Planning Commission Minutes 11-02-1999_ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 2,1999 Members Present: Dick Fric. Robbie Smith. Roy Popilck. Richard Carlson. Rod Dragsten and Council Liaison Clint Herbst Staff Present: JeffO'Ncill. Fred Patch. Steve Griuman and Lori Kmcmcr 1. Call to order: Chair Fric called the meeting to order. 2. Annmval of minutes of the reeular mectine held October 5. 1999. ROY POPILEK MOVED TO APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 5,1999 REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. J. Consideration of addinu items to the aeenda. Chair Frie noted the past cooperation from the School District with the City in regard to sharing and scheduling of ball fields and tennis courts. No further discussion necessary. Fred Patch. Building Official. requested to add a discussion regarding sidcyard setbacks for garages in the Parkside at Meadow Oaks development (Harold Schermer). This was added as item I I on the agenda. 4. Citizens comments: None 5. Consideration of a reauest fi r an amendment ton Planned Unit Development within the ine District to allow flan off-site auto sales/stom et licant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. 'Me applicant is requesting an amendment to their PUD approval granted earlier this year for the purpose of expanding the area of the PUD creating an additional area of on about 2.2 acres of land west of Sandberg Road which would be utilized for the storage of automobile inventory. including an enclosed secure storage lot. The applicant is also requesting an amendment to the approved sign package which would allow a larger electronic sign, based on comments from the sign installer. The expansion site would allow for the storage of more than 150 additional cars. plus a secured storage area for approximately 80 vehicles. Steve Grittman noted this would be allowed in the district, subject to the improvements applied to similar uses, such as paving, curbing, and landscaping. The submitted plan meets required setbacks and screening requirements for commercial areas• but does not C illustrate the landscaping or specify the curbing and paving proposed. A written proposal describing a commitment to meeting landscaping and screening requirements was submitted prior to the meeting. C` Planning Commission Minutes - 11102/99 The applicant is also requesting a larger electronic sign than the one previously approved by the City noting the sign contractor stated that the approved sign would not allow for certain longer messages without flashing. The approved sign was 2 feet high by 12 feet, 8 inches long. The proposed sign would be 5 feet, I inch by 18 feet long, an increase from about 26 square feet to more than 90 square feet. The proposed change would allow for a longer message on two lines, instead of just one line as currently approved. Steve Johnson, Monticello Ford, provided yet another proposed sign of 63 sq. fl. on the face with 2 lines of 12" matrix which is smaller but would be adequate. He requested to work with staff to come to an agreement on the sign as soon as possible. Because of the multiple uses on this site, and the intensity of the improvement, the City previously approved a PUD which allowed for more than the allowed signage. This request would increase the size even more. The proposed amendment allowing electronic message board signs states that the allowable signage is not to be increased by the use of such signs, but that the electronic sign is to comprise a portion of the currently allowed sign area. Mr. Griuman stated that stafTdoes not recommend approval of the increased signage. This site has been permitted, under the previous approval, a significant increase in allowable sign number and area. The proposed Ordinance to allow electronic message board signs states that such signs arc not to increase the allowable sign area. Although the applicant's new sign contractor states that the revised sign would be convenient from the standpoint of allowing more flexibility in the messages it transmits, it does not appear to be necessary to provide effLctive communication. With regard to the sales lot expansion, staff believes that this expansion of the PUD is appropriate in general. however. there has been very little detail submitted in support of the proposal %with regard to site improvements. screening size or materials. or landscaping. JcfTO'Ncill provided a picture showing setbacks in regard to the daycare center located next to the proposed storage lot noting there have been no plans submitted showing a buffer to the daycare. It is staffs intent to work with dealership regarding this issue. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Melody Peterson, co-owner of the Playhouse Daycare and owner of building, was present to slate the concerns of the parents as well as the daycare as a business owner. They feel they arc being completely encircled by car lots and they fuel they are not being visible. Chair Frie advised Ms. Peterson to speak with Steve Johnson concerning landscaping and buffers. Steve Johnson advised the members that they are only trying to keep them informed of their future plus and be does realize that this is very preliminary and would have the appropriate information available for the Planning Commission meeting in December. Chair Frie closed public hearing. The consensus of the memberswas to table any action for further information. At that time they would address items such as lighting and screening. Planning Commission Minutes - 11/02/99 s _ ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE PUD AMENDMENT. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. RICIIARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. There was further discussion by Steve Johnson on the need to proceed with the proposed sign. The size of the proposed sign has changed since the Planning Commission's previous approval. Robbie Smith requested a copy of the previous minutes relating to the previous approval of the sign. CHAIR FRIE MOVED FOR A SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD PRIOR TO THE CITU COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22,1999. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. CHAIR FRIE MOVED TO AMEND, TABLE AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO 5:00 PM ON NOVEMBER 22, 1999. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 6. Consideration of reuuest for a Preliminary Plat for Klein Farms 6th Addition within the Monticello Orderly Annexation Arca nnlicant: Frank Klein and Davc Klcin. The applicant has submitted an application for preliminary plat for approximately forty acres south of Klein Fars 4th Addition to consist of 51 single family lots. The Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board reviewed the proposal at its October meeting and made the required findings of contiguity with existing City boundaries, and consistency with the MORA land use plan. Both the MORA and City of Monticello land use plans call for low density residential development on this property. The applicant has requested an R -I. Single Family Residential zoning designation. A small wetland has been delineated in the southeast portion of the property. This wetland is proposed to remain untouched. Park issues. pathways, street construction and pedestrian access were also discussed. The Parks Commission reviewed this plat and recommended approval of the park and pathway systems. One of their specific recommendations is to include a pathway that follows the UPA casement. A concept plan for the street extension would be important in helping to determine the standards for this street. There wcrc also issues with regard to the lot layout in the northwest comer of the plat and the impacts that the casements will have on the future development of the neighboring property to the west. Also relating to layout is the gap between the Amoco easement and the NSP casement. Chair Fric opened the public hearing. Tim McDougall. 4774 Diamond Dr.. (northwest comer of Klein Fars 4' Addn) stated his concern with street layout and types of homes that would be built , as well as the proposed pathways. It was relayed to Mr. McDougall that the City is preserving this area for future use. Dave Klein. applicant, was also present to answer any questions. Jeff O'Neill clarified condition a6 stating the grading Planning Commission Minutes - 11102199 plan would accommodate the pathway which would be outside of the ROW: the ROW is being expanded. Chair Fric closed the public hearing. There was further discussion regarding a revised preliminary plat which Mr. Klein stated he would have available prior to the next meeting. It was also stated that preparation of a finance plan funding lateral and trunk improvements %will need to be discussed prior to the next meeting. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REZONING TO R-1, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE ZONING DESIGNATION WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH THE LOW DF-NSITV RESIDENTIAL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITV'S LAND USE PLAN FOR THE AREA. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion earned. Decision 1: Preliminary Plat for Klein Farms 61h Addition ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE PRELIMINARY PLAT UNTIL THE DECEMBER 7.1999 MEETING. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 7. Considention of nn amendment to the/_onina Ordinance to allow for a deferral of \ parking lot paving and/or curb reauirements in the Business Districts. Annlicam: Citv of Monticello, Steve Griuman provided an updated draft ordinance noting the current zoning regulations allow for such a deferral for industrial uses in the industrial districts. A separate text amendment would be necessary to accommodate these requests in commercially zoned areas. The dull ordinance has been written to include both the PZM and A -O Districts as potential applications. The Planning Commission's interest was in allowing flexibility for both the Golf Course expansion and those commercial uses which have convened former residential buildings along Broadway. The new draft would apply the same standards to these areas as for other applicable sites. The primary concern with this issue is one of enforcement. Chair Fric opened public hearing and upon hearing no response. Chair Fric closed the public hearing. There was discussion among the commissioners stating enforcement would be very difficult, possibly seeking financial surety in the form of a bond or a letter of credit would be necessary, or the business should have proof of parking rather than the C City changing the ordinance. It was the consensus of the members to seek more information regarding financial surety and enforcement options. Pluming Commission Minutes- 11/02199 ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO TABLE. ACTION ON THE AMENDMENT, SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Dick Frie opposed. Motion carried 4 to 1. Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zonine Ordinance relating to signs to allow electronic messaee board siuns. Annlicant: Citv of Monticello. Steve Grittman provided a drat ordinance which would permit signs in the B-3 and B4 commercial districts only, on the theory that they do not belong in areas near residential neighborhoods (as would be the case in the B- 1. B-2. or PZM districts), nor would they appear to meet the intent of the Design Guidelines for the CCD. lie asked the Planning Commission to discuss %vhcther the CCD is an appropriate district. As noted. governmental signs in the residential districts are allowed under a separate section. Steve also provided a list of regulations for these signs. The proposed amendment addressed the use of electronic message board signs in commercial districts, and should not affect the previous amendment. This clause does not impact what has already been approved, it would be an addition to that. Chair Frie stated that any expansion of allowable districts would have to come back to the Planning Commission. It was discussed whether these signs should be allowed in the CCD along the Highway 25 corridor which would include only those properties abutting Ilighway 25. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO ADD ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD SIGNS AS PERMITTED SIGN TYPES IN THE B-3 AND B4 DISTRICTS, AS WELL AS THE CORRIDOR OF THE HIGHWAY 25 CCD WHICH INCLUDES ONLY THOSE PARCELS ABUTTING HIGHWAY 25, WITH THE REGULATIONS AS PROPOSED, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE REGULATIONS WILL AVOID PROBLEMS OF NUISANCE OR TRAFFIC HAZARD. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. Discussion reearding n comp Plan amendment to the OAA area affecting the Kiellben: West Trailer Pork, Stevc Grittman discussed the issue of a possible amendment to the City's comp plan addressing the land use plan regarding the Kjellbcrg West Trailer Park area. It was questioned whether this issue should first come before the MORA board or the City. Options discussed were to take the Kjellberg West area out of the expansion area in the comp plan or keep it at "mid density'. but specifically defining this area as townhomes/twin homes only. There were legal concerns of the members regarding the City changing the land use plan, but C it was stated that the City has the right to change this area to fit the comp plan. It was stated by the members the need to address the land use issue in this arca and to do so prior to any further development proposals. Planning Commission Minutes . 11IO2N9 C-.- ROY POPILEK MOVED FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE. PLAN AFFECTING THE OAA AREA AND KJELLBERG PARK. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 10. Discuss undatcs to the Subdivision Ordinance. Jeff O'Neill briefly discussed the ordinance requirement on simple subdivision regarding the applicants requirement to provide a survey at time of application. At this time, the City does not require the certificate of survey until after the decision of the planning commission to avoid any unnecessary expense of the survey if the application is not approved. We do require however, a certified survey prior to its recording for proper documentation. Jcff also discussed the requirement for the completing of plats within one year as the City's code states it would lapse if not completed within this time period. This item will be on the December agenda. Jeff did state that technically this does not have to go before the Planning Commission, it can be taken directly to City Council even though it is a subdivision ordinance. The Planning Commission indicated an interest in reviewing the proposed subdivision ordinance. No action was necessary at this time. Discussion reeardine sidevard setbacks (2Lenroecs in the Parkside a1Meadowv Oaks Devcloomcm. Qlarold Schermer)_ Fred Patch briefly informed the members of Mr. Harold Schermer's request to reduce building setbacks to 5'. Fred reminded the members that a previous request for this a reduction in setback requirements had failed. Mr. Scherer addressed the members stating that the setback requirements in the City were mistakenly overlooked when he initially signed the contract, and that the pathway standards had also changed since that time (1997) and this has also affected his development. Jeff O'Neill noted that the pathways had changed and that the City was reimbursing Mr. Schemer for the additional costs. Mr. Schermer also noted that other changes had occurred since his plans were approved and that he would be meeting with Jeff O'Neill the next day regarding these matters. The consensus of the Planning Commission was to not recommend an amendment to the City's Ordinance regarding a reduction in setback requirements. 12. Adjoum ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 11:00 P.M. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. Cn Kraemer, ecording Secretary