM •pit+ •.Pae"Ar I. 1t• %W mama •Av • Aar0st* Kt:Wd" (1 36x0 sec ) . M Able occNJdecel panerrM (3) •uTWCwsCsvta'NtA..1Vd • W40 e)xr'd opner Conde X*V • Aty filim" H Mn waMlb n t^'I K V (h, 14 tram{) • t'rum and,"n oAanwoc 100A tr- u • EU hunc atortnl MOO anrbod priteUwXt • EW -V twwc re.erewg • rogermaxwa twawete • DC ayrterae toYnO OPTIONAL FEATURES rn ZDA r -Yd 4-1...+,4t1w9rtntdn rA-..t (Ir.-r✓�, /l rami ttoetO aCD a fio-o "40-4m oor4ft Fn ZRA f"§,1 M w t • •trw`f orw Colotxw rFp+l%Vd%ow, M Most Garners toAt+lt Fn r" Pte n. 4—ow H AMd rlewtM wMt 140' #44", fro, aMek r Cmetal, ,, 1r Mwr �+w r.•+..r DESCRIPTION Mitsubishi Electric, the world's largest producer of AC Variable Frequency Drives. introduces anew generation of Inverters that are more powerful, efficient, reliable and user- friendly than ever before. Designed for standard 3-phaso AC induction motors from 1h HP to 75 HP, the new Z200 Series is suited to a wide range of general purpose applications with a high degree of precision. The heart of the new FREOROL Z200 Series is a techni• catty advanced high gain, tow loss power transistor design. It enables our inverter to operate with higher efficiencies andgreaterre"tydue to fewer components, more compact circuitry. and lower operating temperatures. But high efficiency is just the beginning. The Z200 Series also taings you a futlydfgitai 16 bit microprocessor for greater functionality, case of operation, programming and communication, Digital control of the sinusoidal PWM waveform achieves frequency accuracy 0.01 percent of preset output and resolution of 0.01 Hz. Additionally, the rclrmote mountable (up to 16 feel) Parameter U nil bringR you 16 PWM mode settings. 7 user preset speeds, adjustable voltage/frequency ratio, 3 resonant speed avoidance ranges, adjustable stall prevention. adjustable aced/decd limo and much more. There ate more than 80 user pro• grattmabte parameters that can be entered through the Paamater Unit and retained In EEPROM memory It's the kind of user klendly, Interactive control you expect from WIsublelti. FR-ZAWE PrvrrMx. copy tM teoMul rEPMW nwrww y eM iwoMr OV WWW% W ba tl+w1 Nw aM 0"V anertnp of -UNA, «!Vee Fn ZDL Z.2MSortsrk.+rUrwtIGMh k* - h hSIMI(1SMleullOW-WwA Mwt Mhvaw v m VA&*W. A Senn fti V W .Weee cartoalaM b Mr.Mer sy 94~ oun" 11MAaft poo nMx1 Malrta enaetowkwrtp FR -ZOO Pulse 15K "*W Fooloro Wet is .n•nved spaed's9es4on Fn Zon M1Mwen aMreNian trw FR ZPI set Mt tai ew" w FR ZRa Rs oinowww wa%xM port We MdwAy W %AW M V CMMttlMe arh n taapulws b co,*d pMMV~ WMV Ind M«MMeq US—) Yjill fill 2 DIN I I I NGINI I IIIN(; C 01111 612/9.11.7000 r �o �. � �• ao r. is 40-0Adyew C.. 01d AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. February 23, 1990 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE GROUP 1401 Mart Blvd Monticello, Minnesota 56382 ATTENTION: Mr. Kelsie McGuire REFERENCE: VFD Replacement Raw Sewage Pumps 7 8 8 Dear Kelsie: Enclosed herewith please find our proposal, literature and a sketch of the VFD proposed for the replacement of the defective VFD. This proposal includes the drive with interlocking motor starters for both pumps 7 6 8, and the modification necessary in the existing autosenscry panel to select pump 7 or 8 to operate on VFD. Thanks for the opportunity of providing you with this proposal should you have any ouestions please don't hesitate to contact this off iCo. Sincerely, AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS COMPANY C MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES CONTROLS • MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT RrMAIN OFFICE: P.O. BOX 20400 ST. LOUIS PARK, LIN 65429 PHONE 812.345.2900 O BRANCH OFFICE: P.O. Box 707 AMES, IOWA 00010 PHONE 010.232.4770 0 BRANCH OFFICE: P.O. BOX as BOYS TOWN, NE 68010 PHONE 402.2308131 t�. P. 3's AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. �, P.O� OXTS • AMES. 10WA So010 • PHONE s16222�4TT0 Ll P.O. RCX 98. BOYO TOWN, N6 68010 • PHONE 402490!194 X' P.O. BOX 25420a ST. LOUIS PARK, NN 55428 • PHONE 612•S4S2900 TO: professional Serv_ce Gmvp 1401 Hart Blvd Viont colic, MV 55362 SUBJECT: VFD R�-plera=t Ra'a Setage Ptr-pa BID DATE: N/A QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NO.: P:C900222CB DATE: February 22, 1990 F.0.a.: Factory freight allowed to Monticcllc APPROVAL DRAWINGS: Nt: N/A SHIPMENT: 8-10 wee:- :ten receipt of an acceptable o --de- QUOTATION PAGE:-1—OF S EXPIRES: Ma --ch 22, 1990 QUOTATION (PROPOSAL This quotation constitutes an after to furnish the Items listed subject to; terms and conditions stated hereon: receipt of your purchase order by Automatic Systems Co.; Ames, Iowa; and a written acceptance of your order by Automatic SysternsCo, andfor the manufacturer(ti) involved as follows: A One (1} Custom Model PT46VO18 Solid State VFO-PT, ISHP, 460VAC, Nema i, free standing, with ground bus, Variable Frequency Orive complete with two reversing contactors, circuit breakers and overloads for installation in the existing AUTOCON VFO Cabinet in the main lift station and as manufactured by AUTOCON Industries, St. Paul, Minnesota, Proposed VFD shall be factory fabricated, assembled, wired, painted, tested and ready for installation on the wall in place of the existing VFO and ready for connection to power from pumps 7 i e existing circuit breakers, pump motor leads, 4-20ma signal and required start contacts from the exietinq autossnsory controls. The proposed VFD panel shall be capable of accepting a signal from the existing autoseneory and provide an output signal in the range of 10-60 hertz to pump 7 or 8 which ever one is selected from the existing autoseneory to run on VFD. The pump not selected to operate on the VFD will be capabio of operating across -the -line. OR] /E,8 23 '90 08:34 UTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. C P.O. BOX T$T • AME$, IOWA Maio• PHONE Bi6232d770 C P.O. BOX 66 s BOYS TOWN, NE 66610. PHONE 4023954404 IS P.O. SOX 2490.8T. Louis PABX. UN 65426. PHONE 6123462900 QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NQ.:ASC900222p9 DATE: February 22, 1990 PAGE,2 OF 5 Proposed VFD will operate a 15 hp., 460VAC, motor with a motor FLA. of 21 amps at full output Dower in ambient temperature of -10 to 40 degrees C at a maximum altitude of 3000 feet above sea level. B ONE LOT Labor and materials to modify the existing autosensory to provide a switch to select the VFO to run on either pump T or 8, this wilt also provide the necessary interlocking circuitry and timers to prevent both pumps from starting on VFO at the same time also interlock the line and VFO motor starters from pulling in at the same time. Your net price for Item A. FOB factory with freight allowed to Monticello, Minnesota, including 1/2 day start up services, 2 -copies of Operation and Maintenance Manuals and one year warranty from date of startup ......................38_834.00 Your net price for Item B. FOB factory with freight allowed to Monticello, Minnesota, including 1/2 day installation/startup services, two copies of the page or pages of the existing drawlnbe showing revisions and one year warranty from date of startup on the now parts Only installed .......... 31,292.00 The above price for Items A and 8 d awe not include any: Sales or use taxes. Spare parte of any kind. RF noise isolation transformers or filters. Wire, cable or conduit from VFO to existing aut0sensory. wire, cablo or conduit from VFO to motor starter compartment. Wire, cable or conduit from VFO to motor leads. Mounting of equipment. /E8 23 '90 08:35 P. 11/8 t1TOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. /c1)0.0. ANUFACTURE&$ &IP&I11NTA11Y1 QUOTATION/ ASC900222CB PROPOSAL NO,: P.O. BOX 707. AM[S. IOWA 80010•PNONE 813-292-4770 BOX 88 a BOTS TOWN. NE 08010. WOMB 4OMS4494 DATE: Ft'bruary 22, 1990 ® P.O. BOX 28400.87. LOUIS PARR MN 80420 • PNONB 0124143-2000 C E, PAOE.i_OF-5-- OI)OTATION/PROPOSAL Replacement parts of any defective components in existing autosensory controls that may be required for installation. Removal of the existing drive. Unloading of equipment for delivery truck or storage thereof. Line sync or line transfer of any kind. Labor, or any other miscellaneous material that may be required for installation not specifically detailed above. /j*fOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. AA ANU►ACTU19IS KIP tS L NTAT tYt i P.O. BOX 7870AMES, IOWA 800100 PHONE StS-232.4770 P.O. BOX 88 • BOYS TOWN, NE 68010 0 PHONE 402.885.6494 P.O. BOX 28480 0 ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 65428 0 PHONE 812.445.2900 OUOTATIONIPROPOSAL WE WISH TO POINT OUT: F.6118 QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NO.ASC900222QB DATE: Febn a.y 22, 1990 PAGE 4 of 5 OUR TERMS OF PAYMENT ARE NET 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF INVOICE OR DATE OF SHIPMENT, WHICH EVER COMES FIRST UNLESS STARTUP SERVICE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE 30 DAYS IN WHICH CASE PAYMENT 16 DUE IN FULL PRIOR TO STARTUP, WITH NO RETAINAGE ALLOWEDI ANY BALANCE REMAINING DUE 31 DAYS BEYOND THE INVOICE DATE WILL BE SUBJECT TO A 1.5 PERCENT MONTHLY SERVICE FEE UNTIL PAID. AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR SHALL ACCEPT ANY BACKCHARGES FOR LIOUIOATED DAMAGES RESULTING FROM FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT CONTRACT ON TIME, OR ANY EXTRA ENGINEERING COSTS NECESSITATED BY THE CONTINUANCE OF WORK BEYOND THE SPECIFIED COMPLETION DATE. AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO, ANTICI- PATES DELIVERY OF APPROVAL DRAWINGS AND MATERIALIEOUIP- MENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERIODS STATED ON PAGE t OF THIS PROPOSAL, MATERIAL SUPPLIERS/ MANUFACTURERS HAVE BEEN EXTENDING DELIVERY SCHEDULES WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. AUTO- MATIC SYSTEMS CO, CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DELAYS DUE TO THE UNAVAILABILITY OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT WHICH IS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, THE WARRANTY PERIOD FOR MECHANI- CAL ANOIOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS QUOTATION SHALL BE 1 YEAR FROM DATE OF STARTUP, NOT TO EXCEED iS MONTHS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT, EXTENDED WARRANTIES ARE AVAILABLE AND WILL BE QUOTED ON REQUEST. THE WARRANTY PERIOD INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE SELL PRICES FOR MECHANICAL ANDi OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES THOSE ITEMS NORMALLY CONSUMED IN SERVICE. EXAMPLES: SEALS, PACKING, OIL, GREASE, LIGHT BULBS, FUSES, ETC. Respectfully submitted MATI�S CO. B To expedite hsndiing and c0nfirmatlon, you may sign below and forward as your order for the equipment quoted atove. items Ordered Customer Firm Nsm'e Authorized By Total Net Price 3 Purchase Order No. Any and all 51418 Sates and1or use taxes are not included In the prices ouotec. S ,£B 23 '90 0923? P.7i9 r d e TEAMS AND CONDITIONS Pape S__af 5 1. We rpuHl that Cut tomo{MrrSeuaUeNoa ta$C6144 tY Va.- NaW srp,YOY!PVgM11NO4l,nfsanC:14aa, auofaCol at rvmbptnd d.twM al swW,11%N ING oandOSA Act .191$ N 61M1 oWAmaOO t7 Ulnp 041niNr (lOsh1I1mH rpomt ton Ravel. YON Or A4,ICma'Jt systtml ComGnT (oamitur44 rpsrmio to. W, allAlmly. Wl aur H1 "as NCor W,D W "also to .rush 4tCid4f4e by zur comMY4 COMra.I c. -IM at A.N. Iota. a 01449 M based On 01C: Uctoty ab!vla.fa. 4142 rated. .i. if ailmej.s ray lam than ., Color rt Mapes the Aa.t to rlr:O Our of CAA A Q1,alN P Dpl.p Rated. un;4lo (Mrtwyt ILWd.lm4 from 1M dab s[ rNs[]f $1 Me 0110 of ns PE11C101. Of AAC6Iad Con•lJp9 tKrudiC data antro• edpW40 arvelpis Any tnsed"MtuHtea oY its PurVt4are:7 be mice only Al the CKirallagrl Saw" e. Whom"6411 tit Ge Mo6.111W 46MIC&CCOrdtne to out tea4P•.htM ClimmCy la MuaWd to O$t"M. but vom'vl N cwhtm. e. it AN atm cumild it A. ""ad LY tat COrwdire it$,- W9 AtK.n+e Ad tNDaAaiU,:ty to ."Olo :AS 34m manu•AmIal by often, T Ali 1ta411M 1.01K1 to :Vvv At the ourcress.. votft by int prOhtlpa;i ,..o:+1d. S. Our W4mNy alt HJIom2H..a Pater. tWind AIM:. is 0MUD to that hICA. 0.700 an by ins hllnuhpiMr 1..01140. We suit .0 Co MtOtnUble for ant eamAGtlMatrO QI14CIry011!W!rMflyamM4tlil1o01N1tf 0"m toolo.01, U..Met&WClAlIeldn nmanulaatilso, W.a.tttOtt 0iroa Ota1a(i)soartarr :nt dale a'11/140 np to $AW ed 11 M. Aran date ale!pAmnt, frit rho sculprrsm listed (oxcudma fecomiible Co"Weri1$YCh H Alai, grain. 0, Great. iNl$. biCklrO, "Ont 06!62 t1C.1 W1" Nlla lrCm CatKt{ In N!V:v 4M1 WCt141lIMv:?.'714 Mv6famJMmibt41 CD1 O4IIOn N rot oM1 N Or$iGn Ot 1YCh rlrrHry 4h.toatna loflrNnDitCtMnt Of N4opor.vo RemitAOC.i.pttOPYKhtHt. InapttOtyoOtCOt:4 formcb,or 0Y4tMmod.4ClM,toR,.b.R{Ulltt..!p or Owns Marl Ism vo M :ICOn11 On tAs•CH ICI C/INsry Of of a(nlseTo. $140 M14M of 216 watts[ item. The Manufacturer es[" %qn na OW OabCn to v"t" Ri,Mersrttt at make mcs li N loomemw. 0`0101 ADrRa, W0f And fail Or MMlfatoa In WAp! N to Dan Cy CAUWCMt, f2611N Ala O9nN Of me Yay. IADMN, Or JAlumofRN uta Of Loa a4010msnl by tn$ iosr, 0f at Law" amnio i M 1M loilament. wGt as, RIA ran I1m11l0 to. a i fsGOH or A, ccAOlpNI.O fillun, o40'act0 Dans 612:1 Data ms tn$ p00e%y of the manvocturor Dt/CLAW IR OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF AeMWIee' OurCnMlr Waaniptla Nd aetM H IMlcdv (a) TM lee Aran WvMACH Ht •0.14 In thus 4pntrrpl 4f •M CA, of s[1 othp •arttn^_at. Hiran or ImMM 1W.4111 rdlnad hmltlt 01. Nt WMsnt!M of MAINAMAa 0 O will forAOAr4Cu at O.Mis. i10 All 41:0 0lnp Wa'sn 01are ASIAN, AAK,4114ed me scu0N air a6umA4'0 evils.. CO (0) AMMIlCe StUffe CO. t`A!:"at bollsolsiCI OY OM C14A0`1111C064ed IV 49 lY•aturaiah•n00g1.bnafsiPrOftCtO,CMdNt vary PSN NrlOtmNCtunOp �_ NauIwlM 4na"r0'ralb (Q} Thii.t MO41T6Ut4MA•lo2far w b'MCOutomedi"Wstra'motI"mtN±Almol,se lNA6famedoeypsAq CamNAylileludystNTLSAO(MCNC. Unlit fpn6vatot)isa2monmtOtN lOutpmedtoo ffuarmov tOmCHCmrsm. Mih4"nimant sreW Ql1lra.latPaoaoby Auiam$i:aeMM/L'a. una.Or CunLvt 10 role 4gNm$M Onto as nn"as 10 410 Mmedy s1W1a$0 4401.4. tel in no o,tMlAtit Au;tmilllnter{Cama4'y itAb dY lel Any k`rJ¢ net6Q4 tAYfoaC.p.lralH:sI. NMOONnIItl Ym4QH.01Oh{t AuUmOU08YOlM1 CorrOry shell Are tan 041..240 Of me Oon.axly of RCA N1aACt late sr Carries O. Aly►1.M minaryp$Aintf 4140 i:1AVC"N nlMnat4 ryrpe:tlINOWOMilio,atOeMMi MaiLDtOC.14'sQ m1n4L"!a'7 t0RtItN tlMWiAea W,npw4n4tea Orp aCUoi of area, it 16U.aO• W No rolu'Aa ttl v49l W;304 t: Dead W TP061 APOCI• II Aarm161141 SY me FAnefoal IMO"O bolOM wan return N 31M40t,$.Ot• 11. Any lratpE91/MCC114L 014411.140:0 at m$ FurehataiolOWll flesh the late 411?$1'IrORs NIR ae$false tit"duMa01r1ppIMa Written *them as "road JON, tntilN r: M tat/tla N ef rra tate aqua►*!1110 Magi fat MIOR/rL It, Ur'MOtOUPCCCy114:03 he's[%all mA11461110141Cn46 PmaM shelf ba IM10116e AM$Oeded In settle$try and Alta"$Pat Pl YAoatme sao/uln tlo"901994 M trio PIMA$0r is PoritbN the" 46Iff"ma 1:a tot Car*, me;miumMs 4.0 Oralsefkn of tett/.1i twor MJiOmlM Aho, Nt'tpy dominant Retail to vel !C0 AM amuna'A faN6.t InwMlMfcr nADr$nf 4na:ar npNa 4 carved Man it ADW Ali INl At 41"10 0) hra, ts►aown N MheriUrlO W nmg m$ tine brain ohi►msnt W 1.MN payment IA fan IJANM fily $,Mom •$ Veto*, 11, A gMMORIB LOCOAI.n►9MiAnImtkN. NCId$ml or amp 49600 NYard Wt COM41 10, 01430ra14m11loratinet1151 hat iANLR1 ent lo:la61MAR' InXMI falloff SIMIM CFO 80014SWO@stH1/. W.1 U Ata,llo U yR 11 m4! the M Nara&$If y41N4atHWtN th.sloa TA Mai ntN!OOr4rlea.4W1P Y6,:14seRR1HnfinN,Ntl.YNs/!Nt$fpmlllM106t4iMlMlN MytseN Htru.►HNtW Mn/it You as MOM oat /or lstUA.AO NINARA NMrest4o mih m/ s[4 N I..oi4ifae Of 009110410114111, 10, out otao444 trClueH ta4osu4men1 we oflNto hn•leh Fill; atilt Rata stated ar4thm 0, gas mms"flMarhor isu Ht96te 46•oraNOi;st M'i us rout 1aMAN1 NNI 4111IMI AR QW, va00'I wnhM"Save "all the data stout Or4►NUM$ .IMO./ IARSAW Nom,odae, Ap."Atr 30 Rest ttip WO me tn$ $Aale101mAII 4loNiti. TM 8•.Ls 106 ♦ CMM01 r yµ MN 11Niaalt+aA►itn tMNUan PW Noah o, toa,ruoa•'Mllo APs Nlotom,n Nkill i6NN We .11.5169 the M4¢e491ry 41$^Co#11pt to$.trot 49CM49ieY1LMWtM DMSO MI\UsiMnC0l4Noaast oaoao,AM*Nips44.0 49oaMed•eye. 1-.* rHNAM o: ma irl:ir,rl s• V 4.ma.11M M A4t4 r.1Mn .30064pt Wt sn0 4Y Y46 N Y1..I aNA/ aIINO LN.!F.al A All W 19141 mO •N o0, 01rN II at 0Y1 tfsT. m! Qi:f .1402 310 fat G..'it NM a MWtt-11W, ') tQttOt{ rYM`r0 1041414,111. prpY..4it Ot,M N OtONs4 IT UA:Meav;m*Crp+ to lr'$ttN4ac11Ms NA$ra NSA SUN i H/,L ala tMtatNlAt0st0C1•flrpv R6MON4.OnlMaise a them -a-a estsetrolisv Lane A ISM& 1Y we • ami 11 "am .1,1 N M m'!$. A4n.Pvl1R ii 4 :a'. NM .1Wfots VS. 4M NN ofnNAy"Mal Its 1 oW " S60 Tat" Ns CQ.S'/.Y IA, W4s11`106`"M'i10 Ar44HC61N •1910 JR$N.ls'H'100C1H4.n 1nes4NaAl6n•i NvoaldmN. 1161q f1. tp.oal. a�tp IA41IAow W1!A111 Mta114'fiet TSNJ4Tsn'Ca: n040VCNC•a"fA,,,4AN/It•*."j.1.0 MU nNnOnv Otsbei"a idiot +N 9KM91 e•�11a•ov1//t1.1t6•s Y 11i1 M9 A4titN•oUo,1 •v' tn*`041 rsi, MO$u101.a41Y a+iip1i 1/ asat.atlY Pn.oMM'iaM•Ad.p•N9NaH lryMNYSNta!lAib$CdlN Wo,ll /J11o4i:' Ih a tl¢ I Ir V sett N'1v.o i 9 •• to ale YR' an0lA14Mle/ IrteMibr' AN 01eat V Yr•air satimtRa WAI N IA•.H sr e.y tA'4 N 2 tt 2046"! ! d tP1U"t Kt M ss s'a't•Y Ha4N J n ,rEB 23 190 03138 1 ID) sanuoev Np.Mmrommraio the 0laVon clhe era"C0 pIM,C1It fe0uit'tl 0llorm Ni inplt':!an cl the You apronto C3Y1iNu WI if ecesw:thtn thedms aCe.tl:da a00WIn N.$ Iut.Ouaarypr, Your c/ymtnl Of Delmont by YOU hath anronor tanr. Aly oelAx1 nmunmp ow pt Days biyontl Na Irwole* tlay Paid. should cos nanteanpeptaig"n yfacciectthe Duensscts u8,fW-Wm9vta prate•tA Ym P. BB (c) (fnt* manW.aglurd of Nt "Utomert top taom yap Will Oe 045044 *1 tn* fontabvo snlomam dao. Orem me WuiOwtnt o today m b "in". we or Ne RsnU•aoum may,at awoollon.Rani to store thedau'Dmfllt Irou d you nae as ready •M lm- ora, N: vp a wo net Dest and ICU( 961Y to Cay me:mcles;q bd they MCO MO CUs idtCta:ne is mit titmd of the t COnttso. f M1tlp:6 our CamOMe fIr A It necdtury to star) w c l tcif M tm for pad rpdal per huatly tarp to pew 0 storage iN oI IPS ,OPO V 1.5% at the ccntwi arms pet month In oddl•Jon layout duty to Pay mdalCIM, e•/W Mid matyourmuT. Otm$ time, aCOtor : drawirpo vf:l Carscults yam Merge taw me pwom WM VIt InanufameAft M NI damlOmrt In) DurpmDanyW lanae OtplOofOrahY eamyoe/w1/mda ay yout'lm Ung ttom cut irak,t'mdal, real, At'. baoch% NUAsic atc. A Tali Cam ..a" issmOft at Such e-nYRitAMCia of evamo WOuo at" ytlme eta truck a, AwOto to mat ctLYtry icm dNp. Y0. Agree to wa:,$any Manz to'nCC3IWOr W OOCUOrt.A1 OOm82111 AS 61106 InCUP COmOanf1 eulantY, Andp•units' armed nO'Oln yoJ •unner &arts t"M our eAmoany wo Ao ad tint %ve to e'ytackM-p' of scats unless nW Unal You Coat am. pill company a wmM dacravav Wave you Nsteln wch •bacethlrgp' m costs. of YOkarr"that ita., Q, tWisInsWledorfoplrodCy*thM.youwillmatWatohWGusfnCassbfoto, MYCemaredadmlurYal:enmay r*N::t•on wClt AWS—van As noun, 06cciy or mMrrectly, in ACIDIC on. Our Comet Ry will nm be rssOOMUO 1101 CM age 10 Your oroOeM or any Goner Property, rata: 41 Dussnu. tdasda b1 mAdkrg:'on 0, a.r ncu:Omim wnM»f o nos it a iA/u;:ea ay aNen a h avramraaly. eft toerNtta'aurcomaafi tivinwrsdetly►ry.IttoRamada byyou line by0",cbles ythatyou Dravida wwltn alaCClpfood toamhowl lbot00site. *A CA num; It csosbla M due olnua OUCte lose ad Is ILM Demme1 *Ma M,IR A 111001 n*.9M1 Cist range. dAok'd it t 100 stO m NM Mid MCI be OU114010 for NCA mss end aur 0kra0op, ock, Mia nlmN,u w fat My Delays M the hourly lino# veto and dontur•ago rate C"rWI atMu" at t me"I'au Will oleo be lumfo:blo mor :0640lO Na pu:imr, . unless w1 us mDpNlat► for the uneven of moaculpubant. (o) TMrsdaarts0i:ilpotioteu:M Oftis o4tieMw#m.«300yoirnsts6t tall/:.yuodootht360 utt.Diml9omo'sdau'ARfmtftVd►I IVY wt.gh11C►kaad oV weadu.sm, the list Ifs of athuwlOe WIII be your resto'ct.Nty anis Mal mist atom, "MosMy 1l,) ¢Or Veto edged;Ctect'oi, *safe pro wma yam .4th a wttMty about sq epm m, wh:ch to Mantle oM M "'."U'. enc -1110 n Rsdt a DAR; MY treatment by mITMed. (1) caCoM as aNiwlpcbnttlnldto Hi DuOOCcn.lrilt Contract alter actsotance by you,& Act N0lect tacrCWaoan by Ouyst ascopl price to lt'omarl Ms theM1*f:)YtYUoe1YR*rttsttr ammmoamumt"=star 4RD 0R-tbrdls Wee t.'u►tprt0)9UMa0ssyssaricsA114.11ox10asmiets,*high d'1 owes, density opnptaol) Ooul lO, imdtOm KJICRant(AOA•/I{tosm;Aa4t:cAtsO aGUornMt).; Dpratttl eOu:pRutamnaiGinaorCtdfbyya- 41 wsmail act's Uu this torligleaructvo the tamDlon, and 0.)44-samc:t between w ane Rd7him to'"PrHi+¢9f/ntMt/d Oyb tfla.ogvlb by DOW W:ddnot, you, ptrCMW otter, sou -64 At UU M9. Of try other *AV. OsUsl W114 MAO$ n Wn1018 6.0019np by YOU an0 our CwrAL'Y't 46?OM93 SWIMS, Is, ovrtewsw"itWlU;soafeMan/stool aAuaunpddae tw,CfMfAtl'o0 tuinAmst.lAwe.bidu dMmMbe you NMI our MmIVY MatIAUS o the 4!310 of to** em Corsi" tho atfittalL asfswa aro cur nrMNrsi tMototeu ato iMMt iM om:'lritd self's. you $PAA be in OMVR i npr all dameaet I$CA the l hoson'na At arty One III team M the f6know,a• (t) DI'su'.i to the P:mwl M ¢Motmsnet of any osriati-do you ht» ~ unit contract, O, t 1A)) AI's Iltllmtrl tf A mu/f:a1413 meet In Artionc OY YOU to lid CORDarry. mmum warp in to "nuke; tr Any envst:M.IMT *At InA1iRMIt R.adi IA Wnf7Aa H Poll to out twos". All rY Aatarat!WWAin is rsesstryIn are A, N mitis 64th alateno to rot MUSCIM4. Or M) Any ov 14 or anoMl N tOnilAA. Well [matins Verde t0'Ilry o DAY at [AndrT VCmr 4*I189VQM UNo Mn $omtac"; (A) Ary*Watt; tioTem*kc, f4isemaccol Dp am, tomoswn dNm..'f9:ttm, lAketure. Id"A auudl Or your, *,it at toy Date Wittio sof our COM1sel1 shtl hoyw at to $all ", to dant is sraKYN try aM$ M #Moto of Imo fol oetha nrmoanl' (s) PV to dti:yaty or MI purls*sAl dedt"Iscri into $snl•stl.to t rtmu It sal tat $mar sou1M'rt if Yom u your 4961C ar (I) tssn'ss am toms{y"tCaustabuf oCRpooymotor l,w,V 'um Commtrt dead!; mAdu *ymtuehrsMSY'tp,roM to" otut.sts v it, I'll, Mt latlssooudaMV,th such Mm am -I atested *,:Astellad oM take obutsime. Al Nth Mulsoanl One Mays the dams wri:tow" canseo ant Mho testi Mime: M It) Danube that You small Asonlrs suM somisment #Me .401.1 swu able M $m, a*mory tl s Nea$ t'upasy "AW on N led tris am, compsry and MtrKfoA you *nail aDmay will, flab tamda/ at yam, pomp u (t) Delairi a Nffif Mst1oo IV Nr sowpany as NY►om hap nj Ms* aror to s•ry naomimfoM Will" o b tkstorterap' to tiht, M Irl 1,04 all wonnco ans mt.p pr1;e* $M IIAMvo, ar (s) Or: tUtP odtiiRam it "'It M 11.411 amid "tri V w.l"aut ill Ca, At A N'r;lCa 015- I /EB 23 150 48:35 f ,vA7 iAer..sn.ec Jim r tv 1 i r.)s+a...K� 0 , 0 P.q-e ,0)\ JS (�</i� 1�yri - C4Z �aNlIL/19^t �IGC/�aSs 1!arr�r AA �,/ �(c%r / :•"tsv�4,i �taPCA/ �M!!'�i LeC.iCc„? Jo 44I�{r�J�f�4 �T".(1-i AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. COLA*UTtOtY C"IC11608, OATq IIHP.MATOIIAL , . W . G' VFZ RealAexµpwr Ane PROJECT s CT TITLt I 1-150 HP 2.5-145 KVA CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE Product Description .................. .. ...... 1 Application Benefits ......................... Z }'I Technical Application Information ............... 5 Theory of Operation ......................... a f, is Options Summery ..... ............ .... ...... a Options ............................. .. ... 5-7 Dimension. and Weigh t■ .................. ... 5 ' Prlcing Eshl0lls ........................... .................... 5.10 IHow to Order .............................. 10 WOr4eheet/Order form ...................... 11 Suggested Specification ...................15.15 66 I 1 r1;0 _.. Iliat .• itts .iia •',, f ���.7 +.� '�',�;�:; �����'; 't: v­b:L»«Lk. ,.. .. i:, ...1.:k.. ?�l i. - .. .. .re..lrTr^7^�N•`Iti F•+41.�/I;•. lA 11�7 ;1.l+]11114 dill #:1[till.1.l++�� The Autocon VFD-PT (Variable Frequency Drive -Power Transistor) is an all solid-state oc-to-ac converter utilizing microprocessor control logic, diode bridge input and power transistor output. It provides manual or automatic speed control Of three-phase squittel-cage induction motors Of Y through 150 horsepower. The VFD-PT converts the fixed frequency and voltage of the ac -input into a variable frequency and voltage waveform using a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) technique to drive an induction motor. The VFD-PT's microprocessor controls the voltage and hequency of the output to generate the ophmutn level Of magnetic flux in The motor over its controlled speed range The VFD-PT provides a very nearly sinuscidal three-phase output current that is very low in harmonics and maintains a 0.95 power factor Or higher Over the entire operating speed range. Motor speed is controlled over a wide range at high efficiency, which yields significant motor operating cost savings. The VFD-PT, described in this literature. Is designed for use with variable torque loads (torque proportional to Square of speed). FEATUnES MOTOR REQUIREMENTS Autocon Industries' VFD-PT will drive standard three-phase squirrel•coge Induction molars that COnform 10 NEMA design class B. C. 0. or F. INPUT POWER Tho VFD-PT Operates from 230. or 460 -Volt, 3-phmo, 60 fit Input power depending upon the model arected. 1 no, design Of me equipment Is such floor startup Inrush current is limited to 100% 01 motor full lead crops OUTPUT POWER Tho 3.Orese Output voltogRand I—jueney of the vFD-PT na$ / been straights to linealty follow a Control Signal over the \ range of 10 to 60 fir- The outnul nrllinin ns conslalll volts frena) per tit wilhm 39 oyer its opamttlo range, Phesaao• ph45R voltage U balanced to with, O.ITr CONTROL INPUT In the automatic mod. of operation tiro VFD-PT starts and stops based upon an external contact cesuh, The motor, when slatted In 1110 cpnlrolle.d mode, ramps up to minimum speed Or the speed caned for by the control signal, Output of it's VFD-PI is controlled by a 4.20 mill, signal. When in ti.e. m tic mods and flow Mpxn stir—T is held. 4 mA, the VnrJabiR frequency d, -ye wtit x01 $fall, Ihn VFD-Pt Includes as stan- dard faalu,es Ilia following adjuslotle control Iunclar- • Acceleration lime adiusloble between I to 20 secon O$ or Docefelation time ad)usiabin baiween 1 10 20 seconds or Minimum motor speed IIII of hlll Sliced) or LEVEL soiling (Auto Inpuit linpul for min{mum speed) or SPAN soiling (Auto Inpil) (Input lot maximum speed) or Maximum mater aPeed selling or Manuel 14,501 fol Invetlol mull A contact from any motor dsCOnnatt 01 Othfif tffecre lockout OaycO Can be wiled to the VFD conlrul system l0 onsite a controlled install place CONTROLSJINVICA1ORS The VFO•Pl 011114101'1 control pmn•I includes, a. sfalldald. Iha following features • RUrhSIOP s11a 0101 swlleh or MANUAL/AUTO Several switch with manual pOltmiomatei r speed control or Iwo ehalactnr T-sngrnem Ltg1n 6uilhng Diode (LLD) i display tui POWEn or F/ON OU I IIIf f1EUUENCy DIAGNOSTIC IIJDICATQA The d6finWuc cod•S are' Condition Indicated Character Code Loss of Signal LS Undeivollogo on input power up Ovorvollago on input power OP Output current high fault OC Oven(imperaturn (native 5 no rCli 230V OC, and above 15 no +til 460V ac) OH LEDs inside the YFO.PT cabinet indiCMo IIie presence Of .oh. age) on the capacitor bank for houblo-shoolmg purposes 4 F:0 61% 1 polo C .eiwWtil' 4$'d%Y1+�, r-I:iJ/•:tri"� I•i 1*1 SOvmal .nCIO2111e options are atelAd with the VFD-PT. Vw en Ahnyo N A wAll.mount can"'m uml is sttndnrd will Vf Ds up to 60 hit (LT 230 VAC, cud urt to 7h no 0 400 VAC, howevm, hoo-alonding enclosures are opl tonal li lin any site I m Council Agenda - 3/26/90 16. Consideration of shelter for Ellison Park. (i.s.) A. REFERENCE. AND BACKGROUND: At the last meeting, we briefly discussed the request from the Lions Club to be able to build a 24' X 40' shelter within Ellison Park. The Lions had indicated a willingness to contribute toward the cost as well as do the major portion of the construction. Of concern at that meeting was the importance of having a building that added to the aesthetic values of this major park and also the location of same. During the week following the Council meeting, Dan Blonigen met with City staff and discussed the possibility of a log - walled structure and/or the possibility of a similar type structure but using some stucco or rocks in the corners. Dan brought in a colored picture of a log -type structure. A copy Is included in your agenda packet. To get an estimated cost of such a structure, Roger discussed the building with Doug Pitt, who is a distributor for log buildings from Orr, Minnesota. Doug indicates the construction materials would be less than $15,000, and his firm could prepare the necessary drawings to satisfy the building inspector and obtain a permit. Estimated cost for the foundation materials would be In the neighborhood of $1,500. Providing some minor outlets In the building would cost an additional $500; and depending upon location, we may have to place some existing wiring in conduit, which could add another couple hundred dollars. if the Council so desired, some type of vandal resistant or special light fixtures could be added to the inside of the building at additional cost. We currently expect the total cost of the building to be in the neighborhood of $18,000. It has been suggested by Dan that the City utilize some of the money already in the park fund for restrooms for West Bridge Park for the construction of this structure in Ellison Park. The amount budgeted for that facility was $30,000, which was going to include year-round rostrooms with heat and also plans to build a community building onto the restrooms at a later date. Please take the time to visit Ellison Park prior to Monday evening's meeting to visualize the structure and a possible location. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: The first alternative is to authorize City staff to work with the Lions to build a structure, 24' X 40', at an estlmatod cost of $18,000, with a to-be-dotorminod contribution from the Lions over the next few years. 24 CI Council Agenda - 3/26/90 2. The second alternative would be to look at a cheaper or more elaborate structure for Ellison Park. 3. The third alternative would be not to locate a structure in Ellison Park at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff sees merit in the addition of a well-planned shelter for Ellison Park since this is the best park the City has to offer. It is felt that the structure should blend in well and add to the overall theme of the park and, therefore, would not wish to see a simple post and beam structure. Since West Bridge Park is the most visible park to travelers and passers through Monticello, we would wish to continue our work toward new year-round restrooms and eventually a community building in that park also. This can be discussed further at Monday evening's meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of picture of log -type structure. 25 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 17. Consideration of adapting personnel policy and procedural manual. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Approximately a week ago, the Council was given a copy of a proposed personnel policy and procedural manual for the City of Monticello and its employees. An updated policy has been in the works for a number of years and is again being presented for the Council's consideration. This new personnel policy has been reviewed for content and form by the City's union labor attorney that represents the City, Mr. Mike O'Connor. Based on his recommendations, language changes were made to insure that it meets and conforms with federal and state regulations. The personnel policy and procedural manual would not become a final document but would require annual review by administration. It is very possible that changes might have to be made more often in the future should new regulations or statutes require modifications. While this policy is intended to cover all City personnel, the union contract would still prevail for those individuals if there is a conflict between the two policies. While there does not appear to be any major differences between this proposed policy and the context of the union contract, there may be some slight differences In certain benefit levels. This proposed policy has added new areas for benefits pertaining to part-time employees and the addition of a severance pay category for all non-union personnel. As far as part-time employees are concerned, a permanent part-time employee who works an average of 25 hours per week or more for at least six months would be eligible for 509 of the normal vacation benefits and would be allowed to participate in our health insurance program with the City contributing up to 50% Of the premium cost. Our present policy does not. provide any benotiLs for part-time employees regardless of their hours. In regard to the severance pay provision, employees with five years of servico or more would be allowed to receive 256 of their unused sick leave accumulation upon termination. After ton years of employment, the employee would be able to receive 506 of the unused sick leave up to a maximum accumulation of 100 days. This section coincides with the current provision of the union contract, and its intention is to provide an incentive for employees who do not utilize unnecessarily their sick leave benefits. 26 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the new personncl policy and procedural manual as presented. 2. Review and discuss the proposed policy but table any action until a future Council meeting. 3. Adopt the personnel policy after incorporating any modifications desired. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While there certainly may be areas within the new personnel policy that can be amended, deleted, or changed, I believe the basic document is sound and should be considered by the Council for adoption. Some areas that were vague in our old policy have been changed to better clarify definitions, and the policy has been updated to include benefits for part-time employees who meet certain eligibility requirements. If after discussion by the Council changes are proposed, it may be well to table any action until the next meeting to allow a redraft to be presented. Again, I want to point out that even with the adoption of the present policy, it would be reviewed �- annually and any changes or modifications that seem necessary would be considered by the Council each year to keep the policy updated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None --proposed policy was sent out previously to Council members. C 27 Council Agenda - 3/26/90 1L_ 18. Consideration of hirinq full-time municipal construction inspector. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As per Council authorization, the Public Works Director and City Administrator drafted a job description for the position of municipal construction inspector. A copy is enclosed for your review. The position was advertised in the Minneapolis Star Tribune as well as the local Monticello Times with a closing date for applications of March 9. We received 26 applications or resumes for the position. Six Individuals were selected for interview by the City Administrator, myself, and the Water Superintendent. Resumes and applications were sent to John Badalich for his review. We considered John's input critical to the selection process, as John will be signing off on projects inspected by this individual. At the time of drafting of this agenda supplement, we are two- thirds of the way through the interviews. We expect to complete the interviews by Friday afternoon or Monday morning at the latest. This should leave enough time so that we can �._ check references where necessary and make a recommendation to the Council at Monday evening's meeting. As in the past, any appointment would be conditional upon the individual passing a physical. If there are any questions in the meantime regarding the individuals selected for interview or the selection process used, please fool free to contact Rick or myself or Matt prior to the meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of job description. C 28 CITY OF MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR February 26, 1990 I. Job Description This is a skilled position involving inspection of various municipal improvement projects, including buildings, streets, and utilities. This position requires skill related to accepted construction techniques and practices, which includes routine survey and drafting and record keeping skills. II. Responsibilities The inspector shall carry out his/her duties under the direction of the Public Works Director. The individual will work closely with contractors working within the city, will be responsible for the Gopher State One Call system interaction, and will be required to outline and maintain construction record drawings. The inspector will also be responsible for other duties assigned by the Public Works Director, City Administrator, and/or Council as required. These may involve assisting such departments as, but not limited to, the sanitary sewer collection department, water department, and building inspection department. The inspector may be required to work various shifts and days to provide continuous public service. This could include work on Saturdays, Sundays, and/or holidays if so required. III. Examples of Work Inspect and provide construction observation on various municipal improvement projects, both private and public, such as sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water distribution, streets, and grading operations. The inspector shall work closely with individual contractors, the City Engineer, and the Public Works Director in preparing various project status reports, pay requests, field notes for record drawings, etc. The inspector shall carry out these duties in an accurate and timely fashion. 3. The inspector shall locate water mains and services, sanitary sewer mains and services, storm sewers, valves, and manholes with a high degree of accuracy in a timely fashion. The inspector shall receive location requests from Gopher State One Call and shall perform locates as Crequested and maintain a file of same. (2) Job Description i Municipal Construction Inspector Page 2 4. The inspector shall outline and maintain construction record drawings in a fashion as to be easily accessible to City staff. He/she shall provide and distribute as - built data to local surveyors and the general public. The inspector shall provide accurate field data for the City Engineer to prepare final record drawings on major construction projects. The inspector shall draft record drawings for smaller projects. 5. The inspector shall survey both horizontal location and vertical elevation of sanitary sewer mains and services, water mains and services, and storm sewers and appurtenances as needed. These surveys shall be done in an accurate and timely fashion. 6. The individual shall inspect the installation and hookup of sanitary sewer and water services. He/she shall also assist with and observe the pressure testing as required by City ordinance. The inspector shall prepare record drawings of these services to be kept on file with the office of Public Works and in the building permit file. 7. The '.inspector shall at times assist the building inspection department with routine inspections such as building location, grading, footings, below grade plumbing, etc., as required when workloads permit. These inspections shall be carried out with n high degree of accuracy in a timely fashion. 8. The inspector shall also assist other departments when required with such tasks as, but not limited to, hydrant flushing, meter reading, leak detection, and repair, etc. 9. The inspector shall collect fees and issue excavation permits and sanitary sewer and water hookup permits. The inspector shall maintain an up-to-date record of local contractors, permits, insurances, and bonds and shall ensure adherence to City ordinances and specifications by all contractors. IV. Desirable Qualifications Special Certification Certification as an engineering technician by the Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technicians (an C organization sponsored and backed by the Professional Engineors Association).