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Planning Commission Agenda Packet 05-23-1978 (2)
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 23, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Chairman: Jim Ridgeway. Members: Fran Fair, Fred Topel, Denton Erickson, Dave Hauer. Loren Klein (ex -officio). X 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Ordinance Amendment. O "t V2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - James Refrigeration Co. Q V 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Leo Nelson. l7 5 -.-c- --,[ 4. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Ron Peters. QSw— s., 5. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat - Commercial Plaza 25. to Z .-. : � x 6. Zoning District Amendment - Public Hearing. E3 XI 7. Rezoning Consideration - Public Hearing, b �t , ,j( 8. Building Permit Application - Hrightco Products. Ne P•c, X 9. Building Permit Application - River Terrace Park. O Tom... ,t X'10. Building Permit Application - Flicker's TV R Appliance. cZ r r� x 11. Consideration of a Policy Change. C3 %.L- 12. Sign Ordinance Provision. -X13. Request to Move Lot Line - Henry Doerr. 14, Approval of Minutes - April 18, 1978. 15. Unfinished Business. 16. Now Business - Poeciblo special meeting. 5-23-78 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Item 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Ordinance Amendment. An ordinance amendment to allow MOTOR FUEL STATION CONVENIENCE STORES is necessary to allow this type of business in a B-3 zone. Currently there is an individual interested in this type of business in Monticello, (See Agenda Item #2) but presently there is no provision for one in the ordinances. It is suggested to change ordinance 10-13-4 (C) to include the underlined: 10-13_4 (c) (C) MOTOR FUEL STATIONS, MOTOR FUEL STATION CONVEIMM CE STORES, AUTO REPAIR-KENOR, TIRE AND 11 T M STORES, AND SERVICE PROVIDED THAT. . . POSSMLE ACTION: Consideration of this Ordinance Amendment. Item 2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - James Refrigeration Co. Mr. Charles Jamea has made application for a conditional use permit to build a Convenience Foods Store and a Self -Serve Gas Station on the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive. This area is zoned 1-3. Although [Monticello presently doesn't have an ordinance dealing with this type of double use, particularly where a conditional use permit is required, included in your agenda inforration in Agenda Item 1, is a proposed ordinance wording change, which would allow for MOTOR FUEL STATION CONVFJ,iUME STORES. Mr. Jamea hasn't returned his building permit application yet, but has ,\ submitted hie plans for review, and at present is very cooperative in ad- IV S� juoting his plans to meet any or all requiremento. As of now he hasn't submitted a drainago or landscape plan, but they should be coming soon. and will be forwarded to the city engineer for hie opinion when they arrive. REFU EMCES: Enclosed Map. POSSIBIE ACTION: Consideration of granting or denying this conditional use. APPLICANfn Charles James - Jews Refrigeration Co. Item 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Iso Nelson, Mr. Leo Nelson in requesting a conditional use Permit to build a tri-pler apartment on the northeast corner of 4th and Wright (block 34 - lots 4 & 5). This area Is currently zoned R-2 , requiring a conditional uoo for thio type building. Also included in this conditional use request do provioion for a throe -stall garage. 5-23-78 The lot area requirements are nearly double the required amount. The lot area required is 12,000 square feet, and the area available is 21,700. Mr. Nelson's proposed tri -plea would include one covered garage space for each unit, again exceeding the required amount by 50%. Mr. Nelson hasn't made a formal application for a building permit as of yeti =however, he has presented a preliminary plan which appears to meet all the requirements of the codes. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideraapproval or denial of the conditional use appli- cation. REFERENCES: See enclosed map and preliminary plan design and artiste sketch of the building exterior. APPLICANT: Mr. Leo Nelson - Monticello, MN. Item 4. Public Hearing - Variance Recuest. Mr. Ron Peters has made application for a variance to build a garage to the lot line on hie property at 503 West 6th Street (East 3216" of Lot 3 k West 50'0" of Lot 4 - Block 10 - Upper Monticello). In hie request Mr. Peters has indicated he would like to place the garage as far as possible to the aide to allow for room to put a patio between the house and garage at a later date. You may want to note that Mr. Peters obtained lettere from both of hie abutting neighbors saying they have no objection to his proposal. P0.9SIBIE ACTIONt Recommending approval or denial on this request. REFERENCES: Enclosed map. A plot plan and lettera of approval from the "abutting" property owners are available from the building inapector. APPL.ICANrs Mr. Ron Peters - Monticello, MN. Item 5. Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat . Cczrmorolal Plaza 25. Mr. Samuil Peraro has submitted prolimi=7 plans for Cosmereial Plaza 25. See enclosed map. The lot sizes meot the requiramento. Lot 4 of the prop000d five loto io the location of the Pet Clinic and Hospital now undergoing remodeling. The City Engineer has comaented that there are a few items which will need to be put on the Preliminary Plat which includes 5-23-78 1. Indicating the zoning of the abutting property (it 1s R-3); and 2, show the property lines of the property within 350 feet; and 3. show the soil survey on the plat; and 4, indicate possible future use; and 5, indicate the lowest floor elevations. Keith Nelson also suggested that the City obtain a utilities easement along the north side of Lot 1 for possible future development. Mr. Peraro is aware of these requirementsand has initiated action to provide the required materials. It is, however, somewhat unlikely that all these will be completed by Tuesday's meeting. This plat, though, could be approved pending Mr. Peraro's supplying the additional necessary informa- tion and easements. REFERENCES: Location shown on enclosed map. Plat plan is available for review in the building inspector's office. POSSIRIE ACTION: Approval or denial of this request. APPLICANT: Mr. Samuel Peraro of Samuel Properties, Inc. Item 6. Zoning District Amendment— Public Hearing. At the May 8th regular meeting of the City Council, it was voted to send the proposed Area 1 of the Revised Comprehensive Plan back to the Planning Commission for further study. The following is part of the Minutes of that meeting: Approximately 120 acres located between County Highway 75 and Inter- state 94, north of Prairie Road, from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to I-1 (Light Industrial). Mho. Dwinell indicated that the reason for proposing such a change was to make it consistent with the abutting property to the north, that being Northern States Power Coapanyl and the property to the wort, that being used as Industrial by Mr. Dill Seefeldt. Mr. Dwinall also felt that this area would not develop residentially because of its location near other industrial areas and because of its proximity to the freeway. The following testimony was preaented: Daryl Tindle: Mr. Tindle was against the rezoning of this property to I-1 and felt that the area was too close to residential, that being Hillcrest and Hillcrest Second Addition. Larry Nolan: Mr. Nolan was also against the rezoning and felt that the intrusion of industrial in this area would tend to deteriorate and dopreciate the residential property. Ken Hartman: Also opposed the rezoning as he Juat moved to the Hilloreat area to get away from industrial and oommorcial buoinessen and now finds out that he may be next to another industrial zone. 5-23-78 After discussion by the council on the size of the area proposed for rezoning and the necessity for industrial in this area, a motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to refer this area proposed for rezoning back to the Planning Com- mission for further study. The feeling expressed by those concerned citizens was that if the area discussed were to be divided by River Street, it would be more acceptable if the area north of River Street were changed to I-1 and the area south of River Street made a residential -type, with the exception of the Electro Industries plant which could remain an I-1 area. REFERENCES: Map enclosed showing existing, proposal council rejected, and concerned citizens suggested. POSSTRTR ACTION: Action may originate at this meeting as to a recommended designation for this area within the limitations of I-1 and R-1 without another public hearing. You may want to consider Mr. Klucas's property (shown as shaded area next to Present I-1) as a possibility for I-1. Item 7. Rezoning Consideration- Public Hearing. At the Special Meeting of the Planning Commission on April 11, the con- sensus of the members was to hold a hearing to further discuss rezoning of Lots 1 - 5, Block 37 plus Block 30. Several property owners and other citizens in that area were concerned that this area should be rezoned to R-1 or R-2, others didn't. It will be up to you to make a reoottmendation to the Council on what you feel the new zoning should be or if it should be left as is. REFERENCES: 4-11-78 Planning Commission minutes for Area 4 and enclosed map. POSSIBLE ACTION: Make a recommendation to the council on the type of zoning necessary. Item 8. Building Permit Application - Wrightco Products. Wrightoo Products has made application for a building permit to add cold storage on to the west end of their building. This area is zoned I-1. Their plans have been reviewed and meet the codes and ordinances. The parking requirements presently are adequate and would continue to be adequate with the new addition. The proposed drainage is also adequate. In consideration of the axioting landscaping, including Lam and treat), it would be the building inspector's recommendation that we waive the landscape requiremonta. REF'FENCESt Prints of the proposed building are available in the building inspootor'o offlcs. POSSIBLE ACTIONt Consideration to deny or approve this building premit request. APPL.ICAN1't Wrightoo Products, Inc. 5-23-76 Item 9. Building Permit Application - River Terrace Park. River Terrace Park has requested a building permit to continue construction of a seasonal game room and storage building addition. As you may be aware, construction of this building was started some time before the application for permit was made. Since that time, a permit application was made and prints submitted for approval. They meet the codes and ordinances. This property is zoned R-4 Rick Bouley, representing River Terrace, has stated that they would like to be able to continue their work on this project as soon as possible, if they are granted a permit, to allow them to open for the Memorial Day weekend. The council has indicated they might hold a special meeting to consider his request after action is taken by the Plarming Commission. In light of the fact construction was started knowingly without a permit, it is the suggestion of the building inspect.or that this permit be recommended to be granted stipulating that the fee for the permit be double as required by the building code. REFERENCES- Plans are available in the building inspector's office. POSSISIF ACTION: Consider granting or denying this permit application. APPLICANT: Rick Bouley for River Terrace Park. Item 10. Building Permit Application - Flicker's TV & Appliance. Marn Flicker has applied for a building penmlt to erect a new store building on the North *� of the old Fullerton lumber Co. property. This area is zoned B-4. The preliminary plans submitted meet the codes and ordinances. The parking requirements would be met by using two of Una apaces that were assessed against the property when the municipal loto were built and providing the root of the required off-street parking on the property. Mho. Flicker doesn't have any development pl©no for the South � of the pro- perty, since he plans to offer that portion for aale. The landscape requirement would be met at theYoot end of the store building. REFEIiF2=3i Location on the onclooed map !o shown and plana may be reviewed in the building inapector' o office. POSSIBIF ACTION: Approve or dont' this request. APPLICAPT: btr. Mare Flicker - Monticello, ". 5-23-78 Item 11. Consideration of a Policy Change. Presently, the policy used in dealing with building permits requires any application other than conforming single family dwellings to go to the Planning Commission and Council for approval. This procedure at times, particularly during the busy period of building, becomes timeconsumming and causes delays. One example might be a person who applied for a building permit the day following the last Planning Commission meeting and met all the codes who had to wait six weeks for the Planning Connission to meet and another two weeks for the Council meeting, thereby having to wait for eight (8) weeks, or 60 days, to begin construction on a project that could have begun immediately if the permit approval policy were revised. Two weeks wait is all that could have been saved if the meeting of the Planning Commission would have been on their regular schedule during this month. If all Council and Commission meetings are held on schedule, a :six-week wait for an applicant can still happen. If our policy on approvals could be changed, so that when an application for a building permit is made that conforms to all codes and regulations, it could be approved by the building inspector. This ways a lot of building delays on the part of the owners and builders could be saved. This could also save a lot of time at the Planning Commission and Council levels. This policy change request would deal only with per -mite that conform, and not with rezoning, variances, or other "gray" area situations. POSSIBIF ACTION: Consideration of relaxing the requirement that all but Single Family Dwelling permits be reviewed at the Commission level, and allow building permits that meet all zoning, codes, and ordinances to be approved by the building inspector, possibly requiring them to go only to the Council, since they meet every two weeks, making approvals more rapid. Item 12. Sign Ordinance Provision. A directory at the entrance to the Oakwood Industrial Park area has been proposed. The type of directory suggested would be one that gave informs- ticn as to the names of the organizations within the industrial park, no that someone wanting to seek an industrial occupant of that area out, the job could be simlifled. In dealing with the possibility of a directory, it ohould be considered that if there weren't some restrictions on location of a sign like this, that many applications would be received for them, and they could be frequent 1n the city. Possibly, one could use the acreage of the area and zoning deoignatlon no a determining factor whether or not a directory sign could be allowed. For oxampls. only in an industrial area of 80 acres or more, etc. There are probably many more ways a directory sign could be regulated. 5-23-78 It is a concern of some of the owners of and in the Oakwood Industrial Park that you consider such an Amendment and possibly come up with a solution because of the lack of an ordinance allowing a sign of this type. Item 13. Request to Move Lot Line — Remy Doerr . Mr. Henry Doerr, has requested to move a lot line in his Subdivision to change a lot size down fYcm 110' in width to 96' in width and widen the abuting lot up from 80' to 941. By moving this lot line in Doerr Estates, he will not cause either lot to violate our ordinances as far as size and will not be creating any new lots. His intention ie to make two lots, one large and one mall, into approximately equal lots. This change should not be required to contribute to park dedication, since there are no additional lots nor additional property than was ori— ginally platted and dedications made for. It shall be Mr. Doerr's obligation to have the plat change recorded at the Registers Office at the bright County Courthouse. REFERENCES: Plat maps at City Hall. POSSIBLE ACTIOM Approve or deny this request. APPLICARrt Mr. Henry Doerr f',.`+ 7,....'D�aq.-.:..,.J,•��: ~1�`r ,`' l - ^^,, al �� fJ��,'-�/y.i/'i"'^r-•...... �w ...`:i•'�.•-.:�'j ! 7 �-. ��� y+�V � ��""W,�IJ•y�a ti..v ,J'^-• ..,µ•+,� ♦f r p..., ///RS''``V'}/ i". , / 'Y.: .Y �'-b . ' - �y .••`o.� .I .. -..:R ``i'i, :? � + �- i' (. -• r +rk • -j_. +.... �•���',-�`'.`/�J`b�"^•w7 •'�1+y�,'i. rA +`..,ytr+'+al;��. '�7r '��_��+"���e HIGHWAY NO, 94 ;..... �,��•~� %""'. � ".••..,.t (^-►t~'`��`�` �.y.��• erg +r . + :i'` �%'rW •�' f i � I "���•GGTT i._:. jY' • , f ..�„ ?r� � �J �i.. „.i ("'h �•. �'.:^�:JG. •�" 3 � .: C . ,� • rri w•.,; "`r .. W , 'f Ui, j r -� /i -.��� .t .Yr^ j - !7 �•w''� ! �.f �"•..� � J.Y h�+t•4.,•!t�y 'rR r`�•« . LEL5 t�ELs6 KI s P(0pc_%Cb t6PL" r nowt M 0141116 .y L-90 40M • nrl i re.r.. w C MAIN AND UPPER LEVEL %9�tt �-t� I" i.v.ng Area - I ." .* 2 Bedroom Un.t. Ms.n Level — 933 sq K. r f y -A -So. l Bodroon Unit Upper Level ---: 704 sq " I � f}I Bed'oc- Unit lower Level -- 6s0 sq Ill 1__' SM, �� fJL"I A—. Nw I.,Idd I 4w BLUEPRINT PLANS AVAILABLE LOWER LEVEL LA -0 r -T- 4r % N, 4b ,® LEo 3(OPOSAL. C0011JUL �- QZTI&cTZD C i z o.+ S., 9 )«D 20NIN(A I AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING C01"ISSION June 12, 1978 - StOU P. M. Agenda Item I. Variance Request - Septic Tanks. Agenda Item 2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Pe mit - Automatic Garage Door Co. Agenda Item 3. building Permit Application - Wri.ghtco Products. Agenda Item Q. NSP Building Permit. Agenda Item S. Approval of May 23, 1918 meeting minutes. C MONTIC17LLO PLANNING COXMISSION Special Meeting - June 12. 1978 - i:OU P. M. Agenda Item 1. Variance Request - Septic Tanks. Mr. Sam Peraro, who is proposing Commercial Plata 2;. is requesting a variance to allow him to use septi.. tanks on the approximately one acre lots within that subdivision, until such time as serer, and water is extended to the proposed lots. Mr. Peraro petitioned for sewer and water at the time Ire made his subdivision request. Lot 4 of the subdivision, or, where the Pet Hospital is located, now uses a septic tank. Mr. Peraro has sold a building on lot E (refer to I -em #2) and they would like to start construction as soon as possible after the plot is finally approved and the building permit is approved, but would need a variance to instal the required sanitary facilities. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approve or deny this request. APPLICANT: Mr. Sam Perarn. REFERENCES: Since final plat has not been presented nor approved, auy a..tion would be ..ontingent on that approval . Agenda Item 2. Public llearinµ - Conditional Use Permit - Automatic Garase Door Co. In accordance with Ordinance 10-13-3-(J), the Auto- matic Garage Door Co. has made application Coi- n oro building permit to put a warehouse on Lot S, Block 1 of proposed Commercial Plaza 2S. The plans have been reviewed and meet the codes and ordinances. One exeeptinn to moeting the ordinanc-es is that they would need a variance to allow them to use a septic- tank on their lot of less than 21 acres until such time the sewer and water is extended I.n them. (You may want to note that therm was a petition initiated for sewer and water to thin arra at the time the subdivision was applied for by Mr. Peraro an Commercial Plaza ZS). If you would decide to recommend this Conditional Use, you may also consider recommending the variance for the septic tank at the same time. The subject on septic- tanks is also discussed In Agenda lien $1. k O POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval or denial of this request. APPLICANT: Automatic Garage Door Co. REFERENCES: Since final plat has not been pre- sented or approved, any action would be contingent on that approval. Agenda Item 3. Building Permit Application - Wrightco Products. Item #8 on the last Planning Commission agenda was a building permit application for Wrightc.o Products to build an addition, but was postponed until a later meeting to have a voting quurum, since Mr. Ridgeway did not want to vote. As per that agenda item, all codes and ordinances were met.. It was the building inspector's recommendation that the landscaping requirement be waived, since there is already an abundant amount of land- scaping. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approve or deny this request.. APPLICANT: Wrightso Products. REFERENCES: Plans are in the building Inspector's offity. Agenda Item J. NSP B&silding Permit. Information will be available at, the meeting. N HOWARD DAHLGREH ASSOCIATES -7-7. CONSULTING P L A N N E R S ONE G R O v E L A N D TERRICIE -NNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55401 April 10, 1978 e„ ,,, ,•,• MEMORANDUM TO: City of Monticello Planning Commission RE: Proposed Sign Ordinance Amendments Amendments have been proposed to the Sign Ordinance controlling signs on major thoroughfares. The proposed amendments would enlarge the sign area and height. The effect of this amendment would enlarge signs on major thoroughfares by as much as 50 percent. In those areas of the City where we have a 50 mile an hour speed limit, the sign size would be 200 square feet and the height would be 28 feet. A 200 square foot sign would be 14 (+) feet per side or some combination thereof. An example of sign standards for major thoroughfares is given for the City of Burnsville: SPEED SPEED AREA HEIGHT EXISTING MPH (SQ. FT. FEET Collector 30 25 16 40 35 50 20 150 45 100 24 Major Thoroughfare 30 50 18 35 100 22 45 150 26 Expressway 55 200 30 PROPOSED Major Thoroughfare 30 100 22 40 150 25 50 200 29 The effect of this amendment would enlarge signs on major thoroughfares by as much as 50 percent. In those areas of the City where we have a 50 mile an hour speed limit, the sign size would be 200 square feet and the height would be 28 feet. A 200 square foot sign would be 14 (+) feet per side or some combination thereof. An example of sign standards for major thoroughfares is given for the City of Burnsville: SPEED AREA HEIGHT MPH (SQ. FT. FEET Major Thoroughfare 30 50 18 35 100 22 40 125 24 45 150 26 50 175 28