City Council Agenda Packet 10-28-1991/Cu.) AGENDA FOR THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 28, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Mayor: Ken Maus City Council: Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad Pyle, Dan Blonigen 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held October 15, 1991. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 4. Public hearing on proposed assessment roll for delinquent charges, and consideration of adopting an assessment roll for the certification with the county auditor covering delinquent charges. 5. Consideration of adopting ordinance amendment amending certification dates for delinquent accounts. 6. Review of bids and proposals for now snowplow truck and equipment and consideration of award. 7. Consideration of final payment on annual sealcoating project, SC91-1. 8. Information Center/Chamber office update. 9. Consideration of bills for the month of October. 10. Review of proposed 1992 budget (if time allows). 11. Adjournment. V MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, October 15, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Dan Blonigen Members Absent: None Approval of minutes. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 27, 199 1, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. Citizens comments /petitions. requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. > Public Hearinq--Consideration of a resolution for vacatinq a portion of the drainage and utility easement alone the northern border of Lot 1. Block 1. Sandberq East. Applicant, Clint Herbst. Mayor Maus opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that the request stems from a problem created with the original platting of the Sandberg East subdivision. At the time the plan was designed, it was in the township, and township design standards stipulated that the side yard lot lines along the perimeter of unplatted land requires establishment of a 20 -foot easement along the side yard. This requirement affected Lot 1, Block 1, of the Sandberg East subdivision. O'Neill went on to note that the 20 -foot easement requirement makes sense in a rural area, especially where there is no easement on the adjoining property to the north; however, in an urban area where lot sizes are smaller due to availability of sanitary sewer, the 20 -foot easoment acts to encumber the property and limit ability to develop the site. O'Neill also informed Council that the City may ultimately need an easement running east and wost in the area for use in conjunction with dovelopment of a storm water outlet serving the Meadow Oak storm wator retention pond. He suggested that the City Council grant the request to vacate the easement contingent on the City acquiring additional easement at Page 1 0 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 another location in order to provide for the potential route for a storm sewer system that could possibly need to be developed in the area. Mayor Maus then closed the public hearing. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to adopt a resolution vacating a 14 -foot section of the drainage and utility easement along the northern border of Lot 1, Block 1, Sandberg East. Vacation is subject to City acquisition of an additional 10 -foot easement along the southern boundary of Lot 2, Block 1, SandberEast subdivision. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 91-34. Consideration of reviewinq the Housinq and Redevelopment Tax Increment Financial Analysis as prepared by Business Development Services, Inc. Pat Pelstring of Business Development Services was present to describe the financial analysis that he prepared of the City of Monticello tax increment financing districts. Pelstring noted that the tax revenue needed to pay the TIF debt is sufficient and that there continues to be a surplus of TIF funds that could be used for redevelopment activity as deemed necessary by the HRA and City Council. Pelstring noted that funds available after payment of TIF debt, administrative expenses, and "pay-as-you-go" payments could approach $1.5 million over the next 20 years. Council reviewed the report; no action taken. Consideration of a request to rezone Lot 1{ Block 4. River Terrace, 'also known as West Side Market, from R-1 (single family) zoninq desiqnation to B-1 (neighborhood business). Applicants, Tom Holthaus and Matt Holker. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the owners of the West Side Market request that the City rezone the West Side Market from its present residential zoning designation to the B-1 (neighborhood commercial) zoning designation. The request for the rezoning stems from the desire of the applicants to operate under a zoning designation that is consistent with the business operation that is now in place. O'Neill went on to note that if the zoning ordinance amendment is allowed, the West Side Market is no longer considered a non -conforming use, which would allow the property owner to Page 2 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 fully utilize all the land area for commercial use as allowed in the B-1 zone. This would allow the existing facility to be enlarged significantly. In addition, the rezoning would allow the West Side Market to sell Christmas trees at the site. Under the present rules governing non -conforming uses, Christmas tree sales are not technically allowed at the site, as such outside sales could be construed as an enlargement or intensification of a non -conforming use. In his presentation, O'Neill informed Council that the Planning Commission recommended that the rezoning be denied based on the finding that the original zoning designation as R-1 was correct and changing the designation to a B-1 district would constitute spot zoning. Ed Solberg, resident living at 1204 Sandy Lane, expressed opposition to the rezoning request. He noted that the rezoning constitutes spot zoning. Tom H olthaus stated that his business must be able to compete with other convenience stores, and in order to do so, he needs to have the flexibility to use the site in a manner that allows him to achieve the highest business potential at the p site. He also noted that the store has been a good neighbor, as it has eliminated all beer sales and adult magazines. Over 400 people use the convenience store per day. Clint Herbst stated that the West Side Market owners knew what they were getting into when they bought the property. They knew that enlargement of the facility would not be allowed in the R-1 district. They shouldn't be allowed to come back later and request the rezoning. Dan Blonigen disagreed with Herbst in stating that the property 'has no potential for residential use, and the property is being used as a neighborhood business center; therefore, it should be zoned as such. Shirley Anderson noted that she is in the middle and agrees to some degree with Dan. She noted that the original tavern that was converted to the market was there prior to development of residences. Ken Maus stated that the local neighborhood deserves a first- class convenience store; and in order to remain first class, the store needs to be able to compete with other businesses providing similar services. By allowing the rezoning to occur, the business is in a better position to remain competitive and more likely to remain an asset to the neighborhood. Pego 3 0 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 Jon Bogart, a member of the Planning Commission, was in attendance. He suggested that the City somehow allow the property to be rezoned to B-1 but require restrictive covenants against the site which limit the enlargement of the store. Assistant Administrator O'Neill suggested that if Council is striving to seek a compromise which would allow the West Side Market to operate as a legal permitted use and at the same time regulate or apply conditions associated with enlargement of the site, then Council may wish to consider establishment of a convenience stare as a conditional use in the B-1 zone. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to table consideration of rezoning the West Side Market site from R-1 to B-1 and to direct City staff to prepare an ordinance amendment allowing a convenience store to operate in a B-1 district as a conditional use only. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen and seconded by Shirley Anderson to allow Christmas tree sales to occur at the West Side Market during the upcoming Christmas season. Motion carried unanimously. Review pilot study program and consideration of resident optional cart svetem aarbaae pickup. John Simola, Public Works Director, reported that in May of this year, City Council authorized a pilot program for garbage pickup utilizing the roll -around cart system in a section of the community. Simola reported that as a result of the pilot program, the City found that over half the residents in the study area wish to continue with the cart system on a rental basis. Seventy-nine percent (79%) to eighty-one percent (81%) of the respondents, even though some did not wish to rent the carts at this time, considered the cart system an improvement over the old system and that it enhanced the look of the neighborhood. Simola went on to recommend that City Council approve a resident optional cart system for the city authorizing the purchase of 222 carts from Zarn for a cost of $11,909. Under this alternative, the City would pick up carts on October 21 from those residents not wishing to continue. The City would clean them and make them available for other city residents. Under this alternative, the City would rent the carts to residents for $1.00 a month for the 65 -gallon and 41.25 a month for the 95 -gallon cart. This bill would be placed on Pago 4 0 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 the utility billing system and billed on a quarterly basis. These rates allow the City to recapture the cost of the cart within 43 to 54 months and provide a full parts warranty or replacement. The rental system is preferred, as carts could be kept in a good state of repair, and the City could easier make changes in the system as the cart owner. Also, not every resident wishes to own a cart, especially rental housing units. Clint Herbst stated that he would prefer that the city residents have the option to buy or rent a cart. A representative from Zarn, manufacturer of the carts, noted that carts need to be owned by the City or the hauler. If the residents own the cart, then there is less likelihood that they will be adequately maintained over the long haul. Brad Fyle noted that the City is moving toward total automation of garbage pickup. This program is pushing in the right direct ion. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to approve a resident optional cart system for the City authorizing the purchase of the 222 carts from Zarn at a cost of $11,909. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration of a resolution prohibiting construction of privately -owned wastewater treatment facilities for multiple residential dovelopments. Rick Wolfste ller, City Administrator, reported that the City Council is being asked to consider adopting a resolution that clarifies the City's position in regard to allowing or prohibiting construction or expansion of privately -owned wastewater treatment facilities that service multiple family residential developments and/or mobile home park communities. This issue does not pertain to individual single family private sower systems but relates to the development of wastewater treatment facilities with larger volumes that require Minnesota Pollution Control Agency disposal system permits. Wolfstellor went on to note that by adopting this resolution, the City Council is clarifying its position that the City will not support development of a private wastewater system that requires PCA permits when it Is feasible to connect to the City's system. In taking a firm position on this matter, the City will provide the Pollution Control Agency with the Pago 5 - 01 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 information it needs to act on any requests for development of private sewer and water systems that might come from area mobile home parks or other residential developments that might desire to develop their own on-site system. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to adopt a resolution prohibiting construction of privately -owned wastewater treatment facilities for multiple or residential developments. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 91-35. 9. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising for bids for traffic signal at the intersection of County State Aid Hiohwav 75. CSAH 39 East, and CSAH 118. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve plans and specifications and advertising for bids for a traffic signal at the intersection of CSAH 75, CSAH 39 East, and CSAH 118. Included in the motion is approval of adding street directional signs at the intersection. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of appointment of Assistant Liquor Store, Manager. Joe Hartman and Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the application process. It was noted that the advertisement for the position resulted in 31 applications for the job. Eight individuals were interviewed. Hartman went on to inform Council that Wanda Goenner is recommended for the position, as her references were excellent, and all her previous supervisors recommend her for the position. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to appoint Wanda Goonner to the Position of Assistant Liquor Store Manager for Hi -way Liquors. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of approving specifications and advertising for bids for now snowplow truck to replace the 1981 Chevrolet, snowplow truck. John Slmola, Public Works Director, reviewed the need to replace the 1981 Chevrolet snowplow truck. He noted that at the last meeting the City Council authorized staff to utilize the 1981 Chevrolet truck to replace the 1972 International for the purpose of providing transportation for the sewer jet machine. Now that this has been completed, the City is one truck short of the four units that the City has used to plow Pago 6 0 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 streets since 1978. Simola went on to add that since 1978, the City has added 8.4 miles of streets and 18 cul-de-sacs. Even with the additional increase in service area, City staff has achieved the goal of having the streets cleaned within an 8 -hour period of time. After discussion, a motion was made by Dan 8lonigen and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve specifications and advertising for bids for a new snowplow truck to replace the 1981 Chevrolet snowplow truck. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of adopting a resolution authorizinq preparation of Meadow Oak pond outlet feasibilitv study. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that at the previous meeting of the City Council, Council considered authorizing a feasibility study for the purpose of defining the extent of the problem associated with absence of a storm water outlet to the Meadow Oak pond and to determine alternative methods for providing an outlet to the pond. In response to this request, Council requested that the property owners affected by the proposed route of the storm water system be contacted to determine to what extent they would support placement of the system on their property. O'Neill reported that John Simola and Rick Wolfsteller have contacted affected property owners, and all have indicated an interest in allowing the storm water system to pass through their property with some conditions. Clint Herbst asked if ditch 33 remains a possibility for providing storm water outlet to the Meadow Oak pond. He noted that perhaps the City could invest money in development of this ditch rather than installation of a now outlet to the river. Pat Sawatzko was in attendance. He noted that under rogulations governing ditch development in counties that landowners have governed the ditch, there is not much that the county can do to improve the ditch without a high degree of support from the local property owners. The county is simply not capable of legally authorizing improvornent of ditch 33. Council was also informed that the coat to upgrade ditch 33 will cost significantly more than tho cost to devolop an alternative outlet to the Meadow Oak pond. Page 7 0- Council Minutes - 10/15/91 Brad Fyle stated that he feels that the City is jumping the gun in completing the feasibility study. He recognizes that some day we may need an outlet; but to develop a plan at this time is premature. Shirley Anderson asked if Briar Oakes creates additional storm water drainage that needs control, can they be assessed? John Simola noted that all benefiting property can be assessed. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Dan Blonigen to adopt a resolution authorizing preparation of a Meadow Oak pond outlet feasibility study at an estimated cost of $3,500. Voting in favor: Dan Blonigen, Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Ken Maus. Opposed: Brad Fyle. SEE RESOLUTION 91-36. 13. Consideration of a request to amend Section 3-2 B 5 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by replacing the phrase "in the R-1 (single family residential) and R-2 (sinqle and two-family residentiall districts" with the phrase "all residential zonina districts." Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council that the Planning Commission had recommended that Council approve the proposed ordinance amendment which modifies language recently adopted that required that a two -car garage (400 sq ft) be developed with each single family house in the R-1 and R-2 zones. The original amendment is lacking because there is no reference made in the amendment to the two -car garage in the PUD or R-3 zones, even though the original intent of the ordinance amendment was to require garages to be constructed in these zones as well. O'Neill reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendment based on the finding that it was the original intent of the ordinance to apply the two -car garage requirement to all residential zones. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt the proposed ordinance amondment based on the finding that the proposed language is consistent with the intent and finding established by the Planning Commission and City Council during previous consideration of tho two -car garage requirement approvod in July of 1991. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 213. Page 8 Council Minutes - 10/15/91 14. Consideration of authorizinq the receptionist to complete Council minutes under supervision of the Assistant Administrator. Administrator Wolfsteller requested that Council consider allowing the receptionist to complete the Council minutes under supervision of the Assistant Administrator. Wolfsteller noted that there will be a slight additional cost associated with this change, as the receptionist will need to be paid time -and -a -half for attending the Council meetings. Ken Maus noted that he appreciates the willingness of the receptionist to become involved in completion of the meeting minutes; however, he is not certain that this position should be completing the meeting minutes in lieu of the Assistant City Administrator completing the minutes. It was his view that the task might be more efficiently done by the Executive Secretary, as she is the person that is responsible for typing the completed minutes. After discussion, no action was taken on this matter. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant City Administrator C Pago 9 0-2-, Council Agenda - 10/28/91 4. Public hearinq on proposed assessment roll for delinquent charges. AND Consideration of adopting an assessment roll for the certification with the county auditor covering delinquent charges. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Annually, the City Council is asked to adopt an assessment roil for those accounts which are delinquent (amount is over 60 days past due) on the assessment roll to be certified to the county auditor for collection the following year with the real estate taxes. Minnesota Statutes allow for special assessments to be collected for various types of current services that are delinquent. Those people whose accounts are delinquent have been notified of the public hearing tonight and are given an opportunity to present input if they so desire. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 1992 at an interest rate of 88. As in the past, if any of the accounts are paid by the time the assessment roll has to be delivered to the county auditor, they will be removed from the assessment roll. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for delinquent charges as presented. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that any individual who has not paid their account in full by November 30, 1991, be certified to the county auditor for collection with next year's taxes. Numerous bills have been sent to these individuals, and a public hearing notice has boon issued advising them of this last opportunity. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll and comploto listing of delinquent sewer and water accounts and other service charge accounts. 0 RESOLUTION 91 - RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent sewer and water billings and other service charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONT ICELLO, MI NNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 1993 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first Installment shall be added Interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, ' 1992. 3. The owner of ttie properly so assessed may, at any time prior to cortlflcaLlon of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to Lhe date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid ovor in tho same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by lite City Council this 28Lh day of October, 1991. Mayor City Administrator D 10/25/91 1991 DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT ROLL Page 1 Delinquent Services PROPERTY ID NUMBER AMOUNT NAME ------------------ 155-500-191202 ---------------- MAPS 54.76 -------------------- Joanne Halliger 155-010-037010 7;1, f 182.00 Clarence McCarty 155-013-002110 31.80 Richard Gildersleeve 155-014-003080 /h .,,.,a 305.66 Robert Graham 155-014-003100 305.65 Robert Graham 155-015-003130 T,u..� 182.00 David Wilhelm 155-015-015010 -To ,rn�-rf 275.60 It ISO 882. Monticello 155-040-003030 ; /;�,r_.� 731.50 James Agosto 155-048-001170 i 720.00 " John Miller 155-044-001010 M� . 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-002030 0 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-003040 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-003060 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-003120 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-004010 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-004020 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-004030 I 82.25 UltraHomes 155-044-004050 62.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-004060 !! 0:.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-004070 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-044-004080 82.25 Ultra Homes 155-045-002080 82.24 Ultra Homes 155-045-004050 82.23 Ultra Homes 155-057-001040 15.67 Ultra Homes 155-057-002060 82.23 Ultra Homes 155-057-002070 62.23 Ultra Homes 155-057-002080 82.23 Ultra Homes 155-059-002100 82.22 Ultra Homes 155-059-002120 15.67 Ultra Homes 155-059-003030 82.22 Ultra Homos 155-059-003060 82.22 Ultra Homes 155-059-003070 82.22 Ultra Homes 155-059-003U80 82.22 Ultra Homes • have indicated an intent to pay prior to November 30, 1991 C 10/25/91 PROPERTY ID NUMBER ------------------ 1991 DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT ROLL Page 1 Delinquent Utilities AMOUNT NAME ----------- -------------------- 155-010-055090 83 155-010-054070 83, 155-010-063040 88 155-010-067152 188, 155-015-005120 79 155-015-005150 64 155-015-025011 45 155-010-053070 169 155-010-034150 262 155-010-035040 140 155-010-037010 114 155-010-038050 77 155-010-039010 30 155-010-030080 79 155-010-080030 256 155-010-001010 699 155-015-043060 266 155-500-033401 32 155-500-034200 148 155-500-034200 35 55-500-034200 80 155-500-031300 43 155-500-031300 44 155-500-031300 16 155-500-031300 14 155-500-031300 0g") 24 155-021-002050 �a�S T�1 76 155-013-002110 V'• A� 113 tt� 155-500-041102 90 /63 155-025-002010 155-026-003080 116 155-026-003110 80 155-031-002110 69 / 155-031-002100 22 155-039-001080 16 155-035-004120 93 155-035-001030 90 155-035-001090 79 155-035-001090 ur75 155-035-001110 155-031-001070 J 387 155-031-001060 N 57 155-031-001060 �10V 15 155-026-001070 ere '1 54 155-030-001100 56 '55-030-001020 573 ,55-500-181202 9 155-045-002010 B2 155-045-002060 I 147 155-045-002110 Q� X46 �N 97 Ruby Hass (Tom Hass) 85 Michael O'Connor (P. Murphy) 73 Dick Rice 17 James Wolff (old A-V Room) 30 Dave 5 Barb Gilles (Cindy Olson) 59 Ronald Begin 41 Lowell Hendrickson 74 No -Ram Enterprises (Broadway Plaza) 97 Hildebrandt Investors 95 Little Mountain Dental 88 Clarence McCarty 02 David b Debra Mevissen 87 Lawrence Mengelkoch 17 Russ Olson (Arthur Womble) 68 Arlan Pocklington (Brenda Wheat) 10 Monticello Mall (Lincoln Co.) 67 Christopher Maas 87 Fred Gil le 71 Don Hoikes (Dorin Lonnquist) 92 Don Heikes (William Hansen) 56 Don Heikes (Bruce Cooper) 00 Gary Scharber (Teresa Camper) 52 Gary Scharber (G. Kuchenmeister) 33 Gary Scharber (Dion Boos) 56 Gary Scharber (Richard Gilgen) 38 Gary Scharber (John McClanahan` 92 Gerald Piatz 48 Richard Gildersleeve 55 `L*pLiea Swan/Stove Anderson ( Robinson) 37 Ivan Walter 99 James Johnson 49 Jeff Goordt (Jillian Docke rt) 18 Lynn Siddinger (Doug Olson) 97 Jeff Johnson 54 Quinton Lanners (Tim Pearson) 71 Tom Holthaus (Larry Motcal-f) ,14 Tim Witschen (Patrick Not) 14 Steve Holthaus (Gala Stine bough) .51 Stove Holthaus (Sue Ellets on) 46 Jack Schmitz t6 James Collette 50 James VanMovoron (Denlca Dalon) .56 James VanMovoron (Joel Hawkins) 91 James Preusser .74 Kent Mitchell 63 Wright Co State Bank (K. Fisotte) .12 Joanne Halliger (now owner ponding) 78 Michael Harter .76 Mark Lange 00 Richard Imholto (Craig Knutson) 0/25/91 1991 DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT ROLL Page 2 PROPERTY ID NUMBER 155-045-006060 155-045-004060 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-500-154403 155-5UU-154403 155-500-154403 155-010-010011 155-500-113201 155-041-001030 155-029-001010 155-029-001010 C Delinquent Utilities AMOUNT NAME 17.78 Jeff Lundy (Associated Fin Svc) 7.68 Jack b Kara Herren 84.74 Kjellberg's Inc (Linda Duckson) 30.70 Kjellberg's Inc 16.54 Kjellberg's Inc (Donald Rahl) 68.20 Kjellberg's Inc (Mike Peterson) 22.63 Kjellberg's Inc (Joe Pendy) 23.68 Kjellberg's Inc (John Christ) 70.67 Kjellberg's Inc (Wm Schwender) 7.00 Kjellberg's Inc (John Gaetz) 62.34 Kjellberg's Inc (A. Schlumpberger) 15.42 Kjellberg's Inc (Steven Davis) 23.61 Kjellberg's Inc (Clara Kalenda) 11.45 Kjellberg's Inc (Vicki Hurd) 9.12 Kjellberg's Inc (William Reeves) 8.77 Kjellberg's Inc (Jim Sweeter) 8.21 Kjellberg's Inc (Lawrence Weseman) 8.07 Kjellberg's Inc (Carolyn Wacloff) 18.24 Kjellberg's Inc (Bill Eckerman) 92.51 Kjellberg's Inc (Alan Trepanier) 84.95 Kjollberg's Inc (Vicky Anderson) 21.84 Kjellberg's Inc (Ray Williams) 92.51 Gerald Munson 38.80 Marvin Kramer (Curt Fisher) 7.00 Provesco Inc (Mark Quigley) 21.84 Admired Properties (Keith Hurol) 45.23 Admired Properties (B. Strommen) Council Agenda - 10/28/91 5. Consideration of adoptin_q ordinance amendment amending certification dates for delinquent accounts. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Our current city ordinances relating to water and sewer utility accounts, sewer user charges, and garbage and refuse charges under Title 7 have provisions that allow the City to collect all unpaid delinquent accounts through the assessment method by certifying annually the delinquent accounts to the Wright County Auditor. Our ordinances had previously corresponded with the state statutes' requirements that certification of unpaid accounts were to be certified by October 10 of each year. The state legislators amended Chapter 429.061, Subdivision 3, of the state statutes that extended the date for certification by municipalities of delinquent accounts until November 30 of each year. As a result of this change, the City now has additional time to certify delinquent accounts, and it is recommended that we amend our ordinance sections to correspond with the amended state statutes. Enclosed is an ordinance amendment that changes the certification date to November 30 for all three sections of Title 7 that pertain to various sewer and water utility accounts, sewer user charges, and garbage and refuse accounts. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt the ordinance amendment as proposed. 2. Do not adopt an amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since this is really a housekeeping matter to have our ordinances correspond with amended state statutes, thore should not be any reason why the amendment should not be adopted. The additional time provided by the state statutes will allow the City to have an up-to-date list of delinquent accounts for certification annually. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS THAT CITY ORDINANCES, SECTIONS 7-2-21, 7-3-3 (C), AND 7-6-9 (B), PERTAINING TO CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS FOR SEWER AND WATER UTILITY ACCOUNTS, SEWER USER CHARGES, AND GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE CHARGES, BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Sewer and Water Accounts: 7-2-21: PROVISION FOR COLLECTION WITH TAXES: Delinquent accounts shall be certified to the City Administrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll each year providing for assessment of the delinquent amounts against the respective properties served. The assessment roll shall be delivered to the Council for adoption on or before November 30 of each year. Upon such adoption, the Administrator shall certify the assessment roll to the county auditor for collection along with taxes. Sewer User Charqes: 7-3-3: BILLING AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES: (C) Enforcement of Charqes. Each charge levied by and pursuant to this section Is hereby made a lien upon the corresponding lot, land, or premises-Rerved by a connection to the sewer system of said city and all such charges which are on the first day of November cacti year more than 90 days past due, and having been properly billed to the occupant of the promises served, shall be certified by the City Clerk to the county auditor by November 30 of each year, and the City Clerk in so certifying such charges to the county auditor shall specify the amount thereof, the description of the premises served, the name of the owner thereof, and the amount so certified shall to extended by the auditor on the tax rolls against such promises In the same manner as other taxes, and collected by the county treasurer, and paid to the City Treasurer, along with other taxes. Garbago/Rof.use Accounts: 7-6-9: GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE RATES: (B) DELINQUENT GARBAGE/REFUS11 ACCOUNTS: All charges for garbage/ refuse service shall be duo and payable within 30 days after the billing date. Accounts shall be considered delinquent when not paid within 30 dnys. Accounts more than 90 days past due shall be cortified by the City Administrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll no loss than twice each year providing for the assessment of the delinquent amount against the respective property served, which assessment roll shall be 0 Ordinance Amendment No. Page 2 submitted to the City Council for adoption on or before November 30 of each year and for certification to the Wright County Auditor for collection as other taxes are collected. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of October, 1991. Mayor City Administrator 0 Council Agenda - 10/28/91 6. Review of bids and proposals for new snowplow truck and equipment and consideration of award. {J.S.} A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last meeting, the Council authorized advertisement for bids for a new snowplow truck. As with the last truck, the bids and proposals were split into three sections. Bids were advertised for a truck cab and chassis, quotations were taken for a dump box and hydraulic system, and bids were advertised for a new snowplow, wing, and sander. Prior to the final drafting of the specifications for the snowplow, wing, and sander, Roger Mack, Dan Blonigen, and myself had the opportunity to look at plows manufactured by Frink and Little Falls Machine. These plows feature a trip cutting edge rather than the entire plow tripping when an object is struck. This is similar in concept to the two Norwegian snowplows we already have. The bids are returnable Monday, October 28, at 2:00 p.m. Consequently, the bids will not be available until Monday evening's meeting. As addressed at the previous Council meeting, the expected cost of the truck and equipment is C $61,000. City staff will have recommendations at Monday evening's meeting. 3 BID TABULATION Monday, October 28, 1991 - 2:00 p.m. New 1992 sinale axle truck, cab, chassis 6 accessories: Name/Address Bid Amount Bid Bond Delivery Boyer Ford $40,424.50 Yee 150 days Hoglund Bus $41,972.53•• Yea 75 days Lakeland Ford $40,342.00• I Yee 150 days Ono 12 -foot dump body with hydraulics accessories: /$5,920.00• $4,316.00 T -32,209.00 - Shuster Delivery $9,833.66 ` $4,750. 00• 1 $2,870.59 After Truck Name/Address Bid Amount Bid Bond Delivery Crysteel ` $ 9,583.00• Yoe 30 days MacQueen Equipment $11,590.00 Yee 30 days Snowplow, wino, hitches, sander, s accessories: • Staff recommendation for award ••Includes fuel tank relocation Non-compliance Add'l front spring leafs Delivery After Truck Did Bond Total Dolivery Yes $12,042.00 30 days Yes $12,411.00 10 days Yes $12,445.00 15 days Chock $17,454.46 60 days (l i Alt. Alt. Name/Address Item 1 item 2 Item 3 Crystool (Monroe) $5,833.00 $4,241. 00 $1,968.00 Crystool (Falls) $6,081.00 $4,178. 00 $2,152.00 MacQuoen (Falls) /$5,920.00• $4,316.00 T -32,209.00 - Shuster (Frank) $9,833.66 ` $4,750. 00• 1 $2,870.59 I (Swenson Sander) • Staff recommendation for award ••Includes fuel tank relocation Non-compliance Add'l front spring leafs Delivery After Truck Did Bond Total Dolivery Yes $12,042.00 30 days Yes $12,411.00 10 days Yes $12,445.00 15 days Chock $17,454.46 60 days (l i Council Agenda - 10/28/91 Consideration of final payment on annual sealcoatlno oroiect, SC91-1. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This year's sealcoating project involved the eastern portion of the core city. Problems were encountered with the sealcoating on the north side of Broadway between Cedar Street and Dayton Street. A thunderstorm occurred within one to two hours after application of the sealcoat and rock. Since the oil used is an asphalt emulsion and somewhat water seluable during the first one to two hours after application, we experienced a darkening of the street surface and a staining of some of the curbs in the area. I immediately contacted Mr. Gene Capistrant of Allied Blacktopping, and he suggested that we quickly blot the areas with a clean, fine sand. He indicated in doing so that this would result in an extra charge on the project but that it would be minimal. I advised him to do what needed to be done to control the leaching of the all. He immediately dispatched several trucks with this material to Monticello, and it was effective in controlling any further leaching of oil. At the completion of the project and the final sweeping, it was noted that some loose rock was still evident on some of the streets in the problem area. I informed Allied Blacktopping of this and also informed them that our specification called for them to remove any staining on the curbing. Allied Blacktopping then sent a crew to sweep the streets a second time, and they spent an entire day cleaning curbing in the problem area. Since this was not entirely successful, I had the public works department attempt to further scrub the curbing with a biodegradable chemical. We were unable to remove any additional material, and it was concluded that Allied Blacktopping had cleaned the curb as bast as possible. The original contract price for the work to be done by Allied Blacktopping was $38,043.26. To date we have paid 908 leaving a balance duo of $3,804.33. Allied Blacktopping has billed us an additional $470.93 for the sand blotting material put down after the rain. If the City considers this extra payment, the payment due would be $4,275.26, making the total project value $38,514.19. Council Agenda - 10/28/91 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to pay Allied Blacktopping for the 108 remaining on their contract and the additional $470.93 for the sand blotting material; therefore, the final payment would be $4,275.26. 2. The second alternative is to pay Allied Blacktopping the 108 left on the original contract of $3,804.33 but not pay them for the sand blotting material. 3. The third alternative would be to not make final payment at this time but to hold the final 108 and request that Allied Blacktopping again return to Monticello to attempt to clean additional curbing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that we make final payment to Allied Blacktopping for the 108 of the original contract and the $470.93 for the sand blotting material per alternative $1. Although we may have the right in the specifications to request Allied to again return and t attempt to clean additional curb, the Street Superintendent feels that it is not feasible to continue cleaning the curb, as very little more can be accomplished based upon our trial efforts to clean the curbs. We do have a one-year warranty bond on the project; and should any further problems occur, Allied would return to correct those. We have had a good working relationship with Allied in the past, as they have performed the majority of our soalcoating projects. Our good working relationship with them in the past has resulted in the lowest price overall on our sealcoating projects. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 10/28/91 @. Update on Information Center/Chamber buildinq remodelinq project. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last meeting, the Council discussed the lack of bids from a general contractor for the proposed remodeling of the Information Center. The Council directed staff to seek individual quotes and bids from area contractors for the various pieces of the project. If staff was able to obtain prices on all of the pieces and the cost estimates were within the $15,000 budget of the Chamber, the project could go ahead with the City being the general contractor. If, however, we were unable to obtain prices, the project would be delayed and rebid in the spring. As of the drafting of the Council agenda on Friday morning, we are still missing a couple of quotes on smaller portions of the work. It is expected that we will have these by Monday. It currently appears that we will be very close to budget with the exception of the ceramic tile on the bathroom floor, which may have to be omitted and changed to linoleum. Additional information and recommendations will be available at Monday evening's meeting. C INFORMATION CENTER/CHAMBER BUILDING REMODELING PROJECT New Budqet Based on Low Quotes 1. Carpentry, insulation, & painting $ 5,375 2. Electrical 1,250 3. Exterior doors 1,190 4. Exterior windows 1,241 5. Plumbing, fixtures, & concrete floor 2,747 6. Heating (used furnace from Cole house) 1,550 7. Stucco repair 400 8. Ceramic tile in bathroom 437 SUBTOTAL $14,190 A. Block work and install door frames $ / / 9f B. Sewer 6 water hookup 750 C. Used furnace service check 50 + D. Contingency TOTAL S/ �yoyrl /S�GGD A4— e CAA-- Tile oC (1o,C.k/y Ct & c, l7i -I�Pr P n« f o'j 8/ooc wo a,4 10/28/91 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/20/91 13.98813 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32234 09/20/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 32233 09/20/91 MN DEPART OF -NATURAL 32236 09/20/91 STEELE/R. C. 32237 09/23/91 A.E. MICHAELS 32237 09/23/91 A.E. MICHAELS 32238 09/23/91 AMVET 32239 09/23/91 CELLULAR ONE 32240 09/23/91 COMMUNICATION AUDITS 32241 09/23/91 DAVIS WATER EOUIPMEN 32242 09/23/91 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 32242 09/23/91 FEEDRITE CONTROLS, I 32243 09/23/91 FLICKER'S T.V. i APP 32244 09/23/91 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 32249 09/23/91 H G H WATERTOWER, IN 32246 09/23/91 HYDROTEII. INC. 32247 09/23/91 KORBLICK/MIKE 32240 09/23/91 LARK IN,HOFFMAN, DALY 32249 09/23/91 MCDOWALL COMPANY 32290 09/23/91 MIDWEST VISION DISTR 32291 09/23/91 MINN STATE FIRE CHIE 32292 09/23/91 MOBIL 32292 09/23/91 MOBIL 32292 09/23/91 MOBIL , 32292 09/23/91 MOBIL 32293 09/23/91 MONTI SPORTS C/ Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVO: 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 164.00 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE APP 76.00 940 ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLI 418.79 338 PAINT/ANIMAL SHELTER 181.63 338 PAINT/WATER TOWER 43.09 224.72 964 ANIMAL VET FEES 30.00 999 CIVIL DEFENSE PHONE CH 42.07 38 PAGER REPAIRS/FIRE DE 169.89 290 SUPPLIES/CARDINAL MIL 709.23 96 MISC PROF SER/WATER D 100.00 96 CHEMICALS/SEWER COL 1,999.47 1,699.47 60 BATTERIES/FIRE DEPT 41.96 910 HOSES/FIRE DEPT 229.00 979 INSPECTION FEES/W TOW 770.00 417 LUBRICANTS/BTREET,OEP 223.40 973 NEWSPAPER,BUBBCRIPTION 9.20 497 LEGAL FEES. 909.07 111 LIBRARY FURNACE REPAI 302.89 279 FRAMES - GLASSES/R CLI 30.00 493 REO FEE/CONFERCNCE/WE 109.00 131 GAS/OLD INSPECTOR 64.32 - 131 GAB/SEWER COLLECTIONS 20.33 131 OAS/MATER DEPT 28.33 131 OAS/STREET DEPT 121.64 242.62 972 UNIFORM PATCHES/FIRE 987•.90 $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 09/20/91 13.58. 1:3 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32254 09/23/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 32294 09/23/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 32294 09/23/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 32299 09/23/91 SHAMROCK INDUSTRIES, 32296 09/23/91 STEAM BROTHERS 32297 09/23/91 TODD 6 CO., INC./MIC 32297 09/23/91 TODD & CO., INC./MIC 32290 09/23/91 WALDOR PUMP.& EOUIPM GENERAL CHECKING Dlaburcemont Journal 1 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVOI 136 COPY PAPER/P WORKS 23.96 136 MISC BUP/PW INSPECTION 13.08 136 MISC SUP/CITY HALL 283.11 320.17. *CHECK TOTAL 376 RECYCLI NO CONTAINER 1,929.51 326 CARPET CLEANING/FIFE 190.00 393 MISC REP SUP/STREETS 291.16 393 MISC SUPPLIES/STREETS 431.27 722.43 *CHECK TOTAL 369 CONST COSTS/CARDINAL 696.97 TOTAL 10.391.09 J ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/02/91 1334 c42 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVOI GENERAL CHECKING 31103 09/30/91FIRST TRUST CENTER 98 CORRECT VENDOR FRM 48 649.00 31153 09/30/91 FIRST TRUST CENTER 98 CORRECT VENDOR FRM 48 691.79 31t8309/70/91 FIRST TRUST NATIONAL 484 CORRECT VENDOR TO 98 691.79CR 3118_. 09/30/91 FIRST TRUST NATIONAL 484 CORRECT VENDOR TO 98 649.00CR 0.00 *CHECK TOTAL 31911 09/30/91 OLSON b SONS ELECT:[ 160 CODE TO 406.49201.9 1, 378.00CR 31911 09/30/91 OLSON b SONS ELECTRI 160 FRM 602.49490.9801 1,378.00 0.00 *CHECK TOTAL 32009 09/30/91 FIRST TRUST CENTER 98 CORRECT VENDOR FFM 48 692.29 32009 09/30/91 FIRST TRUST NATIONAL 484 CORRECT VENDOR TO 98 692.29CR 0.00 *CHECK TOTAL 32062 09/30/91 ELK RIVER CONCRETE P 961 CORRECT CODING TO 224 297.92CR 32062 09/30/91 ELK RIVER CONCRETE P 961 CORRECT CODING FRM 21 297.92 0.00 *CHECK TOTAL 32299 09/30/91 NORTHERN STATES PONE 148 UTILLTIES 19.73 32.260 09/30/91 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP C 89 TICKETS/IDC BANQUET 300.00 2261 09/30/91 OLSON 8 SONS ELECTRI 160 BLD MTC/FIRE HALL 125.90 32261 09/30/91 OLSON 4 SONS ELECTRI 160 BLD MTC/LIBRARY 137.93 32261 09/30/91 OLSON bSONS ELECTRI 160 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS D 102.99 32261 09/30/91 OLSON 4SONS ELECTRI 160 BLD MTC/CITY HALL 466.37 32261 09/30/91 OLSON 4 SONS ELECTRI 160 MTC OF EQU IF1ENT/SEWER 49.00 3.^.2.61 09/30/91 OLSON b SONS ELECTRI 160 LIFT STATION EQUIP" 2,366.88 32261 09/30/91OLSON b SONS ELECTRI 160 STREET LIGHTING REPAI 229.99 32261 09/30/91 OLSON b SONS ELECTRI 160 MTC OF BLD/PARKS DEPT 219.36 • 3,696.90 *CFECK TOTAL 32262 09/30/91 RIDGEWAY APARTMENTS .90138 RECYCLING PRIZE 90.00 32263 09/30/91 DONALD PITT .90161 RECYCLING PRIZE 79.00 32264 09/30/91 DALE BIRKHOLTZ .90162 RECYCLING PRIZE 79.00 32269 09/30/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 110 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 217.00 ..2266 09/30/1 LINDOCRO 6 AS^..QCIATC 977 PAINTING OF FIRE HA 2,643.82 32267 09/30/91RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 226.79 2267 09/30/91 :ELIAMC CORPORATION 179 DEP REGISTRAR OFFICE 6 94.39 :32267 09/30/91 RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 COMPUTER COVERS 01.92 363.06 *CHECK TOTAL OV/30/91 MONTICCLLO ANIMAL CO 109 ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRA 034.00 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/02/91 13.34.42 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32269 09/30/91 ADOPT -A -PET 32270 09/30/91 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 3271 09/30/91 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIF 32272 09/30/91 SPS COMPANIES, INC. 32273 09/30/91 APOLLO PIPING & SUPP 32274 09/30/91 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 32279 09/30/91 HANSON/KAREN GENERAL CHECKING Dlsburseu t Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INv��C 4 ADOPTIONS 964.00 97 TRAVEL EXPENSE 51.59 174 INSURANCE PREMIUM 943.56 578 COPPER WIRE/WWTP HEAT 745.3 779 COPPER WIRE/WWTP HE 1.169. 50 183 ANIMAL FOOD I1 SUPPLIE 279.05 470 LITIGATION SETTLEM 41.000.00 TOTAL 53,423.24 BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/07/91 15106.17 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32276 10/09/91 SPS COMPANIES, INC. 32277 10/09/91 PITNEY BOWES 32278 10/09/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 32279 10/09/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 32280 10/09/91 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 32280 10/09/91 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 32280 10/09/91 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 32280 10/09/91 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 32281 10/09/91 MINNESOTA STATE TREA 32282 10/09/91 ROBERT VOECKS 32283 10/09/91 GEORGE LARSON 32284 10/09/91 MONTICELLO DEPUTY RE 32285 10/09/91 MN 36/400 USER GROUP 32206 10/09/91 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 32206 10/09/91 GOVERNMENT 7RAIN[NO 32286 10/09/91 GOVERNMENT TRAINING 32207 10/09/91 NORTHWEST MINNESOTA 32208 10/09/91 MENARD'S 32209 10/10/91 AME READY MIX 32290 10/10/91 ANNANDALE VETERINARY 32291 10/10/91 ARA CORY REFRESHMENT 32292 10/10/91 91FFS, INC. 32293 10/10/91 DOSE/TOM 32294 10/10/91 BRADLEY r DEIKE 32295 !0/10/91 DRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 DRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 DRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 ORIDOEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 DRIDGEWATER TCLEPHON Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVO 979 PIPE FITTINGS/WWTP HEA 27.10 168 NEW POSTAGE MACHINE 99.00 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 462.00 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE REPOR 19.00 243 WORKMEN'S COMP PRE 20,984.00 243 WORKMEN'S COMP PREM 6.070.00 243 WORKMEN'S COMP PREM 1,983.00 243 WORKMEN'S COMP PREMIU 126.00 29,171.00 262 BLD PERMIT SURCHARGE 774.34 90163 RECYCLING PRIZE 75.00 90164 RECYCLING PRIZE 25.00 134 BLD INSP VAN LIC PLATE 18.50 300 SEMINAR REG/C SHUMAN 89.00 72 COMP REG/9 ANDERSON 99.00 72 COMP REO/J ONEILL 95.00 _ 72 COMP REG/C SHUMAN 5.00 245.00 156 CONFERENCE FEE/GARY A 10.00 582 RDOF MATERIAL WWTP RE 346.20 8 SUPPLIES/STREET DEPT 23.70 362 ANIMAL CONTROL VET FEE 78.00 400 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 60.00 395 LATRINE RENTAL 70.00 336 TRAVEL EXPENSE 100.00 550LEGAL FEES/ONINGOBEE P 60.00 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 969.73 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 146.90 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 04.30 24 7ELEPHONE CHARGES 33.42 24 TELEPHONE CHARGED 70.67 $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/07/91 15106.17 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32299 10/10/91BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32299 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32299 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32299 !0/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER.TELEPHON 32299 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32293 10/10/91BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32299 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32295 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 32296 10/10/91 CENTURY LABS 32296 10/10/91 CENTURY LABS 32297 10/10/91 DUERR'S WATER CARE 8 32298 10/10/91 DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, INC 32299 !0/10/91 FEEDRITE CONTROLS. 1 32299 10/10/91 FEEDRITE CONTROLS. I 32300 10/10/91 FLICKER'S T.V. 6 APP 32301 10/10/91 FOREST,CITY ROAD LAN 32302 10/10/91 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 32302 10/10/91 GENERAL RENTAL CENTE 32303 10/10/91 GLASS HUT/THE 32304 10/10/91 GOULD BROS. CHEV-OLD 32305 10/10/91 HERMES/JERRY 32306 10/10/91 HOGLUND BUB COMPANY 32307 10/10/91 HOGLUND COACH L1NEB 32300 10/10/91 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFIC 32309 10/10/91 INDUSTRIAL MAINT. SU 32310 10/10/91 JACOOSON/DIANE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION . AMOUNT CLAIM INVOI, 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 85.04 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 20.00 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES13.50 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 80.07 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 20.00 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 36.28 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 35.84 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 15.00 24TELEPHONE CHARGES 16.88 24 TELEPHONE CHARGES 21.30 1,248.93 276 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS 04.44 276 MISC SUPPLIES/SHOP 6 457.21 541.65 49 WATER CARE/WWTP RENTAL 14.25 478 SENSOR/SEWER IMPROV 4,695.75 56 PROF SERVICES/WATER DE 36.00 36 SUNNY FRESH ODOR CON 739.94 775.94 60 FLAOHLIOHTO/FIRC DEPT 150.66 563 ADD'L LAND FILL CMA 5,786.10 64 PARKS/MIXER L TRENCHE 254.73 64 SUNNY FRESH ODOR CON B 16.95 271.68 66 VAN WINDSHIELD REPAIR 231.46 70 VEHCILE REPAIRS/FIRE 104.64 01 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 02 SWITCH/STREET DEPT 0.27 403 HEARTLAND EXPR CONT 4,375.26 05 OAS/FIRE DEPT 55.75 514 SHOP SUPPLIES 249.27 92 MILEAGE EXPENSE 74.05 *CHECK TOTAL (CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL J BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/07/91 l5t0bs17 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32311 10/10/91 KMOM SUPER SHOPPER 32312 10/10/91 LUKACH/JOHN 32312 10/10/91 LUKACH/JOHN 32312 10/10/91 LUK•ACH/JOHN 32312 10/10/91 LUKACH/JOHN 32313 10/10/91 M d P TRANSPORT, INC 32313 10/10/91 M k P TRANSPORT, INC 32314 10/10/91 MAUS/KENNETH 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32315 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST OAS COMPANY 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32319 10/10/91 MIDWEST GAS COMPANY 32316 10/10/91 MINNESOTA NAHRO 32317 10/10/91 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 32317 !0/30/91 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CO 32318 10/10/91 NORWEST INVESTMENT 8 32319 10/10/91 O.E.I. BUSINESS FORM 32320 10/10/91 POLKA DOT RECYCLING 32321 10/10/91 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 32322 10/10/91 RADAL PRESS, INC. 32323 30/10/91 SHARE CORPORATION 32324 10/10/91 BTEPHENS-PECK., INC 32329 10/10/91 TURNOUIST PAPER COMP 32329 10/10/91 TURNOUIST PAPER COMP C Dlsbursomont Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVO: 980 ADVERTISING/HEARTLAND 98.20 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE' 72.17 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 24.09 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 24.09 327 MILEAGE EXPENSE 24.06 144.33 269 SAND/BALLFIELDS 339.21 269 7TH ST.IMPR/ROCK 399.94 699.19 109 MILEAGE EXPENSE 88.40 119 UTILITIES 91.93 119 UTILITIES 46.93 119 UTILITIES • 14.49 119 UTILITIES 79.82 119 UTILITIES 10.09 119 UTILITIES 10.49 119 UTILITIES 3.00 119 UTILITIES 30.79 247.02 9B1 PLAN 6 20N SEM/JEFF O 90.00 1B9 ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRA 900.00 187 MILEAGE EXPENSE 10.00 910.00 L99 COMPUTER PAYMENT 2,407.61 198 COPY MACH PAPER/CITY H 62.60 170 RECYCLING CONTRACT 1,767.07 179 WWTP CONTRACT 20,487.90 983 BOOK/P WORKS 29.29 201 ICE MELT/SHOP 6 GARAG 306.90 390 TITLE BOOK/DCP REOISTR 39.00 208 SUPPLIES/FIRE DEPT 34.79 208 SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 26.60 61.39 $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK. TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/07/91 19.06.17 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32326 10/10/91 UNOCAL 32326 10/10/91 UNOCAL 32326 10/10/91 UNOCAL 32327 10/10/91 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 32327 10/10/91 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 32327 10/10/91 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 32327 10/10/91 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITU 32328 10/10/91 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN COOP GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVOI 213 GAS/SEWER COLL 16.81 213 GAS/WATER DEPT 16.81' 213 GAS/FIRE DEPT 39.08 72.70 *CHECK TOTAL 219 PROPERTY P TAMES/ELD RJ 53.79 219 PROP TAX ES/C HALL H 1,246.92 219 PROP TAMES/HRA 47.92 219 PROP TAMES/WWTP RENTA 600.00 1,948.63 *CHECK TOTAL 512 UTILITIES 8.40 TOTAL 87,648.15 J J ERC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10(14/91 13:22:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32329 10/15/91 LATOUR CONSTRUCTION .32329 10/15/91 LATOUR CONSTRUCTION 32329 10/15/91 LATOUR CONSTRUCTION 32330 10/15/91 MONTICELLO SENIOR CI 32331 10/15/91 MARCO BUSINESS PRODU 32332 10/15/91 WATER PRODUCTS COMPA 32333 10/15/91 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 32333 10/15/91 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 32333 10/15/91 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 32333 10/15/91 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 32333 10/15/91 SIMONSON LUMBER COMP 32334 10/15/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 37334 10/15/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 32334 10/15/91 UNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 32336 10/15/91 UN I TOO RENTAL SERVIC 32334 10/15/91 UN I TOG RENTAL SERVIC 32334 10/15/91 VNITOG RENTAL SERVIC 32335 10/15/91 OLSON/JERRY 32336 10/15/91 MH DEPART OF NATURAL 32337 10/19/91 COMMISSIONER OF REVE 32335 10/15/91 MIKE SAGE ' 32339 10/19/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/15/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/19/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/15/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/19/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/15/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/15/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/t0/91 NORTHERN ,STATES POWE 37339 10/15/51 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32339 10/15/51 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32330 10/IS/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 32319 10/15/01 NORTHERN STATES POWE Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVOI 465 CONST COSTS/FALLON 96.971.63 465 CONST COSTS/BRIAR 36.603.79 465 CONST COSTS/CARDIN 47.964.66 • 116.440.08 139 SENIOR CITIZENS CON 2.633.33 106 MTC AGREEMENT/DICTAPH 340.00 216 WATER METERS 2.028.00 193 DOG POUND REPAIRS 126.48 193 ODOR CONTROL BLD/S FR 359.24 193 SMALL TOOLS/WATER DEPT 9.99 193 WWTP HEATING SYSTEM 935.17 193 MISC SUPPLIES/DOG POUN 44.13 1.477.01 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 6.59 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 6.56 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 12.60 711 UNIFORM RENTAL 12.60 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 49.42 211 UNIFORM RENTAL 49.42 137.60 159 TEMPORARY BLD INSP FE 100.00 115 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 668.00 37 WATER USE SALES TAX 589.81 .90165 MTC OF VEHICLES/STREET 18.00 148 UTILITIES 2.257.79 145 UTILITIES 220.47 145 UTILITIES 3,081.36 168 UTILITIES 16.36 165 UTILITIES 640.52 140 URL{TIES 43.17 145 UTILITIES 12.05 140 UTILITIES 216.43 140 UTILITIES 231.07 160 UTILITIES 664.50 146 UTILITIES 950.18 149 UTILITIES 207.30 9.736.00 *CHECK TOTAL -CHECK TOTAL -CHECK TOTAL •CHECK TOTAL ARC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/14/91 13:22709 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING Disbursement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVO' 32340 10/15/91 NORTH STAR CHAPTER 150 BLO INSPECTION/DUES 30.00 32341 10/28/91 ADAM'S PEST CONTROL 3 LIBRARY PEST CONTROL 64.00 37342 10/28/91 ANDERSON/SHIRLEY 13 TRAVEL EXPENSE/SEMINAR 29.00 32342 10/28/91 ANDERSON/SHIRLEY 13 CONFERENCE REG REIMB 95.00 174.00 32343 10/29/91 ANNANDALE SOD SERVIC 565 MISC EXPENSE/7TH ST 1 281.00 32344 10/26/91 CLARK BOARDMAN CALLA .90045 BOOK/PLANNING & 70NIN 105.95 32345 10/26/91 COAST TO COAST 35 BLD REPAIR SUP/WATER 97.08 32345 10/28/91 COAST TO COAST 35 M15C SUPPLIES/WATER DE 44.56 32345 10/29/91 COAST TO COAST 35 EQUIP REPAIR PARTS/SN 143.67 32345 10/78/91 COAST TO COAST 35 STREET MTC MATERIALS 13.56 32345 10/20/91 COAST TO COAST 35 MISC SUPPLIES/SHO& GAR 20.28 32365 10/28/91 COAST TO COAST 35 MISC SUPPLIES/CITY HALL 2.99 32345 10/28/91 COAST TO COAST 35 CLOTHING SUP/WATER DEPT 4.45 32345 10/78/91 COAST TO COAST 35 BLD REPAIR SUP/SHOD GAR 5.59 32345 10/29/91 COAST TO COAST 35 SMALL TOOLS/WATER DEPT 10.55 32365 10/28/91 COAST TO COAST 35 MISC SUPPLIES/ANIMAL C 23.61 32345 10/28/91 COAST TO COAST 35 BLD REPAIRS/ANIMAL CON 29.24 32345 10/29/91 COAST TO COAST 35 BLD REPAIRS/FIRE DEPT 1.09 32345 10/28/91 COAST TO COAST 35 BLD REPAIRS/DARNS 1.59 37345 10/20/91 COAST TO COAST 35 MISC SUPPLIES/STREET DP 5.99 32345 10/20/91 COAST TO COAST 35 SMALL TOOLS/SHOP & GAR 14.58 32345 10/20/91 COAST TO COAST 35 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS/ST 2.09 32340 10/20/91 COAST TO COAST 35 BLO REPAIR SUPPLIES/LI0 1.09 32365 10/20/01 COAST TO COAST 35 DOOR CONTROL BLO/S FRES 4.30 32345 _10/20/91 COAST TO COAST 35 WWTP HEATING SYSTEM 17.55 454.75 32340 10/20/91 COMMUNICATION AUDITO 30 PAGER REPAIRS/FIRE DEP 20.81 32347 10/28/01 COPY OUPLCATING PROD 61 LIBRARY COPY MACHINE M 50.60 32340 10/20/91 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 407 MTC OF EOUPMENT/STREET 4.0.00 32349 10/20/91 OVNA SYSTEMS 50 SHOP MATERIALS 293.55 32750 10/20/91 FLA14ERTV EQUIPMENT C 574 GENERATOR/WATER DE 53.925.00 32351 10/29/91 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 510 TRAINING SUPPLIES/FIRE 66.00 32351 10/28/01 FRONTLINE PLUS FIRE 510 REPATR7/9I11E OEPT 52.47 &0.47 32352 10/20/91 GOODIN COMPANY 506 WWTP HEATING SYSTEM 1.353.73 -CHECK TOTAL -CHECK TOTAL -CHECK TOTAL R ORC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/14/91 13:22:09 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CHECKING 32353 10/20/91 GOPHER STATE ONE CAL 32354 10/26/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/20/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/20/91 1/ARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/20/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/20/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/26/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/26/91 HARRV'S AUTO SUPPLY 32354 10/20/91 HARRY'S AUTO SUPPLY 32355 10/70/91 HERMES/JERRY 32350 10/28/91 HIGH TECH ROOFING 32357 10/20/91 HOLMES 6 GRAVEN 32357 10/29/91 HOLMES 6 GRAVEN 32357 10/7B/91 HOLMES 6 GRAVEN 37358 10/20/91 IDEAL RADIATOR REPAI 32359 10/20/91 KORBLICK/MIKE 32360 10/20/91 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 32361 10/26/91 MAUS FOODS 37361 10/70/91 MAUS FOODS 32361 10/20/91 MAUS FOODS 32301 10/20/91 MAUS FOODS 32361 10/20/91 MAUS FOODS 32361 10/20/91 MAUS FOODS 32362 10/20/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 32302 10/21/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 32303 10/28/91 MONTICELLO PRINTINO 32303 10/20/91 MONTICELLO PRINTING 32364 10/21/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 32$64 10/20/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 32304 10/24/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 32304 10/21/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 32304 10/29/01 MONTICELLO TIMES 32304 10/20/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 32364 10/71/91 MONTICELLO TIMES Of9bureement Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INV01 89 PROF SERVICES/WATER 0 120.00 70 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS/ 170.77 79 MISC SUPPLIES/WATER DED 2.09 78 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS/P 11.36 76 VEH REPAIR 6 MTC/FIRE 13.38 76 EQUIP RPAIR PARTS/WATER 3.51 70 VEH REPAIR PARTS/MATER 10.00 70 MISC SUPPLIES/SHOP 6 G 47.27 70 VEHICLE REP PARTS/SEW 212.15 470.58 81 LIBRARY CLEANING CONT 227.50 555 ODOR CONTROL SLO/S FR 440.00 BB PROF SERV/FALLON AVE 94.23 86 PROF SERV/BRIAR OAR 1.231.15 88 PROF SERV/CARDINAL NI 723.12 2.049.50 554 RADIATOR REPAIR/STREET 35.00 573 NEWSPAPER'SUBSCRIPTION 13.00 97 MILEAGE EXPENSE 39.00 100 MISC SUPPLIES/SHOP 6 G 33.00 108 MISC SUPPLIES/PARKS 3.92 100 MISC SUPPLIES/ANIMAL 100.02 108 MISC SUPPLIES/LIBRARY 9.77 108 MISC SUPPLIF•S/CITY HAL 14.01 109 SHOP MATERIALS/WATER 25.24 199.66 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES/P WORK 13.89 136 OFFICE SUPPLIES/C HAL 240.00 253.99 137 FORMS/FIRE OEPT 157.95 137 MISC FORMS/GARBAGE PRO 39.90 197.95 140 OLD PERMIT INFOR 02.80 140 000 LICENSE INFO 32.60 140 COMPOSITE INFO 77.10 140 WATER TOWER AD 88.10 140 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES 30.29 140 HELP WANTED AO 30.23 140 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS 709.03 •CHECK TOTAL *CHECK TOTAL •CHECK TOTAL •CHECK TOTAL 4CHECK TOTAL BFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/14/91 13:72:09 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM, IN" GENERAL CHECKING 1,067.54 'CHECK TOTAL 32365 10/28/91 MOON MOTOR SALES. IN 14.2 EQUIP PARTS/PARKS DEPT 15.35- 32366 10/28/91 NORTHERN 333 VALVES/SEVER COLL 99.98 32381 10/28/91 OLSON. USSET,AGAN 5 292 LEGAL FEES 896.25 32367 10/28/91 OLSON, USSET,AGAN 5 282 LEGAL FEES/HRA 112.50 • 1,008.15 'CHECK TOTAL 37360 10/28/91 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 162 ENG FEES/MISC 2,149.58 32369 10/20/91 ORR-SCHELEN-MAVERON 162 HISTORICAL BLD ENG FE 877.86 32368 70/70/91 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON 107 BRIAR OAKES ENG FEE 4.835.81 32368 10/2 8/91 ORR-SCHELEN-MAVERON 162 CARDINAL HILLS ENG 3.971.23 32368 10/7 8/9t ORQ-SCHELEN-MAVERON 161 CT RD 75 9 39 ENG FE 411.30 32368 10/26/91 ORR-SCHELEN-MAYE2ON 162 FALCON AVE ENG FEES 808.31. 13,454.09 'CHECK TOTAL 32369 10/26/91 PACE. INCORPORATED 380 WATER ANALYSIS/WATER 125.00 32370 10/28/91 PLUMBERY-PURCELL'S P 251 BLD REPAIRS/ANIMAL CONT 6.62 32371 10/28/91 PREUSSE'S CLEANING S 173 CITY HALL CLEANING CO 400.00 37372 10/28/81 QUALITY LAWN MAINTEN 319 LAWN MOWING 450.00 32373 10/28/01 RELIABLE CORPORATION 179 MISC COMPUTER SUPPLIES 42.80 32374 10/20/01 RIVERSIDE OIL 498 VWTP HEATING SYSTEM 15.00 i 32375 10/20/91 ROAD RESCUE, INC. 183 VEHICLE PARTS/FIRE OE 340.95 ' 37376 10/20/91 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. 104 MTC OF EQUIPMENT/$TREE 50.50 37377 10/20/91 SAMUELSON/STEVE 570 FIRE HALL CLEANING CON 50.00 37318 10/20/91 .^.HUMAN/CATHY 191 TRAVEL EXPENSE/SEMINAR 15.50 32379 10/20/91 STENCEL/PEGGY 199 ASSESSING CONTRACT PV 049.50 32300 10/70/91 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITO 719 OCT SHERIFFS CONTR 14,330.95 32301 10/20/91 V.M.C.A. OF MINNEAPO 724 YMCA CONTRACT PAYMENT 025.00 GENERAL CHECKING TOTAL 767,899.06 t 1 BFC FINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/23/91 00:52:20 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM. IHVOIC GENERAL CHECKING 32302 10/22/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL- 118 WATERCRAFT/SNOW/ATV R 103.00 32383 10/22/91 MN DEPARF OF NATURAL 118 WATERCRAFT TITLE REPOR 37.00 ' 3?384 10/22/91 ST. HENRY'S CATHOLIC .90168 REIMB/SIDEWALK PRJ 61.60 32385 10/22/91 LAKE COUNTRY CHAPTER 448 MEMBERSHIP DUES/GARY A 20.00 . 32386 10/22/91 WRIGHT COUNTY RECORD 754 RECORDING FEES 15.00 32387 10/22/91 MONTICELLO CHAMBER O 133 91 EXPO REG FEE 125.00 32308 10/22/91 JOHN ERICKSON .90165 RECYCLING PRIZE 50.00 32309 10/22/91 KEVIN WCSfNOLTER .90167 RECYCLING PRIZE 50.00 32390 10/22/91 MN DEPART OF NATURAL 118 SNOWMOBILE/WATER/ATV 296.00 • 32391 10/20/91 A T A T INFO SYSTEMS 15 FIRE PHONE CHARGES 5.30 ' 32392 10/28/91 A.E. MICHAELS 336 BLD REPAIRS/WATER DEP 155.37 32393 10/28/91 ARA CORY REFRESHMENT 408 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 60.00 32394 10/20/91 605E/TOM 336 MILEAGE EXPENSE 96.50 32395 10/20/91 BUSINESS RECORDS COR 27 RECYCLING COMP SOFTWA 952.00 lj 31390 10/70/9: CENIURY FENCE COMPAN 402 ODOR CONTROL SLO/S FR 140.00 12387 t0/20/01 COMPUTER PARTS d SER 500 REPAIR COMPUTER PRINT 957.00 37398 iD/78/91 DAVIS WATER EDUIPMEN 790 WWTP HEATING SYSTEM 05.00 32399 10/28/91 ENNIS CABINETS/JIM 54 C HALL FILING CABIN 1.300.00 37400 10/70/91 GOODIN COMPANY 504 WWTP HEATING SYSTEM 017.01 1?401 10/?R/91 HUMANE SOCIETY/WRIGH 07 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE 00.00 32402 10/70/91 KOROPCHAK/OLIVE 97 TRAVEL EXPENSE 77.75 32403 10/28/91 MOBIL 131 GAS/WATER DEPT 45.86 37403 10/78/91 MOBIL 131 GAS/SEVER COLL •45.06 32403 10/28/91 MOBIL 171 TIRE REPAIR/WATER DEPT 4.00 ' 32403 10/78/01 MOBIL 131 GAS/STREET DEPT 117.53 ' 700.25 -CHECK TOTAI. VRC FINANCIAL SVF-TFM 17/23/91 00:52:20 WARRANT DATE VENDOR GENERAL CIIECKING 37404 10/70/91 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONS 32405 10/29/91 O'NEILL/JEFF 32405 10/20/91 O'NEILL/JEFF 32405 10/20/91 O'NEILL/JEFF 32405 10/20/91 O'NEILL/JEFF 32405 10/20/91 O'NEILL/JEFF, 32406 10/20/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 32406 10/29/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 32409 10/28/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 32408 10/29/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 32406 10/29/91 OLSON & SONS ELECTRI 32407 10/28/91 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYOR 32409 10/79/81 WATER ENGINEERING & GENERAL CIIECKING O13bur9emnnt Journal DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM IN', ') 550 PROF SERV/CHELSA IN 1,338.95 161 TRAVCL EX P/PLAN & ZON 41.25 161 TRAVEL EXP/ADMIN 75.00 161 TRAVEL EXP/BUS TRANS 25.00 161 RECORDING FEES/BRIAR 0 10.00 161 RECORDING FEES/C HILLS 10.00 181.25 -CHECK TOTAL 160 PROF SERV/GENERATOR 713.98 160 REPAIRS/F IRE HALL 335.74 160 REPAIRS/PARK BLGS 80.6/ 160 PROF SERV/LIFT STATIC) 837.66 160 BLD REPAIR SUP/C HALL 22.02 2,050.27 •CHECK TOTAL 203 'PROF SERV/S HOGLUND PR 25.00 596 SUBSCRIPTION/MATER DEP 25.00 TOTAL 9.098.05 'J SRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ' 10/02/91 13e39e29 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVO LIQUOR FUND 19090 09/27/91 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800045 MISC RESALE ITEMS 209.90 19890 09/27/91 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800049 MXSC JUICE FOR RESALE 93.09 262.99 *CHECK TOTAL 13891 09/27/91 U S WEST COMMUNICATI 800093 ADVERTISING 21.80 19892 09/27/91 JOHNSON EROS WHOLESA 800022 WINE PURCHASE 473.14 , 19892 09/27/91 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.289.51 ' 1.762.69 *CHECK TOTAL 19893 09/27/91 GRIGGS, COOPER 6 COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 3.692.90 19894 09/27/91 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE 800112 COMPUTER CASH REGIS 2.250.00 13899 09/27/91 PHILLIPS 6 SONS CO/E 800037 WINE'PURCHASE 316.29 13895 09/27/91 PHILLIPS 6 SONS CONE 800037 LIQUOR PURCHASE 69.32 15099 09/27/91 PHILLIPS 6 SONS CO/E 600037 MISC'ITEMS FOR RESA 1.196.09 1.581.66 *CHECK TOTAL 15096'09/27/91 STAR SIGNS 800108 DISPLAY SIGNS 120.00 15897 09/27/91 KARH/ROSIE 800113 ADVERTISING 99.00 19098 09/27/91 GRIGGS, COOPER 6 COM 800018 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2,260.98 15099.09/27/91 TOTAL REGISTER SYSTE 000112 COMPUTER CASH REGI 12.749.00 r �1 19900 09/27/91 RELIABLE CORPORATION 000114 OFFICE CHAIR 241.52 15901 09/27/91 GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COM 000115 CLEANING CART 177.02 13902 09/27/91 MONTICELLO VACUUM CE 600050 VACUUM BELTS 6.00 15903 09/27/91 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES 000095 YORKERS COMP INS PR 2.031.00 19904 09/27/91 FLESCH'S PAPER SERVI 000116 BAGS 102.19 19905 09/27/91 GRIGGS. COOPER 6 COM 000010 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.527.17 19906 09/27/91, EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 WINE PURCHASF. 1.005.04 19906 09/27/91 EAGLE WINE COMPANY 800012 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 67.72 • 1.072.76 *CHECK TOTAL 15907 09/27/91 QUALITY WINE 6 SPIRI 000040 WINE PURCHASE 1.409.33 ' • 15907 09/27/91 QUALITY WINE 6 SPIRI 000040 MICC ITEMS FOR RESALE 203.34 15907 09/27/91 QUALITY WINE 6 SPIRI 000040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 1.256.58 2.865.25 *CHECK TOTAL LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 32.020.61 i BRCFINANCIAL SYSTEM 10/07/91 15105117 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT LIOUOR FUND 15908 10/10/91 BERNICK'S PEPSI COLA 800001 POP PURCHASE 185.95 15909 10/10/91 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHON 800002 UTILITIES 89.52 15910 10/10/91 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 BEER PURCHASE 20,328.85 15910 10/10/91 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 6100009 ORANGE 6 TOMATOE JUICE 57.90 15910 10/10/91 DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUT 800009 MISC MII( FOR RESALE 21.00 20,407.75 15911 10/10/91 DAY DISTRIBUTING COM 800010 BEER PURCHASE 879.50 15911 10/10/91 DAY DISTRI BUT NO COM 800010 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 22.50 902.00 15912 10/10/91 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 40.00 15912 10/10/91 DICK WHOLESALE CO., 800011 BEER PURCHASE 1,155.20 1,1^5.20 15913 30/!0/91 E. P. BALER MANUFACT 800117 CARDBOARD BALER 6 T 3,865.00 15914 10/10/91 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 800019 MUGS FOR RESALE 62.10 15914 10/10/91 GROSSLEIN BEVERAGE 1 800019 BEER PURCHASE 13,913.12 13,975.22 15915 10/10/91 JOHNSONBROS WHOLESA 800022 LIQUOR PURCHASE 2.916.23 15915 10/10/91 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESA 800022 WIME PURCHASE 1,251.01 4,167.24 15916 I0/10/91JUDE CANDY 6 TOBACCO 800021 CICS 6 CIGARS FOR RES 316.10 15916 10/10/91 JUDE CANDY 4 TOBACCO 800021 BAGS 215.42 15916 10/10/91 JUDE CANDY 6 TOBACCO 800021 LIQUOR STORE SUPPLIES 55.80 587.32 15917 10/10/91 KRWC RADIO STATION 800024 ADVERTISING 96.00 15918 10/10/91 LIEFERT TRUCKING 800025 FREIGHT CHARGES 231.30 15919 10/10/91 MAUS FOODS 000027 SUPPLIES 3.85 15920 10/10/91 MIDWEST OAS COMPANY 000020 UTILITIES 117.06 15921 lO/l0/91 MINN DEPARTMENT OF R 000006 SALES TA! - SEPT 19 9,100.27 15922 1O/10/91 MONTICELLO OFFICE PR 000031 OFFICE SUPPLIES 34.10 15923 1O/IO/91 MONTICELLO TIMES 800032 ADVERTISING 188.38 15924 10/10/91 NORTHERN STATES POWE 800035 UTILITIES 1.010.90 J CLAIM INVOICE SEPT BILL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL $CHECK TOTAL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL $CHECK TOTAL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL $CHECK TOTAL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL $CHECK TOTAL $CHECK TOTAL SEPT -)L SEPT BILL SEPT BILL $CHECK TOTAL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL SEPT BILL SEPT DILL SEPT DILL SEPT BILL SEPT DILL J lim BRC FINANCIAL SYSTEM ' 10/07/91 19109,17 Disbursement Journal WARRANT DATE VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CLAIM INVOICE LIQUOR FUND ' 19929 10/10/91 O'HARA BROS. COMPANI 800098 CAN HOLDERS FOR RESALE 30.00 SEPT BILL 19926 10/10/91 PAUSTIS 6 SONS 800103 WINE PURCHASE 178.99 RICK/AUG BIL 19927 10/10/91 PHILLIPS 6 SONS CO/E 800037 WINE PURCHASE 416.77 19927 10/10/91 PHILLIPS 6 SONS CO/E 800037 LIDUOR PURCHASE 1,147.81 1,964.98 *CHECK TOTAL 19928 10/10/91 DUALITY WINE 6 SPIRT 800040 MIK FOR RESALE 22.90 19928 10/10/91 DUALITY WINE d SPIRT 800040 LIQUOR PURCHASE 4,011.91 4,034.01 *CHECK TOTAL 19929 10/10/91 RON'S ICE COMPANY 800041 ICE PURCHASE 394.91 SEPT BILL 19930 10/10/91 SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO 800043 POP PURCHASE 68.10 SEPT BILL 19931 10/10/91 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800049 LIQUOR STORE 'SUPPLIES 44.90 SEPT BILL •19931 10/10/91 ST. CLOUD RESTAURANT 800049 MUGS,BOTTLE OPEN/FOR 121.19 SEPT BILL 169.69 $CHECK TOTAL 19932 10/10/91 THORPE DISTRIBUTING 800048 BEER PURCHASE 14,826.60 SEPT BILL 19933 10/10/91 VIKING COCA-COLA BOT 800091 POP PURCHASE 741.10 SEPT BILL LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 78,142.92 CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 ( FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3.OSep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT: COUNC I L - Personal Services (12_.525) 9,704 (2.822) Suppl ies Other Services e, Charges (4,600) 4,399 (201) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses A TOTAL COUNCIL EXPENSE ---------- (17.125) ---------- 14,101 ---------- (3.024) ADMINISTRATIVE "'Personal Services (124,450) 111,977 (12,473) ' Supplies (4,200) 6,860 2,660 Other Services & Charges (21,450) 1-1,631 (5,819) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPEN ---------- (150,100) ---------- 1.34.469 ---------- (15,631) TOTAL ELECTIONS EXPENSE .......... FINANCE ✓ Personnl Services 175,475) 43,840 (31,635) Supplies (200) 484 204 Other Serv2ce6 L Charges (525) 881 356 Capital Outlay Dcbt. Service Other- Uses TOTAL FINANCE EXPENSE ---------- (76,200) .......... ---------- 45,206 .......... ---------- (30.994) .......... TOTAL AUDIT EXPENSE (11.500) .......... 11,800 .......... 300 .......... CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30sep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 ASSESSING Personal Services (6.505) 13,879 7.374 Supplies (475) 476 1 Other Services & Charges (9,375) 5,833 (3.542) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL ASSESSING EXPENSE ---------- (16.355) ---------- 70.188 ---------- 3,833 TOTAL LEGAL EXPENSE (26.175) 17.439 (8.736) PLANNING & ZONING Personal Services (32,079) 1B.758 (13.317) Supplies (100) 8 (92) Other Services & Charges (46.800) 12.991 !33.809) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING EX (7(3.975) 31,757 (47.218) DATA PROCESSING Personal Services Supplies (1.500) 2.178 678 Other Sor•:icoo & Chargc-- (14.6?5) 7,562 (7.117,) Capital Outlay (6,650) 2,320 (4,330) Debt Service (28.900) 21.668 (7,232) Other Uses TOTAL DATA PROCESSING EXPE (51,725) 33.729 (17,996) CITY HALL Personal Services (3,450) 3.400 30 3upplles (2,350) 1,616 (734) Other Servl.ces & Charges (25,250) 15.580 (9.670) Capital Outlay (20,725) 2.644 (18.081) Debt Service Other Uses ---------- ---------- ---------- CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3OSep91 APPROVE D YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 TOTAL CITY HALL EXPENSE (55,77 5) 23,319 (28,456) DEPUTY REGISTRAR Personal Services (58.625) 43,440 (15.185) Supplies (50) 379 329 Other Cervices & Charges (1,250) 853 (397) Capital Outlay 166 168 Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR EXP (59.925) 44,840 (15.085) =(163.007) TOTAL. GENERAL GOVERNMENT: (539,855) 376.848= PUBLIC SAFETY. TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPE (172,050) 129,0_•3 (43,017) FIRE DEPT Pergonal Servicos (61.350) 44,205 (17,145) Supplies (4.125) 3.908 (217) Other Services & Charges (28,650) 37.131 8,481 Capital Outlay (55,050) 38.949 (16,901) Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL FIRE U1=P'I' EXPENSE (149,975) 124,193 (25,782) BUILDING INSPECTIONS Personal Services (29.255) 14.084 (15.171) Supplies (37-5) 1.079 754 Other Services & Charges (4,050) 3,593 (1.257) Capital Outlay (10,000) 10,516 516 Debt Service Other Users TOTAL BLDG INSPECTION EXPE (44,4.:,0) 29,272 (15.158) (-1 10/11/91 10:16:16 CITY OF MONTICELLO YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 305ep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 CIVIL DEFENSE Personal Services (6.200) 3.028 (3.172) Supplies (100) (100) Other Services & Charges (625) 293 (332) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses ---------- TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENS ---------- ---------- (6.925) 3.321 (3.604) ANIMAL CONTROL Personal Services Supplies (1.125) 2,058 933 Other Services E Charges (17,925) 18.650 725 Capital Outlay Debt Service . Other Uses TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL EXPEN (19,050) 20,708 1.658 .e........ TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: .......... .........a (392,430) 306.527 (85.903) PUBLIC WORY,S: PW/ADMIN & ENGINEERING Poraonel Services (33.800) 37.979 (16.221) Supplies (525) 43B (87) Other Services & Charges (15.654) 14,488 Capital Outlay (900) 939 35 Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL. PW/ADMIN P., ENGR EXPE + (70.879) .......... .......... 33,440 (17,439) .......... (-1 10/11/91 10:16:16 CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Sep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 PW/INSPECTIONS Personal Services (28_.225) 18.038 (10.187) Supplies 397 397 Other Services & Charges (1,200) 704 (496) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL PW/INSPECTIONS EXPEN (29,425) 19,138 (10.287) PW/STREETS $, ALLEYS Personal Services (96,700) 87.804 (8.896) Supplies (37.000) 36.586 (414) Other Services & Charges (10,200) 9,988 (4,212) Capital Outlay (47,500) 39.917 Deb(. Service O thu.• Uses TOTAL PW/STR & ALLEYS EXPE (191,400) 166.295 (25,105) 1'W/ICE X SNOW Personal Services (31000) 8.933 5,933 Supplies (8,600) 424 (8.176) Other Services & Charges (1,900) (1.500) Capital Outlay Debt Service Othar Uses TOTAL PW/ICE & SNOW EXPENS (13,100) 9,357 (3,743) PW/SHOP & GARAGE Personal Survices 3.257 3,297 Su polmas (5.700) 5.123 (578) Other Servicaa & Charges (12,500) 5,145 (7,357) Capital Outlay (3.400) 1.819 (11589) Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL PW/SHOP & GARAGE EXP (21.600) 15,337 (6,263) CITY OF MONTICELLO YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3USep91 PW/PARKING LOTS Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL PW/PARKING LOT EXPF_N PW/STREET LIGHTING Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL PW/STREET LIGHT EXPE REFUSE COLLECTION Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Debt Gervice Other Uses 'TOTAL REFUSE COLLECTION EX TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS: APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 (800) (800) (2.500) 614 (1.886) (125) (125) (3,425) 614 (2.811) (300) 230 (70) (39.700) 29.767 (9.933) --(40.000) -- 29.997 (10.003) (900)1,047 147 (6.300) 2.507 (3.793) (215.050) 152_.397 (62,653) (300) 800 500 ---------- (222.550) ---------- 156.751 ---------- (65.799) (992.379) 490.929 (141.446) 10/11/91 10:16:16 CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING C3OSep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 CULTURE & RECREATION: MUSEUM Personal Services (1.850) 2,423 57Z Supplies (100) 138 38 Other Services & Charges (2,175) 739 (J. .436) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL MUSEUM EXPENSE (4,125) 3.300 (625) SENIOR CFNTFR Personal Services (9,550) 18.636 (10.914) SUpplios , Other Services & Charq_es (2.200) 43,683 41.483 Capital Outlay J Debt Service Other Ussbs TOTAL TOTAL SENIOR CENTER EXPENS ---------- ('1..50) ---------- -------- 62.319 SO .569 TOTAL COMMUNITY ED EXPENSE (17,000) 17.000 TOTAL Y.M.C.A. EYPENSE (7,500) 5,625 (1 075) s PARKS & RECREATION Personal Services (90.500) 45,492 (45,00(3) Supplies (14,150) 13.464 (686) Other, Services & Charges (7,745) 6.414 (]..33] ) Capital Outlay (10.350) 5.801 (4,949) Debt ServicR Other Us os Y TOTAL PARKS & REC EXPENSE (122.745) 71.170 (51,575) TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION: c(183.120) s� 159.413 •`(25 705) CITY OF MONTICELLO YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3USep91 URBAN REDEVELOPMENT & HOUSING: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL ECON DEVELOPMENT EXP TOTAL URBAN REDEVELOPMENT & MISCELLANEOUS/UNALLOCATED: / TOTAL UNALLOCnTED EXPENSE TOTAL_ INSURANCE EXPENSE TOTAL M1SC/UNALLOCATED: TOTAL GENERAL_ I'UND EXPENSE APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 (28,775) 18,779 (9,996) (150) FUND EXPENSE SUMMARY (150) (13.275) 8,994 (4.281) ---------- (42.200) ---------- 27.773 ---------- (14.427) --(42.200) =-=27.773- --(14,427) (51.023) 31.593 (19,432) s(19.432) (51.025) s 7"1.5930 (392,430) (1.001.003) 1.353.083 (447,920) *TOTAL GENERAL FUND: (1.801.005) 1.333,083 (447,920) 1*#1/#1t#!#/tIt#111tt#Ittlt#Yl//tta.. .s. C 10/11/91 10:16:16 *GENERAL_ FUND EXPENSE SUMMARY ! * General Government (339,055) 376.848 (163,007) * Public Safety (392,430) 306,527 (85,903) # Public Works (592,375) 450,929 (141,446) 1 Culture & Recreation (183,120) 159.415 (23.703) 1 Urban Redevelopment & Hou (42,200) 27,773 (14,427) 1 Misc/Unallor_atod (51,023) 31.593 (19.432) *TOTAL GENERAL FUND: (1.801.005) 1.333,083 (447,920) 1*#1/#1t#!#/tIt#111tt#Ittlt#Yl//tta.. .s. C 10/11/91 10:16:16 CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING C30Sep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 TOTAL UDAG FUND EXPENSE LIBRARY FUND Personal Services (3,450) 1.098 (2.3521 Supplies (2,000) 815 (1,185) Other Services 6 Charges (17,925) 21,160 3.235 Capital Outlay (3.125) 315 (2.810) Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL LIBRARY FUND EXPENSE ---------- (26,500) ---------- 223.389 ---------- (3,111) HRA (HSG & RECEV AUTH) FUND , TIF 01 - IXI 1 (21800) 54 (2,746) TIF 02 - METCALF G LARSON (4,285) 4,284 (t) TIF 113 - FSI TIF 04 - IXI 4 (22,960) (22.960) i11- a5 - CONSTRUCTION 3 TIF 06 - RAINDANCE T] F 417 - NAWCO 11F 00 - NSP (1,040) (1.840) TIF W9 - TAPPER 15,580 13,380 TIF #10 - REMMELE 150 150 TIF #1i - MARTIE FARM SVCS TOTAL HRA FUND EXPENSE ---------- (216,170) .......... ---------- 40,456 .......... ---------- (175,714) .......... SHADC TRF_C FUND Personal Services (14,650) 8,537 (6,113) Supplies (600) 085 285 Other Services 8 Charges (15,100) 6.434 (8,666) capital Outlay (14,000) 14,497 497 Debt Service Other Uses TOTAL SHADE TREE FUND f_XPENS ---------- (44,350) .......... ---------- 30.354 .......... ---------- (13,996) .......... TOTAL PARK, & RCC FUND EXPENS f .......... .......... .......... CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING C 30Sep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 TOTAL OAA FUND EXPENSE (31.625) ---------- ---------- 14.245 ---------- ---------- (17.380) ---------- ---------- TOTAL CAP PROJ REVOLVING EXP (236.000) 71,0.2 (164,968) TOTAL ECON DEV AUTH FUND EXP (2.250) 240 (2,010) TOTAL SEWER IMPR FUND EXPENS (95,000) 81.942 (13058) TOTAL WATER IMPR FUND EXPENS WATER FUND Total Unallocated Expenses Admin/Gen Operating l I Personal Services (54,850) 46.096 (8,754) Supplies (30.900) 12.219 (18.681) Other Services & Charges (48.005) 30,740 (17,265) Capital Outlay (7.300) 3081 (:3.619) Debt Service Other Uses ---------- Total Admin/Gen Oper Exp ---------- (141,055) ---------- 92,737 (48,318) TOTAL WATER FUND EXPENSES 6(141.055) 66::=vvvv6o 6 92.737- �.66.e.6=r:� 6 (48.318) 006060666 SEWER FUND Wastewater Treatment Plant Personal Services (1.175) 783 (392) Supplies (9.500) 2,675 (2,825) Other Services & Chargms (352,975) 271,289 (81,690) Capital Outlev Debt Servico Other Uses Total WWTP Expanses (359,650) .......... 274,743 .......... (84,907) .......... Admin/Gan Operating Portional Services (34.229) 21,235 (1.990) / Supplies (9.850) 8.900 3,050 l Other Service■ & Chargee (17.115) 4.065 (13,050) TRANSPORTATION FUND Total Operating Expenses Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses CTotal Administration Exp (90.489) 39.464 (19.021) (12.995) 7.187 (5.768) (1.299) (1.299) 100 100 ------ ---- ------`--- -------- (14,294) 7.207 (6.967) 10/11/91 10:16:16 11 CITY OF MONTICELLO YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING ( USep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 Capital Outlay (9.500) 4,114 (5.386) Debt Service (550) (550) Other Uses Total Admin/Gen Oper Exp (67.240) 38.314 (28.926) TOTAL SEWER FUND EXPENSES (426.690) 313,057 (113,83) MUNICIPAL LIOUOR FUND Purchasine Personal Services Supplies (965.650) 800,194 (165,456) Other Services & Charges (6.000) 4,.1.11. (1.889) Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses Total Purchasing Expense (971.690) 804,305 (167.345) Admin/Gen Operating Personal Serviceo (96,950) 74,577 (22.37„) Supplies (6.900) 6.439 (461) Other- Services & Charges (55, 29) 40.939 (14.286) Capital Outlay (19,000) 18.641 (389) Debt Service Other Uses 15,475) 41.444 (1.031) T"otal Operations Expense (183.550) 345.039 m�949®344m TOTAL LIOLlOR FUND EXPENSES (1.155 200) (205 856) TRANSPORTATION FUND Total Operating Expenses Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Uses CTotal Administration Exp (90.489) 39.464 (19.021) (12.995) 7.187 (5.768) (1.299) (1.299) 100 100 ------ ---- ------`--- -------- (14,294) 7.207 (6.967) 10/11/91 10:16:16 11 CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD EXPENSE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 10:16:16 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Sep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION FUND EX (72.739) 46.751 (25.988) TOTAL INVESTMENT HOLDING EXP *DEBT SVC EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: t Personal Services * Supplies k Other Services & Charges * Capital Outlay * Debt Service (1,780.500) 1,725.267 (55.2_3) * Other Uses *TOTAL DEBT SVC FUND EXPEN (1.780,500) 1.725.267 (55.233) O #At#tk#►t#**k*kik#kk*ktittr*A*4* *CAP PROJ EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: * Personal Services I Supplies 1,181 1.181 * Other Services & Charges 145.082 145.08?. * Capital Outlay 3,831 3.831 * Debt Service * Other Uses ---------- ---------- *TOTAL CAP PROJ FUND EXPEN ---------- 150.094 150,094 IttlitktlkttttAtAA*tik#ktAti/kit#*tf tftttt tit4lkkk*#klttt*i*Itttltttk*ktl*#kAk*tt *EXPENDITURE SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS: t A Personal Services (9B9.590) 716,212 (273.370) t Supplies (1.106,874) 911,660 (195,214) 1 Other Services & Charges (1.380,750) 1,210.537 (170,215) t Capital outlay (539.600) 297,920 (241.680) 1 Debt Service (1.841.960) 1.751,220 (90.740) t Other Uses (170.910) 4.444 (166.066) *TOTAL EXPENSES, - ALL FUNDS (6.029,2(34) .......... 4.891.993 .......... (1,137.291) .......... 2 cJ CITY OF MONTICELLO YTD REVENUE GUIDELINE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3r!Seo91 10/11/91 08:38:15 APPROVED YTD REMAINING BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 GENERAL FUND TAXES Current Ad Valorem Taxes (1.444_,290) 648.5.4 (795.756) Delinquent Ad Valorem Ta 6.088 6.088 Mobile Home Taxes Pen & Int -Ad Valorem Tax (8,000) 12,167 4,167 Forfeited Tax Sale Appor TOTAL TAXES ---------- (1.452.290) ---------- 666.789 ---------- (785.501) LICENSES & PERMITS Liquor- Licenses (&7,350) 17.991 641 Beer Licenses (I,h00) 1.093 (508) Set Up Licenses (325) 350 25 Other Business License/P 70 70 Building Permits (40,000) 18,624 (21.376) Variances/CondUse Pormi l/ (1,750) 1,475 (275) Plumbing Connection Perm Animal Liconson (500) 1.345 845 Bingo Licenses Coblo Franchise Fees Other Non -Bus License/Pe (2,000) ---------- 1,731 (270) TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS (63,5:'5) ---------- 42,678 ---------- (20.847) INTERGOVERNMENTAL Federal Grants - CEIA Local Government Aids Homestead Credits - HACA 36,578 36.578 Fire Dept Aid (37,000) 29.138 (7,862) Police Dept Aid (18.000) 10,923 923 County Highway Grants (4,000) (4,000) Recycling Incentive (4.800) ---------- 1.621 ---------- (3,179) ---------- TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL_ (6:.,0001 86,260 22,460 CHARGES FOR SE"RVICE"S 7.oning/Subdivis3on Foos (500) 2,425 1,925 Sale of Maps & Publirati (100) 90 (11) Motor Vohielo/Dop Reg Fo (70.000) 65,024 (4,976) Assessment Searches (600) 977 (23) Inspection Fees (10.500) (40) (10.540) Fire Protection Twp Cont (42,719) 33.545 (9,170) l Special Garbago Proc/Rec (4,000) 3,750 (250) 10/11/91 08:38:15 CITY OF MONTICELLO YTD REVENUE GUIDELINE SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Sep91 nryn.•rn YTD GFMA TN T Nr BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 1991 Par); Fees (500) (500) Other Charges for Servic (1,000) 87 (913) TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES ---------- (129,915) ---------- 105.458 ---------- (24,457) FINES & FORFEITURES Animal Impoundment Fines (9,000) 10,349 1,349 TOTAL FINES & FORFEITURES (9,000) 10,349 1,3349 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Spec Asmt Principal - Co 983 983 Spec_ Asmt Pen & Interest (75) (75) TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ---------- (75) ---------- 9B3 ---------- 908 MISCELLANEOUS Interest Earnings Ron is (64,100) (4,700) 2,565 (64,1(0) (2.135) Contributions - private (2,400) (2.400) Salta of Property (100) 75 (25) Refunds/Reimbursements (11.000) 22.140 11.140 Other Misc Revenue (100) 1,384 1.284 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS ---------- (82.400) ---------- 26,164 ---------- (56.236) OTHER SOURCES Contrib from Enterprise Transfer from Other Fund TOTAL OTHER SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES (1.001.005) .......... 938.682 .......... (862.323) .......... TOIAL UDAG FUND REVENUES (13.925) 7,240 (6.685) TOTAL L113RARY FUND REVENUES (26.500) 122,698 (13.802) TOTAL HRA FUND REVENUES (278.850) 142.900 (135.942) .......... .......... .......... 10/11/91 08:38:15 CITY OF MONTICELLO 10/11/91 YTD REVENUE GUIDELINE SUMMARY 08:38:15 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3OSep91 APPROVED YTD REMAINING 1991 TOTAL SHADE TREE_ FUND REVENU (44.350) 23,303 (21.047) TOTAL PARE: & REC GRANT REVEN TOTAL OAA FUND REVENUES TOTAL CAP PROJ REV FUND REVE TOTAL EDA FUND REVENUES TOTAL SEWER IMPR FUND REVENU UTAL WATER IMPR FUND REVENU TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUES TOTAL SEWER FUND REVENUES TOTAL 1_1000R FUND REVENUES TOTAL TRANSIT FUND REVENUES 'TOTAL INVESTMENT FUND REVENU ---------- ---------- (31.625) ---------- ---------- 14,548 ---------- ---------- (17.077) (167.254) 90.867 (76,387) (10.850) 7.838 (3.012) (14.800) 8.221 (6.579) (11.100) 7,500 (3.600) (141,055) 70.750 (70,305) (426.890) 25),426 (176,464) (1,289.250) 1.066.018 (223.232) (72,739) 50.312 (22.427) 94,594 94,594 I *CAPITAL PROJECT' REVENUE SUMMARY # Taxes Licenses & Permits Inter'governmental Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures 4 Special Assessments * Miscellaneous Revuenue 10/11/91 08:38:15 El Other, Sources ---------- CITY OF MONTICELLO 508.560 f'rOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT REV YTD REVENUE GUIDELINE SUMMARY tREVENUE SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS: FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Sep91 Taxer, (3.007.079) 1.394.902 APPROVED YTD REMAINING 42.678 (20.847) BUDGET POSTED BALANCE 45,919 * Charges for Sarvicas i99i 1.477.667 (494,203) ti *DEBT SERVICE REVENUE SUMMARY: 10,349 1,349 # Taxes (1.021.9:;7) 464.228 (557.709) # Licenses & Permits (120.302) Other Sources (165.034) ------------------- * Intergovernmental *TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUND 25,877 25.877 * Charges for Services = .... = .... .......... .......... t Fines & Forfeitures * Special Assessments (58.907) 797,243 438,336 * Miscellaneous Revenue (106.625) (106.625) * Other Sources (165.034) -------------------- 4,420 (160.614) *TOTAL DEBT SERVICE REVENU (1.652.503) 1.291.767 ---------- ( *CAPITAL PROJECT' REVENUE SUMMARY # Taxes Licenses & Permits Inter'governmental Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures 4 Special Assessments * Miscellaneous Revuenue 10/11/91 08:38:15 El Other, Sources ---------- 308.560 ---------- 508.560 f'rOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT REV 908.560 ....... ---------- 508.560 ... tREVENUE SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS: Taxer, (3.007.079) 1.394.902 (1,612.1.76) 4 Liccens(ps & Permits (63,523) 42.678 (20.847) t Intergovernmental (1.07.842) 153.761 45,919 * Charges for Sarvicas (1,971.870) 1.477.667 (494,203) ti * Fines & Forfeitures (9.000) 10,349 1,349 * Special Asomssmants (64.597) e20.449 435.852 i Miscellaneous Ravenna (293,750) 173.440 (120.302) Other Sources (165.034) ------------------- 312,980 347.946 *TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUND (3.982,696) 4. 986,233 ---------- (1.396,463) ■ = .... = .... .......... ..........